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Author Topic: Kyron Horman, 7 years old, Portland OR #40 1/01/11 - 1/18/11  (Read 208142 times)
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Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1967

« Reply #240 on: January 03, 2011, 01:19:01 PM »

I do not understand what is going over on Blink's site at all. They mostly seem convinced that not only the glasses, but the clothing shown by LE back in June, were all found and are Kyron's actual items. I think this is completely wrong and untrue. Why would LE be showing items already found and asking people to look out for them? They have said repeatedly that they have nothing to indicate what happened to Kyron and if they had recovered all of his clothes and his glasses, I would think that would tell them something or other. And what would be the chances they would find everything? In fact, I don't understand the whole "suspect zero" thing going on over at that site and the insistence that Kyron was seen leaving with someone.
You are not alone.  All I know is something never felt right to me from the beginning, and that is why I'm waiting to see what unfolds. A lot of the time, right away I get a gut feeling on who committed a crime, right now I go back and forth.

  Scooch over, ITA. I thought in the beginning it was either TH or a pedophile and with the evidence we KNOW I couldn't convict. That being said there could be far more known that they could present a jury that could change my mind, and while I know of ~300 cases where they were succesfully prosecuted without a body, this one has never felt right to me from the beginning. There are zones around schools where SO's can't live for a good reason, it is equivalent to a hunting ground as are parks and places kids congregate so I can see a perp who may not even have a record yet hunting their that morning since it was open to the public and chaotic.

Hi Island Monkey!
Did you see the article that I posted last night about the school? I am still steaming mad about it. The school refused to say what time Kyron was reported absent???????????
Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #241 on: January 03, 2011, 01:22:24 PM »

I still can't wrap my head around how TH could be so stupid to sext with a friend of KH when her computer and phones would be of interest to LE to find out what happened to Kyron.

Or to complain about Kyron and Kaine right before Kyron goes missing! Even if Terri is innocent, (which I highly doubt), the sexting sort of fits in with her personality. It is all about her and her needs. If she was really sick and tired of Kyron, his going missing may not have rocked her world. Therefore, the texting would not be a big deal for her. She wanted to nab Kitty out of daycare, so why not sexually manipulate Michael Cook to help her? What would be really ironic, is if Terri is not guilty of this and her horrible behavior and indifference to her step-son being missing is what lands her in jail. She certainly has not acted like a grieving parent of ANY kind. Maybe she just does not have it in her.

One thing about the texts is clear to me, Terri sounded so desperate for this man to like her. I mean she pulled out all of the stops to get to him. I wrote I felt almost embarrassed for her obvious lack of self worth. MC is no prize, no offense but he isn't. She knew it was Kaines friend so was she trying to get back at Kaine by going after his friend. Did she know that Kaine would learn of the sexts and that was a goal of hers? I would bet she was pretty pissed off at Kaine for taking the baby, by "causing" all of this trouble for her, was she trying to get back at him.

She wasn't thinking, which is what bothers me. I wonder if she is on and off some sort of medication? If she is so ingenius that she found a way to kidnap her step-son and get away with it so far, how come she was not smart enough to figure out that sexting to her husbands high school friend is not a good idea so shortly after her step-son disappeared?

She had said something about Dede just brought her a drink, maybe she was drunk...I will say though, they are going to have to prove the texts were written by Terri. I would gather from the pics, lol, they could prove parts of her where there, lol. OMG sorry but those texts were crazy! I think I am blushing right now!


LE knows Terri sent the texts. Her lawyers are not disputing that she sent them. That means it's pretty iron-clad evidence, especially with the photos, and LE can allow Kaine to use them in his divorce case because Terri can't dispute them being hers. What she didn't like was the fact that Kaine's divorce lawyer used them to show what Terri was doing while her daughter was taken away, her husband left her, and her stepson was missing.The real Terri was more ways than one.

She was after MC because she needed a replacement for Kaine's financial support. Terri wanted MC to continue to fund her lifestyle. She put him on the fast track plan.

WE know NONE of that as fact, it's supposition and speculation as to what Terri thinks and NOT one person here knows what that is. I do think (again speculating) that she did it knowing Kaine would find out, and I don't think she choose MC as a permanent replacement and can't recall what he even did for a living, but from the last affadavit we found K earned around 90m in 02 IIRC.......sadly in specific parts of the county that is not enough to live on, for instance San Diego vs podunk, Ohio.

I think Terri was pathetic and needy, and it was IMO like a cry for attn "someone pay attn to me", "someone love me, think I am attractive" etc., I have known ppl like that and their self worth and any self esteem is usually the lowest of the low.

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey All Star
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Posts: 10379

HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #242 on: January 03, 2011, 01:25:53 PM »

I do not understand what is going over on Blink's site at all. They mostly seem convinced that not only the glasses, but the clothing shown by LE back in June, were all found and are Kyron's actual items. I think this is completely wrong and untrue. Why would LE be showing items already found and asking people to look out for them? They have said repeatedly that they have nothing to indicate what happened to Kyron and if they had recovered all of his clothes and his glasses, I would think that would tell them something or other. And what would be the chances they would find everything? In fact, I don't understand the whole "suspect zero" thing going on over at that site and the insistence that Kyron was seen leaving with someone.
You are not alone.  All I know is something never felt right to me from the beginning, and that is why I'm waiting to see what unfolds. A lot of the time, right away I get a gut feeling on who committed a crime, right now I go back and forth.

  Scooch over, ITA. I thought in the beginning it was either TH or a pedophile and with the evidence we KNOW I couldn't convict. That being said there could be far more known that they could present a jury that could change my mind, and while I know of ~300 cases where they were succesfully prosecuted without a body, this one has never felt right to me from the beginning. There are zones around schools where SO's can't live for a good reason, it is equivalent to a hunting ground as are parks and places kids congregate so I can see a perp who may not even have a record yet hunting their that morning since it was open to the public and chaotic.

Hi Island Monkey!
Did you see the article that I posted last night about the school? I am still steaming mad about it. The school refused to say what time Kyron was reported absent???????????

I did, I also posted that a few weeks ago and was just as pizzed off........and it made matters worse that they even "considered" he walked off A dual investigation should have been priority and I just think they should assume the worst and be thankful for when it isn't, otherwise you lose valuable time, leads and witness stmts those first 2 days that are vital to any investigation IMO. I think the school may be doing a little CYA wrt what time the abscense was marked.

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 7018

« Reply #243 on: January 03, 2011, 01:30:55 PM »

DeDe IIRC was not on anyone's radar until she stayed with Terri after Kaine left.
By the time Kaine left, June 26, Kyron had been missing for almost three weeks. That was enough time for LE to obtain all of Terri's phone + computer records and start their work of investigating anyone she had contact with. They had enough to attempt the sting and that fizzled and backfired on them.
Her friends getting bat phones made them look more than stupid, but I can't see DeDe or those women being part of this. I can see DeDe keeping information to herself as far as what was going on with Terri after, but if she had alot of communication with Terri before this happened, wouldn't they have known about it?
I don't know why anyone is so focused in on DeDe unless they need some other person to solidify the MFH.
As far as those FB sites and the support of Terri on FB and the trashing of Kaine, what
purpose did that serve ? Just some crazy persons like in the Casey case. I wonder about things also, what happened to Kyron, but I don't think I would ever support anyone who could possibly have done it. Having ppl support you on FB isn't going to help her if she is ever charged. 
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1967

« Reply #244 on: January 03, 2011, 01:58:11 PM »

I still can't wrap my head around how TH could be so stupid to sext with a friend of KH when her computer and phones would be of interest to LE to find out what happened to Kyron.

Or to complain about Kyron and Kaine right before Kyron goes missing! Even if Terri is innocent, (which I highly doubt), the sexting sort of fits in with her personality. It is all about her and her needs. If she was really sick and tired of Kyron, his going missing may not have rocked her world. Therefore, the texting would not be a big deal for her. She wanted to nab Kitty out of daycare, so why not sexually manipulate Michael Cook to help her? What would be really ironic, is if Terri is not guilty of this and her horrible behavior and indifference to her step-son being missing is what lands her in jail. She certainly has not acted like a grieving parent of ANY kind. Maybe she just does not have it in her.

One thing about the texts is clear to me, Terri sounded so desperate for this man to like her. I mean she pulled out all of the stops to get to him. I wrote I felt almost embarrassed for her obvious lack of self worth. MC is no prize, no offense but he isn't. She knew it was Kaines friend so was she trying to get back at Kaine by going after his friend. Did she know that Kaine would learn of the sexts and that was a goal of hers? I would bet she was pretty pissed off at Kaine for taking the baby, by "causing" all of this trouble for her, was she trying to get back at him.

She wasn't thinking, which is what bothers me. I wonder if she is on and off some sort of medication? If she is so ingenius that she found a way to kidnap her step-son and get away with it so far, how come she was not smart enough to figure out that sexting to her husbands high school friend is not a good idea so shortly after her step-son disappeared?

She had said something about Dede just brought her a drink, maybe she was drunk...I will say though, they are going to have to prove the texts were written by Terri. I would gather from the pics, lol, they could prove parts of her where there, lol. OMG sorry but those texts were crazy! I think I am blushing right now!


LE knows Terri sent the texts. Her lawyers are not disputing that she sent them. That means it's pretty iron-clad evidence, especially with the photos, and LE can allow Kaine to use them in his divorce case because Terri can't dispute them being hers. What she didn't like was the fact that Kaine's divorce lawyer used them to show what Terri was doing while her daughter was taken away, her husband left her, and her stepson was missing.The real Terri was more ways than one.

She was after MC because she needed a replacement for Kaine's financial support. Terri wanted MC to continue to fund her lifestyle. She put him on the fast track plan.

WE know NONE of that as fact, it's supposition and speculation as to what Terri thinks and NOT one person here knows what that is. I do think (again speculating) that she did it knowing Kaine would find out, and I don't think she choose MC as a permanent replacement and can't recall what he even did for a living, but from the last affadavit we found K earned around 90m in 02 IIRC.......sadly in specific parts of the county that is not enough to live on, for instance San Diego vs podunk, Ohio.

I think Terri was pathetic and needy, and it was IMO like a cry for attn "someone pay attn to me", "someone love me, think I am attractive" etc., I have known ppl like that and their self worth and any self esteem is usually the lowest of the low.

I truly believe that your posts along with the one sided reporting in this case makes people hang on to the theory that Terri may be innocent. When a poster acts as if Kaine Horman is a saint and continually acts as if they know what Kaine PERSONALLY does or thinks, well, it does not sit right with some, especially ME. I will honor Klass' request and not say anything negative about Kaine. Having said this, unless you know Kaine personally or live inside of his head, you cannot possibly know first hand what his motives or thoughts are. Again, I think that Terri played a part in Kyron's disappearance, but the continual snarky posts that you make are causing more harm than good. It is also very rude to your fellow monkeys. I do not agree with a lot of posts but try to give everyone the benefit of THEIR OWN OPINION. I also count on Klaas to reign things in when she sees fit. NOT YOU. In my opinion the sexts do not mean too much in the whole scheme of things. If Terri is a self-centered person who only thinks of herself, than these sexts could have been sent by her even if she is innocent. The thing that keeps me thinking that Terri is guilty is the fact that Terri lawyered up and has remained silent for 6+ months.
no rose colored glasses
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« Reply #245 on: January 03, 2011, 02:35:17 PM »

Exactly, we have no idea what Kaine, or Terry are thinking. We have no idea what really went on inside that house. Terri could have been sexting MC, just to get back at Kaine for all we know. We have no idea if Kyron was tormented by Terri either, yes, he may have wanted to live with his mother, but like others have pointed out that isn't that unusual, in these types of situations.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6539

« Reply #246 on: January 03, 2011, 03:29:28 PM »

I still can't wrap my head around how TH could be so stupid to sext with a friend of KH when her computer and phones would be of interest to LE to find out what happened to Kyron.

Or to complain about Kyron and Kaine right before Kyron goes missing! Even if Terri is innocent, (which I highly doubt), the sexting sort of fits in with her personality. It is all about her and her needs. If she was really sick and tired of Kyron, his going missing may not have rocked her world. Therefore, the texting would not be a big deal for her. She wanted to nab Kitty out of daycare, so why not sexually manipulate Michael Cook to help her? What would be really ironic, is if Terri is not guilty of this and her horrible behavior and indifference to her step-son being missing is what lands her in jail. She certainly has not acted like a grieving parent of ANY kind. Maybe she just does not have it in her.

One thing about the texts is clear to me, Terri sounded so desperate for this man to like her. I mean she pulled out all of the stops to get to him. I wrote I felt almost embarrassed for her obvious lack of self worth. MC is no prize, no offense but he isn't. She knew it was Kaines friend so was she trying to get back at Kaine by going after his friend. Did she know that Kaine would learn of the sexts and that was a goal of hers? I would bet she was pretty pissed off at Kaine for taking the baby, by "causing" all of this trouble for her, was she trying to get back at him.

She wasn't thinking, which is what bothers me. I wonder if she is on and off some sort of medication? If she is so ingenius that she found a way to kidnap her step-son and get away with it so far, how come she was not smart enough to figure out that sexting to her husbands high school friend is not a good idea so shortly after her step-son disappeared?

She had said something about Dede just brought her a drink, maybe she was drunk...I will say though, they are going to have to prove the texts were written by Terri. I would gather from the pics, lol, they could prove parts of her where there, lol. OMG sorry but those texts were crazy! I think I am blushing right now!


LE knows Terri sent the texts. Her lawyers are not disputing that she sent them. That means it's pretty iron-clad evidence, especially with the photos, and LE can allow Kaine to use them in his divorce case because Terri can't dispute them being hers. What she didn't like was the fact that Kaine's divorce lawyer used them to show what Terri was doing while her daughter was taken away, her husband left her, and her stepson was missing.The real Terri was more ways than one.

She was after MC because she needed a replacement for Kaine's financial support. Terri wanted MC to continue to fund her lifestyle. She put him on the fast track plan.

WE know NONE of that as fact, it's supposition and speculation as to what Terri thinks and NOT one person here knows what that is. I do think (again speculating) that she did it knowing Kaine would find out, and I don't think she choose MC as a permanent replacement and can't recall what he even did for a living, but from the last affadavit we found K earned around 90m in 02 IIRC.......sadly in specific parts of the county that is not enough to live on, for instance San Diego vs podunk, Ohio.

I think Terri was pathetic and needy, and it was IMO like a cry for attn "someone pay attn to me", "someone love me, think I am attractive" etc., I have known ppl like that and their self worth and any self esteem is usually the lowest of the low.

I agree with this and will add to it, I think Terri was either trying to get back at Kaine by choosing his friend or trying to see if Kaine will get jealous. Both show signs of immaturity in my opinion but doesn't mean she hurt Kyron. She could have, but to me this doesn't show anything more then a desperate woman. For me, I think it shows she may have had a drinking problem as to me, it seems she had been drinking more then just that one drink Dede brought to her.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6539

« Reply #247 on: January 03, 2011, 03:32:54 PM »

Exactly, we have no idea what Kaine, or Terry are thinking. We have no idea what really went on inside that house. Terri could have been sexting MC, just to get back at Kaine for all we know. We have no idea if Kyron was tormented by Terri either, yes, he may have wanted to live with his mother, but like others have pointed out that isn't that unusual, in these types of situations.

I have to remember that Terri is said to have sent James away and that seems like it was a good decision on her part. She also wanted Kyron to stay with his mother full time and as it turns out, that too probably would have been a good decision.The question is why did she want that, what is the factual reason and not the assumed answer. 
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6539

« Reply #248 on: January 03, 2011, 03:35:11 PM »

DeDe IIRC was not on anyone's radar until she stayed with Terri after Kaine left.
By the time Kaine left, June 26, Kyron had been missing for almost three weeks. That was enough time for LE to obtain all of Terri's phone + computer records and start their work of investigating anyone she had contact with. They had enough to attempt the sting and that fizzled and backfired on them.
Her friends getting bat phones made them look more than stupid, but I can't see DeDe or those women being part of this. I can see DeDe keeping information to herself as far as what was going on with Terri after, but if she had alot of communication with Terri before this happened, wouldn't they have known about it?
I don't know why anyone is so focused in on DeDe unless they need some other person to solidify the MFH.
As far as those FB sites and the support of Terri on FB and the trashing of Kaine, what
purpose did that serve ? Just some crazy persons like in the Casey case. I wonder about things also, what happened to Kyron, but I don't think I would ever support anyone who could possibly have done it. Having ppl support you on FB isn't going to help her if she is ever charged. 

Yea I have to admit, I don't get the whole Dede thing either. It seems there is a big push for the public to think otherwise however. 
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6539

« Reply #249 on: January 03, 2011, 03:37:11 PM »

I do not understand what is going over on Blink's site at all. They mostly seem convinced that not only the glasses, but the clothing shown by LE back in June, were all found and are Kyron's actual items. I think this is completely wrong and untrue. Why would LE be showing items already found and asking people to look out for them? They have said repeatedly that they have nothing to indicate what happened to Kyron and if they had recovered all of his clothes and his glasses, I would think that would tell them something or other. And what would be the chances they would find everything? In fact, I don't understand the whole "suspect zero" thing going on over at that site and the insistence that Kyron was seen leaving with someone.
You are not alone.  All I know is something never felt right to me from the beginning, and that is why I'm waiting to see what unfolds. A lot of the time, right away I get a gut feeling on who committed a crime, right now I go back and forth.

  Scooch over, ITA. I thought in the beginning it was either TH or a pedophile and with the evidence we KNOW I couldn't convict. That being said there could be far more known that they could present a jury that could change my mind, and while I know of ~300 cases where they were succesfully prosecuted without a body, this one has never felt right to me from the beginning. There are zones around schools where SO's can't live for a good reason, it is equivalent to a hunting ground as are parks and places kids congregate so I can see a perp who may not even have a record yet hunting their that morning since it was open to the public and chaotic.

Hi Island Monkey!
Did you see the article that I posted last night about the school? I am still steaming mad about it. The school refused to say what time Kyron was reported absent???????????

I recall that in the beginning, it was the first thing that made me feel the school was in CYA mode.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6539

« Reply #250 on: January 03, 2011, 03:38:12 PM »

That site meter is a trip! Someone was visiting from Tasmania!

Oh, that is my friend from Tasmania (he's a devil)  Monkey Devil!  j/k

lol, very clever.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #251 on: January 03, 2011, 03:47:05 PM »

Question: Will you consider it to be justice if someone is convicted in Kyron's case but he is never found?I don't mean to dwell on this, but this is really what I fear might happen. I can't see LE never charging anyone, it is too big of a case. And juries do not like to acquit in cases involving children, if they can help it. I can honestly see Terri being convicted of murder in a year or two, even if Kyron is not found. I don't think she would ever take a plea to tell where he is.

I don't think I would ever feel sure she was guilty and that Kyron was dead, if that were to happen.

As far as we know there is not evidence that Kyron is not alive so I am not sure how a person can be tried for murder without evidence leading to that conclusion. I think this case needs either a confession or evidence saying Kyron is not alive to have a conviction.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 8044

« Reply #252 on: January 03, 2011, 03:51:52 PM »

Exactly, we have no idea what Kaine, or Terry are thinking. We have no idea what really went on inside that house. Terri could have been sexting MC, just to get back at Kaine for all we know. We have no idea if Kyron was tormented by Terri either, yes, he may have wanted to live with his mother, but like others have pointed out that isn't that unusual, in these types of situations.

I have to remember that Terri is said to have sent James away and that seems like it was a good decision on her part. She also wanted Kyron to stay with his mother full time and as it turns out, that too probably would have been a good decision.The question is why did she want that, what is the factual reason and not the assumed answer. 

Good question.

Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 8044

« Reply #253 on: January 03, 2011, 03:52:49 PM »

I still can't wrap my head around how TH could be so stupid to sext with a friend of KH when her computer and phones would be of interest to LE to find out what happened to Kyron.

Or to complain about Kyron and Kaine right before Kyron goes missing! Even if Terri is innocent, (which I highly doubt), the sexting sort of fits in with her personality. It is all about her and her needs. If she was really sick and tired of Kyron, his going missing may not have rocked her world. Therefore, the texting would not be a big deal for her. She wanted to nab Kitty out of daycare, so why not sexually manipulate Michael Cook to help her? What would be really ironic, is if Terri is not guilty of this and her horrible behavior and indifference to her step-son being missing is what lands her in jail. She certainly has not acted like a grieving parent of ANY kind. Maybe she just does not have it in her.

One thing about the texts is clear to me, Terri sounded so desperate for this man to like her. I mean she pulled out all of the stops to get to him. I wrote I felt almost embarrassed for her obvious lack of self worth. MC is no prize, no offense but he isn't. She knew it was Kaines friend so was she trying to get back at Kaine by going after his friend. Did she know that Kaine would learn of the sexts and that was a goal of hers? I would bet she was pretty pissed off at Kaine for taking the baby, by "causing" all of this trouble for her, was she trying to get back at him.

She wasn't thinking, which is what bothers me. I wonder if she is on and off some sort of medication? If she is so ingenius that she found a way to kidnap her step-son and get away with it so far, how come she was not smart enough to figure out that sexting to her husbands high school friend is not a good idea so shortly after her step-son disappeared?

She had said something about Dede just brought her a drink, maybe she was drunk...I will say though, they are going to have to prove the texts were written by Terri. I would gather from the pics, lol, they could prove parts of her where there, lol. OMG sorry but those texts were crazy! I think I am blushing right now!


LE knows Terri sent the texts. Her lawyers are not disputing that she sent them. That means it's pretty iron-clad evidence, especially with the photos, and LE can allow Kaine to use them in his divorce case because Terri can't dispute them being hers. What she didn't like was the fact that Kaine's divorce lawyer used them to show what Terri was doing while her daughter was taken away, her husband left her, and her stepson was missing.The real Terri was more ways than one.

She was after MC because she needed a replacement for Kaine's financial support. Terri wanted MC to continue to fund her lifestyle. She put him on the fast track plan.

WE know NONE of that as fact, it's supposition and speculation as to what Terri thinks and NOT one person here knows what that is. I do think (again speculating) that she did it knowing Kaine would find out, and I don't think she choose MC as a permanent replacement and can't recall what he even did for a living, but from the last affadavit we found K earned around 90m in 02 IIRC.......sadly in specific parts of the county that is not enough to live on, for instance San Diego vs podunk, Ohio.

I think Terri was pathetic and needy, and it was IMO like a cry for attn "someone pay attn to me", "someone love me, think I am attractive" etc., I have known ppl like that and their self worth and any self esteem is usually the lowest of the low.

I agree with this and will add to it, I think Terri was either trying to get back at Kaine by choosing his friend or trying to see if Kaine will get jealous. Both show signs of immaturity in my opinion but doesn't mean she hurt Kyron. She could have, but to me this doesn't show anything more then a desperate woman. For me, I think it shows she may have had a drinking problem as to me, it seems she had been drinking more then just that one drink Dede brought to her.

Terri sounds "insecure".


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #254 on: January 03, 2011, 04:01:31 PM »

LE knows Terri sent the texts. Her lawyers are not disputing that she sent them. That means it's pretty iron-clad evidence, especially with the photos, and LE can allow Kaine to use them in his divorce case because Terri can't dispute them being hers. What she didn't like was the fact that Kaine's divorce lawyer used them to show what Terri was doing while her daughter was taken away, her husband left her, and her stepson was missing.The real Terri was more ways than one.

She was after MC because she needed a replacement for Kaine's financial support. Terri wanted MC to continue to fund her lifestyle. She put him on the fast track plan.

What has the sexting and related photos got to do with the Kyron Horman case.

I realize that the sexting ... online affair ... revealed a conscience void of love for Kyron and Kaine but ... the implication does not necessarily imply that Terri was a participant in her stepson's disappearance.

In every walk of life ... there are persons who commit unconscionable acts that may appear to be ultimate betrayals to the ones they profess to love but these unconscionable acts do not necessarily equate to a disappearing a little boy.


Dateline NBC puts story of missing Kyron in national eye
Published: Monday, July 26, 2010, 11:17 PM
Updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 4:26 PM

Desiree Young also elaborated on her split with Kaine Horman in 2002, saying that her then-husband struck up a relationship with Terri Moulton Horman while she was eight months pregnant.

“It was pretty hard to handle,” Young said. “I cried solid for two months and didn't leave the bedroom, because I didn't understand why she somehow equated to something better than me and my son.”


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #255 on: January 03, 2011, 04:02:15 PM »

Question: Will you consider it to be justice if someone is convicted in Kyron's case but he is never found?I don't mean to dwell on this, but this is really what I fear might happen. I can't see LE never charging anyone, it is too big of a case. And juries do not like to acquit in cases involving children, if they can help it. I can honestly see Terri being convicted of murder in a year or two, even if Kyron is not found. I don't think she would ever take a plea to tell where he is.

I don't think I would ever feel sure she was guilty and that Kyron was dead, if that were to happen.

As far as we know there is not evidence that Kyron is not alive so I am not sure how a person can be tried for murder without evidence leading to that conclusion. I think this case needs either a confession or evidence saying Kyron is not alive to have a conviction.


“They point to one undeniable fact: They lack any physical evidence of Kyron, or physical evidence that links anyone to his disappearance.”

“And, with "not one shred of evidence to indicate the child has died," Staton said, investigators must push forward as though Kyron is still alive.”


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
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« Reply #256 on: January 03, 2011, 04:03:41 PM »

Terri sounds "insecure".

In other words ... very selfish ... "It is all about me".


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
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« Reply #257 on: January 03, 2011, 04:10:13 PM »

LE knows Terri sent the texts. Her lawyers are not disputing that she sent them. That means it's pretty iron-clad evidence, especially with the photos, and LE can allow Kaine to use them in his divorce case because Terri can't dispute them being hers. What she didn't like was the fact that Kaine's divorce lawyer used them to show what Terri was doing while her daughter was taken away, her husband left her, and her stepson was missing.The real Terri was more ways than one.

She was after MC because she needed a replacement for Kaine's financial support. Terri wanted MC to continue to fund her lifestyle. She put him on the fast track plan.

What has the sexting and related photos got to do with the Kyron Horman case.

I realize that the sexting ... online affair ... revealed a conscience void of love for Kyron and Kaine but ... the implication does not necessarily imply that Terri was a participant in her stepson's disappearance.

In every walk of life ... there are persons who commit unconscionable acts that may appear to be ultimate betrayals to the ones they profess to love but these unconscionable acts do not necessarily equate to a disappearing a little boy.


Dateline NBC puts story of missing Kyron in national eye
Published: Monday, July 26, 2010, 11:17 PM
Updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 4:26 PM

Desiree Young also elaborated on her split with Kaine Horman in 2002, saying that her then-husband struck up a relationship with Terri Moulton Horman while she was eight months pregnant.

“It was pretty hard to handle,” Young said. “I cried solid for two months and didn't leave the bedroom, because I didn't understand why she somehow equated to something better than me and my son.”

Janet -

IIRC, the sexting took place "after" Kaine left Terri.  So, it has nothing to do with Kyron's case - and probably not much to do with the divorce, either - except that Kaine has made a questionable copy of the sexting an exhibit to his sworn affidivit - and now, more likely than not, it will be a bone of contention in divorce court - not because of what's in the sexting, but the questionable "copy" that was submitted and the fact that one of phone numbers used in the sexting belonged to Kaine Horman's account (and was not the phone number of MC's telephone). 


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
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« Reply #258 on: January 03, 2011, 04:12:22 PM »

It is my hope that in the process of elimination ... all those who had a direct connection to Kyron were seriously investigated.  In other words no presumption of innocence ... no automatic passes.



Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton confident Kyron Horman investigation won't end up in the cold case files
Published: Saturday, December 04, 2010, 4:21 PM
Updated: Sunday, December 05, 2010, 7:07 AM

"They're a lot further along," Staton said. "They started out with a long laundry list. ... They've gradually been able to eliminate people who they can say are absolutely not involved. This investigation has narrowed it down significantly."

And, with "not one shred of evidence to indicate the child has died," Staton said, investigators must push forward as though Kyron is still alive.


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #259 on: January 03, 2011, 04:15:20 PM »

I do not understand what is going over on Blink's site at all. They mostly seem convinced that not only the glasses, but the clothing shown by LE back in June, were all found and are Kyron's actual items. I think this is completely wrong and untrue. Why would LE be showing items already found and asking people to look out for them? They have said repeatedly that they have nothing to indicate what happened to Kyron and if they had recovered all of his clothes and his glasses, I would think that would tell them something or other. And what would be the chances they would find everything? In fact, I don't understand the whole "suspect zero" thing going on over at that site and the insistence that Kyron was seen leaving with someone.
You are not alone.  All I know is something never felt right to me from the beginning, and that is why I'm waiting to see what unfolds. A lot of the time, right away I get a gut feeling on who committed a crime, right now I go back and forth.

  Scooch over, ITA. I thought in the beginning it was either TH or a pedophile and with the evidence we KNOW I couldn't convict. That being said there could be far more known that they could present a jury that could change my mind, and while I know of ~300 cases where they were succesfully prosecuted without a body, this one has never felt right to me from the beginning. There are zones around schools where SO's can't live for a good reason, it is equivalent to a hunting ground as are parks and places kids congregate so I can see a perp who may not even have a record yet hunting their that morning since it was open to the public and chaotic.

Hi Island Monkey!
Did you see the article that I posted last night about the school? I am still steaming mad about it. The school refused to say what time Kyron was reported absent???????????

Sebastain, thanks again for posting that article.  I'm steamed, too!  The school, IMO, is covering up.  Makes me question whether the teacher was really told June 4 for a dr. appt. or she just heard next Friday and since Kyron went missing...the teacher decided next Friday was June 4.


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
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