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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #192 4/26/11 - 5/03/11  (Read 235186 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #580 on: April 30, 2011, 12:45:19 PM »

One more day down, KC.  Are you feeling the heat?

These are my opinions and subject to change.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3266

« Reply #581 on: April 30, 2011, 01:37:40 PM »

Thinking about Caylee's dad and wondering...Do you think the State ever got to the bottom of this issue and actually found out who the father is?

It appeared at one point they were honestly trying to find out..because that man would have rights too in this trial.  I think they eliminated George and Lee early on by the DNA markers..but what of other friends and lovers?   They eliminated Jesse Grund.  It appeared they were even checking out Mark Hawkins in that respect also.

I have never been convinced that there was not incest. I had my sister in law look at the results Vauhall posted and my sister in law said those were not conclusive to rule anyone out. She is one of the leading DNA microbiologists in the US. She said there is a new test of genetic analysis which is more accurate. I posted about this over a year ago when she first told me.

In a study published April 10th, doctors revealed that they can now determine if a child is born of incest without testing the DNA of either parent. They made the breakthrough while analyzing the DNA of disabled children to determine which genes trigger various disabilities.

They found children whose genetic patterns were only possible if their parents had been father-daughter, mother-son or brother-sister couples which were previously not suspected in regular DNA mapping.

If you want to read about it here is an article on it.


Turbo--In pictures of Caylee when she was very young, a few weeks, she looks exactly like George.  It's something about the eyes.  This, of course, is possible if George is the grandfather as well, but I have always suspected him.  It could be because I have gotten to the point that I expect the worst of the Anthonys, and that's what we usually get.  The article is very interesting.  I note the publishing date is Feb. 11 of this year.  I wonder if this test was known and performed when the State was trying to determine paternity.  Most importantly, since it is now possible to do so, I hope they do.  Could you send the article to the State's Attorney?  They could have just moved on to something else and not be aware of this. 

Wrong is wrong, even if everybody does it.
Right is right, even if nobody does it. ~ Unknown
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #582 on: April 30, 2011, 02:25:17 PM »


Fashioning A Defense: Casey Anthony's Evolving Style
April 29, 2011

[This article is by contributing writer Ivy Bigbee. She is a Washington, D.C.-based photographer-writer-poet. For more information, visit Bigbee’s website at: www.ivybigbee.com]

A leopard can't change its spots, or can it - if that "leopard" is Casey Anthony?

Casey AnthonyMere days before Casey Anthony's capital murder trial begins, both the prosecution and defense teams continue to hack their divisive ways through a dense and treacherous jungle of pre-trial motions.  Through it all, Anthony has appeared in a variety of clothing and hair styles.  What's up with Casey's newest look, and is her appearance a dead give-away to what lies beneath?

While the defense scrambles to find someone else to tell her "story" at trial, Anthony's courtroom appearances at hearings ironically have spoken volumes, without her uttering a single word.  Her message to the world has come across in clingy sweaters, suggestively-unbuttoned shirts, hair done up or down in a succession of styles.  Put with her would-be paralegal posturing, notebook-wrangling and off-kilter, upbeat manner, what is Casey trying to say?     

It's simple.  Casey Anthony wants you to know—and has taken pains to project—that she has a shapely figure, and that she relishes the tete a tetes or shared confidences that occur as she merrily chats up anyone who sits at the defense table during court recesses.  There is no getting around that the ex-party girl herself is defense's Exhibit A, evidencing she’s sociable and stylish in a sexually-suggestive way.


 ::snipping2:: ::snipping2:: ::snipping2::

<a href="http://www.oneplusyou.com/bb/files/countdown/countdown.swf?co=0000A0&amp;bgcolor=808080&amp;date_month=05&amp;date_day=09&amp;date_year=1&amp;un=Caylee&#39;s Justice&amp;size=small&amp;mo=05&amp;da=09&amp;yr=2011" target="_blank">http://www.oneplusyou.com/bb/files/countdown/countdown.swf?co=0000A0&amp;bgcolor=808080&amp;date_month=05&amp;date_day=09&amp;date_year=1&amp;un=Caylee&#39;s Justice&amp;size=small&amp;mo=05&amp;da=09&amp;yr=2011</a>
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #583 on: April 30, 2011, 02:33:18 PM »

Thinking about Caylee's dad and wondering...Do you think the State ever got to the bottom of this issue and actually found out who the father is?

It appeared at one point they were honestly trying to find out..because that man would have rights too in this trial.  I think they eliminated George and Lee early on by the DNA markers..but what of other friends and lovers?   They eliminated Jesse Grund.  It appeared they were even checking out Mark Hawkins in that respect also.

I have never been convinced that there was not incest. I had my sister in law look at the results Vauhall posted and my sister in law said those were not conclusive to rule anyone out. She is one of the leading DNA microbiologists in the US. She said there is a new test of genetic analysis which is more accurate. I posted about this over a year ago when she first told me.

In a study published April 10th, doctors revealed that they can now determine if a child is born of incest without testing the DNA of either parent. They made the breakthrough while analyzing the DNA of disabled children to determine which genes trigger various disabilities.

They found children whose genetic patterns were only possible if their parents had been father-daughter, mother-son or brother-sister couples which were previously not suspected in regular DNA mapping.

If you want to read about it here is an article on it.


Turbo--In pictures of Caylee when she was very young, a few weeks, she looks exactly like George.  It's something about the eyes.  This, of course, is possible if George is the grandfather as well, but I have always suspected him.  It could be because I have gotten to the point that I expect the worst of the Anthonys, and that's what we usually get.  The article is very interesting.  I note the publishing date is Feb. 11 of this year.  I wonder if this test was known and performed when the State was trying to determine paternity.  Most importantly, since it is now possible to do so, I hope they do.  Could you send the article to the State's Attorney?  They could have just moved on to something else and not be aware of this. 

I posted over a year ago about this as it was known in the scientific community long before. I only knew about it then because of my sister in law but I posted the specifics on it. I would bet the FBI was very aware of it, but I will send it to the state attorney's office.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6356

« Reply #584 on: April 30, 2011, 02:38:19 PM »

There she goes(Cindy)again with talking about Caylee as "that child"..and what's up with the second key in the pocket for the car..Things that make you go humm..think that was some sort of code since she was refering to the car and a second key and the purse in the car issue..all seems strange..Nancy did a good interview with Cindy on that night asking the hard questions like no other has..What part did you pick up on Turbo and by the way you sound like an excellent mom!!

I would have to go back and listen to it or read it but there was some reference by Lee to someone (can't remember who) about "getting rid of that other key"...........I have always wondered what that was about. For some reason I was thinking Amy but I am not sure now.  I know I had wondered if KC has "stored" Calyee somewhere else until she dumped her.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 25374

« Reply #585 on: April 30, 2011, 02:39:13 PM »


04/26/2011           Order Denying
Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence (Post Mortem Banding) and Unreliability of Scientific Testimony by Karen Lowe on Post-Mortem Hair Banding

04/26/2011           Order Denying
Motion in Limine to Exclude All Evidence Relating to Canine Searches and Alerts

04/26/2011           Order Denying
Motion to Preclude Phantom "Heart Sticker" Evidence

04/26/2011           Order
for Motion for Transcription Services
04/27/2011           Defendant's
Motion for Transcription Services
04/27/2011           Notice of Taking Deposition(s)
04/27/2011           Order Denying
Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence Pursuant to FRYE or in the Alternative, Motion in Limine to Exclude (Chloroform)

   Great news!

Indeed it is!

Trimm, so glad to hear from you. I hope your power is restored soon.

We miss you!


Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 5199

« Reply #586 on: April 30, 2011, 02:42:32 PM »

Thinking about Caylee's dad and wondering...Do you think the State ever got to the bottom of this issue and actually found out who the father is?

It appeared at one point they were honestly trying to find out..because that man would have rights too in this trial.  I think they eliminated George and Lee early on by the DNA markers..but what of other friends and lovers?   They eliminated Jesse Grund.  It appeared they were even checking out Mark Hawkins in that respect also.

I have never been convinced that there was not incest. I had my sister in law look at the results Vauhall posted and my sister in law said those were not conclusive to rule anyone out. She is one of the leading DNA microbiologists in the US. She said there is a new test of genetic analysis which is more accurate. I posted about this over a year ago when she first told me.

In a study published April 10th, doctors revealed that they can now determine if a child is born of incest without testing the DNA of either parent. They made the breakthrough while analyzing the DNA of disabled children to determine which genes trigger various disabilities.

They found children whose genetic patterns were only possible if their parents had been father-daughter, mother-son or brother-sister couples which were previously not suspected in regular DNA mapping.

If you want to read about it here is an article on it.


Turbo--In pictures of Caylee when she was very young, a few weeks, she looks exactly like George.  It's something about the eyes.  This, of course, is possible if George is the grandfather as well, but I have always suspected him.  It could be because I have gotten to the point that I expect the worst of the Anthonys, and that's what we usually get.  The article is very interesting.  I note the publishing date is Feb. 11 of this year.  I wonder if this test was known and performed when the State was trying to determine paternity.  Most importantly, since it is now possible to do so, I hope they do.  Could you send the article to the State's Attorney?  They could have just moved on to something else and not be aware of this. 

I posted over a year ago about this as it was known in the scientific community long before. I only knew about it then because of my sister in law but I posted the specifics on it. I would bet the FBI was very aware of it, but I will send it to the state attorney's office.

I remember that very well, turbo.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 5199

« Reply #587 on: April 30, 2011, 02:45:47 PM »

There she goes(Cindy)again with talking about Caylee as "that child"..and what's up with the second key in the pocket for the car..Things that make you go humm..think that was some sort of code since she was refering to the car and a second key and the purse in the car issue..all seems strange..Nancy did a good interview with Cindy on that night asking the hard questions like no other has..What part did you pick up on Turbo and by the way you sound like an excellent mom!!

I would have to go back and listen to it or read it but there was some reference by Lee to someone (can't remember who) about "getting rid of that other key"...........I have always wondered what that was about. For some reason I was thinking Amy but I am not sure now.  I know I had wondered if KC has "stored" Calyee somewhere else until she dumped her.

I recall early on when he visited Casey in jail and we all saw the videos.

Can't remember if there was talk about a KEY specifically.  I do seem to recall long discussions on whether she was telling Lee about a sim card or cell phone that was discarded. 
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 4742

« Reply #588 on: April 30, 2011, 02:56:23 PM »

regarding family incest! I wouldnt rule anything out! I dont usualy go personal with my business but I have a true story that would make you ill to even imagine.
I never liked this man he was a control freak!! like I had never seen ! verbaly/mentaly abusive abusive  to is children and spouse.

My late husbands sisters husband!! (MY X SISTERINLAW)
had four daughters the two oldest both became pregnant right about the same time! On a vacation trip to california we dropped by to visit ! each girl had a child! their mother referred to them as her grandkids! when in fact! she knew that her husband was the father and even one was named after the grandfather/real father.

I think about a year later or so! I got a phone call from my mother informing me that she was mailing  me an article of this man's arrest! (FRONT PAGE) of our local newspaper!! And
during all  court proceedings the mother of the girls and wife to the pervert!! was there to support him.

He was  labeled a pedaphile and  was sent to prison for 10 years and during his ten year incarceration the idiot wife continued  visiting him even  GAG  for conjugal visits!! yeah unbelievable huh!!!

So he serves his time he gets out and gives a phoney adress in another town and  he goes back into the house with the two daughters he didnt pregnate! the other two were long gone!!  to this day he still lives there!! he ruined  those other two girls lifes they got one drugs! became permicious and wild!!

one  of the daughters finaly began to go around them with her child their ?? grandchild/child??? yukkkkkkkk

the other one to this day has nothing to do with her father but keeps minimal contact with her mother!!

 the man still controls his roost!! verbaly and mentaly and I dunno what holds her there he is a little 5ft man ugly as sin!! nasty looking/unkept!!!

they the girls are no longer on drugs but what a horrible horrible thing to carry through your life! they kept the kids because  the girls mom said we dont give up our kids in this family!!!

the x sisterinlaw is still married to the pervert!! when I had a chance I told my x husband how I felt about them and unbelievable my x motherinlaw would go spend holidays with them!! like nothing happened!! I was divorced by than!! but my lungs werent I told them all what I thought!!

Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6356

« Reply #589 on: April 30, 2011, 02:57:35 PM »

Turbo--In pictures of Caylee when she was very young, a few weeks, she looks exactly like George.  It's something about the eyes.  This, of course, is possible if George is the grandfather as well, but I have always suspected him.  It could be because I have gotten to the point that I expect the worst of the Anthonys, and that's what we usually get.  The article is very interesting.  I note the publishing date is Feb. 11 of this year.  I wonder if this test was known and performed when the State was trying to determine paternity.  Most importantly, since it is now possible to do so, I hope they do.  Could you send the article to the State's Attorney?  They could have just moved on to something else and not be aware of this.  

The ONE thing to me which would make all the cover up and other things make sense was if George was the father. KC not telling Cindy she was pregnant and Cindy maybe even believed it until the wedding where everyone confronted her about it. If George was the father, then KC saw a way to get anything she wanted out of George from then on out. She could have deliberately stayed pregnant to use the baby as leverage for that.

Another thing I thought VERY suspicious was George was in the delivery room and cut the cord according to them. That is SO out of reason for a normal family. My daddy would never have wanted or agreed to be in the delivery with my children. That is just out of a grandfather's role. If by the time KC told Cindy the truth Caylee was almost due which she was, then Cindy would have no choice but to let the baby be born. Since she was the first one to hold Caylee and took almost instant possession of her from the beginning maybe she felt since it was George's baby she was entitled to her but also that she had to support her too.

Then we have all the different stories about who the father was. A dead guy, a guy from Tennessee who was married, a guy from Kentucky, etc.,etc. You know as well as I do that as greedy as those people are, ANY of those stories if true Cindy would have sent KC straight to Children's services to collect a check. If the father was dead they would have filed for social security checks. SO - NONE of those stories made any sense. Some thought because she was so promiscuous she might not know, but I really do not believe that because she tried to blame it on Jesse. I honestly think that family got together and decided since KC & Jesse were a thing that he would be the perfect candidate. They NEVER considered that Rev. Grund would insist on Jesse having a DNA test run. If you notice as soon as it came out that he was not the father KC skipped out their house and was right back home.

I think that would explain much of the lies and all the distortions which the Anthony's have tried. When they realized she KILLED her they were forced into a cover up mode for her to keep her from telling the truth. Remember when she said in jail and said to them "don't worry, I haven't told them anything?" I believe they told her they would get her off and I am not sure they didn't send the detective to find Caylee so they could dispose of the body better so no DNA would ever be found. If my theory is right, they KNEW the DNA would tell the tale so that is why bozo told him not to call the police. JMO

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 4742

« Reply #590 on: April 30, 2011, 03:20:07 PM »

Oh how proud are we !!

Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 25374

« Reply #591 on: April 30, 2011, 05:58:32 PM »



     Click the image above to vote for Yuri Melich

or go to http://www.amw.com/allstar/2011/vote.cfm?id=9324 to vote.

You can vote once a day until May 8.

Time remaining: 9 days.

Voting ends: May 8, 2011, 11:59 p.m. EST.

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #592 on: April 30, 2011, 07:11:10 PM »

Rocking the vote for Yuri!

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #593 on: April 30, 2011, 07:16:15 PM »

Rocking the vote for Yuri!


Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #594 on: April 30, 2011, 07:26:03 PM »

Rocking the vote for Yuri!

Me too. Wouldn't it be something if he won this on the 8th and then the trial for Caylee's justice started the next day with him being the detective on it?  LOVE IT~~

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 22914

« Reply #595 on: April 30, 2011, 07:50:07 PM »

Oh how proud are we !!

loca, this photo makes me want to them had have them carted off to them funny farm. 


Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 22914

« Reply #596 on: April 30, 2011, 08:02:51 PM »


04/26/2011           Order Denying
Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence (Post Mortem Banding) and Unreliability of Scientific Testimony by Karen Lowe on Post-Mortem Hair Banding

04/26/2011           Order Denying
Motion in Limine to Exclude All Evidence Relating to Canine Searches and Alerts

04/26/2011           Order Denying
Motion to Preclude Phantom "Heart Sticker" Evidence

04/26/2011           Order
for Motion for Transcription Services
04/27/2011           Defendant's
Motion for Transcription Services
04/27/2011           Notice of Taking Deposition(s)
04/27/2011           Order Denying
Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence Pursuant to FRYE or in the Alternative, Motion in Limine to Exclude (Chloroform)

   Great news!

Trim it is wonderful to see you back. I hope you and yours escaped damage from the tornadoes.  Justice is coming for Caylee. ::justice2NJ::

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 22914

« Reply #597 on: April 30, 2011, 08:11:05 PM »

I will have to say I have wondered if it was looking really bad for KC if they would pull something to cause a mistrial.

That thought has definately crossed my mind a few times, too.

I bet it's crossed Judge Perry's mind as well...hopefully, he won't let Cindy and George in the courtroom until after they have testified and, hopefully, the prosecution won't call those two to testify until late in the prosecution's case.

Hi Puzzler!!
There is nothing that is too low for them to do IMO. I would  put nothing past them doing to achieve what they want. All the legal minds I have communicated with feel that JP will follow the law and sequester them until after their testimony and will not hesitate to have them removed from the court room for ANY violation of his court room rules. They are NOT Caylee's next of kin. The motion has no basis. It will be

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3266

« Reply #598 on: April 30, 2011, 08:28:49 PM »

Turbo--In pictures of Caylee when she was very young, a few weeks, she looks exactly like George.  It's something about the eyes.  This, of course, is possible if George is the grandfather as well, but I have always suspected him.  It could be because I have gotten to the point that I expect the worst of the Anthonys, and that's what we usually get.  The article is very interesting.  I note the publishing date is Feb. 11 of this year.  I wonder if this test was known and performed when the State was trying to determine paternity.  Most importantly, since it is now possible to do so, I hope they do.  Could you send the article to the State's Attorney?  They could have just moved on to something else and not be aware of this.  

The ONE thing to me which would make all the cover up and other things make sense was if George was the father. KC not telling Cindy she was pregnant and Cindy maybe even believed it until the wedding where everyone confronted her about it. If George was the father, then KC saw a way to get anything she wanted out of George from then on out. She could have deliberately stayed pregnant to use the baby as leverage for that.

Another thing I thought VERY suspicious was George was in the delivery room and cut the cord according to them. That is SO out of reason for a normal family. My daddy would never have wanted or agreed to be in the delivery with my children. That is just out of a grandfather's role. If by the time KC told Cindy the truth Caylee was almost due which she was, then Cindy would have no choice but to let the baby be born. Since she was the first one to hold Caylee and took almost instant possession of her from the beginning maybe she felt since it was George's baby she was entitled to her but also that she had to support her too.

Then we have all the different stories about who the father was. A dead guy, a guy from Tennessee who was married, a guy from Kentucky, etc.,etc. You know as well as I do that as greedy as those people are, ANY of those stories if true Cindy would have sent KC straight to Children's services to collect a check. If the father was dead they would have filed for social security checks. SO - NONE of those stories made any sense. Some thought because she was so promiscuous she might not know, but I really do not believe that because she tried to blame it on Jesse. I honestly think that family got together and decided since KC & Jesse were a thing that he would be the perfect candidate. They NEVER considered that Rev. Grund would insist on Jesse having a DNA test run. If you notice as soon as it came out that he was not the father KC skipped out their house and was right back home.

I think that would explain a lot about the lies and all the distortions which the Anthony's have tried. When they realized she KILLED her they were forced into a cover up mode for her to keep her from telling the truth. Remember when she said in jail and said to them "don't worry, I haven't told them anything?" I believe they told her they would get her off and I am not sure they didn't send the detective to find Caylee so they could dispose of the body better so no DNA would ever be found. If my theory is right, they KNEW the DNA would tell the tale so that is why bozo told him not to call the police. JMO

Turbo--All of what you say could be true.  And it could explain it all.  I have always thought it a possibility that George found Caylee in Casey's car trunk on June 24th when he said he was looking for the car chocks.  And there was that slip of the tongue on Greta Van Sustren's show when Cindy and George were discussing it and George said he opened the trunk and Cindy said, "And there were the gas cans."  I think it more likely that "And there was Caylee's body."  It is also possible (In fact I've toyed with it for some time) that George placed the body where it was found and then they sent the so-call PI to move it to a more secure place, like the Everglades filled with Aligators.

When you were posting earlier about the DNA test I really didn't understand it, but I do now after reading that article.  If it hasn't been done, it certainly needs to be.  While it wouldn't change the facts about Caylee's death, it would shine light on these cockroaches and it would be fun to watch them run.

I am not by nature a mean person, but I do not want anything good to happen to the Anthonys.

Wrong is wrong, even if everybody does it.
Right is right, even if nobody does it. ~ Unknown
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 370

« Reply #599 on: April 30, 2011, 09:18:08 PM »



     Click the image above to vote for Yuri Melich

or go to http://www.amw.com/allstar/2011/vote.cfm?id=9324 to vote.

You can vote once a day until May 8.

Time remaining: 9 days.

Voting ends: May 8, 2011, 11:59 p.m. EST.

Has this information on Yuri Melich been in the other threads?
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