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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #192 4/26/11 - 5/03/11  (Read 236929 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #320 on: April 28, 2011, 02:23:27 PM »

SOUTHERN NIGHTMARE … Deadly Tornadoes Rip Apart the South Killing 194 & 128 in Alabama

Please say a prayer for the folks in the South that were devastated by tornadoes yesterday. The pictures coming out of the devastation from the Southeast are beyond words. ....


Posted April 28, 2011 by Scared Monkeys

thanks Janet...we are following it on TV...horrible, just horrible.

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #321 on: April 28, 2011, 02:24:40 PM »

Oh, scratch that.  Jury will be in Orlando.  Good place to pick 'em though.


Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #322 on: April 28, 2011, 02:26:54 PM »

watching insessions and all his lies about the media! now they are discusiing O.J
baez has no intellect and  does not have an inteligent vocabulary.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #323 on: April 28, 2011, 02:32:54 PM »
so dern funny!!

Monkey Junky
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This is my granddaughter!

« Reply #324 on: April 28, 2011, 02:34:13 PM »

"04/28/2011 Motion Emergency; of News Organizations to Intervene and for Reconsideration of Implementation and Enforcement of Confidentiality Agreement

what does this mean and who do you think filed it?
  Maybe Bozo's being on In Session???

R.I.P. Caylee Marie Anthony!   You are our ANGEL Caylee!  Making money off of a murdered child is not a legitimate form of income!
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #325 on: April 28, 2011, 02:40:59 PM »

Casey Anthony Update: Judge Perry Rules On Motions


The defense team seems to love blaming the media on the outrage from the public that this case has received, yet if memory serves me correct, it is always members of their team or the Anthony’s faces that are seen on the TV. Seems to me they are trying to blame everyone but themselves for the public’s feelings toward their client and her family. They have turned this whole case into a circus and have only themselves to blame. Even attorney Cheney Mason stated when he took on the case that it will be fun. Is he laughing now? I wonder.

I believe that if the Anthony's would have handled themselves differently through this whole mess maybe the public wouldn't have disliked them as much (with the exception of Casey).  Some may have even felt empathy towards them.  They brought this media circus on themselves along with the dufense team!  Well, now Karma is a bitch!

I am in total agreement......had they acted like worried, concerned, grieving parents and grandparents, I think most people would have felt empathy and sympathy for them. I remember Cindy screamed at people to get up off their azzes and go search for HER granddaughter when she did nothing except go on TV and lie....she and George never once went out to look for Caylee . Hells Bells George was over at his girlfriends when he was supposed to be out looking for her. Or over at the tent collecting donations to line his personal pockets.

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #326 on: April 28, 2011, 02:42:27 PM »

04/28/2011           Notice of Filing Virginia Law Review Article from March

Thanks for all your comments regarding the Docs and being on the State's list.   This could end up being very interesting.

thanks tupelo.....can't wait to see this one.

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #327 on: April 28, 2011, 02:43:46 PM »

For those who are interested  Monkey Devil!  In Sessions is showing their interview with Bozo at present.
He is just talking about having a child at 17- he said "that 's when I had to man up" by that he meant he joined the Navy to get away, and had to be sued to provide child support I suppose....

I have been listening with half an ear.....he and Mason are both HS dropouts, he said CA and LP fueled the media (well Duh), and then turns around and says the media is responsible for showing CA in a negative light.. he said "the facts are the facts, and the truth will come out" this is something I can agree with him on.


That reminds me of the Nuremberg Trials.  The Nazis were fanatics, among other things, about making records, both paper, photo, and video of their "deeds."  Those same records would come back to seal their fate. 

good analogy, flutter!!

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #328 on: April 28, 2011, 02:51:24 PM »

"04/28/2011 Motion Emergency; of News Organizations to Intervene and for Reconsideration of Implementation and Enforcement of Confidentiality Agreement

what does this mean and who do you think filed it?

IIRC JP said that news organizations would have to sign a confidentiality agreement to learn the location of where they were going to pick a jury before the morning might be about this.

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #329 on: April 28, 2011, 02:52:34 PM »

"04/28/2011 Motion Emergency; of News Organizations to Intervene and for Reconsideration of Implementation and Enforcement of Confidentiality Agreement

what does this mean and who do you think filed it?

IIRC JP said that news organizations would have to sign a confidentiality agreement to learn the location of where they were going to pick a jury before the morning might be about this.
thanks sunny
I had to change the channel its annoying to see baez struggle for words! he realy is not intelligent and has a problem  speaking!!  in such a manner.

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #330 on: April 28, 2011, 02:53:04 PM »

watching insessions and all his lies about the media! now they are discusiing O.J
baez has no intellect and  does not have an inteligent vocabulary.

Bless your heart for being able to listen to him....I had to change channels this morning...he drives me bonkers.

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Gypsy DD
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« Reply #331 on: April 28, 2011, 02:53:25 PM »

Casey Anthony Update: Judge Perry Rules On Motions


The defense team seems to love blaming the media on the outrage from the public that this case has received, yet if memory serves me correct, it is always members of their team or the Anthony’s faces that are seen on the TV. Seems to me they are trying to blame everyone but themselves for the public’s feelings toward their client and her family. They have turned this whole case into a circus and have only themselves to blame. Even attorney Cheney Mason stated when he took on the case that it will be fun. Is he laughing now? I wonder.

I believe that if the Anthony's would have handled themselves differently through this whole mess maybe the public wouldn't have disliked them as much (with the exception of Casey).  Some may have even felt empathy towards them.  They brought this media circus on themselves along with the dufense team!  Well, now Karma is a bitch!

ITA agree about George and Cindy and how they have handled themselves.  When this case first broke , Blink was asking 3 other friends and myself if we wanted to get involved in covering this family and the case.  I had read about the case on-line, but I hadn't seen Cindy in this is very early on..she had only been on TV once.  I was not going to go after the A's..I felt sorry for them..then Blink said this woman on TV..I did and said Lordy..count me in..not so much because I wanted to be mean or small minded..just the opposite.  I really felt sympathy for them as Grandparents who seemingly had done everything they could to help support their daughter and Granddaughter.  But then when I saw Cindy on TV..and the way she talked and acted..telling people to get off their AZZ and look for her Grandchild I felt affronted by this woman.  She left no room for sympathy.  Had she handled herself at any point after that with some small modicum of grace, dignity or thankfulness for what was being done by LE I would have changed my opinion of her.  But she has been downright abusive to everyone that was truly trying to help her.

I think she and George are prepared to play the part of grieving parents and grandparents in court to garner sympathy.  I don't feel that they could have changed the outcome that night in June of 2008..but they certainly could have changed the way they handled the situation going forward and their daughter.  They certainly could have taken the money from the interviews and done some good with it..they could have done so many things ..but they now must live with their choices.  It's a club I hope to never be a member of ..grieving grandparents with a grandchild murdered by their own daughters handiwork.  For that they do get a small dose of sympathy...for everything since then ..not so much.

Anywho..this is why I try to not put too much hope into them being arrested and charged..because it will throw the sympathy card out there..and that does not have a time and place during Casey's trial.  If they wanted sympathy, well they should have acted like they were grieving for Caylee, they should have supported Casey through this, but not to the extent of lying and lashing out at LE, reporters, TES or any of the other people just trying to help them get to the bottom of what happened to Caylee.

Just my opinion and most likely not a popular one..

"Commit a crime and the world is made of glass."
Ralph Waldo Emerson  1841
Gypsy DD
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #332 on: April 28, 2011, 02:58:11 PM »

Casey Anthony Update: Judge Perry Rules On Motions


The defense team seems to love blaming the media on the outrage from the public that this case has received, yet if memory serves me correct, it is always members of their team or the Anthony’s faces that are seen on the TV. Seems to me they are trying to blame everyone but themselves for the public’s feelings toward their client and her family. They have turned this whole case into a circus and have only themselves to blame. Even attorney Cheney Mason stated when he took on the case that it will be fun. Is he laughing now? I wonder.

I believe that if the Anthony's would have handled themselves differently through this whole mess maybe the public wouldn't have disliked them as much (with the exception of Casey).  Some may have even felt empathy towards them.  They brought this media circus on themselves along with the dufense team!  Well, now Karma is a bitch!

I am in total agreement......had they acted like worried, concerned, grieving parents and grandparents, I think most people would have felt empathy and sympathy for them. I remember Cindy screamed at people to get up off their azzes and go search for HER granddaughter when she did nothing except go on TV and lie....she and George never once went out to look for Caylee . Hells Bells George was over at his girlfriends when he was supposed to be out looking for her. Or over at the tent collecting donations to line his personal pockets.

LOL Sunny..I am trying to catch up and just wrote similiar thoughts as yours.

"Commit a crime and the world is made of glass."
Ralph Waldo Emerson  1841
Northern Rose
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« Reply #333 on: April 28, 2011, 02:58:54 PM »

04/28/2011           Notice of Filing Virginia Law Review Article from March 2009

Thanks for all your comments regarding the Docs and being on the State's list.   This could end up being very interesting.

March 2009, Volume 95, Issue 1

Invalid Forensic Science Testimony and Wrongful Convictions
by Brandon L. Garrett and Peter J. Neufeld
95 Va. L. Rev. 1 (2009)   View PDF
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #334 on: April 28, 2011, 02:59:27 PM »

Casey Anthony Update: Judge Perry Rules On Motions


The defense team seems to love blaming the media on the outrage from the public that this case has received, yet if memory serves me correct, it is always members of their team or the Anthony’s faces that are seen on the TV. Seems to me they are trying to blame everyone but themselves for the public’s feelings toward their client and her family. They have turned this whole case into a circus and have only themselves to blame. Even attorney Cheney Mason stated when he took on the case that it will be fun. Is he laughing now? I wonder.

I believe that if the Anthony's would have handled themselves differently through this whole mess maybe the public wouldn't have disliked them as much (with the exception of Casey).  Some may have even felt empathy towards them.  They brought this media circus on themselves along with the dufense team!  Well, now Karma is a bitch!

ITA agree about George and Cindy and how they have handled themselves.  When this case first broke , Blink was asking 3 other friends and myself if we wanted to get involved in covering this family and the case.  I had read about the case on-line, but I hadn't seen Cindy in this is very early on..she had only been on TV once.  I was not going to go after the A's..I felt sorry for them..then Blink said this woman on TV..I did and said Lordy..count me in..not so much because I wanted to be mean or small minded..just the opposite.  I really felt sympathy for them as Grandparents who seemingly had done everything they could to help support their daughter and Granddaughter.  But then when I saw Cindy on TV..and the way she talked and acted..telling people to get off their AZZ and look for her Grandchild I felt affronted by this woman.  She left no room for sympathy.  Had she handled herself at any point after that with some small modicum of grace, dignity or thankfulness for what was being done by LE I would have changed my opinion of her.  But she has been downright abusive to everyone that was truly trying to help her.

I think she and George are prepared to play the part of grieving parents and grandparents in court to garner sympathy.  I don't feel that they could have changed the outcome that night in June of 2008..but they certainly could have changed the way they handled the situation going forward and their daughter.  They certainly could have taken the money from the interviews and done some good with it..they could have done so many things ..but they now must live with their choices.  It's a club I hope to never be a member of ..grieving grandparents with a grandchild murdered by their own daughters handiwork.  For that they do get a small dose of sympathy...for everything since then ..not so much.

Anywho..this is why I try to not put too much hope into them being arrested and charged..because it will throw the sympathy card out there..and that does not have a time and place during Casey's trial.  If they wanted sympathy, well they should have acted like they were grieving for Caylee, they should have supported Casey through this, but not to the extent of lying and lashing out at LE, reporters, TES or any of the other people just trying to help them get to the bottom of what happened to Caylee.

Just my opinion and most likely not a popular one..

Excellent post GDD

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Northern Rose
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« Reply #335 on: April 28, 2011, 03:02:47 PM »

Casey Anthony case: Geraldo Rivera says he’ll raise ‘hell’ in Orlando
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #336 on: April 28, 2011, 03:03:22 PM »

LOL Sunny..I am trying to catch up and just wrote similiar thoughts as yours.

I just read your post!  We are sure on the same branch!!

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Northern Rose
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« Reply #337 on: April 28, 2011, 03:05:34 PM »

Casey Anthony: Emergency, Emergency…News Organization…..

After Baez has spent  hours talking to CBS and InSession, all of a sudden he has an emergency News Organization Motion?

Northern Rose
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« Reply #338 on: April 28, 2011, 03:07:29 PM »

AmyPavukOS Amy Pavuk
by OSCaseyAnthony
Judge denies Casey Anthony's request to re-hear argument on why trunk stain evidence shouldn't be allowed at trial. Story to follow soon.
1 minute ago!/OSCaseyAnthony

Edit to fix link/add url tags.  MB
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 06:00:31 PM by MuffyBee » Logged
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #339 on: April 28, 2011, 03:09:48 PM »

04/28/2011           Notice of Filing Virginia Law Review Article from March 2009

Thanks for all your comments regarding the Docs and being on the State's list.   This could end up being very interesting.

March 2009, Volume 95, Issue 1

Invalid Forensic Science Testimony and Wrongful Convictions
by Brandon L. Garrett and Peter J. Neufeld
95 Va. L. Rev. 1 (2009)   View PDF

Thanks NR....the first line of the article has a key word that have no basis in this case IMO........'This is the first study to explore the forensic science testimony by prosecution experts in the trials of innocent persons, all convicted of serious crimes, who were later exonerated by post-conviction DNA testing.'

DNA is not part of the forensic evidence in this case. 

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
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