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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #189 4/06/11 - 4/11/11  (Read 196455 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #840 on: April 09, 2011, 03:55:50 PM »
Casey Anthony`s Mother Admits Covering up Odor in Car With Dryer Sheets
Aired April 8, 2011 - 20:00:00   ET



GRACE: Dr. Lee, let me ask you about the claim that Cindy Anthony spraying Febreze throughout her daughter`s car and car trunk would then somehow mysteriously turn into the knockout drug chloroform. Is there any scientific evidence to support that?

LEE: Well, first of all, you know, there are a lot of garbage -- and the garbage bag was found in the trunk. I did examine those contents. It`s over 100 items. Have (ph) coroni (ph), half-eaten pizza, have rotten food material, have tobacco chew. It`s a long list of. Also have a nasal secretion and spit. And after so many months, still smell awful. Those are basically the decomposition odor. Also in there, have a lot of bottles of material, chemicals. And what are those chemical composition? What did the mother spray in there, of course, becoming (ph) important. The mom have (ph) chloroform not going to make it decision, you know, the factor.


Just exactly what is Henry saying in these 2 statements?  Decomposition due to garbage or human decomp?  And I don't even know what to make of the second statement.

I didn't understand a word he said while he was speaking.
Reading this...I still have no clue what he's talking about.

In one sense he was committing to that it was the garbage that smelled because that was what the old "paid for hire" fool was going to testify to but then he offered that he couldnt be sure....yes, it is very difficult to comprehend what he is attempting to verbalize & it seems to have gotten worse over the years instead of better.   He did state that there is no chloroform in Febreeze.

This same SOB made a fuss about hairs being found in the trunk when he went to inspect it & I suspect he did one of his famous "slight of hands" placing a few of those hairs in the trunk (provided by Cindy to the defense).

I think Dr lees comments were meant to confuse and not make sense.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #841 on: April 09, 2011, 04:00:34 PM »

Good God he sounds like an idiot...poser

He's not an attorney, he's a BS expert!    I seriously think that somehow he managed to get someone to take the bar for him!

Good afternoon my Monkey friends.

I have not been able to be on line during the past few days and also missed the last hearing.  I want to thank everyone for their links, comments and's good to know the Monkeys keep us informed on a daily basis.

Capp..Baez isn't just any ole BS expert he is a spin doctor extraordinaire..he missed his calling ..he should have gone into marketing and public relations how he could have spun the BP oil spill..errr..well it could have been a small Tsunami that caused the operation to blow...that's how I view him..not as an attorney but a spin doctor who throws everything against the wall then watches to see what passes the smell test with the public..err..Baez..the a squirrel and pizza fiasco didn't past the smell test..back to the drawing board asshat.


Baez reminds me of the show american greed scams! I see him being a business man defaulting and cheating people out of hundreds I would say millions but he isnt that bright.

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #842 on: April 09, 2011, 04:00:59 PM »

CNN Special on Tim Miller and Texas EquuSearch
Posted on 01. Apr, 2011 by smckinney.

On March 20-21, 2011, Mike Brooks of CNN’s In Session and Headline News traveled to Dickinson, TX to conduct an extensive interview with Tim Miller and some of the Texas EquuSearch volunteers. The story is three part — (i) Tim Miller’s story concerning the death of his daughter Laura, (ii) the inception of Texas EquuSearch — how we operate, and (iii) Texas EquuSearch’s involvement in the search for Caylee Anthony. These stories will start airing just prior to the Casey Anthony trial, which is scheduled to begin in early May. In Session will be covering this trial gavel-to-gavel. Tim Miller is expected to make live appearances on this show during the course of the trial.


short slide show

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #843 on: April 09, 2011, 04:05:48 PM »

Wonder if and when those new videos will be viewable, I think the ones at Target, JC Penny's and the Walmart on 7/23/08 will be interesting.

IIRC, the laundry bag Caylee was found in came from Target, the Pooh blanket was part of a set available at Penny's and if the Walmart date is right, it has to be one of the Anthony's making a purchase to replace something missing from the home and found at the remains site...

I'm not so sure all the Anthony's are out of the woods yet, as far as charges being brought against some of them for their role in some sort of cover up, after the fact.

I am glad you brought that up! because I was thinking the same just yesterday! I think if they have enough to get on them they will prosecute! one can dream!! but realy I hope so! however if that happened! they would play the media and hopefuly by than everyone that doesnt have their number now will than.

I think the only reason the Anthony's have avoided charges is becuase LE and the prosecuters need them to testify and if charges were pending the could all plead the fifth. I don't think any of them had a hand in Caylee's death, I think casey did that all by herself, but the cover up and obstruction go beyond a case o denial. Even if they naren't charged their reputations and credibility are destroyed and their precious Caylee is gone, lifetime of hurt and what ifs may be punishment enough.
Gypsy DD
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« Reply #844 on: April 09, 2011, 04:06:30 PM »

21. CD-R - Walmart Video, 7-23-08  Is this a correct date?  Casey was in jail at that time...............hmmmmmm

24. CD-R - Home Depot Video, 5-23-08, 6-29-08, 7-5-08
25. CD-R - Home Depot Video, 5-29-08                    Do these show the Anthony's buying their backyard improvement project?  Or evidence that can be connected to the crime scene, which could show premeditation??

26. CD-R - OOCEA EPass Photo         Curious if this is different from what we have already seen.

27. CD-R - Suntrust Video of Tony Lazzaro      Again, I would like to know the date of this and the significance.  

Does anyone know where the laundry bag little Caylee was in, was sold?  

This is what I found interesting out of all that, My assumption was that she spent her time with Tony so what does Will have to do with this???
17. DVD-R -Ikea Store Video, 7-5-08 1400 to 1600, Casey & Will (#3B)
Edit to change red to navy.  MB

Tony was visiting his family in NY & this is the day after Casey spent time with Will but picked up Tony at the airport, pig that she is
[/quote]Thanks for that I remember but the question still remains...What was she doing there, Did Will say in his Dep

Casey seemed to have a fixation on IKEA merchandise.  I think this video is to show she was shopping..not for a crib mattress or children's anything..that she was window shopping for purchases she thought she and Tony would make for their new life..the Bella Vita life..together.  Yes even though she was with Will..a girls got to do what a girls got to do to get new furnishings when she isn't returning to her parents home for anything.

"Commit a crime and the world is made of glass."
Ralph Waldo Emerson  1841
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #845 on: April 09, 2011, 04:06:46 PM »

Good morning,
Could help but giggle about "her" and furniture for "her future house" . . .
I didn't know IKEA sold RV furniture or prison furniture either.

You guys are hilarious!

Well KC, it's you're lucky day because your future "BIG House" comes fully furnished........with a state of the art security system, which includes:
*armed guards (to protect you & all your worldly possessions)
*entry-proof (and because you're special KC) & EXIT-PROOF barred windows & doors
*razor wire fenced yard (just in case you stumble out into the dark of the night)

Dear Casey,

It is my pleasure to inform you of your status on our BIG HOUSE waiting list.
Our committee of 12 have unanimously voted to move you to the # 1 spot on this list.
Our apologies for the all but 3 year wait. To show you how much we appreciate your patience, we will cover the entire cost to move/transport you to your new BIG HOUSE!

P.S. Our committee also voted to change the name "future" house to "COMPOUND" because it sounds so much more glamorous......and because you're just so special, Casey!

Look forward to seeing you in the very near future, Casey!


The State of Flordah


Monkey Junky
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« Reply #846 on: April 09, 2011, 04:09:53 PM »

I have a question?
I cant remember the context of the question that the judge was questioning baez about not going there! the judge referred to him as threading on dangerous and more or less what is good for the goose is good for the gander! something bozo was saying that the judge was trying to warn him again!! anyone>??
I remember Judge Perry had to remind Byazz to not open up a line of questioning that would require the witness to violate the attorney-client privledge. Baez is such a dumbazz!
Gypsy DD
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« Reply #847 on: April 09, 2011, 04:13:13 PM »
Casey Anthony`s Mother Admits Covering up Odor in Car With Dryer Sheets
Aired April 8, 2011 - 20:00:00   ET

There was no odor in the car when it was towed to the tow yard, Cindy says.   Hey Cindy, you weren't there, you are only going on the tow drivers word, but you seem to forget one fact......the tow driver had a stuffed up nose and couldn't smell anything.

Also, I'm so sick of her injecting her little lies while attempting to answer the question asked.  grrrrr    The State needs to be like Mr. Morgan....yes or no, just the way you like it.  Yes or No.

LOL..I love this Tupelo.  You have to wonder once trial time hits how much of Cindy's editorial muck will be allowed during testimony.  I do wonder rather Linda and Jeff will cut her short with just the facts mam or rather they will let the diarrhea continue to flow from her mouth because she does such a good job of hanging herself and her daughter.


"Commit a crime and the world is made of glass."
Ralph Waldo Emerson  1841
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #848 on: April 09, 2011, 04:18:49 PM »

Hi everyone!   

Am sure hoping that the prosecution will begin their opening remarks with the video of Caylee singing 'You Are My Sunshine', and display a photo of her everyday thruout the trial.  (Can they do that???)  So much of Caylee herself seems to have been lost in all the proceedings since her death.  I want the jury to see Caylee's adorable face, to hear her sweet voice...


~ 'Things are not always what they seem' ~
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #849 on: April 09, 2011, 04:19:54 PM »
Casey Anthony`s Mother Admits Covering up Odor in Car With Dryer Sheets
Aired April 8, 2011 - 20:00:00   ET



GRACE: Dr. Lee, let me ask you about the claim that Cindy Anthony spraying Febreze throughout her daughter`s car and car trunk would then somehow mysteriously turn into the knockout drug chloroform. Is there any scientific evidence to support that?

LEE: Well, first of all, you know, there are a lot of garbage -- and the garbage bag was found in the trunk. I did examine those contents. It`s over 100 items. Have (ph) coroni (ph), half-eaten pizza, have rotten food material, have tobacco chew. It`s a long list of. Also have a nasal secretion and spit. And after so many months, still smell awful. Those are basically the decomposition odor. Also in there, have a lot of bottles of material, chemicals. And what are those chemical composition? What did the mother spray in there, of course, becoming (ph) important. The mom have (ph) chloroform not going to make it decision, you know, the factor.


Just exactly what is Henry saying in these 2 statements?  Decomposition due to garbage or human decomp?  And I don't even know what to make of the second statement.

First crack out of the box HE LIED. There was NO PIZZA in that trunk or bag. The pizza box was completely empty.  He was trying to insinuate the garbage was the "source" of the decomp smell. That is SUCH a lie. He KNOWS as anyone who has ever smelled a dead, decomposing body that there is absolutely NOTHING in this world that smells like it. I think it has to do with the blood in the body, but I really don't know what causes that distinct odor. Fresh blood has an odor all it's own, but the blood from a dead body has a different odor.

There is a reason he is not being used in this case, and I believe it is because he is so darn incompetent and a known liar in other cases.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Gypsy DD
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #850 on: April 09, 2011, 04:20:32 PM »
Casey Anthony`s Mother Admits Covering up Odor in Car With Dryer Sheets
Aired April 8, 2011 - 20:00:00   ET



GRACE: Dr. Lee, let me ask you about the claim that Cindy Anthony spraying Febreze throughout her daughter`s car and car trunk would then somehow mysteriously turn into the knockout drug chloroform. Is there any scientific evidence to support that?

LEE: Well, first of all, you know, there are a lot of garbage -- and the garbage bag was found in the trunk. I did examine those contents. It`s over 100 items. Have (ph) coroni (ph), half-eaten pizza, have rotten food material, have tobacco chew. It`s a long list of. Also have a nasal secretion and spit. And after so many months, still smell awful. Those are basically the decomposition odor. Also in there, have a lot of bottles of material, chemicals. And what are those chemical composition? What did the mother spray in there, of course, becoming (ph) important. The mom have (ph) chloroform not going to make it decision, you know, the factor.


Just exactly what is Henry saying in these 2 statements?  Decomposition due to garbage or human decomp?  And I don't even know what to make of the second statement.

Lol..for all of Harry's education, time on the job and expertise..I still think he likes to make the accent a little more blurred when he wants to blur testimony..sort of like the fingernail appearance case better known as "no you can not kill c grade actresses when they won't have sex with you Mr has been record producer.

"Commit a crime and the world is made of glass."
Ralph Waldo Emerson  1841
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #851 on: April 09, 2011, 04:23:35 PM »

Hi everyone!  

Am sure hoping that the prosecution will begin their opening remarks with the video of Caylee singing 'You Are My Sunshine', and display a photo of her everyday thruout the trial.  (Can they do that???)  So much of Caylee herself seems to have been lost in all the proceedings since her death.  I want the jury to see Caylee's adorable face, to hear her sweet voice...

They can do it in this state, as pictures were posted of two young people who were brutally murdered by thugs throughout all their trials.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Gypsy DD
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #852 on: April 09, 2011, 04:24:35 PM »

I think we need to know why the bag of garbage was in the trunk...who leaves bagged garbage from a home in the trunk of their car unless it's for an attempt to cover up the smell? 

EXACTLY...unless you had a dead body and wanted to cover the smell and implicate a boyfriend and his apartment mate at the same time.  Hell...Tony's apartment complex did have dumpsters..and I am sure trash collection was part of the rental long as you managed to get the trash where it belonged.....heave ho..ho going into the dumpster.
 Monkey Devil!

"Commit a crime and the world is made of glass."
Ralph Waldo Emerson  1841
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #853 on: April 09, 2011, 04:25:22 PM »

Good morning,
Could help but giggle about "her" and furniture for "her future house" . . .
I didn't know IKEA sold RV furniture or prison furniture either.

    Monkey Devil!


~ 'Things are not always what they seem' ~
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 4742

« Reply #854 on: April 09, 2011, 04:32:01 PM »

Can someone here clarify something for me please!
I thought that the anthonys were not allowed into the courtroom because they were witnesses?
I ask because cindy had told a reporter that her attorney was going to try to secure four seats for them?

Monkey All Star
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Posts: 10268

« Reply #855 on: April 09, 2011, 04:45:06 PM »

First crack out of the box HE LIED. There was NO PIZZA in that trunk or bag. The pizza box was completely empty.  He was trying to insinuate the garbage was the "source" of the decomp smell. That is SUCH a lie. He KNOWS as anyone who has ever smelled a dead, decomposing body that there is absolutely NOTHING in this world that smells like it. I think it has to do with the blood in the body, but I really don't know what causes that distinct odor. Fresh blood has an odor all it's own, but the blood from a dead body has a different odor.

There is a reason he is not being used in this case, and I believe it is because he is so darn incompetent and a known liar in other cases.

I agree, there likely are several reasons he is not being used in this case.  You mentioned two that immediately come to mind.  It's for these reasons I also don't know why NG or anyone else would use him to comment on anything said during their show, or get his opinion on anything.  Who would believe what he says at this point?  (That is... if anyone can understand him in the first place, lol).   


~ 'Things are not always what they seem' ~
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6356

« Reply #856 on: April 09, 2011, 04:51:52 PM »

Casey seemed to have a fixation on IKEA merchandise.  I think this video is to show she was shopping..not for a crib mattress or children's anything..that she was window shopping for purchases she thought she and Tony would make for their new life..the Bella Vita life..together.  Yes even though she was with Will..a girls got to do what a girls got to do to get new furnishings when she isn't returning to her parents home for anything.

I still think KC had all intentions of killing her parents. If not both, George so she could take control of that house. If you remember she told Amy they would share the "house" as her parents were moving out. Even had Amy have her mail forwarded there.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6356

« Reply #857 on: April 09, 2011, 04:53:21 PM »

Can someone here clarify something for me please!
I thought that the anthonys were not allowed into the courtroom because they were witnesses?
I ask because cindy had told a reporter that her attorney was going to try to secure four seats for them?

The judge has already said "the rule" will be invoked for the trial. She is so stupid she likely does not know that means she can't be in there.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6356

« Reply #858 on: April 09, 2011, 04:55:45 PM »

I think we need to know why the bag of garbage was in the trunk...who leaves bagged garbage from a home in the trunk of their car unless it's for an attempt to cover up the smell? 

I believe it was not only an attempt to cover the smell but in case she got caught she could implicate someone else (or a number of someones) with that garbage. I doubt the chew tobacco & the snot rag was hers. She most likely collected that from Tony's apartment so if she was caught they had DNA to use to blame someone else.

EXACTLY...unless you had a dead body and wanted to cover the smell and implicate a boyfriend and his apartment mate at the same time.  Hell...Tony's apartment complex did have dumpsters..and I am sure trash collection was part of the rental long as you managed to get the trash where it belonged.....heave ho..ho going into the dumpster.
 Monkey Devil!

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6356

« Reply #859 on: April 09, 2011, 04:56:48 PM »

I think we need to know why the bag of garbage was in the trunk...who leaves bagged garbage from a home in the trunk of their car unless it's for an attempt to cover up the smell? 

I believe it was not only an attempt to cover the smell but in case she got caught she could implicate someone else (or a number of someones) with that garbage. I doubt the chew tobacco & the snot rag was hers. She most likely collected that from Tony's apartment so if she was caught they had DNA to use to blame someone else.

EXACTLY...unless you had a dead body and wanted to cover the smell and implicate a boyfriend and his apartment mate at the same time.  Hell...Tony's apartment complex did have dumpsters..and I am sure trash collection was part of the rental long as you managed to get the trash where it belonged.....heave ho..ho going into the dumpster.
 Monkey Devil!

Geeshhhhhhhhh so sorry about getting in your quote.

I believe it was not only an attempt to cover the smell but in case she got caught she could implicate someone else (or a number of someones) with that garbage. I doubt the chew tobacco & the snot rag was hers. She most likely collected that from Tony's apartment so if she was caught they had DNA to use to blame someone else.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
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