Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Missing Persons - High Profile => Caylee Marie Anthony - Florida (BODY FOUND) => Topic started by: carpe noctem on August 08, 2008, 08:07:39 AM

Title: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: carpe noctem on August 08, 2008, 08:07:39 AM
Always updated.

Post by: carpe noctem on August 14, 2008, 01:41:08 PM

Post by: MonkeyHunter on August 25, 2008, 09:14:13 AM,2933,409764,00.html


Post by: Blonde on September 06, 2008, 09:19:29 AM

George Anthony Talks Candidly About Investigation
Family Prepares To Celebrate Caylee's 3rd Birthday

POSTED: 6:19 pm EDT August 3, 2008
UPDATED: 6:45 pm EDT August 3, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Sunday marked 20 days since 2-year-old Caylee Anthony was reported missing.

George Anthony spoke extensively with WESH 2 News on Sunday. He spoke, for the first time, about new evidence in gas cans that were removed from his home by investigators on Friday.

George Anthony said he asked his daughter in jail on Sunday, "Where is Caylee?" In a one-on-one interview with WESH 2 News' Bob Kealing, he explained his daughter's reply.

"'She's safe. I'm worried about the family,'" he said Casey Anthony told him. "She knows who has her daughter. I've got to believe her. Do I believe she got involved in something? Possibly, I don't know."

He said he had no problem with law enforcement taking a pair of gas cans as evidence from his home on Friday.

"My gas cans were stolen," he said. "They just wanted to come in and line everything up. They're doing a thorough investigation. I said, 'You guys do what you need to do. Take the shingles off my roof to bring my granddaughter back.'"

Sources close to the investigation said George Anthony admitted to the FBI that, when he first smelled his daughter's car, he thought it was the odor of a body.

"It was an overpowering smell, I admit that," he said. "It's a possibility that maybe my daughter ran over something."

He said that he now believes the smell came from the combination of a rotting pizza and a cleaning fluid bottle being left in a hot car for 15 days. George Anthony said his daughter told him about a jailhouse letter she wrote.

"My daughter said, 'Dad, I've written some things and given it to Mr. Baez,'" he said. "That's all she said, and I said, 'OK.'"

George Anthony said Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, has finished the paperwork to take her bond appeal to the Florida Supreme Court.

Authorities also confirmed on Sunday that Casey Anthony's on-again, off-again boyfriend Jessie Grund admitted to law enforcement last week that, in a June 24 cell phone conversation, he did not hear Caylee in the background.

He said he only heard Casey Anthony tell her daughter to get off a table.

George Anthony said that controversial photographs released of Casey Anthony partying date back to when she was pregnant. He said the family feels strongly that none of the photos were taken after the time Caylee disappeared.

Anthonys Hold Another Prayer Vigil

The Anthonys held another prayer vigil and spoke about the 2-year-old's upcoming birthday Sunday night at their home.

Caylee will be 3 years old next Saturday. George Anthony said that, before she disappeared, the family had planned on having a small, intimate birthday party.

He said he wants to get his granddaughter back home safe and alive, give her an adjustment period and then have a huge birthday party that will include neighbors, volunteers and the media.

"Now when she's back for her third birthday, it's going to be a block party at our house," George Anthony said. "We've got that huge cul de sac where we live at. That's where the party's going to be."

Sunday night's prayer vigil took place in the Anthonys' front yard at 8:30 p.m.   

Investigators remove evidence from car belonging to Casey Anthony's father...

2:45 a.m. Investigators traveled to the Anthony home and removed evidence from a vehicle owned by Anthony's father, George Anthony. Deputies were seen removing the contents of the spare-wheel well and taking at least one item as evidence.,0,4836790.story

picture by Carpe


Post by: Blonde on September 06, 2008, 12:37:26 PM
Did Caylee’s mom chloroform her? Evidence mounts
Profiler: ‘Pretty damning’ that Casey Anthony may have Googled chemical

Sept. 5: FBI lab results found traces of chloroform in the car of Casey Anthony, the mother of missing Florida toddler Caylee Anthony. Investigative criminal profiler Pat Brown weighs in on the case.

The detection of chloroform in the trunk of the car driven by Casey Anthony, along with evidence that she researched the chemical on the Internet, does not bode well for the mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony, in the opinion of investigative criminal profiler Pat Brown.

“I think it’s pretty damning information,” Brown told TODAY co-host Meredith Vieira on Friday. “There’s no reason for chloroform to be in that trunk. You’re not going to use it as a cleaning fluid around your house.

“It would only be in some kind of criminal act,” Brown opined. “Therefore, if you have somebody looking for it on the computer and it’s in the trunk and there’s evidence Caylee was in the trunk, there you go — you’ve got a pretty good case.”

Caylee Anthony was last seen in mid-June, and was reported missing to authorities on July 15.

Her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, has told investigators she left the child with a baby sitter, who cannot be found. Cindy Anthony, mother of Casey and grandmother of Caylee, has supported her daughter’s claims despite mounting evidence and public outcry against her.

Today, Casey Anthony is expected to be released from jail for a second time after her family made arrangements for $500,000 bail on charges of child neglect and giving false information to authorities.

Brown said that Casey Anthony and her attorney, Jose Baez, have their work cut out for them.

“I’m sure when she gets together with her lawyer and sits in that back room, they’re going to come up with something that would be equivalent to an accident,” Brown said.

Potentially deadly chemical
Casey Anthony has been a “person of interest” in the investigation of Caylee's disappearance ever since Cindy Anthony made a 911 call explaining she had not seen her granddaughter in several days and that her daughter Casey’s car smelled like a dead body.

Cindy Anthony later claimed the smell had actually come from an old pizza and trash in the trunk. But investigators said the trunk smelled strongly of human decomposition, and hair samples appearing to belong to Caylee were also found.

The Orlando Sentinel reported Thursday that chloroform traces were also found in the trunk and, through sources, said there was evidence showing Casey Anthony had Googled the topic of chloroform.

Chloroform is a dangerous chemical compound that can be used as a reagent or a solvent. It is also considered environmentally hazardous. In older movies and television shows, it has been applied to rags to cover the mouth and nose of victims to make them lose consciousness. If too much of the chemical is inhaled, the results can be fatal.

Vieira asked Brown if performing a Google search on chloroform would make someone guilty of murder.

“Like I said, there’s no really good reason to look up chloroform,” Brown alleged. “And if you combine that with the fact that it was found in the trunk, then you’ve got a whole bunch of evidence — putting [it] together, the puzzle all fits, and you have a cause of death which would then lead up to murder.”

New explanation?
After her release today, Casey Anthony is expected to live with her parents at their southeast Orange County, Fla., home. She must wear an electronic monitor at all times.

With the possibility of serious charges looming, Brown wondered if Anthony’s attorneys might attempt a new explanation about Caylee’s disappearance once they are presented the new evidence.

“ ‘I bought chloroform because I was going to make some cleaning fluid out of it, and I left it around the living room and Caylee got into it,’ ” might be such an explanation, Brown suggested.

But, Brown added, “the fact that [Casey] would go out partying right away and have absolutely no remorse over what happened would show that it doesn’t seem like much of an accident.”

Brown also said it might be time for her family to break from Anthony’s original story.

“I think I’d like to see them all on a polygraph,” Brown said. “I think they’d all fail.

Post by: Blonde on September 06, 2008, 12:40:45 PM
Casey Anthony released from jail

Kalani Bowles of Winter Garden, standing on the sidewalk next to the Anthony's driveway, carried a poster that said, "Innocent until proven guilty."

Bowles said he has made several trips to the Anthony home to show his support.

Angel Jones carried a poster that said, "Free Casey!!!! Unless you seen her do it, shut up."

Jones, who lives several blocks away from the Anthony family, said she wants them to know "they're not alone."

She said Casey Anthony's rights are being violated and she is innocent until proven guilty.

"It's turned into a circus," she said of the case.

Meanwhile, protesters carried signs with messages such as, "Rot in jail" and "My mommy would never hurt me."

Protesters at Anthony home start fighting

8:34 p.m. The Sheriff's Office has about nine deputies out near the Anthony's home because protesters have started to fight.

An agency spokesman confirmed the units are on Hopespring Drive, but said no arrests have been made.

"We do have deputies down there to keep the peace," Deputy Carlos Padilla said.

ABC responds to rumors of the network paying George and Cindy Anthony $1 million for an exclusive interview

2:17 p.m. Some sources close to the Casey Anthony case said that ABC had offered the Anthonys compensation for an interview on the network's show 20/20. However, ABC denies those reports. "It's an ABC News policy not to pay for interviews," said Alyssa Apple, a New York-based publicist for the network.

Other reports show that ABC was offered compensation to sell video footage of the Anthonys to a Nashville-based production company. That claim also has been denied by ABC.

Mark NeJame, the Orlando attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony said he knows nothing about any deal with the network.

Onlookers continue to express their feelings in the Anthony case

12 p.m. More people holding signs have joined others across the Anthonys' home today. Amber Railing stood next to her daughter Cherokee, who is almost the same age as Caylee Marie.

The little blonde girl held a sign with a sad face on it that reads, "How could you kill a baby like me?"

Anita Castillo, of Clermont, said she is in disbelief with the recent events concerning Casey Anthony. "We just couldn't believe she is being released," said Castillo who thinks Caylee Marie is dead.

Her friend Denise Freideman, also of Clermont, said she continues to search for the missing girl with EquuSearch. "We've been following this case from day one. We figured we'd come out and help," Freideman said. Yesterday she searched for nearly four hours through thick and swampy brush. "It's definitely rough."

Officials told EquuSearch volunteers to look for a rolled up rug, duffel bag and bones before heading out, Freideman said.

Mandy Albritton, search director for Equusearch, said in the past they have found bodies inside of rolled-up carpet, or found things inside duffel bags and that is why they tell their volunteers to look for those items.

She added that some volunteers encountered snakes and alligators.

Others outside the home expressed sympathy.

"This is breaking my heart. I wish I could do something to help," Diana Velazquez said. "I've been praying and I've been crying."

Velazquez and her daughter Bridgette want to join the search teams to help look for Caylee Marie. "I honestly do not know. I'm not here to judge anybody," Velazquez said.

Attorney's car leaves Anthony home

11:24 a.m. Jose Baez's black Durango pulled out of the Anthony family garage just minutes ago with several men inside. It's unknown who was in the car. Shortly after Baez's car left, George and Cindy came out of the home to move their vehicles back into the garage.

About a dozen people are standing outside of the home, though they are not protesting.

George and Cindy Anthony are inside with their daughter, Casey, and possibly brother, Lee, whose car is parked outside of the home.

Casey Anthony is back home

10:40 a.m. The car transporting Anthony pulled into her parents' garage, she and Baez walked out and the garage doors closed. The return home was fairly quiet in comparison to the last time Anthony returned home from jail. That time, several cars squealed in and out of the driveway as Anthony walked inside the home from the garage.

Baez did not comment.

Nearly a dozen people are outside the home.

"Orlando's O.J.?"

10:30 a.m. Residents and others are beginning to gather outside the Anthonys' home this morning in protest of Casey Anthony's return. Neighbor Jeff Zwick was carrying a sign that reads, "Orlando's O.J.?" on one side and "Baby Killer" on the other.

"She knows where the kid's at," Zwizk said. "Let's end this thing tomorrow...she needs to start talking."

Meanwhile, helicopters are broadcasting the SUV transporting Anthony as she heads home.

Casey Anthony out of jail
10:15 a.m. Anthony walked out of the Orange County Jail at 10:13 a.m., surrounded by her attorney, Jose Baez, and several corrections officers. Anthony walked out with her head down and wearing a black baseball cap and a white T-shirt featuring her missing daughter, Caylee Marie.

News crews quickly moved around Anthony and the others as they walked away from the jail. Anthony and Baez drove away and are expected to arrive at the family's home soon.

George Anthony celebrates his birthday today with the return of his daughter
10:05 a.m. Mark NeJame, the high-profile attorney, who is representing Cindy and George Anthony, told the Orlando Sentinel this morning that "their daughter is coming home from jail. Today is George's birthday. We would hope the family would get a little bit of peace," he said. "Sadly, it looks like other people are not going to respect and honor that. We are hoping for the best."

Anthony fitted with ankle monitor
9:18 a.m. Jail officials confirmed the undisclosed hold on Anthony has been removed and she is in the process of being fitted with the ankle bracelet that will monitor her during the court ordered home confinement. The first ankle monitor was cut off after she was re-arrested on Aug. 29.

News crews gather outside the Anthonys' home
9:10 a.m. In an effort to keep media crews from catching Anthony's return to her Hopespring Drive home this morning, the family has parked their SUV and other car on their front lawn and moved the mobile billboard sign, depicting Caylee Marie, to the sidewalk in front of the house. The vehicles are blocking the view of the entrance.

DCF has open child abuse investigation involving Casey Anthony

9 a.m. Department of Children and Families spokeswoman Carrie Hoeppner said more than one person has contacted the agency with concerns about the welfare of Caylee Marie. Hoeppner said the case has been open since the family reported the toddler's disappearance in July.

Two DCF officials met with Anthony at the Orange County Jail Thursday. "That meeting is a normal part of any investigation. DCF officials are obligated to meet face-to-face with a parent who is being investigated for alleged child abuse," Hoeppner said. "Any information that we might obtain in our investigation will be provided to the Orange County Sheriff's Office in the hope of locating this child."

Jail takes unusual steps as it prepares for Casey Anthony's release

8:08 a.m. Corrections officers at the Orange County Jail have cordoned off the entrance of the booking and release center with yellow tape to keep the area clear.

"This is to preserve access to the lobby for the citizens who have business inside and to make sure there is a clear unblocked exit to meet building safety requirements and fire code," jail spokesman Allen Moore said.

But if Anthony's release this morning is anything like the previous time she left the jail, the tape will also prevent news cameras and reporters from ambushing her as she walks out. Local media crews swarmed around Anthony and her defense attorney, Jose Baez, the first time she was released from jail on Aug. 21.

Baez struck a couple of camera men as he struggled through the crowd with his client.

Currently, there are more than a dozen reporters, seven news trucks that transmit live feeds and nearly a dozen television cameras stationed outside the jail's entrance on John Young Parkway.


Casey Anthony, mother of missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony, will be released from jail for a second time today after her parents made new arrangements for her half-million-dollar bail on a child-neglect charge.

Bond documents show that George and Cindy Anthony put up the collateral to obtain their daughter's freedom. The paperwork did not explain the source of the collateral but said the couple signed off on a "promissory note indemnity agreement" -- essentially a contract that requires the parents to repay the bondsman for any losses.
A public-relations firm that represents Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, issued a statement saying that an "individual" who wishes to remain anonymous posted bond for Anthony because of concern that her constitutional rights have been violated.

"She is going home," said Todd Black of Press Corps Media.

Anthony, 22, will live with her parents at their southeast Orange County home and must wear an electronic monitor at all times, Orange County Jail officials said.

This will be her second shot at freedom. Anthony, whose 3-year-old daughter was reported missing more than seven weeks ago, was released Aug. 21 on similar terms but was rearrested Aug. 29 and jailed on bad-check charges. Her previous bail bondsman then revoked her bail on charges of child-neglect and giving false information to authorities.

Jail officials said Thursday that bond had been arranged on all the charges. Bond companies combined forces to meet the $500,000 bail for child neglect, the most serious offense with which she is charged.

Anthony has told investigators she left the child with a baby sitter, who cannot be found. Investigators have disclosed that tests of air samples from the trunk of the abandoned car she drove detected gases from human decomposition, and that traces of chloroform also were found. The lead investigator in the case has said there was a body in the trunk and that it likely was Caylee's.

Family criticizes searchers

Earlier Thursday, Cindy Anthony blasted Texas EquuSearch, the volunteer search-and-recovery team the family summoned to find the toddler.

The grandmother complained that the group's founder, Tim Miller, had suggested that Caylee might be dead, accused Cindy Anthony of not cooperating with the search and didn't spend enough time with Caylee's family. She maintained that Miller agreed to look for a living child, not a dead one.

"It is evident his motives were to obtain publicity for his organization at the expense of exploiting my granddaughter's disappearance," Anthony said in a release sent by a family representative. "Although I feel his organization has a purpose, his misrepresentation has tainted the efforts of so many people with good intentions."

Miller said he is working hard to find Caylee Marie, alive or dead. He has been searching for the missing child's possible remains in Orange County since Aug. 29.

"We are holding onto that little bit of hope that Caylee is still alive," Miller said. "But if not, it's important that her little body is found."

EquuSearch, along with volunteers and the Sheriff's Office, have combed about 15 square miles since the search began, but not all areas have been completely cleared, Miller said. Heavy rains have made some places impassible or difficult to search.

Search volunteers sought

More than 100 volunteers were looking for the child Thursday, Miller said.

Sheriff's investigators and Miller are seeking more volunteers. They are asked to meet by 8:30 a.m. today, Saturday and Sunday at the Orange County sheriff's search-command center, 6317 TPC Blvd. Searches will continue until dusk.

In other news related to the case, George and Cindy Anthony have enlisted high-profile Orlando defense attorney Mark NeJame to help them cope with intense media scrutiny and refocus attention on the search for Caylee, NeJame said Thursday.

"They've been maligned, and I think there's been just a real mischaracterization of them in the media and on the Internet," he said. "People have completely lost sight of the fact that they are victims."
from HFTM

Post by: Blonde on September 09, 2008, 09:49:09 AM
Expert analysis of Casey's handwriting.

"Observe that Casey's letters are almost uniformly the same height. The middle zone (the lower case letters a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x and the part of the other letters between the upper loops and the lower loops) of her writing is exaggerated. When the middle zone is overly large, like Casey's, the writer has a tendency to be childlike and self-centered. These writers like to be the center of attention. It is difficult for them to delay gratification. What they see is what they minute...right now!

Now, look at the word "Monday". Do you see how Casey combined the letter "o" and the letter "n"? Is that really an "o" or is it an "a" or maybe it's just part of the "n"? Ambiguous letters are a sign that the writer is disguising the truth. Con artists and grifters, who leave the interpretation of events unclear so that they always have an out when they need it, are often experts at "tricky" writing.

There is something else that occurs in many of Casey's "o's" and "a"s. Do you see how she wrote the "o" in "on" with a slash through it? Slashes through a's and o's, known as "forked tongue strokes," are signs of a liar.

Next week, we'll take a look at Casey Anthony's quite interesting and unique signature.

Michelle Dresbold is a nationally known handwriting expert and personality profiler. Are you a doodler? Have a personal question or problem? Mail your doodles and handwritten letters to: The Handwriting Doctor, P.O. Box 1161, Monroeville, PA 15146."

Post by: Blonde on September 09, 2008, 07:10:33 PM
Casey Anthony Offered More Than $1M To Tell Story
George Anthony May Avoid Charges For Protester Scuffle

POSTED: 5:27 pm EDT September 9, 2008
UPDATED: 6:47 pm EDT September 9, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- WESH 2 has learned about offers of more than $1 million for Casey Anthony to tell her story.

A defense fund is also in the process of being established for her.

A spokesman for Jose Baez said offers have come in as high as $1.5 million for book rights, movie rights, TV 

deals, even a pay-per-view offer.

"I can tell you just for interview areas alone they can range from $50,000 to $350,000. We've even had an offer come from an overseas company that specializes in pay per view and those offers can exceed $1 million," Jose Baez Law Firm spokesman Todd Black said.

Black said they're listening to all offers but for now not accepting anything.

"We've made it clear to everyone that their inquiry will be put in to a file and we don't know whether that file will ever have to be opened," Black said.

Much of it, Black said, depends on how extensive Casey Anthony's defense will have to be.

He said they're building a Web site for Casey Anthony’s defense fund and assembling a team of defense experts.

People in downtown Orlando had opinions about the possibility of Casey Anthony selling her story to raise money for her defense.

"She has no right to do that. I think she needs to tell people where the little girl is," one person said.

"She does absolutely deserve the right to a fair trial, but I'm still not 100 percent with it," another person said.

Black points out these kinds of offers are not unusual for people high-profile cases like this.

The lawyer for Cindy and George Anthony said they are not considering any similar offers.

Post by: Blonde on September 15, 2008, 09:14:49 AM
NBC gave a summary of Caylee's disappearance.  They talked about the hair, decomposition, and chloroform.  They played the audio tapes where Casey was lying about what had happened to Caylee.  Casey kept saying that she doesn't know where Caylee is.

Dan Abrams said that he doesn't think LE has enough evidence to charge Casey.  If they had enough evidence, they would have charged her by now.  He thinks that they are releasing these tapes to put heat on Casey.  He said that releasing tapes like this is highly unusual in advance of charges being filed.  Casey is lying and they know it.  At this point, Casey is probably the only person that they are looking at.  She is the focus of the investigation.

Post by: cubbeegirl on September 15, 2008, 09:21:56 AM,2933,409764,00.html


Hey Joseph!!! Thanks!!!

Post by: Blonde on September 15, 2008, 05:57:39 PM

Casey Anthony is reportedly causing a stir inside the Orlando Police Department. An inside source told Eyewitness News at least two officers have stepped forward claiming to have had sexual relationships with her.

In august, Anthony Rusciano was fired from his position as an Orange County deputy for lying about his relationship with Casey.

A police spokesperson refused to comment on any aspect of the Caylee Anthony case.

Post by: Blonde on September 15, 2008, 06:05:40 PM

Post by: Blonde on September 16, 2008, 10:44:25 AM
Today's Updates: 09/16/08

10:29 a.m.

Casey Anthony has posted her bond and jail officials are in the process of releasing her. She will likely leave the jail around mid-afternoon. Orange County Judge John Jordan added a new condition to her release: She is not allowed to have contact with the check fraud victim, Amy Huizenga, who was once a friend of Anthony.

Post by: Blonde on September 16, 2008, 11:35:06 AM
New Twist In Casey Anthony Case
Thursday, September 4, 2008   
Brother may be tied to case

by Rozzie Franco and Nada Taha, 540 WFLA/FNN

ORLANDO, FLA. --   The latest twist in the Casey Anthony case comes from the man who at one point gave her a “get out of jail free” card and may tie her brother, Lee Anthony, into the saga.

Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla made national headlines when he bonded Anthony out of jail, but although he’s back in California, he’s not keeping himself too far away from the case of the missing 3-year-old toddler, Caylee Anthony.

Padilla said that he believes something didn’t add up about the preliminary DNA test results that came back last week from the trunk of Anthony’s car. Officials found strands of hair that they ruled could have either been Casey’s or Caylee’s.

“The Feds released information that the hair was either the mother’s or the daughter’s; they didn’t distinguish,” Padilla said. “Why would they not know whether it was the daughter or the mother? They didn’t say it was Caylee’s.”

Padilla said that officials ruled it was Caylee’s hair just by a process of elimination because the hair had a death ring around it and they know Casey is alive. The fact that the DNA is identical has something to do with who the father is, Padilla said.

“Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey have basically the same characteristics? Making the preliminary DNA check not definitive as to who the hair samples are from,” he said. 

Padilla’s statements come at a time when police have filed more charges against Casey Anthony, who has already been arrested twice. Officials charged Casey Wednesday with two counts of uttering a forged check, two counts of petty theft and two counts of fraudulent use of personal identification.

Post by: Blonde on September 16, 2008, 11:50:17 AM
Bond Posted For Casey Anthony, Expected To Be Released

Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez walked into the Orange County jail before 8:30am Tuesday for bond hearing. The court appearance was for the new charges Casey faces, forging checks, fraud and petty theft.


"A $1,000 on count one, $150 count two, $100 count three and no contact with the victim Amy Huizenga. You understand that Ms. Anthony?" Judge John Jordan asked Casey during the hearing.

"Yes," Casey replied.

The charges were brought on by Casey's former best friend, Amy Huizenga.

Casey and her attorney were only in court for about five minutes. Baez said re-arresting Casey and grandstanding are scare tactics.

"I'm not intimidated, not in any way shape or form," Baez said Tuesday morning.

Last week, Casey spent several hours a day in her attorney's office while on home confinement. Many speculated why the mother of missing Caylee was spending so much time there.

Raw Interview w/ Attorney

"If you had the power of the state of Florida, what they're doing to her, you can all understand whey she is spending so much time in my office," Baez explained.

Baez told Eyewitness News he's preparing his client.

The Corrections Department also told Eyewitness News that they were in the process of issuing her release, but that it could be mid to late afternoon before she was set free.

"There is no way to predict the time of the release since there are variables which to could slow the release process," Corrections Department PIO Allen Moore said.

While being held, Casey Anthony is in Protective Custody Level One, meaning she has no contact with other inmates. According to the Corrections Department, "In protective custody level one, the cell is a normal cell that has visibility into the dayroom of the cell area. There is contact with Correctional Officers and the inmate is allowed out into the dayroom at least one hour a day to shower and move around. No other inmates can be in the dayroom at the same time and the inmate is not allowed to speak to other inmates through the cell doors."


Post by: Blonde on September 16, 2008, 01:19:04 PM

Baez: Casey has been prepared for the worst

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- In a media briefing Tuesday morning after Casey Anthony's first appearance on new check fraud and theft charges, defense attorney Jose Baez questioned how police were handling their investigation into missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.

Baez said members of the Orange County Sheriff's Office were making attempts to intimidate him and his client, Casey and said that games were being played in reference to her third arrest.

"I am not intimidated in any way, shape or form. If the state of Florida wants to play these games and waste your tax dollars and your resources, that's for everyone to stand up for and complain about," Baez said.

He was pleased with the sheriff's office agreement to allow him to turn Casey into police custody instead of them arresting her at her home, causing unnecessary attention.

Baez cited Casey's home confinement terms and said that police and the public know where she is and there is no need to draw anyone else toward the home off Hopespring Drive.

"She's not going anywhere. She's on house arrest for crying out loud," he said.

He said in the hours he has spent with Casey in the past weeks, he has prepared her to be tough and to be ready to face whatever information investigators have.

"Casey has been prepared for the worst," Baez said. "She won't cave in."

Baez questioned the media about "evidence leaked" on chloroform and DNA results from the Body Farm. He does not believe law enforcement has found anything substantial to convict Casey of anything other than check fraud and theft charges and says if they did have that evidence, they would have convicted her of it already.

He said he personally called the Body Farm in Tennessee who said their test results are not yet completed on air samples taken from Casey's trunk.

Baez says he has requested that he be given information on evidence they do have so his own investigators can look at it. Baez does not believe police have any evidence of missing 3-year-old Caylee being either dead or alive, or what would have turned it over to him.

On the subject of officers making multiple arrests and the possibility of future arrests, Baez said police knew about the charges and had the information to charge Casey in July.

"They could have easily saved the taxpayers thousands of dollars by just filing it with the formal charges," he said. "Officers are being wasted and could be on the street where they are needed."

At the conclusion of Baez's media briefing, he said he would have Casey out of jail within 24 hours.

Post by: Blonde on September 17, 2008, 07:23:11 PM
Casey Anthony May Have Made Up Names Of Nanny, Friends

POSTED: 4:45 pm EDT September 17, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- There appear to be more lies and more deception in the Caylee Anthony case and only Channel 9 Eyewitness News is blowing the lid off the nanny mystery.

Eyewitness News has learned Casey Anthony might have made up the name of Caylee's so-called nanny, Zenaida Gonzalez, from former classmates' names and the street name for a drug. Investigators are now looking into it because of Eyewitness News' questions.

Casey Anthony said she used to call Zenaida Gonzalez "Zanny," which Eyewitness News found out is also the street name for the anti-anxiety drug Xanax. Eyewitness News has also learned that investigators have asked at least one of her friends questions about Casey and Xanax during a lie detector test.

Eyewitness News has learned that Casey Anthony had apparently asked her ex-fiancé Jesse Grund about Xanax while they were instant-messaging during the time they were engaged. Grund was asked the questions when he was hooked up to a polygraph by the FBI.

Xanax goes by the name "Zanny" on the street, which has some wondering if "Zanny the nanny" was a reference to the drug and not the nickname Casey says she used for the mysterious nanny, Zenaida Gonzalez.

Eyewitness News has discovered that a girl named Zenaida was in Casey's homeroom at Colonial High School before Casey dropped out. She had a different last name, not Gonzalez, but there were seven students in her class whose last name is Gonzalez.

The names Casey has made up as her friends who introduced her to Zenaida also show up in her Colonial High School classmates roster. She named a Raquel Ferrell, who investigators say does not exist, but there was a Raquel Rosa in her class. Casey also named Jennifer Rosa as a friend whom investigators can't find. She had a classmate named James Ferrell and the name Jennifer shows up close by.

Investigators are now checking into it to find out whether it's more than just a series of coincidences.

Post by: Blonde on September 17, 2008, 07:27:23 PM

Casey Anthony's entourage has grown. In addition to the two bodyguards that were with her as she walked out of jail, there was a new mystery man wearing a suit and a man in blue jeans who drove the truck that took Casey home from jail.

Eyewitness News asked the Anthony family spokesperson if the men were extra security or part of Jose Baez legal team and he didn't know. Eyewitness News called Baez's office, but the calls were not returned.

Todd Black, a spokesperson for Baez refused to answer questions and told Eyewitness News he plans to sue the TV station because questions were raised about his company's legitimacy

Post by: Blonde on September 18, 2008, 02:11:40 PM

A protester tried to drag George Anthony off his property.

ORLANDO -- A group of rock-throwing protesters shined flashlights into the windows of the home of missing toddler Caylee Anthony's grandparents and fought with the family early Thursday before trying to drag Anthony's grandfather into the street, FLORIDA TODAY news partner WKMG Local 6 News reports.

Since Caylee's mother, Casey, was released from jail for a third time, protesters have continued to gather outside the home and become more aggressive.

Several people were seen banging on the Anthony family's home and throwing rocks at the structure.

"(We're here) just to protest," a woman said outside of the home. "It's just to break them down. I think they are just protecting their daughter (Casey) which is the wrong thing to do in this case."

Grandmother Cindy Anthony ran outside with a bat in hand when the group began screaming at her husband, George, early Thursday.

A protester then reached over and tried to drag George Anthony off his property.

Local 6 reported that Cindy Anthony was pushed by a protester during the incident.

After the confrontation, George Anthony sprayed down the group of people with a hose.

By the time, officers arrived at the Anthony home, the group had left the neighborhood. No one was charged in the incident but deputies are looking at the Local 6 video.

The group of protesters yelled, "See you tomorrow" before driving away.

Post by: crazybabyborg on September 18, 2008, 02:15:02 PM
Link to 9-1-1 call on Sept. 18, from Casey to LE regarding protestors:

Post by: Blonde on September 18, 2008, 02:44:42 PM
Casey  Anthony call 911

From Carpe


Girl: 911 what is your emergency?  

Casey: Yes there are protestors still outside of our home. We already called about an hour an half ago. It took over 30 mins for officers to get here. The protestors are now banging on our garage door. They have still been throwing things at our windows and our garage. And now the media is here. My father is going outside and there is going to be a fight. So please could you can you send people down here because now there is physical altercation. You need to send vehicles immediatly.

Girl: Its now getting physical?

Casey: Yes. It is getting physical right now.

Girl: You see them physically fighting?

Casey: Yes I see them phsycialy fighting. We have survailiance.

Girl: OK do you know if there is any weapons?

Casey: I don't know if there are any weapons. I know that my father is outside and so is my mother so please send as many people as you possibly can.

Girl: and who is this?

Casey: ::: pause :::: They need to be arrested because this can't keep happening. We already had about 6 or 7 officers out here for 45 minutes and they didn't do anything. And these were the same punks that were out here all night throwing things at our house.

Girl: OK Stay on the line with me.

Casey: I absolutley will but they need to hurry up. They just left not that long ago.

Girl: The police officers?

Casey: The police officers just left about 1:00 yes.

Girl: OK stay on the line.

Casey: And a media van just pulled and thats when all this started happening.

Girl: OK I am going to connect with my dispatcher please don't hang up.

Casey: OK thank you.

Girl: About how many people are out there?

Casey: There are at least a dozen people and at least 2 media vans. And there is more people walking over across the street.

Girl: How many people were involved in the altercation?

Casey to her mom: ( I already did. I already did.) Channel 2 news has everything on tape already.

Girl: OK how many people were involved in the altercation?

Casey: There are at least a dozen people. My mom is already out there spraying people with the hose or my father is. They are trying to get the people off the property. They are trespassing on our property.

Girl: Is it still happening?

Casey: They are standing on the property yes. They are out there recording it.

Girl: What about the physical altercation is it over?

Casey: Its already over, yes.

The Guy Dispatcher: OK so its no longer physical?

Casey: Its no longer physical yes.

The Guy Dispatcher: Are you a protestor or a resident?

Casey: Im a resident. 

(Long Pause)

Casey: We have everything on tape thanks to channel 2 and also our home survailiance.

Guy Dispatcher: Was there any weapons involved?

Casey: No. Not that I could see no.

(Pause again)

Guy Dispatcher: Are both your parents outside?

Casey: Both my parents are outside. yes

Guy Dispatcher: Is it physical or still verbal?

Casey: Its verbal and there are still a dozen people on our property. My moms bringing my dad inside so at least my parents aren't outside. This needs to be taken care of immediatly,.

Girl is back: Are they inside now?

Casey: Yes. My parents are inside right now. 

Girl Dispatcher: What happend?

Casey: Both of my parents were hit by the protestors. As you heard from both of my parents Channel 2 news has it on video.  So can we get people out here immediatly please?

Girl Dispatcher: There is someone on the way we just need you to stay on the line OK.

Casey: OK I will stay on the line. No Problem.

Guy is back: OK we have several units on the way.

Casey: Ok thank you.


After that Casey tells them that her mom got the model number of the car of the people who had got physical with her parents and then it ends after that cuz she never comes back to the phone.

Quote from: WillenFan21

Post by: Blonde on September 18, 2008, 05:07:14 PM
Casey Anthony's Best Friend Speaks Out
Thursday, September 18, 2008    Email article | Print article

AUDIO: A man who once called himself a friend of Casey Anthony spoke Thursday about the 22-year-old mother.

by Rozzie Franco and Alan McBride, 540 WFLA/FNN

ORLANDO, FLA. --  Ryan Paysley's words may not have been the kind of support Anthony desires.

He said he believes her daughter, Caylee Anthony is dead.

PAYSLEY SOUNDBYTE:  "Knowing Casey, I would say that it was an accident," Paysley said, "As far as how it went down, I can almost guarantee you that it was an accident and that she got nervous, scared, and didn't know what to do, and she did something with her."

PAYSLEY SOUNDBYTE:    Paysley claimed not to be surprised by allegations that his former best friend has been dishonest about the situation from the outset. He said over the course of the last four or five years it seems that everything she has told him has "turned out be a lie."

These are strong words from someone who claimed to be Anthony's friend, but he said that over "the course of all this, I just lost the drive to defend her."
Paysley also said that he believes Anthony thought she could live without anyone knowing her daughter was missing and was buying herself time because she "didn't want to face the facts."

Audio links are here...

Post by: Blonde on September 18, 2008, 06:09:00 PM
Car Door

Post by: Blonde on September 19, 2008, 09:09:20 AM
Woman Accused Of Kidnapping Caylee Speaks Out

Zenaida Gonzales Explains How The Accusation Affected Her Life

POSTED: 12:53 pm EDT September 16, 2008
UPDATED: 12:05 am EDT September 17, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Homeless and without a job, Zenaida Gonzalez sat in her hotel room and took comfort in the arms of her youngest daughter.Gonzalez has chosen not to show her face on camera.

She has been sucked into the vortex of one of the most highly-charged, controversial, missing child's case the nation has ever seen, and for Zenaida, it all started with her name.On July 15 Orange County sheriff's deputies first learned that Caylee Anthony, then 2, was missing, and had been missing for 31 days.Mother Casey Anthony, 22, claimed her daughter had been kidnapped by the babysitter. She said she dropped the toddler off with the babysitter on her way to work at the Sawgrass apartments in East Orange County.According to the story Anthony told investigators, she returned to pick Caylee up, but both had vanished.Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez was the name Anthony gave investigators during her interrogation."When she said Zenaida Gonzalez it turned my life around. It turned into a point where I wished I wasn’t Zenaida Gonzalez. I wish my name was something else because it made my life that impossible," Gonzalez said.She said she never knew Anthony in anyway.It’s still a mystery if Caylee ever had a babysitter by that name. Anthony’s friends never saw her, and her family never met her.Investigators searched for the babysitter and never found her, but they did find a woman with the same name."I never thought my life would be like this. Never in a million years," Gonzalez said.Although Zenaida Gonzalez never lived at the Sawgrass apartments, she did look at the complex while apartment hunting.The June 17 record of Gonzalez’s visit is on file at the apartment office.Law enforcement called her in for questioning.Gonzalez said she almost died when she heard she had been accused of kidnapping."I was in shock," Gonzalez said.She had to convince investigators that they had the wrong Zenaida, that she did not know Casey Anthony or Caylee.A turning point came when detectives showed Anthony a picture of Gonzalez and she did not recognize the woman she claimed cared for her child.For Gonzalez, the damage was done. She said she lost her job managing a cleaning crew. Her boss told her they couldn't let one name bring a company down.Gonzalez said she is afraid for her family's safety. She gets hate mail daily for Zanny the nanny -- that's why she asked not to show her face on camera."She doesn’t know how much damage she has done. Not only to me, that she has done to them, my children. They came out of me. I raised them by myself and now she is hurting them more than me," Gonzalez said.Gonzalez is not sure how this will end -- or if it ever will.“Look at the damage she’s done. No one in their right mind would do that,” Gonzalez said.

Post by: Blonde on September 19, 2008, 09:11:40 AM
The FBI Is questioning Padilla

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- FBI agents are questioning a Sacramento bounty hunter about his involvement in a case of a Florida missing child.

Leonard Padilla made national headlines when he recently traveled to Florida to bail out Casey Anthony, 22.

Padilla said he isn't surprised that the FBI is now questioning him.

"It's standard procedure for law enforcement to interview participants in a case of this nature," he said. "They need to be sure they've got all their bases covered."

Anthony is being held in connection with the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter Caylee.

Last month, Padilla said he thought he could help crack the case by getting Anthony out of jail.

After a few days in Florida, however, Padilla rescinded his bail and sent Anthony back to police custody.

Padilla said he thinks Anthony may face murder charges soon.

Anthony has already been charged with child neglect in the case.

Post by: Blonde on September 19, 2008, 09:14:34 AM

It appears Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, botched his legal request to force detectives to stop testing evidence in the case.

Baez filed a motion with the Clerk of Court a week ago, asking for a halt to the lab testing being done by investigators to give him a chance to weigh in on how and where it's done. Baez claimed investigators might be more concerned with cost and expediency than they are about accuracy and fairness.

The legal merits of his motion have yet to be decided, because Baez blundered by not notifying the judge assigned to the case about his motion. Nor has he asked the judge for a hearing. So his motion sits in the clerk's office on the second floor of the courthouse going nowhere.

Anthony's trial for child neglect and lying to investigators is scheduled for November 17. Eyewitness News asked Baez's public relations firm whether he plans to ask for a hearing, but the firm has not returned the call.

Eyewitness News also learned that Baez was almost an hour late for the sentencing of his client, Nilton Diaz, in a Lake County child abuse death the day Anthony was released the first time. That same day, Baez shoved a reporter. He also kept the Lake County judge, the victim's family and witnesses waiting. When he arrived, he made no apology.

Baez also requested a special hearing the day before that, asking for a delay in Diaz's sentencing, telling the judge he expected the media to follow him to Lake County after Anthony's release and that it would be prejudicial to Anthony.

Lake County Circuit Judge Mark Nacke denied Baez's request for that delay. Baez ended up taking Casey back to her house the day she was released from jail before he headed to Lake County. No reporters followed him to Lake County that day.

Post by: Blonde on September 19, 2008, 09:51:49 AM
Someone shoots a tazer and one of the Guardian Angels hit by car in pursuit of car

Post by: Blonde on September 19, 2008, 09:54:51 AM
"Dr. Phil" to offer Caylee Anthony segment on Monday

"Dr. Phil" will offer its "Behind the Headlines" look at the Caylee Anthony case on Monday.

The program airs at 7 p.m. weekdays on WKMG-Channel 6.

The episode taped Wednesday in Los Angeles. The participants include a neighbor of the Anthony family; Mark NeJame, who is attorney to grandparents Cindy and George Anthony; and reporter Jessica D'Onofrio of WKMG-Channel 6.

Post by: Blonde on September 19, 2008, 09:59:11 AM
Guardian Angels Patrol Anthony Home
Deputies Investigate After Taser Gun Activated

POSTED: 6:38 am EDT September 19, 2008
UPDATED: 6:55 am EDT September 19, 2008

The Guardian Angels were on patrol outside the home to try to keep the peace for frustrated neighborhood residents, but they're also involved in the new  investigation.

The protests have grown in the wake of the disappearance of Caylee Anthony, who disappeared in June. Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, failed to report her disappearance for about a month, and she was jailed on charges of child neglect and lying to investigators. She is currently out of jail on bond.

"This thing has all the juicy, scandalous aspects that people eat up, and they just came out here probably out of poverty and curiosity," protester Christopher Benson said.

Benson added a different aspect to the protesting by covering himself in body paint.

After a fight between George Anthony and protesters on Thursday, Benson said he wanted to see what would happen next.

Some returning protesters said they're not sure what caused the violent outbreak.

"He pushed that girl first, and they grabbed a hold of him," protester Ashley Griffin said. "I honestly think they deserved every bit of what they got."

"She needs to let everybody know where the baby is and quit wasting everybody's time," protester Carol Fedor said.

While Orange County sheriff's deputies patrolled the streets, the Guardian Angels arrived and stood back to back in front of the Anthony home.

"The people's rights out here are being violated. The Guardian Angels' purpose is to keep communities safe. That's it," a Guardian Angels representative said.

Some neighbors did confront one man, leading to a new criminal investigation.

"Some words were exchanged between people in the car and the neighbors. Subsequently, neighbors said a Taser was pulled out. It wasn't utilized, but it was activated. The car sped off," Lt. Larry Spahn said.

The Guardian Angels were able to follow the car and make contact with the occupants a few blocks away. Spahn said another confrontation took place, but no arrests were made.

The Guardian Angels wouldn't say how long they would stay at the Anthony home.

Post by: Blonde on September 19, 2008, 02:30:15 PM
Sheriff's Office To Boost Security; Guardian Angels Show Up

POSTED: 6:20 am EDT September 19, 2008
UPDATED: 1:18 pm EDT September 19, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- For the first time, the Orange County Sheriff's Office said Friday it's boosting security in the Anthony neighborhood. There's been a string of violent confrontations outside of the Anthony home. The Guardian Angels were at the home until early Friday morning, but even their presence wasn't enough.
formal charges against Casey Anthony. The charges stem from accusations of stolen checks. The charges were first filed against Casey when she was first re-arrested.

Meanwhile, there was a sense of normalcy in the Anthony neighborhood Friday morning. Gardeners were even sprucing up outside of the Anthony home with no protestors in sight.

Images | Watch Interview

The Orange County Sheriff's Office will step up patrols starting Friday and through the weekend in order to keep it that way and avoid scenes like Thursday night, when four Orlando-based Guardian Angels showed up to help restore the peace on Hopespring Drive.

"We have the right to speech, right to have a safe home, safe community and to sleep good at night. That's why we're here," said a Guardian Angels member identified as Colorado.

Their presence didn't seem to do much good. They ended up getting into a confrontation with one of the protestors who was yelling at one of the Anthony's neighbors. That man allegedly pulled out a taser.

The situation has some wondering if the non-profit organization, usually seen in high-crime neighborhoods, will do more harm than good.

"If they're out here doing good, then great. But if they're creating a problem, then they're not helping us," said Sgt. Larry Spahn, Orange County Sheriff's Office.

See Images | Raw Video
Protesters Talk | Deputies

The Guardian Angels and the increased deputy presence come a day after a protestor grabbed George Anthony by his t-shirt. The family filed this report that says the confrontation came after someone threw spare change at the Anthony home at 1:30 Thursday morning and then banged on the garage until someone came out.

Post by: Blonde on September 19, 2008, 03:04:09 PM
More official charges filed against Casey Anthony

Last Edited: Friday, 19 Sep 2008, 12:13 PM EDT
Created: Friday, 19 Sep 2008, 11:34 AM EDT

Casey Anthony

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The State Attorney's office has officially filed more charges against 22-year-old Casey Anthony.

Anthony was arrested earlier this week for new theft and check fraud charges. She was bonded out of jail by her attorney, Jose Baez.

The State Attorney's Office said three more formal charges were officially filed on Friday.

County official requests curfew for neighborhood

Orange County Commissioner Linda Stewart is trying to get an emergency order to set a curfew for the Anthony house off Hopespring Drive.

In the email to city officials and to the Orange County Sheriff's office, Stewart wrote “The interruption of the tranquility of this neighborhood has gotten out of control and last night was the beginning of a good example.”

Stewart was referring to the incident early Thursday morning when protestors threw coins at the Anthony home, resulting in a heated verbal argument between protestors and George and Cindy Anthony.

“I’ve tried to stay out of this as the Sheriff’s office has been doing a terrific job, there resources are limited and putting a patrol unit there 24/7 takes them off the street for other crimes in the area,” she wrote.

Stewart requested an emergency order by the Orange County legal department in conjunction with the sheriff’s office to enact a curfew for Hopespring Drive.

“The fair thing is to allow for protestors but to limited the hours of protest so that there can be a more normal neighborhood assembly,” Stewart wrote.

She hopes the sheriff’s office is able to keep peace in the neighborhood between 9 p.m. up to the morning when children leave for school.

It is not clear whether she had received any response to her request.

Post by: Blonde on September 19, 2008, 06:53:47 PM

Orange County Commissioner asks attorneys to look into curfew options
4:20 p.m.

Orange County Commissioner Linda Stewart just told the Orlando Sentinel she sent a memo to county attorneys on Wednesday asking that they look into the possibility of implementing a curfew to help residents who live in the Anthony's neighborhood.


"I don't want to limit anybody's right to protest," Stewart said. "I think that everyone has certain rights, and the neighborhood does too."

Stewart said she wants to know if something could be done to limit the time of day people can protest, so that residents could have peace and quiet during certain hours.

The commissioner hopes to have more information by Monday or Tuesday

Incidents outside Anthony family home documented
3:50 p.m.

Details of two separate incidents that occurred outside the Anthony family home Thursday have been released, including a physical confrontation between protesters and George and Cindy Anthony.

At about 1:30 a.m., George and Cindy Anthony heard a loud noise come from their garage. When they went outside to see who or what struck the garage door, they saw about a half-dozen protesters who were screaming profanities at them, a sheriff's report said.

The Anthonys and the protesters were engaged in a heated argument when a woman pulled George Anthony by the shirt and arm toward the street.

Cindy Anthony told deputies she got between George and the protester to stop the woman from pulling him. A man then pushed Cindy.

The protesters fled the scene. The incident was captured by a news camera.

Sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said the case has been assigned to an investigator, who has identified some of the people involved. Those identities have not been publicly released.

The other incident, which occurred about 10:45 p.m., involved residents who live near the Anthony home, Guardian Angels and some onlookers.

The parties involved told deputies conflicting statements, and no one was arrested at the time. But the case is under investigation.

The sheriff's report said two onlookers were sitting in their vehicle near the Anthony home when they were confronted by two nearby residents who told them to leave.

The onlookers pulled out a small taser and activated it. They then drove away, and were followed by members of the Guardian Angels group.

When the couple stopped at a nearby intersection, the Guardian Angels approached their vehicle. One Guardian Angel told a deputy he stood in front of the onlooker's vehicle, who then drove into him.,0,2315872.story
Thanks Carpe   

Post by: Blonde on September 20, 2008, 10:06:18 AM
Padilla has released the cell phone records.
Video "Phone Records Released"

Post by: klaasend on September 20, 2008, 10:19:31 AM
Jesse Grund will be on Geraldo at Large tonight...

Post by: Blonde on September 20, 2008, 10:26:39 AM
DNA expert talks about the evidence

Post by: Blonde on September 20, 2008, 10:52:43 AM
Youtube Caylee

Post by: Blonde on September 21, 2008, 09:07:22 AM

We think: Police need greater presence at Anthony home to prevent violence  

September 20, 2008

Everybody has a right to peaceful protest. It's a constitutional right.

But our Founding Fathers didn't make exceptions for a mob looking to start a ruckus.

And that's exactly what's going on outside the home of George and Cindy Anthony these days.

It's beyond distasteful. It's disgusting.

There's a reason people are upset over the disappearance of Caylee Anthony, especially when Casey Anthony, the little girl's mother, has been identified as a person of interest in the case.

But let's not kid ourselves. Cursing, taunting and throwing rocks aren't a standard part of the peaceful protester's playbook.

A handful of people are acting like fools in front of the crush of TV cameras. It's more about emulating Springer, not Gandhi.

That said, some of this nonsense might have been avoided if the Orange County Sheriff's Office had been more visible in the neighborhood.

It's a great deterrent. But it's taken some ugly incidents -- along with a meeting with attorney Mark NeJame, representing George and Cindy Anthony -- for the Sheriff's Office to agree to be more vigilant. That should have been happening before now.

A police presence is powerful. "Protesters" may have thought twice before throwing objects at windows at 2 in the morning. Or telling reporters that their goal with the Anthonys is to "break them down." Or challenging Mr. Anthony's manhood.

This is all about them. It has nothing to do with a missing 3-year-old.

What's worse, it's dangerously close to turning into vigilante justice. Somebody could get hurt or killed.

There's been a scare already. The child of a protester appeared to be injured as he was shouting inflammatory and confrontational statements with his mother at the Anthony home. The child wasn't hurt, but the incident did prompt an investigation by the Florida Department of Children and Families.

We understand it's a tough balancing act for the police. People can shout and scream at the top of their lungs while they're on public property. The First Amendment guarantees that. It's a precious right that everybody deserves.

But there is a notable difference between peaceful assembly and the mob scene at the Anthonys'.

A greater police presence won't give the Anthonys preferential treatment. The intent is to ensure the safety of everyone, including neighbors who have been besieged for weeks. It's far worse for the Anthonys, who have been provoked into confrontations. That's not the answer, either.

If somebody wants to protest, fine. If somebody wants to throw rocks, arrest them. These people belong in jail.

They aren't protesters. They are instigators. They will find no safe haven in our nation's constitution.,0,206839.story

Post by: Blonde on September 21, 2008, 09:28:58 AM
George Anthony Talks Candidly About Investigation
Family Prepares To Celebrate Caylee's 3rd Birthday

POSTED: 6:19 pm EDT August 3, 2008
UPDATED: 12:19 pm EDT August 4, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Sunday marked 20 days since 2-year-old Caylee Anthony was reported missing.

George Anthony spoke extensively with WESH 2 News on Sunday. He spoke, for the first time, about new evidence in gas cans that were removed from his home by 

investigators on Friday.

George Anthony said he asked his daughter in jail on Sunday, "Where is Caylee?" In a one-on-one interview with WESH 2 News' Bob Kealing, he explained his daughter's reply.

"'She's safe. I'm worried about the family,'" he said Casey Anthony told him. "She knows who has her daughter. I've got to believe her. Do I believe she got involved in something? Possibly, I don't know."

He said he had no problem with law enforcement taking a pair of gas cans as evidence from his home on Friday.

"My gas cans were stolen on the 24th of June. There's a report on that," he said. "They just wanted to come in and line everything up. They're doing a thorough investigation. I said, 'You guys do what you need to do. Take the shingles off my roof to bring my granddaughter back.'"

Sources close to the investigation said George Anthony admitted to the FBI that, when he first smelled his daughter's car, he thought it was the odor of a body.

"It was an overpowering smell, I admit that," he said. "It's a possibility that maybe my daughter ran over something."

He said that he now believes the smell came from the combination of a rotting pizza and a cleaning fluid bottle being left in a hot car for 15 days. George Anthony said his daughter told him about a jailhouse letter she wrote.

"My daughter said, 'Dad, I've written some things and given it to Mr. Baez,'" he said. "That's all she said, and I said, 'OK.'"

George Anthony said Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, has finished the paperwork to take her bond appeal to the Florida Supreme Court.

Authorities also confirmed on Sunday that Casey Anthony's on-again, off-again boyfriend Jesse Grund admitted to law enforcement last week that, in a June 24 cell phone conversation, he did not hear Caylee in the background.

He said he only heard Casey Anthony tell her daughter to get off a table.

George Anthony said that controversial photographs released of Casey Anthony partying date back to when she was pregnant. He said the family feels strongly that none of the photos were taken after the time Caylee disappeared.

Casey Anthony told her father that she is writing a lot and has turned all of that over to Baez.

Post by: Blonde on September 21, 2008, 12:17:05 PM
Geraldo interview with Jesse' Grund

TY Carpe

Post by: Blonde on September 22, 2008, 08:58:50 AM
Casey says She Left Her Daughter In Park

Last Edited: Saturday, 06 Sep 2008, 7:59 AM EDT
Created: Friday, 05 Sep 2008, 9:53 PM EDT

Rob Dick

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The public story that has been most often attributed to Casey Anthony concerning the disappearance of her daughter Caylee may not be the same one she is telling privately.

According to the man who drove Casey Anthony around during the time she was first released on bond said Friday that Casey told him she left three year old Caylee with her babysitter at Blanchard Park in East Orange County.

Rob Dick is a bounty hunter who took Casey Anthony to and from her parent’s home in East Orange County to the jail for appointments and her attorney’s office in Kissimmee.   

Dick said that Casey was very talkative during the rides and spoke of her missing daughter in the present tense. And even though he wasn’t allowed to ask her any questions about the case, she gave him several names she said were involved in the disappearance of her daughter.
VIDEO: --Person who spent time with Casey Anthony talks about what she said

“She would try to, you know, give me leads and things to look into,” he said. “A lot of confirming of her story that she gave police.”

Dick also said that Casey never really showed any emotion.

“There was no crying,” he said. “There was no frustration other than the fact it seemed like it wasn't getting anywhere. She was telling a story and nobody was believing her.”

Caylee Anthony has been missing since the middle of June. Casey didn’t report her disappearance until July.

According to investigators the story she told them, and the one most often quoted in the media, was that she left Casey with a babysitter named Zanida Fernandez -Gonzalez at an apartment in Orange County. But when investigators went to the apartment, no one by the name lived there. Shortly after Casey was arrested and charged with child neglect making false statements and obstructing the investigation into her daughter's disappearance.

Investigators eventually did find a woman matching the name who had visited the apartment Casey named, but she said she didn’t know Casey Anthony or the child.

According to Dick, the story Casey told him was that she had left Caylee with Zanida Fernandez –Gonzalez and Gonzalez’s sister Samantha at Blanchard Park in East Orange County, and according to Dick, Casey Anthony was given a ‘script’ to use for 30 days that would be used to explain Caylee’s disappearance to Casey’s parents and the authorities.   

Early in the investigation, Sheriff’s department investigators repeatedly said that Casey was a habitual liar and had told them numerous mistruths and the original story concerning the apartment.

Post by: Blonde on September 22, 2008, 02:45:36 PM

Today's updates :0922 08

State Attorney's Office looks into complaints about Caylee Marie trust funds
11:15 a.m. The State Attorney's Office is reviewing complaints made about the donation accounts set up in the Caylee Marie Anthony case, according to spokesman Randy Means.

Several people filed complaints with the Florida Attorney General's Office, which forwarded the information that Means described as reports of "misuse of the Anthony trust and possible charity fraud" to local prosecutors.


Means said it could take weeks to review the allegations to determine if any wrong-doing occurred or if further investigation is warranted.

It's unclear which trust fund accounts were highlighted in the complaints.

However, the main donation outlet – Help Find Caylee Marie Anthony trust fund – that was set up at SunTrust Bank is no longer available, according to the bank. It's unclear why the fund was shut down.

Money for that trust fund was supposed to go toward finding Caylee, such as T-shirts, fliers and water for volunteers. The family would not benefit from any donations made, according to the Web site

The organization's website this afternoon still asks donors to send money to the trust fund by contacting its administrators at the Bichler & Kelley law firm. Attorney Paul Kelley did not return calls to the Orlando Sentinel.

The Anthonys' MySpace pages, which are dedicated to finding Caylee, also show the law firm as the administrator of the trust fund. Donors are asked to send checks or money orders. All other donations to the trust fund can be sent to the Anthonys' Hopespring Drive home, the website shows.

Anthony's family spokesman Larry Garrison said there was very little money in the account and that there were no improprieties with the family.

"This has never been about money for the family. This is about finding Caylee alive," he said.,0,7454090.story

Post by: Blonde on September 22, 2008, 06:25:53 PM
Protesters Want Anthony Family to Admit Caylee's Dead
Monday , September 22, 2008

 ORLANDO, Fla. —

Each night, a half dozen protesters plant lawn chairs across the street from the home of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony, demanding a confession from her mother and grandparents.

"Baby killer," one woman's sign reads. "My mommy did it!" reads another.

But all they get is silence: The child's family stays quiet night after night, their yard lined with yellow caution tape and "No Trespassing" signs, and a collage of the hazel-eyed child's photographs taped to the front door.

Three months after Caylee disappeared under mysterious circumstances, the protesters have joined the crowd of reporters and gawkers outside the family's suburban Orlando home, hoping to get what police so far have not: a statement that the little girl is dead. They believe the girl's 22-year-old mother, Casey Anthony, killed her and that her grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony, are covering it up.

The protesters taunt the family at all hours, some dressing up in costumes and even recording rock songs about the case. There has been a videotaped scuffle and even 911 calls, but the group is undeterred in its mission.

"It's putting pressure on them," said Cathy Harris, a mother of 10 children who is among the group staking out the home.

Casey Anthony is "hiding something and she needs to be confronted until she tells everybody," said another protester, Richard Ellis Namey. In August, Namey drove a flatbed trailer carrying his son's rock band by the Anthony house as they played "Casey's Song [Wine Sick Mind]," a song they wrote about the missing girl's mother.

"You're the only one to blame ... can't wash away the pain, can't wash away the shame," the song goes.

After two months, there still is not an answer to whether or not the 3-year-old with big eyes and brown bangs is dead or alive. The child's grandmother first called police in July to say Casey Anthony had told her the toddler had been missing for about a month and that her daughter's car smelled like death, although she later said she was mistaken and the smell was old pizza.

Casey Anthony told authorities that she had left her daughter with a baby sitter in June, and that when she returned after work, the two were gone. Anthony said she spent the next month trying to find her daughter on her own and didn't call authorities out of fear.

But investigators said the apartment where the baby sitter supposedly lived had been vacant for months and that Anthony lied about her job.

She was arrested and charged with neglect of a child, making false official statements and obstructing a criminal investigation. She is now under house arrest and facing 13 charges in all, most of them stemming from writing forged checks and illegal use of a friend's bank account.

Todd Black, a spokesman for Anthony's attorney, said Casey insists she left Caylee with a baby sitter. "Her position is, she never did anything to harm her daughter and she is not believing her daughter is dead," Black said.

Now protesters show up at all hours. It is not the typical, supportive vigil so often seen when a child disappears.

A recent early morning scuffle wound up videotaped and aired on national television. Cindy and George Anthony told police they were trying to sleep when they heard a loud bang on their garage door. They found a group of seven or eight protesters at the edge of the driveway who began yelling and screaming profanities.

A woman grabbed George Anthony's shirt, stamped with a picture of his missing granddaughter, and his wife said she got between them to stop a fight. "This can't keep happening," Casey Anthony said in a 911 call.

After the confrontation, the Guardian Angels showed up and began patrolling the well-manicured, middle-class neighborhood.

The neighbors are tired of the spectacle and are asking a court to move the protesters to a vacant lot. They are afraid to let their children outside and some can't sleep at night. The Orange County Sheriff's Office has been called to the Anthony home more than 40 times since Caylee was first reported missing.

"It was a nice, quiet neighborhood," said Bill Fulton, president of the neighborhood association. "It's changed."

In August, bounty hunter Leonard Padilla traveled from California to help bail Casey Anthony out of jail in hopes that they could work together to find her daughter. He said Anthony told him a variation of the story she'd given police, but said when he questioned it, she told him to leave.

Padilla eventually left Orlando, in part, because the situation outside the home had grown too hostile. "I've seen vigils held for missing people," Padilla said. "But I've never seen one go into an accusatory tone of that nature."

The protesters say they will keep coming until the case is solved. Harris recently brought along her teenage daughter, who was dressed up as Casey Anthony with a short bob wig and similar glasses.

"Like what she did was really, really wrong," Yulia Harris, 13, said over the phone. She said she and her mom are "addicted to this case. I don't know how to explain it. It's just wrong.",2933,426061,00.html

Post by: Blonde on September 23, 2008, 02:12:44 PM
State Attorney's Office releases documents in Casey Anthony case
Walter Pacheco and Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writers
10:55 AM EDT, September 23, 2008


State Attorney's Office releases documents in case
10:55 a.m. The State Attorney's Office has released nearly 600 of pages of documents in the case against Casey Anthony, the mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie.

The documents, including interviews with family members and other investigative material, are released as part of discovery, which is procedure where the state releases information to defense. The Orlando Sentinel received the documents in response to a public records request

Another Orange County commissioner requests help from the sheriff's office
8:59 a.m. Commissioner Mildred Fernandez is asking the Board of County Commissioners to consider assigning a deputy from the Orange County Sheriff's Office to the Anthonys' home if the injunction filed by the homeowners association is not granted.

In a memo to Orange County Mayor Rich Crotty, Fernandez asks that a deputy be on duty Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.

"Confrontations between demonstrators, deputy sheriffs and people coming to and from the Anthony household have escalated and interfere with normal neighborhood activities," Fernandez wrote in her memo.

She added that there is a "need for supplemental law-enforcement activities during certain critical times where demonstrators have most frequently appeared in front of the Anthony house and media attention that has been drawn to the neighborhood."

The Chickasaw Oaks Phase Three homeowners association filed a request for a temporary injunction last week to keep protesters on a vacant lot and away from the Anthonys' Hopespring Drive home. A hearing has not been scheduled to consider that request.,0,1398363.story

Post by: Blonde on September 23, 2008, 02:45:03 PM

Among other discovery evidence, the material contains depositions and phone and text messages.

A woman who answered the phone at attorney Jose Baez's office on Tuesday said Baez was not in and she's referring all media calls to his spokesperson, Todd Black.

In a telephone interview, Black said the discovery evidence released by the State Attorney's Office Tuesday contains nothing new and, therefore, Baez is not going to comment on it. Black went on to say Baez received his copy of the evidence on Monday and that if there had been any new, condeming evidence against Casey, "she wouldn't be sitting at home right now" free on bond.

Black also said a third party has provided the funds to hire an independent investigative team to chase down leads regarding Caylee's whereabouts. Black said due to confidentiality agreements, he would not reveal the identities of the members of the investigative team or the location they're operating out of. He said the team will focus on looking into leads he believes the Sheriff's office has ignored.

Meanwhile, a local lawmaker wants to put some new rules in place to keep protesters away from the Anthony home in East Orange County.

Neighbors are pushing for an injunction to force protestors to stay in an empty lot, and not in front of the family's house.

Orange County commissioner Linda Stewart said that if that doesn't pass, she has another plan: Enact a curfew on the neighborhood.

Post by: Blonde on September 23, 2008, 02:46:37 PM
From Natisha Lance, Nancy Grace Field Producer
12:06 PM ET - New documents released from state attorney's office. 591 pages of depositions and text messages released today. I have been told by the sheriff's office that there are some contradictions with statements family members gave to investigators behind closed doors and what they have been telling the media.

Post by: Blonde on September 23, 2008, 02:48:34 PM
Scared Monke

Under Florida's rules of criminal procedure, every person charged with a felony must be brought to trial within 175 days. If that doesn't happen, a defendant may file papers to force a trial that must then occur within 15 days, or the charge will be dismissed.

The same rules let defendants demand a speedy trial within 60 days of indictment. If a defendant is not brought to trial within 50 days of the filing of that demand, he may file notice that effectively sets a 15-day period in which a trial must be held, or the charge will be dropped.

Florida's new law, originally H.B. 285, creates a process by which a state attorney can file a demand for a speedy trial if the state has met its obligations under the rules of discovery and the court has granted at least three continuances, or delays, over the objection of prosecutors. Before such a demand can be filed in a felony case, though, 125 days must pass from the day that formal charges were filed and the defendant is arrested. For a misdemeanor, that time limit is 45 days.

When a state attorney files a speedy trial demand, a judge must schedule a calendar call within five days to set a trial date. Trial must then commence "no sooner than five days or later than 45 days," although the law allows for further postponements if a "necessary" witness failed twice to show up for deposition or a defense lawyer withdrew due a conflict of interest or other "good legal cause."

Post by: Blonde on September 23, 2008, 04:51:49 PM
State Attorney's Office releases documents in Casey Anthony investigation
Walter Pacheco, Bianca Prieto, Amy L. Edwards and Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
4:04 PM EDT, September 23, 2008

Documents released today by the State Attorney's Office show Casey Anthony's conversations and text messages on the weeks prior to her arrest and the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Marie.

The nearly 600 pages of interviews between detectives, family and friends, as well as hundreds of text messages from Anthony's cell phone, show that Anthony spent lots of time discussing relationship woes and planning parties -- with little mention of Caylee Marie -- as well as admitting to a family member that she was an unfit mother.

The file also shows the lies Anthony told friends and family about the smell of decomposition coming from her car and talk of jealousy stemming from her mother's affection toward Caylee.

Smell in the car

* Her friend Amy Huizenga said Cindy Anthony was worried when the tow company contacted her about the car that was hauled away from Amscot. The smell from the trunk was overpowering -- like something had died. The parents initially couldn't get it open because they didn't have the keys. When they did open it, Cindy Anthony feared the worse. " They were terrified it was either Casey or Caylee," Huizenga said. "Because they had not talked to either of them. Because of the smell."

* In late June, Anthony talked to Huizenga about the "horrible smell" in her car and she couldn't figure out the source. She said it smelled like something had died and the odor was coming from the engine. She told her friend that she thought her dad may have hit an animal when he borrowed her car. Days later, she told Huizenga that she found an animal "plastered" to the frame of her the car

* Anthony told her brother Lee Anthony that the smell came from a couple of squirrels that had crawled into the engine and died.

Jealousy between Casey Anthony and her mother
* Anthony's friend, Brittany Schieber, told detectives there were jealousy issues between the mother and daughter. "Cindy ... told me that her and Casey were having issues because Casey was having a jealousy issue about the relationship between Caylee and her grandmother and she didn't like it."

Questions about Anthony's car and Caylee's room
* Schieber said Cindy told her about Casey's car being towed from the Amscot. Cindy said Caylee's baby doll was in her car seat and there was a bag of diapers in the back. That was odd because Caylee never leaves without her baby doll, Schieber said.

* Cindy also told Schieber that items were missing from Casey's room, but nothing of Caylee's was gone. "And Caylee's stuff was never moved. No shoes, no pajamas, no clothes, no dolls, no anything."

* Schieber said Cindy also said Casey was stealing from her.

Text messages
*Casey Anthony sent a text message to her friend Amy Huizenga on June 6 that read "proud momma." She sent it after telling Huizenga that Caylee Marie had used the bathroom for the first time.

*As the news of Caylee's disappearance and Casey Anthony's lies became public, her friends' text messages changed from friendly banter to feeling of betrayal. "Dude, don't lie or lose your kid and pretend it didn't happen. I have a lot in common with her too," Huizenga texted a friend. "We were really close for months. She fooled us all. You aren't crazy, she is."

*Anthony sent Huizenga dozens of messages about her relationship troubles, planning parties and nights out at bar, with little mention of Caylee Marie, except for a text message dated June 6, in which she tells her friend that she is a "Sorry. Proud momma" after her daughter used the bathroom for the first time.

Detectives interview Casey's most recent boyfriend Anthony Lazzaro.

* After July 5, Anthony stayed at Lazzaro's apartment full-time. On several occasions, in the middle of the night, Anthony would have cold sweats. "And I would ask her uh, why and she said that she would have nightmares... she was having a nightmare or something…"

* One night in June, Anthony, Lazzaro and their friends went to a club. Afterward, they all went back to Lazzaro's, but he said Anthony had to leave because her mom wouldn't allow her to stay over.

* Lazzaro once took Anthony to her parents' home so she could pick up a gas can because she ran out of gas.

* Lazzaro picked Anthony up from the Amscot on Goldenrod Road, where she abandoned her vehicle. Anthony told him she ran out of gas and would take care of it later.

* On July 15, when Cindy Anthony and Amy Huizenga came to Lazzaro's apartment to find Casey, Lazzaro said there was a knock at the door and he said "Come in." "And there was Amy just standing there with a miserable face and we were, we were both confused," he said.

Anthony went outside, and about a half-hour later, she and Cindy came to the door, Casey stormed in and looked like she was in tears.

"Uhm, and her mom said, 'Get your things. Let, you're, you're coming with me.' And Casey said, 'No, I'm coming back.'"

Lazzaro said he had never met Casey's mother until that point, and so he said hello. Cindy Anthony responded " 'I hope you're rich because Casey's going to take all your money and leave you high and dry.'"

Investigators question one of Casey's ex-boyfriends Ricardo Morales.

* Morales told detectives about an online message Anthony sent him, possibly in April or May: "…Casey was just uh, I guess kind of venting on how she could, she didn't feel that she can participate uhm, fully, or uhm, with her friends because she was a mother."

* Morales said he never met the nanny nor could he remember an occasion where Casey actually spoke to the nanny on the phone. He said Anthony said the nanny was named Zani, and said her actual name was Zenita.

* Morales told detectives about one night when Caylee and Casey were at his house and they all fell asleep in the same bed. When he woke up in the morning, Caylee was gone. "Casey told me that uhm, her mom had called during the night and wanted her to bring Caylee home.",0,2008725.story

Post by: Blonde on September 23, 2008, 07:05:54 PM
In Casey Anthony Case
Casey Anthony, is the prime suspect.
POSTED: 11:50 am EDT September 23, 2008
UPDATED: 6:36 pm EDT September 23, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- "What have you done?" That's the question Cindy Anthony asked her daughter Casey after she smelled the stench of a dead body in Casey's car, according to new documents released Tuesday.

Eyewitness News sorted through 600 pages of legal documents just released in the Caylee Anthony case and found even more damaging evidence against Casey, evidence that came from interviews with Casey's own friends and family.

Caylee Anthony was first reported missing 69 days ago. Deputies believe she is dead. The documents released Tuesday reveal why her mother, Casey Anthony, is the prime suspect.

Most of the papers are transcripts of deputy interviews with key people in the case. The two most telling are investigators' interviews with Casey's brother Lee and with her most recent ex-boyfriend, Tony Lazaro.


Lee told investigators that a smell in Casey's trunk was atrocious. The smell is critical to the case because deputies theorize it came from the decomposing body of Caylee. Lee says Casey claimed it was caused by dead squirrels (read full interview with Lee).

Lee told investigators that the first thing he noticed when he got to his parents' house, the day Casey's car was brought back, was the horrible smell.

"The trunk was open. The windows were rolled down to what I assume ventilate the horrible smell," Lee told investigators. "It hit you like a, a wave. I mean it was, it was, whatever it was it was very potent."

Lee told investigators Casey claimed she first noticed the smell on June 5, their mother's birthday, after she told Lee "two dead squirrels crawled up under the hood of the car, uhm, you know, and they died in there."

Lee told investigators he didn't believe it and said their father George was meticulous about keeping their cars clean and he would have noticed it right away.

Lee relayed to investigators how Casey started pouring her heart out about the tension between her and their mother over Caylee.

"'Mom has, uhm, thrown it in my face many times before that I'm an unfit mother and you know, maybe she's right and maybe I am,'" Lee quoted Casey to the investigators. "She offered up to me that even though Caylee's been the best thing and the best mistake that she indeed was a mistake. That she was Casey's mistake."

Lee said partly because of that atrocious smell in the car, their mother angrily confronted Casey about her claim that the nanny took Caylee.

"'We could have found her a month ago. Why did you wait? What have you done?'" Lee quoted Cindy saying to Casey.

In fact, despite all the bizarre claims that Casey's mother Cindy has made lately, she did admit to Eyewitness News long ago that her daughter obviously must have done something.


Eyewitness News has learned that Casey wouldn't let her boyfriend, Anthony Lazaro, near the car when he picked her up at the Amscot after she said she ran out of gas and he told investigators Casey has had nightmares.

Minutes after Casey Anthony's first arrest, she looked as though she were "ready for her closeup," but her most recent ex-boyfriend told investigators at night when they were alone together in his apartment weeks after Caylee secretly disappeared, Casey woke them both with her cold sweats and nightmares (read full interview with Lazaro).

"I would just wake up in the middle of the night and see that she was sweaty in bed. And I would ask her, uh, why and she said that she would have nightmare. She was having a nightmare or something and then would bring up the nightmare pertaining to our relationship," Lazaro told investigators.

After June 16, still before anyone knew Caylee was gone, Casey started to live with Anthony Lazaro pretty much full time. He gave her a ride home from the Amscot where she claimed to have run out of gas. He wanted to try to start it, but she kept him from the car.

Days later, Lazaro told investigators, "She said that her father picked up the car and to take it either to a mechanic or to a dealership to get it fixed."

But George Anthony hadn't. Weeks later, when her parents realized the car had been abandoned and towed and smelled like death, Cindy Anthony tracked Casey down at Lazaro's apartment and told Lazaro, "I hope you're rich because Casey's going to take all your money and leave you high and dry."


Amy Huizenga, who was with Casey Anthony around the time she was arrested, told investigators Casey even told her it smelled like something died in her car. The interview with Huizenga played out like a timeline, outlining Casey's movements and her demeanor around the time Caylee disappeared.

On May 25, at a "no clothing party" where Casey wore only an American flag, Huizenga told investigators Casey had an emotional run in with a man that she "claimed she had a miscarriage with."

In the days that followed, there were many more parties. Huizenga remembered seeing Caylee on June 10 and then not ever seeing her again.

Then an investigator asked, "The week of the 15th through the 21st you say she kind of fell off the face?"

"Pretty much," Huizenga told the investigator.

When Casey and Huizenga finally spoke again, it was the end of June. That's when Casey told Huizenga, "It smells like something died in my car."

During many more parties, according to Huizenga, Casey always had the excuse that Caylee was with a nanny.

Finally, the day before Casey's arrest, Casey's mom Cindy also told Huizenga about the smell in the car when they hadn't seen Casey or her daughter, saying, "They were afraid that it was either Caylee or Casey stuffed in the trunk."

Then, just after Casey was arrested, Huizenga told investigators Casey's boyfriend read a text message from Casey that said, "If they never find her guess who spends eternity in jail?"

The interviews with friends also show how they came to realize Casey constantly lied to them, including when she told Huizenga she couldn't take a trip to Jacksonville with her because her dad had suffered a stroke.


The new documents released Tuesday also contain hundreds of text messages between Casey Anthony and her friends. Many of them are about partying and who is having sex with whom.

In fact, Eyewitness News only found one message that mentioned Caylee Anthony; her mom was excited that she was becoming fully potty trained. Then, shortly after Caylee's disappearance was revealed, Casey emailed her friends and told them the nanny took Caylee and she needed help finding her.


There are new details about plans to use tax dollars to cover the cost of off-duty deputies protecting the Anthony home. One county commissioner is pushing the board to make its decision quickly.

Homeowners want protestors to stay on a vacant piece of land away from the Anthony home. If that doesn't happen through the courts, then Commissioner Mildred Fernandez wants the county to pay for off-duty officers.

People who live near the Anthony home are sick and tired of protesters invading the streets and their lives. Fernandez heard from several residents and now she wants the county to pay for off-duty officers from 5:00pm to 9:00pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Eyewitness News obtained the memo the commissioner sent to Orange County Mayor Rich Crotty.

"I want to have a discussion with the board about the prospect of requesting a sheriff assign a deputy to the Anthony house," the memo read.

Sandy Calaley lives nearby and says her HOA pays for an off-duty officer for her neighborhood.

"I do believe those people need to stay away, but it's not our responsibility. They need to come up with other means to make this happen," she said.

Homeowners are also asking the courts for help. They want a court order mandating the demonstrators be required to move to the vacant lot. So far, the courts have not made a decision about the injunction.

There was also discussion that the HOA pay for off-duty deputies, but some argue they can't afford the $34 an hour each deputy would cost. Each homeowner pays $127 a year. That's $16,000, but the HOA claims it's already budgeted for maintenance and lawyer fees.

A spokesperson from the sheriff's office said they are in favor of off-duty patrols, but it's just a matter of funding.


Casey Anthony's defense team has a new member. Doctor Lawrence Kobilinsky is a forensic scientist and a frequent guest on CNN's Nancy Grace show. Monday night, Grace asked why attorney Jose Baez needs a forensic scientist since Casey is primarily charged with economic crimes like check fraud and forgery.

"To Mr. Baez I think he as a good defense attorney is entitled to know what the science says. I don't make things black white, white black but I have to give him the best that science can offer," said Dr. Kobilinsky.

Eyewitness News received a fax from Baez's PR firm accusing the Orange County Sheriff's Office of leaking false and distorted information to the media and suggesting that Caylee may be found sooner if those leaks stopped.


Caylee Anthony's family cancelled their standing Sunday night prayer vigil in hopes of avoiding another confrontation with protestors. The Anthonys said they want to keep their friends and neighbors out of harm's way.

Casey Anthony met Monday with her home confinement officer as a condition of her bail. She set her weekly schedule, which includes meeting with her attorney Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday, with her next appointment with her home confinement officer scheduled for Monday.

Meanwhile, problems continued over the weekend at the Anthony home. A fight broke out between protesters and neighbors early Saturday morning.

George Anthony tried to give bottled water to a group of Guardian Angels, who were patrolling the neighborhood at the request of neighbors. Some residents upset with protesters started shouting profanities and screamed for the demonstrators to go home.

When a physical confrontation seemed imminent, one of the Guardian Angels stepped in and everyone went their separate ways.

The sheriff's office told Eyewitness News that protesters who cross the line and break the law will be dealt with. Two situations are already under investigation

Post by: Blonde on September 23, 2008, 07:09:46 PM
Docs: Death Stench Prompted 'Trunk' Fears; Casey Blamed Dead Squirrel
600 Documents Of Interviews, Text Messages Released In Caylee Case

POSTED: 5:08 pm EDT September 23, 2008
UPDATED: 6:46 pm EDT September 23, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Nearly three weeks before deputies arrested the mother of missing Caylee Anthony, the 22-year-old admitted to a friend that her car smelled like death, according to new information in nearly 600 pages of released documents concerning the case

The documents, which included interviews and phone records, showed Casey Anthony was aware of a foul smell in her car.

In a phone call to Amy Huizenga, Casey Anthony told her friend, "It smells like something died in my car."

Casey Anthony claimed her father, George, had possibly run over a squirrel when he borrowed her car that week.

However, the date would have been during a period when the Anthonys said they could not find Casey Anthony.

Also, on June 27, documents show that Casey Anthony sent a cell phone text message to her friend (Amy Huizenga) that reads, "There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car."

According to Huizenga, June 27 is the date when Casey Anthony admitted leaving her car at an Amscot, claiming it had run out of gas.

The car was later towed to an impound lot, where George and Cindy picked it up two weeks later.

Cindy Anthony initially told a 911 operator, "There's something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."

Cindy Anthony later claimed the smell was rotting pizza.

But according to Huizenga, from the very beginning, Cindy Anthony apparently suspected foul play, Local 6 reported.

As Amy Huizenga and Cindy Anthony were driving around town looking for Casey, Cindy Anthony wondered if the foul odor was connected to her daughter and granddaughter.

Huizenga said, "They were afraid it was either Caylee or Casey stuffed in the trunk."

Mom-Daughter Feud Discussed

The documents also included information about Lee Anthony voluntarily sitting down with detectives and remembering vivid details about the night he discovered his niece was missing.

He told detectives that his mother and sister have had an ongoing feud that started before Caylee went missing.

On the night of July 15, Cindy Anthony finally tracked down Casey and retrieved her white Pontiac from an impound lot.

When Lee Anthony made it to the family home, he said the smell from the car was overwhelming.

Lee Anthony told detectives, "The trunk was open. The windows were rolled down to what I assume -- (to) ventilate the horrible smell that I had just smelled for the first time."

The investigator said, "The smell filled up the whole garage?"

"Yeah," Anthony said. "It hit you like a wave. I mean it was, it was whatever it was, it was very, very potent."

According to the interview that Lee Anthony gave detectives, Cindy Anthony grew tired of questioning her daughter about Caylee's whereabouts and getting no answers.

She eventually sent Lee Anthony to try to make some ground with Casey.

While Lee Anthony was alone with his sister, he said, "What's going on (and) what is the deal?" 'That's when she said mom has thrown it in my face many times before that I'm an unfit mother and you know, maybe she's right and maybe I am."

After interrogating her daughter and still not getting what she thought was a straight answer, Cindy Anthony threatened to call police.

Lee Anthony talked to Casey and told her she needed to come clean before detectives arrived.

He played the role of a police officer, saying, "The officer is going to say, 'Good evening, Mrs. Anthony. Um, where is your daughter?' And she says, 'She's sleeping.' And again, playing the role of the police officer, I say to my sister, 'Great Mr. Anthony. That's going to be a relief to everybody. Let's go get her.'"

The detectives then told Lee Anthony, "You just gave her a slap of reality."

Lee Anthony replied, "exactly."

Later, Lee pointed out to detectives that his mother and sister have always had a rocky relationship.

He also said that in the middle of Cindy Anthony trying to get answers about Caylee they were fighting.

"They were fighting about this stuff in the past instead of trying to focus on the information that we need to get," Lee Anthony said.

"There is a genuine wedge between your mother and your sister, isn't there?" an investigator asked.

"My mother has been the provider for Caylee, even down to the extent that my mother was the first person to hold Caylee when she came out of the womb. So, my mom is convinced that my sister holds some kind of resentment to her."

The documents were released as a part of the discovery process, where the prosecution is required by law to hand over to the defense all of the evidence they may be using in the trial against Casey Anthony, who was charged with child neglect in mid-July, about a month after she said she last saw her daughter.

Once the documents are released to the defense, they are made a part of the public record and released to the media, Local 6 News reported.

About a month ago, 400 pages were released in the case, including interviews with friends of Casey Anthony.

Deputy Assigned To Home?

Orange County Commissioner Mildred Fernandez said she will request that a deputy be assigned to the Anthony home on weekends as protesters continue to demonstrate.

Several fights, scuffles and arguments have broken out at the home -- mostly on the weekends -- prompting numerous 911 calls to the home.

Fernandez said the request would be made as a last resort if a lawsuit filed by the neighborhood's homeowners association fails.

'Dr. Phil' Features Case

The Caylee Anthony case was featured on the popular "Dr. Phil" television show Monday night after the show received a series of questions from viewers concerning the girl's mother, Casey.

"What so many people have asked is, 'Dr. Phil, how could a mother do this if this is happening?' Dr. Phil McGraw said. "Let me say, I'm not saying she is guilty (but) it doesn't look good to me. I mean my common sense meter is pegged. But we don't know. It is too early to conclude."

McGraw then discussed some psychological aspects of the case.

"You could be talking about somebody who is psychotic here," McGraw said. "Whether it be a schizophrenic disorder or something where they just don't know who or where they are. But one of the most common personality patterns I see in situations like this is what is called the anti-social personality."

McGraw also discussed the facts of the case before moving on to the crowds of protesters.

Protester Actions 'Just Wrong'

The show included Local 6 video of protesters screaming and threatening Caylee Anthony's grandparents, George and Cindy, at their Orange County home.

"That is just so wrong," McGraw said. "I'm sorry but that is so wrong. There is absolutely not one shred of evidence that these grandparents have done one single thing wrong. For these people to be screaming on their front lawn is wrong."

Some of the protesters have said they believe Casey Anthony killed her daughter and that Cindy and George Anthony are covering it up.

George and Cindy Anthony's attorney, Mark Nejame, said the family has been wrongly attacked.

"It is beyond terrible," Nejame said. "It is endless and it is constant. And it just doesn't occur on their front lawn. The hate mail they get. They have spent hours speaking with law enforcement. Law enforcement has deemed that neither of them are people of interest and neither of them are suspects but because their daughter is being accused of something and because they have chosen to keep hope alive that Caylee, their beloved granddaughter, is still with us, they are being criticized endlessly and mercilessly."

McGraw said he did not know what people want the Anthonys to do.

"What is the message of the protesters?" McGraw said. "I just saw a lot of screaming and irrational anger. What is it that they are asking these people to do that they are not doing?"

"We continue to be baffled by it," Nejame said. "Some of these people have said the most obscene things (and) done some of the most obscene things. (They're) bringing 3-year-old children out on the front lawn with death posters. Somebody (put) a RIP cemetery stone on their front lawn -- horrendous things. If these people think they are helping, they are sadly mistaken. They are part of the problem not part of the solution."

Nejame said George and Cindy have helped in the search in every way possible.

"Who on the earth wants that child back more than them," Nejame said. "If anything could be done by them within the realm of human capacity, I promise you, they've attempted to do it. For them to be criticized by the allegations against their daughter is entirely misdirected."

Cindy Anthony More Breathless

McGraw talked with Local 6's Jessica D'Onofrio, who has broken four exclusive reports surrounding the case.

"Talking to Cindy on the night her daughter was arrested, she was very accommodating that night and invited us into her home," D'Onofrio said. "All she wanted to do was get her granddaughter's picture on television. She was completing sentences at that time. Now, if you talk to her, she is more breathless. She is not completing sentences as much."

D'Onofrio was asked whether it was her sense that George and Cindy were concerned about the whereabouts of Caylee.

"Absolutely," D'Onofrio said. "I have been watching this case progress. I've being watching Cindy and George get more and more desperate. (Cindy) has lost 25 pounds since all of this started."

D'Onofrio said from what everyone has been telling her, Cindy Anthony seems to be acting more like Caylee's mother and how people would expect the mother to react to their missing child.

Padilla Expected 'Cake Walk'

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who traveled from California to help initially bail Casey Anthony out of jail, said he did not think it would be difficult to find Caylee after her mother was freed.

"We thought it was going to be a cake-walk," Padilla said. "She wanted out. She will lead us to the child and it will be over with (and) it will work out."

Padilla said Casey Anthony would not discuss anything except the baby sitter, which led to inconsistencies.

"It's the same line (as) the movie, 'The Usual Suspects,' in other words, when she gets cornered she goes on to the next lie and add to that," Padilla said. "So, she changed it from the apartments to Zenaida taking the child away from (to) Zenaida and her sister Samantha (to) Zenaida and her sister Samantha in a silver Ford Focus and then handing her a list of things to tell the cops for the next 30 days. She just kept going."

"I cannot assign a diagnosis to her but as everyone can see, this is very consistent with what we are describing as anti-social personality - the repeated lying and embellishments and ducking accountability and the absence of remorse that you are talking about," McGraw said.

A search continues for Caylee.

Post by: Blonde on September 24, 2008, 10:40:22 AM
Docs: Casey Anthony Led Rich Social Life; Not Bothered Daughter Missing
Boyfriend: Casey Anthony Would Wake Up Sweating After Nightmares

POSTED: 7:42 am EDT September 24, 2008
UPDATED: 8:12 am EDT September 24, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The mother of missing Caylee Anthony was leading a rich social life full of parties and drugs and showed no signs of being bothered that her daughter was missing, according to statements included in nearly 600 pages of released documents concerning the case.

Investigative interviews with Casey Anthony's friend Amy Huizenga and boyfriend Tony Lazarro reveal new information about the woman's activities.

Huizenga told investigators, "I know she has started smoking more pot than she ever had. She would eat a brownie here or there (and) maybe smoke every once in a great while. Um, but she did tell me that she'd been smoking a lot more pot."

Huizenga's statement about Casey Anthony referred to mid-June -- around the time Caylee was last seen.

A few weeks later, around the first week in July, Casey Anthony told Huizenga that Caylee was with her nanny at Sea World.

An investigator asks, "She had her nails done that week?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she had those done on that Tuesday," Huizenga said.

The next day, Casey Anthony got a tattoo on her shoulder that read "Buena Vita" -- which means good life, Local 6 reported.

"So, she got her fingernails cleaned, done up pretty and a tattoo in the week that Tony's gone?" the investigator asked.

"Uh-hum," Huizenga said.

"And goes out partying (July 2 and 3)?" the investigator asks.

"And the fourth," Huizenga said.

"The fourth?" the investigator asks.

"Because we had a July Fourth party," Huizenga said.

In his interview, boyfriend Tony Lazzaro revealed that in the second week of July, after he returned from a trip to New York, he said he and Casey Anthyony and friends watched a UFC fight at a local restaurant and went grocery shopping the next day.

That was a week before Casey Anthony was arrested for the first time.

According to her friends, Anthony did not express concern about her daughter.

Also, after July 5, Casey Anthony would wake up sweating in the middle of the night, saying she was having nightmares.

Death Smell Sparked Concern

Nearly three weeks before deputies arrested Casey Anthony, the 22-year-old admitted to a friend that her car smelled like death, the documents showed.

In a phone call to Amy Huizenga, Casey Anthony told her friend, "It smells like something died in my car."

Casey Anthony claimed her father, George, had possibly run over a squirrel when he borrowed her car that week.

However, the date would have been during a period when the Anthonys said they could not find Casey Anthony.

Also, on June 27, documents show that Casey Anthony sent a cell phone text message to her friend (Amy Huizenga) that reads, "There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car."

According to Huizenga, June 27 is the date when Casey Anthony admitted leaving her car at an Amscot, claiming it had run out of gas.

The car was later towed to an impound lot, where George and Cindy picked it up two weeks later.

Cindy Anthony initially told a 911 operator, "There's something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."

Cindy Anthony later claimed the smell was rotting pizza.

But according to Huizenga, from the very beginning, Cindy Anthony apparently suspected foul play, Local 6 reported.

As Amy Huizenga and Cindy Anthony were driving around town looking for Casey, Cindy Anthony wondered if the foul odor was connected to her daughter and granddaughter.

Huizenga said, "They were afraid it was either Caylee or Casey stuffed in the trunk."

Mom-Daughter Feud Discussed

The documents also included information about Lee Anthony voluntarily sitting down with detectives and remembering vivid details about the night he discovered his niece was missing.

He told detectives that his mother and sister have had an ongoing feud that started before Caylee went missing.

On the night of July 15, Cindy Anthony finally tracked down Casey and retrieved her white Pontiac from an impound lot.

When Lee Anthony made it to the family home, he said the smell from the car was overwhelming.

Lee Anthony told detectives, "The trunk was open. The windows were rolled down to what I assume -- (to) ventilate the horrible smell that I had just smelled for the first time."

The investigator said, "The smell filled up the whole garage?"

"Yeah," Anthony said. "It hit you like a wave. I mean it was, it was whatever it was, it was very, very potent."

According to the interview that Lee Anthony gave detectives, Cindy Anthony grew tired of questioning her daughter about Caylee's whereabouts and getting no answers.

She eventually sent Lee Anthony to try to make some ground with Casey.

While Lee Anthony was alone with his sister, he said, "What's going on (and) what is the deal?" 'That's when she said mom has thrown it in my face many times before that I'm an unfit mother and you know, maybe she's right and maybe I am."

After interrogating her daughter and still not getting what she thought was a straight answer, Cindy Anthony threatened to call police.

Lee Anthony talked to Casey and told her she needed to come clean before detectives arrived.

He played the role of a police officer, saying, "The officer is going to say, 'Good evening, Mrs. Anthony. Um, where is your daughter?' And she says, 'She's sleeping.' And again, playing the role of the police officer, I say to my sister, 'Great Mr. Anthony. That's going to be a relief to everybody. Let's go get her.'"

The detectives then told Lee Anthony, "You just gave her a slap of reality."

Lee Anthony replied, "exactly."

Later, Lee pointed out to detectives that his mother and sister have always had a rocky relationship.

He also said that in the middle of Cindy Anthony trying to get answers about Caylee they were fighting.

"They were fighting about this stuff in the past instead of trying to focus on the information that we need to get," Lee Anthony said.

"There is a genuine wedge between your mother and your sister, isn't there?" an investigator asked.

"My mother has been the provider for Caylee, even down to the extent that my mother was the first person to hold Caylee when she came out of the womb. So, my mom is convinced that my sister holds some kind of resentment to her."

The documents were released as a part of the discovery process, where the prosecution is required by law to hand over to the defense all of the evidence they may be using in the trial against Casey Anthony, who was charged with child neglect in mid-July, about a month after she said she last saw her daughter.

Once the documents are released to the defense, they are made a part of the public record and released to the media, Local 6 News reported.

About a month ago, 400 pages were released in the case, including interviews with friends of Casey Anthony.

Deputy Assigned To Home?

Orange County Commissioner Mildred Fernandez said she will request that a deputy be assigned to the Anthony home on weekends as protesters continue to demonstrate.

Several fights, scuffles and arguments have broken out at the home -- mostly on the weekends -- prompting numerous 911 calls to the home.

Fernandez said the request would be made as a last resort if a lawsuit filed by the neighborhood's homeowners association fails.

A search continues for Caylee.

Post by: Blonde on September 24, 2008, 12:17:53 PM
New documents shed light on Casey Anthony's life, family's fears

Amy L. Edwards, Sarah Lundy And Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writers
September 24, 2008

Casey Anthony has lived for years with "one toe" in reality and would likely fall apart if anything happened to her young daughter, her ex-fiancé told detectives investigating the child's disappearance.

"I think if something happened to Caylee, her one toe that she's had in reality for the last couple years, her one foot, would be gone and she would be completely in her own separate world," Jesse Grund said.

Grund's interview with Orange County sheriff's detectives was included in nearly 600 pages of legal documents released Tuesday as part of the investigation into Caylee Marie's disappearance.

More than two months have passed since the 3-year-old was reported missing, and investigators have identified Anthony as a person of interest in their inquiry. The mother, who faces a bevy of charges, including child neglect and check fraud, insists that a baby sitter took her child in June.

Detectives have interviewed Anthony's relatives, friends and collected hundreds of text messages from cell phones as part of their investigation.

The latest documents depict a 22-year-old mother more interested in socializing than in finding her daughter. Some people detailed the various stories Anthony told to explain the foul smell in her car. Anthony also blamed family members for allowing her to take advantage of them.

Among those interviewed by detectives:

•Lee Anthony. Anthony's brother told investigators his younger sister confided in him that their mother, Cindy, constantly reminded her that having Caylee was a mistake. Right before investigators arrived at their family home to investigate the disappearance, Casey Anthony told him, "Mom has um, thrown it in my face many times before that I'm an unfit mother and you know, maybe she's right and maybe I am."

While Lee Anthony was trying to figure out why his sister had been keeping Caylee from the family, she replied, "'Well maybe I'm a spiteful bitch,'" the brother said.

Casey Anthony went on to tell him that she stole money from various relatives and that maybe the cops should have been called earlier. "I think she was trying to say that you know, you have been enabling me," he said. "It has been too easy."

He told detectives that everything in his sister's e-mail account had been deleted — there were no messages predating July15, the day Caylee's family reported her missing. On Casey Anthony's MySpace page, messages between April24 and July4 were deleted.

•Jesse Grund. Grund, the ex-fiancé, offered two theories on what could have happened to Caylee. He said Anthony didn't keep a close eye on the toddler and suggested Caylee could have choked on something and died. Or, Grund said, Caylee could have drowned in the family's backyard pool.

Grund, who originally told investigators he heard Caylee in the background during a telephone conversation he had with Anthony on June24, cast doubt on that recollection. During his July31 interview, Grund told investigators he wasn't 100percent sure he heard Caylee that day.

•Amy Huizenga. In late June, before Caylee's disappearance became public, Casey Anthony told her friend about the "horrible smell" in her car and said she couldn't figure out the source. Anthony said it smelled like something had died and the odor was coming from the engine.

Anthony told Huizenga she thought her dad, George Anthony, may have hit an animal when he borrowed her car. Days later, she told Huizenga that she found an animal "plastered" to the frame of her car.

Huizenga later spoke to Cindy Anthony, who had not seen her daughter or granddaughter for several weeks. During that time, the car was abandoned in a parking lot and later towed. Cindy Anthony said she and George were worried about the stench coming from the trunk and feared what was inside.

"They were terrified it was either Casey or Caylee," Huizenga said.

Investigators have suggested that the smell came from a dead body once placed in the car. Family members have said it could have come from a spoiled pizza with maggots, garbage or a dead animal.

•Brittany Schieber. On July16, Cindy Anthony visited her daughter's friend to talk about Caylee, who was reported missing the day before. Schieber said there was tension between the mother and daughter.

"Cindy ... told me that her and Casey were having issues because Casey was having a jealousy issue about the relationship between Caylee and her grandmother and she didn't like it," Schieber said.

•Anthony Lazzaro. Casey Anthony's most recent boyfriend told investigators that after July5, Anthony stayed at his apartment full time. On several occasions, in the middle of the night, Anthony would have cold sweats. "And I would ask her uh, why and she said that ... she was having a nightmare or something ..."

Lazzaro told detectives he picked Anthony up from the parking lot at Colonial Drive and Goldenrod Road where she abandoned her vehicle. Anthony told him she ran out of gas and would take care of it later.

•Ricardo Morales. Casey Anthony told Morales, another ex-boyfriend, in April or May that she felt being a mother hampered her social life.

Tuesday's documents also included text messages from cell-phone records. As the news of Caylee's disappearance and Casey Anthony's lies to her parents and detectives became public, her friends' texting changed from friendly banter to feelings of betrayal.

Huizenga texted a friend about Anthony: "Dude, don't lie or lose your kid and pretend it didn't happen. We were really close for months. She fooled us all. You aren't crazy, she is.",0,3123982.story

Post by: Blonde on September 24, 2008, 06:46:25 PM
Zenaida Gonzalez Hires John Morgan For Lawsuit Against Casey Anthony

POSTED: 4:43 pm EDT September 24, 2008
UPDATED: 6:19 pm EDT September 24, 2008

Zenaida Gonzalez says she has had enough. The civil suit was filed Wednesday afternoon. She wants Casey Anthony to pay for her lies.

T-shirts reading "The Nanny Did It" and "Zanny the Nanny" are just some one of the reasons why Zenaida Gonzales is suing Casey Anthony. Gonzales has never shown her face, but says thousands of people believe she either kidnapped or killed Caylee Anthony.

"What we want to make sure is that Casey Anthony does not profit for throwing Zenaida Gonzalez under the bus. They are out there talking about movie deals, book deals. There are t-shirts being sold," attorney John Morgan told Eyewitness News (watch full interview).

High-profile attorney John Morgan is seen on TV ads and has a firm of 130 attorneys. He is representing Gonzalez in the defamation lawsuit.

After Caylee was reported missing, Casey told detectives she dropped off the child at Zenaida Gonzalez's apartment off Conway Road and now has no idea where the child is. Gonzalez says she's never met Casey and wants her name cleared.

"We know this is the right one. They not only knew she was the right Zenaida, gave the names of her two children and type of car she drove. They knew the color of the car she drove. All given to them allegedly by Casey Anthony," Morgan said.

Morgan said his client's private life has been turned upside down. They want a settlement that could be partly paid out of the Anthony homeowner's insurance policy.

"She never asked for this. Casey Anthony asked that she be brought in to deflect her own issues," Morgan said.

Eyewitness News tried to get a comment form Casey Anthony's spokesperson, Todd Black, but phone calls were not returned.


Is there a Puerto Rico connection to Caylee Anthony's disappearance or is it just another lie from Casey? Sources who knew the family intimately during the past few months told Eyewitness News that Casey convinced her mother that Caylee was sold to someone in Puerto Rico.

You can find mention of the Puerto Rico connection buried in the documents investigators just released. On July 22, after Caylee was reported missing, Casey's former best friend, Amy Huizenga, got a text message in the middle of the night from an unidentified person about a trip she and two of Casey's friends took to Puerto Rico.

Post by: Blonde on September 24, 2008, 06:56:56 PM
Source Says Casey Said Caylee Was Sold To Someone In Puerto Rico

POSTED: 5:24 pm EDT September 24, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Is there a Puerto Rico connection to Caylee Anthony's disappearance or is it just another lie from Casey? Sources who knew the family intimately during the past few months told Eyewitness News that Casey convinced her mother that Caylee was sold to someone in Puerto Rico.

You can find mention of the Puerto Rico connection buried in the documents investigators just released. On July 22, after Caylee was reported missing, Casey's former best friend, Amy Huizenga, got a text message in the middle of the night from an unidentified person about a trip she and two of Casey's friends took to Puerto Rico.

"Won't take a genius or the Feds to start talking to you guys about the trip, because you three left at different times to [go] out of the country while Caylee was unaccounted for. Know what I mean?" Huizenga's friend wrote.

The friend then asked: "You guys keep your ticket stubs?" and "Just out of curiosity why did you, Troy and Ricardo go to Puerto Rico separately?"

Wednesday, sources who spent a lot of time with the family in recent weeks, told Eyewitness News that when Casey got out of jail the first time, she convinced her mother that she sold her daughter to someone in Puerto Rico. The only interview Cindy's done since then is with Telemundo, where she talked about a tip that Caylee was in Puerto Rico.

But Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who originally sprung Casey from jail, told Eyewitness News on Wednesday that it's just another crazy lie cooked up by Casey.

"Baby's dead. Baby's deceased," he said.

Padilla said he stationed a female employee in the house for nine days with Casey and claims Casey confided in her regularly, but never said anything about Puerto Rico.

"Her whole methodology the whole nine days that the young lady was in there with her was one of denial, guilt, that she had done away with her own daughter," Padilla said.

Those same exclusive sources close to the family also told Eyewitness News that Casey confides in Cindy a lot, while her father George spends most of the day away from the two women and, if he is home, he keeps to himself.

Post by: Blonde on September 24, 2008, 07:02:43 PM
Anthony Family May Be Making Millions On Movie Deal

POSTED: 5:48 pm EDT September 24, 2008
UPDATED: 6:06 pm EDT September 24, 2008
There are also claims that Casey's attorney is purposely trying to create drama in the case.

A movie director wouldn't have to make up the drama of Casey Anthony's first release from jail. When faced with Eyewitness News' tough questions, Casey turned away and nuzzled her face into her attorney's neck as he hugged her and shielded her from the rain and reporters.

It's the stuff that movies are made of.

The California bounty hunter who sprung her says that's what attorney Jose Baez is counting on, which is why his hired security force stood back and let the drama unfold. After that, Baez hired bodyguards for Casey at what Eyewitness News was told was $1,500 a week.

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla told Eyewitness News on Wednesday that Baez made him sign away any rights on movie or book deals, that Baez is banking on the entertainment industry and so is his mysterious public relations man.

"He's representing that, to the family and to Jose, that 'I can get two million dollars.' Well, to be honest with ya, Hollywood will throw $2 million at anything that's, you know, sensationalized as something like this. Believe me," Padilla said.

Sources close to the Anthonys told Eyewitness News a $2 million contract with the Lifetime Movie Network has been signed. Padilla also said Baez broke his promise to beef up security because of the protesters to ramp up the drama the night Casey was arrested at her parents' house. He showed up after her arrest and held a marathon news conference slamming investigators for the show.

Most everyone knows the plotline of the story. Everyone's now waiting to see how it ends.

Post by: Blonde on September 24, 2008, 07:09:19 PM
Letters between Sheriff’s Office and Jose Baez show tension

Last Edited: Wednesday, 24 Sep 2008, 5:31 PM EDT  
Created: Wednesday, 24 Sep 2008, 5:31 PM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- FOX 35 has new information on the correspondence between the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and Casey Anthony’s attorney Jose Baez .

There is some struggle between the sides because the sheriff's office feels like Casey knows where her daughter is while her attorney Jose Baez continues to say his client does not.  Baez says Casey left Caylee with the babysitter and hasn't seen her since.

FOX 35 received two letters: one sent from lead investigator John Allen on September 19 and a response from Jose Baez on September 23.

The sheriff's office wrote the letter telling Baez that since he told them weeks ago he would cooperate fully they would take him up on it saying: "In your response to your offer to fully cooperate, I am requesting that you provide the circumstances and location caylee Marie Anthony was last seen.”

It goes on to say: "As you are aware previous statements provided by your client have been false and misleading."

A few days later Jose Baez fired off a letter saying he was pleased that the sheriff's office decided to take up his offer but throws a jab in saying "albeit two months later, it's better than never, I suppose.”

He then puts the ball in their court saying, "Please give me a call when you are more interested in searching for caylee, as opposed to improving your office's public relations image."

Post by: Blonde on September 24, 2008, 07:24:34 PM
Puerto Rico Basic Facts   FYI

Part of the USA  Puerto Rico is part of the US. There are no travel restrictions to other US areas and no customs duties or quotas on shipments between Puerto Rico and the US Mainland. Products manufactured in Puerto Rico are "Made in the USA". The people of Puerto Rico do not vote in national elections. They are represented in Congress by a Resident Commissioner who has a voice in the House of Representatives but no vote. Most federal taxes are not levied in Puerto Rico. No federal income tac is collected from island residents on ordinary income, except in cases of Federal employees.

 Puerto Rico came under United States sovereignty by thr Treaty of Paris signed on December 10, 1898, terminating the Spanish-American War. Puerto Ricans have been US citizens since 1917. In July 1950, the US Congress enacted Public Law 600. It provided that existing laws which defined the political, economic, and fiscal realtionship between Puerto Rico and the United States should remain in full force. It also authorized Puerto Rico to draft and approve its own Constitution, which took effect on July 25, 1952. Puerto Rico's relationship with the US is referred to as commonwealth status.

Post by: Blonde on September 25, 2008, 03:35:17 PM
New Audio Tapes Released In Casey Anthony Case

POSTED: 4:43 pm EDT September 24, 2008
UPDATED: 3:26 pm EDT September 25, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Orange County deputies released four new audio recordings in the Casey Anthony case Thursday. They are interviews with ex-boyfriends Tony Lazzaro and Jesse Grund as well as an interview with Casey's brother Lee.

Eyewitness News has obtained the new recordings and are working quickly to get them posted on As of now, we have three of four interviews posted (Lee Anthony - July 29 | Jesse Grund - July 31 | Jesse Grund - July 23). Due to their length, it will take some time to get the final recording encoded for posting online. We will have them posted as quickly as possible. Please click REFRESH for latest updates.
In the interviews released of Jesse Grund, Casey's former fiance, he told investigators he thought, if Casey were to hide Caylee's body somewhere, she would have put her in the playhouse behind Cindy and George Anthony's home.

"She totally loved the playhouse. Every time I would go inside and play with Caylee, right to the playhouse. Every time she spent a lot of time out there with grandparents and with Casey. If something were to happen to her, I believe that would be the first place she would have put Caylee," Grund told investigators during the interview in July. "If she wanted to place Caylee's body somewhere that would be the first place that she would have put her."

Grund went on to tell investigators that Casey was a liar.

"We can all tell, for the last couple of years, is that Casey is an effective liar. I would describe it as diabolical the way she lies," he said.

Post by: Blonde on September 25, 2008, 05:34:19 PM





carpe noctem

Post by: Blonde on September 25, 2008, 07:00:03 PM
Ex-Fiance Calls Casey "Diabolical" Liar In Newly Released Recordings

POSTED: 4:43 pm EDT September 24, 2008
UPDATED: 6:32 pm EDT September 25, 2008

It has been 71 days since Caylee Anthony was reported missing. Detectives believe she's dead.

Documents have already been released of what some of the men in Casey's life have said, but Thursday's audio recordings reveal how they said things and hear their attitudes.

Casey's brother Lee Anthony told investigators he did not believe Casey when she said the terrible smell in her trunk came from two dead squirrels under the hood. Lee told investigators his first indication that something was terribly wrong was noticing the horrible smell wafting from Casey's car trunk.

"The trunk was open. The windows were rolled down to what I assume ventilate the horrible smell that I had just, just, uh, smelled for the first time," he said. "It was, it was, it hit you like a, a wave. I mean it was, it was, whatever it was it was very potent."

Once their mother brought Casey home, he said he tried to get Casey to tell them exactly where Caylee was, but all she would talk about was how her mother Cindy nagged her about what a bad mother she is.

"That's when she opened up to me and said, uh, 'Mom has, um, thrown in my face many times before that I'm an unfit mother and, you know, maybe she's right. Maybe I am.' She offered up to me for the first time that, um, my mother has referred, said to my sister that, um, even though Caylee's been the best thing and the best mistake that she was indeed a mistake, that she was Casey's mistake," Lee told investigators.

Lee said, at first, Casey insisted Caylee was with the nanny, but never mentioned the name Zenaida to him. He told her their mother was calling law enforcement and, when officers got there, they would press her to show them where Caylee was and Lee said that's when Casey cried and admitted she hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days.

In the interviews released of Jesse Grund, Casey's former fiance, he told investigators he thought, if Casey were to hide Caylee's body somewhere, she would have put her in the playhouse behind Cindy and George Anthony's home.

"She totally loved the playhouse. Every time I would go inside and play with Caylee, right to the playhouse. Every time she spent a lot of time out there with grandparents and with Casey. If something were to happen to her, I believe that would be the first place she would have put Caylee," Grund told investigators during the interview in July. "If she wanted to place Caylee's body somewhere that would be the first place that she would have put her."

Grund went on to tell investigators that Casey was a liar.

"We can all tell, for the last couple of years, is that Casey is an effective liar. I would describe it as diabolical the way she lies," he said.

Casey Anthony's most recent ex-boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, told investigators that two weeks after Caylee had disappeared, Casey's dreams had been haunting her.

"She, uh, would wake up or wake me up either in the middle of the night or I would just wake up in the middle of the night and see that she was sweaty in bed and I would ask her why and she would say that she would have nightmare, she was having a nightmare or something' and then would bring up the nightmare pertaining to our relationship," Lazzaro told investigators.

Friday, the State Attorney's Office is releasing the videotaped interview with Caylee's grandmother Cindy, which was done two weeks after she reported Caylee missing. It is two hours long.

Prosecutors are also releasing Casey's computer records, which show that Casey deleted Yahoo mail and some photographs of Caylee.

Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 09:44:40 AM

Here are the court documents filed in Zenaida's lawsuit

Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 09:51:09 AM
According to our sources, lab tests have been ongoing on as recently as last week to "triple check" that evidence."

"Investigators say they're confident those tests will provide "iron clad proof" that Caylee's body was in the trunk of the car, how her body was positioned, and that strands of her hair fell out after she died."

"Now they tell WESH 2 they're close to determining the date someone researched chloroform on Casey's computer before Caylee's disappearance."

Two things are missing:  definite motive and criminal intent for how Caylee's body got in the trunk.

Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 10:11:30 AM
here is Caylee?
Hundreds of legal documents in Casey Anthony case to be released
Amy L. Edwards and Walter Pacheco | Sentinel Staff Writer
9:40 AM EDT, September 26, 2008


Hundreds legal documents in Casey Anthony case to be released

9:30 a.m. The Orlando Sentinel is expecting to receive hundreds of pages of legal documents related to the Casey Anthony case today.

The documents, as well as several CDs and a VHS tape, will be available after 10 a.m. The are being released by the State Attorney's Office in response to a public records request.

The CDs include images from Anthony's Photobucket photo-sharing Web site, as well as photos from a file titled, "Anything But Clothes Party." The VHS tape incluides a July interview with Cindy Anthony, the grandmother of missing Caylee Marie.

The Sentinel is also expecting a computer forensic report and multiple cell phone records.

Check back for more information.



Audio interviews of Anthony's brother, boyfriend released

1:25 p.m. The Sheriff's Office just released the recorded interviews between detectives and numerous people close to Casey Anthony.

Detectives interviewed her brother Lee Anthony, Anthony's most recent boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro, and her ex-fiancé Jesse Grund.

NeJame: No truth to rumors of movie deal
9:55 a.m. The attorney representing the parents of Casey Anthony today denied that his clients have struck a deal with LMN for the rights to the story of their daughter and missing granddaughter, Caylee Marie.

"The first time I heard of any such thing was when I received a phone call from a reporter," said attorney Mark NeJame, who is representing George and Cindy Anthony. "We have not uttered one word or had one conversation with anybody from any media outlet...regarding negotiations or a deal."

LMN, formerly known as Lifetime Movie Network, is owned by the Walt Disney Company and the Hearst Corporation.

A woman caught up in the disappearance of Caylee Anthony filed suit Wednesday against the missing 3-year-old's mother, saying the parent's statements to investigators have ruined her reputation.

Zenaida Gonzalez, 37, of Kissimmee, contends she never met Casey Anthony, the girl's mother, who told investigators that a woman by that name took the child in June. Detectives have since said they do not believe Anthony's story.

Since news of the case broke, Gonzalez has been questioned about whether she killed, kidnapped or sold the missing girl. She's been threatened as well, said her attorney, John Morgan of Orlando. T-shirts proclaim, "The Nanny Did It," he said.

"Zenaida Gonzalez did not ask for her name to be put into this mess, but Casey Anthony made the mistake of her life by making her [Gonzalez] the person she decided to pull out of a hat," Morgan said.

A spokesman for Jos� Baez, Casey Anthony's attorney, did not return a call for comment. Gonzalez referred all questions to Morgan.

Morgan said he thinks the lawsuit may unravel the highly publicized mystery. He hopes to subpoena the missing girl's grandparents and possibly force them to reveal more about what Casey Anthony told them about the child's whereabouts.

"Zenaida Gonzalez is going to prove who's behind this case," Morgan said. "What Zenaida Gonzalez wants, what America wants, is the truth."

Anthony, 22, was arrested July 16 after her mother -- Caylee's grandmother -- called authorities to report the child missing. She told detectives that she left the child with her baby sitter at an apartment complex. No one named Zenaida Gonzalez lived there, but a woman by that name had inquired about an apartment, investigators said.

Caylee has not been found. Her mother, meanwhile, is facing charges that include child neglect and giving false information to law enforcement.

The lawsuit, filed in Orange-Osceola Circuit Court, alleges that Casey Anthony knew what she told Orange County deputy sheriffs about Gonzalez was false.

"The conduct of defendant, Casey Anthony, exceeded the bounds of decency in a civilized society and was such that a person of normal sensibility upon hearing what she did would exclaim 'outrageous,' " the complaint states.

Gonzalez is asking for unspecified damages exceeding $15,000.

Casey Anthony knew the names of Gonzalez's two children and gave a description of her vehicle. Morgan said he thinks Anthony obtained personal information that Gonzalez left while visiting an apartment complex as a potential renter.,0,6419224.story?page=2

Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 10:57:45 AM
Where is Caylee?
Hundreds of legal documents in Casey Anthony case released
Amy L. Edwards and Walter Pacheco | Sentinel Staff Writer
10:45 AM EDT, September 26, 2008

Hundreds legal documents in Casey Anthony case to be released

9:30 a.m. The Orlando Sentinel has received hundreds of pages of legal documents related to the Casey Anthony case today.

The documents, including several CDs, are being released by the State Attorney's Office in response to a public records request.

The CDs show images from Anthony's Photobucket photo-sharing Web site, as well as photos from a file titled, "Anything But Clothes Party." Another CD includes a July interview with Cindy Anthony, the grandmother of missing Caylee Marie.

The documents also include a computer forensic report and multiple cell phone records.

* Investigators seized Casey Anthony's laptops as well as computers and cameras belonging to George and Cindy Anthony.

The investigators' reports show that Casey Anthony's computer files included an image titled "girl" which depicts a drawing of a little girl with long straight hair and in a striped shirt staring up at a teddy bear that is hanging from a hangman's noose.

The caption reads: Why do people kill people, who kill people, to show people that to kill people is bad?,0,6419224.story

Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 11:52:42 AM
Casey Anthony evidence photos,0,7037788.photogallery

Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 12:56:53 PM
Yuri Melich
Orange County Sheriff’s Office
Criminal Investigations Division
Child Abuse/Missing Persons Unit
2500 West Colonial Drive
Orlando, Florida 32804
Sandra G. Cawn
Orange County Sheriff’s Office
Criminal Investigations Division
Computer Crimes Squad
2500 West Colonial Drive
Orlando, Florida 32804
(407) 254-7000 ext. 7-0593
Seizure and Processing Notes
Seizure Notes:
On July 16, 2008 at approximately 2000 hours, Detective Charity Beasley of the
Orange County Sheriff's Office Domestic Violence Squad on behalf of Detective
Corporal Yuri Melich, submitted a Compaq Presario C300 laptop computer; serial
number CND6430RKH (with the power cord) and a Nokia RH-87 model 2610 cellular
telephone; IMEI# 011191/00/075157/2 to the Computer Crimes Lab for examination.
Detective Beasley advised these items belong to the suspect of this
investigation and that Detective Corporal Melich was seeking a search warrant
to examine the contents of these two devices. Neither of the devices was
examined or processed until the warrant was obtained. Later that evening,
Detective Melich obtained a search warrant for both items. The cell phone was
processed and examined. A separate report was submitted for this item.
On July 17, 2008 at 1330 hours, Investigative Analyst Awilda McBride of the
Orange County Sheriff's Office Missing Persons Squad, on behalf of Detective
Corporal Yuri Melich, submitted a Polaroid t730 Digital Camera, serial number
GR700405730013579 (including a 1 GB Polaroid SD memory card; serial number:
MM8GF016WMCU-PA TC0D300753) and a San Disk U-3 USB thumb drive for examination.
Also submitted was a Hewlett Packard Pavillon, model# a520n, desktop computer;
serial number: MXM4100HYL. Mrs. McBride advised these items belong to George
and Cindy Anthony, and that we were granted consent to seize and search these
items for any information that may assist with this investigation.
On July 21, 2008 at 1052 hours, Mrs. McBride, on behalf of Detective Corporal
Yuri Melich, submitted a Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera, serial number: 30258381
also belonging to George and Cindy Anthony for examination. Consent was granted
for the seizure and search of these items.
1) The Compaq laptop computer
Pictures and video taken of Caylee Anthony were bookmarked and copied to the
Evidence\Graphic files\Caylee folder. The image entitled DSCN1894.JPG was taken
with a Nikon Coolpix digital camera. The date and time from the metadata in the
picture indicate that the picture was taken June 15, 2008 at 12:03:27 pm.
Digital video files were also taken with a Nikon Coolpix digital camera with
the metadata date and time of June 15, 2008 between 11:26:20 am and 12:03:18
There are several graphic files of interest; the first is entitled "girl.jpg"
and the second, "233bc8d79357f3075c7edf5ddb083f11.jpg". Both were located on
the C:\Documents and Settings\bobby\Desktop\artwork\misc folder on the Compaq
computer. Both graphic files were bookmarked and copied to the Evidence\Graphic
files\Graphics of Interest folder.
Also in that folder is an image file entitled
“l_b55a353606038e56bed924d0a4dc1301.jpg”. I was asked by Detective Eric Edwards
to identify on either computer any males who may be members of the United
States Miliary forces. This photograph is of a while male dressed in
camouflage. The name on his shirt is "Hawkins." Email between Casey Anthony and
Mark Hawkins was bookmarked in the Web mail in unallocated space portion of
this report.
An MSWord document entitled "diary of days.doc" was bookmarked. The Metadata
Analysis of the document "Diary of Days" reports the author as CMANTHON of the
GENTIVA Corporation on July 2, 2008 at 10:42:08 am. The document was bookmarked
and copied to the Evidence\Documents folder. The results of the Metadata
Analysis were saved to the same folder. Also bookmarked were several web page
entries for Bill Pay for the account "Casey Anthony, account number 04985420-
001-04” for payment of a cell phone bill.
No photographs, video, email, instant message chat or any other type of
communication with a Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez was discovered on either
The Internet history and cookies for the user "bobby" was extracted via
Netanalysis. All were saved as comma delimited files to the Evidence\Internet
History\Casey laptop folder for viewing with Excel.
2) The HP Pavillon Desktop computer
On July 16, 2008, Awilda McBride showed me a print-out of a MySpace blog dated
"Thursday, July 3, 2008". The page is titled, "my caylee is missing". The web
page was bookmarked and reported in the "my caylee is missing" portion of this
The Internet History for the profile "Casey" on the HP computer was extracted
via Net Analysis. The History was then filtered for both "MySpace" and for
"facebook." All the Internet History files were saved to the Evidence\Internet
History\Cindy Desktop computer\Casey profile folders as comma delimited files
for viewing using Excel.
A keyword search for "Zenaida" revealed Web pages indicating that a user
searched the Internet for that name on July 16, 2008. Those entries were
bookmarked under the "Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez" section of this report.
Detective Melich requested a keyword search for "Eric Baker." The name "Eric
James Baker" was bookmarked under the section of the same name within the
Several instant message conversations were bookmarked and saved to the
Evidence\Chat fragments\Fragments of conversatons in allocated space folder for
viewing using html. The file entitled nyitaliano3.html mentions the name
"zani." This is the only reference found thus far to any variaton of the name
Zenaida. The chat does not indicate the identity or location of "zani."
Several instant message conversations were bookmarked and saved to the
Evidence\Chat fragments\Fragments of conversations in unallocated space folder.
3) The Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera was examined. Graphic and video files of
Caylee and family were bookmarked and saved to the Evidence\Graphic files
4) Graphic and video files were examined from the Polaroid digital camera's
memory card. Two graphic files dated May 23, 2008 were located as well as
others that were deleted, none of which appear to be of particular evidentiary
value. They are not included in this report. Also submitted with the Polaroid
camera was a Sandisk U-3 1 GB thumbdrive. Nothing of evidentiary value was
discovered. Both items were returned to the family by Awilda McBride.
5) On July 22, 2008, Detective Edwards submitted a Blackberry 8300 cellular
phone belonging to Anthony Lazarro to the Computer Crimes Lab for the purpose
of extracting any data available. A separate report was prepared and submitted
to Detective Melich.
6) On July 23, 2008, Amy Huizenga offered her Nokia GSM cellular phone, model
6126 to the computer crimes lab for the purpose of extracting the phone book
and SMS messages. A separate report was prepared and submitted to Detective
7) On July 24, 2008, Brittany Scheiber offered her T-Mobile Shadow GSM
cellular phone to the computer crimes lab for the purpose of extracting the
phone book and SMS messages. A separate report was prepared and submitted to
Detective Melich.
8) On July 25, 2008, Detective Edwards submitted an LG KG800 cellular phone
belonging to Ricardo Morales to the Computer Crimes Lab for the purpose of
extracting the phone book and SMS messages. A separate report was prepared and
submitted to Detective Melich.
9) Also on July 25, 2008, Detective Edwards submitted a Samsung SGH-A707 cell
phone belonging to Troy Brown to the Computer Crimes Lab for the purpose of
extracting the phone book and SMS messages. A separate report was prepared and
submitted to Detective Melich.
10) A search warrant authored and obtained by this writer on July 29, 2008 for
the purpose of listening to and archiving voice mail messages as well as SMS
messages incoming to Casey Anthony's Nokia cell phone. An attempt was made
later that same day to execute the warrant, however the phone service had since
been discontinued and access was not possible.
11) During the course of this investigation, Sgt. John Allen of the Orange
County Sheriff's Office Child Abuse Squad advised this writer that it would be
in the best interest of this investigation to obtain a search warrant for the
HP desktop computer belonging to George and Cindy Anthony. This writer authored
and obtained a search warrant for the computer on August 6, 2008. The search
for evidence continues as of the date of this report.
12) On August 4, 2008, Cindy Anthony offered her Motorola V3 GSM cellular
phone to the computer crimes lab for the purpose of extracting the SMS
messages. Nothing relevant to this investigation was found. A separate report
was prepared and submitted to Detective Melich.
To date, this writer has assisted other Detectives with the recovery of still
photos and videos from store surveillance cameras received as CrimeLine Tips as
well as CrimeLine Tips from citizens monitoring MySpace, Facebook, and
Photobucket. These tips are still being investigated at the time of this
Caylee / Family Photos
Name: DSCN1894.JPG
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 06/17/08 03:28:50PM
Last Accessed: 06/18/08 10:13:52AM
Last Written: 06/15/08 12:03:26PM
Entry Modified: 06/17/08 09:58:57PM
Full Path: 08-069208\WXE906472668\C\Documents and Settings\bobby\Desktop\photos\Caylee Marie\june
Model: COOLPIX L12
Software: COOLPIX L12V1.0
DateTime: 2008:06:15 12:03:27
DateTimeOriginal: 2008:06:15 12:03:27
DateTimeDigitized: 2008:06:15 12:03:27
This photograph was taken with a Nikon Coolpix digital camera. The date and
time setting on the camera at the time this picture was taken was June 15, 2008
at 12:03:26 pm. An examination of the Nikon CoolPix L12 camera revealed the
date and time settings on the camera were accurate (within 2 minutes) on the
day the camera was examined (July 21, 2008). The EXIF data regarding this
picture of Caylee on the CoolPix camera is the same as the picture saved to the
Compaq computer, meaning that since the camera settings are current and the
Compaq computer date and time settings are current, it is likely the camera
settings were also current on June 15, 2008 at 12:03:26 pm.
my caylee is missing
Name: Unallocated Clusters
Description: File, Unallocated Clusters
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Unallocated Clusters
File Offset: 8033745365
Thursday, July 03, 2008
my caylee is missing
Current mood: IMG
She came into
my life unexspectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now
she is gone and I don't know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away.
Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother's love is deep,
however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for
support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began.
First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This
mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for
giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning
and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc.
Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go?
Who is now watching out for the little angel?
Image Files of Interest
Name: girl.jpg
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 07/08/08 10:14:53PM
Last Accessed: 07/10/08 09:41:03PM
Last Written: 07/08/08 10:14:54PM
Full Path: 08-069208\WXE906472668\C\Documents and Settings\bobby\Desktop\artwork\misc\girl.jpg
Name: 233bc8d79357f3075c7edf5ddb083f11.jpg
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 07/11/08 02:21:30PM
Last Accessed: 07/14/08 01:26:56PM
Last Written: 07/11/08 02:21:30PM
Full Path: 08-069208\WXE906472668\C\Documents and


On August 12, 2008 at approximately 0900 hours, Detective Yuri Melich requested
the date and time of when the following photograph was posted to the website The EXIF data for the image suggests that the Polaroid camera date
and time was set to March 20, 2008 at 07:06:48.
According to in Poughkeepsie, New York, Casey Anthony's
member profile was created on May 20, 2008 at 12:59 pm EDT. The last log on
date was May 27, 2008.
Name: PICT0105.JPG
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 03/20/08 08:06:48AM
Last Accessed: 06/21/08 08:33:12PM
Last Written: 03/20/08 08:06:52AM
Full Path: 08-069208\WXE906472668\C\Documents and Settings\bobby\Desktop\photos\misc\PICT0105.JPG
ÿØÿᇱExif··II*···············Â······· ···Ò·······
·····t····’······|····’········p··’········„· ’······Y···
’······„···|’··Ìs··OE···· ······0100· ········°·· ·······
··· ···········¢········Y··£········¸·····
···2008:03:20 07:06:48·2008:03:20 07:06:48·ë···d···*···d·······
Documents of Interest
diary of days.doc
Name: diary of days.doc
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 07/02/08 10:51:12AM
Last Accessed: 07/15/08 04:40:55PM
Last Written: 07/02/08 10:51:12AM
Full Path: 08-069208\WXE906472668\C\Documents and Settings\bobby\Desktop\diary of days.doc
Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez
A keyword search for "Zenaida" was conducted on the HP desktop computer. The
following files are records of web pages indicating that someone was searching
for that name on the Internet.
Name: casey@www.reunion[2].txt
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 07/16/08 06:21:17AM
Last Accessed: 07/16/08 06:21:27AM
Last Written: 07/16/08 06:21:27AM
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Documents and Settings\casey\Cookies\casey@www.reunion[2].txt
Name: history.dat
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 10/22/07 01:13:21PM
Last Accessed: 07/16/08 12:03:24PM
Last Written: 07/16/08 12:03:24PM
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Documents and Settings\casey\Application
Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\mfhaxjkl.default\history.dat\ =203461948897ec12-9984-4944-b65e-
Name: index.dat
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 06/12/08 11:15:29PM
Last Accessed: 06/12/08 11:15:29PM
Last Written: 07/16/08 04:20:12PM
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Documents and Settings\casey\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
Name: index.dat
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 06/12/08 11:15:29PM
Last Accessed: 06/12/08 11:15:29PM
Last Written: 07/16/08 04:20:12PM
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Documents and Settings\casey\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
Name: Unallocated Clusters
Description: File, Unallocated Clusters
File Created:
Last Accessed:
Last Written:
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Unallocated Clusters\
Name: Unallocated Clusters
Description: File, Unallocated Clusters
File Created:
Last Accessed:
Last Written:
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Unallocated Clusters
<!-- Search - Start -->
<div id="searchContent">
<div id="siteSearch" class="global">
<input type="hidden" id="fuseaction" queryID="fuseaction" value="sitesearch.results"/>
<div class="searchField">
<input type="text" class="searchFieldInput" maxlength="100" size="35" id="qry" name="qry" que
ryID="qry" title="Search MySpace" value="zanny" onkeypress="return keyPressHandler(event, 'searc
hButton');" />
Name: Unallocated Clusters
Description: File, Unallocated Clusters
File Created:
Last Accessed:
Last Written:
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Unallocated Clusters
Web mail in Unallocated Space
Name: Unallocated Clusters
Description: File, Unallocated Clusters
File Offset: 18379681805
Full Path: 08-069208\WXE906472668\C\Unallocated Clusters
From:"mark hawkins" <> IMG []View
Contact Details [] IMG
[]Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
To:"casey anthony" <>
Subject: Re: &&&&&i think i
just poped the best kettle corn ever no peices were burnt speeking of whcih how do you like your marshmellow cooked ? i like
mine brown and crusty on the outside but melted in the inside the perfect marshmellow
On 7/23/07, mark hawkins <> wrote: yes the adress is LCPL Hawkins MACS HQ DET unit 78081 fpo ae
09509-8081 lol its wierd but it works . I cant stop smiling i have to be honest ive always though of you somethign more i jst had to
be patient and wait for te right time in my life and i think that time is now and ya know whats great about it is that for once im
happy and i know who i am and what i want out of life
On 7/23/07, casey anthony < >wrote: you are seriously one of the sweetest guys i have ever met, in my
entire life... and it's funny. for years, i always looked at you as just my "friend", and lately, it's been so much more. i care about you
a lot too, i always have. i just can't wait for you to come back home, and to see what happens. and dude, stay away from the
coffee! haha. question... do you have an address that i can send something to????
mark hawkins < >wrote: ive had three cups of coffee and im bouncing off the walls wooohoooooo ive
downloaded a shit load of music and movies so ill be on here till you get on or till i pass out
On 7/23/07, mark hawkins < >wrote: oh i can beleive i see it its amazing how cute shes gottin since te last
time i saw her shell be beautiful just like her mother .You have no idea how much ive missed talking to you. i care about you alot
and i hope that maybe this could be something and i only hope that i can be an amazing male role model for your daughter
On 7/22/07, casey anthony < >wrote: take me home, huh??? haha. maybe we can arrange that! you
won't believe how HUGE caylee is. growing more and more everyday. i'll try and teach her something funny to say to you,
between now, and the time you FINALLY get your ass home.
Name: l_b55a353606038e56bed924d0a4dc1301.jpg
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 07/15/08 10:15:30AM
Last Accessed: 07/15/08 10:16:37AM
Last Written: 07/15/08 10:15:31AM
Full Path: 08-069208\WXE906472668\C\Documents and
Message Fragments in allocated space
Name: _h.cfs
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 07/13/08 01:02:09PM
Last Accessed: 07/13/08 03:19:09PM
Last Written: 07/13/08 01:02:09PM
Full Path: 08-069208\WXE906472668\C\Documents and Settings\bobby\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple
InboxSent MessagesNotificationsUpdates Compose Message   Between You and Shawn Jarrett  Sh
awn Jarrett Today at 11:20am oo....i can dig it'd sat go at fusian  Casey Anthon
y Today at 11:28am i didn't end up going last night. i hung out here with nate. it was better to
smoke, eat, and watch horror movies. :) i did talk to ray though. he was expecting a good turn
out. Â Shawn Jarrett Today at 11:48am oh thats wat up....horror movie fanatic myself....wats u
Name: _h.cfs
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 07/13/08 01:02:09PM
Last Accessed: 07/13/08 03:19:09PM
Last Written: 07/13/08 01:02:09PM
Full Path: 08-069208\WXE906472668\C\Documents and Settings\bobby\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple
Date: Jul 13, 2008 12:30 PM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [?] Subject: Re: RE: Re: No Subject Bod
y: I may be down to head over friday after work and head back saturday afternoon... -----------
------ Original Message ----------------- From: [casey] Date: Jul 13, 2008 9:20 AM friday nigh
t i really want to go. i'm thinking about it. how've you been? ----------------- Original Mes
sage ----------------- From: Brett Date: Jul 13, 2008 12:05 PM I didn't get a hotel yet, I can
't plan far ahead haha. What night is it? ----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: [casey] Date: Jul 13, 2008 8:20 AM hey hun! are you heading out to jacksonville this week
Name: l7tone.html
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 04/29/08 12:53:21AM
Last Accessed: 06/12/08 09:09:34AM
Last Written: 06/12/08 09:09:34AM
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\AIMLogger\caseyomarie\IM
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8"/>
<title>IM History with buddy L7Tone</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/c
<body><h1><img src="" h
eight="48" border="1" alt="icon"/>&#38;#160;IM History with buddy <a href="aim:goim?screenName=l7ton
<table width="100%%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="2" class="time">Tuesday, April 29, 2008</td></tr>
</<tr><td class="remote">L7Tone&#38;#160;(12:53:20&#38;#160;AM):</td><td class="msg" width="100%"><font
face="Helvetica" absz="12" color="#000000">i think your laughable</font></td></tr>

Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 02:11:59 PM

Video Interview Of Cindy Anthony, New Documents Released
POSTED: 10:52 am EDT September 26, 2008
UPDATED: 1:19 pm EDT September 26, 2008
Ex-Boyfriend Stutz

Ex-Boyfriend Rusciano

Tow Truck Driver

Tow Truck Company Manager

Casey's Letter To Sheriff Beary

Computer Forensics Report

Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 02:19:00 PM
Video Interview Of Cindy Anthony, New Documents Released

POSTED: 10:52 am EDT September 26, 2008
UPDATED: 1:40 pm EDT September 26, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The Orange County Sheriff's Office and State Attorney's Office released over 600 pages of documents and a video interview of Cindy Anthony in the Casey Anthony case Friday morning. The documents released include more transcripts of interviews with ex-boyfriends, acquaintances and the tow truck driver who removed her abandoned car from a parking lot in June.

Included among the evidence is a picture found on Casey Anthony's computer (see picture). The picture shows a little girl next to a teddy bear hanging by a noose. Next to it is what appears to be an anti-death penalty statement: "Why do people kill people, who kill people, to show people that to kill people is bad?"

Images | Watch Part 1

Documents reveal she visited missing children web sites as early as March.  There's also new information coming from Cindy Anthony's interview with investigators on August 1, showing that in the months before Caylee disappeared, her mother Casey and Caylee were spending more and more time away from the Anthony's home.

Cindy Anthony gave some conflicting statements to investigators that day about Casey and also appeared to be in a hurry as they tried to establish a timeline in Caylee's disappearance.

As Cindy Anthony waited for detectives to bring her water, she sat with her head lowered, arms crossed around herself. She told them that one of Casey's friends brought a bag to the house that Casey had left with him and it held some of Caylee's swimming gear.

But, more significant, Cindy told detectives that shortly before Caylee disappeared, Casey was not coming home at night with Caylee more and more often.

"There could've been one or two nights that they said they stayed at the nanny's, because it seemed like, starting in May and June it was more frequent that they crashed at Zanny's," Cindy told investigators on the video interview.

Even though by this time Cindy Anthony knew that Casey had lied to her about working at Universal, for years she seemed to minimize Casey's faults. On the other hand, she went on the attack about Casey's ex-fiance Jesse Grund, whom investigators say had nothing to do with the case.

Cindy Anthony said Grund had a lot of anger and rage, that he intimidated Casey and that he was disappointed after a paternity test that he was not Caylee's father.

Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
Casey Anthony: The Evidence
Anthony Could Face Charges In Daughter's Disappearance In Weeks

POSTED: 8:36 am EDT September 26, 2008
UPDATED: 8:50 am EDT September 26, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Without a body, witness or confession, investigators looking into the case of missing toddler Caylee Anthony said they're piecing together a circumstantial case like a large puzzle.
And they said they're working to fill the holes that they believe Anthony's attorney will try to punch through their 


her with child neglect and making false statements. She admitted her child had been missing for one month and she did not go to police for help.

"The horrible thing that happened is -- this is the honest to God's truth -- of everything that I've said, I do not know where she is," Anthony said.

She also admitted that she lied to investigators during their attempts to find Caylee.

"I placed her under arrest," Orange County Sheriff's Office Detective Yuri Melich said.

At Anthony's first bond hearing two weeks later, Melich dropped a bombshell: Anthony was a person of interest in her daughter's disappearance.

"They found hair samples in the trunk of the car that were similar in length and color to that of Caylee. They also found a stain inside the trunk of the car that came up under black light that is questionable that we need to process," Melich said.

On the stand, Melich also said there was an overwhelming stench of death in the car.

"In my experience, the smell that I smelled inside that car was the smell of decomposition," Melich said.

According to other sources, lab tests have been ongoing as recently as this week to "triple check" that evidence. Investigators said they're confident those tests will provide "iron-clad proof" that Caylee's body was in the trunk of the car, how her body was positioned and that strands of her hair fell out after she died.

Investigators have also confirmed that high levels of chloroform were in the trunk, and they said they're close to determining the dates someone researched chloroform on Anthony's computer before Caylee disappeared.

One investigator said there's still a critical element missing: a definite motive and criminal intent for why Caylee's body got in the trunk.

Anthony and her lawyer, Jose Baez, have said all along that she dropped off Caylee with a babysitter in mid-June. Neither the child nor babysitter has been seen since.

"She has absolutely no idea where Caylee is," Baez said.

In a matter of weeks, investigators said they plan to arrest Anthony in connection with Caylee's disappearance.

When asked about the possibility that Caylee was buried in the back yard of the family's home, investigators said they believe if the toddler's body was there, it was later moved, and after a thorough investigation of the yard, they believe it was unnecessary to dig there.

Post by: Blonde on September 27, 2008, 08:44:21 AM

Cindy Tells Investigators Casey's "Not A Murderer" In Newly Released Video
POSTED: 10:52 am EDT September 26, 2008
UPDATED: 5:22 pm EDT September 26, 2008


Conversation Between Casey, Anthony Rusciano (explicit)

RAW INTERVIEW: Police Talk To Casey's Mom Cindy Anthony - Part 1

RAW INTERVIEW: Police Talk To Casey's Mom Cindy Anthony - Part 2

Ex-Boyfriend Stutz

Ex-Boyfriend Rusciano

Tow Truck Driver

Tow Truck Company Manager

Casey's Letter To Sheriff Beary

Computer Forensics Report

Photos Investigators Found On Casey's Cell Phone

Post by: Blonde on September 27, 2008, 09:08:05 AM


Post by: Blonde on September 27, 2008, 09:12:58 AM




Post by: Blonde on September 27, 2008, 09:27:48 AM

More Audio Recordings

    * Amy Huizenga
    * Ricardo Morales
    * Brian Burner
    * Troy Brown
    * Brittany Schieber
    * George Anthony
    * Shirley Pleasea
    * Karen Angel
    * Anthony Lazaro
    * Jesse Grund Pt. 1
    * Jesse Grund Pt. 2
    * Lee Anthony

Post by: Blonde on September 27, 2008, 09:44:27 AM
HOME VIDEO: Caylee Anthony With Her Great Grandfather On June 15

Post by: Blonde on September 27, 2008, 10:52:12 AM
Casey Sent 553 Text Messages:

A a series of more than 550 text messages sent by Casey Anthony reveal the woman did not appear to be worried about her daughter in the days the girl was missing.According to cell phone documents, in a two-month period between April and June, Casey Anthony sent her friend Amy Huizenga 553 text messages.Of the messages, only two references are made to Caylee.
On May 13, Casey Anthony sent a text message that said, "My mom is taking the kid for the weekend for part of her vacation (with a smiley face)."Then, less than a week before the toddler's disappearance, Casey Anthony announced, "Caylee just pooped in her potty for the first time. Sorry, proud mama."The message was the last time Casey Anthony mentioned her daughter to Huizenga in text messages.A week after the toddler vanished, Anthony sent a text to Huizenga that said, "Leaving for work in a few. I'll call you on my way to the house."Casey Anthony did not have a job at Universal Studios or apparently anywhere else, Local 6 has learned.
On June 26, Casey Anthony wrote, "I need a freaking vacation."The next day, a text message told Huizenga about how her car smelled like a dead animal -- and how it was possibly a squirrel that was run over.Fifteen minutes later, Casey Anthony wrote, "My car ran out of gas again. Two weeks in a row. On Friday, my stupid car runs out of gas. Wow."It now appears that Casey Anthony stole the gasoline cans from her father's back yard shed after she ran out of gas for the first time, Local 6 reported.George Anthony seized the cans back from Casey Anthony.Then, her vehicle's tank ran dry again, forcing her to abandon the car at an Amscot.
Two days later,
on June 29, Casey Anthony sends a message to Huizenga," Can I borrow you and your gas can today?"By that time, the car had already been towed.Anthony told Huizenga that her father had picked up the car, which was not true, Local 6's Mike DeForest said.

Post by: Blonde on September 27, 2008, 02:11:29 PM
Casey Anthony Makes Rare Saturday Visit To Attorney

POSTED: 10:52 am EDT September 26, 2008
UPDATED: 11:39 am EDT September 27, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony left her home Saturday morning for an approved trip to see her attorney, the day after stacks of of phone records, pictures and hours of police interviews related to the case were released by investigators to Eyewitness News.
Casey walked into attorney Jose Baez's Kissimmee office just after 9:30 Saturday morning, and as usual, had nothing to say to say to reporters.

Interviews that were released Friday were conducted with Casey Anthony's parents, lovers and friends.

The evidence was the biggest stack yet in the Caylee Anthony case. Some of the most disturbing things Eyewitness News found were on Casey Anthony's own computer, including a picture of a little girl with a teddy bear hanging from a noose. There was also a record of searches for missing children websites months before Caylee disappeared

Post by: Blonde on September 27, 2008, 02:31:06 PM
New Documents and Video Interviews ~ No Discussion Please
Here are already parts of the documents of interviews with Tony Lazzarro and Lee Anthony;

Transcripts of Anthony Lazarro July 22, 2008

Transcripts of Amy Huizenga July 23, 2008

Transcripts of Jesse Grund July 23, 2008

Transcripts of Brittany Schieber July 24, 2008

Transcripts of Trow Brown July 25, 2008

Transcripts of Ricardo Morales July 25, 2008

Transcripts of Lee Anthony July 29, 2008

Transcripts of Brian Burner July 30, 2008

Transcripts of William Waters July 30, 2008

Transcripts of Lauren Gibbs August 1, 2008

Jesse Grund tape interview July 23rd;

Jesse Grund tape interview July 31st;

Lee's interview on tape.

Includes previously missing discovery documents:

Forensic Cell Phone Report for Cynthia Anthony's Cell Phone, Aug. 4, 2008

Text Messages taken from phone of Brittany Schieber

Text Messages from phone of Troy Brown, Collected On July 25, 2008

Tow Truck Company Manager Interview;

Tow Truck Driver Interview;

Tony Rusciano ( Fired cop) Interview;

Ex- Bf Christopher Stutz Interview;

Casey's letter to Sheriff Beary;

Forensic Computer report;

Cindy Video Interview ~ Part 1 & 2

Short versions...

Cindy Interview Part 1;

Cindy Interview Part 2;
Parts 3 and 4 of Cindy's interview released:

IM Messages of Casey with Anthony Rusciano ( fired deputy); ( (explicit)

Transcripts of Interviews with;

Christopher Stutz;

Karen Angel;

Shirley Plesea, Cindy's mom;

Jonathan Daly;

Matthew Crisp;

Sean Daly;

Maria Kissh;

Danny Colamarino;

Nicole Lett;

Gary Ridgeway;

Jeffrey Hopkins;

Mike Kozak;

Simon Burch;

Anthony Rusciano;

Jamie Realander;

George Anthony's video interview.

George Anthony's

Thanks to Hannie

Post by: Blonde on September 28, 2008, 08:06:05 AM

Baez Reviews Newly-Released Documents
Saturday, September 27, 2008 6:10:55 PM

ORLANDO -- Casey Anthony's lawyer said his firm is now going over the newly-released documents to make sure they're accurate.
A firm representing Jose Baez released a statement Friday and said they're going over each line because "history has proven that even official papers could be altered."
The statement went on to criticize the media for its reporting of the case, but did say none of the newly released documents held any surprises.

News 13 attempted to set up an interview with Baez, but his representative said the attorney has an agreement with a national network to provide exclusive interviews through next wee

Post by: Blonde on September 28, 2008, 08:38:21 AM
carpe noctem
Scared Monkey

Caylee Anthony Time Capsule O' News Clips

Added: September 27, 2008

Post by: Blonde on September 28, 2008, 05:46:48 PM
Prayer vigil for Caylee Anthony to be held Sunday night
Sara Clarke | Sentinel Staff Writer
5:06 PM EDT, September 28, 2008

Family members of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony plan to hold a prayer vigil for the little girl tonight, one week after they cancelled the weekly event to help "bring peach back to the neighborhood."

Anthony family spokesman Larry Garrison announced Sunday afternoon that there will be a vigil for Caylee Anthony at 8:30 p.m. outside the Anthony home. Last week's vigil was cancelled after protesters clashed with family members in the days leading up to the vigil.

An e-mailed announcement said the family is "appreciative of the respect that has been given to them recently, and feels that the vigil should be resumed."

Three-year-old Caylee Anthony has been missing since June. The case has spiraled into a national media phenomenon and has attracted protesters to the home.

We ask the public to keep looking for Caylee alive and or any manner that one sees fit," Garrison said.,0,5731517.story

Post by: Blonde on September 29, 2008, 09:13:58 AM
Casey phone logs 6-1-08/7-17-08
Here are phone logs for Casey from 6/1 to 7/17 they take along time to download so you have to be patient, and easier to read if you use full screen.

Post by: Blonde on September 29, 2008, 02:39:19 PM
Anything but clothes part y& Caylee pictures

Post by: Blonde on September 29, 2008, 02:41:06 PM
Casey Anthony to meet with home-confinement officer

Robyn Shelton and Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writers
11:35 AM EDT, September 29, 2008

Casey Anthony is scheduled to meet with her home-confinement case manager at the Orange County Jail this afternoon. She must be back at her house by 4 p.m.

This is a regular meeting with her case manager who will set up Anthony's schedule to leave home this week.,0,830360.story

Post by: Blonde on September 29, 2008, 02:43:31 PM
Files Released In Casey Anthony Case
Saturday, September 27, 2008 3:14:17 PM  

Audio, Video Recordings Released

Authorities are releasing hundreds of pages of documents in the Casey Anthony case, including interviews with friends and families, text messages and more.

Here are those pages with unrelated information removed and the remainder edited to remove personal information, such as dates of birth and phone numbers.

Note: Some PDFs are lengthy, so please be patient while the documents load.

Released Sept. 26, 2008
Transcript of interview with Karen Angel
Transcript of interview with Mike Kozak
Transcript of interview with Nicole Lett
Transcript of interview with Maria Kissh
Transcript of interview with Danny Colamarino
Transcript of interview with Chris Stutz
Transcript of interview with Jeff Hopkins
Transcript of interview with Jamie Realander
Transcript of interview with Matthew Crisp
Transcript of interview with Anthony Rusciano
Transcript of interview with Shirley Pleasea
Transcript of interview with Sean Daly
Transcript of interview with Jonathan Daly
Transcript of interview with Simon Burch
Transcript of interview with Gary Ridgeway
Transcript of interview with Brittany Schieber
Instant Message history between Casey and NYItaliano
Orange County Sheriff's Cell Telephone Reports
Orange County Sheriff's Office Documents
Computer Forensics Report of Casey Anthony's computer

Released Sept. 23, 2008
Calendar Noting Key Moments In Casey Anthony's Case
Transcript of Lee Anthony Interview, July 29, 2008
Transcript of interview with Amy Huizenga, July 23, 2008
Transcript of interview with Anthony Lazaro, July 22, 2008
Forensic Cell Phone Report for Cynthia Anthony's Cell Phone, Aug. 4, 2008
Text Messages taken from phone of Brittany Schieber
Text Messages from phone of Troy Brown, Collected On July 25, 2008
Transcript of interview with Troy Brown, July 25, 2008
Transcript of interview with Brian Burner, July 30, 2008
Transcript of interview with Brittany Schieber, July 24, 2008
Transcript of interview with Lauren Gibbs, Aug. 1, 2008
Transcript of interview with Ricardo Morales, July 25, 2008
Transcript of interview with William Waters, July 30, 2008
Transcript of interview with Jesse Grund, July 23, 2008


Post by: Blonde on September 29, 2008, 02:57:03 PM
The Full IM's between Casey and Tony R. (cop)

 Posted by Out4Bull

Post by: Blonde on September 29, 2008, 06:13:26 PM
Anthony family's neighborhood loses bid to limit protesters

Henry Pierson Curtis and Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writers
4:32 PM EDT, September 29, 2008

Trust fund re-opened, more documents released
4:30 p.m.: The Caylee Marie Anthony Trust Fund is back open. This time it's at Wachovia Bank.

Mark NeJame - the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony - has posted the documents on the site for those who want to seek more information.

This comes after several bloggers on the Web have doubted how the money in the trust fund was being used. Some suggested the family was using the donated money for reasons other than searching for the three-year-old.

But both the fund's administrator and NeJame said there is no indication of any impropriety.

Anthonys' neighborhood loses bid to limit protesters
3:45 p.m.: The neighborhood where the Anthony family live lost its bid to today to keep protesters out.

Orange Circuit Judge Cynthia Mackinnon denied Chickasaw Oaks Phase Three subdivision's request for a temporary injunction.

The homeowners association wanted the judge to order protesters to move to a vacant lot at the end of Hopespring Drive -- hundreds of feet north of George and Cindy Anthony's home. Dozens of protesters have gathered outside the home since Casey Anthony was released from jail earlier this month.

In a 20-page decision, MacKinnon wrote how the homeowners association again failed to adequately notify the protesters of the pleading -- giving protesters time to defend themselves against the allegations. The neighborhood tried to notify some of the protesters by handing out a notice of a hearing and posting signs on unknown number of mailboxes. It's unclear how many notices were handed out or whether any protesters actually received the information, the judge wrote.

"That the residence of Chickasaw Oaks Phase Three have endured inconvenience throughout this saga cannot be denied," MacKinnon concluded. "There should be no mistake that the Court's action is not a license to protesters or the Anthonys to do what they want, where they want, whenever they want. There is no First Amendment right to trespass, litter or inflict violence on another, and law enforcement personnel need not feel hamstrung in dealing with such activities."

The judge will allow the HOA to file another request for a temporary injunction if they want.

Beary says sheriff's office is working to solve Caylee's disappearance
11:48 a.m.: The Orange County Sheriff's Office is doing everything possible to solve the disappearance of Caylee Marie Anthony, Sheriff Kevin Beary said this morning when questioned by reporters after an unrelated press conference.

The child's mother, Casey Anthony, continues to be the lone "person of interest" in the investigation that Beary also acknowledged had played out daily in the national news.

Beary declined comment on what his investigators are doing in conjunction with the Orange-Osceola State Attorney's Office to prepare a case. His staff is working closely with prosecutors, he said.

"You might say it's a challenge," said Beary, referring to the investigation's complexity.

Sheriff's officials are meeting at 4 p.m. today to discuss strategy in the case, particularly in terms of patrolling the neighborhood where protesters regularly gather outside the house where Casey Anthony has been living with her parents.

Casey Anthony faces a bevy of charges, including child neglect and check fraud.

Anthony to meet with home-confinement officer

1:35 a.m.: Casey Anthony is scheduled to meet with her home-confinement case manager at the Orange County Jail this afternoon. She must be back at her house by 4 p.m.

This is a regular meeting with her case manager who will set up Anthony's schedule to leave home this week.

Related links
Anthony trust documents, receipts
Caylee Marie Anthony videos Video
New Casey Anthony evidence photos released Photos
READ FOR YOURSELF: Casey Anthony case discovery documents (Second Batch)
The Caylee Anthony saga in photos Photos
Audio files in the Caylee Marie Anthony case Audio
HEAR THE AUDIO: Lee Anthony's interview with authorities Audio
HEAR THE AUDIO: Anthony Lazzaro's interview with authorities Audio
HEAR THE AUDIO: Jesse Grund's interview with authorities Audio
HEAR THE AUDIO: Jesse Grund's second interview with authorities Audio
Caylee Marie case: 'How's the letter coming?' Audio
Caylee Anthony case: "It's something new every day" Audio
READ FOR YOURSELF: Casey Anthony case discovery documents
HEAR THE AUDIO: Lee Anthony's interview with authorities Audio
HEAR THE AUDIO: Anthony Lazzaro's interview with authorities Audio
HEAR THE AUDIO: Jesse Grund's interview with authorities Audio
HEAR THE AUDIO: Jesse Grund's second interview with authorities Audio
Complete coverage of missing Caylee Marie Anthony

By Robyn Shelton
Sentinel Staff Writer

Standing shoulder-to-shoulder, about 30 people bowed their heads in prayer Sunday outside the home of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.

It was the Anthony family's weekly vigil, which had been canceled last week after scuffles between family members and protesters. Bathed in lights from television cameras, neighbors accepted candles from Cindy Anthony, the girl's grandmother.

They sang, prayed and asked God to help the Anthony family endure hostility from others and the sadness of not knowing Caylee's whereabouts. The toddler has been missing since June and her mother, Casey Anthony, is a person of interest in the case.

"We know you are out there somewhere. Caylee, wherever you are, we promise you will be back in our arms real soon," Cindy Anthony said.

A handful of protesters held signs across the street and taunted the supporters.

"She's dead, Cindy, give her justice," one shouted.

The protesters also called for Casey Anthony, 22, to emerge from the house. But there was no sign of her during the 45-minute gathering.

The child's grandfather pledged to keep the peace from now on.

"I will not lash out at them anymore; I'm done with that," said George Anthony. "I will tell them over there, 'God bless you.' "

Casey Anthony says she left her daughter in the care of a baby sitter. She has been charged with child neglect and check fraud.,0,830360.story

Post by: Blonde on September 29, 2008, 06:23:45 PM

 Order denying HOA's request for Temporary Injunctive Relief

Posted by anothermonkey

Post by: Blonde on September 29, 2008, 07:23:05 PM
Witness List Released In Casey Anthony Case
Sheriff's Officials Decide Anthonys Should Hold Vigils Inside

POSTED: 12:48 pm EDT September 29, 2008
UPDATED: 6:44 pm EDT September 29, 2008

There are 85 names on the witness list including Anthony's own family and Zenaida Gonzalez -- the woman who said Casey and the Anthonys ruined her life by naming her as the baby sitter who disappeared with Caylee.

The questions persist about if Casey Anthony will be charged in connection with Caylee's disappearance.

Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary gave a detailed response on Monday.


Post by: Blonde on September 30, 2008, 02:56:23 PM
Casey Impersonator Joins Protests, Residents "More Than Fed Up"

POSTED: 6:30 am EDT September 30, 2008
UPDATED: 1:27 pm EDT September 30, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A judge ruled against an injunction (read full ruling), but residents in Casey Anthony's neighborhood are still planning to show up at the county commission meeting Tuesday to demand protection from protestors.
County leaders are trying to figure out what can be done legally to protect everyone's rights. Eyewitness News has been told the county has ruled out a neighborhood protest ordinance similar to the one the city of Orlando has, because it likely would not hold up in court.

George Anthony showed up at the meeting Tuesday morning, either to voice his opinion at the meeting or just to listen to what everyone else has to say, but the issue will be heard Tuesday afternoon during the public comment item on the agenda.

Images | Watch Interview

Protesters have been showing up at the Anthony home on a regular basis, starting with the Labor Day weekend. The Anthonys cancelled one prayer vigil at their home because of it, but went forward on Sunday night with the vigil even though the homeowners' association asked them not to.

Most protesters were pleased with the judge's denial of the injunction request, but one protestor, a Casey impersonator, was more concerned about the media.

"I'm not talking, because you guys twist everything around and you don't know how to say what we say," the woman told Eyewitness News reporter Derrol Nail.

"I have the decision that says you can stay. What is your reaction?" Nail asked her.

The impersonator gave no response.

The county has pretty much ruled out a curfew. What's expected Tuesday is for the county commission to tell the sheriff's office to do what it has to in order to keep the peace in the Anthony's neighborhood.

The sheriff's new nearly $190 million budget for next year kicks in Wednesday, so commissioners will suggest Sheriff Kevin Beary can do whatever he needs to so he can "take care of business" as he likes to say.

Neighbors of the Anthonys who want to be heard on how to control the protesting in Chickasaw Oaks subdivision can be heard Tuesday afternoon at the Orange County Administration Building during the time dedicated to public comment at the meetin

Post by: Blonde on September 30, 2008, 05:45:10 PM
On Monday, Circuit Court Judge Cynthia MacKinnon refused to allow the homeowner's association representing the neighborhood where Casey Anthony lives to restrict protesters in front of the home -- but not for the reason you would expect, namely the right of all Americans to free speech and to protest on public property, that being the sidewalk in front of the Anthony home.

In fact, the judge actually warned protesters that free speech doesn't give them an absolute right to trespass on private property or litter while protesting. True, but those two restrictions won't prevent people from standing on the sidewalk in front of the Anthony home doing their thing, which I believe is probably what the homeowner's association really wants.

Instead, the judge threw the motion out on a technicality -- that the association hadn't adequately notified the protestors of the legal complaint so they would have an opportunity to defend themselves in court.

If that's the judge's standard, the homeowner's association might as well give up, because it seems like the Anthony home gets a new set of protesters every day. How do you notify all of these people about the legal proceedings?

If there's one thing this case has demonstrated, it's that there are a truly scary number of really pathetic losers in this state. Watching crowds gather around that home night after night, as if it were some kind of sacred shrine with amazing healing powers, is pitiful beyond words. While there may be a few people sincerely protesting against the child's disappearance, you can see from the fist fights and vulgarity of others that this home just has a natural pull for freaks that come in all shapes and sizes.

Don't any of these people have lives? Families at home? Jobs to go to? Hobbies beyond picking through the Anthony trash or hoping to stick their face in front of one of the local, round the clock TV cameras perched there? What would they be doing if the Anthony family lived in New Jersey? Hopping a bus?

I feel for the homeowner's association here. The very concept was created to provide a level of order and control over neighborhoods like this one. And while we've all heard the horror stories of overly picky and aggressive HA's that make the lives of some homeowners miserable, we've also heard the horror stories about brand new subdivisions where there is no homeowner's association because only a small handful of the homes actually got sold and have people living in them.

In this case, it must be pure torture for the people living anywhere near the Anthony home -- the constant noise, the camera lights all evening, the hideous parade of freaks who gather there. From the invasion of your privacy to the lack of sleep, living in the midst of a three ring circus has got to be maddening.

What can they can do it? When this case ends -- assuming it ever does -- that should help. But until then, who knows? The neighbors' high misery index is the price you pay for having notoriety next door. It serves as a clear object lesson to the rest of us: keep your fingers crossed that your neighbors remain quiet and uncontroversial for as long as possible.

Post by: Blonde on September 30, 2008, 05:47:06 PM
Judge Denies Request to Bar Protesters, Press From Missing Florida Tot's Neighborhood

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. —  A judge denied a central Florida homeowners association's request to keep protesters out of their neighborhood, where a 3-year-old girl was reported missing in July.

Casey Anthony's neighbors had asked a judge to force protesters and members of the media away from their homes.

An Orange County judge wrote in her decision that the association again failed to adequately notify the protesters of the pleading and give them time to defend themselves against the allegations.

Anthony's daughter, Caylee, was last seen in June.

Investigators say Anthony, 22, is a "person of interest" in the case and evidence indicates the girl's decomposing body was in her mother's car.

But Anthony has repeatedly said she doesn't know what happened to the girl.

She has been charged with child neglect, making false statements and obstruction.

Anthony also faces unrelated check fraud charges and is currently at home with her parents on house arrest after several stints in the Orange County Jai

Post by: Blonde on September 30, 2008, 07:04:06 PM
Anthonys Agree To Move Prayer Vigils To Church
Commissioners May Authorize Curfew, Funds For Deputies

POSTED: 9:00 am EDT September 30, 2008
UPDATED: 5:50 pm EDT September 30, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Cindy and George Anthony attended a county commissioners meeting Tuesday evening where their neighbors discussed their grievances with the protesters in their neighborhood.

The meeting concluded with the Anthonys agreeing to hold their weekly prayer vigils at a church, instead of at their house.
the Anthony home late at night.

Anthony family attorney Mark Nejame expressed the family’s frustration with the constant crowds at the house.

"I will not dignify the miscreants that have been in front of their lawn by calling them protesters," Nejame said. "As I said, they would not know the constitution if they threw that against the house."

Things had calmed down over the past week, but that ended on Sunday night when a prayer vigil was held in the Anthonys' front yard for missing toddler Caylee Anthony.

"Most of the people that come around here, they really don't care about what's going on at the house. They're more concerned with getting themselves on TV and stuff," neighbor Michael Ortiz said.

An effort by the homeowners' association to move protesters down the street to a vacant lot has failed twice in court. Neighbors are frustrated.

"The traffic has increased a lot, so now we have to be watchful out there for cars coming in and coming out," neighbor Rafael Torres said.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office said additional deputies are patrolling the neighborhood, but they want the Anthonys to do more.

A spokesman for Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said the sheriff’s office has received and responded to nearly 300 calls from neighborhood residents since Casey Anthony was released from jail. He said they have posted undercover officers in the area, detracting from the amount of deputies in high-crime areas.

The sheriff’s office agreed to assign two deputies to patrol the area around the Anthony home.

Post by: Blonde on October 01, 2008, 11:18:29 AM
Anthonys' neighbors seek relief from protests
Willoughby Mariano | Sentinel Staff Writer
October 1, 2008
County Commision chambers. Commissioners discussed issues concerning protesters near the Anthony home. (Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel / September 30, 2008)
Residents of the subdivision where the family of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony lives asked the Orange County Commission for money Tuesday to help them quiet protesters and curious onlookers they say are disrupting the peace.

Since Caylee was reported missing in mid-July, her case has received national media attention. Protesters have gathered outside her family's east Orange County home to heckle the family.

"I will not dignify these miscreants by calling them 'protesters,' " said Mark NeJame, the attorney for Caylee's grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony. "They would not know the Constitution if they threw that against their [the Anthony's] home."

Caylee's grandparents attended the meeting but did not speak

Karen Wonsetler, an attorney for the homeowners association, said they have few other options. An attempt to restrict protesters to an empty lot collapsed after an Orange-Osceola Circuit Court judge ruled twice that the association failed to adequately notify demonstrators. A vote by association members to pay for additional security fell short.

County Commissioner Tiffany Moore Russell asked the homeowners association to raise its own funds for security.

"I sympathize with these folks," Moore Russell said of the Anthonys' neighbors. "But it's tough for me to look at my residents and say we'll use taxpayer dollars when I can't do that for my residents who have much bigger crime problems."

The Sheriff's Office has responded to 300 calls for service in the neighborhood and is using off-duty officers paid by the county to patrol the community. The Anthonys have gotten into shoving matches with protesters.

County staffers offered to help residents enact temporary parking restrictions to quiet the neighborhood.

The Anthonys agreed to move their weekly candlelight vigils to a church to avoid attracting visitors, NeJame said. Protesters have been videotaped and may be arrested on battery and other charges, he said.,0,6659609.story

Post by: Blonde on October 01, 2008, 02:46:18 PM
Casey Anthony Enters "Not Guilty" Plea On Fraud Charges

POSTED: 12:51 pm EDT October 1, 2008
guilty" to all of the check fraud charges against her. Her arraignment is scheduled for later this month, but she is not expected to show up for the arraignment because of that written plea.  


Orange County Commissioners resisted requests for more money to pay for deputies' overtime to patrol the Anthonys' neighborhood.
The HOA says its residents are held hostage in their own homes because of unruly behavior by protestors in front of George and Cindy's home.

The sheriff's office says it needs extra funding because they are pulling deputies out of high crime areas to respond to calls to the Anthony home.

However, commissioners were unwilling to give the sheriff's offices' budget a boost.

"It's tough for me to look at my residents and say we'll use taxpayer dollars when we have residents that have bigger criminal activity going on in their community," said Orange County Commissioner Tiffany Moore Russell.

An attorney for the Homeowner's Association said the community doesn't have enough money to continue seeking an injunction against the protesters in court.

Post by: Blonde on October 01, 2008, 04:30:10 PM
Casey Anthony Officially Called 'Suspect'
Sheriff's Office Says She Is Only One Who Can Lead Them To Caylee

POSTED: 4:02 pm EDT October 1, 2008
UPDATED: 4:18 pm EDT October 1, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony is the first -- and so far only -- person to be called a suspect in her daughter Caylee’s disappearance, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office told WESH 2 News on Wednesday.

She is the only one who can lead investigators to the truth about what happened to Caylee, who has been missing for 79 days, an agency spokesman said.

Until now, investigators did not call Casey Anthony a suspect, usually calling her a “person of interest.”

But Capt. Angelo Nieves of the sheriff’s office said Casey Anthony is a suspect because of the evidence the agency has received from the FBI indicating that Caylee’s body was in her mother car. He also said she has repeatedly lied to investigators.

“Well, she was the last person to person to see her daughter, and we are continuing to follow up on this information, and granted she would be a suspect,” Nieves said.

Casey Anthony is out on bond on a variety of charges, from child neglect to check fraud. She initially told investigators her daughter was last with a babysitter.

Attorney Jose Baez, Casey Anthony’s attorney, said it doesn’t make a difference whether investigators call her a “person of interest” or a “suspect.” He declined a request for a further interview

Post by: Blonde on October 01, 2008, 07:11:21 PM

Below are the names from the state witness list in the Casey Anthony case.

Sgt. John Allen, Orange County Sheriff’s Office

Karen Angel, Dora Nursing and Rehabilitation Center,   

Mount Dora, where Casey Anthony’s grandfather lived.  

Cynthia Anthony, Casey Anthony’s mother, Caylee Anthony’s grandmother

George Anthony, Casey Anthony’s father, Caylee Anthony’s grandfather.

Lee Anthony, Casey Anthony’s brother.

Deputy Charity R. Beasley, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Gerardo Bloise, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Rosanna Bonilla Resident of 301 Hillside, the seniors-only facility, who talked with LE during their search for Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez
Also Rosanna Bonilla Lives at the address Casey gave to police as a possible location of Zenaida?

Simon Burch, works at wrecker company that towed Casey Anthony’s car.

Brian Burner, neighbor of Cindy and George Anthony who loaned shovel to Casey Anthony.

Deputy Sandra G. Cawn, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Ann Marie Chase Mother of Mark Hawkins, Marine friend of Casey’s stationed in California. Anne Marie last saw Casey in Target on July 10,

Kristina Chester, friend of Casey Anthony.

David D. Clarke, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Danny Colamarino, works at tattoo parlor that Casey Anthony visited.

Dee Crawford, Event Imaging Solutions Group.

Matthew Crisp Went to high school with Casey (Colonial High School). He last saw Casey on July 7, 2008, at Subway.

Kiomarie Cruz Casey’s childhood friend who says Casey told her that she wanted to give Caylee up for adoption  

Jonathan Daly, Works at tattoo parlor that Casey Antony visited.

Kelly Deguzman, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Tanya DePalmo, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Annie Dowling  Friend of Casey's  Previously lived in Sawgrass Apartments

Deputy Ryan Eberlin, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Eric Edwards, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Rendon Fletcher, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Jason Forgey, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Thomas Galaida, Tom’s Auto Repair.

Harry Garcia, Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey Anthony said Caylee’s nanny lived.

Rich Garrad, Carlson Restaurants, Texas.

Zenaida Gonzalez, woman whose name Casey Anthony used as Caylee’s nanny.

Jessie Grund, Casey Anthony’s ex-boyfriend.they were Engaged at one time

Mark Hawkins, friend of Casey Anthony.

Deputy Susan Hempfield, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Jeffrey Hopkins II, identified in police report as former high school classmate of Casey Anthony who ran into her in late June.

Jeffrey and Melissa Hopkins, Jeffrey II’s parents.

Reginald Hosey, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Roy House  House, Roy Clint – aka Clint House. Anthony Lazaro’s former business partner and roommate.

Amy Huizenga, friend of Casey Anthony. Casey took her check book.

Sgt. Matthew Irwin, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Michael Kispert, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Maria Kissh  Acquaintance of Casey. Met her through her boyfriend Clint who is a close friend of Tony Lazaro’s

Anthony Lazzaro, recently Casey Anthony’s boyfriend.

Ricardo Lee, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Anne Lennington, from nursing home where Casey Anthony’s father was.

Nicole Lett, from wrecker company that towed Casey Anthony’s car.

Dannielle Lucey-Austin Manager of Chuck-e-Cheese Restaurant at 541 West Highway 436 in Altamonte Springs, FL. She provided video surveillance tape to Yuri Melich from July 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Amanda Macklin, Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey Anthony said Caylee’s nanny lived.

Tom Manderville, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Peter Marino, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Awilda McBryde, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Joy McCabe, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

William McCoy, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Samara Melich, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Yuri Melich, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Officer William Moore, Orlando Police Department.

Ricardo Morales, dated Casey Anthony.

Custodian of 911 Calls, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Custodian of Records of Johnson’s Wrecker Service, which towed Casey Anthony’s car.

Custodian of Records of AT&T Wireless.

Ryan Pasley  Friends with Casey since about age 4 or 5. Has never heard of the nanny, and finds it odd that Casey says she had known Zanaida or Zani for four years, but has never mentioned the name to him.  

Shirley Plesea   Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab Center,

Melissa Remy, FDLE

Gary Ridgeway, Johnson’s Wrecker, which towed Casey Anthony’s car.

Pedro Rivera, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Kari Roderick, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Dante Salah   Friend of Casey’s who did live in the Sawgrass Apartments. Worked at Don Reid Ford; quit as of June 17  Worked at Muscle Cars and Handlebars on Orange and Landstreet

Deputy Michael Salamat, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Katherine Sanchez, Amscot

Nicole Schieber, Johnson’s Wrecker, which towed Casey Anthony’s car.

Deputy Michael Seagraves, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Renee Simpson, Valencia Community College.

Dianne Tighe, Colorvision

Dave Turner, Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey Anthony said Caylee’s nanny lived.

Leonard Turtora, where Casey Anthony said she worked.

Michael Vincent, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Appling Wells, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Jerold White, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Lance White   worked at Cast Iron Tatoo

Bobby Lee Williams employee of Cast Iron Tattoo. He is the tattoo artist who did Bella Vita (Beautiful Life)

Deputy Ryan Williams, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Posted by misitx5

Post by: Blonde on October 02, 2008, 09:53:00 AM
On "Today," Casey Anthony's former fiance tells her: "Tell the truth. This isn't about you anymore"
posted by halboedeker on Oct 2, 2008 8:10:45 AM

Thursday morning to reveal what she knows about missing daughter Caylee.

"Casey, tell the truth. This isn't about you anymore," Jesse Grund said. "This is about Caylee. Stop dragging people's lives through this, stop destroying people's lives and tell the truth. What happened to Caylee? Because we're all done with it. We're all done with having to listen to your lies and your stories that make no sense over and over and over again. So tell the truth about what happened."

Grund summed up the frustrations so many people feel with Casey Anthony. Lauer conducted a good interview that provided several memorable moments in this perplexing, drawn-out story.   

Grund explained why he was attracted to Casey Anthony. He found her to be smart, sarcastic and fun to be around. But she started to lied the end of their rleationship and stole $250 from him.

He described Casey as a devoted and doting mother to Caylee. But at end of their relationship, Casey  pulled away, turned selfish, started partying and became closer to her mother, Cindy Anthony, Grund said.

Lauer asked if Casey Anthony could have hurt her child.

"Who knows the real Casey?" Grund said. "I think only she does. I think her personality has been so changed and molded over the years, I don't even know if she knows who she is." 

"Today" preceded the interview with a report by Kerry Sanders in Orlando. He noted the Orange County Sheriff's Office is now calling Casey Anthony a suspect in her daughter's disappearance. Sanders said that change came in an interview with reporter Bob Kealing of WESH-Channel 2.

Jose Baez, Casey Anthony's attorney, countered that there's little difference between being called "person of interest" and "suspect."

Perhaps Grund's words are the ones that will make a difference.

Post by: Blonde on October 02, 2008, 04:43:07 PM

Lawsuit filed by Zenaida Gonzalez against Casey Anthony
September 24, 2008


Post by: Blonde on October 02, 2008, 05:55:46 PM
Can murder be proved without a body?
There are ways But can they prove it?

Nearly two months after Caylee's disappearance became public, the search for a child, living or dead, continues. Authorities have charged the toddler's mother, 22-year-old Casey Anthony, with child neglect, but she remains a "person of interest" in what could turn out to be a homicide case.

If no girl is found, legal experts say that prosecuting anyone for murder would be a challenge -- but it has been done.

"I don't think he was ever going to give it up without that kind of pressure," White said.

Only fragments of the evidence in Caylee's case have been disclosed, but sheriff's officials have openly speculated in court and elsewhere that the child could be dead.

Caylee had been missing several weeks before she was reported missing in July, and from the beginning, investigators have accused her mother of lying -- about her job, about circumstances of the girl's disappearance, about the people she claimed to have told about it.

Openly dismissive of Casey Anthony's story that a baby sitter took Caylee, they continue to urge her to tell them what she knows.

More ominous is the information released so far about the Pontiac that Anthony drove. Dogs trained to smell signs of human decomposition alerted on the trunk, where investigators found dirt, a mysterious stain and hairs. Tests of air samples from the trunk also indicated that a body once lay there.

Last week, news emerged that lab tests also found traces of chloroform -- the one-time anesthetic that can kill if inhaled in sufficient quantity. Still not disclosed are the results of DNA tests on evidence from the trunk.

And then there is the shovel Anthony requested from a neighbor in June, several days after the last reported sighting of Caylee at her grandparents' home in east Orange County.

Grandparents Cindy and George Anthony have reacted angrily to suggestions that Caylee is dead and continue to urge people to look for a live girl. Casey Anthony has not budged from her account that the child was kidnapped -- and that she, too, is a victim.

Legal experts say Orange County prosecutors don't have to rush to charge anyone with murder because there is no time limit on homicides.

'Proceeding cautiously'

"The prosecutors handling the case are extremely experienced," said criminal-defense attorney F. Wesley "Buck" Blankner Jr. "They are waiting to see the results from the lab. They are trying to see what they can prove. The state is proceeding cautiously."

Investigators would have to look at whether a death were caused by accident or criminal intent.

They must consider whether the case they have is the best it will be or whether they should wait for more evidence.

"If they lose the case, the defendant can't be retried," Putnam said.

How some cases were prosecuted

Roy Ballard: Autumn Marie Traub vanished in 2006, and her body was never found. Ballard awaits sentencing. Forensic tests showed Traub's blood was on a bag in the trunk of Ballard's car.

Anton Daryl Meyers: This was the first time prosecutor Chris White pushed forward with murder charges without a body. Meyers was convicted and eventually led authorities to the remains of Kathy Engels.

 "If the body has not been found or recovered, [prosecutors] must present circumstantial evidence that allows the jury to conclude the victim is dead and died at the hands of the defendant," said Charles Putnam, a former prosecutor and researcher at Justiceworks, a research group in justice studies at the University of New Hampshire.

In most homicide cases, prosecutors have a body as direct evidence that a killing took place.

Investigators in Modesto, Calif., waited until the bodies of Laci Peterson and her unborn child were found in 2003 before they charged her husband, Scott Peterson, who had been identified as a person of interest for months.

Without a body, circumstantial evidence becomes key.

This can include evidence acquired by crime-scene investigators, statements from witnesses, and details about the behavior and actions of the suspect in the crime. To prove a circumstantial case, the information presented at trial must be sufficient to convince a jury that a murder is the only reasonable explanation of what took place.

This summer, prosecutors in Polk County did this when a jury convicted Roy Ballard of first-degree murder for killing his stepdaughter.

Autumn Marie Traub, 33, disappeared Sept. 13, 2006, and her body was never found. A jury recommended the death penalty.

He is awaiting sentencing by a judge.

Forensic tests

In Ballard's case, authorities had forensic tests that showed Traub's blood was on a bag in the trunk of Ballard's car. He bought a pipe more than a week before she disappeared. A witness who shared a cell with Ballard testified that Ballard confided to him how he brutally beat his stepdaughter and used acidic water to get rid of the body.

Polk County prosecutors would not comment about the case because the outcome is pending. However, 10th Circuit State Attorney's Office spokesman Chip Thullbery said, "Theoretically, you could have a no-body case that was stronger than a body case, depending on the all the facts."

In Seminole County, seven years passed between the disappearance of 14-year-old Kathy Engels and the guilty verdict for her killer, Anton Daryl Meyers. This 1994 case was the first time veteran prosecutor Chris White ever pushed forward with murder charges without a body.

"There were a bunch of facts that made me confident we could do it," he said.

Three jailhouse snitches testified that Meyers confessed to them. Meyers was seen with the teenager on the night she disappeared. Investigators also found a shoe impression on Meyers' chest that matched the type of sneakers worn by Engels -- as if someone had kicked him hard, White said.

Applying pressure

Meyers was sentenced to death. But in 2001, Meyers agreed to confess to the killing and lead authorities to Engels' body if the state would convert his death sentence to life in prison. Investigators dug up her remains in a wooded lot between a chiropractor's office and a bank on Lake Mary Boulevard.

"I don't think he was ever going to give it up without that kind of pressure," White said.

Only fragments of the evidence in Caylee's case have been disclosed, but sheriff's officials have openly speculated in court and elsewhere that the child could be dead.

Caylee had been missing several weeks before she was reported missing in July, and from the beginning, investigators have accused her mother of lying -- about her job, about circumstances of the girl's disappearance, about the people she claimed to have told about it.

Openly dismissive of Casey Anthony's story that a baby sitter took Caylee, they continue to urge her to tell them what she knows.

More ominous is the information released so far about the Pontiac that Anthony drove. Dogs trained to smell signs of human decomposition alerted on the trunk, where investigators found dirt, a mysterious stain and hairs. Tests of air samples from the trunk also indicated that a body once lay there.

Last week, news emerged that lab tests also found traces of chloroform -- the one-time anesthetic that can kill if inhaled in sufficient quantity. Still not disclosed are the results of DNA tests on evidence from the trunk.

And then there is the shovel Anthony requested from a neighbor in June, several days after the last reported sighting of Caylee at her grandparents' home in east Orange County.

Grandparents Cindy and George Anthony have reacted angrily to suggestions that Caylee is dead and continue to urge people to look for a live girl. Casey Anthony has not budged from her account that the child was kidnapped -- and that she, too, is a victim.

Legal experts say Orange County prosecutors don't have to rush to charge anyone with murder because there is no time limit on homicides.

'Proceeding cautiously'

"The prosecutors handling the case are extremely experienced," said criminal-defense attorney F. Wesley "Buck" Blankner Jr. "They are waiting to see the results from the lab. They are trying to see what they can prove. The state is proceeding cautiously."

Investigators would have to look at whether a death were caused by accident or criminal intent.

They must consider whether the case they have is the best it will be or whether they should wait for more evidence.

"If they lose the case, the defendant can't be retried," Putnam said.

How some cases were prosecuted

Roy Ballard: Autumn Marie Traub vanished in 2006, and her body was never found. Ballard awaits sentencing. Forensic tests showed Traub's blood was on a bag in the trunk of Ballard's car.

Anton Daryl Meyers: This was the first time prosecutor Chris White pushed forward with murder charges without a body. Meyers was convicted and eventually led authorities to the remains of Kathy Engels.

Sarah Lundy can be reached at or 407-420-6218.,0,931506.story?page=2

Post by: Blonde on October 02, 2008, 06:34:28 PM
Two New Areas Being Checked In Search For Caylee Anthony

POSTED: 5:13 pm EDT October 2, 2008
UPDATED: 6:12 pm EDT October 2, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News has learned detectives have been searching for the body of Caylee Anthony in two more places in east Orange County. Caylee was reported missing 78 days ago. Detectives say she is dead and that at one point her body was in the trunk of her mom's car.

Both wooded areas they're searching are not far from where Casey Anthony lives with her parents. One is near the Amscot at Goldenrod and Highway 50 where Casey abandoned her car in late June. Investigators have searched the area more than once with cadaver dogs.

The other area is closer to Orlando International Airport, where a driver told investigators she saw a car like Casey's white Pontiac Sunfire parked in the median days after Caylee disappeared and she saw someone slight of build wearing a baseball cap and what looked like athletic wear walk out of the woods, someone she believes could have been Casey. It was odd to her because it's not a popular spot for joggers.

Thursday, Casey's attorney said it's not in her best interest to tell what she knows about where Caylee is.

"It does her no good to show her cards to give the prosecution any advantage they have to put her away for life," Jose Baez said.

Judging by what he said, it would seem that Casey would get herself into trouble by telling what she knows about Caylee's whereabouts.

"Casey, tell the truth. It's not about you anymore," said Jesse Grund, Casey's ex-fiance.

Grund shot back at Casey's mother Cindy, who told investigators he's involved in Caylee's disappearance. He said when Casey and Cindy patched things up, Casey's maternal instinct withered away.

"Stop destroying people's lives and tell the truth. What happened to Caylee?" Grund said.

The sheriff's office says it has no idea how many times investigators have searched for Caylee over the last two and a half months or how much it's costing taxpayers. The helicopter alone costs $500 an hour every time it goes up.


Attorney John Morgan who is representing Zenaida Gonzalez, a woman who shares the name of the so-called nanny Casey claimed had her daughter said he is certain that Casey's team is trying to profit from the case. Morgan appeared on CNN's Nancy Grace Wednesday night.

"I know for a fact that magazines have been approached by members of her team to receive monies," said Attorney John Morgan (watch interview).

Morgan's client is suing Casey for defamation of character. Zenaida was questioned by deputies and says she can't get a job because her name was used.

Gonzalez says she's never even met Casey and investigators have cleared her in the child's disappearance.

Post by: Blonde on October 03, 2008, 10:09:44 AM

October 3, 2008

For the first time, Casey Anthony has been labeled a suspect in her daughter's disappearance.
Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
Anthony, 22, was previously called a "person of interest" by investigators looking into what happened to 3-year-old Caylee Marie.

Sheriff's spokesman Capt. Angelo Nieves said Thursday there was no new evidence to prompt the change -- just a culmination of several factors, including Anthony's persistent deception.

He cited "the subsequent totality of those deceptive responses, lies, uncooperativeness, coupled with the investigative efforts that are still ongoing in this investigation, cause her to be a suspect in the continuing missing-person investigation," in an e-mail to the Orlando Sentinel explaining the change.

A person of interest is someone law enforcement wants to speak to in order to provide information about a case, Nieves said. A suspect is someone who is thought to have been involved in crime.

"Her information has been suspect since we began this investigation," Nieves said. "This is a person who has been uncooperative since the first day."

The child was reported missing July 15, but Anthony told detectives that she hasn't seen Caylee since mid-June, when she said she left her daughter with a baby sitter.

Detectives have not been able to find the baby sitter and question whether she exists.

Deputies also have suggested that the child may be dead.

During a bond hearing in July, Detective Yuri Melich, the lead investigator on the case, called Anthony a person of interest for the first time.

She became a suspect this week.

"Over the past two and half months, we have been diligently working to resolve the case of the missing child," Nieves said. "The information she has provided has proven to be false."

Meanwhile, the Florida Department of Children and Families confirmed Thursday it has concluded its investigation related to Caylee's disappearance.

DCF spokeswoman Carrie Hoeppner said the agency's findings have been given to the Sheriff's Office, but she did not say what those findings were.

"The information obtained in the investigation does not meet the criteria for release at this time," she said in an e-mail.

DCF's role in the case remains "very limited," she said.

A spokesman for Anthony's attorney said calling Anthony a suspect is ridiculous.

"They won't say what she is suspecting of doing?" said Todd Black, a spokesman for Anthony's attorney, Jos� Baez. "A suspect in [her child's] disappearance means that she left her child with a baby sitter?"

The Anthony family could not be reached for comment.

Anyone with information about the child's whereabouts is encouraged to call Crimeline at 1-800-423-8477

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 04, 2008, 10:12:05 AM
Veteran Investigator: Casey Anthony 'One Of Toughest He's Ever Come In Contact With'
Sheriff: New Evidence Coming

POSTED: 9:25 am EDT October 4, 2008
UPDATED: 10:02 am EDT October 4, 2008
Casey Anthony, who is the only person named as a suspect in her daughter's disappearance, has provided what investigators have called "deceptive responses" in connection with the case.

In an exclusive interview with Local 6, Beary said lead detective Sgt. John Allen has described Casey Anthony's attitude.

"I've had some very experienced people working on this case and Sgt. John Allen is one of those," Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said. "Sgt. Allen said that's one of the toughest individuals he's ever come in contact with when it comes to attitude and as you called the poker face."

"In your heart, do you believe (Caylee) is gone -- she is dead?" Local 6's Mike Holfeld said.

"Well, my dad-instinct says you never want to give up," Beary said. "But the way the evidence is looking, that's probably what's going to be how down the road."

"She's gone?" Holfeld said.

"She's gone," Beary said. "Everyday that passes, everything in your gut instinct tells you we're not going to find that child -- at least not alive."

Evidence from the trunk of Anthony's 1998 Pontiac included traces of chloroform and DNA pointing to a body in the vehicle. Also, hair in the trunk was linked to the missing 3-year-old, Local 6 reported.

"You know, we know that something's wrong," Beary said. "We know something happened and that's why we are still building the evidential case for the future."

Bear said the evidence could play a criminal court showdown with Casey Anthony, Holfeld reported.

"Is it possible, speaking of the future, that we could see here brought to justice without a body being found?" Holfeld asked.

"Well, Florida has laws on the books like that," Beary said. "I think before anybody does anything, the state attorney, the sheriff's office, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the FBI will make sure that if that is the scenario, we will have all our ducks in a row for a good solid case."

Beary said that additional evidence is coming but he has asked investigators not to brief him until they are ready to release it.

The sheriff also said that he is hopeful that the case will come to a close before he leaves office in less than three months.

A national search continues for missing Caylee Anthony

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 06, 2008, 09:44:42 AM
Psychological Analysis of Casey using BRACE Character Profile™  system by Russell L Smith, M.S., HSP-PA, NCP

posted by mrskub

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 06, 2008, 01:54:18 PM

Casey Anthony wants to be allowed to travel to assist in the search for her missing 3-year-old daughter Caylee, according to defense motions released on Monday.The motion, one of eight filed in Orange County Circuit Court, also asks that the time and date of the travel be kept secret from the public

Video about court hearing

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 06, 2008, 02:48:32 PM
Hearing set to discuss motions in case against Casey Anthony

Sarah Lundy and Susan Jacobson | Sentinel Staff Writers
11:14 AM EDT, October 6, 2008

Hearing set to discuss motions in case against Casey Anthony
11:10 a.m.: A hearing is set Friday to discuss eight motions filed by the defense in the case against Casey Anthony -- the mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie.
Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, filed the motions last Friday. Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland will hear arguments at 10:30 a.m.

Anthony is charged with child neglect, filing false information to law enforcement and a slew of check-fraud charges. The 22-year-old single mother told investigators she last saw her daughter in mid-June when she left the toddler with a babysitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. When Anthony returned later to pick up

Caylee, the child and baby sitter were gone, Anthony has said.

Investigators don't think the baby sitter exists.

The child was reported missing on July 15.

The motions are:

* Defense wants the state to release all records about its investigation into Zenaida Gonzalez.

* Defense wants Anthony - who is on home confinement - to be able to visit "key points of interest in the case" to help in the search for her daughter. Baez is requesting that her travels not be made public.

* Defense wants the Department of Children and Families - which did its own investigation into the child-neglect issue - to release its records.

* Defense wants to inspect the polygraph exams that have or will be given to anyone related to the case.

* Defense is asking for the flight manifest of Air Tran flight 862 that flew from Orlando to Atlanta on July 2. Someone reported seeing Caylee on the plane. (Investigators later located the child and the toddler was not Caylee.)

* Defense wants to the state to turn over results of forensic testing, including testing on traces of chloroform allegedly found in Anthony's car and any documentation about the air sample testing done at the Body Farm at the University of Tennessee. (Authorities reported the samples showed at some point there was a decomposing body in the trunk.)

* Defense wants to be able to inspect digital forensic evidence, such as computer hard drives, cell phones, SIM cards and media cards.

* Defense wants the state to stop testing and handling forensic evidence until the court rules on how the testing will proceed. --------


Hope abounded Sunday night at a Conway-area church as about 80 people gathered to pray, sing and light candles for missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony.

Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, thanked the crowd for its support and told it how difficult the past months of worry have been. Friday, for instance, "I think I cried probably 23 out of 24 hours," Cindy Anthony said.

Caylee was reported missing in mid-July, and her mother, Casey, this month was named a suspect in the disappearance.

Nonetheless, the couple encouraged people to keep their faith that Caylee, 3, would return safely to her family in east Orange County. Cindy Anthony also said they should not believe media coverage of the case -- presumably the reporting of investigators' suggestion that Caylee may be dead -- that she says is "fabricated."

"It's going to take a lot of you guys' positive thinking to bring her home," she said.

Cindy Anthony read a poem for the first time that a stranger, moved by the family's plight, gave to her husband. The couple vowed to read it twice a day until the toddler returns. "Please bring Caylee home," it began.

The 35-minute service ended with singing and the lighting of candles, which supporters waved in the air.

"We're trying just to encourage them," said Shane Stutzman, pastor at Eastside Baptist Church, where the vigil was held. "Encouragement goes a long way."

Previously, vigils were held in front of the Anthonys' home, but the location was moved to deter protesters who have denounced the family and demanded that Casey Anthony cooperate with detectives.

Outside the church, the message was supportive.

Find Caylee!" read writing on one car window, which had pink and blue hearts drawn on it.

"Support Casey Anthony."

"We (heart) Caylee."

"Team Caylee."

Sherri Anderson, 46, of Orlando said she came to show support for the Anthonys, who have been attending services at the church. "I feel honored that God told them to come to this church," said Anderson, who wore a wristband. "There's still hope, and God can do amazing things."

In other news in the case, the volunteer group Texas EquuSearch could be back in the area by the end of next week to again look for Caylee.

Mandy Albritton of the mounted search-and-recovery team said Orange Sheriff Kevin Beary wants the group to finish the job it began in late August.

Susan Jacobson can be reached at or 407-540-5981.,0,5040463.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 07, 2008, 10:05:34 AM
Casey Anthony wants privacy and lots more

Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
October 7, 2008
Casey Anthony — out of jail on court-ordered home confinement — wants a judge to let her visit "key points of interest" as part of the search for her missing 3-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie.

She also would like Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland to keep her travel dates and times secret from the public.

These are two of nine requests from Anthony's lawyer that Strickland is scheduled to consider Friday at the Orange County Courthouse. It's unclear whether Anthony will attend.

Anthony, 22, has been charged with 13 felony counts, including child neglect, filing a false statement to law enforcement and various check-fraud charges, since reporting in July that her daughter disappeared in the care of a baby sitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez.

Sheriff's investigators have not found the child, who according to her mother vanished in mid-June. They also have not located the baby sitter and question whether she exists.

Anthony has posted bail totaling more than $500,000 and is living at home with her parents in east Orange County. Every Monday, she visits her home-confinement officer to arrange her schedule for the week — a report that is open to the public. Most of her time away from home is spent at the office of her attorney, José Baez.

Baez filed eight requests with the judge Friday. The ninth was filed last month.

Todd Black, a spokesman for Baez, said many of the requests result from media reports quoting unnamed sources about evidence in the case. For example, no one ever confirmed on the record that traces of chloroform were found inside the trunk of Anthony's car, but that information has appeared on TV and in the Orlando Sentinel.

The idea behind Anthony's requests is to get prosecutors and detectives to "tell the truth," Black said. "If you have a report from the FBI, show it. If you have a report from the Body Farm, show it."

The defense wants the state to turn over results of forensic testing, including testing on traces of chloroform supposedly found in Anthony's car and any documentation about the air-sample testing done at the Body Farm at the University of Tennessee.

Authorities reported the samples showed that the car trunk contained a decomposing body at one point.

In other documents, the defense says it wants:

•Access to the car, which is being held by the Orange County Sheriff's Office. Baez has hired his own defense expert to examine the vehicle in preparation for trial.

•Release of all records about the state's investigation into Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez.

•Disclosure of records from the Department of Children and Families, which investigated the child-neglect issue.

•Permission to inspect the polygraph exams that have or will be given to anyone related to the case. This includes questions asked and answered and all reported conclusions from examinations.

•Access to the flight manifest of AirTran Airways Flight 862 that flew from Orlando to Atlanta on July2. Someone reported seeing Caylee on the plane. Investigators, who got a copy of the manifest, later found that child was not Caylee.

•Approval to inspect digital forensic evidence, such as computer hard drives, cell phones, SIM cards and media cards.

•A halt to testing and handling of forensic evidence until the court rules on how the testing will proceed.

While Baez has been handling legal issues in the case, Black — who is with a firm called Press Corps Media — met with focus groups last weekend to gauge public opinion about the case. He said he was encouraged with the findings.

The main point he learned, he said, is that the public is tired of the case and no longer trusts the media.

He said he will issue a report to Baez, who may choose to use the findings to argue in favor of moving any trial on the charges to another city.

Sarah Lundy can be reached at or 407-420-6218.,0,4785438.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 07, 2008, 01:48:43 PM
Analyst: Motion intends to portray Casey as grieving mother

Last Edited: Tuesday, 07 Oct 2008, 9:52 AM EDT
Created: Tuesday, 07 Oct 2008, 9:52 AM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- FOX 35’s Mike Dunston spoke with FOX News Senior Judicial Analyst Andrew Napolitano about the motions released yesterday that could allow Casey Anthony to leave her home and help search for her daughter, Caylee.

Casey Anthony’s attorney, Jose Baez, requested that his client be allowed to visit key places. “I suggest that motion has been made for PR purposes so that she can telegraph to the public from among the 12 jurors who will try her, that she’s interested in finding the baby,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano said he believes the motions were filed as a ruse to get the public to think that Casey is a grieving mother. “Whether she’s grieving or not we may never know. Whether she really wants to find the child or not we may never know,” he added.

Baez also filed motions to obtain copies of inspection and forensic evidence from Casey’s computer, cell phone and car.

A motion is scheduled Friday to determine whether these motions will be granted or denied. The meeting is scheduled at 10:30 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 07, 2008, 04:29:00 PM
Casey Anthony's Lawyer Asks To Inspect Evidence
Monday, October 06, 2008 11:21:09 PM

ORLANDO -- The mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony will be in court on Friday as her attorney files a number of motions in Casey Anthony's child neglect case.

In total, Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, filed eight motions.

Baez asked to see all records from the Department of Children and Family in regards to Caylee, and all documents relating to Zenaida Gonzalez -- the babysitter Casey said she gave Caylee to.

He also wants the state to turn over results of forensic testing, including traces of chloroform and the odor of decomposition reportedly found in Casey's car.

In addition, Baez asked to see a passenger list for AirTran Airways flight 862 on July 2 to Atlanta. The family said they got a tip that Caylee was on that flight.

Baez requested to see all polygraph tests done by deputies.

Meanwhile, the defense wants Casey to be able to visit "key points of interest in the case" so she can help with the search. However, Baez doesn't want those travels to be made public.

Casey is currently on home confinement pending her trial.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 07, 2008, 04:33:53 PM
Casey Anthony allowed to attend court Friday
Amy L. Edwards and Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writers
4:14 PM EDT, October 7, 2008


Casey Anthony allowed to attend court Friday

4 p.m.: Casey Anthony's home confinement schedule has been modified to allow her to attend court Friday, an Orange County Corrections spokesman just said.

She will be allowed out of her family's Lee Vista-area home at 8:30 a.m. and must return by 4 p.m. She is also allowed to travel to defense attorney Jose Baez's office after the court proceedings.

Anthony wants a judge to let her visit "key points of interest" as part of the search for her missing daughter Caylee Marie. She also wants a judge to keep her travel dates and times secret from the public.

Those are two of nine requests from Baez that a judge will consider Friday morning.


Casey Anthony out of jail on court-ordered home confinement -- wants a judge to let her visit "key points of interest" as part of the search for her missing 3-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie.

She also would like Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland to keep her travel dates and times secret from the public.

These are two of nine requests from Anthony's lawyer that Strickland is scheduled to consider Friday at the Orange County Courthouse. It's unclear whether Anthony will attend.

Anthony, 22, has been charged with 13 felony counts, including child neglect, filing a false statement to law enforcement and various check-fraud charges, since reporting in July that her daughter disappeared in the care of a baby sitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez.

Sheriff's investigators have not found the child, who according to her mother vanished in mid-June. They also have not located the baby sitter and question whether she exists.

Anthony has posted bail totaling more than $500,000 and is living at home with her parents in east Orange County. Every Monday, she visits her home-confinement officer to arrange her schedule for the week -- a report that is open to the public. Most of her time away from home is spent at the office of her attorney, Jos� Baez.

Baez filed eight requests with the judge Friday. The ninth was filed last month.

Todd Black, a spokesman for Baez, said many of the requests result from media reports quoting unnamed sources about evidence in the case. For example, no one ever confirmed on the record that traces of chloroform were found inside the trunk of Anthony's car, but that information has appeared on TV and in the Orlando Sentinel.

The idea behind Anthony's requests is to get prosecutors and detectives to "tell the truth," Black said. "If you have a report from the FBI, show it. If you have a report from the Body Farm, show it."

The defense wants the state to turn over results of forensic testing, including testing on traces of chloroform supposedly found in Anthony's car and any documentation about the air-sample testing done at the Body Farm at the University of Tennessee.

Authorities reported the samples showed that the car trunk contained a decomposing body at one point.

In other documents, the defense says it wants:

*Access to the car, which is being held by the Orange County Sheriff's Office. Baez has hired his own defense expert to examine the vehicle in preparation for trial.

*Release of all records about the state's investigation into Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez.

*Disclosure of records from the Department of Children and Families, which investigated the child-neglect issue.

*Permission to inspect the polygraph exams that have or will be given to anyone related to the case. This includes questions asked and answered and all reported conclusions from examinations.

Access to the flight manifest of AirTran Airways Flight 862 that flew from Orlando to Atlanta on July 2. Someone reported seeing Caylee on the plane. Investigators, who got a copy of the manifest, later found that child was not Caylee.

*Approval to inspect digital forensic evidence, such as computer hard drives, cell phones, SIM cards and media cards.

*A halt to testing and handling of forensic evidence until the court rules on how the testing will proceed.

While Baez has been handling legal issues in the case, Black -- who is with a firm called Press Corps Media -- met with focus groups last weekend to gauge public opinion about the case. He said he was encouraged with the findings.

The main point he learned, he said, is that the public is tired of the case and no longer trusts the media.

He said he will issue a report to Baez, who may choose to use the findings to argue in favor of moving any trial on the charges to another city.

Sarah Lundy can be reached at or 407-420-6218.,0,4785438.story?page=2

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 07, 2008, 05:56:07 PM
Analyst says motion portrays Casey as grieving mom

Last Edited: Tuesday, 07 Oct 2008, 11:32 AM EDT
Created: Tuesday, 07 Oct 2008, 9:52 AM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- FOX 35’s Mike Dunston spoke with FOX News Senior Judicial Analyst Andrew Napolitano about the motions released yesterday that could allow Casey Anthony to leave her home and help search for her daughter, Caylee.

Casey Anthony’s attorney, Jose Baez, requested that his client be allowed to visit key places. “I suggest that motion has been made for PR purposes so that she can telegraph to the public from among the 12 jurors who will try her, that she’s interested in finding the baby,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano said he believes the motions were filed as a ruse to get the public to think that Casey is a grieving mother. “Whether she’s grieving or not we may never know. Whether she really wants to find the child or not we may never know,” he added.

Baez also filed motions to obtain copies of inspection and forensic evidence from Casey’s computer, cell phone and car.

A motion is scheduled Friday to determine whether these motions will be granted or denied. The meeting is scheduled at 10:30 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 07, 2008, 06:05:23 PM
Baez Says Anthony Already Tried For Homicide
Attorney Says All Evidence Should Also Be Turned Over To Defense Team

POSTED: 3:04 pm EDT October 7, 2008
UPDATED: 5:27 pm EDT October 7, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- In the words of the attorney for Casey Anthony, mother of missing toddler Caylee Anthony, his client has already been tried for homicide in the public eye.

Jose Baez went on to say his client has suffered the public's hatred and watched her own privacy disintegrate.

of forensic tests done on the air, hair and a stain found in Anthony's car. Anthony will be able to accompany him.

In the court papers, he's trying to draw a connection between the child neglect charges Anthony is facing now and whatever charges the state may bring from ongoing forensic tests.

"Essentially, law enforcement or the state attorney's office has successfully tried a homicide case against the defendant in the public eye," Baez said.

He goes on to argue, "The defendant has suffered the public's hatred, the picketers calling her a murderer in front of her own home, the insensitive and scathing assaults by media shows, and the complete disintegration of her privacy without even having access to the same information the media systematically and exclusively receives from law enforcement about her case."

Baez argues that the only way to preserve fair administration of justice is for the state to turn over all the evidence it leaks to the media to the defense team as well.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 07, 2008, 06:12:44 PM
Private investigators following out of state lead on Caylee

Last Edited: Tuesday, 07 Oct 2008, 5:46 PM EDT
Created: Tuesday, 07 Oct 2008, 5:46 PM EDT
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Caylee Marie Anthony has been missing for 12 weeks now.  On Tuesday her mother's legal teams says they could be one step closer to find the missing 3-year-old.

Private investigators working for her attorney Jose Baez are out of state following up on something they say is significant.

Jose Baez’s spokesperson Todd black tells fo3 35 their investigators are out of state talking to a man and getting pictures of the zanaida Gonzalez Casey says took caylee.

Black says the picture was taken at a park and has all involved parties in it: the woman they say is the zanaida Fernandez Gonzalez, Casey and caylee. No information at this point when this picture was taken.
And black says they have been trying to find the man who has the picture for weeks and they just located him and got in touch with him.

Friday court hearing

Casey Anthony will be in court Friday. She asked for and was given permission from Orange County home confinement to go to the courthouse on Friday.  Circuit Judge Stan Strickland will hear eight motions regarding evidence in the case at 10:30 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 07, 2008, 08:04:44 PM

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Caylee Marie Anthony has been missing for 12 weeks now. On Tuesday her mother's legal teams says they could be one step closer to find the missing 3-year-old.

Private investigators working for her attorney Jose Baez are out of state following up on something they say is significant.

Jose Baez’s spokesperson Todd B tells fox 35 their investigators are out of state talking to a man and getting pictures of the ZG Casey says took caylee.

Black says the picture was taken at a park and has all involved parties in it: the woman they say is the ZFG, Casey and caylee. No information at this point when this picture was taken.
And Todd B says they have been trying to find the man who has the picture for weeks and they just located him and got in touch with him.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 08, 2008, 08:50:07 AM
Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch Heading back to Orlando, FL for the Caylee Anthony and Jennifer Kesse Search

I spoke to Tim Miller of volunteer and non-profit Texas EquuSearch this afternoon. Thursday, Tim will be heading back to Orlando, FL to meet with law enforcement with regards to the case of missing Caylee Anthony. They will discuss potential searches and target locations for future searches. As promised, Texas Equusearch will return to Orlando to help find Caylee Anthony.

Also, first heard here … Tim Miller will be meeting with Drew Kesse, the father of missing Jennifer Kesse in an effort to reopen the search. Jennifer Kesse has been missing since January 24, 2006. Tim Miller will be meeting with Jennifer’s parents and with Orlando law enforcement in an effort to revive the search. We wish the best to Tim Miller and the Kesse’s. Drew and Joyce Kesse deserve the best as they have been an inspiration to many families of missing loved ones. They have always remained committed to finding Jennifer and deserve nothing more than to bring Jennifer home.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 08, 2008, 11:17:32 AM
Police to release documents, video related to Casey Anthony check fraud charges
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
9:56 AM EDT, October 8, 2008

Prosecutors are expected to release documents and video this morning related to the check fraud charges against Casey Anthony - the mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie.

The single mother is charged with 13 counts, including grand theft, forgery of a check and fraudulent use of personal identification. Authorities say Anthony took checks that belong to her friend, Amy Huizenga.

Anthony also is charged with child neglect and providing false information to law enforcement. This is connected to the disappearance of her daughter. Anthony told detectives that she last saw her daughter in mid-June when she left the girl with a babysitter. When she returned later that day to pick Caylee up, the toddler and nanny were gone. Her family reported Caylee missing a month later on July 15.

Investigators have not been able to find the babysitter and question whether she exists.,0,2674096.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 08, 2008, 11:33:01 AM
County installs camera at Anthony home; Lawyer claims new lead

Last Edited: Wednesday, 08 Oct 2008, 10:43 AM EDT  
Created: Tuesday, 07 Oct 2008, 5:46 PM EDT

Camera installed outside Anthony home

Related Items
StoriesCaylee Anthony Timeline and Photos
Hearing scheduled for Friday in Anthony case


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Caylee Marie Anthony has been missing for 12 weeks now.  On Tuesday, her mother's legal teams said they could be one step closer to find the missing 3-year-old.

There is also now a permanent set of eyes on the Anthony's home. 

The Orange County Sheriff's office told neighbors Tuesday they installed a surveillance camera on Hopespring Drive.  It’s on a light pole and gives a birds eye view of the Anthony home. 

The HOA president said he was told it will allow deputies to record activities in front of the Anthony’s home if there are any more problems.  It will also let them know if and when they need to dispatch deputies to Hopespring Drive.

VIDEO: --Orange County installs camera at Anthony house

The home has been the site of several confrontations between protestors, residents and the Anthony family. The homeowners association has tried unsuccessfully to get a court order banning people from the street outside the home. And County government is studying several ways to keep the peace while not infringing on protestors rights

Private investigators working for Anthony’s attorney Jose Baez are out of state following up on a lead they said is significant.

Jose Baez’s spokesperson Todd Black said their investigators are out of state talking to a man and getting pictures of the Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez Casey says took Caylee.

Black says the picture was taken at a park and has all involved parties in it: the woman they say is the babysitter, Casey and Caylee. No information has been released at this point as to when the picture was taken.

Black added they have been trying to find the man who has the picture for weeks and they just located him and got in touch with him.

Friday court hearing

Casey Anthony will be in court Friday. She asked for and was given permission from her Orange County home confinement manager to go to the courthouse on Friday.  Circuit Judge Stan Strickland will hear eight motions regarding evidence in the case at 10:30 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 08, 2008, 11:35:21 AM
Investigators release additional discovery in Casey Anthony case

Last Edited: Wednesday, 08 Oct 2008, 11:18 AM EDT
Created: Wednesday, 08 Oct 2008, 11:15 AM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The Orange County Sheriff's Office has released hundreds of additional pages of discovery related to the Casey Anthony case.

The documents include surveillance photos of Casey Anthony fraudulently using her former friend, Amy Huzienga's, Bank of America bank account.

Also included in the discovery are physical copies of the check Casey wrote including checks written out to herself for cash, Winn-Dixie and Target. Surveillance video has also been released showing Casey using Amy's checks.

Police have also determined that the shirt she was arrested in, a blue hooded t-shirt, was purchased at Target using Amy's check.

FOX 35 is working to make these documents available to viewers. Check back constantly for updates.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 08, 2008, 11:48:57 AM
New Casey Anthony evidence photos released,0,5662748.photogallery

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 08, 2008, 03:07:30 PM
Casey Anthony Caught On Video Buying Items With Allegedly Stolen Checks

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- New video released by the State Attorney's Office on Wednesday shows Casey Anthony making some very recognizable purchases at a Target store. A target security video shows Casey buying lingerie and the sunglasses she's often worn while walking in and out of her lawyer's office.

The video shows Casey at the checkout counter buying bras, camisoles, chemises and the big white sunglasses. The purchases also included a beret and even the light blue hoodie she was wearing the first time she was arrested

Investigators said Casey bought all of the goods at the Winter Park Target, six days before she was arrested in connection with the disappearance of her daughter Caylee, using a check stolen from her ex-best friend

The video also shows Casey walk out of the store while putting on another pair of large sunglasses.

Images | Raw Video

Video from the downtown Orlando Bank of America, taken five days after the Target shopping spree, shows Casey at the teller's window presenting what investigators say is another stolen check from friend Amy Huizenga for $250 in cash.

The State Attorney's office also released more documents related to the case. The documents detail how Huizenga went to Puerto Rico and let Casey borrow her car. In a statement to the sheriff's office, Huizenga said she had left her checkbook in the glove compartment. When she returned home, she said she found her checking account depleted. She became suspicious of Casey after talking to Casey's mother, Cindy.

The sheriff's office report says at least five checks were written from Huizenga's account and they all had what appeared to be Casey Anthony's name and signature on them. The report indicates Casey was able to use her own identification to somehow write the checks on Huizenga's account. The checks amounted to hundreds of dollars. Casey allegedly also wrote them at a Winn Dixie store where she bought groceries.
CASEY AT TARGET JULY 8: See Images |  Video
CASEY AT TARGET JULY 10: See Images  Video
CASEY AT BANK: See Images | Raw Surveillance Video
VIDEO REPORT: here at link

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 08, 2008, 05:20:54 PM
Check here... ALL DOCS posted

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 08, 2008, 05:30:03 PM
State Seeks Homicide Charge Against Mom Of Missing Caylee
3-Year-Old Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 3:18 pm EDT October 8, 2008
UPDATED: 5:08 pm EDT October 8, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The state is seeking homicide charges against Casey Anthony in connection to the disappearance of her missing 3-year-old daughter Caylee, Local 6 News reported.

The State Attorney's Office is planning on presenting its case to a grand jury on Tuesday, according to Local 6 News. The grand jury will then decide if prosecutors have enough evidence to charge 

Anthony, the report said.

It is not known if it will be a murder or manslaughter charge, Local 6 reported.

Caylee was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July. Even with no body, the state plans to charge Anthony in connection with the death of her child.

Orange County sheriff's investigators -- and Sheriff Kevin Beary -- said they believe Caylee is dead.

Anthony was recently named a suspect in her daughter's disappearance after evidence allegedly showed a dead body was inside Anthony's car.

Air samples taken from the trunk of the car indicated a dead body was present, investigators said. Cadaver dogs also alerted on the car, according to investigators.

In addition, FBI results showed that a hair sample taken from the trunk of the car likely belonged to Caylee, Local 6 News reported. High levels of chloroform were also found inside the trunk, according to the report.

Anthony was previously charged with child neglect in her daughter's disappearance.

New Video, Documents Released

Newly released surveillance videos show Casey Anthony shopping at different Central Florida stores using stolen checks, according to investigators.

Authorities said the video and photos, which were released on Wednesday, prove Casey Anthony is a thief, Local 6 reported.

Investigators said Casey Anthony used stolen checks from her one-time best friend Amy Huizenga, and then spent the money in stores including Target.

Copies of checks Anthony allegedly wrote were also released Wednesday, including one check on which Anthony apparently signed her own name.

When Casey Anthony was initially arrested on charges of child neglect, she was videotaped wearing a blue hoodie with the number 82 on it.

On surveillance video, Anthony can be seen buying the same blue-hoodie outfit at a Target store located on Alafaya Trail. Investigators said she made the purchase using a stolen check.

According to sheriff's deputies, Anthony stole Huizenga's checkbook while she was out of the country on vacation and then illegally went to at least four stores.

Prosecutors said Anthony stole more than $1,300 from Huizenga.

Anthony apparently made grocery and clothing purchases during a time in mid-July -- after Caylee had been missing for more than a month and when Casey Anthony was living with her boyfriend.

In addition to using Huizenga's checks to buy items, prosecutors said Anthony also cashed a check at a Bank of America where surveillance cameras captured her at a teller window.

Anthony allegedly wrote a check to herself for $250, Local 6 reported. Prosecutors said Anthony forged Huizenga's signature on the bottom of a check.

Also, on one of the checks Anthony allegedly spent in a Central Florida Target store, she signed "Casey Anthony" on the bottom of Huizenga's check, Local 6 reported.

In addition to five paper checks, detectives said Anthony wrote an electronic check to AT&T for $574.

If Anthony is convicted of all 13 check fraud charges, she could be sentenced up to 65 years in prison, Local 6 reported.

New Motion Filed

Meanwhile, Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, filed a new motion wanting evidence that may be favorable to his client.

The motion requests a list of any promises the state has made to any witnesses and any fees witnesses may be paid.

It also requests any information investigators have discovered that could be used to Anthony's disadvantage.

There have been several reported sightings of missing 3-year-old Caylee.

Baez has requested reports from any law enforcement agency that has investigated the tops.

A national search for Caylee continues.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 08, 2008, 06:39:49 PM
Report: State to seek homicide charges against Casey Anthony
Walter Pacheco, Sarah Lundy and Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writers
5:23 PM EDT, October 8, 2008


6:30. Prosecutors may seek homicide charges against Casey Anthony in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter Caylee Marie, sources confirmed

The state may present the case before an Orange County grand jury on Tuesday.

In other news, Casey Anthony's parents, Cindy and George, met with investigators at the Sheriff's office yesterday. Her brother Lee Anthony as at the office today.



4:07 p.m. The director of the Texas-based group that helped organize the volunteer search for Caylee Marie Anthony will be back in Central Florida on Friday, an organization spokeswoman just told the Orlando Sentinel.

Tim Miller, founder and director of Texas EquuSearch, will assess the weather conditions -- including water levels and vegetation -- and determine if it's the right time to resume the search for Caylee.

The group left Central Florida a month ago because the high water levels caused by Tropical Storm Fay were preventing a thorough examination of the search areas -- many of which were areas of thick brush and woods in east Orange County near the Anthony family home.

While in town, Miller will also meet with Orlando police detectives to discuss the Jennifer Kesse case, said EquuSearch search director Mandy Albritton.

Kesse, 24, vanished in January 2006 near her south Orlando apartment.

It's unclear exactly what will be discussed at the meeting, but there are no new developments in the case. They may search areas that had already been searched earlier, a detective said.

2:47 p.m.
Documents released today by the State Attorney's Office today show Casey Anthony went on a $400 spending spree with money investigators said she stole from a friend.

Copies of receipts from Orlando- and Winter Park-area Target stores show the mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie purchased Bud Light, about 4 pounds of cherries, instant mashed potatoes and Eggos, among other groceries.

The list of clothing includes the blue Mossimo brand hoodie Anthony wore on the day Orange County Sheriff's Office deputies arrested the 22-year old mother at her parents' house on charges of child neglect and filing a false statement to law enforcement.

She also allegedly bought two bras and other undergarments, records show. The transactions were made in July during the period Anthony said she was looking for Caylee Marie and but just before she was reported missing.

In addition to the purchases she made by forging her friend Amy Huizenga's signature on the checks, she also withdrew $250 from Huizenga's checking account by making a check out to herself at a local Bank of America, according to sheriff's office records. She also attempted to pay an AT&T cell phone bill for $574 with another of Huizenga's checks -- but there wasn't enough money left in the account.

"I found out a lot about the person I thought I was a very good friends with," Huizenga told detectives. "[Cindy Anthony] told me Casey had been stealing money from her for years and about all the lies she had been telling me and everyone really. They go deep and long."

Huizenga told detectives that she had loaned Anthony her vehicle on July 8 while she traveled to Puerto Rico. She said Anthony picked her up at Orlando International Airport on July 15. After talking to Anthony's mother later that day, Huizenga learned her friend had drained her checking account. The purchases and cash withdrawal were made during this period with checks Huizenga had left in her vehicle.

Still images taken from surveillance cameras at the Bank of America at 2701 S. Conway Road show Anthony standing in front of a teller's window and waiting for the teller to hand over $250 in cash from Huizenga's account. See the evidence photos

Other still images from area Target stores show Anthony at the register with items on the conveyor belt and handing the cashier an allegedly forged check.

Other pictures show her wearing oversized white sunglasses and walking out of the stores with her purchases.

A preliminary review of the receipts does not appear to show any items purchased specifically for a child.

Anthony's daughter, Caylee Marie, has been missing since June 15. Since her disappearance, Anthony has told detectives, as well as her parents, George and Cindy Anthony, lies about her daughter's whereabouts, officials said.

Anthony is a suspect in the disappearance of her daughter.

None of the items released today offer any clues on Caylee Marie's disappearance.

Meanwhile, the Orange County Sheriff's Office announced today that officials will use a camera in front of the Anthony's home on Hopespring Drive to monitor protesters. The county has already increased its presence in the neighborhood after protesters clashed with neighbors and the Anthony family.

Protesters and hecklers say they are trying to pressure Casey Anthony into revealing what they think happened to the little girl.

She told investigators she left her daughter with a baby sitter in mid-July. But investigators have not found that person and they doubt she exists. Caylee was reported missing in mid-July.

Casey shopped for groceries and clothing with money she stole from her friend
11:15 a.m. Documents reveal that Anthony spent hundreds of dollars on groceries, clothing and other items at Target and Winn Dixie by forging Amy Huizenga's name on the checks she stole from her. She also withdrew $250 in cash from Huizenga's Bank of America account.

The documents also include photos of Anthony at a Bank of America teller's window and strolling through Winn Dixie wearing large white sunglasses and shopping for cherries, cheese, beer and popsicles, among other groceries.

State releasing documents today relating to fraud charges
9:50 a.m. Prosecutors have released documents and video this morning related to the check fraud charges against Casey Anthony - the mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie.

The single mother is charged with 13 counts, including grand theft, forgery of a check and fraudulent use of personal identification. Authorities say Anthony took checks that belong to her friend, Amy Huizenga.

Anthony also is charged with child neglect and providing false information to law enforcement. This is connected to the disappearance of her daughter. Anthony told detectives that she last saw her daughter in mid-June when she left the girl with a babysitter. When she returned later that day to pick Caylee up, the toddler and nanny were gone. Her family reported Caylee missing a month later on July 15.

Investigators have not been able to find the babysitter and question whether she exists.,0,2674096.story?page=2

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on October 09, 2008, 06:10:57 AM
Eyewitness News obtained newly released surveillance video showing Casey Anthony on a shopping spree. (10/08/08)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 09, 2008, 09:36:11 AM
Complete coverage of missing Caylee Marie Anthony

October 9, 2008

Where is Caylee Marie?
Prosecutors to seek grand-jury indictment of Casey Anthony in Caylee's death

Prosecutors will seek homicide charges against Casey Anthony in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie, sources said Wednesday.
October 7, 2008
Casey Anthony allowed to attend court Friday

October 6, 2008
Dozens pray for Caylee Anthony's safe return

Hope abounded Sunday night at a Conway-area church as about 80 people gathered to pray, sing and light candles for missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony.
October 5, 2008

Casey's at the plate
October 3, 2008
Deputies call Casey Anthony a 'suspect' in case

For the first time, Casey Anthony has been labeled a suspect in her daughter's disappearance.
September 29, 2008
Anthony family holds weekly vigil for Caylee

Standing shoulder-to-shoulder, about 30 people bowed their heads in prayer Sunday outside the home of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.
September 27, 2008
Hundreds of legal documents in Casey Anthony case released

George and Cindy Anthony were fed up with their 22-year-old daughter's evasiveness and desperate to see their granddaughter weeks before the world learned Caylee Marie was missing.
September 25, 2008

Where is Caylee?
Baby sitter named by Casey Anthony sues in Caylee Anthony case

A woman caught up in the disappearance of Caylee Anthony filed suit Wednesday against the missing 3-year-old's mother, saying the parent's statements to investigators have ruined her reputation.
September 24, 2008

Where is Caylee?
New documents shed light on Casey Anthony's life, family's fears

Casey Anthony has lived for years with "one toe" in reality and would likely fall apart if anything happened to her young daughter, her ex-fianc� told detectives investigating the child's disappearance.
September 23, 2008

Regional Report Central Florida in 60 seconds
Dr. Phil wades into Caylee Anthony saga

The Caylee Anthony case got more national attention Monday, this time on the Dr. Phil show on WKMG-Channel 6.
September 23, 2008
Caylee Anthony trust fund closes after accusations of misuse, threats

The trust fund set up for donations to be used in the search for Caylee Marie Anthony was shut down after the bank and trustee handling the account received threatening e-mails and phone calls.
September 21, 2008
Where's Caylee Anthony? Web sleuths on case

Something about 3-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony has struck a nerve.
September 20, 2008
Casey Anthony charged with forgery

The State Attorney's Office on Friday filed three more economic-crimes charges against Casey Anthony stemming from an earlier arrest.
September 19, 2008

Casey Anthony case
Guardian Angels join cops to patrol Casey Anthony's home

The violence brewing outside the Anthonys' house has reached the boiling point.
September 17, 2008
Casey Anthony's latest jail stay short; attorney blasts 3rd arrest

And she's out again.
September 17, 2008

We think: Restricting Anthony protesters wasn't the answer

A ruling Tuesday means the sideshow's likely to continue at the home of Cindy and George Anthony. That's too bad, but the alternative was worse.
September 16, 2008

Mike Thomas: Is Casey circus more compelling than real news?

Plenty of big stories have come and gone during the past month.
September 13, 2008

Sentinel exclusive
Audio of Casey Anthony's July 16 interview with investigators reveals deception, voice-analysis expert says

Photos and videos of Casey Anthony have topped news shows for weeks but offered little insight about the mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie.
September 12, 2008
Protests, reactions fray nerves outside home of Caylee Anthony's family

Thursday passed much as days typically do on Hopespring Drive, thanks to the infamous case of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.
September 10, 2008
Casey Anthony's attorney: make forensic testing fair

September 10, 2008

What you think
Limit Caylee coverage

Although I agree in part with the Sentinel's Tuesday editorial about the Caylee Anthony-case "sideshow," it is about time to place the blame for what has become a fiasco where it belongs.
September 9, 2008
High-profile lawyer representing Casey Anthony's parents to make national media blitz

High-profile lawyer Mark NeJame - who is representing George and Cindy Anthony - plan to make a national media blitz Wednesday in effort to get the public's focus off his clients and on the search for their missing granddaughter, 3-year-old Caylee Marie. Missing-children organization Never Lose Hope Foundation helped the Anthony's retain NeJame who is working at a reduce rate.
September 9, 2008

We think: Caylee's disappearance reveals two sides of our community

The strange and tragic disappearance of a small girl has brought out the best in Central Florida -- and the worst.
September 8, 2008

What I Saw . . .
Heat, bugs don't deter Caylee Anthony search volunteers

We battled mosquitoes, ants and the steamy Florida heat.
September 5, 2008
Casey Anthony makes bail, going home today

Casey Anthony, mother of missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony, will be released from jail for a second time today after her parents made new arrangements for her half-million-dollar bail on a child-neglect charge.
September 4, 2008
Chloroform traces found in Casey Anthony's car, FBI lab reports

Chloroform traces were found in the trunk of the car driven by Casey Anthony, the jailed mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie.
September 3, 2008
Deal with Casey Anthony is taken off the table

Casey Anthony did not accept the limited-immunity deal with prosecutors before Tuesday's deadline.
August 29, 2008
Could immunity crack the Caylee Anthony mystery?

State prosecutors are dangling an immunity offer in front of Casey Anthony in hopes of finding her missing 3-year-old daughter. But the deal comes with no promise that the mother of Caylee Marie will go free.
August 28, 2008
Cops: Trunk of Casey Anthony's car held a body

Air-sample tests from Casey Anthony's abandoned car show that the trunk once held a decomposing human body, an Orange County sheriff's official said Wednesday.
August 27, 2008
Cop linked to Casey Anthony fired for lying

An Orange County deputy has been fired for lying about his relationship with Casey Anthony, the target of an investigation into her missing 3-year-old daughter, Caylee.
August 27, 2008
Bounty hunter confronts band member near Casey Anthony's home

A member of a local rock band that played outside Casey Anthony's house filed a complaint about California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla on Tuesday, claiming Padilla took a swing at him, knocking over a microphone stand.
August 26, 2008
Caylee Anthony wasn't a child who was wanted, court records show

Casey Anthony wanted to give up her unborn child for adoption. But those plans were nixed by her mother, who insisted she keep the baby.
August 25, 2008
Supporters hold vigil for Caylee Anthony's mom

Casey Anthony did not step out of her parents' east Orange County home Sunday evening for a candlelight vigil, the first since her release from jail. More than 50 supporters gathered during a driving rainstorm for songs, prayers and words of inspiration.
August 22, 2008
Spokesman: Casey Anthony is helping, sincerely worried

Casey Anthony is talking freely with her parents and helping with new leads into whereabouts of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie, the family's spokesman said today.
August 22, 2008
Ankle device will monitor Casey Anthony's whereabouts

Casey Anthony will be monitored at her parents' home by an electronic device strapped to her ankle.
August 21, 2008
Bail posted - Casey Anthony could leave jail today

After spending more than a month locked up at the Orange County Jail, Casey Anthony could be back at her family's home as early as this morning.
August 20, 2008

Regional Report Cops & courts
Efforts to get mother of missing Caylee Anthony out of jail fail

Bondsmen failed to get Casey Anthony out of jail for a second day in a row, citing issues with paperwork.
August 19, 2008
Bounty hunter is set on finding Caylee Anthony

Casey Anthony's get-out-of-jail card comes as a California bounty hunter who talks tough with a toothpick in his mouth, wears a black cowboy hat and promises to put up $50,000 of his own money to post bail.
August 18, 2008

Local News
Casey Anthony set to bond out of jail

Casey Anthony could be released from jail today, now that a California bondsman has arrived in Orlando to put up the money for her bail.
August 7, 2008
Police take evidence from Caylee Anthony family's home

Orange County sheriff's investigators searched the home of Casey Anthony's family for more than two hours Wednesday, collecting evidence in their quest to find her missing toddler.
August 7, 2008
Vigil for Caylee Anthony planned Friday in St. Cloud

A candlelight vigil for missing Caylee Anthony is scheduled for Friday at First United Methodist Church in St. Cloud.
August 6, 2008
Caylee Anthony's family seeks personal assistants; mom charged

Tragedy has transformed the family of Cindy and George Anthony into instant celebrities.
August 5, 2008

Regional Report Cops & courts
Caylee Anthony's grandparents questioned

the grandparents of missing 2-year-old Caylee Anthony -- were back at the Orange County Sheriff's Office on Monday for several hours of questioning. Detectives will review information from these interviews and look for details that can help in the investigation, said Capt. Angelo Nieves. In a late-afternoon briefing, Nieves said investigators are doing everything they can and said Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, is "the key to this investigation. She knows what she did. She knows what time was the last time she saw the child, who she may have left the child with. Our concern is to find Caylee, who will be 3 years old on Saturday." Caylee Anthony was reported missing July 15. Casey Anthony told her family that she hadn't seen the toddler in 31 days. Detectives are being assisted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation crime lab. Nieves would not comment on lab results or evidence recovered. Casey Anthony, 22, remained in the Orange County Jail on Monday. Cindy Anthony is scheduled to visit her today.
August 4, 2008
Casey Anthony is 'the key to this investigation,' Caylee investigators say

An Orange County sheriff's spokesman held a late-afternoon press conference today regarding Caylee Marie Anthony's disappearance but released no new information on the case.
August 1, 2008

Regional Report Cops & courts
Benefit to aid search for Caylee Anthony, other missing children

A benefit is scheduled today to raise money to help search for Caylee Marie Anthony, the Orange County child missing since last month. Donations will go to Kid Finders Network, which will use it in the search for Caylee and other children. The event is from 4 p.m. to midnight at Speed Park Motorsports, 201 Fentress Blvd. in Daytona Beach. Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, are expected to attend.
July 31, 2008
Casey Anthony's lawyer to ask top court to reduce bail

An appeals court decided Wednesday that it will not order a judge to lower Casey Anthony's bail, and her attorney's office said he plans to take the case to the Florida Supreme Court.
July 30, 2008
Jail records in Caylee Anthony case should remain open, judge decides

A judge declined Tuesday to block news agencies from obtaining video visitation and audio records of jailhouse phone calls by Casey Anthony.
July 29, 2008

Where is Caylee Marie?
Jail calls in Caylee Anthony case might be kept from reporters

The lawyer for an Orange County woman jailed in the disappearance of her 2-year-old daughter will ask a judge today to block authorities from releasing his client's jailhouse phone calls to reporters.
July 25, 2008

Where is Caylee Marie? 911 recordings are released
911 tape depicts Caylee Marie's grandmother in state of distress

The grandfather of 2-year old Caylee Marie Anthony will hand out fliers and t-shirts this morning to volunteers as they continue their search for the missing toddler.
July 24, 2008
Caylee Marie Anthony's grandfather blankets 5 counties with phone calls

The mother of missing 2-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony is still in jail this morning, but if her family posts the $500,000-plus bail, she will not be allowed outside their home.
July 23, 2008

Where is Caylee Marie?
Bail set at more than $500,000 for mother of Caylee Anthony

The trunk of Casey Anthony's car reeked of death.
July 22, 2008
Mother of missing Caylee Anthony seeks jail release to help in search

The grandmother of missing 2-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony wants her daughter out of jail to help search for the toddler, but admits her daughter cannot tell police the truth about the girl's disappearance or why she has lied.
July 21, 2008
Grandmother says her daughter knows who has Caylee Anthony

Deputies arrested the mother of missing 2-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony too soon after she reported her daughter's disappearance, the child's grandmother said this morning on NBC's Today Show.
July 20, 2008

Where is Caylee Marie?
Where is Caylee Marie? 'We implore everyone to get the word out,' uncle pleads

Family, friends and volunteers beat the pavement Saturday to distribute fliers in hopes of finding 2-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony, who has been missing more than a month.
July 18, 2008

Where is Caylee Marie?
Investigators: Missing Orlando-area girl's mom has lied over and over

Here are some of the lies that investigators say Casey Marie Anthony told about the disappearance of her daughter Caylee Marie:
July 18, 2008
List of area's missing toddlers grows longer

Eleven-month-old Ta'Niyah Leonard went missing almost six years ago. Trenton Duckett was 2 when he disappeared in August 2006.
July 17, 2008
2-year-old girl missing for more than a month

She's 3 feet tall, loves her teddy bear and hosts tea parties with her stuffed pig and Elmo doll at a toddler's picnic table.
MAP: Find crimes in your Orlando and Orange County
All at this link,0,5047466.storygallery

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 09, 2008, 01:10:31 PM

Casey Anthony arrives at her lawyer's office this morning. (Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel)
Prosecutors to seek indictment of Casey Anthony in Caylee's death

Prosecutors will seek homicide charges against Casey Anthony in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie, sources said Wednesday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 09, 2008, 03:04:39 PM
Today's Show Video

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 09, 2008, 05:46:59 PM
Grandmother Of Missing 3-Year-Old Girl Conducting Own Investigation
Girl's Mom Remains Jailed On $500,000 Bond

POSTED: 12:58 pm EDT August 13, 2008
UPDATED: 10:20 am EDT August 14, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The grandmother of a missing 3-year-old Orlando girl said on Wednesday that her family is conducting its own search for the child, who has been missing since mid-June.

"I was out yesterday doing my own foot-pounding up in another county based on some tips and some leads, so yeah, we're all out there kind of doing our own thing," said Cindy Anthony, the grandmother of Caylee Anthony.

Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, remains held on $500,000 bond on charges of child neglect and filing a false statement. She reported Caylee missing in mid-July, 31 days after she said she 

last saw her daughter.

Casey Anthony said she left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zeniada Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apartments in Orange County.

"I believe my daughter. I know that someone has my granddaughter," said George Anthony, Casey Anthony's father, who suggested on Tuesday that that the kidnappers may be under surveillance.

Orange County sheriff's officials on Wednesday cautioned anyone against conducting their own investigation.

"Obviously we don't want anybody who's not trained in law enforcement and proper procedures to do anything out of the norm that they think they should be doing," Orange County sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said.

But Cindy Anthony said she has recruited a team to help her in the search.

"We get tips every day on Zenaida Gonzalez. They have over a thousand Zenaida Gonzalezes that are linked to the places that Casey told them to look, so it does take time to search through. Private individuals (are) doing it, authorities are doing it, private investigators are doing it, family members are doing it," Cindy Anthony said. "One of those tips is going to say, 'Hey, I know exactly where (Caylee) is at,' and it's probably going to be a very covert operation."

"One hundred percent of resources are going to find Caylee," Orange County sheriff's Chief Mark Strobridge said when asked what percentage of the investigation is going toward a missing child search versus making a case against Casey Anthony.

Local 6 News reported that Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, met with investigators Tuesday at his Kissimmee office.

George and Cindy Anthony said a mobile billboard displaying information about Caylee that they are pulling behind their vehicle will venture outside of the Orlando area for the first time on Wednesday.

FBI Checks Threats

Meanwhile, FBI agents are now checking into some of the daily threats targeting the family of Caylee Anthony.

"The sheriff's department (and) the FBI are looking into this," George Anthony said. "Whenever you start threatening people with bodily harm, that's a problem."

The Anthony family said they have received threats every day by letter, e-mail or phone.

Family Upset About 'Leaks'

Detectives continue to focus on three days in June that may be critical to finding the truth, sheriff's office sources told Local 6.

Investigators are honing on June 16 as a time when something may have happened to Caylee.

On June 17, Caylee's mother, Casey, asked a neighbor to borrow a shovel and on June 18 a neighbor reported seeing Casey Anthony back a car up to the garage of the family's home.

It is something she did not normally do, Local 6 has learned.

Casey Anthony also apparently made a flurry of phone calls on June 17 and 18.

George Anthony was not happy about the timeline leak, fearing it could convince the public that Caylee is dead, Local 6's Tiffany Tift said.

"If that is what they want to do, that is fine," George Anthony said. "It is just a shame, you would think that in any type of investigation, no matter what is going on, you'd think certain things are going to be withheld. Finding my granddaughter -- that's what the whole thing is supposed to be for."

Billboard Moving Around State

George Anthony also said he will be driving a mobile billboard around Florida featuring his missing granddaughter

Anthony said he plans to go to Gainesville, Jacksonville and possibly even the Keys this week.

George Anthony said since he lost his job, driving a mobile billboard will be his full time job.

A national search for Caylee continues.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this developing story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 09, 2008, 06:15:54 PM

Casey Anthony's Father To Testify Against Her In Front Of Grand Jury

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 09, 2008, 06:58:10 PM
Casey Anthony's Father To Testify Against Her In Front Of Grand Jury

POSTED: 5:56 pm EDT October 9, 2008
UPDATED: 6:29 pm EDT October 9, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Detectives think they have a solid case against Casey Anthony and Eyewitness News found out Thursday that Casey's own father will testify against her in front of Orange County's grand jury next week.

Sources told Eyewitness News that prosecutors now have all the forensic evidence they need to ask the grand jury to indict Casey for the murder of her daughter Caylee.

Two members of the Anthony family now have key roles in the case against Casey, her father for what he's going to do and her brother Lee for what he didn't want to do.

Sources told Eyewitness News the Orange County grand jury will hear about high levels of chloroform in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. The panel will hear how lab tests on the hair and the stain in the trunk will show that Caylee's body was in that trunk and that investigators also believe the little girl's body was at some point in the Anthony's backyard near her playhouse.

The focus on when Caylee was murdered is on the afternoon of June 16, sometime between mid-day, when Caylee's grandfather last saw her alive with Casey, and the evening, when Casey went to her boyfriend's apartment without Caylee.

Eyewitness News has learned George Anthony will testify against his daughter next week before the grand jury about, among other things what he's already told investigators, how in late June Casey prevented him from going near her trunk, which he later found exuded the smell of death.

"Her and I got into a little verbal, she don't want me to go in the trunk," Anthony told investigators during questioning.

George and Cindy Anthony voluntarily gave up DNA samples this week so investigators could scientifically exclude either of them as the source of the hair and stain in Casey's trunk, but investigators had to get a search warrant to get Casey's brother Lee to submit to a DNA test. He also has refused to take a lie detector test for the FBI.

The fact that a grand jury is being called to hear the case at all does not bode well for Casey. In Florida, a grand jury only has to be presented with a case for "capital" crimes, a charge of either first-degree murder or felony murder. It won't be as difficult to convince a grand jury to indict Casey as it would be to convince a regular jury to convict her.

Trial jurors have to convict defendants beyond a reasonable doubt. Grand jurors only have to have probable cause, meaning a reasonable person would conclude from the evidence that Casey committed the crime.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 09, 2008, 07:45:08 PM
VIDEO REPORT: Chloroform Evidence To Be Part Of Grand Jury Hearing

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 10, 2008, 08:52:22 AM
VIDEO: Phone Records Tracked

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 10, 2008, 09:33:12 AM
Casey Anthony's lawyer has raft of requests for circuit judge
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
October 10, 2008

Casey Anthony followed by reporters and photographers -- is expected to appear in Orange County court this morning as a judge hears nearly a dozen legal requests in the single mother's high-profile case.

Her attorney, Jose Baez, will ask Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland to seal from the public Anthony's weekly schedule so she can go to "key points of interest" to help search for her daughter, Caylee Marie, who was reported missing July 15.

The hearing comes two days after reports surfaced about prosecutors' plans to present a case next week to an Orange County grand jury in an effort to seek more serious charges, possibly a murder charge, against Anthony.

Some other items to be addressed in court include

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: klaasend on October 10, 2008, 12:48:18 PM
Jose Baez in court October 10, 2008:

Huddled at bench
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 12:38:09 PM
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All the attorneys are huddled at the bench. It's unclear what they are talking about. The courtroom remains quiet. It's filled with mostly media. Those with computers are sitting in the balcony.

The judge just announced, "That's a wrap."

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Zenaida factor
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 12:33:42 PM
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Defense - Wants all the info about Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez

State - Drane-Burdick says he wants the state to do his investigation him. She suggest he depose the investigators.

Defense - A big part of the case is the lack of investigation into finding Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez.  He wants to know who the cops talked to and what type of investigation they did.

Judge - The state must turn over what prosecutors have but Baez may need to do his own leg work to see if anything else exists. The state appears to have met its obligation.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Judge did not rule on DNA issue
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 12:25:58 PM
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Defense - Wants samples preserved so defense can do its own DNA testing. If there isn't enough to preserve, the defense's expert should be allowed to be present for the testing.

Judge -- He will take this issue under advisement.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Defense wants DNA samples preserved
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 12:21:01 PM
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Defense is questioning an expert via a phone. It's unclear what he's an expert in because the state wanted to skip over listing his credentials. The prosecutor has another trial to attend at 12:30 p.m.

The doctor is worried the DNA samples will be destroyed when the state is testing and there will be nothing left for a defense expert to inspect.

State questions the expert. Ashton wants to know if he's ever gone to a site to watch the testing.

The expert replies that it wasn't needed after he inspected the procedures on how samples were tested. He also knew the lab.

Defense - Asked the expert if he is familiar with Florida crime labs in Orlando. The expert replied that he is not.

State - Asked if the issue is more about labs he is not familiar with the labs. The experts said that is correct.

Judge - Strickland said he's trying to figure out what exactly the state wants.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Calling a witness on the phone
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 12:04:55 PM
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Everyone is huddled around a speaker phone because the defense is calling a witness on the phone.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Polygraph issue
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 12:02:14 PM
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State -- Drane-Burdick says polygraphs are not allowed in court so it's not discoverable. But the state will disclose the statements.

Defense - It would be good to get statements but want more info on who is giving the polygraph.

Judge -- The state must turn over any statements prosecutors have from people who gave polygraphs -- including FDLE and Orange County Sheriff's Office. The motion is granted.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Defense wants flight manifest
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:54:08 AM
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Judge - The state has turned over what it has about the manifest. It's a moot point.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Defense wants DCF records
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:52:01 AM
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Judge decides to come back at another time to the defense's request to DCF records. He wants to hear from DCF.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Defense wants tip information
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:48:44 AM
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Drane-Burdick - She says the state can turn over tips that have already been investigated. However, tips that may be part of the investigation should not be turned over because the defense may interfere.

Judge - He grants the motion but adds that any investigation into tips must be completed.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Defense gets access to more evidence
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:41:59 AM
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Defense wants access to reports, logs and other documents for evidence dealing with chloroform, DNA, cadaver dogs and other evidence.

Ashton - None of these things are not going to be used in neglect case. The request for information about cadaver dogs can be received through public records request from the sheriff's office. That has not been done.

Judge -- He denies paragraph 5 - request about cadaver dogs.

But the inspections dealing with air samples analyzed at the body farm may be limited to reports or statements of experts regarding that.

Ashton says there are reports from the body farm.

Judge grants the motion. The state must present reports, logs and statements dealing with DNA, air samples, hair strands and chloroform found in trunk within the next 10 days.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony More talk about access to car
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:33:22 AM
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Ashton - The motion is filed not because of the neglect case but charges that may come in the future. Legally, he doesn't have a right to inspect the car at this time. In the future, he might.

But judge grants the defense motion. The state must coordinate with defense to figure out a time to inspect the car.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Next motion - access to the car
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:28:11 AM
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This is one about Baez's request to inspect evidence, such as the car. He wants an expert to have access to  Casey's car.

Jeff Ashton - assistant state attorney - replies that the car is not listed a piece of evidence.

The judge asked if the state plans to use the air samples - the ones that detected a decomposing body in the vehicle. Prosecutor said not in the neglect case.

Baez disagreed, pointing out Ashton was not present for the three-hour bond hearing. He says defense should be allowed to inspect the car. The state may want to restrict Casey's search for the truth.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony State and county opposes request
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:17:11 AM
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The county opposes the motion. It's too vague. It's basically a request to be removed from home confinement, says county assistant attorney Tamara Gappen.

Prosecutor says it appears that Baez is asking the court to trust him and the bondsman that she will abide by the home confinement. Drane-Burdick points out that Casey hasn't even asked to go anywhere other than her attorney's office. He appears he wants to conduct this in secret and the state opposes it.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Points of interest?
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:16:18 AM
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Baez points out that the Casey case is an unusual case. Hughes agreed.

Baez then tells the judge that this case involves the case of a missing child. He would like a few hours to travel with her to certain places - they could range from places she has been in the last few months and to places she allegedly took cops. He wants to go to other places of interest that are relevant to the case.

The issue may be whether she is a flight risk, Baez says. But he is requesting that she goes with Baez - an officer of the court - and be followed by the bondsman. He said this is the most stringent and narrow request that he has asked for since she was placed on home confinement. This would allow her to contribute to her defense.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Prosecutor questions Hughes
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:10:18 AM
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Prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick questions Hughes about allowing Casey to see her attorney for six hours a day. Hughes said she has never had someone ask that but she had people ask to see attorneys at restaurants and places like that.

The prosecutor asks Hughes that if Casey wanted travel to Amscot to help in her case would she be allowed? Hughes says she would want more details as to why, but she can request that.

And Casey can ask the court for permission if Hughes refused to allow her to go somewhere, Drane-Burdick asked. Hughes replied that Casey could do that.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Hughes says she needs to know Casey's whereabouts at all times
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:02:10 AM
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Baez asked Hughes if Casey has been drug tested. She has, and the results have come back negative.

County assistant attorney is questioning Hughes. Casey has asked for an extension in her time allowed away from home. She has called and requested more time the last two days, Hughes said.

Hughes said she needs to know where Casey is throughout the day. She must know specific location and times so she can verify Casey's location.  The close monitoring is to make it hard for a defendant to flee the area or take part in criminal activity.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Home confinement officer for Casey Anthony takes the stand
posted by Walter Pacheco on Oct 10, 2008 11:00:29 AM
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The Orange County Jail home confinement officer Meg Hughes said Casey Anthony has always followed the rules.

Drug tests on Anthony have not tested positive for drugs, Hughes told Baez.

Anthony has started to ask for extension of time out of her home, Hughes told prosecutors. Her scheduled times usually include attorney visits in the morning as well as visits to see Hughes.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Home confinement officer testifies
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 10:56:43 AM
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Meg Hughes - Casey's home confinement officer - is testifying. Baez is questioning her about if she is allowed errand time. People on home confinement are allowed errand time, Hughes says.

People on home confinement are given a risk score based on their charge and criminal history. That dictates what defendants are allowed to do. Hughes has seen Casey about five times so far.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Bondsman testifies
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 10:53:08 AM
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A bail bondsman who posted Casey's bond is testifying that he is not opposed to her being allowed to travel freely on home confinement. He would go with her. He doesn't know what the "key points of interest" are that mentioned on the motion.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Bondsman says Casey Anthony is not a flight risk
posted by Walter Pacheco on Oct 10, 2008 10:52:48 AM
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A bondsman with MacDonald Bail Bonds, the company that bailed Casey Anthony out of Orange County Jail, speaks about the case.

"I don't believe she's a flight risk," bondsman Robert Haney told Baez. "Everyone knows her face."

Haney said Anthony's travel to look for her daughter will be local and not involve any flights.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Sentinel attorney speaks about keeping Casey Anthony's schedule public
posted by Walter Pacheco on Oct 10, 2008 10:47:01 AM
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There should not be a whole lot of travel because she is on home confinement, a county official said who is in charge of the home confinement order.

Attorney Rachel Fugate of the Orlando Sentinel said docs are public records and don't think defense has given enough evidence to seal records.

"Not effective in protecting her safety," Fugate said of keeping records private.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Casey Anthony's attorney speaks about safety issues
posted by Walter Pacheco on Oct 10, 2008 10:43:44 AM
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"Biggest issue we have with this is security," Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, said about not disclosing his client's movements made public on her home confinement schedule.

"Her comings and goings are made public...and could create an imminent security problem," Baez said.

Prosecutors said Baez needs to come up with an exception to the public records law.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Casey Anthony is a no show - so far
posted by Walter Pacheco on Oct 10, 2008 10:20:33 AM
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Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, arrived without his client.

Sheriff's officials, FBI agents and the prosecutors have entered the courtroom, while more than 20 reporters, photographers and other media representatives wait outside the locked doors.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Sheriff's officials make appearance at State Attorney's Office this morning
posted by Walter Pacheco on Oct 10, 2008 10:09:18 AM
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Orange County Sheriff's Office officials, including Sgt. John Allen, the lead investigator in the case of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony; and spokesmen Capt. Angelo Nieves and Deputy Carlos Padilla, arrived this morning at the Orange Osceola State Attorney's Office.

The three officials have been working the case since Casey Anthony reported her daughter missing.

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Filed under: Caylee Anthony Casey Anthony in court today
posted by Roger Simmons on Oct 10, 2008 10:02:56 AM
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Casey Anthony is back in court today as a judge hears nearly a dozen legal requests in the case of the mother and her missing daugther, Caylee.

We will be live blogging the hearing (which should start around 10:30 a.m.) here on the Orlando Crime Blog. We will also have a live video stream, if you would like to watch the hearing: Click here for the video stream.

And if you want to get caught up on the case, click here for our gallery of videos, photos, documents and a timeline about the case. There is a lot of ground to cover: Caylee was first reported missing on July 15.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 10, 2008, 01:50:15 PM
Play by play of everything that happened in court today can be found here:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 10, 2008, 02:13:45 PM
They may have the video of the hearing in 3 parts on this website:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 10, 2008, 02:26:13 PM
Defense gets access to more evidence
posted by Sarah Lundy on Oct 10, 2008 11:41:59 AM
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Defense wants access to reports, logs and other documents for evidence dealing with chloroform, DNA, cadaver dogs and other evidence.

Ashton - None of these things are not going to used in neglect case. The request for information about cadaver dogs can be recieved through public records request from the sheriff's office. That has not been done.

Judge -- He denies paragraph 5 - request about cadaver dogs.

But the inspections dealing with air samples analyzed at the body farm may be limited to reports or statements of experts regarding that.

Ashton says there are reports from the body farm.

Judge grants the motion. The state must present reports, logs and statements dealing with DNA, air samples, hair strands and chloroform found in trunk within the next 10 days.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 10, 2008, 02:42:16 PM
Judge Grants Several Motions Requested By Casey Anthony's Attorney

POSTED: 6:11 am EDT October 10, 2008
UPDATED: 2:00 pm EDT October 10, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony was at the center of a court hearing Friday, but she didn't show up. A judge ruled on several motions, but tabled the decision on the motion to keep Casey's daily schedule a secret.

Circuit Judge Stan Strickland granted eight of the 11 motions and tabled three of the motions (Motions 1-8 | Motion 9 | Motion 10 | Motion 11), including one that might be considered the most controversial, the request to allow Casey to travel in secrecy to search for Caylee.

Strickland allowed motions that the defense be given access to forensic tests involving chloroform, DNA air samples and hair strands within 10 days. He denied access to evidence collected by cadaver dogs.

Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, walked into the court hearing just after 10:00am.

"No, I don't have any statements to make right now," Baez said. "I'm going to court."

Baez walked by reporters without his client, Casey Anthony, and she never showed up.

A total of 11 motions were heard Friday. The first two discussed were the motion to seal information and the request for Casey to search for her daughter. The latter request would not allow the public to know Casey whereabouts during the search.

Baez said he asking for secrecy for Casey's safety.

"Posting of that information is creating a very imminent, a possibility of an imminent security risk, and that's the crux of the motion," Baez said.

Robert Haney works for McDonald Bail Bonds and posted part of Casey's half-million dollar bond. He said he is her personal security guard and would be with her while she searched in key points of interest.

"I would escort you and Casey when you went out," Haney said.

Judge Strickland granted the following eight motions: Demand For Discovery And Inspection Relating to Digital Forensic Evidence, Motion To Inspect, Test And Photograph Evidence Held By The State Of Florida, Motion To Compel Department Of Children And Family Records, Demand For Discovery And Inspection Relating To Polygraphs, Motion To Compel Flight Manifest, Motion To Compel Results Of Forensic Testing, and Motion To Compel For Evidence Related To Any Zenaida Gonzalez.

The judge tabled the following three motions and said he would not rule before Monday: Motion To Preserve Forensic Evidence, Motion For Allowing Defendant To Travel To Places Of Interest and Motion To Seal.

Shortly after the hearing ended, the Anthony family released the following statement: "Judge Strickland's decision today to grant access to all of the tips regarding Caylee's sightings is a victory for Caylee Marie. This is the first step in bringing Caylee home safely."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 10, 2008, 03:07:55 PM
Judge grants Anthony defense access to tests

Last Edited: Friday, 10 Oct 2008, 2:14 PM EDT  
Created: Wednesday, 08 Oct 2008, 11:15 AM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Casey Anthony chose not to attend court Friday for a motion hearing. In court Ninth Judicial Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland ruled that her attorney, Jose Baez, can have access to her car and forensic tests.

The hearing got underway at 10:30 a.m.   Casey parents, George and Cindy Anthony and her brother Lee Anthony, were not in the courtroom. 

In court Ninth Judicial Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland disagreed with an argument by Orange County prosecutors that the evidence did not pertain to the child neglect charges that Anthony faces in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee.

Strickland allowed motions that the defense be given access to forensic tests involving chloroform, DNA air samples and hair strands within 10 days. He denied access to evidence collected by cadaver dogs.

Defense attorney Jose Baez had sought the car and other items available so he can conduct his own tests.

There were 11 motions filed.  Here is where they stand:

1. Motion to seal
No ruling yet, will be heard at a future court date

2. Motion for production of favorable evidence
Ruled in favor of defense

3. Demand for discovery and inspection relating to digital forensic evidence
Ruled in favor of defense

4. Motion to inspect, test and photograph evidence held by the state of Florida   

Ruled in favor of defense

5. Motion to compel department of children and family records
Denied, Baez has to retile

6. demand for discovery and inspection related to polygraphs
Ruled in favor of defense

7. Motion to compel: release of records about investigation into Senoia Gonzalez
Ruled in favor of defense

8.  Motion for allowing defendant to travel to places of interest
No ruling yet, will be heard at a future court date

9. Motion to compel flight manifest
Ruled in favor of defense

10. Motion to compel results of forensic testing
Ruled in favor of defense

11. Defendants motion to preserve forensic evidence and for court to consider additional testing
No ruling yet, will be heard at a future court date

Meanwhile Texas Equusearch (TES) is back in Orlando to continue its search for missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.

Tim Miller, the founder and director of the group, says the group is back in central Florida for two reasons.

He will meet with the Orlando Police Department to talk about the Jennifer Kesse case because the department was unwilling to work with them two years ago. Kesse, a 26-year-old female, has been missing since January 24, 2006.

Miller says while he is here, he plans to go out and continue the search for Caylee Anthony . He plans to check water levels and vegetation to determine whether now is a good time to resume the search.

TES left the area after Tropical Storm Fay flooded several areas where volunteers searched.

Miller says the Orange County Sheriff's Office does want the group to come back and finish their search but they have not given any information on specific areas they would like searched.

Possible homicide or murder charges expected next week

The state attorney’s office and the Orange County Sheriff's office are working together in a possible bid to file murder charges against Casey Anthony, although they have not formally filed any charges yet.

A grand jury is convening in Orange County next week and the evidence could be presented to that grand jury although there is no word or confirmation that the sate attorney will do so.

Earlier Wednesday, the Sheriff's Office released hundreds of additional pages of discovery related to the Casey Anthony case.

The documents focus on Casey's check fraud charges and include various evidence related to those charges. The discovery included surveillance photos of Casey Anthony fraudulently using her former friend, Amy Huzienga's, Bank of America bank account.

CLICK HERE TO READ THE DISCOVERY;jsessionid=9B0F3120502599D068C72A848A34C284?contentId=7603650&version=26&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 12, 2008, 06:01:04 PM
Casey Anthony Grand Jury Meeting Details Leaked
Sunday, October 12, 2008 2:43:40 PM

ORLANDO -- Casey Anthony's defense team and neighbors in her family's community are outraged that the grand jury will meet, and that information on the meeting was leaked to the media.

Information that 15 to 21 randomly chosen people will decide Tuesday whether Casey Anthony is indicted on homicide charges was leaked earlier in the week.

The Supreme Court states the secrecy to all grand jury proceedings is of the utmost importance to protect grand jury members from outside pressure or intimidation.

"I thought that info was confidential," said Shelly Soltis, a resident of Lee Vista. "I don't know how it got leaked or where you would even find the information for the community to be involved in that, to see what's going on. I was very surprised that press knew all about this jury."

Florida only holds a grand jury for capital cases, any crime for which the maximum punishment is death.

Although it has been quiet in the Anthony neighborhood, residents said they just want the hearing to be over with, so they can start getting life back to normal, without protesters or media.

EquuSearch Returns To Look For Caylee, Jennifer Kesse

Search and recovery team Texas EquuSearch is back in Central Florida to resume the search for Caylee Anthony as her mother, Casey, works her way through the court system on child neglect charges. See previous story.

EquuSearch spokesman Tim Miller said the group hopes to start searching by late Sunday or Monday, because the ground is too saturated this weekend.

Miller said he believes Caylee is dead, but the 3-year-old deserves a proper burial.

"My heart goes out to the Anthony family," Miller said. "It's a position they've never wanted to be put in, and I can empathize with them."

Along with the search for Caylee, EquuSearch will be working with law enforcement to work on the case of Jennifer Kesse, who has been missing for more than two years after vanishing from her condominium in January 2006.
Casey Granted Access To Evidence

A judge Friday granted Casey access to some evidence after a motion hearing.

Judge Stan Strickland allowed Casey to access her car, as well as forensic tests completed by authorities trying to figure out what happened to Caylee.

Casey has been called a suspect in her daughter's disappearance, but has so far only been charged with child neglect.

"Casey is elated and excited that we had this motion granted," said Jose Baez, Casey's lawyer.

The judge did not rule on whether Casey could leave her home to help search for her daughter.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 12, 2008, 07:41:53 PM
J  Baez on Geraldo, 10/11/2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 13, 2008, 09:37:47 AM
October 12, 2008
Texas EquuSearch and the Caylee Anthony Case

I won't bore you with all the legalities going on in the case of Casey Anthony and her missing two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony. As you are already aware, the case is headed to a grand jury on Tuesday and they will determine whether to charge Anthony in her daughter's death.

That being said, I would like to update you on Texas EquuSearch and the search for Caylee.

I spoke with Tim Miller last night and he informed me that he is still not sure if now is the right time to resume the search. After exploring some of the search areas this weekend he found that there is still a lot of standing water, which could obstruct searchers from clearing those areas. In addition, the Orlando area has received a lot of rain in the last several days, further adding to the problem. Tim said that he is going to take all of this into consideration when making his final decision.

If Tim decides to continue the search, it will most likely resume after the hearing on Tuesday. The Orange County Sheriff's Office is busy preparing for Tuesday's hearing and will be unavailable to help EquuSearch until after that session has adjourned.

In a nutshell, the search for Caylee now hinges on whether Tim Miller feels he can get his team into areas of interest to conduct a thorough search. That is a lot of weight for one man to have on his shoulders; however Tim is a seasoned search veteran and whatever his final decision is you can guarantee it is based upon years of search and rescue experience. Texas EquuSearch has a stellar track record and no matter what Tim's final decision is, I will continue to stand behind him.

In the mean time, both myself and thousands of volunteers are currently on standby. As soon as I hear something I will post it here.

That being said, I know there are a lot of readers who would like to join in the search but are unable to for a variety of reasons. Please know that even if you cannot physically come to Florida, you can still help by sending a desperately needed donation to EquuSearch. The last search for Caylee cost in access of $35,000. EquuSearch is a nonprofit organization that relies upon donations so that they can continue to offer their services to the public and law enforcement. Even a donation as small as $5.00 is greatly appreciated and can help them purchase much needed supplies. I would not ask you to do anything that I myself am not willing to do and as soon as I post this I will be sending my own donation.

To donate to EquuSearch, visit or send your monetary donation via snail mail to:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 13, 2008, 09:40:56 AM
Here is the addy to the Transcript page for the Caylee Case ....

To get to the Names List associated with the documents just look for the link in the top left hand corner.

New transcripts are being added daily to what she already has there.

Scared Monkey

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 13, 2008, 09:44:41 AM
Equusearch may pull out of Caylee search

Last Edited: Monday, 13 Oct 2008, 6:14 AM EDT  
Created: Sunday, 12 Oct 2008, 11:50 PM EDT


ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) --  Texas Equusearch, a non-profit group that is helping to organize searches for missing 3-year-old Orlando toddler Caylee Anthony, may be pulling out of Orlando for good.

"We gotta think about what's good for Equusearch in these tough economic times, because people who donate money may not donate again if all our money goes to one person when there are more (missing persons) out there," Equusearch founder Tim Miller told FOX 35 reporter Tracy Jacim in an exclusive interview on Sunday.

The fact that Miller says Equusearch has already spent $44,000  on the search for Caylee, only having recouped $5,000 from the Orange County Sheriff's Office and another $7,000 from private donations, and the fact that the Anthonys are not cooperating, is forcing Miller to reconsider continuing the search.

Miller flew into Orlando on Thursday with a few members of the group and a board director.   New York Times bestselling author Judith McNaught is helping with the financing and came to support Tim in what she calls "a draining case."
"I'm out here to write checks, that's what the Board of Directors does, because we all want it to turn out so well," said McNaught.  "At the same time, this is the first time I've made a public appearance on any case, because he (Tim) is so exhausted," she said, adding "I'm worried about our main resource."

Tropical Storm Fay forced Miller and his team to table a search a few weeks ago.   Since returning, Miller says he and about ten others have done small-scale searches with the Sheriff's Office and have turned up nothing.   He says water is still an issue too.

Miller says he'll have his final decision Monday.

If you do not hear this from Tim or the TES office it is NOT true

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 13, 2008, 02:32:58 PM

Grand Jury Hearing Slated In Anthony Case
Judge Not Expected To Rule On Motions On Monday

POSTED: 10:05 am EDT October 13, 2008
UPDATED: 11:32 am EDT October 13, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prosecutors plan to move forward with a grand jury hearing on Tuesday that could result in homicide charges against Casey Anthony.

Anthony is accused of child neglect after failing to report the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Anthony, for one month.

A judge's decisions are also expected on several motions filed by Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, but a court official said it won't come on Monday.

Last week, Baez requested more travel time, allowing Anthony to visit sites to help her defense prepare her case.

Other motions include a request to keep Anthony's travel schedule sealed from the public, and they sought the preservation of DNA samples so the defense can conduct their own tests.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 13, 2008, 02:34:25 PM
Possible murder charge against Casey Anthony could come as early as tomorrow

11:06 AM EDT, October 13, 2008  

Prosecutors are expected to present the case against Casey Anthony to an Orange County grand jury Tuesday morning.

At least 15 jurors will hear from witnesses, including Anthony's father, George Anthony, and others, before they decide whether the 22-year-old should be indicted on more serious charges, possibly murder.

Anthony is currently charged with child neglect, filing a false statement with law enforcement and check fraud. Investigators have said she is the main suspect in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie.

Anthony's family reported the toddler missing on July 15 but Anthony told investigators she hadn't seen the girl since mid-June.

Officials with the State Attorney's Office will not comment on the Tuesday's proceedings, which are not public and are supposed to be held in secret. This is to protect jurors and witnesses from being subjected to any outside pressures.

Anthony -- like any accused person -- can not be forced to testify before the grand jury.

And unlike a trial, no defense is offered.

After testimony and evidence is offered, the jurors will discuss the case to determine if there is enough to indict Anthony on murder charges.

A tally is taken and at least 12 members must agree for a decision to be made. The grand jury has two options. They can return a "true bill," which becomes an indictment once it's filed in court.

Another result could be a "no-true bill," which means the grand jury found there wasn't enough evidence to issue an indictment.,0,1967447.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 13, 2008, 02:45:43 PM
The search would resume on Wednesday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 13, 2008, 06:32:17 PM
Casey Anthony Awaits Grand Jury Decision On Possible Charges

POSTED: 4:31 pm EDT October 13, 2008
UPDATED: 5:46 pm EDT October 13, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Monday night could be Casey Anthony's last night of freedom. Eyewitness News is digging into the case against Casey and has obtained new inside information about Tuesday's grand jury testimony and how soon she could be re-arrested.

Tuesday's grand jury testimony will be behind closed doors, but sources are revealing more information to Eyewitness News about what will happen.

Casey Anthony's mother Monday accused prosecutors of playing politics and rushing the case to the grand jury before the November election, but Eyewitness News was told there are more important deadlines, legal ones, steering the strategy.

Casey could've pleaded guilty to child neglect to try to close the case before more serious charges were filed. Taking it to the grand jury stops that.

"Are you nervous about the grand jury?" WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked Casey Anthony on Monday.

Casey didn't answer as she rushed to her weekly jail. She was not wearing her big white stolen sunglasses, either.

Casey's father George, a former sheriff's deputy in Ohio, will be one of the key witnesses against her Tuesday before the grand jury.

Casey's mother came to the jail Monday, as well, complaining that investigators are no longer accepting tips about Caylee.

"I'm worried for my granddaughter. Casey is gonna be able to defend whatever is out there right now, because it's just purely circumstantial evidence. I'm worried for Caylee. I found out they are no longer taking tips on my granddaughter," Cindy Anthony told Eyewitness News (watch full interview).

Eyewitness News has learned the grand jury will hear from half a dozen witnesses Tuesday, investigators from the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the FBI, FBI lab specialists and Casey's father. The grand jury will hear how investigators found high levels of the potentially toxic chemical chloroform in the trunk where they say Caylee's body had been.

If the grand jury indicts Casey for murdering her daughter Caylee, prosecutors would very likely drop the child neglect charge against her, because she couldn't be charged with neglecting Caylee by not reporting her missing if she had already killed her.

Depending on what the grand jury does Tuesday, Casey's visit to her lawyer's office Monday could be one of her last and Monday night could be the last night she spends at her parents' house.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 13, 2008, 09:40:57 PM
Last Edited: Monday, 13 Oct 2008, 8:31 PM EDT
It is unknown whether or not the grand jury will take up the case in the morning or the afternoon.  FOX 35 will carry breaking news if and when a decision is released.  It is our plan to carry court action and news conferences live on the air and streaming through

The State does have some damning evidence, but investigators still have not located a body.  While prosecutors feel confident that they can indict Casey, her attorney,  Jose Baez, believes the missing toddler is alive.  The State only has to prove that there is probable cause in the murder of Caylee. Ultimately, it will be up to fifteen people to decide.

New lead attorney for Casey?

Should Casey face a homicide charge, she could be going to trial with a new lead counsel.  FOX 35 has learned from the president of the Criminal Defense Attorney's Association that Baez might not be permitted to represent Anthony in a first degree murder trial.

Richard Hornsby said Baez does not meet the standards set forth by attorneys in capital cases.  To be lead counsel you must:

have had five years experience as an attorney
served as co-counsel on two death penalty cases
demonstrated proficiency and commitment which exemplify quality representation in capital cases
However, Baez could still be part of a legal team.   Todd Black, spokesperson for Baez, offered this response on Monday:

"It will not change the commitment of the Baez Law Firm and they are fully prepared if an indictment is handed down to represent Ms. Anthony to the fullest."

more at site

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 08:57:55 AM
October 13, 2008
Caylee Anthony - The Scoop Behind The Dress

If you watched Nancy Grace tonight, you'll recall that she made a big deal out of the discovery of a dress - similar to a dress of Caylee's - that was "just found" near the airport. During the show, Grace interviewed Tim Miller, who mentioned that the find had been leaked to a member of the media. I am that member of the media and I can provide you with the details of that find.

On Saturday, I received an email from an individual in Florida, who informed me that he was with a group who found a child's dress in an area, not far from the airport - that was identical to the dress that Caylee is wearing in photo #3 at the following web link:

Texas EquuSearch did not make the find. It was found by an independant search group that had helped out in the first search for Caylee.The email went on to describe the item and the fact that the individual had an "exclusive" photo of the dress.

After receiving the email, I contacted Tim to confirm the find. As you can imagine, Tim was quite upset that the information had been leaked. Not only that, but he was also upset because the information the person was providing constituted a direct violation of search and rescue protocol.

Tim told me that the authorities did not believe the dress was connected to the Caylee case. He also said that the dress was "too big" for Caylee. As a result, I chose not to publish that information. The last thing we needed was another media frenzy, at a time in which Tim was trying to determine what to do. Grace has since picked up on the find, which is why I am addressing it now.

I am not going to identify the name of the organization involved, as they should not be judged by the actions of a single person; however, I will say that Tim told me that there are suspicions regarding the origin of that dress and how it ended up in that area.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 09:20:06 AM
Witnesses arrive for grand jury in Casey Anthony case

Sarah Lundy and Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
9:02 AM EDT, October 14, 2008

Witnesses Arrive
9 a.m. Witnesses began to show up to testify before the Orange County grand jury. The lead detective - Yuri Melich - was the first to arrive outside the courtroom. State Attorney Lawson Lamar arrived minutes later.
Prosecutors today are expected to present the case against Casey Anthony -- the mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie -- to members of a grand jury who will decide whether she will face more serious charges, possibly murder.

The 22-year-old mother is the main suspect in the disappearance of her daughter, who was reported missing July 15. She told detectives that she last saw Caylee in mid-June when she left the girl with a baby sitter. When Anthony returned later, both Caylee and the baby sitter were gone, she said. Authorities have not been able to find the nanny, and they question whether she exists.

Anthony is currently charged with child neglect, filing a false statement with law enforcement and check fraud.

For the grand jury, State Attorney Lawson Lamar and an assistant state attorney will question witnesses as part of the closed-door proceeding.

Anthony's father, George Anthony, is expected to be one of the witnesses, a source said. Typically, detectives are called to speak before the grand jury.

How does a grand jury work?

People who have drivers licenses or state identification cards are selected at random to serve on grand juries.

They are allowed to ask witnesses questions and, if needed, ask to hear from specific witnesses. However, the state cannot force Casey Anthony to testify if she doesn't volunteer, and prosecutors must also question any witnesses who can offer evidence that could clear Anthony.

The state has to prove only probable cause to charge Anthony with a crime. Proving a case beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard for a criminal trial.

Is the grand jury open to the public?

No. What happens before a grand jury is secret. By law, witnesses, jurors and prosecutors are not allowed to talk about testimony. If they do, they may be held in contempt of court.

The media is not allowed in the grand jury proceedings. This is to ensure the witnesses and jurors are free from outside pressures.

However, participants can speak about the proceeding once the grand jury makes a decision.

What could happen?

After witnesses are questioned and evidence is presented, the jurors will talk about what they heard and will make a decision. It takes only 12 jurors to agree when deciding what to do.

The jury could opt for a lesser degree of murder, such as manslaughter.

They can issue a "true bill," which becomes an indictment once it's filed with the court. The indictment remains sealed to the public until authorities take the defendant into custody, which could happen the same day.

If jurors agree there isn't enough evidence, they can issue a "no-true bill," which means no indictment.

What happens after a no-true bill?

Prosecutors can opt to present the case again.

There is no statute of limitations for murder charges, so the state can pursue them at any time.

Bianca Prieto of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Sarah Lundy can be reached at or 407-420-6218.,0,6776908.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 09:36:37 AM
George Anthony Is Here
October 14, 2008 - No Responses

George Anthony and attorney Mark NeJame just walked past the media and into a conference room outside the room where the grand jury is meeting. We have counted 18 grand jurors, made of of 10 mostly older women. The men appear slightly younger, more in their 30s and 40s.

Who Is On Grand Jury?
October 14, 2008 - No Responses

Members of a grand jury are chosen similarly to other juries — from a pool of people with driver’s licenses or a state ID card. The proceedings, unlike a trial, are held in private and only the prosecution presents witnesses. At the end of the process, the grand jury votes on an indictment on a charge. They do not have to be unanimous. When could this happen? As soon as later today.

Also, just getting word now that George Anthony is on his way up.

Lamar Has Arrived
October 14, 2008 - No Responses

Orange-Osceola State Attorney Lawson Lamar just arrived at the grand jury. He declined to speak to the media, but called out a greeting to the people inside the courtroom as he entered.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 10:18:24 AM
George Anthony In Grand Jury
October 14, 2008 - 3 Responses

George Anthony and Mark Nejame

By Bob Kealing, WESH 2 News:


At 9:24 George Anthony was just escorted in to the grand jury room along with  his attorney Mark NeJame.  Just before going inside, Anthony was visited in a conference room by an FBI agent and Prosecutor Jeff Ashton. Ashton is a veteran prosecutor who has tried many homicide cases over the years. He tried to first successful DNA case in Orange County two decades ago.

A nineteenth grand juror has also arrived. A man who appears to be in his late 20s or early 30s. That makes almost an even split of ten women and nine men. A court baliff explained to a member of the public trying to get inside that this is not an open proceeding.

State Attorney Lawson Lamar told us he would comment after the hearing was over.

A spokeswoman for the ninth judicial circuit says the grand jury’s findings will be read in open court after the jurors reach a decision. If an indictment is reached, the suspect would not be named if the person is not yet in custody.

No timetable yet on how long it might take.

Anthony Done Testifying
October 14, 2008 -

10:55 a.m.: By Bob Kealing, WESH 2 News

After more than an hour with an Orange County grand jury, George Anthony has completed his testimony. Anthony appeared somber as he waited for the elevator to take hm back downstairs. All the while he held a plastic folder with his missing granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony’s picture on the front.

“Mr. Anthony answered all the questions he was asked,” said his attorney Mark NeJame, “Beyond that we’re really not allowed to comment.”

We’ve also seen the canine handler whose cadaver dog “hit” on the back of Casey Anthony’s car and the Anthony’s back yard.

One court deputy said she believes there are about a half dozen witnesses to testify. It’s also believed that this is the only case the grand jury is hearing.

More On George Anthony
October 14, 2008 - One Response

11:29 a.m.: WESH 2 News reporter Amanda Ober is outside the courthouse and caught up with Mark NeJame and George Anthony when they left earlier this morning. As he said to media inside the courthouse, NeJame said he wasn’t legally allowed to talk about what was said inside the grand jury room. But he added:

“All we can say is that George Anthony answered all questions directly and honestly and did what no human being could be prepared to do.” He added that if an indictment is handed up, he will comment.

After his testimony, George Anthony had no comment, but several of you have asked for more details on what he said before entering the courthouse. Here is the quote:

“This is going to be hard for me to do. My focus is always on my granddaughter. It always will be. I love my daughter, wife and my son.” He tend asked everyone to pray, especially for Caylee. He did mention praying at 11 a.m. and 11 p.m., although he didn’t explain the significance, if any, of that time.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 11:58:24 AM
Grand jury hears testimony in Casey Anthony case

Sarah Lundy and Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
11:26 AM EDT, October 14, 2008


Testimony of dog handler lasts 30 minutes
11:17 a.m. Deputy Jason Forgey walked out of the courtroom after giving his testimony.

Dog handler next to testify


10:45 a.m. Orange County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Forgey was called before the grand jury. He had testified earlier in a bond hearing that his cadaver dog alerted on the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. This signaled that a body was once held there. The dog also alerted to a section of the Anthonys' backyard but nothing was found when officials dug up the area.,0,6776908.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 12:02:04 PM

Baez spokesman issues statement
11:50 a.m. The spokesman representing defense attorney Jose Baez issued a statement this morning accusing State Attorney Lawson Lamar of using Casey Anthony's case for his political benefit.

"Lawson Lamar has allowed authorities to let any real search fall by the wayside, to let his fight to keep his political office benefit from being placed on the front burner," the faxed statement from Todd Black said.

READ FOR YOURSELF: Casey Anthony documents related to check fraud charges "THE TRUTH IS -- there's no time limit on bringing murder charges against any suspected offender. But, there is a limit on how much time Lawson Lamar has to impress voters, and, sadly, it is less impressive for him to deliver a missing child alive, or he would DEMAND that law enforcement keep investigating," the statement said.

"What Lawson Lamar has chosen to do is commercialize Ms. Anthony's missing daughter, Caylee, as the 'perfect springboard' to squeeze out his re-election. HIS TIME LIMIT ….the November elections!",0,6776908.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 12:23:40 PM
Here is video of Casey going to Baez office


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 12:25:05 PM
Grand Jury Breaks For Lunch
October 14, 2008 - 8 Responses

11:59 a.m.: The prosecution team just left as the grand jury is taking a break for lunch. Testimony is expected to resume at 1 p.m. So far this morning, the witnesses we have seen come in and out of the grand jury room are George Anthony, an FBI agent and a deputy whose cadaver dog hit on the trunk of Casey Anthony’s car. Orange County Sheriff’s Detective Yuri Melich also is here, and expected to testify later. Other than him, it is not known who will be called before the grand jury or when exactly it will end today.

Please check back for more updates after lunch — and post comments with questions that we answer.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 01:17:23 PM
Oct 14, 2008 | 1:03 PM Baez will make statement at 1:30 p.m. with Casey
12:58 p.m. Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez announced a few moments ago that he will hold a short press conference with his client outside of his Kissimmee office.

The press conference will start at 1:30 p.m.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 01:31:20 PM
1:15PM UPDATE: Grand jurors have resumed listening to testimony in the case against Casey Anthony. She could be re-arrested Tuesday for murder depending on the outcome of a grand jury hearing. Prosecutors are trying to get a murder indictment against her for the death of her daughter, Caylee Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 02:19:04 PM

Anthony will turn self in if indicted
2 p.m. If the grand jury decides to indict Casey Anthony on homicide charges this afternoon, she will turn herself in to authorities, attorney Jose Baez said at his office.

Anthony stood next to her attorney, wearing a white collared shirt with a Where's Caylee button, during the six-minute press conference.

"She is doing her best to stand tall in front of everyone," Baez said. "They [the sheriff's office] threw the kitchen sink at her a long time ago."

Anthony, who has never appeared at a press conference, did not comment. She became emotional at times and shed a few tears.

"Casey is going through a nightmare," Baez said. "She has a missing child. She is also someone's child."



Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 02:35:46 PM
Lead detective takes the stand
2:22 p.m. Orange County sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich has begun his testimony in front of the grand jury. Melich, who is on crutches because of an earlier motorcycle accident, is reportedly the last person to testify today.,0,6776908.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 03:45:57 PM
Last Witness On The Stand
October 14, 2008 - No Responses
2:33 p.m. By Bob Kealing, WESH 2 News

A court deputy tells me the last witness to testify before the grand jury is now on the stand. He is Orange County detective Yuri Melich who has been on the case since Caylee Anthony was reported missing three months ago this week.

We’ve counted around a half dozen witnesses presented by the state, they include: George Anthony, Orange County’s cadaver dog handler, and an FBI agent also closely involved with the case, Nick Savage.

Once the testimony is complete and all the evidence presented, the grand jury of ten women and nine men will deliberate. Once they have reached a decision, the media will be invited in to the courtroom to hear from State Attorney Lawson Lamar whether the grand jury has decided on a “true bill” or “no true bill” decision; To indict or not to indict. If Casey is in custody, her name will be revealed at that time; if not, we’ll hear the charges.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 03:51:48 PM

State Attorney's Office responds to political attack
3:41 p.m. Randy Means, a spokesman for the State Attorney's Office, recently issued this statement in response to allegations his office is using Casey Anthony's case for State Attorney Lawson Lamar's political benefit.

Means wrote in an email to the Orlando Sentinel that there "is an old axiom in law enforcement that goes 'When defense attorneys can't successfully attack the evidence they then attack the evidence collector. If this fails you then attack the prosecutor.....This is not the first time we have seen such a ploy as this. "All investigations, to include homicide investigations, have a chronological process and this case is no different. In late September, the Orange County Sheriff's Office, FBI and this office received a letter of confirmation from the University of Tennessee. They had concluded their examination of the forensic material sent to them by law enforcement contained relevant information to the disappearance of Caylee Anthony. "While I am not at liberty to discuss the specific nature of the material, I will tell you that this correspondence is dated very late September. This was the piece of the puzzle, as prosecutors, we were waiting for before we could appropriately convene the Grand Jury. "Normally making arrangements for the Grand Jurors will take a week or two, which leads us to today. Sufficient admissible evidence has been collected and evaluated and it is now the state's duty to seek justice. "As much as I would like to respond to these apparent smoke and mirror allegations, I am prohibited from doing so, as is the Defense, as described in the Cannons of Ethics. I believe the defense attorney's wild allegations serve no legitimate purpose other than to obfuscate the search for the truth. We will continue to prosecute this case in the courts and not in the media.

Grand jury makes a decision
3:40 a.m. The grand jury has made a decision but it has not been announced yet. The media is setting up in the courtroom to hear from the judge.

Anthony and mother leave attorney's office
3:35 p.m. Casey Anthony and her mother have just left attorney Jose Baez's Kissimmee office. She has until 4 p.m. to be at her parent's Hopespring Drive home or will be in violation of her home confinement.

Meanwhile at the Orange County Courthouse, the grand jury is still meeting behind closed doors.,0,6776908.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 03:56:16 PM
Indictment handed down, Anthony under arrest


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 04:44:48 PM
Indictment handed down, Anthony under arrest

Last Edited: Tuesday, 14 Oct 2008, 4:34 PM EDT
Created: Tuesday, 14 Oct 2008, 8:29 AM EDT

LIVE CHAT: Grand Jury hearing evidence regarding possible murder charges against Casey Anthony
Where's Caylee

PHOTO GALLERY: Grand Jury hears evidence

 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- A grand jury has issued a sealed murder indictment in the disappearance of 3-year-old Caylee Anthony and the mother Casey Anthony was arrested shortly after.

Prosecutors did not immediately release the name of the indicted suspect, saying the person has not been arrested yet. They also asked that bond be revoked. According to the Associated Press the sealed indictment is a murder charge.

Judge Belvin Perry granted both motions.

Soon after the announcement the Orange County Sheriff’s department confirmed that Casey Anthony is under arrest.

Casey Anthony waited Tuesday more than a dozen miles away. Her attorney had said she would turn herself in if she is the person indicted.

Anthony, 22, has been called by investigators a suspect in her daughter's disappearance, but so far has only been charged with child neglect, lying to investigators and some unrelated fraud and theft counts.

Casey Anthony's father, George, testified behind closed doors to the grand jury along with a detective and an FBI agent.

Shortly before the announcement Casey Anthony was handed off to an unknown person or persons. While in route from her attorney’s office with her mother, Cindy Anthony, Anthony stopped the vehicle under a bridge near Boggy Creek road in south Orange County near an SUV that belonged to the Orange County Sheriff's department.

Casey Anthony was placed into the SUV and taken away. Where she was bound was unknown.

Lawson Lamar, State Attorney in the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida spoke in court shortly after the judge returned.

"The spring term of the Orange County Grand Jury has listened to evidence today,” Lamar said. “And has heard evidence from scientific sources including the FBI laboratory, the Oak Ridge laboratory, an FBI agent and quite a bit of work done by the Orange County Sheriff's Office. 

They have considered the evidence; they have deliberated and have returned an indictment.  In this indictment, the named defendant is not in custody, and for that reason, this need be sealed if your honor will so order until such time as this person is reduced to custody.   Count one is a capital count and that being the case, and the State averring that the evidence is compelling, we would ask the Court to set bond at no bond on count one an issue a capeas.”

Timeline of testimony:

9:20 a.m. Casey’s father, George Anthony arrived at court with his attorney Mark NeJame. NeJame speaks briefly to reporters and then they go inside.  George is the first called to testify.

VIDEO: George Anthony arrives at court for Grand Jury testimony

10:15 a.m.  Casey Anthony leaves her home
VIDEO: Casey Anthony leaves home

10:28 a.m. George Anthony still testifying

10:40 a.m. George Anthony finishes testifying and leaves court.
VIDEO: George Anthony leaves court

10:51 K9 Officer Orange County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Forgey called to testify before grand jury.  His dog detected the scent of human decomposition in the Casey Anthony's car trunk

10:52 Cindy Anthony drops Casey off at Jose Baez's office in Kissimmee and leaves
VIDEO: Casey Anthony arrives at attorney's office

11:15 a.m. Cindy Anthony returns to Baez’s office carrying in with her framed 8x10 pictures of Caylee

11:40 a.m. Jason Forgey, the Orange County Sheriff's deputy who is in the K-9 division finished testifying.

11:45 .m. FBI Agent Nick Savage testifies

11:55 a.m. Grand Jury convenes for lunch.

1:30 p.m. Casey Anthony’s attorney Jose Baez holds a news conference at his office in Kissimmee
VIDEO: Casey Anthony’s attorney Jose Baez speaks to the media

2:30 p.m. Cpl. Yury Melich,  with Orange County Child Abuse Missing Person's Unit testifies

3:00 p.m. Jury begins deiberating

3:50 p.m. Jury  issues a sealed murder indictment in the case of missing 3-year-old girl, Caylee Anthony.

Prosecutors did not immediately release the name of the indicted suspect, saying the person has not been arrested yet.
The mother, Casey Anthony, waited Tuesday more than a dozen miles away. Her attorney says she would turn herself in if she is the person indicted.

Anthony, 22, has been called by investigators a suspect in her daughter's disappearance, but so far has only been charged with child neglect, lying to investigators and some unrelated fraud and theft counts.

Casey Anthony's father, George, testified behind closed doors to the grand jury along with a detective and an FBI agent.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 04:50:54 PM

Thank You Faith@ HFTM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 05:05:59 PM
1st Degree Murder Capaital , Aggrivated Child Abuse  Aggrivated Manslaughter of a Child


Count one is first-degree murder.

Count two is for causing great bodily harm to Caylee, by intentionally inflicting injury on her or causing the injury to happen.

Count three is aggravated manslaughter of a child.

Counts four to seven involve lying to law enforcement during her discussions with investigators.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 05:50:23 PM
5:20 p.m.: Here are a few more details of the 7 count against Casey Anthony.

The first count is for first-degree murder, a capital offense that is punishable by the death penalty. (State Attorney Lawson Lamar, however, did not say specifically he would seek execution, if Casey Anthony is convicted. He took no questions.)

This charge alleges that Casey Anthony caused the death of Caylee “from a premeditated design” between June 15 and July 16. Those dates correspond to the last time Caylee was seen and when she was reported missing. The indictment offers no other information on how, why or when.

 Count two is aggravated child abuse. This alleges that between the same dates Casey Anthony “did knowingly or willfully…causes great bodily harm, permanent disfigurement or permanent disability to Caylee Marie Anthony…by intentionally inflicting physical injury…or by intentionally committing an act or actively encouraging another person to commit an act which could reasonably expected to result in physical injury.”

Count three is aggravated manslaughter of a child. This count alleges that Casey Anthony caused Caylee’s death by failing to provide “the care, supervision and services necessary to maintain Caylee Marie Anthony’s physical and mental health” or that she did not make “a reasonable effort” to protect Caylee from someone else abuses, neglecting or exploiting her.

Counts four through seven are all “providing false information to a law enforcement officer.” Each count lists a time when Casey Anthony is alleged to have lied to investigators about Caylee. Count four says she lied to Orange County Sheriff’s Office Detective Yuri Melich when she said she worked at Universal Studios in 2008. Count five alleges she lied to Melich when she said she left Caylee with a woman named Zenaida Gonzalez. Count  six alleges she lied to Melich when she said she told two former Universal Studios employees that Caylee was missing. And count seven alleges Anthony lied to Melich when she said she received phone call from Caylee on July 15.

 Posted by Nut44x4

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 07:20:47 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 07:22:28 PM

Grand jury indicts Casey Anthony for murder of daughter Caylee Marie

Sarah Lundy, Bianca Prieto and Amy L. Edwards

Sentinel Staff Writers

5:33 PM EDT, October 14, 2008

Casey Anthony was indicted today on seven charges in the disappearance of her missing daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, including first-degree murder.

She also was charged with:

One count aggravated child abuse
One count aggravated manslaughter of a child
Four counts of providing false info to a law enforcement officer

The decision came after an Orange County grand jury heard more than six hours of testimony from a half-dozen witnesses, including Anthony's father, George Anthony, and sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich, who is heading up the investigation.

Jurors completed their work at the Orange County Courthouse at mid-afternoon. Chief Judge Belvin Perry, who presided over the proceeding, received the indictment shortly before 4 p.m. today but ordered it sealed until Anthony was arrested.

The young mother, who spent much of the day at her lawyer's office in Kissimmee, was on the road shortly before 5 p.m. when Orange County deputy sheriffs stopped the vehicle in which she was riding on the Beachline Expressway.

She was taken to the Sheriff's Office command center in Orlando and was expected to be taken to the Orange County Jail sometime this evening.

Caylee Marie's body has not been found, but the indictment indicates that prosecutors believe they can prove at trial that her mother killed her. The first-degree murder charge carries a possible death penalty if she is convicted.

"The investigation contains intricate forensics that are on the cutting edge of science," State Attorney Lawson Lamar said after the indictment was unsealed. "We are used to complex forensics and are ready to manage this evidence at trial."

To win a grand jury indictment, prosecutors had to demonstrate only probable cause that Anthony committed the crime. Proving a case beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard for a criminal trial.

Anthony, 22, has been the main suspect for months in the disappearance of her daughter, who was reported missing July 15. The mother told detectives that she last saw Caylee in mid-June when she left the girl with a baby sitter.

When Anthony returned later, both the child and the baby sitter were gone, she said. Authorities have not been able to find the nanny, and they question whether she exists.

Deputies charged her with child neglect a day after reporting her daughter missing.

They also charged her with providing false information, saying she told lies and directed them to dead-ends. Among the lies, they said, was leading deputies to a vacant apartment she said belonged to the baby sitter and telling them she was an event planner at Universal Studios.

Anthony also is facing several check fraud cases. "The case will not be prosecuted by news release laying out our case to further excite the public," Lamar said. "We will properly do our work in a courtroom setting with a circuit judge presiding to ensure a fair trial for the defendant. Remember that this indictment is not proof of guilt, it is a grand jury finding, an accusation."

Anthony's first appearance will be Wednesday either at 8:30 arm or 1:30 p.m.,0,4151769,print.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 14, 2008, 08:00:35 PM
Audio Of Secret Proceedings Mistakenly Broadcast Outside Courtroom In Anthony Case
Casey Anthony Indicted On First-Degree Murder Charge, Arrested

POSTED: 5:50 pm EDT October 14, 2008
UPDATED: 6:15 pm EDT October 14, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Audio of a grand jury's secret proceedings in the nationally-watched case of Casey Anthony was mistakenly sent outside the courtroom and to all media outlets plugged into the courthouse system.

I don't know what was listened to or what was heard until the time that it was turned off," Orange County Chief Judge Belven Perry said. "Everyone who may have heard needs to govern themselves 


Tuesday afternoon, Casey Anthony was accused in the indictment of killing her daughter even though the child's body has not been found.

A grand jury returned charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators against Casey Anthony in the death of her daughter, Caylee, State Attorney Lawson Lamar said.

However, before the indictment, Local 6 crews realized that audio from the grand jury's secret meeting on the 23rd floor of the Orange County courthouse was being piped out of the building.

Court officers and the state attorney's office were immediately notified of the breach.

After a flurry of activity that could be witnessed outside the grand jury room, the audio feed was cut off and proceedings were suspended.

Perry said court administration was to blame for the mistake. He said the state attorney's office had nothing to do with the mistake.

Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez was notified of the breach.

"This should have been a secret proceeding," Baez said. "There is so much that should not have been leaked and has. It is making a joke of the whole situation. It is a sad day for justice."

Baez said he is researching whether the breach could impact the murder indictment.

Perry warned anyone who heard anything that they should not reveal what they learned under threat of contempt of court.

It is not known if the breach could jeopardize the state's case against Casey Anthony but the state attorney said he does not think it will have an impact on the indictment.

Baez: Everyone Will Understand

Earlier, Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez lashed out at law enforcement and what he called "systematic leaks" in the case as a tearful Anthony stood next to him during a news conference.

Baez and Anthony walked in front of a group of reporters and first discussed a grand jury.

"(The grand jury) is secret for various reasons," Baez said. "One, you don't want it to compromise the integrity of the grand jury. Two, you certainly don't want any targets of the grand jury be aware and three you don't want to have to possibly taint those opinions of the grand jurors. Of course, none of that is being accomplished today. You have a situation where, I truly believe, if a prosecutor wanted to walk in there without calling any testimony, they can ask does anyone want to indict Casey Anthony and they'd all vote yes by now. They'd do this no because of any evidence that has been presented or released in discovery in this case (but) they do this because of the systematic leaks that have gone out from the state attorney's office and law enforcement. Evidence that no one has seen and no one has had the opportunity to test and no one has the opportunity to independently verify."

Baez said Casey Anthony has never run from the situation.

"She is not running from this. She has never attempted to run away from the situation and everyone must understand that. She is doing her best to stand strong before everyone and to standup to the powers that are working against her. They threw the kitchen sink at her a long time ago -- a very long time ago."

Baez then asked people to remember the U.S. Constitution.

"Casey has been going through a nightmare and has been living a nightmare for the last several month," Baez said. "She has a missing child and she is also someone's child. This family has had to withstand something unlike anyone has ever seen. We just ask that everyone respect that and everyone understand what Casey Anthony is going through."

Baez said if the evidence is what it is supposed to be, it will withstand the rigors of cross examination. He warned people not to jump to conclusions.

"That is not why we have people dying in Iraq for," Baez said. "That's not why we have been fighting to keep these freedoms alive. This is the ultimate test. Everyone here should be aware of that and everyone should embrace that. I've told you many times that I understand the freedom of the press but I think it should be fair and balanced. And just because we have yet to disclose or explain Casey's version of events doesn't make it any less credible."

Baez then lashed out at law enforcement.

"The question should be posed and turned around toward law enforcement as to why they are behaving the way they are," Baez said. "Why they are attempting to circumvent our Constitution."

Baez said he has been asked about the politics of the situation.

"I want you to hear it straight from my mouth." Baez said. "These are my words. I understand that there is an election going on and I understand that those days are numbered and I understand that Casey Anthony is public enemy #1 and that the state attorney's office and the sheriff's department is under a great deal of pressure to close this case. I don't think Lawson Lamar -- and I certainly hope -- that Lawson Lamar would not utilize a missing child to keep his job. So, I'm not going to throw out any accusations. We all know what the situation is and if people want to conclude that, I'll allow them to do so. But as far as straight up accusations, it is not coming from me."

Baez also said that he thinks it will be investigated.

"If that is a reality of the situation, it will come out at a later time," Baez said. "I'm not going to engage in any mudslinging. I don't think it has any place here."

Baez said he has been preparing for the very worst.

"I wouldn't be doing (Casey Anthony) a proper service for what is probably going to go down today," Baez said. "We have a court system set up for this and that is what we are going to utilize the system for -- for a search for the truth and nothing more."

Baez urged the media to ask the tough the questions.

"I sincerely believe when we have finally spoken, everyone -- and I mean everyone -- will sit back and say, 'Now I understand and that explains it.'"

Baez then ended the new conference without answering questions.

Baez let nearly all local media crews into his office except for a television crew.

"Casey wants to be here and she has always wanted to speak but she trusts me and will allow me to speak for her," Baez said. "There will be no questions or any blurting out of anything. If there is, of course, you will find yourself out in the parking lot with some other less respectful people (TV crew)," Baez said. "I won't stand for any tabloid reporting or any cheap shots or lack of respect."

Cindy Anthony Discusses Leaks

Meanwhile, the grandmother of missing Caylee Anthony is blaming politics and the upcoming election on recent leaks concerning the case of her daughter, Casey.

"I feel that a lot of what is going on right now is a political move on the state attorney's office - Lawson Lamar," Anthony said. "I feel that right now I think the reason these leaks are being let out -- especially about the grand jury is because of the upcoming election."

Anthony said she is tired of how the story of Casey and Caylee Anthony has played out in the media, Local 6 reported. She said she hopes that media reports don't negatively affect the panel of 15 grand jurors Tuesday.

Anthony said Tuesday's grand jury is not upsetting her daughter.

"She is upset about her daughter," Anthony said. "You know that the grand jury hearing tomorrow is not upsetting her. What she is upset with is finding out the information that you know, they stopped looking for Caylee. That is what is upsetting to her."

Search Team Leaving

Local 6 learned that the volunteer search group EquuSearch will be leaving Orlando.

Tim Miller of EquuSearch said a search for Caylee will resume in two to three weeks.

A national search for Caylee continues.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on October 14, 2008, 08:43:08 PM
WFTV reporter Steve Barrett and his cameraman were kicked out of Jose Baez's press conference. (10/14/08)

Casey Anthony's attorney spoke to the media before she was indicted on a murder charge. (10/14/08)

Watch raw video inside the court room as a grand jury hands up an indictment against Casey Anthony. (10/14/08)

INDICTMENT DELIVERED: Read It (PDF) | Raw Video In Court

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 15, 2008, 08:47:20 AM
Casey Anthony arrested on busy Orlando-area highway after switching cars

Sarah Lundy and Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writers
    October 15, 2008

Casey Anthony's attorney said his client would turn herself in. But after a murder indictment was filed against her Tuesday, deputies followed Anthony and arrested her on an Orange County highway before she could surrender.

After several hours at defense attorney Jos� Baez's office in Kissimmee, Anthony left with her mother so the two could spend time together, said Baez spokesman Todd Black.

Sheriff's officials said deputies knew where Anthony was at all times, and even knew that she changed vehicles under a highway overpass.

Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, reportedly pulled her vehicle over at Narcoossee Road and State Road 417, where Casey got into a sport utility vehicle.
That vehicle was driven by an unidentified bail bondsman. Black said the bondsman was taking Anthony to jail.

Larry Garrison, a spokesman for the Anthony family, said in an e-mail that Cindy Anthony was taking her daughter to meet Baez "for him to turn her in as agreed."

But before Anthony and the bondsman could arrive at the jail, deputies stopped the SUV on the BeachLine Expressway and took Anthony into custody.,0,7608169.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 15, 2008, 08:49:22 AM

Cindy Anthony Scolds In Street, Casey Swaps Cars During Wild Ride
Audio Of Secret Proceedings Mistakenly Broadcast Outside Courtroom

POSTED: 3:06 am EDT October 15, 2008
UPDATED: 9:44 am EDT October 15, 2008

Cindy Anthony Scolds In Street, Casey Swaps Cars During Wild Ride
Audio Of Secret Proceedings Mistakenly Broadcast Outside Courtroom

POSTED: 3:06 am EDT October 15, 2008
UPDATED: 9:44 am EDT October 15, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The mother of Casey Anthony was videotaped scolding a TV news van and erratically cutting across traffic before her daughter, Casey, was secretly transferred to a vehicle and later arrested during a wild post-indictment ride in Orlando streets.

A grand jury issued a sealed indictment charging Casey Anthony with first-degree murder in the death of daughter Caylee, even though the child's body has not been found during a four-month search.

The grand jury also charged Anthony, 22, with aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators about Caylee's disappearance.

After the indictment was delivered, Casey Anthony and her mother left attorney Jose Baez's office in Kissimmee and began to drive around Orlando at about 3:30 p.m.

Cindy Anthony was videotaped cutting across two lanes of traffic in an apparent attempt to lose several television crews following behind.

Anthony then cut across a shopping center and drove through parking lots.

Sky 6 showed Cindy Anthony eventually jumping out of the vehicle on a road and waving her finger at the driver of a television van while walking down the road.

Anthony jumped back in her SUV and drove into a no-fly zone near the Orlando International Airport and Casey Anthony switched vehicles.

"They pulled a switcharoo," a photographer yelled as the cars stopped underneath an overpass and out of view of helicopters.

A car traveling behind another sport utility vehicle then cut off a Local 6 vehicle.

Local 6 asked Baez about the incident.

"As he attempted to try to get away from them, he didn't know if someone was trying to harm Casey or what," Baez said. "At that point, finally, it turned about to be law enforcement and they in turned pulled him over and (the driver) identified himself as the bondsman."

Anthony was taken into custody by police during the stop.

Baez also said he didn't want a media circus or anyone filming Anthony being handcuffed, Local 6 reported.


Picture by Faith@HFTM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 15, 2008, 09:05:46 AM
Cindy Anthony coming up on Today Show

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on October 15, 2008, 10:36:26 AM

New interview with George at home. 10/15/08  ::MonkeyNoNo:: unreal...

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 15, 2008, 01:50:28 PM

Judge orders no bond at Casey Anthony's initial appearance
Walter Pacheco

Sarah Lundy, Bianca Prieto and Amy L. Edwards, Sentinel Staff Writers

9:01 AM EDT, October 15, 2008

 Casey Anthony appears before judge, no bond ordered
9:01 a.m. Casey Anthony appeared before an Orange County judge this morning for a first-appearance that lasted less than one minute.

Anthony stood beside her defense attorney Jose Baez.

Judge John Jordan read the charges: First degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

"There's no bond on these charges," Jordan said.

The judge asked Baez if he would be filing a notice of appearance. Baez responded that he would.

Casey Anthony is 19 on list to appear before judge
8:40 a.m. Jail spokesman Allen Moore said Anthony is No. 19 on the list of inmates to appear before the judge. However, it is up to the judge's discretion to advance her on the list.

Baez arrives at jail
8:30 a.m. Jose Baez just arrived at the jail for his client Casey Anthony's initial appearance. Check back for updates.,0,6996414.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 15, 2008, 01:54:40 PM
Casey in court today

Slide show of pictures from court

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on October 15, 2008, 05:02:03 PM
George interview today

Cindy Today Show today

Grand Jury

Court This Morning

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 15, 2008, 05:08:51 PM
Grand Jury

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 15, 2008, 05:13:21 PM
October 15, 2008
Casey Anthony Arraigned on Murder Charges

Cindy Anthony Produces Caylee's Dress

Casey Anthony, mother of missing two-year-old, Caylee Anthony, made her initial court appearance before Judge John Jordan today, on charges that she murdered her daughter.

Anthony said nothing during the hearing, which lasted less than 2 minutes. Jordan read the charges against her and then ordered her held without bond. 

Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, had no comment for reporters when he left the courthouse.

Meanwhile, Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, made another appearance on NBC's "Today" show today. During the segment, Cindy was asked if she had considered the possibility that her daughter may have murdered her grandchild. Cindy's response:

"I know my daughter. I know my daughter's relationship with Caylee and I know that there's nothing in this world that could make me think Casey did anything to Caylee. There's never been any child neglect, child abuse or anything. This young lady loves her child more than I love Casey. I'll tell you that right now. And my love for Casey is stronger every day.  My love for my granddaughter is stronger every day and I know Caylee is alive. There's a lot of people out there who have seen Caylee."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 15, 2008, 06:34:44 PM
Threat Of Death For Casey Could Be Used To Help Find Caylee

POSTED: 4:39 pm EDT October 15, 2008
UPDATED: 6:02 pm EDT October 15, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony had the look of dread on her face in court Wednesday and she knows she could face the death penalty. Eyewitness News is asking if the threat of death could force her to help find her dead daughter.

Casey Anthony is living in her tiny jail cell where she'll stay until her trial. She appeared before a judge Wednesday morning, facing first-degree murder charges for the death of her daughter Caylee. The judge told her she would not be allowed to bond out of jail.

Casey Anthony appeared tense as the judge told her she won't get bond. She was all tears Tuesday just before she was indicted for first-degree murder. Hours later, after her latest arrest, she created the bespectacled look of a law student, wearing slacks, a button-up shirt and eyeglasses, not at all like her image before anyone knew her daughter Caylee was missing.

Eyewitness News has learned the party girl in her could have contributed to Caylee's death in a big way. In March, friends told investigators, Casey was disappointed that she couldn't join friends for an island party vacation in July, because she couldn't find a babysitter for Caylee.

Starting in March, Casey's computer shows that someone researched the stories of missing children on several websites. Now prosecutors could pressure Casey with the death penalty to open up about where Caylee is. "No body, no death penalty," Orlando defense attorney William Sheaffer told Eyewitness News.

Sheaffer, a former prosecutor, believes prosecutors will back off the death penalty to ease the pressure that could discourage jurors from convicting Casey of first-degree murder without Caylee's body in evidence, but says the defense team's insistence that Caylee is alive has blown their chance to negotiate Casey out of a possible life sentence.

"The defense has missed the boat on bargaining with the state other than taking the death penalty off the table," Sheaffer said.

Sheaffer told Eyewitness News an experienced defense attorney would have argued it was accidental and negotiated a lesser charge.

With more and more evidence against her in her daughter's murder coming out, Sheaffer told Eyewitness News he believes this is one of Orlando's highest profile cases ever and would not expect the trial to be held in Central Florida or in any of the large television news markets in Florida where Caylee's disappearance has captured people's emotions almost constantly for the last three months.

"I believe it'll be a rural community, not Orlando or Jacksonville or Miami, probably somewhere more toward the panhandle," he said.

Cutting-edge forensic evidence and results from air tests taken from the stain in Casey's trunk are expected to be presented at trial. State attorney Lawson Lamar's team was the first to win a murder conviction with DNA evidence decades ago.

Sheaffer said it won't be daunting for Orlando prosecutors and believes it won't be difficult to prove even to today's rural jurors who've come to expect scientific evidence before they'll convict.

"I believe that those individuals would be prepared to receive it and weigh it," he said.

As soon as the defense asks to see the evidence in the case, prosecutors have 15 days to give him what they know at that point that they will use at trial, but evidence keeps coming in from law enforcement in the ongoing investigation and they don't have all of it yet.


Life behind bars is nothing short of miserable for Casey Anthony. Her 8-foot by 10-foot jail cell has concrete walls on three sides and a Plexiglas wall on one. That means there is no privacy; everything she does is on display.

Eyewitness News was told she spends most of her day reading books and she doesn't have any money in her account to buy anything from the jail commissary.

Casey was being served smoked sausage for dinner Wednesday night.


A judge ruled Wednesday on some of the motions filed on Casey Anthony's behalf. Two of the motions have been tossed due to her new arrest on murder charges.

Casey had asked the judge to seal her weekly schedule and to travel to locations of interest in the case. The judge said those points are moot now.

There was still no ruling, though, on the appeal by defense lawyer Jose Baez to do his own testing on the evidence in the case.


Casey's now charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter Caylee, as well as aggravated child abuse, manslaughter and charges for lying to investigators. Her first-appearance in court on the new charges lasted only 40 seconds Wednesday.

"Yes," was the only thing Casey Anthony said during the appearance, acknowledging to the judge who she is.

Casey Anthony was all business in court. She seemed somewhat tense as the judge told her she's on no bond because of the indictment against her for first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse.

Casey looked up at her attorney, Jose Baez, afterward, smiled tensely and then walked out of court. It was a stark contrast to Tuesday afternoon, from the tears that were flowing outside her lawyer's office before the grand jury indicted her and even to the new look she sported after her arrest, the party girl trying to look more like a law student with slacks and a button-up shirt.

Baez would not answer questions after Casey's first appearance.

Even though Casey is now facing new and much more serious charges, her trial is still scheduled at this point for November 17. No one has asked for any delay for any reason at this point.

Casey Anthony's family will be allowed to visit her in jail. She'll be limited to three video visitations every week. She can't request a visit, a member of her family would have to request it and then Casey would get the option to accept or turn them away. So far, no one has asked to visit her.


George Anthony told Eyewitness News that Casey she would not represent herself. Her current attorney, Jose Baez, walked into court Wednesday along side another attorney. The two stood beside Casey when she made her first appearance.

The judge asked Baez if he will file a Notice of Appearance, in other words, if he would represent Casey, and he said he would. Casey's father George also spoke to Eyewitness News about his daughter's plans for representation in court.

"No, she's gonna assist her attorney and or attorneys, or people that are there to help her in any way she can and she's done that," he said.


George and Cindy Anthony are defending their daughter. Despite everything, both say they still believe Caylee is still alive.

Casey Anthony's parents spoke out Wednesday morning about the new charges their daughter now faces. They are both worn down, but vow not to give up hope Caylee is still alive. They spent the morning defending their daughter.

"No matter what has been portrayed or no matter what has been brought against my daughter at this moment, my granddaughter is still out there," George told Eyewitness News.

In addition to the first-degree murder charge, Casey faces a seven-count indictment including charges of child abuse, manslaughter and charges for lying to investigators.

Casey's mother spent Wednesday morning speaking on a national news program. She looked worn out and, in the face of evidence her dead granddaughter was in the trunk of Casey's car, seemed to be in denial of the possibility her daughter is a killer.

"I know that there is nothing in this world that could make me believe that Casey did anything to Caylee," Cindy said.

George said he and his wife haven't slept in the past two days. The couple has spent hours looking at pictures of the little girl their own daughter is charged with murdering. However, despite the new charges, George is convinced Casey didn't do anything wrong.

"This 3-year-old little girl was never harmed by my daughter, never. My daughter would not do that to her. I know that in my heart. She's a good mother," George said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 09:40:40 AM
Baez Staying As Casey Anthony's Attorney
Thursday, October 16, 2008 5:44:04 AM
ORLANDO --   Casey Anthony made her initial court appearance on charges that she murdered her missing 3-year-old daughter, Caylee.

Dressed in a blue jail jumpsuit, Casey only said one word during the appearance, by acknowledging Judge John Jordan with a "yes" when he called her name.

After that, he read all of the charges on the seven count indictment a grand jury handed up Tuesday and then ordered her held without bond.

As for those charges, Casey is facing one count of first-degree murder, one count each of aggravated child abuse and manslaughter, and four counts of lying to investigators.
Baez Staying On As Casey's Lawyer, Had No Comment Following Appearance

Casey's lawyer Jose Baez was by his client’s side for her court appearance.

However, Baez did not make any comment on the case when leaving.

On Tuesday, he said in a press conference we haven't heard the full story on the case, and accused State Attorney Lawson Lamar of possibly bringing the case to a grand jury in order to help him win re-election.
Casey's mother and father are also standing by their daughter. On Wednesday, George said that he still believes Caylee is alive.

Meanwhile, since Casey's murder indictment, questions have been raised as to whether Baez will remain her attorney in the case.

According to Todd Black, Baez's representative, Baez will remain on the case to represent Casey on the murder charge.

Black said right now the case has not been declared a capital murder trial, and said Baez has been preparing for this possible scenario, and has a team of attorneys, including one that can handle a capital murder case.
Casey Placed In Protective Custody

Casey is being held under level one protective custody at the Orange County Jail's Female Detention Center.
Under the protective custody umbrella, Casey will spend her days in a cell by herself without inmate contact.

Protective custody is normally used in high-profile cases.

While in jail, Casey will be allowed out of her cell for one hour per day to take a shower, sit in the dayroom and make phone calls.
Additional time out of the cell can be granted at the discretion of the officers.
Attorney visits are allowed anytime.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 09:55:02 AM
Casey Anthony's defense team: Caylee is dead
Few women face execution -- but will Casey Anthony?
Bianca Prieto, Amy L. Edwards and Susan Jacobson | Sentinel Staff Writers
8:57 AM EDT, October 16, 2008

Attorney's spokesman says child is dead
7:35 a.m. A spokesman for Casey Anthony's defense team told a national television news station that her young daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, is dead.

Attorney Jose Baez's spokesman, Todd Black, was live on a phone interview on CNN Wednesday night when he said, "It's very difficult. This is a serious case involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony."

He faltered slightly after saying the girl died.

The Anthony family maintains that Caylee is alive. The child, who would have turned 3-years-old in August, has not been seen since June.

A new tip line will be set up by tomorrow, according to a statement issued late Wednesday by the Anthony family spokesman, Larry Garrison.

"The entire Anthony Family will continue to actively pursue all previous and new leads on the whereabouts of missing Caylee Marie," the statement said. "Private investigators with DNA investigations has been and will continue on a vigorous quest to bring Caylee back home safely."

Anthony was indicted on a first-degree murder charge earlier this week and is being held without bond at the Orange County Jail.

Prosecutors say Casey Anthony killed her child, but will they push to send her to death row?

First-degree murder is punishable by death, but the history of female killers executed in Florida during the past 150 years is brief.

The state has executed only two women in the modern era. The third, a slave who killed her master, was hanged in the mid-19th century.

Of the nearly 390 people on Florida's death row, only one is a woman.

Leonard Birdsong, an associate professor at Barry University School of Law in Orlando, said women are rarely sentenced to death. And he does not think Anthony, who was indicted Tuesday in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Marie, is a good candidate.

The young single mother has no prior criminal history, is not an obvious predator and has made no known confession, he said. He also suspects Anthony could have psychological issues.

"If I were a prosecutor, this probably would not be the case I would seek the death penalty," Birdsong said.

Only 1.5 percent of death-row inmates nationally are women, said Richard Dieter, executive director of the nonprofit Death Penalty Information Center. But most of those 51 women killed someone they know: a husband, boyfriend or their own child, he said.

The decision to seek the death penalty often is tied to politics and community outrage rather than the heinousness of the homicide, Dieter said.

Even so, though the Anthony case is the kind of crime that shocks the public, "many women have killed their children and don't get the death penalty," he said.

Randy Means, spokesman for State Attorney Lawson Lamar, said Wednesday that he could not discuss prosecutors' plans for Anthony. But he did say they will make a decision in the next few weeks.

Months to investigate

Anthony, 22, reported her then-2-year-old daughter missing in July, insisting she disappeared in mid-June with a baby sitter. Detectives doubted her story from the beginning and accused her of lying. Although no body has been found, the indictment handed down Tuesday in Orlando charged her with first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

During a brief hearing Wednesday, a judge ordered her held without bail.

Prosecutors must weigh several factors in deciding whether they will seek the death penalty.

Florida law lists a number of "aggravating circumstances" that can be cited to justify execution, such as whether the homicide was committed in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner.

They'll look at the mitigating circumstances -- also outlined in state law -- such as whether the defendant acted under extreme duress.

In the end, it comes down to whether the aggravating circumstances outweigh the mitigating.

"It's like doing math without numbers," explained Bob Dekle, a retired prosecutor who teaches legal skills at the University of Florida.

At times, bargaining chip

Bartow defense attorney David Carmichael said the state typically seeks the death penalty in only the "worst of the worst" cases. But if they think the case warrants it, they will pursue the ultimate punishment regardless of the strength of their case.

"At its worst, it's a tool for negotiating the case for a plea bargain," Carmichael said. "At its best, it's an indication of the prosecutor striving to be consistent . . . they're trying to apply the law uniformly."

The evidence presented to the grand jury that indicted Anthony is secret. But information disclosed so far appears to focus on Anthony's lies and evidence from her car, which had a foul odor. The trunk contained hair and a mysterious stain. Traces of chloroform were detected and someone researched the chemical on her computer, according to some sources.

Anthony, her lawyer and her parents continue to assert that Caylee is alive, however.

Orlando attorney Ed Mills, whose career includes the defense of a suspect in the beating deaths of six people in Deltona in 2004, said the Anthony case could pose problems for a trial jury, which must decide first whether to convict and then, if jurors find a suspect guilty, whether the death penalty is appropriate.

"I think that it's going to be important for somebody to know how this child died," he said.

Mills said he had never seen Lamar propose the death penalty when he didn't have a sufficient legal basis, but he questioned whether prosecutors have enough evidence to seek execution in the Anthony case.

"They are going to at least need more than what it appears that they have at this point," Mills said.

Sarah Lundy of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Amy L. Edwards can be reached at or 407-420-5735. Susan Jacobson can be reached at or 407-540-5981.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 10:04:07 AM

More photos here

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 01:51:35 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Story last updated at 11:15 a.m. on Thursday, October 16, 2008

Missing girl is dead, spokesman says

The Associated Press

ORLANDO, Fla. - The missing daughter of a Florida woman who was indicted on first degree murder charges is dead, a spokesman for her defense team said on CNN late Wednesday.


Todd Black, speaking on behalf of defense attorney Jose Baez, appeared on a live phone interview to discuss the first degree murder charges against Casey Anthony in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee.

Black said the case is not just about the loss of the girl's life but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony.

Calls to Black were not immediately returned.

Caylee Anthony disappeared in June but was not reported missing until a month later. An Orange County grand jury, acting on forensic evidence, indicted her on Tuesday. Caylee Anthony is still missing.

Copyright Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 01:57:38 PM
Casey Anthony's defense team: Caylee is dead
Walter Pacheco, Bianca Prieto and Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writers
1:14 PM EDT, October 16, 2008


Prosecutors not investigating comment
1:07 p.m. Orange Osceola State Attorney's Office spokesman Randy Means said his office is not looking into the comments made by Casey Anthony defense attorney spokesman Todd Black regarding Caylee Marie's death.

"Perhaps law enforcement may find his remarks intriguing," Means said, according to Danielle Tavernier, another spokesperson for the state attorney's office.

Spokesman issues statement on earlier comments
12:35 p.m. Todd Black, spokesman for Casey Anthony's defense attorney, just faxed out a press release about his recent Headline News interview in which he implied Caylee was dead.

"Unfortunately what they distributed was completely taken out of context. Todd Black never was stating that there is any belief whatsoever by Casey Anthony or The Baez Law Firm, that Ms. Anthony's daughter, Caylee, might be deceased," the statement said.

"The words used by Mr. Black were referencing the comments of another guest. It was that guest who made the remarks about death, and Mr. Black was merely pointing to that remark by the other guest."

Defense attorney Jose Baez will make a statement at his Kissimmee law office this afternoon.

Casey Anthony's attorney will hold press conference today
11:12 a.m. Todd Black said defense attorney Jose Baez will hold a press conference at his Kissimmee office at 2 p.m. today. The subject of the press conference was not announced.

George Anthony remains hopeful granddaughter Caylee Marie is alive
10:52 a.m. A solemn George Anthony denied this morning that his granddaughter Caylee Marie is dead.

Anthony was greeted by reporters as he left his house to tow a giant billboard of his missing granddaughter around Central Florida. Hours earlier while giving an interview on a live national news show, a spokesman for his daughter Casey's legal team said the girl was indeed dead.

"It's not a belief that I have in my brain," Anthony said, when asked about the spokesman's comments. "I don't believe 99 percent of stuff that is out there."

He refuses to give up hope that his granddaughter is alive somewhere.

"What would you do if this ever happened to you, to your family?" he asked. "Would you ever give up? No. Would you ever stop? No."

Comment was edited, defense attorney's spokesman said
10:50 a.m. Todd Black said the comment he made Tuesday on the Headline News live broadcast of Prime News was edited and in reference to a comment made by Mike Brooks, another guest on the show.

"I said that in response to a former law-enforcement officer's joke about Caylee," Black said. "I have made the same comment to others in the last three weeks."

Casey Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez, has not returned calls to the Orlando Sentinel.

Larry Garrison, who represents Caylee Marie's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, said Black's statement was "an inappropriate uninformed comment. We are looking for Caylee alive and setting up a new tip line this week."

Attorney's spokesman says child is dead
7:35 a.m. A spokesman for Casey Anthony's defense team told a national television news station that her young daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, is dead.


Attorney Jose Baez's spokesman, Todd Black, was live on a phone interview on Prime News on Headline News Tuesday night when he said, "It's very difficult. This is a serious case involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony."

He faltered slightly after saying the girl died.

The Anthony family maintains that Caylee is alive. The child, who would have turned 3-years-old in August, has not been seen since June.

A new tip line will be set up by tomorrow, according to a statement issued late Wednesday by the Anthony family spokesman, Larry Garrison.

"The entire Anthony Family will continue to actively pursue all previous and new leads on the whereabouts of missing Caylee Marie," the statement said. "Private investigators with DNA investigations has been and will continue on a vigorous quest to bring Caylee back home safely."

Anthony was indicted on a first-degree murder charge earlier this week and is being held without bond at the Orange County Jail.

Even so, though the Anthony case is the kind of crime that shocks the public, "many women have killed their children and don't get the death penalty," he said.

Randy Means, spokesman for State Attorney Lawson Lamar, said Wednesday that he could not discuss prosecutors' plans for Anthony. But he did say they will make a decision in the next few weeks.

Months to investigate

Anthony, 22, reported her then-2-year-old daughter missing in July, insisting she disappeared in mid-June with a baby sitter. Detectives doubted her story from the beginning and accused her of lying. Although no body has been found, the indictment handed down Tuesday in Orlando charged her with first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

During a brief hearing Wednesday, a judge ordered her held without bail.

Prosecutors must weigh several factors in deciding whether they will seek the death penalty.

Florida law lists a number of "aggravating circumstances" that can be cited to justify execution, such as whether the homicide was committed in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner.

They'll look at the mitigating circumstances -- also outlined in state law -- such as whether the defendant acted under extreme duress.

In the end, it comes down to whether the aggravating circumstances outweigh the mitigating.

"It's like doing math without numbers," explained Bob Dekle, a retired prosecutor who teaches legal skills at the University of Florida.

At times, bargaining chip

Bartow defense attorney David Carmichael said the state typically seeks the death penalty in only the "worst of the worst" cases. But if they think the case warrants it, they will pursue the ultimate punishment regardless of the strength of their case.

"At its worst, it's a tool for negotiating the case for a plea bargain," Carmichael said. "At its best, it's an indication of the prosecutor striving to be consistent . . . they're trying to apply the law uniformly."

The evidence presented to the grand jury that indicted Anthony is secret. But information disclosed so far appears to focus on Anthony's lies and evidence from her car, which had a foul odor. The trunk contained hair and a mysterious stain. Traces of chloroform were detected and someone researched the chemical on her computer, according to some sources.

Anthony, her lawyer and her parents continue to assert that Caylee is alive, however.

Orlando attorney Ed Mills, whose career includes the defense of a suspect in the beating deaths of six people in Deltona in 2004, said the Anthony case could pose problems for a trial jury, which must decide first whether to convict and then, if jurors find a suspect guilty, whether the death penalty is appropriate.

"I think that it's going to be important for somebody to know how this child died," he said.

Mills said he had never seen Lamar propose the death penalty when he didn't have a sufficient legal basis, but he questioned whether prosecutors have enough evidence to seek execution in the Anthony case.

"They are going to at least need more than what it appears that they have at this point," Mills said.

Sarah Lundy of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Amy L. Edwards can be reached at or 407-420-5735. Susan Jacobson can be reached at or 407-540-5981.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 02:16:31 PM
On Prime News while Todd Black(with Baez' office) was trying to defend JB he made a major slip of the tongue. He stated " This is a very difficult, serious case, not only involving THE LOSS OF THE LIFE OF A LITTLE GIRL but the loss of whatever is going to happen to Casey Anthony."

RAW INTERVIEW: Baez PR Firm Spokesman Admits Caylee Is Dead

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 03:09:11 PM
Spokesman For Casey's Attorney Backtracks On Comments Caylee Is Dead

POSTED: 6:31 am EDT October 16, 2008
UPDATED: 1:01 pm EDT October 16, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A spokesperson for Casey Anthony's legal team told a national TV audience that Caylee Anthony was dead, but that's not what he's saying Thursday afternoon.

Jose Baez's spokesperson, Todd Black, is backtracking on a statement he made Wednesday night during a phone interview with CNN. He said Caylee was dead, but he had an explanation for his words Thursday.

Black is backtracking and said Jose Baez is holding a news conference Thursday afternoon to respond to the comment. Eyewitness News talked to George Anthony about it before he left home Thursday.

George is still driving around the billboard with Caylee's picture on it. He is determined to find his granddaughter alive and downplayed what the spokesman for his daughter's legal team said on national television Thursday night.

"That's not a belief that's in my brain. If some people want to do that, that's up to them," George told Eyewitness News.

Todd Black, the spokesperson for Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, was asked why Casey was captured in pictures partying while her daughter was missing. That's when he admitted what investigators have long said

."This is a very serious case, involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony," Black said on CNN Wednesday night (Hear It All).

Eyewitness News tracked him down late Thursday morning and, over the phone, he denied that is what he meant. He insisted the Baez legal team is confident Caylee is just missing and Casey had nothing to do with her disappearance.

"I did not say that on national television. I responded to what someone else said," Black told Eyewitness News.

In late August, Eyewitness News was the first station to uncover the DNA evidence that showed the toddler was no longer alive. A spokesperson for George and Cindy Anthony called the statement made by Black, someone who's supposed to be on Casey's side, inappropriate.

"If he said something like that and that's what he meant then he shouldn't be representing, working for, Jose Baez because that's an inappropriate statement," said Larry Garrison, Anthony family spokesperson.

Baez visited Casey in jail late Wednesday night. Meanwhile, the Anthony family is still raising money that's going to a fund to help find Caylee. The family also said they are setting up tip line.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 03:10:53 PM
Attorney's Spokesman Denies Saying Caylee Is Dead

Thursday, October 16, 2008 1:24:39 PM

ORLANDO -- A spokesman for Casey Anthony's attorney says a controversial comment he made about the case was taken out of context.

According to published reports, the spokesman for Jose Baez, Todd Black, appeared to say that Caylee Anthony is dead.

That was in an interview shown on CNN Headline news.

In the clip Black says, "This is a very serious case involving not just involving the loss of the life of this little girl but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony." The comment has since sparked a fire storm of controversy with news reports saying that .

News 13's Evrod Cassimy spoke with Black who said the statement was in reference to the way this case was being talked about and was in response to an earlier comment. He would not elaborate further.

Investigators have said they no longer believe the little girl is alive. Casey Anthony is now sitting in jail, charged with first-degree murder.
Caylee's grandfather, George Anthony, denied Thursday that Caylee is dead. He said he is 99 percent sure Caylee is out there.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on October 16, 2008, 04:06:40 PM
RAW INTERVIEW: Baez PR Firm Spokesman Admits Caylee Is Dead

RAW INTERVIEW: Todd Black Says Comment That Caylee Is Dead Was Out Of Context

Spokesman For Casey's Attorney Says He Didn't Say What He Said

Statement From PR Firm Representing Baez (PDF)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 05:40:56 PM
Baez: Report ‘Inaccurate’

Update at 2:15 p.m. Thursday: Attorney Jose Baez emphasized that he believes Caylee Marie Anthony is alive. “I want to make it as clear as possible…we believe Caylee is alive. I’ve said that from Day 1,” Baez said outside his Osceola County office during a news conference that just ended. (Update at 5:03 p.m.: Here is the full video of the Baez press conference.

His comments came in response to the reporting on a comment from his spokesman, Todd Black, who said on a CNN program about “loss of life” that some read as saying he believed Caylee was dead. (See post below).

Baez criticized the media, agreeing with Black that the quote was in response to someone else’s joke and was taken out of context.

Baez also said he was still getting leads on Caylee’s disappearance, but declined to provide details to the media.

Update at 3:57 p.m. Thursday: Here is a link to extended audio of Todd Black’s interview on CNN

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 16, 2008, 07:37:41 PM
Mysterious PR Man Backtracks On Comment That Caylee Anthony Is Dead

POSTED: 6:31 am EDT October 16, 2008
UPDATED: 6:22 pm EDT October 16, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team is backtracking after they finally admitted, on national TV, that Casey's daughter Caylee is dead.

"This is a very serious case, involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony," Todd Black said on CNN Wednesday night (Hear It All).

Black is Casey's attorney's spokesman. Not only is he trying to take back his words, so is the attorney and Casey's family.

Todd Black, the spokesperson for Casey Anthony's legal team, admitted on national television late Wednesday that Caylee Anthony is dead. Eyewitness News reached Black by phone Thursday and he denied that is what he meant. He insisted the Baez legal team is confident Caylee is just missing and Casey had nothing to do with her disappearance.

"I did not say that on national television. I responded to what someone else said," Black told Eyewitness News (full interview).

He scrambled for more than five minutes during the call, coming up with different excuses and explanations about what he meant by the comment. But, the bottom line is, he admitted what investigators have long said.

George Anthony brushed it off Thursday morning before he hit the road to drive around the billboard with his granddaughter's picture on it, because he still believes she's alive.

"I don't know why someone would say something like that when everything is circumstantial," George said.

A spokesperson for George and Cindy Anthony called the statement made by Todd Black, someone who's supposed to be on Casey's side, inappropriate.

"If he said something like that and that's what he meant then he shouldn't be representing, working for, Jose Baez because that's an inappropriate statement," said Larry Garrison, Anthony family spokesperson.

The family told Eyewitness News they are even setting up a new tip line that should be ready by Thursday night or Friday. Volunteers from all over the country will help.


Eyewitness News has been doing some digging to try to find out exactly who Todd Black is, but he doesn't have a professional track record or paper trail. He works for Press Corps Media. The company claims to have more than 200 employees and an $11 million profit margin, but Press Corps Media doesn't even have a website.

Todd Black has never appeared on camera, only doing interviews over the phone.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 17, 2008, 11:25:28 AM
Casey Anthony's court dates set
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
October 17, 2008

Today's Updates: Casey Anthony's court dates set
10:35 a.m. Casey Anthony is scheduled to be arraigned in the first-degree murder case Oct. 28.

The arraignment will be held at 8:45 a.m. before Orange County Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland.

She has a pre-trial hearing scheduled Nov. 5 for the child neglect and check fraud cases. That also will be heard before Strickland.,0,668489.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 17, 2008, 11:27:57 AM
George Anthony Talks To News 13
Friday, October 17, 2008 7:42:49 AM  

ORLANDO -- George Anthony, the grandfather of missing toddler Caylee Anthony, spoke exclusively with News 13 Thursday about the family's latest efforts to find his granddaughter.

Anthony said his family has been cleared by a judge to access all 5,000 tips recorded by the Orange County Sheriff's Office tip line.

This comes after the judge in the case denied the defense's motion to preserve forensic evidence. See previous story.

Anthony added they are disturbed by the fact the Sheriff's Office shut down the tip line in mid-august.

The family's private investigator is looking into multiple potential sightings of Caylee, 3, around the country, including New York and South Carolina, Anthony said.

"We've been getting info out about Puerto Rico, because we believe that's where she is, but the info I've gotten over the last three months is that my granddaughter has been to nine different locations," Anthony told News 13.

Anthony is working to find a new location for the Kid Finder's Network command center, where you can find the Caylee Anthony information billboard, as well as information on other missing children.

Complaints by protestors have forced the billboard off of four different properties.

Lawyer: Caylee Is Alive

As the search for Caylee continues, the controversial question of whether she is dead or alive remains up in the air.

Authorities have said they believe she is dead, but the family disagrees. However, Todd Black, a spokesperson for Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, said on CNN Headline News earlier in the week that Caylee is dead.

"This is a very serious case involving -- not just involving the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony," Black said.

Black later told News 13 in a phone interview his statement was in reference to the way the case was being talked about, and was taken completely out of context.

Black hung up when News 13 asked him further questions.

Baez also spoke out, saying he was upset at all the attention the comment has received, and insisting his office still believes Caylee is alive.

"The only reason I am here responding to this is because we have a missing child, and I don't want anyone to stop looking for Caylee because they think that we think she's deceased," Baez said.

Baez added they have new information of recent Caylee sightings, and they have been passing it on to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Casey In Protective Custody

Casey Anthony is being held under level one protective custody at the Orange County Jail's female detention center.

Protective custody is normally used in high profile cases.

While in jail, Casey will spend her days in a cell by herself, without inmate contact. She will be allowed out of her cell for one hour per day to take a shower, sit in the dayroom and make phone calls.

Additional time out of the cell can be granted at the discretion of the officers.

Visits with Casey's attorney are allowed at any time. So far, the only visit scheduled was one by Baez Wednesday night.

Possible Prison Time

If Anthony is convicted of the multiple charges against her, she could be looking at major prison time.

Anthony could even face the death penalty for the first-degree murder charge.

She could also be sentenced to a maximum of 30 years for aggravated child abuse, another 30 years for aggravated manslaughter of a child, and five additional years for each of the four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer.

That does not include the charges of check fraud against Casey Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 17, 2008, 02:36:58 PM
Baez spokesman says media misleading public on Casey Anthony case
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
12:51 PM EDT, October 17, 2008

Today's Updates:

Jose Baez's spokesman issues another statement -- says media have been drinking 'too much Palmetto Bug Punch'
12:45 p.m. Todd Black, spokesman for Casey Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez, issued another statement this morning about the CNN Headline News interview in which he implied Caylee Marie was dead.

The faxed press release begins with "Thank You" in a large font, and then goes on to say: "We have to thank the few, but very respected news people who understood the misuse of a 'delayed' telephone interview, along with deceptive editing to PURPOSELY MISLEAD the public."


The release states CNN released a "complete fraud and stooped to the lowest low, shamefully toying with the life of Casey Anthony, who sits falsely accused of murder…"

It's the second time Black has addressed his statement -- originally made Tuesday night during a live telephone interview on Headline news and replayed Wednesday: "This is a very serious case involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony."

Black stated in Thursday's press release the statement was taken out of context and edited. And during an afternoon press conference, Baez further explained that jokes were being made about the case during the interview, and that's what Black was referring to.

But CNN says no jokes were being told. Mike Brooks, CNN's law-enforcement analyst, made a comment about Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, drinking the "Casey Kool-Aid."

And CNN maintains the interview was shortened for Wednesday's broadcast but that Black's quote aired as he said it.

Today's press release states Black "has never said that Caylee Anthony is deceased, and those who were professional enough to obtain the October 14th interview, in its entirety, reported fairly and truthfully. The rest of the media must have been drinking too much Palmetto Bug Punch."

Casey Anthony's court dates set
10:35 a.m. Casey Anthony is scheduled to be arraigned in the first-degree murder case Oct. 28.

The arraignment will be held at 8:45 a.m. before Orange County Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland.

She has a pre-trial hearing scheduled Nov. 5 for the child neglect and check fraud cases. That also will be heard before Strickland.On Thursday, Black faxed a news release in which he said his comment was taken out of context, and that the entire interview made it clear that Anthony and the legal team believe that Caylee is alive and needs to be found.

Later, Baez also said Black's statement was taken out of context. Black did not appear to have attended the news conference; he has refused to be interviewed in person or to have his photograph taken.

Baez said that during the Headline News interview, jokes were being made about the case, and that was what Black was referring to.

Mike Brooks, CNN's law-enforcement analyst, made a comment before Black about Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, drinking the "Casey Kool-Aid" -- meaning that the woman still believed her daughter's story that Caylee was taken by a baby sitter.

CNN maintains the interview was shortened for Wednesday's broadcast but that Black's quote aired as he said it.

Baez said Black is not a lawyer and is not included in meetings with Anthony and her legal counsel.

"He does not have any legal opinions whatsoever. He's simply a spokesman for our firm," Baez said.

Baez spoke two days after a grand jury indicted Anthony on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of giving false information to law enforcement.

Investigators have disclosed that traces of chloroform were found in Anthony's Pontiac, which she abandoned outside a check-cashing store, and that air samples from the trunk included gases from human decomposition. The lead investigator in the case has said a body was in the trunk and that it likely was Caylee's.

Still, the Anthony family continues to receive tips on Caylee sightings, Baez said. And they refuse to give up hope that Caylee is alive.

George Anthony repeated that hope Thursday morning as he left his Lee Vista-area home to tow a giant billboard of his missing granddaughter around Central Florida.

"My main quest is to find my granddaughter, and it always will be," Anthony said. "And I think we're close."

In other developments Thursday, Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland denied a request from Baez to stop the state testing evidence in the child-neglect case filed against Casey Anthony. But the judge granted Baez's request to be notified of any further testing.

"The court knows of no authority or logical reason why the state should be prevented, even temporarily, from further analysis of relevant evidence," he wrote.

Anthony can have her own expert view and document the manner of the examination, the judge ruled.

Red Huber, Walter Pacheco, Bianca Prieto and Sarah Lundy of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Amy L. Edwards can be reached at or 407-420-5735.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 17, 2008, 02:53:41 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 17, 2008, 03:01:46 PM
Baez spokesman: Media misleading public on Casey Anthony case

Updated: 12:51 p.m.
Todd Black said in today's news release that he "has never said that Caylee Anthony is deceased, and those who were professional enough to obtain the October 14th interview, in its entirety, reported fairly and truthfully. The rest of the media must have been drinking too much Palmetto Bug Punch."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 17, 2008, 05:38:05 PM
October 17, 2008

Breaking News : Caylee Anthony Search Set to Resume
Texas EquuSearch has announced that they will resume the search for Casey Anthony's missing 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, on Nov. 8. According to Tim Miller, founder and director of the organization, it will be the "biggest search in history."

In related news, Leonard Padilla has sought out the aide of bounty hunters from around the United States, who are now planning on coming to Orlando to help out in the search effort.

Investigation Discovery will also be back on the scene in Orlando, bringing you all the latest details

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 17, 2008, 06:33:22 PM
Casey Anthony enters not guilty plea
By The Associated Press

Story Created: Oct 17, 2008 at 5:32 PM EDT  

(Story Updated: Oct 17, 2008 at 5:32 PM EDT )

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - The mother of a missing 3-year-old Florida girl has entered a plea of not guilty to charges that she killed her daughter.

Twenty-two year-old Casey Anthony entered the not-guilty plea Friday, three days after a grand jury indicted her on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators about the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee.

Casey Anthony has told authorities that she left her daughter with a baby sitter in June, and that the two were gone when she returned from work. She says she spent the next month trying to find her daughter and didn't call authorities because she was scared

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 18, 2008, 03:39:39 PM
Bounty hunter Padilla to help Equusearch look for Caylee Anthony next month
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
2:07 PM EDT, October 18, 2008
Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla will assist Texas Equusearch conduct its search for Caylee Marie Anthony, who disappeared earlier this year when she was 2 years old.

Mandy Albritton, search director for EquuSearch, told the Orlando Sentinel on Saturday that the California-based bounty hunter will join the group when it returns to Orlando on Nov. 8.

Padilla has organized a group of other bounty hunters who are going to join in the search and have also help raise money to finance it. Equusearch is going to train the bounty hunters to be search team leader, Albritton said.

Earlier, EquuSearch organizers said it will determine later where the command center will be, Albritton said. The group suspended its search last month because the high water levels caused by Tropical Storm Fay prevented a thorough examination of the search areas -- many of which were areas of thick brush and woods in east Orange County near the Anthony family home.

In other developments, Casey Anthony will be arraigned on the most recent charges filed against her -- including first-degree murder -- on Oct. 28. The arraignment will be before Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland, though she already entered a written plea of not guilty. She has a pretrial hearing before Strickland scheduled Nov. 5 for the child-neglect and check-fraud cases previously filed against her.,0,4954266.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 18, 2008, 07:24:59 PM
Here's the video interview with the guy who thinks he saw Casey's car by the road.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 19, 2008, 10:23:03 AM
"Cole (Puffinburger) has been found, he is safe and in our custody," Capt. Vince Cannito told reporters in an early morning news conference.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 19, 2008, 02:03:39 PM
Body language expert analyzes Casey Anthony

Last Edited: Friday, 17 Oct 2008, 2:13 PM EDT
Created: Friday, 17 Oct 2008, 2:13 PM EDT  

We're all seen the footage of Casey Anthony whether it's going to her attorney's office or leaving jail. Many have wondered what's going through her mind. One person who can p...

We’re all seen the footage of Casey Anthony whether it's going to her attorney's office or leaving jail. Many have wondered what's going through her mind. One person who can provide us with some insight is body language expert Susan SideBar

Related Items

StoriesCaylee Anthony Timeline, Photos and Webcam


We're all seen the footage of Casey Anthony whether it's going to her attorney's office or leaving jail. Many have wondered what's going through her mind.


Dress Similar To Caylee's Found
Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:12:50 AM  

ORLANDO -- A dress found in the woods is now taking center stage in the search for Caylee Anthony.
Investigators said they're testing and reviewing a small dress that is “very, very similar” to a dress belonging to the missing 3-year-old.

The dress was found in the woods last weekend near the airport during a brief new search by the Texas based group Equu-Search.
The dress has now been sent out of state for forensic testing.
Meanwhile the toddler’s mother will be back in court later this month.
Casey Anthony is set to be arraigned on Oct. 28 on first-degree murder charges.
She was indicted earlier this week.
A second court date is then set for Nov. 5 for the child neglect and check fraud charges.
George Anthony Talks To News 13

George Anthony, the grandfather of missing toddler Caylee Anthony, spoke exclusively with News 13 Thursday about the family's latest efforts to find his granddaughter.

Anthony said his family has been cleared by a judge to access all 5,000 tips recorded by the Orange County Sheriff's Office tip line.

This comes after the judge in the case denied the defense's motion to preserve forensic evidence. See previous story.

Anthony added they are disturbed by the fact the Sheriff's Office shut down the tip line in mid-august.

The family's private investigator is looking into multiple potential sightings of Caylee, 3, around the country, including New York and South Carolina, Anthony said.

"We've been getting info out about Puerto Rico, because we believe that's where she is, but the info I've gotten over the last three months is that my granddaughter has been to nine different locations," Anthony told News 13.

Anthony is working to find a new location for the Kid Finder's Network command center, where you can find the Caylee Anthony information billboard, as well as information on other missing children.

Complaints by protestors have forced the billboard off of four different properties.

Lawyer: Caylee Is Alive

As the search for Caylee continues, the controversial question of whether she is dead or alive remains up in the air.

Authorities have said they believe she is dead, but the family disagrees. However, Todd Black, a spokesperson for Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, said on CNN Headline News earlier in the week that Caylee is dead.

"This is a very serious case involving -- not just involving the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony," Black said.

Black later told News 13 in a phone interview his statement was in reference to the way the case was being talked about, and was taken completely out of context.

Black hung up when News 13 asked him further questions.

Baez also spoke out, saying he was upset at all the attention the comment has received, and insisting his office still believes Caylee is alive.

"The only reason I am here responding to this is because we have a missing child, and I don't want anyone to stop looking for Caylee because they think that we think she's deceased," Baez said.

Baez added they have new information of recent Caylee sightings, and they have been passing it on to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Casey In Protective Custody

Casey Anthony is being held under level one protective custody at the Orange County Jail's female detention center.

Protective custody is normally used in high profile cases.

While in jail, Casey will spend her days in a cell by herself, without inmate contact. She will be allowed out of her cell for one hour per day to take a shower, sit in the dayroom and make phone calls.

Additional time out of the cell can be granted at the discretion of the officers.

Visits with Casey's attorney are allowed at any time. So far, the only visit scheduled was one by Baez Wednesday night.

Possible Prison Time

If Anthony is convicted of the multiple charges against her, she could be looking at major prison time.

Anthony could even face the death penalty for the first-degree murder charge.

She could also be sentenced to a maximum of 30 years for aggravated child abuse, another 30 years for aggravated manslaughter of a child, and five additional years for each of the four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer.

That does not include the charges of check fraud against Casey Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 20, 2008, 05:54:43 PM
BEHIND BARS: A Day In The Life Of Casey Anthony
Posted by Klaasend

This is a great article, I'm going to post the entire thing here:

BEHIND BARS: A Day In The Life Of Casey Anthony

POSTED: 4:30 pm EDT October 20, 2008
UPDATED: 4:51 pm EDT October 20, 2008

Casey Anthony is broke and lonely. Eyewitness News is taking a look inside the Orange County jail at a day in the life of Casey.

It seems even Casey's solitude won't get her to talk about her daughter Caylee. Besides a few lawyers, Casey hasn't had a single visitor.

Casey is in the Female Detention Center building along John Young Parkway near I-4. She's in a first floor cell and it's a stark existence that she might have to get used to for a long time.

Casey Anthony, high-spirited party girl, is now one of the loneliest women in Central Florida. Accused of murdering her daughter to free herself of maternal encumbrances, she now finds herself not only childless but friendless.

Casey can see out through a glass wall, but everyone else can see in.

"There is no privacy in jail," jail spokesman Allen Moore told Eyewitness News.

Casey's alone about 20 hours a day in her cell. She eats alone there. Monday it was cornflakes for breakfast, turkey hotdogs and beans for lunch, Salisbury steak and gravy and potatoes for dinner. She does get dessert three times a day if she wants.

Casey can have photographs on her shelf if she wants, but Eyewitness News was told there are no photographs, not even of Caylee.

The family she's stolen from has never put any money in her jail account, so she can't buy things like candy and diet sodas.

No one in her family has asked to visit her. She's made no phone calls.

"She reads, she sleeps," Moore said.
Casey visited her attorney six hours a day while she was out of jail on home confinement. Now she's seen her lawyers a total of only six hours in the last week since her indictment on first-degree murder.


It looks like one of the court requests made by Casey's lawyer, Jose Baez, won't do any good.

A judge told Baez he could have access to view some of the forensic testing in the case. But there's a problem. The FBI is conducting the testing in their labs and the judge has no jurisdiction over the federal agency.

The FBI won't likely allow Casey's defense team into its labs.


Even some business leaders are getting involved in the search for Caylee's body. Top management at Manheim Auto Auction in Orange County say they'll help an employee search in the woods off Boggy Creek Road near Orlando International Airport.

An employee named Paul Kovach called Eyewitness News last week saying he saw a woman who looked like Casey Anthony leave the woods with a shovel back in June.

Manheim and WFTV are owned by the same company

Quote from: mytime on Today at 01:28:07 PM
Cathy Belich from Channel 9 (WFTV).  She actually called me back.  She has given me permission to say the following:  To the best of her knowledge and will further check in to it, that was Casey Anthony in that picture!

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 20, 2008, 06:00:34 PM
Anthony family holds another vigil for Caylee 
Last Edited: Monday, 20 Oct 2008, 8:49 AM EDT 
Created: Monday, 20 Oct 2008, 8:49 AM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The Anthony family held another prayer vigil for Caylee Sunday night. George and Cindy Anthony say more than a hundred people showed up to pray for their missing granddaughter.

While the search for her continues, George Anthony says he is moving his information center from a Publix near their neighborhood to a Wal-Mart near Goldenrod and Hoffner. He says Publix's corporate office drove him out.

FBI testing dress

Federal investigators are testing a new piece of evidence in the case. The FBI is testing a dress for DNA. A Tampa based rescue group found the dress last week in a wooded area. Some say it couldn't be Caylee's dress because it's too new and the wrong size.

Caylee's grandmother Cindy Anthony says she found the dress in question in a closet and showed it during a national interview.

Baez on Geraldo

Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez says his team is excited to try and prove his client didn't murder her daughter Caylee. Baez appeared on FOX News channel's Geraldo at Large Sunday night.

He says people will see Casey's innocent when they tell her side of things. "Once we are able to show her version of the facts I think the entire world will sit back and say 'Now I understand.'"

Baez wouldn't say whether he'd put Casey on the witness stand during her trial.

Padilla returning to Orlando

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla is headed back to Florida. He is expected to help in the search for Caylee Anthony when the Texas firm Equusearch is also expected to return.

Padilla had previously helped arrange for $500,000. Bail for to get Caylee's mother Casey out of jail. Casey's family and defense team continue to say Caylee is alive

VIDEO: Baez on Geraldo
Courtesy: Geraldo at Large

VIDEO: Anthony family holds another vigil for Caylee

 posted byTamikosmom

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 21, 2008, 12:37:08 PM
Child-neglect charge dropped against Casey Anthony  
 October 21, 2008
The decision was made in light of the grand jury's recent indictment of Anthony on charges first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 21, 2008, 12:40:25 PM
Anthony Won't Face Neglect Charge
Woman's Daughter Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 10:11 am EDT October 21, 2008
UPDATED: 10:43 am EDT October 21, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County officials will not pursue child neglect charges against Casey Anthony, the mother of a missing 3-year-old girl, because she has been charged with first-degree murder.
The child neglect charges were based on the assumption that Anthony's daughter, Caylee, was still alive, according a court media 


Anthony has also been charged with aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators.

Lawson Lamar, the state attorney prosecuting the case, declined further comment.

Officials said in the release that they don't wish to feed a media frenzy that would lead to a change of venue.

Caylee was last seen in mid-June, but her mother did not report her missing until mid-July. A body has not been recovered.

Search To Resume
Meanwhile, a massive search for Caylee will resume in November, Local 6 News has learned.

Texas EquuSearch will be in Central Florida next month along with bounty hunter Leonard Padilla.

Padilla and a group of other bounty hunters will be trained to be team leaders in the search for the 3-year-old.

Padilla bonded Anthony out of jail when she was charged with child neglect.

Anthony remains jailed on first-degree murder charges.

EquuSearch officials said they plan to sit down with law enforcement and go over any tips and sightings that have surfaced before the Nov. 7 search begins.

Anthony pleaded not guilty Friday to charges that she killed her daughter.

Caylee was reported missing in July when the child's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, called authorities to say that she hadn't seen Caylee for a month and that her daughter's car smelled like death.

Casey Anthony told authorities that she had left her daughter with a baby sitter in June, and that the two were gone when she returned from work. She said she spent the next month trying to find her daughter and didn't call authorities because she was scared.

Investigators immediately started poking holes in her story. The apartment where Casey Anthony said she had left her daughter had been vacant for months, they said. They said she also lied when she told them she had been working at an area theme park as an event planner.

Her attorney, Jose Baez, didn't immediately return phone and e-mail messages Friday. Shortly before the indictment was issued Tuesday, he said he believed his client would be vindicated.

Caylee On Cover Of People Magazine

For the second time in the last few months, People magazine has decided to put Caylee Anthony on its cover.

The issue, which hit newsstands on Friday with the cover headline "A Mom's Web Of Lies," features a big picture of the 3-year-old with a smaller image of her mother.

Unlike the first story People wrote regarding Caylee, the Anthony family was not interviewed.

Cindy Anthony said she felt duped by People after the first article was released.

"We did not in any way mislead anybody about what the story was, which is a story about this missing toddler," said Betsy Gleick of People.

The current story features a lengthy article that recaps the entire story with recently released photos of Casey Anthony allegedly using stolen checks to purchase items.

The story says the family continues to search for Caylee, and a private investigator is following a tip of a possible Caylee sighting two weeks ago, where someone took a grainy pic of a child who looked like the missing girl.

The current story went to press before murder charges were issued against Casey Anthony.

Meanwhile, Casey Anthony is scheduled to be arraigned on Tuesday, Oct. 28 in her murder case. On Nov. 5, pretrial proceedings are set for her child neglect and fraud cases.

Baez: Caylee Is Alive

The spokesman for an attorney representing Casey Anthony said Thursday that they believe the child is alive, and that he never told a cable television network the girl was dead.

Caylee's body has not been found in four months of searches, but her family has maintained she is alive.

"That is our belief," spokesman Todd Black said Thursday. "It's preposterous to report anything else."

The child's mother, Casey Anthony, was indicted Tuesday on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated abuse of a child, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators. Her attorneys have said she is innocent.

Black was interviewed by CNN Headline News on Tuesday. A transcript released by the network showed Black said "this is a very serious case involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony."

Jose Baez, Anthony's lawyer, held a news conference on Thursday to discuss the issue.

"We believe Caylee is alive," Baez said. "To take that out of context is a disservice to the Anthonys and the child."

The network stood by its interview.

"This was a live interview, and it is what he said," said Janine Iamunno, a Headline News spokeswoman.

Anthony told authorities that she had left her daughter with a baby sitter in June, and that when she returned after work, the two were gone.

Anthony said she spent the next month trying to find her daughter on her own and didn't call authorities out of fear. The child's grandmother called authorities and said her daughter's car "smelled like death."

But investigators said the apartment where the baby sitter supposedly lived had been vacant for months and that Anthony lied about her job.

Earlier this week, Baez, said: "I sincerely believe that when we have finally spoken, everyone, and I mean everyone, will sit back and say, 'Now, I understand. That explains it.'"

Judge Rules On Motions

Meanwhile, Ninth Circuit Judge Stan Strickland released his order on Anthony's motion to preserve forensic evidence and to consider additional testing.

The order stated:

"Being duly advised in the premises, the defendant's motion is denied in part and granted in part.

"Specifically, the portion of the defendant's motion which seeks to halt the handling and analysis of any and all forensic evidence is denied. The court knows of no authority or logical reason why the state should be prevented, even temporarily, from further analysis of relevant evidence.

"The defendant's request to be notified in advance regarding any further testing is granted. Following reasonable notice by the state the defendant may have an expert present to view any further scientific testing performed by the state. Should the defendant choose to have an expert present at any further testing, the expert's presence is merely to view and document the means and manner of testing. The right for a defense expert to be present at any further testing does not include the right to interfere with, thwart, or even comment on the testing procedures as they occur. The state shall make every effort to retain a large enough sample of any item tested so that the defense expert may have an opportunity to conduct their own test on same. Reliability and admissibility of any test performed by either party is not the subject of this motion or order."

A national search for Caylee continues.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 21, 2008, 05:30:46 PM

Lawyer With Death Penalty Experience Joins Casey Anthony Team

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's rookie lawyer is getting some help. Jose Baez doesn't have the credentials to try a death penalty case, so he's enlisted the help of a Miami lawyer who's defended some brutal murderers.

Miami criminal defense attorney Terence Lenamon has joined the Casey Anthony defense team. Two of the three high-profile murderers Eyewitness News knows he's defended are on death row. The other is serving five consecutive life sentences.

Terence Lenamon would not talk to Eyewitness News on Tuesday. He's now part of accused killer Casey Anthony's defense team. She could face the death penalty for the murder of her daughter Caylee. Her attorney, Jose Baez, is not qualified to handle death penalty cases, but Lenamon is.

Lenamon is a highly-rated defense attorney. Still, two of three high-profile murderers he's defended in recent years are on Florida's death row.

One of them is known as "The Miami Stranger." Harrel Franklin Braddy, 59, was sent to death row last year for literally feeding little Quatisha Maycock to the alligators in the Everglades after strangling her mother and leaving her for dead. The jury voted 11-1 for death. Braddy had already been convicted of choking a corrections officer. Lenamon had tried to convince the jury the little girl's murder was not intentional, but "a horrible mistake".

Two months ago, a jury voted 8-4 to send another of Lenamon's clients to death row, 31-year-old Wadada Delhall, for murdering a key witness who testified against his brother in a murder case.

One of his high-profile Miami murder clients did escape the death penalty. Cesar Mena, 29, a member of the so-called "Orlando Boys," who raped and killed Ana Maria Angel and stabbed her high school sweetheart, is serving five consecutive life sentences.

Casey's defense attorney keeps insisting Caylee is still alive, even though a grand jury indicted her for premeditated murder after hearing the evidence the FBI and Orange County sheriff's investigators have against her.

If Caylee's body is not found before trial, it's unlikely Baez will need help from a death penalty-qualified attorney, because without a body there probably would be no push for the death penalty.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 22, 2008, 09:13:37 AM
Cindy Anthony Provides Details Regarding The Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, Inc.

Cindy Anthony has setup the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, Inc. Paperwork was sent in on Oct.14th, 2008, as you can see here, which shows the date filed and will include the status. It’s in the process of being developed, the process is a bit slow.

As I explained to her, I felt people should know what the organization is about, what purpose it will serve, and what this organization’s mission statement is. Direct from Cindy, she can tell you in her own words:

The core purpose of the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, Inc. is to be a non profit organization to specifically look for missing Caylee as well as to offer assistance to families of other missing children. Even when Caylee is found, George and I want to offer our help to anyone who may be going through the same thing that we have been through. I want this to be a positive outcome for everyone. There are so many people who go through this every day that we do not hear about. If it hadn’t been for Josh Duckett we would not have known who to turn to those first few days. I want to set up an organization that has resources for people to tap into. This is going to take a lot of time and energy but this is my vision. Cindy


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 22, 2008, 09:17:26 AM
High-Profile Attorney Joins Casey Anthony Defense Team
Woman's Daughter Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 10:11 am EDT October 21, 2008
UPDATED: 7:38 am EDT October 22, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A high-profile attorney has joined the defense team of Casey Anthony, the mother of a missing 3-year-old Orlando girl.

Terry Lenamon, of Miami, will help defend Anthony, who faces first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of her daughter, 


It is not yet known if prosecutors will seek the death penalty against Anthony, whose current attorney, Jose Baez, is not qualified to handle a capital murder case, Local 6 News reported.

Lenamon told Local 6 News he had no comment about representing Anthony.

Child Neglect Charge Dropped

Orange County officials will not pursue child neglect charges against Anthony because she has been charged with first-degree murder.

The child neglect charges were based on the assumption that Anthony's daughter, Caylee, was still alive, according a court media release.

Anthony has also been charged with aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators.

Lawson Lamar, the state attorney prosecuting the case, declined further comment.

Officials said in the release that they don't wish to feed a media frenzy that would lead to a change of venue.

Caylee was last seen in mid-June, but her mother did not report her missing until mid-July. A body has not been recovered.

Search To Resume

Meanwhile, a massive search for Caylee will resume in November, Local 6 News has learned.

Texas EquuSearch will be in Central Florida next month along with bounty hunter Leonard Padilla.

Padilla and a group of other bounty hunters will be trained to be team leaders in the search for the 3-year-old.

Padilla bonded Anthony out of jail when she was charged with child neglect.

Anthony remains jailed on first-degree murder charges.

EquuSearch officials said they plan to sit down with law enforcement and go over any tips and sightings that have surfaced before the Nov. 7 search begins.

Anthony pleaded not guilty Friday to charges that she killed her daughter.

Caylee was reported missing in July when the child's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, called authorities to say that she hadn't seen Caylee for a month and that her daughter's car smelled like death.

Casey Anthony told authorities that she had left her daughter with a baby sitter in June, and that the two were gone when she returned from work. She said she spent the next month trying to find her daughter and didn't call authorities because she was scared.

Investigators immediately started poking holes in her story. The apartment where Casey Anthony said she had left her daughter had been vacant for months, they said. They said she also lied when she told them she had been working at an area theme park as an event planner.

Her attorney, Jose Baez, didn't immediately return phone and e-mail messages Friday. Shortly before the indictment was issued Tuesday, he said he believed his client would be vindicated.

Caylee On Cover Of People Magazine

For the second time in the last few months, People magazine has decided to put Caylee Anthony on its cover.

The issue, which hit newsstands on Friday with the cover headline "A Mom's Web Of Lies," features a big picture of the 3-year-old with a smaller image of her mother.

Unlike the first story People wrote regarding Caylee, the Anthony family was not interviewed.

Cindy Anthony said she felt duped by People after the first article was released.

"We did not in any way mislead anybody about what the story was, which is a story about this missing toddler," said Betsy Gleick of People.

The current story features a lengthy article that recaps the entire story with recently released photos of Casey Anthony allegedly using stolen checks to purchase items.

The story says the family continues to search for Caylee, and a private investigator is following a tip of a possible Caylee sighting two weeks ago, where someone took a grainy pic of a child who looked like the missing girl.

The current story went to press before murder charges were issued against Casey Anthony.

Meanwhile, Casey Anthony is scheduled to be arraigned on Tuesday, Oct. 28 in her murder case. On Nov. 5, pretrial proceedings are set for her child neglect and fraud cases.

Baez: Caylee Is Alive

The spokesman for an attorney representing Casey Anthony said Thursday that they believe the child is alive, and that he never told a cable television network the girl was dead.

Caylee's body has not been found in four months of searches, but her family has maintained she is alive.

"That is our belief," spokesman Todd Black said Thursday. "It's preposterous to report anything else."

The child's mother, Casey Anthony, was indicted Tuesday on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated abuse of a child, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators. Her attorneys have said she is innocent.

Black was interviewed by CNN Headline News on Tuesday. A transcript released by the network showed Black said "this is a very serious case involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony."

Jose Baez, Anthony's lawyer, held a news conference on Thursday to discuss the issue.

"We believe Caylee is alive," Baez said. "To take that out of context is a disservice to the Anthonys and the child."

The network stood by its interview.

"This was a live interview, and it is what he said," said Janine Iamunno, a Headline News spokeswoman.

Anthony told authorities that she had left her daughter with a baby sitter in June, and that when she returned after work, the two were gone.

Anthony said she spent the next month trying to find her daughter on her own and didn't call authorities out of fear. The child's grandmother called authorities and said her daughter's car "smelled like death."

But investigators said the apartment where the baby sitter supposedly lived had been vacant for months and that Anthony lied about her job.

Earlier this week, Baez, said: "I sincerely believe that when we have finally spoken, everyone, and I mean everyone, will sit back and say, 'Now, I understand. That explains it.'"

Judge Rules On Motions

Meanwhile, Ninth Circuit Judge Stan Strickland released his order on Anthony's motion to preserve forensic evidence and to consider additional testing.

The order stated:

"Being duly advised in the premises, the defendant's motion is denied in part and granted in part.

"Specifically, the portion of the defendant's motion which seeks to halt the handling and analysis of any and all forensic evidence is denied. The court knows of no authority or logical reason why the state should be prevented, even temporarily, from further analysis of relevant evidence.

"The defendant's request to be notified in advance regarding any further testing is granted. Following reasonable notice by the state the defendant may have an expert present to view any further scientific testing performed by the state. Should the defendant choose to have an expert present at any further testing, the expert's presence is merely to view and document the means and manner of testing. The right for a defense expert to be present at any further testing does not include the right to interfere with, thwart, or even comment on the testing procedures as they occur. The state shall make every effort to retain a large enough sample of any item tested so that the defense expert may have an opportunity to conduct their own test on same. Reliability and admissibility of any test performed by either party is not the subject of this motion or order."

A national search for Caylee continues.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 22, 2008, 09:24:02 AM
Casey Anthony's parents: Caylee is alive

Amy L. Edwards and Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writers
7:57 AM EDT, October 22, 2008

Today's updates
Anthonys believe they will find their granddaughter alive
7:42a.m. George and Cindy Anthony said they believe their granddaughter Caylee Marie is still alive and have not given up hope despite a first-degree murder indictment against their daughter Casey.

The couple appeared on the Today Show this morning and were interviewed by Meredith Vieira.

George Anthony refused to answer questions about his subpoena to testify in front of a grand jury last week. "I cannot comment," he said.

Orange County officials announced last week that they believe the child is dead and charged Casey Anthony with first degree murder, among other charges, following the grand jury indictment. Cindy Anthony called the move another "tactic" to prevent her daughters lawyers from viewing their evidence.

The evidence that points to a decomposing body in the back of Casey Anthony's car and traces of chloroform found in the same place have not been released yet to the public. Cindy Anthony believes it's all circumstantial and can be disproved.

When Vieira asked George and Cindy if they are in denial about their granddaughter's death, they said no.

"My granddaughter is still alive," George Anthony said. "My granddaughter is still out there and we are going to find her."

Casey Anthony has been in jail since last Tuesday after being arrested on the side of an Orange County freeway. Her parents have not spoken to her since that day. Casey Anthony asked them to remain focused on finding Caylee, and keep the spotlight off of her, Cindy Anthony said to explain the reason they have not visited or spoken to her.

George and Cindy Anthony to appear on national morning show
6:59 a.m. Casey Anthony's parents are scheduled to make an appearance on national TV this morning on the NBC's 'Today' show.

Cindy and George Anthony are in New York for the appearance scheduled for 7 :30 a.m.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Oct. 22 edition of the Orlando Sentinel

The State Attorney's Office dropped its child-neglect charge against Casey Anthony, whose daughter Caylee Marie has been missing for more than three months.

Prosecutors made the decision in light of a grand jury's recent indictment of Anthony on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

Anthony, 22, was first arrested in July when her daughter, then 2 years old, was reported missing.

Anthony told sheriff's detectives she hadn't seen Caylee in a month after dropping the toddler off with a baby sitter.

In a statement released Tuesday, the State Attorney's Office said: "The neglect charges were premised on the theory that her child, Caylee Marie, was still alive.

"As the investigation progressed and it became clear that the evidence proved that the child was deceased, the State sought an indictment on the legally appropriate charges."

The State Attorney's Office would not comment further.

Meanwhile, Anthony's family established a tip line Tuesday for people to report tips that would help find Caylee. The number is 1-888-231-5618.

Records show several attorneys have visited Anthony in the Orange County Jail, where she is being held without bail.

She has no video visitations scheduled.

Records also show Anthony has about $100 in her inmate account -- her father, George Anthony, deposited $50, and Robert Haney, a bail bondsman who works for the company that earlier helped post Anthony's bail, deposited $51.26.

Amy L. Edwards can be reached at 407-420-5735 or
Video at Link,0,4898178.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 22, 2008, 09:34:25 AM
Anthony Family Sets Up Tip Line Despite Evidence Proving Caylee Is Dead

POSTED: 3:49 pm EDT October 21, 2008
UPDATED: 8:57 am EDT October 22, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- In spite of the evidence proving otherwise the Anthony family insists missing toddler Caylee is still alive.

A new tip line is up and running Wednesday morning.

Eyewitness News first reported the family's plans to start the new tip line last week, hours after the spokesperson for Casey's attorney admitted on national television that he believes Caylee is dead.

The tip line number is: 1 - 888 - 231 – 5618.


Casey Anthony's rookie lawyer is getting some help. Jose Baez doesn't have the credentials to try a death penalty case, so he's enlisted the help of a Miami lawyer who's defended some brutal murderers.

Miami criminal defense attorney Terence Lenamon has joined the Casey Anthony defense team. Two of the three high-profile murderers Eyewitness News knows he's defended are on death row. The other is serving five consecutive life sentences.

Terence Lenamon would not talk to Eyewitness News on Tuesday. He's now part of accused killer Casey Anthony's defense team. She could face the death penalty for the murder of her daughter Caylee. Her attorney, Jose Baez, is not qualified to handle death penalty cases, but Lenamon is.

Lenamon is a highly-rated defense attorney. Still, two of three high-profile murderers he's defended in recent years are on Florida's death row.

One of them is known as "The Miami Strangler." Harrel Franklin Braddy, 59 was sent to death row last year for literally feeding little Quatisha Maycock to the alligators in the Everglades after strangling her mother and leaving her for dead. The jury voted 11-1 for death. Braddy had already been convicted of choking a corrections officer. Lenamon had tried to convince the jury the little girl's murder was not intentional, but "a horrible mistake."

Two months ago, a jury voted 8-4 to send another of Lenamon's clients to death row, 31-year-old Wadada Delhall, for murdering a key witness who testified against his brother in a murder case.

One of his high-profile Miami murder clients did escape the death penalty. Cesar Mena, 29, a member of the so-called "Orlando Boys," who raped and killed Ana Maria Angel and stabbed her high school sweetheart, is serving five consecutive life sentences.

Casey's defense attorney keeps insisting Caylee is still alive, even though a grand jury indicted her for premeditated murder after hearing the evidence the FBI and Orange County sheriff's investigators have against her. That evidence includes DNA from the trunk of Casey's car showing Caylee's decomposing body had been in it.

If Caylee's body is not found before trial, it's unlikely Baez will need help from a death penalty-qualified attorney, because without a body there probably would be no push for the death penalty.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 22, 2008, 09:43:39 AM
ANTHONY'S on the Today Show   Click on the picture below, it's in photobucket:

( (

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 22, 2008, 01:34:12 PM
Terence Lenamon
Lenamon & Walsh, P.A.
Miami, FL2307 S Douglas Rd Ste 401
Miami, FL 33145 (305) 444-7700


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 22, 2008, 03:02:48 PM
Tuesday, Oct 21
More Caylee Anthony Photos, More "Licensing"

Tipsters tell TVNewser that NBC News paid $5,000, for a "Cindy Anthony interview." Cindy Anthony is the mother of Casey Anthony who is in jail on murder charges in the case of her daughter, Caylee. The interview took place on the Today show last Wednesday.

An NBC spokesperson tells TVNewser, "NBC News does not pay for interviews. NBC News paid a nominal licensing fee for photos, which is very common in the industry."

Last month, a tipster told TVNewser that a "major media organization" helped fund the bail for then-jailed mom Casey. An ABC News insider told us the company paid upwards of $200,000 to license images and video for a 20/20 report. The figure was not confirmed by ABC, although they did tell TVNewser they licensed footage from "rights holders."

Anthony wasn't out of jail long. She's now facing first-degree murder, manslaughter and other charges after a four-month-long investigation. Caylee, who vanished two months before her third birthday in mid-June, still has not been found.

Posted by SteveK | 06:25 PM | NBC

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 22, 2008, 06:37:18 PM
Texas EquuSearch seeking team leaders for new Caylee Anthony search
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
4:07 PM EDT, October 22, 2008

Texas EquuSearch, the volunteer group that organized a large ground search for Caylee Marie Anthony and is preparing for another, is looking for current or former members of the military, law enforcement officers or firefighters to serve as team leaders for the upcoming search.

EquuSearch is expecting up to 3,000 volunteers when they begin searching Nov. 8. Each team of volunteers is assigned a leader to help direct the search.

Organizers have not determined where the command center will be located, but will release those details when they do know.

EquuSearch left Central Florida last month because the high water levels caused by Tropical Storm Fay were preventing a thorough examination of the search areas -- many of which were areas of thick brush and woods in east Orange County near the Anthony family home.,0,1408705.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 22, 2008, 06:41:31 PM
Casey Anthony May Have Searched Online For Chloroform Recipes

POSTED: 4:42 pm EDT October 22, 2008
UPDATED: 6:12 pm EDT October 22, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Did Casey Anthony kill her own daughter with chloroform? Eyewitness News has learned someone was looking up the recipe to cook up the chemical on Casey's home computer around the same time Caylee disappeared.
There was evidence of high levels of chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car and sheriff's investigators found that someone on Casey Anthony's computer was researching not where to buy chloroform, but how to make it yourself, which can be done easily.

Eyewitness News legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says, if you were up to no good, there would be an advantage to making it as opposed to buying it.

When you Google "how do you make chloroform," more than a million websites are listed with instructions. On the first one, page one had an explicit warning about chloroform's dangers, calling the chemical extremely dangerous and unpredictable and warning never to allow children to come near chloroform.

FBI lab tests show high levels of chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car, where investigators say Caylee's body had been. And there was a mysterious stain in the trunk along with Caylee's hairs and dirt.

"Another piece of evidence in the circumstantial chain," Sheaffer said.

Sheaffer said it's significant because, if Casey made the chloroform as opposed to buying it, she could have been trying to cover her tracks. Buying it would have generated some sort of record.

"This way certainly, she could argue, 'Alright, I was interested in looking into how to make chloroform, but I never did.' Or, 'That's why you smelled chloroform in the trunk area, because I was experimenting in making it,'" Sheaffer said.

Record or not, the jury would be faced with a compromising question for Casey.

"Why would you need to make chloroform. For what purpose?" Sheaffer questioned.

Last week, the Orange County grand jury heard from the FBI and one of the sheriff's computer investigators and that information is going to be released to the public very soon.


Casey Anthony's defense attorney is going to start questioning his first prosecution witnesses in the case next Thursday. Among those taking the stand is an employee at the Amscot on Goldenrod and Highway 50 where Casey abandoned her car in late June, employees from Johnson's Wrecker Service, the company that towed the car from the Amscot, and Casey's ex-boyfriend Tony Lazzaro.

What do they all have in common? They all had access to Casey's car.


"Do-It-Yourself" Chloroform Instructional Websites Found On Casey's Computer

POSTED: 4:42 pm EDT October 22, 2008
UPDATED: 12:44 pm EDT October 23, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Did Casey Anthony kill her own daughter with chloroform? Eyewitness News has learned someone was looking up the recipe to cook up the chemical on Casey's home computer around the same time Caylee disappeared.

There was evidence of high levels of chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car and sheriff's investigators found that someone on Casey Anthony's computer was researching not where to buy chloroform, but how to make it yourself, which can be done easily.

Eyewitness News legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says, if you were up to no good, there would be an advantage to making it as opposed to buying it.

When you Google "how do you make chloroform," more than a million websites are listed with instructions. On the first one, page one had an explicit warning about chloroform's dangers, calling the chemical extremely dangerous and unpredictable and warning never to allow children to come near chloroform.

FBI lab tests show high levels of chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car, where investigators say Caylee's body had been. And there was a mysterious stain in the trunk along with Caylee's hairs and dirt.

"Another piece of evidence in the circumstantial chain," Sheaffer said.

Sheaffer said it's significant because, if Casey made the chloroform as opposed to buying it, she could have been trying to cover her tracks. Buying it would have generated some sort of record.

"This way certainly, she could argue, 'Alright, I was interested in looking into how to make chloroform, but I never did.' Or, 'That's why you smelled chloroform in the trunk area, because I was experimenting in making it,'" Sheaffer said.

Record or not, the jury would be faced with a compromising question for Casey.

"Why would you need to make chloroform. For what purpose?" Sheaffer questioned.

Last week, the Orange County grand jury heard from the FBI and one of the sheriff's computer investigators and that information is going to be released to the public very soon.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 23, 2008, 09:45:38 AM
Caylee Anthony’s Grandparents Live In New York!
Posted on October 22nd, 2008
by Jan Barrett in Florida News, Op-ed, Society and Culture

George and Cindy Anthony took time out of their busy schedules this morning to fly to New York and appear Live on the Today Show where they were interviewed by Meredith Viera. I am assuming this was supposed to be part of their plan to search for Caylee Anthony, their granddaughter that has been missing since mid-June. Caylee’s mother, Casey, is being held in jail with no bond and is charged with first degree murder and other charges. It sounded to me like the whole interview was them pleading Casey’s innocence instead of finding Caylee.

George Anthony told Viera that this is the like the greatest rollercoaster ride he and his family has ever been on.

Cindy says that dropping the child neglect charge is only another tactic to slow them down. She says the murder indictment against her daughter is to prevent Casey’s lawyers from viewing evidence in the case. As usual she always blames the law enforcement.

George Anthony says his daughter is a great mom she was always a great daughter and always will be. He is not going to give up on his daughter now nor will he ever.

When asked about how they feel about all the evidence against Casey, the photo’s taken of her in nightclubs and shopping in stores they still sat there and defended her saying the photos were taken prior to June 16 and they still have faith in their daughter. Cindy says that is the problem with this whole thing. She says if you follow the timeline you will see that it just doesn’t add up. She says Casey’s behavior makes sense. It’s not possible for Casey to be guilty. I guess all the witnesses that told authorities about these photos are lying and Casey is telling the truth. What a crock!

Cindy says that people will never know how they will react in difficult times. Cindy says Casey gets judged everyday. She says a lot of it has been from media exposure. Well duh! I would think that is Casey’s own damn fault by not cooperating and lying to the police from the beginning.

George says there are too many things that don’t add up, and he stands by his belief that his granddaughter is still alive and they are going to find her. He said that they have never doubted their daughter not even in a quiet moment. So what was that 911 call all about? Sure sounded like Cindy doubted her then.

When asked when the last time they spoke to Casey was they said they haven’t spoken to her since she was arrested again. They say Casey has asked them to put their focus on finding Caylee now and not to go to see her at the jail. How noble of Casey to suddenly be thinking of Caylee first, IF that is what Casey actually said. Up until now Casey has wanted this to be all about her. She even got flip about it when she was first in jail saying that all they cared about was Caylee, until she caught herself realizing she was being recorded so she changed her words saying of course she was worried about Caylee too.

Meredith asked Cindy what would happen if time came that she would have to come to terms that Caylee is gone and that Casey is responsible for it. Meredith asked would they still stand by their daughter even then. Cindy replied that Caylee comes first but she can’t say what she would do if Casey was guilty but she says she believes Casey is innocent. She says she would support her but she just doesn’t believe that this is the case.

Well in any normal circumstances I would say this was a good thing to do. I have got to voice my opinion about Cindy and George Anthony hopping on that plane and going to New York just so they could be on TV AGAIN! All we hear out of these people is about the tips they get everyday of where Caylee is. They said they have even opened up a new tip line and they have investigators out there looking for Caylee. My question is how come they can get on a plane and head to New York to be on TV instead of hopping that plane to Puerto Rico where they have been telling us for weeks that Caylee is. They are asking for money from people. They say they need the donations to help in the search. Does this mean to help pay for the tickets for two to go to New York or are they going to say that the “Today Show” paid for that. I guess they are such big celebrities now that broadcasting companies are willing to pay for them to appear on their show now.

Ordinarily I would have sympathy for these people mainly because I am a grandparent myself but I have none whatsoever now for these two. I think in the beginning they were sincere but to be honest now I think this is just a game to them. A cat and mouse game to see how long they can throw the detectives off so Casey and her pals can have enough time to plan their strategies. Personally I see Cindy Anthony as much of a liar as her daughter Casey is and I don’t believe anything she says either. She has constantly changed her story for her daughter’s convenience. She should know better.

Maybe people should start boycotting TV shows that have the Anthony’s as guests on their show pleading a case for Casey Anthony. That would put a halt to their stardom. Then maybe time would be spent on actually looking for Caylee. All these appearances are about is Casey. Not for looking for Caylee. They keep saying over and over again they are looking for Caylee but when the interviews start it always goes to Casey and how they believe she is innocent.

I wish they would find Caylee so this can all come to an end. I am so tired of seeing the Anthony’s on TV or online blaming everyone for Caylee not being found but the one that is to blame. They need to completely focus on finding Caylee and forget about having their picture plastered on magazines and online all over and on TV.

Caylee needs to be found. Please say a prayer for her and pray that she is found soon. God Bless You Caylee! We love you honey.

Jan Barrett

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 23, 2008, 03:29:11 PM
Casey Anthony declines placing commissary order

Last Edited: Thursday, 23 Oct 2008, 11:35 AM EDT
Created: Thursday, 23 Oct 2008, 11:35 AM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) --A spokesperson from the Orange County Corrections Department said Casey Anthony did not place a commissary order Wednesday evening, and has missed out on her chance to until next week.

Casey currently has $251.26 in her inmate account. The money has been deposited by her father, a bail bonds group and two other persons who she does not know. She was allowed to place an order for up to $70 worth of items. It is not clear why she turned down her opportunity.

Casey’s defense attorney’s Jose Luis Garcia and Jose Baez both visited her at the jail Wednesday evening.

Her family has not scheduled any video visitations at this time.

Casey remains jailed on the following charges: first degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child, and four counts of obstructing a criminal investigation and giving false information to law enforcement.

The charges are all related to the disappearance of her little girl, 3-year-old Caylee Marie, who has not been seen since June.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 23, 2008, 03:43:31 PM
What she can Buy

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 23, 2008, 03:49:31 PM


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 23, 2008, 03:50:11 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 23, 2008, 06:55:11 PM

Casey Anthony's Attorney May Try To Get Car Evidence Thrown Out
It looks like Casey's defense attorney might try to get all the evidence in the car thrown out. (10/23/08)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 23, 2008, 07:32:57 PM
  NBC denies paying Anthonys for interview

October 23, 2008

NBC denies paying Anthonys for interview

Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
October 23, 2008

NBC News confirmed it paid a "nominal" fee for photographs as part of its coverage of the Casey Anthony case, the same day her parents appeared on the Today show and told a national audience they think their missing granddaughter is still alive.

The Orlando Sentinel asked NBC to address a rumor that it paid George and Cindy Anthony for their interview on the morning broadcast.

A spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail: "NBC News does not pay for interviews. NBC News paid a nominal licensing fee for photos, which is standard in the industry."

She would not say how much NBC News paid.

The Sentinel also asked the Anthonys' spokesman, Larry Garrison, if any member of the Anthony family has received compensation from news or entertainment organizations.

Garrison replied by e-mail, "No family member is receiving money for interviews."

Meanwhile, Texas EquuSearch, the volunteer group that organized a large ground search for Caylee Marie and is preparing another, is looking for current or former members of the military, law enforcement officers or firefighters to serve as team leaders for the next search.

EquuSearch is expecting several thousand volunteers when it resumes its search Nov. 8.

California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said Wednesday he will return to Central Florida to assist in the search, and he has rallied his peers to join.

Padilla said he hopes as many as 500 bounty hunters and bail agents will come to Orange County to search.

"It's a challenge. It's a challenge in the industry to see if we can get the job done," Padilla said. "Bounty hunters do the impossible."

Anyone interested in serving as a team leader can call James A. Copenhaver at 407-897-1184.,3867930.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 23, 2008, 07:35:01 PM
Nov. 8 Search Planned For Caylee, Kesse
Up To 4,000 Volunteer Searchers Expected

POSTED: 3:47 pm EDT October 23, 2008
UPDATED: 4:43 pm EDT October 23, 2008

WINTER PARK, Fla. -- The latest search effort planned for Caylee Anthony is generating a lot of interest.

An Orlando private investigator who has volunteered to head up the effort to recruit team leaders said he has received over 400 calls since just 5 p.m. Wednesday.

"We're looking for someone with law enforcement background, fire service background, department of corrections -- public service background essentially," said James Copenhaver, private investigator. "Those folks have had some training in the past that they can bring to the table to help us."

The search is being headed up by Equusearch, the same group based in Texas that searched for Caylee in September. The group's leader, Tim Miller, plans to return to Orlando on Nov. 7 to train team leaders. On Nov. 8, the group hopes to send as many as 3,000 or 4,000 volunteer searchers out to look for both Caylee Anthony and Jennifer Kesse -- a Central Florida woman who has been missing since January 2006.

Equusearch is still looking for a search headquarters and determining the exact areas that will be searched. Both the sherriff's office and the FBI are on board with their efforts.

People who are interested in volunteering with Equusearch in the upcoming search for Caylee Anthony and Jennifer Kesse on Nov. 8 call Equusearch at 877-270-9500 or go to their website at If you are retired law enforcement, military personnel, or have a background in fire or rescue and would like to serve as a team leader, please contact James Copenhaver at 407-897-1184

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 24, 2008, 09:47:45 AM
DNA Results Expected In Casey Anthony Case

POSTED: 8:21 am EDT October 24, 2008
UPDATED: 8:29 am EDT October 24, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News has learned that DNA results in the case against Casey could be released as early as Friday.
Meanwhile, Casey Anthony's defense team is looking for ways to eliminate the strongest evidence against her in the murder of her daughter Caylee. That includes evidence of Caylee's body and chloroform found in Casey's car trunk.

The defense may try to prove that so many people had access to the car during the time it was parked at the Amscot on SR-50 and Goldenrod Road that it's impossible to say, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Caylee is dead and Casey is responsible.


The volunteer group that searched for Caylee is looking to recruit new members. EquuSearch wants current or former members of the military, law enforcement officers or firefighters to serve as team leaders for the next search, scheduled for November 8.

The search is expected to attract several thousand volunteers, including 500 bounty hunters and bail agents.


Did Casey Anthony kill her own daughter with chloroform? Eyewitness News has learned someone was looking up the recipe to cook up the chemical on Casey's home computer around the same time Caylee disappeared.

There was evidence of high levels of chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car and sheriff's investigators found that someone on Casey Anthony's computer was researching not where to buy chloroform, but how to make it yourself, which can be done easily.

Eyewitness News legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says, if you were up to no good, there would be an advantage to making it as opposed to buying it.

When you Google "how do you make chloroform," more than a million websites are listed with instructions. On the first one, page one had an explicit warning about chloroform's dangers, calling the chemical extremely dangerous and unpredictable and warning never to allow children to come near chloroform.

FBI lab tests show high levels of chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car, where investigators say Caylee's body had been. And there was a mysterious stain in the trunk along with Caylee's hairs and dirt.

"Another piece of evidence in the circumstantial chain," Sheaffer said.

Sheaffer said it's significant because, if Casey made the chloroform as opposed to buying it, she could have been trying to cover her tracks. Buying it would have generated some sort of record.

"This way certainly, she could argue, 'Alright, I was interested in looking into how to make chloroform, but I never did.' Or, 'That's why you smelled chloroform in the trunk area, because I was experimenting in making it,'" Sheaffer said.

Record or not, the jury would be faced with a compromising question for Casey.

"Why would you need to make chloroform. For what purpose?" Sheaffer questioned.

Last week, the Orange County grand jury heard from the FBI and one of the sheriff's computer investigators and that information is going to be released to the public very soon.


Casey Anthony's defense attorney is going to start questioning his first prosecution witnesses in the case next Thursday. Among those being questioned is an employee at the Amscot on Goldenrod and Highway 50 where Casey abandoned her car in late June, employees from Johnson's Wrecker Service, the company that towed the car from the Amscot, and Casey's ex-boyfriend Tony Lazzaro.

What do they all have in common? They all had access to Casey's car.


Complete strangers who feel sorry for Casey Anthony are depositing money into her jail account. On Monday, Eyewitness News reported how Casey was lonely in jail with no visitors except her attorney and no money to spend.

Just two days later, she has more than $250. Fifty dollars came from Nola Copeland of California. She's been following Casey's story nationally and, on the phone, she told Eyewitness News she's a good Christian who knows what jail is like and she wanted to make sure Casey could buy the basics like deodorant.

A second woman from Apopka sent Casey $100, but she didn't return calls.

Casey's father and her bail bondsman deposited just over $100 over the last few days.

The jail says inmate accounts cannot hold more than $500. If Casey's account goes above that, the money will be returned to the donor.


In spite of the evidence proving otherwise, the Anthony family insists missing toddler Caylee is still alive. A new tip line was up and running Wednesday morning.

Eyewitness News first reported the family's plans to start the new tip line last week, hours after the spokesperson for Casey's attorney admitted on national television that he believes Caylee is dead (read previous report).

The tip line number is: 1-888-231–5618.


Casey Anthony's rookie lawyer is getting some help. Jose Baez doesn't have the credentials to try a death penalty case, so he's enlisted the help of a Miami lawyer who's defended some brutal murderers.

Miami criminal defense attorney Terence Lenamon has joined the Casey Anthony defense team. Two of the three high-profile murderers Eyewitness News knows he's defended are on death row. The other is serving five consecutive life sentences.

Terence Lenamon would not talk to Eyewitness News on Tuesday. He's now part of accused killer Casey Anthony's defense team. She could face the death penalty for the murder of her daughter Caylee. Her attorney, Jose Baez, is not qualified to handle death penalty cases, but Lenamon is.

Lenamon is a highly-rated defense attorney. Still, two of three high-profile murderers he's defended in recent years are on Florida's death row.

One of them is known as "The Miami Strangler." Harrel Franklin Braddy, 59 was sent to death row last year for literally feeding little Quatisha Maycock to the alligators in the Everglades after strangling her mother and leaving her for dead. The jury voted 11-1 for death. Braddy had already been convicted of choking a corrections officer. Lenamon had tried to convince the jury the little girl's murder was not intentional, but "a horrible mistake."

Two months ago, a jury voted 8-4 to send another of Lenamon's clients to death row, 31-year-old Wadada Delhall, for murdering a key witness who testified against his brother in a murder case.

One of his high-profile Miami murder clients did escape the death penalty. Cesar Mena, 29, a member of the so-called "Orlando Boys," who raped and killed Ana Maria Angel and stabbed her high school sweetheart, is serving five consecutive life sentences.

Casey's defense attorney keeps insisting Caylee is still alive, even though a grand jury indicted her for premeditated murder after hearing the evidence the FBI and Orange County sheriff's investigators have against her. That evidence includes DNA from the trunk of Casey's car showing Caylee's decomposing body had been in it.

If Caylee's body is not found before trial, it's unlikely Baez will need help from a death penalty-qualified attorney, because without a body there probably would be no push for the death penalty.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 24, 2008, 09:50:47 AM
Forensic test results in Casey Anthony case could be released this morning
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
8:45 AM EDT, October 24, 2008

Some forensic test results in the Casey Anthony case could be released by the state this morning. These results could include tests that were done at the body farm in Tennessee. Sources have said air samples taken from the trunk of Anthony's car showed that the trunk once held a decomposing body.

Earlier this month, Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland ordered the state to turn over reports dealing with evidence found in the trunk, including traces of chloroform, hair stands and air samples.,0,3710436.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 24, 2008, 11:12:40 AM
Read the forensic results from the FBI and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee regarding Casey Anthony's trunk and other parts of her car.

This PDF includes documents released by prosecutors in the Casey Anthony case. The document has been edited to remove personal information such as dates of birth and phone numbers.

Please be patient while the document loads; there are 34 pages of evidenc,0,5346622.htmlpage

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 24, 2008, 01:28:38 PM

DNA Results Released In Casey Anthony Case

POSTED: 8:21 am EDT October 24, 2008
UPDATED: 11:07 am EDT October 24, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News obtained the forensic report released late Friday morning in the case against Casey Anthony.

The report details findings from FBI tests on items found inside Casey's car, including DNA results on hair samples and forensic testing of debris and clothing (read details).

Among the results is confirmation that a hair sample found in the vehicle "exhibits characteristics of apparent decomposition." The report also says that hair is "microscopically similar" to hair investigators took from Caylee's hairbrush, but couldn't confirm it was conclusively Caylee's.

DNA testing done on that piece of hair and compared with a sample provided by Casey confirmed that neither Casey nor Caylee can be "excluded as the source of the hair," because the "mtDNA sequences ... are the same."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 24, 2008, 01:32:02 PM
Forensic Report: Evidence Of Decomposition, Chloroform In Casey's Car

POSTED: 8:21 am EDT October 24, 2008
UPDATED: 1:10 pm EDT October 24, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Scientists who conducted forensic tests in the Casey Anthony investigation concluded that human decomposition and evidence of chloroform were present in the trunk of Casey's car, according to the report released Friday

The report details findings from FBI tests on items found inside Casey's car, including DNA results on hair samples and forensic testing of debris and clothing (read details).

Among the results is confirmation that a hair sample found in the vehicle "exhibits characteristics of apparent decomposition." The report also says that specific hair is "microscopically similar" to hair investigators took from Caylee's hairbrush, but couldn't confirm it was conclusively Caylee's.

DNA testing done on that piece of hair and compared with a sample provided by Casey confirmed that neither Casey nor Caylee can be "excluded as the source of the hair," because the "mtDNA sequences ... are the same."

Tests also confirmed "residues of chloroform" within a spare tire cover found inside the trunk of Casey's car. "Residues consistent with chloroform" were also found within the left and right side trunk liner. The report says no other chemicals were detected within those items.

Odor tests that were conducted on the carpet inside Casey's car concluded that 80 percent of the chemicals identified were "consistent with decompositional events." The results of the FBI's Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) on the same carpet concluded that "while these are still preliminary results ... both odor analysis and LIBS results appear to be quite consistent with a decompositional event having occurred in the trunk of the vehicle."

The report also clarifies that the tests conducted appear to point to human decomposition and not animal. Meanwhile, a hair fragment the FBI found on the shovel Casey borrowed from her neighbor days after investigators believe Caylee was murdered, but that hair did not match Caylee or Casey.

The report's final conclusion is that the results of the tests and comparisons indicate "that a portion of the total odor signature identified in the Florida vehicle trunk is consistent with a decompositional event that could be of human origin."

The details of the report released Friday are probably part of what the grand jury heard last week before indicting Casey, but it's not all of the evidence. The thousands of tips that were called in on the case are expected to be released soon and Eyewitness News has learned the vast majority of them are from psychics

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 24, 2008, 02:01:22 PM
DNA test results in Casey Anthony case released
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
12:02 PM EDT, October 24, 2008

Prosecutors this morning released the forensic test results completed by FBI and Oak Ridge National Laboratory labs in connection with the case against Casey Anthony, the mother accused of killing her daughter Caylee Marie.

Investigators have not found Caylee's body, but Anthony has been indicted on a first-degree murder charge alleging the child is dead.

The FBI lab tested items found in the trunk of Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire, including a hair strand, pieces from a tire cover and the trunk liner.

Here are some of the findings:


• The root of the hair showed signs of decomposition. A comparison to hair taken from Caylee's brush and DNA taken from Anthony showed that neither the mother nor the daughter could be excluded as the source of the hair.
• Pants, skirts and shirts taken from Anthony's home showed no signs of hair with decomposing roots.
• Residues of chloroform were found on a tire cover in te trunk.
• A hair fragment was found in the label on the handle of a shovel Anthony borrowed from a neighbor in mid-June, about the time Caylee is supposed to have disappeared. The hair was too small for microscopic comparison but DNA analysis found it did not belong to Casey Anthony or Caylee.
• No fingerprints were found on the shovel.

Air samples and pieces of carpet from the trunk were sent Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee to determine whether there was signs of decomposition. The lab has been doing this type of research since 2002 and has developed the Decompositional Odor Analysis database.

Here are some of the results:

• The test showed early decomposition products and five major compounds associated with human decomposition.
• A portion of the total odor signature from the trunk "is consistent with a decompositional event that could be a human origin."
• There appeared to "an unusually large concentration of chloroform -- far greater than what is typically seen in human decomposition."

However, the results do not rule out the "remote possibility" that a variety of products and materials -- items not in the trunk when vehicle was discovered -- could have affected the overall chemical signature.

Anthony, 22, is being held without bail in the Orange County Jail. She has insisted that her daughter was taken by a baby sitter who has not been found.,0,7783945.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 24, 2008, 02:06:45 PM
Scientists: Air Samples From Casey Anthony's Car Show Decomposition
Woman Charged With Murder In Daughter's Disappearance

POSTED: 10:55 am EDT October 24, 2008
UPDATED: 11:22 am EDT October 24, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Scientists said air samples from the car trunk of Casey Anthony, who is accused of killing her 3-year-old daughter Caylee, contain evidence of body decomposition.

Caylee disappeared in June but has not been found.

Authorities on Friday released a report from a Tennessee lab that found five compounds consistent with body decomposition. Tests found evidence of decomposition on a hair strand found in the trunk, described as "microscopically similar" to one found on Caylee's hair brush.

Casey Anthony has pleaded not guilty in the death of her daughter.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 24, 2008, 02:14:21 PM
Among the findings:

/ Analysis of air samples from Casey’s trunk indicates decomposition “that could be of human origin” and have “an unusually large concentration of chloroform.” The report, from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, do not indicate animal decomposition. Several of the compounds in the air samples are associated with a type of decomposition found when someone is deprived of oxygen.

/ A hair found on the left side of Casey’s trunk liner “exhibits characteristics of apparent decomposition” and “is microscopically similar” to a hair from a hairbrush belonging to Caylee. DNA tests, however, could not say whether the hair came from Casey Anthony or Caylee Anthony.

/ Parts of Casey’s trunk liner and spare tire cover shows “residues of chloroform.”

/ Other hair found in the trunk did not exhibit decomposition.

/ No hair showing apparent decomposition was found on pants and skirts. Although it appears this part of the report refers to Casey’s clothes, it does not specifically say.

/ Hair found on a shovel did NOT come from either Casey or Caylee, according to a DNA test.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 25, 2008, 10:32:42 AM
Hard Evidence Confirms Decomposition In Casey Anthony's Car
Reports Also Confirm High Levels Of Chloroform

POSTED: 12:06 am EDT October 25, 2008
UPDATED: 12:14 am EDT October 25, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Hard evidence released on Friday showed that at some point there was definitely a dead body in Casey Anthony's car.

The same report also showed that there was a strong presence of chloroform. Both findings confirm information sources previously revealed to WESH 2 News about missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony's mother.

A chemist explained what the findings could mean for the 


"This is what our tissues are made of," said chemist Dr. Jeff Flowers about the findings inside Casey Anthony's trunk. "This is a horrid thing to talk about, really."

Flowers said, after reading through the report from a body farm in Tennessee, he believes compounds found in the air in Casey Anthony's trunk point clearly to human decomposition.

"They did not base this on one or two positive identifications, but on many," Flowers said. "So it's very strong evidence in my mind as a chemist (of) decomposition of a body in the car, of a human body in the car."

In addition to evidence of human decomposition, scientists at the Tennessee body farm also found unusually high levels of chloroform.

"These are higher than what they might expect from decomposition products, and that means they have to have been put there artificially by a human being," Flowers said.

Also released Friday were tests from an FBI lab that conclude a strand of hair found in Casey Anthony's trunk showed signs of decomposition at the root, and under a microscope it appeared similar to hair taken from Caylee's hairbrush. But the sample was too small to draw a conclusion.

A DNA test on the same hair strand confirmed it came from either Casey or Caylee Anthony.

The body farm also said it found compounds that could indicate the decomposition took place in anaerobic conditions, meaning without oxygen, but Flowers said it's not strong evidence.

"One theory, if you've been following the case, is that she was buried somewhere else and then transferred into the car," Flowers said. "But it's pretty speculative."

Todd Black, the representative for Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, said the release of the documents do not show any proof that Casey Anthony harmed her daughter.

A representative for Orange County Jail said a pastor from Eastside Baptist Church met with Casey Anthony for about three hours Friday morning.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 25, 2008, 10:33:30 AM
Forensic Test Confirms Decaying Body In Casey's Trunk
Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:27:10 AM

ORLANDO -- Forensic test results released by the state Friday in the case against Casey Anthony confirm a decomposing body was in the trunk of her car.

The results came close to five months since Casey Anthony's daughter, Caylee, disappeared in June.

According to the report, nearly all of the compounds present in early human decomposition were detected in air samples from the trunk.

The report specified the chemical compounds detected are specifically human, and do not belong to a dead animal -- or rotting pizza, as the Anthony family had suggested.

Test results from the FBI showed a decomposing hair found in the trunk is "microscopically similar" to hair recovered from a hairbrush belonging to 3-year-old Caylee.

The reports also confirmed traces of the the potentially deadly chemical chloroform were also found in the car trunk.

A second hair fragment was found on a shovel Casey Anthony borrowed from her neighbor days after investigators believe Caylee was murdered, but that hair did not match either Casey or Caylee.

"From what I've heard, it can only be one of three people: The neighbor who the shovel belonged to, who we don't know whether or not he's been tested; Casey Anthony's boyfriend; or Casey Anthony's father," said defense attorney Richard Hornsby.

The samples showing decomposition, however, could be the weakest link in the case, because it is new scientific research that only started in 2002.

Hornsby said he most surprised about how clean the trunk was, and believes a second suspect will surface.

"If the hypothesis that Caylee was in the trunk is true, whoever helped Miss Anthony was very intelligent, and I would have to think they had some law enforcement background," Hornsby said.

"Today's released information proves absolutely that there has never been and still isn't any connection with Casey Anthony having committed any crime," said a spokesperson for Jose Baez, Casey Anthony's attorney. "Ms. Anthony, her mother and father, and Jose Baez continue to believe Caylee is still alive." See previous story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 25, 2008, 10:34:58 AM
FBI, Oak Ridge lab tests on Casey Anthony's car released
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
October 25, 2008

Prosecutors released Friday forensic-test results completed by the FBI and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in connection with the case against Casey Anthony, the mother accused of killing daughter Caylee Marie.

Investigators have not found Caylee's body, but Anthony, 22, is charged with first-degree murder. She remains held without bail in the Orange County Jail. Since her daughter, then 2 years old, was reported missing July 15, the single mother has insisted that Caylee was taken by a baby sitter.

Friday's reports confirmed what was leaked to the media weeks ago: that the trunk once held a body and that traces of chloroform were found. Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, requested these reports for weeks and a judge ruled earlier this month that the state must turn them over to Baez.

The media-management firm representing Anthony's attorney issued a statement:


"Today's released information proves absolutely that there has never been and still isn't any connection whatsoever with Casey Anthony having committed any crime. Ms. Anthony, her mother, father and the Baez law firm continue to believe that Casey's daughter is still alive."

FBI lab at Quantico
Investigators sent samples -- including hair strands, a tire cover and trunk liner -- taken from Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire to an FBI lab in Quantico, Va. Here are some of the findings:

*A hair strand found near the left side of the trunk liner showed signs of decomposition. This is detected by the hair's "postmortem banding," or the appearance of an opaque microscopic band near the root of hairs from a decomposing body.

A comparison to hair taken from Caylee's brush and DNA taken from Casey Anthony showed neither the mother nor daughter could be excluded as the source of the hair.

*Other hair strands found in the trunk showed no signs of decomposition.

*Pants, skirts and shirts taken from Anthony's home showed no signs of hair with decomposing roots.

*Residue of chloroform was on a tire cover in the trunk.

*A hair fragment was found in the label on the handle of a shovel that Anthony borrowed from a neighbor in mid-June, about the time Caylee is thought to have disappeared. The hair was too small for microscopic comparison, but DNA analysis found it did not belong to Casey Anthony or Caylee.

Oak Ridge National Lab
A section of carpet and air samples from the trunk were sent to Oak Ridge (Tenn.) National Laboratory to determine whether there were signs of decomposition. The lab developed the Decompositional Odor Analysis Database.

Here are some of the results:

*The air samples showed five major compounds associated with human decomposition. A portion of the total odor signature from the trunk "is consistent" with a decomposing body that could be human.

*There appeared to "an unusually large concentration of chloroform -- far greater than what is typically seen in human decomposition."

*The results do not rule out the "remote possibility" that a variety of products and materials -- items not in the trunk when the vehicle was discovered -- could have affected the overall chemical signature.

Sarah Lundy can be reached at 407-420-6218.,0,5047582.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 25, 2008, 01:10:44 PM
Dr. Baden on Foxnews just now:

The large amount of chloroform found is too much to be from decomposition.

The banding on the hair proves that Caylee is dead and could have died from the chloroform.  The banding of the hair means that the skin was already decomposing. 

The FBI report PROVES Caylee is dead.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 27, 2008, 08:14:36 AM
Judge Expected To Accept Casey Anthony's Written "Not Guilty" Plea

POSTED: 6:49 am EDT October 27, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony is not required to be in court Tuesday for her arraignment. She is accused of killing her daughter Caylee who was reported missing in July.

Eyewitness News first reported that Casey Anthony entered a written not guilty plea on October 17, which means she does not have to be in court Tuesday when a judge is expected to officially accept her plea.

The judge may also set a trial date for the murder case against Casey.


Scientists who conducted forensic tests in the Casey Anthony investigation concluded that human decomposition and evidence of chloroform were present in the trunk of Casey's car, according to the report released Friday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 27, 2008, 05:23:34 PM
Here is the link to the documents of the information that came off Casey Anthony's computer

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 27, 2008, 06:08:02 PM
Casey Anthony Trial Date Set, Could Cost Taxpayers

POSTED: 4:50 pm EDT October 27, 2008
UPDATED: 5:32 pm EDT October 27, 2008
Most likely, the trial won't happen at the Orange County courthouse. No one can say how many 10s of thousands of dollars the investigation has already cost. Moving the trial could put taxpayers on the hook for tens of thousands more, maybe even for Casey Anthony's defense.

Even if accused killer Casey Anthony does not have to fight against a death sentence, her trial for the murder of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee could last two weeks. That would mean two weeks' worth of hotel room bills for the judge, court deputies, prosecutors and at least a few investigators.

"A change of venue adds expense across the board," said WFTV legal analyst William Sheaffer.

Hotel rooms at between $100 and $125 a night. Any travelling witnesses will add to the cost, plus $36 a day for meals and 45 cents a mile for transportation.

Casey has hired private Kissimmee attorney Jose Baez, but William Sheaffer said she still could ask taxpayers to pay her defense costs, even if one of them has received money for national news coverage.

"There are a number of transactions that you can engage in in order to make sure that the money doesn't go directly to Casey Anthony," he explained.

Sheaffer said the defense will probably have to hire highly-credible and most likely expensive experts to refute the FBI lab evidence against Casey. It could cost at least $50,000. He said the judge would press her for proof she couldn't afford it.

"It's signed under oath, for what that means in this case," Sheaffer said.


The grandfather of an Orlando girl who disappeared in June says a ceremony held for missing children at Florida's Capitol was "gut-wrenching."

George and Cindy Anthony joined 13 other families and Gov. Charlie Crist at the annual Missing Children's Day commemoration Monday. Cindy Anthony said the other families in attendance offered comfort and inspiration.

The couple's granddaughter, Caylee Anthony, has not been seen since June. Their daughter, who is Caylee's mother, has been charged with killing the girl. Casey Anthony has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder.

Cindy Anthony said her family continues to believe Caylee is alive.


Casey Anthony is not required to be in court Tuesday for her arraignment. She is accused of killing her daughter Caylee who was reported missing in July.

Eyewitness News first reported that Casey Anthony entered a written not guilty plea on October 17, which means she does not have to be in court Tuesday when a judge is expected to officially accept her plea.

The judge may also set a trial date for the murder case against Casey.

On Friday night, Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, visited her at the Orange County jail. No one else has visited her since then and no other visits are currently scheduled.


Scientists who conducted forensic tests in the Casey Anthony investigation concluded that human decomposition and evidence of chloroform were present in the trunk of Casey's car, according to the report released Friday.

The report details findings from FBI tests on items found inside Casey's car, including DNA results on hair samples and forensic testing of debris and clothing (read details).

Among the results is confirmation that a hair sample found in the vehicle "exhibits characteristics of apparent decomposition." The report also says that specific hair is "microscopically similar" to hair investigators took from Caylee's hairbrush.

"The hair found in the trunk establishes that Caylee's dead and that her dead body was in the trunk of the car. Even if they don't find the body, it's enough evidence, scientific evidence, to establish that she's dead," said Dr. Michael Baden, nationally-renowned forensic pathologist.

DNA testing done on that piece of hair and compared with a sample provided by Casey confirmed that neither Casey nor Caylee can be "excluded as the source of the hair," because the "mtDNA sequences ... are the same."

Tests also confirmed "residues of chloroform" within a spare tire cover found inside the trunk of Casey's car. "Residues consistent with chloroform" were also found within the left and right side trunk liner. The report says no other chemicals were detected within those items. Coupled with evidence that someone on Casey's computer was researching how to make chloroform, it could explain how Caylee was murdered.

"That would indicate that chloroform has to be considered as a cause of the baby's death," Dr. Baden said.

Odor tests that were conducted on the carpet inside Casey's car concluded that 80 percent of the chemicals identified were "consistent with decompositional events." The results of the FBI's Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) on the same carpet concluded that "while these are still preliminary results ... both odor analysis and LIBS results appear to be quite consistent with a decompositional event having occurred in the trunk of the vehicle."

The report also clarifies that the tests conducted appear to point to human decomposition and not animal. Meanwhile, a hair fragment the FBI found on the shovel Casey borrowed from her neighbor days after investigators believe Caylee was murdered, but that hair did not match Caylee or Casey.

The report's final conclusion is that the results of the tests and comparisons indicate "that a portion of the total odor signature identified in the Florida vehicle trunk is consistent with a decompositional event that could be of human origin."

The details of the report released Friday are probably part of what the grand jury heard last week before indicting Casey, but it's not all of the evidence. The thousands of tips that were called in on the case are expected to be released soon and Eyewitness News has learned the vast majority of them are from psychics.

Murder trial date:  February 9, 2009

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 27, 2008, 06:35:58 PM

Defense Attorney Says Evidence In Casey Anthony Case Weak At Best
Caylee Anthony Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 3:39 pm EDT October 27, 2008
UPDATED: 5:21 pm EDT October 27, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The day before the mother of a missing 3-year-old Orlando girl will officially be arraigned on murder charges, a veteran defense attorney said the evidence in the case is weak at best.

Casey Anthony will be arraigned on a first-degree murder charge in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June.

Anthony has already entered a written plea of not guilty, and is not required to be in court.

Attorney Diana Tennis said she is not sure the state's case against Anthony is solid.

'There's a big difference between interesting science evidence and evidence that actually gets to a jury," Tennis said.

Authorities on Friday released a report from a Tennessee lab that found five compounds consistent with body decomposition. Tests found evidence of decomposition on a hair strand found in the trunk, described as "microscopically similar" to one found on Caylee's hair brush.

"This whole talk about the 'body farm' and these interesting tests that this one organization is doing is very, very fascinating. It may be good information, but it's also possible that the jury is never going to hear about it," Tennis said.

Tennis cited the example of lie-detector tests, which law enforcement agencies consider credible but courts do not.

"No matter how good the science may be, that doesn't mean the judge is going to let the jury hear about it if it's not completely trustworthy," Tennis said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 09:21:13 AM
Casey Anthony To Be Officially Arraigned On Murder Charges

POSTED: 6:52 am EDT October 28, 2008
UPDATED: 6:57 am EDT October 28, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony will be officially arraigned on murder charges Tuesday. She has already entered a written plea of not guilty and is not expected to be in court.

The hearing is significant for her defense team. Tuesday's plea would start a 15-day clock for prosecutors to turn in evidence and a witness list over to Casey's attorneys.

Eyewitness News could find out soon whether Judge Strickland will stay on the case. He is scheduled to be transferred out of the criminal division at the first of the year.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 09:24:40 AM
Casey Anthony to be arraigned this morning on several charges

Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
7:40 AM EDT, October 28, 2008  

Updated: 55 minutes ago
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Casey Anthony to be arraigned this morning on several charges

Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
7:40 AM EDT, October 28, 2008

Casey Anthony will be arraigned this morning on several charges including first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony.

Anthony's attorney Jose Baez filed a written plea of not guilty on her behalf and she does not need to appear in court this morning. Judge Stan Strickland will preside over the hearing.

Last week key forensic evidence was made public and showed a decomposing human body had been held in trunk of Anthony's white Pontiac Sunfire. The forensic tests showed evidence of significant levels of chloroform in the trunk.

Anthony was indicted earlier this month and is charged with first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement. She is also facing several check fraud charges in an unrelated case.

Anthony was arrested two weeks ago and taken to the Orange County Jail where she is in a cell by herself. She has not talked on the phone with or had any visits from her family in that time. Several members of her defense team have spent hours meeting with her at the jail.

On Friday a pastor from the Eastside Baptist Church visited Anthony for nearly three hours.,6077832.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 09:25:36 AM
Anthony Arraignment Slated Today
Casey Anthony Expected To Plead Not Guilty

POSTED: 6:37 am EDT October 28, 2008
UPDATED: 6:43 am EDT October 28, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony is scheduled to be arraigned on a first-degree murder charge on Tuesday morning.

Anthony is not expected to attend the hearing at the Orange County Courthouse at 8:45 a.m. Her attorneys will likely enter the plea for her.

Anthony's defense team is expected to enter a plea of not guilty.

The plea will come at a time of other developments in the case.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office wants the state to charge protesters at Anthony's home with battery and trespassing.

The charges stem from an explosive argument in the driveway between protesters and the Anthonys on Sept. 18.

The state attorney's office will decide whether to file charges. The report also stated that deputies do not believe protesters told the truth about the incident.

The Anthonys want to move forward with the charges.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 09:44:15 AM
Battery charges recommended for two Anthony protesters

Willoughby Mariano | Sentinel Staff Writer
8:25 PM EDT, October 27, 2008

Deputy sheriffs recommended two protesters be charged with battery for a confrontation outside the east Orange County home of missing and presumed dead Caylee Marie Anthony, according to a report released today.

The suspects, whose names were not released, were accused of attacking grandparents George and Cindy Anthony 1:30 a.m. Sept. 18 in the 4900 block of Hopespring Drive. They said the sound of pounding on their garage door prompted them to open it and confront protesters standing outside, according to an Orange County sheriff's report.

Protesters screamed at them and the Anthony's screamed back. One woman pulled George Anthony by the shirt, while a man pushed Cindy Anthony from behind, according to the report.

The suspects fled in a blue Jeep, George and Cindy Anthony said

Two suspects told an investigator that George Anthony came out of the garage swinging a baseball bat. One said the grandfather threatened to kill everyone there, but the sheriff's report finds their statements contradicted that of other witnesses.

Much of the confrontation was caught on tape by two local cameramen.

The Orange-Osceola State Attorney's Office will decide whether to file formal charges.,3347970.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 12:14:32 PM
Trial Date Set For Casey Anthony
Pretrial Hearing Slated For Dec. 11

POSTED: 6:37 am EDT October 28, 2008
UPDATED: 12:05 pm EDT October 28, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An Orange County judge scheduled Casey Anthony for trial in January.

At a hearing on Tuesday morning, Judge Stan Strickland set a trial date for Jan. 5, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. A pretrial 

hearing is also slated for Dec. 11 at 9 a.m.

Anthony entered a not guilty plea to the first-degree murder charges.

The arraignment came at a time of other developments in the case.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office wants the state to charge protesters at Anthony's home with battery and trespassing.

The charges stem from an explosive argument in the driveway between protesters and the Anthonys on Sept. 18.

The state attorney's office will decide whether to file charges. The report also stated that deputies do not believe protesters told the truth about the incident.

The Anthonys want to move forward with the charges.

Copyright 2008 by WESH.COM. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 01:22:04 PM
Judge Agrees To Request To Start Casey Anthony Trial Sooner

POSTED: 6:52 am EDT October 28, 2008
UPDATED: 12:10 pm EDT October 28, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Neither Casey Anthony nor her attorney was at Tuesday morning's arraignment on murder charges Casey is facing in the death of her daughter, Caylee. Casey had already entered a written plea of not guilty, so she was not required to show up.
Judge Stan Strickland accepted the written plea and that means the state now has 15 days to hand over evidence to Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, that the state plans to use in the trial against her. Any new evidence the state plans to make use of also must be handed over to Baez as they get it.

The state also asked the judge to move the trial period back from a previously set date in early February, possibly to put more pressure of the defense,. The judge agreed and Casey's pre-trial conference is now set for December 11 and the trial is set for January 5.

Investigators say there is evidence Caylee's body was in her mother's car trunk, that there were unusually high levels of chloroform in the trunk and that someone had researched how to make chloroform online using Casey's computer.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 03:16:31 PM
Tips released in Caylee Anthony case
Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
2:51 PM EDT, October 28, 2008

Today's Updates

2:46 p.m. Officials release tips

The State Attorney's Office released thousands of tips authorities have received in the search for Caylee Marie Anthony, the toddler who was reported missing on July 15. Her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of the girl. However, the body of Caylee - who would have turned 3 in August - has not been found. Casey Anthony told investigators that she left her child with a nanny in mid-June. When she returned later that day, Caylee and the nanny were gone. Anthony said that was the last time she saw Caylee. Anthony's parents, Cindy and George Anthony, believe Caylee is still alive and want investigators and volunteers to search for a live child. Orange Circuit Court Stan Strickland ordered the state to turn over the tips after Anthony's attorney Jose Baez made a request earlier this month. Check back for more details.

Trial date set for Casey Anthony

9:50 a.m.Judge Stan Strickland took less than a minute to arraign Casey Anthony this morning on several charges, including first-degree murder. Her attorney, Jose Baez, who was not present, had already entered a not-guilty plea. Anthony was not present, either.

Anthony's pre-trial conference is set for Dec. 11 at 9 a.m. Trial has been set for Jan. 5 at 9:30 a.m.

Casey Anthony to be arraigned this morning
8:36 a.m. Casey Anthony will be arraigned this morning on several charges, including first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony.

Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, filed a written plea of not guilty on her behalf and she does not need to appear in court this morning. Judge Stan Strickland will preside over the hearing.

Last week key forensic evidence was made public and showed a decomposing human body had been held in trunk of Anthony's white Pontiac Sunfire. The forensic tests showed evidence of significant levels of chloroform in the trunk.

Anthony was indicted earlier this month and is charged with first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement. She is also facing several check fraud charges in an unrelated case.

Anthony was arrested two weeks ago and taken to the Orange County Jail where she has remained in a cell by herself. She has not talked on the phone with anyone or had any visits from her family during her encarceration. Her only visitors have been several members of her defense team, which have spent hours meeting with her at the jail.

On Friday, a pastor from the Eastside Baptist Church visited Anthony for nearly three hours.

Check back for updates.,0,6077832.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 04:22:32 PM
Tips Released About Caylee

3:25 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 28: Prosecutors released hundreds of pages in new evidence today — tips about Caylee Anthony. It came on day her mother Casey Anthony’s trial on murder and other charges was set for January. We are going through the documents now and will continue to update the blog with details as we get through them.

Some of the tips are from psychics. One, from July 27, told investigators Caylee has had her hair dyed blond and was being passed off as a boy. Another, from a caller on July 30 who meditates, said he saw “photo of old wooden planks over something green and a dumpster. Also sees a corner and the name ‘Eddie.’ “

Some of the tips include descriptions of visions. One reported by a psychic in Pennsylvania included seeing a person in a trench coat, first with a small child inside the coat and then tossing “a square package over a rail, possibly a bridge rail.”

The tips range from the specific — locations that police are urged to check — to the broad — dreams that had Caylee being buried in a barn or under a rock, for example. A few offer psychological evaluations — suggesting police investigate “dissociative disorders” — based on how Casey looks to them.

There also are reported Caylee sightings. Someone called on Aug. 5 to say the toddler was with someone in Georgia and could be boarding an Air France flight for Paris. The caller told the tip line operator that God was using her to communicate this information.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 05:18:35 PM
1,500 Pages Of Tips About Missing Caylee Anthony, 3, Released
Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 10:04 am EDT October 28, 2008
UPDATED: 4:40 pm EDT October 28, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- About 1,500 pages of new information have been released in the search for Caylee Anthony, whose mother, Casey, reaffirmed her not guilty plea in her daughter's disappearance.

Tips called in to investigators about the missing 3-year-old were released on Tuesday.

Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, requested the information to help 

prepare his case. 

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Trial Date Set

Meanwhile, Casey Anthony reaffirmed her not guilty plea at an arraignment on Tuesday and will stand trial, which is scheduled to start Jan. 5.

Casey Anthony was not present at the arraignment on Tuesday. The 22-year-old had entered a written not guilty plea on Oct. 17 to a charge of first-degree murder.

Caylee Anthony disappeared in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July. Casey Anthony said she left Caylee with a baby sitter. The girl has not been found.

Anthony Family Attends Ceremony

Caylee's grandfather, George Anthony, said a ceremony held for missing children at Florida's Capitol was "gut-wrenching."

George and his wife, Cindy Anthony, joined 13 other families and Gov. Charlie Crist at the annual Missing Children's Day commemoration Monday. Cindy Anthony said the other families in attendance offered comfort and inspiration.

Cindy Anthony said her family continues to believe Caylee is alive.

A national search for Caylee continues.

Part 1 - 103 pages
Part 2 - 100 pages
Part 3 - 107 pages
Part 4 - 108 pages
Part 5 - 104 pages
Part 6 - 103 pages
Part 7 - 108 pages
Part 8 - 74 pages
Part 9 - 106 pages
Part 10 - 117 pages
Part 11 - 107 pages
Part 12 - 106 pages
Part 13 - 107 pages
Part 14 - 106 pages
Part 15 - 128 pages
Part 16 - 128 pages
Part 17 - 103 pages
Part 18 - 114 pages

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 05:34:21 PM
Read a selection of the thousands of tips sent to investigators regarding the whereabouts of Caylee Anthony.

This PDF includes documents released by prosecutors in the Casey Anthony case. The document has been edited to remove personal information such as dates of birth and phone numbers.

Please be patient while the document loads.,0,2312366.htmlpage

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 28, 2008, 06:17:43 PM
Fox has the tips now too:

Scroll down to tips released

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 29, 2008, 08:30:59 AM
Psychic tips in Caylee case include pile of rocks, zoo, satanic ritual
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
October 29, 2008
Investigators have received thousands of tips from around the world -- many from psychics -- since Caylee Marie Anthony was reported missing in mid-July. Read some of the tips here

Those tips, which were released Tuesday, include a scribbled map from a woman who said the little girl could be found near a tall tree and pile of rocks between Orlando International Airport and Disney World.

One caller had a vision that the KKK used the missing girl in a satanic ritual in Mississippi. Another tipster had a dream about Caylee in a zoo with lots of animals, including a leopard. And someone called Central Florida Crimeline with psychic Sylvia Brown's fees (phone reading: $850) in hopes she could help.

Earlier this month, Orange Circuit Court Stan Strickland ordered the state to turn over all the tips law enforcement has received in the search for Caylee after Anthony's attorney Jose Baez requested them.

Her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, told investigators that she left her child with a nanny in mid-June. When she returned later that day, Caylee and the nanny were gone. Anthony said that was the last time she saw Caylee.

Investigators have not found the nanny, and they think Casey Anthony lied about what happened.

Anthony's parents, Cindy and George Anthony, think Caylee is still alive and want investigators and volunteers to search for a live child.

While most of the tips released Tuesday are from psychics, dreamers and others with visions of Caylee's whereabouts, prosecutors plan to release more tips after law-enforcement officials forward the information to them, according to the State Attorney's Office.

"The psychic tips are not what the law firm is going to concentrate on," said Todd Black, a spokesman for Baez.

Other tips released Tuesday include one from a caller with a Ouija board and pendulum who believed Caylee could be found in a garbage dump. A different caller alerted authorities Sept.9 that Caylee would be found on a golf course six days later.

Some alerted authorities through Central Florida Crimeline; others sent letters and e-mails. Anthony's brother, Lee, forwarded tips that came through the family's Web site.

The documents were released the same day Casey Anthony was arraigned on several charges, including first-degree murder in the death of her daughter.

Baez, who was not present, had already entered a not-guilty plea. Anthony was not present, either. Anthony's pre-trial conference is set for Dec.11 at 9a.m. The trial has been set for Jan.5 at 9:30a.m.

She is being held without bail at the Orange County Jail.

Amy L. Edwards and Bianca Prieto of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Sarah Lundy can be reached at or 407-420-6218.,0,7406886.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 29, 2008, 03:34:11 PM
Exclusive: Convicted killer Scott Peterson writing Casey Anthony in jail

Bianca Prieto and Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writers
    10:24 AM EDT, October 29, 2008

Click here for latest updates on the Scott Peterson-Casey Anthony story

Scott Peterson writing Casey Anthony in jail
10:15 California death-row inmate Scott Peterson has been writing letters to Casey Anthony in the Orange County Jail, sources said.

Peterson was convicted of killing his wife Laci, and unborn son, Conner, three years ago. Laci Peterson, who was eight months pregnant at the time, was reported missing in December 2002 from their Modesto, Calif. home. The bodies of Laci and the unborn child washed ashore in April 2003 in the San Francisco Bay. Peterson was charged in their deaths after the bodies were found.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 29, 2008, 03:41:15 PM
Report Claiming Casey Received Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted
Woman's Missing Daughter Last Seen In June

POSTED: 2:21 pm EDT October 29, 2008
UPDATED: 2:57 pm EDT October 29, 2008
[NEWSVINE: Report Claiming Casey Received Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted] [DELICIOUS: Report Claiming Casey Received Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted] [DIGG: Report Claiming Casey Received Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted] [FACEBOOK: Report Claiming Casey Received Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted] [REDDIT: Report Claiming Casey Received Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted] [RSS] [PRINT: Report Claiming Casey Received Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted] [EMAIL: Report Claiming Casey Received Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted]
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The California Department of Corrections told Local 6 News on Wednesday that a published report stating that convicted killer Scott Peterson has been writing Casey Anthony is false.

The Orlando Sentinel, citing sources, said it is not known if Anthony, who has been charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee, has responded to Peterson.

A spokeswoman for the California Prison System said the report is "not true" and that officials know with "100 percent certainty" that Peterson, who is on death row, did not write a letter to Anthony.

Peterson was convicted of killing his wife, Laci, and unborn son, Conner, three years ago. Laci Peterson was reported missing in December 2002 from her Modesto, Calif., home.

"We have no knowledge of any communications between Orange County inmate Casey Anthony and California inmate Scott Peterson. There is no public record which would reflect or confirm such communications. All mail coming into the Orange County Jail system is screened for contraband, money, and other security-related issues. Policy forbids Orange County inmates from writing each other, but there is no prohibition against writing or receiving mail from inmates in other correctional institutions," Allen Moore of the Orange County Corrections Department said in a statement.

Todd Black, spokesman for Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, said Anthony has not been corresponding with Peterson.

"It is wholly false that convicted murderer Scott Peterson is writing to Casey Anthony," Black said in a statement. "Attorney Jose Baez is in possession of the letter in question, and it is from an entirely different individual."

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 29, 2008, 06:22:33 PM
Casey Rented Movie About Murder On Day Caylee May Have Died

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 – updated: 6:10 pm EDT October 29, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- June 16 is the date Caylee Anthony likely died. Eyewitness News retraced Casey Anthony's steps on that fateful day and talked to the man who saw Casey just hours after Caylee's death.
"No emotion, no tears and no regrets," is how Casey was described on that day of death, when she rented a movie about a kidnapper and killer just hours after, detectives believe, she murdered her daughter.

Never before seen surveillance photos show accused killer Casey Anthony and her boyfriend walking into an east Orange County Blockbuster (see map) just before 8:00pm on Monday June 16, just hours after her daughter Caylee was last seen alive by Casey's father at home.

The new photos show Casey without Caylee, arm in arm with her boyfriend, after they chose two movies to rent. One rented was "Untraceable," about a kidnapper and killer. The other was "Jumper," about a mother who abandons her 5-year-old child, who then can teleport himself.

"They came in, went out," Johnny French told Eyewitness News. "Brought the movies back on time just like everybody else."

French rented the movies to Casey and her boyfriend that night. He said there was nothing about the couple that stood out as unusual.

"They seemed normal and she seemed fine. If there was something wrong it would have stood out. I just don't remember them doing anything unusual," French said.

Casey's phone records show she made seven phone calls in the three and half hours between 2:45pm and 6:15pm that afternoon, the time during which investigators think Caylee may have died. Two were made to Arden Villas Apartments off University and Alafaya, apparently to friends. Casey's ex-best friend, Amy Huizenga, told investigators Casey called her that day and said she needed to find a place to live.

Caylee's grandfather told investigators the last time he saw Caylee was at 12:50pm on June 16. He remembered her sunglasses and her ponytail as she left with Casey, who claimed they were spending that night at the nanny's.

"That's the last time I saw my granddaughter," George Anthony told investigators.

Investigators say Casey stayed on the east side of town, as usual, during the six hours or so between when Caylee was last seen alive and she showed up her with her boyfriend, but her exact whereabouts are unclear.


Eyewitness News has learned a strange new twist being reported in the Casey Anthony case doesn't appear to be true. The Orlando Sentinel reported an exclusive story Wednesday that convicted murderer Scott Peterson has been sending Casey letters from his cell at the San Quentin State Prison in California.

When Eyewitness News started asking questions, the prison spokesman at San Quentin looked into it and said, based on information developed at the prison, there is no truth to that story. The prison spokesman said he was never contacted about the story before it ran in the Sentinel.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 29, 2008, 06:23:24 PM  Blockbuster pics
The new photos show Casey without Caylee, arm in arm with her boyfriend, after they chose two movies to rent. One rented was "Untraceable," about a kidnapper and killer. The other was "Jumper," about a mother who abandons her 5-year-old child, who then can teleport himself.

Untraceable - trailer

Jumper  - trailer

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 29, 2008, 07:25:04 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 30, 2008, 10:27:14 AM
Campaign 2008

Casey Anthony case cited in Orange County judicial campaign
John A. Ritter | Special to the Sentinel
Sarah Lundy, Sentinel Staff Writer
October 30, 2008
Now Casey Anthony's name has been dragged into a judicial race.

In an unusually strong attack for a typically low-profile contest, Circuit Court judge candidate Fred Schott on Wednesday accused candidate Jim Turner of possibly breaking one of the "same criminal laws" that put Anthony behind bars.

Turner is outraged that Schott is trying to draw a comparison between Anthony's check-fraud case and the apparent deficit showing on Turner's campaign account.

Anthony also is charged with first-degree murder in the suspected death of her daughter, Caylee Marie.
Turner's online campaign report shows he has spent more than what has been donated to his campaign, which is not allowed under election laws.

The report shows he's about $16,345 short.

But Turner said his campaign has not written any bad checks and any problems will be fixed soon. Candidates can file amendments to the reports.

In comparison, Anthony is accused of a slew of check-fraud charges for allegedly stealing a friend's checkbook and spending money from the account for clothes, groceries and other items.

Schott said he mentioned Anthony's case because that's the only check-fraud case the public would recognize.

The stakes are high in this race for the open seat, which carries a six-year term and pays an annual salary of $145,080.

The election is Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Schott held a news conference in front of the Orange County Courthouse to say he planned to send State Attorney Lawson Lamar a letter, requesting prosecutors look into Turner's election finance report.

Turner's campaign consultant, Stockton Reeves, said called Schott's attack a "dirty trick."

"To compare Jim Turner to Casey Anthony, what is this man smoking?" Reeves said.

Political-science associate professor Aubrey Jewett said it sounds like Schott may have gone over the top by bringing up Anthony's name even if he may have a legitimate complaint.

"Of all the campaigns, [judicial races] tend to the most civilized affairs," the University of Central Florida professor said. "But it's still an election and it's still a contact sport -- even to be a judge."

As of Oct. 10, Turner has donated $42,613 to his own campaign and has raised $33,985, according to the state's online campaign report.

But it shows he has spent $92,943.

Schott has donated $450,000 to his campaign and has raised $47,529. Schott's report shows he has spent $283,757.

Sarah Lundy can be reached at or 407-420-6218.
E-mail Share Print Reprint,0,2219087.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 30, 2008, 10:48:39 AM
Detectives Narrow Timeline In Anthony Case
Investigators: 'It All Lies With Casey'

POSTED: 12:25 am EDT October 30, 2008
UPDATED: 6:44 am EDT October 30, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Detectives narrowed the timeline on Wednesday as they continued to build their case against Casey Anthony.
Related Content: Video | Timeline | Forum

The Orange County Sheriff's Office said images show Casey Anthony arm-in-arm with a man inside an east

Orange County Blockbuster store.

What was significant was the date: June 16. It was the day investigators said they believe she killed her daughter, Caylee Anthony.

Surveillance photos were taken just before 8 p.m. that night, possibly after Caylee died, police said.

Police also continued to sift through hundreds of psychic tips that have poured into the Orange County Sheriff's Office. One of the anonymous psychic tipsters explained why she thinks she can help find Caylee.

"I knew this girl had given up her child," the tipster said.

She said she knows Caylee Anthony is alive.

She considers herself a visionary, and said her information shows Caylee living in Canada after Casey Anthony gave her away.

"She felt her child was threatened and didn't feel like she could protect her child," the woman said.

That tip is just one of 5,000 that have come in on the case that detectives have prioritized and investigated. The majority of the tips, police said, are from psychics. The problem is that some of the visions are just too vague.

"I know that child spent a considerable amount of time in a cottage, on a dirt road," the tipster said.

The tips come from Crimeline, e-mails and even handwritten letters from as far away as Canada, Mexico and Poland.

Some suggested Caylee was in a bomb shelter or being kept in a cage as a pet.

The more morbid visions show Caylee buried in the woods, in water or burned in a farm field.

Investigators said they've followed all credible leads, even from psychics. In the end, they said they believe it won't be a vision that solves the case.

"The person who knows is Casey," Orange County Sheriff's Office spokesman Carlos Padilla said. "It all lies with Casey."

 To comment on this story, send an e-mail to Kendra Oestreich.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 30, 2008, 10:57:53 AM

Baez To Depose Witnesses In Casey Anthony Murder Case
Woman's Daughter Last Seen In June

POSTED: 9:14 am EDT October 30, 2008
UPDATED: 10:13 am EDT October 30, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The attorney for Casey Anthony, who has been charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, on Thursday will depose witnesses for the first time in the case, which has garnered national attention.

Jose Baez and his defense team will question key witnesses in the case involving his 22-year-old client's missing daughter, Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July.

Among those who will testify under oath will be Anthony's former boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro; the manager of an Orange County Amscot, where Anthony's abandoned car was discovered; the tow-truck driver who took the car to Johnson's Wrecker Service; and two wrecker service employees, including one who said he was with Anthony's father, George Anthony, when he picked the car up and said the vehicle smelled similar to one in which a man had committed suicide.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted

The California Department of Corrections told Local 6 News on Wednesday that a published report stating that convicted killer Scott Peterson has been writing Anthony is false.

The Orlando Sentinel, citing sources, said it is not known if Anthony has responded to Peterson.

A spokeswoman for the California Prison System said the report is "not true" and that officials know with "100 percent certainty" that Peterson, who is on death row, did not write a letter to Anthony.

Peterson was convicted of killing his wife, Laci, and unborn son, Conner, three years ago. Laci Peterson was reported missing in December 2002 from her Modesto, Calif., home.

"We have no knowledge of any communications between Orange County inmate Casey Anthony and California inmate Scott Peterson. There is no public record which would reflect or confirm such communications. All mail coming into the Orange County Jail system is screened for contraband, money, and other security-related issues. Policy forbids Orange County inmates from writing each other, but there is no prohibition against writing or receiving mail from inmates in other correctional institutions," Allen Moore of the Orange County Corrections Department said in a statement.

Todd Black, the spokesman for Baez, said Anthony has not been corresponding with Peterson.

"It is wholly false that convicted murderer Scott Peterson is writing to Casey Anthony," Black said in a statement. "Attorney Jose Baez is in possession of the letter in question, and it is from an entirely different individual."   

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 30, 2008, 05:15:09 PM
If you are Caylee Anthony’s Mother in Jail, what do you order?
by Greta Van Susteren

Under never dull, here is the Inmate Commissary Order placed by Caylee Anthony’s Mother Casey Anthony today, and released by the jail to the media: (and yes, it does give you a bit of the “behind the scenes” ..and I am not sure why the jail sends us this stuff)


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 30, 2008, 06:58:23 PM
Depositions Today In Casey Anthony Case
October 30, 2008 - No Responses

Updated at 1:50 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 30: Casey Anthony’s attorneys are taking depositions today, including from her former boyfriend Tony Lazzaro, who spent time with Casey around the period when her daughter, Caylee, was last seen in June. Others to be interviewed today, according to WESH 2 News reporter Bob Kealing, are an employee of the Amscot where Casey Anthony’s car was found and three workers — from the wrecking company that towed the car. The tow-truck workers told investigators of the strong smell from Casey’s trunk, which prosecutors tests indicate came from human decomposition.

Casey Anthony remains in Orange County Jail on first-degree murder and other charges, with her trial scheduled to start on Jan. 5.

Depositions are taken before trials and are not open to the public. In this case, the witnesses are at the Orange County Courthouse and are interviewed by defense attorneys. Prosecutors may be in the room but can not ask questions, Kealing said.

The depositions began after lunch. Defense attorney Jose Baez didn’t have much to say to the media as he arrived.

Note: We have a PDF of the interview that Orange County Sheriff’s Office investigators did with Tony Lazzaro.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 31, 2008, 09:10:39 AM

Jose Baez Repeatedly Told To Stop Touching Casey During Jail Visits

Eyewitness News has discovered that on at least two occasions jail staff had to step in and Baez was warned repeatedly about hugging Casey during their visits.

Friday, October 31, 2008 – updated: 8:43 am EDT October 31, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- In the past two weeks Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has visited her at the jail, seven out of 14 days.

Eyewitness News has discovered that on at least two occasions jail staff had to step in and Baez was warned repeatedly about hugging Casey during their visits.

A jail report states: "The inmate's attorney was observed hugging inmate and was advised that physical contact was prohibited."

Then a week later another report stated: "Baez again observed hugging his client."

The room Baez and Anthony meet in is very small and typically there is a desk and two chairs.

Sources told Eyewitness News that on one occasion, Anthony was sitting and Baez was very close to her face. A corrections officer had to go into the room to separate them.

Eyewitness News confronted Jose Baez about the situation.

"I have no comment," he said.

Eyewitness news' legal analyst Bill Schaeffer said it's unusual that an attorney would ever touch a client.

"The more experience you are in handling these type of clients or situation, the less likely you are to place yourself in a situation that could be regarded as a compromising situation," said Schaeffer.

When Casey was out on bond, there were several times that she would spend six hours a day at Baez's office including Saturdays. There's nothing criminal about having a relationship with a client, but Schaeffer said there are ethical issues.

"The appellate court could find that relationship overstepped the bounds of attorney client relationship and affected that performance and order a new trial," he said.

There was no evidence that Baez and Casey were actually having a relationship.

The reason touching isn't allowed at the jail is because contraband items could be passed. Baez told jail officials that he didn't know the rules, and wouldn't do it again.


June 16 is the date Caylee Anthony likely died. Eyewitness News retraced Casey Anthony's steps on that fateful day and talked to the man who saw Casey just hours after Caylee's death.

"No emotion, no tears and no regrets," is how Casey was described on that day of death, when she rented a movie about a kidnapper and killer just hours after, detectives believe, she murdered her daughter.

Never before seen surveillance photos show accused killer Casey Anthony and her boyfriend walking into an east Orange County Blockbuster (see map) just before 8:00pm on Monday June 16, just hours after her daughter Caylee was last seen alive by Casey's father at home.

The new photos show Casey without Caylee, arm in arm with her boyfriend, after they chose two movies to rent. One rented was "Untraceable," about a kidnapper and killer. The other was "Jumper," about a mother who abandons her 5-year-old child, who then can teleport himself.

"They came in, went out," Johnny French told Eyewitness News. "Brought the movies back on time just like everybody else."

French rented the movies to Casey and her boyfriend that night. He said there was nothing about the couple that stood out as unusual.

"They seemed normal and she seemed fine. If there was something wrong it would have stood out. I just don't remember them doing anything unusual," French said.

Casey's phone records show she made seven phone calls in the three and half hours between 2:45pm and 6:15pm that afternoon, the time during which investigators think Caylee may have died. Two were made to Arden Villas Apartments off University and Alafaya, apparently to friends. Casey's ex-best friend, Amy Huizenga, told investigators Casey called her that day and said she needed to find a place to live.

Caylee's grandfather told investigators the last time he saw Caylee was at 12:50pm on June 16. He remembered her sunglasses and her ponytail as she left with Casey, who claimed they were spending that night at the nanny's.

"That's the last time I saw my granddaughter," George Anthony told investigators.

Investigators say Casey stayed on the east side of town, as usual, during the six hours or so between when Caylee was last seen alive and she showed up her with her boyfriend, but her exact whereabouts are unclear.


Eyewitness News has learned a strange new twist being reported in the Casey Anthony case doesn't appear to be true. The Orlando Sentinel reported an exclusive story Wednesday that convicted murderer Scott Peterson has been sending Casey letters from his cell at the San Quentin State Prison in California.

When Eyewitness News started asking questions, the prison spokesman at San Quentin looked into it and said, based on information developed at the prison, there is no truth to that story. The prison spokesman said he was never contacted about the story before it ran in the Sentinel.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 31, 2008, 10:23:01 AM
Case Against Casey: Timeline Into Caylee's Disappearance Probed
Local 6 Investigates Missing Girl Case

POSTED: 9:09 am EDT October 31, 2008
UPDATED: 9:56 am EDT October 31, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- As Casey Anthony faces first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee, Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone has sifted through thousands of documents, looking into whether the girl died on June 16, the key date in the case.

Pipitone said to understand why investigators believe Caylee is dead starts early in the morning of June 16, when Anthony called her boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, from her parents' house.

The 80-minute phone call ended at 1:05 a.m., and Anthony then had a conversation via text messages with Lazzaro until Lazzaro 

called her at 3:08 a.m.

It is not known what was discussed, but less than 10 hours later, Caylee, who was 2 at that time, was seen for the last time by her grandfather, George Anthony, Pipitone reported.

"Ten minutes to 1 (o'clock) that afternoon on the 16th is when I actually saw Casey and Caylee together -- both leaving with backpacks -- and my daughter said she was going to work, and she was taking Caylee to the nanny, to the baby sitter," George Anthony said.

Just before 8 p.m., seven hours after Caylee was last seen alive, Casey Anthony and Lazzaro are seen on surveillance video visiting the Blockbuster store near his apartment on University Boulevard. Caylee is not in the video.

Lazzaro told Local 6 News that he had not seen Caylee at that point for two weeks.

The video is one reason investigators believe June 16 may have been the day Caylee died, Pipitone reported.

"What happened in the next hours is even more intriguing. Tony (Lazzaro) and Casey rented two movies for that night. One one of them (was) "Untraceable," which contains a graphic scene that is even more chilling when you consider where Caylee's body may have been," Pipitone said. "The movie shows an FBI agent being pursued by a sadistic cyber-stalker who pops the trunk of a car and is overcome by the smell of a fly-infested, rotting corpse left by the killer in the trunk of the car."

Investigators believe Caylee's body was left in the trunk of her mother's car, where it decomposed, emitting an odor that Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, identified, Pipitone reported.

"It smells like there's been a damn dead body in the car," Cindy Anthony said in a 911 call.

"Whether the movie scene is a clue to what Casey might have already done or was about to do -- or even where Caylee may have been on the same night they rented that movie -- only Casey can answer that, and she's not talking," Pipitone said.

Pipitone said he will continue to investigate the timeline into the case using cell phone records that show who Casey Anthony was talking to or texting.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Casey's Parents Speak Out

George and Cindy Anthony have maintained that they believe Caylee is still alive, saying cell phone records and recently released forensic results do not prove that Caylee is dead.

The Anthonys spoke to Local 6 News reporter Adam Longo, the first time they've talked publicly since the forensic results were released.

"George and I don't believe that Caylee is in the woods or out there," Cindy Anthony said. "We believe someone has her, and that she's alive."

The Anthonys have a private investigator looking into tips that continue to come in.

"Exact spot? We're getting close," Cindy Anthony said. "We feel we're on the right track. We believe -- and we have from Day 1 -- that Caylee has not stayed in the same place for very long. We believe that she's been moved several times."

Cindy Anthony said the Orange County Sheriff's Office has spent more time building a case against Casey Anthony than looking for Caylee.

"I feel like we've lost four months of precious time (to) follow up on looking for her alive," Cindy Anthony said. "I'm angry, and for them to pull that and this is all they've got. This is ridiculous."

"There's a lot more to this story than you guys could ever imagine, and it's all going to come out," George Anthony said.

"There's only one reason why my daughter would keep her mouth shut and why she would sacrifice going to prison the rest of her life -- to protect this child," Cindy Anthony said.

Physical Contact In Prison

Meanwhile, Local 6 News confirmed that there has been physical contact between Casey Anthony and her attorney, Jose Baez, at the Orange County Jail.

A corrections officer spotted the Baez and Casey Anthony embracing on two occassions.

Baez was told he was not allowed to have physical contact with an inmate.

Baez Deposes Witnesses

Baez on Thursday deposed witnesses for the first time in the case.

Baez and his defense team questioned key witnesses, including Lazzaro.

Others who were scheduled to testify under oath were the manager of an Orange County Amscot, where Anthony's abandoned car was discovered; the tow-truck driver who took the car to Johnson's Wrecker Service; and two wrecker service employees, including one who said he was with Anthony's father, George Anthony, when he picked the car up and said the vehicle smelled similar to one in which a man had committed suicide.

Lazzaro was with Anthony hours after detectives think Caylee may have been murdered. Lazzaro told investigators that Anthony would often have nightmares and discussed moving.

"She actually used to say that she was getting ready to not live at her house anymore with her child," Lazzaro told detectives

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 31, 2008, 03:41:34 PM
EquuSearch asking for volunteers to resume search for Caylee Anthony
Amy L. Edwards

Sentinel Staff Writer

12:23 PM EDT, October 31, 2008

Texas EquuSearch, the volunteer group that will resume its ground search for Caylee Marie Anthony on Nov. 8, has launched a Web site for the case:

EquuSearch is looking for people to volunteer as team leaders, especially current or former members of the military, firefighters or law enforcement officers. Contact information is on the new Web site.

The search command center has not been determined yet.,0,4578559.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 31, 2008, 06:16:24 PM
Is that a ghost behind George and Cindy Anthony? 
 Last Edited: Friday, 31 Oct 2008, 2:58 PM EDT   
Created: Friday, 31 Oct 2008, 2:56 PM EDT 
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) --It’s Halloween and the radio airwaves and the internet are abuzz over video shot by FOX 35 that appears to show a ghost like figure walk behind George and Cindy Anthony during an interview about their missing granddaughter Caylee.

George and Cindy Anthony were interviewed at their home by FOX 35’s Amy Kaufeldt on July 17 after their daughter Casey Anthony was arrested. During the interview you can see a ghost like figure appear over George’s shoulder in the glass patio door behind him.  The buzz is that it is Caylee’s ghost. The image is actually a reflection of Cindy Anthony’s mother who was on the patio at the time of the interview.



Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 31, 2008, 06:56:08 PM
No Way Jose! Bar To Investigate Baez For Hugging Casey In Jail
Friday, October 31, 2008 – updated: 5:23 pm EDT October 31, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The Florida Bar Association will investigate attorney Jose Baez to determine if jailhouse hugs with Casey Anthony are violations of its ethical standards.

Eyewitness News broke the story of the displays of affection between Baez and Anthony at the Orange County jail where Casey is awaiting trial on charges she murdered her daughter, Caylee.

Casey and Baez have been seen on numerous occasions hugging each other, holding hands or sitting extremely close. Law enforcement sources said while at the jail, Baez would sit extremely close to Casey. During one visit an officer had to separate the two and warn him about what was called inappropriate behavior.

The jail would only say Baez had violated rules for hugging Casey on two occasions. In an internal email, a corrections officer wrote, “I spoke with Mr. Baez concerning his continued physical contact (hugging) of his client."

A jail spokesman said, "We do not allow contact for security reasons.”

The first time Baez was warned, officials said he told officers he did not know the rules, and was sorry and would make an effort to remember.

The jail email said, “Mr. Baez stated he was upset as he hugs all his clients. He went on to say he would hate for a brief to be filed in order to correct this."

Jail officials said at one time, there was video of the meetings between Baez and Anthony but that video had been recorded over.

The complaint with the Florida Bar was filed by a woman from Indiana who had read about the incident online and felt Baez overstepped his boundaries. The Bar said it would investigate the complaint even though the woman had no involvement in the case. Baez could have his license revoked if the Bar deems the conduct inappropriate but license forfeiture would be extreme in a case such as this.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on October 31, 2008, 07:06:00 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 01, 2008, 10:02:18 AM
Florida Bar: No investigation into hugging incidents

Last Edited: Friday, 31 Oct 2008, 9:49 PM EDT
Created: Friday, 31 Oct 2008, 7:39 AM EDT  

Defense attorney Jose Baez and his client, Casey Anthony

LinksBLOG IT!: The Search for Caylee Anthony
E-mails and letter from Orange County Jail officials concerning Jose Baez and Casey Anthony hugging

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Jose Baez will face no disciplinary action from the Florida Bar for his jailhouse incident with client Casey Anthony .

According to published reports, Baez was under investigation from the Bar. But spokesperson Susannah Lyle said that hugs are permitted by their rules between attorney and client as long as the client does not object.
VIDEO: --Anthony and Baez hug in jail
According to Lyle, a Bar Association rule must be broken in order for there to be an investigation. At this point there is no Florida Bar investigation into the incidents.

Jail officials said Casey Anthony and her defense attorney, Jose Baez, were seen hugging on two separate occasions and were told both times that it was a violation of jail policy.

Though there is no surveillance video that would show the two hugging, jail officials confirm seeing the two touch on two different times.

The jail released the following statement:

Mr. Baez was observed hugging his client on two occasions. He was advised that this is a violation of jail policy. After the second incident, he was again advised of the policy and said he would remember in future visits not to engage in this behavior. Orange County Corrections considers this a closed matter."

No officers had to go into the room to separate the two, and the jail says the matter has been closed by the Corrections Department

Casey remains behind bars at the Orange County Jail without bond. She is scheduled for a pretrial on a first-degree murder charge in December.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 02, 2008, 12:06:17 PM
Florida Bar To Investigate Baez For Hugging Casey In Jail

Friday, October 31, 2008 – updated: 5:00 pm EDT November 1, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The Florida Bar Association will investigate attorney Jose Baez to determine if jailhouse hugs with Casey Anthony are violations of its ethical standards.
Eyewitness News broke the story of the displays of affection between Baez and Anthony at the Orange County jail where Casey is awaiting trial on charges she murdered her daughter, Caylee.

Casey and Baez have been seen on numerous occasions hugging each other, holding hands or sitting extremely close. Law enforcement sources said while at the jail, Baez would sit extremely close to Casey. During one visit an officer had to separate the two and warn him about what was called inappropriate behavior.

The jail would only say Baez had violated rules for hugging Casey on two occasions. In an internal email, a corrections officer wrote, “I spoke with Mr. Baez concerning his continued physical contact (hugging) of his client."

A jail spokesman said, "We do not allow contact for security reasons.”

The first time Baez was warned, officials said he told officers he did not know the rules, and was sorry and would make an effort to remember.

The jail email said, “Mr. Baez stated he was upset as he hugs all his clients. He went on to say he would hate for a brief to be filed in order to correct this."

Jail officials said at one time, there was video of the meetings between Baez and Anthony but that video had been recorded over.

The complaint with the Florida Bar was filed by a woman from Indiana who had read about the incident online and felt Baez overstepped his boundaries. The Bar said it would investigate the complaint even though the woman had no involvement in the case. Baez could have his license revoked if the Bar deems the conduct inappropriate but license forfeiture would be extreme in a case such as this.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 03, 2008, 10:06:20 AM
Cindy Anthony Becomes Emotional While Hugging Little Girl At Vigil

Monday, November 3, 2008 – updated: 9:23 am EST November 3, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Prayer vigils continued for the Anthony's granddaughter Caylee nearly five months after her disappearance.
Families gathered across the nation Sunday night to remember their missing loved ones. George and Cindy sat in a front pew of the Eastside Baptist Church on Conway Gardens Road as tearful families and friends gathered to pray.

Cindy said she lost control of her emotions when a little girl around Caylee's age hugged her.

The Anthony's said the vigils helped them cope.

"Having other families go through the same thing, words can't describe it. I mean you need it," said Cindy.

The George and Cindy said things have calmed down outside their home since Casey's arrest.


The search for Caylee Anthony is expected to pick up again this week.

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla and his team are scheduled to arrive in Orlando on Thursday, November 6 to get organized before the search.

On Saturday they'll join up with the Texas Equusearch team. It will be the group's second effort to find the toddler's remains.

They shortened their first visit back in August when tropical storm Fay flooded some of the search areas.


Casey and her attorney Jose Baez are getting ready for another court hearing this week.

A pre-trial hearing is scheduled for Wednesday November 5 on charges of check fraud and lying to investigators.

Casey's trial on first-degree murder is expected to start January 5.

She is accused of killing her daughter Caylee Anthony.


The Florida Bar Association will investigate attorney Jose Baez to determine if jailhouse hugs with Casey Anthony are violations of its ethical standards.

Eyewitness News broke the story of the displays of affection between Baez and Anthony at the Orange County jail where Casey is awaiting trial on charges she murdered her daughter, Caylee.

Casey and Baez have been seen on numerous occasions hugging each other, holding hands or sitting extremely close. Law enforcement sources said while at the jail, Baez would sit extremely close to Casey. During one visit an officer had to separate the two and warn him about what was called inappropriate behavior.

The jail would only say Baez had violated rules for hugging Casey on two occasions. In an internal email, a corrections officer wrote, “I spoke with Mr. Baez concerning his continued physical contact (hugging) of his client."

A jail spokesman said, "We do not allow contact for security reasons.”

The first time Baez was warned, officials said he told officers he did not know the rules, and was sorry and would make an effort to remember.

The jail email said, “Mr. Baez stated he was upset as he hugs all his clients. He went on to say he would hate for a brief to be filed in order to correct this."

Jail officials said at one time, there was video of the meetings between Baez and Anthony but that video had been recorded over.

The complaint with the Florida Bar was filed by a woman from Indiana who had read about the incident online and felt Baez overstepped his boundaries. The Bar said it would investigate the complaint even though the woman had no involvement in the case. Baez could have his license revoked if the Bar deems the conduct inappropriate but license forfeiture would be extreme in a case such as this

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 03, 2008, 10:09:28 AM
Caylee's Grandparents Holding Onto Hope
Monday, November 03, 2008 8:35:55 AM  

ORLANDO -- The grandparents of Caylee Anthony are holding onto hope that the missing 3-year-old will return home safely, despite Caylee's mother, Casey, being held in jail on murder charges.

The Anthony family held a candlelight vigil Sunday, which has become a weekly event since Caylee was first reported missing in July.

The vigils are now being held at Eastside Baptist Church after they were moved from outside the Anthony family home in east Orange County because of protests against the toddler's mother.

Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, said the vigils have been helping them get through the ordeal.

"No one person can ever get through a tragedy," Cindy Anthony said. "It takes people to join together and give each other support."

The Anthonys held Sunday's vigil in honor of all missing children in Central Florida.

The official search for Caylee, led by the volunteer group Texas EquuSearch, is expected to resume Saturday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: LizzySF on November 03, 2008, 05:18:18 PM

Regarding YM blogging

Mysterious PR man taken off case ::cartwheel::

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 03, 2008, 05:48:33 PM
Convicted Child-Killer Joseph Duncan Gets 6 Life Sentences

Monday, November 03, 2008
BOISE, Idaho —  A federal judge in Idaho has sentenced a convicted child killer to three life prison terms for kidnapping and sexually abusing two children.
Those federal terms imposed Monday are in addition to three more life terms imposed the same day in state court for the murders of the children's mother, her fiance and the children's 13-year-old brother.

Joseph Duncan was sentenced to death in August for the 2005 kidnapping, sexual exploitation and murder of 9-year-old Dylan Groene. The 45-year-old convicted pedophile also kidnapped the boy's younger sister.

Duncan was arrested weeks after the slayings and kidnappings and Dylan's sister was rescued when they turned up in a restaurant at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 03, 2008, 05:53:26 PM
Casey Anthony Detective Told To Stop Blogging About Case

Monday, November 3, 2008 – updated: 5:41 pm EST November 3, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The case against Casey has grown so big, even the lead detective got caught up in the publicity. Eyewitness News has learned Detective Yuri Melich has been reprimanded by his bosses for blogging about the case online.

Melich started blogging when other bloggers started complimenting him. He told bloggers he was sleuthing the web secretly looking for clues in the case. But after he saw a lot of flattering stuff about himself, he posted on as Dick Tracy Orlando to thank bloggers for their kind words.

One blogger on claimed to be the president of the "WWYMD" fan club, meaning "What Would Yuri Melich Do?" One blogger was floored over how awesome Melich's work was after watching the interview Melich did with Casey Anthony's mother a couple of weeks after Casey's arrest.

Bloggers also asked about Melich's leg after seeing him on TV with a crutch. On September 20, he posted as "Dick Tracy Orlando" about how he had broken it in three places during training. He thanked them for their concern, writing, "Thank you for keeping Caylee on the forefront. We are all working for her."

Melich signed off with, "Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers."

Even so, the Anthony family's attorney, Mark NeJame, took issue with it and complained to the sheriff's office. Melich's bosses then told him to stop, concerned that his communications with bloggers would be portrayed as an endorsement of some of the other opinions they expressed against Casey.

Eyewitness News legal analyst William Sheaffer calls the issue a tempest in a teapot, but says the sheriff's office was smart to put an end to it.

"Let's not give the defense or the defense supporters any issues, real or imagined, to work with in this case," he said.

Casey's defense attorney's public relations firm said Monday that "anything on the blogs we don't pay attention to," because they're unreliable.

It probably would backfire on the defense to bring up the bloggers, since many of them believe Casey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee.


Casey Anthony could be back in court in two days. A pre-trial hearing is set for Wednesday morning on charges of check fraud and lying to investigators.

Casey can attend the hearing, but it's unclear if she will. Casey is expected to be tried on those charges in a few weeks.

Her trial on first-degree murder charges in the death of her daughter Caylee is set for January 5.


The mysterious man named Black is off the Casey Anthony case.

Todd Black was hired by Jose Baez's law firm to be a spokesman for Casey's defense team. But, a couple of weeks ago, Black slipped up and admitted on national television that Caylee Anthony is dead.

The case was handed over to another PR worker from the same firm Monday. The firm claimed the decision had nothing to do with Black's performance

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 03, 2008, 06:19:04 PM
Cell Phone Pings Help Track Casey Anthony's Movements Over 3 Days
Caylee Anthony Last Seen In June

POSTED: 1:06 pm EST November 3, 2008
UPDATED: 3:57 pm EST November 3, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone tracked the movements of Casey Anthony, the woman charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee, by using cell phone records.

Caylee was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until a month later. Her mother was first charged with child neglect before being charged with murder.

Pipitone said he tracked Anthony from Monday, June 16 -- the day Caylee was last seen alive -- until Monday, June 30 -- the day Anthony's abandoned car was towed from an Orange County Amscot.

The trunk of Anthony's car had a stench that investigators claim was from Caylee's body, Pipitone reported.

According to records, Anthony's cell phone "pinged" 20 different cell towers 754 times in the two-week period. Each time, her cell phone received or sent a text message or phone call, Pipitone reported.

Ninety-seven percent of the pings were to either her boyfriend's apartment near Winter Park, her friend's home in Orlando -- where she sometimes stayed -- her parents' home off Chickasaw Trail and the Fusian nightclub, where she was photographed partying while Caylee was missing, Pipitone said.

The other 3 percent of the pings -- especially during three days in June -- have raised questions, Pipitone said.

On Monday, June 16, Anthony's father, George Anthony, said he he saw his daughter and granddaughter leave his house at about 1 p.m.

"But if they did leave at that time, the cell records show they did not go far. Casey's cell phone communicated that afternoon through the same three cell towers she could reach from her home," Pipitone said.

At 1 p.m., Anthony made a 14-minute call to her boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro. At 1:44 p.m., she made a 36-minute call to her then-best friend, Amy Huizenga. At 2:52 p.m., there was an 11-minute call with ex-fiance Jesse Grund. All of the calls used cell towers that can be reached from her parents' home, Pipitone said.

But at 4:11 p.m., Anthony began trying to reach her mother, Cindy Anthony, making four attempts in two minutes, according to records. Anthony then traveled north from her parent's home and called Lazzaro for one minute at 4:19 p.m., Pipitone reported. Two minutes later, she talked to Grund for a minute, and tried to call her mother again at 4:25 p.m., Pipitone said.

There was no other communication from Anthony's cell phone until a call was made to Lazzaro's apartment at 5:57 p.m., records show.

Two hours later, Anthony and Lazzaro were captured on surveillance video at a Blockbuster, renting a movie that contains a scene of a rotting body in a car trunk, Pipitone said.

On June 17, Anthony returned to her parents' home around 2:30 p.m., Pipitone reported. At 4 p.m., her phone pinged a tower southwest of the house near Lee Vista Boulevard and South Goldenrod Road, an area where detectives have directed Equusearch volunteers to search for Caylee weeks ago.

At 5:20 p.m., a tower was pinged near Blanchard Park, another site searched in August by Equusearch. Anthony's cell phone went silent from 5:23 p.m. until 8:23 p.m., perhaps prompting investigators to search the area, Pipitone said.

"It was then that Casey's phone pinged a cell tower near boyfriend Tony Laazaro's apartment," Pipitone said. "By then, around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 17, Caylee had not been seen alive for nearly a day and a half. But remember, chemical evidence in the trunk of Casey's car indictaes the decomposing body was there up to two and half days after death, so a key question for anyone looking for Caylee's body (is) 'Where did Casey go next?'"

On Wednesday, June 18, the day Casey's parents' neighbor said Anthony borrowed a shovel and backed her car into the garage, cell phone pings show that Anthony was at or near her parents' home from 2:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m., Pipitone said.

Anthony's phone later pinged a different spot near the Econ Trail, south of Lake Underhill, records show. It's also a location that detectives guided Equusearch volunteers to look for signs of Caylee's body, Pipitone said.

Equusearch will return to that area Nov. 8 to continue the search, Pipitone reported.

Scientific evidence suggests that a body left its chemical signature in the trunk of Anthony's car after decomposing for less than two and a half days, which would be about the same time period between the aforementioned cell phone pings, Pipitone said.

"Circumstantial, but interesting," Pipitone said.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Key Date Investigated

Pipitone sifted through thousands of documents, looking into whether Caylee died on June 16, the key date in the case.

Pipitone said to understand why investigators believe Caylee is dead starts early in the morning of June 16, when Anthony called Lazzaro from her parents' house.

The 80-minute phone call ended at 1:05 a.m., and Anthony then had a conversation via text messages with Lazzaro until Lazzaro called her at 3:08 a.m.

It is not known what was discussed, but less than 10 hours later, Caylee, who was 2 at that time, was seen for the last time by her grandfather, George Anthony, Pipitone reported.

"Ten minutes to 1 (o'clock) that afternoon on the 16th is when I actually saw Casey and Caylee together -- both leaving with backpacks -- and my daughter said she was going to work, and she was taking Caylee to the nanny, to the baby sitter," George Anthony said.

Just before 8 p.m., seven hours after Caylee was last seen alive, Casey Anthony and Lazzaro are seen on surveillance video visiting the Blockbuster store near his apartment on University Boulevard. Caylee is not in the video.

Lazzaro told Local 6 News that he had not seen Caylee at that point for two weeks.

The video is one reason investigators believe June 16 may have been the day Caylee died, Pipitone reported.

"What happened in the next hours is even more intriguing. Tony (Lazzaro) and Casey rented two movies for that night. One one of them (was) "Untraceable," which contains a graphic scene that is even more chilling when you consider where Caylee's body may have been," Pipitone said. "The movie shows an FBI agent being pursued by a sadistic cyber-stalker who pops the trunk of a car and is overcome by the smell of a fly-infested, rotting corpse left by the killer in the trunk of the car."

Investigators believe Caylee's body was left in the trunk of her mother's car, where it decomposed, emitting an odor that Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, identified, Pipitone reported.

"It smells like there's been a damn dead body in the car," Cindy Anthony said in a 911 call.

"Whether the movie scene is a clue to what Casey might have already done or was about to do -- or even where Caylee may have been on the same night they rented that movie -- only Casey can answer that, and she's not talking," Pipitone said.

Pipitone said he will continue to investigate the timeline into the case using cell phone records that show who Casey Anthony was talking to or texting.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 04, 2008, 09:18:34 AM
Anthony’s forced to move search headquarters after vandalism

Last Edited: Monday, 03 Nov 2008, 9:17 PM EST  
Created: Monday, 03 Nov 2008, 8:51 PM EST


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- It's been 110 days since 3 year old Caylee Anthony was reported missing.  Her grandparents still hold out hope she'll be found alive.

But for the 5th time since the little girl disappeared, the grandparents have to move their search headquarters. 

"Right now our focus is on finding Caylee," said Cindy Anthony, the missing girl's grandmother.

Anthony says someone is making that hard for them these days.  They have to leave their fifth location for a sixth.  So far they've been located in two Publix supermarket parking lots, outside of a fruit stand and in a skating rink parking lot. 
VIDEO: --Caylee search headquarters moves again
"Its not just forcing us George and I off with Caylee's stuff,” Anthony said “Its forcing Jennifer Kesse's picture off there, Trenton Ducket's picture, the Bernhards, a lot of other children.”

 The Help Find Caylee headquarters is sponsored by Kidfinders.  So it has pictures of missing children from across the state of Florida. 

Anthony says they are being forced to move their headquarters, because again, their current location is being inundated with complaints. 

"Its multiple calls...multiple e-mails, faxes," said Anthony. 

Anthony said the trouble makers continue until they are asked to move their site.

According to her, they threatened to picket stores.  And Anthony says someone has vandalized the site multiple times. Vandals defaced signs, and put tape all over tables and even a large mobile billboard the family tows around.

The vandalism continues even with big signs posted all over the mobile office that read "YOU ARE BEING VIDEOTAPED BY A REMOTE LOCATION...YOU WILL BE ARRESTED". 

"It's just one more thing we have to deal with,” Anthony said.

Tuesday the KidFinders Network will be signing a lease on a permanent office space for their new headquarters, which will also house the Help Find Caylee commander center.;jsessionid=BDBC09B2AC58CB048EBD8660FFEDBDD0?contentId=7783262&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 04, 2008, 11:18:02 AM
Leonard Padilla and one of his Bounty Hunter teams will arrive at the Orlando International Airport on November 6, 2008 at 4:49p.m. via United Airlines. Leonard will immediately join with Tim Miller of TEXAS EQUUSEARCH in searching for the remains of Caylee Anthony.

Several thousand people have responded to Leonard on the Nancy Grace show and have contacted

EQUUSEARCH to donate money and/or volunteer in the search efforts.


For anyone who will be joining Tim, TES, and is a link to the volunteer form you have to fill out and submit upon arrival.  Given the amount of people showing up, print it out at home/office and fill it in before hand if you can!  Take it with you, save you and them some time.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 04, 2008, 06:03:05 PM
Anthony to have pretrial on check fraud charges   
Last Edited: Tuesday, 04 Nov 2008, 1:01 PM EST   
Created: Tuesday, 04 Nov 2008, 1:01 PM EST 

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- A pretrial is scheduled for Casey Anthony’s check fraud charges Wednesday morning.

Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland will be hearing the case. In September, the State Attorney’s Office officially charged Anthony with three fraudulent use of personal identification charges, three counts of forgery of a check and three charges for uttering a forged check.

The charges were filed after she allegedly stole checks and money from her former friend, Amy Huzienga, in July.

Anthony is not expected to be present in court, but her defense attorney Jose Baez will be.

The pretrial is scheduled for 9 a.m. in courtroom 6-D. Anthony has already entered a written plea of not-guilty on all the charges.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 04, 2008, 06:04:41 PM
George Anthony Seen Near Woods Where Teams Searched For Caylee

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 – updated: 5:24 pm EST November 4, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Caylee Anthony's grandfather is desperate to find his granddaughter. An eyewitness reportedly saw George Anthony standing and staring into the woods near Hoffner Avenue in east Orange County (see map).
Eyewitness News has learned a search team could be looking for the little girl's body in the same place George was spotted. The area has already caught the attention of investigators. It was searched in September when EquuSearch was in town last time.

VIDEO REPORT: WFTV Viewer Spots George In Area Checked During Search

Now, a WFTV viewer says she saw George Anthony at the same spot early in the evening on October 30 looking into the woods. The area is easily accessible by car, yet easy to disappear into and it's less than four miles from where Casey Anthony and Caylee lived with Casey's parents.

The WFTV viewer said she saw Caylee's grandfather George's car parked in the area around 6:15pm on October 30 and that he was staring into the woods. Then she saw him get into his car and drive away. She figured he was looking for Caylee and the information was passed on to law enforcement.

Casey's defense team's public relations representative said they were aware George was there, that it has nothing to do with what the defense is doing and that there might be certain things that involve the case that they can't talk about.

The sheriff's office says tips that fit in with the investigators' timeline of Casey's whereabouts will be investigated and searched and Casey's phone records show that it's one of the areas that she frequented.

EquuSearch is back in town, too, making plans for the next search scheduled to begin on Saturday. EquuSearch said Tuesday it's getting things organized and training the volunteers. They're expected to search for Caylee for three or four days.

One of the areas they'll return to, to finish what they started, is near Orlando International Airport, where a third of the territory they wanted to search was covered in water from Tropical Storm Fay.

Late Tuesday afternoon, Caylee's grandmother Cindy text messaged WFTV reporter Kathi Belich to say George was looking at the woods to scout out another possible location for the KidFinders tent that they take around town asking for donations and tips in the case.


The case against Casey Anthony is headed back to an Orange County courtroom. The pre-trial hearing for check fraud charges against Casey begins Tuesday.

Casey's accused of taking checks from her friend and going on a shopping spree at an Orange County Target.

Casey is not expected to attend the hearing.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 02:07:58 PM
Casey Anthony's attorney asks to put check-fraud case on hold

Updated: 36 minutes ago
Text size: increase text sizedecrease text size
Casey Anthony's attorney asks to put check-fraud case on hold

Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
    11:30 AM EST, November 5, 2008

Casey Anthony's attorney asked a judge this morning to hold off on the check-fraud case against Anthony until after the first-degree murder trial was complete. Anthony, 22, is charged with murder in the death of her missing daughter, who would have turned 3 in August.

This morning, Attorney Jose Baez also waived Anthony's right to a speedy trial in the check-fraud case. Baez wants to deal with the murder case before the check-fraud charges.

She's accused of stealing checks from a friend and buying several items, including groceries and clothes, from local stores. The allegations surfaced during the investigation into her missing daughter.

Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland agreed to continue the check-fraud hearing until next month when another hearing is scheduled for the murder charge.,0,5099137.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 02:11:43 PM
Kid Finders Network Official Search & Volunteer Center
1602 S. Goldenrod Rd.
, Orlando

For further information please call

This Command & Volunteer Center helps provide awareness for Caylee Anthony and all missing children the organization is working on. Fliers, t-shirts, and other search and volunteer items are available at the center. The Kid Finders Command & Volunteer Center is open daily 9am-4p.m.



Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 02:13:54 PM
Casey Anthony's Attorney Wants Trial Postponed
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 – updated: 1:26 pm EST November 5, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The case against Casey Anthony went back to court Wednesday morning, but without Casey Anthony. She did not attend the pre-trial hearing about the check fraud charges against her.

Casey's accused of taking checks from her friend and going on a shopping spree at an Orange County Target.

During the hearing Wednesday morning, the defense told the judge it wants to dedicate its time and resources to Casey's first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse case and also said it's considering asking for a delay in that trial and also possibly for the trial to be moved, but hasn't made those decisions yet.

The defense wants to put off Casey's trial for grand theft and check fraud charges until after the murder trial and seemed to suggest that if Casey's convicted on the more serious charges involving her daughter's death, that the much less serious check charges might not matter anymore.

Prosecutors want to try the check charges first, possibly because the evidence is strong, with videotapes of her using stolen checks; then she might be going into the murder case with convictions on her record.

After the hearing, Casey's defense attorneys said prosecutors are stalling in giving him all the evidence they have against her, particularly the thousands of tips that were called in about Caylee's whereabouts. He said he's gotten less than half of them so far.

"She says she gave the child to a babysitter that no one can find. Doesn't the key lie with her? Why do you need to rely on stranger's tips when she is the one who could really lead you in some direction?" WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked attorney Jose Baez.

"Kathi, I'm not going to discuss theories of defense or anything we plan on bringing out in court. The truth is, under the rules of discovery we're entitled to it," Baez said.

Baez has received more evidence from prosecutors recently, including more cell phone records and investigator interviews. They will be released publicly as soon as Wednesday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 02:21:32 PM
Mother Of Missing Caylee Anthony Seeks Delay In Check-Fraud Case
Casey Anthony, who's accused of killing her 3-year-old daughter, wants to delay her check-fraud case.
PHOTOS: Casey On Surveillance Video

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 02:27:15 PM
Judge: Anthony’s murder case should be heard first

Last Edited: Wednesday, 05 Nov 2008, 11:33 AM EST  
Created: Wednesday, 05 Nov 2008, 11:33 AM EST

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Wednesday morning, the State presented its case against Casey Anthony on grand theft and check fraud charges.

Casey Anthony, who did not appear in court, was represented by her defense attorney Jose Baez. He made a motion to continue the case on the theft charges and also waived his client’s right to a speedy trial.

Baez asked Judge Strickland to consider continuing the theft and fraud case before hearing her first degree murder charge case.

The judge did grant Baez’s motion to continue the case, but said this “judicial economy may be best served by hearing the murder case first,” after the State objected to trying the murder case before the check fraud case.

Strickland also asked the State if they had decided whether or not to seek the death penalty in her murder case and it said it was not; that the decision had not been made yet.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 05:10:13 PM
Attorney seeks to spare Casey Anthony from death penalty
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
4:33 PM EST, November 5, 2008

A Miami lawyer hired by Casey Anthony's defense team gave prosecutors Wednesday a report that outlined why the single mother accused of killing her child should not get the death penalty.

The 30-page packet highlights problems with some of the evidence, defines how details in Anthony's case does not fit the state criteria needed for the death penalty -- a penalty reserved for the worst of the worst homicides.

It touches on Anthony's erratic behavior after her daughter's birth that suggests signs of emotional or mental distress. The report ended with pictures of Anthony during happier times as a child surrounded by her parents and her brother.

"Casey Anthony is a unique individual. A close inspection of her case clearly supports not filing a notice seeking death," attorney Terence Lenamon wrote in a report obtained by the Orlando Sentinel.

The State Attorney's Office would not confirm whether it received the report, which is not public record. Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee Marie, who was reported missing on July 15. The body of Caylee -- who would have turned 3 in August -- has not been found.

Anthony told investigators that she left Caylee with a baby sitter in mid-June. When she returned later that day, both the baby sitter and Caylee were gone. Detectives have not been able to locate the baby sitter and question whether she exists.

Prosecutors have not decided yet whether the state will pursue the death penalty. If they do seek death, the trial will be divided into two sections: the guilt/innocent phase and the sentence phase.

Lenamon's report addresses the sentence phase when the jury hears both why she should and should not get the death penalty.

Some of the reasons outlined against death include: Lenamon pointed out the analysis techniques used on hair and air samples from her trunk to prove decomposition are "novel, experimental, in the early stages of development, inconclusive and high susceptible to mishandling," he wrote. Even if the evidence is enough for a guilty verdict, it would not be enough to support the death penalty, Lenamon wrote.

Details of the Anthony case to do not rise to the level required for the death penalty, he wrote. She doesn't have a criminal record. There is no history of abuse. The crime was not cold, calculated and premeditated. In the months leading up to Caylee's disappearance, Anthony's behavior was described by friends and family as "erratic and not entirely rational."

He wrote that filicide -- the act of a parent killing a child -- is different than other homicides. The underlying reasons why mothers kill are complex and can be divided into various categories. For example, one type is a parent who kills under influence of mental illness. Another type suggests a parent's motive may be to save the child from real or imagined harm.

Juries are more likely to show mothers mercy. He mentioned Andrea Yates – a Texas mother who drowned all five children – was sentenced to life in prison. Susan Smith, the Arkansas mother who pushed her car with her two children inside in a lake, got life in prison.

Lenamon wrote that experts will likely agree that Anthony as "suffering from episodes of extreme emotional distress and disturbance since her daughter's birth." Even the lack of emotion after her child's disappearance and arrest "is not normal," he wrote.

Lenamon also refers to other Orange County cases involving the death of a child. For example, Anita Simmons, who beat her 8-year-old daughter to death, got 42 years in prison.

"A careful consideration of the totality of the circumstances in this case leads to a clear conclusion that a filing a notice of the death penalty is no the right thing to do," he wrote.,0,6113475.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 05:15:07 PM


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 06:10:37 PM
Casey Anthony Check Fraud Pretrial Hearing Begins
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 10:09:56 AM

ORLANDO -- The pretrial hearing in the check fraud case against Casey Anthony began Wednesday morning.

Anthony is accused of writing checks and withdrawing money from Amy Huizenga, a former friend.

Anthony did not appear in court for the hearing, and remains in the Orange County Jail, also charged with first-degree murder in the possible death of her missing 3-year-old daughter, Caylee.

Casey Anthony was seen on surveillance video walking into a Target in Winter Park July 10. About 1 1/2 hours later, she was seen at a Target in Waterford Lakes.

She was also caught on tape withdrawing money from a Bank of America July 15, the day her daughter was first reported missing.

Anthony is due back in court Dec. 11 for a pretrial hearing on the murder charge. See related story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 06:15:03 PM
Baby Photos Of Caylee's Mom Used In Request To Avoid Death Penalty
Woman Charged With Murder In Daughter's Disappearance

POSTED: 11:58 am EST November 5, 2008
UPDATED: 5:36 pm EST November 5, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorneys for Casey Anthony, who has been charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee, are urging state prosecutors not to seek the death penalty in the high-profile case, using baby photos of their client to help their cause, Local 6 News reported.








Caylee was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until a month later. Her mother remains jailed on murder charges.

Local 6 News exclusively obtained the baby photos of Anthony, who is now 22, that will be used by her attorneys in an effort to sway the state from pursuing the death penalty.

The photographs show Anthony as a baby, playing with her brother, Lee, and surrounded by family members.

An experienced defense attorney was recently retained on Anthony's behalf, and he's hoping the photos and his 30-page argument will convince prosectors.

"In this case, no one knows how death might have happened, if at all," stated the document, which was also obtained by Local 6 News. "If death did occur, the death was almost certainly a tragic accident."

Anthony's defense team also raises the possibility that Caylee may have been poisoned by chloroform, saying, "Death may have occurred while the child was sedated or from an unwitting overdose of a sedative."

Anthony's attorneys are also trying to show prosecutors that their client is an unlikely candidate for the death penalty because of her age and lack of a criminal record. Attorneys said the evidence suggests Anthony was a good, loving mother but also a troubled woman, who may be suffering from depression or other mental conditions, Local 6 News reported.

The defense admits that Anthony "spent money she does not have, wrote bad checks, had multiple unstable relationships and participated in risky behavior."

The state attorney has until Nov. 24 to announce whether it will seek the death penalty.

The argument did not mention the baby sitter whom Anthony said she left Caylee with at an apartment complex before never seeing her again.

The argument is not a case strategy, Local 6 News reported, but rather only an attempt to get the death penalty option off the table.

Delay In Other Case Sought

Meanwhile, Anthony's attorneys have also asked a judge to delay her case on check-fraud charges.

Anthony was not present at the hearing on Wednesday. Anthony is charged with forging checks belonging to a friend.

Circuit Judge Stan Strickland has not yet ruled on the request.

Cell Phone Pings Track Casey

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone tracked the movements of Anthony by using cell phone records.

Pipitone said he tracked Anthony from Monday, June 16 -- the day Caylee was last seen alive -- until Monday, June 30 -- the day Anthony's abandoned car was towed from an Orange County Amscot.

The trunk of Anthony's car had a stench that investigators claim was from Caylee's body, Pipitone reported.

According to records, Anthony's cell phone "pinged" 20 different cell towers 754 times in the two-week period. Each time, her cell phone received or sent a text message or phone call, Pipitone reported.

Ninety-seven percent of the pings were to either her boyfriend's apartment near Winter Park, her friend's home in Orlando -- where she sometimes stayed -- her parents' home off Chickasaw Trail and the Fusian nightclub, where she was photographed partying while Caylee was missing, Pipitone said.

The other 3 percent of the pings -- especially during three days in June -- have raised questions, Pipitone said.

On Monday, June 16, Anthony's father, George Anthony, said he he saw his daughter and granddaughter leave his house at about 1 p.m.

"But if they did leave at that time, the cell records show they did not go far. Casey's cell phone communicated that afternoon through the same three cell towers she could reach from her home," Pipitone said.

At 1 p.m., Anthony made a 14-minute call to her boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro. At 1:44 p.m., she made a 36-minute call to her then-best friend, Amy Huizenga. At 2:52 p.m., there was an 11-minute call with ex-fiance Jesse Grund. All of the calls used cell towers that can be reached from her parents' home, Pipitone said.

But at 4:11 p.m., Anthony began trying to reach her mother, Cindy Anthony, making four attempts in two minutes, according to records. Anthony then traveled north from her parent's home and called Lazzaro for one minute at 4:19 p.m., Pipitone reported. Two minutes later, she talked to Grund for a minute, and tried to call her mother again at 4:25 p.m., Pipitone said.

There was no other communication from Anthony's cell phone until a call was made to Lazzaro's apartment at 5:57 p.m., records show.

Two hours later, Anthony and Lazzaro were captured on surveillance video at a Blockbuster, renting a movie that contains a scene of a rotting body in a car trunk, Pipitone said.

On June 17, Anthony returned to her parents' home around 2:30 p.m., Pipitone reported. At 4 p.m., her phone pinged a tower southwest of the house near Lee Vista Boulevard and South Goldenrod Road, an area where detectives have directed Equusearch volunteers to search for Caylee weeks ago.

At 5:20 p.m., a tower was pinged near Blanchard Park, another site searched in August by Equusearch. Anthony's cell phone went silent from 5:23 p.m. until 8:23 p.m., perhaps prompting investigators to search the area, Pipitone said.

"It was then that Casey's phone pinged a cell tower near boyfriend Tony Laazaro's apartment," Pipitone said. "By then, around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 17, Caylee had not been seen alive for nearly a day and a half. But remember, chemical evidence in the trunk of Casey's car indictaes the decomposing body was there up to two and half days after death, so a key question for anyone looking for Caylee's body (is) 'Where did Casey go next?'"

On Wednesday, June 18, the day Casey's parents' neighbor said Anthony borrowed a shovel and backed her car into the garage, cell phone pings show that Anthony was at or near her parents' home from 2:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m., Pipitone said.

Anthony's phone later pinged a different spot near the Econ Trail, south of Lake Underhill, records show. It's also a location that detectives guided Equusearch volunteers to look for signs of Caylee's body, Pipitone said.

Equusearch will return to that area Nov. 8 to continue the search, Pipitone reported.

Scientific evidence suggests that a body left its chemical signature in the trunk of Anthony's car after decomposing for less than two and a half days, which would be about the same time period between the aforementioned cell phone pings, Pipitone said.

"Circumstantial, but interesting," Pipitone said.

Key Date Investigated

Pipitone also sifted through thousands of documents, looking into whether Caylee died on June 16, the key date in the case.

Pipitone said to understand why investigators believe Caylee is dead starts early in the morning of June 16, when Anthony called Lazzaro from her parents' house.

The 80-minute phone call ended at 1:05 a.m., and Anthony then had a conversation via text messages with Lazzaro until Lazzaro called her at 3:08 a.m.

It is not known what was discussed, but less than 10 hours later, Caylee, who was 2 at that time, was seen for the last time by her grandfather, George Anthony, Pipitone reported.

"Ten minutes to 1 (o'clock) that afternoon on the 16th is when I actually saw Casey and Caylee together -- both leaving with backpacks -- and my daughter said she was going to work, and she was taking Caylee to the nanny, to the baby sitter," George Anthony said.

Just before 8 p.m., seven hours after Caylee was last seen alive, Casey Anthony and Lazzaro are seen on surveillance video visiting the Blockbuster store near his apartment on University Boulevard. Caylee is not in the video.

Lazzaro told Local 6 News that he had not seen Caylee at that point for two weeks.

The video is one reason investigators believe June 16 may have been the day Caylee died, Pipitone reported.

"What happened in the next hours is even more intriguing. Tony (Lazzaro) and Casey rented two movies for that night. One one of them (was) "Untraceable," which contains a graphic scene that is even more chilling when you consider where Caylee's body may have been," Pipitone said. "The movie shows an FBI agent being pursued by a sadistic cyber-stalker who pops the trunk of a car and is overcome by the smell of a fly-infested, rotting corpse left by the killer in the trunk of the car."

Investigators believe Caylee's body was left in the trunk of her mother's car, where it decomposed, emitting an odor that Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, identified, Pipitone reported.

"It smells like there's been a damn dead body in the car," Cindy Anthony said in a 911 call.

"Whether the movie scene is a clue to what Casey might have already done or was about to do -- or even where Caylee may have been on the same night they rented that movie -- only Casey can answer that, and she's not talking," Pipitone said.

Pipitone said he will continue to investigate the timeline into the case using cell phone records that show who Casey Anthony was talking to or texting.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 06:40:53 PM
Biggest-Yet Caylee Search Planned
Pretrial Hearing Held In Anthony Case

POSTED: 9:37 am EST November 5, 2008
UPDATED: 5:53 pm EST November 5, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The search for Caylee Anthony is about to kick in to high gear this weekend.

Texas Equusearch is back in town, and they hope to conduct their largest search ever this weekend.

With water levels and temperatures down, the group hopes to attract 3,000 or more volunteers from 30 states to search three main areas beginning Saturday at 8 a.m.

The group has spent the day getting reorganized. They plan to establish a command post near Orlando International Airport in an area where cell phone records show Casey Anthony spent time. They're asking for volunteers to come out with horses, ATVs and boats. They plan to do a lot of water searching using sophisticated sonar equipment.

Equusearch leader, Tim Miller, said the group has been mapping for three weeks and has an incredible set of maps put together.

"What a better gift could this whole county have than some closure in this case. They've been involved with this almost the entire year," Miller said.

At the same time, they said they plan to do a companion search for Jennifer Kesse. The Orlando woman vanished from her condo near the Millenia Mall almost three years ago.

Also on Wednesday, the state attorney's office said technical difficulties are preventing them from releasing 200 pages of new documents in the case against Casey Anthony.

Meanwhile, a pretrial hearing was held for Casey Anthony on check-fraud charges on Wednesday.

Anthony was not required to attend the hearing.

A judge was asked to consider putting aside the check-fraud case until she's faced trial on murder charges involving the death of her daughter. The judge said it would be taken under advisement.

Another pretrial hearing is also scheduled for Dec. 11 in that case.

Prosecutors said they believe they have enough evidence to prove she killed Caylee Anthony even though a body has not been found.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 06:43:08 PM

Search for Caylee starts Saturday  
Last Edited: Wednesday, 05 Nov 2008, 5:00 PM EST 
Created: Wednesday, 05 Nov 2008, 4:53 PM EST 
Where's Caylee? 

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The Texas based Equusearch is back in Orlando to resume their search for Caylee Anthony .

The man in charge of Texas Equusearch, Tim Miller and his team are back in Orlando gearing up for this weekend's search for Caylee and Jennifer Kesse .
With maps and some help from the Orange County Sheriffs office, Tim and his team have identified three key areas to concentrate on. “These three areas where all the phone activity happened. Anywhere from a five to eight mile radius around all three towers and use some common sense on where someone could go and to possibly sump something and get out without being seen.”
Miller had to call off the last search because much of the area they needed to comb through was under water. This time Miller says conditions are right. “Water is way down, its fall, vegetation is starting to die down, another plus for us and we're hoping the weather stays cool...better for searchers.”

So far they have 250 team leaders signed up. Equusearch is expecting thousands of volunteers which Miller says has had him thinking and feeling optimistic. “Maybe it's God's time.  The holidays are right ahead of us.   What better gift to give to this family and this community than bringing this to a close.”

The new command center for Equusearch is at Shadow Ridge and Lee Vista Boulevard. There is training on Friday night from 6pm to 9pm.

The Anthony family has a new command and volunteer center.  The Kid Finders Network Official Search & Volunteer Center is at 1602 S. Goldenrod Road in Orlando. It is open daily 9 a.m.-4p.m.

For further information please call1-877-ONE-LOST

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 05, 2008, 07:25:28 PM
Woman Says Cindy Anthony Threatened Her Over Website
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 – updated: 6:22 pm EST November 5, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Cindy Anthony can't stand to hear that Caylee is dead and, when she saw it online, she tracked down the author and threatened her. The victim remembered every word.

"If I only had the time to meet you face to face, I would definitely kick your ass," the woman said Cindy told her.

The threatening phone call was so disturbing that the victim filed a complaint with deputies. But when Eyewitness News confronted Cindy on Wednesday about her behavior, she denied everything.

Along with the complaint, defense attorney Jose Baez was back in court to deal with the check fraud Casey's accused of.


The woman who runs the website says she feels sorry for the Anthonys. She doesn't know if Caylee is dead or alive, but just wants to help. Cindy Anthony said people are trying to profit off of her granddaughter and she won't tolerate that.

Sunny Welker operates the website Justice For Caylee out of her home. She launched the website to provide a place for people to talk about the case as well as gather information.

"I'm here for the child, not here for anyone else. I'm here to make sure she is brought home," Welker told Eyewitness News on Wednesday.

But then last week, she received a startling phone call. Welker claims Cindy Anthony called her on the phone and started to threaten her because of the website.

"She told me she was very upset and I was impeding the investigation looking for an alive Caylee. My website was getting in the way of that," Welker said. "If I only had the time to meet you face to face, I would definitely kick your ass."

Welker filed a complaint with the Flagler County Sheriff's Office. Eyewitness News talked to Cindy Anthony and she said she never threatened Welker. Anthony said she didn't appreciate Welker making money off of Caylee and was going to have the website shut down. She believes Welker was collecting money on her website selling bumper stickers.

"I explained we were not selling anything on the website. It's there for information and to discuss the case and if they want to help and volunteer there is a link for EquuSearch," Welker said.

The Flagler County Sheriff's Office took the complaint for informational purposes. No crime has been committed.


At first, the tactic was lie, lie, lie. Now, Casey Anthony's defense strategy may be stall, stall, stall.

Her lawyer got a delay Wednesday in Casey's trial on check fraud charges (watch hearing). He may be trying to delay her murder trial, as well.

Casey's defense attorney says he's considering whether to ask the judge to put off her January murder trial and possibly to move it out of town. Jose Baez is accusing prosecutors of stalling in handing over all the evidence they have and is hoping for a hearing to address it.

"We all believe [Caylee is] alive and, if these tips, if there's one credible tip in that 5,000, it's worth us going through them," attorney Jose Baez told Eyewitness News on Wednesday.

The defense is accusing prosecutors of purposely releasing all the psychics' tips first just to make it appear as though there were no credible tips showing Caylee is alive. The Anthonys claims about following her kidnappers and getting closer to finding her don't seem to be panning out.

"She says she gave the child to a babysitter that no one can find. Doesn't the key lie with her? Why do you need to rely on stranger's tips when she is the one who could really lead you in some direction?" WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked attorney Jose Baez (full interview).

"Kathi, I'm not going to discuss theories of defense or anything we plan on bringing out in court. The truth is, under the rules of discovery we're entitled to it," Baez said.

Investigators said the tips are not panning out because Caylee's gone.

"Do you think she's being open and honest with you?" Belich asked Baez.

"I don't think it's wise to make statements about my communication with her," he said.

The defense wants to try the check fraud charges after the murder trial because, Baez said, he wants to focus all his energies on the murder trial. He even came close to suggesting, if she's convicted in the death of her daughter, the check charges could become unimportant. Prosecutors are against that.

The judge said he'll decide next month.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 08:03:09 AM
Report argues against death for Casey Anthony

Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
November 6, 2008  

A Miami lawyer hired by Casey Anthony's defense team gave prosecutors a report Wednesday outlining arguments on why the single mother accused of killing her child should not face the death penalty.

The 30-page packet highlights problems with some of the evidence and describes how aspects of Anthony's case do not fit the state criteria for the death penalty -- a sentence reserved for the worst of the worst homicides.

It touches on Anthony's erratic behavior after her daughter's birth that suggests signs of emotional or mental distress. The report ended with pictures of Anthony during happier times, as a child surrounded by her parents and her brother.

"Casey Anthony is a unique individual. A close inspection of her case clearly supports not filing a notice seeking death," attorney Terence Lenamon wrote in a report obtained by the Orlando Sentinel.

The State Attorney's Office would not confirm whether it had received the report, which is not a public record. Such reports are part of the process prosecutors go through to decide whether they will seek a death sentence or life in prison for a person charged with a capital crime.

The report is not an admission of guilt. The idea is to explore whether facts in the case truly justify the death penalty if a suspect is convicted.

Anthony was charged last month with killing her daughter, Caylee Marie, who was reported missing on July 15. No body has been found, and Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, and family members contend that the child, who would have turned 3 in August, still could be alive.

Anthony told investigators that she left Caylee with a baby sitter in mid-June. When she returned later that day, both the baby sitter and Caylee were gone. Detectives have not been able to locate the baby sitter and doubt she exists.

If prosecutors pursue the death penalty, the trial will be divided into two sections: the guilt/innocent phase and the sentence phase.

Lenamon's report addresses the sentence phase, when the jury hears evidence for and against imposing
the ultimate penalty.

Some of the arguments outlined against death include:

* The techniques used to analyze hair and air samples from the trunk of Anthony's car to prove evidence of a body are "novel, experimental, in the early stages of development, inconclusive and highly susceptible to mishandling," Lenamon wrote. Even if the evidence is enough for a guilty verdict, it would not be enough to support the death penalty, according to the report.

* Details of the Anthony case are insufficient to justify the death penalty, the lawyer wrote. She doesn't have a criminal record. There is no history of child abuse. The crime was not cold, calculated and premeditated. No one knows how death might have happened -- if at all. In the months leading up to Caylee's disappearance, Anthony's behavior was described by friends and family as "erratic and not entirely rational."

* Filicide -- the act of a parent killing a child -- is different from other homicides. The underlying reasons why mothers kill are complex and can be divided into various categories.

* Juries are more likely to show mothers mercy. The report mentions Andrea Yates, a Texas mother who drowned her five children. She was sentenced to life in prison but later sent to a mental hospital. Susan Smith, the South Carolina mother who drowned her two children in a lake, got life in prison.

* Experts will likely agree that Anthony was "suffering from episodes of extreme emotional distress and disturbance since her daughter's birth," the report said. Even the lack of emotion after her child's disappearance and the arrest "is not normal," Lenamon wrote.

* Anita Simmons, an Orange County woman who beat her 8-year-old daughter to death, got 42 years in prison, the report said. Lenamon also cited other examples around that state that also led to life sentences.

"A careful consideration of the totality of the circumstances in this case leads to a clear conclusion that filing a notice of the death penalty is not the right thing to do," he wrote.,0,7406889.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 10:05:35 AM
Defense: If Caylee Is Dead It Was "Almost Certainly" An Accident
Thursday, November 6, 2008 – updated: 9:43 am EST November 6, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Publicly, Casey Anthony's defense team has always insisted that Caylee Anthony is alive, even after Casey was arrested and charged with her daughter Caylee's murder.

"We all believe she's alive," attorney Jose Baez said during a hearing at the Orange County Courthouse on Wednesday.

However, Eyewitness News has learned that, behind the scenes, the defense team sent 30 pages of documents to prosecutors. In those documents, Casey's lawyers argued that if Caylee is dead that it was "almost certainly a tragic accident."

The documents also said Caylee could've been poisoned by chloroform or she could have died while she was sedated. They said the cause of death could have been an unwitting overdose of a sedative.

The defense documents went on to describe Casey as troubled and possibly depressed. They said her behavior had been erratic ever since Caylee's birth and particularly in the months before the little girl's disappearance.

Also, the documents state that Casey's lack of emotion after Caylee's disappearance is proof that she is not normal and could possibly be suffering from mental or emotional stress.

The defense used those documents to argue that the death penalty is not an appropriate sentence in Casey's case, because she is young and she's never had a criminal record. However, the documents never mention Casey's story that a babysitter took Caylee and disappeared with her.

Eyewitness News also learned that dissention among the defense team may be behind the release of those documents. The death penalty-qualified attorney, who is helping Jose Baez, said he wanted Casey to be evaluated by a nationally-known psychologist who was involved in the Unabomber and the Elizabeth Smart cases. The attorney thinks Casey is mentally ill, but Eyewitness News learned Baez rejected his suggestion.

The latest development comes after Eyewitness News caught a major slip-up by Casey's defense team on national TV last month, when a spokesperson for her attorney admitted Caylee Anthony was dead.

"This is a very serious case involving not just the life of a little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony," said Black.

Jose Baez's spokesperson Todd Black made that statement during a phone interview with CNN.

Last week, Baez replaced Black on his defense team with another spokesperson.


Organizers for the Texas based group EquuSearch were back in Central Florida Thursday preparing for the latest search for Caylee Anthony's remains. EquuSearch expects nearly 5,000 people to show up for Saturday's search effort.

The team hopes to find Caylee and, Wednesday night, they unloaded supplies and maps. The search team tried in October to search for the little girl, but Tropical Storm Fay brought too much water and hindered the search efforts.

"Water has receded and vegetation has died off and we think that's going to greatly improve our ability to search the area," said Texas EquuSearch worker Mandy Albritton.

On Saturday, when teams start the new search, crews will be searching on foot, using ATVs and horses. The area they'll focus on is near the Orlando International Airport, because records show Casey Anthony used her cell phone in that area during the time that her daughter disappeared.

"We're hoping to have the largest search in national history," Albritton said.


California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla told CNN's Nancy Grace that he thinks Anthony's lawyers are creating a defense before EquuSearch resumes their search for Caylee's body on Saturday.

"The notation about if there was a death or if it was accidental doesn't surprise me at all. They know we are going to find the body by Monday and at that time all bets are off. The state prosecutor doesn't have to make a deal," Padilla said.

Padilla plans to be a part of the search team on Saturday.


Cindy Anthony can't stand to hear that Caylee is dead and when she saw it online, she tracked down the author and threatened her. The victim remembered every word.

"If I only had the time to meet you face to face, I would definitely kick your ass," the woman said Cindy told her.

The threatening phone call from Cindy was so disturbing that the victim filed a complaint with deputies. But when Eyewitness News confronted Cindy on Wednesday about her behavior, she denied everything.

Sunny Welker operates a website, "Justice For Caylee," out of her home. She launched the website to provide a place for people to talk about the case, as well as gather information.

"I'm here for the child, not here for anyone else. I'm here to make sure she is brought home," Welker told Eyewitness News on Wednesday.

But then last week, she received a startling phone call. Welker claims Cindy Anthony called her on the phone and started to threaten her because of the website.

"She told me she was very upset and I was impeding the investigation looking for an alive Caylee. My website was getting in the way of that," Welker said. "If I only had the time to meet you face to face, I would definitely kick your ass."

Welker filed a complaint with the Flagler County Sheriff's Office. Eyewitness News talked to Cindy Anthony and she said she never threatened Welker. Anthony said she didn't appreciate Welker making money off of Caylee and was going to have the website shut down. She believes Welker was collecting money on her website selling bumper stickers.

"I explained we were not selling anything on the website. It's there for information and to discuss the case and if they want to help and volunteer there is a link for EquuSearch," Welker said.

The Flagler County Sheriff's Office took the complaint for informational purposes. No crime has been committed.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 10:11:53 AM
More documents released in Casey Anthony case

Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
9:52 AM EST, November 6, 2008  

More than 500 pages of legal documents were just released by the State Attorney's Office as part of the Casey Anthony case.

Included in the documents are transcribed interviews of Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony; her most recent boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro; and friends Ricardo Morales and Amy Huizenga.

Other items included are AirTran flight records and toll records.

The Orlando Sentinel is reviewing the records. Check back for updates.,0,5488005.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 02:23:58 PM
Hundreds of pages of Discovery released  

Last Edited: Thursday, 06 Nov 2008, 10:48 AM EST
Created: Thursday, 06 Nov 2008, 10:36 AM EST

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The State Attorney's Office has released hundreds of additional documents related to the case against 22-year-old Casey Anthony.

The Discovery includes taped transcripts of interviews with Casey's former best friend, Amy Huzienga and her father, George Anthony.

There are also documents from an Airtran flight out of Orlando where a person reported seeing missing 3-year-old Caylee.

The FOX 35 Web Team is making all these documents available to the public. Continue to check back as we process these pages.

Taped transcript of Amy Huzienga on July 16, 2008

Taped transcript of George Anthony on July 24, 2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 02:25:32 PM
Here's a couple of things released by FoxNews so far of the doc dump:

Taped transcript of Amy Huzienga on July 16, 2008

Taped transcript of George Anthony on July 24, 2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 02:28:28 PM
Highlights posted so far:

More documents released in Casey Anthony case

Amy L. Edwards, Walter Pacheco

Sentinel Staff Writer

12:01 PM EST, November 6, 2008

Highlights from George Anthony's June 24 interview with two sheriff's detectives 12 p.m. Transcripts of the interview show that George Anthony told the detectives: "Where this is leading I don't want to think about it. I don't want to think about that but I had bad vibes the very first day when I got that car….I don't want to believe that I have raised someone, and brought someone in this world that could do something to another person."

Anthony spoke about the pungent smell that came from Casey's Pontiac Sunfire the day he picked it up from the wrecker-yard. Detective Yuri Melich asked Anthony to discuss what he initially told him about the odor.

"I believe that there's something dead back there," Anthony said. "And I hate to say the word human….I mean that law enforcement stuff that I did, we caught people out in the woods, in a house, in a, in a car. So I know what it smells like. It's a smell that you never…never get rid of."

Anthony continued, "When I first went there to pick up that vehicle I got within three feet of it I could smell something. You look up and you say, please don't let this be. Please don't let this be."

Anthony said he opened the car door and knew something was wrong. As he walked around the car to look inside the trunk, Anthony told detectives, "I think I whispered out to myself 'Please don't let this be my Caylee.' That's what I thought. That's what I, my heart was saying."

When Anthony and the wrecker employee opened the trunk, Anthony said he saw the garbage bag and a stain. Anthony said the stain was about the size of a basketball.

Anthony said the car smelled so bad he didn't know how we was going to drive it home. "I couldn't freaking breath (sic)," he said.

When Anthony got the car home and pulled into the garage, he said Cindy said, "Jesus Christ what died?"

"But then she said it in a way, she says, 'George, it was the pizza, right?' And I said, 'Yeah (affirmative), it was the pizza.' And that's what I left it go at that, but. I'm sitting here as the grandfather, as the father, as George Anthony and as a guy who smelled the smell before years ago and you just never forget it. I even stuck my nose down on it and I'm, I'm concerned."

Detectives asked Anthony what he thought may have happened. Anthony brought up their above-ground swimming pool. Anthony said he and Cindy are "very religious" about keeping their gate closed and taking the ladder up.

Anthony told detectives about a day in June when Cindy called and told him the side gate was open and the pool ladder was up. Anthony said he told his wife he always shuts the gate and wouldn't have put the ladder on.

Alleged crash in Tampa involving Zenaida Gonzalez never occured
11:40 a.m. Casey Anthony had told her mother that Zenaida Gonzalez had been involved in a crash in Tampa in mid-June as was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Her mother, Cindy Anthony, doubted the story. Tampa police searched crash reports and could not locate a crash involving Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez during that time, the State Attorney's Office records show.

A check of local hospitals also turned up nothing on a patient admitted under that name.

Three women matching the name were found in the area and their information was turned over to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Anthony had told her mother in June that she was driving behind Gonzalez on their way back home from Tampa and that Gonzalez - who was transporting Caylee Marie and another child - had a car accident on Interstate 4. Gonzalez had to be taken to the hospital, Anthony said. She told her mother she had stayed with Gonzalez until she recovered.

More reports of Casey Anthony behaving "normally" while her daughter was missing
11:35 a.m. Casey Anthony's friend, Dante Salati, told lead investigator John Allen that he and Anthony had gone out with several friends to Miller's Ale House, off Alafaya Trail, on July 1 - after Caylee Marie had disappeared.

Anthony never mentioned Caylee Marie during dinner, Salati said.

Salati also told detectives he lives at Sawgrass Apartments, the same residential complex the Anthony claimed she left Caylee Marie at with a babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez.

Allen asked if Salati had heard Anthony mention Gonzalez, due to the proximity of his apartment to where she reported Gonzalez lived. Salati said Anthony never mentioned a babysitter. He also said he never met anyone matching Gonzalez's description.

Cindy Anthony asks: How quickly would you stop looking for someone you loved?
11:23 a.m. The grandmother of missing Caylee Marie reaffirms that she is prepared for the worst, but maintains hope that her granddaughter is still alive.

"I feel that a good attorney will plan for the worse case scenario and hope for the best," she said in a statement released by Anthony family spokesman, Larry Garrison. "The defense and the family will never give up on looking for Caylee. We continue to believe she is alive, and so should everyone else who has a conscience."

DCF officials said Caylee Marie's safety "critically at risk"
10 a.m. Department of Children and Family records released today by the State Attorney's Office show that officials determined the missing girl's overall safety was at risk.

Casey Anthony "has lied to the police and refused to cooperate. The welfare of the child is critically at risk," the report shows.

State Attorney's Office released more documents on the Casey Anthony investigation
9:50 a.m. More than 500 pages of legal documents were just released by the State Attorney's Office as part of the Casey Anthony case.

Included in the documents are transcribed interviews of Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony; her most recent boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro; and friends Ricardo Morales and Amy Huizenga.

Other items included are AirTran flight records and toll records.

The Orlando Sentinel is reviewing the records. Check back for updat,0,5488005.story?page=2

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 02:49:56 PM
Casey Anthony tells DCF workers that investigators will not make her confess

Sarah Lundy, Amy L. Edwards, Walter Pacheco

Sentinel Staff Writers

1:34 PM EST, November 6, 2008

Casey Anthony's interview at jail and home with DCF workers
1:30 p.m. On Aug. 25, Department of Children and Families investigator William Procknow met with Casey Anthony and her mother, Cindy Anthony, at their home on Hopespring Drive. Casey Anthony greeted Procknow with a smile and sat down with him in the dining room.

The meeting was to go over the allegations of maltreatment, inadequate supervision and threatened harm -- accusations reported to DCF.

Anthony told him that she looked forward to telling her side of the story to someone other than her family and law enforcement. Cindy Anthony began talking when Casey stopped her, saying this was her chance to speak.

Casey went on to describe how she left her child with babysitter Zenaida Gonzales so she could work. She said despite what the sheriff's office has reported, she is a seasonal worker at Universal Studios in the event department.

When the investigator inquired about the babysitter, Casey Anthony said she couldn't reveal more because of her criminal case.

She described how she met Caylee's father in middle school and said his name was Eric. He and his family moved to Kentucky where he later died in a car crash. She refused to give his last name to protect his family's privacy.

Casey talked about the psychological testing that was done at the jail. She said she was told that "everything was normal" and she has never been diagnosed with any mental health conditions.

When talking about the case, she vowed that she is innocent and did not do anything to her child. She said the sheriff's office is trying to "break her and make her confess to something she did not do."

She repeated several times that authorities would not "break her and she and her attorney are confident going to trial."

Throughout the meeting, Procknow noticed she appeared detached emotionally, appearing "very cool and smooth" and spoke with conviction and confidence.

On Sept. 4, Procknow and another DCF worker met with Casey at the Orange County Jail. She told the child protection workers that the sheriff's office is spending more time trying to find her guilty without any evidence instead of searching for Caylee.

One of the workers mentioned that Sheriff Kevin Beary was on the news recently, saying he was offering more money to help the group EquuSearch look for the toddler.

"She stated she is aware of the group, but hasn't seen the news recently. She stated that as a mother she would have a knowing feeling inside if something bad happened to Caylee and that her mother, Cindy, had the same type of feeling about her and her brother growing up," Procknow wrote in the report.

During their conversation, the investigators noted Anthony referred to Caylee as "that child," suggesting some form of detachment.,0,5488005.story   

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 02:51:02 PM
Sunpass = Toll Road Pass

From the documents released:








Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 02:57:44 PM

Partial Skeletal Remains Found In Woods
Bones Appear To Be From Human, Deputies Say

POSTED: 1:42 pm EST November 6, 2008
UPDATED: 1:47 pm EST November 6, 2008

DELTONA, Fla. -- Two teenagers discovered a skull and other human remains Thursday morning while walking in a wooded area in Deltona, sheriff's deputies said.

The remains were found about 150 yards into the woods off Alex Lane around 11:30 a.m., according to the Volusia County Sheriff's Office.

The remains appear to be that of an adult, deputies said.

Sheriff's investigators are gathering up the bones and searching for clothing, personal items or anything else that might provide clues to the identity of the victim and the cause of death.

The remains will be turned over to the Volusia County Medical Examiner's Office, which assist in the investigation.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 03:21:10 PM
Casey Anthony's Employment Information
November 6, 2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 03:21:53 PM
Casey Anthony partying at Fusian Ultra Lounge June 13, 2008
November 6, 2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 03:22:26 PM
Child Neglect Investigation
November 6, 2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 03:23:41 PM
Casey Anthony at Fusian Ultra Lounge June 13, 2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 03:25:18 PM
Investigation documents in the Casey Anthony case
Forensic Evidence released in the case against Casey Anthony

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 03:26:57 PM
Taped transcript of George Anthony on August 4, 2008
Taped transcript of George Anthony on July 24, 2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 03:27:54 PM
Media reports about the Casey Anthony case

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 03:49:57 PM
George Anthony Told Investigators He Had "Bad Vibes"

Thursday, November 6, 2008 – updated: 3:17 pm EST November 6, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- New documents were released Thursday in the case against Casey Anthony that reveal what George and Cindy Anthony told investigators in the hours and days after Caylee Anthony was reported missing.

The State Attorney's Office released 500 pages of new documents in the case Thursday and they show that George Anthony told investigators he felt something was wrong from the very beginning. The documents focus a lot on interviews George and Cindy Anthony did with sheriff's deputies.

TEAM COVERAGE: New Documents In Casey Case
ARCHIVE: Read Previous Reports On Anthony Case

When sheriff's investigators questioned Casey's father George nine days after Caylee was reported missing, George told them he had "bad vibes" the very first day he got his car back and smelled the smell in the trunk, a smell, he said as a former law enforcement officer, he knows and would never forget.

Casey's father George told investigators, "I don't want to believe that I have, have raised someone and brought someone in this world that could do something to another person. I don't want to believe that."

George also told them, "I, I, I believe that there's someone dead back there and I hate to say the word human. Um, I hate to say that."

George told them, when he opened the trunk of the car, he said to himself, "Please don't let this be my Caylee."

George told investigators his daughter Casey lives on the edge, that she takes things as far as she can take them and then she piles on more. He said they caught her in lies about work and money and said she's really good with computers.

George also told sheriff's investigators that the very first night they found out Caylee was missing, Cindy told him, "We lost her. We lost her." When he asked who, she said "Caylee."

Casey spent the Tuesday through Saturday around the 4th of July with Amy Huizenga, her former best friend. She told Amy that Caylee was at the beach with the nanny and with Cindy, but no one's met the nanny.

Amy also told investigators that Casey made up a story that she saw Amy counting money while she was sound asleep. Amy later figured out that $400 was missing and never could find it.

Not only did Casey Anthony lie to her family, friends and investigators, George says she lied to her attorney Jose Baez. She told him she had $5,000, even though she didn't and then she told him that he'd get the rest after she gets out of the situation.


Cindy Anthony is reacting to defense attorneys' claims that her granddaughter may have died from an accidental overdose.

In a statement released Thursday, she wrote:

"I feel that a good attorney will plan for the worse case scenario and hope for the best. I know that Casey's attorneys know that she is innocent, but they cannot ignore how the media has already spun the facts and convicted her.

"Casey has been severely attacked by the media since she was first arrested, and anyone would be a fool to ignore that. All of the negative spin has done her an injustice. Just look at what it has done for poor Caylee. The media already has given up on looking for this child, when there is simply no credible or concrete evidence to prove that she is dead.

"The defense and the family will never give up on looking for Caylee. We continue to believe she is alive, and so should everyone else who has a conscience. I would ask anyone to ask themselves just how quick would they stop looking for someone that they loved?"

Casey Anthony's attorneys have claimed little Caylee was simply missing. But in a 30-page document to prosecutors, the defense argued if Caylee is dead then it was almost certainly an accident. The change may be a possible attempt to spare their client from the death penalty.


Publicly, Casey Anthony's defense team has always insisted that Caylee Anthony is alive, even after Casey was arrested and charged with her daughter Caylee's murder.

"We all believe she's alive," attorney Jose Baez said during a hearing at the Orange County Courthouse on Wednesday.

However, Eyewitness News has learned that, behind the scenes, the defense team sent 30 pages of documents to prosecutors. In those documents, Casey's lawyers argued that if Caylee is dead that it was "almost certainly a tragic accident."

The documents also said Caylee could've been poisoned by chloroform or she could have died while she was sedated. They said the cause of death could have been an unwitting overdose of a sedative.

The defense documents went on to describe Casey as troubled and possibly depressed. They said her behavior had been erratic ever since Caylee's birth and particularly in the months before the little girl's disappearance.

Also, the documents state that Casey's lack of emotion after Caylee's disappearance is proof that she is not normal and could possibly be suffering from mental or emotional stress.

The defense used those documents to argue that the death penalty is not an appropriate sentence in Casey's case, because she is young and she's never had a criminal record. However, the documents never mention Casey's story that a babysitter took Caylee and disappeared with her.

Eyewitness News also learned that dissention among the defense team may be behind the release of those documents. The death penalty-qualified attorney, who is helping Jose Baez, said he wanted Casey to be evaluated by a nationally-known psychologist who was involved in the Unabomber and the Elizabeth Smart cases. The attorney thinks Casey is mentally ill, but Eyewitness News learned Baez rejected his suggestion.

The latest development comes after Eyewitness News caught a major slip-up by Casey's defense team on national TV last month, when a spokesperson for her attorney admitted Caylee Anthony was dead.

"This is a very serious case involving not just the life of a little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony," said Black.

Jose Baez's spokesperson Todd Black made that statement during a phone interview with CNN.

Last week, Baez replaced Black on his defense team with another spokesperson.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 04:19:18 PM
Prosecutors: No Death Penalty For Casey Anthony
Source: Not Enough Aggravating Factors To Make Case[/color]

POSTED: 3:57 pm EST November 6, 2008

Prosecutors say they do not have enough evidence to seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony, who is accused of killing her daughter, Caylee, WESH 2 News learned on Thursday.

A source at the Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s Office told WESH 2 News reporter Bob Kealing on Thursday that prosecutors have decided there are not enough "aggravating factors" to pursue the death penalty.

A defense attorney sent prosecutors a report outlining why the state should not seek a death sentence against Casey Anthony, who faces trial on first-degree murder 

and other charges.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 04:55:38 PM
Casey Death Case Hard To Make At This Time
Aggravating Factors Required To Get Death Sentence

POSTED: 3:57 pm EST November 6, 2008
UPDATED: 4:47 pm EST November 6, 2008

Prosecutors say they don’t know if they have enough evidence to seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony, who is accused of killing her daughter, Caylee, WESH 2 News learned on Thursday.

A spokesman at the Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s Office told WESH 2 News reporter Bob Kealing on Thursday that prosecutors have not taken the death penalty off the table, because the case is still developing and they hope to find Caylee’s body.

A defense attorney sent prosecutors a report outlining why the state should not seek a death sentence against Casey Anthony, who faces trial on first-degree murder   

and other charges.

on the same day prosecutors released more than 500 pages of evidence against Casey Anthony. The documents include an investigator’s interview with her father, George, in which he says he confronted Casey Anthony about her daughter’s whereabouts three weeks before she was reported missing. Read more in Casey Anthony blog.

The stack of documents includes some previously released material, such as FBI reports about hair and air samples from Casey Anthony’s car that indicated human decomposition.

Casey Anthony is being held in Orange County Jail without bond. Her trial is scheduled to start in January.

Caylee Anthony has not been seen since June, and prosecutors face trying Anthony without a body.

There are various aggravating factors that are considered in Florida death penalty cases. These, according to the Death Penalty Information Center, include that the murder:

- Was heinous, atrocious, cruel, or depraved.

- Involved substantial planning and premeditation.

- Was committed without pretense of moral or legal justification.

- Was committed by a person with previous felonies, or happened while another felony was being committed.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 05:44:17 PM

Prosecutors in the case against Casey filed a motion to "shut up" Jose Baez and the Anthony family (read motion).

The state attorney is asking for a gag order on several key players in the case, saying that attorney Jose Baez has "succumbed to the lure of the national spotlight" and frequently expresses his opinion about the case.

They also accuse the Anthony family of turning every opportunity to talk about Caylee into an attack on the prosecution.

A judge will consider the request on Monday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 06, 2008, 07:48:40 PM
Hundreds of pages of Discovery released

Last Edited: Thursday, 06 Nov 2008, 5:12 PM EST  
Created: Thursday, 06 Nov 2008, 10:36 AM EST

Where's Caylee

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The State Attorney's Office has released hundreds of additional documents related to the case against 22-year-old Casey Anthony  and her missing daughter Caylee .

The Discovery includes taped transcripts of interviews with Casey's former best friend, Amy Huzienga and her father, George Anthony.

Taped transcript of Amy Huzienga on July 16, 2008

In a sit down interview with the two men leading the investigation into Caylee's disappearance, George Anthony told detectives his daughters trunk smelled like there had been a dead body in there. He went on to ask them if they found something to let him know because he'd want to be the one to break the news to his wife Cindy and son Lee.
Taped transcript of George Anthony on July 24, 2008

Taped transcript of George Anthony on August 4, 2008

"Deep in my heart and my gut and my brain I know it…I don't want to think about that but I had bad vibes the very first day that I got that. I can be straight with you guys and that I hope it stays in the confines of us three.  I don't want to believe that I have raised someone and brought someone in this world that could do something to another person."

Forensic Evidence released in the case against Casey Anthony

George Anthony tells investigators what was going through his mind the day he went to the impound lot to pick up this white Pontia  his daughter Casey abandoned. The grandfather tells detectives he knows what a dead body smells like.

"I've been around that stuff I mean the law enforcement stuff, we caught people out in the woods, out in a house in a car. So I know what it smells like. It’s a smell that you never...get rid of.  When I first went there to pick up that vehicle I got within three feet of it I could smell something. 

He says he was so afraid to open the trunk...he asked the tow yard attendant to stand with him...

"I said, Please don't let this be what I think it is." 
"Please don't let this by my Caylee." 
"That's what I thought. That's what I, my heart was saying."   

George went on to talk about a bag full of junk that was in the trunk as well as a large stain that he said was the size of a basketball. The stain in that trunk was one of the things tested by the FBI and the results came back positive for signs of human decomposition.

AirTran flight

There are also documents from an Airtran flight out of Orlando where a person reported seeing missing 3-year-old Caylee. 

Flight records of Airtran Flight #862 on July 2, 2008

Flight records of Airtran Flight #862 on July 2, 2008 - Set 2

Flight records of Airtran Flight #862 on July 2, 2008 - Set 3

Flight records of Airtran Flight #862 on July 2, 2008 - Set 4

Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez

All along Casey Anthony has insisted she left Caylee with the babysitter Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.

Casey said Zenaida had been watching Caylee for more than a year. At one point during the time Caylee and Casey were gone, Casey told her mother a story about how she and a friend were in Tampa with Zenaida  when Zenaida  got into a serious car crash.

Included in the released documents are Tampa Police reports that show investigators went to Tampa General to look for any record of Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez. They didn't find any.
Various investigation documents in the Casey Anthony case

Casey Anthony at Fusian Ultra Lounge June 13, 2008

Casey Anthony's Employment Information

Child neglect investigation

Casey Anthony's E-pass records

Media Reports
There are various media reports including a subpoena to a blog posting here on My FOX

Media reports about the Casey Anthony case

Motion Hearing

On Monday a hearing will be held in front of Circuit Judge Stan Strickland at 1:30 p.m. on a number of motions filed by Casey Anthony’s attorney Jose Baez.

Judge Strickland will hear the following motions:
 (Click hear to read the motions)

Motion Concerning Extra-Judical Comments

Motion to Compel Tips Gathered by Law Enforcement

Motion to Compel Crime Scene Investigation Reports and Photos

Motion to Compel Reports and Communications

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 07, 2008, 09:27:02 AM
Mental Illness May Determine Fate Of Mother Of Missing Caylee Anthony
Woman Charged With 1st-Degree Murder

POSTED: 9:13 pm EST November 6, 2008
UPDATED: 11:05 pm EST November 6, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The mental health of Casey Anthony, who has been charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee, could be the key to determining her fate, according to a Local 6 News report.

Anthony, 22, remains jailed and is scheduled to go to trial in January. Caylee was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until a month later.

Anthony has undergone two psychological evaluations, but the reports have been sealed by the judge who ordered the tests after Anthony's arrest in July.

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone interviewed Lake Mary psychiatrist Dr. Ryan Hall, who has not examined Anthony and could not comment to her specifically, but he has studied women who have killed and their motivations for the killings.

"You have to look at the motivation -- why they're doing -- why they think they have to (kill their own child)," Hall said.

Psychiatrists focus on five general reasons, Hall said.

Altruistic, which was explained as the person doing the child a favor.

Psychotic, when the killer is having hallucinations or delusions.

Accidental, which usually result from abuse.

Revenge, getting back at someone, usually a spouse or the child's parent.

Unwanted child.

Hall said that only in extreme cases can the killer be found not criminally responsible for the death.

"You have to have a severe mental illness, and two -- due to the severe mental illness -- you have to not realize what you were doing was wrong," Hall said.

Andrea Yates, the Texas mother who is in a psychiatric hospital after drowning her five children because she said she was battling Satan before calmly reporting the deaths to police, is an example of that type of person, Local 6 News reported.

Pipitone said the prosecution of Anthony thus far seems closer to that of Susan Smith, who let a car containing her two children roll into a lake, where they drowned. Smith blamed carjackers who never existed, and she's serving a life sentence in South Carolina.

"She was interested in an individual, (and) he said he didn't want to be with a single mother. She killed her two kids. There was concealment, it was planned out, she made false statements to police, she was trying to avoid detection (and) she knew what she'd done was wrong," Hall said.

Investigators believe Anthony is concealing the location of her daughter's body.

"No more lies. No more bull coming out of your mouth. We've been very respectful. We're taking our time and talking to you, but we're tired of all the lies. No more lies. What happened to Caylee?" Orange County sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich said in a July interview at Universal, where Anthony had said she worked.

"I don't know," Anthony said.

"You do know," Melich replied.

"I don't know," Anthony repeated.

"What happened to Caylee?" Melich asked.

"I don't know where she is. That's the God's honest truth," Anthony said.

If Anthony were delusional, she would really believe that she worked at Universal and left Caylee with an imaginary baby sitter, Pipitone said. The state claims that Anthony is lying.

Psychiatrists, like Hall, routinely determine whether someone is delusional or simply deceptive.

"You have to look at what the motivation is there. Is it that they don't want to admit they're really unemployed? Do they have to let people think they're greater than they are? So there could be personality factors, (a) need for narcissism, needs to seem greater than they are. Or they could be trying to hide embarrassment or shame," Hall said.

If Anthony has no severe mental illness, there's no way she can avoid prison, if convicted, Local 6 News reported.

"People found insane go to the state mental hospital, but that's reserved for truly psychotic people. Casey just doesn't seem to fit that bill," Pipitone said. "She's not been convicted of anything, but clearly she has issues that could lead to the death penalty being taken off the table or mitigate against a death sentence if she ever were convicted."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 07, 2008, 09:40:33 AM
Casey Anthony told DCF workers that investigators will not make her confess

Sarah Lundy, Amy L. Edwards, Walter Pacheco | Sentinel Staff Writers
3:35 PM EST, November 6, 2008

Casey Anthony's attorney wants access to tips, information
3:30 p.m. Casey Anthony's attorney filed three motions in Orange County court this week to compel investigators to turn over tips about the whereabouts of missing Caylee Marie as well as crime scene photos and investigative reports. He also wants information from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which conducted forensic testing on hair and air samples taken from Anthony's car.

There are an estimated 4,500 tips regarding tips in the disappearance of Caylee Marie that have not been delivered to the defense.

Jose Baez, who is representing Casey Anthony in the first-degree murder charge against her, asked a judge to expedite the delivery.


Prosecutors turned over roughly 450 tips to the law firm on Oct. 27, which were mostly made up of calls from psychics. The next batch was to have been delivered on Nov. 4, but investigators pushed the delivery date back to Nov. 7, according to the motion.

Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland will preside over the hearing for the motions on Monday, Nov. 10 at 1:30 p.m. No hearing dates have been scheduled for the other two motions

Casey Anthony's interview at jail and home with DCF workers
1:30 p.m. On Aug. 25, Department of Children and Families investigator William Procknow met with Casey Anthony and her mother, Cindy Anthony, at their home on Hopespring Drive. Casey Anthony greeted Procknow with a smile and sat down with him in the dining room.

The meeting was to go over the allegations of maltreatment, inadequate supervision and threatened harm -- accusations reported to DCF.

Anthony told him that she looked forward to telling her side of the story to someone other than her family and law enforcement. Cindy Anthony began talking then Casey stopped her, saying this was her chance to speak.

Casey went on to describe how she left her child with babysitter Zenaida Gonzales so she could work. She said despite what the sheriff's office has reported, she is a seasonal worker at Universal Studios in the event department.

When the investigator inquired about the babysitter, Casey Anthony said she couldn't reveal more because of her criminal case.

She described how she met Caylee's father in middle school and said his name was Eric. He and his family moved to Kentucky where he later died in a car crash. She refused to give his last name to protect his family's privacy.

Casey talked about the psychological testing that was done at the jail. She said she was told that "everything was normal" and she has never been diagnosed with any mental health conditions.

When talking about the case, she vowed that she is innocent and did not do anything to her child. She said the sheriff's office is trying to "break her and make her confess to something she did not do."

She repeated several times that authorities would not "break her and she and her attorney are confident going to trial."

Throughout the meeting, Procknow noticed she appeared detached emotionally, appearing "very cool and smooth" and spoke with conviction and confidence.

On Sept. 4, Procknow and another DCF worker met with Casey at the Orange County Jail. She told the child protection workers that the sheriff's office is spending more time trying to find her guilty without any evidence instead of searching for Caylee.

One of the workers mentioned that Sheriff Kevin Beary was on the news recently, saying he was offering more money to help the group EquuSearch look for the toddler.

"She stated she is aware of the group, but hasn't seen the news recently. She stated that as a mother she would have a knowing feeling inside if something bad happened to Caylee and that her mother, Cindy, had the same type of feeling about her and her brother growing up," Procknow wrote in the report.

During their conversation, the investigators noted Anthony referred to Caylee as "that child," suggesting some form of detachment.

Highlights from George Anthony's June 24 interview with two sheriff's detectives
12 p.m. Transcripts of the interview show that George Anthony told the detectives: "Where this is leading I don't want to think about it. I don't want to think about that but I had bad vibes the very first day when I got that car ... I don't want to believe that I have raised someone, and brought someone in this world that could do something to another person."

Anthony spoke about the pungent smell that came from Casey's Pontiac Sunfire the day he picked it up from the wrecker-yard. Detective Yuri Melich asked Anthony to discuss what he initially told him about the odor.

"I believe that there's something dead back there," Anthony said. "And I hate to say the word human ... I mean that law enforcement stuff that I did, we caught people out in the woods, in a house, in a, in a car. So I know what it smells like. It's a smell that you never ... never get rid of."

Anthony continued, "When I first went there to pick up that vehicle I got within three feet of it I could smell something. You look up and you say, please don't let this be. Please don't let this be."

Anthony said he opened the car door and knew something was wrong. As he walked around the car to look inside the trunk, Anthony told detectives, "I think I whispered out to myself 'Please don't let this be my Caylee.' That's what I thought. That's what I, my heart was saying."

When Anthony and the wrecker employee opened the trunk, Anthony said he saw the garbage bag and a stain. Anthony said the stain was about the size of a basketball.

Anthony said the car smelled so bad he didn't know how we was going to drive it home. "I couldn't freaking breath (sic)," he said.

When Anthony got the car home and pulled into the garage, he said Cindy said, "Jesus Christ what died?"

"But then she said it in a way, she says, 'George, it was the pizza, right?' And I said, 'Yeah (affirmative), it was the pizza.' And that's what I left it go at that, but. I'm sitting here as the grandfather, as the father, as George Anthony and as a guy who smelled the smell before years ago and you just never forget it. I even stuck my nose down on it and I'm, I'm concerned."

Detectives asked Anthony what he thought may have happened. Anthony brought up their above-ground swimming pool. Anthony said he and Cindy are "very religious" about keeping their gate closed and taking the ladder up.

Anthony told detectives about a day in June when Cindy called and told him the side gate was open and the pool ladder was up. Anthony said he told his wife he always shuts the gate and wouldn't have put the ladder on.

Alleged crash in Tampa involving Zenaida Gonzalez never occured
11:40 a.m. Casey Anthony had told her mother that Zenaida Gonzalez had been involved in a crash in Tampa in mid-June as was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Her mother, Cindy Anthony, doubted the story. Tampa police searched crash reports and could not locate a crash involving Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez during that time, the State Attorney's Office records show.

A check of local hospitals also turned up nothing on a patient admitted under that name.

Three women matching the name were found in the area and their information was turned over to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Anthony had told her mother in June that she was driving behind Gonzalez on their way back home from Tampa and that Gonzalez - who was transporting Caylee Marie and another child -- had a car accident on Interstate 4. Gonzalez had to be taken to the hospital, Anthony said. She told her mother she had stayed with Gonzalez until she recovered.

11:35 a.m. Casey Anthony's friend, Dante Salati, told lead investigator John Allen that he and Anthony had gone out with several friends to Miller's Ale House, off Alafaya Trail, on July 1 - after Caylee Marie had disappeared.

Anthony never mentioned Caylee Marie during dinner, Salati said.

Salati also told detectives he lives at Sawgrass Apartments, the same residential complex the Anthony claimed she left Caylee Marie at with a babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez.

Allen asked if Salati had heard Anthony mention Gonzalez, due to the proximity of his apartment to where she reported Gonzalez lived. Salati said Anthony never mentioned a babysitter. He also said he never met anyone matching Gonzalez's description.


Cindy Anthony asks: How quickly would you stop looking for someone you loved?
11:23 a.m. The grandmother of missing Caylee Marie reaffirms that she is prepared for the worst, but maintains hope that her granddaughter is still alive.

"I feel that a good attorney will plan for the worse case scenario and hope for the best," she said in a statement released by Anthony family spokesman, Larry Garrison. "The defense and the family will never give up on looking for Caylee. We continue to believe she is alive, and so should everyone else who has a conscience."

DCF officials said Caylee Marie's safety "critically at risk"
10 a.m. Department of Children and Family records released today by the State Attorney's Office show that officials determined the missing girl's overall safety was at risk.

Casey Anthony "has lied to the police and refused to cooperate. The welfare of the child is critically at risk," the report shows.

State Attorney's Office released more documents on the Casey Anthony investigation
9:50 a.m. More than 500 pages of legal documents were just released by the State Attorney's Office as part of the Casey Anthony case.

Included in the documents are transcribed interviews of Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony; her most recent boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro; and friends Ricardo Morales and Amy Huizenga.

Other items included are AirTran flight records and toll records.

The Orlando Sentinel is reviewing the records. Check back for updates.


A Miami lawyer hired by Casey Anthony's defense team gave prosecutors a report Wednesday outlining arguments on why the single mother accused of killing her child should not face the death penalty.

The 30-page packet highlights problems with some of the evidence and describes how aspects of Anthony's case do not fit the state criteria for the death penalty -- a sentence reserved for the worst of the worst homicides.

It touches on Anthony's erratic behavior after her daughter's birth that suggests signs of emotional or mental distress. The report ended with pictures of Anthony during happier times, as a child surrounded by her parents and her brother.

"Casey Anthony is a unique individual. A close inspection of her case clearly supports not filing a notice seeking death," attorney Terence Lenamon wrote in a report obtained by the Orlando Sentinel.

The State Attorney's Office would not confirm whether it had received the report, which is not a public record. Such reports are part of the process prosecutors go through to decide whether they will seek a death sentence or life in prison for a person charged with a capital crime.

The report is not an admission of guilt. The idea is to explore whether facts in the case truly justify the death penalty if a suspect is convicted.

Anthony was charged last month with killing her daughter, Caylee Marie, who was reported missing on July 15. No body has been found, and Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, and family members contend that the child, who would have turned 3 in August, still could be alive.

Anthony told investigators that she left Caylee with a baby sitter in mid-June. When she returned later that day, both the baby sitter and Caylee were gone. Detectives have not been able to locate the baby sitter and doubt she exists.


If prosecutors pursue the death penalty, the trial will be divided into two sections: the guilt/innocent phase and the sentence phase.

Lenamon's report addresses the sentence phase, when the jury hears evidence for and against imposing the ultimate penalty.

Some of the arguments outlined against death include:

* The techniques used to analyze hair and air samples from the trunk of Anthony's car to prove evidence of a body are "novel, experimental, in the early stages of development, inconclusive and highly susceptible to mishandling," Lenamon wrote. Even if the evidence is enough for a guilty verdict, it would not be enough to support the death penalty, according to the report.

* Details of the Anthony case are insufficient to justify the death penalty, the lawyer wrote. She doesn't have a criminal record. There is no history of child abuse. The crime was not cold, calculated and premeditated. No one knows how death might have happened -- if at all. In the months leading up to Caylee's disappearance, Anthony's behavior was described by friends and family as "erratic and not entirely rational."

* Filicide -- the act of a parent killing a child -- is different from other homicides. The underlying reasons why mothers kill are complex and can be divided into various categories.

* Juries are more likely to show mothers mercy. The report mentions Andrea Yates, a Texas mother who drowned her five children. She was sentenced to life in prison but later sent to a mental hospital. Susan Smith, the South Carolina mother who drowned her two children in a lake, got life in prison.

* Experts will likely agree that Anthony was "suffering from episodes of extreme emotional distress and disturbance since her daughter's birth," the report said. Even the lack of emotion after her child's disappearance and the arrest "is not normal," Lenamon wrote.

* Anita Simmons, an Orange County woman who beat her 8-year-old daughter to death, got 42 years in prison, the report said. Lenamon also cited other examples around that state that also led to life sentences.

"A careful consideration of the totality of the circumstances in this case leads to a clear conclusion that filing a notice of the death penalty is not the right thing to do," he wrote.

Sarah Lundy can be reached at or 407-420-6218.,0,5488005.story?page=4

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 07, 2008, 10:39:11 AM
Casey Anthony prosecutors: Gag order needed to limit publicity
Sarah Lundy and Bianca Prieto

Sentinel Staff Writers

November 7, 2008

Prosecutors are asking a judge to order those involved in the Casey Anthony case -- attorneys, witnesses, law-enforcement officers and Anthony's family -- to restrict their public comments.

The intent is to protect potential jurors from being influenced by pretrial publicity, Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton wrote in the motion filed Thursday.

The case has received intense media coverage since Anthony's daughter Caylee Marie was reported missing July 15.

During the past four months, leaks have surfaced dealing with evidence of a decomposing body in Anthony's car and traces of chloroform found in the trunk -- news supporting the state's case against Anthony.

Prosecutors filed their motion the day after a defense report surfaced, outlining why Anthony should not get the death penalty if convicted. The state has not decided whether it will seek death.

In the motion, Ashton cited Orlando Sentinel stories and a news release from Anthony's defense team. He writes that Anthony's family has used the "pulpit" of their search for Caylee to comment about evidence and motives in prosecution. The family contends Caylee is alive.

"In twenty-eight years of criminal prosecution . . . the undersigned has never witnessed such a shameless attempt to sway public sentiment," Ashton wrote.

The motion for a gag order came among a flurry of filings. Anthony's attorney Jos� Baez filed several requests with the court, including papers asking the judge to compel investigators to turn over tips about Caylee's whereabouts. He also wants crime-scene photos and investigative reports, as well as more information from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which conducted forensic tests on hair and air samples taken from Anthony's car. Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland scheduled a hearing to discuss the matters for 1:30 p.m. Monday.,0,7398893.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 07, 2008, 10:39:58 AM
Documents Released Nov. 6, 2008
In case any monkey missed them yesterday.
Transcript: Cynthia Anthony, Aug. 4, 2008
Transcript: Dante Salati, Sept. 8, 2008
Transcript: George Anthony, Aug. 4, 2008
Transcript: George Anthony, July 24, 2008
Transcript: Amy Huizenga, July 23, 2008
Transcript: Jeffrey Hopkins, July 16, 2008
Ricardo Morales, July 5, 2008
Transcript: Ricardo Morales, July 5, 2008
CD Photos Taken At A Night Club
Department of Children and Families Files
George Anthony’s ePass Records

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 07, 2008, 11:42:13 AM


"Search of the Century" to begin this weekend 
3,000 volunteers from over 30 states will search 

Last Edited: Friday, 07 Nov 2008, 9:22 AM EST 
Created: Friday, 07 Nov 2008, 8:01 AM EST 
Thousands of volunteers plan to search for missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony 

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Texas Equusearch is gearing up for the biggest search in their history this weekend as they look to find missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony – dead or alive.

"This is the largest search we have ever conducted, it is very exciting," Gary Peterson said who is second in command of the Equusearch Group of Texas. He says they are ready to find information that has lead to the disappearance of the missing toddler.

"Everything is going extremely well," Equusearch President Tim Miller said.  With 250 Team Leaders in place and more than 3,000 volunteers from 30 different states, Equusearch officials are confident they will have made major accomplishments.

Among the volunteers is California Bounty Hunter, Leonard Padilla.  "I believe we will find Caylee by Monday," Padilla said. He arrived at the Orlando International Airport Thursday evening.

He too will receive special training for this search. 

On Friday, Peterson says Equusearch officials will be meeting all day with team leaders and officials from the Orange County Sheriff's Office to get a game plan in place and map out the exact locations of the 130 areas they want to target.

"We get very involved in these cases, and this one is dear to my heart, for all of us and we want closure for everyone involved," Peterson said.

If you are interested in being a volunteer, you may print out and complete the volunteer registration agreement form which will speed up the registration process on the day of the search

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 07, 2008, 03:15:09 PM
Massive Search To Begin For Caylee
In what may be the largest search in U.S. history, 4,000 volunteers are expected to search for Caylee Anthony.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 07, 2008, 03:43:52 PM
Massive Search To Begin For Caylee
3-Year-Old Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 12:20 pm EST November 7, 2008
UPDATED: 12:53 pm EST November 7, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- In what may be the largest search in U.S. history, about 4,000 volunteers are expected to search for 3-year-old Caylee Anthony, who was last seen in mid-June.

Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in connection with her daughter's disappearance.

The Texas-based group Equusearch will conduct the Saturday search for Caylee, and the group has set up its headquarters on Lee Vista Boulevard and Shadow Ridge Drive near Orlando International Airport.

The group is preparing 350 team leaders Friday, who are being sent out in groups of two or three to different areas to determine what type of equipment and how many people they will need in their search.

Tim Miller and Mandy Albritton of Equusearch said the search is a huge undertaking.

"This is the biggest and largest search that Texas Equusearch has ever done," Mandy Albritton said.

"In the very best conditions -- if this little girl is out there -- she's skeletal remains, and it's going to be extremely easy to miss," Miller said.

California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who bailed out Anthony from jail months ago when she was only charged with child neglect, is also back in Orlando to help in the search.

"We'll basically brief (Equusearch) on what we had," said Padilla, who has analyzed pings to towers from Anthony's cell phone records.

"The woman lives her life 10 minutes at a time. It never, ever affects her adversely. Child's dead? OK. What do do? Oh, I've got to go (to) Blockbuster tonight," said Padilla, making note of the fact that Anthony was captured on surveillance video shortly after Caylee's disappearance.

Miller said Padilla's information coincides with where they planned to search.

Cindy Anthony, who believes her granddauther is still alive, will not assist in the search.

"I talked with Cindy yesterday, and we hugged -- and we even had some tears come out -- but I don't believe that (Caylee's) alive," Miller said.

Miller said a meeting will be held Friday at 6 p.m. at the Taboo nightclub in Orlando for anyone who is interested in joining in the search, which is scheduled to take place Saturday at 8 a.m.

Casey's Mental Health

The mental health of Casey Anthony could be the key to determining her fate, according to a Local 6 News report.

Anthony is scheduled to go to trial in January.

Anthony has undergone two psychological evaluations, but the reports have been sealed by the judge who ordered the tests after Anthony's arrest in July.

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone interviewed Lake Mary psychiatrist Dr. Ryan Hall, who has not examined Anthony and could not comment to her specifically, but he has studied women who have killed and their motivations for the killings.

"You have to look at the motivation -- why they're doing -- why they think they have to (kill their own child)," Hall said.

Psychiatrists focus on five general reasons, Hall said.

Altruistic, which was explained as the person doing the child a favor.

Psychotic, when the killer is having hallucinations or delusions.

Accidental, which usually result from abuse.

Revenge, getting back at someone, usually a spouse or the child's parent.

Unwanted child.

Hall said that only in extreme cases can the killer be found not criminally responsible for the death.

"You have to have a severe mental illness, and two -- due to the severe mental illness -- you have to not realize what you were doing was wrong," Hall said.

Andrea Yates, the Texas mother who is in a psychiatric hospital after drowning her five children because she said she was battling Satan before calmly reporting the deaths to police, is an example of that type of person, Local 6 News reported.

Pipitone said the prosecution of Anthony thus far seems closer to that of Susan Smith, who let a car containing her two children roll into a lake, where they drowned. Smith blamed carjackers who never existed, and she's serving a life sentence in South Carolina.

"She was interested in an individual, (and) he said he didn't want to be with a single mother. She killed her two kids. There was concealment, it was planned out, she made false statements to police, she was trying to avoid detection (and) she knew what she'd done was wrong," Hall said.

Investigators believe Anthony is concealing the location of her daughter's body.

"No more lies. No more bull coming out of your mouth. We've been very respectful. We're taking our time and talking to you, but we're tired of all the lies. No more lies. What happened to Caylee?" Orange County sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich said in a July interview at Universal, where Anthony had said she worked.

"I don't know," Anthony said.

"You do know," Melich replied.

"I don't know," Anthony repeated.

"What happened to Caylee?" Melich asked.

"I don't know where she is. That's the God's honest truth," Anthony said.

If Anthony were delusional, she would really believe that she worked at Universal and left Caylee with an imaginary baby sitter, Pipitone said. The state claims that Anthony is lying.

Psychiatrists, like Hall, routinely determine whether someone is delusional or simply deceptive.

"You have to look at what the motivation is there. Is it that they don't want to admit they're really unemployed? Do they have to let people think they're greater than they are? So there could be personality factors, (a) need for narcissism, needs to seem greater than they are. Or they could be trying to hide embarrassment or shame," Hall said.

If Anthony has no severe mental illness, there's no way she can avoid prison, if convicted, Local 6 News reported.

"People found insane go to the state mental hospital, but that's reserved for truly psychotic people. Casey just doesn't seem to fit that bill," Pipitone said. "She's not been convicted of anything, but clearly she has issues that could lead to the death penalty being taken off the table or mitigate against a death sentence if she ever were convicted."

New Documents Released

More than 500 pages of documents pertaining to the Anthony case were released Thursday by the state attorney's office.

The documents include never-before released interviews of Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony.

In an interview about retrieving Casey Anthony's car from an impound lot after it was found abandoned at an Orange County Amscot, George Anthony said the smell in the car was terrible.

"I believe that there's something dead back there, and I hate to say the word 'human,'" said George Anthony, who told detectives he knew something was wrong and was nervous to open the trunk. "I think I whispered out to myself, 'Please don't let this be my Caylee.'"

George Anthony said he also saw a basketball-sized stain on the carpet of the trunk, Arm & Hammer laundry detergent and a plastic garbage bag contaning a pizza box and maggots.

George Anthony said in the interview that the smell was so bad that he had trouble breathing as he drove the car home. He said when he pulled into the garage, his wife came out and said, "Jesus Christ, what died? It was the pizza, right?"

In a separate interview, Cindy told detectives that she was concerned someone would take the car.

"We parked it in the garage, opened everything up, took the battery out of it just in case someone came home to try to get the car. We took the battery out of it. (You) never know," Cindy Anthony said.

It was later revealed that there was never any pizza in the trunk, only the empty box, Local 6 News reported.

George Anthony also admitted to detectives that Casey Anthony lived life on the edge, but said he was shocked to hear that his daughter was partying at Fusion, an Orlando nightclub, during the first month after Caylee's disappearance.

Also, in an interview with an Orange County sheriff's detective, George Anthony said his daughter had once told him that she was robbed at gunpoint while she was working at Sports Authority. George Anthony said he confronted the manager of the store about the incident only to be told that Casey Anthony never worked there.

Casey Connection To Apartment

An interview also released on Thursday shows that Casey Anthony had a connection to the Sawgrass Apartments, where she said she left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez before never seeing her daughter again.

Dante Salati, a friend who Casey Anthony had known since high school, lived at Sawgrass for three years. His apartment was located next to the building where Casey Anthony said she left Caylee.

Salati said Casey Anthony's last visit to his apartment was January 2007, and he had never seen Caylee at the complex.

A detective asked Salati, "Do you think if Casey would come in there to drop her child off at an apartment 500 feet away on a regular basis -- do you think you would have had some idea that was going on?"

"Yes," Salati replied.

Death Penalty Argument

Attorneys for Anthony on Wednesday urged state prosecutors not to seek the death penalty in the high-profile case, using baby photos of their client to help their cause, Local 6 News reported.

Local 6 News obtained the baby photos of Anthony that will be used by her attorneys in an effort to sway the state from pursuing the death penalty.

The photographs show Anthony as a baby, playing with her brother, Lee, and surrounded by family members.

An experienced defense attorney was recently retained on Anthony's behalf, and he's hoping the photos and his 30-page argument will convince prosecutors.

"In this case, no one knows how death might have happened, if at all," stated the document, which was also obtained by Local 6 News. "If death did occur, the death was almost certainly a tragic accident."

Anthony's defense team also raises the possibility that Caylee may have been poisoned by chloroform, saying, "Death may have occurred while the child was sedated or from an unwitting overdose of a sedative."

Anthony's attorneys are also trying to show prosecutors that their client is an unlikely candidate for the death penalty because of her age and lack of a criminal record. Attorneys said the evidence suggests Anthony was a good, loving mother but also a troubled woman who may be suffering from depression or other mental conditions, Local 6 News reported.

The defense admits that Anthony "spent money she does not have, wrote bad checks, had multiple unstable relationships and participated in risky behavior."

The request did not mention the baby sitter with whom Anthony said she left Caylee at an apartment complex before never seeing her again. But the argument is not a case strategy, Local 6 News reported, rather only an attempt to get the death penalty option off the table.

Cindy Anthony Statement

Anthony family spokesman Larry Garrison released a statement on Thursday from Cindy Anthony, a day after it was reported that her daughter's attorneys are seeking to avoid the death penalty in her Casey Anthony's case.

"I feel that a good attorney will plan for the worse case scenario and hope for the best.

"I know that Casey's attorneys know that she is innocent, but they cannot ignore how the media has already spun the facts and convicted her. Casey has been severely attacked by the media since she was first arrested, and anyone would be a fool to ignore that. All of the negative spin has done her an injustice.

"Just look at what it has done for poor Caylee. The media already has given up on looking for this child, when there is simply no credible or concrete evidence to prove that she is dead. The defense and the family will never give up on looking for Caylee.

"We continue to believe she is alive, and so should everyone else who has a conscience. I would ask anyone to ask themselves just how quick would they stop looking for someone that they loved," the statement said.

Cell Phone Pings Track Casey

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone tracked the movements of Anthony by using cell phone records.

Pipitone said he tracked Anthony from Monday, June 16 -- the day Caylee was last seen alive -- until Monday, June 30 -- the day Anthony's abandoned car was towed from an Orange County Amscot.

The trunk of Anthony's car had a stench that investigators claim was from Caylee's body, Pipitone reported.

According to records, Anthony's cell phone "pinged" 20 different cell towers 754 times in the two-week period. Each time, her cell phone received or sent a text message or phone call, Pipitone reported.

Ninety-seven percent of the pings were to either her boyfriend's apartment near Winter Park, her friend's home in Orlando -- where she sometimes stayed -- her parents' home off Chickasaw Trail and the Fusion nightclub, where she was photographed partying while Caylee was missing, Pipitone said.

The other 3 percent of the pings -- especially during three days in June -- have raised questions, Pipitone said.

On Monday, June 16, Anthony's father, George Anthony, said he he saw his daughter and granddaughter leave his house at about 1 p.m.

"But if they did leave at that time, the cell records show they did not go far. Casey's cell phone communicated that afternoon through the same three cell towers she could reach from her home," Pipitone said.

At 1 p.m., Anthony made a 14-minute call to her boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro. At 1:44 p.m., she made a 36-minute call to her then-best friend, Amy Huizenga. At 2:52 p.m., there was an 11-minute call with ex-fiance Jesse Grund. All of the calls used cell towers that can be reached from her parents' home, Pipitone said.

But at 4:11 p.m., Anthony began trying to reach her mother, Cindy Anthony, making four attempts in two minutes, according to records. Anthony then traveled north from her parents' home and called Lazzaro for one minute at 4:19 p.m., Pipitone reported. Two minutes later, she talked to Grund for a minute, and tried to call her mother again at 4:25 p.m., Pipitone said.

There was no other communication from Anthony's cell phone until a call was made to Lazzaro's apartment at 5:57 p.m., records show.

Two hours later, Anthony and Lazzaro were captured on surveillance video at a Blockbuster, renting a movie that contains a scene of a rotting body in a car trunk, Pipitone said.

On June 17, Anthony returned to her parents' home around 2:30 p.m., Pipitone reported. At 4 p.m., her phone pinged a tower southwest of the house near Lee Vista Boulevard and South Goldenrod Road, an area where detectives have directed Equusearch volunteers to search for Caylee weeks ago.

At 5:20 p.m., a tower was pinged near Blanchard Park, another site searched in August by Equusearch. Anthony's cell phone went silent from 5:23 p.m. until 8:23 p.m., perhaps prompting investigators to search the area, Pipitone said.

"It was then that Casey's phone pinged a cell tower near boyfriend Tony Laazaro's apartment," Pipitone said. "By then, around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 17, Caylee had not been seen alive for nearly a day and a half. But remember, chemical evidence in the trunk of Casey's car indictaes the decomposing body was there up to 2½ days after death, so a key question for anyone looking for Caylee's body (is), 'Where did Casey go next?'"

On Wednesday, June 18, the day Casey's parents' neighbor said Anthony borrowed a shovel and backed her car into the garage, cell phone pings show that Anthony was at or near her parents' home from 2:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m., Pipitone said.

Anthony's phone later pinged a different spot near the Econ Trail, south of Lake Underhill, records show. It's also a location that detectives guided Equusearch volunteers to look for signs of Caylee's body, Pipitone said.

Equusearch will return to that area Nov. 8 to continue the search, Pipitone reported.

Scientific evidence suggests that a body left its chemical signature in the trunk of Anthony's car after decomposing for less than 2½ days, which would be about the same time period between the aforementioned cell phone pings, Pipitone said.

"Circumstantial, but interesting," Pipitone said.

Key Date Investigated

Pipitone also sifted through thousands of documents, looking into whether Caylee died on June 16, the key date in the case.

Pipitone said to understand why investigators believe Caylee is dead starts early in the morning of June 16, when Anthony called Lazzaro from her parents' house.

The 80-minute phone call ended at 1:05 a.m., and Anthony then had a conversation via text messages with Lazzaro until Lazzaro called her at 3:08 a.m.

It is not known what was discussed, but less than 10 hours later, Caylee, who was 2 at that time, was seen for the last time by her grandfather, George Anthony, Pipitone reported.

"Ten minutes to 1 (o'clock) that afternoon on the 16th is when I actually saw Casey and Caylee together -- both leaving with backpacks -- and my daughter said she was going to work, and she was taking Caylee to the nanny, to the baby sitter," George Anthony said.

Just before 8 p.m., seven hours after Caylee was last seen alive, Casey Anthony and Lazzaro are seen on surveillance video visiting the Blockbuster store near his apartment on University Boulevard. Caylee is not in the video.

Lazzaro told Local 6 News that he had not seen Caylee at that point for two weeks.

The video is one reason investigators believe June 16 may have been the day Caylee died, Pipitone reported.

"What happened in the next hours is even more intriguing. Tony (Lazzaro) and Casey rented two movies for that night. One one of them (was) 'Untraceable,' which contains a graphic scene that is even more chilling when you consider where Caylee's body may have been," Pipitone said. "The movie shows an FBI agent being pursued by a sadistic cyber-stalker who pops the trunk of a car and is overcome by the smell of a fly-infested, rotting corpse left by the killer in the trunk of the car."

Investigators believe Caylee's body was left in the trunk of her mother's car, where it decomposed, emitting an odor that Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, identified, Pipitone reported.

"It smells like there's been a damn dead body in the car," Cindy Anthony said in a 911 call.

"Whether the movie scene is a clue to what Casey might have already done or was about to do -- or even where Caylee may have been on the same night they rented that movie -- only Casey can answer that, and she's not talking," Pipitone said.

Pipitone said he will continue to investigate the timeline into the case using cell phone records that show whom Casey Anthony was talking to or texting.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 08:41:31 AM
5,000 Possible In Search For Caylee Anthony's Body
Friday, November 7, 2008 – updated: 5:21 pm EST November 7, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Search teams say they won't be looking for a little girl, they'll be looking for a skeleton. So many people are expected to turn out to search for Caylee Anthony's body, it could be the largest missing person's search in U.S. history.

They won't be just random volunteers poking through the woods. They are experts, marines and pilots. Friday, they were preparing very sophisticated equipment to search four strategic locations in east Orange County: Moss Park, Jay Blanchard Park, the woods near the Anthony home and the land near Orlando International Airport.

Organizers hope as many as 5,000 people will help look for the little girl's remains during the search this weekend. EquuSearch had two aircraft up in the sky over Central Florida on Friday, photographing search locations to put photos with the maps before thousands of volunteers, lead by 250 team captains, head out first thing Saturday morning.

Volunteers will cover about a 25 square-mile area, mostly locations near the Orlando International Airport where Casey Anthony's cell phone indicates she traveled during the days after investigators believe Caylee was murdered and before Casey was arrested.

If Caylee's body is not found by Tuesday, EquuSearch said it will decide whether to come back again. It said it has searched as many as seven times for one victim and it's successful about a third of the time, having found 300 victims so far.

"The weather's right, the water's down, the vegetation's down. We have the right equipment. With a little bit of luck, we'll be able to find Caylee and bring closure to this community," said EquuSearch founder Tim Miller.

The command post is near the corner of Judge Road and Shadowridge Drive (see map), almost directly north of Orlando International Airport. The search is set to begin at 8:00am Saturday and they are expecting as many as 5,000 people. If you want to be one of them, you can show up Saturday morning at the command post.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 08:45:33 AM
Volunteers participate in a search led by Texas EquuSearch on Sept. 1. The organization plans to resume the search this weekend. (George Skene, Orlando Sentinel file)
Thousands expected to help in search for Caylee Anthony

Thousands of people are expected to volunteer this weekend with Texas EquuSearch as the organization resumes its ground search for Caylee Marie Anthony, the Orange County girl whose disappearance has captured hearts and made national news.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 10:21:43 AM

Thousands expected to help in search for Caylee Anthony
Susan Jacobson and Amy L. Edwards


November 8, 2008

 Thousands of people are expected to volunteer this weekend with Texas EquuSearch as the organization resumes its ground search for Caylee Marie Anthony, the Orange County girl whose disappearance has captured hearts and made national news.

Volunteers also will search for Jennifer Kesse, an Orlando woman missing since January 2006.

On Friday night, about 150 people listened to Texas EquuSearch workers give instructions on how to search for Caylee's remains. The hourlong gathering was at Tabu Nightclub in downtown Orlando, whose majority owner is Mark NeJame, the attorney representing Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony.

"I feel in my heart that I have to do this," said Lee Shafran, 61, of Cocoa, a retired Colorado deputy marshal and volunteer fire chief who plans to lead one of the search teams.

NeJame and Texas EquuSearch founder Tim Miller told volunteers to pay close attention to the search terrain, be careful not to get hurt and avoid criticizing the Anthony family -- or risk being asked to leave. Protesters have gathered at the Anthony home and angrily confronted the family, who insist that Caylee is alive.

Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, was charged with first-degree murder last month in her 2-year-old daughter's disappearance. She also faces charges of aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

"This is about Caylee and solely about Caylee," Miller said. "I want everyone to leave their attitudes and egos at home."

The session ended with everyone joining raised hands and listening to an inspirational song about a missing child.

Among those present was bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who is upset with Casey Anthony because she would not help him find the girl.

"I'm doing it out of spite," Padilla said.

The search will resume at 8 a.m. today at the command center at Judge Road and Shadowridge Drive, near State Road 436 and Orlando International Airport.

Texas EquuSearch suspended its search for Caylee in September because high water levels prevented a thorough examination of areas of east Orange County with thick brush and woods.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 02:22:32 PM
November 8, 2008


The corner of Judge and Shadowridge
(SE Corner )
Orlando, FL

Click here for map

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 02:23:38 PM
November 8, 2008


The corner of Judge and Shadowridge
(SE Corner )
Orlando, FL

Click here for map

Domino's Pizza
2510 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL
407-384-8877 (3.39 miles away)

Domino's Pizza
1508 E Michigan St, Orlando, FL
407-896-3030 (4.01 miles away)

Domino's Pizza
5944 S Orange Blossom Trl, Orlando, FL
407-850-2222 (4.64 miles away)

Hungry Howie's Pizza
4205 Curry Ford Rd, Orlando, FL
407-894-1322 (4.02 miles away)

Pizza Hut - PIZZA MIA $5 PIZZA
8255 Lee Vista Blvd # B, Orlando, FL
407-273-6100 (2.95 miles away)

Pizza Hut - PIZZA MIA $5 PIZZA
5628 Hansel Ave, Orlando, FL
407-856-6212 (2.95 miles away)


The corner of Judge and Shadowridge
(SE Corner )
Orlando, FL

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 02:25:15 PM
Crowd gathering at command center.  Murt hasn't said anything about it.  He doesn't know.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 02:34:23 PM
"Search of the Century" begins
3,000 volunteers from over 30 states will search
Last Edited: Saturday, 08 Nov 2008, 12:20 PM EST
Created: Friday, 07 Nov 2008, 8:01 AM EST  

Thousands of volunteers plan to search for missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony

Related Items
StoriesHundreds of pages of Discovery released
Timeline, Documents and Photos related to the Casey Anthony Case

LinksBLOG IT!: The Search for Caylee Anthony

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) --  Divers pulled a suspicious bag from a body of water behind Blanchard Park YMCA Family Center during a massive search for Caylee Anthony this morning.

Texas Equusearch volunteers alerted crime scene detectives to the find, which was hauled away at around noon.

The search teams have been sent away for a break away while investigators comb the scene.

Hundreds of volunteers with completed their check-ins Saturday morning and have begun the search for Caylee Anthony.

One bus and two caravans left for the search sites at around 9:30 this morning, with another bus full of searchers cued up.

Upwards of 3,000 volunteers were expected to turn out for the massive operation, but a final count would not be complete until later today.

The group is intent on


VIDEO: --Anthony family and searchers setting aside differences



VIDEO: --Caylee search set to begin



VIDEO: Massive search effort for Caylee set to get underway



"Everything is going extremely well," Equusearch President Tim Miller said.  With 250 Team Leaders in place and more than 3,000 volunteers from 30 different states, Equusearch officials are confident they will have made major accomplishments.

Among the volunteers is California Bounty Hunter, Leonard Padilla.  "I believe we will find Caylee by Monday," Padilla said. He arrived at the Orlando International Airport Thursday evening.


VIDEO: Thousands of volunteers to search for Caylee

He too will receive special training for this search. 

On Friday, Peterson says Equusearch officials will be meeting all day with team leaders and officials from the Orange County Sheriff's Office to get a game plan in place and map out the exact locations of the 130 areas they want to target.

"We get very involved in these cases, and this one is dear to my heart, for all of us and we want closure for everyone involved," Peterson said.

If you are interested in being a volunteer, you may print out and complete the volunteer registration agreement form which will speed up the registration process on the day of the search.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 02:43:35 PM
A bag of bones divers pulled from a body of water behind Blanchard Park YMCA this morning turned out to be dog bones. Divers turned the bag over to crime scene investigators, who hauled it away around noon.

The team plans to continue searching until sundown today. If they are unable to find Caylee, they will pick up their search again Sunday morning.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 06:01:38 PM
Updates From Search For Caylee Marie
EquuSearch To Focus On 25-Square Mile Area

POSTED: 6:12 am EST November 7, 2008
UPDATED: 5:32 pm EST November 8, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The search for Caylee Anthony began Saturday morning. WESH 2 News reporters are there and are providing updates throughout the day:

5:15 p.m., by Reporter Amanda Ober: The volunteer searchers are starting to return to the search headquarters off Lee Vista Boulevard.

Many of them have been out since early this morning.

A representative for Equusearch confirms the bones found in Blanchard Park today were that of a pet dog that had been disposed of in a plastic bag. He said some students studying to be crime scene techinicians were able to identify the dog skeleton and law enforcement was never called out.

The two areas searchers focused their efforts on today were Moss Park and Blanchard Park.

The vast majority of searchers were looking for Caylee Anthony and a smaller amount searched areas linked to the Jennifer Kesse disappeaance.

The searchers will be back at it at 8 a.m. Sunday.

4 p.m., by Reporter Amanda Ober: A total of about 1,300 volunteers came out to help today in the search for Caylee Anthony and Jennifer Kesse.

There have been some discoveries of what appear to be animal bones at Blanchard Park and a few other locations.

An Equusearch representative said as far as she knew, sheriff's investigators had not been called in to look at any evidence. The volunteers have come from as far away as Canada and plan to search until dusk tonight.

They will resume searching tomorrow morning and Equusearch says, on Monday, it will reassess its plan.

In addition to the volunteers, dozens of bounty hunters have come in from all over the country at the request of bounty hunter Leonard Padilla.

9 a.m., by Reporter Craig Lucie: An empty field near Orlando International Airport is now flooded with people. There is a line of cars down Lee Vista still waiting to pull into to help in the search for Caylee.

The volunteers are from all over -- Canada, Puerto Rico, etc. Leonard Padilla just rolled up with his team. As always he was in his Padilla element, spitting out soundbites. I asked him what Casey would say about the crowd, and he said she would still be talking about Zanny the nanny and trying to control the world the way she wants it.

This is an amazing sight to see all of these people coming together. There are over 1,000, I would say, at 9 a.m. Buses, boats, ATVs are all waiting to take off. Everyone here has to sign a release, and then they meet up with a team. Something interesting - there are 25 students from Palm Bay community college that are crime scene investigators in training. This is their chance to see what its like to take part in what could be a major crime scene if caylee is found.

George and Cindy Anthony are not here. They are standing by their beliefs that Caylee is still alive

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 06:20:51 PM
More than 1,000 volunteers help in search for Caylee Anthony
Susan Jacobson and Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writers
2:31 PM EST, November 8, 2008

More than 1,000 volunteers joined Texas EquuSearch today as the organization resumed its ground search for Caylee Marie Anthony, the Orange County girl whose disappearance has captured hearts and made national news.

Mandy Albritton, EquuSearch's deputy director for its search for Caylee, said that about 1,300 volunteers were in the field this afternoon. She also said the group is asking local businesses to donate water for volunteers.

Volunteers also searched for Jennifer Kesse, an Orlando woman missing since January 2006.

On Friday night, about 150 people listened to Texas EquuSearch workers give instructions on how to search for Caylee's remains. The hourlong gathering was at Tabu Nightclub in downtown Orlando, whose majority owner is Mark NeJame, the attorney representing Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony.


"I feel in my heart that I have to do this," said Lee Shafran, 61, of Cocoa, a retired Colorado deputy marshal and volunteer fire chief who plans to lead one of the search teams.

NeJame and Texas EquuSearch founder Tim Miller told volunteers to pay close attention to the search terrain, be careful not to get hurt and avoid criticizing the Anthony family -- or risk being asked to leave. Protesters have gathered at the Anthony home and angrily confronted the family, who insist that Caylee is alive.

Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, was charged with first-degree murder last month in her 2-year-old daughter's disappearance. She also faces charges of aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

"This is about Caylee and solely about Caylee," Miller said. "I want everyone to leave their attitudes and egos at home."

The session ended with everyone joining raised hands and listening to an inspirational song about a missing child.

Among those present was bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who is upset with Casey Anthony because she would not help him find the girl.

"I'm doing it out of spite," Padilla said.

The search resumed at 8 a.m. today at the command center at Judge Road and Shadowridge Drive, near State Road 436 and Orlando International Airport.

Texas EquuSearch suspended its search for Caylee in September because high water levels prevented a thorough examination of areas of east Orange County with thick brush and woods.

Susan Jacobson can be reached at or 407-540-5981. Amy L. Edwards can be reached at 407-420-5735 or,0,586548.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 08, 2008, 07:22:08 PM
Saturday’s Search For Caylee Ends In Disappointment
Saturday, November 8, 2008 – updated: 6:47 pm EST November 8, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Saturday’s search for Caylee Anthony’s remains ended in disappointment, not only because she wasn’t found, but the crowd of searchers was smaller than expected.

About 1,500 volunteers showed up determined to find the toddler who disappeared in June.

"I just think it's time for closure for her family,” said searcher Lynda Parsons. “I think it's really time to find her."

The search kicked off later than expected. Shortly after 9 a.m. the group was broken into 15 units that started searching near Blanchard Park and the command post.

They spread out and searched the field for clothes and bones. If they found anything, they marked the scene with small flags so crime scene investigations would know what areas to check.

Searchers found clothing and some apparent animal bones, but no skeleton that could answer the question “Where is Caylee?”

"If you really want to delve into the mind of Casey (Anthony), delve deep into some shrink's ugly book, because she's an ugly minded person," said bounty hunter Lenard Padilla. He returned to Orlando for the search and attacked Casey for never helping.

The mother has caused pain for people across the country like Cathy Peters who came from Georgia to help find the beautiful brown-eyed little girl.

“She's in heaven and she just needs to be brought home to be buried,” said Peters. “Let her have her funeral…let the tears stop.”

Meanwhile, George Anthony showed up at the Kid Finders Command & Volunteer Center Saturday afternoon. He said he holds no ill will toward EquuSearch and its theory that Caylee is dead. The grandfather is holding out hope that Caylee would be found alive. He also said his wife, Cindy, was not taking the search too well. She was not at the Kid Finders location.

The search is expected to resume Sunday morning. EquuSearch is asking for more volunteers, donations, food and water.

If Caylee's body is not found by Tuesday, EquuSearch said it will decide whether to come back again. It said it has searched as many as seven times for one victim and it's successful about a third of the time, having found 300 victims so far.

"The weather's right, the water's down, the vegetation's down. We have the right equipment. With a little bit of luck, we'll be able to find Caylee and bring closure to this community," said EquuSearch founder Tim Miller.

The command post is near the corner of Judge Road and Shadowridge Drive (see map), almost directly north of Orlando International Airport.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 07:49:09 AM
November 08, 2008
The Latest Developments in the Caylee Anthony Search

It was a busy day today in the search for Casey Anthony's missing daughter, 2-year-old Caylee Anthony. While we did not get the expected turnout – about 1,300 volunteers showed up – we were able to cover a lot of ground and clear over one third of the search grid.

Unfortunately, some things got a bit out of hand today when some volunteers leaked information on the Internet about some of the items that were found.

Earlier today, I attempted to clear up the details about the team of forensic students that made a find near Jay Blanchard Park. There was initially a bit of confusion over that because there were several finds made in the park today.

Some bones, which have since been identified as dog bones, were found near a lake. Another set of bones, found with what appeared to be internal organs, were also found; however it is my understanding that they are also believed to be animal bones.

At about the same time those items were found, the team of forensic students, along with another group of volunteers, found a pair of children's underwear, a plastic bag with shoes, a rubber glove and a machete discarded in the weeds. I am being very specific about these items because one of the volunteers has already leaked the information on another message board.

I arrived on the scene shortly after the second find and I was there when the CSI's came in to examine the items. To clarify what some other boards are reporting, the shoes were men's – I think size 9 - and the children's undergarments that were found were identified as boys underwear. The machete was rusty and appeared to have been in the weeds for some time. Last time we were in this area – during the Aug.-Sept. search – this particular area was under several feet of water. At any rate, none of the items are believed to be related to the case.

Meanwhile, there is a lot of chatter and rumors about a beaded cross necklace that was found in the woods. I have been aware of this find but was asked not to share the information. That information got leaked by a blogger on another site today and it has since been twisted into several different versions.

Continue reading "The Latest Developments in the Caylee Anthony Search" »

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Posted by David Lohr at 11:33 PM in Caylee Anthony Case, Follow That Crime, ID on the Scene | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Technorati Tags: beeds, blanchard park, casey anthony, caylee anthony, command post, crime, crime news, cross, David Lohr, documents, florida, investigation discovery, jcpenny, jewelry, leonard padilla, orlando, read, rob dick, search update, texas equusearch, Tim Miller, true crime, ymca
The "Discovery" Everyone is Talking About

I am on the scene in Orlando, Florida, covering the search for Casey Anthony's missing 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony. This afternoon, the local media started to report on a "suspicious bag" that was found by Blanchard Park YMCA Family Center. I caution you not to get excited over this find.

I was aware of this find over an hour ago but did not report on it, as these types of discovery's are made all the time. There is no sense getting everyone worked up into a frenzy over something that is most probably nothing. Unfortunately, since that time one of the volunteers has leaked it to the media and now everyone is tripping all over themselves to get more information.

I was at the command center when that call came in from the search group. It was at about 11:00 a.m. My understanding was that it was not divers, but a group of students who study forensics at a local college. They found a towel or a bag - still waiting for clarification – and some bones. Law enforcement has gone out to the scene to investigate.

Now before everyone gets all excited, please keep in mind that volunteers are constantly reporting the discovery of bones. There are animal bones all throughout this area. Hundreds of bones have already been found today and as of yet none of them has been proven to be human. Hence, there is no reason to get excited by this "breaking news."

Keep checking back here and I will provide you will all the latest details as they come in.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 08:43:30 AM
Search Resumes Sunday For Body Of Caylee Anthony

Saturday, November 8, 2008 – updated: 7:49 am EST November 9, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Volunteers gathered again Sunday morning to continue the search for Caylee Anthony's body.

Saturday’s search for Caylee's remains ended in disappointment, not only because she wasn’t found, but the crowd of searchers was smaller than expected.

About 1,500 volunteers showed up determined to find the toddler who disappeared in June.

"I just think it's time for closure for her family,” said searcher Lynda Parsons. “I think it's really time to find her."

Searchers scoured several areas on the east side of Orlando. They walked through dense brush, fields, even water. But aside from clothing and some apparent animal bones, they found nothing to indicate they child's remains were there.

"If you really want to delve into the mind of Casey (Anthony), delve deep into some shrink's ugly book, because she's an ugly minded person," said bounty hunter Leonard Padilla. He returned to Orlando for the search and attacked Casey for never helping.

The mother has caused pain for people across the country like Cathy Peters who came from Georgia to help find the beautiful brown-eyed little girl.

“She's in heaven and she just needs to be brought home to be buried,” said Peters. “Let her have her funeral…let the tears stop.”

Meanwhile, George Anthony showed up at the Kid Finders Command & Volunteer Center Saturday afternoon. He said he holds no ill will toward EquuSearch and its theory that Caylee is dead. The grandfather is holding out hope that Caylee would be found alive. He also said his wife, Cindy, was not taking the search too well. She was not at the Kid Finders location.

The Texas-based EquuSearch group, which is leading the search effort, is asking for more volunteers, donations, food and water.

If Caylee's body is not found by Tuesday, EquuSearch said it will decide whether to come back again. It said it has searched as many as seven times for one victim and it's successful about a third of the time, having found 300 victims so far.

"The weather's right, the water's down, the vegetation's down. We have the right equipment. With a little bit of luck, we'll be able to find Caylee and bring closure to this community," said EquuSearch founder Tim Miller.

The command post is near the corner of Judge Road and Shadowridge Drive (see map), almost directly north of Orlando International Airport

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 09:29:51 AM
Caylee Anthony
Eloisa Ruano Gonzalez | Sentinel Staff Writer
November 9, 2008

ORLANDO - More than 1,400 volunteers searched Saturday for Caylee Marie Anthony, the Orange County child who captured hearts nationwide after her June disappearance, making it one of the largest searches in U.S. history.

"Caylee has touched and broken the hearts of everybody across the country," said Tim Miller, founder of Texas EquuSearch, which operated a command center near Orlando International Airport. "It shows how everybody fell in love with this little girl they never knew."

People from about 28 states, including Arizona, Iowa, New York and the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, joined EquuSearch to sweep through hundreds of wooded acres in Orange County, organizers said.

Among them was Dale Buster, 49, of St. Cloud, who tagged his T-shirt with "Caylee we are coming for you sweetheart."


Buster said he prays to find Caylee alive and safely in another state, although he acknowledges it is unlikely. After losing his daughter and, most recently, his mother, Buster said the Anthonys and families nationwide need closure.

"If we find the remains, that would hurt so bad," Buster said. "But at the same time, we'll know and we can say, 'She's in heaven.' "

Volunteers disagree on whether Caylee is alive. But volunteer Debra Lopez, a grandmother from Winter Park, is convinced the child is dead. She said Caylee needs to be returned home for a proper funeral. Lopez, 48, joined an afternoon search team with her friend, Freddy Collazo, 48, of Tampa.

"The truth needs to come out," Lopez said before boarding a search truck. "People are in agony."

Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who helped post bail for Casey Anthony in August, also joined the search. Padilla said he did it out of spite, after Casey Anthony wouldn't help find the girl.

Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, was charged with first-degree murder last month in her daughter's disappearance. She also faces charges of aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

EquuSearch resumed its hunt for Caylee early Saturday, but only animal bones were found by nightfall, officials with the group said.

Volunteers will continue their search today at 8 a.m. and into Monday. They need donations for food and water, though, said Mandy Albritton, EquuSearch's deputy director for its search for Caylee.

Miller plans to stick around until Caylee is found or "we feel we've exhausted every resource we have."

"The best thing we can hope for is to bring her in for her final homecoming and allow her to have that funeral that she certainly deserves," Miller said.

Eloisa Ruano Gonzalez can be reached at or 407-931-5940,0,3828880.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 10:01:38 AM
Day 2: Search for Caylee continues  
1,500 volunteers turn out to aid in search 
Last Edited: Sunday, 09 Nov 2008, 9:25 AM EST 
Created: Friday, 07 Nov 2008, 8:01 AM EST 

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Texas Equusearch has resumed its search this morning for missing Orlando toddler Caylee Anthony.

The father of Casey's ex-boyfriend Jesse Grund opened Sunday's search efforts with a prayer.

On Saturday, Equusearch concluded its largest single-day search.  The last group of volunteers and workers headed out around 3 p.m. on Saturday afternoon for a final sweep of four search zones in East Orange County.

An hour earlier, a select group of Equusearch workers headed to an undisclosed secured area near the airport.  There was no word on what may have led this specialized, trained team to the area.

"Everything is going extremely well," Equusearch President Tim Miller said earlier in the day.  With 250 team leaders in place and more than 3,000 volunteers from 30 different states, Equusearch officials are hoping for a  major breakthrough.


One by one, volunteers signed up for search teams, breaking into groups armed with sticks for moving back brush and long bladed knives hoping to make the search easier.  Many searched on horseback.

There was a brief moment of hope in Blanchard Park just before noon. Divers pulled a bag of bones from a body of water behind the Blanchard Park YMCA.   The bones were turned over to crime scene investigators, who hauled it away around noon.   It was later determined that the bones were those of a dog and not a human.

"It turned out to be a dog's remains, but what it tells me is our people were watching very well finding this stuff and they know exactly what to do when they do find it," said an Equusearch spokesperson.
Among the volunteers is California Bounty Hunter, Leonard Padilla.  "I believe we will find Caylee by Monday," Padilla said. He arrived at the Orlando International Airport Thursday evening.He too will receive special training for this search. 

On Friday, Peterson says Equusearch officials will be meeting all day with team leaders and officials from the Orange County Sheriff's Office to get a game plan in place and map out the exact locations of the 130 areas they want to target.

"We get very involved in these cases, and this one is dear to my heart, for all of us and we want closure for everyone involved," Peterson said.

Lake County Sheriff's Association volunteer, Don Williams, says he joined the search hoping he wouldn't have to add Caylee to his waterfall of tears, a memorial he has constructed for slain children. 

"Waterfall of tears is a dedication to the murdered children that has been murdered by pedophiles, family members, just young kids who've been murdered for no reason," said Williams. "She (Caylee) needs to be with the rest of the angels, which she is now, but her name will be with the names of all the other angels."

"Do I believe they're going to find my granddaughter out there," asked Caylee's grandfather, George Anthony. "No," he said, but he does believe the hearts and minds of the volunteers are in the right place.

"The searches and stuff that are being done here and anywhere ... that these people go out to ... has to be done very systematically.  You have to have proper training of people to get the job done, said Anthony.

Caylee was last seen in June but her mother did not report her missing until July.  A body has not been recovered.   Caylee Anthony's mother, Casey Anthony, has been indicted on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators about the disappearance of her daughter. She has pleaded not guilty.

Operations will resume Sunday at 8 a.m. and new volunteers are welcome to sign up.  If you are interested in being a volunteer, you may print out and complete the volunteer registration agreement form which will speed up the registration process on the day of the search.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 02:16:41 PM
Caylee Anthony Search Update; Day 2

The search for Casey Anthony's missing two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, continues today in Orlando, Florida.

The number of volunteers who showed up today was significantly less than the turn out we had yesterday. As of 10:30 a.m., only about 300 people have showed up. In addition, the 500 bounty hunters that were supposed to volunteer have yet to make an appearance.

Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter from California who helped bail Anthony out, brought a group of about five people with him. Yesterday, Padilla spent the majority of the day at the command center. Today, he was present for the search briefing and then left with his entourage to assist in the search effort.

At the briefing this morning, Richard Grund, the father of Anthony's former fiancée, Jessie Grund, addressed the crowd of volunteers and offered his prayers and support. Watch the video here.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 02:22:17 PM
Updates From Search For Caylee Marie
EquuSearch To Focus On 25-Square Mile Area

POSTED: 6:12 am EST November 7, 2008
UPDATED: 11:10 am EST November 9, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Caylee Anthony has been missing for 118 days.

Searchers gathered this weekend to look for the missing 3-year-old, as well as Orlando woman Jennifer Kesse.

The Texas Equusearch command center is located at the corner of Judge Road and Lee Vista.

The deputy director of Texas Equusearch said Sunday morning that they are still in need of volunteers for the search. Mandy Albritton said they're also in need of food and water for the searchers and volunteers.

The group's search ended at about 5 p.m. Saturday and resumed at 8 a.m. Sunday. WESH 2 News reporters are there and are providing updates throughout the day:

11 a.m. Saturday, I think this should say Sunday, by Reporter Kendra Oestreich: Dedicated volunteers are back out near Orlando International Airport searching for 3-year-old Caylee Anthony and missing Orlando woman Jennifer Kesse.

Team leaders and volunteers started arriving at about 6:30 a.m. That's true commitment on a weekend.

Spirits are high after what some feel was a disappointed search day on Saturday.

Volunteers did find animal bones near Moss Park as well as Blanchard Park yesterday, but EquuSearch leaders say there's no evidence of Caylee or Jennifer.

They also didn't meet their 3,000 volunteer goal, which would have made it the largest search in U.S. history. Right now, the turn-out is about 1/3 of what it was yesterday.

At 9:25 a.m. today there were 315 volunteers, compared to 1,000 volunteers by 9:55 a.m. yesterday. Leaders are hoping many church-goers will come out after their services to lend a hand.

There's still time to make it even after your favorite football game. They'll be searching until sunset.

Tune in to WESH 2 News at 6 p.m. for my report and the latest on the search.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 02:49:35 PM

The corner of Judge and Shadowridge
(SE Corner )
Orlando, FL

Domino's Pizza
2510 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL
407-384-8877 (3.39 miles away)

Pizza Hut - PIZZA MIA $5 PIZZA
8255 Lee Vista Blvd # B, Orlando, FL
407-273-6100 (2.95 miles away)

Hungry Howies
East Colonial and Chickasaw

Popeye's - call Dave (Mgr) at 407-275-3110 (each piece is .99cents - and they will deliver - take credit/debit card over phone and will mail receipt to you)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 04:02:01 PM

The search for Casey Anthony's missing 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, has been suspended. According to Tim Miller, he has done everything in his power to locate Caylee and there is nothing more he can do.

"I don't think Caylee will ever be found," Miller told Investigation Discovery. "We have done all that we can do. We have thoroughly searched every inch of the targeted areas. Unfortunately, there is only one person who can bring this to an end and she's not talking."

It is unfortunate that the search for Caylee is over; however without any new leads or information there is little more that can be done. Everyone here is sad to be leaving – may hugs and tears have been exchanged – but in the end we all know that they put their best foot forward. Perhaps in the future something new will come of this case. In the mean time, Caylee will remain on our thoughts and in our hearts.

Meanwhile, Texas EquuSearch will be breaking down the command post tomorrow, at which time they will head to North Carolina to conduct joint searches for Kelly Currin Morris, Jennifer Rivkin, Mouy Tang and Jamie Michelle Fraley.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 06:20:19 PM
November 09, 2008
Re: Caylee Anthony Search is Over

I have just been informed that EquuSearch has decided to continue to search for Caylee Anthony tomorrow while they break down the command center for the North Carolina trip. Volunteers are still welcome and encouraged to come out and look for Caylee during that time.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 06:28:30 PM
LP said that the day of the JCP purchase that Casey came by the house & got the material to make the cross.
 Maybe that  female bounty hunter told them that Casey was making those cross necklaces .
 LP said yesterday that the cross found on the tree matched the beads that Casey wore.
She could have left it as a memorial at the park. Now it's gone but LP has a feeling about this spot, so he's going back tomorrow with a dive team to look for Caylee at  Blanchard Park where the tree with that cross overlooks the water. He feels like Casey put Catlee in a suitcase and put her in the water.


Link @blonde

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 06:33:55 PM
EquuSearch To Suspend Search For Caylee After Monday
Saturday, November 8, 2008 – updated: 5:27 pm EST November 9, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Texas-based EquuSearch says after Monday, it's suspending the search for the body of Caylee Anthony.

Sunday about 800 people scoured parts of East Orange County looking for the missing girl but found nothing.

EquuSearch founder Tim Miller says he believes the girl's remains will never be found. He told Channel 9 his donors and the families of other missing people have been pressuring him to end his massive search in Orlando and start helping others.

Miller also says EquuSearch is in debt. After the group's two searches in Orlando, EquuSearch has spent more than $75,000 on equipment and staff.

The entire weekend turned out to be a disappointment. Not only were searchers unable to find Caylee, the turnout was much smaller than expected. Organizers had predicted up to 5,000 volunteers would show up for the weekend search, but only 1,500 showed up Saturday, and even less on Sunday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 09, 2008, 07:37:04 PM
Updates From Search For Caylee Marie
EquuSearch To Focus On 25-Square Mile Area

POSTED: 6:12 am EST November 7, 2008
UPDATED: 5:26 pm EST November 9, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Caylee Anthony has been missing since June 16, nearly 150 days.

Searchers gathered this weekend to look for the missing 3-year-old, as well as Orlando woman Jennifer Kesse.

The Texas Equusearch command center is located at the 

corner of Judge Road and Lee Vista.

The deputy director of Texas Equusearch said Sunday morning that they are still in need of volunteers for the search. Mandy Albritton said they're also in need of food and water for the searchers and volunteers.

The group's search ended at about 5 p.m. Saturday and resumed at 8 a.m. Sunday.

A news conference was held at 4 p.m. Sunday, and the search ended soon after.

Teams search 2/3 of the areas they wanted to search on Sunday. A much smaller search will be conducted Monday morning, where they'll search the remaining 1/3 of the area -- including Blanchard Park.

A total of 800 searchers, 700 volunteers, came out on Sunday. Equusearch said teams will do mapping of the remaining areas Sunday night and make plans for Monday morning.

Equusearch must pack up and leave after the short search Monday, as there's a missing person case in another state requiring the group's resources.

Equusearch has spent about $100,000 searching for Caylee.

WESH 2 News reporters were at the search and provided updates throughout the weekend:

11 a.m. Saturday, by Reporter Kendra Oestreich: Dedicated volunteers are back out near Orlando International Airport searching for 3-year-old Caylee Anthony and missing Orlando woman Jennifer Kesse.

Team leaders and volunteers started arriving at about 6:30 a.m. That's true commitment on a weekend.

Spirits are high after what some feel was a disappointed search day on Saturday.

Volunteers did find animal bones near Moss Park as well as Blanchard Park yesterday, but EquuSearch leaders say there's no evidence of Caylee or Jennifer.

They also didn't meet their 3,000 volunteer goal, which would have made it the largest search in U.S. history. Right now, the turn-out is about 1/3 of what it was yesterday.

At 9:25 a.m. today there were 315 volunteers, compared to 1,000 volunteers by 9:55 a.m. yesterday. Leaders are hoping many church-goers will come out after their services to lend a hand.

There's still time to make it even after your favorite football game. They'll be searching until sunset.

I just met an amazing man named Larry from New Smyrna Beach. He has terminal cancer and doesn't know how many days he has left to live, but he's spending his time today volunteering in the registration tent. Now, that's a person who's making a difference.

Tune in to WESH 2 News at 6 p.m. for my report and the latest on the search.

5:15 p.m. Saturday, by Reporter Amanda Ober: The volunteer searchers are starting to return to the search headquarters off Lee Vista Boulevard.

Many of them have been out since early this morning.

A representative for Equusearch confirms the bones found in Blanchard Park today were that of a pet dog that had been disposed of in a plastic bag. He said some students studying to be crime scene techinicians were able to identify the dog skeleton and law enforcement was never called out.

The two areas searchers focused their efforts on today were Moss Park and Blanchard Park.

The vast majority of searchers were looking for Caylee Anthony and a smaller amount searched areas linked to the Jennifer Kesse disappeaance.

The searchers will be back at it at 8 a.m. Sunday.

4 p.m. Saturday, by Reporter Amanda Ober: A total of about 1,300 volunteers came out to help today in the search for Caylee Anthony and Jennifer Kesse.

There have been some discoveries of what appear to be animal bones at Blanchard Park and a few other locations.

An Equusearch representative said as far as she knew, sheriff's investigators had not been called in to look at any evidence. The volunteers have come from as far away as Canada and plan to search until dusk tonight.

They will resume searching tomorrow morning and Equusearch says, on Monday, it will reassess its plan.

In addition to the volunteers, dozens of bounty hunters have come in from all over the country at the request of bounty hunter Leonard Padilla.

9 a.m. Saturday, by Reporter Craig Lucie: An empty field near Orlando International Airport is now flooded with people. There is a line of cars down Lee Vista still waiting to pull into to help in the search for Caylee.

The volunteers are from all over -- Canada, Puerto Rico, etc. Leonard Padilla just rolled up with his team. As always he was in his Padilla element, spitting out soundbites. I asked him what Casey would say about the crowd, and he said she would still be talking about Zanny the nanny and trying to control the world the way she wants it.

This is an amazing sight to see all of these people coming together. There are over 1,000, I would say, at 9 a.m. Buses, boats, ATVs are all waiting to take off. Everyone here has to sign a release, and then they meet up with a team. Something interesting - there are 25 students from Palm Bay community college that are crime scene investigators in training. This is their chance to see what its like to take part in what could be a major crime scene if caylee is found.

George and Cindy Anthony are not here. They are standing by their beliefs that Caylee is still alive.

Video: Large Caylee Search Planned For Saturday

This is the third time Texas-based EquuSearch will look for her.

The Orange Co. Sheriff's Department loaned EquuSearch a helicopter so that they can take aerial photos of the area.

"We have brand new technology that we are using that we didn't have last time we were here," said Mandy Albritton of EquuSearch. "The imaging is so specific that it can actually look down into the water and determine if the shadows they see are rocks, log or a body."

Their 25-square mile search area will stretch from Maitland south to Flamingo and east to Christmas and is based on mother Casey Anthony's cell tower hits.

Teams will start at the area near Hoffner and Goldenrod Road where George Anthony has recently been spotted.

"What has he been seen doing out here... well we got different reports that he was walking out of the woods here, others say he would sit and stare,” said Tim Miller of EquuSearch.

“What could that mean? Well everyone can read something into it as maybe he knows something. I don't believe that. I know that they have had some difficult times getting their sign out and stuff and he was possibly looking for a spot to do that. For that reason this area is a hot spot. For that reason law enforcement wants this area cleared very first," said Miller.

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla is back in Orlando and believes he and EquuSearch can find the missing toddler by Monday.

Those interested in volunteering in the search Saturday should meet at the intersection of Judge Road and Shadowridge Drive in the Orlando Int'l Airport area at 8 a.m.

Meanwhile, the state wants to silence all key players because of an overflow of media coverage in the case against mother Casey Anthony.

An assistant prosecutor asked a judge for a gag order against Casey's defense team, sheriff's investigators, prosecutors and even the Anthony family.

This after the state attorney's office said it doesn't have enough evidence to seek the death penalty in Anthony's trial, but prosecutors said if detectives find Caylee's body, the death penalty could be back on the table.

Copyright 2008 by WESH.COM. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 09:56:18 AM

Padilla's Team Searches Area Where Cross Was Found
Monday, November 10, 2008 – updated: 9:13 am EST November 10, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Two major searches for Caylee Anthony's remains began Monday morning at 8:00am. Texas based Equusearch scoured parts of Orange County for the third day with the help of volunteers.
Equusearch said they have received no help or cooperation from Casey Anthony, who is charged with first-degree murder of her daughter Caylee, or her family.

George Anthony showed up at the Kid Finders Command & Volunteer Center Saturday afternoon. He said he holds no ill will toward EquuSearch and its theory that Caylee is dead. The grandfather is holding out hope that Caylee would be found alive. He also said his wife, Cindy, was not taking the search too well. She was not at the Kid Finders location.

Meanwhile, bounty hunter Leonard Padilla hired a four-person dive team to search part of the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park. He said the FBI is involved in the search as well. Padilla and his team focused on the river where a cross was found nearby.

"We feel confident enough, we have to, and we have to check it out" he said.

The cross was found hanging on a tree very close to the Econ River, which was the site of a major search effort to find Caylee's body.

"You can't let something like this go because is sounds strange," said Padilla.

A team member from Equusearch snapped a picture back in August of the cross hanging from a tree. The cross is made from the same type of arts and crafts materials found in Casey's bedroom.

Padilla said he is focusing his attention on the photograph.

"We looked at the tree where the cross was hanging and it's not more than 70 yards away from the water's edge," he said.

Searchers walked through dense brush, fields, even water. But aside from clothing and some apparent animal bones they found nothing to indicate they child's remains were there.

"If you really want to delve into the mind of Casey Anthony, delve deep into some shrink's ugly book, because she's an ugly minded person," said Padilla.


Equusearch said it has to leave Orlando after Monday's final search, which was smaller than the two others over the weekend.

The group touched on every part of Orange County where members thought little Caylee may have been buried. The search team looked for Caylee's body while crews broke down their command post.

The command post was near the corner of Judge Road and Shadowridge Drive (see map), almost directly north of Orlando International Airport.

The founder of the EquuaSearch team Tim Miller, told Eyewitness News that the case has put his organization in debt, stating that they have spent over $75,000 on equipment and staff. Donors paid for all of the equipment, hotel rooms, travel expenses and said they want Miller to focus on families in other states who really want their help.

"We've put all of this money and effort in this and we're neglecting other families that want our help," said Miller.

All weekend Equusearch volunteers searched the wooded areas and rode on ATVs searching for little Caylee's body. They even used special equipment that allowed them to see below the surface.

However, Miller said that he started to believe Caylee's body may never turn up.

"There's a big part of me that says Caylee will never be heard from or seen again," he said.

The search over the weekend was supposed to be the largest effort in Equusearch's history expecting 5,000 volunteers, but 1,500 showed up Saturday and 800 on Sunday.


The father of Casey Anthony's ex-fiancée showed up at Sunday's search, but did not participate. Richard Grund once thought Caylee Anthony was his granddaughter because his son Jesse almost married Casey.

"I'm an old New York Italian. When I make you part of my family, you stay part of my family, so Caylee's still part of my family," he said.

Grund claimed that Cindy Anthony led investigators to believe the Grunds had a hand in Caylee's disappearance, but they have since been cleared.

"I wanted to participate in the search, but considering the accusations made against my son and me by Cindy, I figured it wouldn't be the best thing to be in the area when she's found," Grund said.

Casey's former best friend Amy Huizinga also showed up in support of Grund. They all said they shared the hope that Caylee Anthony will soon come home for a proper burial.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 09:59:40 AM
Gag Order May Be Issued In Casey Case; Divers To Search For Caylee
Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 7:50 am EST November 10, 2008
UPDATED: 9:00 am EST November 10, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A judge could rule as early as Monday on a sweeping gag order in the case against Casey Anthony, who has been charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee.
PHOTOS: Casey Baby Photos
PHOTOS: Casey On Surveillance Video
The order would restrict attorneys, witnesses, law enforcement and the Anthony family from commenting publicly about the case, which has made worldwide headlines. The purpose of the order would be to protect potential jurors from being influenced by pretrial publicity, Local 6 News reported.

Meanwhile, Equusearch leader Tim Miller and his team are leaving Orlando after spending the weekend searching for Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July.

Miller said last week that he expected about 4,000 volunteers, but only 1,000 to 1,500 people participated in the search, which covered 25 miles of land and wooded areas near Orlando 

International Airport.

"The turnout wasn't as big as I anticipated. I think that people are just accepting the fact, probably, that Caylee's not going to come back," Miller said.

The search thus far has cost nearly $100,000.

Miller said his search team is headed to North Carolina to search for four newly missing people.

Divers Search River For Caylee

Celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who assisted Miller in the weekend search, said he is taking a dive team to Blanchard Park on Monday to search the Little Econ River for Caylee.

Padilla said he received a tip from a friend of Anthony's, leading to the new search. Padilla said the friend showed him a picture of a cross that she had taken at Blanchard Park and it matched some arts and crafts that were in Anthony's room.

"She could have easily gone to the park, taken the body out, ruptured the bag when she pulled the body out of the trunk -- which left fluids in the trunk -- gotten it all over herself, taken it to the edge of the water and dumped it in there," Padilla said.

Padilla said that theory would explain a stain on one of Anthony's shirts that her mother, Cindy Anthony, cleaned before it was turned over to investigators.

Divers were awaiting the OK from Orange County authorities before searching the river, Local 6 News reported.

Fewer Search Volunteers Than Expected

More than 1,000 volunteers searched for Caylee over the weekend, but the turnout was about 3,000 people less than expected.

Equusearch resumed its search in two parks in Orange County, an area near the Orlando International Airport and a wooded area near the home of Caylee's grandparents.

Organizers said on Friday that they thought the search would attract more than 4,000 volunteers in what could have been the largest search in U.S. history,

The group prepared about 350 team leaders on Friday, who were sent out in groups of two or three to different areas to determine what type of equipment and how many people would be needed in their search.

Miller and Mandy Albritton of Equusearch said the search is a huge undertaking.

"This is the biggest and largest search that Texas Equusearch has ever done," Albritton said.

"In the very best conditions -- if this little girl is out there -- she's skeletal remains, and it's going to be extremely easy to miss," Miller said.

Padilla, who bailed out Anthony from jail months ago when she was only charged with child neglect, shared information with Miller.

"We'll basically brief (Equusearch) on what we had," said Padilla, who has analyzed pings to towers from Anthony's cell phone records.

"The woman lives her life 10 minutes at a time. It never, ever affects her adversely. Child's dead? OK. What do do? Oh, I've got to go (to) Blockbuster tonight," said Padilla, making note of the fact that Anthony was captured on surveillance video shortly after Caylee's disappearance.

Miller said Padilla's information coincides with where they planned to search.

Cindy Anthony, who believes her granddauther is still alive, did not assist in the search.

"I talked with Cindy yesterday, and we hugged -- and we even had some tears come out -- but I don't believe that (Caylee's) alive," Miller said.

Miller held a meeting Friday at 6 p.m. at the Tabu nightclub in Orlando for anyone who was interested in joining in the search, which began Saturday at 8 a.m.

Casey's Mental Health

The mental health of Casey Anthony could be the key to determining her fate, according to a Local 6 News report.

Anthony is scheduled to go to trial in January.

Anthony has undergone two psychological evaluations, but the reports have been sealed by the judge who ordered the tests after Anthony's arrest in July.

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone interviewed Lake Mary psychiatrist Dr. Ryan Hall, who has not examined Anthony and could not comment to her specifically, but he has studied women who have killed and their motivations for the killings.

"You have to look at the motivation -- why they're doing -- why they think they have to (kill their own child)," Hall said.

Psychiatrists focus on five general reasons, Hall said.

Altruistic, which was explained as the person doing the child a favor.

Psychotic, when the killer is having hallucinations or delusions.

Accidental, which usually result from abuse.

Revenge, getting back at someone, usually a spouse or the child's parent.

Unwanted child.

Hall said that only in extreme cases can the killer be found not criminally responsible for the death.

"You have to have a severe mental illness, and two -- due to the severe mental illness -- you have to not realize what you were doing was wrong," Hall said.

Andrea Yates, the Texas mother who is in a psychiatric hospital after drowning her five children because she said she was battling Satan before calmly reporting the deaths to police, is an example of that type of person, Local 6 News reported.

Pipitone said the prosecution of Anthony thus far seems closer to that of Susan Smith, who let a car containing her two children roll into a lake, where they drowned. Smith blamed carjackers who never existed, and she's serving a life sentence in South Carolina.

"She was interested in an individual, (and) he said he didn't want to be with a single mother. She killed her two kids. There was concealment, it was planned out, she made false statements to police, she was trying to avoid detection (and) she knew what she'd done was wrong," Hall said.

Investigators believe Anthony is concealing the location of her daughter's body.

"No more lies. No more bull coming out of your mouth. We've been very respectful. We're taking our time and talking to you, but we're tired of all the lies. No more lies. What happened to Caylee?" Orange County sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich said in a July interview at Universal, where Anthony had said she worked.

"I don't know," Anthony said.

"You do know," Melich replied.

"I don't know," Anthony repeated.

"What happened to Caylee?" Melich asked.

"I don't know where she is. That's the God's honest truth," Anthony said.

If Anthony were delusional, she would really believe that she worked at Universal and left Caylee with an imaginary baby sitter, Pipitone said. The state claims that Anthony is lying.

Psychiatrists, like Hall, routinely determine whether someone is delusional or simply deceptive.

"You have to look at what the motivation is there. Is it that they don't want to admit they're really unemployed? Do they have to let people think they're greater than they are? So there could be personality factors, (a) need for narcissism, needs to seem greater than they are. Or they could be trying to hide embarrassment or shame," Hall said.

If Anthony has no severe mental illness, there's no way she can avoid prison, if convicted, Local 6 News reported.

"People found insane go to the state mental hospital, but that's reserved for truly psychotic people. Casey just doesn't seem to fit that bill," Pipitone said. "She's not been convicted of anything, but clearly she has issues that could lead to the death penalty being taken off the table or mitigate against a death sentence if she ever were convicted."

New Documents Released

More than 500 pages of documents pertaining to the Anthony case were released Thursday by the state attorney's office.

The documents include never-before released interviews of Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony.

In an interview about retrieving Casey Anthony's car from an impound lot after it was found abandoned at an Orange County Amscot, George Anthony said the smell in the car was terrible.

"I believe that there's something dead back there, and I hate to say the word 'human,'" said George Anthony, who told detectives he knew something was wrong and was nervous to open the trunk. "I think I whispered out to myself, 'Please don't let this be my Caylee.'"

George Anthony said he also saw a basketball-sized stain on the carpet of the trunk, Arm & Hammer laundry detergent and a plastic garbage bag contaning a pizza box and maggots.

George Anthony said in the interview that the smell was so bad that he had trouble breathing as he drove the car home. He said when he pulled into the garage, his wife came out and said, "Jesus Christ, what died? It was the pizza, right?"

In a separate interview, Cindy told detectives that she was concerned someone would take the car.

"We parked it in the garage, opened everything up, took the battery out of it just in case someone came home to try to get the car. We took the battery out of it. (You) never know," Cindy Anthony said.

It was later revealed that there was never any pizza in the trunk, only the empty box, Local 6 News reported.

George Anthony also admitted to detectives that Casey Anthony lived life on the edge, but said he was shocked to hear that his daughter was partying at Fusion, an Orlando nightclub, during the first month after Caylee's disappearance.

Also, in an interview with an Orange County sheriff's detective, George Anthony said his daughter had once told him that she was robbed at gunpoint while she was working at Sports Authority. George Anthony said he confronted the manager of the store about the incident only to be told that Casey Anthony never worked there.

Casey Connection To Apartment

An interview also released on Thursday shows that Casey Anthony had a connection to the Sawgrass Apartments, where she said she left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez before never seeing her daughter again.

Dante Salati, a friend who Casey Anthony had known since high school, lived at Sawgrass for three years. His apartment was located next to the building where Casey Anthony said she left Caylee.

Salati said Casey Anthony's last visit to his apartment was January 2007, and he had never seen Caylee at the complex.

A detective asked Salati, "Do you think if Casey would come in there to drop her child off at an apartment 500 feet away on a regular basis -- do you think you would have had some idea that was going on?"

"Yes," Salati replied.

Death Penalty Argument

Attorneys for Anthony on Wednesday urged state prosecutors not to seek the death penalty in the high-profile case, using baby photos of their client to help their cause, Local 6 News reported.

Local 6 News obtained the baby photos of Anthony that will be used by her attorneys in an effort to sway the state from pursuing the death penalty.

The photographs show Anthony as a baby, playing with her brother, Lee, and surrounded by family members.

An experienced defense attorney was recently retained on Anthony's behalf, and he's hoping the photos and his 30-page argument will convince prosecutors.

"In this case, no one knows how death might have happened, if at all," stated the document, which was also obtained by Local 6 News. "If death did occur, the death was almost certainly a tragic accident."

Anthony's defense team also raises the possibility that Caylee may have been poisoned by chloroform, saying, "Death may have occurred while the child was sedated or from an unwitting overdose of a sedative."

Anthony's attorneys are also trying to show prosecutors that their client is an unlikely candidate for the death penalty because of her age and lack of a criminal record. Attorneys said the evidence suggests Anthony was a good, loving mother but also a troubled woman who may be suffering from depression or other mental conditions, Local 6 News reported.

The defense admits that Anthony "spent money she does not have, wrote bad checks, had multiple unstable relationships and participated in risky behavior."

The request did not mention the baby sitter with whom Anthony said she left Caylee at an apartment complex before never seeing her again. But the argument is not a case strategy, Local 6 News reported, rather only an attempt to get the death penalty option off the table.

Cindy Anthony Statement

Anthony family spokesman Larry Garrison released a statement on Thursday from Cindy Anthony, a day after it was reported that her daughter's attorneys are seeking to avoid the death penalty in her Casey Anthony's case.

"I feel that a good attorney will plan for the worse case scenario and hope for the best.

"I know that Casey's attorneys know that she is innocent, but they cannot ignore how the media has already spun the facts and convicted her. Casey has been severely attacked by the media since she was first arrested, and anyone would be a fool to ignore that. All of the negative spin has done her an injustice.

"Just look at what it has done for poor Caylee. The media already has given up on looking for this child, when there is simply no credible or concrete evidence to prove that she is dead. The defense and the family will never give up on looking for Caylee.

"We continue to believe she is alive, and so should everyone else who has a conscience. I would ask anyone to ask themselves just how quick would they stop looking for someone that they loved," the statement said.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 10:01:16 AM
Caylee Search Could End Today
Monday, November 10, 2008 8:38:05 AM  

ORLANDO -- The search for missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony continues at 8 a.m. Monday, but it may not last for long.

Texas EquuSearch, the volunteer recovery group leading the search, plans to call off the massive search effort after Monday.

The group renewed the search for Caylee over the weekend after abandoning earlier search efforts because of flooding from Tropical Storm Fay, but officials with the group said the effort has taken up too much of their focus and too much money. See previous story.

If you want to volunteer in the search Monday, you are asked to meet at the command center with their completed volunteer forms before 8 a.m. Monday morning. The command center is located at the corner of Judge Road and Shadowridge Drive behind the Hertz Car Rental.

You must be 18 or older to participate. No children or dogs are allowed. Volunteers are asked to wear long pants and walking shoes or boots.

From Orlando, EquuSearch plans to go to North Carolina to try and help four families looking for missing loved ones. After that, officials said they hope to bring the group back to Florida to find Caylee.

"I don't believe Caylee's body will ever be found, but I've been wrong before, and the only way Caylee's body will ever be found is to continue the search," said Tim Miller, spokesman for Texas EquuSearch.

Organizers said about 1,300 volunteers showed up Saturday to aid in the search, and about 800 people helped Sunday.

Those numbers were well below the 4,000 people organizers had expected.

Bounty Hunter Conducts Separate Search

As EquuSearch continues looking for Caylee near the airport, California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla is conducting a separate search at Little Econ River.

Padilla has hired his own dive team to search the river for the body of the missing toddler

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 10:06:20 AM
Caylee Sighting Reported In Gainesville
Family Holds Prayer Vigil On Sunday

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A possible sighting of Caylee Anthony sent the 3-year-old girl's grandparents to Gainesville.

"They saw a little girl with a gentleman shopping in a store and said the little girl looked like Caylee, so they felt strongly enough to give us a call," grandmother Cindy Anthony said.

George and Cindy Anthony reviewed surveillance video from the store but were not able to determine the child's identity.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 10:52:27 AM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 12:06:27 PM
EquuSearch ends hunt for Caylee Anthony today

Updated: 10:20 a.m.
Today will mark the end of EquuSeach's quest to find Caylee Anthony. The search group has been in Orlando since Friday to look for the missing toddler, but so far searchers have found no sign of the child.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 12:07:39 PM
Hearing on gag order canceled in Casey Anthony case
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
11:23 AM EST, November 10, 2008

An afternoon hearing for the state's request for a gag order in the Casey Anthony case was canceled. Court officials said there was a scheduling conflict with attorneys. A new hearing date has not been announced.

Prosecutors are asking Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland to issue gag order prohibiting cops, lawyers and family members from talking publicly about the Casey Anthony case.

The Orlando Sentinel opposes any type of gag order.

Casey Anthony, 22, faces a slew of charges, including first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee Marie. The toddler was reported missing in July 15 and hasn't been seen by her family since mid-

While authorities believe she's dead, no body has been found yet. Anthony's family has maintained that Caylee is still alive and has been critical of the State Attorney's Office for prosecuting Casey Anthony

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 02:17:08 PM
Divers Search For Caylee; Gag Order Hearing In Casey Case Postponed
Girl Last Seen In Mid-June
POSTED: 7:50 am EST November 10, 2008
UPDATED: 12:18 pm EST November 10, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A hearing on a sweeping gag order in the case against Casey Anthony, who has been charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee, was postponed on Monday.
PHOTOS: Casey Baby Photos
PHOTOS: Casey On Surveillance Video
It is not known when the hearing, which would restrict attorneys, witnesses, law enforcement and the Anthony family from commenting publicly about the case, will be held. The purpose of the order would be to protect potential jurors from being influenced by pretrial publicity, Local 6 News reported.

Meanwhile, Equusearch leader Tim Miller and his team are leaving Orlando after spending the weekend searching for Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July. But celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla is hoping to have a team of divers search a river for the missing girl's body.

Miller said last week that he expected about 4,000 volunteers, but only 1,000 to 1,500 people participated in the search, which covered 25 miles of land and wooded areas near Orlando 

International Airport.

"The turnout wasn't as big as I anticipated. I think that people are just accepting the fact, probably, that Caylee's not going to come back," Miller said.

The search thus far has cost nearly $100,000.

Miller said his search team is headed to North Carolina to search for four newly missing people.

Anthony, 22, remains jailed on murder charges.

Divers Search River For Caylee

Padilla, who assisted Miller in the weekend search, took a dive team to Blanchard Park to search the Little Econ River for Caylee.

Padilla said he received a tip from a friend of Anthony's, leading to the new search. Padilla said the friend showed him a picture of a cross that she had taken at Blanchard Park and it matched some arts and crafts that were in Anthony's room.

"She could have easily gone to the park, taken the body out, ruptured the bag when she pulled the body out of the trunk -- which left fluids in the trunk -- gotten it all over herself, taken it to the edge of the water and dumped it in there," Padilla said.

Padilla said that theory would explain a stain on one of Anthony's shirts that her mother, Cindy Anthony, cleaned before it was turned over to investigators.

Divers were awaiting the OK from Orange County authorities before searching the river, Local 6 News reported.

Fewer Search Volunteers Than Expected

More than 1,000 volunteers searched for Caylee over the weekend, but the turnout was about 3,000 people less than expected.

Equusearch resumed its search in two parks in Orange County, an area near the Orlando International Airport and a wooded area near the home of Caylee's grandparents.

Organizers said on Friday that they thought the search would attract more than 4,000 volunteers in what could have been the largest search in U.S. history,

The group prepared about 350 team leaders on Friday, who were sent out in groups of two or three to different areas to determine what type of equipment and how many people would be needed in their search.

Miller and Mandy Albritton of Equusearch said the search is a huge undertaking.

"This is the biggest and largest search that Texas Equusearch has ever done," Albritton said.

"In the very best conditions -- if this little girl is out there -- she's skeletal remains, and it's going to be extremely easy to miss," Miller said.

Padilla, who bailed out Anthony from jail months ago when she was only charged with child neglect, shared information with Miller.

"We'll basically brief (Equusearch) on what we had," said Padilla, who has analyzed pings to towers from Anthony's cell phone records.

"The woman lives her life 10 minutes at a time. It never, ever affects her adversely. Child's dead? OK. What do do? Oh, I've got to go (to) Blockbuster tonight," said Padilla, making note of the fact that Anthony was captured on surveillance video shortly after Caylee's disappearance.

Miller said Padilla's information coincides with where they planned to search.

Cindy Anthony, who believes her granddauther is still alive, did not assist in the search.

"I talked with Cindy yesterday, and we hugged -- and we even had some tears come out -- but I don't believe that (Caylee's) alive," Miller said.

Miller held a meeting Friday at 6 p.m. at the Tabu nightclub in Orlando for anyone who was interested in joining in the search, which began Saturday at 8 a.m.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 02:23:33 PM
George and Cindy Anthony showed up at the search site. Cindy ended up going ape shit on everyone and told Lenny P that he was going to have him arrested. Murt said Cindy was very out of control and that a fight almost ensued. She apperently grabbed a camera mans camera or something like that. He said that George really didnt say much and that it was Cindy that was out of control. Lenny P was trying to calm Cindy down and I guess Cindy broke down a couple of times.

As the Anthonys were walking by Murts van Geroge pulled off the sign that was hanging up on it that was Dakota's sign that she made. It was a sign made for an ALIVE Caylee so he is baffled and mind boggled as to why George would do this. He said he no longer has any respect for the Anthonys after that.

Scared Monkey

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 02:49:02 PM

Padilla's Dive Team Searches Area Where Cross Was Found

Monday, November 10, 2008 – updated: 1:10 pm EST November 10, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- There were two major searches for Caylee Anthony's remains underway Monday, one on the ground and one in the water. The water search in east Orange County began late after having to wait for permission from Blanchard Park officials.

Two divers, hired by bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, were searching 50 yards of the shore and searching 15 feet out in the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park (see map). Padilla thinks Caylee's body is in the river.

SEARCH IMAGES: Teams Look For Caylee's Rema

Padilla also announced Monday that he will be holding a memorial service at 9:00am Tuesday along the river search site. He said the FBI is involved in the search, as well, but the FBI has denied that.

Padilla and his team focused on the river where a cross was found nearby.

"We feel confident enough, we have to, and we have to check it out," he said.

The cross was found hanging on a tree very close to the Econ River, which was the site of a major search effort to find Caylee's body.

"You can't let something like this go because it sounds strange," said Padilla.

A team member from EquuSearch snapped a picture back in August of the cross hanging from a tree. The cross is made from the same type of arts and crafts materials found in Casey's bedroom. Padilla said he is focusing his attention on the photograph.

"We looked at the tree where the cross was hanging and it's not more than 70 yards away from the water's edge," he said.

Searchers walked through dense brush, fields and even water, but aside from clothing and some apparent animal bones they found nothing to indicate they child's remains were there.

"If you really want to delve into the mind of Casey Anthony, delve deep into some shrink's ugly book, because she's an ugly minded person," said Padilla

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 04:22:55 PM
Tiny Turn Out For Group's Likely Last Search For Caylee

Monday, November 10, 2008 – updated: 3:29 pm EST November 10, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- From 5,000 to 40, the big expectations in the search for Caylee Anthony's body ended in a tiny turnout at another search site Monday near the 417. It will likely be the last time the group EquuSearch will look for Caylee.

Only about forty volunteers were on site to get instructions before Monday's search in a wooded area near Econ Trail along the 417. When they lined up, they were told to be precise in their search and yell for their team leaders if they see anything suspicious.

About 2,300 volunteers also looked for Caylee's remains Saturday and Sunday. They believe a body or a shred of evidence are the only things that may give the community closure.

"The longer everyone searches, there's a possibility evidence will be found," volunteer Cindy Smith said.

The area is so dense with brush and trees, it would be almost impossible to spot human remains anywhere.

"We can bring in the entire military and there's still a small chance that she would ever be found," EquuSearch founder Tim Miller said.

Miller said the case has put his group in debt; they've spent $100,000. He will leave for North Carolina on Tuesday morning to focus on other missing persons cases, but said he may leave some of his volunteers behind.

Miller also said he's frustrated with bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who started his own search Monday in an area Miller claims isn't even on sheriff's investigators radar.

"There's no evidence to lead anyone to believe there's a good reason to dive. I would only hope it's not for self promotional reasons and turning this into a circus," Miller said.


A water search in east Orange County began late after having to wait for permission from Blanchard Park officials. Two divers, hired by bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, were searching 50 yards of the shore and searching 15 feet out in the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park (see map). Padilla thinks Caylee's body is in the river.

Padilla also announced Monday that he will be holding a memorial service at 9:00am Tuesday along the river search site. He said the FBI is involved in the search, as well, but the FBI has denied that.

Padilla and his team focused on the river where a cross was found nearby.

"We feel confident enough, we have to, and we have to check it out," he said.

The cross was found hanging on a tree very close to the Econ River, which was the site of a major search effort to find Caylee's body.

"You can't let something like this go because it sounds strange," said Padilla.

A team member from EquuSearch snapped a picture back in August of the cross hanging from a tree. The cross is made from the same type of arts and crafts materials found in Casey's bedroom. Padilla said he is focusing his attention on the photograph.

"We looked at the tree where the cross was hanging and it's not more than 70 yards away from the water's edge," he said.

Searchers walked through dense brush, fields and even water, but aside from clothing and some apparent animal bones they found nothing to indicate they child's remains were there.

"If you really want to delve into the mind of Casey Anthony, delve deep into some shrink's ugly book, because she's an ugly minded person," said Padilla.


Caylee Anthony's grandmother told Good Morning America on Monday people should be looking for Caylee alive, because there's no evidence she's dead (watch video). She lashed out at prosecutors for wanting to put a gag order on the defense and the Anthony family.

Cindy said prosecutors don't want them to talk publicly about tips they are getting that suggest Caylee is still alive. She went on to say they received a tip just Saturday night that Caylee was spotted in Florida. Cindy said she watched surveillance video and believes it could be her granddaughter and investigators are now looking at that video.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 04:25:03 PM
EquuSearch ends hunt for Caylee Anthony today
Today will mark the end of EquuSeach's quest to find Caylee Anthony. The search group has been in Orlando since Friday to look for the missing toddler, but so far searchers have found no sign of the child.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 05:47:07 PM

Raw video of the search.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 06:18:17 PM
No sign of Caylee; Anthony’s confront Padilla

Last Edited: Monday, 10 Nov 2008, 5:43 PM EST
Created: Monday, 10 Nov 2008, 5:25 PM EST

StoriesTimeline, Documents and Photos related to the Casey Anthony Case

PHOTO GALLERY: Dive team search


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- A dive team hired by Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who helped post Casey Anthony's $500,200 initial bond, searched the waters of the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park Monday convinced they would find a trace of the missing girl. Then in the afternoon George and Cindy Anthony arrived and they were not happy.

In the midst of a dive search that bounty hunter Padilla's crew was doing Cindy and George Anthony came out to confront Leonard Padilla.
The point of contention: a memorial service Padilla has planned for Caylee Tuesday morning.

Cindy Anthony did most of the talking. From a distance our camera caught what Cindy Anthony said. “It’s not 100 percent conclusive.  You guys aren't doing any good for Caylee...If you want to put divers in there fine... but you're not holding a memorial service for my granddaughter. 

The Anthony's didn't say much after their talk with Padilla except that they're at upset Padilla's planned memorial service. “To me it’s defamatory against us as a family...there is a little girl out there alive,” said George Anthony.

Padilla made it clear their talk didn't change his plans. “Why's she worried about this memorial service tomorrow?  Would she rather think of her as not knowing where her granddaughter ended up...she ended up right here....her daughter put her here.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 10, 2008, 07:42:07 PM
indy Anthony Defends Daughter, Calls Her a 'Victim'
Caylee's Grandfather Said He Smelled Death in Casey Anthony's Car, According to New Documents
Nov. 11, 2008

Casey Anthony, who has been charged with murder in the disappearance of her toddler daughter, is also a victim in the tragic case, her mother, Cindy Anthony, said today.

Casey Anthony, 22, is in jail on charges of first-degree murder and manslaughter related to the disappearance of her daughter Caylee, who would now be 3 years old and has not been seen since June. Casey Anthony has pleaded not guilty to all of the charges.

"Casey's been a victim in this as well. Casey's been grieving for her daughter," Cindy Anthony said today on "Good Morning America," adding that she has not given up hope that her young granddaughter is still alive.

"You know, this child -- everybody in America, anybody that has seen videos of Caylee, just still pictures of her, Caylee has captured their hearts. So why is it so unbelievable that someone wouldn't want to take Caylee as their own?"

About 1,400 volunteers searched for Caylee near Orlando, Fla., this weekend, but found no sign of the missing girl ...

There is no evidence that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Caylee is dead," Cindy Anthony said.

She blamed law enforcement officials, who she said are not doing enough to find the girl.

"There's never been an Amber Alert put out on Caylee," she said. "You know, the bottom line is, we thought as a family, within a couple days, within a week, that no one was actually giving Caylee 100 percent effort in looking for her."

Suspicious Smell in Car

Documents recently released by Florida prosecutors suggest that at least some family members suspected Casey Anthony might have something to do with the girl's disappearance.

George Anthony, Caylee's grandfather, suspected foul play when he smelled a horrific odor coming from the trunk of his daughter's car after he picked it up from a wrecking yard, according to the documents.

"I believe that there's something dead back there," George Anthony, a former police officer, said to investigators.

"When I first went there to pick up that vehicle, I got within three feet of it I could smell something. You look up and you say, 'Please don't let this be. Please don't let this be.'"

George Anthony also told investigators that Cindy Anthony noticed the smell in the car and said, "Jesus Christ, what died?"

Cindy Anthony, upper left, continues to defend her daughter, Casey Anthony, lower left, who has been charged with murder in the disappearance of Caylee Anthony.
(ABC/AP Photos)

Scientists found evidence of body decomposition and traces of chloroform in the trunk of the car, but none of the DNA evidence has been conclusively linked to Caylee.

Caylee was last seen in June, but Casey Anthony did not report her daughter missing until July 15. Suspicion has swirled around the single mother since then, and investigators said she gave them changing and inaccurate information.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 08:21:44 AM

Cindy Confronts Padilla Over Memorial Service Plans
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 – updated: 6:59 am EST November 11, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Caylee Anthony's family released a new statement blasting bounty hunter Leonard Padilla over his plans to hold a memorial in Caylee's honor Tuesday morning at 9:00am.

George and Cindy came to Blanchard Park to try to convince bounty hunter Leonard Padilla not to hold a memorial service at the search site Tuesday morning. Video showed Caylee's grandparents talking to Padilla (video | images), but the bounty hunter decided to go forward with it despite their pleas
The Anthony's call it an immoral judgment, a spiteful gesture and during the river search Cindy Anthony gave Padilla an earful.

"I'm the only one who has anything to say about this. Nobody else!" she yelled.

A volunteer then screamed, "I'll say something to you, why don't you make your daughter say where your granddaughter is? It's about Caylee!

"Just back off!" responded Cindy.

Monday night the Anthony's issued a statement on Caylee's MySpace site:

"Everyone has a right to have an opinion about where Caylee may be. However, no one has the right to have a memorial service for Caylee other than her family. Her family still believes she is alive, and this is our right."

The Anthony's have held numerous prayer vigils for Caylee outside of their home. Casey Anthony remains in the Orange County jail facing a first-degree murder in the death of her little girl Caylee Anthony.


Meanwhile, the water search in east Orange County began late after having to wait for permission from Blanchard Park officials. Two divers, hired by Padilla, searched 50 yards of the shore and 15 feet out in the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park (see map). Padilla thinks Caylee's body is in the river.

"You got to feel it, it's almost like working in Braille," said one diver.

Padilla and his team focused on the river where a cross was found nearby. He said the FBI is involved in the search, as well, but the FBI has denied that.

"We feel confident enough, we have to, and we have to check it out," he said.

The cross was found hanging on a tree very close to the Econ River, which was the site of a major search effort to find Caylee's body.

"You can't let something like this go because it sounds strange," said Padilla.

A team member from EquuSearch snapped a picture back in August of the cross hanging from a tree. The cross is made from the same type of arts and crafts materials found in Casey's bedroom. Padilla said he is focusing his attention on the photograph.

"We looked at the tree where the cross was hanging and it's not more than 70 yards away from the water's edge," he said.

Despite Padilla's confidence they'd find the girl's body, the murky water prevented dive teams from finding anything Monday.

Search volunteers questioned why Cindy and George have not been helping in the search for Caylee's body.;topic=3222.340;num_replies=357

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 08:26:21 AM
Groups call off search for Caylee Anthony
Amanda Welch | Sentinel Staff Writer
November 11, 2008
Texas EquuSearch and bounty hunter Leonard Padilla are leaving town this week after searching unsuccessfully for the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony.

With Texas EquuSearch, 83 volunteers broke up into teams near Econlockhatchee Trail and Berry Dease Road on Monday, using long poles to look for clothing and bones among the dried leaves and pine needles.

Whenever a volunteer found something questionable, Dixie, a 6 1/2 -year-old cadaver dog, was called to check it out.

"Show me, Dixie, show me," instructed her handler, Gage Angle, 18.


Angle and Dixie work with Urban Search and Rescue, a nonprofit K-9 search team from Hilton Head Island, S.C., that teamed up with Texas EquuSearch. Angle has been volunteering for Urban Search and Rescue for three years and said the search for Caylee's remains has been the most difficult.

"We've never had a failed search," he said. "This is the only one that doesn't look good."

Two-year-old Caylee disappeared in June, and her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, was charged with first-degree murder and also faces charges of aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

An estimated 1,400 volunteers turned out Saturday for the latest search effort, which continued through the weekend and wrapped up Monday.

By 2:30 p.m., volunteers were low on food and water so Dave Rader, a volunteer from Cincinnati who led Monday's largest group of EquuSearch workers -- about 45 to 55 -- called off the search.

"Never stop looking," Rader told workers before they disbanded. "The way I'm looking at it is, now we know where she's not."

Likewise, nothing turned up in Padilla's dive search at Jay Blanchard Park. Padilla said he remained convinced that Caylee's remains were in the nearby river.

"She's in that river," he said. "I'd rather think of her as in that river than in a garbage heap somewhere."

Tim Miller, founder of Texas EquuSearch, was aggravated at Padilla's search, calling it a media stunt.

"It's the Leonard Padilla show," he said. "Forget about Caylee Anthony."

Miller said Texas EquuSearch had already checked that area in a boat with scanning equipment.

"There's nothing there," he said.

Also Monday, a hearing for the state's request for a gag order in the Casey Anthony case was canceled. Court officials said there was a scheduling conflict with attorneys. A new hearing date has not been announced.

Prosecutors are asking Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland to issue a gag order prohibiting police, lawyers and family members from talking publicly about the Casey Anthony case.

Padilla is scheduled to leave Central Florida after a prayer vigil for Caylee at 9 a.m. today at Jay Blanchard Park.

Texas EquuSearch is leaving for a search in North Carolina beginning Saturday.

Sarah Lundy of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Amanda Welch can be reached at 407-420-5352 or,0,5178657.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 08:45:52 AM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 09:30:22 AM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 09:33:21 AM
Casey Anthony's Private Investigator Speaks
Monday, November 10, 2008
filed under: exclusive!

The private investigator working with the Anthonys to locate Caylee Marie believes Casey Anthony is a "loving and protective mother."

Over the weekend, Equusearch spearheaded a massive effort in the Orlando, Florida area to locate the remains of missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony. Over a thousand volunteers combed the terrain for two days -- but found no signs of the child.

There is one man who is not in the least surprised by the outcome.

Dominic Casey, head of D & A Investigations, Inc., the agency working with the Anthony family to find Casey Anthony's missing daughter, spoke exclusively with momlogic. And he vehemently believes the three-year-old is alive.

"You can call me crazy," says Dominic, who has been a private investigator for 20 years. "Everyone is calling me crazy. I get death threats on a daily basis."

With all the evidence mounting against Caylee's mother Casey, it seems like a long shot the little girl will ever come home. From the mysterious "nanny" Casey claimed was watching after Caylee, to her chloroform recipe search, the partying and -- most of all -- Casey's father George's revelation that he

Caylee and Casey Anthony Gallery
noticed the "familiar" stench of death in the trunk of Casey's car.

Caylee and Casey Anthony GalleryWhatever George Anthony smelled,
Dominic is convinced it was not Caylee Marie. "There is no indication in any of the forensic reports," insists Dominic, "that say that the decomposition was of a human nature. They are all inconclusive."

Dominic Casey says he is still actively searching for clues, just has he has been since days after Caylee's disappearance -- all pro bono. "We offered our services to the Anthonys and since then we have not taken one cent from them. It's not about the money. One's ability to pay should not deny the right to available resources, especially in the case of missing child."

In addition to his ongoing investigation, Dominic speaks with the Anthonys on a daily basis. "George and Cindy are good people living a nightmare." And he stresses at no time have the Anthonys ever doubted the innocence of their daughter. "Absolutely not. Never. They completely support Casey." But, he adds, "I would never give them false hope." Dominic has also spoken many times with Casey, meeting with her in Orange County Jail early as August. "She is absolutely distraught," says Dominic when asked about her demeanor on these visits, "I cannot imagine what that girl is going through."

Ultimately, Dominic is sick of the sensationalism that surrounds this case. "Please, stop the negativity," he pleads. In his opinion, one detail that keeps feeding the media frenzy is law enforcement's release of nearly 1000 tips from psychics to the public -- not legitimate Caylee sightings. "The Sheriff's department claims they are withholding the tips because they are currently investigating them. But that's impossible," Dominic says, adding "There are in excess of 5,000 tips. By withholding the tips of people who say they saw Caylee Marie, it just fuels the public opinion that Caylee Marie is no longer with us. And that is untrue."

For some, Dominic realizes it's difficult to understand how he or, for that matter the Anthonys, can have hope for Caylee Marie's safe return. Dominic puts the question directly to parents. "What if your child disappeared and there was no conclusive evidence that the child was dead, would you give up the search?"

Another search begins today, this one led by Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who helped post Casey Anthony's bail. Padilla is heading up a dive team searching a river in the Orlando area. As with the Equusearch effort, Dominic says he would be absolutely devastated if Caylee's remains were found. "I would fall apart. I would not believe the remains were of Caylee Marie. Not for one minute would I believe Casey would do that to her child. I've spent many hours with her and she is a loving and protective mother."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 09:43:58 AM


Looks like Murt's transmission went down - or it did for me anyway

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 09:58:35 AM
November 10, 2008
A Day of Crazy Developments in the Caylee Anthony Case

CayleeanthonyThere have been some crazy developments in the case of Casey Anthony and her missing 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony.

As you are aware, Tim Miller, director and founder of Texas EquuSearch, announced yesterday that the search for Caylee was being suspended. Tim said that he felt he had done all he could to find Caylee right now and that he needed to move on to help the family of another missing person.

While all of this was going on yesterday, bounty hunter Leonard Padilla approached Tim and told him that he needed to send divers into the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park. Padilla was convinced that Caylle would be found in the water there, based upon the discovery of a cross necklace that EquuSearch team member Lisa Hoffman had found on a nearby tree during the first search effort. That necklace, according to Padilla, had beads on it that were "identical" to beads that the female bounty hunter (the one who stayed in the house when Casey was out on bond) had seen on jewelry that Casey had allegedly made.

Tim_millereLeonard's theory was that Casey Anthony had transported a deceased Caylee to the park, hung the cross on a tree branch and then threw her in the water.

"I had my people use side-scan sonar to examine that water yesterday and then I went back myself and checked it again," Tim Miller said today in an interview with Investigation Discovery. "I told Leonard that it only takes an hour to scan it and that we had put four or five hours into it just so there would be no question as to whether she was there. I can tell u where every tire is at, I can show you where there is a bucket, where there is an old wheelbarrow and fender from a car. I can show you how deep the water is in every place and what the water temperature is. There is not a body in there."

Despite the fact that Tim had cleared the river, Leonard contacted an amateur news site and made the announcement during a live Internet feed. What followed was a media frenzy, which has left Tim Miller with a sour taste in his mouth.

"We are associated in no way with the actions of Leonard Padilla," Tim told Investigation Discovery. "

Tim also expressed that he was upset with CNN's Nancy Grace, whom he also finds at fault.

Leonard_padilla_2"Nancy grace wanted me to come do her show tonight and I said absolutely not," Tim said. "I told her producer that this is the "Leonard Padilla Show" and that I did not want anything to do with it. I said this is not Leonard's fault, this is Nancy Graces fault. She puts the clown on TV every night to entertain the public and as a result that has distracted everyone from everything we have been trying to do out here. It is the Leonard Padilla show now and Nancy Grace gave him the power to do it. Leonard has a fan club out there and it has totally turned this into a circus."

Leonard did end up getting a team of divers in the water today. While that search was going on, George and Cindy Anthony arrived on the scene and argued with Padilla about a vigil he is going to have for Caylee tomorrow morning.  Cindy told Padilla that he was not doing anything good for Caylee and then threatened to sue him.

Cindy also made a stop at the command post today, during which time she had a pleasant meeting with Tim Miller.

Meanwhile, nothing at all was found during Padilla's search effort.

In regards to Padilla's future search efforts, Tim Miller had this to say:

"I do not care what he does; I just don't want anything to do with any of it. This is not about Caylee to them. The Anthony's are being exploited by all of them and it affects our effort. Everyone wants to go over there with Leonard and his drama show BS. It is affecting the concentration of what we are trying to do. "

In related news, despite the fact that Tim Miller and his core Team are leaving for N.C., a group of local EquuSearch members are now going to continue the search. They will keep Tim notified of any developments and will be in regular contact with one of the search coordinators.

I will be leaving her tomorrow morning and will be riding with EquuSearch, in the command center RV, to North Carolina, where I will remain until Friday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 10:22:53 AM
Father of Casey Anthony's ex-fiance speaks at prayer vigil
Bianca Prieto and Amy L. Edwards

Sentinel Staff Writers

9:43 AM EST, November 11, 2008

Today's updates
Ex-fiance's dad speaks at prayer vigil
9:29 a.m. Richard Grund moved people to tears this morning during a prayer service for missing Caylee Marie Anthony in Blanchard Park.

Grund, whose son Jesse was once engaged to Casey Anthony, stood on a bench and cited scripture during the brief vigil near the river. A group of about 40, including some who protested at the Anthony house this summer, gathered at the park and cheered at some of Grund's words, cried at times and praised God.

"No child is a mistake," Grund said. "They're all blessings and miracles that deserve to be cherished, treasured and protected"

Grund told the crowd that the small event was not a memorial service, but chance to celebrate Caylee. He went on to say that children are innocent.

"What makes Caylee so different? Nothing," Grund said. "She's like every innocent, she's perfect and she's pure and she's filled with love."

Afterward several attendees hugged and shook hands with Grund and bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who sponsored the vigil.

At the base of a nearby cypress tree, several people placed bouquets of flowers. Two women put a sign on the tree with the words, "R.I.P. Caylee Marie We love you!"

Vigil for Caylee Marie to start at 9 a.m.
8:48 a.m. A California bounty hunter who once freed Casey Anthony from jail is now holding a prayer vigil for her missing child, Caylee Marie.

Leonard Padilla will hold the vigil at Jay Blanchard Park this morning for the toddler who he believes is dead. The Anthony family continues to believe that Caylee was kidnapped by a baby-sitter and is still alive. The family does not condone the prayer vigil.

Padilla, who once thought Caylee was alive, traveled to Orlando to pay Anthony's more than half-million dollar bail. He was convinced that if Anthony was freed from jail she'd tell authorities where to find her daughter.

Caylee Marie has not been seen alive since June 16, but wasn't reported missing until a month later. Anthony is facing a slew of charges including first-degree murder, although a body has not been found.

Padilla came back to Orlando this weekend to aid in a search for the child and conducted his own water search yesterday but found nothing.

Someone posted a message on the family's Caylee Marie MySpace page late yesterday expressing the family's dismay for the vigil and Padilla.

"Everyone has a right to have an opinion about where Caylee may be; however; no one has the right to have a memorial service for Caylee, other than her family," the message said. "Caylee deserves a chance to be brought home safely; she does not deserve to be exploited by Leonard Padilla for a chance to be in front of the camera."

The message then went on to say, "Leonard Padilla has crossed the line."
Texas EquuSearch and bounty hunter Leonard Padilla are leaving town this week after searching unsuccessfully for the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony.

With Texas EquuSearch, 83 volunteers broke up into teams near Econlockhatchee Trail and Berry Dease Road on Monday, using long poles to look for clothing and bones among the dried leaves and pine needles.

Whenever a volunteer found something questionable, Dixie, a 6 1/2 -year-old cadaver dog, was called to check it out.

"Show me, Dixie, show me," instructed her handler, Gage Angle, 18.

Angle and Dixie work with Urban Search and Rescue, a nonprofit K-9 search team from Hilton Head Island, S.C., that teamed up with Texas EquuSearch. Angle has been volunteering for Urban Search and Rescue for three years and said the search for Caylee's remains has been the most difficult.

"We've never had a failed search," he said. "This is the only one that doesn't look good."

Two-year-old Caylee disappeared in June, and her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, was charged with first-degree murder and also faces charges of aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

An estimated 1,400 volunteers turned out Saturday for the latest search effort, which continued through the weekend and wrapped up Monday.

By 2:30 p.m., volunteers were low on food and water so Dave Rader, a volunteer from Cincinnati who led Monday's largest group of EquuSearch workers -- about 45 to 55 -- called off the search.

"Never stop looking," Rader told workers before they disbanded. "The way I'm looking at it is, now we know where she's not."

Likewise, nothing turned up in Padilla's dive search at Jay Blanchard Park. Padilla said he remained convinced that Caylee's remains were in the nearby river.

"She's in that river," he said. "I'd rather think of her as in that river than in a garbage heap somewhere."

Tim Miller, founder of Texas EquuSearch, was aggravated at Padilla's search, calling it a media stunt.

"It's the Leonard Padilla show," he said. "Forget about Caylee Anthony."

Miller said Texas EquuSearch had already checked that area in a boat with scanning equipment.

"There's nothing there," he said.

Also Monday, a hearing for the state's request for a gag order in the Casey Anthony case was canceled. Court officials said there was a scheduling conflict with attorneys. A new hearing date has not been announced.

Prosecutors are asking Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland to issue a gag order prohibiting police, lawyers and family members from talking publicly about the Casey Anthony case.

Padilla is scheduled to leave Central Florida after a prayer vigil for Caylee at 9 a.m. today at Jay Blanchard Park.

Texas EquuSearch is leaving for a search in North Carolina beginning Saturday.

Sarah Lundy of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Amanda Welch can be reached at 407-420-5352 or,0,4767105.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 10:26:08 AM
Celebrity Bounty Hunter Holds Memorial Service For Caylee
Missing Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 7:50 am EST November 10, 2008
UPDATED: 9:46 am EST November 11, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A dive search for Caylee Anthony led by Leonard Padilla, who bailed the missing girl's mother, Casey, out of jail months ago, turned up nothing on Monday, and the celebrity bounty hunter said held a memorial service for the girl on Tuesday, a move that angered Caylee's grandparents.
PHOTOS: Dive Search, Confrontation
PHOTOS: Casey Baby Photos
PHOTOS: Casey On Surveillance Video
George and Cindy Anthony went to Blanchard Park Monday, where Padilla's divers were searching the Little Econ River for Caylee, and lashed out at him, not for the search but because he said he will conduct a memorial for Caylee.

"No one here is giving a flipping, God's anything about her, except us two right here," said Cindy Anthony while pointing to her husband, George Anthony. "I'm not on TV every night on Nancy Grace with this stuff."

"Do you think it's all about publicity for him?" Local 6 News reporter 

Mike DeForest asked Cindy Anthony.

"What do you think?" she replied. "I have not a problem with him being out here. I have a problem with him having a memorial service for Caylee (on Tuesday)," Cindy Anthony said. "You'd have a problem with it, too."

"Why do you feel it's your place to host (a memorial service)?" DeForest asked Padilla.

"Nobody else is doing it," he said. "You want to do it?"

Padilla said despite the Anthonys' protest, the service will be held at the park. Padilla said he believes Caylee is dead and that her body is likely somewhere in the river.

"I haven't got a clue what she's thinking or why she even bothered to come out here," Padilla said of Cindy Anthony. "She knows exactly who I am, and what I'm about."

Padilla said he will not lead any more searches for Caylee and only expects to be in Orlando for a few more days.

Padilla said he received a tip from a friend of Casey Anthony, leading to the dive search. Padilla said the friend showed him a picture of a cross that she had taken at Blanchard Park and it matched some arts and crafts that were in Anthony's room.

"She could have easily gone to the park, taken the body out, ruptured the bag when she pulled the body out of the trunk -- which left fluids in the trunk -- gotten it all over herself, taken it to the edge of the water and dumped it in there," Padilla said.

Padilla said that theory would explain a stain on one of Anthony's shirts that Cindy Anthony cleaned before it was turned over to investigators.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on murder charges.

Gag Order Hearing Delayed

Meanwhile, a hearing on a sweeping gag order in the case against Casey Anthony was postponed on Monday.

It is not known when the hearing, which would restrict attorneys, witnesses, law enforcement and the Anthony family from commenting publicly about the case, will be held. The purpose of the order would be to protect potential jurors from being influenced by pretrial publicity, Local 6 News reported.

1 Caylee Search Ends

Texas-based Equusearch leader Tim Miller and his team are leaving Orlando after spending the weekend searching for Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July.

Miller said last week that he expected about 4,000 volunteers, but only 1,000 to 1,500 people participated in the search, which covered 25 miles of land and wooded areas near Orlando International Airport.

"The turnout wasn't as big as I anticipated. I think that people are just accepting the fact, probably, that Caylee's not going to come back," Miller said.

The search thus far has cost nearly $100,000.

Miller said his search team is headed to North Carolina to search for four newly missing people.

Equusearch resumed its search in two parks in Orange County, an area near the Orlando International Airport and a wooded area near the home of Caylee's grandparents.

Organizers said on Friday that they thought the search would attract more than 4,000 volunteers in what could have been the largest search in U.S. history,

The group prepared about 350 team leaders on Friday, who were sent out in groups of two or three to different areas to determine what type of equipment and how many people would be needed in their search.

Miller and Mandy Albritton of Equusearch said the search is a huge undertaking.

"This is the biggest and largest search that Texas Equusearch has ever done," Albritton said.

"In the very best conditions -- if this little girl is out there -- she's skeletal remains, and it's going to be extremely easy to miss," Miller said.

Padilla, who bailed out Anthony from jail months ago when she was only charged with child neglect, shared information with Miller.

"We'll basically brief (Equusearch) on what we had," said Padilla, who has analyzed pings to towers from Anthony's cell phone records.

"The woman lives her life 10 minutes at a time. It never, ever affects her adversely. Child's dead? OK. What do do? Oh, I've got to go (to) Blockbuster tonight," said Padilla, making note of the fact that Anthony was captured on surveillance video shortly after Caylee's disappearance.

Miller said Padilla's information coincides with where they planned to search.

Cindy Anthony, who believes her granddaughter is still alive, did not assist in the search.

"I talked with Cindy yesterday, and we hugged -- and we even had some tears come out -- but I don't believe that (Caylee's) alive," Miller said.

Miller held a meeting Friday at 6 p.m. at the Tabu nightclub in Orlando for anyone who was interested in joining in the search, which began Saturday at 8 a.m.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 04:56:14 PM
Bounty Hunter Changes Memorial Service For Caylee To Prayer Vigil
Missing Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 7:50 am EST November 10, 2008
UPDATED: 1:45 pm EST November 11, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla on Tuesday held a prayer vigil for Caylee Anthony, a day after he angered the missing girl's grandparents by calling it a memorial service.
PHOTOS: Prayer Vigil For Caylee
PHOTOS: Dive Search, Confrontation
PHOTOS: Casey Baby Photos
PHOTOS: Casey On Surveillance Video
Padilla, who once bailed out Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, from jail, said he made a poor choice of words in describing the service, which was held at Blanchard Park to honor Caylee.

Richard Grund led the prayer vigil, quoting scripture and talking about Caylee. Grund, the father of Casey Anthony's ex-finace Jesse Grund, at one point mistakenly thought he was Caylee's grandfather.

"Caylee was a gift -- is a gift -- and she is loved, and that's why 

you're here," Grund said.

About 100 people participated in the 9 a.m.prayer vigil, including Equusearch volunteers and protesters who once gathered outside Caylee's grandparents' home.

Padilla said he organized the service to give the community closure.

"Finality for some of the people who have been out here 30 or 40 searches. I've made two trips out here," Padilla said. "You have to believe in something, and I want to believe that (Caylee's) final resting place where she met God was in this place rather than a garbage dump."

Padilla said he's convinced that Casey Anthony dumped Caylee's body in the Little Econ River at Blanchard Park.

Some people have questioned Padilla's motives, calling his involvement a publicity stunt.

Anthonys Lash Out

Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, went to Blanchard Park Monday, where Padilla's divers were searching the Little Econ River for Caylee, and lashed out at him, not for the search but because he said he would conduct a memorial service for Caylee.

"No one here is giving a flipping, God's anything about her, except us two right here," said Cindy Anthony while pointing to her husband, George Anthony. "I'm not on TV every night on Nancy Grace with this stuff."

"Do you think it's all about publicity for him?" Local 6 News reporter Mike DeForest asked Cindy Anthony.

"What do you think?" she replied. "I have not a problem with him being out here. I have a problem with him having a memorial service for Caylee (on Tuesday)," Cindy Anthony said. "You'd have a problem with it, too."

"Why do you feel it's your place to host (a memorial service)?" DeForest asked Padilla.

"Nobody else is doing it," he said. "You want to do it?"

Padilla said despite the Anthonys' protest, the service will be held at the park. Padilla said he believes Caylee is dead and that her body is likely somewhere in the river.

"I haven't got a clue what she's thinking or why she even bothered to come out here," Padilla said of Cindy Anthony. "She knows exactly who I am, and what I'm about."

Padilla said he will not lead any more searches for Caylee and only expects to be in Orlando for a few more days.

Padilla said he received a tip from a friend of Casey Anthony, leading to the dive search. Padilla said the friend showed him a picture of a cross that she had taken at Blanchard Park and it matched some arts and crafts that were in Anthony's room.

"She could have easily gone to the park, taken the body out, ruptured the bag when she pulled the body out of the trunk -- which left fluids in the trunk -- gotten it all over herself, taken it to the edge of the water and dumped it in there," Padilla said.

Padilla said that theory would explain a stain on one of Anthony's shirts that Cindy Anthony cleaned before it was turned over to investigators.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on murder charges.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 04:57:53 PM
LP confirmed that the man who attacked a news reporter and grabbed his camara,and was yelling to the Caylee search supporters was Dennis Millstead....Pres of KFN
 kidfinders email:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 11, 2008, 05:17:41 PM


I put it in photobucket:

( (

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 12, 2008, 08:57:15 AM
Groups call off search for Caylee Anthony
Amanda Welch | Sentinel Staff Writer
November 11, 2008

Texas EquuSearch and bounty hunter Leonard Padilla are leaving town this week after searching unsuccessfully for the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony.

With Texas EquuSearch, 83 volunteers broke up into teams near Econlockhatchee Trail and Berry Dease Road on Monday, using long poles to look for clothing and bones among the dried leaves and pine needles.

Whenever a volunteer found something questionable, Dixie, a 6 1/2 -year-old cadaver dog, was called to check it out.

"Show me, Dixie, show me," instructed her handler, Gage Angle, 18.

Angle and Dixie work with Urban Search and Rescue, a nonprofit K-9 search team from Hilton Head Island, S.C., that teamed up with Texas EquuSearch. Angle has been volunteering for Urban Search and Rescue for three years and said the search for Caylee's remains has been the most difficult.

"We've never had a failed search," he said. "This is the only one that doesn't look good."

Two-year-old Caylee disappeared in June, and her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, was charged with first-degree murder and also faces charges of aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

An estimated 1,400 volunteers turned out Saturday for the latest search effort, which continued through the weekend and wrapped up Monday.

By 2:30 p.m., volunteers were low on food and water so Dave Rader, a volunteer from Cincinnati who led Monday's largest group of EquuSearch workers -- about 45 to 55 -- called off the search.

"Never stop looking," Rader told workers before they disbanded. "The way I'm looking at it is, now we know where she's not."

Likewise, nothing turned up in Padilla's dive search at Jay Blanchard Park. Padilla said he remained convinced that Caylee's remains were in the nearby river.

"She's in that river," he said. "I'd rather think of her as in that river than in a garbage heap somewhere."

Tim Miller, founder of Texas EquuSearch, was aggravated at Padilla's search, calling it a media stunt.

"It's the Leonard Padilla show," he said. "Forget about Caylee Anthony."

Miller said Texas EquuSearch had already checked that area in a boat with scanning equipment.

"There's nothing there," he said.

Also Monday, a hearing for the state's request for a gag order in the Casey Anthony case was canceled. Court officials said there was a scheduling conflict with attorneys. A new hearing date has not been announced.

Prosecutors are asking Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland to issue a gag order prohibiting police, lawyers and family members from talking publicly about the Casey Anthony case.

Padilla is scheduled to leave Central Florida after a prayer vigil for Caylee at 9 a.m. today at Jay Blanchard Park.

Texas EquuSearch is leaving for a search in North Carolina beginning Saturday.

Sarah Lundy of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Amanda Welch can be reached at 407-420-5352 or,0,5178657.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 12, 2008, 01:28:20 PM
Cindy Anthony: 'Naysayers Won't Get Me Down'
Caylee's Grandparents Stay Hopeful Amid Conflict Between Bounty Hunter, Search Leader

POSTED: 11:17 am EST November 12, 2008
UPDATED: 11:48 am EST November 12, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla and the head of the search team for missing toddler Caylee Anthony, Tim Miller, have been at odds.

In the middle of it all, two grandparents continue holding out hope that their granddaughter will be returned home safely.

Since their daughter, Casey Anthony, was arrested and charged with killing Caylee, George and Cindy Anthony have been quiet.

With the protesters that could often be seen in front of the Anthony home gone and searches turning up nothing, Cindy Anthony is still hopeful.

"No one loves that child more than me, my husband, my son and my daughter and we are the only ones who have a right to hold a memorial service for her and if we ever have a need to do that, we will do that and that will be own choosing. I have a right to believe what I believe and I don't think any parent or grandparent, if someone is telling them over here their child is alive and over here that their child is dead, that they wouldn't gravitate this way," Cindy Anthony said regarding a memorial service held by Texas EquuSearch for Caylee.

"I'm prepared for what I have to be prepared for. I'm not going to let naysayers get me down. I didn't let the protesters get me down and that's not going to get this girl down," she said about the possibility of Caylee’s death.

When asked to speak about her daughter, Cindy Anthony did not want to talk about her. Instead, she said she stays focused on any tips that come into her Web site.

Casey Anthony goes on trial on Jan. 5.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 12, 2008, 03:05:43 PM,0,6654973.story

Anthony family fires spokesman, says he was secretly profiting from Caylee disappearance
Amy L. Edwards, Sarah Lundy and Walter Pacheco

Sentinel Staff Writers

1:29 PM EST, November 12, 2008

 While George and Cindy Anthony were making national TV appearances to talk about their missing granddaughter Caylee Anthony, their California spokesman quietly pocketed $6,500, the family's lawyer tells the Orlando Sentinel.

Larry Garrison, who has denied making money off the Anthonys since he began representing them, was paid by NBC, according to an invoice and e-mail realeased to the newspaper by attorney Mark NeJame.

In an exclusive interview this morning, NeJame said the family is "hurt beyond belief" and feels that Garrison was "pimping" them out. They said they have fired the spokesman.

According to the invoice and e-mail from NBC, Garrison was paid for photos. However, NeJame said Garrison didn't have any pictures. NeJame also said Garrison told NBC not to tell the Anthonys about his arrangements.

"My clients, George and Cindy, were in my opinion, sold out," NeJame said. "They . . . were walked into a snake pit completely unbeknownst to them."

The Anthonys have denied making any money off their granddaughter's disappearance.

NBC and ABC officials have admitted to paying licensing fees for photos, which they say is standard practice, though neither company would say how much or to whom they paid.

"It has to stop and these people need to be exposed," NeJame said.

When confronted with the information and documents, Garrison told the Sentinel that the invoice, showing his  film company's fax number, California address,  as well as  his signature,  is a fabrication.   "Someone is playing games here," Garrison said.

The Anthonys now know Garrison was "shopping" them around to news agencies, NeJame said. They thought he was just a friend to offer public relations advice.

"It's bad enough with everything else I'm going though," Cindy Anthony said in a telephone interview this morning.

Now she questions whether Garrison was paid for other appearances on Inside Edition and other shows.

"I never agreed to go on any shows for money," she said. "I was told numerous times that nobody was making any money."

NeJame said the Anthonys have fired Garrison. But Garrison said this morning he resigned "due to the erratic behavior of the Anthony family over the last two months."

Garrison denied making any money off the Anthonys, but said that as a story broker who negotiates money with news agencies for interviews with clients, he sees nothing wrong with getting paid for those interviews.

This morning, NeJame and Tim Miller, the founder of Texas EquuSearch, spoke with the Sentinel about their disgust for people they say have exploited the Anthonys, their daughter Casey and granddaughter Caylee.

Miller said Garrison early on told him about the books and movies that were going to be made off the case.

Miller said he once got in a screaming match with Garrison during a phone conversation in which the California spokesman demanded Miller appear on Good Morning America.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 12, 2008, 05:05:06 PM
Anthony Family Spokesman Resigns
Caylee Anthony Last Seen In June

POSTED: 8:30 am EST November 12, 2008
UPDATED: 4:48 pm EST November 12, 2008
GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- The spokesman for the Anthony family who was hired amid the media crush following the disappearance of their granddaughter, Caylee, and the arrest of their daughter, Casey, has resigned

Larry Garrison, the spokesman for George and Cindy Anthony, released a statement on Wednesday about his resignation.

"Due to the erratic behavior over the last several months exhibited by the Anthony family, Larry Garrison is resigning as their spokesperson. It is my opinion that others have manipulated them into situations, that would not dignify the family. I can no longer be part of that behavior. I wish them all the peace and resolution they so deserve. The truth always comes out in the end, and in this case 'The truth is better than the spin,'" the statement said.

The Anthonys' lawyer, Mark NeJame, said that the family was about to fire Garrison because he was taking payments for booking Caylee's grandparents on TV shows. Nejame provided an invoice, 

bearing his purported signature on a bill to NBC for $6,500.

NeJame said his clients did not know that Garrison was being compensated and the Anthonys were not paid any of the money.

Caylee, 3, was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July. Her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in her daughter's disappearance.

Possible Caylee Sighting Proved False

Meanwhile, a possible Caylee sighting inside a Gainesville grocery store turned out to be false, according to police.

George and Cindy Anthony went to Gainesville after the sighting at a Winn Dixie over the weekend, but police said they have confirmed the identity of the girl, who is not Caylee.

A national search continues for Caylee.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 12, 2008, 05:07:36 PM
Anthony Family Fires Their Own Spokesman

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 – updated: 5:01 pm EST November 12, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The family of Caylee Anthony says their spokesman was profiting off their misery, so they fired him just hours after Eyewitness News confronted Larry Garrison for pocketing thousands of dollars off TV deals.

The Anthonys claim they haven't made a dime off their granddaughter's disappearance, but somebody's getting paid. Eyewitness News obtained documents showing TV networks paid thousands of dollars for Caylee pictures and family interviews, but all the money went to Garrison.

The Anthonys said they had no idea Garrison was making money off of Caylee's disappearance and Garrison said he resigned. But two hours before his so-called resignation, he refused more than once to answer questions about whether he was making money off of the Anthonys' network television appearances.

The Anthony family's former Los Angeles spokesman, Larry Garrison, has a business built around reality-based media, including a movie and a book about the Natalee Holloway disappearance in Aruba.

Garrison told Eyewitness News that he was helping the Anthonys for free, because he felt for them. But Wednesday morning, when pressed about reports that he was collecting booking fees for the Anthonys, he would not answer, responding to emails by saying he was disappointed Eyewitness News would stoop so low and not to bother him with rumors anymore.

Two hours later, Garrison sent an email to Eyewitness News saying he's resigning because of the Anthonys' erratic behavior over the last two months and because others have manipulated them into situations that would not dignify the family.

"Due to the erratic behavior over the last several months exhibited by The Anthony family, Larry Garrison is resigning as their spokesperson. It is my opinion that others have manipulated them into situations, that would not dignify the family. I can no longer be part of that behavior. I wish them all the peace and resolution they so deserve. The truth always comes out in the end, and in this case 'The truth is better than the spin,'" Garrison wrote in the statement.

The Anthonys' attorney, Mark NeJame, got into it with CNN's Nancy Grace on her show last week when she asked him whether the Anthonys had been paid for any of their network appearances. It's a question Eyewitness News asked NeJame in the past after hearing about possible network booking fees and he's always denied it.

On Wednesday, NeJame released an invoice (see invoice) from Garrison to NBC/Dateline for $6500 and says it proves Garrison was profiting from the tragedy. Even though the invoice says it's for the use of pictures, NeJame said no pictures were provided to NBC, just interviews.

NBC News told Eyewitness News late Wednesday that it "does not and will not pay for interviews" and said it paid a "nominal fee" to license photos, which is standard practice. ABC also told Eyewitness News it paid licensing fees for videos and photos that aired on the network's 20/20 program.

E-mail correspondence between Cindy Anthony and an official at NBC regarding payment to then-family spokesperson Larry Garrison,0,3427699.htmlpage

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 12, 2008, 05:11:09 PM



Blackwater Divers

WESH just reported in 5 pm news that LP will have 40 divers in Blanchard Park tomorrow. No link yet.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 09:47:46 AM
Anthonys Say Spokesman Was Paid $6,500 For Appearances

Thursday, November 13, 2008 – updated: 9:35 am EST November 13, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News investigated another twist in the case against Casey Anthony. Casey's parents, Cindy and George, said they've been betrayed by former family spokesperson Larry Garrison. The Anthony family said Garrison got paid thousands of dollars for their photos and home videos.

According to an email released by Larry Garrison, he resigned as the Anthony's spokesperson. However, Cindy Anthony said he was fired.

Two hours before his so-called resignation he refused more than once to answer questions about whether he was making money off of the Anthony's' network television appearances.

When Eyewitness News spoke with Cindy Anthony Wednesday night she said that she had no idea Garrison was profiting off of her family.

"I asked him about it when I was told that NBC had paid someone a few weeks ago when I was up in New York and he flat out lied to be and said no," she said (watch full interview).

The Anthony family claims it hasn't made a dime off Caylee Anthony's disappearance, but somebody's getting paid. Eyewitness News obtained documents showing TV networks paid thousands of dollars for Caylee's pictures and family interviews, but all the money went to Garrison.

"He always told me it was never about money. He was just there to help," said Cindy.

Garrison told Eyewitness News that he was helping the Anthonys for free because he felt for them. However Wednesday morning when pressed about reports that he was collecting booking fees for the family, he would not answer and he responded to emails by saying he was disappointed that Eyewitness News would stoop so low and not to bother him with rumors anymore.

Two hours later, Garrison sent an email to Eyewitness News saying he's resigning because of the Anthony's erratic behavior over the last two months and because others have manipulated them into situations that would not dignify the family.

"Due to the erratic behavior over the last several months exhibited by the Anthony family, Larry Garrison is resigning as their spokesperson. It is my opinion that others have manipulated them into situations that would not dignify the family. I can no longer be part of that behavior. I wish them all the peace and resolution they so deserve. The truth always comes out in the end, and in this case the truth is better than the spin," Garrison wrote in the statement.

The Anthony's attorney, Mark NeJame, got into a heated discussion with CNN's Nancy Grace on her show last week when she asked him whether the Anthonys had been paid for any of their network appearances. It's a question Eyewitness News asked NeJame in the past after hearing about possible network booking fees and he's always denied it.

On Wednesday, NeJame released an invoice (see invoice) from Garrison to NBC/Dateline for $6500 and says it proves Garrison was profiting from the tragedy. Even though the invoice says it's for the use of pictures, NeJame said no pictures were provided to NBC, just interviews.

NBC News told Eyewitness News late Wednesday that it "does not and will not pay for interviews" and said it paid a "nominal fee" to license photos, which is standard practice. ABC also told Eyewitness News it paid licensing fees for videos and photos that aired on the network's 20/20 program.

"We know that Larry Garrison was doing things behind his clients' back. He was taking money for interviews, they didn't know about it," said NeJame.

Cindy said that for now she and her husband George will be their own spokespeople.


As Eyewitness News was confronting Garrison about his profits, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney was breaking the news to them.

"I've already been stressed out for the last few months. Now finding out that I've been taken advantage of by someone that I care about, I'm just really saddened by it. It just really hurts," said Cindy.

Late Wednesday afternoon, attorney Mark NeJame blasted Larry Garrison. NeJame said the fired family spokesman walked the Anthonys into a snake pit.

NeJame told Eyewitness News he hoped his work as Cindy's and George's attorney would be done by now, but he said Garrison and others who have "exploited the Anthonys" and, worse yet, missing Caylee Anthony leave him with plenty of work to do.

"We've had enough of the exploitation, we've had enough of the lies, we've had enough of the lack of attention directed towards finding Caylee," NeJame said.

NeJame said Garrison assured the Anthonys that he never received a penny from the networks in licensing fees for pictures or any other form and that was a lie.

"We are outing him. We've had enough," NeJame said Wednesday. "People have accused my clients of making money. I've made it very clear to them, if they make a penny off of it I'm outta here."

NeJame said they are looking into whether any other payments have been made without the family's knowledge.


Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla returned to Central Florida Thursday morning to send 40 members of the Black Water Divers into the Little Econ River, in Blanchard Park to search for Caylee Anthony's body. The last time they searched about 50 yards of the river and one diver told Eyewitness News that they will search one mile with 40 divers.


Eyewitness news also learned that EquuSearch leader Tim Miller accused bounty hunter Leonard Padilla of trying to profit from Caylee's death.

"Leonard Padilla said he charges $9.95 to get on his website with over 30k hits, and all the money was going to EquuSearch," he said.

Miller said his organization hasn't received a dime from Padilla for any of the searches for Caylee's body. Eyewitness News called Padilla Wednesday night and he says that's not true.

His partner said they collected about $1,700 for Equusearch, but now they say they plan to return the money to donors.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 09:49:55 AM
Divers Again To Search River For Missing 3-Year-Old Caylee Anthony
About 40 divers -- led by bounty hunter Leonard Padilla -- will search a river at an Orlando park for missing Caylee

Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 8:14 am EST November 13, 2008
UPDATED: 9:37 am EST November 13, 2008

Celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said on Thursday that a team of about 40 divers associated with Blackwater Divers will search one-mile area for the girl's remains in the Little Econ River at Blanchard Park.

The search, which will also utilize sonar equipment, is expected to take hours to conduct.

A two-man dive team organized by Padilla searched the same river on Monday but did not find anything. Padilla, who held a prayer vigil for Caylee at the park on Tuesday, had said that he would be 

leaving Orlando after the service.

Caylee, 3, was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July. Her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in her daughter's disappearance.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this development.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 02:21:51 PM
Diver: Bag With Bones Uncovered In River Search For Remains Of Caylee
Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 8:14 am EST November 13, 2008
UPDATED: 2:10 pm EST November 13, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Divers searching for the remains of Caylee Anthony on Thursday said they discovered a garbage bag held down by two bricks containing bones and a toy in a river at an Orlando park.
PHOTOS: Dive Search, Confrontation
PHOTOS: Prayer Vigil For Caylee
PHOTOS: Casey Baby Photos
The dive search was led by celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla. It is not known if the bones are human.

Caylee, 3, was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July. Her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in her daughter's disappearance.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this development.

2nd Dive Search

For the second time in four days, divers searched a river at an Orlando park for Caylee Anthony.

Padilla on Thursday led a team of divers associated with Blackwater Divers in the search of a one-mile area of the Little Econ River at Blanchard Park for the missing girl's remains. The search also utilized sonar equipment.

A two-man dive team organized by Padilla searched the same river on Monday but did not find anything. Padilla, who held a prayer vigil for Caylee at the park on Tuesday, had said that he would be leaving Orlando after the service.

"Nobody else is doing it. Everybody left town," said Padilla when asked why he decided to lead another search. "We're bringing up the remains. We feel confident that the remains are there."

"The water smells, there's alligators, there's snakes, there's zero visibility," a diver said.

Padilla had said that 40 divers would participate in the search, but less than 10 have entered the water as of noon, Local 6 News reported.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 02:32:40 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 02:43:17 PM

Divers say they found bag with fingers, toes in it

Last Edited: Thursday, 13 Nov 2008, 2:13 PM EST
Created: Thursday, 13 Nov 2008, 2:09 PM EST

Related Items
StoriesTimeline, Documents and Photos related to the Casey Anthony Case

LinksBLOG IT! : The Search For Caylee Anthony
PHOTO GALLERY: Divers search Little Econ River for Caylee Anthony

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The dive team searching the Little Econ River around Blanchard Park say they located a
plastic bag with fingers and toes weighted down by bricks. 

A second bag with stuffed animals in it was also found.  The area has been roped off.
The divers were hired by  Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla and have been  combing the waters of Little Econ River to find the remains of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.

Padilla says the 30 to 40 divers were hired from Black Water Divers. There are approximately five divers in the water at the time, searching for any signs of the toddler. The dive team is specialized searching areas that are extremely dark, and they said they are going to search until they find Caylee.

Padilla says this is no longer a search, but a recovery mission.

Earlier this week, Padilla said he was no longer going to look for Caylee. He said that his work was done and he had no plans to return to Central Florida.

On Tuesday, Padilla said he gave the FBI evidence that proves Caylee was dumped into the river. He refused to detail what evidence he says he found.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 03:52:43 PM
Orange County Officials: Divers' Findings Not Related To Caylee
Orange County authorities say a dive team's discovery in an Orlando river is not related to the Caylee Anthony case.ORLANDO, Fla. -- Divers searching for the remains of Caylee Anthony on Thursday said they discovered a garbage bag containing bones and toys in a river at an Orlando park, but Orange County authorities said the findings are not related to the missing girl case.
PHOTOS: Dive Search, Confrontation
PHOTOS: Prayer Vigil For Caylee
PHOTOS: Casey Baby Photos
A team from Blackwater Divers led by celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla conducted the search in the Little Econ River at Blanchard Park in Orlando.

But Orange County sheriff's Sgt. John Allen said the finding was not related to the missing girl and the sheriff's office was not sending out its dive team.

It is not known if the bones were human.

"There's a couple of small toys in the bag. One of them is a clover-type shaped item -- green -- and we know that Casey was big on clover-shaped items. So I told them to shut it down and get the sheriff's office out here," Padilla said.

FBI agents inspected the items, Local 6 News reported.

"We came out here to find Caylee, but you don't want to find her," Padilla said while crying. "But that's the truth of the matter. We think we have."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 05:25:43 PM
Detectives Say Bones Insignificant To Caylee Case

Detectives Say Bones Insignificant To Caylee Case
Thursday, November 13, 2008 – updated: 4:08 pm EST November 13, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County Sheriff's Office investigators say bones found Thursday by dive teams searching for the body of Caylee Anthony have nothing to do with the case of the missing girl.

"There is nothing here at the scene that is credible or of a significant find," said Capt. Angelo Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff's Office (watch full statement).

Early Thursday afternoon, the dive team confirmed to Eyewitness News it had located several children's toys inside a plastic bag in the Little Econ River, including a plastic shamrock toy. The divers also claimed to have found three or four bones, but didn't identify whether or not they were human bones.

FBI agents and sheriff's office detectives arrived on the scene Thursday afternoon and sifted through the remains (images | video). Earlier, an FBI spokesperson had said the agency was "very skeptical" that the find would be related to the Caylee Anthony case.

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who organized the dive search, said the bag appeared to have been weighted down by bricks. After the FBI and sheriff's detectives looked over the find, their attention turned to Padilla.

"Mr. Padilla has been requested to take part in a polygraph that will be conducted by the FBI. We believe it is an important thing to do," Nieves said.

Nieves then commented on Padilla's decision to inform media of the discovery before deputies.

"Law enforcement should have been the first call regarding this find, not the media," he said.

Cindy and George Anthony, Caylee's grandparents, remain steadfast in their belief that Caylee is alive.

"Stuff could've been planted," said George Anthony.

Cindy added that she thought all of Caylee’s toys had been accounted for.

"I've got a tip from Coral Springs, Florida that Caylee's alive," said Cindy Anthony. "I haven't hard anything from the authorities and when they come tell us something we'll deal with that."

Coral Springs police said they did not believe that tip was valid.

Padilla organized the new search in the Little Econ River (see map) because of a cross that was discovered on a nearby tree. Searchers have said they do not expect to find the child alive.

The group of highly-trained divers headed into the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park just after 9:00am Thursday (see images).

"Here's a dive team, they've got plenty, they're all experienced, ex-law enforcement, military," Padilla said.

The divers are part of Orlando-based Blackwater Divers. Everyone is volunteering their time. The group expects to have more than 30 divers search a 1-mile stretch of the river.

"This is an example of what they can find, down to little pieces of teeth, bone fragments, things like that," said Todd Bosinski, of Blackwater Divers.

The group used underwater communications and dragging large nets to scrape the river's bottom. But searching dark waters was just one challenge. The divers also dealt with several alligators.

"I've been certified for 26 years and it's the worst conditions I've ever dived in," diver Spyder Dalton said.

The divers planned on searching all day Thursday and, if they didn't get every part of their search area cleared, they planned on being back out Friday morning..

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 06:15:43 PM
Police have examined the bags and found no human bones, fingers or toes as Padilla claimed, Allen said. Investigators quickly left the area.

Orange County Sheriff's spokesman Carlos Padilla (no relation to the bounty hunter) said police want Leonard Padilla to take a lie detector test, and he has agreed.

Carlos Padilla told that the bounty hunter had informed police of his crew's alleged discovery.

"This is of no evidentiary value," the spokesman said after investigators examined the items.

Leonard Padilla initially claimed that divers combing the river around Blanchard Park discovered a plastic bag containing fingers and toes and weighted down with bricks, and another with stuffed animals inside on Thursday, according to WOFL's Web site, The area was roped off.

A diving course director involved in the search, David Badali, told FOX News Channel's Miami bureau that the bags found had bones, bricks, a green shamrock toy and another toy inside. He said they were discovered in 10 feet of water at about 1:30 p.m., the area has been declared a crime scene and the FBI was retrieving the items.

But Allen said no crime scene has been identified in the vicinity of the bounty hunter's search.

Leonard Padilla said that the 30 to 40 divers conducting the search (which requires only five in the water at a time) are from a company called Blackwater Divers and specialize in scouring extremely dark areas. He characterized it as a recovery mission to find Caylee's remains.

The bounty hunter called off his search earlier this week, but had a change of heart Wednesday night and said he'd continue looking for the toddler, who is presumed dead. He said he has evidence that she was dumped in the river, but declined to elaborate.,2933,451504,00.html

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 06:33:31 PM


Orange County Officials Ask Bounty Hunter To Take Lie-Detector Test
Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 8:14 am EST November 13, 2008
UPDATED: 4:40 pm EST November 13, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Divers searching for the remains of Caylee Anthony on Thursday said they discovered a garbage bag containing bones and toys in a river at an Orlando park, but Orange County authorities said the findings were not credible, causing them to request the bounty hunter who led the search to take a polygraph test.

A team from Blackwater Divers led by celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla conducted the search in the Little Econ River at Blanchard Park in Orlando.

But Orange County sheriff's officials said the findings were not bones and the discovery was not connected to the case.

"Early on the afternoon of Nov. 13, 2008, divers associated with an independent search for Caylee Anthony reported the recovery of what they believed were bone fragments and other items related to the missing toddler from the Little Econ River on Jay Blanchard Park in east Orange County. Investigators assigned to the investigation into the disappearance of Caylee responded to the park and determined that the recovered items are not associated with the case.

"The sheriff's office remains focused on the primary mission at hand, which is to locate Caylee Anthony and continues to follow up on all viable leads and tips that are deemed to be creditable in their ongoing investigation," the statement said.

Sheriff's officials said they have asked Padilla to take a polygraph test, to which the bounty hunter agreed. The FBI will conduct a polygraph test with Padilla at a later date, Orange County sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said.

"There's a couple of small toys in the bag. One of them is a clover-type shaped item -- green -- and we know that Casey was big on clover-shaped items. So I told them to shut it down and get the sheriff's office out here," Padilla said.

FBI agents inspected the items, Local 6 News reported.

"We came out here to find Caylee, but you don't want to find her," Padilla said while crying. "But that's the truth of the matter. We think we have."

Padilla said he has believed for a while that Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, left the girl's body at Blanchard Park.

"When the detectives talked to her, while she was trying to convince them (baby sitter) Zenaida (Gonzalez) took (Caylee) away at the Sawgrass Apartments, she also mentioned that she had also come out here to see -- that afternoon at 5 or 6 -- if possibly Zenaida was out here at the park because Zenaida used to bring the girl to the swings," Padilla said. "When we got into town and bailed her out, the day after she was out, she told me that Zenaida had taken (Caylee) away from her right here in front of the swings at Jay Blanchard Park."

Padilla said Casey Anthony mentioned the name Zenaida together with the park about eight times.

Caylee's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, said she was ignoring Padilla's efforts. She said if, and until, law enforcement officials comment on any finding, she was concentrating on finding Caylee alive.

Cindy Anthony said she received a tip earlier on Thursday of another possible Caylee sighting. She said a caller reported a sighting at a McDonald's in Coral Springs.

The search of the river was the second in four days. A two-man dive team organized by Padilla searched the same river on Monday but did not find anything. Padilla, who held a prayer vigil for Caylee at the park on Tuesday, had said that he would be leaving Orlando after the service.

"Nobody else is doing it. Everybody left town," said Padilla when asked why he decided to lead another search. "We're bringing up the remains. We feel confident that the remains are there."

"The water smells, there's alligators, there's snakes, there's zero visibility," a diver said.

Caylee, 3, was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until mid-July. Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in her daughter's disappearance.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this development.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 07:03:33 PM
Detectives Say Dive Team Did Not Find Caylee's Bones

Thursday, November 13, 2008 – updated: 5:57 pm EST November 13, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- For a few hours Thursday afternoon, searchers thought they'd found bones that could have been part of the remains of Caylee Anthony. But detectives quickly determined the evidence found by bounty hunter Leonard Padilla's dive team was nothing but sticks and mud.

The detectives also cast suspicion on the find by asking Padilla to take a lie detector test.

Early Thursday afternoon, the dive team confirmed to Eyewitness News it had located several children's toys inside a plastic bag in the Little Econ River (see map), including a plastic shamrock toy. The divers also claimed to have found three or four bones.

But Orange County Sheriff's Office investigators said, in fact, there were no bones and the bag had nothing to do with the Caylee Anthony case. Additionally, the shamrock toy turned out to be a Gumby toy.

"There is nothing ... at the scene that is credible or of a significant find," said Capt. Angelo Nieves of the Sheriff's Office (watch full statement). "Nothing that was discovered has been retained by the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

FBI agents and sheriff's office detectives arrived on the scene Thursday afternoon and sifted through the remains (images | video).


Padilla, who organized the dive search, said the bag appeared to have been weighted down by bricks. After the FBI and sheriff's detectives looked over the find, their attention turned to Padilla.

"Mr. Padilla has been requested to take part in a polygraph that will be conducted by the FBI. We believe it is an important thing to do," Nieves said.

Nieves said Padilla had agreed to take the test and then commented on Padilla's decision to inform media of the discovery before deputies.

"Law enforcement should have been the first call regarding this find, not the media," Nieves said.

Padilla indicated he hadn't even seen what his divers had found.

"I don't know, I haven't seen any of it because they're over there and I'm over here," Padilla said.

When asked why detectives wanted him to take a lie detector test, he said, "They don't believe anybody about anything."

Tim Miller, the founder of EquuSearch, a group that organized a massive weekend search for Caylee's remains, was very critical of Padilla.

"What a disgrace to society this man is for doing this kind of stuff," Miller said.

Miller said during the weekend search, Padilla had begged Miller to use his own divers to search the river. Miller recounted the conversation, saying Padilla said to him, "Tim Miller's divers out here, news cameras out here ... think how much money we could make, Tim."

Padilla organized Thursday's search in the Little Econ River because of a cross that was discovered on a nearby tree. Searchers have said they do not expect to find the child alive.

The group of highly-trained divers headed into the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park just after 9:00am Thursday (see images).

The divers are part of Orlando-based Blackwater Divers. The group expected to have more than 30 divers search a 1-mile stretch of the river.

The group used underwater communications and dragged large nets to scrape the river's bottom. But searching dark waters was just one challenge. The divers also dealt with several alligators.

"I've been certified for 26 years and it's the worst conditions I've ever dived in," diver Spyder Dalton said.

The divers searched all day Thursday and it was believed they would be back to search again Friday.


Cindy and George Anthony, Caylee's grandparents, remain steadfast in their belief that Caylee is alive.

"Stuff could've been planted," George Anthony said Thursday (watch full interview).

"He's crossed the line a few times, it's just Leonard," Cindy said. "From the time he stepped into Orlando off that plane, he said he's a media whore."

Cindy added that she thought all of Caylee's toys had been accounted for.

"I've got a tip from Coral Springs, Florida that Caylee's alive," said Cindy. "I haven't hard anything from the authorities and when they come tell us something we'll deal with that."

Coral Springs police said they did not believe that tip was valid.


Casey Anthony's defense attorney made more demands Thursday in the case against Casey. Jose Baez says the jail is unfairly forbidding him from bringing his laptop computer into the jail to work on the case. He wants a judge to order the jail to allow him to do it, but the jail says that is against its policy.

Baez also wants all the paperwork associated with the forensic testing that the FBI did in the case and to personally inspect the hairs that the FBI tested.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 07:08:28 PM

Cops: No remains found in river  

Last Edited: Thursday, 13 Nov 2008, 5:48 PM EST
Created: Thursday, 13 Nov 2008, 2:09 PM EST

Where's Caylee?

Related Items
StoriesTimeline, Documents and Photos related to the Casey Anthony Case

LinksBLOG IT! : The Search For Caylee Anthony
PHOTO GALLERY: Divers search Little Econ River for Caylee Anthony

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The dive team searching the Little Econ River around Blanchard Park say they have found a bag that was tied down with two bricks with what appears to be bones fragments in it.

A second bag with stuffed animals in it was also found.  The area has been roped off.

Deputies from the Orange County Sheriff's office and agents from the FBI responded to the scene.  The FBI went through the items that the divers found. The Orange County Sheriff's Office says the items found are not significant to the case and no divers from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office dive team will be sent to the area..

According to Todd Bosinski, the lead diver, who is leading, what they are calling a recovery mission for Caylee Anthony’s remains, says they have found a bag that was tied down with two bricks. He says that in that bag they have found, what appears to be bone fragments.  Although Bosinski is not saying weather it is human or animal.

Bosinski also said in an impromptu news conference that there was a Shamrock inside the bag where the bone fragments were in.   According to Bosinski, they also found a bag with little toys inside.

The divers were hired by  Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla and have been  combing the waters of Little Econ River to find the remains of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office has requested that Padilla take a polygraph test. 

"I have no idea why," said Padilla.  "He (Investigator) simply came up and asked me and I said sure."

No date has been set for the polygraph test.

Padilla says the 30 to 40 divers were hired from Black Water Divers. There are approximately five divers in the water at the time, searching for any signs of the toddler. The dive team is specialized searching areas that are extremely dark, and they said they are going to search until they find Caylee.

Padilla says this is no longer a search, but a recovery mission.

Earlier this week, Padilla said he was no longer going to look for Caylee. He said that his work was done and he had no plans to return to Central Florida.

On Tuesday, Padilla said he gave the FBI evidence that proves Caylee was dumped into the river. He refused to detail what evidence he says he found.

Casey watching TV at time of diver’s discovery

Allen Moore, Public Information Officer for the Orange County Corrections Department, says that Casey Anthony was watching off air TV at the time diver’s discovered items in the Little Econ River. The station she was watching broke into programming to report what the divers had found.  Moore says when the correctional staff noticed the nature of the news coverage, they asked Anthony to return to her cell which she did without saying anything.

Caylee sighting being investigated

Investigators are looking into a lead in Coral Springs.  Michelle Bart, the new spokesperson for Kid Finder's Network , tells FOX 35 an anonymous tip came in saying a little girl that looked like Caylee was spotted at a McDonald's there.

Meet and Greet Saturday

Bart says she and the Anthony's will be on both CNN and Nancy Grace Friday night.  Saturday morning at the Anthony "Help Find Caylee" command center on Goldenrod Road between Colonial and the 408 at the Old National Guard Armory, Kid Finder's will hold its first ever "Meet and Greet" from 9am to 12.  They invite people to come out and meet the Anthony's, and get familiar with all the other missing children.   And then on Monday, Bart says they will hold a press conference where they will share with the public some information they have not yet shared about why they believe Caylee is still alive.  According to Bart, Lee Anthony will be there.  They have no time slated yet.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 13, 2008, 07:54:12 PM
VIDEO's TEAM COVERAGE: Sheriff's Office Disregards Caylee Search Findings

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 10:28:32 AM
Cell Phone 'Dead Zones' May Hinder Investigation In Casey Anthony Case
Woman's Daughter, Caylee, Last Seen In June

POSTED: 8:27 am EST November 14, 2008
UPDATED: 9:32 am EST November 14, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A Local 6 News report about Casey Anthony, the woman who has been charged with murdering her missing daughter, Caylee, shows that "dead zones" on her cell phone may hurt the investigation into the case.
PHOTOS: Dive Search, Confrontation
PHOTOS: Prayer Vigil For Caylee
PHOTOS: Casey Baby Photos
Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of 3-year-old Caylee, who was last seen on June 16 but was not reported missing until a month later.

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone analyzed hundreds of text messages and phone calls placed and received by Anthony in the two weeks after Caylee disappeared and used a database program to determine how much time passed between each ping.

There were 24 times when three or more hours passed with 

Anthony's phone remaining silent, Pipitone reported.

"And when you account for sleep and periods where she appeared to stay in the same place, we are left with three gaps -- or dead zones -- that raise some questions," Pipitone said.

The first "dead zone" was June 17 from 5:23 p.m. to 8:23 p.m. Anthony's phone pinged a tower close to her boyfriend's apartment near the University of Central Florida and then twice pinged a tower near Blanchard Park before going silent. The park was searched but nothing was found. In the time it took Anthony's phone to ping another tower -- three hours later -- she could have traveled as far away as Palm Bay or Ormond Beach and returned to Orange County.

June 17 was a day after Caylee was seen alive by her grandfather, George Anthony, who said his daughter and Caylee left his home at about 12:50 p.m. the day before.

Scientific evidence suggests that human remains that decomposed in the trunk of Anthony's car was there for up to 2½ days after death, Pipitone said. That would mean if Caylee died on June 16, investigators may want to focus more on June 18 into June 19, which contained two dead zones on her cell phone, he reported.

On June 18, Anthony's phone went silent at 6:57 p.m. and did not ping another tower until 8:32 a.m. June 19. In both cases, her phone pinged a tower near her boyfriend's apartment. Her whereabouts during that time is not known.

On June 19, Anthony's phone pinged near her boyfriend's apartment at 4:54 p.m., then her movements head south and east, according to cell phone pings, Pipitone said. "Heading east and hitting (a) cell tower on Lake Underhill Road ... but from here, her cell phone goes dead for three hours and 17 minutes. Where could she have gone in that time?" Pipitone said.

The last ping from the Lake Underhill tower was at 5:45 p.m., and the phone then went silent until a ping near her boyfriend's apartment. She then called her parents' home at 9:13 p.m., and there's no indication where Anthony was during the time frame.

"If this is the time Casey may have disposed of the body in her car trunk, there's no indication where Caylee may be either," Pipitone said.

Bounty Hunter To Take Polygraph Test

Meanwhile, divers searching for the remains of Caylee on Thursday said they discovered a garbage bag containing bones and toys in a river at an Orlando park, but Orange County authorities said the findings were not credible, causing them to request the bounty hunter who led the search to take a polygraph test.

A team from Blackwater Divers, led by celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, conducted the search in the Little Econ River at Blanchard Park in Orlando.

But Orange County sheriff's officials said the findings were not bones and the discovery was not connected to the case.

"Early on the afternoon of Nov. 13, 2008, divers associated with an independent search for Caylee Anthony reported the recovery of what they believed were bone fragments and other items related to the missing toddler from the Little Econ River on Jay Blanchard Park in east Orange County. Investigators assigned to the investigation into the disappearance of Caylee responded to the park and determined that the recovered items are not associated with the case.

"The sheriff's office remains focused on the primary mission at hand, which is to locate Caylee Anthony and continues to follow up on all viable leads and tips that are deemed to be creditable in their ongoing investigation," the statement said.

Sheriff's officials said they have asked Padilla to take a polygraph test, to which the bounty hunter agreed. The FBI will conduct a polygraph test with Padilla at a later date, Orange County sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said.

"There's a couple of small toys in the bag. One of them is a clover-type shaped item -- green -- and we know that Casey was big on clover-shaped items. So I told them to shut it down and get the sheriff's office out here," Padilla said.

FBI agents inspected the items, Local 6 News reported.

"We came out here to find Caylee, but you don't want to find her," Padilla said while crying. "But that's the truth of the matter. We think we have."

Padilla said he has believed for a while that Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, left the girl's body at Blanchard Park.

"When the detectives talked to her, while she was trying to convince them (baby sitter) Zenaida (Gonzalez) took (Caylee) away at the Sawgrass Apartments, she also mentioned that she had also come out here to see -- that afternoon at 5 or 6 -- if possibly Zenaida was out here at the park because Zenaida used to bring the girl to the swings," Padilla said. "When we got into town and bailed her out, the day after she was out, she told me that Zenaida had taken (Caylee) away from her right here in front of the swings at Jay Blanchard Park."

Padilla said Casey Anthony mentioned the name Zenaida together with the park about eight times.

Caylee's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, said she was ignoring Padilla's efforts. She said if, and until, law enforcement officials comment on any finding, she was concentrating on finding Caylee alive.

Cindy Anthony said she received a tip earlier on Thursday of another possible Caylee sighting. She said a caller reported a sighting at a McDonald's in Coral Springs.

The search of the river was the second in four days. A two-man dive team organized by Padilla searched the same river on Monday but did not find anything. Padilla, who held a prayer vigil for Caylee at the park on Tuesday, had said that he would be leaving Orlando after the service.

"Nobody else is doing it. Everybody left town," said Padilla when asked why he decided to lead another search. "We're bringing up the remains. We feel confident that the remains are there."

"The water smells, there's alligators, there's snakes, there's zero visibility," a diver said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 10:31:35 AM

Padilla Agrees To Polygraph Test As Search Resumes

Friday, November 14, 2008 – updated: 10:17 am EST November 14, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The search for Caylee Anthony's remains got underway once again at Blanchard Park in East Orange County on Friday morning. Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla is heading the search with a team of volunteer divers even though he's facing an FBI lie detector test.

Padilla had everyone up in arms Thursday over claims that divers found bones in a bag in the Little Econ River (see map), but detectives quickly determined the evidence found by the bounty hunter's dive team was nothing but sticks and mud. Despite the chaos, Padilla says he's not giving up on his search for Caylee's remains.

As long as these fellas are willing to go down there and look, I'm going to stand here, not go back to Sacramento and leave them out here in the middle of the water. As long as they are willing to go down there I'm going to stick around," he said.

Early Thursday afternoon, the dive team confirmed to Eyewitness News it had located several children's toys inside a plastic bag in the Little Econ River, including a plastic shamrock toy. The divers also claimed to have found three or four bones. Padilla said the bag appeared to have been weighted down by bricks (images | video).

But Orange County Sheriff's Office investigators said, in fact, there were no bones and the bag had nothing to do with the Caylee Anthony case. Padilla indicated he hadn't even seen what his divers had found.

"I don't know, I haven't seen any of it because they're over there and I'm over here," Padilla said.

Additionally, the shamrock toy turned out to be a Gumby toy.

"There is nothing at the scene that is credible or of a significant find," said Captain Angelo Nieves of the Sheriff's Office (watch full statement). "Nothing that was discovered has been retained by the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

When word got out of a possible discovery in the case, people rushed to Blanchard Park to see for themselves what divers had found.

"It's affected everybody. It's like a rollercoaster. It's got to stop somewhere, it's got to stop," said spectator Lois Peter.

Over 150 onlookers surrounded the scene and most said they were frustrated to learn the discovery was not connected to Caylee after all.

It is the third time that Padilla has organized a water search in the Little Econ River. Todd Bosinski is the owner of Blackwater Divers and organizing the dive team.

"We are going down, doing grid patterns and searching the bottom again to see if we can find anything else," said Bosinski.

The divers began Friday's search at 9:00am.


After the FBI and sheriff's detectives looked over the find, their attention turned to Padilla.

"Mr. Padilla has been requested to take part in a polygraph that will be conducted by the FBI. We believe it is an important thing to do," Nieves said.

"It's meaningless, I have no problem with a lie detector test," Padilla told Eyewiness News (watch full interview).

Nieves also commented on Padilla's decision to inform media of the discovery before informing deputies.

"Law enforcement should have been the first call regarding this find, not the media," Nieves said.

Eyewitness News also talked with the attorney for Cindy and George Anthony, Mark Nejame, who has been critic of Padilla's role in the search.

"I would speculate that they have some questions about the integrity of the items that were found," Nejame said.

Nejame added that he is not surprised that Padilla has been asked to take a polygraph test. He said that is reason enough to doubt his motives.


A furious Cindy Anthony told Eyewitness news that Leonard Padilla knew right away that the items pulled from the water weren't related to her granddaughter's case, despite the display he put on for the cameras (watch full interview).

Cindy is adamant that Padilla put on a show for the media because someone in his crew sent her a text message right away to tell her it wasn't Caylee's remains that were found.

"He's said it's been about Caylee, but obviously his true colors are truly shown," Cindy said.

Padilla claims a cross found in the park could've been made with materials seen in Casey's room, but the Anthonys said he knew the sheriff's office had already ruled that out because they learned it was part of a memorial left for Nicole Ganguzza, the jogger murdered this summer.

"Someone's exploiting our family, exploiting our granddaughter, and that's wrong," George Anthony said.


EquuSearch founder Tim Miller claims that Leonard Padilla talked about how they both could make money if they found Caylee's body. However, when the two men appeared on CNN's Nancy Grace show Thursday night, Padilla remembered the conversation very differently.

"I begged Tim to send his divers down because we only had one. I asked him on Sunday and I even went back by his headquarters and asked him, 'Please Tim, we can't pass up this opportunity if you've got the divers,'" Padilla told Nancy Grace.

Padilla went on to say the conversation ended with both men agreeing to send divers into the lake, but he said Miller's dive team never showed up last Monday.

Tim Miller, the founder of EquuSearch, a group that organized a massive weekend search for Caylee's remains, was very critical of Padilla.

"What a disgrace to society this man is for doing this kind of stuff," Miller said.

Miller said during the weekend search, Padilla had begged Miller to use his own divers to search the river. Miller recounted the conversation, saying Padilla said to him, "Tim Miller's divers out here, news cameras out here ... think how much money we could make, Tim."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 10:40:52 AM
Casey Anthony's defense team examines her car
Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
9:55 AM EST, November 14, 2008

Casey Anthony's defense team will be examining her car, which investigators said once held a decomposing body, for the first time this morning.

Attorney Jose Baez and a forensic expert are expected to arrive at the Orange County Sheriff's Office shortly.

Deputies believe Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire once held a decomposing body. Investigators found a suspicious stain in the trunk and a smell associated with rotting flesh. Tests also showed traces of chloroform.

Baez was given permission to examine the car after Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland granted a motion to allow him to have access to the vehicle and conduct his own tests.

Anthony's car has been stored in a garage at the sheriff's office since July when she was first arrested. Her mother, Cindy Anthony, told deputies the car smelled like there had been a dead body in the car.

Caylee Marie has been missing since June. Investigators think the toddler is no longer alive.

Anthony is facing a slew of charges, including first-degree murder.

Casey Anthony's defense team examines her car
Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
9:55 AM EST, November 14, 2008

Casey Anthony's defense team will be examining her car, which investigators said once held a decomposing body, for the first time this morning.

Attorney Jose Baez and a forensic expert are expected to arrive at the Orange County Sheriff's Office shortly.

Deputies believe Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire once held a decomposing body. Investigators found a suspicious stain in the trunk and a smell associated with rotting flesh. Tests also showed traces of chloroform.

Baez was given permission to examine the car after Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland granted a motion to allow him to have access to the vehicle and conduct his own tests.

Anthony's car has been stored in a garage at the sheriff's office since July when she was first arrested. Her mother, Cindy Anthony, told deputies the car smelled like there had been a dead body in the car.

Caylee Marie has been missing since June. Investigators think the toddler is no longer alive.

Anthony is facing a slew of charges, including first-degree murder.,0,4304861.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 10:52:55 AM
Divers Resume Search For Caylee Anthony
Plastic Bag Found Thursday Won't Help Investigators

POSTED: 6:22 am EST November 14, 2008
UPDATED: 9:29 am EST November 14, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A search for clues in the Caylee Anthony disappearance resumed at Blanchard Park after a major false alarm on Thursday.

Dive teams hired by bounty hunter Leonard Padilla (Padilla says the volunteered) announced they had found a plastic bag that was weighed down in the Little Econlockhatchee River.

The bag was said to have contained children's toys, bone fragments and a shamrock. Casey Anthony, who is Caylee's mother, is known to love shamrocks.

But investigators said the bag only contained rocks and a plastic Gumby doll. Detectives dismissed the findings and publicly scolded Padilla.

Authorities then asked Padilla to stop the search and take a lie-detector test. Padilla said he has nothing to hide.

"When law enforcement asks you to take a polygraph, it's to panic you. Lee and Cindy and George (Anthony) obviously can't take a polygraph because they won't pass it. I've got no problem. I'll pass it," Padilla said.

"We believe our granddaughter is alive and still out there. All this other stuff going on is a distraction. That's all it is," George Anthony said.

Padilla said the dive team would continue to scour the river on Friday at Blanchard Park.

Officials with the Orange County Sheriff's Office said their divers haven't searched the Little Econlockhatchee River, but searchers with EquuSearch did spend time searching the waters by sonar and didn't find anything.   

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 03:13:22 PM
Divers resume Econ River search for Casey Anthony

Updated: 2:40 p.m.
Casey Anthony's car has been stored in a garage at the sheriff's office since July when she was first arrested. Her mother, Cindy Anthony, told deputies it smelled like there had been a dead body in the car.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 03:15:00 PM
Divers resume Econ River search for Casey Anthony's body
Bianca Prieto and Amanda Welch | Sentinel Staff Writer
2:40 PM EST, November 14, 2008



Divers return to river
2:43 p.m.

Divers working with California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla returned to the Little Econlockhatchee River to continue their search for the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony.

It was calm today in the river and nearby Jay Blanchard Park, a contrast to Thursday's flurry sparked by a false alarm.

The frenzy ended after investigators determined divers had found nothing of significance, including no bones.

On Friday, six volunteer divers from a security service took turns searching the same area Padilla's divers have scoured twice before, with plans on moving slowly downriver for the rest of the afternoon, said California bounty hunter Lorian "Spyder" Dalton.

About a dozen of Padilla's local supporters looked on from picnic tables and folding chairs on the river's bank. Charlotte Brass, 64, of Orlando, donated what she had -- paper plates, paper towels and $5 -- to the search team for lunch.

"They've donated so much time and I feel that little bit made us contribute to helping," Brass said. Padilla said he had planned to leave after the shuttle launch tonight, but the security service contacted him on Wednesday he decided to continue to search the Little Econlockhatchee River indefinitely.

"I never buy a return ticket when I go anywhere," he said.

Famed forensic expert inspecting evidence
12:59 p.m.

High-profile forensic expert Henry Lee is inspecting evidence from Casey Anthony's car right now. Lee, an expert for the defense, is in a forensic lab inside the garage near Anthony's car. He is inspecting carpet from the trunk and the tire cover, said Capt. Angelo Nieves, who said the horrible smell from the trunk is still present, Nieves said.

Jose Baez, Anthony's attorney, is standing nearby during the examination but is not participating.

The car will be moved into another garage bay by an Orange County Sheriff's crime scene technician.

Check back for updates.

Famed forensic expert accompanies defense team
11:45 a.m. Henry Lee, the forensic expert who gained fame during the 1994 case against O.J. Simpson, is at the Orange County Sheriff's Office with Casey Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez.

It is unclear what his role will be in the Anthony case.

Casey Anthony's defense team will be examining her car, which investigators said once held a decomposing body, for the first time this morning.

Attorney Jose Baez and a forensic expert are expected to arrive at the Orange County Sheriff's Office shortly.

Deputies believe Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire once held a decomposing body. Investigators found a suspicious stain in the trunk and a smell associated with rotting flesh. Tests also showed traces of chloroform.

Baez was given permission to examine the car after Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland granted a motion to allow him to have access to the vehicle and conduct his own tests.

Anthony's car has been stored in a garage at the sheriff's office since July when she was first arrested. Her mother, Cindy Anthony, told deputies the car smelled like there had been a dead body in the car.

Caylee Marie has been missing since June. Investigators think the toddler is no longer alive.

Anthony is facing a slew of charges, including first-degree murder.,0,4304861.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 04:41:31 PM
High-profile forensic expert Henry Lee is inspecting evidence from Casey Anthony's car right now.  Lee, an expert for the defense, is in a forensic lab inside the garage near Anthony's car. He is inspecting carpet from the trunk and the tire cover, said Capt. Angelo Nieves, who said the horrible smell from the trunk is still present, Nieves said.

Jose Baez, Anthony's attorney, is standing nearby during the examination but is not participating.

The car will be moved into another garage bay by an Orange County Sheriff's crime scene technician.
Famed forensic expert accompanies defense team
11:45 a.m. Henry Lee, the forensic expert who gained fame during the 1994 case against O.J. Simpson, is at the Orange County Sheriff's Office with Casey Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez.

It is unclear what his role will be in the Anthony case.


Casey Anthony's defense team will be examining her car, which investigators said once held a decomposing body, for the first time this morning.

Attorney Jose Baez and a forensic expert are expected to arrive at the Orange County Sheriff's Office shortly.

Deputies believe Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire once held a decomposing body. Investigators found a suspicious stain in the trunk and a smell associated with rotting flesh. Tests also showed traces of chloroform.

Baez was given permission to examine the car after Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland granted a motion to allow him to have access to the vehicle and conduct his own tests.

Anthony's car has been stored in a garage at the sheriff's office since July when she was first arrested. Her mother, Cindy Anthony, told deputies the car smelled like there had been a dead body in the car.

Caylee Marie has been missing since June. Investigators think the toddler is no longer alive.

Anthony is facing a slew of charges, including first-degree murder.,0,4304861.story?page=2

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 05:35:43 PM
Padilla: Casey Told Him Caylee Was Handed Off At Park

Friday, November 14, 2008 – updated: 5:04 pm EST November 14, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Leonard Padilla had his paid scuba divers back in the water searching for Caylee Anthony's body Friday. A day earlier, Padilla's team set off a huge false alarm when they claimed they found bones in the Little Econ River (see map). It was so bad, the Orange County Sheriff's Office still wants Padilla to take a lie detector test.

Eyewitness News spoke at length with Padilla on Friday (watch full interview) and said, despite Thursday's drama and the fact that they found nothing Friday, he is more convinced than ever that Casey dumped Caylee's body in the river at Blanchard Park.

As gators circled below and vultures soared above, volunteering Blackwater Divers spent another day in water bounty hunter Leonard Padilla insists is Caylee's current resting place

"The day after we got [Casey] out, she sits down and she's talking to me and says, 'I went to Blanchard Park and Zenaida and her sister Samantha were there and they took the baby away from me,'" Padilla told Eyewitness News on Friday. "In the reports, she mentions Blanchard Park eight times."

Plenty of the curious were camping out at Blanchard Park, which has turned into the new Hopespring Drive, where the Anthony family lives.

A hodgepodge of postal packing tape, leftover crime scene tape and ski rope marked the makeshift staging area Friday where Thursday divers handed detectives a dud of a lead. Now they want Padilla to take a polygraph.

"What do they want to ask you? Did you set up some evidence in the middle of the water so you could go out there and have all the cameras in America focused on you? Do you think they think you did that?" WFTV reporter Steve Barrett asked Padilla.

"That's what I think, yeah," he replied.

FBI agent are supposed to contact Padilla to schedule the test and Friday wondered out loud about why others in the case declined lie detectors.

"It would have been great if Casey, Lee, Cindy and George would have taken a lie detector test," he said (watch full interview).

Also Friday, Padilla dropped a whole new theory involving the Anthony family pool. He believes, after Caylee die from a chloroform overdose, Casey put her body in the swimming pool to test the buoyancy of her body and then used the neighbors shovel to fish Caylee out of the pool before putting her inside a garbage bag.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 05:43:42 PM
Casey's Attorney Files Counter-Claims Against Zenaida Gonzalez

Friday, November 14, 2008 – updated: 5:00 pm EST November 14, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- It's proof that anybody can sue anybody, even Casey Anthony. Eyewitness News uncovered a lawsuit filed by Casey Anthony against a woman she's never met.

The woman's name is Zenaida Gonzalez. She got caught up in the whole saga simply because she has the same name as the so-called babysitter who Casey claimed took her daughter Caylee.

Casey Anthony's attorneys have filed a counter-claim (read document) seeking money from Zenaida Gonzalez, calling Zenaida's lawsuit an attempt to cash in on a high profile case.

Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales is the name of the mystery baby sitter Casey Anthony says took her daughter Caylee. In September, Eyewitness News broke the story that a Zenaida Fernandez- Gonzalez from Osceola County and her high-profile attorney, John Morgan, were suing Casey Anthony for defamation and infliction of emotional distress.

"Zenaida's world has been turned upside down. She is in hiding. The mention of her name is red-flagged everywhere," Morgan said.

Eyewitness News found out Friday that Casey Anthony's lawyer has filed a counter claim calling Zenaida's "a frivolous lawsuit which was filed for no other reason but to harass and embarrass" Casey Anthony.

It also calls it an "attempt to cash in on a high-profile media case" and contends John Morgan's firm did it to "generate publicity for their law firm."

The counter complaint goes on to claim Casey Anthony made truthful statements to investigators about a separate Zenaida Gonzalez and the woman suing her is not the mystery babysitter.

Now, Casey Anthony is seeking damages in excess of $15,000 and to recoup court fees and attorney fees.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 14, 2008, 07:48:45 PM
Police: Divers' find not credible
Jeffrey Riley
Issue date: 11/14/08 Section: News
Media Credit: Sarah Rogers

Slide show of pictures at link

Media Credit: Sarah Rogers

A private dive company looking for missing toddler Caylee Anthony, under the direction of bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, found a plastic garbage bag with bricks, children's toys and what the divers said were bones in the bottom of the Little Econ River in Jay Blanchard Park on Thursday.

The FBI and the Orange County Sheriff's Office responded to the area.

After looking at the materials found in the bottom of the river, a spokeman said the area was not a crime scene and the evidence was not credible to the investigation.

"At this point, we have responded, the lead investigator has responded, the FBI has also responded to this location, and there is nothing here at the scene that is credible or of a significant find," said Angelo Nieves, a public information officer with OCSO.

Nieves also said it was in poor form for Padilla to call the media before calling the police.

"This is unfortunately an incident that was not notified to law enforcement initially," Nieves said. "Law enforcement should have been the first call to be made by Mr. Padilla regarding this incident, not to the media."

Padilla said he called the FBI first when he started the diving operations.

"No, the first person I called was the FBI agent that is on the case when I came here originally," Padilla said.

Orange County Sheriff's Sgt. John Allen said the dive search going on in the river had nothing to do with either the FBI or the OCSO's official investigation, and was being conducted by Padilla.

"The Orange County Sheriff's Office and the FBI are working together, along with other police agencies, to find Caylee's remains," Allen said. "If you want to know what Leonard is doing here, I suggest you ask Leonard."

Nieves said that OCSO asked Padilla to take a polygraph test about the findings. Padilla agreed and said he is not worried or intimidated by the test.

Padilla said he chose this area due to a cross memorial that was found in a wooded area in the park that appeared to be made out of a material he had seen in the home of Casey Anthony, Caylee's mother. He said the importance of what the divers found is still unknown.

"I don't know the significance of it, because, like I said, the divers are the ones in control of the situation," Padilla said.

David Badali, a diver with Blackwater Divers who helped discover the items, said their placement is what brings up suspicion.

"I can tell you that these particular bricks belong in someone's house, not in these waters," Badali said. "They shouldn't have been in that bag to weight the bag down."

An official with the forensics department of the OCSO took two of the samples to examine and determine if they are bone.

It was originally reported that one of the toys found was a shamrock, connecting to the shamrock tattoo that Casey Anthony has, along with various shamrocks that are allegedly in her house. However, the divers later said the toy was a small Gumby figure, not a shamrock

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 15, 2008, 10:18:09 AM

Detectives: Casey's Car Still Reeks Of Death; Defense Inspects Vehicle
Woman's Daughter Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 12:40 pm EST November 14, 2008
UPDATED: 10:02 pm EST November 14, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team brought in a well-known forensics expert to examine her car, which still reeks of death, according to detectives.

Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of 3-year-old Caylee, who was last seen on June 16 but was not reported missing until a month later.

A judge recently granted Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, to have access to the vehicle, which was found abandoned months ago at an Orange County Amscot. Scientists have concluded that the trunk contained signs of possible human decomposition and unusually high levels of chloroform.

Baez said he wanted an independent examination of the white Pontiac Sunfire and brought in Dr. Henry Lee, who has worked in several high-profile cases, including the O.J. Simpson murder trial, to assist in the inspection.

In 2003, a judge ruled that Lee either hid or accidentally destroyed key evidence in a murder trial.

Anthony's car has been stored at the Orange County Sheriff's Office since being recovered after Anthony's arrest in July. Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, said on a 911 call reporting Caylee missing that the car smelled like there had been a dead body in it.

Divers Resume Search

Meanwhile, celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla returned on Friday to Blanchard Park, a day after a dive team he organized said it found what it thought was bone fragments and children's toys in a bag in the Little Econ River.

The finding did not contain bones and Orange County sheriff's officials said there was no credible evidence connecting the discovery to Caylee.

Padilla said he remains convinced that Casey Anthony dumped Caylee's body in the river, but added that if the divers make any other suspicious discoveries, he will contact authorities first before making an announcement.

"We had one team that called last night (and said), 'We don't want to get involved with that mess down there. Law enforcement has got us scared. What if they start arresting people and all that?' Hey, I understand that. Especially when you're volunteering," Padilla said.

The FBI will conduct a lie-detector test on Padilla, who agreed to the idea. Padilla speculated that authorities want to verify that he didn't plant the bag found by divers on Thursday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 15, 2008, 03:25:11 PM
Anthonys Greet Volunteers, Ask For Funds At Kid Finders Event

Friday, November 14, 2008 – updated: 11:56 am EST November 15, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- George and Cindy Anthony were the main attractions Saturday morning as they met volunteers wanting to search for their missing granddaughter, Caylee.

The Anthonys attended an event for Kid Finders, the organization that is trying to find Caylee Anthony, who has been missing since early in the summer and whose mother is jailed on first degree murder charges in connection with the disappearance.

At Saturday's function, the Anthonys were helping Kid Finders gather a list of volunteers they can contact at a later date and determine how those volunteers can help in the search for Caylee, who the Anthonys maintain is still alive.

In an interview, Cindy stressed that the effort requires more donations so that Kid Finders can keep up the search.


Meanwhile bounty hunter Leonard Padilla has been ordered out of Blanchard Park for the weekend, where he had organized a team of divers this week to search the Little Econ River for Caylee's remains. There were no divers in the park Saturday.

Leonard Padilla had his paid scuba divers back in the water searching for Caylee Anthony's body Friday. A day earlier, Padilla's team set off a huge false alarm when they claimed they found bones in the Little Econ River (see map). It was so bad, the Orange County Sheriff's Office still wants Padilla to take a lie detector test.

Eyewitness News spoke at length with Padilla on Friday (watch full interview) and said, despite Thursday's drama and the fact that they found nothing Friday, he is more convinced than ever that Casey dumped Caylee's body in the river at Blanchard Park.

As gators circled below and vultures soared above, volunteering Blackwater Divers spent another day in water bounty hunter Leonard Padilla insists is Caylee's current resting place

"The day after we got [Casey] out, she sits down and she's talking to me and says, 'I went to Blanchard Park and Zenaida and her sister Samantha were there and they took the baby away from me,'" Padilla told Eyewitness News on Friday. "In the reports, she mentions Blanchard Park eight times."

Plenty of the curious were camping out at Blanchard Park, which has turned into the new Hopespring Drive, where the Anthony family lives.

A hodgepodge of postal packing tape, leftover crime scene tape and ski rope marked the makeshift staging area Friday where Thursday divers handed detectives a dud of a lead. Now they want Padilla to take a polygraph.

"What do they want to ask you? Did you set up some evidence in the middle of the water so you could go out there and have all the cameras in America focused on you? Do you think they think you did that?" WFTV reporter Steve Barrett asked Padilla.

"That's what I think, yeah," he replied.

FBI agent are supposed to contact Padilla to schedule the test and Friday wondered out loud about why others in the case declined lie detectors.

"It would have been great if Casey, Lee, Cindy and George would have taken a lie detector test," he said (watch full interview).

Also Friday, Padilla dropped a whole new theory involving the Anthony family pool. He believes, after Caylee die from a chloroform overdose, Casey put her body in the swimming pool to test the buoyancy of her body and then used the neighbors shovel to fish Caylee out of the pool before putting her inside a garbage bag.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 16, 2008, 10:08:39 AM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 16, 2008, 10:33:17 AM
Report: Casey Anthony countersuing woman; Cindy writing book
Bianca Prieto and Amanda Welch | Sentinel Staff Writers
11:55 PM EST, November 15, 2008

UPDATES: Casey Anthony files countersuit against Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez
11:55 p.m.
Jailed mother Casey Anthony has filed a countersuit against a woman who says her reputation was ruined as a result of the high-profile disappearance of Anthony's daughter, Caylee.

Anthony countersued Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez of Kissimmee, who says she has never met Caylee's mother. Casey Anthony contends that Gonzalez brought a frivolous lawsuit against her when Gonzalez sued in September. The sole purpose, according to court documents, was to "harass and embarrass" Anthony. In addition, the lawsuit claims that Gonzalez's lawyer, John Morgan, is trying to generate publicity for his firm by filing the suit.

In her suit, Gonzalez claimed her reputation was ruined when Anthony said a woman with the same name, a nanny, took Caylee in June. Detectives have said they do not believe Anthony's story.

Anthony's countersuit says she was referring to a different Gonzalez who drives a different car and has fewer children than the Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.

In other developments in the case, Orange County officials asked Leonard Padilla to not come out to the park this weekend to search for Caylee's body because it is expected to be crowded with soccer games and pavilion rentals. He's welcome to return Monday, they said.

WFTV reports Casey Anthony is countersuing woman, Cindy writing book
6:54 p.m.

From Hal Boedeker
WFTV-Channel 9's Jeff Deal reported that Casey Anthony is countersuing Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, the woman who says her life was ruined when Casey wrongly named her as baby sitter to missing toddler Caylee.

The Anthony camp counters that Gonzalez's lawsuit was frivolous and an effort to cash in on the sensational case. The Anthony camp says Casey made truthful statements about another Zenaida Gonzalez and seeks more than $15,000 in damages. The office for Fernandez-Gonazalez's lawyer, John Morgan, told WFTV that it would have a comment Monday.

WFTV's Kathi Belich reported that Cindy Anthony, Caylee's grandmother and Casey's mother, plans to write a book. Cindy Anthony hasn't started. Belich said: "No matter what happens in the end, she is expecting to write a book about the family's ordeal."

More on Hal Boedeker's TV Guy blog

Anthony car has yet to move
4:07 p.m. Sheriff's office officials have yet to move Casey Anthony's white Pontiac Sunfire from the forensic lab to an adjacent garage with a car lift.

The defense team wants the car lifted above ground to be able to inspect the undercarriage. Anthony once told friends that the putrid smell emanating form her car was caused by an animal she found plastered to the frame of the vehicle.

It's unclear when the car will be moved.

Divers working with California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla returned to the Little Econlockhatchee River to continue their search for the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony.

It was calm today in the river and nearby Jay Blanchard Park, a contrast to Thursday's flurry sparked by a false alarm.

The frenzy ended after investigators determined divers had found nothing of significance, including no bones.

Video @ link


On Friday, six volunteer divers from a security service took turns searching the same area Padilla's divers have scoured twice before, with plans on moving slowly downriver for the rest of the afternoon, said California bounty hunter Lorian "Spyder" Dalton.

About a dozen of Padilla's local supporters looked on from picnic tables and folding chairs on the river's bank. Charlotte Brass, 64, of Orlando, donated what she had -- paper plates, paper towels and $5 -- to the search team for lunch.

"They've donated so much time and I feel that little bit made us contribute to helping," Brass said. Padilla said he had planned to leave after the shuttle launch tonight, but the security service contacted him on Wednesday he decided to continue to search the Little Econlockhatchee River indefinitely.

"I never buy a return ticket when I go anywhere," he said.

Famed forensic expert inspecting evidence
12:59 p.m.

High-profile forensic expert Henry Lee is inspecting evidence from Casey Anthony's car right now. Lee, an expert for the defense, is in a forensic lab inside the garage near Anthony's car. He is inspecting carpet from the trunk and the tire cover, said Capt. Angelo Nieves, who said the horrible smell from the trunk is still present, Nieves said.

Jose Baez, Anthony's attorney, is standing nearby during the examination but is not participating.

The car will be moved into another garage bay by an Orange County Sheriff's crime scene technician.

Check back for updates.

Famed forensic expert accompanies defense team
11:45 a.m. Henry Lee, the forensic expert who gained fame during the 1994 case against O.J. Simpson, is at the Orange County Sheriff's Office with Casey Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez.

It is unclear what his role will be in the Anthony case.

Casey Anthony's defense team will be examining her car, which investigators said once held a decomposing body, for the first time this morning.

Attorney Jose Baez and a forensic expert are expected to arrive at the Orange County Sheriff's Office shortly.

Deputies believe Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire once held a decomposing body. Investigators found a suspicious stain in the trunk and a smell associated with rotting flesh. Tests also showed traces of chloroform.

Baez was given permission to examine the car after Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland granted a motion to allow him to have access to the vehicle and conduct his own tests.

Anthony's car has been stored in a garage at the sheriff's office since July when she was first arrested. Her mother, Cindy Anthony, told deputies the car smelled like there had been a dead body in the car.

Caylee Marie has been missing since June. Investigators think the toddler is no longer alive.

Anthony is facing a slew of charges, including first-degree murder

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 16, 2008, 03:17:16 PM
Search For Caylee Resumes Monday
Sunday, November 16, 2008 2:20:14 PM  

ORLANDO -- They have called it quits for the weekend, but two search efforts for missing toddler Caylee Anthony are scheduled to resume early Monday morning.

Volunteers with the Kid Finders Network manned their tent in Orange county for about an hour Sunday.

Along with Caylee Anthony, Kid Finders said they are also continuing the search for other missing children, including Trenton Duckett and Jennifer Kesse.

Kid Finders officials said they are always in need of both money and volunteers. The group has found itself short of donations, and have had to scale back its efforts in the its search for Caylee.

Caylee's grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony, were at the Kid Finders Network command center Saturday, displaying posters and getting the word out about the missing 3-year-old. See previous story.

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla also called off his search for the weekend, saying he plans to be back in the water in Blanchard Park Monday morning.

The Anthonys have criticized Padilla and other groups for searching for a body instead of searching as if Caylee was alive.

Cindy Anthony also said she hopes writing a book would guide people in similar situations through what she has been through as she searches for her granddaughter.

"Two years down the road, once Caylee's back home safe, and her life's back to normal, and our life's back to normal, if I can help someone in any way, and jot everything down, that I've learned, you know, that's where it is," Cindy Anthony said.

The Kid Finders Network plans to hold a conference Monday on the search for Caylee.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 17, 2008, 08:45:49 AM
Cindy Anthony: Zenaida's Attorney Should Keep Chasing Ambulances
Caylee Anthony Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 6:59 am EST November 17, 2008
UPDATED: 7:51 am EST November 17, 2008
RLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony has filed a counter-suit against Zenaida Gonzalez, a woman who shares the same name as the baby sitter with whom Anthony said she left her daughter, Caylee, before the girl disappeared, and Cindy Anthony lashed out at the attorney representing Gonzalez.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of Caylee, who is now 3 years old and was last seen in mid-June.

Casey Anthony told investigators that she left Caylee with Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apartments in Orange County, and the pair was gone when she returned to pick her daughter up.

A woman named Zenaida Gonzalez -- who has the only known connection to the apartment complex -- has filed a lawsuit against Casey, saying her name has been tarnished and the claim has 

affected her ability to find employment.

Following a prayer vigil on Sunday for Caylee, Cindy Anthony had some harsh words for Gonzalez's attorney, John Morgan.

"I think the whole thing is ludicrous," Cindy Anthony said. "Attorney Morgan -- it's frivolous -- he needs to just get back to chasing the ambulances."

Divers Resume Search

Meanwhile, a dive team returned to Blanchard Park on Monday to continue a search for Caylee's remains in the Little Econ River.

The search has been organized by celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who is leaving Orlando to attend a business meeting in California. Padilla said he plans to return to Orlando later this week.

Padilla has not yet taken a lie-detector test, which was requested by the FBI last week after Padilla caused a media frenzy by claiming to locate what appeared to be bone fragments and children's toys possibly belonging to Caylee during the search of the river. FBI agents apparently want to verify that Padilla did not plant the items.

Divers have not found anything related to the Caylee case during their weeklong search.

Report: Party Life Constrained

A Local 6 News investigation into the timeline of the Casey Anthony case has revealed how the woman's well-documented partying was restricted by the needs of Caylee.

Local 6 News reporter Tony Pipitone said records show Anthony's partying was constrained by what she called "mommy duties," especially in the month of May.

On May 3 at 4:21 p.m., Anthony and then best friend Amy Huizenga made plans to attend a party.

"Any more details on that party?" Anthony asked.

But about two hours later, Anthony sent Huizenga a text message reading, "Cross your fingers that my parents get back soon. God I need this tonight."

"But apparently, her daughter, Caylee, needed her more," Pipitone said.

Two hours later, Anthony sent another message.

"I'm trying to get a hold of my mom to see when they're coming home. Sitting around waiting sucks," Anthony said.

Three hours after that, Anthony gave up on her party plans, telling Huizenga that she would take a rain check.

"Downtown tomorrow? My mom owes me," Anthony sent in a text message.

About a week later, a boyfriend sent a message about his regret over Anthony being absent from the party scene.

"Thought you were coming out last night," it said.

"Yeah, so did I," Anthony replied. "Mommy duties."

On May 23 at 7:48 p.m., Anthony told Huizenga, "I'm going to stay home," promising to go out the next night. "I already cleared it with my madre."

Anthony attended a party that weekend, which combined with her daughter's disappearance, gained her national notoriety, Pipitone said.

On May 24, Anthony sent Huizenga a text that said, "The cops came around 1:15 and broke up the party."

The next night, Anthony attended an "anything-but-clothes" party and sent another message to Huizenga.

"You will officially see the American flag in all its glory tonight," Anthony's message said.

Anthony also attended a Friday night hip-hop party at the Fusion nightclub, telling a former boyfriend on June 13, "You guys should definitely come. $5 cover, super hot shot girls, a hot body contest."

Three days later, Anthony moved in with Tony Lazzaro, who ran shows at the nightclub, where infamous photographs of Anthony were taken on June 21.

"Casey and friends vamp and dance the night away. Not a care in the world. Even as police suspect Caylee was by then dead and her body possibly disposed of just days earlier," Pipitone said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 17, 2008, 08:49:05 AM
Padilla Back In California To Take Lie Detector Test

Monday, November 17, 2008 – updated: 8:03 am EST November 17, 2008
Eyewitness News spoke with Padilla Monday morning to confirm that he's back in California where he says he'll

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla has left Central Florida. Eyewitness News spoke with Padilla Monday morning to confirm that he's back in California where he says he will take a lie detector test.

Investigators wanted Padilla to take the test after his divers discovered a bag of toys in the water in Blanchard Park last week. The toys turned out to be nothing.

Padilla also said he'd like to send divers into the water again later this week.


Meanwhile bounty hunter Leonard Padilla has been ordered out of Blanchard Park for the weekend, where he had organized a team of divers this week to search the Little Econ River for Caylee's remains. There were no divers in the park Saturday.

Leonard Padilla had his paid scuba divers back in the water searching for Caylee Anthony's body Friday. A day earlier, Padilla's team set off a huge false alarm when they claimed they found bones in the Little Econ River (see map). It was so bad, the Orange County Sheriff's Office still wants Padilla to take a lie detector test.

Eyewitness News spoke at length with Padilla on Friday (watch full interview) and said, despite Thursday's drama and the fact that they found nothing Friday, he is more convinced than ever that Casey dumped Caylee's body in the river at Blanchard Park.

As gators circled below and vultures soared above, volunteering Blackwater Divers spent another day in water bounty hunter Leonard Padilla insists is Caylee's current resting place

"The day after we got [Casey] out, she sits down and she's talking to me and says, 'I went to Blanchard Park and Zenaida and her sister Samantha were there and they took the baby away from me,'" Padilla told Eyewitness News on Friday. "In the reports, she mentions Blanchard Park eight times."

Plenty of the curious were camping out at Blanchard Park, which has turned into the new Hopespring Drive, where the Anthony family lives.

A hodgepodge of postal packing tape, leftover crime scene tape and ski rope marked the makeshift staging area Friday where Thursday divers handed detectives a dud of a lead. Now they want Padilla to take a polygraph.

"What do they want to ask you? Did you set up some evidence in the middle of the water so you could go out there and have all the cameras in America focused on you? Do you think they think you did that?" WFTV reporter Steve Barrett asked Padilla.

"That's what I think, yeah," he replied.

FBI agent are supposed to contact Padilla to schedule the test and Friday wondered out loud about why others in the case declined lie detectors.

"It would have been great if Casey, Lee, Cindy and George would have taken a lie detector test," he said (watch full interview).

Also Friday, Padilla dropped a whole new theory involving the Anthony family pool. He believes, after Caylee die from a chloroform overdose, Casey put her body in the swimming pool to test the buoyancy of her body and then used the neighbors shovel to fish Caylee out of the pool before putting her inside a garbage bag.


The Anthony Family has hired a new spokesperson. Eyewitness News looked into their new spokesperson Michele Bart's background and found out she owns a company based in Washington State called Helping Heroes Productions, Inc.

The company works for non-profit groups, hospitals and private companies. Bart said she's working on behalf of the group Kid Finders for free.

"I'm doing this to bring home a child that that gives me sleepless nights. I'm not here for personal gain, I don't even speak about my company, I speak for Kid Finders network," she said.

Last week the Anthonys fired Larry Garrison when they found out he secretly profited from their appearances and family photos.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 17, 2008, 10:58:59 AM
Anthonys' new spokeswoman says family will speak this week
Sara K. Clarke

Sentinel Staff Writer

November 17, 2008

A spokeswoman for a missing-children network said she will work on behalf of the family of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony after allegations last week that their former representative was cashing in on the media firestorm ignited by the child's disappearance.

Michelle Bart, who has been representing the Kid Finders Network in the case of the missing girl, said she was asked by the group to work on behalf of the Anthony family as well.

"As time went on, things started unraveling with the circumstances of their previous spokesperson," said Bart, who runs Helping Heroes Inc., a Vancouver, Wash.-based public-relations company that works with nonprofit organizations.

Last week, the Anthony family's attorney, Mark NeJame, accused former family spokesman Larry Garrison of hiding a $6,500 payment from NBC for providing photos of Caylee.

NeJame said the Anthonys fired Garrison. The former spokesman said he resigned because of the family's erratic behavior.

Bart has already announced a news conference for this week, something she says "should have been done weeks ago."

She said the meeting will include Caylee's grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony; NeJame; the Kid Finders Network; and a private investigator who has been working on the case. Bart said they will discuss tips and findings in recent weeks that have led the Anthonys to think their granddaughter is still alive. Police have said they think the girl is dead.

"Hopefully, by the end of the week the public will understand why we've been searching for Caylee Marie," Bart said. "We truly believe that Caylee Marie is alive."

Calls to NeJame and the Anthony family were not returned.

Caylee, who was last seen in June, was reported missing in mid-July. Authorities have charged her mother, Casey Anthony, in her death.

Bart said she won't discuss the legal case against Casey, but reporters can ask "anything that needs to be asked" regarding the search for Caylee.

She said the Anthonys will have little to say after the news conference unless there are new developments. Bart said she doesn't think they need to be available for comment on a daily basis.

Though the news media has been helpful in keeping the public eye on Caylee's case, she said every interview is "time that we could put efforts elsewhere."

"Caylee needs to come home, one way or another," Bart said.,0,5583538.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 17, 2008, 11:00:14 AM

Renewed Effort Begins To Find Caylee Alive
Kid Finders Network Spreads Word About Missing Children

POSTED: 6:35 am EST November 17, 2008
UPDATED: 7:06 am EST November 17, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The search for Caylee Anthony was refocused over the weekend after a discovery last week proved to be a false alarm.

George and Cindy Anthony, who are Caylee's grandparents, said they'll concentrate on finding her alive rather than having divers search for her remains.

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who organized the search by divers, has left Central Florida to return to California.

However, Padilla said he plans to return to Central Florida later to continue the search.

Meanwhile, the Kid Finders Network is working hard to find Caylee.

George and Cindy Anthony spent the weekend at the group's headquarters on Goldenrod Road handing out flyers and other information about their granddaughter.

They also worked to get the word out about other missing children from the area.

"George and Cindy Anthony are so driven to bring home every child. There is no handbook to teach you what to do in this situation when faced with this kind of devastation to a family, and they have been wonderful," Kid Finders Network spokeswoman Michelle Bart said.

The Kid Finders Network has set up a location to spread the word about missing children along Goldenrod Road near state Road 50. They'll be there Thursday through Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. until the end of December.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 17, 2008, 03:51:36 PM
Padilla Offered $200K To Allow Filming Of Search For Caylee
Monday, November 17, 2008 3:23:34 PM  

ORLANDO -- News 13 has learned bounty hunter Leonard Padilla is considering an offer that would pour $200,000 into the search for Caylee Anthony.

Padilla told News 13 he has been contacted by a company that is willing to fund the search effort if Padilla is willing to give them exclusive rights to film the search effort.

The bounty hunter said he has not made a final decision on if he is willing to take the offer.

Padilla has returned to California, and will stay there for the next couple of weeks. He said he will return to Orlando and do a thorough search of the Little Econ River, where he still maintains he is "sure" Caylee's remains are in that water.

Spokeswoman: Anthonys Have Evidence Caylee Is Alive

Meanwhile, a new spokeswoman for the Anthony family said George and Cindy Anthony are putting together a new group to help search for their granddaughter.

Spokeswoman Michelle Bart told News 13 Monday they have legitimate tips and evidence that Caylee is still alive.

Bart and the Anthonys plan to share the latest information they have in a press conference sometime in the latter part of the week.

Mark NeJame, attorney for the Anthonys, is also expected to be present, as well as members of the Kid Finders Network and a private investigator who has been working with the case since the very beginning, following up on viable leads, including one Caylee sighting in Gainesville.

Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, have criticized Padilla and other groups for searching for a body instead of searching as if Caylee was alive.

The Kid Finders Network is scheduled to be at their tent in Orange County from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday after a disappointing volunteer turnout over the weekend. See previous story.

The tent was shut down early Sunday because of a lack of volunteers. Officials with the group said they are always in need of both money and volunteers.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 17, 2008, 03:55:15 PM

Attorney: Cindy Anthony Seems To Be Enjoying Spotlight In Caylee Hunt
Caylee Anthony Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 6:59 am EST November 17, 2008
UPDATED: 12:35 pm EST November 17, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A war of words has broken out between the family of Casey Anthony and Zenaida Gonzalez's attorney, who said on Monday that Cindy Anthony "seems to be enjoying this whole thing."

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearan
ce of Caylee, who is now 3 years old and was last seen in mid-June.

Casey Anthony told investigators that she left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apartments in Orange County, and the pair was gone when she returned to pick her daughter up.

Attorney John Morgan, who represents a woman by the name of Zenaida Gonzalez with the only known connection to the apartment complex, has filed a lawsuit against Casey Anthony, saying his client's name has been tarnished and Casey Anthony's claim has affected his client's ability to find employment.

"I think the mother (of Casey Anthony) -- in a way -- seems to be enjoying this whole thing," Morgan said. "Instead of talking about chasing ambulances, I would be chasing after Caylee. I would be in the woods. I would be door to door."

The harsh words come after Cindy Anthony lashed out at Morgan following a prayer vigil on Sunday.

"I think the whole thing is ludicrous," Cindy Anthony said. "Attorney Morgan -- it's frivolous -- he needs to just get back to chasing the ambulances."

Morgan said he is attempting to schedule depositions with Casey Anthony and her attorney as early as this week.

Casey Anthony has filed a counter-suit against Gonzalez.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 17, 2008, 05:50:48 PM
Attorney Wants To Depose Casey Anthony In Jail
John Morgan Reacts To Countersuit Against Gonzalez

POSTED: 2:41 pm EST November 17, 2008
UPDATED: 2:45 pm EST November 17, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorney John Morgan said Monday he plans to depose Casey Anthony in jail, now that she has counter-sued Zenaida Gonzalez.

Morgan told WESH 2 News that the countersuit obligates Anthony to give a deposition or drop the suit.

Anthony is in Orange County Jail, accused of killing her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee, who has not been seen since June. Anthony told investigators a woman named Zenaida Gonzalez was Caylee’s nanny and disappear with 


said she lost her job, got hate mail, and was afraid for her family.

In her countersuit, Anthony denies she defamed Gonzalez. She said the suit is frivolous, because she was referring to a different Zenaida Gonzalez in her conversations with investigators. The countersuit also says Morgan’s firm filed the Gonzalez lawsuit to generate publicity.

Morgan, in an interview with WESH 2 News, also was critical of Cindy Anthony, Casey Anthony’s mother. On Sunday, Cindy Anthony called Morgan “an ambulance chaser,” which Morgan called slander.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 17, 2008, 06:03:50 PM
John Morgan Says He Plans To Question Casey Anthony

Monday, November 17, 2008 – updated: 5:05 pm EST November 17, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- It seems everyone who gets their hands on the Casey Anthony case ends up either fired or disgraced. Last week, Hollywood spokesman Larry Garrison was fired for taking money from a TV network. Then, bounty hunter Leonard Padilla was asked to take a lie detector test after he set off a false alarm in the search for Caylee's body.

Then there's mystery public relations man Todd Black. He slipped up on national TV and acknowledged Caylee is dead.
Casey's lawyer, Jose Baez, has been criticized by other lawyers for making mistakes. High-profile Orlando attorney John Morgan told Eyewitness News on Monday he's dealing with one of those mistakes now (watch full interview).

Eyewitness News broke the story last week when Casey's defense team filed a civil countersuit against a woman named Zenaida Gonzalez (read report | read lawsuit). Casey's attorney told Eyewitness News he wants money for attorney's fees.

Legal experts say, if Casey files a countersuit, that means she will have to take the stand and that could be used against her in the criminal case. Morgan says he is surprised by the recent counterclaim Casey Anthony's attorney filed last week.

Gonzalez filed a defamation lawsuit after Casey Anthony named her as the babysitter who took Caylee. Anthony is now seeking damages, a move that will put Anthony on the stand and could hurt her criminal case down the road.

"I think they are putting their client in a position they may be sorry later," Morgan told Eyewitness News.

Anthony claims Gonzalez is not the Zenaida Gonzalez she was talking about and says the suit is frivolous.

"When you are fingered as someone who has murdered or kidnapped a child and we can connect the dots, I don't think anyone in America thinks that's frivolous," Morgan said.

In the claim, Anthony's attorney asks for damages and legal fees. Morgan says there are deficiencies, because the motion does not state a reason why Anthony should get any money.

"Zenaida thinks this is more insult to injury," Morgan said.

In fact, legal experts told Eyewitness News the motion that Anthony's attorney filed is not even a countersuit, but really a motion to dismiss.

"I don't think I ever read anything like it in my 25 years of practice," Morgan said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 17, 2008, 06:07:43 PM

Man Who Runs Kid Finders Gets Physical During Interview
Monday, November 17, 2008 – updated: 5:31 pm EST November 17, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- He's been arrested twice, once for assault and once for impersonating a police officer, and he's the man Caylee Anthony's grandparents are trusting to help find their granddaughter.

Dennis Milstead runs the so-called Kid Finders Network, but Eyewitness News uncovered serious problems with his criminal past and his not-for profit group, including the fact Kid Finders has never found anybody.


Still, the organization is out every day, collecting donations using jars with Caylee's picture on them. Even the Palm Beach County sheriff's sergeant who helps run their Crime Stoppers operation says Orange County deputies have been warned about Milstead.

When Eyewitness News confronted Milstead about his criminal past, he got very quiet and then he grabbed WFTV reporter Kathi Belich's microphone and pushed the camera while WFTV photographer Adam Liberatore was holding on to it (images | video).

Milstead's pickup truck had a "Gotcha" emblem on the side of it instead of the Kid Finders emblem he has now. West Palm Beach police say he flashed phony blue lights and claimed he was a law enforcement officer. He pled his felony down to a misdemeanor and seven months later another arrest for assault.

Eyewitness News has also learned that the president of Crime Stoppers in south Florida had a restraining order against Milstead after he allegedly tried to connive a 90-percent cut of any donations he solicited for the group. At the time, Milstead was operating a business called Gotcha Billboards, but he was reportedly representing himself as an employee of the non-profit Crime Stoppers.

Milstead's Kid Finders Network mentions its intentions to raise funds a number of times, mainly so it says it can build more billboards to report on missing children. Its list of accomplishments does not include finding any missing children.

Eyewitness News obtained Kid Finders Network's tax return for its first year in operation, 2006. It shows the organization borrowed $4,800 from someone to get started. It's listed as an asset and a debt. Kid Finders' 2007 return has not yet been submitted.

Fifteen minutes after Eyewitness News confronted them, Kid Finders packed up their posters and their donation cup and they left



Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 18, 2008, 09:36:55 AM
Email from LA 11/17/08
Lois was kind enough to forward this email to me to post for you all to view. Please be kind in return - discuss the email and issue only!

Thank you,

Lois wrote:

Here's what I got in email today form Lee Anthony this has been sent out of the clear blue sky after having no contact with him whatsoever since Sept. Please pass it on Lois~~

--- On Mon, 11/17/08, Lee Anthony <> wrote:
From: Lee Anthony <>
[cc email addresses withheld]
If you thought for a half a second that I or either of my parents would not have taken down whatever you had put up in reference to something untrue as to my neice, you are being played for a fool by "law enforcement" and anyone else of their ilk. Tim Miller is disgusting for reasons that will be addressed at a later time. Don't even get me started on the bounty hunter.

On behalf of Caylee's entire family, show her some respect and put your attention or any efforts on how you can spread the word to help find her because she is alive and missing. If you can't come to terms with that, then she, nor anyone else, doesn't need your help!

Don't get me wrong, I have tons of respect for people's kind hearts and wanting to do what they feel. However, to believe something with no basis in reality is just foolish in my opinion. Of course, you can enjoy your opinion as well.

Take care.

This below email was at the end of Lee's email as well from an independent individual (name withheld)
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 3:02 PM, wrote:[email withheld]
There was a beautiful prayer service for Beautiful little Caylee Marie Anthony. I have included pictures of all the beautiful flowers and balloons that people left. It was very peaceful. Rev. Grund read some scriptures it was very comforting. It was just wonderful that people can come together and pray for a little girl they have never met.

Sadly all these beautiful flowers that people set out for Caylee were stolen. Dennis Milstead the found of Kidfinders also a convicted felon figures. Well anyway he took all the flowers and balloons. So a nice gesture by so many that have fallen in love with this beautiful little girl has be destroyed.

Up until I heard this I would of walked with Cindy and George to the end of the world to find Caylee. They had my support 120%. But now I am so saddened by this horrible act. I will still pray for Caylee everyday. I will do whatever I can to help Leonard and Rob. Tim Miller also has my support.

[Name withheld]The name withheld is a KF member...

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 18, 2008, 10:56:01 AM
Man Becomes Internet Celebrity By Following Caylee Case In TV Truck
Missing Girl Last Seen In June

POSTED: 6:47 am EST November 18, 2008
UPDATED: 8:19 am EST November 18, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A man obsessed with missing child cases has become an Internet celebrity after purchasing an old TV news live truck, mounting cameras to its mast and broadcasting live images from areas involved in the search for Caylee Anthony on his Web site.

William Murtaugh, known as "Murt" on the Internet, said he is not alone in his thirst for coverage about Caylee, a 3-year-old Orlando girl who was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until a month later. Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, is jailed on first-degree murder charges in Caylee's disappearance.

"There are people out there who are literally addicted to Caylee," Murtaugh said. "The commercial media cannot provide everything we want. We want more. We're addicted to it," Murtaugh said.

Murt's Web site -- -- serves as a home for armchair cybersleuths, and he said the TV truck he purchased has 

made a big difference.

"It looks neat. It gets me in with you guys. Instead of pulling up in an old Cadillac, I can pull up in this thing and you're more or less accepting of it," Murtaugh said.

Murt has mounted surveillance cameras to the truck's 60-foot-tall mast, allowing him to send images to his Web site, which also contains a chatroom for his users.

"They'll say, 'Murt, move the camera. Jesse Grund (Casey's former boyfriend) is over here' or they'll say, 'Murt, there's a lady with a sign over there,'" Murtaugh said.

When Murt is not at a search scene involving the case, he takes his truck to places like the Anthony family home, the Sawgrass Apartments -- where Casey Anthony said she left Caylee with a baby sitter -- and other Caylee-related locations.

Murt, who is a professional truck driver and car dealer, said his Web site is only a hobby.

"It's not about me. It's about Caylee," Murtaugh said.

Murt said about 3,000 users visit his Web site, but he also has detractors, who say it's strange that a man follows a case so closely or believe that he will try to profit off the case.

Murt also once claimed online that he knew the abductor of Trenton Duckett, the boy in an unsolved missing child case in Central Florida. Murt apologized for the stunt, calling it an amateur attempt to crack the case.

Bounty Hunter Weighs Offer

Meanwhile, celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who has organized a dive team to search for the remains of Caylee in a river at an Orlando park, is considering an offer that would pour $200,000 into the search for the missing girl if he grants a production company exclusive rights to film the search.

Padilla told Local 6 News that he has been contacted by a California-based production company about the offer. He said the money is not a payment to him but would fund a two-month search effort for Caylee.

Padilla said he has not made a final decision about the offer.

His dive team returned to Blanchard Park on Monday to continue a search of the Little Econ River.

Padilla also has not yet taken a lie-detector test, which was requested by the FBI last week after he caused a media frenzy by claiming to locate what appeared to be bone fragments and children's toys possibly belonging to Caylee during the search of the river. FBI agents apparently want to verify that Padilla did not plant the items.

Divers have not found anything related to the Caylee case during their weeklong search.

War Of Words

A war of words has broken out between the family of Casey Anthony and Zenaida Gonzalez's attorney, who said on Monday that Cindy Anthony "seems to be enjoying this whole thing."

Casey Anthony told investigators that she left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apartments in Orange County, and the pair was gone when she returned to pick her daughter up.

Attorney John Morgan, who represents a woman by the name of Zenaida Gonzalez with the only known connection to the apartment complex, has filed a lawsuit against Casey Anthony, saying his client's name has been tarnished and Casey Anthony's claim has affected his client's ability to find employment.

"I think the mother (of Casey Anthony) -- in a way -- seems to be enjoying this whole thing," Morgan said. "Instead of talking about chasing ambulances, I would be chasing after Caylee. I would be in the woods. I would be door to door."

The harsh words come after Cindy Anthony lashed out at Morgan following a prayer vigil on Sunday.

"I think the whole thing is ludicrous," Cindy Anthony said. "Attorney Morgan -- it's frivolous -- he needs to just get back to chasing the ambulances."

"Even though she throws those stones at me, I still feel a great amount of smypathy and empathy for them because they've lost their granddaughter -- probably -- and their daughter is in jail," Morgan said.

Morgan said he is attempting to schedule depositions with Casey Anthony and her attorney as early as this week.

Casey Anthony has filed a counter-suit against Gonzalez.

Report: Party Life Constrained

A Local 6 News investigation into the timeline of the Casey Anthony case has revealed how the woman's well-documented partying was restricted by the needs of Caylee.

Local 6 News reporter Tony Pipitone said records show Anthony's partying was constrained by what she called "mommy duties," especially in the month of May.

On May 3 at 4:21 p.m., Anthony and then best friend Amy Huizenga made plans to attend a party.

"Any more details on that party?" Anthony asked.

But about two hours later, Anthony sent Huizenga a text message reading, "Cross your fingers that my parents get back soon. God I need this tonight."

"But apparently, her daughter, Caylee, needed her more," Pipitone said.

Two hours later, Anthony sent another message.

"I'm trying to get a hold of my mom to see when they're coming home. Sitting around waiting sucks," Anthony said.

Three hours after that, Anthony gave up on her party plans, telling Huizenga that she would take a rain check.

"Downtown tomorrow? My mom owes me," Anthony sent in a text message.

About a week later, a boyfriend sent a message about his regret over Anthony being absent from the party scene.

"Thought you were coming out last night," it said.

"Yeah, so did I," Anthony replied. "Mommy duties."

On May 23 at 7:48 p.m., Anthony told Huizenga, "I'm going to stay home," promising to go out the next night. "I already cleared it with my madre."

Anthony attended a party that weekend, which combined with her daughter's disappearance, gained her national notoriety, Pipitone said.

On May 24, Anthony sent Huizenga a text that said, "The cops came around 1:15 and broke up the party."

The next night, Anthony attended an "anything-but-clothes" party and sent another message to Huizenga.

"You will officially see the American flag in all its glory tonight," Anthony's message said.

Anthony also attended a Friday night hip-hop party at the Fusion nightclub, telling a former boyfriend on June 13, "You guys should definitely come. $5 cover, super hot shot girls, a hot body contest."

Three days later, Anthony moved in with Tony Lazzaro, who ran shows at the nightclub, where infamous photographs of Anthony were taken on June 21.

"Casey and friends vamp and dance the night away. Not a care in the world. Even as police suspect Caylee was by then dead and her body possibly disposed of just days earlier," Pipitone said.

Detectives: Car Still Smells Of Death

Anthony's defense team last week brought in a well-known forensics expert to examine her car, which still reeks of death, according to detectives.

A judge recently granted Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, to have access to the vehicle, which was found abandoned months ago at an Orange County Amscot. Scientists have concluded that the trunk contained signs of possible human decomposition and unusually high levels of chloroform.

Baez said he wanted an independent examination of the white Pontiac Sunfire and brought in Dr. Henry Lee, who has worked in several high-profile cases, including the O.J. Simpson murder trial, to assist in the inspection.

In 2003, a judge ruled that Lee either hid or accidentally destroyed key evidence in a murder trial.

Anthony's car has been stored at the Orange County Sheriff's Office since being recovered after Anthony's arrest in July. Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, said on a 911 call reporting Caylee missing that the car smelled like there had been a dead body in it.

Cell Phone 'Dead Zones'

A Local 6 News report about Anthony shows that "dead zones" on her cell phone may hurt the investigation into the case.

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone analyzed hundreds of text messages and phone calls placed and received by Anthony in the two weeks after Caylee disappeared and used a database program to determine how much time passed between each ping.

There were 24 times when three or more hours passed with Anthony's phone remaining silent, Pipitone reported.

"And when you account for sleep and periods where she appeared to stay in the same place, we are left with three gaps -- or dead zones -- that raise some questions," Pipitone said.

The first "dead zone" was June 17 from 5:23 p.m. to 8:23 p.m. Anthony's phone pinged a tower close to her boyfriend's apartment near the University of Central Florida and then twice pinged a tower near Blanchard Park before going silent. The park was searched but nothing was found. In the time it took Anthony's phone to ping another tower -- three hours later -- she could have traveled as far away as Palm Bay or Ormond Beach and returned to Orange County.

June 17 was a day after Caylee was seen alive by her grandfather, George Anthony, who said his daughter and Caylee left his home at about 12:50 p.m. the day before.

Scientific evidence suggests that human remains that decomposed in the trunk of Anthony's car was there for up to 2½ days after death, Pipitone said. That would mean if Caylee died on June 16, investigators may want to focus more on June 18 into June 19, which contained two dead zones on her cell phone, he reported.

On June 18, Anthony's phone went silent at 6:57 p.m. and did not ping another tower until 8:32 a.m. June 19. In both cases, her phone pinged a tower near her boyfriend's apartment. Her whereabouts during that time is not known.

On June 19, Anthony's phone pinged near her boyfriend's apartment at 4:54 p.m., then her movements head south and east, according to cell phone pings, Pipitone said. "Heading east and hitting (a) cell tower on Lake Underhill Road ... but from here, her cell phone goes dead for three hours and 17 minutes. Where could she have gone in that time?" Pipitone said.

The last ping from the Lake Underhill tower was at 5:45 p.m., and the phone then went silent until a ping near her boyfriend's apartment. She then called her parents' home at 9:13 p.m., and there's no indication where Anthony was during the time frame.

"If this is the time Casey may have disposed of the body in her car trunk, there's no indication where Caylee may be either," Pipitone said.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 18, 2008, 04:03:07 PM
WFTV Obtains State Witness List In Casey Anthony Case

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 – updated: 3:34 pm EST November 18, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- From mom and dad to an ex-lover and ex-best friend, Eyewitness News obtained the new list of witnesses the defense plans to call in the case against Casey.

Eyewitness News first reported that Casey Anthony's own defense attorney, Jose Baez, was on the state prosecutor's witness list for her first-degree murder trial. It turned out that the state had erred in including him.
The State Attorney's Office released the following statement on Tuesday afternoon: "Yesterday the State filed a witness list with the Orange County Clerk of Courts for the above case. The name Jose Baez was included on that witness list in error. After removing his name, the amended witness list will again be placed on file with the clerk."

Over 70 people are listed as witnesses the prosecution intends to call during Casey Anthony's first-degree murder trial. Among them are Casey Anthony's grandmother, from whom Casey has been accused of stealing money, Casey's parents, Cindy and George, ex-boyfriends, including Jesse Grund, ex-friends, including Amy Huizenga, as well as several sheriff's office investigators.


He's been arrested twice, once for assault and once for impersonating a police officer, and he's the man Caylee Anthony's grandparents are trusting to help find their granddaughter.

Dennis Milstead runs the so-called Kid Finders Network, but Eyewitness News uncovered serious problems with his criminal past and his not-for profit group, including the fact Kid Finders has never found anybody.

Still, the organization is out every day, collecting donations using jars with Caylee's picture on them. Even the Palm Beach County sheriff's sergeant who helps run their Crime Stoppers operation says Orange County deputies have been warned about Milstead.

When Eyewitness News confronted Milstead about his criminal past, he got very quiet and then he grabbed WFTV reporter Kathi Belich's microphone and pushed the camera while WFTV photographer Adam Liberatore was holding on to it (images | video).

Milstead's pickup truck had a "Gotcha" emblem on the side of it instead of the Kid Finders emblem he has now. West Palm Beach police say he flashed phony blue lights and claimed he was a law enforcement officer. He pled his felony down to a misdemeanor and seven months later another arrest for assault.

Eyewitness News has also learned that the president of Crime Stoppers in south Florida had a restraining order against Milstead after he allegedly tried to connive a 90-percent cut of any donations he solicited for the group. At the time, Milstead was operating a business called Gotcha Billboards, but he was reportedly representing himself as an employee of the non-profit Crime Stoppers.

Milstead's Kid Finders Network mentions its intentions to raise funds a number of times, mainly so it says it can build more billboards to report on missing children. Its list of accomplishments does not include finding any missing children.

Eyewitness News obtained Kid Finders Network's tax return for its first year in operation, 2006. It shows the organization borrowed $4,800 from someone to get started. It's listed as an asset and a debt. Kid Finders' 2007 return has not yet been submitted.

Fifteen minutes after Eyewitness News confronted them, Kid Finders packed up their posters and their donation cup and they left.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 18, 2008, 04:04:52 PM
Casey Anthony's attorney mistakenly named as potential witness
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
2:17 PM EST, November 18, 2008

Oops. There's a slight problem with the state's witness list filed Monday in the Casey Anthony case.

The defendant's attorney, Jose Baez, is named among the 83 potential state witnesses. That would make defending her mighty difficult.

It was done in error, said State Attorney's Office spokeswoman Danielle Tavernier. An amended list will be filed later today.

Others included on the list are law-enforcement officials and Anthony's family and friends.,0,6143368.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 18, 2008, 04:12:36 PM
Casey's Own Attorney Could Testify Against Her
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 – updated: 1:30 pm EST November 18, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News learned Tuesday that Casey Anthony's own defense attorney, Jose Baez, is on the state prosecutor's witness list for her first-degree murder trial. So far, Eyewitness News has not heard back from prosecutors or the defense to find out why he's on that list to testify against his own client.

Eyewitness News legal analyst William Sheaffer said any conversations Baez had with Anthony family members or even with Casey, if there was a third party present who was not part of the defense team, would not be privileged and he could be called to testify about those specific conversations.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 18, 2008, 05:35:15 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 18, 2008, 05:40:19 PM
New Witness List  based upon the filing date of 11/17/08

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 19, 2008, 09:15:55 AM
Local 6 News Gets Exclusive Tour Of Anthony House During Interview
Caylee Anthony, 3, Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 7:12 am EST November 19, 2008
UPDATED: 8:39 am EST November 19, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Local 6 News reporter Jessica D'Onofrio was granted an exclusive tour of the home of Casey Anthony's parents, who say they have have proof that their granddaughter, Caylee, is still alive.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of Caylee, who is now 3 years old.

Casey Anthony and her daughter lived in the Orange County home of George and Cindy Anthony, although Casey Anthony often stayed elsewhere, sometimes with Caylee.

"Having Thanksgiving come, it's not going to be our normal, you

know, our normal Thanksgiving," Cindy Anthony said.

"A lot of people want to say, 'Cindy and George are in such denial. Why can't they see it the way we see it?'" D'Onofrio said.

"Until I know 100 percent, I am not going to give up," Cindy Anthony said. "There's no concrete evidence. There's only circumstantial evidence."

Cindy Anthony told D'Onofrio that Orange County sheriff's detectives admitted to her that the evidence found in Casey Anthony's car -- the smell of death, a stain, decomposition of human remains -- does not prove that Caylee is dead or that Casey Anthony killed her.

Cindy Anthony said she's upset that the sheriff's office has apparently rushed to judgment by not searching for Caylee.

"Elizabeth Smart. The police department there thought she was dead, but yet they followed up and brought Elizabeth home to Ed Smart," Cindy Anthony said.

Elizabeth Smart was found alive nine months after she was kidnapped from her Salt Lake City home in 2003.

Cindy Anthony recounted the days when her daughter was first bailed out of jail.

"Casey didn't want to come in (her bedroom) at first because this is where she and Caylee spent most of their time," Cindy Anthony said. "We got an air mattress and she wanted to stay in our room -- and we have a big enough bedroom that she had a big enough space -- for the whole first week."

Casey Anthony's bedroom is covered with pictures of Caylee, from ultrasound images to her birth and several pictures of them together.

"It became more comforting for her to be here. She'd sleep with (her) Teddy (bear). And it was hard. Very, very hard," Cindy Anthony said.

Cindy Anthony said her daughter watched TV while she was home, including local news the day stories were being aired about tests indicating that a dead body was likely in her car trunk.

A woman who was staying with the family and monitoring Casey Anthony's release from jail said Casey Anthony reacted to the stories by saying, "Several people borrowed my car in the past."

Protesters were camped out in front of the Anthony home at that time, and Cindy Anthony said Casey Anthony peered out of a window the night her father got into a heated argument. Casey Anthony called 911, urging authorities to arrest the protesters.

Cindy Anthony said going into Caylee's room is not easy to do.

"This is Caylee's room. It's very hard to come into now. And people are going to start to send Christmas presents already to Caylee," Cindy Anthony said. "I open the door a couple of times a week. I was in her room earlier today, sitting and reflecting and crying."

Cindy Anthony said she will likely go Christmas shopping for Caylee, too.

"I think about the days she'd go into her little cottage and she'd ring the little doorbell and she'd go, 'Ding dong," said George Anthony from his back yard.

Casey Anthony's brother, Lee, 26, who was visible when Caylee first went missing, has not been seen as much lately.

"He's trying to sustain his income for himself. I mean, he hasn't worked for two-plus months. It's hard for him to work every single day," George Anthony said. "This can tear a family apart if you let it."

The Anthonys said they have proof that Caylee is alive, and they plan on holding a news conference later this week to discuss the details.

"Meanwhile, investigators are still trying to get more information out of George and Cindy with little success," D'Onofrio said. "They believe they have a lot of information they're keeping from them. Detectives still want to talk to Cindy about the smelly clothes in Casey's car she washed. They also believe George and Lee know more than they're willing to share."

Cindy Anthony refused to talk about pictures showing her daughter partying at clubs while Caylee was missing.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 19, 2008, 10:17:16 AM
Local 6 News Gets Exclusive Tour Of Anthony House During Interview




Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 19, 2008, 11:25:48 AM
Padilla Says Casey Anthony Made Self-Incriminating Statements

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 – updated: 11:13 am EST November 19, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla told CNN's Nancy Grace on Tuesday night that Casey Anthony previously made self-incriminating statements to one of his associates.

Tracy McLaughlin was living with Casey Anthony and her family after Padilla bonded her out of jail. McLaughlin told investigators that Casey criticized people who were searching for Caylee saying, "They haven't even found the clothes she was wearing."

Padilla said Casey's statement could indicate that she knows where the clothes are and where she left Caylee.

"It definitely brought our attention to the fact that at that point in time she was making a statement," he said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 19, 2008, 11:27:11 AM
Judge to decide Casey Anthony motions next week
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
November 19, 2008

ORLANDO - Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland set a date for next week to hear nearly a dozen motions filed in the Casey Anthony case.

The motions range from Anthony's attorney Jose Baez asking to bring a laptop into the Orange County Jail so he can use it to prepare for trial with his client to another defense request to inspect the hairs found in the trunk of Anthony's car.

Another filing includes a response from the Orlando Sentinel and WFTV-Channel 9 opposing a gag order requested by the state. The issues will be addressed Nov. 25 at 2 p.m.,0,7548382.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 20, 2008, 07:46:32 AM
Jose Baez Requests Access To Internal Records

Thursday, November 20, 2008 – updated: 7:40 am EST November 20, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Defense attorney Jose Baez has asked a judge for access to internal records from the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the State Attorney's Office. Baez is claiming that the information leaked to the public came from one of the two offices.
Baez also said the leaks in the case may result in a tainted jury pool.


Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla told CNN's Nancy Grace on Tuesday night that Casey Anthony previously made self-incriminating statements to one of his associates.

Tracy McLaughlin was living with Casey Anthony and her family after Padilla bonded her out of jail. McLaughlin told investigators that Casey criticized people who were searching for Caylee saying, "They haven't even found the clothes she was wearing."

Padilla said Casey's statement could indicate that she knows where the clothes are and where she left Caylee.

"It definitely brought our attention to the fact that at that point in time she was making a statement," he said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 20, 2008, 10:36:21 AM
Attorney: Case Against Casey Difficult To Prove Without Body
Woman Charged With Murder In Daughter's Disappearance

POSTED: 8:15 am EST November 20, 2008
UPDATED: 9:13 am EST November 20, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Local 6 News reporter Tony Pipitone continued his investigation into the Casey Anthony first-degree murder case by presenting the known facts to a former assistant state attorney and a prominent defense attorney.

Anthony, 22, remains jailed in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June.

Pipitone presented questions to former assistant state attorney Elizabeth Rahter and longtime criminal defense attorney Cheney Mason.

"First, the venue. Where the trial should be held," Pipitone said. "From the defense side, is it in your interest to move this trial out of the county?"

"Well, it may very well be. But what county would you move it to that hasn't been saturated with this story," Mason said. "Prosecutions usually -- almost without exception -- oppose a change of venue."

"Elizabeth, would you oppose it?" Pipitone asked.

"Yes, I would make the same arguments he made. You can't go anywhere," Rahter said.

Mason said seeking a change of venue could undercut another possible defense strategy, the demand for a speedy trial.

Anthony was indicted Oct. 14, meaning the state has 175 days -- until April 7 -- to start her trial, unless Anthony decides to waive her right.

"As a defense attorney, do you want a speedy trial in a case like this, where there's no body?" Pipitone said.

"That's an interesting question. Without the body, the state's going to have an enormous burden, and I don't think they can prove the case," Mason said. "I would certainly give strong consideration to moving on to trial without delay."

"As a prosecutor, why would you even go to a grand jury without a body and force yourself to try this case?" Pipitone asked Rahter.

"It's a lot better to deal with witnesses while they're fresh. And the problem with a lot of murder cases is they take years to try, and if you wait that long then their memories start to fade," Rahter said.

"They thought that by bringing an indictment, charging first-degree murder, which could potentially lead to the death penalty that that would be coercive enough to cause this defendant to start talking," Mason said.

"It's the first day of your speedy trial, Elizabeth. No medical examiner, no body. What do you have?" Pipitone asked.

"So you're missing a key witness, and so you deal with it. You work around it," Rahter said. "You have Cindy (Anthony, Casey Anthony's mother), who smelled the dead body and said it smelled like a dead body. You have George (Anthony, Casey Anthony's father), who used to be a deputy, and says it smelled like a dead body. You have K-9 dogs that alerted on the car. And so there's a dead body. The question is: How many dead bodies does Casey Anthony drive around in her car?"

Mason said it's very difficult to prove a murder case without a body.

"There's absolutely no evidence other than somebody saying they think they smelled what smelled like a dead body," Mason said. "What if they're right? What if there is a dead body? Does that prove there's an unlawful killing? The answer is no, because every homicide is not murder. This child could have accidentally died any number of ways, and they'll never be able to prove without a body or a confession."

Pipitone said the state does have scientific evidence that it could use, including chemicals indicating a decomposing human body were found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car.

"They're going to have to present evidence to convince the court that such tests are generally accepted by the scientific community. And since you've called me, I've inquired. I'm not aware of a single case that's been admitted anywhere," Mason said.

"So this is hocus pocus science?" Pipitone said.

"Yes. I'd just have to agree with that," Mason said.

"How can I put this person on trial for her life when the scientific evidence has not been used anywhere else?" Pipitone asked Rahter.

"They have to show that it's accepted in the scientific community. It's hard, a high hurdle in Florida to pass," she said.

"So that's going to be tough for the prosecution?" Pipitone said.

"Yeah, but it's helpful that it's corroborated," Rahter said.

A hair pulled from the car trunk was consistent in length and color with Caylee's hair, showing signs of decomposition, Pipitone said. DNA tests reveal the hair came from Caylee or any of her maternal ancestors, from her mother to her great-grandmother, Pipitone said.

"Is that not evidence of death?" Pipitone asked Mason.

"I don't believe it necessarily is. They can certainly argue it, but I don't think it proves it's a death. It's proving it's an old hair with some tissue that has decomposed," Mason said.

"He's good. He's tearing apart the state's case here, and basically says there is no case," Pipitone said.

"Every case is circumstantial," Rahter said. It has to be caught on videotape, right? Otherwise, it's circumstantial. Right? So here you have the smell of a dead body, you have chloroform in the trunk, you have somebody who's continually covering stuff up, making up lies, spewing stuff forth and somebody that's missing. You prove it like every other case."

"Without the body, the state is really in a hole," Mason said. "Really, really bad without the body."

A challenge but not impossible, the former prosecutor said.

Anthony Book Deal

Local 6 News confirmed that George and Cindy Anthony are planning to write a book, but a deal is not yet in place.

The book will not be a tell-all about the case involving their missing granddaughter, Local 6 News reported.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 20, 2008, 07:00:28 PM
NeJame Quits As Anthonys' Attorney
Prominent Attorney Withdraws From Case

POSTED: 2:05 pm EST November 20, 2008
UPDATED: 2:09 pm EST November 20, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prominent Orlando attorney Mark NeJame told WESH 2 News Thursday that he is withdrawing as attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, whose daughter is charged with murdering their granddaughter.

In an interview with WESH 2 News reporter Bob Kealing, NeJame said he was frustrated with the direction the Anthonys have taken, especially that they continue to content that Caylee Anthony is alive.

NeJame was at George Anthony’s side when Anthony was a key witness in the grand jury proceedings that led to an indictment of Casey Anthony on first-degree murder and other charges.

Casey Anthony is being held in Orange County Jail on no bond awaiting trial that is scheduled to start in January.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 20, 2008, 07:01:30 PM
Mark NeJame's statement
2:22 PM EST, November 20, 2008

 Unfortunately, I have made the decision that it is best not to continue my representation of George and Cindy Anthony.

George and Cindy have a belief that their beloved granddaughter, Caylee, is still alive. Tips and leads continue to come in. I believe strongly that they should have every right to maintain their hope and faith that one of these "sightings" will miraculously be the one that brings Caylee home to them. What parent or grandparent would surrender such hope?

Who is one person to tell another parent or grandparent when it is time for them to abandon their faith? When does a stranger have the right to judge another who has endured such a loss? The attacks made against them by some are deplorable.

Let them be to do what they feel they must to find their beloved granddaughter, Caylee. Knowing this case as well as probably anyone on earth, there is no doubt that they do not know where Caylee is. Allow them to walk their own path.

I only agreed to represent George and Cindy Anthony, so long as there were no restrictions placed on me whatsoever as to finding Caylee, regardless of where this might lead. Quite simply, this meant that I could do whatever I needed to find Caylee whether she was alive or not. It impressed me that George and Cindy, both believing that Caylee was still with us, had an overriding and primary concern in finding Caylee, even if the result was not as they would hope. The other condition I required was that I would have absolutely nothing to do with representing Casey or assisting in her legal defense.

Abundant efforts have been made towards finding Caylee. I have worked with so many involved in this matter towards the goal of finding this dear, missing child who has captured the hearts of so many. Some ignorant and judgmental members of the public though have made hateful and inaccurate accusations against me and others, when they had no idea whatsoever what was really going on. As my new, good friend, Tim Miller from Equusearch, tells me "everybody associated with this case gets body slammed." However, like Tim, when you know in your heart that you're doing the right thing, you just move forward knowing that right will ultimately win out. Some have falsely accused me and some others of being in this for the money. If they only knew how utterly wrong and misguided they are.

I had come to a personal opinion and theory for quite some time whether Caylee was still with us or not. However, my opinion was only one like any other ... an opinion. The only person without an opinion though is Casey Anthony as only she knows the truth.

I believe that the singular person out of the 6 billion people in the world who holds the key to finding Caylee is her mother, Casey Anthony. Although I was quite successful in resolving a multitude of matters, I am unable to go further to help George and Cindy find Caylee in my current role. I can only provide my best advice and must respect any client's prerogative to do what they deem is best, whether they choose to follow my guidance or not. However, there is little value or use I can provide to any client if they choose to act and comment at will.

As someone who has learned and knows the inner workings and details of the case and its various characters intimately, the rampant sensationalism and unfounded accusations must stop. Allow Cindy and George Anthony the respect and decency of dealing with their hope and efforts to find their missing and beloved Caylee as they need to. Allow those with differing opinions on finding and searching for Caylee, whether she is with us or not, to do their jobs without interruption. Finally, the judicial system is in play and justice will be best served by mindless meddlers staying out of something they know little of. There are many wonderful people involved in efforts to find Caylee and there are, unfortunately, many who are exploiting this child. Sadly, most in the public are clueless about who is doing what and what is really going on. The negative actions of some are only counterproductive and hurtful to the cause of those many good people who are doing so much to do something positive with this most sad and tragic situation.

There should only be one goal and that is to find Caylee Marie Anthony.

Mark E. NeJame,0,2342028.story


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 20, 2008, 07:03:36 PM
Casey Anthony Case: George and Cindy Anthony will write a book, WKMG reports
posted by halboedeker on Nov 20, 2008 9:00:19 AM

Will there be a book or not? WFTV-Channel 9 said there would be. Then WESH-Channel 2 said there wouldn't.

WKMG-Channel 6 "has gotten to the bottom of it," anchor Bob Frier proclaimed Wednesday night. "We now know that George and Cindy Anthony do plan to write a book. They don't have a deal in the works, per se, but they plan to put something together in the future. They say it won't be a tell-all book. Instead, it will focus on what families should do if their child is missing."

Why the confusion? The Anthonys keep changing their stories in talking to the TV stations.

Of course, a lot of people say they'll write a book. There will be news when there's a deal or a manuscript. But do you think anyone with a missing child would want to follow the Anthonys' example or advice? Who would buy their book?

Their daughter, Casey, has been charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Marie.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 20, 2008, 07:15:57 PM

Anthony Family Attorney Resigns
Caylee Anthony Last Seen In Mid-June
POSTED: 2:09 pm EST November 20, 2008
UPDATED: 4:41 pm EST November 20, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony, the parents of Casey Anthony, who is charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee, resigned on Thursday, saying he didn't have the control over the case or his clients that he needed to be effective.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed in the disappearance of Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June.

Mark NeJame had represented George and Cindy Anthony since Sept. 4.

"I won't comment about what they did or didn't do. All I will say is that I need to be in control of my clients. I need to be in control of my cases," NeJame said.

NeJame released a statement about his decision:

"Unfortunately, I have made the decision that it is best not to continue my representation of George and Cindy Anthony.

"George and Cindy have a belief that their beloved granddaughter, Caylee, is still alive. Tips and leads continue to come in. I believe strongly that they should have every right to maintain their hope and faith that one of these "sightings" will miraculously be the one that brings Caylee home to them. What parent or grandparent would surrender such hope?

"Who is one person to tell another parent or grandparent when it is time for them to abandon their faith? When does a stranger have the right to judge another who has endured such a loss? The attacks made against them by some are deplorable.

"Let them be to do what they feel they must to find their beloved granddaughter, Caylee. Knowing this case as well as probably anyone on earth, there is no doubt that they do not know where Caylee is. Allow them to walk their own path.

"I only agreed to represent George and Cindy Anthony, so long as there were no restrictions placed on me whatsoever as to finding Caylee, regardless of where this might lead. Quite simply, this meant that I could do whatever I needed to find Caylee whether she was alive or not. It impressed me that George and Cindy, both believing that Caylee was still with us, had an overriding and primary concern in finding Caylee, even if the result was not as they would hope. The other condition I required was that I would have absolutely nothing to do with representing Casey or assisting in her legal defense.

"Abundant efforts have been made towards finding Caylee. I have worked with so many involved in this matter towards the goal of finding this dear, missing child who has captured the hearts of so many. Some ignorant and judgmental members of the public though have made hateful and inaccurate accusations against me and others, when they had no idea whatsoever what was really going on. As my new, good friend, Tim Miller from Equusearch, tells me 'everybody associated with this case gets body slammed.' However, like Tim, when you know in your heart that you're doing the right thing, you just move forward knowing that right will ultimately win out. Some have falsely accused me and some others of being in this for the money. If they only knew how utterly wrong and misguided they are.

"I had come to a personal opinion and theory for quite some time whether Caylee was still with us or not. However, my opinion was only one like any other … an opinion. The only person without an opinion though is Casey Anthony as only she knows the truth.

"I believe that the singular person out of the 6 billion people in the world who holds the key to finding Caylee is her mother, Casey Anthony. Although I was quite successful in resolving a multitude of matters, I am unable to go further to help George and Cindy find Caylee in my current role. I can only provide my best advice and must respect any client's prerogative to do what they deem is best, whether they choose to follow my guidance or not. However, there is little value or use I can provide to any client if they choose to act and comment at will.

"As someone who has learned and knows the inner workings and details of the case and its various characters intimately, the rampant sensationalism and unfounded accusations must stop. Allow Cindy and George Anthony the respect and decency of dealing with their hope and efforts to find their missing and beloved Caylee as they need to. Allow those with differing opinions on finding and searching for Caylee, whether she is with us or not, to do their jobs without interruption. Finally, the judicial system is in play and justice will be best served by mindless meddlers staying out of something they know little of. There are many wonderful people involved in efforts to find Caylee and there are, unfortunately, many who are exploiting this child. Sadly, most in the public are clueless about who is doing what and what is really going on. The negative actions of some are only counterproductive and hurtful to the cause of those many good people who are doing so much to do something positive with this most sad and tragic situation.

"There should only be one goal and that is to find Caylee

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 20, 2008, 07:17:09 PM
McDonalds or Chuckie Cheese (whichever) Orlando  - photo the Anthony's say today could be Caylee:


Comparison of Caylee on the left to the 2 girls in the photo above.  Neither looks like Caylee to me other than they are both young and have brown hair in a pony tail.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 20, 2008, 07:23:05 PM
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- George and Cindy Anthony will be holding a news conference Friday about their search for their missing granddaughter Caylee .

On Thursday FOX 35’s Shannon Butler asked George about Friday’s new conference.  He would not give any details and would not talk on camera, but on Wednesday he told Shannon about Caylee, “She is alive we have been saying that all along."

But cops had plenty to say Thursday afternoon saying the announcement is just smoke and mirrors. "I would question why they did not do it earlier. if they have reason to believe the child is alive and they are so convinced that they are holding a newser why then bring this to law enforcement why wait days or weeks to present the evidence to police I would question that," said Sgt. Carlos Padilla from the Orange County Sheriff's Office .
But the family is keeping it out there, the possibility, even if small, that Caylee could still be alive.

Searches by a bounty hunter, Texas Equusearch and cops have not turned up the body of the little girl and some question if the family keeping hope alive may be enough to put reasonable doubt in the jury's mind. "When this goes to trial the jury is going to see all the evidence. There is evidence I still have not seen myself, but for the grand jury to have indicted her it must be compelling evidence and they are confident they can take this to a trial," said Padilla.

The Anthony's have not yet released the details of there announcement

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 20, 2008, 08:15:22 PM
When Mark NeJame said enough, local television gave him a forum to sound off.

The high-profile Orlando defense attorney resigned Thursday from counseling George and Cindy Anthony. Their daughter, Casey, has been charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee.

The grandparents' dealings with the media surprised and stymied NeJame. His frustration undoubtedly resonated with viewers who have grown increasingly baffled by the grandparents' media methods.

NeJame's resignation led the 4 p.m. news on WKMG-Channel 6. "I need to be in control of my clients and I need to be in control of my cases," NeJame told Louis Bolden. "And if I'm not, then I'm not as effective as I need to be."

At 6 p.m., Bolden reported that NeJame has agreed to represent Texas EquuSearch, which has been searching for Caylee. Tim Miller, founder of EquuSearch, has disagreed with Cindy Anthony about whether Caylee is alive. WKMG reported that NeJame considers Miller a friend.

At 5 p.m., WFTV-Channel 9's Kathi Belich said, "The Anthonys have been granting interviews and planning news conferences and then telling him about it after the fact." She added that Cindy Anthony had made TV appearances without NeJame's input.

"What's the sense of having an adviser if you're not going to follow your adviser's advice?" NeJame told Belich.

WFTV also wondered about a song that Casey Anthony played repeatedly while out on bond. The Sevendust song is called "The Past" and carries this lyric: "Beneath the water that's falling from my eyes, Lays a soul I've left behind."

At 6, Belich turned to the refusal of George and Cindy Anthony to take lie-detector tests. Belich said: "He [NeJame] says Cindy Anthony's medication would disqualify her as a good candidate."

That was an intriguing detail: What medication?

At 5, WESH-Channel 2 anchor Jim Payne said, "NeJame suggested in a statement that he's had some disagreements with George and Cindy Anthony and there's little more he could do help them in the search for their granddaughter Caylee."

The NeJame story led WESH's 6 p.m. news, and Payne noted that Bob Kealing had broken the story on

"Mark NeJame won't say what advice his former clients, George and Cindy Anthony, won't follow," Kealing reported. "But he's clearly not happy with some of their recent statements. Cindy Anthony throwing a personal jab at another attorney." (That would be John Morgan.)

NeJame told Kealing about the case: "It's turned in a personality contest. It's turned into an election. Is Caylee alive? Is she not alive?"

George and Cindy Anthony released a statement that they respected NeJame's decision to resign.

WOFL-Channel 35 reported that George and Cindy Anthony will have a news conference on Friday to release information that Caylee is alive.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 21, 2008, 11:04:48 AM
Is this Caylee? Anthonys release latest sighting photo
Videotaped interviews of George and Cindy Anthony to be released
Amy L. Edwards and Bianca Prieto

Sentinel Staff Writers

10:19 AM EST, November 21, 2008

The Orlando Sentinel is in the process of obtaining videotaped interviews that are part of the state's first-degree murder case against Casey Anthony.

The law-enforcement interviews -- which will be on five DVDs -- are of Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony.

The State Attorney's Office is releasing the videos in response to a public records request made by the Sentinel.

Meanwhile, the Anthony family sent out a press release this morning regarding a possible live sighting of the missing child.

Someone snapped a photo of a little girl with brown hair playing at a mall in west Florida and sent it to the Anthonys. There is no evidence to suggest that the child in the photo is Caylee.

Investigators with the Orange County Sheriff's Office are no longer looking into tips regarding a live child. Detectives do not believe the child is alive, sheriff's spokesman Capt. Angelo Nieves said.,0,371314.story   

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 21, 2008, 11:06:10 AM
George and Cindy Anthony cancel news conference 
Last Edited: Friday, 21 Nov 2008, 8:31 AM EST   
Created: Thursday, 20 Nov 2008, 5:57 PM EST 

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- George and Cindy Anthony have decided to cancel a news conference scheduled today about their search for their missing granddaughter Caylee.

The couple said they could prove that Caylee was alive, and were supposed to release details on how during the news conference.

There is no word on why the news conference was canceled.

On Thursday FOX 35’s Shannon Butler asked George about Friday’s new conference.  He would not give any details and would not talk on camera, but on Wednesday he told Shannon about Caylee. “She is alive we have been saying that all along," George said.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office had plenty to say Thursday afternoon, saying the announcement is just smoke and mirrors. "I would question why they did not do it earlier. If they have reason to believe the child is alive and they are so convinced that they are holding a newser, why then bring this to law enforcement why wait days or weeks to present the evidence to police I would question that," Sgt. Carlos Padilla said from the Orange County Sheriff's Office .

But the family is keeping it out there, the possibility, even if small, that Caylee could still be alive.

Searches by a bounty hunter, Texas Equusearch and cops have not turned up the body of the little girl and some question if the family keeping hope alive may be enough to put reasonable doubt in the jury's mind.

"When this goes to trial the jury is going to see all the evidence. There is evidence I still have not seen myself, but for the grand jury to have indicted her it must be compelling evidence and they are confident they can take this to a trial," Padilla said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 21, 2008, 11:08:39 AM

Cindy looks out of it. Not saying that to be mean. She literally seems to be not there.

( (

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 21, 2008, 11:26:15 AM
Anthony defense witness list released

Last Edited: Friday, 21 Nov 2008, 10:53 AM EST
Created: Friday, 21 Nov 2008, 10:52 AM EST
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Jose Baez, the lawyer representing Casey Anthony, released his witness list Friday for her January murder trial.

The list is very short compared to the state’s list of 82 witnesses. Baez lists three witnesses who are all considered experts in their field of work.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 21, 2008, 05:47:53 PM
George Anthony In Interview: Casey Listed 'Nanny' As Job On Resume
Casey Anthony Jailed On Murder Charges

POSTED: 10:05 am EST November 21, 2008
UPDATED: 3:44 pm EST November 21, 2008

Casey Anthony, 22, is jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June.

Orange County sheriff's investigators on Friday released five DVDs of interviews conducted by authorities with Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony.

"I found a resume that my daughter had typed all the way to 2006, and my daughter showed that she was employed, which I know she was from 2004 to 2006, either through Universal or Colorvision (or another company). That I can verify. I know that because we've met these people that she worked with -- or my wife has -- I've talked to them over the phone," George Anthony said in the August interview. "At 2006, she wrote down -- or typed out in her nice 

resume -- nanny."

Casey Anthony has said that she last left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apartments in Orange County. Casey Anthony said when she returned to pick her daughter up, the pair was gone.

In the interview, George Anthony had doubts about his daughter's claim of employment, but the former Ohio sheriff's deputy was told by his wife that he was not a detective anymore and should calm down, Local 6 News reported.

Possible Caylee Sighting

A photo of a girl involved in a possible Caylee sighting at a mall located northwest of Orlando was released on Friday by a group searching for the missing girl, but a family investigator would not identify the mall nor say when the photo was taken.

D & A Investigations, an agency working with the Anthony family in the search for Caylee, obtained the photo, which was taken by a patron at the unnamed mall.

The person who took the picture has declined to comment, Dominic Casey with D & A Investigations said. Casey said the mall has not been named because of his agency's ongoing investigation.

When asked for specifics about the photo, Casey told Local 6 News reporter, "You're not law enforcement."

The photo has been provided to the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the FBI, according to a news release. Investigators with the Orange County Sheriff's Office have not commented on the photo, but the agency has said that it believes Caylee is dead.

Anyone with information about the girl in the photo is urged to contact the Caylee tipline at 888-231-5618.

Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, had said earlier in the week that they had proof that Caylee was alive, a belief they have held since she's been missing. It is not known if their statement was in reference to the released photo.

Defense Witness List

The Casey Anthony defense team on Friday released its witness list in the case, adding three names that were not on the state's witness list.

The three names were: Larry E. Daniel of Guardian Digital Forensics, based in Raleigh, N.C.; Dr. Larry Kobilinsky, who has made numerous appearances on Nancy Grace's television show; and forensics expert Dr. Henry Lee, who has worked on several high-profile cases and last week reviewed Casey Anthony's car.

Attorneys Talk Trial Options

Meanwhile, Local 6 News reporter Tony Pipitone continues his investigation into the case, discussing its merits with a former prosecutor and a prominent defense attorney.

Anthony's trial is scheduled to begin in January.

Caylee's body has not been found, inviting the question: How can the state prove she is dead, much less that her mother killed her?

Pipitone said that after prosecutors finish presenting their case, the defense will likely ask the judge to throw it out, seeking a judgment of acquittal, which means even giving the state every benefit of the doubt, there's no way a jury could properly find guilt.

"How do you prove this child is dead just because her mother won't say where she has been or is, if she knows? You can't prove she's dead," defense attorney Cheney Mason said. "If you can't prove she's dead, you can't prove cause of death. If you can't prove cause of death, you have a hard time proving who's behind it, how it happened."

Former prosecutor Elizabeth Rahter said a circumstantial case could be solid enough to at least get to a jury.

"Is it reasonable for a mother never to report her missing child? Is it reasonable for a mother to be quiet? Is it reasonable for a mother to never call the police? Is it reasonable for there to be a hair in the trunk? Well, how often does her daughter hang out in the trunk of her car?" Rahter said.

Anthony's car reeked of death, and scientists may be allowed to testify that it contained the remains of a decomposing human body, Pipitone said.

If the case did get to a jury, Pipitone asked Mason if he thought her attorneys would put her on the stand.

"Knowing what I know at this time, there's not a snowball's chance you know where I put her on the witness stand," Mason said.

"Why is that?" Pipitone said.

"Well, because there's so much to cross-examine her about," Mason said.

"Do you just say, 'The defense rests.' Don't even put on a defense?" Pipitone asked.

"There's a good chance that would be the case," Mason said.

If that was to happen, a jury would decide Anthony's fate on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to authorities, although juries sometimes are given a chance to compromise on what are called lesser-included offenses.

"It doesn't have to be murder. It could be something lesser," Pipitone said.

"It could be murder first-degree, second-degree, manslaughter," Mason said.

Either side could request that the choices be given to the jury, Pipitone said.

"Most likely, the defense is going to say, 'We just want what's charged and nothing less,'" Rahter said.

If the case against Anthony is as weak as Mason claims, she and her defense team may choose to roll the dice.

"The defense would risk all or nothing?" Pipitone asked.

"Some defense attorneys have done that. You come back with murder-one or you have to acquit," Mason said.

If Anthony was found guilty of premeditated murder or murder in the commission of aggravated child abuse, the question would then turn to a sentence of life or death -- if the state even seeks the death penalty, Pipitone said.

To get the death penalty, the state has to show death was heinous, atrocious or cruel.

"How can you prove the death was heinous, atrocious and cruel if you can't prove the cause of death because you don't have a body?" Mason said.

"There's a dead child. How more heinous, atrocious and cruel can you get?" Pipitone said.

"Well, because people die by accident, of natural causes, any number of ways. No way. No possibility of proving heinous, atrocious and cruel without the body," Mason said.

There also are other so-called aggravators, Pipitone said.

"Is that cold, calculated and premeditated?" Pipitone asked.

"I think you could definitely argue the cold and calculated," Rahter said.

"How do you prove cold, calculated or premeditated, again, without knowing when or how or why?" Mason said.

Other aggravators include a child victim being killed by a caregiver supports a death penalty.

"But on this question, both our defense and prosecutorial sides have some agreement," Pipitone said.

"As it stands now, you can't get there," Mason said.

"So no way you'd see a death penalty in this case?" Pipitone said.

"No, based on what we know now," Mason said.

"I don't think the state would go through with it if they don't have a body," Rahter said.

"That wouldn't ever go to the death penalty, would never even seek it without a body," Pipitone said.

If Anthony is found not guilty on all counts, Pipitone asked the experts if justice will have been served.

"If you believe in the Constitution of the United States, if you believe in the jury system, you must necessarily conclude that that was justice," Mason said.

Family Attorney Quits

Meanwhile, the attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony, the parents of Casey Anthony, resigned on Thursday, saying he didn't have the control over the case or his clients that he needed to be effective.

Mark NeJame had represented George and Cindy Anthony since Sept. 4.

"I won't comment about what they did or didn't do. All I will say is that I need to be in control of my clients. I need to be in control of my cases," NeJame said.

NeJame released a statement about his decision:

"Unfortunately, I have made the decision that it is best not to continue my representation of George and Cindy Anthony.

"George and Cindy have a belief that their beloved granddaughter, Caylee, is still alive. Tips and leads continue to come in. I believe strongly that they should have every right to maintain their hope and faith that one of these "sightings" will miraculously be the one that brings Caylee home to them. What parent or grandparent would surrender such hope?

"Who is one person to tell another parent or grandparent when it is time for them to abandon their faith? When does a stranger have the right to judge another who has endured such a loss? The attacks made against them by some are deplorable.

"Let them be to do what they feel they must to find their beloved granddaughter, Caylee. Knowing this case as well as probably anyone on earth, there is no doubt that they do not know where Caylee is. Allow them to walk their own path.

"I only agreed to represent George and Cindy Anthony, so long as there were no restrictions placed on me whatsoever as to finding Caylee, regardless of where this might lead. Quite simply, this meant that I could do whatever I needed to find Caylee whether she was alive or not. It impressed me that George and Cindy, both believing that Caylee was still with us, had an overriding and primary concern in finding Caylee, even if the result was not as they would hope. The other condition I required was that I would have absolutely nothing to do with representing Casey or assisting in her legal defense.

"Abundant efforts have been made towards finding Caylee. I have worked with so many involved in this matter towards the goal of finding this dear, missing child who has captured the hearts of so many. Some ignorant and judgmental members of the public though have made hateful and inaccurate accusations against me and others, when they had no idea whatsoever what was really going on. As my new, good friend, Tim Miller from Equusearch, tells me 'everybody associated with this case gets body slammed.' However, like Tim, when you know in your heart that you're doing the right thing, you just move forward knowing that right will ultimately win out. Some have falsely accused me and some others of being in this for the money. If they only knew how utterly wrong and misguided they are.

"I had come to a personal opinion and theory for quite some time whether Caylee was still with us or not. However, my opinion was only one like any other … an opinion. The only person without an opinion though is Casey Anthony as only she knows the truth.

"I believe that the singular person out of the 6 billion people in the world who holds the key to finding Caylee is her mother, Casey Anthony. Although I was quite successful in resolving a multitude of matters, I am unable to go further to help George and Cindy find Caylee in my current role. I can only provide my best advice and must respect any client's prerogative to do what they deem is best, whether they choose to follow my guidance or not. However, there is little value or use I can provide to any client if they choose to act and comment at will.

"As someone who has learned and knows the inner workings and details of the case and its various characters intimately, the rampant sensationalism and unfounded accusations must stop. Allow Cindy and George Anthony the respect and decency of dealing with their hope and efforts to find their missing and beloved Caylee as they need to. Allow those with differing opinions on finding and searching for Caylee, whether she is with us or not, to do their jobs without interruption. Finally, the judicial system is in play and justice will be best served by mindless meddlers staying out of something they know little of. There are many wonderful people involved in efforts to find Caylee and there are, unfortunately, many who are exploiting this child. Sadly, most in the public are clueless about who is doing what and what is really going on. The negative actions of some are only counterproductive and hurtful to the cause of those many good people who are doing so much to do something positive with this most sad and tragic situation.

"There should only be one goal and that is to find Caylee Marie Anthony."

George and Cindy Anthony told Local 6 News that they will seek new representation.

They released a statement, thanking NeJame for his work:

"We appreciate the time and energy that Mr. NeJame and his law firm has dedicated to representing us in the last several months. We respect Mr. NeJame's decision to resign as our representative as we agree that he can no longer benefit us in our quest to find our missing granddaughter Caylee Marie. We wish Mark and his staff all the best."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 21, 2008, 05:49:34 PM
Video Released Of FBI Questioning Casey's Parents

Friday, November 21, 2008 – updated: 5:05 pm EST November 21, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- New FBI interviews released Friday revealed the most damaging evidence in the case against Casey could come from her own father.

"The worst odor that you could possibly smell in this world. I've smelled that odor before. It smelled like a decomposed body," George Anthony told investigators during a July 31 interview.

George is a retired homicide investigator. He said he would never forget the smell of human death and that's what he said he smelled coming from his daughter's car.

Eyewitness News obtained new video Friday showing the FBI interviewing George and Cindy Anthony.


George Anthony, in the video, appears to be agonizing over what he knows and what he doesn't want to believe as a grandfather and father. One thing he seems sure of is that what he smelled in Casey's trunk was not rotting pizza, but rather the smell of human decomposition and, he said, it emanated into their home.

Two weeks after Caylee's disappearance came to light, George talked to the FBI for more than two hours. His emotional turmoil was raw when he talked about smelling Casey's car.

"That distinct odor. That's, that's something you never forget. That distinct odor. I, I, I believe something was placed in the back of that trunk," he said.

George told FBI Special Agent Scott Bolin the basketball-sized stain in the trunk also reeked and the agent said he expected to find out from the lab that there was human DNA in it.

"It all boils down to my daughter knows something. She won't say anything," George said.

Not for the first time, George blamed Casey's defense attorney, Jose Baez, for keeping her quiet at Caylee's expense. George told Bolin that he knows Casey is going away for a long time, but believes if she talks she can spare herself possible harm from inmates who target people who harm children.

"The answers are still very nearby," Bolin said. "They may not be at the house with you right now, but they're nearby."

George was trying to piece together the disjointed details Casey was revealing, but came to the same conclusion investigators have: that her story makes no sense. He said he misses looking at the moon and stars with Caylee every night at bedtime.

"I'd give up my life for her," he said.


Even though the evidence shows little Caylee is dead, her grandparents are still claiming she's alive.

Friday, a group representing the family released a new picture (see photo) of what they call a possible sighting of Caylee Anthony at a mall in west Florida. The family, however, won't say where.

It's the latest in a series of possible sightings that, so far, have turned out to be unfounded.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 22, 2008, 08:03:14 AM
FBI REPORTS: George & Cindy

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 23, 2008, 01:22:42 PM
Kid Finders President's Past Questioned
Reports Surface That Dennis Milstead Has Been Arrested; Organization Has Never Found Missing Child

POSTED: 6:45 pm EST November 19, 2008
LOXAHATCHEE, Fla. -- He takes donations to help find missing children, but a Loxahatchee man is under scrutiny for his questionable past.

Dennis Milstead, president of the Kid Finders Network, has dropped out of sight after reports surfaced that he was arrested on charges of impersonating a police officer and that his organization has never found a missing child.

Milstead, who was spearheading the search to find missing Orlando toddler Caylee Anthony, has been taking donations for his Kid Finders Network, but his method of getting donations and what he does with the money has

been in question for some time.
According to court documents, the president of the board of the local Crime Stoppers got a restraining order against Milstead after he said Milstead began showing up at his home, blocking him in the driveway, following him and acting generally threatening. He said Milstead was trying to collect money that Crime Stoppers believed Milstead had obtained through questionable procedures.

A source close to the investigation told WPBF News 25 that Milstead got donors to his Kid Finders Network to make checks out to Crime Stoppers and then demanded 90 percent of the money.

WPBF News 25's Terri Parker spoke exclusively Wednesday to the victim in his 2002 police impersonation arrest.

"I noticed that his car said video surveillance, and then when he pulled me over with the flashing lights, I had a bad feeling it was not a policeman and I called 911," Kristi Posvar said in a telephone interview. "But it still shook me up, and he followed me into my gated community and really, you know, it was frightening."

Milstead's office door was locked Wednesday and his daughter said her parents were out of town when Parker showed up at their Loxahatchee home.

"You guys need to get the hell off of my property, right now," she said.

Milstead was also arrested on an assault charge seven months after the police impersonation arrest.

Orlando reporters said Milstead and his wife packed up their Kid Finders belongings and disappeared after he was questioned about his past.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 23, 2008, 01:28:45 PM
Saturday, Nov. 22, 2008
All hope not lost
LeAnne Kline

Caylee Anthony disappeared in June. Her mother, Casey Anthony, didn’t report her missing until a month later; and even then, she wasn’t the one to call the police.
Photo provided

LeAnne Kline said the search for Caylee Anthony was exhausting and without the hoped-for ending. But volunteers showed strength and humanity during the effort.
Judge dismisses Clark Motor suit
Ex-Nittany Lion Bell gets probation for threat
4 charged men surrender
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Judge dismisses Clark Motor suit

Her mom, Cindy, called 911 to report Casey’s car smelled like there’d been a dead body in it. The eyes of the nation were riveted.

I found myself watching Nancy Grace on CNN every evening, hoping for the safe return of this beautiful 2-year-old girl. Then I learned Texas EquuSearch, a mounted search and recovery organization started eight years ago by a man whose daughter had been abducted and murdered, was heading to Orlando, Fla., to search for Caylee.

I bought a plane ticket that day. I didn’t have experience searching for missing people, but I would soon receive an education. And I didn’t have the money to pay for the trip, but I would soon receive sponsorship from people who trusted me to represent them in the search.

At 8 a.m. Nov. 8, the field that hosted Command Central was filled with thousands of volunteers. The group of thousands was diverse; young, old, all ethnicities, EMTs, firefighters, police, retired military, teachers, flight attendants, and students among them.

A group of 10 became my team, headed by Roy Miller. The plan was simple: each group received a map of an area where Casey’s cell phone “pinged” during the time of Caylee’s disappearance. We caravanned to our assigned sites in and around the Orlando airport. We stood shoulder to shoulder, and moved forward in a line, using walking sticks to turn over the leaves and debris in search of anything suspicious.

“Suspicious” meant children’s clothing, trash bags, mounds of dirt in newly disturbed ground and bones. There were a lot of bones in the wilderness of palmetto groves, swamps, canals and railroad tracks. I found a bone that looked like a vertebrae and marked it with a flag on which I wrote “Kline 321.” The process upon finding suspicious items was: mark the item, call your team leader, who called the medical examiner, who called in CSI and Dixie, the cadaver dog. At that point, if the item was “of interest,” CSI bagged it and took it away for processing.

The media vans followed us. Helicopters hovered. When we “cleared” one area, we headed back to Command Central for our next assignment.

One of the vans following the search was driven by a man named Murt who was streaming video of the search live on the Web. He said the international community was watching and begging to be of assistance. When told that volunteers needed water and food they responded by calling local restaurants, ordering food and drinks delivered to us.

I was introduced to the Florida wildlife — graceful egrets lined the canals, orange-beaked “coots,” and frogs jumped across lily pads. And wolf spiders knitted webs the size of me, alligators lurked under the water, snakes hustled away from us. This was no trip to Disney World.

One assignment started behind a Wal-Mart. Utility roads surrounded by jungle-like brush with thorns that clawed at our skin and wedged into our socks. We searched the railroad tracks where two fishermen had spotted Casey coming out of the woods. We stomped through swamp, mud, and grass taller than my shoulders.

On the last day, we were told this day’s search was a “high priority search.” Anyone caught using a cell phone would be dismissed.

We stood four teams together, shoulder-to-shoulder, and moved forward, turning over every layer of brush. We moved slowly. We crawled sometimes. Once, we smelled decomposition and stopped while CSI and Dixie the cadaver dog cleared the area. We lined up again and again, until we covered 20 square miles.

I was exhausted, dehydrated and hungry. My body hurt. My mind reeled. And my heart was discouraged because we didn’t find Caylee.

We headed back to Command Central and said our goodbyes. Roy Miller gave me a hug and words of encouragement. This was the kind of goodbye we never learned to say. We wouldn’t want to be brought back together under similar circumstances, but we would in a heartbeat.

As I left, I was engulfed in a feeling of finality. The loss of Caylee, of not finding her, saying goodbye to my team — well, I cried.

But then, I thought, there was good news, too.

As the days went by, we became more organized; developing our own codes, signs, symbols and search techniques. We worked as a unit. We learned about forensics. And we cleared miles of territory that need to be searched. Because of one little girl, a community came together: local, national, and international. Through this tragedy, strangers became friends.

LeAnne Kline is a State College resident and a Penn State graduate student.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 25, 2008, 02:07:34 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 25, 2008, 02:07:42 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 25, 2008, 02:08:22 PM
Gag Order Among Motions To Be Considered In Anthony Hearing
Caylee, 3, Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 1:13 pm EST November 25, 2008
UPDATED: 1:39 pm EST November 25, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A judge on Tuesday is scheduled to hear several motions, including a gag order request, in the case of Casey Anthony, who has been charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee.

Anthony, 22, remains jailed, and her daughter has not been seen since mid-June.

The hearing will be held in the Orange County courthouse.

The state is seeking a gag order in the case, but Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, and her family are opposed to the request. Prosecutors have said they do not want to prevent Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, from talking about the search for their granddaughter, but they are seeking a halt to anyone connected to 

the case from commenting publicly.

Baez is also seeking to obtain from the state all of the names of employees at the Orange County Amscot, where his client's car was found abandoned. He is also demanding that more evidence be handed over to him from the state and that law enforcement provides more tips that have been reported about Caylee.

Reporters Issued Subpoenas

Baez issued subpoenas to several media members, including Local 6 News reporter Adam Longo, to possibly testify about the publicity in the case.

Baez said he is fighting the gag order request because it is his right to respond to any leak.

"If we're not able to respond to false, misleading leads that are thrown out there, it would hurt our client's case," Baez said. "That's, quite frankly, the reason."

Baez said the state attorney's office has delayed handing over information about the case to him.

He also said that a Jan. 5 start date for the trial may not hold up, and he said he wasn't sure if videotapes of FBI int
erviews with Casey Anthony's parents -- George and Cindy Anthony -- would be admissible in court.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 25, 2008, 03:46:14 PM
Casey Anthony's Attorney In Courtroom For Hearing

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 – updated: 3:00 pm EST November 25, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, was in court Tuesday afternoon for a hearing on several motions (read all motions). Baez said he wants more evidence handed over from investigators, including notes, reports and photographs, and less information released to the public.

Jose Baez said he also wants his own team of experts to be allowed to inspect hair that investigators said they found in the trunk of Casey's car. They said it belongs to Caylee and showed signs of decomposition.

Baez is also expected to ask a judge to allow additional testing on the forensic evidence in the case. Eyewitness News found out that a gag order will also be discussed in court on Tuesday.


Casey Anthony's lawyer won't have to fight for his laptop.

Jose Baez was going to ask for special permission to bring his laptop to the jail when he visits Casey, but Monday the jail told Eyewitness News it has suddenly changed its laptop policy. They will allow private attorneys to carry in their computers starting next month.


Caylee Anthony's grandparents held a prayer vigil at an Orange County church Sunday night. Supporters of George and Cindy Anthony gathered as they often do for a prayer vigil at Eastside Baptist Church.

The vigil comes days after recorded interviews with the FBI and George and Cindy Anthony were released. In the interviews, George made a telling statement about the smell in the trunk of Casey's car.

Eyewitness News asked the family spokesperson, Michelle Bart, about the statement made by George, but she would not reveal anything.

"I have no comment for that," she said.

George and Cindy Anthony didn't want to speak with Eyewitness News, but the family spokesperson wanted to focus on a photo that she says was taken inside the Florida Mall last week, which they believe could be Caylee (see photo).

"We are clinging onto hope because we do believe the witness and we do know that she did dial 911 and the tip line and then had to call our number from the website," Bart said.

However, the Orange County Sheriff's Office has been saying for weeks that Caylee is dead and has discredited the photo.


Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla will search for Caylee Anthony's remains again in January. Sunday night, Padilla told Eyewitness News a donor made a $50,000 commitment to help with the search. He won't identify who made that donation.

Padilla said he'll return to Blanchard Park to search the Little Econ River with more equipment.

The bounty hunter caused a frenzy when his dive team claimed they found suspicious evidence in that area on November 13.


New FBI interviews released Friday revealed the most damaging evidence in the case against Casey could come from her own father.

"The worst odor that you could possibly smell in this world. I've smelled that odor before. It smelled like a decomposed body," George Anthony told investigators during a July 31 interview.

George is a retired homicide investigator. He said he would never forget the smell of human death and that's what he said he smelled coming from his daughter's car.

Eyewitness News obtained new video Friday showing the FBI interviewing George and Cindy Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 26, 2008, 07:22:33 AM
Cindy May Face Obstruction Of Justice Charges
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 – updated: 6:36 am EST November 26, 2008
Eyewitness News uncovered an email showing that Cindy Anthony may have knowingly given investigators the wrong evidence. Full Story ››
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Cindy Anthony was on the defensive Wednesday morning after Eyewitness News uncovered an email showing that she may have knowingly given investigators the wrong evidence.  In the message, Cindy wrote to former family spokesperson Larry Garrison that she gave investigators Casey's hair brush instead of Caylee's brush, which they wanted for a DNA sample.

Cindy Anthony said that she told investigators that the brush that was given to them was used by Caylee and Casey. The FBI and Eyewitness News' legal analyst said Cindy Anthony could face obstruction of justice charges.

Did you purposely give investigators the wrong hairbrush?" asked Eyewitness News Reporter Jeff Deal.

"No absolutely not," Cindy responded.

When Eyewitness News obtained an email from Larry Garrison (read the email), it was handed over to the FBI because of the explosive evidence inside. The email says Cindy gave investigators the wrong hairbrush when they asked for Caylee's brush in late July to compare DNA from her hair to the hair they found in Casey's trunk, where it smelled of death.

Eyewitness News told the FBI about it and now they're investigating whether Cindy has tried to sabotage the investigation. Our reporter confronted Cindy about the email and she said she did not purposely give investigators the wrong hairbrush.

"Did I go around and find all the hairbrushes? No, but it wasn't deception," said Cindy.

Cindy Anthony tries to give the appearance that she's cooperating with investigators, but Eyewitness News has learned she and her husband George have been stalling for weeks to answer their follow-up questions in the investigation.

Then Tuesday, a controversial email surfaced. It appears that the Anthonys' former spokesman, Larry Garrison, says he confronted Cindy by email about why she gave Casey's hairbrush, instead of Caylee's hairbrush, to investigators who wanted a DNA sample.

Garrison said Cindy's emailed response was: "I never lied. I just never went to my bathroom to get the hairbrush that I used only for Caylee."

Cindy believes Garrison is behind the leak, calling it sour grape because the family recently fired him after finding out he was collecting money for interviews. She said she's not worried about any legal trouble.

"Are you afraid of getting arrested?" asked Jeff Deal.

"I'm not afraid. I've received no calls from the FBI or Sheriff's Office. They know I handed that brush, I told them it was Casey's," Cindy responded.

Eyewitness News passed the email along to FBI Special Agent Nick Savage, who told Eyewitness News Tuesday: "The appropriate weight will be given to this like all other information received. Law enforcement will address this matter as it relates to the investigation."

Eyewitness News legal analyst Bill Scheaffer told Eyewitness News the obstruction of justice statute could apply.

"If she knowingly gave the investigators the wrong hairbrush, then I think there's enough elasticity in this statute that one could bring a charge of obstructing justice," Schaeffer said.

Cindy Anthony told Eyewitness News that she's not afraid of being arrested. Eyewitness News also found out that it is unlikely the Anthonys would be charged since they lost their granddaughter, but the issues could affect their credibility if they try to defend Casey in court.

So is this "obstructing justice?" Eyewitness News looked up the legal definition: "An attempt to interfere with the administration of the courts, the judicial system or law enforcement officers, including threatening witnesses, improper conversations with jurors, hiding evidence, or interfering with an arrest. Such activity is a crime."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 26, 2008, 07:24:36 AM
Judge will rule today on gag order in Casey Anthony case
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
November 26, 2008
A judge is expected to decide today whether he will prohibit the main players involved in the Casey Anthony prosecution from speaking publicly about the case.,0,848692.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 26, 2008, 08:29:12 PM
More documents released in Casey Anthony case
Someone using the Anthonys' home computer used Google to search for "neck breaking," "how to make chloraform [sic]" and "household weapons" in March, court documents show.
Amy L. Edwards and Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writers
3:32 PM EST, November 26, 2008

Court documents released today by the State Attorney's Office in the Casey Anthony case reveal in part that the Anthonys' home computer was used to search for "neck breaking," "how to make chloraform [sic]" and "household weapons."

The Internet searches happened in mid-March, four months before then-2-year-old Caylee Anthony was reported missing.

The documents -- more than 700 pages of them on a CD -- were released in response to a public-records request from the Orlando Sentinel.

They include a variety of information, including e-mail correspondence among members of the Anthony family, depositions with people involved in the case and reports from tipsters.

Also included are photographs of Anthony partying and out with friends, text messages she received and sent to others, and cell phone records.

Anthony remains in the Orange County Jail on a slew of charges, including first-degree murder in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Marie. Caylee was 2 when she was reported missing July 15. The toddler's body has not been found.

Here is what some of the newly released documents reveal:

-- Someone using the Anthonys' home computer used Google to search for "neck breaking," "how to make chloraform [sic]" and "household weapons." Someone also Googled peroxide, acetone, alcohol and "lost numbers."

Someone also used Wikipedia to search for "inhalation," "chloroform," "acetone," "shovel" and "death."

A computer forensics report from a Sheriff's Office detective states that on March 21, someone used other Web sources like, and for the words "making weapons out of household products," "chloroformhabit," "how to make chloroform," and "chloro2."

-- Air samples studied by researchers at the National Center for Forensic Science at the University of Central Florida showed there was evidence of "volatile organic chemicals" in the trunk of Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire. Samples showed evidence of gasoline vapors, chloroform and compounds "known to be liberated from decomposition of human remains."

But the researcher wrote that those items "does not conclusively demonstrate that human decomposition was previously present in the automobile's trunk due to other possible sources of these materials."

-- Anthony allegedly stole $354 from her grandfather's bank account in April to pay her cell phone bill. Anthony's grandmother told investigators it appears Casey got their check routing number from a birthday card they sent her in March.

-- In an interview with Orange County deputies and an FBI agent, Casey's grandmother, Shirley Plesea, said Casey began stealing from her in 2007.

Casey stole a check from Plesea on Caylee's second birthday in August 2007, Plesea said. Casey allegedly later used her grandmother's stolen check at Publix for $54. Plesea was mad at Casey but forgave her, the report shows.

Earlier this year Plesea noticed another check was missing.

Check back for more details,0,1409870.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 26, 2008, 08:30:58 PM
Excerpts from Anthony discovery documents

Last Edited: Wednesday, 26 Nov 2008, 5:55 PM EST  
Created: Wednesday, 26 Nov 2008, 5:24 PM EST

Casey Anthony

ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) -- Someone performed Internet searches for "neck breaking" and "household weapons" on the home computer of a Florida mother charged with killing her missing 3-year-old daughter, according to court documents released Wednesday.

The Orange County State Attorney's office released almost 800 pages of discovery documents in the case of 22-year-old Casey Anthony, who has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and other charges in the June disappearance of her daughter Caylee.

Investigators look for clues in web searches

On March 17, someone used the Anthony's home computer to do Google searches for peroxide, shovels, acetone, alcohol and how to make chloroform. Traces of chloroform, which is used to induce unconsciousness, were found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car during forensic testing by a Tennessee lab.

Closer analysis of the documents reveal that not only were Google and Wikipedia sites used for web searches, but other websites such as  blogspot,, and were also used for searching words or the string of words: "making weapons out of household products," "choroformhabit," "chloroform," "how to make  chloroform," and "chloro2."

Casey describes babysitter as "definitely someone I trust"

 Anthony told authorities she had left her daughter with a baby sitter in June and the two were gone when she returned from work. She says she spent the next month trying to find her daughter and didn't call authorities because she was scared. Investigators say they have poked several holes in her story.

Through instant messaging, an acquaintance of Casey's inquires about her babysitter.   Excerpts are taken from an exchange on Sunday, July 13 -- three days before Caylee was reported missing -- between Casey and Youriev Donov, 24, of Orlando:

CA: i didn't ever want to live in an apartment, but i don't think getting a house is the best idea ... not right now

YD: yeah good idea, so what do u do when u work? with the kid that is

CA: i have a nanny. i love her.

YD: nice.  how much do they charge?

CA: we've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust.  it just depends.  i pay her a lot more than most nanny's make. it's worth it though

YD: yeah i understand

CA: she's a friend. between myself, and one of my coworkers, its her main source of income

And in another exchange on Monday, July 14:

CA: [expletive], even outside of a relationship, i'm probably not in the best spot either

YD: why?

CA: i'm pretty hung up on tony, and realistically, if he moves back to new york next year, my relationship will end. sucks to know that inevitably, unless i were to drop everything, i'm going to love someone close to me

YD: then why dig a deeper whole [sic]?  i couldn't do that to myself

CA: that's why i'm torn right now

"I am the dumbest person and the worst mother"

Caylee had not been seen for several days. The child's grandmother first called authorities in July to say she hadn't seen Caylee for a month and her daughter's car smelled like death. 

The following is what appears to be fragments of Yahoo web mail recovered from Casey's computer.  It reads:

"can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee.  Dad said he went to work at 9am and got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between.  I don't know who or what to believe anymore."   The email goes on, "You told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home.  What the hell is going on?  I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her.  It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again?  Are you still with Jeff?  Are you going back to work"?    The author of the email goes on to write, "I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course.  I'm going freakin nuts not knowing what's going on with you.   I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more."

Cell phone records include text messages in which Casey calls herself "the worst mother," and calls Caylee a "little snothead," according to the documents.  Here are a few excerpts from a text exchange between Tony Lazzaro and Casey Anthony through a Blackberry device on July 16 -- the day Caylee was reported missing:

CA: I'm so sorry for not telling  you what happened .. we obviously need to talk. I need you .. and i love you more than you know.

TL: Where is Caylee?

CA: I honestly don't know ..

TL: I don't know ... R u serious?  When did u find out?

CA: I've been filing reports all night and driving around with multiple officers looking at old apartments i had taken her to.

TL: Y wouldn't you tell me of all people I was ur boyfriend that cares about you and ur daughter.  Doesnt make sense to me Why would u lie to me

CA: I lied to everyone. What was i supposed to say? i trust my daughter with some psycho.  How does that look?

TL: Idk  what to say .. I just hope your daughter is okay and im gonna do watever to help ur family and the cops

CA: i was put in handcuffs for almost 10 minutes and sat in the back of a cop car. The best thing and most important person is my life is missing.  I am the dumbest person and the worst mother.  I honestly hate myself.  The most important thing is getting caylee back but i truly hpe that you can forgive me .. granted i will never be able to forgive myself.

TL: Who is this zanny nanny person

CA: Someone i had net [sic] through a mutual friend almost 4 years ago. She used be my buddy  jeffs nanny before she became mine.  i'm scared

Also of interest

Other documents of interest include a 911call made in November of last year from the Arden Villas Apartments in East Orange County.  The caller informed the 911 operator that Casey Anthony was having a seizure.  The operator notes that Casey was "unresponsive and shaking" and that she had experienced "nausea all day and was drinking heavily" the night before.

And in other developments, Casey's grandmother, Shirely Plesea told authorities that her granddaughter had made an unauthorized transfer from her husband's bank account in April of 2008 in the amount of $354, to pay a cell phone bill.   Plesea believed Casey got the bank routing numbers from a check she included in a birthday card, sent to Casey in March

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 26, 2008, 08:45:13 PM
700+ additional discovery documents released  

Last Edited: Wednesday, 26 Nov 2008, 8:35 PM EST
Created: Wednesday, 26 Nov 2008, 12:14 PM EST

Casey Anthony

StoriesTimeline, Documents and Photos related to the Casey Anthony Case
Excerpts from Anthony discovery documents
PI hired by Anthony family continues search
Judge denies gag order in Anthony case

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Court documents released Wednesday show that someone performed Internet searches for "neck breaking" and "household weapons" on Casey Anthony's home computer.

The Orange County State Attorney's Office released almost 800 pages of discovery documents in the case of 22-year-old Casey Anthony, who has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and other charges in the June disappearance of her daughter Caylee .

Excerpts from Anthony discovery documents
VIDEO: New discoveries released in Anthony case
On March 17, someone used the Anthonys' home computer to do Google searches for peroxide, shovels, acetone, alcohol and how to make chloroform. Traces of chloroform, which is used to induce unconsciousness, were found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car during forensic testing by a Tennessee lab.

Cell phone records include text messages in which Casey calls herself "the worst mother," and calls Caylee a "little snothead," according to the documents.

Caylee has not been seen since June, but she wasn't reported missing until a month later. The child's grandmother first called authorities in July to say she hadn't seen Caylee for a month and
her daughter's car smelled like death.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on November 30, 2008, 04:57:17 PM
Anthony family members expected at vigil tonight for missing Caylee Marie
Kevin P. Connolly | Sentinel Staff Writer
2:44 PM EST, November 30, 2008

Members of the Anthony family are expected at a vigil tonight in Orlando. George and Cindy Anthony have been holding vigils because their granddaughter, Caylee Marie, is missing.

Authorities say the little girl, who would have turned 3 in August, is dead and they have charged her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, with first-degree murder. George and Cindy Anthony think the little girl is alive.

Tonight's vigil is part of the National Vigil for Hope, according to a statement from Michelle A. Bart, a spokeswoman for the Anthonys.

The local vigil will be at 8 p.m. at Eastside Baptist Church, 1900 Conway Gardens Road. Earlier today, Bart issued a news release about the event.,0,6223831.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 01, 2008, 06:51:22 PM
Cindy Anthony Says Someone Hacked Her Yahoo Email Account
Monday, December 1, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Cindy Anthony says someone hacked into her email and sent out messages and documents containing sensitive information about the case. WFTV reporter Kathi Belich received four of the emails herself, but when she realized something didn't seem right about them she forwarded the emails to the FBI.

Now, the FBI is investigating.

The Anthonys have used their home computer to email their spokesman, their private investigators and others about the case, but they say someone accessed their account when they weren't even home during the holiday weekend.

Cindy Anthony hammered the point home earlier this year that people were going too far and she was trying to protect her home turf. But over the Thanksgiving weekend, she says someone broke through the boundaries in a more underhanded way, by somehow getting into her Yahoo email account, gaining access to her messages and even confidential documents pertaining to her daughter Casey's defense and sending them out posing as Cindy.

Kathi Belch received four of them on Friday. One of the emails involved the Caylee hairbrush story Eyewitness News broke last week. It seemed odd that Cindy would send Kathi such apparently personal and sensitive information.

Kathi text messaged Cindy right away and forwarded the emails to the FBI, which is already investigating an allegation that Cindy gave investigators the wrong hairbrush when they were trying to get a DNA sample for Caylee.

Cindy told Kathi she had not sent any emails and Monday said she had been locked out of her account over the weekend and said Yahoo found someone in Ocala who might have gotten in.

"It would be a connection between Ocala and Orlando or several protesters that we did run background checks on throughout that period. As to me saying it would be attributed to them, not what I'm saying, but possibly an Ocala to Orlando," said Dominic Casey, Anthonys' private investigator.

The FBI asked Eyewitness News not to reveal the details of emails because of their investigation. They include exchanges between Cindy Anthony and her spokesman, her private investigator, and even the PR person for Kid Finders, angry with Eyewitness News after exposing their founder has a criminal background.

"This is an extreme invasion of privacy of delicate, sensitive information," Dominic Casey said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 02, 2008, 07:51:54 AM
Cindy Anthony Says Someone Hacked Her Email Account

Monday, December 1, 2008 – updated: 5:29 pm EST December 1, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Cindy Anthony says someone hacked into her email and sent out messages and documents containing sensitive information about the case. WFTV reporter Kathi Belich received four of the emails herself, but when she realized something didn't seem right about them she forwarded the emails to the FBI.

Now, the FBI is investigating.

TEAM COVERAGE: FBI Investigating Cindy's Claim

The Anthonys have used their home computer to email their spokesman, their private investigators and others about the case, but they say someone accessed their account when they weren't even home during the holiday weekend.

Cindy Anthony hammered the point home earlier this year that people were going too far and she was trying to protect her home turf. But over the Thanksgiving weekend, she says someone broke through the boundaries in a more underhanded way, by somehow getting into her Yahoo email account, gaining access to her messages and even confidential documents pertaining to her daughter Casey's defense and sending them out posing as Cindy.

Kathi Belch received four of them on Friday. One of the emails involved the Caylee hairbrush story Eyewitness News broke last week. It seemed odd that Cindy would send Kathi such apparently personal and sensitive information.

Kathi text messaged Cindy right away and forwarded the emails to the FBI, which is already investigating an allegation that Cindy gave investigators the wrong hairbrush when they were trying to get a DNA sample for Caylee.

Cindy told Kathi she had not sent any emails and Monday said she had been locked out of her account over the weekend and said Yahoo found someone in Ocala who might have gotten in.

"It would be a connection between Ocala and Orlando or several protesters that we did run background checks on throughout that period. As to me saying it would be attributed to them, not what I'm saying, but possibly an Ocala to Orlando," said Dominic Casey, Anthonys' private investigator.

The FBI asked Eyewitness News not to reveal the details of emails because of their investigation. They include exchanges between Cindy Anthony and her spokesman, her private investigator, and even the PR person for Kid Finders, angry with Eyewitness News after exposing their founder has a criminal background.

"This is an extreme invasion of privacy of delicate, sensitive information," Dominic Casey said.


It's a sign of just how much the story of Casey and Caylee Anthony has captured the country's attention.

On Monday, released its list of the top news stories searched on its site in 2008 and Caylee and Casey Anthony was the second most popular news search.

Yahoo said the most searched news stories in order were on hurricanes, Caylee and Casey Anthony, election 2008, Pakistan, pregnant man, China, Iraq, Shelley Malil, Patrick Swayze and Afghanistan.


Channel 9 learned Casey's father, George Anthony, spent part of his Thanksgiving driving by himself around downtown Orlando and Winter Park towing his "Where is Caylee billboard." Even after new evidence was released to support the theory Casey killed her daughter Caylee, George has continued searching for a live Caylee.

Meanwhile, Casey Anthony spent Thanksgiving alone in the Orange County Jail. Officials said the Anthony family did not visit Casey Thursday nor did she request any visitors or phone calls for the holiday.

Instead, she dined with other prisoners on turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, bread and butter. For dessert, Casey had a slice of pumpkin spice cake.


Eyewitness News has obtained new documents from prosecutors that show Casey's own relatives believe she killed her daughter. In the 700 pages of evidence there were emails that started a family feud between Cindy Anthony and her brother.

Cindy's brother said he's frustrated that she believes Casey. In early August reporters asked Cindy Anthony a lot of tough questions about Casey's lies and Eyewitness News has learned Cindy's own brother was asking those same questions.

However, his inquiries ended in a family feud. In an email exchanged in August, Cindy's brother Rick Plesea, who she rarely talked to, told her his theory: "Caylee drowned in the pool, and Casey put Caylee's body in the trunk of her car." and "That is why the dogs hit on the trunk." From there the exchange deteriorated to insults.

Cindy wrote: "The next time you say Caylee is dead I will personally come there and kick your sorry a** all the way to hell."

Her brother fired back: "Your granddaughter is dead. There, I said it. Casey has killed her someway either by accident or on purpose."

"You have both lost your minds," Plesea writes to Cindy and George.

He also said Casey Anthony attended his wedding seven months pregnant with Caylee and when Rick asked Cindy about it she said Casey told her she wasn't pregnant then proceeded to say, "She would have to have sex to be pregnant."

Rick Plesea forwarded all of his emails to detectives.


Nearly 700 pages of evidence released in the Casey Anthony case contain disturbing internet searches, a accusation of a frame-up and allegations of potential incest in the Anthony family.

The investigation has brought out accusations Casey had been making against those closest to her, namely that her father George has abused her, and that her brother Lee made inappropriate sexual advances toward her once when she was in junior high. The documents show Casey said her mother Cindy did not believe that to be true.

The newly released court documents show Casey Anthony searched for information on chloroform, types of shovels and neck-breaking on her computer in the time before her young daughter Caylee disappeared.

The documents reveal that Casey searched those items in March, at the same time she was also looking on missing children web sites. Casey reported her daughter missing in June. Casey claims she left Caylee with a babysitter but that person has never been found and Casey now stands charged with Caylee’s murder.


Some of the information found on Casey’s computer also related to the chemicals peroxide, acetone and alcohol, which can be used to make chloroform.

Traces of chloroform were found in the trunk of Casey’s car, along with DNA evidence that suggests the dead body of Caylee had also been in there.

Investigators say they found that Casey’s mother Cindy was not at home when the searches were done. They say she was at work but that her father, George, was not employed at the time.

Casey’s ex-fiance’, Jesse Grund, told investigators he has heard that Casey has been cooking up a story to frame him for Caylee's murder, even though she insists Caylee is alive. Grund claims Casey tried to convince her lawyer, with her mother's help, that Grund killed Caylee because of his "obsession" with her and planted evidence in the back of her (Casey’s) car.

The documents also show there was no rotting pizza in the trunk of Casey’s car. Cindy Anthony has long claimed a horrible smell that detectives have described as the smell of death, was due to a rotting pizza. But the documents show there was nothing but an empty pizza box in a bag in the trunk.

Investigators say when George opened the car trunk at a towing company, with a towing company employee next to him, flies flew out of the trunk. The pair tossed the trash bag that was in the trunk into the dumpster. Later, when investigators went back to it and opened it, they found flies, maggots, and the empty pizza box.

The new records also show that Casey told her parents during a jail visit that her message to "Zenaida," the mysterious nanny, was "she (Zenaida) needs to return Caylee" and "I forgive her.”

Casey hinted that she told Cindy long ago that she might have given someone a key to their house but didn’t say who.

Casey also gave a description of Zenaida: she’s 5-feet, 7-inches tall, has curly brown hair that had been straightened, weighs 140 pounds, and has brown eyes, and a lot of money.

Also released Wednesday, investigators say Casey's slacks, which her mother removed from the car and washed because they reeked of the same odor inside the car, were apparently the same slacks Casey was wearing on the day Caylee disappeared and is believed to have been murdered. Investigators did not ask for those slacks early on because they had already been laundered at least once.

Investigators also say the documents indicate that Casey might have been considering coming clean a couple of times. On the day she was indicted for murder she actually called her attorney from the sheriff's headquarters and hinted she might help investigators find Caylee. But once she talked to him she changed her mind. In August, she was about to meet with her father at the jail but once again it appears her attorney talked her out of it.


The released documents show Grund also told investigators Cindy wanted Caylee to call her "Mommy" in front of Casey.

Casey's parents' financial problems almost shattered their marriage but ended up saving it because Cindy couldn't afford divorce. The investigation showed Cindy supported George for years. He lost thousands of dollars in a U.K. lottery scam.

The documents also show the following:

Cindy told her mother that Caylee was her life and her mother says if not for Caylee, Cindy might have harmed herself.

Just before Caylee disappeared, Cindy was about to throw Casey out of the house and try to get custody of Caylee. She caught Casey lying. At one point, Cindy talked about choking Casey, presumably out of frustration.

Friends said Casey was "annoyingly giddy" two weeks after investigators believe Casey murdered Caylee because her boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro was returning to Orlando after a trip home to New York for the Fourth of July weekend. Lazzaro told investigators that Caylee was “great” but he did remember telling Casey that he wanted to have sons, because his little sisters taught him how tough it is to raise girls.

Investigators also found Casey's doodlings, writing her name as Lazzaro's wife, with hearts in the script

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 09:29:15 AM
ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) -- Another court hearing is scheduled in the case of missing Orlando toddler Caylee Marie Anthony.    A status hearing was expected to get underway around 9 a.m. Thursday morning in Orlando for the little girl's 22-year-old mother, Casey Anthony. intends to stream the live event.

Casey Anthony will not be in attendance in courtroom 6-D before Circuit Ninth Circuit Judge Stan Strickland. She remains behind bars, charged with first degree murder.   State prosecutors have decided not to pursue the death penalty.  Her child's body hasn't been found.

While the pretrial hearing is only expected to take a few minutes, the same was said of the most recent bond hearing, which extended to three hours.  No motions are expected to be addressed today.
Casey Anthony's trial date is scheduled for January 5,  but there is some speculation that the attorney for Casey Anthony, Jose Baez, could possibly file a motion of continuance, which would further delay a trial.

There is also speculation that a change of venue motion could be forthcoming.   "We've done extensive research, which is why the motion hasn't been filed yet.  We want to be able to analyze coverage in all the media markets in the state of Florida," said Baez.

"The test is not people who havn't heard about the case, but people who have no preconceived idea about the case," said FOX 35 Senior Legal Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Today's status hearing is typically a time when attorneys for both the prosecution and defense go before the judge to determine if everyone is on schedule with pre-trial preparations.

In other developments, Baez is seeking a court order for a mall surveillance video  that may show the little girl was alive last month.   The request was prompted by a photograph taken by an unidentified shopper with a cell phone camera, showing a girl who resembles Caylee playing at the Florida Mall five months after the little girl was last seen. The photo was submitted to a tip line in the ongoing search for the 3-year-old.

Three-year-old Caylee hasn't been seen since June.  Her mother did not report her missing until July and has said she left the girl with a baby sitter, who has not been found.

George and Cindy Anthony, grandparents of Caylee, fielded calls from viewers on CNN's Larry King Live on Wednesday night.   Cindy Anthony said she knows of three sightings of the baby sitter.  The Anthonys said Orange County law enforcement officials are not pursuing tips because they believe Casey Anthony is guilty.

"They decided from the very beginning how this would take place," Cindy Anthony said. "They made judgment on her within two hours of having her in custody."

King said the Orange County Sheriff's Department issued a statement to his show that read in part, "Evidence, unfortunately, indicates we are looking for a dead child."


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 02:06:40 PM
Remains Of Young Child Found Near Anthony Home

Thursday, December 11, 2008 – updated: 1:50 pm EST December 11, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The remains of a young child were located in east Orange County Thursday morning, less than a half-mile from Casey Anthony's parents' home, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

An Orange County water meter reader, who had gone to relieve himself, discovered a bag about 20 to 30 feet off the sidewalk in the area of Chickasaw Trail and Suburban Drive (see map), around three-tenths of a mile from the Anthonys' home (map from location

According to information obtained by Eyewitness News, when the meter reader picked up the bag a skull fell out. The Orange County Sheriff's Office has confirmed to Eyewitness News that the body is a young child.

"We are assuming they are the remains of a victim," said Orange County Sheriff's Office spokesman Jim Solomons.

It is not clear at this point whether the body was that of Caylee Anthony.

"We know we have a recent discovery. We have investigators on the scene. We need to determine what we have," said Solomons.

Deputies set up a perimeter near a small retention pond. Heavy rain pounded the scene, making the investigation more difficult. FBI agents and agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement were also on the scene.

Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said the area had been underwater during previous searches so it was not surprising the remains hadn't been found before.

When asked if the body could be that of any other child, Beary responded, "Not that we know of."

Eyewitness News reporter Kathi Belich said sources told her they were taking this very seriously and would expedite DNA tests to determine if the remains were indeed Caylee's. Investigators told her they were "very optimistic" they had found the missing girl. Beary said the FBI had told him experts at its lab in Quantico, VA would work through the weekend if necessary on the case.

Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, has been charged with murder in connection with the case. She is currently in the Orange County jail. A jail spokesman said he did not know if Casey was aware of the morning's discovery. During a previous search, a counselor was brought in to talk with Casey.


Orange County deputies also moved to secure the Anthony home. The home had been the site of many protests and on-looker gatherings throughout the course of investigation into Caylee's disappearance.

Neighbors and others began showing up at the house about 11:00 a.m.

"I think it's tremendous, I think it's due," said one of the discovery of the remains. "We've been searching for this little girl for months. America is listening and wants this little girl found."

The house was also a possible crime scene. Investigators could search for more evidence based on what they found with the remains.


Dr. Michael Baden, a forensics expert, said DNA tests would likely confirm what other evidence at the scene would tell investigators (watch Baden interview). For example, detectives say there was duct tape on the bag and skull that were found. Baden said detectives would be able to match that tape and bag to other tape and bags they had previously gathered from the trunk of Casey Anthony's car.

"They can tell the age and height of the child. They'll have a good sense of if it's Caylee. The DNA will just confirm the evidence," said Baden.

Tim Miller, founder of the Texas-based search group Equusearch, said he had been called by law enforcement officials and told they believed they had found Caylee Anthony (watch Miller interview).

"The words were, 'Tim, it looks like we got her,'" said Miller. "I'm surprised. It was one of them cases I thought would have never been found… I thought the best thing that would ever happen is that one day we could go to a funeral and say good-bye to this little girl… and it looks like that will happen."

"I'm just overcome with emotion and grief right now," said bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who has been a major part of search efforts to find Caylee's body (watch Padilla interview).

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 02:10:49 PM
'Remains appear to be Caylee,'
says searcher

Updated: 14 minutes ago
The EquuSearch leader also said sheriff's office investigator thinks the remains belong to missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony.
MAP: Deputies find remains of small child
EquuSearch's leader said sheriff's office investigator thinks the remains found today belong to missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony.

Tim Miller, the founder and director of EquuSearch, said the remains "appear to be Caylee, but with any case, we have to wait until a positive ID is made."

"It looks like finally it's over with," Miller said.

Orange County deputies said a meter reader found the remains of a young child this morning in the area of S. Chickasaw Trail and Suburban Drive -- less than 1/4 mile from the Anthonys' home on Hopespring Drive. Spokesman Jim Solomons of the Orange County Sheriff's Office said the remains were found in a bag.

Todd Black, the spokesman for Casey Anthony's defense attorney, said the utility worker picked up the bag and a skull rolled out of it. Residents said duct tape was found around the skull, but those reports have not been confirmed by law-enforcement official.

"We certainly hope it isn't [related to the Anthony case]," Black said. "If it is, it is a sad day."

Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary is at the crime scene and said, "we are trying to put it all together." The sheriff also said there are no other cases of missing children in Orange County.

Beary said the FBI was notified and their investigators told him the discovery is a top priority for the agency's lab.

Dr. Lee Jantz, coordinator of the forensic anthropology center at the University of Tennessee, told the Associated Press that it is more difficult to identify a child's body than an adult's.

Jantz said the first thing medical examiners will do is compare photos of the child with the skull, in hopes of making a bone structure comparison. In high-profile cases the DNA of the bones will also be tested.

Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez, walked out of Orange County Jail shortly after 1:33 p.m. and he was surrounded by media cameras and reporters. He would not speak about the remains. He said he would comment later today.

EquuSearch volunteer Deborah Smith said she searched the area three times and had "a bad feeling" because Anthony had mentioned her daughter was nearby.

"It still feels like she's, she's close to home," Anthony told her brother Lee Anthony in a recorded telephone conversation in July. "That's still my best feeling at the moment."

Smith said the area where the remains were found is "really wet and steep and there's lots of snakes back there."

Three-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony was reported missing July 15. Anthony was indicted in October on first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.

Anthony is being held without bail at the Orange County Jail.

Cindy and George Anthony have insisted that their granddaughter is alive.

Captain Angelo Nieves of the sheriff's office said investigators "right now cannot confirm the sex of the child." Nieves said lead investigator John Allen called George and Cindy Anthony about the discovery. The Orange County Jail was also notified.

Nieves said forensic detectives are inspecting the remains. A medical examiner and FBI detectives are also at the scene.

Sheriff's office patrol cars are blocking Suburban Drive at Hopespring Drive. Yellow crime scene tape surrounds a section of woods near the intersection.

EquuSearch spokeswoman Mandy Albritton said their workers did not check that location earlier because it was submerged in water when they had looked in September. When they returned in November, the site had been fenced off.

Check back for updates.,0,6109837.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 02:32:39 PM



Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 02:33:28 PM


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 02:55:15 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 02:55:34 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 03:15:48 PM

By Klaas

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 03:17:53 PM
updated 49 minutes ago
Child's skull found near home of Caylee's grandparents

Story Highlights

Remains found a half-mile from Anthony home at 9:30 a.m.

Utility worker alerted authorities, sheriff's spokesman says

Affiliate reports that child's skull fell from plastic trash bag

Grandparents of Caylee Anthony have been notified, sheriff says

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 03:20:28 PM

When the news broke about a body being found, a reporter was at the Anthony house when Mallory showed up.  She went into the house, was in there for about 10 minutes before the police showed up, banged on the door a couple of times before she came out.   When she came out, they asked her to leave.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 04:33:08 PM
Warrant Sought To Search Anthony Family Home
Child's Remains Sealed In Plastic Bag Found Near Anthony Home
POSTED: 10:47 am EST December 11, 2008
UPDATED: 3:45 pm EST December 11, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A warrant is being sought to search the Anthony family home Thursday after remains of a small child were found nearby, according to a sheriff's spokesman.

Orange County Sheriff's Office spokesman Jim Solomons confirmed the remains were found in a sealed plastic bag along Suburban Drive by a meter reader who called authorities about 9:30 a.m.

A medical examiner took the remains from the scene on Thursday afternoon.

Earlier Thursday, the Orange County Jail was notified and expected to inform Casey Anthony of the situation.

Todd Black, the spokesman for Jose Baez, who is Casey Anthony's attorney, said Anthony's camp is currently taking a wait-and-see attitude regarding the discovery.

Black said they want to find out what exactly the discovery is sooner rather than later.

Baez has gone to the Orange County Jail to be with his client.

Investigators have been at the scene all day, which is one third of a mile away from the Hopespring Drive home where Casey Anthony, 22, was staying with her parents, Cindy and George Anthony, and daughter, Caylee. (View Map)

WESH 2's Michelle Meredith reported that the area has been searched in the past because Casey Anthony spent time in the wooded area with her friends when she was in high school. Meredith said the area is very thick with trees and other vegetation.

According to Equusearch, volunteers tried to search the area, but it was underwater. When they returned, the area was blocked by a chain-link fence.

Tim Miller of Equusearch said he believes the remains are Caylee's and he expects to attend her funeral within a week.

"I feel very optimistic that these are the remains of Caylee. We don't have any other missing children in the Orlando area, especially that close to the Anthony home," Miller said.

Capt. Angelo Nieves said investigators will continue to evaluate and process the scene thoughout the day and likely into the night.

"It is very early. We want to proceed carefully and methodically," Nieves said.

"I am not at liberty to provide any additional information that could compromise this case," Nieves said when prodded by reporters to draw conclusions regarding Caylee's disappearance.

Meredith said the feeling on the scene shortly after the find was much more urgent than when bounty hunter Leonard Padilla found possible bones weeks ago in a retention pond.

"It appears they have something very significant," Meredith said. "It is being taken very, very seriously."

Leonard Padilla said his team did not search the area where the bones were found, but he drove by it several times.

The exact age or the gender of the child is unknown, and investigators are not connecting the remains to the Anthony case, but Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said it is definitely a possibility that the remains are Caylee's.

Beary said it is confirmed that a human skull was found. He also said the area where the discovery was made was flooded during earlier searches.

Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder. Prosecutors said she killed her daughter, Caylee, who was 2 years old when she was reported missing in July.

The Anthony family has been notified. They were still in California after Wednesday night's "Larry King Live" television appearance, but WESH 2's Bob Kealing reported that they are currently headed back to Orlando.

Lead investigator John Allen called grandmother Cindy Anthony after the body was found, WESH 2's Bob Kealing said.

Earlier this week, the state attorney's office decided to not seek the death penalty for mother Casey Anthony, but a source from the state attorney's office said Thursday that if the body does belong to Caylee, the death penalty may be back on the table.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 05:15:59 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 05:59:54 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 06:03:07 PM

Sheriff: Found Remains 'Very Strong Lead In Solving' Caylee Case
Missing Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 9:10 am EST December 11, 2008
UPDATED: 5:19 pm EST December 11, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary on Thursday said human remains discovered in wooded area near the home of George and Cindy Anthony are "a very strong lead in solving the case" involving Caylee Anthony, who was last seen in mid-June.

Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in her daughter's disappearance.

An Orange County water meter reader found the skeletal remains of a child around 9:30 a.m. Thursday in a wooded area while taking a bathroom break near South Chickasaw Trail and Suburban Drive, less than half a mile from the Hopespring Drive home of George and Cindy Anthony, Local 6 News reported.

Beary confirmed that the skull of a child had been recovered. Deputies said it's too early to tell if the remains, which were later taken away in a medical examiner's van, are that of Caylee.

Local 6 News reporter Jessica D'Onofrio confirmed that the remains are likely that of a girl. D'Onofrio said the worker saw the garbage bag, opened it, saw the remains of a child and called 911. The skull was found nearby, and there was duct tape in and around the garbage bag, D'Onofrio reported.

"Deputies did respond to that area, and once we were on the scene, we determined that we do have the remains of a young child. Obviously, our concern is that it's in close proximity to some recent activity in that part of the county, and it's incumbent upon us to determine what we have," said Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons, referring to the Casey Anthony case.

The age and gender of the remains are not known.

The area of the discovery has been blocked off, and FBI agents, along with sheriff's detectives, continue to investigate the wooded area.

Authorities said they are seeking a search warrant for the home belonging to the grandparents of Caylee, who lived at the home with her mother, although the two often stayed elsewhere.

Tim Miller, the leader of EquuSearch, a Texas-based group that has performed numerous searches for Caylee's body, said he talked with FBI agents, who told him that they believe the remains belong to Caylee.

"It would be inappropriate to speculate," Orange County sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said. "Our investigators are on scene, evaluating and processing the situation. It's very early."

Nieves said that George and Cindy Anthony have been notified about the discovery. They returned from California Thursday afternoon after appearing on "Larry King Live" on CNN Wednesday night.

Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, filed an emergency motion on Thursday to participate in forensic testing on the remains, if they are determined to be that of Caylee.

The hearing will be held Friday at 11:30 a.m. at the Orange County courthouse. Casey Anthony will not attend the hearing.

Leonard Padilla, a bounty hunter who initially bailed Casey Anthony out of jail and has searched for Caylee, said, "It's a bittersweet day."

"We drove by (the wooded area where the remains were found) dozens of times. We heard that there were searches going on in that area," Padilla said.

An elementary school is located nearby, forcing officials to devise a plan for getting students home without interfering with the crime scene.

Local 6 News showed buses transporting students from Hidden Oaks Elementary at about 3 p.m. Thursday through the area, which is lined with crime tape.

Cindy Anthony first called authorities in July to say she hadn't seen Caylee for a month and her daughter's car smelled like death.

Police immediately interviewed Casey Anthony and said that everything she told them about her Caylee's whereabouts was false.

Casey Anthony said she left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez at an Orange County apartment complex, and the two were missing when she returned to pick up Caylee. Detectives said the baby sitter was nonexistent and the apartment where Anthony said she had last seen Caylee had been empty for months. Anthony also lied about where she worked, detectives said.

As the case unfolded, troubling details emerged. Photos of Anthony partying after her daughter went missing surfaced. Friends said she was a habitual liar, but they also said that she was a good mother.

Earlier this month, the Orange County state attorney turned over almost 800 pages of documents, which showed someone at the Anthony home had done Internet searches for terms like "neck breaking" and "household weapons."

In mid-March, someone used the Anthonys' home laptop to search Google and Wikipedia for peroxide, shovels, acetone, alcohol and chloroform. Traces of chloroform, which is used to induce unconsciousness and also a component of human decomposition, were found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car during forensic testing, the documents said.

Orange County jail officials also released several hours of videotapes of visits between Casey Anthony and her family from July and August, when she was arrested on neglect and other counts but before she was charged with first-degree murder.

During the taped visits, Anthony's parents tell her they're trying hard to find the little girl. Anthony does not appear to add information to aid that search beyond her account that a baby sitter took the girl.

Last week, prosecutors announced they would not pursue the death penalty for Anthony, although that move could be reversed.

The Orange County State Attorney's Office said in a news release last week that "it is not in the best interest of the people of the state of Florida" to pursue the death penalty against Anthony.   

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 06:39:19 PM

Sheriff: Found Remains 'Very Strong Lead In Solving' Caylee Case
Missing Girl Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 9:10 am EST December 11, 2008
UPDATED: 6:25 pm EST December 11, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary on Thursday said human remains discovered in wooded area near the home of George and Cindy Anthony are "a very strong lead in solving the case" involving Caylee Anthony, who was last seen in mid-June.

Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree 

murder charges in her daughter's disappearance.

An Orange County water meter reader found the skeletal remains of a child around 9:30 a.m. Thursday in a wooded area while taking a bathroom break near South Chickasaw Trail and Suburban Drive, less than half a mile from the Hopespring Drive home of George and Cindy Anthony, Local 6 News reported.

Beary confirmed that the skull of a child had been recovered. Deputies said it's too early to tell if the remains, which were later taken away in a medical examiner's van, are that of Caylee.

"We've got to wait about a week to two weeks before the DNA results come back," Beary said. "We've had thousands of people who've got tremendous hearts who have come out and search for little Caylee, and this is a very tough situation for everybody that's been involved in this case, but this is probably a lead toward that closure."

Local 6 News reporter Jessica D'Onofrio confirmed that the remains are likely that of a girl. D'Onofrio said the worker saw the garbage bag, opened it, saw the remains of a child and called 911. The skull was found nearby, and there was duct tape in and around the garbage bag, D'Onofrio reported.

"Deputies did respond to that area, and once we were on the scene, we determined that we do have the remains of a young child. Obviously, our concern is that it's in close proximity to some recent activity in that part of the county, and it's incumbent upon us to determine what we have," said Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons, referring to the Casey Anthony case.

The age and gender of the remains are not known.

The area of the discovery has been blocked off, and FBI agents, along with sheriff's detectives, continue to investigate the wooded area.

"We're going to cross out t's and dot our i's," Beary said.

Authorities said they are seeking a search warrant for the home belonging to the grandparents of Caylee, who lived at the home with her mother, although the two often stayed elsewhere. The Anthonys will not be allowed in their home until investigators have searched the house, Local 6 News reported.

Tim Miller, the leader of EquuSearch, a Texas-based group that has performed numerous searches for Caylee's body, said he talked with FBI agents, who told him that they believe the remains belong to Caylee.

"It would be inappropriate to speculate," Orange County sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said. "Our investigators are on scene, evaluating and processing the situation. It's very early."

Nieves said that George and Cindy Anthony have been notified about the discovery. They returned from California Thursday afternoon after appearing on "Larry King Live" on CNN Wednesday night.

Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, filed an emergency motion on Thursday to participate in forensic testing on the remains, if they are determined to be that of Caylee.

The hearing will be held Friday at 11:30 a.m. at the Orange County courthouse. Casey Anthony will not attend the hearing.

Leonard Padilla, a bounty hunter who initially bailed Casey Anthony out of jail and has searched for Caylee, said, "It's a bittersweet day."

"We drove by (the wooded area where the remains were found) dozens of times. We heard that there were searches going on in that area," Padilla said.

An elementary school is located nearby, forcing officials to devise a plan for getting students home without interfering with the crime scene.

Local 6 News showed buses transporting students from Hidden Oaks Elementary at about 3 p.m. Thursday through the area, which is lined with crime tape.

Cindy Anthony first called authorities in July to say she hadn't seen Caylee for a month and her daughter's car smelled like death.

Police immediately interviewed Casey Anthony and said that everything she told them about her Caylee's whereabouts was false.

Casey Anthony said she left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez at an Orange County apartment complex, and the two were missing when she returned to pick up Caylee. Detectives said the baby sitter was nonexistent and the apartment where Anthony said she had last seen Caylee had been empty for months. Anthony also lied about where she worked, detectives said.

As the case unfolded, troubling details emerged. Photos of Anthony partying after her daughter went missing surfaced. Friends said she was a habitual liar, but they also said that she was a good mother.

Earlier this month, the Orange County state attorney turned over almost 800 pages of documents, which showed someone at the Anthony home had done Internet searches for terms like "neck breaking" and "household weapons."

In mid-March, someone used the Anthonys' home laptop to search Google and Wikipedia for peroxide, shovels, acetone, alcohol and chloroform. Traces of chloroform, which is used to induce unconsciousness and also a component of human decomposition, were found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car during forensic testing, the documents said.

Orange County jail officials also released several hours of videotapes of visits between Casey Anthony and her family from July and August, when she was arrested on neglect and other counts but before she was charged with first-degree murder.

During the taped visits, Anthony's parents tell her they're trying hard to find the little girl. Anthony does not appear to add information to aid that search beyond her account that a baby sitter took the girl.

Last week, prosecutors announced they would not pursue the death penalty for Anthony, although that move could be reversed.

The Orange County State Attorney's Office said in a news release last week that "it is not in the best interest of the people of the state of Florida" to pursue the death penalty against Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 11, 2008, 06:45:36 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 12, 2008, 08:31:37 AM

CSI Removes Bags, Boxes, Vacuum Cleaners From Anthony Home
Missing Caylee Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: 6:36 am EST December 12, 2008
UPDATED: 8:21 am EST December 12, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Crime scene detectives late Thursday night removed bags and boxes of evidence from the home of Caylee Anthony's grandparents, hours after the remains of a child were discovered in a wooded area less than half a mile from the house.

Caylee was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until a month later by her grandmother, Cindy Anthony. Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder 

charges in Caylee's disappearance.

Authorities obtained a search warrant for George and Cindy Anthony's Hopespring Drive home in east Orange County, and investigators were seen removing seven large paper bags and four boxes of evidence. They also seized four vacuum cleaners and two pesticide tanks.

The search occurred after an Orange County utility worker who reads water meters found the remains in a plastic bag while relieving himself in a wooded area about 12 feet off Suburban Drive near South Chickasaw Trail. A skull that had duct tape on it and clothing were found nearby, Local 6 News reported.

Detectives said they will continue to comb the area, which has been surrounded by crime tape.

"We'll be back out bright and early," Orange County sheriff's Sgt. John Allen said.

Earlier on Thursday, the girlfriend of Casey Anthony's brother, Lee Anthony, showed up at his parents' house but was escorted out. It is not known why she went into the home.

A Texas-based search team looking for Caylee had searched the area where the remains were found, but the wooded area was flooded at the time.

"I know it's going to take a few days to get a positive ID, but there's no other missing children in this area, let alone three-tenths of a mile from the home, so I have no doubts," EqquSearch leader Tim Miller said.

Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, filed an emergency motion on Thursday to participate in forensic testing on the remains, if they are determined to be that of Caylee.

The hearing will be held Friday at 11:30 a.m. at the Orange County courthouse and will be streamed live on Casey Anthony will not attend the hearing.

'Very Strong Lead'

Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary on Thursday said the remains are "a very strong lead in solving the case" involving Caylee Anthony, who was last seen in mid-June.

Beary confirmed that the skull of a child had been recovered. Deputies said it's too early to tell if the remains, which were later taken away in a medical examiner's van, are that of Caylee.

"We've got to wait about a week to two weeks before the DNA results come back," Beary said. "We've had thousands of people who've got tremendous hearts who have come out and search for little Caylee, and this is a very tough situation for everybody that's been involved in this case, but this is probably a lead toward that closure."

Local 6 News reporter Jessica D'Onofrio confirmed that the remains are likely that of a girl. D'Onofrio said the worker saw the garbage bag, opened it, saw the remains of a child and called 911.

"Deputies did respond to that area, and once we were on the scene, we determined that we do have the remains of a young child. Obviously, our concern is that it's in close proximity to some recent activity in that part of the county, and it's incumbent upon us to determine what we have," said Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons, referring to the Casey Anthony case.

The age and gender of the remains are not known.

"It would be inappropriate to speculate," Orange County sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said. "Our investigators are on scene, evaluating and processing the situation. It's very early."

Leonard Padilla, a bounty hunter who initially bailed Casey Anthony out of jail and has searched for Caylee, said, "It's a bittersweet day."

"We drove by (the wooded area where the remains were found) dozens of times. We heard that there were searches going on in that area," Padilla said.

Cindy Anthony first called authorities in July to say she hadn't seen Caylee for a month and her daughter's car smelled like death.

Police immediately interviewed Casey Anthony and said that everything she told them about her Caylee's whereabouts was false.

Casey Anthony said she left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez at an Orange County apartment complex, and the two were missing when she returned to pick up Caylee. Detectives said the baby sitter was nonexistent and the apartment where Anthony said she had last seen Caylee had been empty for months. Anthony also lied about where she worked, detectives said.

As the case unfolded, troubling details emerged. Photos of Anthony partying after her daughter went missing surfaced. Friends said she was a habitual liar, but they also said that she was a good mother.

Earlier this month, the Orange County state attorney turned over almost 800 pages of documents, which showed someone at the Anthony home had done Internet searches for terms like "neck breaking" and "household weapons."

In mid-March, someone used the Anthonys' home laptop to search Google and Wikipedia for peroxide, shovels, acetone, alcohol and chloroform. Traces of chloroform, which is used to induce unconsciousness and also a component of human decomposition, were found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car during forensic testing, the documents said.

Orange County jail officials also released several hours of videotapes of visits between Casey Anthony and her family from July and August, when she was arrested on neglect and other counts but before she was charged with first-degree murder.

During the taped visits, Anthony's parents tell her they're trying hard to find the little girl. Anthony does not appear to add information to aid that search beyond her account that a baby sitter took the girl.

Last week, prosecutors announced they would not pursue the death penalty for Anthony, although that move could be reversed.

The Orange County State Attorney's Office said in a news release last week that "it is not in the best interest of the people of the state of Florida" to pursue the death penalty against Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 12, 2008, 08:34:16 AM
Bags Of Evidence Removed From Anthony Home

Friday, December 12, 2008 – updated: 8:30 am EST December 12, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Investigators obtained a warrant to search through the home of George and Cindy Anthony after a child's remains were found near their house Thursday morning. They pulled several boxes and bags of evidence from the Anthony family home late Thursday night.

Friday morning, Sheriff Kevin Beary appeared on Good morning America to discuss Thursday's findings.

"I know you can't go into detail, but there was something that was found that made you want to search the grandparents' home?" GMA's Robin Roberts asked Beary.

"Oh, absolutely," Beary said.

Eyewitness News was at the home in Orange County as deputies spent hours inside processing the scene. Investigators removed three vacuum cleaners, notebooks and papers from the house on Hopespring Drive.

Orange County sheriff's deputies told Eyewitness News that they'd be back Friday morning to continue their search of the Anthonys' home.

Neighbors said that after Thursday's gruesome discovery of a child's remains nearby they expected the crowds, but they don't believe there will be any protesting.

"I think it's going to be different, like showing their support for the family and everything," said neighbor Joyce Dickens.

The Anthonys will not return to their home until deputies have finished their search.

Friday morning, deputies returned to the scene of the remains discovery along with Tim Miller of EquuSearch, who had looked for Caylee Anthony previously. Investigators were expected to arrive, as well, to continue combing through the wooded area in search of more evidence.

Meanwhile, Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, filed an emergency motion (read motion) Thursday, because he wants to be present for any forensic testing on the remains. The court hearing to discuss the motion will be held at 11:30am Friday (Hearing will be shown live on


The continued search of the area the remains were found is impacting a nearby elementary school. Hidden Oaks Elementary students usually enter and exit the school campus by passing by the search area, but that area has been close off.

As a result, Orange County Public Schools has instructions for parents and guardians of walkers, biker riders and car riders arriving at and departing the school Friday.

For arrival Friday: "Students will enter campus through the back gate which exits into the Chickasaw Oaks neighborhood. School personnel will assist students and families at the gate area. Enter the neighborhood from Chickasaw to Flatwood Drive, then turn right onto Brackenwood following Brackenwood to Tomlinson Circle," the school wrote in a statement.

For dismissal Friday: "All bus riders will be dismissed as normal. Car riders, walkers and bike riders will be dismissed through the back gate that exits into the Chickasaw Oaks neighborhood. Parents should enter the neighborhood from Chickasaw to Flatwood Drive, then turn tight onto Brackenwood following Brackenwood to Tomlinson Circle. Car riders will be dismissed from the cul de sac at Brackenwood. Deputies will be assisting with traffic flow through the neighborhood," the school stated.

The school also cancelled its holiday program scheduled for Friday night.


Investigators removed the remains of a young child from a site less than half a mile from the home of Casey Anthony's parents' east Orange County home. Casey's attorney spoke to the media Wednesday night but didn't offer a lot of insight into the case (watch Baez speak

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 12, 2008, 08:36:23 AM

Investigators take evidence from Anthonys' home
Walter Pacheco | Sentinel Staff Writer
8:24 AM EST, December 12, 2008

Investigators obtained a search warrant overnight to remove evidence from George and Cindy Anthony's home after an Orange County utility worker discovered the remains of a young child near the residence Thursday.

Officials were seen taking items out of the house on Hopespring Drive, where Caylee Marie lived with her mother Casey Anthony and grandparents. The investigators walked out of the house with several large brown evidence paper bags and boxes.

Detectives also seized several vacuum cleaners and tanks.

Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary, who appeared on ABC's Good Morning America this morning, did not offer many details about the discovery, but said there was reason to return to the Anthonys' house and collect evidence.,0,1812243.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 12, 2008, 08:41:03 AM
Have Little Caylee’s Remains Been Found?
by Greta Van Susteren

The story of missing Caylee Anthony is a tragic one, and as I said on last night’s ON THE RECORD, my heart does go out to Caylee’s grandparents. Now we have to wait for the remains found yesterday to be officially IDed … last night, famed forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden gave us an idea of what investigators could learn and how and we also explored the potential legal impact of these findings (if the remains are Caylee’s) . NOTE: There is one more video to see after the second one:

Two Video's at link

Dr. Baden said if chloroform  was used on Caylee it would  still be found in her hair.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 12, 2008, 08:50:48 AM
Dec 12, 8:08 AM EST

Remains could bolster case against Casey Anthony

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- Prosecutors looking to convict a central Florida mother in the death of her missing daughter are waiting to find out if they have the crucial evidence they need: a body.

A utility worker discovered a child's skull Thursday less than a half-mile from 3-year-old Caylee Anthony's home in some woods that, until recently, had been flooded. The remains could solve a six-month-old mystery of where the girl went, legal experts said.

Caylee's mother, 22-year-old Casey Anthony, was indicted in October on first-degree murder and other charges, even though the toddler's body hadn't been found. She has insisted that she left the girl with a baby sitter in June, but she didn't report Caylee missing until July.

"If the defense had been able to go to trial without a body being discovered, hopes for reasonable doubt might have been compelling. If the body proves to be Caylee, then it immediately becomes an uphill case for the defense," former U.S. Attorney Kendall Coffey said.

There was nothing that immediately indicated the skull found Thursday was Caylee's. But Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said his investigators and the FBI would work around the clock and through the weekend to identify the child.

Asked if he believed the remains were Caylee's, Beary told NBC's "Today" show: "My gut says yes, but I have to wait seven to 14 days for the DNA analysis to absolutely make sure."
Another search warrant for the home where Caylee and her mother lived with Casey's parents was executed early Friday morning after the medical examiner found "some clues that came out of the remains" that "linked it to the house," Beary told the program.

There are also no other similar missing-child cases in the area.

"Now the investigation continues," Beary said earlier. "There is a lot of lab work to do. There is a lot of DNA work to do. There is a lot of crime scene work to do."

Prosecutors announced last week that they would not seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony. Even if the remains are Caylee's, law experts said it was unlikely the state would reverse its decision because prosecutors still have not determined a motive.

And depending on what the evidence yields, the discovery could also help defense attorneys.

"If the body was tampered with, if wild animals got to it, if the evidence they get with it is contradictory in some way, then the job (for prosecutors) just got tougher," said Jim Cohen, a law professor at Fordham University in New York.

"This can verify or help to verify their theory: that the child was killed when the prosecution thinks she was killed," said Richard G. Lubin, a criminal defense lawyer based in West Palm Beach. "But until you do some of this scientific work, we don't know what it's going to show."

A spokeswoman with the state attorney's office said Thursday that officials wouldn't comment until the investigation was complete.

For the past several months, Anthony's family, police and volunteers from around the country have searched for the little girl.

Casey Anthony has insisted that she left the girl with a baby sitter in June, but she didn't report her missing until July. She was told about the discovery in jail on Thursday, and was placed under psychological observation - not suicide watch. Her attorney, Jose Baez, visited her and did not return calls seeking comment.

The child's grandmother first called authorities in July to say that she hadn't seen Caylee for a month, and that her daughter's car smelled like death.

Police immediately interviewed Anthony and said that everything she told them about her daughter's whereabouts was false. The baby sitter was nonexistent, and the apartment where Anthony said she had last seen Caylee had been empty for months. Anthony also lied about where she worked.

As the case unfolded, troubling details emerged: Photos surfaced of Anthony partying after her daughter went missing. Friends said she was a habitual liar, but also a good mother.

Last month, the Orange County State Attorney turned over almost 800 pages of documents, which showed someone at the Anthony home had done Internet searches for terms like "neck breaking" and "household weapons."

In mid-March, someone used the Anthonys' home laptop to search Google and Wikipedia for peroxide, shovels, acetone, alcohol and chloroform. Traces of chloroform, which is used to induce unconsciousness and is a component of human decomposition, were found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car during forensic testing, the documents said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 12, 2008, 03:56:49 PM
Remains Tentatively ID'd as Missing Girl
posted: 10 MINUTES AGO

filed under: Crime News, National News

ORLANDO, Fla. (Dec. 12) -- A corpse has been tentatively identified as missing toddler Caylee Anthony's, attorneys for her mother told a Florida judge on Friday.
Lawyer Linda Kenney Baden said in court that investigators said they "were proceeding as if this were little Caylee Anthony."

Investigators have tentatively identified remains found in central Florida as those of missing Florida girl Caylee Anthony, lawyers for the girl's mother told a judge on Friday. One of the attorneys said that strands of hair found with the remains matched the toddler's, adding that investigators said they "were proceeding as if this were little Caylee Anthony," CNN reports.

Strands of hair found with the remains, found Thursday a half mile from the home of Caylee's grandparents, are the same color as the 3-year-old's, the lawyer said. The age and measurements also were a match for Caylee, Baden added.
Attorneys were in court seeking access to the remains and other forensic evidence.
Casey Anthony, 22, is charged with killing her daughter, but her lawyers insist she is innocent.
Prosecutors said the request was premature, given that the remains have not been positively identified. The defense countered that a tentative identification had been made.
Overnight, investigators searched the home of Caylee's grandparents and took several bags of potential evidence, Orange County, Florida, Sheriff Kevin Beary said Friday morning.
Caylee often lived in the house with her grandparents and her mother, who was arrested in October and charged with murder.
Investigators "concluded there were certain things they wanted to be looking for" and searched the home, Beary said in an interview broadcast on ABC News.
Are Remains Caylee Anthony's?
A bag of human remains found in Florida may be a grisly clue in the case of Caylee Anthony, the missing 3-year-old whose mother is accused of killing her. Mark Strassmann reports.
A utility worker discovered the remains in a plastic bag around 9:30 a.m. Thursday and alerted authorities, sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said.
Caylee has been missing since June in a case that has received national attention.
The remains were taken to the county medical examiner's office and will be sent to the FBI lab in Quantico, Virginia, Beary said Thursday.
Meanwhile, investigators Friday continued searching the area where the remains were found. Video Watch how a home became a crime scene »
Casey Anthony's lawyers filed an emergency motion asking that their experts be present for any forensic testing done on the remains.
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CNN affiliate WFTV-TV reported that the utility worker, a meter reader, picked up a bag at the site Thursday morning and a skull fell out.
The region had previously been searched as part of the investigation into Caylee's disappearance, he said, but the spot where the remains were found -- some "45, 50, 60 feet back" -- was flooded and underwater at the time. No clothes were found with the remains, he said.
Casey Anthony remains in protective custody and has no contact with other inmates, corrections officials said.
"She has been seen by a Corrections Health Services psychologist and her status was reviewed," officials said in a statement, adding she was on psychological observation -- which is not the same as suicide watch.
Casey Anthony's trial, originally set for early January, has been postponed until at least March. Prosecutors said earlier this month they would not seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony. She could face a sentence of life in prison if convicted.
Authorities have said Casey Anthony waited about a month before telling her family that Caylee was gone. Cindy Anthony -- Caylee's grandmother and Casey Anthony's mother -- called the Orange County sheriff's office on July 15, saying her daughter would not tell her where Caylee was.
When questioned by police, Casey Anthony gave conflicting statements, including some that were later disproved, according to hundreds of documents and investigative reports released in the case.
She claimed she dropped Caylee off with a babysitter, but when police checked out her story, they learned that the address Casey Anthony supplied belonged to an apartment that had been vacant for weeks. The woman Casey Anthony named as her babysitter told police she did not know her.
Investigators previously have said that cadaver dogs picked up the scent of death in Anthony's car, as well as in her parents' back yard. They also said air quality tests conducted by the FBI found evidence consistent with human decomposition and chloroform in the car's trunk. A neighbor told police Anthony had asked to borrow a shovel. advertisement
Analysis of Anthony's computer found she had visited Web sites discussing chloroform and had done Internet searches of missing children, according to information released in the case.
Cindy and George Anthony, the child's grandparents, and Casey's parents. have said they believe the girl is still alive and that someone has her.
CNN's John Couwels and "Nancy Grace" Producer Natisha Lance contributed to this report.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 12, 2008, 07:39:59 PM
Sheriff: Clues link body to Anthony
Last Edited: Friday, 12 Dec 2008, 10:03 AM EST
Created: Friday, 12 Dec 2008, 9:11 AM EST

ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) -- A medical examiner found evidence among a child's remains that link them to the home of a missing toddler,
Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said Friday, offering the strongest indication yet that the remains may be those of Caylee Marie Anthony.

Sheriff Beary told NBC's "Today" show that investigators searched the home early Friday after the medical examiner found "some clues that came out of the remains" that "linked it to the house." He did not elaborate on what those were.

The remains were found Thursday by a utility worker on a wooded lot less than a half-mile from the house where 3-year-old Caylee lived with her grandparents and her mother, 22-year-old Casey Anthony.

Defense team grows

If Linda Kenney-Baden's name sounds familiar, you may recognize her as an author,  trial attorney and legal commentator who has been involved in other high-profile criminal cases.

She recently represented music producer Phil Spector in a murder trial and offered analysis during the controversy surrounding the death of super model Anna Nicole Smith.   Her husband is forensic expert Dr. Michael Baden of the HBO series Autopsy. 

Kenney-Baden will be joining Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, in court at 11:30 a.m. Friday morning for an emergency hearing to preserve evidence gathered on Thursday.  The motion was filed by Baez on Thursday afternoon.  We will be streaming the hearing live on

"I'm concerned about my client, period.  We are requesting to have access to this information," said Baez. "As it [evidence] is being tested, we would like our people present, especially if it's destructive in nature by the testing."

VIDEO: FOX 35 team coverage from Anthony home and search site
VIDEO: Attorney Richard Hornsby on reconsideration of death penalty
VIDEO: FOX 35 Sr. Legal Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano

RELATED:  Teens said they found spot months ago
RELATED:  People have been wrong before, says Jose Baez

"There are basically two kinds of test that government and medical investigators will conduct," said FOX 35 Senior Legal Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.  "One is a visual observation of the scene.  The other type of test is on tissue and materials from the contents of the bag." 

Judge Napolitano said those tests can frequently destroy the tissue on which the tests were taken, which gives cause for Baez to file the motion.

"The defense wants to be there to be sure they physically observe the tests, so if the government says, 'we physically tested this bone and here's what it showed us,' then the defense investigators will know, in fact, that it was this bone.  As well, if there is only a small amount of physical evidence that they want to test, they may both need to run their own tests at the same time, because this small amount of whatever it may be -- let's say skin or tissue -- may be gone forever," Napolitano added.

Remains could bolster case against Casey Anthony

Prosecutors looking to convict a central Florida mother in the death of her missing daughter are waiting to find out if they have the crucial evidence they need: a body.   The remains could solve a six-month-old mystery of where the girl went, legal experts said.

Caylee's mother, 22-year-old Casey Anthony, was indicted in October on first-degree murder and other charges, even though the toddler's body hadn't been found. She has insisted that she left the girl with a baby sitter in June, but she didn't report Caylee missing until July.

"If the defense had been able to go to trial without a body being discovered, hopes for reasonable doubt might have been compelling. If the body proves to be Caylee, then it immediately becomes an uphill case for the defense," former U.S. Attorney Kendall Coffey said.

There was nothing that immediately indicated the skull found Thursday was Caylee's. But Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said his investigators and the FBI would work around the clock and through the weekend to identify the child.

Depending on what the evidence yields, the discovery could also help defense attorneys.

"If the body was tampered with, if wild animals got to it, if the evidence they get with it is contradictory in some way, then the job [for prosecutors] just got tougher," said Jim Cohen, a law professor at Fordham University in New York.

A spokeswoman with the state attorney's office said Thursday that officials wouldn't comment until the investigation was complete.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 12, 2008, 07:42:26 PM
Defense: OCSO Says Bones, Hair Color Match Caylee
FBI Continues To Work At Crime Scene

POSTED: 6:07 am EST December 12, 2008
UPDATED: 6:15 pm EST December 12, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The remains found near the Anthony home are similar in size and hair color to Caylee Anthony, a defense team attorney said Friday.

Linda Kenney Baden said Casey Anthony’s lead attorney, Jose Baez, got that information from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office after the remains were discovered on Thursday less than a half-mile from the Anthony home.

that the hair color was correct, and they were proceeding as if this were little Caylee,” Baden said during a hearing on Friday over access to evidence from the remains.

Prosecutors, however, said they have not made a tentative identification of the remains, which were discovered by a utility worker about 9:30 a.m. on Thursday. In his 911 call, the worker mentions finding a skull, which WESH 2 and NBC sources said showed evidence of duct tape on the mouth. (Audio: Listen to 911 Call)

Investigators said Friday it could take up to two weeks to positively identify the remains.

Baden’s announcement in court was one of the latest twists in the case against Casey Anthony, who is charged with killing her daughter, Caylee, sometime before she reported the 2-year-old child missing in July.

Also Friday:

- Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said something at the crime scene where the remains could be linked to the Anthony house. Investigators removed bags of evidence from the home overnight, including three vacuum cleaners and a small pillow.

- The FBI was sifting through buckets of dirt on Friday from the scene where the remains were found.

- Cindy and George Anthony returned to their east Orange County home Friday afternoon, but made no comment to the media. They left about 5:30 p.m., again without talking to reporters.

- Judge Stan Strickland denied a defense motion for access to the autopsy of the remains.

The remains were found about one third of a mile from the Anthony's home on Hopespring drive. Casey Anthony stayed at the home with Caylee before Caylee went missing. (View Map)

Beary, who appeared on "The Today Show" Friday morning to discuss the discovery, said Casey Anthony is on a psychological watch at the Orange County Jail and that he thinks the remains are Caylee's. (Watch Video)

"My gut says yes, but I have to wait seven to 14 days for the DNA analysis to absolutely make sure. Just like we always have to, we are going to be waiting for facts," Beary said when Matt Lauer asked him if he believes the remains are Caylee’s.

During a news conference Thursday evening, Baez confirmed that Casey Anthony was upset when she found out about the remains and requested a sedative at the jail. Sources described Casey Anthony's reaction as an anxiety attack.

After a hearing Thursday morning, Casey Anthony's trial was pushed back until March.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 12, 2008, 07:48:38 PM
Plastic Bag, Duct Tape Could Yield Vital Clues in Caylee Anthony Case
Thursday, December 11, 2008

The plastic bag and duct tape reportedly found with the remains of a child's body in Orlando, Fla., could help tie the unidentified skeleton to missing toddler Caylee Anthony, a forensic pathologist tells

The remains, found Thursday by a utility worker less than half a mile from Caylee's home, have yet to be identified, but investigators will be searching the scene for "a treasure trove of forensic evidence," FOX News contributor Michael Baden said.

Click here for photos.

Pathologists should be able to identify the body quickly from dental records, Baden said, and the plastic and duct tape could provide additional vital clues, including fingerprints. They could also provide clues to how the child died, and to who dumped the body.

"The beauty of duct tape — no matter rain, snow, sleet — that fingerprint will stay there," Baden said, adding that if someone used their teeth to rip it, it could yield DNA evidence too.

"Right now, they would be looking at all the contents of the plastic bag and they would be looking at the plastic bag itself," Baden said. "The fingerprints on the outside often get dissolved away by weather, but the inside of the plastic bag, the fingerprints would be there."

Two-year-old Caylee Anthony has been missing since June 16. Her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, has been charged with first-degree murder of her daughter, child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators about her disappearance.

Evidence found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire showed a decomposing body had been kept there. Strands of Caylee's hair were found, as were traces of chloroform.

"One important thing that I’ve hoped they’ve done already is take an air sample from the bag because they found chloroform in the vehicle and the cause of death still has to be determined," Baden said.

Finding chloroform could poke holes in the prosecution's first-degree murder case, if this is Caylee's body, he said.

"If it is chloroform as the cause of death, then it could be an accidental overdose and would not be capital, first-degree murder, because sometimes chloroform is used as a babysitter, to put a baby to sleep while mom goes out partying," Baden said.

If dental records cannot be used to identify the body, DNA evidence will be used to identify the skeletal remains. The remains will also be examined for signs of trauma.

"If there are fractures to the skeleton, then that goes again to first degree -- intentional suffering on the part of the baby," Baden said. "They can tell the baby suffered.",2933,465647,00.html

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 13, 2008, 07:51:25 AM
Larger FBI Team To Help At Anthony Search Scene

Friday, December 12, 2008 – updated: 7:38 am EST December 13, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A larger FBI team is expected to return Saturday to the scene where the remains of small child were found near Caylee Marie Anthony's home. The team will help the Orange County Sheriff's Office process the crime scene and the area around it.

All evidence is starting to show the remains found in east Orange County were likely Caylee Anthony.

George and Cindy Anthony spent Friday night away from their home for the second night in row.

"They want to be left alone," said their attorney, Brad Conway. "They want to grieve and go through the process without the publicity that's been focused on them so long."

There was no indication where the Anthonys stayed Friday night. Thursday, they had checked into the Ritz-Carlton for the night. They had not been allowed in their home because investigators were searching for more clues into the disappearance of their granddaughter, Caylee. Caylee's mother, Casey, is in the Orange County jail on charges she killed the 2-year-old child.

Detectives have told Casey's attorney that the body size and hair color of the remains recovered are similar to Caylee's and the discovery of the child's skull with duct tape on the mouth is telling a much more gruesome story.

The residence on Hopespring Drive was cleared Friday morning as a crime scene and George and Cindy Anthony returned there in the afternoon for a short time(watch video | see images) after spending Thursday night at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel (see map).


Friday afternoon, the Orange County Sheriff's Office released the 911 call made from the Orange County Utilities Emergency Dispatch to the Orange County 911 call center reporting the discovery of a human skull. The skull discovery was made around 9:30am Thursday by a meter reader relieving himself in the woods. He immediately called his boss, who called 911.

911 CALL: Discovery Of Human Skull

"This is Orange County Emergency Dispatch, we found a human skull," the 911 caller said.

"Oh, my gosh," the dispatcher responded.

The call lasted approximately two minutes.

"A skull we believe is human," the caller said.

"What's the location?" the dispatcher asked.

"It's right off of Suburban and Chickasaw in the Caylee Anthony area," the caller said.

"Ohhh," the dispatcher said. "Okay, if you can please try to stress to him to not draw attention to the area."

"Okay," the caller said.

"And that would be great just in case it is something. It may be nothing but just in case," the dispatcher said.

Eyewitness News has learned that man who found the skull, an Orange County water meter reader, may be eligible for the reward.


Investigators collected evidence at the Anthony home well into the early morning hours of Friday. They pulled out bags of evidence (watch raw video).

EVIDENCE REMOVED: Watch Raw Video | See Images

Investigative teams at the discovery site Friday were taking buckets of dirt from the area where the trash bag and remains were found and were sifting through by hand looking for any other evidence. Investigators were cutting through brush and tree limbs near the scene of the remains discovery looking for fibers and hair. Blue tents were erected and a white sheet was laid out near the search area.

Apparently, the bag the remains were found in was open and in water for some time, so other evidence might have floated out. Eyewitness News also learned that the child found could have suffered terrifying last moments. Investigative sources told Eyewitness News duct tape was found still stuck to the child's mouth.

Internationally-respected forensics pathologist Michael Baden told Eyewitness News on Friday that duct tape could have been used to suffocate or silence someone and prevent them from screaming, which means the child could have suffered traumatic injury.

The remains that were found were not just bones. There was tissue left, which apparently is what the duct tape was stuck to, and hair. The hair is said to be consistent in color to Caylee's hair and the body size consistent with the size of Caylee's body, according to information the sheriff's office provided Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, on Thursday.

Dr. Michael Baden told Eyewitness News the duct tape could not only have preserved some of the evidence because it's waterproof, but also could contain evidence such as fingerprints on the sticky side of the tape. He said he would expect there to be some hair as well and said the hair, tissue and bone marrow can be tested for chemicals and could hold the answer to whether chloroform or any other chemical was used to kill the child.

Eyewitness News has learned a vacuum cleaner and a pillow were among the items removed from the house. The pillow and vacuum could contain Caylee's hair and the vacuum could contain Caylee's hair and fibers and also any residue from any chemicals that might have been used. Investigators also removed pesticides and pool chemicals from the Anthonys' house, which is less than a half-mile from the discovery scene.


Sources close to the case told Eyewitness News that Casey's parents, George and Cindy, may someday face criminal charges. Those sources said the sheriff's office is looking into charging the Anthonys with obstruction of justice.

The Anthonys have spent months insisting Caylee is alive, but with the news of the remains, their attorney, Brad Conway, said they are prepared to accept Caylee may be dead.

"They are realistic about the possibilities and about the fact that this is likely Caylee, but continue to pray that likely it's not," Conway said.

In the meantime, sources told Eyewitness News investigators are building a case against the Anthonys. They may face obstructions of justice charges.

Conway said he's talked to the State Attorney's Office and is not aware of any pending charges and maintains the Anthonys have done nothing wrong.

"Anytime the sheriff's office cordons your house and serves a search warrant, there are a potential for charges. I don't know what the sheriff's office has in mind, but the Anthonys have cooperated fully and will continue to cooperate," Conway said.


Casey Anthony's attorney tried and failed Friday to get access to the remains. He asked for an emergency hearing (read motion) right after Eyewitness News broke the news of the discovery Thursday.

COURT HEARING: Raw Video | Defense Team Speaks

"We believe there is certainly enough of an indication right now [that the remains could be Caylee's] for us to come here with a motion for an inspection of preservation," said attorney Linda Kenney-Baden, part of Jose Baez's team, after their motion to observe the autopsy was denied early Friday afternoon (watch attorneys speak). Kenney-Baden is the wife of forensics pathologist Michael Baden.

The new attorney was introduced Friday, arguing an accused killer's legal team should witness the autopsy.

"This is all an attempt to make sure that our client's due process rights are protected, that we get the information sooner, not later," Kenney-Baden said in court.

The Medical Examiner's Office considered Jose Baez's attempt to interfere in the autopsy ill-advised, saying Florida's public policies don't allow it; an autopsy is a private, dignified right of the deceased not to be hawked over by lawyers.

"I would suggest the court not allow something as egregious as allowing strangers to be present for the autopsy of a young child," the prosecution argued in court.

Casey's defense team also asked that evidence be preserved, suggesting the medical examiner, Dr. Jan Garavalia, won't bother.

"Because the remains are in the hands of the medical examiner, they are in a position to be better preserved than ever before, prior to being discovered yesterday," an attorney for the sheriff's office and medical examiner argued.

Prosecutors also cited a defense expert who talked on national TV about the Anthony car after an inspection earlier in the case.

"What I don't want to see, bluntly, is 24 hours after viewing an autopsy a defense expert on a national news show describing this child's remains," the prosecution said in court.

Investigators did grant one request Friday to Jose Baez, working out a deal that would allow his experts access to the crime scene immediately after detectives are through with it.


Casey Anthony remains in a jail cell with no contact with other inmates. After Thursday's discovery, jail officials said they did alter her treatment.

"In fact, there has been a change. She met with a correction officer psychologist and was reviewed and placed on psychological observation. However, that is not a suicide watch," said Allen Moore, of the Orange County Corrections Department.

Although it was possible she watched news reports on television Thursday, jail officials said it was not likely.

Eyewitness News has learned Casey's made no phone calls since the discovery was made and nobody's asked to visit her.


Friday morning, Sheriff Kevin Beary appeared on Good Morning America to discuss Thursday's findings (watch Beary on GMA).

SHERIFF ON GMA: "Absolutely" Reason To Search

"I know you can't go into detail, but there was something that was found that made you want to search the grandparents' home?" GMA's Robin Roberts asked Beary.

"Absolutely," Beary said.

Beary said investigators searched the home early Friday after the medical examiner found "some clues that came out of the remains" that "linked it to the house." He would not say what clues were found.

"We took some things out of the house that the forensic people are very interested in," he said.

Beary said his investigators and the FBI would work around the clock and through the weekend to identify the child.

Asked if he believed if the remains are Caylee, Beary said: "I think it's a good possibility, but I have to wait seven to 14 days for the DNA analysis."

There are no other similar missing-child cases in the area.

"I say my prayers every day and one of them is to solve this case," said Beary, who is retiring in January. "I just hope that we solve the case on my watch."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 13, 2008, 12:21:59 PM
Authorities still searching Orlando crime scene   
Last Edited: Saturday, 13 Dec 2008, 11:13 AM EST 
Created: Friday, 12 Dec 2008, 2:00 PM EST   
A child's body has been discovered near the Anthony home. PHOTO COURTESY: SkyFOX

ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) -- For a third day, authorities are searching the wooded area in Orlando where a child's skull was found in hopes of discovering more clues to solve the case of a missing girl.

Orange County Sheriff's officials say evidence is mounting that the skull belongs to toddler Caylee Anthony. Caylee's mother,
22-year-old Casey Anthony, reported the girl missing in July and was charged with first-degree murder before the remains were found.

A utility worker found the remains Thursday, about a half-mile from Anthony's home.

One of Anthony's attorneys said Friday that "anthropological measurements and hair color" of the remains matched Caylee.

The Orange County Medical Examiner's office and FBI forensics experts say it could be a week before conclusive DNA results are released.

An Orange County judge denied a motion to preserve and protect the body of a small child found in a wooded area of East Orange County on Thursday.

Meanwhile investigators continued to collect evidence at the scene where 24 hours before a utility worker had found a small skull.

In court Ninth Circuit Judge Stan Strickland based the ruling on the grounds that the body of the child has yet to be identified.

Shortly after Judge Strickland called to order the emergency hearing on the motion filed by Jose Baez, attorney for Casey Anthony, Baez deferred to a new member of the defense team, Linda Kenney-Baden.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 13, 2008, 12:39:01 PM
Ride Route Between Anthony Home, Crime Scene
WESH 2's Michelle Meredith shows the distance from the Anthony home to the location where remains were found.
Approximately 30 houses

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 13, 2008, 01:25:52 PM
Cops: Why we think skull is Caylee's

ORLANDO, Florida (CNN) -- Investigators said Friday that they think remains found near a home where Caylee Anthony lived with her grandparents are those of the missing toddler.

But, they added, police and prosecutors are waiting until DNA and other tests are completed before making a positive identification.

Orange County, Florida, sheriff's spokesman Carlos Padilla gave three reasons for the belief the body is Caylee's:

• No other children have been reported missing in the area.

• The remains are consistent with a child of Caylee's age.

• They were found in close proximity to the home of Caylee's grandparents.

Caylee Anthony was 2 when she disappeared in June. Her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, didn't report her missing for a month and is charged with murder.

The first word that the corpse found Thursday had been tentatively identified as Caylee's came as her mother's attorneys sought a court order allowing them to observe the autopsy and conduct their own forensic tests.

Lawyer Linda Kenney Baden said in court that investigators told the defense team they "were proceeding as if this were little Caylee Anthony."

Strands of hair found with the remains, discovered Thursday a half-mile from the home of Caylee's grandparents, are the same color as the girl's, the lawyer said. The age and measurements also were a match for Caylee, Baden added.

Casey Anthony, 22, was charged in October with killing her daughter, but her lawyers insist that she is innocent.

Prosecutors said defense requests to be present at the autopsy and have access to remains were premature, given that the remains have not been positively identified. The defense countered that a tentative identification had been made. Watch how the corpse resembles Caylee »

"What I don't want to see, bluntly, is 24 hours after viewing an autopsy, a defense expert on a national news show describing this child's remains," prosecutor Jeff Ashton argued. "The specter of that is nauseating to me."

He called it "egregious" to allow "strangers to be present for the autopsy of a young child."

Also, Orange County attorney Tamara Gappen told 9th Circuit Judge Stan Strickland that Florida law spells out procedures for the preservation of evidence that are routinely followed by medical examiners in criminal cases.

Strickland agreed and denied the defense request.

Casey Anthony, who is being held in the Orange County Jail, did not attend Friday's hearing. Asked how she had responded to the news that her daughter's remains may have been found, lawyer Jose Baez said, "It's not something that someone takes well."

Investigators had searched the home of George and Cindy Anthony, Caylee's grandparents, overnight and into early Friday. They left with several bags and boxes of potential evidence, Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary told ABC News.

Caylee and her mother had lived in the house with her grandparents, but Casey Anthony had moved into an apartment at the time Caylee disappeared.

A utility worker discovered the remains in a plastic bag about 9:30 a.m. Thursday and alerted authorities. CNN affiliate WFTV-TV reported that the utility worker, a meter reader, picked up a bag at the site Thursday morning and a skull fell out.

Also Friday, the sheriff's office released the 911 call from county utility workers who made the grim find. On the call, a field supervisor tells the dispatcher a meter reader had found a skull.

"He believes it's human ... in the Caylee Anthony area," the supervisor says.

The dispatcher responds that she will send a deputy but tells the field supervisor, "If you can, try to stress to him to please not draw attention to the area, and that would be great, just in case it is something."

Meanwhile Friday, investigators continued searching the area where the remains were found. Watch how a home became a crime scene »

The remains were taken to the county medical examiner's office and will be sent to the FBI lab in Quantico, Virginia. Authorities said Friday that the remains had not been shipped.

Casey Anthony remains in protective custody and has no contact with other inmates, corrections officials said. Watch Anthony's lawyer describe how she's doing »

"She has been seen by a Corrections Health Services psychologist, and her status was reviewed," officials said in a statement, adding that she was on psychological observation, which is not the same as suicide watch.

Casey Anthony's trial, originally set for early January, has been postponed until at least March.

Prosecutors said this month that they would not seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony. She could face a sentence of life in prison if convicted.

Authorities have said Casey Anthony waited about a month before telling her family that Caylee was gone. Cindy Anthony -- Caylee's grandmother and Casey Anthony's mother -- called the Orange County sheriff's office July 15, saying her daughter would not tell her where Caylee was.

When questioned by police, Casey Anthony gave conflicting statements, including some that were later disproved, according to hundreds of documents and investigative reports released in the case.

She claimed she dropped Caylee off with a babysitter, but when police checked out her story, they learned that the address Casey Anthony supplied belonged to an apartment that had been vacant for weeks. The woman Casey Anthony named as her babysitter told police she did not know her. Review a timeline of the case »

Investigators have said that cadaver dogs picked up the scent of death in Anthony's car, as well as in her parents' backyard. They also said air quality tests conducted by the FBI found evidence consistent with human decomposition and chloroform in the car's trunk. A neighbor told police Anthony had asked to borrow a shovel.

Analysis of Anthony's computer found that she had visited Web sites discussing chloroform and had done Internet searches about missing children, according to information released in the case.

Cindy and George Anthony have said they think that the girl is still alive and that someone has her.   

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 13, 2008, 02:06:14 PM
Larger FBI Team To Help At Anthony Search Scene
Saturday, December 13, 2008 – updated: 11:56 am EST December 13, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A larger FBI team is expected to return Saturday to the scene where the remains of a small child were found near Caylee Marie Anthony's home. The team will help the Orange County Sheriff's Office process the crime scene and the area around it.

For a third day, authorities are searching the wooded area in east Orange County where a child's skull was found in hopes of discovering more clues to solve the case of a missing girl.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 13, 2008, 02:09:43 PM
Police Release 911 Call Made After Remains Found Near Anthony Home
Remains, Skull Found In Wooded Area 18267151

POSTED: 6:36 am EST December 12, 2008
UPDATED: 5:13 pm EST December 12, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Authorities on Friday released the 911 call placed shortly after an Orange County utility worker discovered a child's remains near the home of the grandparents of Caylee Anthony, who was last seen in mid-June.

VIDEO: 911 Call

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 13, 2008, 08:42:21 PM
Anthony defense team gets first look of crime scene
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35 Orlando) -- The attorney representing the Orlando mother accused of murdering her 3 year old daughter got his first glimpse of the site where the remains of a child were discovered on Thursday.

Jose Baez stood behind crime scene tape, several yards away from where the remains were found in a wooded area just off Suburban Drive and within a quarter-mile of the home of the missing toddler's grandparents.

"We should be able to observe the scene.  This isn't just anyone we're allowing in,  we're allowing in people they (the investigators) come to when they train," said Jose Baez speaking of a team of forensic experts assembled for the defense of 22 year old Casey Anthony.

Anthony was indicted in October on first-degree murder of Caylee Marie, even though the toddler's body hadn't been found. Casey has insisted that she left the girl with a baby sitter in June, but she didn't report Caylee missing until July.

A medical examiner found evidence among the child's remains that link them to the grandparents' home of the missing toddler, Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said Friday, offering the strongest indication yet that the remains may be those of Caylee Marie.

On Friday, an Orange County judge denied a motion filed by Baez to preserve and protect the body of the small child.  Meanwhile investigators continued to collect evidence at the scene where a utility worker had found a small skull.

"The best defense is full disclosure.  That's the main issue here.  If there are dozens of FBI agents and numerous law enforcement offiers doing something in this area, and then going to my client's home,  I'm going to pay attention to it and I want to know what's going on,"  said Baez during a news conference held on Saturday.   

When asked if he believed the remains were those of Caylee, Baez said his team was proceeding as if that was a possibility.  "We're preparing as if it is, and we're not going to ignore what investigators are doing.  If it's not Caylee, we can't even celebrate, because it's someone's child."

Baez also elaborated on how Casey was handling news that remains of what could be her missing daughter were discovered and are currently under analysis.   "She's not doing well at all.  She wants to know what's going on, and it's something she can't do right now.  I can't imagine a more difficult position for a mother to be in right now," he said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 08:35:50 AM
Attorney: Casey Not Doing Well After Hearing About Remains
Defense Says Remains Similar In Size, Hair Color To Caylee

POSTED: 6:07 am EST December 12, 2008
UPDATED: 6:53 pm EST December 13, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, spoke to the media on Saturday after remains were found within blocks of the Anthony family home.

Baez said Anthony was "not doing well at all" after hearing about the remains that were discovered in a wooded area of Orlando by a meter reader.

He and his defense team traveled to the crime scene, where they investigated the area.

That came after FBI agents and the Orange County sheriff spent a third day in a row searching the same area where a child's remains were found.

The remains found near the Anthony home are similar in size and hair color to Caylee Anthony, a defense team attorney said on Friday.

Linda Kenney Baden said Casey Anthony’s lead attorney, Jose Baez, got that information from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office after the remains were discovered on Thursday less than a half-mile from the Anthony home.

Baez was told “the anthropological measurements on the child for her being Caylee Anthony, that the hair color was correct, and they were proceeding as if this were little Caylee,” Baden said during a hearing on Friday over access to evidence from the remains.

Prosecutors, however, said they have not made a tentative identification of the remains, which were discovered by a utility worker about 9:30 a.m Thursday. In his 911 call, the worker mentions finding a skull, which WESH 2 and NBC sources said showed evidence of duct tape on the mouth. (Audio: Listen to 911 Call)

Officials said on Saturday that it could be more than a week before conclusive DNA results are released, but investigators said they're almost positive it's Caylee.

"She's the only child of that age range that was reported missing," said Carlos Padilla, of the Orange County Sheriff's Office. "The skull was the size and shape consistent with that of a young child, and of course it was close proximity to the residences."

Baden’s announcement in court was one of the latest twists in the case against Casey Anthony, who is charged with killing her daughter, Caylee, sometime before she reported the 2-year-old child missing in July.

Also Friday:

- Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said something at the crime scene where the remains were found could be linked to the Anthony house. Investigators removed bags of evidence from the home overnight, including three vacuum cleaners, pesticide containers and a small pillow.

- The FBI was sifting through buckets of dirt on Friday from the scene where the remains were found.

- Cindy and George Anthony returned to their east Orange County home Friday afternoon, but made no comment to the media. They left about 5:30 p.m. with their dogs, again without talking to reporters.

- Judge Stan Strickland denied a defense motion for access to the autopsy of the remains.

The remains were found about one-third of a mile from the Anthony's home on Hopespring Drive. Casey Anthony stayed at the home with Caylee before Caylee went missing. (View Map)

Beary, who appeared on "The Today Show" Friday morning to discuss the discovery, said Casey Anthony is on a psychological watch at the Orange County Jail and that he thinks the remains are Caylee's. (Watch Video)

"My gut says yes, but I have to wait seven to 14 days for the DNA analysis to absolutely make sure. Just like we always have to, we are going to be waiting for facts," Beary said when Matt Lauer asked him if he believes the remains are Caylee’s.

During a news conference Thursday evening, Baez confirmed that Casey Anthony was upset when she found out about the remains and requested a sedative at the jail. Sources described Casey Anthony's reaction as an anxiety attack.

After a hearing Thursday morning, Casey Anthony's trial was pushed back until March.

Friday night, the Anthonys were not at their home because, their spokeswoman said, they're trying to get away from everything.

Just a few blocks away, crime scene technicians in the deeply wooded area worked late into the night.

Medical Examiner: Forensic Evidence Will Be Key

Forensic evidence will be the key in determining whether the remains are Caylee.

"With the remains allegedly or reportedly being found in a closed environment, in a bag, that would preserve much of the evidence," said Volusia County Medical Examiner Dr. Marie Herrmann.

Herrmann said that, if the remains found near the Anthony family home were in a sealed plastic bag -- despite weather and time -- there will be evidence to determine if the victim is indeed Caylee and likely how she died.

"The evidence of injury may reveal itself as cuts or areas of discoloration with bleeding, contusions," Herrmann said.

And secured out of the elements, there will likely be pieces of any other foreign materials in the bag -- including clothing and duct tape.

"Yes, duct tape is a good piece of evidence, as it can hold fibers, skin cells," Herrmann said. "It could potentially match to another roll. Duct tape can retain fingerprints, latent prints that can be obtained."

Experts will surely test for the presence of chloroform, Herrmann said, which has been significant in the investigation. The chemical can linger in remains and beyond.

"There may be some metabolites or some other changes that could be detected that could indicate that chloroform was used," Herrmann said.

Medical and criminal investigators will work together to solve the crime.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 08:53:40 AM

Jose Baez holds an impromtu news conference on Saturday

Baez said, "has a list of everything taken from the house." (

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 08:55:28 AM

Bouty hunter Leonard Padilla's theory on the body

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: klaasend on December 14, 2008, 11:34:10 AM
December 13, 2008

Geraldo At Large


Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

Part 4 -

Part 5 -

Part 6 -

Part 7 - (shows Lee removing the flowers)

Part 8 -

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 12:06:20 PM
Lee removes memorial.  Is this what a normal family does?  (click on the picture below to watch video)

( (

Posted By Klaasen

A memorial for Caylee placed in front of the Anthonys' home was taken away by the little girl's uncle, Lee Anthony Saturday.

"Do no follow me on our property," he said to reporters.

After weeks of staying away from the cameras, Lee appeared at his parent's house and quickly removed the memorial. Flowers, teddy bears and pictures of Caylee were placed on the Anthonys' yard Friday night. Onlookers and cars riding past the Anthony home were back as well.

Channel 9's camera caught people snapping pictures and standing outside the east Orange County house. The onlookers said they had to see Caylee's home to find closure in such a tragic story.

Ok I know we've covered this already, but just reading it again makes me think how this is EXACTLY why people don't like the A's, along with all the lying and defending of and having an explanation of all of KC's lies.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 08:05:08 PM
Sources: 'Bone Trail' Found Through Woods Near Anthony Home
Investigators Confirm Child's Body Wrapped Inside Plastic Bag
updated 48 minutes ago
ORLANDO, Fla. - All weekend, two official sources who spoke to WESH 2 News on the condition of anonymity, said they have been recovering more human remains in the wooded area along Suburban Drive near the home of missing Caylee Anthony.

According to one investigator, at least two dozen bones have been discovered so far, in addition to a skull with light long hair consistent with a female child.

Investigators and Casey Anthony's defense team said they are operating under the assumption that the remains are those of the missing 2-year-old.

Investigators said they're still trying to determine why the child's mouth was taped shut with duct tape. At this point they said they do not believe this was meant to look like the child was killed by a kidnapper.

Investigators said they believe Caylee's body was dumped at the location in the woods shortly after she was killed. The bag full of human child remains was discovered by a meter reader, who went into the woods to relieve himself.

(Audio: Listen to 911 Call)

Sources have described a small "bone trail" found outside the garbage bag, leading them to suspect that it was likely submerged for an unknown period of time and some of the remains floated out of the bag or were scattered by animals.

For the first time, WESH 2 News has also confirmed that the child's body was wrapped in some sort of "covering" inside the bag.

According to sources, it was the covering -- along with the trash bag and duct tape -- that investigators said they believe are tied to the Anthony house nearby on Hopespring Drive.

On Saturday, it was confirmed that a portion of the remains were flown to the FBI crime lab in Quantico, Va. Test results to attempt to match the remains with Caylee's DNA are expected to take at least a week.

One investigator said that it was difficult to have seen the video and pictures of Caylee's smiling face and come to the realization that it appears her remains were simply dumped in the woods.

"It was cold," one source told WESH 2 News. "That's where the punch in the gut was."

Investigators said their reactions to the findings have ranged from elated to overwhelmed.

At this point, sources said they are pleased with the evidence taken from the Anthony home late last week during the execution of a search warrant.

Those items included vacuum cleaners inside, which investigators said they hoped some sort of hair or fiber evidence could still be of value to the case against Casey Anthony.

She is charged with first-degree murder in connection with her daughter's disappearance and presumed death.

When notified Thursday of the discovery of the remains, witnesses said Casey Anthony started sobbing and asked for a sedative.

When asked how his client was doing, Jose Baez said she "is not doing very well at all."

Thirty technicians from the FBI's Evidence Response Team have joined Orange County's crime scene investigators at the wooded area about a quarter-mile from the Anthony home.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 08:12:57 PM
Clothing Found Near Skull In Woods Near Anthony Home

Clothing was found near a skull that was discovered in a wooded area near the Anthony home, Local 6 News reports.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 08:25:20 PM
Bart Out As Family Spokeswoman
Sunday, December 14, 2008 8:10:15 PM

ORLANDO -- Orange County sheriff's officials said the evidence is mounting that the skeletal remains of a small child found Thursday may belong to Caylee Anthony.

Investigators were out Sunday for the fourth day of searching a wooded area near the Anthony home where the remains were first found, hoping to discover more clues to determine if they are the missing 3-year-old.
Get Up-To-The-Minute Updates On The Remans Discovery

Michelle Bart announced she will no longer be the Anthony's spokeswoman.  Bart made the announcement Sunday night at Eastside Baptist Church.  It's the same church where family members and supporters normally held weekly candlelight vigils for Caylee Anthony.  However, this week's vigil was cancelled.

George and Cindy Anthony's new attorney Bradley Conway will now be the family's primary spokesman.

On Saturday, Bart said the family is suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings.

"It's been searched dry, it's been searched wet, it's been searched in between. It's been searched over by Tim Miller [of Texas EquuSearch] twice, who we hold in high regards with his professional organization," Bart told News 13.

The FBI is looking at DNA from the remains, but the Orange County medical examiner said it could be a week before conclusive results are released.

Sheriff Kevin Beary told the defense team for Casey Anthony, the missing girl's mother who has been charged with her murder, the size of the bones and hair color of the remains match Caylee. See Previous Story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 08:34:43 PM
VIDEO: Anthonys attend church service

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 08:01:16 AM
Trail Of Bones May Have Been Found In Wooded Area
Monday, December 15, 2008 – updated: 7:20 am EST December 15, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- FBI agents and investigators with the Orange County Sheriff's Office are expected to go back into the woods Monday morning to search for more evidence after a child's skull was discovered by a utility worker Thursday morning. While deputies are being quiet about what they found, Eyewitness News is working to confirm that they discovered a trail of bones close to where the skull was found.

A team of experts from the sheriff's office, the Orange County medical examiner and the FBI spent all weekend combing the woods for any more remains. Investigators sifted through buckets of leaves and dirt and detectives pulled out branches. They are methodically checking the area where the utility worker found the child's skull covered in duct tape and in a bag left near Suburban Drive. Investigators are trying to determine if the remains belong to Caylee Anthony.

The case of little Caylee touched the whole community. Strangers came to the crime scene bringing teddy bears and flowers. They also set up a makeshift memorial right in front of the police tape.

"We just pray the family has some peace, I feel so sorry for the Anthonys because this must be a tremendous heartache for them," said Orange County resident Jennifer Neira.

Detectives said that they plan to search the wooded area for the next two days.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 08:03:53 AM
Lawyer: Caylee Anthony's grandparents wait, agonize
Sara K. Clarke | Sentinel Staff Writer
December 15, 2008

Family members of missing toddler Caylee Anthony were "devastated" by the discovery last week of the remains of a small child near their home but held on to hopes Sunday that the child might still be alive as law-enforcement officers continued to comb the scene of the gruesome finding.

The family met with their attorney, Brad Conway, who said his clients are asking for privacy as they await positive identification of the body.

"They're devastated," Conway said. "They're realistic about the probability that it's Caylee, but they pray that it's not."

Orange County deputies and the FBI continued to search the crime scene Sunday for clues in the case of the missing toddler. Caylee, then 2, was reported missing in July, about a month after she was last seen by her grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony. The toddler's mother, Casey Anthony, was charged in October with first-degree murder.

On Thursday, a meter reader found a skull less than a quarter-mile from the home of Caylee's grandparents, marking the first major break in the case in months.

Orange sheriff's spokesman Carlos Padilla said Sunday that thick undergrowth in the area where the body was found has made for slow searching.

"They're being very tedious and very methodical," he said.

Sheriff Kevin Beary said a search of the grandparents' home where the mother and daughter lived had yielded links to the remains that he would not reveal.

When asked whether he thought George and Cindy Anthony would be charged in connection to the crime, the Anthonys' attorney said "there's always something" that law enforcement could come up with but insisted his clients have done nothing wrong.

"If they do get charged, we will be prepared to aggressively defend them," Conway said.

At a news conference held Sunday evening, Anthony family spokeswoman Michelle Bart announced that Conway would be the new family spokesman or appoint someone at a later time. She said she would remain in the area to help the family out.

Back at the crime scene, a makeshift memorial continued to form at the edge of the area that authorities have roped off with yellow tape.

People came in their Sunday best to deposit teddy bears, flowers and other trinkets.

Darleen Mahoney, who used to live in the area, drove down from her home in Kingsland, Ga., to put flowers and a note at the memorial site. She has followed the case of the missing toddler on the Internet.

"I've had such a huge connection to this child," Mahoney said.

California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla -- who had previously bailed Casey Anthony out of jail on lesser child-neglect charges -- stood by a canal, taking photos with well-wishers and handing out autographs. At one point, Padilla had conducted his own search for Caylee.

"It's the soap opera in America where you don't have to pay the actors and it's all real," he said.,0,556636.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 08:13:56 AM
Bradley A. Conway
Former Public Defender, Orlando FL
Criminal Defense, White Collar Crimes, Drug Traffic, DUI
Bank of America Building, 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1630, Orlando, Florida 32801 Telephone:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 08:31:36 AM
The next afternoon, at 12:50 p.m., Casey's father, George, saw Casey and Caylee leave for the day. He recalled Caylee wearing a denim skirt and a pink top, with white tennis shoes. She was carrying a little backpack with images of monkeys on it. She had on a pair of white-rimmed sunglasses and her hair was pulled into a ponytail. George told detectives he was sure of the time because he was watching one of his favorite programs on the Food Network.

"That was the last time I saw my granddaughter," Mr. Anthony said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 10:26:21 AM
Caylee Anthony: Skeletal Remains and Duct Tape, Duct Tape, Duct Tape and Casey Anthony … Anthony Home Searched, Part 2

Breaking Down the Evidence in the Caylee Anthony case … the presence of duct tape.

Its all about the duct tape …

The tragic news of the grisly discovery of a child’s skeletal remain that appear to be of missing Caylee Anthony was sad enough to learn. However, the later reporting that the skeletal remains had duct tape on the skull near the mouth area changed the collective mood from sadness to anger. How will the presence of duct tape be a case changer in the case against  indicted tot mom Casey Anthony?

From all accounts and what we have been able to confirm there was the presence of duct tape on the skull of the remains found last Thursday morning in Florida. The significance of the duct tape is extremely important to the case.

Detectives have told Caylee’s mother’s attorney that the body size and hair color of the remains recovered are similar to Caylee’s and the discovery of the child’s skull with duct tape on the mouth is telling a much more gruesome story.

Since some in the media as talk show hosts or pundits cannot grasp the understanding of this evidence, we will explain it. First, use some common sense. What does it mean if investigators found duct tape still attached? It means that it was not something as simple as a small piece of tape being cut to simple cover a child’s mouth to keep Caylee from making a sound if she awoke from being exposed to chloroform. This would dispel the premise that Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla has been putting forth like a broken record for months.

Dispelling the Padilla Duct Tape Theory

PADILLA: Chloroform was used to put her to sleep so she could go to her boyfriend`s. And she put the tape across the mouth in case she woke. You don`t want to hear a child screaming out of a trunk of a car. It resulted in death instead of…

the above example could never have existed after 6 months of decomposition

Why would such a theory not hold water? Because if duct tape was simply put across the mouth of Caylee Anthony to keep her quiet there is no way that after 6 months of decomposition the duct tape could be attached. However, the fact of the matter is that duct tape was found attached to the skull of the remains found which means one of two things. One, the duct tape was completely wrapped around the entire circumference of the skull. Or two, a large enough piece of duct tape was placed on the face of the child victim that would have attached to the child’s hair that would have caused the duct tape to still be in place 6 months later. The only way that specifically the mouth could have been referenced is if some soft tissue was still present; however, one would hardly believe that a utility worker examined the remains that closely. 

That being said the argument has been then why would there have been duct tape found on the skull. Why would such a thing have been done? It could never have been to just merely keep a child quiet for the night while one partied. Reason: why would anyone put duct tape on a little girls hair as it would have been impossible to remove without cutting Caylee’s hair. No one, not even Casey Anthony would have done that to Caylee to simply keep her quiet if she awoke. So why the presence of duct tape?

One, since the Zanny the Nanny was concocted from the outset of this case it is completely believable that Casey Anthony intended to make the death appear to be that of a kidnapping and abduction. After Caylee was expired duct tape could have been attached to the child to provide the appearance that the little girl was kidnapped in case her body was ever found. If this did occur then the question arises, where did the duct tape get put on Caylee? The subsequent search and items removed from the Anthony home following the grisly discovery then makes sense. Why vacuum cleaners, pillow cases, etc? As we all know duct tape is a treasure trove of evidence. Could hair fibers matching the Anthony’s rug been found on the duct tape? Could Caylee Anthony actually have had her face duct taped inside the home of Cindy and George Anthony? It also explains why the police asked for the grandparents finger prints. Not to accuse them, but instead to exclude them.

Two, which is an even more heinous reason for the duct tape … did Casey intend on killing Caylee with forethought and malice as evident by “neck breaking” searches on the internet?

Next we will look into the duct tape and how it implicates Casey Anthony from evidence removed from the home …

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 10:35:52 AM

VIDEO More bones found near Caylee Anthony's home
December 15, 2008

VIDEO More bones found near Caylee Anthony's home
December 15, 2008


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 02:00:36 PM
Bones, Evidence Found As Area Near Skull Searched

Monday, December 15, 2008 – updated: 11:53 am EST December 15, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- FBI agents and investigators with the Orange County Sheriff's Office were back searching a wooded area Monday for more evidence after a child's skull was discovered by a utility worker Thursday morning. Sources close to the case told Eyewitness News that dozens of bones, which may or may not be related to the skull, and other evidence has been found.

Search teams were starting where the bag with the skull was found and were slowly moving out in circles around that spot. While others bones were found, there were no details released on what kind of bones they were or if they are connected to the child's skill that was found last week.

Eyewitness News has also learned other evidence has been recovered, but details on what the evidence was specifically have not been released. Crews were collecting whatever they find just in case it may be connected to the discovery of the skull.

A team of experts from the sheriff's office, the Orange County medical examiner and the FBI spent all weekend combing the woods for any more remains. Investigators sifted through buckets of leaves and dirt and detectives pulled out branches. They are methodically checking the area where a utility worker found the child's skull covered in duct tape and in a bag left near Suburban Drive. Investigators are trying to determine if the remains belong to Caylee Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 02:15:32 PM

Dr. Jan Garavaglia is now at the scene of the remains
11:53 a.m. Orange County Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia is now at the site of the unidentified remains in east Orange County.

Garavaglia, a forensic pathologist, is the star of the Discovery Channel's show, Dr. G: Medical Examiner.,0,5946647.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 02:26:00 PM
Additional items recovered at crime scene

Last Edited: Monday, 15 Dec 2008, 12:52 PM EST
Created: Monday, 15 Dec 2008, 12:45 PM EST  

Orange Co. Sheriff's Spokesman, Carlos Padilla says additional items were recovered at site where child's remains were found on Thursday.

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Monday morning, Orange County Sheriff’s spokesperson Carlos Padilla confirmed that additional items were recovered at the crime site where the remains of a child were found on Thursday.

He would not say whether those items were additional bones or clothing, noting that the sheriff’s office wanted to keep the integrity of the case at hand.

At least five FBI agents and a slew of investigators from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office continue to comb through a heavily wooded area less than one mile away from the home of missing toddler, Caylee Anthony. The Sheriff’s Office says they will expand the area as much as necessary and have removed several bushes and trees from the site.

There is still no confirmation on whether the bones found in the plastic bag are those of Caylee’s. Padilla said the FBI and the Sheriff’s Office are attempting to expedite those results as quickly as possible. They confirmed that the medical examiner’s office has stayed in close touch with the FBI lab in Virginia, but would not elaborate on what other items other than the remains are being examined.

“Truly the victim here, aside from the Anthony’s, is Caylee Marie Anthony,” Padilla said. “Assuming that that is her, we shouldn’t lose focus that we should do whatever we can for her memory,” he added.

Tim Miller speaks to FOX 35's Mike Dunston

Also on Monday, Tim Miller, the leader of Texas Equusearch, spoke with FOX 35's Mike Dunston about the case. Tim Miller says he is angry with Casey Anthony. "When  we walked into the Anthony's house the first time, Casey could have taken me for a two minute walk and it would have been over," he said.

He said investigators at the crime site got emotional after the find. "We hugged and wiped tears out of our eyes and said 'My God, it's finally over, it's finally over."

Watch the entire interview with Tim Miller

Investigators allowed Miller close to the area where the child's remains were located, but they said he, as well as Casey Anthony's defense team, were not given access to the actual site.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 05:50:54 PM
Attorney: Anthonys 'Realistic About Probability' That Bones Are Caylee's
Skull Found Last Week Near Girl's Home

POSTED: 3:02 pm EST December 14, 2008
UPDATED: 4:05 pm EST December 15, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Investigators have discovered more human remains in a wooded area near the home of missing toddler Caylee Anthony, Local 6 News reported.
Forensic teams will continue to the search the area on Monday after a utility worker found a child's skull on Thursday less than a half-mile from the east Orange County home that the toddler shared with her mother and grandparents, George and Cindy 


"It's a bad situation all the way around. They're realistic about the probability that it's Caylee, but they pray that it's not. They continue to be optimistic -- and they will until there's a positive identification -- they're not going to give up hope. None of us are," Anthony family attorney Brad Conway said.

Investigators told Local 6 News that the search in the wooded area will likely last several more days.

Local 6 News confirmed that animal bones were also found in the wooded area.

Caylee has been missing since mid-June, and no trace of her was found until last week's discovery. Orange County sheriff's deputies, agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and FBI experts have converged on the vacant property and continue to comb it for clues.

Sheriff's spokesman Carlos Padilla said Sunday that the thick undergrowth has made for slow searching.

"They're being very tedious and very methodical," he said.

Padilla would not say if any other pieces of evidence were found during the search.

Caylee's mother, 22-year-old Casey Anthony, waited a month to report her daughter missing. She initially told police that she left the child with a baby sitter, but detectives said her story was untrue. Anthony was charged in her daughter's murder on Oct. 14.

The discovery of the skull was the first major break in the case in months.

Although DNA results on the remains probably won't be released for several days, authorities and even Anthony's own attorneys are treating the find as if it is the little girl.

One of Anthony's attorneys, Linda Kenney Baden, said during a court hearing last week that "anthropological measurements and hair color" of the remains were said to match Caylee.

Sheriff Kevin Beary said that a search of the grandparents' home where the mother and daughter lived had also yielded links to the remains that he would not reveal. There are no other similar missing-child cases in the area.

Anthony is being held without bond at the Orange County Jail.

On Sunday, the suburban neighborhood near the Anthony's home and where the remains were found buzzed with activity. Inflatable Santa decorations and holiday lights were an odd backdrop for the crime scene vans and satellite TV trucks.

Neighbors wandered over to take photos of a small, makeshift memorial for Caylee, which included a unicorn, a Cinderella fan and teddy bears of varying sizes and colors.

California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla -- who had previously bailed Anthony out on lesser child-neglect charges -- stood by a canal, taking photos with well-wishers and handing out autographs. At one point, Padilla had conducted his own search for Caylee, and on Sunday, he pontificated on how long detectives might stay at the scene.

"I came 3,000 miles to find out truly if this is the end of this," Padilla said.

"Thank you for all of your help," neighbor Tim Lewis, 45, said to Padilla, shaking his hand.

Lewis, a 45-year-old flight attendant, admitted he has been captivated by the case.

"The truth has been very hard to find in this story," said Lewis, as his two daughters snapped photos of a cowboy hat-clad Padilla. "Maybe, finally, the truth is going to come out."

Copyright 2008 by Internet Broadcasting Systems and The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 05:53:15 PM
Anthonys: "We Pray These Remains Are Not Caylee"

Monday, December 15, 2008 – updated: 5:29 pm EST December 15, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The new lawyer for George and Cindy Anthony spoke to the public Monday (watch video). He said he didn't know about plans to prosecute them on charges related to the case, but he did tell Eyewitness News that he is seeking immunity for Caylee's grandparents.

Attorney Brad Conway says he just wants to make sure his clients are protected. He wants to make sure charges aren't filed later.

Eyewitness News has learned George and Cindy, along with their son Lee, were fingerprinted over the weekend so investigators will have them on hand as they search for fingerprints on evidence they've collected at the scene where a child's skull was found less than a half-mile from the Anthonys' own home.

George and Cindy Anthony were not ready to address the media Monday, but issued a statement (read statement) through their attorney Monday. The Anthonys do not plan on making a public statement until the remains found near their home are identified.

Conway said the family is realistic, but hopeful it's not Caylee.

"The last six months have been the hardest six months of our lives and we understand that the ongoing investigation and prosecution of our daughter, Casey, will consume our lives with conflict," Conway read from the statement. "Based on recent developments we are realistic but continue to hope and pray that these remains are not those of our precious granddaughter Caylee Marie."

Once the medical examiner and the defense examine the remains, the remains, if Caylee's, will be released to the Anthonys.

"If it is Caylee Marie, they will make proper burial," Conway told Eyewitness News.

Eyewitness News reported last week that sources close to the investigation said they are possibly building a case against Caylee's grandparents for obstruction of justice. Sources told Eyewitness News, if charges were pursued, it would be after the remains were identified and it would come from the forensic evidence that was recently taken from the Anthony home.

"They have cooperated. They have done nothing," Conway said.

Conway said he plans to meet with the lead prosecutor and detectives later this week to ask for full immunity for the Anthonys.

"We will not speculate. If the attorney officially decides to ask our office, well will address it then," said Danielle Taverneri, spokesperson for the State Attorney's Office.

Conway admits the Anthonys have made conflicting statements in the past. They will be re-interviewed by investigators. He said, for the next interview they give to authorities, there will not be any conflicting statements.

Attorney Brad Conway also said he is representing the Anthonys for free.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 07:48:01 PM
No Reward For Meter Reader Who Found Skull
Monday, December 15, 2008 – updated: 6:18 pm EST December 15, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- It was a meter reader who found the remains that could be Caylee Anthony. He's having a tough time and does not want to talk with the media and he is so disturbed by what he found his bosses have given him some time off of work.

When the Orange County meter reader discovered a skull in the woods not too far from Caylee Anthony's home his supervisor called 911.

That phone call makes the meter reader ineligible for a $5,000 Crimeline reward. To collect the reward, you have to call Crimeline first before you call 911.

"You have to initiate a tip with Crimeline at 1-800-423-TIPS," explained Detective Barb Bergin, Crimeline. "We don't have enough money to pay rewards to everyone who calls 911."

Bergin encourages people to call 911 if there is an emergency, but Crimeline calls are answered 24 hours a day.

"As calls come in, if it's something that needs an emergency or needs law enforcement, we have people in place for that to happen immediately," Bergin said.

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla offered a $50,000 reward for Caylee's body, but pulled the money when people complained searchers were tearing up their yards looking for remains.

"I don't want to get sued," Padilla said.

Still, Padilla plans thinks the meter reader deserves some kind of reward and he plans to write him a check if the remains belong to Caylee.

"It's going to be a figure between five and ten grand involved easily," he said. "Nobody looks at bags out here in these palmettos, they just walk by it. This guy had the foresight to go over and do it."

Crimeline detectives told Eyewitness News they never make exceptions. You have to call the tip line first if you want to be eligible for a reward. While they have received complaints from people who called 911 first and then tried to collect the money, they always stick to their policy.

Crimeline has achieved a lot fighting crime in Central Florida. During the last year, Crimeline tips have generated 1,100 arrests and solved 1,200 cases.

Crimeline gave out $340,000 in rewards. That money comes from a trust fund in the Attorney General's Office.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 07:59:41 PM
Payment Of Casey Anthony Defense 'Dream Team' Raises Questions
Anthony Charged With Murder In Daughter's Disappearance

POSTED: 4:23 pm EST December 15, 2008
UPDATED: 5:12 pm EST December 15, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The "dream team" of experts and attorneys assembled for the defense of Casey Anthony is raising questions because they will not disclose who is paying for their work.

"We have qualified people -- the best in the business -- reviewing this evidence," said Jose Baez, the attorney for Anthony, who remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee. "I'm not about pumping my chest and flaunting about who we're bringing in, you'll see it when they come," Baez said.

The skull and remains of a child were discovered last week in a wooded area near the home that Anthony, 22, shared with her daughter and her grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony.

The "dream team" includes Dr. Henry Lee; Linda Kenney Baden, who debuted on the team Thursday in court at an emergency hearing in the case; Dr. Kathy Reichs; and Dr. Werner Spitz.

Lee and Spitz have weighed in on the Kennedy assassination and the O.J. Simpson double-murder case, which was also investigated by Michael Baden, husband and co-author with new defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden. Reichs is a best-selling author, who has also taught the FBI how to detect and recover human bones.

The dream team thus far has not been allowed to visit the area where the human remains were found.

"We have certain experts we were hoping to get closer to the scene," said Baez, who bristled when asked how the experts were being compensated. "I don't think it's any concern of anyone who's paying for all of that. It's confidential information, and I'm not about to disclose confidential information."

"They are not interested in profiting from this tragedy, and Mr. Baez has assembled a team of experts. I don't know what the financial agreements are, and I'm not concerned with that," said Anthony family attorney Brad Conway.

More Human Bones Found

Meanwhile, investigators have discovered more human remains in the area where a skull and other remains were located, and Conway said the Anthonys are realistic but hopeful about the outcome.

"It's a bad situation all the way around. They're realistic about the probability that it's Caylee, but they pray that it's not. They continue to be optimistic -- and they will until there's a positive identification -- they're not going to give up hope. None of us are," Anthony family attorney Brad Conway said.

Forensic teams will continue to the search the area for the next couple of days. Local 6 News confirmed that animal bones were also found in the wooded area.

Caylee has been missing since mid-June, and no trace of her was found until last week's discovery. Orange County sheriff's deputies, agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and FBI experts have converged on the vacant property and continue to comb it for clues.

Sheriff's spokesman Carlos Padilla said Sunday that the thick undergrowth has made for slow searching.

"They're being very tedious and very methodical," he said.

Padilla would not say if any other pieces of evidence were found during the search.

Casey Anthony waited a month to report her daughter missing. She initially told police that she left the child with a baby sitter, but detectives said her story was untrue. Anthony was charged in her daughter's murder on Oct. 14.

The discovery of the skull was the first major break in the case in months.

Although DNA results on the remains probably won't be released for several days, authorities and even Anthony's own attorneys are treating the find as if it is the little girl.

Linda Kenney Baden, said during a court hearing last week that "anthropological measurements and hair color" of the remains were said to match Caylee.

Sheriff Kevin Beary said that a search of the grandparents' home where the mother and daughter lived had also yielded links to the remains that he would not reveal. There are no other similar missing-child cases in the area.

Anthony is being held without bond at the Orange County Jail.

On Sunday, the suburban neighborhood near the Anthony's home and where the remains were found buzzed with activity. Inflatable Santa decorations and holiday lights were an odd backdrop for the crime scene vans and satellite TV trucks.

Neighbors wandered over to take photos of a small, makeshift memorial for Caylee, which included a unicorn, a Cinderella fan and teddy bears of varying sizes and colors.

California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla -- who had previously bailed Anthony out on lesser child-neglect charges -- stood by a canal, taking photos with well-wishers and handing out autographs. At one point, Padilla had conducted his own search for Caylee, and on Sunday, he pontificated on how long detectives might stay at the scene.

"I came 3,000 miles to find out truly if this is the end of this," Padilla said.

"Thank you for all of your help," neighbor Tim Lewis, 45, said to Padilla, shaking his hand.

Lewis, a 45-year-old flight attendant, admitted he has been captivated by the case.

"The truth has been very hard to find in this story," said Lewis, as his two daughters snapped photos of a cowboy hat-clad Padilla. "Maybe, finally, the truth is going to come out."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 07:58:35 AM
Caylee Memorial Forms At Crime Scene
OCSO Remains Tight-Lipped About Finds In Wooded Area Near Anthony Home

POSTED: 6:08 am EST December 15, 2008
UPDATED: 5:54 pm EST December 15, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Authorities are working to identify a child's remains on Monday that were found in a wooded area near the home of Caylee Anthony last week.

Capt. Angelo Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff's Office said Monday that significant finds have been made at the crime scene, but that he could not comment further on the nature of the finds.

Crime scene investigators hauled out huge tree parts from the crime scene near the Anthonys' East Orange County home Monday.

"As they're moving slowly, they're moving carefully, they'll make, as they work with the medical examiner's office and the FBI lab, they'll make a determination as to what possibly occurred, what the condition of the body is, and analyze, evaluate that and provide that to the medical examiner and the FBI in order to come to a conclusion," Nieves said.

Sifting through all the debris is tedious work but experts including Orange County Medical Examiner Dr. G. will stay as long as needed. Nieves said the sheriff's office plans to leave no stone unturned.

"The fact that he actually saw it was remarkable in itself. The fact that he acted upon that it appeared suspicious to him. They said it would been difficult at all to miss that bag because of the heavy undergrowth and everything that was down there," Padilla said.

Sources suspect the body was likely submerged for an unknown period of time and some of the remains may have floated out of the bag or were scattered by animals.

Meanwhile, George and Cindy Anthony were allowed to return to their family home on Hope Spring Drive near the crime scene.

The family has hired a new attorney and spokesman, Brad Conway, and he said George and Cindy Anthony have nothing to hide and will work with law enforcement.

"They've cooperated. They've done everything they can and understand this is their daughter, and imagine your daughter, your only daughter, being charged with first-degree murder of your only grandchild," Conway said.

During a press conference on Monday afternoon, Conway said the Anthonys are not grieving because they don't know who the remains belong to.

Conway said that if the bones are Caylee's, once the medical examiner is finished, the bones will be released to the Anthonys for proper burial.

He also spoke about neighbors of the Anthonys selling false stories to the media. If false stories are sold he said will be looking into pursuing some sort of legal action, but right now the Anthony's are looking for some privacy.

Conway confirmed George and Cindy Anthony have give new fingerprints and DNA samples to the FBI, but that is only to exclude them as potential suspects and nothing else, Conway stressed.

Conway said George and Cindy Anthony only want to help determine if the child is Caylee and who may have killed her.

Michelle Bart, who said she reached out to the Anthony family the first week of seeing what they were going through with the media and offered her services, has a different position as of Sunday night.

Bart will no longer speak on the Anthonys behalf, but instead will continue to maintain their Web sites. She said she and Conway will be working as a team for the benefit of the Anthonys.

Since Thursday, a small cross left near the crime scene has grown into a huge memorial to Caylee Anthony, containing flowers and many stuffed animals.

"I've just been waiting for closure. I wanted her found alive. If this is what we got, you have to respect her. You have to respect the little child. It's just cruel," resident Wilma Sipes said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 08:02:58 AM

('Significant Finds' Made In Woods During Search Near Caylee Home
Utility Worker Finds Skull, Human Remains

POSTED: 6:35 am EST December 16, 2008
UPDATED: 7:59 am EST December 16, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Investigators on Monday said they have made "significant finds" during the search of a wooded area near the home of the grandparents of missing toddler Caylee Anthony, who hope that a child's skull found there doesn't belong to their granddaughter, although they are realistic about the possibility that the remains may be hers, their attorney said.

George and Cindy Anthony are asking for privacy until the medical examiner is able to identify the remains found last week in woods 

near their home, attorney Bradley Conway said. 

"They're not grieving yet because we don't know whose body this is," Conway said. "But if it is identified as Caylee, they are going to go through that grief process privately, and when they're ready to speak they will."

The Anthony's 22-year-old daughter, Casey Anthony, was charged with first-degree murder months after the girl disappeared in June. She is being held without bond at the Orange County Jail.

Authorities said Casey Anthony waited a month to report her daughter missing last July. She initially told police that she left the child with a baby sitter, but detectives said her story was untrue. Her parents still believe her story and support her, the attorney said.

Caylee and her mother lived with George and Cindy Anthony. The grandparents have returned home after spending time in a hotel while investigators searched their house for evidence late last week. Their attorney said that items were taken from their home which were not on a search warrant.

Crime scene technicians and detectives on Monday continued to search the woods near the Anthony home, where the skull was found last week by a meter reader. Capt. Angelo Nieves, a spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Office, said he couldn't confirm reports that more bones had been found in the area over the weekend.

"There have been significant finds there at the location," Nieves said. "We're not providing additional information as to what evidence has been recovered."

Several experts also were being called in to examine the site over the next few days, including a botanist, a forensic anthropologist and an entomologist, or expert on insects, Nieves said.

Conway said the grandparents were not being investigated for any crimes, such as obstruction of justice. George and Cindy Anthony have been fingerprinted by investigators but only to rule them out as suspects. They are cooperating with detectives, he said.

"They have not obstructed any investigation," Conway said.

"They haven't destroyed any evidence. They have in no way interfered with what the ... sheriff's office has to do."

The Anthonys have placed cameras at their house and hired a security team because they are wary of neighbors or others who may try to profit from Caylee's disappearance by selling information or photos to tabloids, Conway said.

"They don't know who to trust other than themselves and the team that is assigned to protect and defend them," he said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 08:06:31 AM
Casey's Friend Told Detectives To Look Near School

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 – updated: 7:21 am EST December 16, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Tuesday, investigators are expected to continue their search for more clues in the wooded area where a child's remains were found near the Anthonys' home. Eyewitness News has learned that a friend of Casey Anthony told detectives five months ago to look for Caylee's body in the same area.

Casey's childhood friend told deputies that the wooded area near Hidden Oaks Elementary School was the where they used to hang out as kids. Five months before a utility worker discovered a child's remains Casey Anthony's childhood friend, Kiomarie Cruz, told deputies they needed to look in the woods near Hidden Oaks Elementary School.

In an interview, Cruz told detectives she and Casey, "pretty much used to hangout there most of our time," would "snack on food for hours," and went there to "get away from our parents."

However, when the sheriff's office got that tip the area was covered in flood water and deputies said they couldn't search there. Forensic investigators continue to look for clues and more remains in the woods. They will closely look at the plastic bag where the child remains were found to see if there are any finger prints, hair or DNA evidence from Casey.

Investigators are also looking for any clues on the duck tape that was found wrapped around the child's remains. They have also taken fingerprints from Cindy, George and Lee Anthony to try to rule their involvement out.


The new lawyer for George and Cindy Anthony spoke to the public Monday (watch video). He said he didn't know about plans to prosecute them on charges related to the case, but he did tell Eyewitness News that he is seeking immunity for Caylee's grandparents.

Attorney Brad Conway says he just wants to make sure his clients are protected. He wants to make sure charges aren't filed later.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 08:10:03 AM

Will tiny clues lead to answers about Caylee Anthony?
Sarah Lundy | Bianca Prieto and Amy L. Edwards, Sentinel Staff Writers
December 16, 2008

For five days, federal and Orange County authorities have toiled in the woods where a child's skull was discovered in a plastic bag.

Investigators hauled out boxes of brush and dirt. Crime-scene technicians on their hands and knees combed through debris. Others shook soil through sifters, searching for any tiny particle that might help determine whether the remains are of missing Caylee Marie Anthony.

Five long days -- and yet the work has just begun.

Sheriff's officials said Monday that the lot, a quarter-mile from the home of the child's grandparents, could remain a crime scene for several more days as the evidence crews and various experts, including an anthropologist, an entomologist and a botanist, search methodically for more clues.
After that will come weeks of careful laboratory work designed to make sense of what investigators have found. Already, pieces of the remains have been sent to the FBI lab in Virginia. More will follow.

Forensic experts say the process of identifying a decomposed body -- especially a child -- is not easy, and finding out how that child died can be an even greater challenge. DNA typing, bone inspections, toxicology tests and trace-evidence analysis are just some of the work to be done in the coming days.

"It's just like an archaeological excavation in some cases," said Bill Schneck, founder of Microvision Northwest, a forensic-consulting company in Washington state.

Investigators want to confirm whether the bones belong to Caylee, who disappeared in June. Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, insists her daughter was kidnapped by a baby sitter, but a grand jury has charged her with killing her daughter, who was 2 when she disappeared.

For now, there is no solution to the puzzle, just many new pieces and players:

Medical examiner

Orange-Osceola Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia must make the final decision -- who is the child in the woods off Suburban Drive and how did the youngster die? She'll get assistance from a slew of scientific experts.

Typically, the medical examiner starts by separating evidence from the body, said Palm Beach County Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Bell, who is not associated with the case.

"If there's clothing, clothing comes off. If there's other stuff that's on the body, that will get removed. Everything gets documented, photographed," Bell said.

Sheriff's officials have not disclosed what they found with the child's bones, some of which were inside a plastic bag. But a sheriff's source disclosed Monday that additional bones were found elsewhere in the woods during the weekend.

Often, investigators rely on dental records to confirm an adult's identity, Bell said. But when dealing with young children who have not been X-rayed, DNA will be key, he said.

A sample of DNA, a person's unique genetic blueprint, can be extracted from a hair, a piece of bone or a tooth. The medical examiner collects the sample, then bags it and sends it to a lab.

The examiner then conducts an autopsy, studying the remains to determine the cause of death. Having a skeleton with little or no soft tissues makes the job more difficult.


DNA found in the nucleus of a cell from the remains can be compared with samples of Caylee's DNA collected at her home.

However, getting a good sample can be more difficult when dealing with a decomposing body left outside for months, said Margaret Wallace, associate professor at John Jay College in New York City.

If nuclear DNA is not available, authorities can turn to mitochondrial DNA, found elsewhere in the cell. This is DNA passed from a mother to her children. Mitochondrial DNA from the remains would have to be compared with samples from Caylee's mother. This would determine whether the dead child was related to Anthony.

DNA is a prominent identification tool, but it's not the only one.

Forensic anthropologist

The skeleton can hold many answers.

Donna Boyd, a professor of anthropology at Radford University in Virginia and co-director of the school's Forensic Science Institute, said the first step for a forensic anthropologist investigating a set of remains is to make a list of what bones are found.

From this, the anthropologist creates a biological profile. With adults, authorities can figure out age, sex, racial type and stature. Children are more difficult because they have not developed as much.

Sex and race are nearly impossible to determine, she said, but age is possible by looking at the size of the bones and teeth.

Bones can be examined for evidence of trauma. Anthropologists can determine whether these injuries, such as broken bones, occurred before the person died, around the time of death or afterward, Boyd said.

Choking isn't as easy to detect. However, a specific bone in the throat can break if strangled -- serving as a red flag to investigators, she said.

What happened to the remains after death can be just as important. Animal bite marks and potential water damage are studied.

"It helps you understand where the remains have been and what happened to them," Boyd said.

Trace evidence

While many experts focus on the body, others try to piece together a story from everything found around the remains.

Investigators sifting through the soil may be looking for fabric from clothing, bone fragments, plastic, rubber from shoes and even duct tape, said Schneck of Microvision Northwest, a trace-evidence expert who has been featured on the TV show Forensic Files.

"If they know what she was wearing, they might be able to find some clothing fragments," Schneck said. The clothing might help provide identification before DNA results come back.

"Duct tape could hold a treasure trove of stuff -- fingerprints, hair and fibers," Schneck said.

The ripped edge of duct tape also can be matched to the roll it came from, even if it has since been used, Schneck said. Investigators have not said whether they have found duct tape in the Anthony home.

The soil could be an important clue, Schneck said.

When someone buries a body, soil often gets on the suspect's shoes and the tools used to dig the grave. Once the burial is done, the dirt can end up in another place, such as the suspect's home.

The composition of the soil differs greatly from one place to another. Schneck looks at bacterial composition, minerals and color of soil when comparing them. If soil from the crime scene shows up at the suspect's home or car, that is good indication, he said.

Early on, investigators found soil in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. It's unknown where that soil came from or if it has been tested.,0,1146462.story?page=2

Walter Pacheco of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Sarah Lundy can be reached at or 407-420-6218. Bianca Prieto can be reached at or 407-420-5620. Amy L. Edwards can be reached at or 407-420-5735.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 08:14:07 AM
Caylee's Grandparents 'Devastated' as Investigators Find More Bones

Monday, December 15, 2008
Investigators found a trail of bones over the weekend in a wooded area near the Orlando home of missing child Caylee Anthony and expanded their search zone as the FBI worked to identify a skull discovered there last week.

The new bones were located in an area less than a half-mile from the home the young child shared with her mother and grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, and a lawyer for the couple said the family was preparing for the worst.

"They're devastated," Brad Conway told "They're trying to deal with this the best they can. They're realistic about the probability that it's Caylee, but they pray it's not."

Orange County Sheriff’s Office officials confirmed more bones were discovered at the site over the weekend as investigators sifted through soil on the scene.

Click here for photos.

The Anthonys returned to their home and through their lawyer asked for privacy Monday until the medical examiner is able to identify the remains.

Conway told the station that investigators searching the Anthonys' home in the wake of the skull discovery "tore it apart."
The Anthonys attended a church service Sunday and met privately with their pastor at the Eastside Baptist Church, reported.

"I just prayed with the Anthonys this morning and encouraged them and let them know we're here and we're not leaving," their pastor, Dr. Shane Stutzman, told the station.

Caylee has been missing since June, and no trace of her was found until last week's discovery. Orange County Sheriff's deputies, agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and FBI experts have converged on the vacant property to comb it for clues.

Sheriff's spokesman Carlos Padilla said Sunday that the thick undergrowth has made for slow searching.

"They're being very tedious and very methodical," he said.

Padilla would not say what, if any, other pieces of evidence were found during the search.

Caylee's mother, 22-year-old Casey Anthony, waited a month to report her daughter missing. She initially told police that she left the child with a baby sitter, but detectives said her story was untrue. Anthony was charged in her daughter's murder on Oct. 14.

The discovery of the skull is the first major break in the case in months.

Although DNA results on the remains probably won't be released for several days, authorities and even Anthony's own attorneys are treating the find as if it is Caylee.

"We're going to have our experts all reviewing everything from top to bottom," her attorney Jose Baez told "Unfortunately, due to the time that's elapsed and our inability to be able to observe what's being done, there's no telling what the scene is going to look like when we get it or what it was like beforehand."

One of Anthony's attorneys, Linda Kenney Baden, said during a court hearing last week that "anthropological measurements and hair color" of the remains were said to match Caylee.

Sheriff Kevin Beary said that a search of the grandparents' home where the mother and daughter lived had also yielded links to the remains that he would not reveal. There are no other similar missing-child cases in the area.

Anthony is being held without bond at the Orange County Jail.,2933,466991,00.html

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 08:17:05 AM
I wonder if the guy in orange found her?

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 01:56:52 PM
Emergency Hearing Set As Anthony Defense Seeks Search Site Evidence
Utility Worker Found Skull, Human Remains

POSTED: 6:35 am EST December 16, 2008
UPDATED: 10:46 am EST December 16, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An emergency hearing will be held Tuesday afternoon as the defense team of Casey Anthony seeks photographs, video recordings and drawings of a wooded area where a child's skull and remains were discovered last week.

and appoint a forensic expert for the court. 

Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June.

It is not yet known if the human remains belong to Caylee.

Anthony will not attend the hearing, which will be streamed on

'Significant Find' Made At Site

Investigators on Monday said they have made "significant finds" during the search the wooded area near the home of Caylee's grandparents, who hope that a child's skull found there doesn't belong to their granddaughter, although they are realistic about the possibility that the remains may be hers, their attorney said.

George and Cindy Anthony are asking for privacy until the medical examiner is able to identify the remains found last week in woods near their home, attorney Bradley Conway said.

"They're not grieving yet because we don't know whose body this is," Conway said. "But if it is identified as Caylee, they are going to go through that grief process privately, and when they're ready to speak they will."

Authorities said Casey Anthony waited a month to report her daughter missing last July. She initially told police that she left the child with a baby sitter, but detectives said her story was untrue. Her parents still believe her story and support her, the attorney said.

Caylee and her mother lived with George and Cindy Anthony. The grandparents have returned home after spending time in a hotel while investigators searched their house for evidence late last week. Their attorney said that items were taken from their home which were not on a search warrant.

Crime scene technicians and detectives on Monday continued to search the woods near the Anthony home, where the skull was found last week by a meter reader. Capt. Angelo Nieves, a spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Office, said he couldn't confirm reports that more bones had been found in the area over the weekend.

"There have been significant finds there at the location," Nieves said. "We're not providing additional information as to what evidence has been recovered."

Several experts also were being called in to examine the site over the next few days, including a botanist, a forensic anthropologist and an entomologist, or expert on insects, Nieves said.

Conway said the grandparents were not being investigated for any crimes, such as obstruction of justice. George and Cindy Anthony have been fingerprinted by investigators but only to rule them out as suspects. They are cooperating with detectives, he said.

"They have not obstructed any investigation," Conway said.

"They haven't destroyed any evidence. They have in no way interfered with what the ... sheriff's office has to do."

The Anthonys have placed cameras at their house and hired a security team because they are wary of neighbors or others who may try to profit from Caylee's disappearance by selling information or photos to tabloids, Conway said.

"They don't know who to trust other than themselves and the team that is assigned to protect and defend them," he said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 01:59:47 PM
George Anthony is overcome with emotion as he sits inside his car today. (Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel)
Judge to hear motions in Casey Anthony case today  

An emergency hearing to discuss several defense requests is scheduled to begin shortly in the case against Casey Anthony. Watch live video here at 2 p.m.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 02:35:40 PM
Sheriff's attorney says skull belongs to "little girl"
Sarah Lundy and Walter Pacheco

Sentinel Staff Writers

2:23 PM EST, December 16, 2008

Today's Updates

Sheriff's attorney says skull belongs to a little girl
2:20 p.m. An attorney for the Orange County Sheriff's Office just described the child's body found near the Anthony house as a "little girl." It marks the first time an official for the agency has identified the gender of the body, which is believed to be Caylee Marie.

The gender came up as the attorney for the Sheriff's Office was describing what types of photos the agency was not willing to turn over to Jose Baez, who represents Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony.

Baez, who wants photos of the crime scene where the body was found, can file a public records request and the sheriff's office may turn over certain photos. But the attorney said the agency would not turn over photos showing the skull of the "little girl.",0,394601.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 03:22:01 PM
Judge denies motions in Casey Anthony case

2:46 p.m. Robert Guthrie, an Orange County attorney, said during the hearing that Orange-Osceola Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia has a legal obligation to study the remains and she doesn't want "strangers" interfering.

He was referring to Baez's request to have defense experts involved in her investigation.

Baez complained in one of his failed motions about the possibility the bones will be "macerated" -- a process that removes soft-tissues from the bones by soaking them in cold water and/or boiling water. The procedure helps experts focus only on the bones.

Guthrie acknowledged that Garavaglia anticipates there could be about three inches of "bone loss" and that could include maceration.

Judge Stan Strickland denies motions
2:30 p.m. The judge said he would not allow the motions proposed by Baez because they would hinder the sheriff's office investigation.

"I can't assist you with interfering in a murder investigation," Strickland told Casey Anthony's defense team.

Sheriff's attorney says skull belongs to a little girl
2:20 p.m. An attorney for the Orange County Sheriff's Office just described the child's body found near the Anthony house as a "little girl." It marks the first time an official for the agency has identified the gender of the body, which is believed to be Caylee Marie.

The gender came up as Ann-Marie Delahunty, the attorney for the Sheriff's Office, was describing what types of photos the agency was not willing to turn over to Jose Baez, who represents Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony.

Baez, who wants photos of the crime scene where the body was found, can file a public records request and the sheriff's office may turn over certain photos. But Delahunty said the agency would not turn over photos showing the skull of the "little girl."

"What we will not do is we will not release photographs of the skull of this little girl to then be broadcast all over the news before the body has even been identified, before the parents have been notified,'' said attorney Ann-Marie Delahunty.

Emergency hearing this afternoon
10:44 a.m. An emergency hearing to discuss several defense requests is scheduled this afternoon in the case against Casey Anthony.

Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland will consider three motions filed by Anthony's attorney Jose Baez. Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter Caylee Marie.

The motions include:

- Another request to perform a second autopsy on the remains found in the woods near Anthony's home. Strickland denied the first request last week.

- The defense wants access to photos, video recordings, and schematic drawings taken at the crime scene. Baez said investigators told him last week that they would be done with the crime scene late Friday. Defense experts - including a pathologist, an anthropologist, a criminalist, an entomologist and two private investigators - were flown to Orlando to be ready to review the crime scene when the sheriff's office was done.

Federal and local crime scene investigators are still combing through the area and say it may not be done for several days. In the defense motions, Baez claims the crime scene will likely by destroyed before his experts are able to inspect the area. That's why the defense wants the photos and other material.

- Baez is requesting the remains to be preserved and - if needed - appoint a "master" to oversee the preservation of the forensic evidence. He fears the bones and other material will be "macerated," essentially leaving the bone clean.

Forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs - the defense's expert - signed an affidavit, supporting the motions.

 From the Dec. 16 print edition of the Orlando Sentinel

By Sarah Lundy, Bianca Prieto and Amy L. Edwards
Sentinel Stafff Writers

For five days, federal and Orange County authorities have toiled in the woods where a child's skull was discovered in a plastic bag.

Investigators hauled out boxes of brush and dirt. Crime-scene technicians on their hands and knees combed through debris. Others shook soil through sifters, searching for any tiny particle that might help determine whether the remains are of missing Caylee Marie Anthony.

Five long days -- and yet the work has just begun.

Sheriff's officials said Monday that the lot, a quarter-mile from the home of the child's grandparents, could remain a crime scene for several more days as the evidence crews and various experts, including an anthropologist, an entomologist and a botanist, search methodically for more clues.

After that will come weeks of careful laboratory work designed to make sense of what investigators have found. Already, pieces of the remains have been sent to the FBI lab in Virginia. More will follow.

Forensic experts say the process of identifying a decomposed body -- especially a child -- is not easy, and finding out how that child died can be an even greater challenge. DNA typing, bone inspections, toxicology tests and trace-evidence analysis are just some of the work to be done in the coming days.

"It's just like an archaeological excavation in some cases," said Bill Schneck, founder of Microvision Northwest, a forensic-consulting company in Washington state.

Investigators want to confirm whether the bones belong to Caylee, who disappeared in June. Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, insists her daughter was kidnapped by a baby sitter, but a grand jury has charged her with killing her daughter, who was 2 when she disappeared.

For now, there is no solution to the puzzle, just many new pieces and players:

Medical examiner

Orange-Osceola Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia must make the final decision -- who is the child in the woods off Suburban Drive and how did the youngster die? She'll get assistance from a slew of scientific experts.

Typically, the medical examiner starts by separating evidence from the body, said Palm Beach County Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Bell, who is not associated with the case.

"If there's clothing, clothing comes off. If there's other stuff that's on the body, that will get removed. Everything gets documented, photographed," Bell said.

Sheriff's officials have not disclosed what they found with the child's bones, some of which were inside a plastic bag. But a sheriff's source disclosed Monday that additional bones were found elsewhere in the woods during the weekend.

Often, investigators rely on dental records to confirm an adult's identity, Bell said. But when dealing with young children who have not been X-rayed, DNA will be key, he said.

A sample of DNA, a person's unique genetic blueprint, can be extracted from a hair, a piece of bone or a tooth. The medical examiner collects the sample, then bags it and sends it to a lab.

The examiner then conducts an autopsy, studying the remains to determine the cause of death. Having a skeleton with little or no soft tissues makes the job more difficult.

DNA found in the nucleus of a cell from the remains can be compared with samples of Caylee's DNA collected at her home.

However, getting a good sample can be more difficult when dealing with a decomposing body left outside for months, said Margaret Wallace, associate professor at John Jay College in New York City.

If nuclear DNA is not available, authorities can turn to mitochondrial DNA, found elsewhere in the cell. This is DNA passed from a mother to her children. Mitochondrial DNA from the remains would have to be compared with samples from Caylee's mother. This would determine whether the dead child was related to Anthony.

DNA is a prominent identification tool, but it's not the only one.

Forensic anthropologist

The skeleton can hold many answers.

Donna Boyd, a professor of anthropology at Radford University in Virginia and co-director of the school's Forensic Science Institute, said the first step for a forensic anthropologist investigating a set of remains is to make a list of what bones are found.

From this, the anthropologist creates a biological profile. With adults, authorities can figure out age, sex, racial type and stature. Children are more difficult because they have not developed as much.

Sex and race are nearly impossible to determine, she said, but age is possible by looking at the size of the bones and teeth.

Bones can be examined for evidence of trauma. Anthropologists can determine whether these injuries, such as broken bones, occurred before the person died, around the time of death or afterward, Boyd said.

Choking isn't as easy to detect. However, a specific bone in the throat can break if strangled -- serving as a red flag to investigators, she said.

What happened to the remains after death can be just as important. Animal bite marks and potential water damage are studied.

"It helps you understand where the remains have been and what happened to them," Boyd said.

Trace evidence

While many experts focus on the body, others try to piece together a story from everything found around the remains.

Investigators sifting through the soil may be looking for fabric from clothing, bone fragments, plastic, rubber from shoes and even duct tape, said Schneck of Microvision Northwest, a trace-evidence expert who has been featured on the TV show Forensic Files.

"If they know what she was wearing, they might be able to find some clothing fragments," Schneck said. The clothing might help provide identification before DNA results come back.

"Duct tape could hold a treasure trove of stuff -- fingerprints, hair and fibers," Schneck said.

The ripped edge of duct tape also can be matched to the roll it came from, even if it has since been used, Schneck said. Investigators have not said whether they have found duct tape in the Anthony home.

The soil could be an important clue, Schneck said.

When someone buries a body, soil often gets on the suspect's shoes and the tools used to dig the grave. Once the burial is done, the dirt can end up in another place, such as the suspect's home.

The composition of the soil differs greatly from one place to another. Schneck looks at bacterial composition, minerals and color of soil when comparing them. If soil from the crime scene shows up at the suspect's home or car, that is good indication, he said.

Early on, investigators found soil in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. It's unknown where that soil came from or if it has been tested.

Walter Pacheco of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Sarah Lundy can be reached at or 407-420-6218. Bianca Prieto can be reached at or 407-420-5620. Amy L. Edwards can be reached at or 407-420-5735.,0,394601.story?page=3

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 05:49:30 PM
Judge Shoots Down Anthony Defense Team Motions

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 – updated: 5:20 pm EST December 16, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team lost another round of legal battles Tuesday afternoon when a judge rejected its request to quickly examine material gathered from a scene where a child's remains were found last week.

=" VIDEO REPORT: Motions Denied, Search Continues
RAW VIDEO: Court Hearing
READ: Motion To Preserve Forensic Evidence | Request For Second Autopsy | Emergency Motion To Compel

Anthony's defense team had asked for an emergency court hearing Tuesday afternoon to force investigators to turn over photographs, video and sketches of the scene. The lawyers also requested a second autopsy be performed on the remains.

Judge Stan Strickland denied two motions and put aside one.

"Part of this is just pure folly," said Strickland. "I just can't do some of what you're asking for."

Baez had wanted to get his hands on evidence investigators continue to dig up at the scene, which is not far from the home where Casey Anthony, her daughter Caylee, and her parents, George and Cindy, live. Casey Anthony has been charged with murder in connection with her two-year-old daughter's death. Her trial is tentatively scheduled to begin in March.

"They're not sure when they're gonna be done," Baez said of the investigators. "It's no longer a crime scene, it's more of an excavation scene."

But Strickland quickly shot down that argument, ruling the defense team has no right to interfere with detectives as they process the crime scene.

"There's no time clock on an investigation and if law enforcement doesn't do an exhaustive job, defense will argue it was shoddy and inadequate," said Strickland.

Strickland also said there was no need to appoint someone to oversee the work of the Orange County medical examiner and said the motion on a second autopsy was a moot point since the body hadn't even been identified yet.

WFTV legal analyst William Sheaffer called the motions "ludicrous." Sheaffer said it was unheard of for a defense team to ask to be part of a murder investigation. He also pointed out that the request for a second autopsy was a moot point because either Casey Anthony, or her parents, George and Cindy, would have the right to have that done once the remains are turned over to them, if the remains do indeed belong to missing 2-year-old Caylee Anthony.

Baez said his client was having a hard time with the discovery.

"She's not taking it well due to the severity," said Baez. "As far as giving specifics, it wouldn't be appropriate."


Investigators hoped to finish searching the scene some time Wednesday but now are not sure that will happen. They say they continue to turn up new evidence and will stay as long as it takes. They've been looking for clues among dirt and branches they've pulled out of the woods.

Casey's childhood friend told deputies that the wooded area near Hidden Oaks Elementary School was where they used to hang out as kids. Five months before a utility worker discovered a child's remains Casey Anthony's childhood friend, Kiomarie Cruz, told deputies they needed to look in the woods near the school.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 09:24:31 AM
Items In Anthony Home Linked To Evidence In Woods
Casey Anthony Remains Jailed On Murder Charges

POSTED: Wednesday, December 17, 2008
UPDATED: 9:16 am EST December 17, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Items siezed from the home of Casey Anthony's parents by investigators serving a search warrant last week has been linked to evidence that was discovered in a wooded area where a child's skull and remains were found, Local 6 News reported.

Casey Anthony, 22, was charged in October with killing daughter Caylee, who was reported missing in mid-July. The remains have not been positively identified, but recent comments from attorneys and authorities indicate they believe the body is likely Caylee's.

It is not known what the linked items taken from the home are.

Defense Motions Denied

A judge on Tuesday denied requests from the mother of a missing Florida toddler to force investigators to turn over their photos, videos and drawings from the woods where a child's remains were found last week.

The judge also denied motions from Casey Anthony's attorneys to appoint a forensic expert and allow a second autopsy. Anthony's attorneys say they have concerns about how the remains are being preserved.

"I can't assist you by interfering in a murder investigation. That's basically what this amounts to," said Circuit Judge Stan Strickland in rejecting the motions during an emergency hearing. "I just can't do it. They're still investigating it."

Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, said that the judge risked denying his client a fair trial by refusing the defense access to the evidence from the crime scene. Crime scene technicians and experts on Tuesday spent a sixth day sifting through dirt and scouring the woods where the remains were discovered by a meter reader last Thursday.

"We are in a situation where it's no longer a crime scene," Baez said. "It has become an excavation site."

An attorney for the Orange County Sheriff's Office said in court Tuesday that the remains were a little girl's, the first time the gender has been confirmed. Ann-Marie Delahunty made the disclosure while arguing in court that the site was an active crime scene that should be free of interference from outsiders. The remains were being preserved properly, she said.

"What we will not do is, we will not release photographs ... of this little girl to be broadcast all over," Delahunty said.

Delahunty suggested a public records request by the defense attorney would be a more appropriate avenue for obtaining photos and videos of the crime scene.

The judge said he would be open to considering the request for a second autopsy at a later time. The results of the autopsy already performed were expected in the next week.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 09:25:58 AM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 – updated: 9:03 am EST December 17, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony received a visitor at the Orange County jail Tuesday. Pastor Thomas Stutzman of the Eastside Baptist Church visited her for the second time. He is the only pastor that is permitted to visit and he may visit once a month.

The pastor is the only person, other than her defense team, who has visited Casey, since she was arrested on murder charges for the death of her daughter. Stutzman represents the same church where the Anthonys held a vigil for Caylee.

Channel 9 was told that Casey Anthony was removed from psychological observation, but she remains in protective custody.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 12:12:50 PM
A family friend consoles Cindy and George Anthony in their front yard today. (Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel),0,5470400.story

posted by Klaasend

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 12:14:31 PM

Investigators may close crime scene 
Last Edited: Wednesday, 17 Dec 2008, 10:08 AM EST 
Created: Wednesday, 17 Dec 2008, 10:00 AM EST 

 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The Orange County Sheriff's Office is expected to wrap up their investigation at a crime site where the remains of a child were found last Thursday.

A utility worker discovered a bag that contained a human skull with duct tape around it and called authorities. The location where the remains were found are less than a quarter of a mile away from the home of George and Cindy Anthony.

Once they have completed their investigation of the site, the defense team representing 22-year-old Casey Anthony will be granted access to the area so they can complete their own investigation.

The FBI Lab in Quantico, Va. is conducting tests on the remains found and it may be several more days before those results are available. In an emergency motion hearing Tuesday, a member of the prosecution alluded that the remains found were those of a little girl, but she would not go as far to say that they belonged to missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony.

Caylee's mother, Casey, remains in protective custody at the Orange County Jail awaiting her murder trial in March. On Tuesday, she was officially removed from psychological observation and was visited by her pastor from Eastside Baptist Church.

The pastor, Thomas Shane Stutzman, is the only pastor permitted to visit Casey and can only do so once a month in an in-jail official visit which is not recorded.

Though Casey is no longer under psychological observation, she will still be observed by corrections staff and is routinely reviewed by the jail's health services personnel, according to a jail official.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 03:55:41 PM

Evidence Search At Remains Site May End Soon

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 – updated: 3:07 pm EST December 17, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Investigators said it could be until at least Thursday afternoon before crews clear the scene where a child's remains were found a week ago.

The crime scene was expanded from a half-acre to an acre. Experts from the FBI and other agencies were using different size sifters to check every bucket full of dirt in the area to recover even the smallest of bone fragments.

AT THE SCENE: Images From Dec. 17 Search
VIDEO REPORT: Search Could Soon End
MESSAGE BOARD: Has Caylee Been Found?

Investigators brought in other experts, an anthropologist (bone expert), entomologist (bug expert) and a botanist (brush and foliage expert) to help identify evidence and put the story of what happened and when together. They're also helping determine what happened to the child's body before it was dumped there.

There was no word from investigators on exactly when the DNA tests would be completed to identify the remains. It has been seven days and investigators said it would take between seven and 14 days.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 06:12:16 PM
Facebook Posting Suggests Casey Took Friend's Duct Tape

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 – updated: 6:07 pm EST December 17, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- An online social networking site might hold clues in the case against Casey. It might help determine where the duct tape came from that was found on a child's remains located near the Anthony home.

Eyewitness News made the discovery Wednesday as search crews spent another day sifting through dirt and knocking down tree branches. Eyewitness News learned of the duct tape details from somebody who contacted the station through

VIDEO REPORT: Duct Tape Came From Friend?
MESSAGE BOARD: Has Caylee Been Found?

An Ontario woman, who has been tracking the Casey Anthony case on, emailed what she says is Casey's Facebook page with a message about duct tape. She insists it's an authentic page she pulled in July.

One specific posting in late May, from who appears to be Casey's former best friend Amy Huizenga, reads, "You lost my duct tape. I was excited to have so much left. That's why (sic) I get for giving you my purse."

The date it appeared to be posted, May 26, was around the same time as a "no clothes party" Casey attended. She had wrapped herself in a flag and, according to her, nothing else.

Eyewitness News passed the Facebook information along to law enforcement and they are investigating the possibility that the duct tape mentioned is somehow connected to the case.

Investigators found duct tape on the mouth of the child's skull found less than a half-mile from the Anthony home. Investigators have been very tight-lipped about what they took from the Anthony home shortly after the remains were found and what, if any, evidence it has yielded.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 07:02:07 PM
Clothing Also Found In Bag With Child's Remains
FBI Analyzing Tooth, Hair Found At Crime Scene
POSTED: 12:13 pm EST December 17, 2008
UPDATED: 6:30 pm EST December 17, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The state confirmed Wednesday that clothing was also found in the trash bag full of a child's remains discovered near the Anthony home.

Related Content: Video | Special Section

The remains were found last Thursday just blocks away from the home of Caylee Anthony, who was first 

reported missing five months ago.

Her mother, Casey Anthony, has been jailed on a first-degree murder charge.

The clothing discovery is the strongest sign yet that the state believes the remains belong to Caylee, reported WESH 2's Bob Kealing.

Authorities said they're uncovering new evidence almost every day.

Sources said they believe the victim was dumped soon after the slaying.

Prosecutors visited the crime scene along Suburban Drive on Wednesday. They learned that crime scene investigators and FBI forensics experts wouldn't be done processing the area until at least Thursday.

Teams carrying machetes continued cutting into the wooded area, and they expanded the search area from a half acre to an acre.

Investigators said the crime scene continues to give up more and more clues. Crime scene investigator technicians hope to piece together not only who the child was, but how the child died, and perhaps when the remains were dumped there in a plastic bag.

Two prosecutors met with investigators on Wednesday morning for a progress report on the search effort.

A short news conference was held to announce the search would stretch into an eighth day.

"We expected that it might have been late this afternoon that this scene might have been able to be cleared, but as we continue to discover items at the scene, we'll continue to hold the scene irregardless of identification. The medical examiner will make that determination as to when it is proper to make a proper announcement regarding identification," Orange County Sheriff's Office Capt. Angelo Nieves said.

Authorities also announced that FBI analysts began work to identify the remains by using a tooth and hair found at the crime scene.

One woman said off camera Wednesday that she was part of a Texas Equusearch team that scoured this area. She claims to have photographic evidence that proves the remains were not there when they searched. Investigators reviewed the photos and took her statement.

Earlier Wednesday, lead investigators briefed two state attorneys whose job it is to prosecute Casey Anthony on murder charges.

A steady stream of people continued to come to the scene to pay their respects and reflect.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 07:32:22 PM
Anthony case prosecutors visit scene where body was found

Last Edited: Wednesday, 17 Dec 2008, 5:55 PM EST
Created: Wednesday, 17 Dec 2008, 4:07 PM EST

Anthony case prosecutors visit scene where body was found

Related Items
StoriesTimeline, Documents and Photos related to the Casey Anthony Case

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- On Wednesday prosecutors in the Casey Anthony case visited the scene where a child's remains were found one week ago.

The bones have not be officially identified as Caylee's remains but the visit gives some indication the state knows more about the identity than they are letting on. “They are here to maintain their interest in the case obviously.  They want to make sure they are aware first hand of what is going on here at the scene,” said Captain Angelo Nieves from the Orange County Sheriff's Office .

It was expected that crime scene technicians would wrap up their work on Wednesday but more finds, and more being brought it, will have the sheriff's office and the FBI out here at least until tomorrow. “It’s grown to ½ acre to an acre in size through this morning and through this afternoon and they continue to find additional items,” said Nieves.

The scene will then be opened up for everyone to see including Jose Baez and the public.

Cops have concerns about what will happen next because it is an area where people live and kids go to school. 

Nieves says deputies will be out at the scene to keep watch at least for a few days.

 “Once this scene is released we will maintain proper order," Nieves said. "The Orange County Sheriff’s Office will continue to restore order. We expect everyone to act accordingly.”

Baez lashes out at investigators

On Wednesday Casey Anthony’s attorney Jose Baez released the following statement regarding the crime scene:

“The Casey Anthony Defense Team has made numerous attempts to preserve the evidence in and around the location where the human remains of what appear to be a small child were found.

Law enforcement has been repeatedly asked to allow reasonable access by medical and scientific experts for the defense, including requests for photographs, and assistance with maintaining a secure examination scene prior to any media or general public access.

Every effort by The Baez Law Firm to establish a level of basic cooperation and professional courtesy have all been rejected by the government. This lack of cooperation has complicated how to proceed.

Now that the scene more resembles that of an excavation site as opposed to an examinable crime scene - attorney Jose Baez has been advised that without properly detailed photographs and all related material and documentation, the various experts on the Casey Anthony Defense Team will simply not be able to thoroughly examine the site.

Unfortunately this matter has already become a Media Circus and something The Baez Law Firm will not contribute to, by just making a show of going to the excavation site without good reason. The Casey Anthony Defense Team is being prevented from examining the site unless and until all photographs, schematic sketches and related material and documentation are released to the defense through the discovery process.”

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 18, 2008, 09:17:10 AM
Teeth, More Bones Found In Search Near Anthony Home
Remains Not Yet Identified

POSTED: Thursday, December 18, 2008
UPDATED: 7:38 am EST December 18, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Teeth and more skeletal remains have been found during a search of a wooded area near the home of Caylee Anthony's grandparents, causing officials to expand the search area to more than a half-acre, Local 6 News reported.

The search began last week after a utility worker found a skull and the remains of a child in the woods, located less than a half-mile from the George and Cindy Anthony's home, which they shared with their daughter, Casey Anthony, and Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June.

The remains have not yet been identified.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of her daughter, who was not reported missing until mid-July. Her trial is scheduled to begin in March.

Prosecutors visited the search site on Wednesday to ensure the quality of work being done by investigators.

"As we make additional discoveries on the scene here, they will continue to provide that information, properly label it, sort through it, make sure that it's returned to the medical examiner's office as well," Carlos Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff's Office said.

A team of scientists, including anthropologists, a forensic botanist and a forensic entomologist, have been researching insect and plant growth and climate changes in the area in an effort to pinpoint when the remains were left there.

A nearby makeshift memorial displaying stuffed animals, balloons, letters and flowers in honor of Caylee has more than tripled in size since Monday, Local 6 News reported.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 18, 2008, 03:41:36 PM
An investigator carries a chain saw near the area where a child's remains were found. (Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel)
Sources: FBI examining hair samples from child's remains

Updated: 3:03 p.m.
Hair samples found in the bag containing the child's remains were shipped to the FBI's lab, a source at the Orange County Sheriff's Office said today.

Today's updates:

Casey Anthony purchases pad, pencils and snacks
3:04 p.m.

Murder suspect Casey Anthony, using money in her jail account, has purchased a sketch pad, colored pencils, playing cards and an assortment of packaged food and candy, according to documents just released by the Orange County Jail. She made purchases today and Wednesday totaling $53.27 Her account, funded with donations from her father and others, now has a balance of just under $400, records show. She is being held at the jail on no bond

Related links
Caylee Anthony case: "Dr. Phil" returns to story tonight
WATCH IT: Casey Anthony videos Video
LISTEN TO IT: Utility worker reports skull found Audio
PHOTOS: Remains found near Anthony home Photos
The Caylee Anthony saga in photos Photos
READ FOR YOURSELF: Investigators' timeline in Casey Anthony case
READ FOR YOURSELF: Potential state witnesses in the Casey Anthony case
Casey Anthony evidence photos released Photos
Volunteers search for Caylee Marie Anthony Photos
The Caylee Anthony case: From the beginning
Florida's media circuses Photos
TV Guy Hal Boedeker's commentary on the Casey Anthony case coverage

Sources at the sheriff's office confirm FBI examining hair samples
8:55 a.m. Hair samples found in the bag containing the child's remains were shipped to the FBI's lab, a source at the Orange County Sheriff's Office said today.

However, sheriff's office spokesman Captain Angelo Nieves would not confirm other items under investigation.

"We know that the court team spoke about a 3-inch piece of bone that would be used during the identification process; we have not provided any identification of items recovered at the scene except for the skull and bag," Nieves wrote in an e-mail to the Orlando Sentinel. "The sheriff responded to a question on the first day regarding any clothing being present and he replied that there was none at this time, in other words [it is] too early to tell.",0,787819.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 18, 2008, 05:12:56 PM
Worker Who Found Skull Near Anthony Home Phoned In Previous Tip
More Skeletal Remains Discovered; Search Site Expands

POSTED: Thursday, December 18, 2008
UPDATED: 5:07 pm EST December 18, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A utility worker who discovered a child's remains near Caylee Anthony grandparents' home last week phoned in a tip about the same area to authorities in August, an Orange County sheriff's spokesman said at a media briefing on Thursday.
LIVE VIDEO: Local 6 News In Orlando
The search of the area began last week after the discovery, which is located less than a half-mile from George and Cindy Anthony's home, which they shared with their daughter, Casey Anthony, and Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June.

Orange County sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said more skeletal remains were found on Thursday and appeared to be those of a small child. The remains have not been identified -- the skull and earlier finds have been undergoing DNA and other testing.

Because of their location and size authorities believe they are the missing toddler, who was 2 when she disappeared last summer.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of her daughter, who was not reported missing until mid-July. Her trial is scheduled to begin in March.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 18, 2008, 05:15:36 PM
Sheriff's office: More remains found; first tip about site came in August
Amy L. Edwards, Bianca Prieto and Walter Pacheco | Sentinel Staff Writers
5:06 PM EST, December 18, 2008

New bones were discovered Thursday on a wooded lot where Orange County investigators found a skull and other skeletal remains a week ago, the sheriff's office said.

Sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said the new bones were found on the perimeter of the search area off Suburban Drive where investigators and crime-scene technicians have been working since last week.

Investigators have suggested the remains could be those of missing toddler Cayle Marie Anthony, who disappeared in June.

Because of the new discovery, investigators have expanded the search area and intend to stay at the site several more days, Nieves said.


The sheriff's spokesman also made a surprise announcement that the utitlity worker who reported finding the remains last week also made calls to authorities on three days in August. It was not immediately known what he reported.

Nieves said his agency was investigating how those reports were handled. Nieves said a deputy was sent to the scene in August to follow up on the tip.

More to come.

Sheriff's officials to hold press conference at 4:50 p.m.
4:06 p.m.

Orange County Sheriff's officials will hold a press conference this afternoon at the sight where a body of a young child was found a week ago.

Captain Angelo Nieves, sheriff's spokesman, will be on scene to deliver the news. Details about the press conference were not released.

Casey Anthony purchases pad, pencils and snacks
3:04 p.m.

Murder suspect Casey Anthony, using money in her jail account, has purchased a sketch pad, colored pencils, playing cards and an assortment of packaged food and candy, according to documents just released by the Orange County Jail. She made purchases today and Wednesday totaling $53.27 Her account, funded with donations from her father and others, now has a balance of just under $400, records show. She is being held at the jail on no bond

Sources at the sheriff's office confirm FBI examining hair samples
8:55 a.m. Hair samples found in the bag containing the child's remains were shipped to the FBI's lab, a source at the Orange County Sheriff's Office said today.

However, sheriff's office spokesman Captain Angelo Nieves would not confirm other items under investigation.

"We know that the court team spoke about a 3-inch piece of bone that would be used during the identification process; we have not provided any identification of items recovered at the scene except for the skull and bag," Nieves wrote in an e-mail to the Orlando Sentinel. "The sheriff responded to a question on the first day regarding any clothing being present and he replied that there was none at this time, in other words [it is] too early to tell.",0,787819.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 18, 2008, 06:45:29 PM
Slide Show of the Search Area

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 18, 2008, 06:49:09 PM
Deputies Say "Significant Skeletal Remains" Found
Thursday, December 18, 2008 – updated: 5:36 pm EST December 18, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Orange County deputies said Thursday that "significant skeletal remains" were found Thursday afternoon and that the first tips about the area came in as early as August. A late Thursday afternoon media briefing from the Orange County Sheriff's Office revealed new details in the search for more evidence after a child's remains were found less than a half-mile from the Anthony home.

Capt. Angelo Nieves said the search was expanded after "significant skeletal remains" were located Thursday afternoon. He said the newly found remains are consistent with the remains of a young child. Nieves said the area is not going to be released until possibly as late as Saturday.

"We will release the scene when it's appropriate to do so," Nieves said.

Nieves also said the utility worker, who led them to the remains after finding a child's skull a week ago, had called dispatchers three times in August about the possibility he'd found something in that area, on August 11, 12, and 13. Nieves said at least one deputy was sent to the scene and investigators are now investigating that yet-to-be-identified deputy, talking to dispatchers who took the calls and interviewing the utility worker.

Nieves said the man likely came back to the scene last Thursday because it had been nagging him.

"He is not a suspect in this case," Nieves said early Thursday evening. "He is a credible witness and we consider him so at the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

Also Thursday, the sheriff's office released dozens of images showing the search scene. The images didn't reveal anything and do not show any actual evidence, but some of the images do give the closest look yet at the search scene from the ground

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 19, 2008, 07:13:44 AM
Did investigators find Caylee Anthony's book at search site?
9:13 PM EST, December 18, 2008
On a day filled with developments in the case of missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony -- including news that the man who discovered human remains last week called in the same tip three times in August -- a single photograph brought forth as many questions as it answered.

Did investigators searching a wooded area for skeletal remains possibly also find a book that Caylee liked to read?

One of the 171 photos released Thursday by investigators shows a slight opening in the brush -- and what appears to be a hard-cover book. (Click here to see the photos)

To some observers, that object appears similar to a book that Caylee is seen reading on a video made by her grandparents, the last visual evidence of the toddler before she was reported missing in July. (Click here to watch that video.)
Editors at discovered the similarities while looking over the crime scene photos late Thursday. We wondered if the Orange County Sheriff's Office noticed the same thing. So we asked.

Sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said he had not seen the crime-scene photos and could not comment on their content. He said he would not ask investigators about the photo.

Whatever the object -- a book, a cereal box, wrapping paper or something else -- no close-up photos of it were released by investigators, who have said that the wooded area is full of debris. So, what do you think?

Shortly before dinnertime Thursday, Nieves confirmed that significant skeletal remains were discovered and that the search area was being expanded. It had been anticipated that investigators were close to opening the area up. Instead, Nieves said, the search will continue today and possibly into the weekend.

That development, however, was followed by the stunner: The utility worker who phoned in the discovery of a bag of bones in the wooded area in east Orange County -- about two blocks from the home of Caylee's mother and grandparents -- first called in a tip to the sheriff's office's communications center on August 11. The next day, he called Crimeline. And on Aug. 13, he called the communications center again.

The meter reader's next call about the case was last week. That day, he reported to his boss at Orange County Utilities Department that he found a bag of bones that included a small skull.,0,4733443.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 19, 2008, 07:15:56 AM
Cops, on Caylee tips: How did we miss this?
Bianca Prieto | Sarah Lundy and Amy L. Edwards, Sentinel Staff Writers
December 19, 2008
Could the search for Caylee Marie have ended months ago?

An Orange County utilities worker tried three times in August to alert law enforcement of a strange gray bag on the side of Suburban Drive near the home of missing Caylee Marie Anthony, a sheriff's official said Thursday.

Three times, deputy sheriffs checked the tips, with no results. When curiosity led the same utility worker back to the same spot last week, he found a plastic bag containing the remains of a small child.

Now, the Orange County Sheriff's Office is trying to figure out what happened four months ago and how its deputies handled the calls. The tipster, who has not been publicly identified, is not considered a suspect and has been cooperating with deputies, officials said.

"We are attempting to be as thorough, as clear and as concise as possible with the information that we received. There was a window of opportunity, possibly . . ." Capt. Angelo Nieves said. "We had a deputy respond to this location."

The meter reader "provided several phone calls to our Crimeline as well as our communications center," the captain added during a late-afternoon news conference. The worker called in the tip at least three times in three days in August. He was "definitely persistent, and thank goodness he was," Nieves said.

But deputies twice declared the scene clear. "We are currently following up on that sequence to determine the thoroughness of the response here to the scene," Nieves said.

Authorities have yet to identify the remains -- found scattered over an acre of thick woods -- but many suspect they belong to Caylee, the Orange County toddler reported missing in mid-July.

At least one of the deputies who responded to the meter reader's tips checked the woods, Nieves said.

A week into evidence collection at the site, a short walk from the child's home, more "significant" bones were unearthed Thursday, Nieves said. Officials said the new discovery would require additional work and that crime-scene technicians may not clear the scene until Saturday afternoon.
Also Thursday, the Sheriff's Office released 173 photos of the area that is being searched. The pictures include several aerial shots, the dense woods at dusk, and one photo that appears to show what could be packaging or a book lying among the foliage.

The Sheriff's Office would not discuss the photos or their significance.

Earlier this week, Casey Anthony's attorney, Jos� Baez, asked a judge to let him see photos of the area being searched for evidence. Sheriff's officials agreed they would release some, but not all, of the photos.

Baez insisted that he needed access to the photos because he was not being allowed to watch the work under way at the crime scene. He said the area had been altered substantially since the remains were found.

The Sheriff's Office withheld the names of the deputies and the utility worker. A Crimeline spokeswoman said she would not discuss specific tips.

An attorney for Caylee's grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony, said the family had no comment on the latest developments. The couple were attending a fundraiser for missing children and did not watch the news conference, said Brad Conway, their attorney.

What impact on case?

Baez's spokesman said Thursday's developments showed that much about the case still is not understood.

"This is a perfect example of why the media and the public should not prejudge this case," spokesman Todd Black said. "This case has information and facts that are coming forward every day, and Casey Anthony deserves the right of presumption of innocence until all facts and information are revealed."

It was unclear what effect disclosure of the August tips could have on the legal case against Anthony.

Veteran Orlando defense attorney Cheney Mason said it raises questions for the prosecutors and Anthony's defense attorney. The main question, he said, will be: When and how did the body get there?

"It distinctly creates a new level of investigation, interrogation and reasonable doubt," he said.,0,7614065.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 08:12:13 AM
Co-Worker: Snake Scared Off Deputy Checking Tip Near Caylee Home
More Skeletal Remains Discovered; Search Site Expands

POSTED: Thursday, December 18, 2008
UPDATED: 7:41 am EST December 19, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A co-worker of the man who last week discovered a skull and the remains of a child in a wooded area near the home of Caylee Anthony's grandparents said the deputy who checked on the man's first tips -- made in August -- was scared off by a large snake.  
PHOTOS: Authorities' Pics Of Search Site | Part II
The utility worker, an Orange County water meter reader who has not been identified, first called in a tip to Crimeline on Aug. 11, saying he spotted a bag partially submerged on the side of Suburban Drive, near the area where human bones that investigators believe belong to Caylee, who was last seen in mid-June, were found.

Caylee lived with her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, who remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in her daughter's disappearance, at the home of George and Cindy Anthony, which is located less than a half-mile from the wooded area.

"The deputy responds out to the scene, takes a look at the area, monitors the area, surveils the area to see what's available here for them to find. (The deputy) does not find anything, and then cleared the call," Orange County sheriff's Capt. Angelo Nieves said.

The same utility worker then called in the same tip on Aug. 12. A detective received the information but did not respond to the area, Local 6 News reported.

"They had information at that time that a detective was handling it, that the area had been searched -- which the area had been searched previously by cadaver dogs we understand -- but exactly what area we are still trying to determine," Nieves said.

The meter reader called in the same tip for a third time on Aug. 13, and an Orange County sheriff's deputy went to the wooded area to search for the bag but encountered a large snake and turned back, clearing the scene a short time later, according to the co-worker.

"That's where we're trying to determine the thoroughness of the follow-up," Nieves said.

The worker then returned to the woods on Dec. 11 -- four months after placing his first tip -- and discovered the bag. He picked it up, and a child's skull rolled out. The worker called the dispatcher who he works with, and his boss placed a 911 call about the finding.

The meter reader is not considered a suspect in the case, Nieves said.

Nieves also said more skeletal remains found on Thursday appeared to be those of a small child. The remains have not been identified -- the skull and earlier finds have been undergoing DNA and other testing.

Nieves said accusations made by Casey Anthony's defense team that the search site is being held by authorities longer than necessary are not true. He cited the fact that more remains have been found as proof.

"This is a perfect example of why the public and media should not be prejudging the case," said Todd Black, a spokesman for Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez. "I would imagine the meter reader should get an attorney before the sheriff's office accuses him of a crime."

Because of their location and size, authorities said they believe the remains are that of the missing toddler, who was 2 years old when she disappeared.

Teeth, More Bones Found

Meanwhile, teeth and more skeletal remains were found during a search of the woods on Wednesday, causing officials to expand the search area to more than a half-acre, Local 6 News reported.

FBI agents on Thursday continued to assist in the search at the site. Prosecutors visited the search site on Wednesday to ensure the quality of work being done by investigators.

"As we make additional discoveries on the scene here, they will continue to provide that information, properly label it, sort through it, make sure that it's returned to the medical examiner's office as well," Carlos Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff's Office said.

A team of scientists, including anthropologists, a forensic botanist and a forensic entomologist, have been researching insect and plant growth and climate changes in the area in an effort to pinpoint when the remains were left there.

Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, on Thursday filed a notice of intent to examine debris taken from the search site, requesting that the state preserve all of the dirt, trees, bushes and shrubs so the defense team can thoroughly sift through it.

According to the defense team, hair similar to Caylee's was found and was being analyzed to help identify the remains, Local 6 News reported.

A nearby makeshift memorial displaying stuffed animals, balloons, letters and flowers in honor of Caylee has more than tripled in size since Monday, Local 6 News reported.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Copyright 2008 by Internet Broadcasting Systems and All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 08:15:47 AM
Meter Reader's Identity Expected To Be Revealed

Friday, December 19, 2008 – updated: 8:09 am EST December 19, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The Orange County Sheriff's Office is expected to release the identity of the meter reader who discovered a child's remains in a wooded area near the Anthonys' home. Steve Triggs, Director of Communications for Orange County, said the meter reader had been a county employee for a relatively short time and would appear at a news conference Friday. Triggs said the meter reader is being represented by outside counsel at the County’s expense.

There are concerns surrounding the meter reader who found a child's remains believed to be Caylee Anthony. The Orange County Sheriff's Office said Thursday that the meter reader had been to the scene before and had called police about the area in August (map from location to Anthonys' home).

CLOSE-UP LOOK: Sheriff's Office Releases Images
VIDEO REPORT: Sheriff's Office Drops Bombshell
MESSAGE BOARD: Has Caylee Been Found?

Investigators interviewed the meter reader at length about what he knows, but he is not considered a suspect in any way.

"He is not a suspect in this case," Captain Angelo Nieves said early Thursday evening. "He is a credible witness and we consider him so at the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

Since the first day of the investigation, George and Cindy Anthony have said every Crimeline tip about their missing granddaughter Caylee was important.

Their attorney Brad Conway told Eyewitness News over the phone that Thursday's developments were the reasons the Anthonys are standing by their daughter Casey.

Conway says there are a lot of unknown details in the case. He also has concerns about the meter reader who discovered the remains and the deputy who allegedly checked out the wooded area in August. The Anthonys have said repeatedly they weren't happy with the Orange County Sheriff's Office's investigation. They felt investigators were more focused on prosecuting Casey than looking for Caylee.

The sheriff's office said the meter reader had called in tips about the exact same area to Crimeline and the sheriff's office three times in August, two weeks before Tropical Storm Fay hit and flooded much of Central Florida, including the area where the remains were found last week.

The sheriff's office said it is focusing on its own deputies who came out on August 11 and 13 to inspect the scene. It's unknown what the area looked like on August 11, the first day the meter reader called and reported seeing a gray bag.

Sheriff’s officials said the man called Crimeline on August 12th. A detective checked records and determined the area already had been checked by a cadaver dog.

The sheriff's office is also investigating deputies who came out and cleared the scene on the 13th of August. The meter reader accompanied the deputies but nothing was found.

Officials aren't releasing the names of any of the deputies involved, but they are under administrative investigation.

Nieves said the meter reader went back last week because he had a nagging feeling that it was the place to look.

"He called on the 11th, the 12th and the 13th," Nieves said. "Currently, we are following up on that sequence."

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said the developments would appear to benefit Casey Anthony’s defense attorneys. Eyewitness News Anchor Bob Opsahl spoke with Sheaffer about what he believes will be the defense's next move in the case. He says the defense is likely to pounce on new revelations that authorities didn't take the meter reader's concerns seriously.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 08:18:43 AM
One of the 171 photos released Thursday by investigators shows a slight opening in the brush -- and what appears to be a hard-cover book. (Orange County Sheriff's Office)
Did investigators find Caylee's book at search site?


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 08:58:22 AM
The Caylee Anthony saga in photos


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 11:39:16 AM
Major Announcement Expected In Anthony Case

Friday, December 19, 2008 – updated: 10:51 am EST December 19, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Sources close to the investigation of a child's remains, found less than a half-mile from the Anthony home, told Eyewitness News that a major announcement is possible during a 2:00pm press conference. Orange County's Comminications Department is also expected to release the identity of the meter reader who discovered the child's remains.

Steve Triggs, Director of Communications for Orange County, said the meter reader has been a county employee for a relatively short time and would appear at the news conference. Triggs said the meter reader is being represented by outside counsel at the county's expense.

here are concerns surrounding the meter reader who found a child's remains believed to be Caylee Anthony. The Orange County Sheriff's Office said Thursday that the meter reader had been to the scene before and had called police about the area in August (map from location to Anthonys' home).

Investigators interviewed the meter reader at length about what he knows, but he is not considered a suspect in any way.

"He is not a suspect in this case," Captain Angelo Nieves said early Thursday evening. "He is a credible witness and we consider him so at the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

Since the first day of the investigation, George and Cindy Anthony have said every Crimeline tip about their missing granddaughter Caylee was important.

Their attorney Brad Conway told Eyewitness News over the phone (raw interview) that Thursday's developments were the reasons the Anthonys are standing by their daughter Casey.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 12:43:36 PM
The FBI is expected to announce the identification of the remains some time on Friday at 2 p.m. In addition, the Orange County government is expected to hold a news conference at 3:30 p.m. with the meter reader that discovered the remains to address questions about his involvement.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 02:32:58 PM
Medical Examiner Says Remains Are Caylee's
Friday, December 19, 2008 – updated: 2:23 pm EST December 19, 2008

The remains found in a wooded area near the home of George and Cindy Anthony have been positively identified as their granddaughter, Caylee.

"This identification was made from nuclear DNA taken from the remains and compared to a known profile of Caylee Anthony," Dr. Jan C. Garavaglia said. "There was no trauma to the bones prior to the death. The manner of the death in this cause is homicide. The cause of death will be listed as homicide by unknown means."

Caylee's mother, Casey, is in the Orange County jail, charged with her daughter's murder.

The announcement was made at an afternoon news conference. Dr. Garavaglia said a substantial amount of Caylee's skeleton was found. She said investigators combing over the scene had done a very thorough job, noting that some of a child's bones are as small as a pebble.

More tests are coming in. The Medical Examiner's office said reports from a botanist and anthropologist would come in at a later date.

The remains were found near the Anthonys' east Orange County home last Thursday by a county meter reader. The discovery site is about a quarter of a mile from the house. (map from location to Anthonys' home)

The meter reader has been identified by investigative sources as Roy Kronk, an ex-military man who lost his wife to cancer a year ago. He's expected to appear at a 3:30pm news conference. Steve Triggs, Director of Communications for Orange County, said the meter reader has been a county employee for a relatively short time. Triggs said Kronk is being represented by outside counsel at the county's expense

Kronk's role in the case has raised issues because the Sheriff's Office admitted Thursday that he had first notified them and Crimeline on August 11, 12 and 13, that he'd spotted something suspicious in the woods.

The Sheriff's Office is currently investigating at least three deputies who responded to the scene but cleared it without finding anything. In the August 13 visit, Krunk even accompanied detectives to the scene.

Officials aren't releasing the names of any of the deputies involved, but they are under administrative investigation.

Sheriff's investigators say Kronk is not under investigation.

"He is not a suspect in this case," Captain Angelo Nieves said. "He is a credible witness and we consider him so at the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

Despite the fact that investigators could have found the remains four months ago in better shape and prevented all the expense to taxpayers of the exhaustive search that's gone on, investigators said they feel very confident about the evidence they have and that it strengthens their case tremendously.


Dr. Garavaglia said Casey Anthony had been notified about the determination by a jail chaplain. Garavaglia also said Cindy Anthony had been notified.

Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary defended the long investigation and many searches for the body saying, "I don't put price tags on finding a little child… I think this has been an open wound in the community and I think we can put some closure to this wound… No child should have to go through this."

An FBI spokesman said his agency had investigated more than 400 leads nationwide and there were no other suspects besides Casey Anthony. Orange County detectives investigated more than 5,600 leads.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 04:19:09 PM,0,1859200.story


Remains identified as missing toddler Caylee Anthony
Two-year-old Caylee Anthony had been missing for five months.
Walter Pacheco, Sarah Lundy and Amy L. Edwards

Sentinel Staff Writers

3:15 PM EST, December 19, 2008

It's Caylee Marie. The five-month mystery ended today when authorities confirmed that skeletal remains discovered in woods last week belong to the missing two-year-old girl.

Sheriff's officials delivered the news at a 2 p.m. press conference in Orlando. Word came after the FBI forensic lab in Virginia matched Caylee's DNA with bones found a quarter-mile from her grandparents' home.

Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia said, "With regret, I am here to inform you that the skeletal remains found on Dec. 11 are those of the missing toddler Caylee Anthony."

Around 1:45 p.m. today, Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, was notified in jail, where she is awaiting trial on a murder charge stemming from the child's disappearance this summer. Her reaction to the announcement is not known.

Garavaglia announced that "there was no trauma to the bones prior to death."

"The manner of death in this case is homicide," she said. "The cause of death will be listed as homicide by undetermined means."

She added that "while I would love to explain the forensic aspects of this case to you... we must remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

"I will not discuss specifics of the findings in this case at this time.

The remains will be given to the next of kin, which is her mother, Casey Anthony. She could sign the remains over to her parents, Garavaglia said.

Sheriff Kevin Beary almost teared as he spoke to the media.

"This would be a police chief or sheriff nightmare case. I think it's been an open wound in the community. I think we can start putting closure to those open wounds," Beary said as he teared up and mentioned he has two daughters. "No child should have to go through this... but closure is not done until a fair and equitable trial," he said.

FBI agent Steve Ibison said "It's a tough thing even for the most seasoned investigator to deal with."

Garavaglia added that investigators recovered many tiny, undeveloped bones. The bones were "all disarticulated and completely skeletonized. There was dispertion of remains over the area."

The toddler's grandparents -- George and Cindy Anthony -- learned the news at their home on Hopespring Drive. Their attorney, Brad Conway, said earlier Friday that the couple had remained hopeful that the remains were not Caylee's, but were realistic about the alternative.

On Thursday, sheriff's officials reported that the Orange County utilities worker who found the remains last week off Suburban Drive had alerted law enforcement three times in August about a suspicious grey bag on the side on the road.

WESH-TV reported that Roy Marvin Kronk is the meter-reader who discovered the bones.

Three times deputy sheriff's checked the tips, with no results. This discovery raised questions of whether Caylee's remains could have been found much sooner.

The Sheriff's Office is investigating how the calls were handled. The utilities worker -- who will have a news conference later today -- is not a suspect, a sheriff's spokesman said.

Anthony, 22, was indicted in October on various charges, including first-degree murder. She was first jailed in July, shortly after her daughter's disappearance was reported. Caylee was last seen alive in June.

Casey Anthony and her family have long insisted that Caylee Marie was alive, kidnapped by a baby sitter. Detectives have been unable to find the sitter and maintain she does not exist.

In late July, Casey Anthony told her brother, Lee, that "in my gut, she's still OK," during a conversation recorded by the jail.

"It still feels like she's, she's close to home," Anthony said. "That's still my best feeling at the moment."

The state attorney's office said last month it would not seek the death penalty for the mother, but prosecutors could reconsider based on new evidence.

Hundreds of volunteers spent weeks searching for Caylee in the Orlando area, and law enforcement agencies across the nation have run down tips about possible sightings in their communities.

For the past nine days, federal and local crime scene investigators have been scouring the wooded acre where the remains were found, recovering bones and other evidence.

The property was under water in mid-August after Tropical Storm Fay -- about the time when searches were being conducted.

Several hours after the first remains were found, Orange County detectives went back to the Anthony family home and searched for evidence that could link the home and the crime scene. Detectives had removed several items in large paper bags, as well as two vacuum cleaners and pesticide tanks.

Check back for more updates.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 05:20:16 PM

George and Cindy Anthony are mourning in private following the news that their granddaughter, Caylee Anthony, is officially dead.

Close to a dozen news cameras are stationed on Hopespring Drive and pointed at the Anthonys' house.

The poster featuring a wide-eyed Caylee leaning on her arm with the message, "Have you seen me?" remains posted on the Anthony's front door. Another is in the window.

Although the house is quiet, Lee Anthony's Ford Mustang and three trucks, including one that belongs to the family's pastor Shane Stutzman, are parked in the driveway.

Media choppers can be heard buzzing overhead.

Bystanders are beginning to gather outside the Anthonys' home.

Ian Simmonds, a pest control salesman from Palm Beach Garden, took the day off from work and drove almost three hours to attend the press conference at the sheriff's office.

Now he is outside the Anthonys' home.

"The body being found so close to the home is shocking," Simmonds said. "She was just around the corner the whole time."

Two armed private security guards are stationed at the house.,0,4093098.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 19, 2008, 05:24:11 PM
Roy Kronk at his conference this afternoon.
The meter reader, Roy Kronk had called 911 on August 11 about a suspicious bag near the road. He also called Crime line on August 12. He called 911 again on August 13 when the bag was apparently still there. All that is being investigated by LE right now. They want to know details about what their deputies did or did not do regarding these calls.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 20, 2008, 03:12:43 PM
Medical Examiner Says Caylee Anthony Was Murdered

Friday, December 19, 2008 – updated: 7:21 am EST December 20, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Forensic evidence shows remains found near the home of George and Cindy Anthony belong to their granddaughter, Caylee, and that the child was murdered.

"This identification was made from nuclear DNA taken from the remains and compared to a known profile of Caylee Anthony," Dr. Jan C. Garavaglia, the Orange County Medical Examiner, said (watch Dr. G speak). "There was no trauma to the bones prior to the death. The manner of the death in this case is homicide. The cause of death will be listed as homicide by unknown means."

Caylee's mother, Casey, is in the Orange County jail, charged with her daughter's murder. She has insisted that she left the girl with a babysitter in June, but she didn't report her missing until July. The babysitter has never been found.

REMAINS ID'd: Dr. G Speaks | Raw Video | Images
METER READER: Roy Kronk Speaks | Images
ANTHONYS' ATTORNEY: Family Issues Statement
TEAM COVERAGE: Remains Are Caylee Anthony
CLOSE-UP LOOK: Sheriff's Office Releases Images
MESSAGE BOARD: Caylee Anthony's Remains Found

The announcement was made at an afternoon news conference (watch full media briefing | images). Dr. Garavaglia said a substantial amount of Caylee's skeleton was found. She said investigators combing over the scene had done a very thorough job, noting that some of a child's bones are as small as a pebble.

More tests are coming in. The Medical Examiner's office said reports from a botanist, anthropologist, and toxicologist would arrive at a later date. Garavaglia said there was no tissue found and there was not much chance of determining whether a chemical such as chloroform was used to silence the little girl.

"It will be difficult to interpret levels from these specimens and this will not be definitive in helping determine the cause of death," said Garavaglia. "Should other information become available the cause of death may be revisited."

The remains were found near the Anthonys' east Orange County home last Thursday by an Orange County meter reader. The discovery site is less than a half-mile from the house (map from location to Anthonys' home).


The meter reader came forward Friday afternoon (watch raw video | see images). Roy Kronk, 46, read a short statement confirming he'd called authorities three times before the remains were discovered.

"I have been and will continue to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation with the sheriff's office and the FBI," said Kronk. "I respectfully decline to get into details about what I saw at the crime scene."

Kronk refused to answer questions and said he would not grant any interviews.

"His participation in this matter is strictly as a concerned citizen with a sharp eye and good instincts and perseverance. He has no connection whatsoever to this case. He has no connection to the Anthony family… Those who have speculated to the contrary could not be more wrong," said David Evans, Kronk's lawyer.

Steve Triggs, Director of Communications for Orange County, said Kronk has been a county employee for a relatively short time. Triggs said Kronk is being represented by outside counsel at the county's expense

Kronk's role in the case has raised issues because the sheriff's office admitted Thursday that he had first notified its call center and Crimeline on August 11, 12 and 13, that he'd spotted something suspicious in the woods.

The sheriff's office is currently investigating at least three deputies who responded to the scene, but cleared it without finding anything. In the August 13 visit, Kronk even accompanied deputies to the scene. Officials aren't releasing the names of any of the deputies involved, but they are under administrative investigation.

"If we missed a window of opportunity we don't know," Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said. "I'm not throwing anybody under the bus because we don't know. That's why we conduct an administrative review."

Sheriff's investigators said Kronk is not under investigation.

"He is not a suspect in this case," Captain Angelo Nieves said. "He is a credible witness and we consider him so at the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

Despite the fact that investigators could have found the remains four months ago, in better shape and prevented all the expense to taxpayers of the exhaustive search that's gone on, investigators said they feel very confident about the evidence they have and that it strengthens their case tremendously.


Casey Anthony was notified about the determination by a jail chaplain, Friday afternoon. She refused a visit from her family pastor. Jail officials refused to say what her reaction was. They did say she was not on suicide watch or under psychological evaluation.

Her attorney, Jose Baez, blasted the sheriff's office for not allowing him to break the news to Casey.

"That courtesy was not given to us," he said. "That lack of professionalism, I'm really at a loss for words ... She's innocent and we are moving forward and again you really don't know half of the story," said Baez.

The jail said it follows a strict protocol when notifying inmates about a death.

George and Cindy Anthony were told the remains where their granddaughter's Friday afternoon. The Anthonys were secluded in their home with their son, Lee. Lee's lawyer, Thomas Luka, said the Anthonys were devastated by the news. They had long held out hope their granddaughter would be found alive.

"As you would expect, the Anthonys are extremely on edge and upset," Luka said.

Brad Conway, the attorney representing George and Cindy, read a statement from the family (watch attorney read statement):

"As everyone now knows, the remains recovered off Suburban Drive are those of Caylee Marie Anthony. The Anthony family did not give up hope that Caylee was still alive until we were notified by the Orange County Sheriff's Office at approximately 1:30pm today. The Anthonys want to thank you for your prayers and best wishes that have been said on behalf of Caylee. They now know that their precious granddaughter is safe and hope that she will serve as the angel that protects thousands of missing children and their families. Please continue your prayers for Caylee, the Anthonys and the families that still hope and pray that their children will be found. We would like to thank crime scene investigators for their exhaustive efforts. The Anthonys want the same answers as everyone who has been assigned to investigate and prosecute this case. In an effort to determine the truth, the Anthony family will be available to law enforcement as the investigation continues. As you can imagine, the Anthonys are grieving deeply about this loss. Please respect their privacy and understand they will stand together as a family in order to get through this. Your thoughts and prayers are welcome, but they also ask that you pray for the families who have lost a child under any circumstances. This is a tragic moment in the lives of good and honorable people. Please treat them respectfully so they can grieve with dignity over the loss of this precious child, Caylee Marie Anthony."


Sheriff Kevin Beary defended the long investigation and many searches for the body saying, "I don't put price tags on finding a little child ... I think this has been an open wound in the community and I think we can put some closure to this wound ... No child should have to go through this."

An FBI spokesman said his agency had investigated more than 400 leads nationwide and there were no other suspects besides Casey Anthony. Orange County detectives investigated more than 5,600 leads.

Friday, investigators remained at the scene where the remains were found. They continued their search for clues as a small crowd gathered and put together a memorial to Caylee. Visitors dropped off photos and momentos, some wiping away tears as they passed by.


WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said the fact that the medical examiner couldn't determine a cause of death benefits the defense.

"This is going to bring the forensic evidence even more to the forefront to show if this child was killed by Casey Anthony," said Sheaffer.

Casey's attorneys have talked about having a second autopsy performed on the remains. Sheaffer said that's likely to happen.

"You can look forward to a second autopsy in this case when the body is released to the mother," he said. "We've seen a list of powerhouse forensic witnesses [for the defense] and you can bet they're going to attempt to reach a different conclusion than that of the medical examiner."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 20, 2008, 04:19:53 PM
Crime-scene vans arrive at taped-off Anthony house; deputies release site
From Staff Reports
3:49 PM EST, December 20, 2008

Four crime scene investigation vans just pulled up at the Anthony house. The property has been taped off as a crime scene. Orange County deputies have entered the house, and crime-scene investigators are waiting outside.

Investigators have several empty boxes.

Capt. Angelo Nieves said deputies found evidence at the site where Caylee Marie Anthony's remains were found last week and needed additional items from the household she shared with her mother, Casey Anthony, and her grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony.

"After reviewing the crime-scene site, our investigators saw fit to obtain an additional search warrant for the Anthony residence to obtain additional items of evidence."

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Caylee Anthony's death ruled homicide, but cause is elusive
Remains identified as missing toddler Caylee Anthony
Casey's lawyer: 'You really do not know half of this story.'
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Caylee Anthony Photo
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Could the search for Caylee Marie Anthony have ended months ago?
The Caylee Anthony case: From the beginning
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George Anthony, Caylee's grandfather, was visible as deputies went into the house, and he appeared upset at the events of the day.

Also, deputies released the crime scene, and the public had access to the site. Casey Anthony's defense team was notified before the scene was released, but members of the team notified deputies they would not inspect the site.

Continue to check back for updates on this developing story.,0,6774428.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 20, 2008, 07:49:22 PM
Photos released by the Orange County Sheriff's Office December 18, 2008
of child's bones found near Anthony home on December 11, 2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 20, 2008, 07:53:39 PM
Remains identified as Caylee Anthony by the Orange County Medical Examiner
December 19, 2008

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 21, 2008, 05:25:02 PM

Anthony family attorney: Memorial toys for Caylee to be donated to charity
Sara K. Clarke | Sentinel Staff Writer
4:29 PM EST, December 21, 2008

The Anthony family has decided to donate toys that have been accumulating at a makeshift memorial for Caylee Marie Anthony to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission to help children in need.

The Anthonys' attorney, Brad Conway, made the announcement at a news conference Sunday afternoon alongside the memorial of balloons, notes, pictures and hundreds of stuffed animals that has been building near the crime scene.

"The Anthony family knows that what Caylee would want is for some other children to have these gifts," Conway said. "She always shared her toys with other kids, and they know if Caylee was here, she would share these."

The family has not made specific arrangements for a funeral for the Caylee, the toddler whose remains were found Dec. 11 in a plastic bag about a quarter of a mile from her grandparents' home on Hopespring Drive.

Caylee was 2 when she was last seen in June. Her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, has been charged with murder in Caylee's death. On Dec. 19, investigators said a DNA sample taken from bones found at the crime scene matched a sample of Caylee's DNA.

Earlier this weekend, a steady stream of mourners continued to visit and leave toys on the makeshift memorial for Caylee.

About 3 p.m. Saturday, the Orange County Sheriff's Office shut down the crime scene, and many of the people gathered around the memorial made their way down the street to see where Caylee's remains were found.,0,1501806.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 21, 2008, 06:11:44 PM
Anthony's attorney speaks to media

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 22, 2008, 08:11:41 AM
Caylee Memorial Toys Donated To Rescue Mission

Saturday, December 20, 2008 – updated: 7:34 am EST December 22, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Toys and gifts given to a memorial for little Caylee Anthony will be give to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission, according to her grandparents.

Dozens of people had left small tokens as a way to remember the child at the scene where her remains were discovered more than a week ago.

"Caylee is not here, she can't play with them, she is looking down," said Brad Conway, the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony. "The Anthonys want everyone to know this is what Caylee would've wanted."

Investigators have cleared the scene where Caylee's remains were found.

Detectives finished their search of the area late Saturday afternoon. "No Trespassing" signs have been posted and a camera is watching over the property, which is less than a half a mile from the home of her grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony. George appeared in public for the first time since learning the news that the remains were those of his granddaughter. He didn't make any comments while accepting flowers from a family friend.

Minutes after a convoy of investigators pulled out of the search scene, a crowd of people marched down Suburban Drive so they could have a first look at the area where Caylee was found. Deputies said any cars parked along the road would be towed.

"This is private property," said Capt. Angelo Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff's Office. "Onlookers do not have the right to go in the property. They could be subject to arrest."

Caylee's mother, Casey, is in the Orange County jail, charged with her daughter's murder. She has insisted that she left the girl with a babysitter in June, but she didn't report her missing until July. The babysitter has never been found.

Attorney Brad Conway said George and Cindy Anthony would like to visit their daughter in jail but won't because jail visits are a matter of public record. Anthony did say Caylee's funeral would be private.

Also Saturday, detectives served a search warrant on the Anthonys' home. Conway said deputies took shoes and clothing belonging to Caylee and Casey.

"Obviously, we are going to treat this family with respect as well, due to the pain they're going through," said Nieves.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 22, 2008, 09:16:49 AM
The Today Show report, including Matt Lauer interview with Jesse Grund:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 22, 2008, 10:36:49 AM
Anthony Grandparent Attorney Brad Conway Quick to Point Out That Items Taken from Home Belonged to Casey & Caylee Anthony … Zanny the Nanny Depo Canceled

Is there trouble in the Anthony paradise? Are the rats jumping off the “Good Ship Casey Obstruction of Justice” and has it become every Anthony for themselves in the case of murdered two year old Caylee Anthony? Yes, it is 2 year old Caylee Anthony as we now know that sadly Caylee never made it to her 3rd birthday.  It has not been lost on the many that follow the case of Caylee Anthony’s death that Cindy and George Anthony, Casey Anthony and Lee Anthony all have separate attorneys representing them.

Why would all of the members of the Anthony family have legal representation if they have done nothing wrong? One thing is for certain, Caylee Anthony, She Deserved So much Better from her Family.

What is also peculiar is the comments from the Anthony grand parent’s attorney, Brad Conway, over the weekend quickly putting out to the media that the items taken from the home in Saturdays search belonged to Casey and Caylee Anthony. On Saturday, Orange County investigators obtained another search warrant for the Anthony home and removed items more items that officials state relate back to the Caylee Anthony wooded crime scene.

The attorney representing Caylee’s grandparents Cindy and George Anthony said Sunday that the items removed from their home Saturday by Orange County Sheriff’s Office deputies belonged to Caylee and Casey .

Brad Conway says some of the items taken during Saturday’s search warrant were Caylee and Casey’s clothes and shoes but nothing of George or Cindy’s was taken. “This time around they took items of clothing they took some shoes and a few other items I don’t want to address right now.”

Conway was also quick to point out that his clients, “George and Cindy were not upset about warrant being served day after announcement”. Is this the new side of the appearance of cooperation and non-conflicting statements from the grandparents? Most people believe that Cindy and George Anthony may be charged with obstruction of justice with their comments and statements following the disappearance of Caylee Anthony and their sudden 180 after the 911 call by Cindy Anthony that Casey’s car smelled like death.

What is also interesting and not lost on the public is that attorney Brad Conway stated that the depositions scheduled for Monday in the Zenaida Gonzalez lawsuit have been cancelled. What, you mean Cindy and George Anthony do not want to be deposed and say things that they know not to be true in a deposition that can be used against them in obstruction charges? Say it isn’t so. Why don’t the Anthony’s just admit there is no Zanny the nanny.

Conway asked Gonzalez’s attorney John Morgan to reschedule in light of Friday’s news and the request was accepted.

Casey Anthony attorney, Jose Baez, admitted on Geraldo at Large on Saturday night that “Casey has a history of lying but that doesn’t mean she killed her daughter”. Why not Jose? What it means when it’s one persons word against her, she is provided no benefit of the doubt when it comes to telling the truth. Casey is incapable of telling the truth which means her entire story of what happened to Caylee is a lie.

When one cannot tell a simple truth as to what happened to her daughter, dreams up a Zanny story of which no one has ever met, lies to police as to where she worked, lies to police as to where she left Caylee off to be baby sat by Zanny, there is a problem. Since Casey is a liar, what it means is that any alibi or story she tells where she claims innocence cannot be trusted. Baez in turn says look at the evidence. You mean like Cindy Anthony stating in a 911 call that Casey’s car smelled like death, the human decomposition found in Casey’s car, the presence of chloroform found in Casey’s car, the internet searches on the home computer, and the not one but two search warrants signed by a judge allowing police to search the Anthony home because of evidence found at the Caylee Anthony crime scene. You mean that evidence Jose?

“We have to rely on the science and the actual evidence and if the evidence is there she will be convicted if it’s not she should be acquitted it’s that simple you start looking at trying to convict people liars as killers we’re all in trouble.”

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 22, 2008, 01:35:46 PM

Watch the video of Casey Anthony's best friend, Kiomarie Torres Cruz, reveals shocking, never-before-disclosed details of the crime that broke America's heart.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 22, 2008, 02:40:49 PM
Last Edited: Monday, 22 Dec 2008, 12:36 PM EST 
Created: Monday, 22 Dec 2008, 12:30 PM EST 
Hundreds of stuffed animals that were left for Caylee Anthony are now in the hands of needy children. Cindy and George Anthony decided to donate the stuffed animals left as a memorial to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission.

Approximately 89 children that live at the mission got to pick out stuffed animals including bears, horses, angels and frogs. The children are all homeless and their ages range from 18 months to 10-years-old.

The kids will get other donated toys for Christmas but getting to select a few toys today was an early unexpected surprise that lifted their spirits.

Caylee's grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony, plan to have her funeral after the holidays. They will hold a private memorial to honor their granddaughter and also are looking into holding a public community memorial.
A second autopsy will be done on Caylee's remains by an expert on the defense team of Casey Anthony.

Also new on Monday, two more names have been added to the state's witness list. Troy Brown, Casey's friend, and Cameron Capena have been added to the listed.

It is not clear what relationship Capena has to the case.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 23, 2008, 09:22:39 AM
Officials Say Casey Not Allowed To Attend Caylee's Funeral

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 – updated: 9:05 am EST December 23, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News has learned that Casey Anthony will not be allowed to attend her daughter Caylee Anthony's Funeral.

Officials said Casey cannot attend the funeral because she faces a first-degree murder charge.

VIDEO REPORT: Casey Anthony Update


WFTV has learned crime scene investigators stripped Caylee Anthony's room and then raided Casey's closet during a recent search of the home.

Crime scene investigators have confiscated boxes of items from the Anthony home two times in the past week.

Sources tell Eyewitness News last Thursday, investigators were focused on Caylee Anthony. They took her clothes, shoes and her toys.

Over the weekend, another search warrant was executed and investigators came back for Casey Anthony's belongings. They took more of Caylee's clothes, five to eight pairs of Casey shoes and her clothes as well.

Legal expert Bill Sheaffer believes investigators are trying to take as many items as possible to help build their case because they don't have a cause of death.

"Any forensic evidence linking Casey to the scene is extremely important for the states prosecution," said Sheaffer.

We are also told investigators took soil samples from the Anthony home. Once defense attorney Jose Baez found out that the samples were taken as part of the evidence, he sent out his own team and they collected soil from the home for there forensic experts.

Sources tell WFTV, investigators also took two pairs of sunglasses and a pink-zippered bag.


Toys that were collected at a memorial for Caylee were handed out to needy children Monday.

Cynthia Melendez and her four children were forced into the Orlando Union Rescue Mission shelter a month ago. She lost her job and worried her children wouldn't have a Christmas. Now, she'll benefit from the community's outpouring over the Caylee Anthony tragedy.

"It's a blessing to them, but it’s heartbreaking at the same time," said Melendez.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 23, 2008, 02:02:20 PM
Judge Orders Release Of Photographs And X-Rays

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 – updated: 11:48 am EST December 23, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A judge in the Casey Anthony case told the state Tuesday to release photographs, x-rays and other documentation related to Caylee Anthony's remains to Casey Anthony's attorney.

The order by Judge Stan Stickland followed an emergency request filed by Jose Baez's law firm.


In the filing, Casey's attorneys claimed that the State Attorney had been asked but failed to release the information.

The judge gave the state 14 days to release the items or they have until January 5, 2009 to appeal.

The ruling came just after Channel 9 had learned Casey will not be allowed to attend her daughter's funeral.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 23, 2008, 02:06:10 PM
Anthonys will hold public memorial service for Caylee Anthony
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
9:43 AM EST, December 23, 2008

George and Cindy Anthony intend on having a public memorial service for their granddaughter, Caylee Marie, their attorney said in a statement released early this morning.

"The Anthonys want to begin the process of healing not only for themselves, but for our entire community," the statement from attorney Brad Conway said.

The public memorial will have to be located at a large venue, but the statement did not say where or when that may occur.

The Anthonys plan to have a private ceremony as well.

Conway also said that certain media reports that the Anthonys are seeking donations for Caylee's funeral are incorrect.

"I want emphatically state that the Anthony family is not requesting funeral donations for Caylee Marie Anthony," he said.

A jail spokesman said Casey Anthony will not be able to attend a funeral or view the remains of her daughter Caylee.

She is ineligible under Orange County's corrections policy due to her charges and the safety and security risks that would be associated with such an attendance.

Caylee Anthony Case Photos

PHOTOS: The Caylee Anthony saga

PHOTOS: It's Caylee Anthony. Crime-scene photos from where child's remains were found

Remains found near Casey Anthony's house

Photos: Anthony family meets with Orange County Commission

PHOTOS: Volunteers search for Caylee Marie Anthony Photos
PHOTOS: Caylee Anthony Photos
Casey Anthony Photos
VIDEO'S at link,0,7555287.story

Post by: Nut44x4 on December 23, 2008, 05:02:14 PM
Jesse on Greta last night

Jesse on Nancy Grace last night

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 24, 2008, 08:07:19 AM
Audio files detail meter reader's calls about site where Caylee Anthony found
Willoughby Mariano | Sentinel Staff Writer
December 24, 2008

An Orange County meter reader whose suspicions led to the discovery of missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony's remains was at first unsure whether his tip was worth deputy sheriffs' time, according to audio files released Tuesday of calls he made to 911 dispatchers.

Roy Kronk, 46, made three calls Aug. 11, 12 and 13, less than a month after the 2-year-old's grandmother reported her missing. Kronk was working in the Chickasaw Oaks neighborhood, where Caylee lived with her mother and grandparents, when he noticed "something white" in a swampy, wooded area near the intersection of Hopespring and Suburban drives, according to a file of one of the calls.

"I have no idea what it was, and I don't want to waste any more of the county's money, but I'm just telling you I saw something," Kronk said during the first of those calls. Deputies checked and found nothing.

On Dec. 11, Kronk ventured back into those woods and found a human skull. Tests showed the remains belong to Caylee.

Videoat link

Deputies' failure to find the remains after Kronk's calls in August prompted sheriff's officials to launch a review of their actions. That investigation is not complete, sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said.

The toddler's mother, Casey Anthony, 22, is being held in the Orange County Jail on first-degree murder and other charges in the case.

Kronk made the first of his calls Aug. 11 at 4:28 p.m., saying he found something suspicious near "the Anthonys' home."

"I don't know what it is; I'm not telling you it was Caylee or anything of that nature," Kronk told a female dispatcher. He said he would not take a closer look because he saw a venomous snake nearby.

The dispatcher did not seem to understand what he meant by "the Anthonys' home."

"Is it Anthony house on Holly Street in Zellwood?" she asked.

The meter reader tried to give a location of his find but struggled to remember the names of nearby roads. Kronk called Hopespring Drive "Good Hope Road." The dispatcher thought he said "Good Homes Road."

Dispatchers sent a deputy to the scene, who spent about five minutes there, according to a sheriff's report.

Kronk gave more details in a second call the next night at 9:03 p.m. He said the suspicious item was near a fallen tree with a white board hanging across it. Something round and white was beneath it, he said.

"I don't know what it is, but it just didn't look like something that should be there," Kronk told a male dispatcher. The dispatcher encouraged him to call Crimeline and told Kronk he could remain anonymous.

"Not if they find a freaking body," Kronk replied. The meter reader relented and took down the number for the tip line.

That tip was documented and sent to a detective, who made a note that the area was searched by a cadaver dog that found nothing suspicious, deputies said previously.

Kronk called a third time on Aug. 13 at 3:15 p.m. at the instruction of law-enforcement authorities, who were to meet him in the Chickasaw Oaks neighborhood.

"They said they would dispatch an officer out to me when I got there, and I'm here," Kronk said. He said he would be waiting in a Chevrolet Cavalier.

Deputies cleared the scene at 4:02 p.m., according to a report on the call. Only trash was found.

Remains released

In other developments Tuesday:

*Caylee Marie's remains were released from the Medical Examiner's Office to a funeral home.

*George and Cindy Anthony said they intend to hold a public memorial service for their granddaughter Caylee, their attorney Brad Conway said in a statement. They have not determined a date or location and also plan to have a private ceremony. They are not seeking donations to fund services.

*Casey Anthony is not eligible to leave jail to attend her daughter's funeral unless a court order allows it. Jail policy bars inmates facing capital, life or first-degree felonies, and sex offenders, from doing so.

*The mother's defense may obtain photos taken by investigators when Caylee's remains were found, as well as X-rays that may have been taken of the remains before they were removed from the bag in which they were discovered. The defense said it wants to conduct a second autopsy.

Prosecutors must give the items to the defense within 14 days, Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland ruled.,0,6035195.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 24, 2008, 08:16:57 AM

Caylee Remains Released To Funeral Home
Public, Private Services To Be Held, Attorney Says

POSTED: Tuesday, December 23, 2008
UPDATED: 4:40 pm EST December 23, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The remains of Caylee Anthony, which were discovered last week in a wooded area near her grandparents' home, have been released by the medical examiner's office to a funeral home, Local 6 News reported.

The child's remains were sent to the Robert Bryant Funeral & Cremation Chapel in Orlando after documents were signed by the girl's mother, Casey Anthony, Local 6 News reported.

Casey Anthony, 22, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Caylee, who would have turned 3 years old in August. Caylee was reported missing in mid-July, a month after she disappeared.

Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, will hold both a private service and a public memorial for Caylee, according to their attorney, Brad Conway. The Anthonys said they are not soliciting funds for the funeral services.

The Anthonys have no plans to visit Casey Anthony in the Orange County Jail, where she's been since October.

Authorities also said that Casey Anthony would not be eligible to attend either a funeral or a viewing of the remains under Orange County Corrections Department Policy. They said that was due to the level of the charges and to the safety and security risks that would be associated with her attendance.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 24, 2008, 08:46:44 AM
Previous Stories:
December 22, 2008: Former Fiance Of Casey Anthony: Story Follows You Around
December 20, 2008: Remains ID'd As Caylee; Meter Reader Comes Forward
December 19, 2008: Remains Found Near Anthony Home Expected To Be ID'd
December 10, 2008: Casey Anthony Attorney Seeks Mall Video In Possible Caylee Sighting
December 8, 2008: Caylee's Grandparents Hope Subpoena Will Aid In Search
December 5, 2008: State Will Not Seek Death Penalty In Casey Anthony Murder Case
December 1, 2008: Family Shows New Caylee Pictures
November 30, 2008: Grandparents Hold Vigil For Caylee
November 26, 2008: 'Neck Breaking' Among Searches On Anthony Computer, Docs Show
November 26, 2008: Judge's Ruling On Gag Order Expected In Casey Anthony Case
November 24, 2008: Casey Attorney To Fight Gag Order, Issues Subpoenas To Reporters
November 24, 2008: Anthonys Say They Feel Ambushed By Taping, Release Of FBI Interviews
November 21, 2008: George Anthony In Interview: Casey Listed 'Nanny' As Job On Resume
November 20, 2008: Anthony Family Attorney Resigns
November 20, 2008: Attorney: Case Against Casey Difficult To Prove Without Body
November 19, 2008: Local 6 News Gets Exclusive Tour Of Anthony House During Interview
November 18, 2008: Anthony Case Witness List Released
November 18, 2008: Man Becomes Internet Celebrity By Following Caylee Case In TV Truck
November 17, 2008: Attorney: Cindy Anthony Seems To Be Enjoying Spotlight In Caylee Hunt
November 17, 2008: Report: 'Mommy Duties' Constrained Party Life Of Casey Anthony
November 14, 2008: Cell Phone 'Dead Zones' May Hinder Investigation In Anthony Case
November 14, 2008: Orange County Officials Ask Bounty Hunter To Take Lie-Detector Test
November 12, 2008: Anthony Family Fires Spokesman
November 11, 2008: Bounty Hunter Changes Memorial Service For Caylee To Prayer Vigil
November 8, 2008: Search For Caylee Anthony Nets Fewer Volunteers Than Expected
November 7, 2008: Mental Health May Determine Fate Of Mom Of Missing Caylee Anthony
November 5, 2008: Baby Photos Of Caylee's Mom Used In Request To Avoid Death Penalty
November 3, 2008: Cell Phone Pings Help Track Casey Anthony's Movements Over 3 Days
October 31, 2008: Case Against Casey: Timeline Into Caylee's Disappearance Probed
October 30, 2008: Baez Deposes Witnesses In Casey Anthony Murder Case
October 29, 2008: Report Claiming Casey Received Letters From Scott Peterson Refuted
October 29, 2008: 1,500 Pages Of Tips About Missing Caylee Anthony, 3, Released
October 27, 2008: Defense Attorney Says Evidence In Casey Anthony Case Weak At Best
October 24, 2008: Scientists: Air Samples From Casey Anthony's Car Show Decomposition
October 22, 2008: High-Profile Attorney Joins Casey Anthony Defense Team
October 18, 2008: Bounty Hunters To Be Caylee Search Leaders
October 17, 2008: Caylee Anthony Graces Cover Of People Magazine For Second Time
October 16, 2008: Baez: We Believe Caylee Is Alive
October 15, 2008: Cindy Anthony Scolds In Street, Casey Swaps Cars During Wild Ride
October 9, 2008: State Seeks Homicide Charge Against Mom Of Missing Caylee
October 8, 2008: Surveillance Video Proves Casey Anthony Is Thief, Investigators Say
October 4, 2008: Veteran Investigator: Casey Anthony 'One Of Toughest He's Ever Come In Contact With'
October 4, 2008: Casey Anthony 'One Of Toughest Ever Come In Contact With,' Says Sgt.
October 1, 2008: Anthony Protesters, Fights Costing $4,000-A-Week, Sheriff Says
September 30, 2008: 'Flashpoint' Investigates The Search For Caylee Anthony
September 30, 2008: 'Baby Sitter' In Anthony Case Reveals Face In Fight To Clear Name
September 26, 2008: Cindy Anthony Theorized That Her Daughter's Friends Had Caylee
September 26, 2008: New Audio Recordings Of Interviews Released In Case Of Missing Caylee
September 24, 2008: Docs: Casey Anthony Led Rich Social Life; Not Bothered Daughter Missing
September 23, 2008: Docs: Death Stench Prompted 'Trunk' Fears; Casey Blamed Dead Squirrel
September 23, 2008: 600 Documents Of Interviews, Text Messages Released In Caylee Case
September 22, 2008: 'Common Sense Meter Pegged,' Dr. Phil Says During Anthony Show
September 19, 2008: Guardian Angels Appear Outside Anthony Home; Deputies Out West
September 18, 2008: 'This Can't Keep Happening; They're The Same Punks,' Casey Anthony Tells 911
September 18, 2008: Rock-Throwing Protesters Try To Drag Missing Girl's Grandfather Into Street
September 17, 2008: Homeowners In Anthony Community To File Suit Again Over Protesters
September 16, 2008: Casey Anthony Freed From Jail For Third Time; Caylee Search Continues
September 16, 2008: 'Monsters,' Disruptive Protesters Outside Anthony Home Prompt Suit
September 16, 2008: Detectives Leave Fla. In Caylee Search; Officers Called To Home 42 Times
September 15, 2008: Casey Anthony Arrested -- Again
September 13, 2008: Psychologist: Casey Anthony Managed Questioning Stress 'Disturbingly Well'
September 12, 2008: Theft, Fraud Charges Filed Against Mother Of Missing 3-Year-Old Girl
September 10, 2008: Attorney Defends Anthony Family To Nation; Doesn't Understand Why People Angry
September 9, 2008: Woman Interested In Caylee Anthony Case Takes Trash From Girl's Home
September 9, 2008: Woman, 65, Lashes Out At Caylee's Grandfather Over 'Push' In Yard
September 8, 2008: Missing Girl's Grandfather Accused Of Pushing Woman Outside Home
September 8, 2008: Tourists Travel To See, Photograph Missing Caylee Anthony's Mom
September 6, 2008: Life-Sized 'Caylee Doll,' 'Baby Killer' Signs Waved Outside Anthony Home
September 6, 2008: Fights Erupt, Crowds Chant 'Baby Killer' Outside Anthony Home
September 5, 2008: Casey Anthony Released From Jail; Men Clear Path Through News Crews
September 4, 2008: $500,000 Bond Posted For Mother Of Missing 3-Year-Old Orlando Girl
September 4, 2008: Missing Caylee's Grandmother Fires Back After Harsh Words On TV Show
September 4, 2008: Mother Of Missing 3-Year-Old Girl Will Not Have Court Appearance
September 3, 2008: Traces Of Chloroform Found In Car Of Caylee's Mom, Source Says
September 3, 2008: World Will Be 'Shocked' In Caylee Case, Bounty Hunter Says
September 1, 2008: Evidence: Caylee Is Dead
September 1, 2008: Bones Found In Baby Blanket During Caylee Search Belonged To Dog
August 29, 2008: Threats To 'Burn, Kill, Fry' Missing Girl's Mom Follow DNA Results
August 28, 2008: Tests Show Decomposing Body Was In Car Belonging To Caylee's Mom
August 27, 2008: Deputy Fired For Lying About Sex, Chats With Missing Girl's Mom
August 26, 2008: Missing Girl's Mom Lied, Stole From Family, Friends, Document Says
August 26, 2008: Casey Anthony Wanted To Give Daughter Up For Adoption, Docs Say
August 25, 2008: Bounty Hunter: Mom Gave Caylee To Friends To Avoid Supervision
August 23, 2008: Spokesman: Casey Anthony Trying To Help Find Missing Daughter
August 21, 2008: 'I'm Innocent,' Missing Girl's Mom Says Leaving Jail
August 21, 2008: Missing Girl’s Mom Freed From Jail
August 20, 2008: $500K Bond Posted For Missing Girl's Mom
August 19, 2008: Bounty Hunter, Bondsman Work On Getting Casey Anthony Out Of Jail
August 19, 2008: Bondsman: Missing Girl's Mother Could Be Bailed Out On Tuesday
August 17, 2008: Bloggers Scouring Woods In Missing Girl Mystery
August 17, 2008: Bounty Hunter: Missing 3-Year-Old Girl's Mom To Be Bailed Out Of Jail
August 15, 2008: No Credible Information On Kidnapping Theory In Missing Girl Case, Sheriff Says
August 14, 2008: Family Erupts Over Question; Mom Stopped Mentioning Daughter, Man Says
August 14, 2008: Mom Made Repeated Calls On 'Key' Day In Missing Orlando Girl Mystery
August 14, 2008: Grandmother Of Missing 3-Year-Old Girl Conducting Own Investigation
August 13, 2008: Detectives Investigate 3 Key Dates In Missing 3-Year-Old Girl Mystery
August 12, 2008: Missing Girl's Family Threatened Every Day; Mom Cancels Visits
August 11, 2008: Appeals Court Denies Bond Motion For Mother Of Missing 3-Year-Old Girl
August 11, 2008: Psychic-Led Team 'Blind Driving' Central Fla. To Find Missing Girl
August 10, 2008: Orlando Mystery 'Eerily Similar' To Portugal Missing Girl Case, Attorney Says
August 9, 2008: Grandfather Apologizes For Outburst; 'Safe House' Considered In Missing Girl Case
August 9, 2008: Grandfather Rips 'Sensationalizing' Media About Missing Girl Mystery
August 8, 2008: Local 6 Locates, Talks To Zenaida Gonzalez In Missing Girl Mystery
August 7, 2008: Home Searched For New Direction In Missing Girl Case, Source Says
August 6, 2008: Crime Scene Investigators Swarm Home In Missing Girl Mystery
August 6, 2008: Grandmother: Gas Cans Taken To Look For Other People's Fingerprints
August 6, 2008: Missing Girl's Family Threatened; Charges Are 'Good Thing', Grandmother Says
August 6, 2008: Charges Filed Against Mother Of Missing Girl; Search Continues
August 4, 2008: Immunity For Mother Discussed In Missing Girl Case, Attorney Says
August 4, 2008: 'She's Close,' Missing Girl's Mom Says; Timeline Now In Question
August 3, 2008: People Magazine Article 'Blindsides' Missing Orlando Girl's Family
August 2, 2008: Gas Cans Removed From Home In Missing Orlando Girl Mystery
August 2, 2008: Bags Of Evidence Taken From Home Of Grandparents In Missing Girl Case
August 1, 2008: FBI Talks With Missing Girl's Grandmother; Mystery Letter Being Written
July 31, 2008: 'Who To Trust?' Missing Girl's Mom Asked On New Jailhouse Call
July 30, 2008: Request To Reduce $500K Bond For Missing Girl's Mother Denied
July 30, 2008: Ex-Boyfriend Has Missing Girl, Mother Allegedly Tells Inmate
July 30, 2008: Inmate's 'Ex-Boyfriend Has Missing Girl' Story Can't Be Verified
July 30, 2008: Photos Allegedly Show Missing Girl's Mom At Club After Disappearance
July 29, 2008: Judge OKs Release Of Mom's Jailhouse Calls In Missing Girl Case
July 29, 2008: Mother Is Only Obstacle In Finding Girl, Say Frustrated Investigators
July 29, 2008: Released Calls Of Missing Girl's Mom Hurt Investigation, Attorney Says
July 29, 2008: 'In My Gut, She's OK,' Missing Girl's Mother Says In New Jailhouse Call
July 28, 2008: Missing Orlando Girl's Mother Wants To Talk With Local Investigators

ALL of the above links are here>> scroll about 1/3 down

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 26, 2008, 07:52:04 AM
Anonymous Donor Gives Toys In Memory Of Caylee
More Than 100 Children Receive Gifts

POSTED: Wednesday, December 24, 2008
UPDATED: 11:15 pm EST December 24, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Tragedy turned into hope for dozens of Central Florida children who have received Christmas gifts from an anonymous person in memory of Caylee Anthony.

The wrapped gifts were dropped off late Wednesday afternoon at the memorial where Caylee's body was found nearly two weeks ago.

More than 100 children who wouldn't have otherwise had a holiday received the gifts.

Casey Anthony, 22, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Caylee, who would have turned 3 years old in August. Caylee was reported missing in mid-July, a month after she disappeared.

The toy donations brought joy and smiles to the kids at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission.

Danielle Culbreath, 24, said she doesn't have anywhere else to live with her two children. On Christmas Eve, 1-year-old Dee Dee and 6-year-old Destiny received their unexpected gifts.

"I was outside and they just said, 'Someone just brought a lot of gifts,'" Culbreath said. "And I was like, 'Are you serious?'"

The anonymous donor called European Floral Gallery on Tuesday and said he was so moved by the site of toys being donated over the weekend to the Mission that he wanted to make sure other kids had plenty of presents.

"The fact that he's staying anonymous is all he allowed me to say, but I've hugged him more than five or six times today," said the gallery's Carla Rodriguez.

Don Moody, of the rescue mission, could barely contain his emotions.

"It brings tears to your eyes, yet your heart is full of joy at the same time, so it's kind of a combination to me," he said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 26, 2008, 05:58:19 PM
Caylee Anthony's Name Added To Memorial Wall
Leesburg Memorial Includes Names Of 90 Children

POSTED: Friday, December 26, 2008
UPDATED: 11:35 am EST December 26, 2008

LEESBURG, Fla. -- A Leesburg man said he will add Caylee Anthony's name to his memorial for slain children called the Waterfall of Tears.

Video: Watch The Story

The memorial already includes Polly Klaas, JonBenet Ramsey and the nephew of singer Jennifer Hudson, Local 6 News reported.

Don Williams said he started building the 60-foot-long walk back in 2005 after Jessica Lunsford was found dead.

Williams said the names of 90 children are on the wall.

Williams is inviting Caylee's grandparents to be there when her name is inscribed on the wall.

There was no word on whether her family will attend.

Casey Anthony, 22, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Caylee, who would have turned 3 years old in August. Caylee was reported missing in mid-July, a month after she disappeared.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 28, 2008, 08:43:52 AM
US Coast Guard searches for woman who fell from cruise ship

18 hours ago

MIAMI (AFP) — The US Coast Guard said Saturday it launched a C-130 airplane to scour the southeastern Gulf of Mexico in search of a woman who fell from a cruise ship.

The woman was reported missing early Friday from the cruise ship Norwegian Pearl when the vessel was some 24 kilometers (15 miles) east of the Mexican resort town of Cancun en route to Miami, said Coast Guard spokesman Nick Ameen.

After searching the ship, crewmembers contacted Mexican and US authorities for help.

A Coast Guard search and rescue team in Miami launched an HU-25 Falcon jet crew to search for the woman Friday, Ameen said.

And on Saturday "we conducted a first-light search with a C-130 fixed-wing aircraft," Ameen told AFP. "We'll continue to be out there until further notice."

The Mexican government has a helicopter crew and three vessels also searching for the woman, Ameen said.

The missing passenger was identified by her husband as Jennifer Feitz, 36.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 29, 2008, 05:37:57 PM
Baez Files Motion About Investigator In Casey Case
Investigators Say Anthony Family Will Be Expected To Candid Regarding Casey

POSTED: 7:45 pm EST December 28, 2008
UPDATED: 4:58 pm EST December 29, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's lawyer Jose Baez has filed a new motion Monday.

He is afraid detectives are trying to get privileged information about the case from a private detective who used to work for his defense team, so he's asking a judge to intervene.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on December 29, 2008, 05:39:46 PM
Baez Files Motion About Investigator In Casey Case
Investigators Say Anthony Family Will Be Expected To Candid Regarding Casey
POSTED: 7:45 pm EST December 28, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's lawyer Jose Baez has filed a new motion Monday.

He is afraid detectives are trying to get privileged information about the case from a private detective who used to work for his defense team, so he's asking a judge to intervene.

He is asking the judge to appoint a "special master" to oversee any questioning of the private investigator by law enforcement.

The private eye is a familiar face to insiders. He's Dominic Casey, who early on worked for Baez. Then in October, George and Cindy Anthony hired him to follow up on live sightings of Caylee Anthony.

Baez said law enforcement is now showing an interest in questioning Casey Anthony and he wants to make sure they don't get any privileged information he may have learned while working for Baez.

Meanwhile, a new reward is being offered to meter reader Roy Kronk for finding the bag of skeletal remains that were determined to belong to missing Caylee Anthony.

According to Kronk's lawyer, George and Cindy Anthony's one-time representative Mark NeJame has contacted him regarding a $5,000 reward, which represents the amount of money NeJame made while serving as the Anthony family's representative. For now, it's unclear whether Kronk will accept the offer.

Initially, Crimeline said Roy Kronk was not eligible for a cash reward from them because he called 911 the day he found Caylee's remains.

A source within Crimeline now said things could be different. They're checking to try to confirm that Kronk called them during the same three days in August he called sheriff's headquarters to report something suspicious along Suburban Drive.

More than two weeks after Kronk discovered Caylee's remains along Suburban Drive, a memorial still draws people by the dozens.

Those who have followed the case closely have different opinions on whether Kronk deserves a reward.

"I think he should be rewarded, definitely," Aida Ramos said.

"If they think they found something, they should call it in," Jennifer Tice said. "That's all there is to it."

Tice said doing a good deed should not include an expectation of a cash reward.

"I don't think somebody should be rewarded for that," Tice said. "I mean, that's a child who is missing. That's common sense."

In his only statement to reporters, Kronk confirmed that he reported his suspicions four months before discovering the remains.

"I had previously reported to Crimeline and the sheriff's office that I had spotted something suspicious -- a bag in that same area," Kronk said.

Kronk's lawyer told WESH 2 that money is not Kronk's main motivation. But if he qualifies, at the very least, Kronk should receive a Crimeline reward.

When asked why Kronk deserved the reward, NeJame said, "I think Kronk is beyond deserving. Without him, who knows when Caylee would have been found."

Anthonys Expected To Be Candid With Investigators Regarding Casey

The Anthonys face the wrenching task of burying Caylee early in the New Year, but then, sources tell said, George, Cindy and Lee Anthony will be asked to play a pivotal role in holding Casey Anthony accountable or else.

As one investigator put it, "They're going to be asked to help convict her."

If the Anthonys are not candid and truthful, sources said, it may come to obstruction of justice charges against one or more of them.

Medical examiner Jan Garavaglia said it's unlikely they'll ever be able to determine a definitive cause of death, but sources said toxicology tests done on Caylee's hair will "give us clues in that direction."

The duct tape found on Caylee's skull proves what some of WESH 2’s sources close to the investigation have suspected about her death all along -- "It wasn't an accident."

Another aspect some insiders find haunting, is how close to the Anthony home Caylee's remains had been dumped.

WESH 2's sources said they simply gave Casey Anthony "far too much credit" that she would have done something more elaborate with her daughter's body.

Sources confirmed they do not suspect Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found the bag of Caylee’s remains, of playing any sort of sinister role in the case.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 05, 2009, 08:22:59 PM
Can Murder Be Proven? January 02, 2009

When 2-year-old Caylee Anthony disappeared sometime in June 2008, everyone immediately pointed the finger at her mother, Casey Anthony. Arrested and charged, with changing stories, and a revolving door in and out of jail, the media and the public howled for Casey Anthony's life in exchange for that of her daughter.

On December 11 2008, when the skeletal remains of a child was found a short distance away from the grandparent's home, everyone knew those remains could only belong to Caylee. Wrapped in a plastic bag and duct tape, the contents it contains included bones and other evidence that purportedly ties the remains to the Anthony home. An autopsy soon revealed that the remains were indeed those of this little girl. Unfortunately, the cause of death cannot be determined and the bones show no signs of trauma that could have caused Caylee's death.

The child's skeletal remains were found by Roy Kronk, a utility worker who was reading meters, who claimed he saw the plastic bag in August 2008, thought it was suspicious, and called 911 to report it. The police supposedly checked the area twice, once with a cadaver dog, and found nothing out of the ordinary.

The utility worker had called the authorities three different times within three days to report the suspicious bag on August 11, 12, and 13th. The police reported that nothing was found at the indicated location and had the area cleared from the areas being searched for the body of Caylee Anthony. Four months later, the utility worker was in the same area and decided to investigate the woods on his own. When he opened the bag, he discovered bones and other materials. This time, instead of calling the police, he called his supervisor who notified the local law enforcement.

Connecting the dots from the period of time that Caylee Anthony disappeared, the half-truths and changing stories of her mother, the comments made by the grandparents, and the alleged evidence found in Casey Anthony's vehicle, the prosecutor in this case had a viable reason to believe he could convict Casey Anthony of murder. He would be able to do this even without finding the child's body.

Fortunately, at least for Casey Anthony, things may have changed with the discovery of the body and because of the alleged conduct of the police. In order to get a first-degree murder conviction, the prosecutor has to be able to prove that Caylee Anthony died at the hands of her mother. This may no longer be possible.

One of the main reasons for this change is that the area had been searched previously and nothing was found. One story indicates that the area was under water at the time of the search while another story alleges there was no way the body could have been there during the time of the search. Due to the medical examiner not being able to provide a method of death, it cannot be proven whether it was a purposeful killing or an accidental death that resulted in the body being hidden. Nor can they prove that the mother killed the child or if Caylee was a victim of an unknown assailant.

In spite of Roy Kronk finding the remains and his assertion that he had nothing to do with the disappearance or death of Caylee Anthony, it still gives rise to more questions. The media have already raised questions as to why this man did not pursue his suspicions concerning the bag in August, when he claimed he first saw it. They also want to know why it took another four months before he called again, this time to his supervisor. One question is why he had not notified his supervisor in the beginning when he first discovered the bag or demanded that the police respond to the location so he could direct them to the right area of the woods. It does well to remember that people who commit crimes often return to the scene several times.

The main problem for the prosecution now is that anyone could have killed Caylee Anthony. The defense can use several possible scenarios (but not limited to).

Casey Anthony accidentally killed Caylee or the child died because of something that happened to her and then Casey disposed of the body out of fear.

An unknown person abducted Caylee from the home or yard while Casey Anthony was asleep, drugged, or simply not paying attention. The body was then tossed into the woods along side of a road.

Casey Anthony did give Caylee to another person, either a friend or babysitter, who then killed the child, and the mother believed the child was still alive (and which is her current story).

Someone other than Casey Anthony (family, friend, or stranger) murdered or caused the death of Caylee in one location and later moved the body to where it was found, supporting the searchers contention that the body was not there when the area was originally searched.

The burden to prove first-degree murder is on the prosecution to prove that Casey Anthony willfully murdered or negligently caused the death of her daughter, Caylee. The defense only has to offer reasonable doubt that Casey is not responsible for the death of her daughter. Currently, there is not enough legal evidence to prove whom, when, or even how Caylee died - or if it was murder at all.

Add in the problems with the discovery of the body in an area that had already been searched, the apparent lack of investigation by the police after receiving a tip that a suspicious bag that may have "smell of death" creates an air of complicity or an attempt to hide the true condition the body was found it. The refusal to let the defense and its forensic experts to observe the bones and other evidence when found and while being collected, and the refusal to allow their medical examiner to observe the autopsy itself, all together pose serious problems for the prosecution.

Only if fingerprints or some specific evidence is found that points directly to Casey Anthony, will they have a murder case. Entomologists, botanists, and other experts may be able to prove Caylee's body was placed where it was found before her mother was jailed. If the toxicology tests reveal that chloroform or any other chemical or poison was used to cause the death, they still have to prove that Casey Anthony is the only person who could have done so. Otherwise, reasonable doubt may rule the day.

What this means is that with a body now found, they can prove this little girl died and was thrown away in a wooded area and that she was the missing child. Period.

What the police, medical examiner, or prosecution cannot prove is how this child died, exactly when she died, whether it an accidental death or the result of negligence, and finally, whether it was first-degree murder. Nor can they prove who is responsible, even though Casey Anthony remains the prime suspect in this case.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 07, 2009, 03:18:41 PM
Media frenzy can't penetrate Casey Anthony's cell             January 7, 2009

The Web and TV are abuzz with the latest news about Casey Anthony.

But the most high-profile inmate at the Orange County Jail gets most of her news the old-fashioned way -- on a small transistor radio  from inside her 7-foot-by-12-foot cell in the county's female detention center.

"[Anthony] has very limited access to the outside world," jail spokesman Allen Moore said. "She's not watching Nancy Grace."

The question of Anthony's connection to the outside world surfaced after an attorney for her parents, George and Cindy Anthony, said in a statement that they intend to have a public memorial service for their granddaughter, Caylee Marie, whose skeletal remains were found in a wooded lot near her home Dec. 11.

Officials have confirmed that Anthony, who is being held without bail and charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, won't be allowed to leave the jail to attend any service for Caylee.

No date or time for the service has been announced.

Jail officials said Tuesday they have not yet decided whether Anthony would be allowed to watch the service on television.

She has no limit on her Sony SRF 39FP, a $21 radio she bought from the jail's commissary. It's specifically designed for inmates in U.S. corrections facilities: Its transparent case is supposed to prevent inmates from using it to conceal things.

The main reason for Casey Anthony's limited access to television news is her Level 1 protective-custody status -- triggered in part by her notoriety.

That level of security is given to high-profile inmates such as Lisa Nowak and Lou Pearlman, who generate massive amounts of media coverage. Anthony and six others are currently in Level 1 status.

"The protective status helps avoid situations that will affect the inmate's safety or the jail's operation," Moore said.

Because Anthony is kept isolated from other inmates, she spends most of her time alone in her cell, without a clear view of the television set located in that part of the female-detention center.

That television, which only receives local stations, is rarely turned on because of the "mix of psychological observation and disciplinary classifications of the inmates" in protective custody, Moore said.

However, Anthony can request to watch television during the one hour per day she is allowed out of her cell. The hour is normally reserved for showers and other activities.

"A corrections officer will stay with her in an adjacent classroom to supervise while she watches television," Moore said.

Inmates who are not in protective custody have more television access.

All inmates can subscribe to newspapers, but they are not distributed in common areas at the jail. She and other inmates do not have access to the Internet.

Incoming mail is opened and reviewed by mailroom staffers for contraband and outgoing mail is sometimes opened, officials said.

Although the jail keeps a log of her visitors, and records all phone calls and video visitations, officials do not track what Casey Anthony watches on television. Moore said it's unclear how much television she watches

For the time being, Anthony's limited connection to the outside is mainly her radio and the snippets she overhears from other inmates.

"She may not be in contact with other inmates, but she can hear what they are saying outside her cell," Moore said.,0,3317271.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 08, 2009, 07:52:54 AM
Casey Anthony's defense team seeks records from EquuSearch
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
January 8, 2009

Casey Anthony's defense team wants a Texas-based volunteer search group that helped look for Caylee Marie to turn over records, including maps used in the search, information on volunteers who assisted and communications between searchers and investigators.

This request for Texas EquuSearch's records is among more than a dozen motions filed in Orange Circuit Court late Wednesday.

Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland is not scheduled to address these issues during a hearing planned for this afternoon .

The focus of today's proceeding will be a request from prosecutors to limit what Anthony's attorney, Jos� Baez, can do with pictures and X-rays taken of Caylee's remains. Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, who would have turned 3 in August.

The state doesn't want Baez to be able to copy, print or reproduce the images -- including sending them in the mail or over the Internet. And prosecutors want to ensure the three discs of photos remain with Baez and in the court's jurisdiction. And defense experts must view them in Baez's presence.

Baez argued in a his two-page motion filed earlier this week that most of the defense experts who would review the images are out of state. And he pointed out that the state's experts were allowed to take samples out of the area, including to labs in Indiana and Virginia.

Some of the other defense motions filed late Wednesday seek:

*Copies of the search warrants and items seized on Dec. 11 and Dec. 20 from the home Anthony shared with her parents on Hopespring Drive.

*Unedited 911 calls made by Roy Kronk, the Orange County meter reader who found Caylee's remains off Suburban Drive on Dec. 11. He had previously alerted authorities three times in August of a suspicious bag in the same area.

*DNA and fingerprint reports for Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, and her brother, Lee Anthony.

*Individual law-enforcement interviews with her parents and brother on July 24.

*A visitation video between Anthony and her parents on Aug. 14 at the Orange County Jail.,0,2426132.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 08, 2009, 07:54:56 AM
Anthony case headed back to court today

Last Edited: Thursday, 08 Jan 2009, 7:14 AM EST
Created: Thursday, 08 Jan 2009, 7:10 AM EST

Defense attorney Jose Baez and his client, Casey Anthony

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- There are two hearings scheduled today in the case against Casey Anthony.

The first hearing will be held at 11 a.m. and is a civil case filed by Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez against Casey Anthony. Gonzalez's attorney, John Morgan, alleges that his client's reputation was ruined when Casey used her name to identify her as the woman who possibly kidnapped her now deceased daughter.

READ Zenaida Gonzalez's lawsuit against Casey Anthony

The hearing will be held before Circuit Court Judge Jose Rodriquez. It is not believed that Casey Anthony will be present in court for this hearing.

At 1:30 p.m., a criminal case against Casey Anthony will be heard by Circuit Judge Stan Strickland. He is expected to rule on motions filed by Casey's defense team on Jan. 7.

READ the motions filed Jan. 7, 2009

Just weeks ago, Judge Strickland gave the State Attorney's Office 14 days to turn over photos and x-rays taken during Caylee Marie’s autopsy to Casey's attorney, Jose Baez . Instead of handing those over on Tuesday, a motion to stay was filed, asking that tight restrictions be placed on the three discs containing those photos and x-rays.
The state said they only want Baez to have custody of the x-rays and photos.  They are requesting that his co-counsel and expert witnesses be the only ones permitted to look at them and restrict Baez from reproducing, copying, emailing or mailing them anywhere and that the people who need to review them must do so in Baez’s presence.

Judge Strickland is expected to hear both sides of the argument this afternoon. will stream both hearings LIVE on our Web site.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 09, 2009, 07:59:43 AM
Casey Anthony makes unexpected appearance in court
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
January 9, 2009

Casey Anthony made a surprise appearance in court Thursday during a hearing that focused on restrictions on what her legal team could do with pictures and X-rays of her daughter Caylee Marie's remains.

Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland approved a plan that would allow defense attorney Jos� Baez to get the images and set up a secure Web site for them -- a similar password-safe system is used by the medical examiner.

Prosecutors had asked the judge to order Baez not to copy, print or reproduce the images, including sending them in the mail or over the Internet. They wanted to ensure the photos remain with Baez and in the court's jurisdiction. Baez, who agreed with the state and didn't want the photos in the public domain, argued that most of the defense experts who would review the images are out of state. And, he argued, adding limits to what he could do would put an undue logistical and financial burden on the defense's efforts.

Baez suggested the high-tech compromise after he got a call from his office during a break. The state uses a password-safe system to share the information. He will inquire how to set up a similar system in his office.

After the hearing, prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick gave Baez the two CDs and one DVD of images.

Anthony was not expected to be at the proceedings. Baez stood up and waived her appearance at the beginning of the hearing -- a move he had made before several other hearings.

This time, however, prosecutors said his word wasn't good enough, and presented written legal cases on why she should be there.

After reviewing the information, Strickland agreed he should hear directly from Anthony. About 30 minutes later, she walked into the courtroom.

Thursday was Anthony's first public appearance since being indicted Oct. 14 on several charges, including first-degree murder.

The 19th-floor courtroom was filled with nearly two dozen journalists, all anxious to see Anthony. Shortly before she entered, three corrections officers came in as extra security.

Anthony sported a dark blue jail-issued jumpsuit and jail-issued flip-flops. Officials shackled her wrists and ankles. Her dark hair fell just past her shoulders, much longer than her first mug shot taken in July.

During her hourlong stay in court, she spoke little -- only to answer Strickland's questions about understanding the motions and waiving her appearance.

Her parents, George and Cindy Anthony, who had attended previous hearings, were not there.

Some of the other motions discussed at the end of the hearing:

*Strickland granted defense's request for the unedited 911 calls and other records from the Orange County meter reader who found Caylee's remains Dec. 11. The meter reader had called authorities three times earlier in August.

*The judge granted the defense's request for copies of the search warrants and items seized Dec. 11 and Dec. 20 from the home Anthony shared with her parents on Hopespring Drive.

*He did not rule on whether the defense will get maps, lists of volunteers and other records from Texas EquuSearch, a volunteer search group that helped look for Caylee.,0,3817861.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 09, 2009, 07:23:02 PM

WFTV Legal Analyst Describes Private Investigators' Video
Friday, January 9, 2009 – updated: 7:02 pm EST January 9, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- WFTV's legal analyst viewed the video showing a private investigator for the Anthony family talking on the phone and digging with a shovel at the scene where Caylee's body was later found. That private investigator was caught on camera, but until Bill Sheaffer had a chance to view it, few details were known about what the video showed.

"He was digging in the soil. He had a probe that he was probing in the soil. He was also picking up items at the crime scene and tossing them aside," WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer told Eyewitness News on Friday (watch full interview).

VIDEO REPORT: Sheaffer Describes Mystery Video
SHEAFFER UNEDITED: Legal Analyst Describes Video
DENIAL: P.I. Denies Remains Allegations

Sheaffer said the Anthonys' private investigator, Dominic Casey, picked up what appeared to be a blanket at the scene and tossed it aside and that it did not appear Mr. Casey and his colleague, private eye Jim Hoover, who was behind the camera, were doing a random search.

Sheaffer said Mr. Casey appeared to be focused on areas where there was a configuration of stones or concrete pavers, not just at the crime scene, but also at what appeared to be an abandoned back yard where Mr. Casey was actually digging.

"Mr. Casey was digging in the area, actually digging with a garden shovel, in an area where it appeared to be a black plastic bag sticking out of the earth," Sheaffer said.

Sheaffer said it was obvious Mr. Casey knew the camera was rolling because he was actually directing Mr. Hoover on where to shoot.

Sheaffer said, back at the scene the second day, Mr. Casey was probing the ground with a metal rod and not just superficially but deeply enough that he could have destroyed evidence.

"It was a metal probe and if he hit the skull or the bones of that skeletal remains he could have fractured it, he could have otherwise altered it and it would have thrown the whole forensic examination of the bones off," he said.

Questions remain about who Mr. Casey was talking to at the scene on the phone and who told him where to look and what to look for.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 10, 2009, 08:16:45 AM
Man Who Found Caylee's Remains May Give Interview
Attorney: Meter Reader Down To Last Dime

POSTED: Friday, January 9, 2009
UPDATED: 3:56 pm EST January 9, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Orange County utility worker who last month discovered the remains of Caylee Anthony in a wooded area near the girl's grandparents' home will likely give a network television interview next week, although it's not known if he will be paid a licensing fee, Local 6 News reported.

Roy Kronk, an Orange County water meter reader, found the skeletal remains Dec. 11 off Suburban Drive, less than half a mile from the Hopespring Drive home of George and Cindy Anthony, where Caylee lived with her mother, Casey Anthony, 22, who remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in her daughter's death.

Kronk's attorney, David Evans, told Local 6 News on Friday that it is likely his client will likely give the interview Monday or Tuesday. Evans would not say which network would conduct the interview. It's customary for networks to pay expenses for its guests -- which Evans said would happen -- but he would not say if Kronk was being paid for the interview.

"Roy Kronk lost his wife to cancer last year, and that battle brought him down to his last dime," said Evans, who added that he would like to find a way to get his client some compensation.

Kronk's only comments since the discovery were made three weeks ago when he held a news conference and issued a brief statement.

"Back in August of this year, I had previously reported to Crimeline and to the sheriff's communications center that I had spotted something suspicious, a bag in the same area," Kronk said. "I have been and will continue to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation by the sheriff's office and the FBI. I have provided detailed information to law enforcement but I respectfully decline at this time to get into the details of what I saw at the crime scene."

There are numerous conspiracy theories that have circulated about Kronk's role in the case, and Evans said his client feels the time is right to set the record straight.

Evans said he is preparing Kronk for all types of scrutiny.

Sources told Local 6 News that Evans has been unwilling to allow Kronk to answer questions from Casey Anthony's defense team.

Sources: Mom Killed Girl Intentionally

Meanwhile, sources close to the Casey Anthony case told Local 6 News on Thursday that they have overwhelming evidence showing that she intentionally killed Caylee and was solely responsible for the toddler's death.

Caylee was 2 years old when she was reported missing in mid-July, a month after she had last been seen.

Sources also said investigators have now established a time frame of death that dates back to June, according to reports returned by forensic botanists and entomologists brought in to analyze the terrain and insect growth where Caylee's remains were found. Sources said plants were growing through the skeleton and bug evidence was also recovered, both of which helped scientists reach their conclusion.

Orange County sheriff's detectives believe Anthony took actions that led to her daughter's death June 16, which corresponds to the June time frame of death, Local 6 News reported.

Investigators believe Anthony dumped Caylee's body around June 18 in the wooded area where the remains were found, sources said.

According to test results conducted on the trunk of Anthony's car by the Oakridge National Laboratory, the girl's body spent at least two days there before it was dumped, sources said.

A hair, which showed signs of decomposition, was also found in the trunk. Sources said the hair matches hair taken from Caylee's remains.

Sources said the time frame coupled with other evidence -- duct tape found over the mouth of Caylee's skull, high levels of chloroform detected in the trunk and cell phone pings from Anthony's phone that place her near the crime scene in mid-June -- points only to Anthony as the killer.

Sources said although a cause of Caylee's death may never be known, they believe Anthony will be convicted based on extremely strong evidence.

Investigators who initially thought that Caylee's death could have been an accident have changed their minds, sources said.

Anthony on Thursday was required by a judge to attend a hearing that centered around autopsy photos of Caylee. It was the first time Anthony had been seen in months.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Slide of pictures at link

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2009, 04:46:26 PM
Orlando Sentinel (Florida)
January 14, 2009 Wednesday
Deputy's actions are under scrutiny

An Orange County deputy who was criticized for the way he handled an August tip about Caylee Marie Anthony's remains was previously accused of failing to properly investigate incidents, a report released Tuesday shows.

Deputy Sheriff Richard Cain was accused of failing to properly investigate a threatening telephone call in March 2007, but that allegation was deemed unfounded, the sheriff's report showed. The outcome of a similar complaint against him in December 2006 was not available Tuesday.

The Sheriff's Office is conducting an internal investigation into what happened in August after a meter reader reported something suspicious in woods near the home Caylee shared with her mother and grandparents.

Cain's background, which was requested by several media organizations, was released on the same day Orange County meter reader Roy Kronk criticized deputies during an interview on national television.

Kronk said on ABC's Good Morning America that deputies were uninterested in following up on tips of a bag he found in August in woods near the home of the missing toddler's grandparents. He ended up making four reports -- three in August and one in December -- before investigators recovered the bones last month.

Kronk made reports Aug. 11, 12 and 13, less than a month after the girl's grandmother had reported her missing from the Chickasaw Oaks subdivision.

A deputy who responded poked around the water with a metal stick and then "swept his head back and forth and said, 'I don't see anything,' and pretty much, that was it," Kronk said.

Kronk didn't name the deputy. But an official with the Sheriff's Office said Cain was the only deputy to respond in August when Kronk was at the site. Cain went there Aug. 13.

"I guess the deputy didn't want to go into the water to look at the bag," Kronk said. "The cop was like . . . I would say, he was kind of rude to me."

Kronk returned to the woods off Suburban Drive and found Caylee's bones Dec. 11, ending months of searching for a little girl who would have turned 3 in August.

The girl's mother, Casey Anthony, has been charged with murder in her daughter's death and is being held without bail at the Orange County Jail.

Capt. Angelo Nieves, a Sheriff's Office spokesman, said Kronk is entitled to his opinion.

"We will allow the [internal] investigation to speak for itself when it is concluded," Nieves said.

The Sheriff's Office released two pages of information about Cain on Tuesday. They showed he was hired in June 2006 but offered few details about allegations made against him in the past.

The pages showed he was exonerated for an unspecified "use of force" issue in February 2007. Officials said a complaint about loitering after a call for service and failing to offer proper identification in January 2008 was deemed unfounded.

Tuesday was Kronk's first public appearance since last month, when he made a brief statement after Caylee's remains were identified.

He also told ABC host Robin Roberts about a brush with the law in the 1990s.

He was accused of kidnapping a former girlfriend but was never charged, according to David Evans, Kronk's attorney. A grand jury reviewed the case and decided there wasn't enough evidence to support the allegations.

"It was sealed, expunged from my record, and the only reason I came forward with it is because I have nothing to hide," Kronk said on TV.

Investigators with the Orange County Sheriff's Office said they don't think Kronk was involved with Caylee's death.

The network said it did not pay Kronk for his interview, but it acknowledged it paid Kronk to "license" a photo. A photo that aired during the interview showed a snake.

Kronk's lawyer and an ABC spokeswoman would not disclose what Kronk was paid for the photo.

Evans said it is not uncommon for national networks to pay $10,000 to $20,000 for photos.

Meanwhile, the Orlando Sentinel learned that Kronk owes about $10,000 in back child support to his ex-wife in Maryland. The two divorced in 1991, and she began seeking payment since 1996, according to court records. Their son is now 25.

Evans said he knew that his client owed child support but did not know why Kronk had not paid it or whether he was going to use this money to pay off the debt.

"Ultimately, it will be up to him," Evans said. "He's working to find a way to [pay] it."

Title: Deputy Involved In Caylee Tip Removed From Duties
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 15, 2009, 04:07:49 PM
Deputy Involved In Caylee Tip Removed From Duties
Meter Reader: Deputy Was 'Kind Of Rude'
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Orange County sheriff's deputy who checked on an August tip made by the meter reader who discovered the remains of Caylee Anthony in the same area in December was removed from his patrol duties on Thursday.

Orange County sheriff's Deputy Richard Cain, 40, was temporarily assigned to the agency's Material Control and Supply Section until the completion of an aministrative review into whether Cain violated any policies when he went to wooded area to check on the tip, which was phoned in by Orange County utility worker Roy Kronk.

According to the Orange County Sheriff's Office, Cain can no longer represent himself as a deputy sheriff or take law enforcement action either on or off duty. He also had to surrender his agency-issued sworn credentials and agency issued equipment, including identification cards, badges, a firearm, a vehicle, a radio and any other specialized equipment, the sheriff's office said.

Cain cannot engage in enforcement-related off-duty employment, and he must remain available for contact by the Orange County Sheriff's Office, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., the sheriff's office said.

Cain was hired by Orange County in 2006 and was assigned to patrol the area where Caylee's remains were found.

In a Tuesday interview on "Good Morning America," Kronk said Cain was "kind of rude."

"There was water there in August, and I guess the deputy didn't want to go out in the water to look in the bag," said Kronk, who phoned in tips about a suspicious bag three consecutive days in August.

After the third call was placed, Cain met Kronk near the wooded area, which is located near the home of George and Cindy Anthony, the grandparents of Caylee, who lived at the home with her mother, Casey Anthony.

"The officer showed up, he pulls out a metal baton (and) went to the water's edge. I pointed in the area where (the bag) was at, (and) he swept his head back and forth and said, 'I don't see anything,'" Kronk said on the national TV show.

In a sheriff's report, Cain wrote that he saw "trash only" while checking on Kronk's tip.

Cain's Professional Standards History report shows that there was a complaint filed against him in 2006 for failing to "properly investigate an incident," Local 6 News reported. The report does not say if Cain had been disciplined for the incident.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the death of her daughter.

Title: Video Of Emotional Anthony Family Jail Visit Released
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 15, 2009, 04:10:53 PM
Video Of Emotional Anthony Family Jail Visit Released
Meter Reader Given $5,000 Reward

POSTED: Thursday, January 15, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A videotaped recording showing an emotional and argument-filled August jailhouse visit between Casey Anthony and her parents was released by authorities on Thursday.

Local 6 News is reviewing the video and will have a report on it later.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the death of her daughter, Caylee, whose remains were discovered in a wooded area near the home of the toddler's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony.

The recorded jailhouse visit released on Thursday took place Aug. 14, the day that George Anthony lashed out at a reporter on his way into visit his daughter.

"Do you have anything to say about a new theory that Caylee (Anthony) may be dead and that it may be an accident?" a reporter asked.

"Shut up," George Anthony screamed as he moved toward the reporter. "Shut up."

Meter Reader Given $5,000 Reward

Also on Thursday, Roy Kronk, the Orange County utility worker who discovered Caylee's remains, was given $5,000 by attorney Mark NeJame, who used to represent George and Cindy Anthony, Kronk's attorney said.

"Roy Kronk is very appreciative to Mark NeJame for his generous gift of $5,000," Kronk's attorney, David Evans said. "Apparently, Mr. NeJame received $5,000 for his earlier involvement in the case and has decided that since Roy did find Caylee, the money should appropriately go to him."

Kronk appeared on "Good Morning America" earlier this week and described how he found the girl's remains.

Deputy Reassigned After Tip Visit

Meanwhile, the Orange County sheriff's deputy who checked on an August tip made by Kronk in the same area where Caylee's remains were found in December was removed from his patrol duties on Thursday.

Orange County sheriff's Deputy Richard Cain, 40, was temporarily assigned to the agency's Material Control and Supply Section until the completion of an administrative review into whether Cain violated any policies when he went to wooded area to check on the tip.

According to the Orange County Sheriff's Office, Cain can no longer represent himself as a deputy sheriff or take law enforcement action either on or off duty. He also had to surrender his agency-issued sworn credentials and agency issued equipment, including identification cards, badges, a firearm, a vehicle, a radio and any other specialized equipment, the sheriff's office said.

Cain cannot engage in enforcement-related off-duty employment, and he must remain available for contact by the Orange County Sheriff's Office, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., the sheriff's office said.

Cain was hired by Orange County in 2006 and was assigned to patrol the area where Caylee's remains were found.

In a Tuesday interview on "Good Morning America," Kronk said Cain was "kind of rude."

"There was water there in August, and I guess the deputy didn't want to go out in the water to look in the bag," said Kronk, who phoned in tips about a suspicious bag three consecutive days in August.

After the third call was placed, Cain met Kronk near the wooded area, which is located near the home of George and Cindy Anthony, the grandparents of Caylee, who lived at the home with her mother, Casey Anthony.

"The officer showed up, he pulls out a metal baton (and) went to the water's edge. I pointed in the area where (the bag) was at, (and) he swept his head back and forth and said, 'I don't see anything,'" Kronk said on the national TV show.

In a sheriff's report, Cain wrote that he saw "trash only" while checking on Kronk's tip.

Cain's Professional Standards History report shows that there was a complaint filed against him in 2006 for failing to "properly investigate an incident," Local 6 News reported. The report does not say if Cain had been disciplined for the incident.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 15, 2009, 06:12:27 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 15, 2009, 07:11:40 PM
I don't know why this is dated today. We already knew this  ::MonkeyConfused::

EquuSearch Leader Hires Anthonys' Ex-Attorney
updated: 12:54 pm EST January 15, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Two former players in the case against Casey Anthony have joined forces against Casey's defense team.

Tim Miller from EquuSearch, a group that performed several searches for Caylee Anthony, has now hired attorney Mark Nejame. Nejame had previously represented George and Cindy Anthony.

Miller wants to prevent the defense from getting all the records relating to the tips that EquuSearch received as they search for Caylee, who was found dead in December. Her mother, Casey, has been charged with the child's murder.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 17, 2009, 07:24:11 AM
Jan 17, 1:16 AM EST

Charged Fla. mom described herself as a victim

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- The Florida mother charged in the killing of her toddler daughter described herself as a victim when talking to her parents during a jailhouse visit last August. Casey Anthony, 22, told her parents she was just as much a victim as anyone else in the case during the recorded visit at the Orange County Jail in Orlando. Copies of the visit were released this week.

At the time, Casey was in jail on charges related to the disappearance of her daughter Caylee. She was charged with first-degree murder in October.

In the video, Casey Anthony cried and got angry when pressed by her parents for information about Caylee's whereabouts. She even threatened to end the conversation.

"This is seriously the first time I've been angry, that I've been frustrated to the point where I can't even think straight at this moment," Casey Anthony said. "The worst part is nobody can see my side and I have to keep my mouth shut."

Caylee's remains were found in December by a meter reader in woods near where Caylee lived with her mother and grandparents. Four months earlier, meter reader Roy Kronk had made three phone calls to the Orange County Sheriff's Office about his suspicions that remains were in a bag he had spotted in those woods.

A sheriff's deputy responded to the woods but didn't see a need to investigate further. That deputy was removed from patrol duty this week pending an investigation into his response.

A former attorney for Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, rewarded Kronk Friday with $5,000 for finding the remains. The attorney, Mark NeJame, said he had received $5,000 for his work on the case and felt it was right to give the money to Kronk.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 21, 2009, 04:46:11 PM
Investigator: Heart-shaped sticker was put on duct tape covering Caylee Marie Anthony's mouth
Amy L. Edwards and Walter Pacheco | Sentinel Staff Writers
1:22 PM EST, January 21, 2009

A heart-shaped sticker was put on the duct tape that covered Caylee Marie Anthony's mouth, an Orange County investigator wrote in search warrant affidavit.

That detail is one of several included in hundreds of pages of legal documents released today by the State Attorney's Office in its case against Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony.

The reports detail more about what investigators found when Caylee's remains were recovered Dec. 11:

- The remains appeared to have originally been within a black plastic bag and within a cloth laundry hamper bag. - There was a piece of silver duct tape over the mouth area of Caylee's skull. - Inside the bag, investigators found a small shirt, small pair of white shorts and small cloth-type letters that appear to be iron-ons, and a Winnie the Pooh blanket.

While the duct tape was being processed at the FBI lab in Quantico, Va., investigators noticed residue in the "perfect shape of a heart." The residue "appeared to be consistent with the adhesive side of a heart shaped sticker," sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich stated in one of the documents.

He noted that investigators who scoured the wooded area where Caylee's remains were found located a small heart-shaped sticker similar in size to the residue on the tape.

"It appears that the sticker was put on the duct tape intentionally," he stated.

In another search warrant for Casey's home on Hopespring Drive, where she lived with her parents and Caylee, investigators asked to collect: - Arts and crafts materials, stickers and scrap book material - Casey Anthony's shoes - Small plastic toy horses similar to one found at the crime scene

The investigator also asked for the authority to observe and note any prescriptions on the property.

Dozens of pages of reports from crime-scene technicians were released, as well as transcripts from 911 calls made by the meter reader who found Caylee's remains.

Check back for updates.,0,6390556.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 21, 2009, 05:06:31 PM
Documents Reveal Graphic Details In Caylee Anthony Investigation
released Wednesday reveal more about what was found at the crime scene along with Caylee Anthony's body. (01/21/09)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 21, 2009, 05:15:05 PM
Investigator: Heart-shaped sticker was put on duct tape covering Caylee Marie Anthony's mouth
Amy L. Edwards and Walter Pacheco | Sentinel Staff Writers
1:22 PM EST, January 21, 2009

A heart-shaped sticker was put on the duct tape that covered Caylee Marie Anthony's mouth, an Orange County investigator wrote in search warrant affidavit.

That detail is one of several included in hundreds of pages of legal documents released today by the State Attorney's Office in its case against Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony.

The reports detail more about what investigators found when Caylee's remains were recovered Dec. 11:

- The remains appeared to have originally been within a black plastic bag and within a cloth laundry hamper bag. - There was a piece of silver duct tape over the mouth area of Caylee's skull. - Inside the bag, investigators found a small shirt, small pair of white shorts and small cloth-type letters that appear to be iron-ons, and a Winnie the Pooh blanket.

While the duct tape was being processed at the FBI lab in Quantico, Va., investigators noticed residue in the "perfect shape of a heart." The residue "appeared to be consistent with the adhesive side of a heart shaped sticker," sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich stated in one of the documents.

He noted that investigators who scoured the wooded area where Caylee's remains were found located a small heart-shaped sticker similar in size to the residue on the tape.

"It appears that the sticker was put on the duct tape intentionally," he stated.

In another search warrant for Casey's home on Hopespring Drive, where she lived with her parents and Caylee, investigators asked to collect: - Arts and crafts materials, stickers and scrap book material - Casey Anthony's shoes - Small plastic toy horses similar to one found at the crime scene

The investigator also asked for the authority to observe and note any prescriptions on the property.

Dozens of pages of reports from crime-scene technicians were released, as well as transcripts from 911 calls made by the meter reader who found Caylee's remains.,0,5932835.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 22, 2009, 06:43:36 PM
New Motion Hearing Scheduled In Casey Anthony Case
Thursday, January 22, 2009 6:04:37 PM
ORLANDO -- Three new motions will be heard at an end of the month hearing.

The motions are from both sides -- Anthony's attorney Jose Baez and the State Attorney's Office.

The most interesting concerns a request by Baez to obtain records from EquuSearch, including lists of volunteers and any communications the group had with investigators.

The Texas-based group spent days in Central Florida looking for Caylee's remains.

Baez also filed a motion to try and inspect the scene where Caylee's remains were found.

The hearing is scheduled in an Orange County court for Jan. 30 at 8:30 a.m.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 23, 2009, 08:12:27 AM
George Anthony Threatens Suicide, Disappears
Friday, January 23, 2009 – updated: 6:16 am EST January 23, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- George Anthony, father of Casey Anthony, was reported missing, Friday morning after threatening suicide. He was later found at a Daytona Beach motel.

RAW VIDEO: George Leaving Hotel
IMAGES: George Headed To Hospital


The Anthonys' attorney, Brad Conway, said George was OK. He was taken into custody under Florida's Baker Act which allows the state to hold people involuntarily pending a psychiatric evaluation.

The lead investigator in the case and several Orange County sheriff's deputies responded to the house of George and Cindy Anthony late Thursday night. His family had grown increasingly concerned when George missed a scheduled meeting Thursday afternoon.

Sheriff’s officials and Conway say George Anthony left his home early Thursday morning and hadn't been seen since. Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood says George sent what were described as "disturbing" text messages to family members.

"He had text-messaged family members that he wanted to end his life," said Chitwood. (hear interview)

Conway said family members were "relieved" George had been found.

"George is OK, thank God," said Conway. "Had it not been for a cooperative effort between Orange County and Volusia County, I don’t know what the outcome would have been. George is now safe." (watch full interview)

George Anthony was found in Daytona Beach at the Hawaii Motel (see map). Deputies used GPS and signals from George’s cell phone to track his car. (watch raw video)

"When they arrived on the scene, George was talking to them and was fine," said Conway. "We’re having him checked out to be sure."

George was taken to Halifax Medical Center for observation. He could be held for up to 72 hours. Chitwood, who took George to the hospital, described him as "melancholy." Chitwood said no weapons and no medications indicating suicide was imminent were found.

George's car was returned to the home just before 6am but George was not in it.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 23, 2009, 09:24:49 AM
Local 6: George Anthony Found Safe; Suicide Note Located
Casey Anthony Remains Jailed In Daughter's Death

POSTED: Thursday, January 22, 2009
UPDATED: 9:00 am EST January 23, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The father of Casey Anthony, who is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee, has been taken to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation after he was reported missing.
VIDEO: Local 6 Team Report
George Anthony was reported missing late Thursday night from his Orange County home but was located a few hours later at the Hawaii motel on U.S. Highway 1 in Daytona Beach.

"He had text-messaged family members that he wanted to end his life," Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said.

Local 6 News reported that a suicide note was also found in George Anthony's car. The note is in the possession of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

"I'm being told by sources close to the investigation that the note included wording like 'I want to go be with Caylee,'" Local 6 News reporter Jessica D'Onofrio said.

George Anthony's wife, Cindy Anthony, and their attorney, Brad Conway, reported him missing after he failed to arrive at a 4 p.m. meeting with them, officials said.

"George has been through a lot. The entire Anthony family has been through a lot. George is OK. Thank God," Conway said. "Had it not been for a cooperative effort between Orange County and Volusia County, I don't know what the outcome would have been."

George Anthony was taken to Halifax Medical Center under the Florida Baker Act, which allows a person to be evaluated if they are deemed as possibly being able to harm themself or others or if they have a mental illness.

Authorities said they used cell phone pings to track George Anthony to the Bethune Point area of Daytona Beach, and his car was later found in the motel parking lot.

No weapons or drugs were found with George Anthony, who is a former Ohio sheriff's deputy. He did have his blood-pressure medication with him.

Conway said Cindy Anthony is OK when asked about her well-being.

"I think I've said this a lot of times. (She's doing) as well as can be expected, but she's good," Conway said. "George is safe, and he's with us, so it's all good."

Trash Bag Link?

Meanwhile, Local 6 News reported Thursday that trash bags taken from the home where Casey Anthony lived with her daughter, Caylee, look the same as the one in which the toddler's remains were found in a nearby wooded area.

Casey Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the death of her daughter. Caylee's remains were found Dec. 11 by an Orange County meter reader in some woods less than a half-mile from the home of George and Cindy Anthony.

Shortly after the discovery, detectives twice searched the Anthony home for any evidence connected to the crime scene. Local 6 News has learned that investigators took plastic bags that look the same as the black trash bag with yellow handles in which Caylee's remains were found.

The trash bag in which Caylee's body was placed is also identical in appearance to a bag Cindy Anthony gave to detectives in July, Local 6 News reported.

Local 6 News has learned that investigators are confident of the connection between the home and the crime scene, but it will take laboratory tests to conclusively link the bag to the one found in the woods.

Caylee was 2 years old when she was reported missing in mid-July, a month after she was last seen alive.

Months ago, a woman was seen taking trash from the curb outside the Anthony home. The trash was in a black plastic trash bag.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 23, 2009, 04:06:57 PM
Despondent grandfather wanted to 'be with Caylee'
Story Highlights
NEW: George Anthony sent texts saying he didn't want to live, police say
He was found at Florida hotel early Friday after being reported missing
He can be held for 72 hours for psychiatric evaluation and will not be charged
Anthony has defended his daughter, Casey, in death of her daughter, Caylee
Next Article in Crime »

(CNN) -- The distraught grandfather of slain Florida toddler Caylee Anthony sent his family and friends text messages saying he "did not want to live anymore and that he wanted to be with Caylee," according to a police report.

George Anthony has defended his daughter, Casey, who is accused in the death of his granddaughter, Caylee.
1 of 2

George Anthony, 57, then disappeared for several hours, and his family's worried attorney called police.

"You can see that George has been pushed to the brink of what could have been another tragedy in this case," said the attorney, Brad Conway. "This has been nothing less than hell" for the couple, he added.

He asked reporters to respect "the pain and the anguish" the Anthonys have gone through and "give them a little bit of space." He pointed out that they have not yet been able to bury Caylee, whose remains were found in December.

"He is not OK. George would not be with us without of efforts of law enforcement," Conway said.

Anthony was found about 2:30 a.m. Friday at the Hawaiian Inn Hotel in Daytona Beach, Florida, and taken into custody, according to Orange County Sheriff's Department spokesman Jeff Williamson. Anthony was hospitalized on a 72-hour psychiatric hold.

A former police officer, Anthony has been embroiled in a crime saga involving his daughter, Casey Anthony, and granddaughter Caylee.

Casey Anthony, 22, is charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter, who was last seen alive in June. Casey Anthony arrested in October and charged with first-degree murder and other offenses.

George Anthony's wife, Cindy, told police that she last saw her husband at 10:30 a.m. Thursday as he was leaving for a job interview. Conway reported George Anthony missing late Thursday, police said.

"Cynthia stated George has been upset and depressed about the death of his granddaughter, Caylee Marie," according to an Orange County sheriff's report.

"She stated she asked George yesterday to pick out some jewelry for Caylee for her funeral," the report stated. "Cynthia said she believed this might have made him even more depressed."

Cindy Anthony told police she became concerned after learning that her husband failed to show up for several meetings he had scheduled, including one with a friend in Lakeland, Florida, according to the police report. She tried to call her husband, she said, but he did not call her back. He also did not respond to her text messages.

George Anthony's medication -- at least two weeks' worth -- was missing, the report said, along with a photo of his wife and daughter. Cindy Anthony said no clothes or other belongings were missing, the police report said.

Starting about 10:45 p.m., Cindy Anthony said, she and others received several text messages on their cell phones. "The text messages George sent stated he did not want to live anymore and that he wanted to be with Caylee," according to the police report. "George text(ed) he wanted to be left alone and he wanted to make sure Caylee was in God's arms."

He would not say where he was, the report said.

In his call to 9-1-1, Conway told police, "We're worried that something is -- he's done something to himself." A copy of the recording was released by police.

Police tracked the GPS on George Anthony's cell phone to the Daytona Beach area, according to the police report. Daytona Beach police and some Orange County investigators sent to the area to search for his vehicle and found him at the hotel, authorities said.

The police chief persuaded Anthony to go to a hospital, said Jimmie Flynt, Daytona Beach police spokesman. He was taken to Halifax Medical Center.

A five-page suicide letter was found in Anthony's car indicating that he wanted to harm himself, Flynt said.

Conway told CNN affiliate WFTV that Anthony was taken into custody under Florida's Baker Act, which allows the state to hold people involuntarily pending a psychiatric evaluation. Police said he can be held for 72 hours without a court order.

For months, George and Cindy Anthony publicly defended their daughter, stating that she had nothing to with their granddaughter's disappearance.

In December, George Anthony said on CNN's "Larry King Live" that he never suspected that his daughter killed his granddaughter and he felt Caylee was still alive.

"Oh, Caylee? She's with, hopefully, a loving family that's taking care of her," he said.
The next day, Caylee's skeletal remains were found.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 23, 2009, 05:46:48 PM
UPDATED: Sources: George Anthony Took Sleeping Pills; Suicide Note Found In Car
Casey Anthony Remains Jailed In Daughter's Death
POSTED: Thursday, January 22, 2009
UPDATED: 4:18 pm EST January 23, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The father of Casey Anthony, who is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee, had alcohol in his motel room and took several sleeping pills prior to being found by authorities after he sent suicidal text messages to family members who reported him missing, sources told Local 6 News.

Meanwhile, Local 6 News learned Thursday that a gas can with apparent duct tape on it that was seized from the home of George and Cindy Anthony, where Casey Anthony and Caylee lived, is being compared to duct tape found over Caylee's mouth because the tape appears to be identical.

The gas can was seized by investigators Aug. 1 from the Anthony home. Local 6 News showed video of the metal gas can, which appeared to have silver duct tape on it.

George Anthony Found Safe After Threatening Suicide: VIDEO

Jose Baez: Casey Anthony 'Holding Up' After Father's Suicide Threats: VIDEO

911 Call Released Of George Anthony Reported Missing

Local 6: George Anthony Found Safe; Suicide Note Located: VIDEO

PHOTOS: Suicide Threat


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 24, 2009, 08:17:00 AM
Sources: George Anthony Took Sleeping Pills; Suicide Note Found In Car
Casey Anthony Remains Jailed In Daughter's Death

POSTED: Thursday, January 22, 2009
UPDATED: 4:18 pm EST January 23, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The father of Casey Anthony, who is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee, had alcohol in his motel room and took several sleeping pills prior to being found by authorities after he sent suicidal text messages to family members who reported him missing, sources told Local 6 News.
VIDEO: Local 6 Team Report | PHOTOS: Suicide Threat
George Anthony remains hospitalized Friday after undergoing psychiatric evaluation. He was reported missing late Thursday night from his Orange County home but was located a few hours later at the Hawaii Motel on U.S. Highway 1 in Daytona Beach.

"He had text-messaged family members that he wanted to end his life," Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said.

Local 6 News reported that an unfinished three-page suicide note was also found in George Anthony's car.

"I'm being told by sources close to the investigation that the note included wording like 'I want to go be with Caylee,'" Local 6 News reporter Jessica D'Onofrio said.

Local 6 News showed video of the motel room in which George Anthony was staying. A cardboard container of a 12-pack of beer was in the room with four unopened bottles in the refrigerator. A brown blanket apparently belonging to the Anthony family was also shown atop the hotel room bed.

George Anthony's wife, Cindy Anthony, and their attorney, Brad Conway, reported him missing after he failed to arrive at a 4 p.m. Thursday meeting with them, officials said.

On the 911 call Conway placed Thursday, he said he was worried that George Anthony had "done something to himself."

"George has been gone since 8:30 this morning, and he has several bottles of medication from his house as well, and some pictures. We're worried that something ... that he's done something to himself," Conway told the 911 dispatcher.

No weapons were found with George Anthony, who is a former sheriff's deputy in Ohio. He also had his blood-pressure medication with him.

Conway insinuated that authorities helped save George Anthony's life.

"George has been through a lot. The entire Anthony family has been through a lot. George is OK. Thank God," Conway said. "Had it not been for a cooperative effort between Orange County and Volusia County, I don't know what the outcome would have been."

At a Friday afternoon news conference, Conway asked the public and media to respect what the Anthonys are going through.

"This has been nothing less than hell," Conway said. "The loss of their granddaughter has been difficult."

Conway reiterated that his clients have not profited in any way from Caylee's death and they have not been accused of any wrongdoing by authorities.

George Anthony was taken to Halifax Medical Center under Florida's Baker Act, which provides for involuntary hospitalization for those considered serious threats to themselves or others. The hospital can hold Anthony for up to 72 hours.

"Currently, he has been stabilized. He has been moved up to a room and admitted here at Halifax Health," hospital spokeswoman Salina Wang said on Friday afternoon. "Right now we're not commenting on any mental issues that he may or may not have. He is undergoing medical evaluation."

Authorities said they used cell phone pings to track George Anthony to the Bethune Point area of Daytona Beach, and his car was later found in the motel parking lot.

Chitwood, who drove George Anthony to the hospital, told Local 6 News that he had expected to find him dead. He also said that George Anthony did not want to leave the hotel but did so after being issued an ultimatum.

Chitwood also said that George Anthony told him he went to Daytona Beach because he was "broke" and said, "You don't know what I'm going through."

"It's a sad story. It's sad for everybody involved," Chitwood said.

Conway said Cindy Anthony was OK when he was asked about her well-being. He said she will be going to visit her husband at some point but did not specify a time.

"I think I've said this a lot of times. (She's doing) as well as can be expected, but she's good," Conway said. "George is safe, and he's with us, so it's all good."

Casey Anthony, 22, who remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the death of Caylee, was informed of the situation involving her father by health staff members at the Orange County Jail.

Her attorney, Jose Baez, visited Casey Anthony at the jail Friday morning but would not comment about her reaction to the news.

"I've been strict about not commenting about her reaction to things like that while she's going through this process," Baez said. "She's holding up. That's the best I can say right now."

Baez said he would get her help if it was determined that she needed any psychological assistance.

Also on Friday, Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland ordered Casey Anthony to attend all future court proceedings. The next hearing is scheduled for Jan. 30 at 8:30 a.m.

Duct Tape, Trash Bag Link?

Meanwhile, Local 6 News learned Thursday that a gas can with apparent duct tape on it that was seized from the home of George and Cindy Anthony, where Casey Anthony and Caylee lived, is being compared to duct tape found over Caylee's mouth because the tape appears to be identical.

Caylee's remains were found Dec. 11 by an Orange County meter reader in some woods less than a half-mile from the Anthony home.

The gas can was seized by investigators Aug. 1 from the Anthony home. Local 6 News showed video of the metal gas can, which appeared to have silver duct tape on it.

George Anthony told investigators that Casey Anthony had his gas cans in the trunk of her car in mid-June after he reported them stolen. The gas can would have been in the same trunk where detectives believe Caylee's body was for at least two days, Local 6 News reported.

Documents released by the state attorney's office this week revealed that the Caylee's mouth was covered with silver duct tape that had been adorned with a heart-shaped sticker.

The reports also showed that duct tape was attached to her hair, and the girl's remains were placed in a laundry-hamper bag and then secured in a plastic garbage bag before they were left in the woods.

Also, shortly after the discovery of Caylee's remains, detectives twice searched the Anthony home for any evidence connected to the crime scene. Local 6 News has learned that investigators took plastic bags that look the same as the black trash bag with yellow handles in which Caylee's remains were found.

The trash bag in which Caylee's body was placed is also identical in appearance to a bag Cindy Anthony gave to detectives in July, Local 6 News reported.

Local 6 News has learned that investigators are confident of the connection between the home and the crime scene, but it will take laboratory tests to conclusively link the bag to the one found in the woods.

Caylee was 2 years old when she was reported missing in mid-July, a month after she was last seen alive.

Months ago, a woman was seen taking trash from the curb outside the Anthony home. The trash was in a black plastic trash bag.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 26, 2009, 08:02:55 PM Home > Investigation

The Body in the Trunk
it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car...

Posted: Monday, January 26, 2009

Forensics Contributor

The call came into the Orlando, Florida 911 operator on July 15, 2008 from Cindy Anthony who had earlier reported her granddaughter missing, "I found my daughter's car today, and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car”. Over the next few weeks the mystery of what happened to little three year old Caylee Anthony would deepen as investigators tried to sort out the details of the convoluted story that the child's mother and the police's chief suspect, Casey Anthony, would tell about the disappearance of her beautiful, little daughter. Later the grandmother would change her story and say it was a pizza that had been in the trunk for two weeks and had maggots on it that had caused the smell.

What's in the Trunk
Orlando Police investigators said it was definitely the smell of human decomposition they found when they investigated the car both at the home and later at the police impound center. The smell of a decomposing human body is an overwhelmingly putrid smell that can not be mistaken or mimicked by any other smell. That smell is, like the scream of a mountain lion in the dark mountain woods, one of those things you never forget. A smell that makes even the most seasoned investigators sick at times. In addition, two trained cadaver-dogs hit on the car trunk area when brought into the investigation.

Analyzing the Evidence
Samples of air from the car trunk, samples of carpet, and dirt samples from the trunk floor were sent to the laboratory of Dr. Arpad Vass at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee for odor analysis of the organic chemicals in the samples. Dr. Vass' laboratory is world recognized as a leader in the analysis of chemical components found upon decomposition of human and animal bodies. His lab is used by the FBI and works in conjunction with investigators at the Body Farm in Knoxville. Tennessee. The same body farm which is devoted to the study of all aspects of the decomposition of the human body is operated by the University of Tennessee.

Samples of air and carpet were prepared for analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy analysis. Blank samples of air from around the car, as well as, carpet removed from similar make of car were used to establish background blanks. In addition, a pizza, with mushrooms and pepperoni, was also allowed to decompose and samples were taken from it for analysis. It should be noted that no maggots appeared on the decaying pizza during the decomposition period.

All samples were analyzed and the results compared against a library of over 192,000 known, unique chemical compounds. In addition, the results were compared to chemicals contained in the Decompositional Odor Analysis Database (DOA) which contains 424 uniquely identifiable volatile chemicals from there various stages of human decomposition. Compounding the forensic analysis of a body in a car trunk is the fact that gasoline and its many volatile breakdown products are always present in a car's trunk air and carpet. In addition, cleaners, engine additives, waxes etc may be present in a car and leave behind their unique volatile chemicals. These chemicals can many times mask the results for a specific chemical odor from the decaying body.

The Critical Findings
A total of fifty-four compounds were identified in samples from the car trunk. Of them, eighty percent (43 compounds) were consistent with a decompositional event. It is common to find a number of fluorinated chemical in decaying body samples. These were no found in these samples. However, since the assimilation of these compounds in tissues of the body takes place over an interval of many years, it is likely that a three-year-old child would not have had enough time to accumulate significant amounts of these compounds in her body tissues.

Decomposition can occur under aerobic (oxygen present) or anaerobic (limited oxygen present) conditions. The pattern of volatile chemical present in a sample varies depending on whether air is present or not present. In the analysis of the Anthony's car trunk several of the chemicals identified are consistent with decomposition that occurred under anaerobic conditions. This would be consistent with a body decaying left for a number of days in a car trunk in the hot Florida sun where limited fresh air would be present. When the child's body was finally found in December of 2008 her skeletal remains were found in a black plastic trash bag. If here body was in the car trunk also in the plastic bag them the chances of decomposition by the anaerobic route would be greatly enhanced.

Some compounds revealed in the chemical profile of the air and carpet samples are compounds which are exclusively found with decomposing human bodies and not found with decomposing animal bodies. This essentially rules out the argument by the child's mother that an animal had gotten into her car trunk and died and decayed there. The final decision that the decomposition of a human body had occurred in Casey Anthony's car trunk was based on the analytical results of five specific chemicals. These compounds are all found in the very early stages of decomposition which would be consistent with the fact that the body was removed from the car trunk before the car was found.

The Conclusion
Four of the five compounds can occur with either anaerobic or aerobic decomposition. These compounds are: carbon disulfide, trimethyl trisulfide, dimethyl disulfide, and carbon tetrachloride. The fifth compound, chloroform, is primarily found in situations where the decomposition occurs in oxygen deprived or anaerobic conditions. One of the compounds, carbon tetrachloride, is considered a human specific decomposition marker and is not seen in the decomposition of animal carcasses.

Nearly all of the chemicals found in early stage decomposition were detected in the trunk samples. Compounds usually found in late stage decomposition of a body were not present in the trunk samples. This supports the notion that the body was only present in the car trunk for a relatively short period of time. Several compounds routinely found with decomposing animal remains were not present in the car trunk samples supporting the conclusion that this had been a human body and not an animal in the trunk.

This case of the tragic death of a small child demonstrates how continuing advances in forensic chemical analysis are aiding the investigators in developing clues and the prosecutors in developing effective prosecutions of criminals who commit these sort of heinous crimes.$45105

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 26, 2009, 08:38:34 PM
Lee Anthony's Attorney Says Client May Be Charged
Attorney: Lee Anthony Could Face Obstruction Of Justice Charges

UPDATED: 7:21 pm EST January 26, 2009

Lee Anthony’s attorney is speculating that his client may be charged in connection with his actions while his niece, Caylee Anthony, was missing.

Casey Anthony, Lee Anthony’s sister, is charged with Caylee’s murder. Caylee was 2 when she was reported missing in July. Her remains were found near the Anthony family home in December.

His attorney, Tom Luka, said the fact that Lee Anthony has not received a subpoena to testify could signal that the state may be looking to file charges against him. If he was subpoenaed, anything he said at a hearing could not be used against him in subsequent criminal charges.

"There were a number of instances where he was acting on behalf of his sister, or on behalf of law enforcement, that now could be seen as something less than benign or could be seen as hindering the investigation instead of assisting it," Luka said.

Luka said he fears his client may be charged with obstruction of justice or evidence tampering.

Lee Anthony has also been under other family related stresses, his attorney said.

"He’s struggling with the grief of the death of his niece, he is struggling with the fact that his sister, who he is very close to, is in jail and facing life in prison," Luka said. "He is facing the fact that the economic situation in his house is not the best."

Lee Anthony has been working 18-hour days arranging parking areas for the Super Bowl. He also moved home to save money on rent.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on January 27, 2009, 02:36:17 PM
Promotions company suspends launch of Caylee Anthony doll
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
10:25 AM EST, January 27, 2009

The Jacksonville promotions company that announced plans Monday to sell a doll inspired by Caylee Marie Anthony is now suspending its launch.

In an e-mail statement this morning, Showbiz Promotions president Jaime Salcedo stated: "After reviewing the response to our media introduction of the Sunshine Caylee Doll and listening to the advice of the general public…We feel that is it (sic) best to suspend the launch of The Sunshine Caylee Doll."

The company planned to start selling "The Inspirational Caylee Sunshine Doll" today for $29.99. The doll plays the song "You Are My Sunshine" when her bellybutton is pushed.

The blond, 18-inch doll wears jeans and a T-shirt depicting a sun and the phrase: "CAYLEE SUNSHINE."

Salcedo told the Orlando Sentinel on Monday that the doll purposely does not look like the slain toddler, whose remains were found near her east Orange County home last month, because that would be too morbid.

News of the product outraged the attorney representing Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony.

"This is an example of another person trying to profit from the tragedy of Caylee's death," lawyer Brad Conway said Monday. "He has never met my clients, spoken to my clients and has not gotten authority of any type to do this. And after I have a chance to research it, I will likely take whatever legal action I can.",0,4753203.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 30, 2009, 06:06:03 AM
Remains may have been somewhere else first 
Last Edited: Thursday, 29 Jan 2009, 9:34 PM EST 

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- A former Los Angeles Police homicide detective does not believe the woods where Caylee Anthonys’ remains were found are the first place someone left her after she died.

 Mark Fuhrman, who is now a forensic and crime scene consultant for Fox News Channel, has been following the Caylee case since day one. Fuhrman’s theory is that Caylee died on June 16th, that it was an accident, and that Casey Anthony didn’t know what to do after it happened.
VIDEO:--Remains may have been somewhere else first
“When the body was put in the trunk of her car, the body was decomposed,” he said. “We do know that there is soil that’s in the trunk of the car. That’s important because that means the child either has to be in contact with soil, where moisture that holds soil onto the bag or it was immersed in some kind of soil, taken out and put in the trunk.”

Fuhrman believes that’s what happened the 25th or 26th of June. George Anthony was next to Casey’s car on June 24th, when he found his stolen gas cans in the trunk, but he never mentioned the smell of a dead body. It is believed that Casey ditched the car on the 27th.

“The car,” Furhman says, “Is key. The one hair that shows decomposition is intermingled with a stain that is believed to be bodily fluid in the lower left fender well.”

Furhman said he thinks it’s a very tight forensic case and Casey has done everything she possibly could to put herself in prison. Furhman added that the soil will help trace where the body was, especially if it matches any soil found on Casey’s shoes, which were taken into evidence.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 30, 2009, 01:55:48 PM
TODAY's Court Hearing

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 30, 2009, 02:28:26 PM
Anthony Attorney Plans To Seek Change Of Venue
Judge Rules On Motions In Casey Anthony Case

UPDATED: 12:40 pm EST January 30, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorney Jose Baez said Friday he will file a motion to move Casey Anthony’s trial to another city, even as prosecutors said it could be later this year before the case is ready.

Baez made his comments at the end of hearing on several motions on Friday morning.

“It’s too far out in front of us,” Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland said during the discussion about a change of venue, but added that he would set a hearing once Baez files his motion.

Anthony arrived in court in a gray suit, a contrast to recent times when she arrived in jail garb. Before the hearing began, she smiled and motioned to several people, but mostly sat without emotion. (Images From Court)

Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of her daughter, Caylee Marie, whose remains were found in east Orange County last month.

The case has generated widespread local and national media coverage, which Baez has said could make it difficult to find an unbiased jury. He said he plans to file for the change of venue soon, which could move the case to another city in Florida.

During the hearing, prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick said the case might not be ready for trial until later this year. Earlier, the case was set for trial this month, and then changed to March.

Drane-Burdick said the time frame made the discussion of a change of venue premature, but Baez disagreed.

Strickland ruled on other motions on Friday, including denying a defense motion to remove prosecutors from the case.

He did agree to give the defense access to the woods where Caylee’s remains were found, but he put off a defense motion to get evidence from Texas EquuSearch, the group that searched several locations for Caylee.

Strickland said he would rule on that motion later Friday.

Caylee Appears Again On Cover Of People

This Friday's issue of People Magazine features a cover story titled "Caylee's Family Secrets."

The article, written by Steve Helling, Bill Hewitt and Amy Green, delves into issues within the Anthony family.

The article addresses alleged marital issues between Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, which go back several years, before Caylee went missing. It also discusses the strained relationship between Casey Anthony and her parents, the connection between the Anthony family home and the items found with Caylee's remains and George Anthony's suicide scare.

The author promises a shocking new twist and new information from a law enforcement source.

Here is an excerpt from the article: "It may also turn out that the items found with Caylee that can be linked to the Anthony home, such as a blanket and a toy horse, undercut Casey's contention that she dropped her daughter off with a babysitter, then went a month while the child was supposedly missing before authorities were notified."

"It just means that whoever did it would have had access to the home. That makes you wonder about a nanny who would have had to enter the home many different times to get that to happen and that's why the police feel that they have the right person in custody," Helling said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 30, 2009, 02:29:25 PM
The latest National Enquirer dated 2/09/09





Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 30, 2009, 05:54:55 PM
Casey Anthony Judge Denies Request For EquuSearch Records  ::MonkeyDance::
Friday, January 30, 2009 5:09:32 PM

The Latest From Court:

4:00 p.m. - Late Friday afternoon, Judge Stan Strickland denied Casey Anthony's attorney's request to subpoena the records of Texas EquuSearch.

9:10 a.m. - Court hearing concludes.

9:09 a.m. - Brad Conway, the lawyer for George and Cindy Anthony asks to be heard. He said his clients wanted to be in court this morning but the events of the last two weeks prevented them. Conway said they were asking the court to expedite its decision on the Texas EquuSearch motion and on releasing discovery out of compassion for their daughter and for them. He said they waive any conflict of interest for Mark NeJame who first worked for them before becoming the lawyer for Texas EquuSearch.

9:08 a.m. - Judge says he is looking to the defense and prosecution in determining when to set a trial date. Next trial date status not set.

9:07 a.m. - Judge said he would set a hearing on a change of venue when it is determined when the trial date will begin.

9:06 a.m. - Baez says he still has a lot of discovery to go through. Prosecution says they don't think they will be ready for trial until later in the year.

9:04 a.m. - Judge addresses setting a trial date.

9:02 a.m. - Judge says this is a Florida Bar matter. He denied the motion to recuse the prosecutors.

9:01 a.m. - State of Florida says defense has not proved prejudice against Casey Anthony on the part of the prosecutors and have not proven they have violated her 6th Amendment right to counsel.

9:00 a.m. - State of Florida says they filed a motion to deny defense's emergency motion to remove prosecutors because they violated her 6th Amendment rights.

8:52 a.m. - Judge hears motion from defense attorney Linda Baden to remove prosecutors from the case.

8:48 a.m. - Judge hears motion to strike State of Florida's motion to strike defense witness list. State of Florida says it has been settled and motion is moot.

8:47 a.m. - NeJame says Baez was inappropriate for contacting Texas EquuSearch for records directly instead of going through the organization's lawyer.

8:44 a.m. - Judge says he will make a ruling by the end of the day Friday. Said if he rules against Nejame, he can refile without prejudice.

8:43 a.m. - Judge takes the request for Texas EquuSearch's files under advisement. Will make ruling when he gets more information.

8:40 a.m. - Mark NeJame, lawyer for Texas EquuSearch, requests the judge reject defense's request for records from Texas Equusearch regarding the search for Caylee.

8:37 a.m. - Judge grants defense's motion to inspect property where Caylee's body was found, even though property owner's mother told Baez he could not enter the property.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 31, 2009, 03:37:35 PM
Public memorial for Caylee Anthony tentatively set 
Last Edited: Saturday, 31 Jan 2009, 6:46 AM EST 
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- The Anthony family announced late Friday that if they have the remains of their granddaughter, the First Baptist Orlando will host the public memorial service for Caylee Marie Anthony. The date and time is tentatively set for 10 a.m. on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 in the main Worship Center of their John Young Parkway Campus.

The lawyer for the Anthony family, Brad Conway cautioned that the date may change since the family has yet to receive the actual remains.

Caylee Anthony was 2 years old when she disappeared last summer. Her remains were found near the Anthony family home in December. Her mother Casey Anthony is being held in the Orange County Jail awaiting trial on first degree murder charges.

The case has captured worldwide attention and many people have waited since December 11th of last year when the remains were found, to learn when a memorial service would be held. The remains of the toddler were first in the possession of the Orange county Medical examiner then the defense team.

Casey Anthony’s parents and the grandparents of Caylee, George and Cindy Anthony had said through a family spokesperson that they had been actively preparing for a public and private memorial service and were only waiting on the remains to be released to them.

“I believe God placed First Baptist Church of Orlando here in Central Florida to make a difference in this community, and to love this community. We believe our purpose is to be a lighthouse, especially in difficult and dark times. One of those times is now as we have all been saddened by the death of Caylee Anthony.

Dr. David Uth, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Orlando, said in a statement.

“As a church, we want to provide hope, healing and the opportunity to experience Gods love. We believe that hosting the service will give us the opportunity to minister to a family in need and to a community that is hurting because of the loss of this precious child,” he added.

According to the press release, specific details about the service will be released as soon as additional information is available.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 31, 2009, 03:52:35 PM
Orlando Sentinel (Florida)
January 31, 2009 Saturday
Caylee's memorial service on hold -- mom in court
For a few moments on Friday evening, it seemed that a memorial service for slain toddler Caylee Marie Anthony was about to happen and that the little girl whose disappearance has captivated the country would finally be put to rest.

Not so.

An attorney representing Caylee's grandparents said a news release issued by First Baptist Orlando incorrectly stated that a public memorial service would be held Feb. 10 at the 5,000-seat church on John Young Parkway.

"Until her remains are released, we cannot set a definite date," attorney Brad Conway, representing grandparents George and Cindy Anthony, said Friday night.

The church sent an update reiterating that it would host a service but deleting the time and date. Church spokesman Scott Link told the Orlando Sentinel that the Anthonys sanctioned the service after attending the church at Christmastime.

The release quoted senior pastor David Uth as saying, "We believe that hosting the service will give us the opportunity to minister to a family in need and to a community that is hurting because of the loss of this precious child."

The Anthony saga continued Friday with an announcement from the Orange County Jail revealing that a wristband inscribed "Forever in our hearts Caylee Marie Anthony" was confiscated by jail workers. An attorney representing Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, brought it Wednesday with clothing she was going to wear to court.

The white rubber wristband with purple lettering was found Friday with blue pants and a gray blazer left for Anthony, 22, by attorney José Baez, jail spokesman Allen Moore said. A lawyer working with Baez on the case, José Garcia, said the firm would have no comment.

But a spokesman for Baez, who goes by the name Todd Black, said Cindy Anthony, not Baez, provided the clothing. Conway denied that.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 03, 2009, 09:57:08 AM
Lee Anthony gets deposition notice 
Last Edited: Monday, 02 Feb 2009, 10:27 PM EST 
Lee Anthony, brother of accused murderer Casey Anthony.  SideBar

FOX 35 News
ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) --   The attorney representing the woman in a defamation suit against Casey Anthony wants to depose Casey's brother, Lee, in hopes of shedding light in the civil case.

Keith Mitnik wants answers to questions on behalf of his client,  Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.  Fernandez Gonzalez shares the same name as the woman whom Casey claims abducted her daughter, Caylee Marie, in July of last year.

"I need people under oath, where they're required to tell me the truth, and I want to ask the questions.  We've got one reason.  I want to clear our client's name and I want to do it as fast as we can," said Mitnik.

"I was very surprised,"  said attorney Thomas Luka, who is representing Lee Anthony, adding his client is not going to be of much use in this case.  "I've had extensive conversations with him about this.  He has indicated to me that he does not know anything other than the fact that his sister has used a babysitter, but he did not know specific names or anything like that."

Mitnik says he has an extensive list of questions for Lee Anthony.  "Merely,  do you know this woman? What can you tell me about her?

When asked if he would take the opportunity to inquire about Casey Anthony's murder case, Mitnik responded,  "I'll probably ask them some questions about it, and only because if there's any info that points to someone else that hurt this child, then it's not my client."

Lee Anthony's deposition is scheduled for February 27th.  His parents Cindy and George Anthony are scheduled for depositions on February 26th.

More details emerge in memorial service for Caylee

For more than six weeks, George and Cindy Anthony have been waiting to take possession of the remains of their granddaughter, whose body was discovered in December in a wooded area within a mile of their East Orange County home. Until Casey's defense team completes their examination of the body, they will have to wait.

But FOX 35 has learned that behind the scenes, Cindy has been busy making preparations for a public memorial, tentatively scheduled for February 10 at the First Baptist Church of Orlando.

The sanctuary can hold up to five thousand guests and is pre-wired for video, so media oulets can record the service without being too intrusive.  The same location was used in 1999 to publicly memorialize PGA golfer Payne Stewart, who died after a private jet in which he was travelling depressurized while en route from Orlando to Dallas.

Sources tell FOX 35 that Cindy has selected flowers that will sit on the altar and Caylee's grandmother has chosen music for the service.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 03, 2009, 09:59:47 AM
Casey Anthony takes the Fifth in defamation suit

February 3, 2009

Casey Anthony doesn't plan on answering a series of written questions posed on behalf of a woman suing her, including whether Anthony knows who killed her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, and whether she was involved.

Anthony, who faces a murder charge in her daughter's death, is going to reply to each question by citing her Fifth Amendment right because of concerns the answers could be used in the criminal case against her, her civil attorney, Jonathan Kasen, said Monday.

Lawyers for Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, who filed a defamation suit against the Orange County murder suspect, sent the questions to Anthony's attorney Monday, according to court documents.

Circuit Judge Jose R. Rodriguez came up with the compromise of posing written questions last month after Anthony's attorneys tried to stop a videotaped deposition of Anthony in jail.

The judge was trying to balance Fernandez-Gonzalez's civil-court efforts to clear her name and Anthony's rights in the criminal process.

When Caylee's disappearance was first reported in July, Anthony, 22, told investigators that a month earlier she had left the 2-year-old with a baby sitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez at Sawgrass Apartments, and when she returned later that day both were gone.

Authorities interviewed 37-year-old Fernandez-Gonzalez, who told them she didn't know Anthony or her daughter.

Caylee's remains were found in December a short walk from the home she shared with Anthony and her grandparents.

Among the questions submitted to Anthony to answer in writing:

*How did you describe (baby sitter Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez) to law enforcement?

*List everyone you told that Caylee was with Zenaida Gonzalez the last time you saw her

*Do you admit the Zenaida Gonzalez who is suing you has never baby-sat for Caylee? Do you admit the story you told law enforcement that Caylee was with someone named Zenaida Gonzalez the last time you saw her is not true?

In other developments:

*Roy Kronk, the Orange County Utilities meter reader who was thrust into the national spotlight when he found Caylee's remains, was reassigned to a new job Monday, his lawyer said. Kronk was reassigned to work in inventory control at a warehouse -- a position he requested before he found the remains.

*Allen Moore, a spokesman for the Orange County Jail, confirmed there will be a verbal notice given to Anthony's criminal defense attorney, Jos� Baez, about jail policies because a prohibited item -- a rubber wristband inscribed with "Forever in our hearts Caylee Marie Anthony" -- was found with the clothing Baez dropped off Wednesday for Casey Anthony's court hearing Friday.

*The spokesman for Casey Anthony's defense attorney -- a man who admitted to the Orlando Sentinel last week that he's using a fake name -- issued a statement defending the criminal past of his company's founder. The spokesman who calls himself Todd Black did not name the company founder in a statement he e-mailed Monday, though he earlier told the Sentinel it is a man named Gil Cabot. In 1990, Cabot was convicted of attempting to extort $30,000 from television journalist Jann Carl. According to reports, prosecutors said Cabot called Carl and told her that nude photos of her would be sold to a magazine unless she made the payoff. According to California records, Cabot served five years in prison.

Black, who has declined to give his real name, described Cabot's stint in prison as a "key selling point" for his company.,0,4855543.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 04, 2009, 08:22:28 AM
Morgan: I'll Tape, Release Anthony Depositions
Attorney Subpoenas Cindy, George, Lee Anthony

POSTED: 2:45 pm EST February 2, 2009
UPDATED: 6:48 pm EST February 3, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorney John Morgan said Tuesday he plans to videotape depositions with Casey Anthony’s family members and release them to the public.

The depositions would be part of a civil suit that Morgan filed for Zenaida Gonzalez, the woman whose name Anthony used when she reported her daughter, Caylee, missing last July.

Morgan earlier this week submitted written questions to Anthony, which her attorney says she will not answer. On Tuesday, Morgan said he wants to take depositions from her parents, Cindy and George Anthony, and her brother, Lee Anthony.

He would videotape them from a space in his office that looks like a real courtroom.

“We plan on inviting the press to hear these depositions as they take place,” said Morgan.

He added that he wants “to bring the parents in to see what they knew…Then we have some surprise questions for them they may have trouble answering.”

In a civil suit, Morgan is trying to clear the name and reputation of Gonzalez, who said she lost her job and suffered because Casey Anthony connected her name with a nanny that Anthony said took Caylee.

Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of Caylee, whose remains were found in east Orange County last month. A trial isn’t expected to start until later this year.

Since Casey Anthony is refusing to answer written questions, which include "were you involved in the death of Caylee," Morgan said he will move to have her countersuit against his client dismissed.

An attorney for Cindy and George Anthony had a heated reaction to Morgan’s plan.

"I don't think the judge is going to allow John Morgan to turn this in to a three-ring circus,” attorney Brad Conway said.

Conway said he'll file for a protective order to block Morgan's plan to hold televised depositions.

George Anthony remains hospitalized after a recent suicide attempt.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 04, 2009, 09:56:30 AM
George Anthony Back Home After Release From Hospital
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 – updated: 7:29 am EST February 4, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- George Anthony was released from Halifax Medical Center around 6:00pm Tuesday and is back home. It was previously believed, upon his release from Halifax Medical Center, that George Anthony would be brought to another hospital closer to his house, but his attorney told Eyewitness News he was back at his home.

The grandfather of murdered toddler Caylee Anthony had been hospitalized at Halifax Medical Center since January 23 after he was found inside a Daytona Beach motel with prescription pills, beer and a half-written suicide note.

Officials checked Anthony into Halifax under the Mental Health Act of 1971 (Baker Act), which allows law enforcement to hold someone in a hospital against their will for 72 hours. George stayed at the facility longer than the required time.

Eyewitness News made several calls to George Anthony's attorney Tuesday night to find out his condition, but the calls were not returned. The hospital would only confirm that he was no longer a patient.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 06, 2009, 09:28:07 AM
Defense claims Casey Anthony case mirrors TV show

8:23 AM EST, February 6, 2009

Casey Anthony's defense attorneys appeared this morning on NBC's Today Show and compared their client with the lead character from the popular 1960s TV show, The Fugitive.

In that television show, actor David Janssen plays Dr. Richard Kimble. He blames a one-armed man for the murder of his wife, but no one believes him and he is convicted in her death. Kimble runs from the law, but is vindicated in the end.

"The person who seemed to be so guilt that the locals have made this person so guilty," attorney Linda Kenney Baden told Today Show host Meredith Vieora. "He was so hated and he ran from the law and it turns out he was innocent. In this case, we believe our client [Anthony] is innocent."  :roll:

"The comparison [to the television show] is for everyone has to wait. You have to stop saying someone is guilty," Baden said.

Lead defense attorney Jose Baez said "it's her [Anthony] against the world."  (BOO EFFIN' HOO HOO :roll: )

He spoke little about the change of venue, saying he plans to "keep the location we're asking for secret."

"I don't want that disclosed," Baez said. "I don't want what's going on in Orlando to happen in the new location."

Baez added, "I am doing the best I can for my client...I am quite frankly, doing the oath that I took.",0,2547975.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 07, 2009, 06:43:36 AM

George, Cindy Anthony To Attend Caylee Memorial
Security Will Be Tight, Attorney Says

POSTED: 10:45 am EST February 4, 2009
UPDATED: 5:31 pm EST February 6, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- George and Cindy Anthony plan to be at a public memorial service for their granddaughter, Caylee, their attorney said Friday afternoon.

Attorney Brad Conway said security will be tight so that no one disrupts the service, which is planned for 10 a.m. Tuesday at the First Baptist Church of Orlando on John Young Parkway.

The service will be a 5,000-seat worship at the church, which is located at 3000 S. John Young Parkway.

Hundreds if not thousands of people are expected to gather to pay their respects to the toddler.

The family finalized plans Thursday for a memorial service for Caylee and everyone is welcome.

People attending Tuesday morning will have to pass through a metal detector before they go inside.

Pastors at the First Baptist Church of Orlando said they want this service to reflect the dignity and respect Caylee deserves.

All bags of any kind will be prohibited along with back packs, cell phones and recording devices. With as many as 5,000 people attending, church officials said they want to make sure everyone is there for the right reason.

The public memorial for Caylee is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 10 a.m. Doors open two hours before the service.

Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, is in the Orange County Jail charged with her daughter's murder.

Casey Anthony will be able to watch the televised memorial service.

Meanwhile, WESH 2 learned Thursday that Orange County taxpayers have picked up $10,000 in expenses for the attorney representing the former meter reader who discovered Caylee Anthony's remains.

That's according to David Evans, the attorney who has fielded media offers and accompanied Roy Kronk to interviews with detectives working the case.

Kronk is a county employee who this week started a new inventory specialist job.

From here on out Evans said it will be up to the county to decide if they want to continue with the arrangement or have Kronk pick up the legal bill.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 07, 2009, 06:58:51 AM
Memorial plans underway,
new motions filed
Last Edited: Friday, 06 Feb 2009, 9:07 PM EST
Created On: Friday, 06 Feb 2009, 9:07 PM EST

- Early next week Central Florida will say goodbye to Caylee Marie Anthony and while preparations were being finalized for a memorial service, new motions were being filed in court.

The two year old toddler was reported missing last June, her remains were found in December and her mother Casey sits in jail accused of her murder.

People from as far away as Canada are already planning to show up according to her MySpace website.

George and Cindy Anthony's attorney, Brad Conway held a news conference Friday afternoon. He said they're expecting the First Baptist Church of Orlando to reach the 5000 person capacity on Tuesday.

Security will be tight, each person will have to go through a medal detector. Conway said he expects Caylee's memorial service to be about 2 hours long.

Caylee's grandmother Cindy has spent the past several weeks planning every detail. Those details however will be kept a secret. But Conway said the service will be a proper goodbye for little Caylee Anthony.

"I hope that Tuesday is the next step of the grieving process for them,? Conway said. ?And I also hope that for the public, they are able to show up and realize that its all about Caylee Anthony and nobody else and they're able to give their respect, the tears and prayers for her and that everybody is able to take the next step from here."

First Baptist Church of Orlando is donating their facility and time of staff members working on the memorial. Any extra costs for security will be covered by some donors who have asked to remain anonymous.

Also late Friday, Casey Anthony's attorney in the civil suit against her, Jonathan Kasen, asked a judge to throw out a defamation suit that Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez filed against his client.

Kasen claims that from the day the lawsuit was filed, both Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez and her attorneys at the Morgan and Morgan law firm, knew that their Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez is not the same woman Casey Anthony told investigators stole her child.

Kasen says his client described a 24 year old with no children. The Zenaida suing is in her 30's and has several kids. Kasen filed three motions in her civil court on Casey's behalf. A motion to dismiss with prejudice; That asks the judge to drop the suit, and would not allow it to be re-filed. The second motion, is a motion for sanctions. Kasen wants Zenaida's attorney Keith Mitnik of the Morgan and Morgan to be penalized by the courts for fling what he claims to be a frivolous lawsuit. On top of that Kasen filed a motion for a ?57.105?. That asks that the plaintiff and her attorney pay for his legal fees.

"When Ms. Anthony was questioned about by detective Melich,? said Kasen. ?She was asked a number of questions about the lady, Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez, and shown a picture of the lady and she indicated that she has no idea who that is. They're just interested in generating publicity."

The motions should be logged into record at the courthouse early next week. Messages for Gonzalez's attorney were not returned.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 09, 2009, 06:43:07 PM
Raw video of Baez reading KC's statement re: memorial service to be held Tuesday.:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 10, 2009, 02:41:07 PM
Memorial Service at the Church

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 12, 2009, 09:11:38 AM
Anthonys Seek Private Jail Visit With Casey
Family Does Not Want Videotape Of Visit Released To Public
updated 16 minutes ago
ORLANDO, Fla. - George and Cindy Anthony's lawyer confirmed that the family wants to set up a special private video visit with Casey Anthony.

This news comes one day after hundreds attended a memorial service for slain toddler Caylee Anthony. Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, is in the Orange County Jail charged with her daughter's murder. She had not requested to watch the service, but did receive a visit from her attorney, Jose Baez, who had a laptop and may have had access to the memorial online during their visit.

A spokesman for Orange County corrections told WESH 2 it would be up to the sheriff's department to decide whether to videotape the visit.

Brad Conway, the Anthonys attorney, said the family realizes the video session with Casey Anthony would have to be monitored by jail staff but they do not want a video of it released.

Meanwhile, at Caylee's memorial, George Anthony spoke out for the first time of a "new normal" in his family's life.

The grandfather spoke about what he plans to do with his second chance at life. His plans are to help other families with missing kids.

"If there's anything at all that any of us can ever do is to look for these children," George Anthony said.

In the wake of his suicide scare, Anthony spoke of how he's managed the stress that drove him to despair the first time.

"It's time for rebirth. It's a new normal for us in our family. There's no such thing as what it used to be. There's a new normal every single day," he said.

"I think it was a great moment for George. Those of us who knew him I think expected that," attorney Brad Conway said.

George Anthony will be a key witness in the state's murder case against his daughter, just as he gave evidence to the grand jury that indicted her. At his granddaughter's memorial service, George Anthony's heartfelt 15-minute speech brought a spontaneous standing ovation.

Memorial Service May Have Sparked Rift In Family

Caylee Anthony's memorial service exposed a developing rift between what George and Cindy Anthony wanted versus Casey Anthony's desires.

Casey Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez, said it is nothing more than a disagreement.

Through her lawyer, Casey Anthony said she didn't want Tuesday's memorial to happen and did not agree with burial plans. Baez was with her in jail the entire time the service was on, but he would not confirm if the two watched it.

Baez said he will not violate Casey's privacy by telling whether she watched her daughter's memorial service on his laptop computer.

"It’s a private matter between the family," Baez said.

Baez said he did not appreciate the negative spin put on his client's statement. Casey Anthony did not want a public memorial, and did not agree with her parents’ plans to cremate Caylee's remains.

"Just because of simple disagreements it does not mean there's a rift between the family or anything like that," Baez said.

Members of George and Cindy Anthony's inner circle said they resented Baez's statement on Casey Anthony's behalf and how long it took the defense team to get Caylee's remains. The couple's lawyer would not address the controversy outside Caylee's memorial.

"I’m not going to answer that question today. I want everything to be positive and that's the way we're going to keep it," said Brady Conway, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney.

Publicly, the Anthonys expressed nothing but love and support for their daughter.

"I love you and I wish I could comfort you right now," Cindy Anthony said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 18, 2009, 10:44:08 AM
Crime-scene photos, documents released in Casey Anthony case
February 18, 2009
Today's updates:

12:05 p.m.
Investigators combed the crime scene were the remains were found with a metal detector but found nothing of note.

A cadaver dog - the same one that alerted to decomposition in Anthony's car -searched the crime scene but did not hit on anything.

John Schultz, a University of Central Florida assistant professor, was called in to work with investigators.

He specializes in biological anthropology and recently co-authored a book titled Forensic Recovery of Human Remains: Archaeological Approaches

Neal Haskell is a forensic entomology expert and professor at St. Joseph's College in Indiana.

He requested several soil samples be taken so he can examine the bugs at the crime scene.

11:59 a.m
Investigators conducted a search warrant at Anthony's Hopespring Drive home after the Caylee's remains were found. Here are some of the items seized:

- Nine pair of women's shoes from Casey Anthony's closet

- A white/red heart-shaped sticker backing with sticker removed that was found in a shoe box in Casey Anthony's dresser

- A sheet for red heart-shaped stickers with the three remaining on the page found in a red folder in her dresser

- A sheet for multi-colored heart-shaped stickers in a black binder in her dresser

- Two white-rimmed plastic children's sunglasses

- Two pair of children's denim shorts -- size 24M

- Three denim children's skorts - one 3T and two 24M

- Miscellaneous doll clothing

- Five pairs of children shoes

- One black garbage bag found inside a suitcase in the garage area

- Two handwritten notes from a chest in Caylee's room

- Some muscle-relaxers and anti-anxiety medications were taken from the master bathroom that were prescribed to Cindy Anthony

11:19 a.m.
Crime-scene technicians spent several days at the scene where Caylee Anthony's remains were found and recovered numerous items, some of which was related to the case and a lot trash.

Here is a partial list of what was found:

- Several bones, including human teeth and animal bones. - Numerous pieces of plastic bags - A pregnancy test - Several discarded soda cans - A broken Winnie the Pooh helium balloon - Barbie doll legs - A disposable camera - A piece of "Henkel Consumer Adhesives" duct tape, the same kind found wrapped around the skull and attached to a gas can at the house.

11:05 a.m.
Investigators have determined that Caylee died between June 16 and June 27, the report said. Detectives think that the body was stored in the trunk of Anthony's Pontiac for a period of time, but was removed before June 27.

"Evidence on the body suggests that the child's death was not accidental but an intentional act," Detective Yuri Melich wrote Feb. 5. "As of this writing, there is nothing to suggest that anyone but Casey Anthony is responsible for the death and disposal of Caylee Anthony."

10:49 a.m.Casey Anthony complained to a family friend about having a bad relationship with her father, George Anthony, documents show.

The friend is Michelle Murphy, Lee Anthony's old roommate and long-time friend of the Anthony family.

On two different occasions, Lee and George Anthony told Murphy that Cindy and George Anthony were considering getting custody of Caylee, the report said.

In Feburary 2007, Casey Anthony allegedly had a miscarriage from a man named Brandon Snow. None of her friends, including Annie Downing or Murphy, believed this was true.

In March 2007, shortly after the alleged miscarriage, Anthony called Murphy and told her she was feeling "crazy" and was considering getting "herself committed," the report said. Anthony had "imagined this life with Brandon [Snow] and that she was supposed to have this baby in October," according to the report.

Anthony also said she didn't feel like she was being a good mom to Caylee, but did not elaborate on details to Murphy. When Murphy called the following day to check on the situation, Anthony blew her off.

10:38 a.m.Documents prepared by investigators shows authorities found a World of Disney bag near Caylee Anthony's remains in the heavy wooded area less than a mile from her home. Inside the bag investigators discovered a Gatorade Cool Blue bottle with unknown liquid and white sediment. A syringe in a wrapper was found inside a toilet paper roll that was in the bottle. Other items found at the scene: Winnie the Pooh blanket with Piglet; pink letters that spelled "big," "trouble," "small," and "comes"; torn black plastic bag, a canvas bag, size 3T tag on a strip of cloth; pieces of possible training pant or diaper; and size 24M shorts.

10:37 a.m. After Casey Anthony was released from jail once last year, Annie Downing visited Anthony several times at her home and spent the night once. Anthony told Downing, "when this is all said and done, I have so much to tell you," Downing told investigators.

While Downing was visiting the Anthony home, Casey Anthony found Cindy Anthony on the computer using Casey's email address and signing emails with Casey's name. They argued about it, but Cindy Anthony told her daughter that "if this can find us Caylee, then you know I'm going to do whatever I can."

At one point, while visiting Anthony at home, Downing asked her about the chloroform found in the trunk of her Pontiac, but Casey Anthony explained it away, saying she had stored cleaning supplies there. Anthony also eluded to the fact that her ex-fiancé Jesse Grund had a key to her car and "may have done something to it after it was abandoned," the report said.

Downing told investigators she thought that if Anthony had hurt Caylee, that she would not have acted alone because "she wasn't that smart," the report said. Investigators noted that the statement was only Downing's opinion and she didn't have any evidence to back it up.

10:24 a.m.In late 2006 or early 2007 Casey Anthony visited Downing at work and told her she need to talk to someone. Anthony said "she needed to get away and felt like she was having a breakdown," Downing told investigators.

Anthony didn't tell Downing what caused the breakdown, but said she wanted to go to "an institution" and that Caylee could stay with Cindy Anthony, Downing said.

But when Downing called her later that night, Casey Anthony said she'd talked to her mother and she was fine.

The two stopped being close friends around August 2007 because Downing found out that Anthony was a liar, the report said.

10:16 a.m.During an interview with Annie Downing, she told detectives Casey Anthony was jealous of her mother's relationship with Caylee. Casey once told her that Cindy Anthony wanted Caylee to call her 'mom' instead of 'grand mom' the report said.

During Caylee's 2nd birthday, Casey Anthony told Downing "Oh my God, this is supposed to be Caylee's Day. I'm her mom. She's not her mom," in reference to Cindy Anthony helping Caylee open presents.

Downing also told investigators that she received a phone call from Lee Anthony in October after information had been made public about Casey telling another friend she could get some Xanex from her friend named Annie.

Downing said Lee Anthony told her, "We all know Casey's done bad things but you need to protect yourself. You need to…if they call you, you need to tell them the truth. You need to tell them anything you know because if you know something you need to tell them….Don't protect Casey."

10 a.m. Investigators did not find fingerprints belonging to George Anthony, Cindy Anthony or Lee Anthony on the duct tape found on Caylee Marie's skull, the FBI forensic reports show.

The discovery documents also include lists of the dozens of people who had been at the crime scene, ranging from FBI agents, Orange County Sheriff's Office detectives, crime-scene technicians and prosecutors.

Also included is a letter asking the FBI to compare items taken from the Anthony house in December, when a search warrant was executed. Among the items taken from the house are multiple garbage bags, a Bissel steam cleaner, Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner, a Bissel spot cleaner and one red gas can with duct tape.

The sheriff's office asked the FBI to compare the black plastic bag found with Caylee's remains to the garbage bags collected from the Anthonys' house; to compare the duct tape found on the remains to the duct tape on the gas can from the Anthonys' residence; and to examine vacuums and cleaners for possible decomposition materials or other related items.

9:45 a.m. The duct tape discovered on Caylee Anthony's skull at the crime scene matches duct tape stuck on a gas can at the Anthonys' house, investigators said.

The duct tape "Originated from the same source roll," according to the report.

9:33 a.m. Photographs show strips of silver-colored duct tape and several plastic bags scattered at the site, off Suburban Drive. One bag appears to be partially buried.


The State Attorney's Office this morning released about 500 pages and photographs of legal and investigative documents in the case against Casey Anthony.

The Orlando Sentinel will be reviewing the information and posting updates. The discovery includes photographs of the crime scene, from the ground and from the air, as well as interviews with key players.

Two of Anthony's friends, Annie Downing and Michelle Murphy, told investigators they remember a time when Anthony had an emotional breakdown and "wanted to be committed," according to the report.

In the wooded area where Caylee's body was found, detectives noted the remains were found not far from the road.

The small skull was near a black plastic bag, the report said.

The skull didn't have any flesh left on it, but "quite a bit of hair" was still present, Detective Yuri Melich wrote in the report. "I immediately noticed that there appeared to be a piece of silver duct tape across the mouth area of the skull," Melich wrote. "The tape appeared to have been purposely placed there."

The remains were found inside of two black plastic bags and a canvas laundry bag. Detectives also found a stained Winnie the Pooh blanket, a pair of size 24 month pink and white stripe shorts, a pink size 3T shirt with the words "BIG TROUBLE comes small" written on the front and what detectives thought to be pieces of a child's pull up.

Casey Anthony, 22, has been charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony. Anthony has remained at the Orange County Jail since October where she is being held without bond.,0,5750058.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 18, 2009, 10:47:34 AM
Mother Hyperventilated When Caylee's Body Found :roll:
– updated: 10:28 am EST February 18, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- New documents released by the State Attorney's Office show the mother of missing Florida toddler Caylee Anthony hyperventilated and asked for medication when she was notified that her daughter's body had been found last December.

The documents released Wednesday deal with evidence found at the crime scene where Caylee's body was found and items taken by authorities during subsequent searches of the house Caylee shared with her mother and grandparents. is going through the documents and thousands of images that were released. Many images and documents will be posted online as soon as possible.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 18, 2009, 10:50:00 AM,0,681810.photogallery

PHOTOS: Discovery released 2/18 in Casey Anthony case

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 18, 2009, 11:34:02 AM
Slideshow of crimescene photos at WESH

(This won't load for just keeps spinning the load thingy....)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 18, 2009, 12:15:37 PM
What We're Finding In Documents by cfnews

Items found around body in woods:  Crushed "Sprite" can; "Winnie-the-Pooh" helium balloon-broken; pregnancy test; Green "Sierra Mist" bottle; "Budweiser" can; Plastic "Publix" bag; Barbie doll legs; key on a keychain; pieces of suspected diaper; disposable camera.

Investigator interview from Casey friend Michelle: "Michelle believed Casey was lying about her job.  Michelle says Casey did not want her mother to find out about the bad things she's done.  When asked to elaborate about what "bad things" these were, her alleged second pregnancy and a party she planned to throw at the Hopespring address that Cynthis did not know about."

Investigator interview from Casey friend Michelle: "In February or March of 2007 Casey told Michelle that she had been pregnant with Brandon's child and later had a miscarriage.  While pregnant, Casey shared this with Lee who in turn told Cynthia.  Michelle said that Cynthia was very upset with this news.  Michelle doubts Casey was ever pregnant."
Investigator interview from Casey friend Annie: Casey told Annie that her mother Cynthia was a "horrible" person who was trying to control her life and take Caylee away from her.  Casey said Cynthia wanted Caylee to call her "mom" instead of "grand mom".

Investigators have determined that Caylee died between June 16 and June 27.  Detectives think the body was stored in the trunk of Casey Anthony's Pontiac for a period of time, but was removed before June 27.
Orange County investigators found a World of Disney plastic bag near the body of Caylee.

Inside the bag: Gatorade Cool Blue bottle with unknown liquid and white sediment and a syring in a wrapper inside a toilet paper roll in the bottle.
FBI Lab: Based on examinations, the pieces of duct tape found on the body and on the gas can are "comparable to one another in all physical attributes and in the chemical composition of their backing and adhesive components.  Therefore, they originated from the same source roll of tape or from rolls of tape manufactured in the same manner.

While processing the duct tape, the FBI lab found no finger prints.  They did find a perfect shape of a heart that was consistent with the adhesive side of a heart shaped sticker.  In the search area, investigators found a small heart shaped sticker similar in size.  The sheet from which the sticker came was not found on scene.

In the garage of the Anthony home, investigators found a canvass laundry bag of the same make as one found on the scene.
Upon finding the body in the woods, the Orange County Sheriff's Office reports, "The duct tape over the mouth area of the skull appears to have caught up the hair along the side of the skull.  This is what appears to have kept the tape in place.  The hair had to be cut in order for the tape to be properly removed in the way it was found.  On the tape within a black oval was written the word "HENKEL". Also written on the tape was "Consumer Adhesives Inc. max temp 200'f Avon Ohio 44011."

The report goes onto say, "During a search of the southernmost outside shed, crime scene investigators located a red metal gas can with a piece of duct tape on it.  On the tape within a black oval was written the work "HENKEL".  This tape appears to be of the same make and brand as the tape found on the body.  This gas can was photographed and collected.
During a search of Casey's room, investigators found a photo of Casey and Caylee Anthony.  In the picture, Caylee is seen wearing a pink and white vertical striped pair of shorts.  Similar shorts were found on the body.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 18, 2009, 12:57:16 PM
Disturbing Casey Journal Entry Among Evidence Released
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 – updated: 12:48 pm EST February 18, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony hyperventilated when she was told Caylee's remains had been found. That's just one of the many blockbuster details released Wednesday in the case against Casey.

Pictures of the crime scene, photos of evidence taken from inside the Anthony family home and hundreds of hundreds of pages of documents were released Wednesday.
EVIDENCE PHOTOS: Anthony Home | Remains Scene

» Casey Anthony Journal Entry
» Evidence Reports For Submissions To FBI
» Supplemental Report Released On 2-18-09
» Sheriff's Office Evidence Property Forms
» Sheriff's Office Crime Scene Reports

VIDEO REPORT: Photos, Documents Released
According to the documents, investigators found a bag inside the family home that matches the bag that contained Caylee Anthony's remains. Among the documents and images, there's also some crypt words from Casey Anthony's dairy.

Investigators found evidence from the Anthony home (see house evidence) that matched evidence found with Caylee's remains (see woods evidence), including a laundry bag.

One of the most disturbing things that was released Wednesday was a page from Casey's diary dated June 21 (read journal entry), five days after Caylee disappeared, where she wrote, "This is the happiest I have been in a very long time. I hope that my happiness will continue to grow."

(*MY NOTE>>see PDF link to j. entry. Above in GLOW makes it seem like 08'  says '03 in top left corner
)???? Seems she told Baez it was 08'...some pages ripped out???

Casey also wrote that she had "no regrets, just a bit worried. I just want for everything to work out okay. I completely trust my own judgment and knew that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means. I just want to know what the future will hold for me. I guess I will soon see."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 18, 2009, 02:36:11 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 18, 2009, 02:45:31 PM
read today's documents here

See photos from today's discovery,0,681810.photogallery

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 19, 2009, 01:54:16 PM
Defense responds to crime-scene photos, documents released in Casey Anthony case

A spokeswoman for Casey Anthony's defense attorney just issued a statement in response to the hundreds of pages of legal documents released earlier today by prosecutors.

"According to defense lawyers for Casey Anthony, the State's forensic report on duct tape, plastic bags and other items is a one-sided law enforcement-generated report and is biased and speculative," spokeswoman Marti Mackenzie stated in an e-mail.

"It uses 'junk science,' the kind of flawed comparative analysis that the two-year study by National Academy of Sciences released today."

Mackenzie, who represents Kissimmee lawyer Jose Baez, also released comments from defense co-counsel Linda Kenney Baden.

Baden addressed the duct tape evidence detailed in the legal documents: "Not only is this brand of tape the most widely sold in the United States, the State is relying on comparative analysis just like comparisons exposed as flawed in the study of bullet lead in 2004. These chemical studies have put hundreds of innocent people in jail."

Mackenzie's statement also noted, from Baez, that no finger prints were found on the duct tape.,0,5750058.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 19, 2009, 01:56:01 PM
Judge releases transcript of interview with Caylee investigator
Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
11:44 AM EST, February 19, 2009
The judge overseeing the case against Casey Anthony released the transcript of an interview with a private investigator who once worked for attorney Jose Baez.

The 80-page transcript with Dominic Casey was reviewed by Judge Stan Strickland and found that it contained no privileged information.

Casey was hired to work for Baez, but terminated his work for the defense team in October. Then George and Cindy Anthony hired him to continue looking for their missing granddaughter, Caylee Anthony.

Casey was interviewed by Orange County sheriff's Sgt. John Allen and FBI Agent Nick Savage on Jan. 7 at attorney Brad Conway's Orlando office. Conway represents George and Cindy Anthony.

Strickland reviewed a second interview, also taken on Jan. 7, but hasn't determined whether it should be released.,0,656748.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 19, 2009, 02:00:54 PM
What about Casey Anthony's diary? Reports have focused on a cryptic June 21 entry, but the opposite page had 2003 written on it.

"Today" returned to the issue Thursday morning -- and the segment seemed like a preview of arguments that are likely in a trial.

Defense attorney Jose Baez told the NBC program that the diary entry was from 2003. "This is before Caylee was even born," he said. Baez is representing Casey Anthony, who is charged with daughter Caylee's murder.

Former prosecutor Jeanine Pirro, who has her own show, wasn't buying the 2003 explanation. The handwriting is different, Pirro told Meredith Vieira. "In 2003, it looks more like a kid with the circles. In 2008, it's a different kind of script," Pirro said. "It suggests to me it's five years later."

Vieira conducted two interviews about the evidence, first with former FBI profiler Clint Van Zandt, then Pirro. Both cited connections between items found with Caylee's remains and those taken from the Anthony home.

Van Zandt weighed in on the strength of the evidence. He said the jury will have to "take a hard look, and say 'Well, one coincidence or two, but not three or four. That suggests perhaps the items used to dispose of the little girl's body came from this house.' "

Vieira asked about no fingerprints being found on the duct tape on Caylee's skull. "Most cases don't have someone standing up in a Perry Mason moment and saying, 'OK, I did it,' " Van Zandt said. Rather, the jury decides whether there's enough evidence to convict, he added.

Pirro noted that the jury will look at the many pieces of the puzzle and that 30 to 40 coincidences will become a picture.

"It is a real circumstantial case that is powerful, it is compelling," Pirro said.

"It all fits in this case," she added. "You couldn't have a case where the narrative could be clearer."

Vierra asked: Would Pirro offer a plea deal if she were prosecuting?

"Not in a million years," Pirro said. "This is a rock-solid case."


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 25, 2009, 12:58:35 PM
Anthonys File Motion To Block Depositions
Attorney Seeks Ruling In Zenaida Gonzalez Lawsuit

UPDATED: 11:37 am EST February 25, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- An attorney for Casey Anthony's parents has filed a motion to prevent them from giving depositions in the Zenaida Gonzalez civil suit.

The lawyer for George and Cindy Anthony, Brad Conway, said in the motion Tuesday that forcing them to give depositions in the suit is nothing more than an attempt to annoy and embarrass them.

Video | Read The Motion | Share Your Comments

The motion will be heard Wednesday at 2:15 p.m.

Gonzalez is suing their daughter for defamation after Casey Anthony claimed a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez kidnapped her daughter Caylee.

Casey Anthony eventually was charged with first-degree murder in connection with Caylee's death. She is in Orange County Jail awaiting trial later this year.

In his motion, Conway points out that George Anthony recently tried to commit suicide. He also acknowledged that both he and Cindy Anthony are getting professional help to deal with the grief of losing their granddaughter.

Conway argues that the Anthonys don't know Gonzalez. Conway is asking that the Anthonys' depositions be put off until after the judge decides in May whether the civil suit will even continue.

Conway said Gonzalez' lawyers are asking for punitive money damages. But the family has no money for her to win. The Anthonys are scheduled to give depositions Thursday.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 25, 2009, 06:10:10 PM,0,5033735.story

Judge delays questioning of parents in defamation case against Casey Anthony
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
4:37 PM EST, February 25, 2009
The lawyers representing Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez -- the woman suing Casey Anthony in a defamation case -- will have to wait to question George and Cindy Anthony under oath.

Orange Circuit Court Judge Jose R. Rodriguez postponed the depositions, which were scheduled for Thursday, until media outlets could submit documents on why they should be allowed to attend the interviews.

Depositions in civil cases are public proceedings but can be closed under a court order. The media have 20 days to respond.

The Anthonys' attorney, Brad Conway, argued that the Anthonys are seeing counselors to help cope with their granddaughter's death and their daughter's arrest. The stress of taking depositions in front of the media may prove too much for them, he said.

Rodriguez asked to see psychological reports from the Anthonys' doctors about the issue. He will review them under seal, which means the documents are not public record.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 26, 2009, 11:32:48 AM
This is such a waste.......HUGE waste  ::MonkeyNoNo::

Anthonys Have 20 Days To Prove Emotional Distress
Thursday, February 26, 2009 – updated: 9:06 am EST February 26, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Cindy and George Anthony were supposed to give depositions Thursday morning, but a judge is giving them more time. The Anthonys have 20 days to turn over medical records to prove they're emotionally unable to answer questions in the suit.

The civil case against Casey Anthony was fought in court Wednesday afternoon. Casey's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, tried to get out of answering questions under oath in a defamation lawsuit filed against their daughter Casey and they were successful, at least for a now.

The day before the Anthonys were supposed to be questioned about their public comments naming Zenaida Gonzalez as the woman who took Caylee, the Anthonys' attorney told the judge it wouldn't be fair to force them to face depositions with cameras rolling.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 26, 2009, 12:29:10 PM
Orlando Sentinel (Florida)
February 26, 2009 Thursday

A hair, a laundry bag, some duct tape and a strange odor in the car. Throw in a mother who lied to investigators and showed little concern for weeks that her 2-year-old daughter had disappeared.

Since Casey Anthony became the prime suspect in the disappearance -- and eventual death -- of her daughter Caylee Marie, prosecutors have released thousands of pages of evidence in their case against her.

But does the case, with its countless morsels of evidence, truly link the 22-year-old Orange County mother to Caylee's remains?

The Orlando Sentinel asked a handful of legal experts about some of the evidence released so far. They predict a difficult case for both sides.

"At this point . . . this is a dogfight. This is not a slam-dunk for the state," said Charles Rose, a professor at Stetson University College of Law near St. Petersburg.

Skeletal remains

Anthony was charged with first-degree murder in Caylee's death before the toddler's remains were uncovered. Prosecutors faced the challenge of proving a murder without a body.

That changed when Caylee's remains turned up Dec. 11 a few blocks from her home. Prosecutors can show that Caylee was the victim of a homicide. But the medical examiner ruled Caylee's death as homicide by "undetermined means."

For prosecutors trying to prove murder, "that's a huge factor," Orlando attorney Diana Tennis said.

Did Caylee die by accident, or was she intentionally killed?

Anthony contends that Caylee was kidnapped by a nanny and says that she had nothing to do with her disappearance.

Orlando attorney Bill Sheaffer, a legal analyst for WFTV-Channel 9, said if the defense were to argue that Caylee died by accident, it would have to admit Anthony was involved in her daughter's death.

"The defense is far away even from making that decision," Sheaffer said.

Crime-scene items

When investigators uncovered Caylee's tiny bones scattered across a patch of woods, they also found a collection of items: a canvas laundry bag that held some of the remains, a piece of duct tape stuck to the child's skull, a Winnie the Pooh blanket and a heart sticker, among others.

At the Anthony home nearby, detectives seized a gasoline can with a piece of duct tape stuck to it -- the same brand of tape found on Caylee's skull. They found the same type of laundry bag and a variety of heart stickers. Caylee's grandmother said a Pooh blanket was missing.

The lawyers who spoke to the Sentinel predicted that Anthony's defense team will try to explain away some of the similarities. The Henkel duct tape is a common brand. Whitney Design laundry bags are all over the place -- Tennis said she has one at home.

Prosecutors are likely to argue that one or two items might be dismissed as coincidence, but that so many similarities point straight to Casey Anthony.

"They're really going to have to paint a mosaic one piece at a time and hope that the jury can see the complete picture when they're done," Stetson's Rose said. "It's the most challenging type of a case for a prosecutor to try."

Forensic evidence

The results of certain forensic tests -- DNA, fingerprints and blood splatter, for example -- are accepted as evidence in U.S. courts every day.

But analysis of whether a hair strand came from a dead or live person, or whether components of an air sample prove the presence of something dead -- two issues in the Anthony case -- are fairly new to the criminal-justice system.

That could be a problem for prosecutors.

Anthony's defense team can use this cutting-edge science to its advantage by asking the judge to disallow it in trial.

Bob Jarvis, who teaches legal ethics and law and popular culture at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, said judges are supposed to keep what some call "junk science" out of the courtroom.

Still, the hair strand and air samples, which came from the trunk of Anthony's car, might not play such a prominent role now that Caylee's remains have been found.

This discovery made Caylee's death more like a typical murder case. Prosecutors can focus on the body and evidence from the scene.

Results of several forensic tests on items taken in December have not been released yet. But one analysis released last week -- that the FBI found no fingerprints on duct tape from the crime scene -- was not good news for prosecutors.

"I believe this case is going to be won or lost on forensic testimony and whether the jury believes the state expert or defense's -- if the defense can find someone that contradicts the state's forensic evidence," lawyer Sheaffer said.

Lies and misbehavior

Anthony has lied to investigators, her family and friends. Detectives say she made up her story about having a nanny and led them on a wild goose chase to Universal Studios before admitting she didn't work there.

Then there's Anthony's behavior: After Caylee supposedly went missing, Anthony waited a month to tell her family.

The young mother claimed she was doing her own investigation during that time, but text messages and interviews with friends paint Anthony as a party girl, not as a frantic mother missing her daughter.

"The No. 1 piece of circumstantial evidence that is going to bury the defense is [Anthony's] behavior when the daughter goes missing. It's not the kind of behavior we have come to expect of a parent who is frantically looking for their child," Jarvis said.

Prosecutors also have charged her with stealing checks from a friend -- an arrest that led to the release of store video showing Anthony shopping for herself and her boyfriend -- but not for missing Caylee.

Although such information might help prosecutors turn a jury against Anthony, prosecutors may not get to present much of it unless they can convince the judge that Anthony's demeanor is relevant in proving that she killed Caylee, Stetson's Rose said.

Defense lawyers could counter by bringing in an expert to explain that everyone reacts differently to stressful situations, Nova's Jarvis said.

But jurors tend to have an idea of how people should behave in certain situations. Even if the judge reminds jurors that a suspect is considered innocent until proven guilty, " 'odd' behavior tends to have a big impact for the prosecution," Jarvis said.

Upcoming legal fights over the accumulated evidence will set the tone for what jurors will see and hear.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 02, 2009, 07:39:58 AM
The Star-Ledger (Newark, New Jersey)
March 1, 2009 Sunday
Experts see difficulties in Caylee Anthony murder case Forensics and mother's behavior are called key in the legal 'dogfight'
A hair, a laundry bag, some duct tape and a strange odor in the car. Throw in a mother who lied to investigators and showed little concern for weeks that her 2-year-old daughter had disappeared.

Since Casey Anthony became the prime suspect in the disappearance - and eventual death - of her daughter Caylee Marie, prosecutors have released thousands of pages of evidence in their case against her.

But does the case, with its countless morsels of evidence, truly link the 22-year-old Orange County, Fla., mother to Caylee's remains?

The Orlando Sentinel asked a handful of legal experts about some of the evidence released so far. They predict a difficult case for both sides.

"At this point . . . this is a dogfight. This is not a slam-dunk for the state," said Charles Rose, a professor at Stetson University College of Law near St. Petersburg.

SKELETAL REMAINS Anthony was charged with first-degree murder in Caylee's death before the toddler's remains were uncovered. Prosecutors faced the challenge of proving a murder without a body.

That changed when Caylee's remains turned up Dec.11 a few blocks from her home. Prosecutors can show that Caylee was the victim of a homicide. But the medical examiner ruled Caylee's death as homicide by "undetermined means."

For prosecutors trying to prove murder, "that's a huge factor," Orlando attorney Diana Tennis said.

Did Caylee die by accident, or was she intentionally killed?

Anthony contends that Caylee was kidnapped by a nanny and says that she had nothing to do with her disappearance.

Orlando attorney Bill Sheaffer, a legal analyst for WFTV-TV, said if the defense were to argue that Caylee died by accident, it would have to admit Anthony was involved in her daughter's death.

"The defense is far away even from making that decision," Sheaffer said.


When investigators uncovered Caylee's tiny bones scattered across a patch of woods, they also found a collection of items: a canvas laundry bag that held some of the remains, a piece of duct tape stuck to the child's skull, a Winnie the Pooh blanket and a heart sticker, among others.

At the Anthony home nearby, detectives seized a gasoline can with a piece of duct tape stuck to it - the same brand of tape found on Caylee's skull. They found the same type of laundry bag and a variety of heart stickers. Caylee's grandmother said a Pooh blanket was missing.

The lawyers who spoke to the Sentinel predicted that Anthony's defense team will try to explain away some of the similarities. The Henkel duct tape is a common brand. Whitney Design laundry bags are all over the place - Tennis said she has one at home.

Prosecutors are likely to argue that one or two items might be dismissed as coincidence, but that so many similarities point straight to Casey Anthony.

"They're really going to have to paint a mosaic one piece at a time and hope that the jury can see the complete picture when they're done," Stetson's Rose said. "It's the most challenging type of a case for a prosecutor to try."


The results of certain forensic tests - DNA, fingerprints and blood splatter, for example - are accepted as evidence in U.S. courts every day.

But analysis of whether a hair strand came from a dead or live person, or whether components of an air sample prove the presence of something dead - two issues in the Anthony case - are fairly new to the criminal-justice system.

That could be a problem for prosecutors.

Anthony's defense team can use this cutting-edge science to its advantage by asking the judge to disallow it in trial.

Bob Jarvis, who teaches legal ethics and law and popular culture at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, said judges are supposed to keep what some call "junk science" out of the courtroom.

Still, the hair strand and air samples, which came from the trunk of Anthony's car, might not play such a prominent role now that Caylee's remains have been found.

This discovery made Caylee's death more like a typical murder case. Prosecutors can focus on the body and evidence from the scene.

Results of several forensic tests on items taken in December have not been released yet. But one analysis released last week - that the FBI found no fingerprints on duct tape from the crime scene - was not good news for prosecutors.

"I believe this case is going to be won or lost on forensic testimony and whether the jury believes the state expert or defense's - if the defense can find someone that contradicts the state's forensic evidence," lawyer Sheaffer said.


Anthony has lied to investigators, her family and friends. Detectives say she made up her story about having a nanny and led them on a wild goose chase to Universal Studios before admitting she didn't work there.

Then there's Anthony's behavior: After Caylee supposedly went missing, Anthony waited a month to tell her family.

The young mother claimed she was doing her own investigation during that time, but text messages and interviews with friends paint Anthony as a party girl, not as a frantic mother missing her daughter.

"The No.1 piece of circumstantial evidence that is going to bury the defense is (Anthony's) behavior when the daughter goes missing. It's not the kind of behavior we have come to expect of a parent who is frantically looking for their child," Jarvis said.

Prosecutors also have charged her with stealing checks from a friend - an arrest that led to the release of store video showing Anthony shopping for herself and her boyfriend - but not for missing Caylee.

Although such information might help prosecutors turn a jury against Anthony, prosecutors may not get to present much of it unless they can convince the judge that Anthony's demeanor is relevant in proving that she killed Caylee, Stetson's Rose said.

Defense lawyers could counter by bringing in an expert to explain that everyone reacts differently to stressful situations, Nova's Jarvis said.

But jurors tend to have an idea of how people should behave in certain situations. Even if the judge reminds jurors that a suspect is considered innocent until proven guilty, "'odd' behavior tends to have a big impact for the prosecution," Jarvis said.

Upcoming legal fights over the accumulated evidence will set the tone for what jurors will see and hear. 
"They're really going to have to paint a mosaic one piece at a time and hope that the jury can see the complete picture when they're done. It's the most challenging type of a case for a prosecutor to try." --CHARLES ROSE, Stetson University College of Law professor

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 02, 2009, 02:46:44 PM
posted by halboedeker on Mar 2, 2009
Readers sometimes ask why the Casey Anthony case receives so much media attention.

It's primarily a tragic story of a little girl, Caylee Anthony, who lost her life under shocking circumstances.

But the Anthony saga is a weird story, too, that never seems to lose its weirdness.

Just look at brother Lee Anthony's deposition Friday in a defamation suit brought against Casey.

NBC's "Today" repeated portions of Lee's comments -- which were often punctuated by his laughter. You might think he was involved in a sitcom.

Reporter Michelle Kosinski noted that lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez asked Lee Anthony just about everything and he answered most of it. But it's the way he answered. 

"If Lee Anthony felt uncomfortable being grilled for three hours straight, he didn't show it -- laughing often, even when asked about his murdered niece Caylee," Kosinski said.

many comments at link
TODAY show video at link that does not work for me :roll:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 02, 2009, 02:48:00 PM
Video: Casey Anthony's brother speaks out

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 02, 2009, 02:51:29 PM

Lawyers For Casey Anthony To Ask Judge To Block Provocative Photos :roll:
updated 10:48 a.m. ET, Mon., March. 2, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. - The mother of murdered toddler Caylee Anthony is expected in court in Orlando Monday.

A motion has been filed by attorneys representing Casey Anthony asking a judge to keep private several digital photos of her partying, which were posted on the website

Lawyers for Anthony claim the prosecution is attempting to harass and embarrass her. :roll:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 02, 2009, 08:27:56 PM
Updated: 6:50 p.m.
PHOTOS can be released  ::MonkeyHaHa::
The public will be able to see images from Casey Anthony's online picture-sharing Website soon but may have to wait to view the video of her reacting to news of a child's remains found less than a mile from her home, a judge ruled today.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 03, 2009, 07:03:50 AM
Casey Anthony Attends Hearing, Trial Date Set
Monday, March 2, 2009 – updated: 11:27 pm EST March 2, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony arrived at the Orange County courthouse Monday afternoon to attend a hearing as her lawyer tried to block prosecutors from using Casey's party girl pictures against her in court (read motion) and video of her reaction to her daughter's remains being found.

Judge Stan Strickland set a trial date for October 12. He also ruled against the defense motion to block the release of picture from Casey's photobucket account. The judge went on to delay the release of jail video tape. It was recorded as Casey learned that her daughter's remains were found.

Casey's lawyers want the public to see her the way she looked when she walked into court Monday, professional, dressed in a blue blouse and dark slacks (images | raw video). But the Casey Anthony most people know is a party girl featured in pictures all over the Internet.

One might ask not whether you've ever seen the party photos of Casey, but how many times. It's been all over the Internet, and not just because of a Casey doll that briefly went on the market, but because of the defense motion to stop prosecutors from releasing it.

"I don't feel these images are relevant in any way," Baez argued in court Monday.

Casey Anthony sold photographs of her daughter Caylee only months after her disappearance for almost $200,000 and there is a report that the defense offered People Magazine an exclusive story for $500,000.

The defense now says a recent eBay pitch to sell a Casey doll is going too far. The doll resembles a picture of Casey at an "Anything But Clothes" party on Memorial Day weekend, a party she took Caylee to when she told her mother she was working,

Now, after that photo and hundreds of others from her PhotoBucket site have been shown repeatedly, locally and on national television, the defense asked the judge to prevent prosecutors from releasing them.

"The horse was already left the barn. Now he goes back to lock the barn door. It doesn't make sense," WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said.

Sheaffer said the defense argument that the photos are irrelevant is weak.

"A mother has an infant, a child is missing, and she continues to party," Sheaffer said.

The defense also asked the judge to seal from the public a videotape of Casey at the jail on December 11 as she was told that her daughter's remains might have been found down the street from their house (read motion). Investigators say Casey hyperventilated and asked for medication. The defense says it was a violation of her privacy.

But Casey Anthony has to know that the jail video visitation center is not the only place in the jail where there are rolling video cameras; there are cameras all over the jail.

"The prosecution would want to show what her state of mind was," Sheaffer told Eyewitness News. "That's the type of evidence that a juror should consider when examining the evidence in this case. It's a jury question."

Sheaffer said the judge may be trying to err on her side, if at all, to avoid a second trial if she's convicted and asks for one.

"Second trials never benefit the public, because of the expense involved and also the prosecution has to retry their case," Sheaffer said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 03, 2009, 07:07:38 AM
court still shots from 3/2/09 Court Hearing,0,610778.photogallery

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 03, 2009, 09:01:51 AM

WDBO Local News   

Judge decides on trial date for Casey Anthony
By Drew Petrimoulx @ March 2, 2009 8:53 PM Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBacks (0)
Casey Anthony was back in court Monday as a judge heard two defense motions pertaining to video and pictures of the accused child killer.

The video was taken inside the Orange County jail at the request of the sheriff's office on December 11th, 2008 as Casey watched news coverage that a child's remain had been found near her parents home. The remains were later found to belong to Casey's three-year-old daughter Caylee.

Defense attorney Jose Baez argued the video was an invasion of Casey's privacy and an attempt to paint her in a negative light. He asked judge Stan Strickland to prevent the video from being released to the public.

State's attorneys said tapping inmate's reaction was not uncommon. Once it is entered as evidence Florida law requires that it be released except for in special circumstances.

Strickland ruled to stop release of the video until defense attorney Jose Baez is given a copy. He will then have 15 days to file another motion asking the judge with withhold its release.

In a motion regarding pictures of Casey that were posted online, the defense argued pictures that have to do with the investigation should be released as part of discovery evidence. But, pictures that are irrelevant should be kept private.

The state again argued that Florida law requires the release of all pictures that are entered into evidence.

Judge Strickland decided against blocking the release.

Before the hearing adjourned the judge set a "tentative" trial date of October 12th.

Casey's parents George and Cindy Anthony attended the hearing. It was the first time in months that they were at one of their daughter's court appearances. Outside the courtroom they stood behind their attorney Brad Conway as he spoke.

"They've always wanted to be there and show support for Casey," Conway said.

Outside the courthouse, defense attorney Jose Baez said he wasn't sure that the trial would actually begin on October 12th.

"We'll have to see," he said. "We're going to do our best to move this case along."

Baez also introduced the newest member of his defense team - San Diego attorney Todd Macaluso. He took no time making his feelings heard.

"Casey Anthony is innocent of the charges brought against her by the state of Florida, and we're going to prove it," he said.

Macaluso said he has a lot of experience defending high-profile cases.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 03, 2009, 09:12:21 AM
Casey Anthony walks into a courtroom for a hearing Monday afternoon. (03/02/09) Mommy/Daddy A' in attendance

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 03, 2009, 03:38:52 PM
Prosecutors Not Seeking Death Penalty For Casey Anthony
Judge Rules On Release Of Casey Anthony Video, Photos

UPDATED: 1:10 pm EST March 3, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Now that an October trial date has been set in the case against Casey Anthony, prosecutors said they are not reconsidering the death penalty.

On Tuesday morning, the state attorney's spokesman Randy Means told WESH 2 News, "We are preparing for trial as charged."

Casey Anthony is facing the possibility of life in prison if convicted of first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.

Prosecutors said they expect the trial to last about four weeks.

On Monday, Judge Stan Strickland ruled to delay the release of a video showing Casey Anthony's reaction to the news that a body was found near her East Orlando home.

Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez, challenged the release of Anthony's videotaped reaction. He said the tape should not be made public. Strickland called for Baez to view the tape himself.

The motion claimed the videotape violates Anthony's right to an attorney and will make it harder to find a fair jury for her trial on a first-degree murder charge.

Baez said the videotape violates Anthony's patient and medical privacy rights, since it was taped in the Orange County Jail's medical clinic. (PDF: Anthony Motion About Jail Videotape)

During the hearing, Strickland announced that Anthony's trial is tentatively set to begin on Oct. 12.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on March 03, 2009, 06:32:19 PM
court still shots from 3/2/09 Court Hearing,0,610778.photogallery

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: klaasend on March 03, 2009, 08:15:57 PM
:smt006 Monkeys

Just peeking in.  I was going to post this in the Media Reports  thread, just in case anyone wanted to watch BOZO  in action  ::MonkeyHaHa:: ::MonkeyHaHa::

But it was LOCKED (

Video Clips from  (03/02/09) Court Hearing on motions related to release of Casey's Photobucket pictures and video of her reaction to her daughter's remains being found.

I happened to find some links under
Casey Anthony Refuses To Answer Questions In Civil Case
Zenaida Gonzalez Seeks Answers From Caylee's Mom

Part#1  17+min

Part#2  18+min

Part#3  8+min


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 04, 2009, 07:58:37 AM
Attorney for Casey Anthony's dad: Keep suicide note private
Family attorney wants judge to stop the release of George Anthony's suicide note
Amy L. Edwards and Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writers
6:30 PM EST, March 3, 2009

The Anthonys don't want the note George Anthony wrote the night he threatened suicide from becoming public, according to a motion filed in Orange circuit court late today.

The couple's attorney, Brad Conway, wants Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland to stop the state from releasing the note as part of investigative documents that will become public in a few weeks. He requested a hearing for later this week, Conway said.

He said the note contains personal information that could be "embarrassing" to the family. He also said the contents of the note are irrelevant to the criminal case.

George Anthony's daughter, Casey Anthony, 22, is charged with first-degree murder. She's accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie, and leaving her in thick woods near the Anthony family home.

Distraught over his granddaughter's death and the arrest of his daughter, George Anthony threatened to kill himself in January. Police took Anthony to a hospital Jan. 23 after finding him at a Daytona Beach motel with what appeared to be a suicide note.

Family members had reported him missing after he failed to come home and sent text messages to relatives suggesting that he wanted to end his life.,0,4875886.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 04, 2009, 01:09:41 PM
Casey Anthony Answers Questions In Civil Suit
Posted: 12:35 pm EST March 4, 2009
Updated: 12:51 pm EST March 4, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News has learned Casey Anthony did answer questions under oath and in writing in a civil lawsuit she's facing.

A woman named Zenaida Gonzalez sued Casey Anthony for defamation, claiming she's the Zenaida that Casey has said she gave her daughter Caylee to. Caylee's remains were found in December a quarter-mile from her grandparent's home.

Zenaida Gonzalez's attorney, John Morgan, submitted 17 different topics, some with multiple related questions, for Casey to answer as part of her deposition in the case.

Of the 29 total questions, Casey answered to only two. Casey wrote her name to answer the question asking for it, but had a much stronger response to another question.

"Were you involved in the death of Caylee?" question 17 asks.

"The defendant would object to the question and would move to strike it. This question is being brought solely to embarrass, harass and brought in an attempt to implicate the Defendant in an on-going criminal prosecution for First (1st) Degree Murder," Casey responded.

The document was signed by Casey and dated February 25.

A court hearing is scheduled for May 19 when Casey's attorney will attempt to get the lawsuit thrown out.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 04, 2009, 07:52:20 PM
Another Motion Hearing Set In Casey Anthony Case
Wednesday, March 04, 2009 6:23:41 PM
<snipped> THANKS TRIM!
In the first motion, Baez is looking to get a copy of all forensic evidence collected and reports regarding his client's case, including evidence from her car and other trace evidence specimens.
In the second motion, Baez is looking for copies of evidence found during the search of Casey's ex-boyfriend Ricardo Morales' computer.
Morales apparently posted a picture of a woman on MySpace with the quote "Win her over with chloroform."
Other motions include one to block the state from releasing George Anthony's suicide note, along with other documents from the case set to become public in a few weeks.
The hearing for the motions is set for Thursday, March 12 at 3:30 p.m.

Motion to Compel Copies of the Screen Shots or Pintouts Concerning the Forensic Examination Done on the Computer of Ricardo Morales March 4

Motion to Restrict Disclosure March 4

Amended Motion to Compel DNA Bench Notes-Reports and Standards March 4

Motion for Sanctions March 4

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 05, 2009, 08:08:25 AM
Casey's new Atty ........ 'Proven innocent' ??   Just another idiot on the team!! No one is ever 'proven innocent'.  Being found NOT GUILTY does not mean 'proven innocent'    ::MonkeyHaHa::
Sorry, I forgot NO DISCUSSION in here, lol.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 05, 2009, 08:20:12 AM
Zenaida Gonzalez's lawyers seek end to Casey Anthony's 'stonewalling'
The legal team asks for answers in the 38-year-old mother's lawsuit against Casey Anthony, mother of Caylee Anthony.
March 5, 2009
Casey Anthony answered just one of the 29 questions posed in the defamation lawsuit against her -- she stated her name.

Now, the lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez, a 38-year-old mother of six, plan to ask a judge to force Anthony to answer the rest of the questions.

"We are fed up with Casey Anthony stonewalling," said Gonzalez's attorney Keith Mitnik.

Gonzalez claims she lost her job and suffered humiliation and public embarrassment after Anthony told investigators that a baby sitter by the same name took her 2-year-old child Caylee Marie, who was found dead six months later in December.

Anthony, 22, is charged with first-degree murder in the case.

Some of the questions Gonzalez wants answered include:

    * How did Anthony describe (baby sitter Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez) to law enforcement?
    * Does she admit that the Zenaida Gonzalez suing Anthony is not the Zenaida Gonzalez she told police about?

Anthony answered the questions with: "Upon advice and counsel of my attorney, I am invoking my right to remain silent pursuant to the 5th Amendment of the United States Constitution."

The last question -- "Were you involved in the death of Caylee?" -- was answered differently.

"The defendant would object to the question and would move to strike it. This question is being sought solely to embarrass, harass and brought in an attempt to implicate the defendant in an on-going criminal prosecution for first-degree murder. The question is without merit and wholly improper."

Orange Circuit Judge Jose R. Rodriguez came up with the idea of written questions in January after Anthony's attorneys tried to block a videotaped question-and-answer session with her in jail.

The judge was trying to balance Gonzalez's attempt to clear her name against Anthony's rights in the criminal process.

When Caylee's disappearance was first reported in July, Anthony told investigators that a month earlier she left Caylee with a baby sitter at Sawgrass Apartments, and when she returned later that day both were gone.

Authorities interviewed Gonzalez, who later filed the lawsuit. She told them she didn't know Anthony or her daughter.

Detectives have said the baby sitter story was one of many lies by Anthony that they discovered as they investigated the disappearance.

Also Wednesday, a hearing in the criminal case was set to deal with various motions filed in the past several months.

On March 12, the lawyers will present their arguments before Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland.

Some of the issues to be discussed:

    * The defense's request for the state and law enforcement to produce all DNA notes and reports and standards used to collect evidence.
    * The attorney for Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, wants the judge to stop prosecutors from releasing the letter George Anthony wrote the night he threatened suicide.,0,30195.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 05, 2009, 09:37:10 AM
WKMG-Channel 6 will offer an exclusive interview with Todd Macaluso, Casey Anthony's new attorney, at 11 tonight.

"From a total investigation of this case, I've concluded she's innocent," Macaluso tells reporter Adam Longo. "I've concluded that she is innocent," Macaluso repeats.

Macaluso describes himself as an expert on technical matters and also tells Longo: "The prosecution has no evidence in this case. The only evidence in this case that is called evidence is information that's been leaked out to the public by sources close to the investigation, by sources involved in the investigation. And there's been a lot of misinformation."

Casey Anthony is accused of the first-degree murder of her daughter Caylee.

Anchor Jacqueline London called Macaluso "this California power attorney" and hinted that some of the defense team's strategy "between now and the trial just might knock you off your couch."

I'm not sure I can take that. 

WKMG also studied that note that George Anthony left when he attempted to take his life. His attorney, Brad Conway, is fighting the state's release of the note, saying the personal comments could be embarrassing to the family and have no relevance to Casey's case.

In the note, George Anthony talks about wanting to buy a gun to teach Casey's friends a lesson, defends Casey's innocence and says Cindy deserves a better husband, Mike DeForest reported. His attorney says George is still frail after the ordeal, DeForest said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on March 05, 2009, 03:27:01 PM
Caylee Anthony, Haleigh Cummings: Cases' key similarities, differences

Helen Eckinger |Sentinel Staff Writer March 5, 2009

The day everyone said goodbye to Caylee Marie Anthony, the world learned about another missing little girl.

So TV trucks rolled from the 2-year-old's memorial in Orlando to a double-wide trailer about 80 miles away in Putnam County — the place where 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings was last seen alive.

"It was déjà vu all over again," said Bob Longo, news director for WESH-Channel 2.

During the following days, the pack of satellite trucks parked near Haleigh Cummings' home in tiny Satsuma rivaled the media turnout after Caylee's remains were found in December near her home in east Orange County.

But soon, reporters on the latest missing-little-girl story began leaving Satsuma.

It wasn't déjà vu after all.

Haleigh's story is fading after three weeks, but the Anthony saga has remained in the headlines for almost eight months.

The contrast between the tents and trailer in Satsuma where Haleigh's family pleaded for her return and the Anthonys' suburban home points to one of the reasons Haleigh's story is fading from the headlines, said Roy Peter Clark, senior scholar at the Poynter Institute.

"I think the greatest difference between the Caylee story and the Haleigh story is social class," said Clark, whose institute is a school for journalists in St. Petersburg. "I don't believe that working-class Americans get a very fair shake in the news media in general."

Only a handful of reporters remain in this isolated community north of the Ocala National Forest — even though investigators said Haleigh was abducted and they think she is alive.

Expect more coverage in the months leading up to October's trial for Caylee's 22-year-old mother, Casey Anthony, who is accused of killing her daughter.

"Any missing child is a tragedy and a cause for great alarm and concern," said Bob Jordan, news director for WFTV-Channel 9. "Every one of those kids is news, but that does not translate into equal news interest."

Strange twists stand out

The Anthony case has all the elements and more of the kind of stories guaranteed to draw an audience: sex, crime and general interest, said Paul Lachelier, an assistant professor of sociology at Stetson University.

Photos of a scantily clad Casey Anthony, reports about her romantic life and the stories she told about a nanny who abducted her daughter — a story investigators don't believe — are drawing readers.

So are other details, including the serious charges against the young mother, frequent courtroom battles and the behavior of her parents, George and Cindy Anthony.

The photos and videos of Caylee also captivate viewers.

The case also has provided bizarre twists and turns, beginning when Casey Anthony was arrested after claiming Caylee had been missing for 30days.

"When she was questioned about that, her effect was so flat and unemotional that it called our human experience into question," veteran Orlando defense attorney Cheney Mason said.

Then, Mason said, a "circus" ensued: California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla injected himself into the situation. Casey Anthony was in and out of jail. Protesters routinely amassed outside the Anthony home demanding justice.

"There is constant fuel for the fire," Mason said.

The Haleigh case hasn't offered as many twists and turns. News crews scrambled recently after cadaver dogs hit on a scent in a dumpster. But the container was searched and nothing was found.

Most media coverage of Haleigh's disappearance has revolved around her family's pleas for her safe return.

Fewer leaks, less to say

Law enforcement has released little information about its investigation into Haleigh's disappearance, unlike the Caylee case, which was marked by frequent news conferences and leaks from insiders.

"The return of Haleigh is the most important thing, but we also have a crime involved somewhere with her disappearance," Capt. Dick Schauland of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office said.

"We're trying not to jeopardize the criminal investigation or possible future prosecution."

For Orlando media, coverage also has been hampered because Satsuma is far away — a two-hour drive for some — and because Putnam County isn't considered part of its market.

Jordan, WFTV's news director, and Steve Hyvonen, news director for WKMG-Channel 6, had different opinions about the Anthony case: Hyvonen said that the story continues to generate strong ratings and that WKMG viewers are clamoring for more coverage, while Jordan said his station is no longer seeing the rating spikes that occurred early on in the case, and that he thinks viewers might be getting sick of the story.

The directors said their stations have received little viewer feedback about the Haleigh story.

"We have been up there just because it's such a significant story," Hyvonen said.

"But as each day goes by without a new development, it get a little lower as far as where it plays in the newscast.",7504565.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 05, 2009, 04:19:26 PM
DOC  DUMP  3/5/09


Transcript of Casey at OSCO after indictment/arrest (before Baez arrival) 

READ THE DOCUMENTS (check back often as they are added) PICTURES


Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigative reports on Caylee Anthony

Transcript of interview conducted with James Hoover on December 18, 2008

Photobucket photos and data

Transcript of interview with Anthony Lazzaro

Transcript of interview with Casey Anthony

Various investigative documents

Discovery documents released by the Orange County Sheriff's Office

Anthony Lazzaro tapes conversations with Lee Anthony

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 05, 2009, 04:49:22 PM
Casey Told Cops They Won't "Trick" Confession Out Of Her
Posted: 12:09 pm EST March 5, 2009
Updated: 4:24 pm EST March 5, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News obtained more than 1,000 pages of newly-released documents Thursday in the case against Casey Anthony. According to those documents, Casey told detectives they weren't going to "trick" her into a confession.

The documents shed new light on Casey's personal life and what she did after Caylee's murder. She was hard as nails moments after she was indicted for first-degree murder. She joked with detectives about the wild chase she led them on. They caught up to her, but she told them they'd never catch her.

» Casey Anthony Interview Transcript
» See Photobucket Images | More
» Lazzaro Wiretap, Phone Record Investigation
» P.I. Jim Hoover Interview Transcript
» Roy Kronk Interview Transcript
» Anthony Lazzaro Interview Transcript
» Deputy Jerold White Interview Transcript

VIDEO REPORT: Disturbing Photos Released

Casey's Photobucket photos the defense tried to keep secret show a dark side after Caylee's disappearance (see images). Ten days after Caylee Anthony's murder, mother Casey spent hours uploading photographs to Photobucket of skeletons kissing and pictures of skulls.

On June 17, the day after Caylee's murder, Casey added a photo of her and boyfriend Tony Lazzaro. Three days later, she uploaded an event poster that reads, "That's done."

On October 14, moments after she was indicted for first degree murder, Casey joked with detectives about leading them on a chase and running them off the road as they tried to arrest her.

Orange County Detective Eric Edwards asked her to step away from the glitter and glamour to help them help her.

"I have had interest in helping law enforcement from the beginning. Unfortunately, my hands were literally tied and I was put in a position where someone's trying to trick a confession out of me," she told detectives on October 14. "That's not going to happen."

Casey told detectives she's never shied away from talking to them.

"I have an open mind when it comes to things. I try to keep an open mind when it comes to things, but if I'm innocent that's, that's as far as it goes," she told them. "I'll take this as far as I need to prove my innocence, which I guess is my point in all of this. I'm not running."

Investigators found a photo of Caylee, which has been shown publicly before, that Casey had uploaded to her Photobucket account on June 29th, but this one had a heart pasted onto it similar to the heart sticker investigators say was intentionally stuck to the duct tape over Caylee's mouth.

On June 26, the day before Casey's car was towed from an Amscot parking lot, the new documents show she had uploaded a template for her new tattoo and, apparently, her new life without Caylee, "La Vita Bella," which means "beautiful life" in Italian.

According to the transcript released of an interview with private investigator Jim Hoover, he told detectives that the day Caylee's remains were found, when investigators were on their hands and knees in mud searching the scene, the Anthonys were dining at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel having crab puffs (read Hoover transcript). Hoover also told detectives that George and Cindy said they didn't know whether they'd be together when all of this is over, because each felt the other had thrown Casey "under the bus."

Hoover told investigators more about the mysterious video that he took of the Anthonys' private investigator Dominic Casey at the scene a month before Caylee's remains were found. Hoover said Dominic Casey was somber and knew where Caylee was. Hoover also said Dominic Casey told him to bring his cameras to the scene and asked him to videotape their so-called search, even though Dominic Casey told investigators under oath he did not know he was being videotaped.

When they saw three pavers at the scene, Hoover told detectives that Mr. Casey told him, "Oh, this looks like a gravesite. Get a shot of this!" and poked into the ground with a gardening tool. He said Dominic Casey made at least four phone calls while he was there the first time.

Jim Hoover told investigators Dominic Casey later asked him for the videotape and Hoover told him it was recorded over. Hoover also said Dominic was not happy with that answer and called him a nasty name.

Hoover told investigators that Cindy and George seemed to accept, just a few days after the remains were found on December 11, that they were Caylee's, before the DNA test results confirmed it.

Casey's lawyer didn't have much to say about the new evidence released Thursday.

"We are going to reserve comment on discovery releases until those times when the discovery is of some importance to the real evidence in this case," Baez said in a statement.


An expert botanist thinks Caylee's remains could have been in the area near the Anthony home for as long as six months.

Dr. David Gall examined the scene on Suburban Drive, as well as pictures of the plastic bag that held the remains.

Dr. Hall said growth in the area and tiny roots found on the plastic bag suggest the skeletal remains had been there two to six months before they were discovered in December.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 05, 2009, 05:10:28 PM


Disturbing Photos In Newly-Released Casey Documents
Posted: 12:09 pm EST March 5, 2009
Updated: 3:44 pm EST March 5, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- More than 20 new documents were released Thursday in the case against Casey Anthony, including disturbing pictures showing skulls on Casey's Photobucket site (see images).

Eyewitness News has learned that there are photos of skeletons kissing and numerous photos of skulls. Those are the photos that the defense tried to keep out of the public record, even though they were accessible online during the hearing.

There is also a photo of Caylee with a heart, similar to the heart sticker that was found over Caylee's mouth stuck to the duct tape that was stuck to her hair.

According to transcripts released, private investigator Jim Hoover told detectives that the day Caylee's remains were found, when investigators were on their hands and knees in mud searching the scene, the Anthonys were dining at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel having crab puffs (read Hoover transcript). Hoover also told detectives that George and Cindy said they didn't know whether they'd be together when all of this is over, because each felt the other had thrown Casey "under the bus."

Hoover told investigators more about the mysterious video that he took of the Anthonys' private investigator Dominic Casey at the scene a month before Caylee's remains were found. Hoover said Dominic Casey was somber and knew where Caylee was. Hoover also said Dominic Casey told him to bring his cameras to the scene and asked him to videotape their so-called search, even though Dominic Casey told investigators under oath he did not know he was being videotaped.

When they saw three pavers at the scene, Hoover told detectives that Mr. Casey told him, "Oh, this looks like a gravesite. Get a shot of this!" and poked into the ground with a gardening tool. He said Dominic Casey made at least four phone calls while he was there the first time.

Jim Hoover told investigators Dominic Casey later asked him for the videotape and Hoover told him it was recorded over. Hoover also said Dominic was not happy with that answer and called him a nasty name.

Hoover told investigators that Cindy and George seemed to accept, just a few days after the remains were found on December 11, that they were Caylee's, before the DNA test results confirmed it.

Casey's defense team wants to see evidence taken from a computer belonging to her ex-boyfriend, Ricardo Morales. A hearing, which is scheduled on March 12, will also involve a request to keep George Anthony's suicide note from being released.

On Thursday afternoon, attorney Jose Baez's PR person, Marti Mackenzie, released the following statement on the release of documents: "We are going to reserve comment on discovery releases until those times when the discovery is of some importance to the real evidence in this case."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 05, 2009, 05:53:09 PM
More Casey Anthony Documents Released
State Releases More Evidence From Investigation
POSTED: 11:07 am EST March 5, 2009
UPDATED: 4:57 pm EST March 5, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The case against Casey Anthony continued to build on Thursday as prosecutors released hundreds of pages of new evidence.

The documents add to the growing volume of material in the first-degree murder case, which is expected to go to trial in October. Thursday's documents included a range of transcripts, investigative reports, phone records and copies of photos.

Anthony is charged in connection with the killing of her daughter, Caylee Anthony, whose body was found in an Orange County woods not far from the home where the family lived.

Below is a guide to the evidence that was released, with short summaries and links to the sections so you can read and see the evidence yourself.

Anthony Lazzaro: Investigators had Anthony's boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro, secretly tape Anthony's brother Lee looking for evidence against Casey Anthony. Lazzaro also let investigators tap his phone conversations, according to a transcript. (PDF: Lazzaro Wire Tap)

Photos: Defense attorneys tried to stop the release of Casey Anthony's photos, but lost their motion on Monday. The file, however, contains only black-and-white copies of the images of Anthony, many of which are hard to see clearly. The images do include some graphics, such as ones that show skeletons kissing and skulls. Also among the images is one of the most used photos of Caylee, showing her with her hands near her face. (Photo is at left). (PDF: Photobucket Images From June 2008)

Inside the Anthony family: James Hoover, a private investigator who worked for the Anthony family, described to investigators the family's stay at the Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes in December after Caylee Anthony's remains were found. He also mentions that he was "uncomfortable" with the friendly relationship between Anthony's mother, Cindy, and another private investigator, Dominic Casey. Hoover also quotes Dominic Casey describing a scene in jail where Casey Anthony started eating one end of a licorice string with her attorney Jose Baez eating from the other end that was passed through a glass partition. Hoover says Dominic Casey claims it looked "like they were kissing through the glass or something." James Hoover Discusses Interactions With Anthony Family

Day Casey was arrested: "I'll take this as far as I need to to prove my innocence..." Casey Anthony told detectives on Oct. 14, 2008, the day she was arrested on a charge of first-degree murder. According to a transcript, she says they were not trying to run from authorities as they drove from her attorney's office. She thought the deputies following her were the media. Anthony then invokes her right to not talk. (PDF: Oct. 14 Transcript Of Casey Anthony Speaking With Investigators)

More text messages: Among the document are dozens of text messages from Casey Anthony and her friends talking about such things as seeing her on TV and aspects of the case. (PDF: Text Message Exchanges Between Casey Anthony's Friends)

Roy Kronk: The transcript of an interview with meter reader Roy Kronk includes a hand-drawn map of the area where he found Caylee Anthony's remains in December. PDF: Meter Reader Describes Remains Scene

2:50 p.m.: Anthony Lazzaro, who dated Casey Anthony, recalls in an October 2008 interview with investigators coming upon Anthony watching the video of her daughter Caylee and her grandfather. Lazzaro said she cried as she watched the video. PDF: Casey Cries Over Caylee Video

Tips: Investigators received hundreds of tips and alleged Caylee sighting, including one in New Zealand.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 09, 2009, 05:53:07 PM
Prosecutors Ask For Hearing On How Baez Is Getting Paid
Posted: 4:53 pm EDT March 9, 2009
Updated: 5:29 pm EDT March 9, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Prosecutors asked for a special court hearing Monday afternoon, to find out how Casey Anthony's defense team was getting paid.

The state is worried that Casey's lawyer Jose Baez could make decisions in the case based on a book or movie deal instead of her best interests. Prosecutors believe the move could be grounds for appeal if Casey is convicted.

Many have been asking how Casey is paying for all of her attorneys and experts.. And even if there is a hearing on this issue, it might be behind closed doors. So even if prosecutors and the judge find out, the public may not.

Home videos of Caylee Anthony fetched almost $200,000 for the young mother last summer. Based partly on that argument, prosecutors want the judge to find out what kinds of financial agreements are behind the hiring of nationally known defense experts like New York attorney Linda Kenney Baden and Connecticut pathologist Henry Lee.

In a motion filed this afternoon, prosecutors said eight different lawyers and numerous experts have been hired by Casey Anthony and that logical conclusions must be drawn.

For example, Casey did not go from pauper to princess before her arrest. She's in no position to be managing her only assets, photos and videos of Caylee, so her defense attorney Jose Baez must be doing it.
Their concern is that Casey might try to argue after her first, long, expensive trial that she should get another one because Baez steered the case in a direction that was most financially lucrative for him and not in the best one for her.

Prosecutors want Circuit Judge Stan Strickland to order the defense to produce every document related to any possible financial deal involving Casey, her defense team, or anyone else on her behalf, including for book or movie licensing rights.

"If she says, 'I'm aware of that. I'm aware there might be some conflict there, I don't believe there is but if there is, I waive that conflict.' End of story," said WFTV Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer.

Prosecutors would insist she do it in writing. There have been concerns that Baez might steer the case toward a trial because it would make a more dramatic story. But as Casey stated in past documents, she is willing to do whatever it takes to defend herself and is determined not to let someone trick her into a confession.

Casey Anthony will be back in court on Thursday for another hearing scheduled at 3:30pm. Her lawyer, Jose Baez wants access to all notes and reports on any DNA testing, along with evidence taken from the computer of Casey's ex-boyfriend, Ricardo Morales.

The defense team also plans to ask the judge to keep George Anthony's suicide note from being released.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 12, 2009, 06:37:10 PM
Casey Anthony's defense fails to win sanctions against state
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
5:17 PM EDT, March 12, 2009
1 2 next 5:17 p.m. After today's hearing, Casey Anthony's defense attorneys said they plan on contacting the FBI and asking for various notes from the agency.

The defense also said one thing they plan to follow-up with at trial is the fact that Orange County Sheriff's Office crime-scene investigators destroy their notes once they write their reports.

4:58 p.m. Judge Strickland has heard all the motions scheduled for today. He said that if the investigator who reviewed the ex-boyfriend's computer has notes, he or she needs to turn them over.

4:54 p.m. Judge Strickland denied the defense's request for sanctions.

They are now discussing the final motion, which is about screen shots from the computer belonging to one of Casey Anthony's ex-boyfriends.

Prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick said they are asking investigators to turn over all the contents.

The defense team already has the computer hard-drive, so the judge is asking why they actually need the screen shots.

Defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden said the defense wants to know if there are notes from the computer examiner.

4:47 p.m. Prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick told Judge Stan Strickland that Jose Baez is trying to argue something he hasn't proven. She said Baez is trying to insinuate some type of police misconduct.

4:40 p.m. Defense attorney Jose Baez was going to call another witness but changed his mind. He is now addressing Judge Strickland.

4:30 p.m. The crime scene investigator was at the Sheriff's Office when Dr. Henry Lee -- one of Jose Baez's experts -- arrived to inspect evidence. Lee was going to inspect the car and other evidence.

4:12 p.m. Defense attorney Jose Baez is now questioning a crime scene investigator who processed Anthony's car July 16.

4:00 p.m.The judge has called the attorneys to the bench and is talking to them now.

3:55 p.m. Judge Strickland has found the defense's request for DNA and evidence gathering is moot. Strickland wants the defense to request the information from the FBI and private labs.

3:40 p.m. Judge Stan Strickland granted Conway's motion. Conway asked the judge to block prosecutors from releasing a note George Anthony wrote in January when he threatened suicide.

3:35 p.m. A hearing in the case against Casey Anthony, the 22-year-old accused of killing her daughter, is about to start in Orange County courtroom 19D.

Anthony - who is required to attend all hearings - is sitting next to her attorney Jose Baez and co-counsel Linda Kenney Baden. She was seated before the public was allowed in the courtroom. Her hair is pulled back and she appears to be wearing a white cardigan atop a dark shirt and dark pants.

The courtroom is packed with reporters and onlookers. Anthony's parents - George Anthony and Cindy Anthony are sitting in the first row, behind their daughter. Orange County detectives John Allen and Yuri Melich are also in attendance.

Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland will hear arguments on four motions, including one filed by lawyer Brad Conway, who is representing George Anthony and Cindy Anthony.

Conway wants to stop prosecutors from releasing a note George Anthony wrote in January when he threatened suicide.

The letter may be part of investigative documents that could be released to the public under Florida's open record laws.

Distraught over his granddaughter's death and his daughter's arrest, George Anthony threatened suicide in January.

He penned the note Jan. 23, before police found him in a Daytona Beach motel. He was taken to a nearby hospital where he stayed several days.

In paperwork filed in court, Conway argued that the note contains personal information that is not relevant to the criminal investigation. Releasing it would be embarrassing for the family, he wrote.
Another topic on the list of motions involve the defense's request for prosecutors and law enforcement to produce all DNA notes and reports and standards used to collect evidence.

Baez also wants the state to turn over computer screen shots or printout from a computer that belonged to Ricardo Morales, one of Anthony's former boyfriends. At one point, he had a picture of a woman on his MySpace page - a social networking Web site - that stated "win her over with chloroform."

Investigators examined Morales' computer and found "nothing incriminating." Baez wrote in his motion that the defense is entitled to know what the state felt was "not incriminating" so the defense can compare it to their own computer analysis.

The last issue scheduled today is Baez's request to have prosecutors sanctioned because a defense expert who examined Anthony's car was not informed about all the evidence removed from the vehicle.

Investigators removed trash from the trunk before criminalist Henry Lee inspected the car for the defense.

Authorities failed to tell him it was taken out. Now, the defense must request notes and opinions by the state's two experts, according to the motion.,0,6839833.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 19, 2009, 09:19:55 AM
More Evidence Turned Over To Casey's Defense

Posted: 7:55 am EDT March 19, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- More of the prosecution's evidence in the case against Casey Anthony could be revealed as soon as Thursday.

The state attorney's office just handed over more files to the defense. That includes e-mails sent from Orange County investigators to the lab that tested some of the evidence.

The defense will also get to see videotapes of the wooded area near the Anthony home taken a month before Caylee's remains were found. The video shows the Anthony's private investigator Dominic Casey talking on a phone.

Prosecutors have also handed over three-dimensional photos of the scene and a photo of a child's t-shirt with the words "Big Trouble" on it.

Meanwhile, Thursday is Casey Anthony's 23rd birthday. She will spend the day in the Orange County Jail.

Her family and friends are not scheduled to visit her, but she may get a visit from her attorney Jose Baez.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 21, 2009, 06:03:46 PM
Orlando Sentinel (Florida)
March 21, 2009 Saturday
Grandmother: Family nearly lost home over Casey's stealing
Murder suspect Casey Anthony stole as much as $45,000 from her parents and nearly caused them to lose their home, her grandmother told Orange County sheriff's investigators.

"I don't think she blowed [sic] it all at once, but what was she doing all this time?" Shirley Plesea says in a transcript of the conversation. "She didn't have an income. She was out all the time. She always had money . . . "

The grandmother's interview was included in 300 pages of documents released Friday by the State Attorney's Office, which is prosecuting Anthony in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. Anthony reported the child missing in July, but her bones were recovered near the family home in December.

Like earlier releases, the latest evidence provides insight into the case being built against Anthony. Among the new details:

*Caylee's Mexican-themed second-birthday party in 2007 was paid for with a check Anthony stole from her grandmother, Plesea said. Anthony spent $54 at Publix paying for cake and decorations, according to the interview.

"She was buying the birthday stuff and evidently she needed the extra money," Plesea said. "And instead of asking grandma for some more money . . . [She] took the check. I would have gladly given her some money."

*Cindy Anthony's co-workers at Gentiva Health Services told investigators about the month last year when Casey Anthony and Caylee were away from the family's home. It was during that time that Caylee disappeared.

Cindy Anthony told her peers that she wanted to talk to Caylee, but Casey always gave her an excuse why she could not.

"And you know I just mentioned to Cindy once, I said, 'That just doesn't sound right,' " co-worker Charles Crittenden told detectives.

In keeping with Florida's public-records law, prosecutors made the documents public after releasing them to Anthony's attorney, José Baez. Anthony is being held without bail at the Orange County Jail until her trial, tentatively scheduled for October.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 25, 2009, 03:55:57 PM
Hat Tip/Trim

Casey Anthony case: Judge shows his disgust with bickering
posted by halboedeker on Mar 25, 2009 12:35:09 PM

There were fireworks and headlines in the Casey Anthony saga this morning.

The main headline: Judge Stan Strickland says he sees no conflict of interest in Jose Baez representing the young mother. She is charged with the first-degree murder of her child, Caylee. The state was concerned that Baez could have made entertainment deals that might be the basis for an appeal in the case. Baez says he has done nothing unethical in representing his client.

Another headline: Anthony has a retainer agreement with attorney Linda Kenney Baden as well as Baez.

Anthony evidently shared details -- in the judge's chambers -- of how she's paying for her high-profile defense team.

But noon newscasts were especially interested in the fireworks between the defense team and prosecutors as this morning's hearing ended.

"Even the judge showed his disgust for it," WFTV-Channel 9's Kathi Belich said. 

WESH-Channel 2's Bob Kealing described the "terse exchange" between Baez and prosecutor Jeff Ashton. Kealing added, "Judge Strickland said, 'This is getting old and I'm getting tired of it.' "

WKMG-Channel 6's Mike DeForest said of the exchange, "The judge definitely [was] frustrated by the antics."

DeForest also talked to Baez. "Baez says prosecutors should be more worried about prosecuting Casey and not worrying about any kind of appeal," DeForest said. "He says they shouldn't be spiking the ball before they get to the end zone. And Baez says Casey is innocent."

During the hearing, George Anthony, Casey's father, could be seen smiling or deep in thought. WFTV's Belich described Casey Anthony's court look as "dressed casually but conservatively with a navy pullover sweater with gray pants."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 25, 2009, 04:00:56 PM
Anthony Family Private Eye Testifies Under Oath

Updated: 2:36 pm EDT March 25, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- One of the Anthony family's two former private investigators testified Wednesday under oath in the civil lawsuit against Casey. Zenaida Gonzalez is suing because she has the same name as the mystery nanny whom Casey blamed for Caylee's disappearance.

Jim Hoover was answering questions in a deposition by attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez early Wednesday afternoon. He did not back away from Eyewitness News cameras when he went inside John Morgan's office.
VIDEO REPORT: P.I.'s Testify Under Oath
George and Cindy Anthony's former private investigator, Jim Hoover, looked calm and collected

Wednesday morning when he arrived for his recorded deposition at John Morgan's downtown Orlando law office before 10:00.

John Morgan hopes to get a lot out of him. Morgan's client, Zenaida Gonzalez, is suing Casey Anthony for defamation. Casey claims a woman named Zenaida Gonzalez kidnapped Caylee and was the last one to see her alive.

"What we expect today is kind of continue to connect the dots, and of this relationship with Zenaida Gonzalez, to find out what these investigators knew and when they knew it," Morgan said.

Morgan told Eyewitness News he plans on spending quite a while grilling Hoover in his own courtroom about why he spent so much time at the scene where Caylee's body was eventually found.

"We just don't understand how these people all of the sudden showed up at this scene, knew where to go and knew, kept going back and poking around at this very same place. I mean, of all the places to keep going," Morgan said.

Hoover said he has an answer.

"As a private investigator, you document what you do to validate what you say. it's just that simple," Hoover said.

"One of the ways that we can prove our case is if we can prove who committed this murder. So if we prove who committed this murder, we prove that Zenaida didn't," Morgan said.

Private investigator Dominic Casey's deposition was postponed.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 31, 2009, 03:38:45 PM,0,7397632.story

Casey Anthony's attorney asks for private hearing before judge
Jose Baez doesn't want to tip off others about defense's theories

12:08 PM EDT, March 31, 2009
Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, doesn't want the public to know about any defense theories that are being developed.

He filed a request for an ex-parte hearing before Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland. That means he wants to meet with the judge without prosecutors or the public present so "sensitive matters which are critical to the defense can be addressed," according to the document filed late Monday.

In the process of investigating the case, the defense claims they will need to obtain certain records, which could be used at trial. Baez doesn't want to prevent others from know about any theories.    That doesnt make sense

And the items Baez is seeking cannot be obtained through normal discovery process, the legal process of prosecutors turning over investigative information about the case.

Strickland or prosecutors have not responded to the request.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 31, 2009, 03:54:28 PM
Casey Anthony’s family wants to visit her in jail to mourn Caylee
March 31, 2:13 AM · 7 comments
George, Cindy, and Lee Anthony are requesting to meet with Casey in jail to mourn the loss of Caylee.

Two-year-old Caylee Anthony’s remains were discovered Dec. 11 in a wooded area near the Anthony family home.  The county coroner ruled the toddler’s death a homicide.

According to WESH 2 News in Orlando, a source close to the family said the “wheels are in motion for that meeting, so the family can mourn Caylee together for a short time.”

In Jan., Brad Conway, attorney for George and Cindy said a family reunion was being negotiated that would include a private funeral service for Caylee.  However, at that time a representative for the jail, Allen Moore said, "No such request has been received by Orange County Corrections.  It is highly unlikely such a request would be granted."  No such meeting took place.

According to the Caylee Daily, "This latest plan isn’t about Caylee at all it is all about Casey."

Casey Anthony is charged with the first-degree murder of Caylee, and is tentatively scheduled for trial Oct. 12.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 31, 2009, 03:55:46 PM
Jail Denies Anthonys' Request To See Casey
Baez To Depose Orange Co. Corrections Sgt. Today

UPDATED: 3:02 pm EDT March 31, 2009
Jail Denies Anthonys' Request To See Casey

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County Corrections officials said Tuesday that they have no plans to allow an in-person visit between Casey Anthony, her parents and her brother.

On Monday, a source with direct knowledge of what was going on said the in-person visit was going to happen under the supervision of corrections staff and Jose Baez, Casey Anthony's attorney.

In a written statement released Tuesday, a corrections spokesman said they plan to give Casey "no special treatment" and they have no plans to allow an in-person family visit for Casey Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 01, 2009, 12:51:00 PM
Judge denies Baez's Ex
Parte motion

Last Edited: Wednesday, 01 Apr 2009, 12:06 PM EDT

ORLANDO, Fla. - Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland has denied Jose Baez's motion to seek Ex Parte hearing.

In Strickland’s order denying the motion, he wrote that Baez’s request to discuss sensitive matters off camera was not possible as a part of a particular Florida Criminal rule.

That rule provides that an in camera inspection and an ex parte proceeding are not one and the same, and an ex parte proceeding is only proper where permitted by law.

Strickland wrote that no legal authority has been provided to allow such a hearing under the circumstances filed in Baez’s motion.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 06, 2009, 10:42:24 AM
More evidence released in Casey Anthony case
Monday, April 06, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. —  Prosecutors have released more evidence that they say links Florida mother Casey Anthony to the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee.

The State Attorney's Office in Orlando on Monday released three DVDs containing video and audio interviews and other evidence.

Prosecutors released documents in February showing the same type of laundry bag, duct tape and plastic bag discovered with the child's body also were found in the house where Caylee lived.

Casey Anthony was charged with first-degree murder after daughter Caylee was found dead in December, months after disappearing.

She claims that Caylee was kidnapped by a baby sitter and has pleaded not guilty. A month passed before authorities were notified of her disappearance.,4670,CayleeAnthony,00.html

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 06, 2009, 01:33:05 PM
More Evidence Released In Casey Anthony Case
Updated: 12:59 pm EDT April 6, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News has obtained a new batch of evidence in the case against Casey Anthony. The State Attorney's Office in Orlando on Monday released three DVDs containing video and audio interviews along with other evidence and numerous Photobucket images.
The evidence includes Casey talking to investigators the day she was indicted and an undercover video of her brother Lee Anthony talking to her ex boyfriend, Tony Lazarro.

The surveillance video of the conversation between Casey's former boyfriend Tony Lazarro and her brother Lee Anthony was released Monday. Lazarro cooperated with investigators by installing a hidden camera inside a car. The video shows an unfiltered conversation discussing the events surrounding Caylee disappearance including a clip showing Lees reaction to the smell in his sister's car.

"I just went, holy s**t, I couldn't even describe it smelled like garbage, but I couldn't describe. It's something you don't want to, but you actually have to smell. It was atrocious," said Lee.

In the other video that was released, Casey Anthony sat and joked with the FBI and Orange County detectives on the day she was indicted. She spoke more about her frustration over all the publicity than she did about anything else.
Detectives were trying to get her to tell them where Caylee was.
"Are there cameras in all the rooms?" asked Casey.

Casey Anthony was more concerned about the media reporting her indictment than she was about Caylee. Her second question was not about Caylee either.
"Here's my question: I know a lot of people have been asking this. I thought grand juries were supposed to be secret, but it was released to the media right off the bat," Casey said.
When the FBI agent defended the media for helping to find missing kids, Casey changed her tune immediately.

"The exposure has helped bring in so many tips for my daughter," she said.
Even as detectives tried to get her to break down, open up and put an end to the mystery of where Caylee was Casey wouldn't budge.
"I know in my gut. The feeling as a parent, you know certain things about your child. You can feel that connection and I still have that feeling that presence. I know she's alive. Whether you have a bucket load of evidence, or speculation, or nothing at all," stated Casey.

Casey claimed she was willing to open up to detectives all along, but when they cornered her and said, "Let's do it" she called her attorney to sheriff's headquarters and once again she refused.

Nearly two months later, Caylee's remains were found and that cool and calm Casey Anthony, Eyewitness News was told, Hyperventilated and asked for medication.

Prosecutors released documents in February showing the same type of laundry bag, duct tape and plastic bag discovered with the child's body also were found in the house where Caylee lived.

Casey Anthony was charged with first-degree murder after her daughter Caylee was found dead in December, months after disappearing.
She claims that Caylee was kidnapped by a baby sitter and has pleaded not guilty. A month passed before authorities were notified of her disappearance.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 07, 2009, 01:26:37 PM
Prosecutors Mistakenly Release Information In Anthony Case
Judge Yet To Rule On Defense Motion

UPDATED: 7:31 am EDT April 7, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prosecutors on Monday mistakenly released audio recordings from corrections officers who discussed Casey Anthony's reaction when she learned that human remains of a toddler were discovered near her family's east Orange County home.

Anthony, 23, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the death of her daughter, Caylee, whose remains were found in a wooded lot in December. Caylee was 2 years old when she was reported missing in July.

Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, filed a motion weeks ago, asking the judge in the case to block the release of the interviews. The judge has yet to rule on the motion, and in an e-mail sent Monday afternoon, the state attorney's office acknowledged that it inadvertently included the interviews among a mountain of other evidence that was released earlier in the morning.

A shift supervisor at the jail said in one of the interviews that Anthony asked jail medical staff for a sedative after learning of the discovery of the remains, which were later identified as Caylee.

Orange County Corrections Lt. Tammy Unser told detectives she was surprised by the request because Anthony hadn't asked for any such medication before.

"It was very, very odd. Throughout that time, she was still breathing rapidly, talking really fast, but nothing about the case. (She was saying) 'This isn't real, I can't cry, I can't break down and cry because this isn't real," Unser said. "And then she started talking about football. She started talking about the (Florida Gators) national championship."

Also included in the release was an interview between Anthony and the FBI on Oct. 14 -- the day a grand jury indicted her on murder charges in the death of her daughter. Anthony said repeatedly during that interview that she and her attorney, Jose Baez, would be willing to talk to detectives about Caylee’s disappearance.

"We have discussed before that we have no problems sitting down together, him and I, speaking to law enforcement, or listening to the questions you have, him and I, discussing it, and we go from there," Anthony said.

Anthony then called Baez to arrange the meeting with the FBI.

"She invoked (her attorney-client privilege), but she also said her exasperation is the same as ours," an FBI agent said to Baez on the phone. "You guys want the opportunity to speak to law enforcement face to face. And if you guys are interested in that, let's get that done. Quit the finger-pointing."

While awaiting Baez's arrival, Anthony talked about her then-missing daughter.

"I as a mom, I know in my gut -- there's a feeling as a parent you know certain things about your child, you can feel that connection, and I still have that feeling, that presence -- I know that she's alive. Whether you have a bucket load of evidence downstairs that contradicts that and says otherwise, or all you have is speculation or nothing at all," Anthony said.

The video then shows FBI agent Nick Savage informing Anthony that they have a lot of evidence against her.

"We have more than speculation. We have a lot," he said.

When Baez arrived at the jail, it appeared as if he and his client would answer questions.

"He's going to ask you a question. You don't say anything else other than the answer," Baez said to Anthony.

"We would listen and discuss it, and if we have something to respond, we'll respond," Anthony said.

"Do you want to speak to me in private, so we can clarify this?" Baez asked Anthony.

"Yes," she said.

Baez and Anthony were then escorted to another room that contained no cameras and microphones, and when they returned, Baez announced that his client would not answer any questions.

"I'll just go ahead and state for the record that she's invoking her right to counsel, and at this time requests to go to the jail," Baez said.

It's not known if Anthony genuinely wanted to answer the questions.

Another DVD shows a two-hour conversation between Anthony's brother, Lee Anthony, and her former boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro, who allowed police to place four cameras in his car to tape the dialogue.

"Does she really like to lie a lot?" Lazzaro asked.

"My sister -- ever since middle school and high school -- I don't know if I can even say that now. Was she doing it -- telling white lies -- to better herself or just to do it. I want to figure out which Casey I'm dealing with," Lee Anthony said.

Never before seen images were also released on Monday, including pictures that the state thinks shows a connection between the wooded lot where Caylee's remains were found and the home of Casey Anthony's parents, where Caylee lived with her mother.

A gas can found in the shed at the east Orange County home had a piece of duct tape and the name of the tape manufacturer -- Henkel -- is seen on the outside of the duct tape.

Casey Anthony's defense team has said that Henkel is a popular brand of duct tape.

Another image showed Casey Anthony playing with Caylee, who was wearing pink-striped pants. They may be the pants Caylee was wearing when she was last seen alive.

Interviews with Roy Kronk, the utility worker who first alerted authorities to remains of a body in August, and the deputies who first responded to those calls, were also released.

Casey Anthony claimed that Caylee was kidnapped by a baby sitter and has pleaded not guilty. Her trial is scheduled to begin in October.

Previous Stories:
April 6, 2009: Officer: Casey Sought Sedatives, Talked Football After Remains Found
April 3, 2009: Baez Deposes Deputy Who Searched Woods
April 2, 2009: Hoover Says Fellow P.I. Knew Caylee Was Dead, Where She Was
April 1, 2009: Baez Denied Closed-Door Meeting With Judge
March 27, 2009: Former Client Calls Baez 'Defective,' Asks For New Trial
March 27, 2009: Baez To Depose Deputies, Jail Workers
March 26, 2009: Anthony Tries To Avoid Answering Questions In Civil Case
March 25, 2009: Anthony Does Not Have To Disclose Defense Payment
March 25, 2009: Hearing To Focus On Anthony Defense Team Finances
March 20, 2009: Grandma Wanted Casey Anthony Arrested On Theft Charges
March 19, 2009: Casey Anthony Turns 23 Years Old
March 18, 2009: Defense Receives Discs In Anthony Case
March 17, 2009: Court Hearing On Anthonys' Depositions Canceled
March 16, 2009: Jail Worker Who Witnessed Anthony During Bone Discovery ID'd
March 16, 2009: Lee Anthony Attorney Seeks To Block Questions
March 13, 2009: Experts Discuss Possible Jury Makeup In Anthony Case
March 12, 2009: Judge: Suicide Note Not Relevant To Casey Anthony Murder Case
March 11, 2009: Baez Threatens To Sue Over Jail Video
March 11, 2009: Zenaida Gonzalez Attorneys Want More Answers From Lee Anthony
March 10, 2009: State Wants To Know How Anthony 'Went From Pauper To Princess'

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 07, 2009, 01:35:19 PM

Anthony: Casey's 'A Good Mother'
Grandfather Of Slain Toddler Opens Up In Interview
POSTED: Tuesday, April 7, 2009
UPDATED: 11:13 am EDT April 7, 2009
"Casey's a good lady. She's a good mother. She's a good woman," George Anthony said. "I really think what she's going through right now is unfair. She's been tried. I wouldn't want to be tried that way."

George Anthony praised his daughter's legal team, and said he knows how difficult the next few months and the trial will be for his daughter.
"She's got a tough road ahead of her, but I really think the defense team she has, Jose and the people with him, I think they're doing a good job," George Anthony said.

He said the family hopes to build a park where they and others can pay their respects to Caylee.
"There's not a day that goes by that we don’t think about her," George Anthony said. "The song of Caylee that was sung at our memorial, that's played every single day inside of our cars when we're out."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 07, 2009, 01:39:58 PM
Attorneys Want Anthony Family P.I. Held In Contempt
Woman Has Same Name As Alleged Caylee Baby Sitter

UPDATED: 12:20 pm EDT April 7, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez have asked the judge in her civil case against Casey Anthony to hold a private investigator in contempt of court.

Gonzalez's attorneys planned to question Dominic Casey, the Anthony family's private investigator, two weeks ago, but he failed to show up for the deposition, saying he wanted to first hire an attorney.

Gonzalez's attorneys said the excuse did not give Casey the right to skip the scheduled deposition.

Gonzalez filed a defamation lawsuit against Anthony, saying she lost her job and her reputation was ruined by being linked to the case involving Anthony's daughter, Caylee.

Gonzalez, who has said she has never met Anthony or her daughter, is seeking $15,000 in damages.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 13, 2009, 05:57:29 PM
State To Seek Death Penalty In Casey Anthony Case
Posted: 4:30 pm EDT April 13, 2009
Updated: 5:46 pm EDT April 13, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony could be put to death for the murder of her daughter Caylee. Late Monday afternoon, Eyewitness News learned the State Attorney's Office will be pursuing the death penalty in the case against Casey.
READ: State's Notice Of Intent To Seek Death Penalty
VOTE: Agree With Decision To Seek Death?


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on April 14, 2009, 10:43:56 AM

 In a dramatic reversal, the Florida state attorney's office announced Monday it will seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony, the 23-year-old woman charged in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
The state had previously said it would not ask for the death sentence for Anthony.
Skip over this content
The Caylee Anthony CaseRed Huber, Orklando Sentinel / AP21 photos   Prosecutors in Florida said Monday they will seek to have Casey Anthony executed if she is convicted of first-degree murder in the death of her daughter. Anthony, 22, is accused of killing Caylee Marie Anthony, who was 2 when she disappeared in June. "This is not a death penalty case," said a spokeswoman for Anthony's lawyer.:

The development could have a major impact on how the case plays out at trial, including whether defense attorney Jose Baez can stay on the case.
Baez has not been certified by the court to defend capital punishment cases.
Prosecutors announced their change in strategy in a letter of intent.
Meanwhile, Anthony's defense filed a motion on Friday with Orange County Circuit Court, seeking more phone records from a dozen people involved in the case. The motion asks for any and all records for "phone calls, text messages, P2P communications, Internet usage, WAP usage, and cell tower pings."
The defense wants records from the defendant's parents, George and Cindy Anthony; her former fiancé, Jesse Grund; her brother, Lee Anthony; a friend, Amy Huizenga; and Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found Caylee's remains in December of last year.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Blonde on May 04, 2009, 07:03:18 PM

Casey Anthony defense team wants trial moved to South Florida

Amy L. Edwards and Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
    5:03 PM EDT, May 4, 2009

Casey Anthony's defense attorney wants her trial moved to Miami-Dade County, according to a change of venue motion filed Monday afternoon.

Kissimmee lawyer Jose Baez stated if Anthony 's case remains in Orange County, her right to a fair trial and impartial jury "will undoubtedly be violated."

Baez listed a slew of examples of media reports on the case – ranging from protesters staged outside the Anthony family home to audio files of law-enforcement interviews.

"The overwhelming majority of the media's coverage of this case has been negative for the defendant," Baez stated.
"As one local news station reported, its own reporter, Kathi Belich asked Casey Anthony, 'Casey, why don't you care about Caylee? Why won't you say where your little girl is?'"

He stated Anthony "has shown a clear, pervasive inflammatory and prejudicial coverage of her case by local media."

"In fact, few would disagree that Ms. Anthony's case may be the most publicized coverage of a criminal case in the history of our state," he wrote.

Baez stated local news networks continue to report "on all aspects of this case and public opinion continues to be heated and negative towards Casey Marie Anthony."

Baez cited a study by a broadcast monitoring service, which states that 14,235 stories that mentioned the Caylee Anthony case aired between July 15 and Nov. 18. Of those, about 46 percent were in the Orlando-Daytona Beach-Melbourne area. About 24 percent were in the Tampa
St. Petersburg metro.

He stated the study found the Miami-Ft. Lauderdale market came in seventh, in terms of exposure to the story.

"Moving this trial to a location far enough away from the local media will not end the coverage, but it will have a chilling effect on the barrage of media coverage that a local trial will bring," Baez stated.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: klaasend on May 14, 2009, 12:07:34 AM
LKL 5/13/09 Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 20, 2009, 11:02:49 AM
Deputy Resigns
The Orange County deputy accused of ignoring a tip that could have led to a much earlier discovery of Caylee Anthony's remains has resigned. Deputy Richard Cain announced his resignation Monday, just a day before he was expected to find out whether he would be fired.
Casey Anthony case: Deputy who failed to investigate Caylee Anthony tip resigns
The Orange County deputy who was accused of improperly investigating a tip that could have led to the discovery of Caylee Marie Anthony's remains resigned today.
Casey Anthony can be subject to punitive damages in defamation suit, judge says
A judge has allowed a Kissimmee woman suing murder suspect Casey Anthony for defamation to seek punitive damages.
Casey Anthony case: Judge keeps civil suit alive
Judge also grants request to seek punitive damages against Casey Anthony. A judge today allowed a Kissimmee woman suing murder suspect Casey Anthony for defamation to seek punitive damages.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 28, 2009, 03:29:55 PM
Hearing held 5/28/09 3 pages of up to the minute reporting

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 19, 2009, 04:24:26 PM
WDBO Local News   

What did the autopsy say?
By Robyn Sidersky @ June 19, 2009 3:50 PM
WDBO reporters have combed the autopsy of Caylee Anthony, and here is some of the information we found.

"The clustering of vertebrae at the scene separate from the location of the bags and skull indicate animal activity occurring at this location after decomposition started, but before complete disarticulation of the skeleton. This indicates the body was put in this location prior to complete skeletonization. The roots growing into the vertebrae and bags indicate that the body was placed there months prior to being found. There is nothing inconsistent with the body being placed there soon after the date of being last seen alive." 

"It is, thus, my opinion that, although the cause of death cannot be determined with certainty, the manner of death is homicide."
"The skull was initially received in a separate paper bag with duct tape over the lower portion of the face, with the tape still attached to some of the scalp hair. A large portion of the scalp hair was in a mat under the skull. The mandible was still in its approximate anatomic location in spite of complete skeletonization. "

"Examination of the skeleton reveals an almost complete skeleton of a young child with only multiple small bones missing."

"Examination of the skull reveals no evidence of antemortem trauma."

The identification of the body is consistent with the age of Caylee Anthony when she was last seen alive.

"Considering the dispersal of the skeletal remains, it would not be expected to find the mandible in this position unless something affixed the mandible in this position prior to decomposition and the hair matting forming. In skeletal cases involving surface depositions, the mandible and cranium are normally found disarticulated because there is nothing to hold the mandible in place after the soft tissues decomposes. Based on the position of the tape and mandible, it can be inferred that the mandible remained in this position because the tape held it in place prior to the hair forming into a matt on the base of the skull."


"The remains were scattered within a wooded area and were recovered by the Orange County Sheriff's Office Forensic Unit starting on 11 December 2008 and ending on 20 December 2008."

"On 12 (full day) and 14 (afternoon) December 2008, Dr. Schultz worked with the Forensic Unit during the recovery, and was  in contact with Mrs. Susan Mears, Forensic Unit Supervisor, every day during the recovery via phone."

"The body most likely was dumped in the woods during the initial stages of decomposition. Post mortem damage to multiple bones indicated that small animals scattered parts of the skeleton."

"Bones of the turnk indicating the ribs, vertebrae, clavicles, parts of both os coxae, and both femora were located away from the body at the secondary decompositon sites. Therefore, it would be expected that the trunk was dragged away from the primary decomposition site by animals when the bones of the trunk and femoral diaphyses were still articulated or held together by soft tisues during the early stages of decomposition."


"...The bones had to have been decomposed and scattered prior to the leaves falling and covering up the bones during the fall season of 2008. According to Dr. David Hall...there were a number of red maples in the area which would have produced a high leaf fall during autumn. Dr. Hall stated that the leaf fall would definitely occur by November and possibly as early as October depending on the temperature."

"The overall pattern of skeletal dispersal is consistent with the body of Caylee Anthony being dumped into the woods at the scene located on Suburban Drive during the early stages of decay before significant disarticulation of anatomical units occurred."

"...Considering the environment where the remains were located, a time since death of approximately six months would not be inconsistent with the taphonomy of the skeleton."

"Of the 51 chemicals identified from the Florida trunk carpet sample, 41 (80%) are consistent with decompostional events. Only 17 of those overlap with known or possible gasoline constituents leaving 24 compounds (59%) identified as associated with decomposing human remains potentially unaccounted for. It is important to note that this sample was removed from the trunk and eventually isolated in Tedlar bag so the compounds which were detected in this analysis were off-gassing from the carpet ample and did not include vapors that may been in the air of the trunk or in an area where the vehicle was stored."

"Out of 24 compounds detected in the Florida trunk sample which did not overlap with known or possible gasoline constituents, 16 (67 %) known to be associated with human decompositional events were detected in the odor signature from the Florida trunk carpet sample whose source could not be potentially linked to any of the controls which were analyzed. These included 2-methyl furan, acetic acid methyl ester, butanoic adid methyl ester, carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, chloromethane, decanal, deichloroethene, trichloroethene. Of these 16 compounds, seven were identified as significant human decomposition chemicals. Only five of these seven compounds are being used to draw conclusions about the possibility of a decompositional event occurring."

"Nearly all of the compounds present in early human decomposition were detected in the trunk samples if their concentrations were high enough to detect. Carbon tetrachloride was also detected and is a human specific marker within these animal sets."

"Compounds that have been detected these select animal remains and not in humans were not detected in the  Florida trunk carpet sample (l-heptanol, Acetamide, N, N-dimethyl). This is also suggestive of a human decompositional event."

"Compounds associated with anaerobic decomposition are seen supporting a possible deprived oxygen type of decompostional event."

"Compounds with a late ADD were not detected supporting an early stage decompostional event."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 19, 2009, 08:25:15 PM
From Orlando Sentinel
Caylee Anthony's autopsy report details meticulous investigation
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
7:03 PM EDT, June 19, 2009
Despite a courtroom battle over Caylee Marie Anthony's autopsy report and concerns that its release would cause "endless pain" for her grandparents, documents released Friday contained no bombshells about the slain toddler.

The documents did, however, highlight the meticulous work that investigators, scientists and others undertook to find the 2-year-old's tiny bones and investigate her death.

Technicians spent more than a week scouring woods off Suburban Drive in east Orange County to locate her remains. They found bones buried in muck, and even found one partly buried under the trunk of a palmetto.

By the time Caylee Anthony's body was found in December -- six months after she was last seen alive -- roots began to grow through her remains and other items at the scene, including a plastic garbage bag and blanket.

The autopsy report said investigators collected a nearly complete skeleton.

It also stated that the several overlapping pieces of duct tape on Caylee Anthony's skull were placed there before decomposition.

Prosecutors released the documents, collected as part of the first-degree murder case against Caylee Anthony's mother, Casey Anthony, in response to public- records requests.

On Friday morning, Caylee Anthony's grandfather, George Anthony, stormed out of a courtroom after Orange County Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland denied a request to seal the autopsy report.

"Our family's memory of our precious Caylee Marie is all we have left of her," Anthony said in an emotional plea.

He asked the judge to give his family some peace and show Caylee dignity. He apologized for his emotions, but broke down with his final words: "It's all for her, sir."

Anthony's lawyer, Brad Conway, told the judge that releasing the document now will cause "endless pain and suffering" for the family.

Strickland said the autopsy could be released.

Investigative reports released earlier said tests conducted on air samples from Casey Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire, which had a pungent odor, detected traces of human decomposition.

Casey Anthony's relatives have maintained that the foul smell could have come from an old pizza or a dead squirrel. When investigators searched the car in July, they found a pizza box. Investigators also discovered text messages between Anthony and a friend in which Anthony talked about a dead animal stuck to her car.

Scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee provided local investigators with a detailed report, released Friday as part of the autopsy documents, in which they analyzed the decomposition of a squirrel and a piece of pizza and compared it to evidence collected from Casey Anthony's car.

The scientists noted that even though investigators found no evidence of decomposing pizza in Casey Anthony's car, they went ahead and simulated the decomposition of a piece of pizza for several days.

The scientists also got an adult squirrel -- apparently the victim of a hit-and-run. The researchers let the animal decompose outside for about 10 days in a trash can. They noted that "results of this analysis showed very little similarity to the Florida carpet sample.",0,6173233.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 07, 2009, 12:41:19 PM

Casey Anthony October Trial Date Cancelled

Posted: 11:03 am EDT July 7, 2009Updated: 11:23 am EDT July 7, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The October 12 date for Casey Anthony's first-degree murder trial has been cancelled after a Tuesday morning meeting between the defense, prosecution and the judge. Eyewitness News was the only media at the meeting at the Orange County courthouse.

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Defense team member Andrea Lyon told Judge Stan Strickland her teaching schedule would prevent her from being able to go to trial in three months. Judge Strickland cancelled the October 12 date and scheduled a status hearing on the first-degree murder trial for January 21.

"So, I'll go ahead and strike that October trial date and we'll set this status slash pretrial in January," Strickland said during the Tuesday morning meeting.

Casey Anthony is accused of killing her young daughter Caylee and dumping her remains near the Anthony family home.

Additionally, the judge said that he wants an affidavit from Amy Huizenga showing she wants to invoke her right to a speedy trial in the check fraud case that the prosecution wants to move forward on. Casey is charged with stealing her friend's checkbook and buying personal items with forged checks.

Lyon, the defense's death penalty qualified attorney, also told Judge Strickland that she plans to file several motions after Labor Day, but details of those motions were not given.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 23, 2009, 07:01:10 PM
George, Cindy Anthony Ordered To Court Friday

video report >>

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 23, 2009, 08:28:25 PM
Seeking info in Casey Anthony case, State Attorney slated to haul George and Cindy Anthony back to court

George and Cindy Anthony may be back in court.

The State Attorney's office is slated to ask Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland to force the Anthonys to produce information for the state's case against their daughter, Casey Anthony, according to spokespersons for the State Attorney's office and the court.

A hearing is set for 1:30 p.m. Friday.

The Anthonys have been asked to produce information for the state but have not done so, the spokespersons said.

Brad Conway, lawyer for George and Cindy Anthony, said the couple simply hasn't been able to provide the documents in the time frame prosecutors wanted.

"The Anthonys have no problem providing the documentation the state has requested," Conway said.

Conway said the Anthonys are going to give the documents to prosecutors and he does not expect there to even be a hearing on the matter tomorrow.

"We're in the process of turning them over," he said.

It's unclear what the documents entail. Conway, reached by phone this afternoon, wouldn't give any clues.

"I can't say," he said. "It's not something that I can comment on."

The State Attorney's Office also wouldn't say.

Casey Anthony is being held in the Orange County Jail under an indictment for first-degree murder in the death of daughter Caylee Marie Anthony. The state is seeking the death penalty in the case.

Casey Anthony will not attend Friday's hearing.,0,3645760.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 23, 2009, 08:32:07 PM
State Wants Documents From Anthonys
Prosecution Could Seek To Hold Caylee's Grandparents In Contempt  ::MonkeyLaugh::

UPDATED: 7:08 pm EDT July 23, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A hearing will be held on Friday to discuss documents the state attorney has subpoenaed from George and Cindy Anthony, but have not received.

VIDEO: Lawyer Promises Documents

The Anthony's attorney, Brad Conway, said the subpoena for the documents was issued a few weeks ago. Conway said the prosecution apparently wanted the documents more quickly, but he plans to hand over the documents Friday morning.

The state could ask a judge to hold the Anthonys in contempt of court for failing to turn over the documents.

It is not known what information the documents contain or why the state wants them, but the judge has ordered the hearing to consider the matter.

Conway said he does not believe the hearing will be necessary because he plans to hand over the documents Friday morning.

Conway said the Anthonys have no problem producing the documents, and this is just a dispute over timing. He said he is preoccupied with other clients and the Anthonys have had a hard time producing the documents because their computer has been down.

Conway said he is working with the state to resolve the issue.

This request from the prosecution comes one week after defense lawyers for the Anthonys daughter, Casey Anthony, launched an attempt to get all statements made by bounty hunter Leonard Padilla and his associates thrown out of court.

Padilla and his team bonded Casey Anthony out of jail and spent time with her last summer. The defense said Padilla signed a contract not to disclose any information about her.

It is unclear if the documents the prosecution has requested are related to Padilla or another matter.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 30, 2009, 03:51:06 PM

Casey Anthony case: Cindy Anthony deposed by state prosecutors

Casey Anthony case: Depositions of Anthony family by state prosecutors continues on Wednesday

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on August 07, 2009, 08:26:34 AM
Documents In Anthony Case Coming
Parents To Testify For Prosecutors During Trial

POSTED: 6:32 am EDT August 7, 2009
UPDATED: 6:55 am EDT August 7, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prosecutors said they expect to release more evidence on Friday in the murder case against Casey Anthony.

Anthony is held in the Orange County Jail on charges in the slaying of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. Caylee's body was found near the Anthony home in December after she was reported missing in July 2008.

Meanwhile, the attorney for Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, said the couple will take the witness stand at trial to testify for prosecutors who will try to prove Casey Anthony is a killer.

One defense attorney said prosecutors will want to examine Casey Anthony's behavior before Caylee disappeared, as well as the alleged lies told afterward.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on August 07, 2009, 04:15:46 PM
UPDATED: 4:03 pm EDT August 7, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prosecutors released more evidence Friday morning in the murder case against Casey Anthony.

The material came on a CD and includes an animation and still photos showing the crime scene where Caylee Anthony was found, photos of the "Big Trouble" shirt Caylee was wearing, e-mails about the case, a 1,100-page investigative report, and a forensic report that includes an analysis of the odor in Casey Anthony's truck.

WESH 2 News is going through the evidence and will be posting it throughout the day in the column to the right. (We will be hosting a live chat now. EDT)

The animation showed a three-dimensional view of the location along Suburban Drive where Caylee's remains were found in December. Areas circled in purple and marked A through J indicated the spread of bones and other evidence found in the area.

Video | Watch The Animation

Other videos provided a three-dimensional fly-by that provides a 360-degree look at the topography of the swampy area, the slope of the land and how the remains represented by purple dots settled in different places through the passage of days and months.

At the beginning of the movie, a photo showed how dense the vegetation was along the roadway on the day the remains were found. At the end, after an intense investigation by state and federal crime scene technicians, the area was stripped completely bare.

Also released on Friday, a member of the Orange County Sheriff's Office forensic unit said in an e-mail that he didn't find any blood in the trunk of Anthony's car, where they suspect the toddler's body was kept for several days. However, they did say they found evidence of human decomposition and vaporized chloroform -- a topic that was the subject of a series of emails between the lead detective in the case, Yuri Melich, to a forensic expert at the Body Farm in Tennessee named Arpad Vass.

It was Vass who first reported to the sheriff's department that 80 percent of the chemicals taken during an air sampling of the carpet from Casey Anthony's trunk were consistent with decompositional events. But he later qualified the finding by saying the decomposition could be of human origin.

Also, Vass found the presence of sulfur compounds in the carpet, which he said are particularly characteristic of decomposition.

Another discovery that intrigued the body farm expert was the high concentration of vaporized chloroform. Did a relative have access to pharmaceutical supplies from a lab hospital or vet clinic? No, a sheriff's investigator wrote back, but a forensic search of the home computer revealed a Google search on how to make Chloroform.

The material also includes hundreds of text messages. In one Casey Anthony wrote that "There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car." An agent with the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation called it "suspicious and was believed to possibly be a pre-emptive explanation to the foul smell of decomposing tissue."

Within the more than 1,100 pages released, we discover that the Orange County Sheriff's Office recorded and traced George, Cindy, Casey and Lee's cell and home phones.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on August 21, 2009, 04:03:14 PM
Casey Anthony's defense revealed in Fla. hearing :roll:

Friday, August 21, 2009; 2:59 PM

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorneys for a Florida mother charged with killing her daughter claimed Friday that she could not have killed the toddler because the little girl's remains were left in the woods while she was in jail.

The attorneys' claim gave a glimpse of the defense for Casey Anthony, who is charged with killing 2-year-old Caylee. The toddler disappeared last summer, but was missing for more than a month before Casey Anthony told her family. After her arrest, she told police she had been conducting her own investigation into her daughter's whereabouts.

The defense strategy was revealed during a pretrial hearing. Casey Anthony's attorneys asked a judge to allow them to interview the head of a search-and-rescue group Texas EquuSearch, Tim Miller. They claimed his testimony would show it would have been impossible for Casey Anthony to dispose of Caylee's body.

"There is substantial evidence that we've found ... that the body or remains of Caylee Anthony was placed there after Casey Anthony was locked up," said Todd Macaluso, an attorney for Casey Anthony. "It proves that somebody else placed the remains in the area."

Last summer and fall, thousands of volunteers organized by Texas EquuSearch scoured central Florida, including the woods where her body eventually was found in December. Defense attorneys also asked to review records on the thousands of volunteers who participated in the searches.

Circuit Judge Stan Strickland said he would make a ruling by next week but indicated he was willing to allow the defense attorneys to have some information on the volunteers.

Casey Anthony was in the courtroom for the pretrial hearing. She has pleaded not guilty and her trial is scheduled for next year.

Her attorneys also argued that Anthony's comments to a bail bondsmen should not be allowed at the trial. Casey Anthony's father, George, testified about how bondsmen led by Leonard Padilla were hired to post her $50,000 bond last year.

Casey wiped away tears as her father talked. After he stepped down from the witness stand, George Anthony blew his daughter a two-handed kiss.

The judge did allow defense attorneys to have cell phone records of her former boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro, from June 1, 2008 to Dec. 18, 2008. The calls were monitored by law enforcement after Casey Anthony's arrest in July.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on August 21, 2009, 05:34:22 PM
WDBO Local News   

Defense: We have proof Casey Anthony is innocent
By Drew Petrimoulx @ August 21, 2009 4:13 PM

Casey Anthony was back in court Friday as judge Stan Strickland heard four new motions in the case.

It was an emotional reunion for Casey's parents, George and Cindy, who hadn't seen their daughter in months.

Cindy and Casey could be seen wiping away tears as George took the stand. He mouthed "I love you" to Casey as he returned to his seat.

"It gives me a lot of peace to see that she actually looks okay," Cindy said outside the courthouse.

During the hearing, defense attorney Todd Macaluso argued that searches done by volunteers with Texas Equusearch prove Casey is innocent.

"There are over 100 people that searched the area where [Caylee's] body was eventually found," the California attorney said.

Therefore, the body must have been placed there after Casey was jailed, Macaluso argued.

Mark NeJame, attorney for Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch, said the request for volunteer records made by Casey's defense was too broad and would be an invasion of privacy. By his count only 32 people came within a 200 yard radius of the area where the remains were found - and only they should be subject to the defense's inquiry.

In the end, NeJame agreed to allow Casey's defense to look over volunteer records at his legal office so long as none of the information becomes public.

If there is any disagreement over which records are relevant to the case, judge Strickland will have to final say.

Motion To Set Fraud Trial Date

The prosecution asked the judge to start Casey's fraud trial "in the next three months." The alleged victim, Amy Huizenga, and the state are ready for the trial to begin, a prosecutor told the judge.

Arguing for the defense, Dr. Andrea Lyon said they don't have the time or resources to prepare for the fraud trial with the capital murder case hanging over their heads.

Judge Strickland said he'll take the arguments into consideration and rule in the near future.

Motion To Silence Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla

George Anthony was called to the stand by the defense to discuss his relationship with Padilla and his crew who provided security for defense attorney Jose Baez and the Anthony family when Casey was briefly out of jail on bond.

Baez told the court that he had entered into a agreement with Padilla that made him an "agent of the defense" baring Padilla and his crew from talking about what they observed during their time with Casey.

The state argued that Padilla and his crew were merely working security for Baez and the Anthony family and what they saw cannot be blocked.

Judge Strickland also held off on making a ruling on this motion.

Motion To Get Cell Phone Records From Casey's Ex

Tony Lazarro's lawyer said the defense's request for cell phone records was too broad and should be narrowed to June 1st through July 15th, 2008 when Lazzaro ended his communications with Casey.

Baez pointed out that Lazzaro voluntary served as a confidential informant for law enforcement after that period, thus subjecting his records to their request.

Judge Strickland sided with the defense and granted them access to Lazarro's phone records during the time period of June 1st to December 18th, 2008.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on September 01, 2009, 06:08:59 PM
Orlando Sentinel (Florida)
September 1, 2009 Tuesday
Florida Bar clears Baez in ethics case

The Florida Bar has cleared José Baez, Casey Anthony's defense attorney, of ethics allegations made by a private investigator who worked on the case, according to documents obtained Monday by the Orlando Sentinel.

Members of the Bar's Grievance Committee found "insufficient evidence" that Baez did anything wrong, according to a letter from the Bar.

Dominic Casey, the investigator, alerted the Bar about two issues involving Baez, who represents Anthony in the murder case that arose from the disappearance last summer of her daughter, Caylee Marie.

One issue concerned a discussion the investigator said he had with Baez about doing something other than calling 911 if he found the missing toddler.

Caylee Marie disappeared in mid-June 2008. Her body was found in December in woods less than a mile from her home. Dominic Casey looked in those woods several weeks before she was discovered.

The Bar committee reviewed documents and interviewed Baez and others.

The attorney told the Bar that he did not recall the conversation and he would never instruct Casey to walk away and call him if the private investigator found the child, according to the Bar letter.

Casey also raised another issue dealing with payment for his services. Baez advised the Bar that he would review appropriate invoices and discuss them with the investigator.

Baez said Monday that he was pleased with how the investigation ended.

"I think we've had plenty of unsubstantiated accusations in this case," Baez said. "And it only motivates me to fight harder."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on September 04, 2009, 12:19:46 PM
Bounty Hunter: Casey Said Nanny Told Her To Lie To Cops
Friday, September 04, 2009 12:03:50 PM

ORLANDO -- The Florida state Attorney’s Office released new evidence Friday in the Case Against Casey Anthony.

The new documents include three hours of audio and video recordings, as well as some additional photos.

Check back throughout the day as News 13 continues to review the new evidence.

Audio: Cindy Anthony Speaks with Cmdr. Matt Irwin

Padilla Talks To Investigators
In one audio recording, bounty hunter Leonard Padilla recounted to Orange County investigators the original story Casey told him about how her slain 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, first disappeared.

Padilla said Casey told him Zenaida Gonzalez, Caylee’s alleged “mystery babysitter,” kidnapped the toddler, then held Casey down and handed her a list of things to tell police for the next 30 days.

According to Padilla, Casey said Zenaida told her it was “payback.”

In another interview, Casey’s mother, Cindy Anthony, said she did not trust Orange County Detective Yuri Melich, saying she did not like his lines of questioning to Casey.

“I’ve always believed in the system, but I don’t believe in it now,” Cindy Anthony said. “I don’t believe that judges do justice by predeterming before you even walk into a hearing.”

Cindy Says She Doesn't Trust Detective
One of the audio files released Thursday was a conversation, apparently recorded in August of 2008, between Cindy Anthony and Cmder. Matt Irwin, of the Orange County Sheriff's Office. The two met and talked over lunch.

Right off the bat, Cindy made it clear that she was upset with the way Detective Yuri Melich questioned Casey and her family and that she was not going to take a polygraph.

"I'm going to cooperate as much as I can, but I don't have to take that polygraph and I'm not going to -- not the way I was treated last night (by Yuri).

Cindy said she became upset with Melich after reading the transcript of his questioning of her daughter.

"I don't trust Yuri. I read through his line of questioning (of Casey) through the discovery. ... I was appalled. ... He's not asking her questions, he's telling her stories. He's tellling her a scenario and wants her to respond to it.  ... She's told us from Day 1 he never listened to her. Now, granted, she did some tell some lies, but again a couple times he actually cut her off when she tried to tell him things," Cindy told Irwin.

When Irwin said Casey's disappearance could have been te result of an accident, Cindy said she didn't believe that for a second because Casey would come to them even whe Caylee skinned her knee.

"I realize Casey lied, but bottom line is it still doesn't change my beliefs that Caylee is not dead, that Caylee is still alive and is out there and I'm not changing those beliefs until someone brings me proof beyond a reasonable doubt otherwise."

Irwin reassured Cindy that authorities never considered her, her husband George, or her son, Lee of having a role in Casey's disappearance.

"Knowing what I know today, I still would have called 911," Cindy said.

During the conversation, Cindy told Irwin that she had to be strong for the family because the rest were so emotional. She said it was hard for George to come to the realization that he would not be Casey's knight in shining armor and save the day -- that they would have to depend on someone else to do that.

New Videos
The state Attorney’s Office also released a video of various scenes shot by private investigator Jim Hoover. The clip jumps back and forth between items pertaining to the Anthony case and Hoover’s own home movies of his family.

In one scene related to the case, private investigator Dominic Casey is searching the wooded area where Caylee’s remains were found with a metal rod.

Another scene shows a television tuned to the Nancy Grace show on the day the remains were discovered. The person behind the camera zooms in on the TV to show George and Cindy Anthony leaving their house, escorted by Hoover.

New Photos
The released materials also included dozens of photos of Caylee Anthony, as well as several photos of the Amscot parking lot where Casey left her car after her daughter first disappeared in June 2008.

Check Fraud First, Murder Later
The latest release of evidence comes a day after Anthony learned she would be tried for check fraud before her murder trial.

In charges separate from the first-degree murder of her daughter, Casey Anthony was accused of stealing more than $700 from a friend and spending it at a local Target.

Casey’s lawyers tried to delay the check fraud charges until after the murder trial, but a judge denied that request.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on October 02, 2009, 03:26:27 PM
Oct. 2, 2009
Casey Anthony's Lawyers: FBI Botched Case       :roll:

Call for Main Charges Against Fla. Woman Accused of Killing her Two-Year-Old Daughter to Be Dropped

CBS/AP)  Attorneys for a Florida woman charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter are questioning the handling of evidence in the case and calling for first degree murder and abuse charges against her to be dropped. That would effectively take the possibility of an eventual death penalty off the table.

Casey Anthony's lawyers filed the motions a day after the State Attorney's Office released hundreds of pages of documents related to the case.

Anthony's attorneys said prosecutors can't prove first-degree murder was committed or that Anthony ever abused her daughter, Caylee.

"Specifically, the state cannot establish whether Caylee Anthony's death was accidental, natural, or the result of an intentional or negligent homicide," they said.

On "The Early Show" Friday, Todd Macaluso, a lawyer for Casey, said bluntly, "Casey Anthony is innocent, she will be proven innocent. The state has not produced any evidence whatsoever to prove their case. The case should be dismissed."

The 23-year-old woman has pleaded not guilty and claimed that a baby sitter kidnapped Caylee.

The toddler's remains were found last December, five months after she was reported missing, in woods near the home where she lived with her mother and grandparents. Although the death was ruled a homicide, a specific cause was never determined.

Meanwhile, an attorney for Anthony's parents released an FBI forensics report that he said shows duct tape found with Caylee's remains doesn't match duct tape found at the Anthony home, key evidence in the state's case.

The forensics report released by attorney Brad Conway appeared to contradict an earlier report that had determined the tape on the skull and that found on gas cans at the Anthonys' house originated from the same roll of tape.

Also in focus -- DNA found on the tape that doesn't match any member of the Anthony family, but is a match for an FBI lab technician who handled it.

"If there's an FBI analyst's DNA on a piece of tape that's a critical piece of evidence, that's bad news for the prosecution," says CBS News legal analyst Lisa Bloom.

Forensic tests on Casey's car revealed the presence of chloroform, and evidence of human decomposition. But an internal FBI e-mail cited by Casey's lawyers says hair found in the car that's microscopically similar to Caylee's isn't from her.

The defense argues much of the case is circumstantial, and there's a lack of physical evidence implicating Casey in her daughter's murder.

On "The Early Show", co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez asked Macaluso and fellow Casey Anthony defense attorney Jose Baez how they will "explain the fact that Casey did not report her daughter missing for a month, that she was out partying when Caylee was supposedly missing, and that she lied to investigators trying to help her find Caylee?"

Baez responded, "We feel that Casey has a very compelling reason for her actions, and we plan on laying them out at trial. That's the proper place for us to lay out a defense."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on October 16, 2009, 09:10:07 AM
Attorneys Expected To Battle It Out At Casey Hearing
Posted: 5:14 pm EDT October 15, 2009
Updated: 8:41 am EDT October 16, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The case against Casey Anthony heads back to an Orange County court Friday morning where her defense team will try to convince the judge to dismiss her murder charge.

The defense filed a motion claiming the prosecutors refused them access to the crime scene, but it was actually prosecutors who asked for the hearing.

In the motions set to be heard Friday, the two sides accuse each other of everything from lying to the court to posing for inappropriate pictures at the crime scene where Caylee's body was found.

Prosecutors say the defense team is withholding trial and hearing witnesses from a required list.

Out of six experts the defense had at the crime scene where Caylee's body was found, only one, forensic expert Dr. Henry Lee, has been listed as a witness to date.

The state also claims the defense has refused to give up information they say proves Caylee's body was dumped after Casey was already in jail.

In August, the defense claimed to have "substantial evidence" of that timeline, but prosecutors say they have not disclosed that evidence. Defense attorneys say it is already in the court file, but will not say where.

Meanwhile, Casey's attorneys will level some heavy allegations against prosecutors Friday, insisting that the state intentionally misled the court and prevented the defense team from inspecting the crime scene where Caylee's body was found in December of 2008.

Defense lawyers argue that now they cannot effectively challenge prosecutors. For that the defense wants the judge to dismiss the charges against Casey.

Prosecutors claim that motion is legally flawed and should be thrown out.

Court administrators expect a packed house at the hearing that begins at 9:30am Friday.

Eyewitness News obtained new documents showing what George Anthony told prosecutors while under oath two months ago. In the 335 page deposition obtained, George says the family has taken thousands of dollars from CBS for doing a television show. He also admits his lawyer has been involved in negotiations for a book deal.


New documents were released Thursday that detail the interviews between Casey Anthony’s family and the prosecutors taking her to trial for her daughter Caylee’s murder. There are more than 1,300 pages of transcripts from the depositions of George, Cindy and Lee Anthony.

TRANSCRIPTS: George | Lee | Cindy Part 1 | Cindy Part 2

Recently, prosecutors asked the judge if they could get a transcript of George Anthony's grand jury testimony, because it seemed there were significant discrepancies between what he told the grand jury and what George told prosecutors earlier this year when they questioned him under oath, over one year ago, just before Casey was indicted for Caylee's murder.

The transcript from George Anthony’s August 5 deposition is 335 pages long. The first questions center on Casey’s childhood; she had no health problems or behavioral problems when she was a child or a young teenager.

The prosecutors questioned George about Father's Day weekend, right before Caylee disappeared, and the duct tape.

George told prosecutors under oath that he did not put a piece of duct tape on his gas can. He says he's put tape on it before, because the cap was broken, but claims he did not put that piece on because he would have done it in a much neater way.

When George was asked whether he recognized the duct tape, he told prosecutors that it's just duct tape, that he never looked at a particular brand. He told them the tape "could be from my house. It could not be from my house." Then he said he didn't recognize the tape on the can.

Investigators say the duct tape that was on the gas can matched the duct tape from the Anthonys' home and the three pieces of duct tape that investigators found over Caylee's face.

George also says the family has taken thousands of dollars from CBS for doing a television show. He also admits his lawyer has been involved in negotiations for a book deal.

The State Attorney's Office won't say why the transcripts were filed as public documents Thursday. Eyewitness News learned that it is a very unusual move; usually the public doesn't find out what was said during criminal depositions until the trial.

Casey Anthony is due in court for a hearing Friday morning. will carry that hearing live online.


Casey Anthony’s defense team is asking for a change of venue for her check fraud trial, which could be scheduled at her next hearing on Friday. Her attorneys filed a motion to request the venue change (read motion).

The defense is also asking that each potential juror be questioned individually, out of earshot of the others called for jury duty.

READ: Motion For Venue Change
MOTIONS: Preclude Evidence | Reply | Jury | To Appear
MORE DOCS: Voire Dire | To Limine | Modify Crime Scene

They also do not want the jurors hearing her check fraud case to hear any of the evidence that comes out publicly in her murder case.


Casey's jail account is in the red by $8.95.

Since Casey has been behind bars, she has spent over $2,000 on a variety of items, including more than 30 beef sticks, 58 cans of jalapeno dip and 41 bags of chips.

Earlier this year, Eyewitness News reported that strangers from California, Georgia and South Carolina sent Casey money to her jail account.


It's a side of Casey Anthony you haven't seen before. Prosecutors released never before seen pictures of Casey and the duct tape they say she put around her daughter's mouth.

For the first time, the public is getting to see the duct tape that was found over Caylee's mouth (see tape); it's badly deteriorated after facing the elements for months and easy to see, without a microscope, why an FBI report said it looked microscopically different from the tape on the Anthonys' gas can. But it's also easy to see how it's the same in some very important ways.

The duct tape found over Caylee Anthony's mouth was so badly deteriorated the adhesive on the back side was gone and most of the fibers also were gone. But the deterioration made way for a very important discovery, the Henkel brand logo, and specifications of the Anthonys' rare duct tape are the same as those found on the duct tape on their gas can and the duct tape Eyewitness News discovered on their Caylee posters just days after Casey's arrest.

“It is going to be dramatic and it's going to be damaging to the defense when the jurors look at this,” WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said (watch full interview).

Sheaffer said looking at the tape will bring an emotional reaction from jurors.

“I have witnessed jurors looking at this type of evidence and getting emotional in a courtroom. I've also witnessed people look at what we're looking at and become overwhelmed with emotion,” he said.

Also released Friday are photographs the Orange County Sheriff's Office recently took of Casey in jail and her tattoo (see tattoo). She got the tattoo days after Caylee disappeared, when she claims she was out looking for her daughter. Instead, the tattoo artist asked her where Caylee was and says Casey told him she was with a sitter and was just fine.

The tattoo "Bella Vita" means beautiful life in Italian.

“That is so bizarre and inconsistent with a desperate mother whose child has been taken by a third party,” Sheaffer said.

Eyewitness News found, among the 1,400 pages released, documents showing investigators saw signs of decomposition in one of Caylee's hairs they found in Casey's car back in July and later confirmed through further testing what Eyewitness News was first to report last year, that it was Caylee's hair and it came from her dead body (hair decomposition document).

The documents also revealed Friday there were plenty of people who saw a piece of evidence before it was destroyed. Eyewitness News first reported, last month, FBI fingerprint dusting destroyed adhesive from a heart-shaped sticker found on the duct tape over Caylee's mouth (sticker residue document). The evidence may have been destroyed, but documents show several FBI agents saw it before it was dusted.


One of the documents released Friday shows that investigators found three pieces of duct tape attached to Caylee Anthony's hair (see document). Each was about six to eight inches long.

Two of the three pieces were still stuck together, one over the other. Each one bore the same brand logo of the rare tape found on the Anthonys' gas can and the tape Eyewitness News found on one of the family's Caylee posters.

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer, a former prosecutor, says the discovery of layered pieces of duct tape answers the question for him as to why there was duct tape over Caylee's mouth.

“The person who placed this duct tape and put it in multiple layers did it for one reason and one reason only, to make sure that child could not breathe either through the mouth or the nose,” Sheaffer said (watch full interview).

Sheaffer says a child Caylee’s age would suffer extreme distress when prevented from breathing.

“They would become panicked and not understand what they're feeling, but knowing they can't breathe,” Sheaffer said.

That kind of cruelty would be one of the factors jurors would consider in deciding whether to recommend the death penalty if Casey were to be convicted and Sheaffer says it's a powerful one.

“The cruelty of suffocation, it just reaches on a high scale,” Sheaffer said.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on October 18, 2009, 09:47:16 AM
CBS 48 Hours
      The Untold Story of Caylee Anthony

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on November 06, 2009, 05:43:54 PM
Casey Anthony case: Traces of chloroform in bottle, syringe found near remains of Caylee Anthony
November 6, 4:25 PM

In evidence released Friday in the Casey Anthony case, the FBI reports it found traces of chloroform inside a sports drink and a plastic syringe—both found near the area where Caylee Anthony’s body was found.

The report indicates the drink, Cool Blue-flavored Gatorade, contained an unidentified liquid. Also inside the bottle was a plastic bag labeled “Disposable Syringe Kit” with a plastic syringe inside, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

To read the entomology report, click here.

Dr. Michael Rickenbach with the FBI determined in June that the syringe contained testosterone, ethanol, chloroform, and water.

The reports also state that a doll found in Casey’s white 1998 Pontiac Sunfire GT had “faint yellowish stains” on the front and back of the white clothing it was dressed in. In addition, slight traces of chloroform residue were found on the doll.

Nonetheless, the Sentinel reports that when the doll was tested again in July, no chloroform was found—thus, the yellow stains may have been urine.

To read about the procedure to obtain photos of Casey's 'Bella Vita' tattoo, click here.

Casey is charged with the first-degree murder of Caylee, 2. Her trial is scheduled to begin in June 2010.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on November 06, 2009, 08:10:23 PM

Casey Anthony read entomology report

Today, nearly 2,100 photos and documents were released in the Casey Anthony case. Casey Anthony is expected to stand trial the summer of 2010 for the first degree murder of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony. Released in the reports and photos is a number of incriminating evidence. The first photos of chloroform released to the public links Casey Anthony to the searches on her computer for chloroform and neck breaking with evidence found by Caylee Anthony’s remains.
The entomology report focuses on evidence that was found within Casey Anthony’s trunk. When the vehicle was impounded, Cindy Anthony and George Anthony remarked that the vehicle smelled as if a dead body had been in it. Cindy Anthony made the remark during her second 911 phone call. Later, Cindy Anthony recounted her statement and said the smell was due to rotting pizza. According to the entomology report released today, the smell was due to decomposing flesh as evidenced by the flies discovered in the trunk of the vehicle.

One of the most startling pieces of information in the entomology report is the mention of ‘coffin flies.’ Known as the scuttle fly, the coffin fly is often seen when there is decaying flesh. The entomology report reveals that the coffin fly was recovered from inside a white plastic trash bag that was inside the trunk of Casey Anthony’s white Pontiac Sunbird vehicle.
They also discovered phorid flies, which signifies advanced decomposition. The report estimates that flesh from Caylee Anthony’s body, while in the trunk of the vehicle parked in the hot, Florida sun would have completely deteriorated within one week’s time. The estimation due to the report is that all flesh would have been removed by June 27, 2008. This was based upon the fact that the car was impounded on June 30, 2008.

Buh Bye Tot Mom  ::MonkeyHang::

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on November 13, 2009, 08:34:23 PM
Posted by Melissa Finlay On November - 12 - 2009

Casey Anthony Chloroform, what about the Syringe?

Newly revealed reports showed a connection between Casey Anthony and her daughter Caylee Anthony’s death as evidence of a Gatorade bottle and syringe that contained traces of chloroform were found near Caylee’s skeletal remains. While many speculated that this was the smoking gun that would blow away the case, Casey Anthony’s attorney states that the chloroform was blown out of proportion. According to a report by the Orlando Sentinel and Hal Bodeker, WKMG Channel 6 reporter Tony Pipitone called in a private chemist who tested the chloroform and stated that the traces were miniscule and insignificant.

What about the syringe?

There is no way to determine how Caylee Anthony died, and the prosecution as well as potential jurors know that. What has been found, might be more damning to Casey Anthony than the amount of chloroform found in the syringe. How hard will it be for the prosecution to show that the syringe buried near Caylee’s lifeless body was connected to her murder?

No matter what was in that syringe, it will not be difficult for the prosecution to prove that the syringe was connected to Caylee’s death. The fact that it was buried with her body is enough to prove sinister intent.

Caylee Anthony was injected with something. The syringe was found buried by her body, and it is clear that evidence used in her murder was buried with her.

Since Caylee was not a diabetic or required intramuscular injections, the syringe itself is damning evidence against Casey.

Many believe the prosecution is still holding on to its ‘smoking gun’ but unfortunately for the defense, the real blow to Casey’s defense might just be the syringe itself, regardless of what it contained or how much.

The prosecution does not have to prove how Casey Anthony killed Caylee, only that she did it.

The syringe is proof that Caylee’s body was injected with something that killed her or sedated her while she suffocated; therefore the instruments of death were buried alongside her. And don’t forget the duct tape that covered her nose and mouth. It has already been confirmed that Caylee Anthony was murdered. The cause of death is homicide by undetermined means. Whether or not the contents of the syringe are known is meaningless. The syringe alone shows that something was injected into Caylee, and then when she was dead, it was thrown away with her as if she were trash.

The potential jurors will go into trial knowing that the cause of death is undetermined. Will the amount of chloroform and testosterone in the syringe really be enough to set Casey Anthony free or will the syringe be the damning piece of evidence that sends Casey Anthony to the electric chair?

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on November 17, 2009, 09:21:47 PM
DCF Visits Anthony Home To Investigate Cindy
Posted: 6:11 pm EST November 16, 2009
Updated: 6:23 pm EST November 16, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News learned Monday the Department of Children and Families was at Casey Anthony's home last week, not to investigate Casey but to investigate her mother, Cindy Anthony.

Cindy Anthony is on disability leave from her nursing job. She mentioned during a recent paid network television appearance that she was babysitting a friend's children.

A viewer was concerned that Cindy might be taking money while being on disability. As a result, DCF said it checked into it and found Cindy was doing nothing wrong.


State prosecutors in the case against Casey Anthony deposed the girlfriend of Casey’s brother Lee Anthony Thursday.

BAEZ TALKS: Girlfriend Depo, Chloroform Evidence

Prosecutors questioned Mallory Park under oath. She has remained close with the entire Anthony family throughout the case.

Jose Baez was present for the deposition, but he wasn't revealing any details of what Parker may have been asked by prosecutors.

Next week, Roy Kronk, the meter reader who discovered Caylee's body, will also meet with prosecutors.


The Anthony family's private investigator will have to answer questions under oath in the case against Casey Anthony, but he'll get more time to prepare.

Private Investigator Dominic Casey was set to be deposed on Thursday, but it's been pushed back until December 16. Dominic Casey filed a motion (read) on October 21, to stop his November deposition.

Dominic has been trying to get out of the deposition. He says because he once worked for Casey’s defense team, he shouldn't have to answer any questions.

Dominic Casey was videotaped in the woods near the Anthony family home in November, one month before Caylee Anthony’s remains were found there on December 11.


Over 2,000 pages of new documents were released Friday, including information that Casey Anthony may have had a bottle full of chloroform and a used syringe.

The newly-released documents are shedding new light on the evidence prosecutors are using to build their case against Casey Anthony including details about the evidence at the scene where Caylee's body was discovered.

At the scene where investigators found Caylee Anthony’s remains, they recovered a Disney bag that contained a Cool Blue Gatorade bottle. Even after the six months from time Caylee was last seen alive and the time her remains were found, the bottle contained a liquid that still smelled of household chemicals and a used syringe.

PHOTOS: Evidence Images From Documents
Forensic Entomology Lab Exam Report
Investigators Take Casey Tattoo Photos
1,765 Pages Of FBI Exams, Docs SLOW to load
Henkel Tape Product Specs, Supplier List

SHEAFFER BLOGS: Legal Expert Analyzes Documents
VIDEO REPORT: Details Emerge From Documents

In the documents there was a bombshell of evidence:

Tests from the FBI show chloroform was in the bottle and in the syringe. Eyewitness News had reported previously that there were traces of chloroform found in the trunk of Casey’s car.

Forensic experts told Eyewitness News Chloroform could be a by-product of decomposition, but the level found in the trunk would be too high to be natural from a small child. That may suggest chloroform from another source was in the trunk.

Investigators believe Casey had searched the internet on her computer to find out how to make Chloroform. They found similar search results on her ex-boyfriend's computer several months before discovering those on Casey's computer. Chloroform can be made with common household chemicals and can be deadly in high doses.

Test results from an entomology report (read it) show the trunk also reveal the presence of what are called "coffin flies." An entomologist wrote that those are the most common flies found in human decomposition.

They found signs of flies that typically arrive both early and late in the decaying process.

If Caylee's body was in the trunk of Casey’s car, experts determined it was likely her body was removed sometime between June 19 2008, which is three days after she was last seen alive, and June 27; the day the car was found in an Amscot parking lot.

Investigators also found something on the clothing of Caylee's favorite doll, a doll her family says she never went anywhere without. The doll was found in Casey's car and they later believe that it was urine they found on the doll's clothing.

Most the documents released Friday are detailed reports of FBI examinations of evidence (read it). There are also some photos of evidence among the documents (see them).

Also among the documents are Henkel tape product specs along with a list of suppliers (read it) and a document about the day investigators went to the jail to take photos of Casey's tattoo (read doc | see tattoo photos).

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on November 20, 2009, 05:32:40 PM

RAW INTERVIEW: Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer On Baez Motion
Legal analyst Bill Sheaffer talks to WFTV about Casey Anthony's defense's motion which points the finger at Roy Kronk

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on November 23, 2009, 01:06:16 PM
EquuSearch Volunteer To Be Questioned In Casey Case
Kronk's Lawyer Says Kronk's Character Has Been 'Assassinated'

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Investigators want to know more about a woman who claims to be a witness in the case against Casey Anthony.  ::MonkeyLaugh::

Joy Wray is a volunteer with Texas Equusearch, the group who helped search for Caylee Anthony, and said she has video that will be crucial to the case.

Wray said she has video from November that proves Caylee's body was not in the woods at that point. She said it backs up the defense teams claims that someone other than Casey dumped the body in the woods.

Casey Anthony, Caylee's mother, is in the Orange County Jail charged with murder in Caylee's disappearance. Caylee's remains were found by former meter reader Roy Kronk last December in a wooded area off Suburban Drive near the Anthony family home.

Wray will meet with a detective Monday from the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

In other news in the case, Kronk's lawyer told WESH 2 that Kronk's character has been "assassinated."

David Evans said he and Kronk are still considering options how to respond.

In new court papers filed last week, Casey Anthony's defense said that information they've uncovered indicates the man who discovered Caylee's remains should have been investigated as a "suspect" in her death.

Much of the information is based on statements from Kronk's ex-wives and estranged family members.

He strongly denies having anything to do with Caylee Anthony other than finding her body.

Evans said they may wait until after Judge Stan Strickland rules on whether any of the information presented by Anthony's defense is relevant and should be introduced in her murder trial.

There is no indication yet on when Strickland will take up the issue.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 06, 2009, 05:58:00 PM
Hat Tip to Loca for finding this

CALENDAR of upcoming events

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 11, 2009, 03:15:07 PM
Casey Anthony case: Lawyers argue about death penalty and jail recordings

Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland said he would make his rulings as quickly as possible

December 11, 2009

Exactly one year after Caylee Marie Anthony's remains were found, defense lawyers argued why a judge should prohibit prosecutors from seeking the death penalty against the toddler's mother.

Casey Anthony's attorneys argued that motion and several others at a hearing this morning before Orange County Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland.

The hearing began about 9:30 a.m. The courtroom was packed with media, attorneys and local members of Texas EquuSearch. Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, attended.

Strickland first heard arguments from defense attorney Diana Tennis, who represents private investigator Dominic Casey.

In their motion, filed in September, Casey Anthony's defense argued state prosecutors do not a have "legitimate interest" in seeking the death penalty against her.

The defense said there isn't enough evidence to establish sufficient aggravating circumstances to recommend the death penalty.

Death penalty

Shortly before 11 a.m., defense attorney Andrea Lyon began to argue about the state's decision to seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony.

Lyon said the real reason the state asked for death penalty is to get the most biased jury they possibly can.

A death qualified jury -- needed on death penalty case -- are more opt to convict, she said, adding research has proven this.

She went onto to argue that the death penalty is unconstitutional as it is applied to Casey Anthony, Lyon said.

"They cannot be seeking the death penalty in good faith because there is insufficient evidence . . . to establish capital murder," Lyon said.

She said the death penalty has the affect of coercing pleas. She said the state is using the death penalty for a strategic advantage.

Lyon spoke about how others said Casey Anthony was a good mother.

As she talked about Casey's mothering, her client – sitting at the defense table with defense attorney Jose Baez – appeared to cry.

Prosecutor Jeff Ashton later told the judge its known how Lyon doesn't care for jurors who agree with the death penalty. She has referred to them as "bigoted, stupid, killers," Ashton said.

There is a misunderstanding why the state opts to seek the death penalty, he said. A jury will decide this case, and then the court. The state isn't deciding to seek the death penalty.

"We have simply decided to allow the jury and the court to decide," he said.

Ashton said when the state originally filed its notice that it would not seek the death penalty, Caylee's remains had not been found.

"It's clear in this case why the death penalty was re-instituted," he said.

It was based on new evidence, he said.

Ashton said Caylee died with duct tape over her nose and mouth. A child that age should have been able to remove the tape -- so she must have been chemically or physically restrained, he said.

As Ashton recalled the details how Caylee may have died, Casey Anthony cried and her parents left the courtroom.

Strickland said he would rule as quickly as possible, and told the court he saw "good lawyering."

Lawyers argue about jail recordings

Earlier today, lawyers argued about two other motions aimed at videotapes and other recordings of Anthony at the Orange County Jail.

Casey Anthony's defense wants Strickland to prohibit jail officials from recording her visits with lawyers.

Lyon said video taping meetings between Casey Anthony and her attorneys inhibits her due process rights. It's a balance between the rights of the defendant, and security at the jail, she said.

"The camera is in fact interfering and unnecessary . . . the part of the concern is the balance of need for order and the constitutional right," she said.

They would like any prior records -- if the jail has them -- of any prior visits destroyed. "These are not the business of anyone," she said.

Lyon also was critical of video recordings of the visits between Casey Anthony and her family.

She argues the tapes get on the internet, and everything Casey Anthony does or doesn't say gets dissected.

"It creates whole other of legions of prejudice which we are already combating the best we can," she said.

Lyon said Casey Anthony needs the support of her family at this time.

"The stress of a death penalty case is enormous and Ms. Anthony needs support that is not going to cost her," she said.

Lyon said even if their meetings are just to say "I love you," it will appear on the front page of the paper and on TV.

Casey Anthony appeared to cry when Lyon talked about her family and the stress Casey Anthony is under.

Cindy Anthony appears to be crying, too.

An Orange County attorney said the jail is following state and federal laws.

She said the court doesn't have the right to order the jail to change its policies, such as turning off cameras.

Jim McGuire, an attorney for the Orlando Sentinel, said the defense's request that videotapes be destroyed would be clear a violation of state law. There is no basis in Florida law to destroy public records because someone doesn't want them publicized.

The judge did not rule on the jail video issue.

Dominic Casey's defense makes arguments

Earlier this morning, Strickland heard arguments from Tennis and a state prosecutor.

Prosecutors want to question private investigator Casey about issues after Oct. 1, 2008 -- after he was working with Casey Anthony's defense team.

Casey has been served a subpoena for deposition by the state. Tennis said the state doesn't have a right to take his deposition.

Prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick said the law allows the defendant to request a deposition under law.

Tennis said a deposition could be public record if it's filed with the court, which is a concern of Casey's.

Strickland told prosecutors to issue an investigative subpoena. If anything else comes out, the court can address it next week, which was when the initial deposition was scheduled.,0,6388992,full.story
video at link

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 11, 2009, 04:20:03 PM

Casey Anthony sobs at account of daughter's death

Story Updated: Dec 11, 2009 at 1:41 PM MST
By Associated Press ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - A Florida mother charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter sobbed in court Friday as a prosecutor speculated aloud that the toddler was methodically drugged and suffocated with tape.

Casey Anthony cried as prosecutor Jeff Ashton suggested that Caylee Anthony's killer restrained her arms, dosed her with something that knocked her unconscious and put duct tape over her mouth and nose.

Ashton offered the scenario when explaining why he believes the case would qualify for the death penalty.

"Her killer would prepare some substance in advance that would render her physically unable to resist," said Ashton during the pretrial hearing. "If the killer looked at her face, maybe the killer saw her eyes ... First one piece (of tape), then two, then three so that no breath was possible."

The cause of Caylee's death remains unknown, but duct tape was found on the body.

Ashton offered the scenario in response to a defense request to bar prosecutors from seeking the death penalty.

Circuit Judge Stan Strickland said he would rule later.

Because the cause of death is still unknown, prosecutors are unable to prove that she suffered a heinous, cruel or atrocious death, which is the standard under Florida law for seeking the death penalty, said Andrea Lyon, one of Anthony's attorneys.

"The real reason the state has asked for the death penalty is because they wish to get as biased a jury as they possibly can," Lyon said. "It has the effect of coercing pleas in cases where that may in fact not be appropriate."

Anthony's attorneys contend that jurors in death-penalty cases, who are screened to eliminate those with moral objections to capital punishment, are more likely to convict defendants. The defense also says the threat of the death penalty could be used to coerce Anthony into making a plea agreement.

Anthony has pleaded not guilty and her trial is expected to start next year.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 11, 2009, 06:37:56 PM

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

Casey Boo Hooing


The A's leaving court
Baez speaks after

ALL these links can be found >>>>>

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 16, 2009, 06:13:57 PM
Judge Denies Motions In Casey Case
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:38:16 PM
ORLANDO -- Crucial decisions were made by the judge in the case against Casey Anthony.

Judge Stan Strickland signed three orders Wednesday, and it’s not good news for the defense.
The judge denied two of the defense’s motions.

Video of jail visits with Casey’s family will not be destroyed, and nine charges related to the check fraud case will not be thrown out.
We are still waiting for the judge to rule on the defense motion asking to take the death penalty off the table.
The final order prevents an audio recording with a former EquuSearch volunteer from being made public.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 16, 2009, 06:17:40 PM
Casey Anthony: Defense team suffers setbacks

“These [decisions] are not good news for the Anthony legal team — the theme here is denied,” WESH-Channel 2 anchor Martha Sugalski said this afternoon.

Judge Stan Strickland today rejected two motions by Casey Anthony’s legal team. The developments opened the 4 p.m. news on WESH.

WESH’s Bob Kealing explained that Strickland denied the defense’s motion that nine of 13 check-fraud charges should be dismissed because they constituted double jeopardy. The result: Anthony will face trial Jan. 25 on all 13 counts.

Strickland also denied the defense’s motion that tapes of Anthony’s family visits  be destroyed. But the judge hasn’t decided whether future tapes of any Anthony family visits might be blocked. George and Cindy Anthony have not seen their daughter in 14 months and told the “Today” this week that they don’t go to the Orange County Jail because the visits are picked apart by the public and the media.

Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.

Kealing said that Anthony defense attorney Jose Baez had said Friday that he expected not to win on the motions. “And he was right,” Kealing added.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 16, 2009, 09:13:49 PM
Hattip to tupe!

A must read!

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 25, 2010, 06:48:04 PM
Casey Anthony Pleads Guilty to Check Fraud
By Steve Helling

Monday January 25, 2010 05:00 PM EST
With her murder trial just months away, Casey Anthony has conceded one crime – that she fraudulently used her best friend's checks to buy more than $400 worth of clothes and groceries in the month after the disappearance of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

"I just want to let everyone know that I'm sorry for what I did and I take full responsibility for my actions," Anthony, 23, told the judge, referring to the check fraud. "I wish I would have been a better friend."

Surveillance cameras had caught her using the checks to buy beer, food, lingerie and sunglasses at an Orlando-area Target in June 2008.

She was sentenced to 412 days of time served in jail and one year of probation and ordered to pay $348 in court fees and $5,517.75 in investigative fees.

Anthony remains in the Orange County (Florida) Jail on charges that she murdered her toddler daughter, whose body was found six months after she disappeared in June 2008. The trial is expected to begin in the fall. ????,,20339291,00.html

I thought they decided on 'summer' Junish, no?  ::MonkeyMad::

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 25, 2010, 06:49:46 PM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 16, 2010, 09:30:24 AM
Pictures released today:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 16, 2010, 01:28:31 PM
Duct Tape images

other links at the above link....
Evidence Images Of Tape, Knife In Casey Case
Images Of Miscellaneous Evidence In Casey Case
Evidence Images Of Syringe, More In Casey Case
Evidence Images Of Baby Doll In Casey Case
Evidence Images Of Car Seat In Casey Anthony Case
Filter-Enhanced Evidence Images In Casey Case
Evidence Images Of Steering Wheel Cover In Casey Case

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 16, 2010, 01:31:44 PM
*q47 - car seat (OCSO item #30, q-45) - no blood detected- no chloroform
*q22 - piece of spare tire cover (OCSO item #22, q-18) - no blood detected- no DNA detected - residues of chloroform present
*q23 - spare tire cover (OCSO item #26, q-21) - no blood detected - - no DNA detected - residues of chloroform present
*q24 - left side of trunk liner (OCSO item #25, q-20) - no blood detected -no DNA detected - residues consistent with chloroform present
*q25 - right side of trunk liner (OCSO item #24, q-19) - no blood detected - no DNA detected- residues consistent with chloroform present
* photos 53 and #56 show two different dolls in evidence as the "Mama" doll (one has fringed eyelashes and the other has eyes closed)
link to the serological results-

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 16, 2010, 02:01:10 PM
Mitrochondrial DNA Analysis Protocol
General Approach For Tape Casework
FTIR Analysis of Paints, Tapes and Polymers
SEM Analysis of Paints, Tapes and Polymers
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Tapes
Paint 500 Macroscopic and Microscopic Examination of Tape Evidence
Toxicology Procedure 104 Guidelines for Comparison of Mass Spectra
Toxicology Procedure 208 Extraction and Analysis in Hair
Toxicology Procedure 211 Benzodiazepine Screening in Hair

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 16, 2010, 02:02:08 PM

Engineer report on the crime scene
Casey Anthony Wage Records
Photos of Duct Tape on Poster
Photos of Casey Anthony playing a guitar for Caylee Anthony
FBI DNA Analysis Quality Assurance Manual
General Chemical Drug Analysis
Identification methods for general unknowns

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 16, 2010, 02:03:03 PM
Hat Tip to Trimmy on the above 2 posts....she did all the work ;)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on February 23, 2010, 03:13:47 PM
Anthony Family Home In Foreclosure
Bank Of America Files Paperwork With Orange County Court

POSTED: Tuesday, February 23, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The home of George and Cindy Anthony, where daughter Casey and granddaughter Caylee lived when the 2-year-old disappeared in in summer of 2008, is in foreclosure.

The Anthonys have lived in the home on Hopespring Drive in the Chickasaw Oaks subdivision since 1989.

Bank of America filed the foreclosure documents in Orange County on Monday. The documents show that no payments have been made on the mortgage since May 2009. The Anthonys owe nearly $121,000 in principal and $6,000 in interest.

Attorney Brad Conway said his clients' granddaughter's death contributed to them losing the house that Casey Anthony called home from the age of 3, where she raised Caylee, and where she was eventually arrested in connection with her daughter's death.

Conway attributed the couple's latest financial problems to the notoriety of the case and the emotional toll caused by their granddaughter's slaying.

Cindy Anthony told prosecutors that she had to leave her job because of stress-related medical problems and has been on disability for more than a year.

Meanwhile, George Anthony -- like many others in this economy -- is having difficulty finding work, said Conway, who added that George Anthony has an added difficulty because he is instantly recognized and rejected by most employers either because of who he is or because companies fear he may bring unwanted media attention.

Many had speculated that the Anthonys were profiting off book and movie deals, but Conway said this foreclosure proves that never occurred.

The Anthonys said they plan to do all they can to save their home, if only to preserve the place where Caylee spent her life.

Casey Anthony remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in connection with Caylee's death.

Caylee was last seen in June of 2008, but she was not reported missing until a month later. The toddler's body was found in a wooded area near the Anthony home on Dec. 11, 2008.

ALL of the following links are clickable at the link above........

Previous Stories:
January 25, 2010: Casey Anthony Apologizes In Open Court
September 25, 2009: Docs Show Caylee Evidence Destroyed
May 19, 2009: Casey Anthony Civil Case To Go Forward
May 5, 2009: Slain Toddler's Mom Wants Trial Moved
April 22, 2009: Caylee Anthony's Grandparents Back Daughter
April 14, 2009: Death Penalty Sought In Caylee's Slaying
April 10, 2009: Cindy Anthony Angry After Deposition
April 6, 2009: Interviews Describe Casey Anthony's State Of Mind
April 5, 2009: Anthonys Take S.S. Caylee Marie On Maiden Voyage
February 18, 2009: Police Match Crime Scene Items To Anthony House
February 10, 2009: Thousands Pack Church For Caylee Anthony Memorial
February 5, 2009: Caylee Anthony Memorial Set For Tuesday
January 27, 2009: Caylee Doll Sales Halted After Public Outcry
January 23, 2009: Caylee's Grandfather Hospitalized For Psychiatric Evaluation
January 22, 2009: Venue Change May Bring Casey Anthony Trial To Jax
January 21, 2009: Documents: Caylee Anthony's Body In 2 Bags; Pooh Blanket Nearby
January 17, 2009: Casey Anthony Says She Is Victim In Jail Interview
January 15, 2009: Deputy In Caylee Case Reassigned
January 11, 2009: Man Who Found Caylee's Remains Once Arrested On Kidnapping Charge
January 8, 2009: Judge Restricts Caylee Autopsy Photos
December 25, 2008: Donor Gives Toys In Memory Of Caylee
December 23, 2008: Judge Orders Release Of Caylee Anthony Evidence
December 20, 2008: Remains IDed As Caylee; Death A Homicide
December 16, 2008: Missing Girl's Grandparents Hope Skull Not Caylee's
December 14, 2008: For 4th Day, Police Search Woods For Caylee Clues
December 13, 2008: 911 Call Reporting Skull Discovery Released
December 12, 2008: Remains Could Bolster Case Against Casey Anthony
December 11, 2008: Remains Found Near Missing Girl's Home
December 6, 2008: No Death Penalty In Casey Anthony Case
December 4, 2008: Jail Releases Video Of Visits Between Casey Anthony, Family
November 13, 2008: Divers Searching Orlando River Find Bag With Bones, Toy
November 11, 2008: Groups Call Off Search For Missing Orlando Girl
November 8, 2008: 1,000 Search For Missing Orlando Girl
November 6, 2008: More Docs Released In Missing Girl Case
October 21, 2008: Mom Of Missing Girl Won't Face Neglect Charge
October 15, 2008: Bond Denied For Missing Girl's Mom
October 14, 2008: Grand Jury Indicts Missing Girl's Mom With First-Degree Murder
September 22, 2008: 'Dr. Phil' To Feature Caylee Anthony Case
September 15, 2008: Mother Of Missing Orlando Girl Arrested Again
September 1, 2008: Police: Tests Show Missing Orlando Girl Likely Dead
August 27, 2008: Files Untangle Tales From Missing Orlando Girl's Mom
August 8, 2008: Where's Caylee? Missing Toddler Drama Grips Public
August 5, 2008: Missing Girl's Mother Formally Charged
August 4, 2008: People Magazine Article 'Blindsides' Missing Girl's Family
August 2, 2008: Police Seize Evidence In Missing Girl Mystery
July 30, 2008: Ex-Boyfriend Has Caylee, Mother Allegedly Tells Inmate
July 25, 2008: 911 Calls Show Inconsistencies In Missing-Girl Mystery
July 22, 2008: Deputy: Mom's Car Smelled Of 'Decomposition'
July 21, 2008: Grandma: Mom Knows Who Has Missing Girl
July 20, 2008: Leads Pour In For Missing Central Fla. Girl
July 18, 2008: Search For Missing Orlando Girl Expands
July 17, 2008: Girl Not Reported Missing For 5 Weeks; Mom 'Doing Own Search'

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 08, 2010, 07:42:24 PM
:roll: :roll: well, we knew this was coming.... :roll:
Casey Anthony case: Defense wants party pictures of client barred from trial
Casey's defense team doesn't want a jury to see the "party girl" pictures of the 23-year-old, fearing the photos would "inflame the jury" against her.

They call these pictures — most of them taken before her daughter disappeared — irrelevant. :roll:

This is one of three defense requests filed late Monday in the first-degree murder case against Casey Anthony, who is accused of killing her two-year-old daughter, Caylee.,0,389653.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 08, 2010, 07:43:22 PM
Casey Anthony Trial Date Set
Motion Sets Trial Date For May 9, 2011

POSTED: 10:55 am EST March 8, 2010

ORLANDO, Fla. --
A date has been set on Monday for the much-anticipated trial of Casey Anthony.

Anthony's trial is set to begin on May 9, 2011.

Judge Stan Strickland also set a schedule for the case to proceed. He ordered that all depositions of witnesses to be completed by Oct. 31, 2010.

The trial has been delayed several times in the past.
On Friday, Anthony's defense filed a motion for indigence, claiming prosecutors decision to seek death will require them to ask the state to pick up certain investigative and travel costs.

Criminal defense attorney Richard Hornbsy said he has successfully applied to have clients declared indigent but said the process is strict.

"The taxpayers are going to be on the hook for Miss Anthony's due process cost, I have no doubt about that," Hornsby said.

The attorney said the Judicial Administrative Commission will have strict guidelines over what costs are picked up and what fees are paid.

"There will be transparency with what she's paying, what she's doing," Hornsby said.

In order to be successfully declared indigent, Hornsby said Anthony's defense team will have to make full disclosure about how she managed to pay $111,000 in legal fees.

"The public has a right to know how the private attorneys were paid and what their interests are," Hornsby said.

Anthony, 23, is in the Orange County Jail charged with first-degree murder in the the death of her daughter, Caylee.
Caylee's remains were found in a wooded area off Suburban Drive near the Anthony family home in December 2008.

Anthony maintains a nanny by the name of Zenaida Gonzalez kidnapped Caylee.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 08, 2010, 07:44:54 PM
Motion: State Should Pay For Anthony's Defense
Casey Anthony Charged With Murder In Daughter Caylee's Death

UPDATED: 11:03 am EST March 7, 2010

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Defense attorneys for Casey Anthony have filed a motion requesting that the court declare her indigent and have the taxpayers shoulder some of the cost of her defense in the first-degree murder trial in the death of her daughter, Caylee.

The team representing 23-year-old said the financial assistance is the only way to ensure they'll have the resources to fight a conviction and possible death sentence in the case.

Jose Baez filed the paperwork at 5 p.m. Friday. He is asking Judge Stan Strickland to declare Anthony indigent for costs, meaning she does not have the money to fund her defense.

Anthony has already paid Baez and death penalty expert Andrea Lyon $111,954, but Baez said that is not enough to give Anthony the defense she needs, and taxpayers should make up the difference. Nearly $90,000 of the amount was used for Baez's fees, the remainder covered Lyon's costs. She is working on the case for free.
Baez said Anthony was willing to pay for her defense until the state put the death penalty back on the table, making her unable to cover the expense.

The motion asks the state to cover the cost of depositions, transcripts, investigators, legal research, expert witness fees, medical or mental examinations, travel expenses and other costs the defense has or will incur.
Legal experts said defending a complex death penalty murder case like Anthony's can easily run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, especially when potential witnesses and experts are dispersed around the country.

Baez estimated the total cost of defending Anthony will amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If Strickland signs the order, Florida taxpayers will pick up the bill for the defense costs, but not the defense fees.

The state has more than $14 million set aside this year to pay for indigent criminal defense.

The question of how Anthony will be able to pay for her defense has prompted a great deal of speculation about possible movie deals and book rights. It is not known how she paid the more than $100,000 that has already been paid to the defense.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 10, 2010, 11:12:24 AM
9 CDs Of DNA Evidence Released In Casey Case
Young Mother Charged With First-Degree Murder

UPDATED: 9:48 am EST March 10, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. --
Nine discs of new evidence were released in the case against Casey Anthony Wednesday morning.

The CDs feature DNA charts and graphs with no explanation, and no new photos or documents.

Anthony, 23, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee. Caylee's remains were found in a wooded area off Suburban Drive near the Anthony family home in east Orange County. Authorities said the toddler had duct tape over her mouth.

Anthony maintains a nanny by the name of Zenaida Gonzalez kidnapped Caylee from a park in East Orlando.
The young mother is also involved in a check fraud case in which she is accused of stealing checks from her friend, Amy Huzienga, and going on shopping sprees at Target. She recently pleaded guilty to those charges. Anthony gave a tearful apology during a court hearing recently, saying she wished she had been a better friend.
The death of Caylee has been the center of controversy and national media attention since the then 2-year-old went missing in the summer of 2008.

Since then, protesters have started riots outside the Anthonys' home, Casey Anthony has been in and out of jail, family members and close friends have been called to depositions and key players in the case, including Anthony's lead defense attorney, Jose Baez, have appeared on CNN's "Nancy Grace."

At one point, the pressure and scrutiny seemed to be too much for George Anthony, Caylee's grandfather, to bear. He holed himself up in a Daytona Beach hotel room and left the family a five-page suicide note. He was found under the influence of alcohol and medication and was taken to a facility under the Baker Act.

The mess began to unravel July 15, 2008 when the family's matriarch, Cindy Anthony, called 911 and reported Caylee missing. A frantic Cindy told dispatchers that she wanted to press charges against her daughter, Casey, for stealing her car and money.

Cindy Anthony said in the calls that Casey admitted that Caylee had been missing a month.

In yet another call to 911, the grandmother and ex-nurse told authorities that Casey's car smelled like there was a dead body inside.
"There's something wrong," Cindy Anthony told the dispatcher. "I found my daughter's car today, and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."

Cindy later denied that claim, citing rotten pizza as the culprit for the smell.

Leading up to December 2008, the group Texas EqquSearch, including leader Tim Miller and volunteers, searched high and low for any sign of Caylee. After months of intense searching, it was a meter reader named Roy Kronk who stumbled upon the toddler's remains while relieving himself in the woods.

Casey Anthony is in the Orange County Jail awaiting her murder trial. She has pleaded not guilty. Her trial has been pushed back several times, with requests from Baez for a change of venue.

Anthony's latest trial date is set for May 9, 2011.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 10, 2010, 11:16:04 AM
DNA test results released as Casey Anthony evidence
Prosecutors hand out CDs, but the files are incomprehensible

Nine CDs of evidence in the first-degree murder case against Casey Anthony that were released by the state this morning contained no bombshells.

In fact, the dozens of files included in the nine CDs — all related to DNA test results — are incomprehensible.

There is no context to the charts and graphs that are among the files.

Among the items are DNA tests results and measurements from chromatographs.

A chromatograph is a device that separates mixtures of substances, such as gases, into identifiable components.

The release adds to the thousands of pages of documents already released in the case against Anthony, who is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, in 2008.

Anthony has entered a plea of not guilty and is being held in the Orange County Jail without bond.,0,3568882.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 10, 2010, 11:21:59 AM
They should also declare her Repugnant  ::MonkeyCool::

Updated: 10:59 am EST March 10,2010
New Evidence Released; Casey Declared Indigent
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- New evidence in the case against Casey Anthony was released Wednesday morning, but it's incomprehensible. The new documents come just hours after the Orange County Clerk of Courts agreed that Anthony cannot afford to pay for her own defense, leaving taxpayers to pick up the tab.

Ten discs containing information that could be used in Casey Anthony's trial were released Wednesday morning. All of the files require proprietary software and, even using the software, only some of the files would open for WFTV. Sources told WFTV that the State Attorney's Office and the defense had similar problems actually accessing the files.
EXAMPLE OF EVIDENCE: See 'Incomprehensible' Evidence
The files that did open are charts that would require an expert to decipher (see an example). In addition to problems with the files, the files lack any labeling that would explain who the charts relate to, for instance Casey or Lee.

WFTV is working to make more sense of the evidence that was released and will report new details throughout the day.

Meanwhile, Casey Anthony says she is broke and can no longer afford to pay to defend herself against the murder charges she is facing. Late Tuesday night, the Orange County Clerk of Courts agreed and declared her indigent.

However, criminal defense attorney Chris Smith said that should be the least of anyone's worries.

“The real concern is they did this case and it wasn't prepared properly and has to be tried all over again. I think that's where everybody's real concern should be,” Smith said.

Casey has already paid lead attorney Jose Baez nearly $90,000 and Andrea Lyons has received more than $20,000 in compensation. Smith said that is nothing when you consider all the work that has gone into the case since Caylee Anthony was killed two years ago.

“Those fees are actually pretty low given the amount of work in this case,” Smith said.

Smith said that the real cost to defend Casey will start now, now that taxpayers will pay for investigations, expert witnesses and her attorneys’ salaries. Casey is not scheduled to go to trial until May 2011 and there could be appeals after the trial.

Smith said taxpayers should not worry about that too much, because every dollar spent on indigent defendants is closely monitored by the Justice Administrative Commission in Tallahassee.

“You have to go through a very intense process to get every cost approved prior. You’re going to have to go and get it authorized to get paid subsequent. So they get two hearings,” explained Smith. “The Justice Administrative Commission doesn't give up its money very easily. They’re going to file a lot of motions [and] fight for every dime.”

Before their client was declared indigent, Casey’s attorneys were not required to disclose how much money was being spent. Now, everything becomes public record.

Some of the money to pay Baez and Lyons may have come from hundreds of thousands of dollars that the ABC network paid Casey for exclusive photos and videos of her daughter she is accused of killing. Sources told Eyewitness News that most of defense attorney Andrea Lyons’ compensation has been spent on airfare and investigations.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 11, 2010, 08:48:04 AM
Indigency Hearing Slated In Anthony Case
Judge Sets Hearing For March 18

UPDATED: 5:44 pm EST March 10, 2010

Casey Anthony is one step closer on Wednesday to getting tax money to help pay for her defense.

Based on an affidavit that Anthony filled out, Orange County's Clerk of Court Lydia Gardner late Monday declared Anthony indigent.

Judge Stan Strickland scheduled an indigency hearing for March 18. He will then decide whether to approve the declaration.

Anthony's defense would be able to apply to the state to help recoup costs if Strickland gives his approval.

Defense attorney Jose Baez said Anthony has given full financial disclosure. She also signed a form detailing how she has no money to mount a defense. Gardner made the indigency declaration based on the form.

"It's the most vague and superficial affidavit you can possible have," Attorney Richard Hornsby said.

Before Anthony qualifies for public funding, Hornsby said Strickland needs to probe much deeper than the one-page form.

"I've got to think that Judge Strickland is going to make Casey Anthony and Jose Baez make a full disclosure of how much he was paid, who brokered the deal, who managed the funds, where the funds have been sitting since Casey Anthony has been in jail," Hornsby said.

Also added to the court file on Wednesday was a letter from a citizen in Fernandina Beach encouraging Strickland to decline Anthony's request and appoint a public defender to her case. Others echoed that sentiment.

"It doesn't sit well that she had the money and spent it and gave it all to the lawyers and now expects us to pay for it," a citizen said.

"You have Casey Anthony, who is now a convicted fraud, who is claiming indigence and is claiming that she somehow had $111,000 while she's been in jail," Hornsby said.

The question remains whether Anthony will have to disclose where she got the money she had before she can be entitled to public money in the future.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 11, 2010, 08:50:25 AM
NANCY GRACE  from 3/10/10

Casey Anthony Defense Team Wants Evidence Thrown Out

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 15, 2010, 04:30:37 PM
Woman Claims She Had Affair With George Anthony

Updated: 4:17 pm EDT March 15,2010

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- WFTV learned Friday that a woman said she had a relationship with Casey Anthony’s father, George Anthony and that woman was questioned by detectives.

It turns out that woman looks a lot like the description George gave detectives of Zenaida Gonzalez, also known as ”Zanny the nanny."

Casey claimed it was the nanny who took her daughter, Caylee Anthony.

Skye Benhaida told WFTV that her sister provided investigators with information that she was having an affair with George Anthony that started soon after Casey was arrested. She said it lasted for about a year

"She was in love with George," said Benhaida.

Benhaida said George told her sister that Caylee's death was an accident. But she said her sister never asked about Caylee's death.

"She told him that, 'I would never ask you that.' In reply, he said it was an accident that snowballed out of control," Benhaida said.

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says if George really did say Caylee's death was an accident, it's bad news for the defense.

"This would apparently foreclose any defense that someone outside of the Anthony family is responsible for that child's death," said Sheaffer.

Benhaida claims George apparently used her sister as a model for what Zenaida, the alleged nanny, looked like; right down to a tattoo that her sister has.

Benhaida said, "Nice teeth and a tattoo down her left arm."

She said her sister gave George almost $5,000 over the course of their affair and was told by investigators that George had taken money from other women as well.

The sister also said that she had photos on a phone of she and George in intimate situations and shared them with detectives as well as the numerous text messages they exchanged using all three of George's cell phones.

WFTV asked George Anthony’s lawyer about the issue and he said he's not received any information from investigators about it. Also, he would not answer any direct questions about whether George had an affair with the woman, but he did not deny that it happened.

Casey's defense team spokeswoman's response to WFTV’s questions about all of this was "no comment."

Meanwhile, two new motions were filed Friday in the case and neither of the documents are good news for Casey’s defense team.

Judge Stan Strickland denied Casey's attorneys request to stop the Orange County jail from videotaping their visits.

Her lawyer's said the security video intrudes on their attorney-client privilege, but the judge didn't agree.

Lawyers for Texas EquuSearch filed a motion responding to the defense.

Attorney Mark Nejame says the organization can't give more information about a volunteer because she wasn't assigned to search the area where Caylee's remains were found.

Also, Casey's parents have hired a new lawyer to help them save their home from foreclosure.

Attorney Mark Lippman is now representing George and Cindy Anthony, according to paperwork filed in Orange County.

WFTV first reported last month when the Anthony's home on Hopespring Drive went into foreclosure, after they failed to make a mortgage payment for nine months.

The family's home is the last known place Caylee was seen alive.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 18, 2010, 02:24:45 PM
Judge Unseals
State's Motion

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 18, 2010, 02:38:22 PM
Raw video KC indigent hearing

Casey walks into courtroom
part 1 of 3
part 2 of 3

I am still looking for part 3 of 3

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 18, 2010, 03:02:00 PM
Casey Anthony Has New Attorney

Updated: Thursday, 18 Mar 2010, 2:49 PM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - Orlando, Fla. attorney J. Cheney Mason has joined Casey Anthony's defense team. He said he would work on the case pro bono.

According to Mason's website, he began his private law practice in Orlando, Florida in 1971 after admission to The Florida Bar. His areas of practice include Criminal Defense, Marital and Family Law (Divorce Law), Entertainment Law and Trial Practice, with a strong emphasis on Marital and Family Law and Criminal Law. He is a Board Certified Criminal Trial Lawyer, certified by both The Florida Bar and the National Board of Trial Advocacy.

Mason is frequently a guest lecturer before various Bar and Legal Associations and has published numerous legal articles. J. Cheney Mason is often invited by the news media to provide expert commentary on legal issues involving criminal law and marital and family law, and he is active in numerous local and national legal organizations. He has volunteered his time to teach trial techniques to young Prosecutors and Public Defenders at the annual workshop at the University of Florida, College of Law.

Cheney is the recipient of numerous awards from a variety of professional organizations for his dedication to and accomplishments in the legal profession. In 2004, he was awarded the Robert C. Heeney Memorial Award by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

He is currently is rated as an "AV" lawyer by Martindale Hubbell, and is listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 18, 2010, 04:45:11 PM

WFTV talked to Casey's new attorney, J. Cheney Mason Thursday after her indigency hearing.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 19, 2010, 05:26:05 PM
State will fund Casey Anthony's defense, judge orders
By Emanuella Grinberg and Jean Casarez, CNN/InSession
March 19, 2010 5:03 p.m. EDT

The state of Florida must fund some of Casey Anthony's defense in her first-degree murder trial for the death of daughter Caylee, a judge ruled Friday.

"All costs submitted shall be in compliance with the Ninth Judicial Circuit's caps and rates and are subject to further review," Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland said in a order issued Friday.

Anthony's defense team told the court Thursday that she was broke and could not bear expenses associated with her defense.

Anthony's lead attorney, Jose Baez, and Chicago death penalty attorney Andrea Lyon said in a four-page motion that they are not asking the state to pay their legal fees. They asked for assistance with fees for the service of subpoenas, investigations, travel, experts to interpret forensic evidence, expert witness fees and the cost of depositions.

The defense attorneys argued that Anthony is entitled to financial assistance under the Constitution's Sixth Amendment, which protects her right to a fair trial.

Because prosecutors have indicated they are seeking the death penalty, Anthony also is entitled to "the unique standard of care required for a capital defense," the attorneys assert.

Caylee Anthony's body was found in a lot near her grandparents' home in December 2008. The grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, have been supportive of Casey Anthony but now are fighting foreclosure, according to a complaint filed by Bank of America.

Baez testified Thursday that the defense received and spent about $275,000 over the past year and a half. Of that, $5,000 came from an anonymous donor; $70,000 came from a former defense attorney, Todd Macaluso; and $200,000 came from ABC through a "deal" with Anthony. The terms of the deal were not released.

That money, Baez said, was spent on defense costs including travel, depositions and retention of experts.

"It's been quite an expensive task," he said.

It wouldn't have been if she had fessed up in the beginning.  ::MonkeyMad::
She is guilty and everyone knows it!  ::MonkeyHang::

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 19, 2010, 06:38:49 PM
Jail Launches Investigation Into Casey Anthony Letters
Posted: 5:34 pm EDT March 19,2010 Updated: 6:00 pm EDT March 19,2010

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The Orange County jail Friday launched its own investigation into at least one corrections officer accused of helping Casey Anthony exchange letters with her jail pen pal. But Casey probably won't get in trouble for that pen pal, even though the rules of her high-risk solitary confinement were broken.

The jail's policy places the blame on jail guards for this kind of thing if they were involved, so Casey might not face any repercussions.

Jail guard Silva Hernandez might, though. This happened about a year ago and Hernandez had already been transferred from Casey's building before this came to light.

“Orange County Corrections has started an internal investigation into issues uncovered in an FDLE investigation mentioned in court documents yesterday. The court document indicates that letters or notes were passed between Casey Anthony and at least one other inmate,” Allen Moore wrote in a release from Orange County Correction emailed Friday afternoon. The director of the Orange County jail was told late Thursday to start an internal investigation into allegations that surfaced during the Casey Anthony murder investigation that a jail guard helped Casey and another inmate exchange letters, which is not allowed.

“I think it's very serious. That's not what they're there for. They're there to protect everyone. If they're in protective custody, that's what it means,” Orange County Public Safety Director Mike McCoy said.

Casey is in protective custody in the female detention center, Dorm L, which is where jail guard Silva Hernandez worked for a year, starting January 2008 when she was hired. Casey was there at least since October 2008.

A Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigation found that Casey befriended two inmates in dorm L, Maya Derkovic and Robyn Adams. Derkovic later admitted to choking a 15-year-old girl to death while someone else held her down. Adams was convicted of federal drug charges, along with her husband, a former Altamonte Springs police officer.

Investigators say they have 50 notes and letters Casey passed to Adams, apparently with the guard's help. They say Adams gave those letters to a mysterious third party.

Orange County Deputy Anthony Whitmore was also interviewed by FDLE for as of yet unknown reasons. Whitmore was hailed as a hero almost six years ago for helping rescue a badly injured officer, but has also been investigated twice by his department, once for allegedly stealing a magazine.

Hernandez works at the jail's booking center and will stay there during the investigation. She and any others who might have been involved could face discipline, but probably not criminal charges.

The defense has 14 days left to file a motion if it wants to keep Casey’s pen pal letters sealed.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 23, 2010, 12:20:55 PM
New documents released in Casey Anthony case

Updated: Tuesday, 23 Mar 2010, 10:13 AM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 23 Mar 2010, 7:15 AM EDT


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - FOX 35 received new documents today in the Casey Anthony case.

PDF: Documents Part 1
PDF: Documents Part 2

The documents are related to the search for Anthony’s daughter Caylee. They map out in detail the search by Texas rescue group Equusearch.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 23, 2010, 12:22:03 PM
Tim Miller
Lisa Hoffman
Linda Tinelli
Joseph Jordan #1
Joseph Jordan #2
Daniel Ibison
Carol Conaway
Jennifer Conaway
Brett Reilly
Bret Churchill
Lori Cree

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 23, 2010, 12:25:13 PM
Sheriff's Supplemental #1
Sheriff's Supplemental #2

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 24, 2010, 08:22:41 AM
Searcher: Casey Anthony Uninterested In Caylee Hunt

Orlando - Hundreds of new pages of evidence have been released in the case against Casey Anthony, and investigators appear to be trying to tie up loose ends in the case.

The release includes hundreds of pages of transcripts of interviews with Texas EquuSearch volunteers who searched the wooded area near where Caylee Anthony's remains were later found.

Equusearch founder Tim Miller told investigators he sensed something was wrong in the Anthony family home. He said parents of missing children usually volunteer to do all they can for searchers, but he said Anthony, who was home on bond, "was not very friendly to us. She never said, 'Please, find my daughter.' "

Miller said Anthony instead, "Laughed and giggled...acting like she was going to a cheerleader competition or something." Miller added that, "She never said the word Caylee one time."

The defense has argued that the area where meter reader Roy Kronk found Caylee's remains in December 2008 had previously been searched and no body was found, but interviews with search volunteers reveal that although search teams came close to the area, the spot where the toddler's remains were found was under water during previous searches.

Caylee's remains were found in a wooded area off Suburban Drive, near the Anthony family home in east Orange County.

All the searchers interviewed said they never got more than a few feet into the woods where Caylee was later found. Caylee's body was found about 30 feet off the road.

Also included in the documents is evidence discrediting those who claimed the location had already been searched. The woman, who has been determined to be mentally ill, claimed to have photos showing there was no body in the woods. Investigators determined the photos are not of the same spot.

Caylee's body was apparently found wearing a shirt that said, "Big Trouble Comes In Small Packages." According to the newly released documents, photos of Caylee wearing the same shirt were taken in January and March 2008 by Anthony's then-boyfriend, Ricardo Morales, who sold the photos to a tabloid.

Tuesday's release also details a heated exchange between Casey Anthony and her father, George Anthony, during the time she was free on bond and Caylee was still missing.

Miller said George Anthony tried to get his daughter to mark a map with an "X" depicting where they should begin their search for the toddler, but she refused and stormed off to her bedroom.

Miller said the behavior, "Made it pretty obvious that somebody probably knew something."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 05, 2010, 02:20:35 PM
Judge Withholds Ruling In Anthony Case
Defense Says Records Will Prove Mother's Innocence In Murder Charges  ::MonkeyHaHa:: :roll:

UPDATED: 1:37 pm EDT April 5,2010
ORLANDO, Fla. -- An Orlando judge withheld ruling on a motion Monday on whether records should be released in the case against Casey Anthony, who is accused of killing her daughter.

Those records, according to Anthony's defense team, will prove the woman's innocence.

Anthony appeared in the courtroom Monday morning for the hearing. She remains in the Orange County jail held without bond.

Anthony's defense team said it believes there are records that prove the body of Anthony's daughter, Caylee, was not in the swampy where she was later found until after Anthony was arrested.

The records request contact information from nearly 4,000 volunteers who worked with Texas EquuSearch to help search for Caylee's body.

Caylee was last seen in June of 2008, but she was not reported missing until a month later. The toddler's body was found in a wooded area near the Anthony home on Dec. 11, 2008.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 05, 2010, 05:51:46 PM
UPDATED: 5:24 pm EDT April 5, 2010
Judge Denies Defense Motion For EquuSearch Docs
Defense Seeks Records Of Searchers
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Judge Stan Strickland denied a motion by the defense
to release search records in the Casey Anthony investigation on Monday.

Strickland delayed a ruling during the morning hearing and then released his decision in the afternoon.

Anthony's defense team sought about 4,000 pages of documents from Texas EquuSearch, but Tim Miller, who is president of the group, opposes the motion. Miller called it an invasion of privacy for volunteers who searched for Caylee.

Anthony's attorneys want to know the names of the volunteers who searched the area around Suburban Drive and Hidden Oaks Elementary.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 06, 2010, 06:43:13 AM
Casey Anthony jail house letters to be released
Updated: Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 6:13 AM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 5:49 AM EDT

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - Today we're waiting to get some jail house letters that Casey Anthony wrote to other inmates.

Anthony wrote roughly 50 letters to another inmate in the Orange County jail. Her defense isn't fighting to keep the letters from becoming public.

“We're not concerned with anything in there. There's no admissions," said Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez.

But sources say there are harsh words. 

Sources tell FOX 35 that Anthony’s parents might not want to look at the letters. Apparently their daughter isn't very kind to them.

“If we move to keep them private, you guys are going to speculate all over them about what's in there," said Baez.

Anthony remains in protective custody in a solitary cell. She’s only let out for minimal amounts of time and, according to jail policy, is not supposed to have communication with other inmates.

“You’ll find if you look at them in context there're of a person locked up 23 hours a day. We have nothing to hide with those letters," said Baez.

Anthony was in court yesterday for a hearing over documents related to the search for Caylee Marie.

Judge Stan Strickland denied a request from Anthony's defense regarding access to records for thousands of  Texas Equusearch volunteers.  Texas Equusearch is the search and rescue group that hunted around the same spot where Caylee's body was eventually discovered.

"It's critical to the defense to be able to get a hold of these documents," said Baez.

The defense complained that it was never given information about Joe Jordon, the Texas Equusearch volunteer who wrote to investigators after Caylee's remains were found.  Jordan noted that he believed Caylee's body was relocated to Suburban Drive after September 1, 2008.

"Here you have someone who was a team leader and who has two cadaver dogs at the location where Caylee's remains were found and he sent an email to the detectives two days after her remains w3re found, and we never got this email," said Baez.

Texas Equusearch Attorney Mark NeJame said, had the defense taken the time to read through pages of documents at his office, which they had access to for months, they would have known about Jordon and his communication with detectives.

"If they've got time to do TV interviews and drive to TV stations, then I think they have the time to drive to my office and look at those documents," said NeJame.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 06, 2010, 04:41:16 PM

part 2

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 06, 2010, 07:40:00 PM
Sheriff's supplement

Docstoc also has the letters:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 07, 2010, 06:31:12 PM
Inmate: Anthony 'Scared' When Caylee Was Found
Attorney Says Anthony's Actions Amount To Nonverbal Confession
POSTED: 1:52 pm EDT April 7, 2010

Testimony from a jailhouse pen pal could amount to a nonverbal confession from Casey Anthony, an Orlando attorney said.

Anthony's letters were exchanged with inmate Robyn Adams, and they were friends both before and after the remains of Caylee Anthony were found.

Adams told a detective with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement her opinion of Anthony changed in light of two episodes.

Adams said Anthony giggled and seemed to know right away that a report about a bag of bones being found at Blanchard Park wouldn't be connected to Caylee's disappearance.

But within a day or so of remains being found on Suburban Drive, Anthony told Adams the remains of a child were found with a baby blanket inside a black garbage bag. The statement was made before Caylee was positively identified. Adams said it was the only time she saw Anthony depressed and very scared.

"Clearly, the lynch pin in this is the details about the blanket and the black bag -- the elements law enforcement didn't release right away," Orlando attorney Richard Hornsby said.

Hornsby said Anthony's biggest mistake in her friendship with Adams was letting those details slip and showing such an extreme reaction to the discovery before the remains were identified.

"Her nonverbal actions are basically the admission to the fact that she knew that was where Caylee's body was," Hornsby said.

Hornsby said those actions corroborate a jail video made of Anthony watching news coverage on Dec. 11, 2008, when she was apparently overcome with anxiety at the discovery. The video has never been made public.

Adams told the FDLE investigator that Anthony never discussed the case. But she later said Anthony addressed the issue of Zanny the nanny, the woman Anthony claimed took Caylee. She just said, "Zenaida didn't. I know Zenaida didn't. Zenaida didn't do this."

Anthony also confided in Adams that Anthony admitted to using "stuff" to help her daughter sleep and have her afternoons free. In an earlier interview, an Orange County detective claimed Adams told him Anthony admitted to using chloroform on Caylee.

Adams, who is a convicted drug dealer, said she and Anthony met in July 2008. They started communicating in their protective custody cell using hand signals. Adams claimed to have sympathy for Anthony.

"I looked at her as a person that didn't need to be stereotyped," she said.

Adams said she never approached authorities with the information, but that another inmate did.

The detective asked, "Was it ever in your thoughts to use the correspondence to strong arm the U.S. attorney in to getting a better deal?"

"No," Adams said.

A spokeswoman for Antohny's defense team said the only reason Adams is cooperating is to get a break on her federal prison sentence.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 19, 2010, 05:47:57 PM
 Judge Strickland Removes Self From Casey Anthony Case
Monday, April 19, 2010 5:14:39 PM
Reported by Jacqueline Fell

ORLANDO -- Judge Stan Strickland has recused himself from the Casey Anthony case.

The move comes after Anthony’s attorneys said Strickland had an inappropriate conversation with the man who blogs about the case.

The blogger, known on his site as Marinade Dave, is getting messages from his followers encouraging him to keep his head up.

Dave Knechel said he never looked for trouble.

Knechel said the judge had noticed his writing and told him, in person, he thought his blog was fair.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 19, 2010, 05:49:46 PM

Judge Stan Strickland Steps Down

Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. Appointed

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 20, 2010, 06:51:08 AM
April 20, 2010 6:30 AM
Casey Anthony: Letters Could Be Her Demise, Says Ex-Prosecutor Robin Sax

LOS ANGELES (CBS) As a felony prosecutor for over 15 years, I've seen how jurors in our instant-information world want and expect a reason, a motive - to understand why a crime occurred and how it occurred - although this is not legally required to prove a case.

In the case of Casey Anthony's alleged murder of her child Caylee, the jury will want to know how a mom, an attractive "normal" woman, could do such a thing to her own daughter.

Luckily for the Orange County, Fla., prosecutors, with an onslaught of Casey Anthony's jailhouse letters plus hours of taped jailhouse interview transcripts, they can know. The release of the letters not only gives us a sneak peak into her mind, but also begins to set the stage for the drama that will unfold once this case gets in front of twelve jurors.

And drama it will be!

Some of the disclosures are terrific for the prosecution; for instance, the claim that she would sometimes use drugs including chloroform to get her daughter to sleep. Chloroform could be a key piece of the prosecution's case.

Not all of the letters and transcripts are as helpful for the prosecution though. In some cases, Anthony alleges that she suffered sexual abuse by her brother, which may evoke sympathy for the defense.

But, as a prosecutor, you sometimes roll the dice by bringing these kinds of revelations into the mix. Bringing out the corroboration of something as important as the use of chloroform by Anthony is much more helpful than the potential sympathy factor that the alleged sexual abuse may bring.

This will be a case of stories. We already are clued into the prosecutor's story. If you have forgotten the major pieces of evidence, here are the highlights listed:

1. Defendant being caught in numerous lies about material facts;

2. Friends saying the defendant had a history and a reputation for lying;

3. Defendant's mom, Cindy Anthony, calling 9-1-1 saying that she had not seen Caylee for weeks (Casey didn't even report her own daughter missing!);

4. Defendant's dad, George Anthony, a former police officer, smelling and reporting an odor that was unmistakably that of a dead body in his daughter's car (although George Anthony does not stand by that statement);

5. Defendant stealing money from her friend and also apparently from her own parents which shows callousness and is indicative of her moral turpitude;

6.Chloroform searches turning up on Anthony's computer (Ring a bell? Recall Scott Peterson's trial where his computer showed searches for tide patterns in the water where his wife was found murdered);

7. Caylee being found less than a mile from the Anthony home;

8. Pictures EVERYWHERE showing Casey partying it up, even after Caylee was "missing";

9. Journal entries suggesting that Casey had never been happier around the time that Caylee went missing;

10. Caylee's body being discovered in a bag that also contained a Winnie the Pooh blanket that was missing from Caylee's bed;

11. Duct tape being found on Caylee's remains with apparently deliberately placed heart sticker residue on duct tape right where Caylee's mouth was;

12. DNA turning up in Anthony's car consistent with decomposition along with traces of chloroform;

And perhaps the most damning evidence against Casey -- the reason, the answer to "why" she might murder her own daughter, the smoking motive: she didn't want to be a mother anymore.

Anthony wanted to party and be free, and so researched a murder method (chloroform) and went ahead and got rid of her daughter (one mile from their home)... Sounds like an awful scenario. But it may very well be true.

That Casey Anthony is a party girl who killed little Caylee in favor of a liberating, carefree life is not a new theory. But these letters and inmate interviews now support the idea that she was too young to have a kid and could not hang with being a mom, wanting freedom from everything, and being willing to do absolutely anything to get it - including murdering her 2-year-old baby.

We can expect that defense attorney Jose Baez and his team will try to discredit the letters and jailhouse talk as not reliable information (i.e. obtained from snitches who simply wanted a better deal in their own cases). But how many bullets can Baez dodge? How many coinky-dinks can he possibly claim? How many other people can he point fingers at? Ladies and Gentleman, I believe the People rest and can prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Mark my words!

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 20, 2010, 09:14:29 AM
Defense files more motions

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 23, 2010, 01:04:31 PM
More Evidence Released In Case Against Casey
POSTED: 9:13 am EDT April 23, 2010
UPDATED: 11:05 am EDT April 23, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. --
Nearly 300 pages of evidence was released Friday morning in the case against Casey Anthony.

The documents include evidence logs, lab work sheets and information regarding hair samples.

The transcript of an interview also suggested Lee Anthony, Casey Anthony's brother, and his girlfriend, Mallory Parker, have believed for a long time that Casey Anthony killed Caylee Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 24, 2010, 07:48:37 AM
Casey Evidence Tops 14,000 Pages

Saturday, April 24, 2010 7:37:51 AM
ORLANDO -- The Florida state Attorney’s Office has released more evidence Friday in the case against Casey Anthony.

Including the nearly 300 pages of new documents, the total count of evidence released in the case has now topped 14,000 pages.

See the Latest Documents (pdf)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 25, 2010, 12:21:37 PM
:roll: IMO this is not a big deal at all. Casey dragged her kid all over the place to 'party' ALL the time. The hair could have come off Casey's clothing or from the car trunk or from Caylee's clothing...or a number of different places. If they think this will get her acquitted for reasonable doubt...they need to quit being stupid  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Hair Found Near Caylee Anthony’s Body Not Her Mother’s
April 25, 2010
Florida (ChattahBox) – Information from the released Casey Anthony documents show that a 5 inch hair was found inside of the bag containing the tools used to kill toddler Caylee Anthony. It does not match her mother.

The document states that the hair does not belong to Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, or any of the investigators on the scene.

It is one of many revelations that have come from the documents as part of one of the more prolific criminal cases of the decade.

Casey Anthony has been charged in the murder of her young daughter, who was reported missing in July 2008, after she had been gone for nearly a month.

In December of that year, Caylee’s body was found, the means of her murder unconfirmed. However, a bag with a bottle and syringe were found nearby, containing traces of a steroid and chloroform, which were believed to have been used to kill her. The hair was also in the bag.

Other evidence released includes a diary entry dated a few days after Caylee went missing, where Anthony claims to have “made the right choice”, and said she was “the happiest she had ever been”.

There is also an interview with the sister of Krystal Holloway, the alleged mistress of Anthony’s father, who claims he told her how the toddler died, and that he knew it was an accident.

Casey Anthony maintains that Caylee was taken by her babysitter, Zenaida “Zanny” Fernandez-Gonzalez, who she says was her caregiver for two years prior to her disappearance.

The woman Anthony claims to be the sitter has never been found.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 30, 2010, 03:17:04 PM

Part 1

Part 2

Cindy and George Anthony briefly commented to reporters after Casey's hearing Friday. (04/30/10)

Attorney Jose Baez talked to WFTV after Casey Anthony's Hearing Friday. (04/30/10)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on April 30, 2010, 03:17:53 PM
4.30.10 !st Hearing with new Judge


See Images

 Raw Video

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 04, 2010, 11:02:01 AM
Three Hearings Scheduled In Anthony Case

Monday, May 03, 2010 3:27:34 PM
ORLANDO -- The new judge in the Casey Anthony case is not wasting time moving the case along.

Judge Belvin Perry has scheduled three hearings over the next week.

The first one is scheduled for Friday. In that hearing, Perry wants to go over the budget. Since Anthony was declared indigent, and the state is picking up the tab, the judge wants to make sure the expert witnesses won't bust the budget.

The second hearing is scheduled for next Monday. Judge Perry wants to hear about any pending motions that he will be asked to consider.

The third hearing is set for the next day, May 11, to hear motions regarding the death penalty.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 04, 2010, 07:24:12 PM
Casey Anthony: Defamation case filed by Zenaida Gonzalez may go to trial next year

Judge told attorneys a new civil trial date may be the first part of next year, which could be before her murder trial.
By Rene Stutzman and Sarah Lundy, Orlando Sentinel

3:22 PM EDT, May 4, 2010

The defamation lawsuit against Casey Anthony will likely go to trial in the early part of next year, a civil judge announced during a brief hearing.

Anthony is being sued in circuit court in Orange County by Zenaida Gonzalez, a Kissimmee woman who accuses Anthony of damaging her reputation.

Anthony told investigators a baby sitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez abducted her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee Marie, in 2008.

Anthony is accused of killing her daughter that year. The baby sitter wasn't found and authorities believe she never existed.

The civil trial was initially set for June. However, Anthony's civil attorney, Jonathan Kasen, who was not at today's hearing, and Gonzalez lawyers wanted more time to prepare and requested the trial be postponed.

Orange Circuit Court Judge Jose R. Rodriguez agreed — but warned them the earliest date he could offer is sometime next year.

While Gonzalez's attorneys were hoping for a trial in August, they understand the delay.

"I'm not surprised," said Keith Mitnik, one of Gonzalez's attorneys. "The courts are very busy. It's not an old case."

She filed suit two years ago, saying she was harmed by Anthony's statement about the baby sitter. She is seeking unspecified damages.

The new trial date gives her legal team time to investigate information that Anthony spoke and exchanged letters with another jail inmate, who claims Anthony told her that there was no babysitter named Zenaida.

"They could be bombshells for our case," Mitnik said after the hearing.

At this point, the civil case will likely take place before Anthony's criminal trial, which is scheduled for May 2011.

Anthony, 24, is charged with first-degree murder. The toddler was reported missing in July 2008 and her remains were found in December 2008 a patch of woods not far from Anthony's home.

Anthony is now in the Orange County Jail. The state is seeking the death penalty.

In September, Anthony's attorney, Jonathan Kasen, asked the judge to delay or throw out the civil suit. Anthony shouldn't be placed under oath and required to say whether or not she murdered her child, he argued.

But Gonzalez's attorney later agreed not to ask that question, and Rodriguez ruled that the case should move forward.,0,1415173,print.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 06, 2010, 07:13:15 AM
Casey's attorneys: keep our spending secret

By Bob Hazen @ May 6, 2010 6:40 AM Permalink | Comments (0)

Casey Anthony's attorneys will use taxpayer money to fund her defense, but they don't want the public to know how it's being spent.

Jose Baez filed a motion this week asking Judge Belvin Perry to seal all invoices and submissions from Anthony's defense team to the Judicial Administration Commission.

Without a seal, the records would be open to public records requests and could appear in news reports. Baez writes that the requests would "lead to endless speculation as to the defense strategy for defending Miss Anthony and could ultimately affect her right to a fair trial."

Anthony was declared indigent, meaning she cannot pay for her own defense and needs public assistance. Her team says the money would be used for experts, not for attorney's fees.

Anthony is accused of murdering her daughter Caylee, whose body was found in woods near the family's home in December 2008.

Judge Perry will hold a hearing on how much public money the defense will need for the case. WDBO will be covering the court hearing, and streaming it live on WDBO.COM.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 06, 2010, 09:39:25 AM

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 06, 2010, 12:37:45 PM
Judge Won't Seal Casey's Defense Spending Records
Posted: 4:37 pm EDT May 5, 2010Updated: 12:22 pm EDT May 6, 2010
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- At a hearing Thursday, Casey Anthony's attorneys asked Judge Belvin Perry to prevent the public from seeing how much tax money they're spending on Casey's defense, but the defense request was denied.

A judge has already declared Casey indigent, who is accused of killing her young daughter Caylee, so taxpayers will now pick up the tab for her expenses. Her attorneys wanted all of the information, which would normally be public, kept secret.
Casey Anthony walked into the courtroom around 8:50am, wearing a frilly, short-sleeve, white button down shirt with blue stripes and with her hair pulled back in a bun (images  | raw video). She sat alone at the defense table and waited for her attorneys to arrive. Jose Baez walked into the courtroom around 8:55am and took a seat next to Casey.

“First matter is a budget hearing. There’s also been notice for the date the defense request for the state to file written responses to defendant’s motions,” Judge Belvin Perry said in court as the hearing got underway.

Baez than asked for them to first discuss the motion to seal all Justice Administration Commission (JAC) documents (read it). The JAC is the body that will set forth the defense team's spending, because Casey is considered indigent and taxes will pay for much of her defense. Baez says the defense doesn't want to reveal who their expert witnesses are out of fear it will disclose their court strategy and didn't want to release the amount they're spending.

When Casey was first arrested, she had no money that was legitimately earned; she couldn't even pay Baez's $5,000 retainer. But, instead of opting for a public defender back then, only two months after Caylee had disappeared, Casey sold all of her own videos and photos of Caylee to ABC for $200,000 and two of her attorneys, one of whom has since left the case, raised another $140,000. That money is gone now and taxpayers have no idea where all of it went.
Judge Perry agreed to begin with the motion to seal the records and gave Baez an opportunity to speak first.

Baez argued that the media, "leeches" and "pseudo news media" are most interested in having access to the documents but, while there's a public right to know, it could damage her right to a fair trial. In its motion, the defense wrote, "Documents and requests for funding will lead to endless speculation as to the defense strategy for defending Miss Anthony and could ultimately affect her right to a fair trial."

“Quite frankly, the Orlando Sentinel is going to have to find another way to sell newspapers,” Baez told Judge Perry on Thursday.

Baez made further arguments to support the defense motion and then Judge Perry responded by pointing out Florida Statute 119 (read statute), which deals with access to public records.

“One more question, Mr. Baez, before you take your seat. The JAC is a state agency,” Judge Perry said. “Are there any particular statutory exceptions under [statute] 119 that you’re relying on or are you just relying on what you just told me?”

“I’m relying on my previous arguments,” Baez said.

Judge Perry thanked Baez and then called the Orlando Sentinel's attorney, who is arguing against the motion and wants access to the records, to speak.

“The request is just too broad,” attorney Rachel Fugate, with the Orlando Sentinel, argued. "At this point, I think it’s premature and it’s simply too broad."
An attorney for the JAC also spoke, briefly, but took no specific stand on the actual request and instead pointed out that the JAC does have to comply with Statute 119, unless a judge orders otherwise, and that sealing the records does put an administrative burden on their agency.

The state declined to speak on the matter, saying that they have no stand on the issue, and Judge Perry gave Baez an opportunity to respond to the arguments made.

“I disagree with Ms. Fugate where the public should know, should know what’s going on in the inner workings of the defense,” Baez argued. “It’s not the Sentinel’s life that’s on the line, it’s Casey Antony’s.”

Baez continued: “As to the JAC’s arguments, I would argue they don’t have standing to make an objection. This is a state agency and they will do what your honor orders."

Baez said that having the records sealed should actually reduce the burden on the JAC, suggesting that they wouldn't have to deal with all the media requests for documents if they weren't available.

"So the argument that this is an administrative burden falls on its face," Baez said.

After speaking briefly on the rules governing the release of such documents, Judge Perry quickly responded with his decision on the defense request.
“The court finds that the defense, at this time, has not met its burden to show that a serious and imminent threat to a fair, impartial trial has been met," Judge Perry said.

Judge Perry, though, did offer some flexibility and suggested that there could be some JAC documents that are sealed.

“Basically, we’ll have to do this on a case by case basis, or expert by expert basis,” Judge Perry said and quickly moved the hearing forward. “That takes care of the issue of the motion to seal. I guess the next thing to take care of is setting a budget.”

Baez began the budget discussion with Dr. Henry Lee, one of the forensic experts the defense has used throughout the case. However, Dr. Lee is out of state, something the defense filed a motion to seek coverage for despite the JAC's hesitation to pay for out of state witnesses (read it).

Baez argued for Dr. Lee's future costs to be covered by the JAC, but the JAC argued that it doesn't support the use of out of state experts because of the increased cost. Baez was then invited to speak again, laying out the amount of work Dr. Lee had already done for the case, including inspecting Casey's car, inspecting the site where Caylee's remains were found, as well as inspecting the crime scene analyst photographs and much of the discovery.
"While the JAC has this rule to encourage people to use instate experts, in this case the work Dr. Lee has done can't be replicated by anyone at this late state in the trial," Judge Perry said, authorizing the defense to continue to use Dr. Lee as an expert in their case.

Judge Perry also approved the defense's use of an out of state mitigation expert, but was clear that that expert and Dr. Lee are bound by the rates set by the JAC.

The JAC then asked the judge to set a spending cap on investigation spending. When asked by the judge what they suggested, the JAC suggested 30-50 hours, but Judge Perry immediately said that wouldn't be enough and, after discussion, allowed for 300 hours, despite Baez's request for 480 hours.

After a lengthy debate over the other experts the defense wants to continue using, but doesn't want to disclose in open court, Judge Perry asked for them to do a little more work before any further discussion.

“We’re going to be in recess until 10:45am,” Judge Perry said.

The judge wants to go over the defense list of experts one by one with the JAC and the defense to decide on what will be allowed and learn how much work they’ve already done.
Casey Anthony returned to the court room at 10:43am and the hearing quickly resumed as all parties involved began discussing the many experts the defense wants permission to use, despite them being out of state.

Judge Perry granted the defense request to use the following experts: forensic entomologist, anthropologist, forensic botanist, forensic pathologist, digital forensics expert, a DNA expert, two forensic chemist experts and a canine expert (up to 20 hours of work). Judge Perry was very specific that each approved expert must stick by the guidelines set forth by the JAC. He also granted up to $3,500 for public records requests.

However, Judge Perry denied without prejudice (meaning the defense can file a motion for a hearing) a taphonomy expert, a cell phone expert, and money to purchase two Pontiac Sunfires (approx $6,000) for testing. He also denied with prejudice (meaning it won't be heard again) the defense request for a jury consultant.

Around 12:05pm, the judge and Jose Baez went behind closed doors to discuss the remaining experts and requests Baez has that he doesn't want disclosed publicly or to the prosecution. They emerged less than 10 minutes later.

“Miss Anthony has requested to waive her appearances at these type of things,” Mason told the judge as the hearing was coming to a close. “She’s rather stay where she is.”

The judge, however, said that in death penalty cases things could come up where she may be needed for a response.
“It has been my experience that, in capital cases, that defendants need to be present during the preceding,” Judge Perry said. “If Ms. Anthony is found guilty of anything, it will lead to a post conviction relief proceedings, maybe ... and it always gets back to ‘my lawyer didn’t tell me this’ and ‘if I would have been there I would have done A, B, C, D.’”

Judge Perry, however, did say she did not have to attend status hearings that simply check on the progress on the case, but don’t argue motions.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 06, 2010, 12:41:41 PM
Casey In Court:
Raw Video:
Images: Baez,Judge ,and others in court
Motions: Seal Spending
             Pay For Experts
Video Report: Defense wants spending Sealed

 ::HelloKitty:: Thanks Trim and everyone for so many reports and links that I steal from Caylee's thread to post in here, lol.  ::piggy::

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 06, 2010, 06:00:44 PM
05/06/10 HEARING:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 07, 2010, 08:27:58 AM
Motion To Reconsider Strickland Rulings

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 09, 2010, 02:59:41 PM
Key hearings this week in Anthony trial

by james on 09. May, 2010 in news
Casey Anthony is back in court this week for crucial hearings that could determine whether she will face the death penalty, where her murder trial will be held next year and what evidence the jury will hear.

Anthony, 24, is accused of killing her daughter, Caylee, who was 2 when she disappeared in June 2008. Caylee’s body was found that December in a vacant lot near the Orlando, Florida, home where she lived with her grandparents.

At this week’s hearings, Anthony’s defense attorneys will try to convince the judge to take the death penalty off the table. The defense team also is trying to keep some evidence it considers “gossip” away from the jury. And, the defense has asked to move the case to an area of Florida where there has been less publicity.

Rulings made on a tall stack of pretrial motions will likely have a significant impact on the trial, which is scheduled to begin on May 9, 2011. They will be decided by a judge who is a newcomer to the case.

Chief Justice Belvin Perry Jr. replaced Circuit Judge Stan Strickland last month when Strickland took himself off the case after the defense claimed he had improper communications with blogger “Marinade Dave.”

“Miss Anthony cannot get a fair trial by an impartial jury in Orlando because of extensive, inflammatory, and prejudicial pretrial publicity in this case,” the defense argues in court papers seeking a change of venue.

Other trial locations suggested by the defense include Miami’s Dade County, Palm Beach County or Broward County. But during his first hearing in the case, Perry said the defense doesn’t get to select the trial location.

Under Florida’s open records law, prosecutors have released tens of thousands of pages of witness statements, forensic reports and computer and cell phone records gathered by police. Evidence includes dozens of photos of Anthony and her friends partying, text messages, 911 calls, witness statements to police and Anthony’s letters and notes to fellow inmates at the Orange County Jail.

Aside from the regular release of documents, prosecutors have not tipped their hand. They do not comment to the media and they have not filed responses to any of the defense motions. But the hearings are expected to shed some light on how the prosecution’s case is being built.

Meanwhile, the defense team led by Orlando attorney Jose Baez is fighting hard to keep the “party photos” out of the case, saying they are prejudicial and prove little.

The photos show Anthony at a nightclub and a residence in the Orlando area, dancing and drinking with friends. Automated dates on the images show only two were taken after the date Caylee disappeared.

Investigators retrieved the photos during a search of Anthony’s computer. “The media has used multiple photos of Miss Anthony in order to vilify her and portray her as a ‘party girl’ whose lifestyle somehow indicates responsibility for her daughter’s death,” the defense says in its court papers.

In a related motion, the defense asks to exclude from the trial “hearsay evidence, gossip and innuendo.” The defense specifically mentions television interviews potential witnesses have given since Anthony was arrested, as well as their sworn statements to law enforcement.

Both, they say, include gossip about Anthony that if allowed would prejudice the jury and violate her right to a fair trial.

The defense also is seeking to keep out of trial the 911 call Anthony’s mother, Cindy Anthony, made on July 15, 2008, reporting Caylee missing, calling it “hearsay.”

During the call Cindy Anthony screams that her daughter’s car smells like a corpse.

Prosecutors usually argue under such circumstances that the law allows the jury to hear an “excited utterance.” It is an exception to the hearsay rule, and it is allowed as evidence at trials because the statement can be considered spontaneous and therefore trustworthy.

Cindy Anthony was referring to the family’s car. Evidence released so far indicates prosecutors are likely to argue that it was last driven by Casey Anthony and abandoned two weeks after Caylee was last seen alive.

Several legal motions challenging the death penalty allege that prosecutors are acting in bad faith.

One contends that prosecutors are seeking death against Anthony because she is a woman. The defense argues that focusing on Anthony’s lifestyle before she was arrested is gender bias. The defense maintains that Anthony is facing more serious charges and harsher punishment than a man in the same position would receive.

“Women who are accused of violent crimes are tried not only for the facts of the crime, but also for their non-conformity with traditional gender expectations,” the defense argues in its court papers.

The defense also alleges that prosecutors had sought the death penalty to bankrupt the defense and prevent Anthony from having the attorney of her choice.

The defense maintains that prosecutors had originally said they would not seek death in this case but reversed that position in March 2009 when they learned that Anthony had $205,000 for her defense.

The bulk of the money came from ABC News for the licensing of photos and videos, Baez testified during a previous hearing.

“The court has the authority to bar the death penalty where the prosecution exercises its discretion in bad faith, for impermissible motives and in order to prevent the defendant from exercising her constitutional rights,” the defense argued in court papers.

The two-day hearing begins Monday. The first arguments will focus on non-death penalty issues. Tuesday’s hearing will put the death penalty front and center.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 09, 2010, 04:10:33 PM
Future Status Hearings
05/10/2010           Hearing  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR)
05/11/2010           Hearing  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR)
Pending Motions on Death Penalty
06/21/2010           Status Hearing  (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR)
07/20/2010           Status Hearing  (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR)
08/30/2010           Status Hearing  (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR)
09/27/2010           Status Hearing  (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR)
10/29/2010           Status Hearing  (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR)

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 10, 2010, 12:00:51 PM
Casey Trial To Be In Orlando With Out-Of-Town Jurors

Updated: 11:57 am EDT May 10, 2010

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Judge Belvin Perry kept up the pace in the Casey Anthony case proceedings, working through several motions during a 90-minute hearing Monday morning, including deciding on jurors coming from outside of Orange County. A second hearing this week will be held Tuesday morning.

Casey Anthony walked in to the courtroom for Monday's 9:00am hearing wearing a shiny, tan, button-down collared shirt and long pants around 8:53 (images | raw video). She sat down next to attorney Jose Baez and the two briefly spoke, with Casey flashing a quick smile.

The hearing started with a discussion of the defense request to change the location of the trial (read motion).

The state told Judge Belvin Perry that they do not necessarily object to the defense request and that they are willing to wave an attempt to seat a jury in Orange County. Prosecutor Linda Drane said they could argue against it, but are choosing not to.

With that, the judge gave Baez an opportunity to speak, despite the state choosing not to object.

“Every now and then a case comes along that is just different,” Baez argued.

Baez told Judge Perry that he wants to move the case to specific parts of Florida, due to demographics and awareness of the case, specifically suggesting south Florida while arguing against north Florida. Baez made his arguments for nearly 15 minutes, during which time Judge Perry interrupted him and asked him to get more focused.

Baez concluded his arguments with a video presentation he created showing a series of video clips of both news coverage and other clips. The video was highly-emotional, showing confrontations outside the Anthony home and fan video blogs.

“Other than your objections to the 4th Judicial Circuit, do you have any other objections?” Perry ask Baez when the presentation ended.

Baez said his only other objection is the 1st Judicial Circuit (Pensacola).

The state then was given a chance to speak to Baez’s arguments. Prosecutor Linda Drane argued that the judge should give priority to any county matching the Orange County demographic when selecting a jury and argued that there was no reason, since the jury will be sequestered, for the trial not to be held in Orange County using an out-of-town jury pool. Drane also asked the judge to consider a gag order for all the attorneys in the case.

Baez was then given one last chance to speak and added Hillsborough County as a county he'd prefer not be considered for the trial or jury pool, because of its proximity to Orange County.

“The defendant’s motion for change of venue will be granted at the appropriate time,” Perry announced after a short sidebar with both parties.

Judge Perry said he will rule at a later time as to the location for selecting a jury and said he’ll take into consideration both side’s arguments in selecting a site and, at some point, he’ll contact jurisdictions regarding jury selection.

“The jury will be sequestered. They will be brought back to Orange County. They will be kept at an undisclosed location,” Judge Perry said. “I will be entering a gag order [for the attorneys]. I will be doing that at a sufficient time.”

Judge Perry said the location where the jury will come from will not be revealed until as late as possible. He also said he had no concern over protesters, if there were any, and said the sheriff’s office and police department will deal with any issues if they arise.

The judge then asked to discuss the motion the defense filed to have the "party pics" of Casey Anthony (see pics) excluded from evidence for the trial (read motion). The defense is arguing that the photos do nothing to prove whether Casey was or was not a good mother and, therefore, have no relevance.

“To assume that a person is a bad person because they go to a nightclub, or they drink a beer,” Baez argued, “ is completely unconscionable.”

The defense wants to keep Casey's party photos, both before and after Caylee disappeared, out of the trial. But, prosecutors say, if the defense wants to call friends and family to testify about what a good mother Casey was and that she went to bars looking for Caylee, then the photos of Casey participating in a "hot body" contest four days after Caylee disappeared will be relevant evidence.

“The court will defer ruling,” Judge Perry said after hearing both sides. “The state and the defense, since you are required to exchange photos with each other, I’m going to give you till March 2011 which photos you are intending to use. We shall have a hearing no later than the 31st of March to go over those photographs and hear any other arguments you might have.”

The defense largely backed off of its hearsay motion (read it), mainly because it was unnecessary; the rules already prohibit hearsay in trials, for the most part.

Cindy Anthony's frantic 911 call telling the sheriff's office that Caylee was missing is still something the defense wants to keep out of the trial; Cindy called 911 and then Casey got on the line and calmly lied to the 911 operator about having recently received a call from Caylee's alleged nanny. The judge did not rule.

Judge Belvin Perry then quickly denied the defense motion to "dismiss defective indictment" (read it) without hearing arguments from either side; both had already presented their arguments in writing regarding the indictment against Casey.

The court then began discussing a "motion to compel" filed by the defense (read it) seeking to obtain certain documents they feel have not been turned over to them. Judge Perry asked Baez to specifically go over what he was seeking.

"This has been an ongoing issue," Baez argued to the court after the prosecution suggested it was giving them everything it should.

Both parties then went back and forth regarding the documents the defense feels they deserve but apparently haven't received.

“We will table this one here and, uh, if there’s an expert witness for bench notes, list that expert saying you haven’t gotten it and I’ll have the state file a written response,” Judge Perry said, adding that Baez will get 10 days to submit and the state will get 10 days after that to respond.

“Any other discovery issues that we need to be working on, that we need to set hearings for down the road?” Judge Perry asked as the 90-minute long hearing wrapped up. “OK, we’ll be in recess on this matter until 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

Tuesday, the judge will hear the defense arguments against Florida's death penalty and why Casey in particular should not face the death penalty if found guilty for the murder of her daughter Caylee.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 11, 2010, 01:36:58 PM
Judge: Death penalty not sexist in Anthony caseBy Jean Casarez, In Session
April 7, 2010 1:01 p.m.
Casey Anthony will face the death penalty, a Florida judge ruled, rejecting defense arguments that capital punishment in her murder case was sexist and unduly harsh.

Judge Belvin Perry Jr. also rejected defense arguments that prosecutors were seeking the death penalty as a means to bankrupt Anthony's defense.

The judge did grant one defense request -- that prosecutors disclose evidence supporting the aggravating factors they intend to cite if Anthony is convicted of premeditated murder and they ask jurors to return a death sentence.

In death penalty cases, jurors are asked to weigh aggravating circumstances that make a crime especially heinous against mitigating factors that favor the defendant, such as a lack of prior offenses.

The defense maintains that prosecutors had originally said they would not seek death in the Anthony case but reversed that position in March 2009 when they learned that Anthony had $205,000 for her defense.

The bulk of the money came from ABC News for the licensing of photos and videos, Baez testified during a previous hearing.

"The court has the authority to bar the death penalty where the prosecution exercises its discretion in bad faith, for impermissible motives and in order to prevent the defendant from exercising her constitutional rights," the defense argued in court papers.

Judge Perry denied the motion, saying that judges are prohibited under Florida law from interfering with the state's decision to seek death. Although one exception includes circumstances in which bad faith can be documented, Perry said Anthony's defense had not proven bad faith.

The defense also argued that prosecutors sought the death penalty against Anthony because she is a woman, and that focusing on Anthony's lifestyle before she was arrested is gender bias.

Defense witness Elizabeth Rapaport, a University of New Mexico law professor and author, testified that the lifestyles of white middle-class mothers charged with killing their children receive much more media attention than those of defendants in other cases.

Under questioning by Anthony attorney Andrea Lyon, a nationally know death penalty expert, Rapaport said a mother perceived as "deviant" by a jury has a more difficult time defending herself.

Anthony teared up when Lyon noted in court that that despite her client's "party girl" reputation in the media, most of the witnesses have acknowledged that "Caylee was happy and healthy."

"Do you have any evidence that there is gender bias in this case?" prosecutor Jeff Ashton asked Rapaport in cross-examination. The witness responded that she didn't know much about this case and had only read a few press reports.

The defense argued that Anthony is facing more serious charges and harsher punishment than a man in the same position would receive.

Responding to Ashton's questions, Rapaport said that that men who kill their children usually are acting in a rage.

Women, Ashton argued, tend to premeditate a child's killing and have underlying psychological issues. Cases in which women kill without evidence of psychological disturbance are rare, he added.

"In my 30 years" as a prosecutor, Ashton said, "this is the first time we have had the evidence for the jury to determine if death is the appropriate penalty."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 11, 2010, 01:49:54 PM
 Casey Still Faces Death Penalty
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:14:31 PM
Reported by Jacqueline Fell and Mark Jenkins

ORLANDO -- In the Case Against Casey Anthony, Judge Belvin Perry is allowing the state to seek the death penalty.

The following motions were submitted by the defense on April 19. Perry denied them at Tuesday's hearing.

    * Motion to preclude the state's impermissible, gender biase, request for imposition of the death penalty
    * Second motion to preclude death procedures for impermissible prosecutorial motives

The defense fought the decision in court, but Perry ultimately upheld the initial decision.

Anthony broke down into tears in court when defense attorneys mentioned her daughter's name.

The defense said just because Anthony had a promiscuous lifestyle doesn't mean Caylee wasn't well taken care of.

The defense set out to prove the state wanted the death penalty because it has a gender bias.
Defense called to Elizabeth Rapaport, a law professor from the University of New Mexico, to the stand during the hearing. Rapaport studies cases of gender and capital punishment, saying women who lead deviant lifestyles are at a disadvantage.

"Deviant mother is in trouble.  If that woman defendant was deviant, she's likely to get tagged for it and very difficult to defend successfully," Rapaport said.

Prosecutors said this case was different because Anthony doesn't have a disorder.

The defense may have played the gender card because they didn't know why the state wanted the death penalty.

Prosecutors initially said they wouldn't see it, but later changed their minds saying aggravating factors came to light.

However, the defense said the state wouldn't share those factors. Perry stepped in and gave the state 10 days to list what those aggravating factors are.

We could soon learn more about the case the state will bring against Anthony before the trial begins May 9, 2011.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 12, 2010, 07:27:39 AM
RAW INTERVIEW: Jose Baez Talks After 05/11/10 Hearing

Casey Anthony's attorney talked to the media after a death penalty hearing. (05/11/10)
still disputing duct tape issue

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 12, 2010, 07:29:00 AM
 ::HelloKitty:: Trimmy....thanks for everything

Prime Time News/Issues With Jane Velez Mitchell 05/11/10

Issues With Jane Velez Mitchell
Transcripts 05/11/10

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 14, 2010, 02:44:30 PM
Published May 14, 2010 by:
Saul Relative

Florida State Prosecutors List Reasons Why Casey Anthony Should Receive Death Penalty

Florida state prosecutors went before Judge Belvin Perry Jr. Thursday in Orlando to submit reasons why the state should be allowed to proceed with the death penalty phase of the trial pending against Casey Anthony, who is charged with the murder of her 2-year-old daughter. The state was required to raise only one of 15 possible "aggravating" factors associated with the death of Caylee Anthony to support their case against Casey Anthony. Instead, they raised five.

In court documents obtained by several media outlets, including WESH in Orlando, prosecutors argued that Caylee Anthony's death occurred during aggravated child abuse and was especially "heinous, atrocious, or cruel." Prosecutors also noted that Casey Anthony committed the murder in a "cold, calculated and premeditated manner without any pretense of moral or legal justification."

Under Florida law, jurors in a death penalty case, which is a separate proceeding that takes place after a trial has reached a conviction judgment, have to weigh factors of aggravating circumstances, such as the heinousness of an act, against mitigating factors that would allow for mercy, such as the absence of a criminal record.

Another aggravating circumstance presented by Assistant State Attorney Jeffrey Ashton was that Casey Anthony "stood in a position of familial or custodial authority over her." Under Florida law, a victim being under the age of 12 is considered an aggravating factor and was so listed.

The list of aggravating circumstances presented by the State's Attorney's Office came in response to an order issued by Judge Perry at a previous hearing for the prosecution to cite the reasons behind seeking the death penalty.

Casey Anthony's defense team had argued that prosecutors were seeking the death penalty simply to bankrupt the defense and only put the death penalty back into play (the State's Attorney's Office had dropped the death penalty earlier in the case but reintroduced it after Caylee Anthony's remains were found in December 2008) when they discovered that Casey Anthony had over $200,000 in her defense fund (mostly received from a sale of rights to Casey Anthony pictures and videos to ABC News).

The defense also argued that the prosecution had no grounds for labeling the alleged act of murder "heinous" due to the fact that the circumstances of Caylee Anthony's death were undetermined, as noted by the final medical examiner's report.

The Casey Anthony case has now dragged on since October 2008 when the then 22-year-old was charged with the murder of her daughter. Circumstances of Caylee Anthony's case remain a mystery, including the reasons behind the month-long interval between the last time Caylee Anthony was last seen and the July 911 call made by Casey's mother, Cindy, in mid-July 2008. Casey Anthony maintains that her daughter was kidnapped by her babysitter and that fear for the child's life kept her from taking the case to the proper authorities.

Casey Anthony's trial is set for May 9, 2011.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 17, 2010, 03:14:54 PM
Casey Anthony case: Today is deadline for witness-interview schedule
Attorneys on both sides must file schedule of interviews by today.
May 17, 2010

Today marked the judge-imposed deadline for scheduling witness interviews in the murder case against Casey Anthony.

So far, prosecutors are asking for more time to schedule depositions — questioning under oath — for some defense witnesses.

Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane Burdick filed today court papers, saying many of the defense expert witnesses haven't finished their work yet and attorneys for other defense witnesses aren't cooperating.

Anthony, 24, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee. The 2-year-old was reported missing in July 2008 and her remains were recovered five months later in woods near her family home.

Her defense team claims someone other than Anthony placed the girl's body in the woods. They have not identified who or when that occurred.

There are hundreds of witnesses involved in the case. Earlier this month, Orange-Osceola Judge Belvin Perry ordered the attorneys on both sides to schedule the remaining depositions — more than 50 witnesses.

For defense expert witnesses, Burdick wrote in the two-page motion that the state asks permission to file a schedule within 10 days after the witnesses finish their work or by the end of November.

She also writes that the state has tried to set up interviews but have had no luck with defense witnesses related to Roy Kronk, the former meter reader who found Caylee's remains on Dec. 11, 2008.

It's unclear if the defense has filed its deposition schedule today.

In other Anthony news, Perry outlined a schedule for the ten pending motions related to the death penalty.

He will address issues about jury instructions before the jury begins to deliberate. Perry also ordered the state to respond to five defense motions related to whether the death penalty is unconstitutional.,0,4464372.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 17, 2010, 05:21:33 PM
Anthony Defense Ready To Spend Public Money
Judge Issues Order On 10 Death Penalty Challenges

POSTED: 4:02 pm EDT May 17, 2010
UPDATED: 4:36 pm EDT May 17, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. --
Casey Anthony's defense team wants to start spending public money on the case, and Judge Belvin Perry issued an order on Monday regarding 10 death penalty challenges on which he has yet to rule.

Defense attorney Jose Baez is asking for transcripts from eight witness depositions, which could cost thousands of dollars.

Just days after Casey Anthony's defense received the go-ahead from Perry to start spending state money for defense costs. Baez has asked Perry to order the state's Justice Administrative Commission to produce and pay for eight witness transcripts from recent depositions.

"Usually the judge will OK one or two, but once you start getting into the 10s or 20s, the judge is going to ask a lot of questions," defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.

Hornsby has gone through the same process with the JAC. He said a 90-page transcript can cost around $500 to produce.
"These are definitely big-ticket items in any criminal case, and in this one, with the amount of witnesses, the costs could become astronomical," Hornsby said.

Also on Monday, Perry ordered both sides to file written arguments on seven of 10 pending death penalty challenges filed by Anthony's defense.

Hornsby said Perry wants both sides to state their positions in writing if this critical part of the case is ever considered by the high courts on appeal.

"I think it's important that both sides are able to give their accounts, so that there can be no issue on appeal about whether or not this was waived or this wasn't waived," Hornsby said.

Perry ordered prosecutors to file their written responses by June 16 and defense responses by June 28. He'll rule after the responses are received.

Perry indefinitely postponed ruling on the final three death penalty motions because they deal with jury instructions and verdicts.


Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 17, 2010, 05:23:34 PM
Casey's Defense Turns In Deposition Schedule
Posted: 4:51 pm EDT May 17, 2010
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- WFTV obtained Casey Anthony’s defense team's deposition schedule (read it) for the case.
Chief Judge Belvin Perry required both the defense and prosecution to turn in a detailed list of their remaining interviews to the court by Monday.

The defense list has more than 40 witnesses including FBI agents, Casey's friends and family members and members of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Also, the prosecution filed a motion Monday to say they could not meet the deadline (read it), because the defense had not given them the list in time. They are requesting a 10-day extension.

Judge Perry also filed an order Monday regarding 10 pending death penalty motions (read it). He is requiring the state to file a written response to those motions by June 16.

The defense must submit their replies by June 28.
Deposition Schedule
Extension Request
Judge's Order 

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 01, 2010, 09:40:36 AM
Judge To Reconsider Death Penalty In Anthony Case
Casey Anthony Charged With Murder In Death Of Daughter

POSTED: Tuesday, June 1, 2010
UPDATED: 6:40 am EDT June 1, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense will have several motions reconsidered by Judge Belvin Perry, including whether or not the death penalty is appropriate in this case.

Judge Belvin Perry will reconsider four different motions Tuesday afternoon, including a request made by Anthony's defense team to throw out the death penalty.

Anthony, 24, is jailed on first-degree murder charges in the death of her daughter, Caylee, whose remains were found in a wooded lot in December 2008. Caylee was 2 years old when she was reported missing in July 2008.

Last month, the prosecution revealed the reasons they say Anthony should be put to death if she's convicted, including that the murder was committed during another crime -- aggravated child abuse. The state will also argue Caylee's murder was especially heinous or cruel.

Meanwhile, Anthony's defense team wanted the state to turn over forensic documents, including results on tests performed on evidence, but the state told the judge they didn't have the results. Other motions that will be addressed Tuesday include the use of certain forensic evidence.
Court officials told Local 6 the defense team is also asking the court to seal jail visitation logs.
Anthony has pleaded not guilty, claiming that she left Caylee with a baby sitter and the two were gone when she returned to pick up her daughter.

Tuesday's hearing is scheduled to start at 2 p.m. at the Orange County Courthouse and it will be streamed live on

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 01, 2010, 05:23:39 PM
Casey Anthony Still Faces Death Penalty
Tuesday, June 01, 2010 4:17:49 PM

ORLANDO -- Casey Anthony's attorneys returned to an Orange County courtroom Tuesday afternoon to fight to get the death penalty taken off the table.

But Judge Belvin Perry said the death penalty will still stand.

The hearing began at 2 p.m. Tuesday.

The most important motion centers around the ongoing fight to save Casey Anthony from facing death.

Her attorneys had asked the state of Florida to justify seeking the ultimate punishment if Casey is found guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

The judge sided with the defense, and ordered the state to list the aggravating factors for a death sentence.

The state quickly did just that, listing five of the possible 15:

   1. The victim was younger than 12 years old.
   2. The victim was particularly vulnerable because her killer was her mother.
   3. Murder was committed during aggravated child abuse.
   4. Murder was cold, calculated and premeditated.
   5. Murder was especially atrocious.

Still, the defense argued that was not specific enough, and they need more information.

“We should be told what we’re charged with, what we’re facing, what exactly their aggravating factors are, and how they intend to prove it,” defense attorney Andrea Lyon said in May, when a slew of death penalty motions were heard.

Other motions up Tuesday include an attempt by the defense to keep Casey’s jail logs private.

The defense will also bring up a number of motions ruled on by Judge Stan Strickland, who has since removed himself from the case, to see if Judge Perry will reverse any of those decisions.
Live Updates

    * 4:02 p.m. - Motions are being heard centering the Oakridge Laboratory, the "Body Farm" Jose Baez said it's a science experiment. State says it's novice.  Judge Perry appears to want Baez to do deposition of the doctors first.

    * 3:15 p.m. - Judge denies motion concerning death penalty.

    * 3:04 p.m. - Strickland’s ruling still stands regarding George Anthony.  Defense will not get grand jury testimony of George Anthony.

    * 2:54 p.m. - Judge Perry rules Judge Stan Strickland's ruling on the Joe Jordan motion will stand.

    * 2:44 p.m. - Talking about motions by disqualified judge, specifically Joe Jordan recording. Mason says the tape could show someone else dumped remains.  Casey was in jail when remains were found. Mason says Jordan's testimony could create reasonable doubt

    * 2:33 p.m. - Judge Belvin Perry will take the issue of the visitor log under advisement.  A ruling is expected sometime next week.

    * 2:22 p.m. - Orange County corrections says they have to follow public records law.  Officials said there is no provision for what defense is asking for.  There are 94 other inmates charged with capital murder. They said they can't play favorites.

    * 2:07 p.m. - Judge just met privately with state and defense. Then attorney Jose Baez came out and met privately with Brad Conway and Cindy Anthony.  George Anthony is not in the courtroom

    * 2:07 p.m. - Casey Anthony was not in the courtroom. Court officials said she suffered a fall and is receiving medical attention.  Her presence was waived.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 01, 2010, 07:01:01 PM
 ::HelloKitty::  Thanks Trimmmm

Today's hearing.  06/01/10
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 03, 2010, 06:09:59 AM
Casey Anthony misses court after falling

ORLANDO (AP) - An Orlando mother charged with murdering her 2-year-old daughter missed a pretrial court hearing Tuesday after she suffered some minor injuries in a fall at the courthouse.

Casey Anthony, 24, fell before entering the courtroom when her hand and leg restraints became entangled. She fell forward, and officers escorting her were unable to stop her fall, officials said.

Anthony has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and has said a baby-sitter kidnapped her daughter, Caylee. Her trial is set to start next May.

During the hearing, which was held without Anthony present, her attorneys asked a new judge on the case to reconsider a previous judge's ruling that keeps the death penalty as a possible sentence if she is convicted.

Chief Judge Belvin Perry denied their request for more details supporting prosecutors' decision to seek the death penalty. Prosecutors have listed five aggravating reasons for why they are seeking the death penalty: the especially cruel nature of the crime, the victim's age and Anthony's relationship to the victim as her mother among them.

Perry ruled prosecutors have satisfied their obligations.

Anthony's attorneys also tried to prevent the media from seeing records of who is visiting Anthony in jail, reasoning the records might reveal high-profile witnesses the defense does not want publicized. Perry planned to rule on the motion by next week.

WFTV's footage:

WFTV's slideshow:

Wesh2's footage clip of Casey's trip

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 09, 2010, 07:48:08 AM
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Judge Rules Casey Anthony's Jail Logs Will Not Be Sealed

Judge Denies Request To Seal Casey's Visitors

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 09, 2010, 07:49:18 AM
Casey Anthony: Judge denies defense request to seal names of jail visitors
Caylee and Casey Anthony, Central Florida News 13 — posted by halboedeker on June, 8 2010 8:55 AM
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Judge Belvin Perry has ruled that the list of Casey Anthony’s jail visitors won’t be kept secret, Central Florida News 13 reports.

On Monday, Perry “denied a defense request to seal the names of people who visit  Anthony at the Orange County Jail,” anchor Lisa Bell reported this morning. “Her lawyers do not want prosecutors to know which experts are visiting their client.”

Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee.

Overall, Monday wasn’t a good for the defense.

Bell added, “The judge also shot down other motions from the defense regarding the death penalty and forensic evidence.”

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 10, 2010, 06:21:57 PM
WDBO Local News     
Casey Anthony: Will jury hear 911 calls?
June 10, 2010 2:03 PM

Will the jury in the Casey Anthony case hear 911 calls made in the Summer of 2008? The calls were placed on July 15, 2008 when Cindy Anthony finally located her daughter, Casey, and found out her granddaughter was missing.

"There's something wrong," Cindy Anthony said in the call.  "I found my daughter's car today, and it smells like there's been a dead body in the car."

The defense argues the calls are hear-say, but a motion filed Wednesday by prosecutors says they can be used to show Casey made up the nanny kidnapping story.

"She's been my nanny for a year and a half, almost two years," Casey says to the operator.

Prosecutors say Casey never had a nanny and made up the story to cover up the truth: that she killed her daughter Caylee.

There are three calls in all.  The state is asking judge Belvin Perry Jr. to allow jurors to hear the two that were made in presence of Casey Anthony.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 10, 2010, 06:23:01 PM
Prosecutors want Anthony 911 calls to be heard

Updated: Thursday, 10 Jun 2010, 5:32 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 10 Jun 2010, 4:41 PM EDT


ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - Could 911 calls placed by Cindy Anthony in the early days of her granddaughter's disappearance be significant in the proving the guilt or innocence of Casey Anthony? Prosecutors in Casey Anthony's murder trial believe they are and have filed a motion that would allow jurors to hear three of the calls placed in July 2008.
The calls were all placed on July 15, approximately one month after Casey Anthony said her daughter was kidnapped by a babysitter. In the first call, Casey's mother, Cindy, calls to report that Casey has stolen a car and money and hints at first signs of Caylee's disappearance.

"My car was stolen. We retrieved it today. We found out where it was at, retrieved it. I've got that, and I've got afidavits for my banking account. I want to bring her (Casey) in. I want to press charges," Cindy tells an Orlando Police dispatcher.

In that same call, Cindy is heard speaking to Casey saying, "... because my next thing will be down to a child thing, and we'll have a court order to get her. If that's what you want to play, then we'll do it, and you'll never ..." at which time Casey interrupts, "Well that's not the way I want to do it."

In a second, more detailed call, Cindy first reports to authorities that Caylee has been missing for a month. "Casey's there right now?" asks the 911 dispatcher. "Yes, I got her. I finally found her after a month. She's been missing for a month," Cindy responds. " I found her, but we can't find my granddaughter."
About an hour after the second call, Cindy calls back and this time she is frantic and crying. "I found out my granddaughter has been taken. She has been missing for a month. Her, her mother finally admitted that she's been missing."

It is in this third call that a distressed Cindy tells the dispatcher, "There's something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!"
Casey Anthony's defense team has argued that the 911 calls should not be admissible, because they amount to testimony or hearsay.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 16, 2010, 06:49:59 PM
Wild Caylee Anthony alive theory lands in court file

6:31 p.m. EDT, June 16, 2010

Almost from the beginning, the Casey Anthony murder case — and before that, the case of missing Caylee Anthony — served as the realm of conspiracy theorists, bloggers and self-anointed sleuths.

They knew, they said, inside knowledge of what really happened.

Now someone with arguably some of the strangest ideas about what happened to young Caylee when she disappeared two years ago landed his unconventional theories in a Casey Anthony court file.

A series of four e-mails apparently sent to the judicial assistant of Orange Circuit Judge Jose Rodriguez describe an alternative — and, in large part, impossible — set of supposed facts, claims and allegations.

James L. McIntyre, who floats similar theories about the Casey Anthony case online, wrote the e-mails. They were recently added to the civil suit filed by Zenaida Gonzalez, a Kissimmee woman accusing Anthony of damaging her reputation. Rodriguez is handling the defamation case.

Anthony is also the defendant in the criminal case, in which she is charged with murdering her daughter. Her trial should take place early next year.

Skeletal remains were found Dec. 11, 2008, near the home Caylee shared with her family, and a few days later Orange-Osceola Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia identified the remains as Caylee's.

Now, the alternative reality: In his writings, McIntyre alleges Caylee "is among the living" and residing in New York City with a Gloria Fernandez-Gonzalez on Amsterdam Avenue on the far Upper West Side.

He claims the child was kidnapped on July 2, 2008, and that the abduction was captured on a Homeland Security video.

What's more, McIntyre claims the judge put under court seal the disc containing this video.

"You are withholding evidence that will prove young Caylee Marie Anthony was kidnapped and taken acrossed [sic] state lines on July 2, 2008 at 6:28 p.m. from Orlando International Airport . . ." states one of his e-mails. "Failure to fully disclose evidence is grounds for a mistrial."

Rodriguez could not speak directly about the case or the correspondence. Court spokeswoman Karen Levey

said in an e-mail that "the reason the emails were placed in the file was that the Judge ordered them to be printed and placed in the file when they were received. At that time the judge had not read them and they were placed in the court file as an ex parte communication."

She also confirmed that the judge hasn't sealed anything in the case file.

Casey Anthony's attorney in the civil case, Jonathan Kasen, said Wednesday he was not aware of the e-mails in the file, but said that any time a judge has some kind of contact from a party outside the case, he will normally advise the lawyers involved.

As for some of the major claims made in the e-mails, Kasen said, "That seems to me to be quite outlandish. I wouldn't put much credibility in that."

No one answered at the phone numbers McIntyre provided for the New York City address mentioned in his e-mails.

McIntyre himself did not immediately return an e-mail sent to the address found in his court-filed e-mails.

McIntyre's e-mail goes on to say that Garavaglia "misidentified the wrong body," when Caylee Anthony's remains were found in late 2008. He apparently means Jan Garavaglia misidentified Caylee's body.

Garavaglia said the FBI forensic lab in Virginia matched DNA from the bones to Caylee's known DNA.

But McIntyre, who claims to have solved several felony cases, insists that the body found is that of a "baby girl Doe," the victim of a still-unsolved killing.

He calls the entire Anthony case a "botched investigation" and says Casey Anthony "has basically told the truth on nearly everything," according to one e-mail.

"I have solved this kidnapping to my satisfaction, but you still consider Caylee Marie Anthony a victim of murder," McIntyre states. "That is completely erroneous. Please conduct this investigation as a kidnapping case, because that is exactly what it is.",0,2828211.story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 25, 2010, 07:01:32 PM
Letters to Casey Anthony include proposals, curses

ORLANDO, Fla. — They wrote from all over. Men and women. All ages and backgrounds. They sent handwritten letters and perfectly typed messages, pictures and holiday cards, money and tender words of encouragement. All to a stranger charged with killing her daughter.

In the latest and perhaps most telling sign of how the case against Casey Anthony has captivated so many around the world, thousands of letters addressed to the inmate include marriage proposals, Biblical quotes and bizarre suggestions. Prosecutors released about 5,000 pages of letters on Friday.

"When I have a bad day, I see your smile, and it changes everything," said a February 2009 letter signed by Julie Reynolds in Lexington, Ky.

Anthony has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and has said a baby sitter kidnapped her daughter, Caylee. The toddler's remains were found in December 2008, about six months after the mother said she last saw her alive. Anthony's trial is scheduled to start next May.

In letters to Anthony, people wrote about their experiences with depression, jail, relationships and religion. Many wrote multiple times with intimate detail of their lives.

Some asked for photos. Others sent childish drawings and smiley faces. One woman sprayed her letter with perfume. More than one man offered to "wipe the tears" off Anthony's cheeks.

The missives underscore just how notorious Anthony has become. The case — chock full of photos of Anthony partying in Orlando-area clubs and adorable pictures of her daughter — is a staple on cable TV talk shows.

The Associated Press attempted to verify the identities of the senders quoted in this story by leaving phone messages for all but three, including an inmate and two whose listings couldn't be found.

"I promise you that you will always have me to 'comfort' you. My friendship is unconditional, I will be on your side no matter what. But I do not believe you are responsible. I hope you are proven innocent, because I hate thinking of you all by yourself in jail," wrote a letter signed by Mark LeBlanc of Calgary, Canada. At the bottom it read: "P.S. I send you a BIG HUG to comfort you."

Men and women made passes at Anthony, referring to her as "sexy" and "princess" and "juicy." Some popped the ultimate question.

"MARRY ME CASEY MARIE. MARRY ME. I will do whatever you need me to do to show you I'm real," read a message signed by Alfred Rego of Dartmouth, Mass.

Some even passed along a photo.

"I think I'm one hot single dad. Don't you?" asked a letter signed by Rob Crespo of Melbourne, Fla.

A letter signed by Carol Grant of Utah was one of the few that did not support Anthony.

The message read, "YOU ARE A MONSTER. I hope you rot in hell!!"

Most were kind, though.

"The gay community is truly with you," read a letter signed by Kamari Lewis in Orlando, Fla.

Mailroom staff open and inspect all mail for contraband, Orange County jail spokesman James Merkison said. He could not say if Anthony read the letters or wrote back because it's an ongoing case.

The prosecutor's office declined to say if any letters were withheld from the batch released Friday.

Dr. Lois Nightingale, a clinical psychologist in Yorba Linda, Ca., said that people could be writing to Anthony for a variety of reasons.

"Does she represent the cold, withholding mother that they are trying to get approval from, or does she represent the damsel in distress, that if they save her, she will appreciate them and never leave them forever? Or does she represent a misunderstood person?" Nightingale said.

Because Anthony has said little publicly, people can project all sorts of character traits on her, Nightingale said. Sometimes, people who write to inmates also perceive a sense of power if they befriend, or fall in love, with that inmate.

"You're really important if you have found a way to tame or calm down this person who is really dangerous to other people," Nightingale said.

Some, like John Anderson — a man serving 10 years behind bars in Michigan — had an admittedly difficult time articulating why they put pen to paper.

Wrote Anderson: "I feel good writing you; why, I have no idea."

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 25, 2010, 07:03:39 PM
Letters: Content PDF

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on June 30, 2010, 07:27:04 PM
What took her so long?????

Andrea Lyon Leaving Casey Anthony Defense Team
POSTED: 6:30 pm EDT June 30, 2010

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A source close to the Casey Anthony investigation tells WESH 2 News that death penalty defense attorney Andrea Lyon is leaving Anthony’s defense team. The source said Lyon made her intentions known more than a week ago.

Lyon has only been a part of the defense team for a little over a year. She filed paperwork in June of 2009 asking for permission to enter the case.

Lyon originally said she said she would prove the Anthony case does not qualify for the death penalty because the state did not have sufficient evidence.

In recent weeks, Judge Belvin Perry has struck down numerous motions by the defense hoping to take the death penalty off the table.

Lyon has been successful in getting prosecutors to reveal their list of five aggravating factors they may use to pursue capitol punishment.

Anthony has successfully petitioned to the court to be declared indigent, meaning her defense is paid by taxpayers. However, the Justice Administrative Commission does not pay for travel for privately retained, out-of-state attorneys like Lyon, who is from Chicago.

Lyon’s participation started to come into question earlier this year with the addition of well-known Orlando criminal defense attorney J. Cheney Mason. He, too, was qualified to try death penalty cases.

According to Lyon’s website, she has defended more than 30 potential capital cases.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 03, 2010, 07:51:32 AM
Casey In Court As Judge Denies Motion, Sets Rules

Updated: 3:03 pm EDT July 2, 2010

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony was back in court for an emergency hearing Friday afternoon as Casey's defense team asked an Orange County judge to appoint a third party to monitor its experts as they examine the evidence. Judge Belvin Perry, though, citing no previous cases to support such a ruling, declined the defense's request less than an hour into the hearing, but set forth other rules for the two parties to follow.

Casey walked into the courtroom (watch video | see images) just after 1:30pm wearing a light blue, short-sleeve, button-down shirt and black slacks. She sat at a table next to her attorney, Jose Baez. Also in the courtroom were Cindy Anthony and Anthony family attorney Brad Conway (see images).

Normally, investigators with the sheriff's office would oversee the defense examination of evidence, but Casey's lawyers don’t want them there.

“What we are actually trying to get to the heart of is to properly and effectively examine the evidence in this case,” Baez said Friday to start his argument on their motion.

This is a very unusual, if not unprecedented, request by the defense to make the sheriff's office leave its own building, where the evidence is kept, so the defense experts can have privacy in examining the evidence. The defense has lost in its bid to win privacy at the Orange County jail, which is also a public facility.

“It is just an inspection [of evidence],” Baez said, addressing Chief Judge Belvin Perry’s question of whether they were just planning to inspect or actually test evidence.

The defense filed a motion Thursday asking for an emergency hearing Friday to try to convince Judge Perry to appoint a "special master" to supervise at the Orange County Sheriff's Office in place of sheriff's detectives while defense experts examine and analyze the evidence next month.

“With the narrow request we’ve asked for, if both sides can work together, I don’t think it would be unreasonable,” Baez told Judge Perry.

Casey's lawyers say their experts will converge on Central Florida all at the same time, July 13 and 14, from all over the world and they want their privacy.

“In no way, shape or form is it our desire to restrict their access to this evidence,” prosecuting attorney Linda Drane-Burdick told the judge after Baez concluded his initial arguments.

Drane-Burdick then pointed out to the judge that there are facility issues, including having enough space for all their experts (at least four, plus counsel), and challenges with having all the evidence in question in the same place.

"The inspection itself can be videotaped," Drane-Burdick said. “The concern that I have is how they want to handle this evidence."

Drane-Burdick argued that the state has made efforts to provide the evidence in ways that would have allowed the defense access, but said those efforts either fell through or were rejected.

“We are not endeavoring to restrict their access,” Drane-Burdick concluded her initial arguments. “We just want to make sure it is done in the appropriate way.”

Baez then responded to the prosecution's arguments, suggesting that the volume of evidence isn't as great as the prosecution suggested when it argued that it would be difficult to provide all in one place. Baez also shot back at the prosecution's concern about being able to provide a sufficient space before Baez returned to the argument of the defense having privacy.

“We have struggled for privacy in the defense from the very beginning. My client can’t do a thing without it becoming public,” Baez argued, somehow connecting this issue of privacy with their demand to view evidence in private. “She can’t order a bra without it becoming public. I can’t meet with her without it being videotaped. She can’t receive letters without it being public. It has gotten to the point where it has choked our abilities to defend her in the proper matter.”

After Baez's response, the state chose to make no further comments.

“Last night, I did check to see if I could find any cases. I also had some of the staff attorneys see if they could find any reported cases,” Judge Perry told the court. “There are no reported cases.”

Judge Perry then touched on what he views as personal issues instigating this situation.

“What it sounds like to me is there is some discomfort between the two sides about certain things dealing with evidence and certain things dealing with personalities. While this case is a very important case, it’s like the hundreds of other cases that has occurred involving homicides and the court has no control over what the news media considers newsworthy or what the news media does not consider to be newsworthy,” Judge Perry said. “The defense under our rules of discovery and under the 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution has a right to inspect this evidence.”

Judge Perry then ordered that the sheriff’s office will have to find an air conditioned space sufficient for the inspection of the evidence and that the defense will have to give a detailed list of what they want to inspect. Judge Perry said a representative of the sheriff’s office and the state can be present.

“I’m also requiring that there should be an area close by when they look at an item they are free to go to an adjacent room and they are free to discuss anything they want ,” Judge Perry said, adding that video taping of the opening, closing and inspection of evidence is allowed, but no audio of video recording is allowed in the aforementioned adjacent room.

Judge Perry said Baez must turn in his list of requested evidence to the state by July 8.

“I will have someone in my office to answer my phone during that entire day [of the inspection],” Judge Perry said. “So, if something comes up, I can be reached to mediate any disputes.”

One of the defense experts, Dr. Henry Lee, was chastised by a California judge for apparently losing key prosecution evidence in Phil Spector's first murder trial. It ended in a mistrial after Dr. Lee apparently misplaced the tip of the victim's fingernail, which could have shown she was fighting for her life.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 03, 2010, 07:51:43 AM
See Images
Raw Video



DOCUMENT: Defense's Motion For Hearing

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 03, 2010, 09:15:15 AM
Casey In Court As Judge Denies Motion, Sets Rules
Updated: 6:10 pm EDT July 2, 2010

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony was back in court for an emergency hearing Friday afternoon as Casey's defense team asked an Orange County judge to appoint a third party to monitor its experts as they examine the evidence. Judge Belvin Perry, though, citing no previous cases to support such a ruling, declined the defense's request less than an hour into the hearing, but set forth other rules for the two parties to follow.
 CASEY WALKS IN: See Images | Raw Video
 COURTROOM PICS: Attorneys, Casey, Family In Court
 WATCH HEARING: Part 1 | Part 2
 VIDEO REPORT: Judge Denies Defense Motion
 DOCUMENT: Defense's Motion For Hearing
Casey walked into the courtroom (watch video | see images) just after 1:30pm wearing a light blue, short-sleeve, button-down shirt and black slacks. She sat at a table next to her attorney, Jose Baez. Also in the courtroom were Cindy Anthony and Anthony family attorney Brad Conway (see images).

Normally, investigators with the sheriff's office would oversee the defense examination of evidence, but Casey's lawyers don’t want them there.

Baez said it had been done in California for defense expert Dr. Henry Lee during the Phil Spector murder case, but that wasn’t a good example to choose. Prosecutors told the judge how Dr. Lee was chastised by the California judge for mishandling key prosecution evidence; the tip of the victim's fingernail, which could have proved she fought for her life, disappeared.

“Allegations were made against Dr. Lee over some sort of tampering. My recollection is the allegation came from a member of the defense team,” prosecuting attorney Linda Drane-Burdick told Judge Perry.

“What we are actually trying to get to the heart of is to properly and effectively examine the evidence in this case,” Baez said Friday to start his argument on their motion.

This is a very unusual, if not unprecedented, request by the defense to make the sheriff's office leave its own building, where the evidence is kept, so the defense experts can have privacy in examining the evidence. The defense has lost in its bid to win privacy at the Orange County jail, which is also a public facility.

“It is just an inspection [of evidence],” Baez said, addressing Chief Judge Belvin Perry’s question of whether they were just planning to inspect or actually test evidence.

The defense filed a motion Thursday asking for an emergency hearing Friday to try to convince Judge Perry to appoint a "special master" to supervise at the Orange County Sheriff's Office in place of sheriff's detectives while defense experts examine and analyze the evidence next month.

“With the narrow request we’ve asked for, if both sides can work together, I don’t think it would be unreasonable,” Baez told Judge Perry.

Casey's lawyers say their experts will converge on Central Florida all at the same time, July 13 and 14, from all over the world and they want their privacy.

“In no way, shape or form is it our desire to restrict their access to this evidence,” prosecuting attorney Linda Drane-Burdick told the judge after Baez concluded his initial arguments.

Drane-Burdick then pointed out to the judge that there are facility issues, including having enough space for all their experts (at least four, plus counsel), and challenges with having all the evidence in question in the same place.

"The inspection itself can be videotaped," Drane-Burdick said. “The concern that I have is how they want to handle this evidence."

Drane-Burdick argued that the state has made efforts to provide the evidence in ways that would have allowed the defense access, but said those efforts either fell through or were rejected.

“We are not endeavoring to restrict their access,” Drane-Burdick concluded her initial arguments. “We just want to make sure it is done in the appropriate way.”

Baez then responded to the prosecution's arguments, suggesting that the volume of evidence isn't as great as the prosecution suggested when it argued that it would be difficult to provide all in one place. Baez also shot back at the prosecution's concern about being able to provide a sufficient space before Baez returned to the argument of the defense having privacy.

“We have struggled for privacy in the defense from the very beginning. My client can’t do a thing without it becoming public,” Baez argued, somehow connecting this issue of privacy with their demand to view evidence in private. “She can’t order a bra without it becoming public. I can’t meet with her without it being videotaped. She can’t receive letters without it being public. It has gotten to the point where it has choked our abilities to defend her in the proper matter.”

After Baez's response, the state chose to make no further comments.

“Last night, I did check to see if I could find any cases. I also had some of the staff attorneys see if they could find any reported cases,” Judge Perry told the court. “There are no reported cases.”

Judge Perry then touched on what he views as personal issues instigating this situation.

“What it sounds like to me is there is some discomfort between the two sides about certain things dealing with evidence and certain things dealing with personalities. While this case is a very important case, it’s like the hundreds of other cases that has occurred involving homicides and the court has no control over what the news media considers newsworthy or what the news media does not consider to be newsworthy,” Judge Perry said. “The defense under our rules of discovery and under the 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution has a right to inspect this evidence.”

Judge Perry then ordered that the sheriff’s office will have to find an air conditioned space sufficient for the inspection of the evidence and that the defense will have to give a detailed list of what they want to inspect. Judge Perry said a representative of the sheriff’s office and the state can be present.

“I’m also requiring that there should be an area close by when they look at an item they are free to go to an adjacent room and they are free to discuss anything they want ,” Judge Perry said, adding that video taping of the opening, closing and inspection of evidence is allowed, but no audio of video recording is allowed in the aforementioned adjacent room.

Judge Perry said Baez must turn in his list of requested evidence to the state by July 8.

“I will have someone in my office to answer my phone during that entire day [of the inspection],” Judge Perry said. “So, if something comes up, I can be reached to mediate any disputes.”

Casey's father, George, has stopped coming to court after she accused him and her brother of molesting her. Friday, she mouthed "I love you" to her mother before she left court, never showing her newly-capped tooth after her fall last time.

Baez tried to bring in another issue Friday during the emergency hearing, but Judge Perry shut him down. Baez complained about Casey's letters being released to the public last week. Judge Perry told Baez what he should already know by now: Casey has no privacy in jail.


WFTV reviewed the list of new witnesses who will be brought in to help defend Casey Anthony. Casey's parents and brother are on the list, too.

Casey's parents told investigators her car smelled like a dead body. Investigators found maggots and coffin flies in her trunk, which they say shows Casey put Caylee Anthony's lifeless body in there before bagging it and leaving her body in the woods. The defense has hired forensic entomologist Dr. Timothy Huntington, a Nebraska professor, to refute that damning evidence.

“The forensic evidence in this case will come down to a battle of the experts,” WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said.

Cadaver dogs alerted on Casey's trunk and in the Anthony's back yard. Now, the defense lists witness Dr. Kenneth Furton, a Florida International University chemistry professor, who is listed as an expert in the use of dogs to detect human remains.

Once Caylee's remains were found in the woods near her house, investigators found a lot more evidence. They even documented how tall the plants were that were growing amid Caylee's remains.

Colorado biologist Dr. Jane Brock, who is listed as an expert in analyzing plant evidence at crime scenes, is on the defense witness list along with Canadian professor Dr. Scott Fairgrieve, who has researched human skeletal biology and torture. Duct tape was found layered over Caylee's face, which prosecutors say would have prevented her from breathing.

Sheaffer says jurors are tougher on defense experts.

“A defense expert is getting paid to come down, getting paid to testify, getting paid to reach the conclusions they reach,” Sheaffer said.


There's a hearing scheduled for July 15 and Casey is required to be there. During the hearing, they're expected to discuss Cindy's frantic 911 call to report Caylee missing. They will also go over records from the group Texas EquuSearch.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 13, 2010, 06:42:58 AM
Anthony Defense To Review Evidence In Murder Case
Evidence May Be Made Public

POSTED: 11:54 am EDT July 12, 2010
UPDATED: 1:43 pm EDT July 12, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. --
Beginning Tuesday, Casey Anthony's defense team will have a chance to look over evidence in the murder case against their client.

The defense team will review items of physical evidence including hairs collected from Casey's car and the duct tape found on her daughter Caylee's skull.

So far, the list of items submitted by the defense to Judge Belvin Perry has not been released.

A spokeswoman for the ninth circuit said if no one objects, Perry will release it to the public.

Anthony is being held at the Orange County Jail on a first-degree murder charge in connection with the death of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. She is being held without bond in connection with the toddler's death and faces the death penalty if convicted.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 15, 2010, 05:23:05 PM
Judge rules call 3 is excited utterance

calls 1 and 2 are also relevant

all calls are in

Defense DENIED

as soon as Trimmy posts the links, I'll copy them Thanks Trim! It's been a long effin HOT day!

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 15, 2010, 05:58:01 PM
Judge Denies Motion, Allows Cindy's 911 Calls
Posted: 7:52 am EDT July 15, 2010
Updated: 5:45 pm EDT July 15, 2010

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The case against Casey Anthony was back in court Thursday afternoon on the two-year anniversary of when Caylee Anthony was first reported missing. Casey is facing a first-degree murder charge in her daughter's death and a trial is set for next year.

 CASEY WALKS IN: See Images | Watch Raw Video
 CASEY CRIES: Images Of Casey Crying In Court
 COURT IMAGES: Cindy, George, Lee And Others
 911 CALLS: Dead Body | Turn In Casey | Caylee Gone
 VIDEO REPORT: Casey To Attend Hearing

The main issue at hand Thursday afternoon was whether three 911 calls made by Casey's mother would be permissible as evidence in the murder case. The defense was fighting to have the calls disallowed as hearsay, and the prosecution called both Casey's mother and brother to testify. The defense lost that fight as Judge Belvin Perry ruled that all three calls are considered excited utterances, creating an exception to the hearsay rule, and will be allowed as evidence, therefore denying the defense motion.

Judge Perry, though, did give the defense one victory, granting their request to keep the list of evidence, which they reviewed over two days this week, sealed.

Casey walked into the court around 1:55pm wearing a pink, long-sleeve, button-down blouse and grey slacks; her hair was noticeably longer (images | raw video). She sat at the defense table next to lawyers Jose Baez and Cheney Mason.

CASEY WALKS IN: Images | Video

Judge Belvin Perry advised the court that the first issue to be heard is one involving Texas EquuSearch. Judge Stan Strickland had previously ruled on a defense motion seeking the names of all persons involved in the EquuSearch efforts in the search for Caylee (read previous order).

Baez then asked Judge Perry if he could speak with him before they started. After about 15 minutes of speaking with their microphones off, Judge Perry announced that Baez would be dropping his motion, but said that Baez and EquuSearch attorney Mark NeJame need to work together so the defense can see the EquuSearch records again.

“They can inspect those documents again, they can take notes. I will appoint a special magistrate ... to supervise,” Judge Perry said.

Next on the table, Judge Perry said, was the motion regarding the 911 calls (read motion). Jose Baez then called Cindy Anthony to the stand, where she was put under oath. Lee Anthony was then ordered to leave the courtroom during Cindy's testimony.

Baez began by questioning Cindy about the events of July 15, 2008, the day she went to pick up Casey's car from the tow yard, establishing details about what took place that day.

“He told me the car smelled and wanted me to follow him home,” Cindy testified Thursday afternoon, referring to her husband. "I followed George back to our house."

Cindy said they then took the car back to their home on Hopespring Drive.

“He told me it smelled like something had died,” Cindy told Baez, again referring to her husband.

Baez continued to question Cindy on the specifics of that day, establishing a time frame for both picking up the car and for locating Casey later that day at Tony Lazzaro's home. Cindy said Amy Huizenga was the one who told her where Casey was.

“I probably told Amy that we found Casey’s car at the impound,” Cindy said. "I asked her if she had seen Caylee."

Cindy said she and Amy then went to Lazzaro's apartment to get Casey.

"I wouldn't let her get anything except her shoes," Cindy said. "I don't think I ever spoke to Casey about the car [at that time]."

Cindy told Baez that they then drove around with Casey with the hopes of getting Caylee.

"It seemed like forever [that we drove around]. It seemed like all evening," Cindy said.

Cindy said they then drove into the parking lot of a police annex, but there was no one there. It was at that time, Cindy said, she called 911 from her phone. It was during that 911 call that Cindy told police Casey had stolen the car, even though that wasn't entirely the case.

"Because I wanted to speak to a police officer," Cindy said, explaining why she said Casey had stolen the vehicle.

Cindy said they then went home and called 911 for a second time, but she wasn't sure of an exact time frame for making that second call. Cindy said Casey, Lee and her discussed the situation before calling 911.

"I never talked to Casey about the car," Cindy said.

Cindy said she made the second 911 call and told police she needed someone arrested and that she needed help with a missing child.

"She made it sound like they would be there whenever they could instead of they would send someone right out," Cindy told Baez regarding her frustration over their seeming lack of concern from dispatchers on the second 911 call.

Cindy told Baez she then began pacing, frustrated and concerned by the situation.

"I overheard her say she hadn’t seen Caylee for 31 days," Cindy said. "I was hysterical at that point ... I think once I asked her if it was true I ran out and made the [third] 911 call."

Baez then approached the bench and gave Cindy a transcript of the third 911 call to help her remember the exact wording of the call she made. Baez then questioned Cindy on the specific date on which she last saw Caylee. Cindy had, at various times, said the last time she saw Caylee was June 7 or June 8, but video of Caylee with Cindy's father recorded on June 15 later surfaced.

Baez asked Cindy if the reason for stating an earlier date was to get quicker police attention, as she has told media. Cindy said she wasn't premeditated in that choice of dates, but was just saying whatever she could to get them to assist her.

Cindy was then handed over to prosecutors for cross-examination.

"You fully believed that your daughter had had contact with [Caylee] after June 15?" attorney Linda Drane-Burdick asked.

"Yes," Cindy replied.

"The words that you used to describe the smell in the car was 'dead body,'" Drane-Burdick said. "You've told law enforcement that on several occasions you have had contact with dead bodies."

"Only in the morgue," Cindy said.

"... that you've smelled dead tissue and it smelled bad?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Yes," she said.

Kenney-Baden then continued that line of questioning, pointing out the numerous times Cindy has commented on her knowledge of and experience with dead bodies and flesh.

"After you had located your daughter Casey, you had no telephone contact with George," Drane-Burdick said, establishing that Cindy didn't talk to George at any point before or during the period of time during which she made the three 911 calls.

"Correct," Cindy said.

"When you found Casey, Caylee was not with her?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Yea, she was with Zanny," Cindy said.

"And you certainly had no idea or thought that Caylee could be deceased and that there could be a connection between that and the smell in the car?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Correct," Cindy said.

Drane-Burdick then began asking specific questions regarding the 911 calls, confirming Cindy's reasons for saying there was grand theft committed and that Casey had stolen from her. Cindy said that when they got home after making the first call from the police annex, Lee spoke with Casey and Cindy hoped that he would be able to get through to her, but he couldn't.

"I don't think Lee wanted me to call the police," Cindy said. "I'm not sure if I made it on the house phone or the cell phone. I'm not sure if I made [the second] call from the living room or the bedroom or where."

"The only thing wrong at that point was that Casey wouldn't take you to Caylee?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Correct," Cindy said.

"At that point, in your mind, it was only a possibility [that there was a missing child]?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Correct," Cindy said.

"After you make the [second] call, you overhear your daughter saying she hadn't see her daughter for 31 days?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Yeah, she was crying," Cindy said.

"You're first reaction to that is panic, can't think, don't know what to do. Is that right?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Correct," Cindy said.

"Prior to actually making that [third] call, you were yelling at Casey, trying to get information from her. Correct?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Correct," Cindy said.

"You now wanted [police] there because you wanted Caylee found?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Yes and it had seemed like an hour since the last call," Cindy said.

"Very early on into the call, you turn the call over to your daughter," Drane-Burdick said, suggesting that it was at that time in the call that Cindy connected the smell in the car to Caylee gone.

"If that's where my mind went to, yes," Cindy said. "I don't know how the mind works when you're under stress."

Around 3:35pm, Drane-Burdick wrapped up her questioning and Judge Perry called for a 15-minute recess. Upon returning, Baez will be able to again question Cindy.

After the recess, Baez began follow-up questions.

"When you made these statements to law enforcement that you have smelled dead bodies, this was later on, past July 13th, Correct?" Baez asked.

"Correct," Cindy replied.

"After smelling this smell, you still believed Caylee was alive?" Baez asked.

"Correct," Cindy said.

"When you made these statements to law enforcement that you had smelled a dead body ... that was because you wanted them to know the smell that you smelled was difference than that of a dead body," Baez said.

"Yeah, I guess," Cindy said.

"And why did you tell them this? It's because you wanted them to be searching for a live kid," Baez said.

"Correct," Cindy replied.

Just before 4:00pm, Cindy was relieved from testimony and Lee was called to the stand. At the same time, Casey could be seen breaking into tears (see images).

Prosecutors then began their questioning of Lee.

"I just tried to reason with her, reason with Casey," Lee said of the situation when Casey was brought home by Cindy.

Lee told the court he didn't hear the second 911 call Cindy was making and he went to talk to Casey about the situation.

"I went in there to say this didn't make any sense," Lee said. "Just kind of trying, you know, another last ditch effort."

"Did you then engage in a role playing situation where you acted as a police officer?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Yes," Lee said. "I was just trying to say, 'This is what's going to happen.' What's going to fly with my mom isn't going to fly with a police officer."

Lee said that his questioning of Casey, though it seemed to be getting somewhere, was cut off when Cindy returned.

"She came through me to come into the room and just simply said, 'What's going on?'" Lee said. "Casey reiterated that she hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days ... [Cindy] was very angry."

Lee said Cindy was yelling at Casey and punched the bed.

"Frantic, angry, at times at a loss for words, because she kept repeating herself," Lee said.

Lee said it was soon thereafter that Cindy made the third 911 call. He said he wasn't present for that call and didn't hear it at the time and was instead with Casey asking her questions.

However, Drane-Burdick then pointed out that Lee previously testified that he could hear the 911 call Cindy was making. With that, the prosecution ended their questioning and defense attorney Cheney Mason began questioning Lee.

"There was nothing going on to interfere with you having this private conversation with your sister?" Mason asked.

"My sister's information is more important than the call my mom was making," Lee said.

The questioning of Lee ended around 4:20pm, having lasted much less time than the questioning of Cindy. As Lee stepped down, Cindy's work supervisor, Debbie Polisano, was brought forward to testify with Mason doing the first questioning.

"That they found the car in the impound lot," Polisano said. "She told me there was a terrible, terrible odor in the car."

Mason then asked Polisano if it was George who told her how the car smelled.

"She didn't say George told her that, she just said they both knew that," Polisano said. "I told her to go home."

Polisano said she told Cindy to call the police, but that she didn't while in her presence. She said that she sent Cindy home, but she later returned to work.

"Did you have to exercise some persuasion to convince her to leave work to go home?" Mason asked.

"I went and got my boss and had her tell her to go home," Polisano said.

The prosecution declined to question Polisano and at 4:25pm she was allowed to step down. Mason then began the defense's arguments to disallow the 911 calls as hearsay.

"She goes to get the car, has some discussion about odor in the car, goes back to work, now that's not an excited utterance situation," Mason said.

Mason argued that Cindy's statements about the dead body were uninformed and that the length of time between her 911 call statement and the first time she smelled the car shows it's not an excited utterance, which would provide an exception to being considered hearsay; the basis for the hearsay exception of something considered an excited utterance is the belief that a statement made under stress is likely to be trustworthy and unlikely to be premeditated falsehoods.

The prosecution then argued that the third 911 call, where Cindy refers to the smell of a dead body in the car was an excited utterance urged forward by the realization that Casey hadn't seen Caylee for over 30 days. Drane-Burdick went on to argue that Cindy Anthony had the background and experience, which she restated Thursday, to recognize such smells.

Just before 5:00pm, Judge Perry announced a 10-minute recess. He said he'd then return with a ruling.

At 5:05pm, Judge Perry returned to the courtroom.

"The court has before it a question of whether three 911 calls ... the defense raises several theories. The first theory is these calls are hearsay," Perry said, citing cases related to such a theory. "In this particular case, we have three calls. The state has indicated that calls one and calls two are not being offered for the truth of the matter as asserted within ... testimony presented at this particular hearing indicates ... it is quite evident ... that that statement was made before there was time ... the statement was also made at the time she was under the stress of learning that her granddaughter was missing and no one knew where she was ... it's quite clear that the third call fits the description of an excited utterance,"

Perry went on to state that the other two calls, as well, also were made under a stressful situation and ruled that all three 911 calls are permissible as evidence in the case against Casey Anthony and the motion was denied.

The defense wanted Cindy's frantic 911 calls kept out of the trial.

“There's something wrong," Cindy Anthony exclaimed in the 911 call two years ago (hear it). "I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."

Cindy Anthony has changed the story around her frantic 911 call three times. Exactly two years ago, she frantically called 911 to report her granddaughter, Caylee Anthony, missing.

“Um, I have someone here that I need to, um, be arrested in my home and there's a possible missing child. I have a 3-year-old that's been missing for a month,” Cindy told the 911 dispatcher.

“A 3-year-old?” the dispatcher asked.

“Yes,” Cindy answered.

“Have you reported that?” the dispatcher asked.

“I'm trying to do that now, ma'am,” Cindy replied.

Prosecutors argue the series of calls is the beginning of a string of lies Casey told as investigators tried to figure of what happened to Caylee. An even more distraught Cindy called dispatchers again.

“We're talking about a 3-year-old little girl. My daughter finally admitted that the babysitter stole her. I need to find her,” Cindy told the 911 dispatcher.

Once Cindy realized that Casey made up a story about Caylee being with a nanny, and that Casey was under suspicion, she changed her story twice. Cindy later said the smell she was so worried about was just rotting pizza, even though there was no pizza in Casey’s car. (

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 27, 2010, 03:22:41 PM
Baez Accused Of 'Untrue Statements'   :smt075 :smt018
Casey Anthony Charged With Murder In Death Of Daughter

UPDATED: 2:45 pm EDT July 27, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prosecutors in the Casey Anthony murder case claim her lead attorney, Jose Baez, made untrue statements in court paperwork, and they accuse him of having a "faulty recollection."

Baez in May received a telephone call from prison inmate Robin Lunceford, who claimed to have information helpful to Anthony's defense.

In court papers, Baez said that he was unaware that Lunceford was calling from a prison and didn't know that their conversation was being recorded.

According to prosecutors, however, audio of the conversation proves that the prison and Lunceford repeatedly informed him that the call was being recorded.

Baez is attempting to block the release of the call, claiming it was illegally obtained because he did not know he was being recorded.

Anthony, 24, is jailed on first-degree murder charges in the death of her daughter, Caylee, whose remains were found in December 2008. Caylee was 2 years old when she was reported missing about five months before her body was discovered.

Anthony has pleaded not guilty. Her trial is scheduled to being in May 2011.
Watch Local 6 News for more on this story

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 30, 2010, 06:59:29 AM
Friday, July 30, 2010 5:59 AM
Casey Anthony: Defense drills man who found Caylee’s body
Casey Anthony’s lawyers said they are prepared to question the man who found the body of Casey’s daughter in the woods.

The defense team filed court papers, saying Roy Kronk should have been investigated more thoroughly.

“Mr. Baez was very polite to me all day,” Kronk told reporters in November 2009. “He was very nice to me. It was a very nice mood in there.”

Anthony’s attorneys said the former Orange County meter reader has a history of “inappropriate behavior with young girls, abusing, restraining and holding women against their will.”

Lawyers did not immediately reveal what they will ask Kronk, but they are expected to question him about accusations from his ex-wife, Jill Keerley, who claimed he was abusive.

“He probably was the one that murdered Caylee Anthony, or had something to do with it,” Keerley told the defense in 2009.

Attorneys claimed there is just as much circumstantial evidence against Kronk as there is against Casey Anthony.

Kronk’s attorney, David Evans, said he is anxious for his client to get it done.

Evans said Kronk is still living in Orange County, but he has not been working, and has stopped volunteering with dishonorably discharged veterans.

He also added that his client has been following the case against Casey Anthony closely.

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on July 30, 2010, 07:01:45 AM
Attorney: New Law Prevents Baez From Stepping Down

POSTED: 5:21 pm EDT July 29, 2010
UPDATED: 5:40 pm EDT July 29, 2010
Attorney Jose Baez insists the foreclosure on his Kissimmee home will not affect his defense of Casey Anthony.

Baez said he has no desire to leave the capital case despite financial trouble.

Legal experts said they doubt Baez would even be allowed to withdraw from the case.
An amendment went into effect this month in Florida that bans judges from appointing attorneys where an indigent client has already retained and paid a lawyer. Experts said the idea is to prevent a private attorney from pulling out once a client’s money runs out.

Criminal defense attorney Jeff Deen said Baez may have a tough time juggling this high-profile case along with his personal money challenges. Deen said Baez would not be allowed to withdraw as Anthony’s lead attorney.

“He's in now. I would be shocked if Judge Perry let anyone withdraw now,” said Deen.

Deen said the new law, enacted this year by the Florida legislature, was enacted in response to the Anthony case.
“If you start out with a private lawyer and ask the state to pay your costs, and if that lawyer tries to withdraw, it's not permitted by statute anymore that the person would get a state appointed lawyer,” said Deen.

Under the old law, privately retained attorneys who had already been paid could step down, leaving the state of Florida to pick up the cost of paying a new lawyer.

Baez did not return a request for comment Thursday afternoon
Video at link

Title: Re: MEDIA REPORTS:No Discussion
Post by: Nut44x4 on May 04, 2011, 06:52:41 AM
Sorry I have not been able to keep up thios thread as I did before.....


Justice for Caylee


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