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Author Topic: Hailey Dunn #6 2/05/11 - 2/11/11  (Read 259086 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #860 on: February 10, 2011, 09:55:42 PM »

This is from Shanna's my space.
Shanna is married to Roger Ostrander. She is an LVN. Her Myspace is about Mom stuff, work and how much she likes to help people. Comes from a big family. No dirt posted there, seems like a nice and caring individual.
The pix is of her and Hailey maybe within the past year. Hailey looks so happy.
Why the pix is called Fred come home, I don't know, private joke perhaps. 
Hailey did mention babysitting her cousins so that the parents could go Christmas shopping and the little girl on Hailey's FB is one of Shanna's. 

I am thankful that David is staying with Roger and Shanna.  According to Clint ... David is a Mommy's boy so I would assume at some time in the near future he will be returning to live with Billie.  I hope by then there will be some lessons learned and Billie has her priorities straight.



I wouldnt be too sure of that assumption.

Time will tell.


Exactly, we dont know if Billie has no part in what happened to Hailey or if she has indeed been an accessory after the fact.  We dont know if David has any desire to go back to his mother (especially since she threw him under the bus recently), we dont know if child services will feel that she is suitable to continue having custody of David whether it be that she insists on still having a relationship with Shawn or her drug use, etc.  It wouldnt be fair either way to project right now but I wouldnt say Billie is in a "shoe in" position that she will get custody back.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #861 on: February 10, 2011, 10:00:15 PM »

I just wanted to add a little insight as to CPS.  I worked for Children, Youth & Family Services for 2 years.  I quit, yep walked out of a state paying job.  Why?  Because all I did all day long was type abuse after abuse report on children.  One so horrific it broke my spirit as a person at the time.  CPS could care less about parents smoking pot.  Did I just say that?  Yep, I did.  Now different states may have different guidelines BUT ... unless the child is in imminent danger CPS will not act immediately.  They may (doubtful though) send a caseworker out to "investigate" the living conditions and if the child is in imminent danger at that time.  Sad but true.  Even w/Clints latest drug (pot) charge/conviction whatever, I do not feel that it rises to the level to take his children away from him.  They are there to investigate the whether the child was physically harmed or if the living conditions rise to the level of uninhabitable.  It is not their job to investigate whether the parents smoke dope on occasion, unless they are supplying it to the children.  If the children are taken care of, clean, going to school, free of bruises, being seen for well child check ups, etc., they will find a case unfounded every time. 

I can tell you just a month and a half ago, I had a child aged 5, (with brain damage), in my classroom, grabbed by his collar, thrown to the ground, dragged from one room to the another, brush burns from his temple to his chin all because his mother was upset with him.  After she got to the steps w/him she left go of his shirt and said to him "I hope someone comes and gets you, cuz I don't effin want you any more, ... you hear me?  I don't even effin want you anymore."  OF COURSE we called Children n Youth and yep, they came in to "investigate", we even had it on video ... as the man walked out the door, he said, "He's fine to go home with his mom."  That's just one case.  I typed up sooooooo many "questionable" reports of neglect and abuse every single day!  It is an over burdened, under staffed, under funded agency!  Believe it or not ... I actually had several cases where an infant, had an STD .. yep SICK!, but the cases were unfounded b/c the mom could not name a perp!  Did they charge the mom for letting these scumbags around the baby?  Nope, just unfounded cuz there was no perp to identify.

IMO A claim of a parent smoking pot will become a custody issue between the parent that chooses to turn it in.  In this case, it looks like tit for tat.  You can't tell on me, cuz I'll tell on you. 

On a personal note, I can tell you that several years ago, my son was selling pot out of his home with his new girlfriend <insert eye roll here>   I was livid when I found out!  CPS was called, I know cuz I called, I was told that the child (my grandchild) was not in imminent danger of abuse (are you serious? but I knew cuz I worked there) that is was an issue w/LE.  So I called LE, had him eventually arrested and hired my ex daughter in law a good attorney and all we were able to get was no overnight visitations until he completed classes, and pee tested clean for dope.

Trust me, I was very naive when I began working for CPS, thinking every child abuse was reported and we heard about on the news.  HA!  With only 60 some counties in our state, that agency is over 3 and a half months behind on entering reports, dictating 10 hours of mandnatory overtime per employee!  It was 4 years ago that I worked there and they are still that far behind.  IMO ... CPS has bigger fish to fry than checking out pot smoking parents.

I will no longer support lies and "mistruths", nor make excuses for people that do ... If I do, I am no better than Cindy Anthony .... I will continue to fight for the TRUTH for Caylee Marie ...
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #862 on: February 10, 2011, 10:08:26 PM »

Apparently ... Billie has been deemed NOT a person of interest in the investigation into the disappearance of her daughter.  However ... when I think of the manipulated chain of evidents that Billie handed out at her press conference ... I believe that following Shawns arrest in connection to a missing Hailey ... Billie should be held accountable for obstructing the investigation in her attempt to distance Shawn from implication.

I cannot comprehend Billie's ultimate betrayal of Hailey.



VIDEO: Billie Dunn Tries To Dispell Rumors Surrounding Her Daughter's Disappearance
POSTED: 6:26 pm CST January 31, 2011
UPDATED: 10:40 pm CST January 31, 2011

Billie expressed frustration with Police that they have not named other suspects, to which Kampfer responded, "Right now, we have lots of suspicion, things that are put together that lead to a person of interest, Shawn Adkins."

He said at this time Law Enforcement may not want to name anyone else, because they don't want to tip off other persons of interest on their investigation.

He added that Billie Dunn is not a person of interest in her daughter's case.;topic=9340.920;num_replies=935

Billie Dunn - Manipulated Chain of Events


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #863 on: February 10, 2011, 10:10:59 PM »

Connie Louise (  Stewart ) Ostrander spouse was Delbert Ostrander
Billie J born 05/04/ 1977.
She is the oldest of the three children.  Maybe she was born under the name of Stewart.
I got the above from a random post on the Statement Analysis blog.
I don't understand as if you are adopted by a Step Dad, that is your legal name. And you use it.
Maybe Billie went by the name Ostrander but when it came to getting married, she had to use her legal name on the certificate of marriage.
That's about all I can think of right now.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #864 on: February 10, 2011, 10:13:25 PM »

Connie Louise (  Stewart ) Ostrander spouse was Delbert Ostrander
Billie J born 05/04/ 1977.
She is the oldest of the three children.  Maybe she was born under the name of Stewart.
I got the above from a random post on the Statement Analysis blog.
I don't understand as if you are adopted by a Step Dad, that is your legal name. And you use it.
Maybe Billie went by the name Ostrander but when it came to getting married, she had to use her legal name on the certificate of marriage.
That's about all I can think of right now.

Thanks Kat


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #865 on: February 10, 2011, 10:39:17 PM »


I just logged on to see if anything new was happening with Hailey's I'm sickened.

I just looked at Hailey Dunn Open Discussion & it appears as though everybody is rip-roaring mad that Trish took BJ out for a girl's night.

No matter how I look at it, even if the cagna is innocent in her daughter's disappearance, it's nothing less than distasteful to have a "girl's night out" when she can't even look for her missing daughter. Everytime something new pops up in this case, I'm reminded of Casey, Misty, Terri, OMG the list goes on & it's so disheartening.

I barely go to church, seriously need to do something about that...bc lord knows I need to repent. OMG I wanna annihilate her!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 11:23:01 PM by klaasend » Logged
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #866 on: February 10, 2011, 10:42:38 PM »

Clint's MIL?  Do I have that right?



Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #867 on: February 10, 2011, 10:42:57 PM »

Muffy or Klaas, could you please delete that link I just put in my last post. I have no idea why it keeps doing that. This is the correct link:

Thank you.

When the URL's are long they get "cut off".  If you highlight them before submitting your post then click on the URL icon it will make sure the entire link works. 
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 11:24:48 PM by klaasend » Logged
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #868 on: February 10, 2011, 10:48:00 PM »

Clint's MIL?  Do I have that right?



from what I understand, yes, Clint's mil.

From what I understand, she kept bringing on the drama, asking for donations, etc. It appears as though she's been inserting herself where she shouldn't be. It's creating alot of drama and repurcussions for the entire family. The lady appears to have next to no sense at all. I seriously think these people have all budded from the same stupid tree.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #869 on: February 10, 2011, 10:55:39 PM »

Clint's MIL?  Do I have that right?



from what I understand, yes, Clint's mil.

From what I understand, she kept bringing on the drama, asking for donations, etc. It appears as though she's been inserting herself where she shouldn't be. It's creating alot of drama and repurcussions for the entire family. The lady appears to have next to no sense at all. I seriously think these people have all budded from the same stupid tree.


Still think she should have thought more on it, though. Sorry for the confusion. I shouldn;t have logged on. Omg.

Where's Hailey?
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #870 on: February 10, 2011, 10:59:26 PM »

Klaas or Muffy, Nut, Somebody...If you want, feel free to delete posts 863-867 to prevent confusion. I'm so sorry. Been sick all day, woke up, thought of Hailey so logged on, should have read everything through before I jumped. Again, I apologize for any confusion.

The link to Hailey Dunn Open Discussion is here:
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #871 on: February 10, 2011, 10:59:45 PM »

Clint's MIL?  Do I have that right?



from what I understand, yes, Clint's mil.

From what I understand, she kept bringing on the drama, asking for donations, etc. It appears as though she's been inserting herself where she shouldn't be. It's creating alot of drama and repurcussions for the entire family. The lady appears to have next to no sense at all. I seriously think these people have all budded from the same stupid tree.

Not the same Trish ..

Trish Talton Roemer I am sorry to have stirred y'all up. You can call me stupid all you'd like. I am just trying to be there for somebody I see hurting cuz I don't know what I would do if I were in billies shoes. I am just trying to give her some support and I'll leave the rest to God
6 minutes ago via iPhone · View Feedback (4)Hide Feedback (4)!/pages/Hailey-Dunn-Open-Discussion/189599337718905#!/TNTRDYNAMITE
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 11:26:47 PM by klaasend » Logged

I will no longer support lies and "mistruths", nor make excuses for people that do ... If I do, I am no better than Cindy Anthony .... I will continue to fight for the TRUTH for Caylee Marie ...
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 4433

« Reply #872 on: February 10, 2011, 11:09:21 PM »

Invision, I just posted above that I was completely wrong. I'm thinking the stupid might be contagious.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #873 on: February 10, 2011, 11:09:49 PM »


I just logged on to see if anything new was happening with Hailey's I'm sickened.

I just looked at Hailey Dunn Open Discussion & it appears as though everybody is rip-roaring mad that Trish took BJ out for a girl's night.

No matter how I look at it, even if the cagna is innocent in her daughter's disappearance, it's nothing less than distasteful to have a "girl's night out" when she can't even look for her missing daughter. Everytime something new pops up in this case, I'm reminded of Casey, Misty, Terri, OMG the list goes on & it's so disheartening.

I barely go to church, seriously need to do something about that...bc lord knows I need to repent. OMG I wanna annihilate her!!/pages/Hailey-Dunn-Open-Discussion/189599337718905

I read quite a bit of that page.  They can now minimize after the initial announcement of this "girls night" all they want, I find it to be a slap in Hailey's face by chicks with no brains or decency.  There are searchers breaking their backs looking for Hailey while her mother lies, there are investigators working a case with no cooperation by her mother, there is a father in agony missing his daughter & this B thinks she has the right to finally step out of her hell hole to get herself made up & God knows what else?   Look, I'm all about making the most of what your mamma gave you when you step out publicly BUT and this is a huge BUT, if my child was missing suspected of being appearance would be the very last dang thing on my mind or priority list!

You could tell over the course of her interviews, all this is about HER...she is just revolting.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #874 on: February 10, 2011, 11:14:33 PM »

local saying it was possibly a drug debt gone bad and that BD and SA were into a dealer for 10,000. Also disgusting, Brian was married to Naomi's just gets worse doesn't it?? Of course all rumor but it was e mailed to me and the poster worked with Billie

well, heck this is the entire jist of the email ......

billie and shawn had a 10,000 drug debt that the drug dealers here in snyder were coming to collect, go figure the day hailey turns up missing

O know these things, they did infact have the debt, i worked with Billie and went to church with Hailey.. so i know these things.. and i know shawn too he grew up with my sisters

i believe hailey is still alive.. and this is all for the money.. billie recieved 5 grand per interview she did with nancy grace and she did atleast 5, but i believe that now they cant just bring her out of hiding because thats way to suspicious, i think they are letting us die down on our searching which we WONT do

blah you got to a point i didnt wanna discuss , but yes clints brother was with naomis mother

we look worse in our pictures of us searching and on interviews than she ever does.... thats not what is being said in c city, but idk we dont ask for money we are out spending out money and gas for all this... i drive over 100 miles to go due to me now living in lubbock... but we dont ask for money and she has never offered us anything.. clint does come and meet us, prays with us gives us water and buttons that have been made with haileys picture on them.. i have pictures on my page of us out searching if anyone wants to see em

mike, oil fields have to account for all that stuff, but shawns dad works there too and i do know for a fact he is on speed real bad.. so there is no tellin

we have learned about the drug debt through other drug dealers in snyder. so we know the drug debt is true, whether it be the correct 10,000 idk but i do know the drug debt. did yall know that all through this time that BD and SA were meeting up at rattlesnake gap, in her mommas car? she has not once been away from shawn for more than a day! we have caught them ourselves,

 thats fine.. but i worked with Billie and i do know what kind of person she is! i know the drug dealers in snyder, how you ask? because i had a past in college with drugs, yes stupid i know, but i have been clean for 3 years now so i do still have ways to find out stuff

in high school shawn was a sophmore dating a 6th grader he is a creepy individual... they have been to midland partying and staying at a hotel on weekends

i know that for in fact that he would stand in her bedroom door at night, because he did it while at another persons house doing drugs one night to her daughter.. so i know thats true.. billie did and does coke all the time i know the person that she does it with

wish I had saved the link and a woman said she knows the family. She stated that Hailey and Billie got into a fight over Christmas break and BD was choking Haily and Hailey ran to her closet....anyone else hear this?

So, now we're hearing things that could end up maybe ringing some truth to the email sent to you.

We now know that Brian Glasco was with Trish (Naomi's mom).

We hear Hailey's aunt saying that Hailey called her a couple of days before she disappeared and was crying...something about an altercation.

I'd like to hear about Shawn's dad that supposedly works at the same place Shawn did and if he was at work that entire day.

I don't agree that Nancy Grace paid $5,000 per interview - she doesn't do that...and trust me, she's not my favorite show to watch but she does get these stories out there in the public's eye.

I do believe Billie & Shawn were doing drugs bc it's already noted in the affidavit that they purchased illegal narcotics with money taken out at the atm. I'm certain the police have proof of them informing that bit of info.

I don't believe Billie and/or Shawn were in the hole for a $10,000 drug debt. No drug dealer in a small poverty stricken town such as theirs would let that kind of money in cash and/or drugs be way no how.

We know Billie & Shawn shared an interest in true crime. Well what does Hailey's case remind you of...HaLeigh Cummings' case. Smoke screening, drug deal gone bad, in the hole for a drug debt, pointing the finger at everyone except who the finger really should be pointed at, low income people, low income town, step family members and half family members being with other family members making what used to be an uncle a grandfather, omg the list goes on.


Anybody know anything about Billie's dad? How about Shawn's dad? If Shawn's dad works at the same place Shawn did, could he have seen his son that morning? I know it'd be a long shot considering how big it is there, just sayin'. What does his father do there and what are his working hours? Does he have a record like Clint?

Side note: I saw some pictures of the wells there. Wow. They're not a well that somebody up north would think of. They are very deep, some drilled into rock - HUGE ROCK.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #875 on: February 10, 2011, 11:15:59 PM »

Invision, I just posted above that I was completely wrong. I'm thinking the stupid might be contagious.

yea, sorry Titch .... I was cutting and pasting while you posted ... it was all just in the timing .. 

I will no longer support lies and "mistruths", nor make excuses for people that do ... If I do, I am no better than Cindy Anthony .... I will continue to fight for the TRUTH for Caylee Marie ...
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #876 on: February 10, 2011, 11:19:45 PM »

Capp, I'm not quoting the box bc the link I provided is wrong, I put in the correct link in a later post.

I agree with you. I could try to give Billie a lil slack thinking she may just be feeling numb so is trying to make herself look better in the media, but the fact she hasn't gotten off her azz to do anything but could jump at the chance for a haircut or spa day is sickening to me. If she;d been searching all this time, I might feel different...but she hasn't. She can keep saying nobody knows how she feels and nobody sees her crying off camera, or she tries to stay strong for David, etc - I say puhleeease, that lying pos ain't foolin' nobody.

I hope she's innocent, honestly hope she is, bc if she's not she'll go down fast.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #877 on: February 10, 2011, 11:25:37 PM »

Invision, I just posted above that I was completely wrong. I'm thinking the stupid might be contagious.

yea, sorry Titch .... I was cutting and pasting while you posted ... it was all just in the timing .. 

lol. i have such a headache tonight. i've been on hailey's threads more than i've spent with my family, when you add up all the time. that's making me feel bad. but to put it in perspective, think about it - all of us come on here to discuss and check on things. we may not all be in texas but we look for whatever we can on the computer. we search forums, discussions, etc. we dig up dirt. this is done on other forums, too. how can sooo many people be doing more than her own mother? how? why? it's a dang shame she can't lift her feet for her daughter but she sure doesn't have a problem lifting her legs for shawn.

going to bed before i vomit.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #878 on: February 10, 2011, 11:28:07 PM »

Klaas, thank you.

Goodnight everyone. May tonight be the night Hailey is found.

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #879 on: February 10, 2011, 11:28:40 PM »

Capp, I'm not quoting the box bc the link I provided is wrong, I put in the correct link in a later post.

I agree with you. I could try to give Billie a lil slack thinking she may just be feeling numb so is trying to make herself look better in the media, but the fact she hasn't gotten off her azz to do anything but could jump at the chance for a haircut or spa day is sickening to me. If she;d been searching all this time, I might feel different...but she hasn't. She can keep saying nobody knows how she feels and nobody sees her crying off camera, or she tries to stay strong for David, etc - I say puhleeease, that lying pos ain't foolin' nobody.

I hope she's innocent, honestly hope she is, bc if she's not she'll go down fast.

I hear that...and then this tidbit comment sent me reeling:

Dawn Steward She's the one that was at Billie's house the other day for an hour delivering items, stated she didn't see Shawn, said the police came to the door looking for Shawn and Billie told them he would be at his grandmama's house after while. Less than 2 hours later a neighbor saw SA and BD turn on the Snyder exit and even told what color shirt Shawn was wearing(of course she was called a liar because they didn't see Shawn) and we all know that the black and grey stripped shirt we were told he was wearing was the very same shirt he had on in his interview with KTAB. Are you trying to buddy up to Billie, get info from her so you can come back here and tell it, so you can sell it to a tabloid, or maybe even do a book deal to recoup what you've spent? I was going to say, if Billie was smart, she wouldn't let you on her porch but we all know the answer to that.

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