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Author Topic: Questions for Art Wood  (Read 21664 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2008, 03:30:50 PM »

Art, thank you.  Did anyone ever investigate whether or not Paulus made ATM withdrawals in the early morning hours of 5/30/06?

Why do you think Julia Renfro inserted herself into this case?   

What are the connections with the Chemaley family and the vanderSloots?  There must be a reason for them to spend so much effort, time and money in the defense of this one family.

I wonder if Julia has daughters.  There is a young woman (girl, i guess) in a picture with GVC and his gang who reminds me a lot of Julia Renfro.  May be some close kin.   j/b
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2008, 01:41:44 AM »

Program with Art Wood:
Carlos was legally there but his license expired. Carlos contacted Jossy through an intermediary trying to get the reward.  Art flew there and interviewed him -  didn't believe his story - thought his story was 100% bogus.

Feels case was sabatoged from within, was professionally sabatoged.

Art indicated when he was there a very high ranking officer said Natalee was being held at a residence and he took Eduardo (Jossy's son) and him (Art) there as he wanted them to do surveillance - when Art asked "why them" the officer said he didn't trust some of his own officers.

Art feels the case can be solved, but Natalee's family will need to pursue locally in Alabama.  He thinks at least 5 people involved in the dissapearance and coverup.  Allies in Aruba are putting pressure on, Jossy is putting pressure on authorities.

Guido Wiever was dealing at the casino that night. Was very nervous when interviewed.  Supposedly Joran went to poker table after Paulus went home. Looking at videos but can not confirm it is Paulus at the blackjack table.  Sure looks like him though.  If it was him, they are both lying.

Van der Stratten was Paulus' best friend.  Said tha Joran confessed. But by 15th only part of that is in the files.

Some of the investigation pages are missing.  Dennis Jacobs was to interview the boys but that is not in the files.  On June 10 family is told it is a murder investigation.

Jacobs was hand-picked by the chief, never worked a missing person's case, and is either inept or he sabatoged the investigation.

Witnesses saw vehicles at the dunes/lighthouse.  Same area where Dave had seen the car trunk open/close. Art searched in that area and found the belt. Police said bring in in the morning.   Very distintive belt - elongated holes, squared off, long belt.   Believed to be the same belt as in the photos.   He gave the belt to Roy Trump (ALE), who thought it was identical to photo.   Belt not pursued as they said it was too old.  Tried to get belt through an attorney for dna testing - does not know what happened to the belt.

Fred Globa did a lighthouse search the day the belt was turned in, and police all over that area - police had not been active in two months prior.  Jacobs, prosecutor showed up.

(I stopped my recap at this point as Tylergal and AZLady were doing such a great job)

The poker dealer, Guido, was in jail, and Art found him last summer, should have been pursued. He was actually dealing poker the night that Joran met Natalee in the casino and employees that Art interviewed said Guido was very nervous. He was dealing at poker and blackjack tables where Joran first met Natalee.

Paulus vanderSloot says he never met Natalee, but Art agrees that the man at the BJ table certainly looks like Paulus but certainly cannot count that so much as evidence but clear that Joran was there and admits it.

Joran says he came to the table after Paulus went off. If that is Paulus at that table, that is extremely important, that tells that both he and his son are lying to the authorities.

Initially it may not be direct evidence as far as murder/kidnap but it is evidence inasmuch as obstruction and possible corruption in Aruba that is leading to all this information.

Let's get to the belt. Dana is looking at the pictures of Joran with the blet which looks like the one Art found. Jossy has mentioned evidence is missing.

Art says Jossy brought up a good point and Dave was led to believe early on in investigation, approximately June 1, his first day on the island, Dennis Jacobs led Dave to believe the boys were interviewed and that Dennis was going to take statements in a day or two but no statements show up in any files until they are arrested on June 10. On June 10 family was told this is a murder invetigation and led them to believe someone confessed and someone in the government released that info and that they were being led to the body but we never knew that, and if they found the body, it would be hard to cover up.

JVDStratten best friends with Paulus, and resigned from the case. He interviewed Joran on 9 June and people were told him that JOran confessed and they were going to be led to the body, but the post on 13th shows that only part of the interview was presented to the case and this is where Joran indicates Deepak raped and killed Natalee, buried her near the fisherman's hut, but it appears page after page of this are missing.

There are a lot of interrogations we question. Dennis Jacobs, lead investigator , picked by the chief was a narcotics investigator, never worked a missing persons case, his behavior is bizarre and may have sabotaged the case.

About the belt, there are reasons why I searched for the belt We had witnesses that led us to the area who saw vehicles to this area, and led me to search and believe it or not, this is where Dave saw the police car that was acting strangely with the trunk open/closed and Dave felt it strange. Dave was in Mississippi at that time. Gave Art a description of the area and was the same area a caller had seen activity the night she disappeared. Art found the belt, put it in his car and was going to take to ALE the next morning, and they told him to bring it in the next day. He went back and hooked up with Eduardo for interviewing some people that night. Later that night, he was thinking about the belt and he went through the newspaper and photo file and saw Joran from the website, choking the young man with this belt. I am saying, "that is the belt. This is a distinctive belt with elongated, square holes." Has a lock on it, discolored in that it has perspiration and wear, very wide, thick, good leather belt, very long. When I turned over to police, the lead (chief people) Roy Trump took the belt, Art gave statement. He said this is identical and is important. Art felt it important. Later he found out the belt was not sent to Holland, it was too old, it had been in the sand too long. Art said no one claimed Joran wore the belt, he is choking the kid with the belt. He only claimed this was the belt in the picture.

He went through an attorney to try to get the belt back to send to private lab, and he has no idea what happened to belt. Run around, could be blood or DNA in the belt. Does not know where it is. With computer enhancement, you could tell if it is the same belt, based on striation, etc. It is possible to identify his fingerprints with enhancement.

Found belt late July/August and he had never seen the police get excited about searching for anything. Searches after June 3 were being conducted mostly by TES & friends of the H-T family. He never saw police actively participate in any search. The day he turned belt in, organized search, he had Fred Golba on the island, Fred organized the search to take place after 6:30 p.m. because it was hot and he wanted his dogs to be work when it was cooler. They suggested waiting until 6:30. He searched well into the night. There were police crawling all over the place, showed up on their days off. Dennis Jacobs on his day off, showed up, and they are making sure, the prosecutor, this is a first he thought, but they did not think the belt was significant but at the same time act like it is extremely significant.

AZLady question. How did Jossy know that ALE knew Natalee was at Joran's apartment?

That is interesting too. They conducted a search of Joran's garage apartment, and he could sneak in and out. However, they did NOT SEARCH THE MAIN HOUSE. Searched the garage and apartment. We were led to believe that evidence was found there. Jossy had reason to believe that possible DNA evidence from NH was found in that apartment. It has never come out that was true. We do not know if it was or not, but you would think it would be turned over to attorneys on both side, but never has.

We were led to believe blood evidence was in Kalpoe car. The police stated on world TV blood was found in Kalpoe car and car sent to Holland. Report came back that it was cleaning fluid and chocolate. I do not know of any initial tests, luminol or any tests for blood, that would show positive for cleaning fluid and chocolate to be blood. It's elementary 101 from crime substances, few will show up as blood, animal blood and is still blood. You know you have blood when you get a positive reading, but cannot know whose until lab results return. We were disappointed in that, but it is one of those things I cannot accuse someone of but it is easily something that could have been substituted. Getting into break.

No break, another question.

Let's talk about Joran and his history, and in your investigation, before what did you find out about him before Natalee came on the island, history, any problems with law, etc, in the past. There were allged incidents against females.

Professionals who have testified say he is a sociopath. I have not personally met him but based on his track records - he also has some problems. On Greta interview, he claimed to have never been to psychologist or psychiatrist, but on police reports, according to both Joran and his father, Joran was being treated for anger management and for stealing from his family.

Dana watched Greta screaming at the TV and would have loved to spend 15 minutes in a room with JVDS, and could get him to talk.

Greta asked why he told his father he was at the casino and later when they went there, he was not there. He said, 'Oh, I made a mistake, I was at the Radisson, not the Wyndham." Anyway that was the night after Nat disappeared. He tells the authorities he had a tennis match and then hooked up with his friends and they went to a casino and claim to have gone to ...anyway, he was in a poker tournament at the Radisson, so what happened is Greta asked him "why did you tell your father you were at this casino, when you were at the Raddison. " He told Greta it is because they parked the car there, where Deepak took the car. Guess what, Deepak did not take him there. Deepak was at work. Greta had him in a lie and did not pursue it. IT was a bold-faced lie. I thought it was important because what had happened was he told his father and the father told police and they asked employees and no one had seen him. Not one employee could recall him being there. We had reason to believe in June, one kid on the island told Dave H that Joran and his father borrowed a friend's boat that night. That would have been the line of questioning I would have followed.

Dana said Greta was no interview, just a discussion.

Discussing Bo Dietl playing mental games with Joran. Bo's emotions got a little bit to him. Bo is a homicide detective. Dana says those types of techniques as far as intimidation sometime work. Was that it or the heat of moment (Bo's behavior)?

Bo probably had the same feelings you and I have, would like to have a chance to get inside his head, as you and I would. Joran is a professional liar. If you watched him, we knew he was not at the hotel he claimed to be at -- Wyndham -- this is the night Beth & Jug arrive, May 30/May 31. They are led to VDS house. Father answers door, says he will ask Joran, says Joran not home. Says he will call him. The Wyndham and Radison are quite far apart. There is very little parking at Wyndham, have to have guest key but big parking lot at Radison. She had him in a bold-faced lie but she did not follow up.

Joran, K2 told Beth and police (on May 30-31) they dropped her off at the HI and she stumbled and fell and they were going to help her but black security guard helped her. This was before June 1. Beth H-T and ALE, VanderStraaten have viewed films and they know these boys have lied because films show she was never dropped off and she did not fall and hurt herself. The car never enters the area. They know these three have lied. The chief of police has three people who were last seen with this 18-year-old American girl, and they were seen with her in their car and that these three teenagers have all told you, the chief, that you dropped her off but now you know they were lying. Would now you not focus on those 3 kids? Well, guess what they went after two black security guards on June 5 and arrested them. Why would you do that? You know the people who pointed you to them are lying. If you do not believe there is a cover-up, look at the orchestrated arrest of these security guards, they knew these 3 pukes were lying, so why would they orchestrate this arrest unless it was a cover up?

That is the biggest seed to plant into listerners' heads, that there is a cover up. Talking about Boeti, the drug dealer, who said he sold Boeti drugs. Art interviewed him five times and each time he interviewed him, I came away from the interview thinking he had been coached. He told Art he saw black security guards going in and out of Natalee's room, and there is no police report of that even though he says he has been there several times. Later it comes out Boeti is a drug dealer, BIL of Dompig. Lead narcotics investigator in Aruba, working as the chief investigator of NH disappearance, what better way to orchestrate the arrest of these two black guys than get a drug dealer to say "Yes, I saw them going in and out of her room."

You could not write a movie script any better than this. The family wants closure. this craziness from Aruba just goes on and on.

Before the other questions, there are some good, professional officers on Aruba, but were never assigned to this case -- homicide detectives but they were never assigned it and that is probably to use the term, "you just pinned the tail on the donkey."

Art wants listeners to know he thinks highly of some officers on Aruba but they were never allowed to work on case.

another question: The gardener witness. Did he ever take a lie detector test. Is he deemed to be credible. Was it because he could not identify Satish. Could it have been Freddy? Absolutely. Gardener is credible. This is the original Carlos the gardener, young man, early 20s. Art found him very honest and sincere. I believed him. I am very sure this guy was honest. He was afraid to come forward because he is a gardener. This Carlos the gardener told Art (Art found him) through an interpreter. YOu could tell he was sincere. "I saw them searching by the fisherman's huts, they had a big search party, police and everybody and I was driving to work and I wanted to tell them "No, go over here." He told his employer. Carlos was not interviewed until August and he told his employer about this in June. Employer backed this up. He works for a family on the island and I think he would be an excellent witness. He could not identify Satish but could identify Baby Huey and Deepak. He said whoever was in the back seat, got down. It turns out it could be Freddy and I Have seen interviews in which it talks about the fact Paulus got attorneys for these kids the first week in June before they were arrested. Paulus got Freddy an attorney in June and Freddy was not arrested until September. That tells you a lot. Art believes Freddy is one of the five. Carlos the Gardener is a valuable witness.

The Dutch say not to believe Carlos the gardener becasuse he is Columbian.

Next question: Can you explain, based on your knowledge, etc., why the K2 and Joran have not at least been charged with abduction/kidnapping, raping, even drugging as there have been some admissions. In your opinion is the evidence there or will it be there? Unfortunately, unless we can find Natalee, although I believe she was given a drug, unless suspects talk, no evidence that can be used to convince a jury that this girl was drugged. I also think she may have been run over with a car. Art is basing this on the transport statements in the back of the poilce car when they were secretly tape-recorded. During the conversation, they are careful what they say but angry. Joran threatens to beat them both up, going to hit them. Deepak says if they find the girl you are going to Jail. Go back and forth arguging and one thing Joran says in this conversation he tells Deepak, "Don't you think the police would like to know your brother ran a girl over with the car?"

The reason this is so important, when they were interviewed, said Natalee fell out of the car at the HI, and we know that is a lie, but why did they say that, she fell out of car unless you were covering your butt. She might have tried to jump out and may have been run over. We were all led to believe Deepak was driving but in statement they give, it is said Satish parked the car behind Carlos and Charlie and why would he not be driving.

Talking about Chicago videos, plastic bag. I would like for an expert to examine them, the FBI. I cannot see that it is anything related to this case, but could be. I am not an expert. Someone who knows, is an expert, needs to look at them.

Red on Dana thanking him and praising Art for his perseverence and efforts. Dana promises to have him back, and thinks this one person who listens, who never had the opportunity to come forward and Dana promises to keep working on these types of programs, for missing persons, unlike bottom line. Red thanks him again.

Palm reader on. The two Indian boys are capable of killing.

Art says this case was professionally sabotaged from within. A high ranking Aruban officer came to him last summer and said Natalee was being held somewhere in Aruba. He took him there and said he told him this because he wanted Art to do some surveillance there. He said this is wrong. The police should be checking this out, not them. Very strange situation.

Art says this case can be solved, but someone needs to talk. Natalee's family needs to put pressure on the FBI in Alabama, after Aruba closes the case, to investigate it. More than likely it would be solved if someone will talk. At least five people involved in case who could talk. They have allies in Aruba who are working to help them solve the case. Jossy is one of them pressuring the authorities to continue looking for the truth.

There are some credible witnesses out there who have not been a position to tell the story yet. Puzzle is spread out across the island. About a month ago, they had GVC in prison in Holland, dealer from casino where Joran and Natalee met. He's one of Joran's friends. He was discovered in June last year by Art and needed pursued. He was dealing the night Joran met Natalee. This guy was very nervouswhen questioned by police regarding the film of poker and bj table. We're trying to determine if it was PVDS at the bj table, but I wouldn't count that so much as evidence. Joran was there and met Natalee. Joran came to the table after PVDS went home. If that is PVDS iit is important, as it shows they are both lying about meeting Natalee.

What about the belt? Jossy brings up a good point that some of the evidence is missing. We were led to believe the boys were interviewed on May 30 and 31 and Dennis Jacobs wasgoing to interview them again on the first. But none of these statement are in the files. Then the family is told the investigation is a a murder investigation on Jun 10. Jan Van der Stratten was best friends with PVDS. He interviewed Joran on June 9 and people were told by him that Joran confessed and were going to be led to the body. But on the 15th only part of that interview is in the case files. But it's only a short report. Pages and pages of the interrogations are missing. Jacobs was a narc detective, hand picked to lead investigation--has a lot of bizarre behavior. He is either inept or has personally sabotaged the case

The belt. We have witnesses who led Art to the area of the dunes. Where Dave saw the guy with the trunk open who slammed it and sped away and he thought this strange. This was where a caller had seen activitiy the night she disappeared. Wood found the belt there. He put it in his car trunk. He called cops and they said bring it in in the morning. He went back and hooked up with Eduardo and they were going to interview some people. He thought he had seen the belt before. He remembered seeing Joran and the kid choking with the belt. Art recognized it cuz of the elongated squared holes. It's discolored and wide and brown leather, very long. When he turned it over to police, the lead invest. was Roy Trump and he gave it to him. He took a statement and said it was identical and said this is important. Then Art learned they decided the belt was too old to be important and was too long to be Joran's. Art told them no one ever claimed it was worn by Joran or that it was new. It was a prop Joran had used. Art tried to get it back through an attorney, but it was gone. He wanted it tested--there might have been blood or dna or anything on it.

That's just one example of how they blew it. He found the belt late in July, first of August. He never saw the polis get excited about anything. The searches were mostly conducted by TES or Holloway-Twitty's. The night i turned in the belt we organized a serch of that area --Fred Golba organized the search with dogs after the sun went down because it was so hot. Search started 6:30 and went well into the night. The police were crawling all over the place. Jacobs and Prosecutor and others showed up on their day off. They acted like it was extremely significant.

He asked about my question! Was any evidence found in Joran's apartment? They searched the apartment. We were led to believe evidence was found. Jossy was led to believe DNA evidence was found in the apt. We don't know if this is true and if it is, it hasn't been turned over to the attorneys. We were led to believe blood was found in kalpoes car. When report came back from Holland, it was said it was cleaning fluid and chocolate. I don't know any tests that show initially blood that will then test positive for cleaning fluid and choc. Blood tests are not mistaken for other things, you just don't know whose blood. Those are evidence that may hve been substituted.

Joran's past with other females. Professionals have testified in this case that he is a sociopath. Interview with Greta he claims never to have been to a psychologist, but we have reports he has and father said he has been treated with anger management and for stealing. Dana was screaming at the TV when greta interviewed him for not asking the right questions. Joran told father he was at one casino, but then when asked said he was at another casino. He tells the authorities he had tennis match and then wnet to casino with friends and then is in another tournament at Radisson. Why did youtell your father you were at another casino when at the Radisson. He said that's where Deepak parked the car, but Deepak was working that night. She caught him in a boldfaced lie, but didn't jump on it. We have reason to believe, a young kid on the island, told Dave that Joran and his father borrowed a boat that night. Dana said he didn't like the interview Greta did.

Bo Dietl serving Joran playing those mental games saying where did you bury the girl, etc. Those techniques sometime work as far as the intimidation factor. Bo probably had the same feeling as they do that they would like a shot at the kid. The kid is a professional liar. He tells his Dad he's at the Wyndham the night the Holloways arrive. The father goes to look for son, he's not home. I'll call him. PVDS gets on phone at 2 am and says where are you son. They go to the Wyndham and Joran's not there and hasn't been there. He's in the driveway with Deepak when they get back. Greta says why did youtell your Dad Wyndham when youwere at Radisson? Deepak worked and supposedly wne to Wyndham to park car and then went to Radisson to meet Joran. These are a ways apart from each other. Greta had him in a bold faced lie and didn't follow up on it.

First, on the day after she disappeared J2K told Beth and police they dropped her off at HI and she stumbled and fell on sidewalk and a black security guard helped her. They told that story on June 1 and Beth and the Van Der Stratten know these boys lied that day. They saw the video and Kalpoe car was never there. The chief of police knows they lied and were last seen with her. Wouldn't you focus your investigation on these guys? Well, they instead arrested two black security guards when you know the people who pointed youto them are lying. The orchestrated arrest of the guards show there is a cover up in Aruba.

The narc investigator got a drug dealer to say he saw the 2 black security guards going into the girls room. and there is no record of the interview.

Good investigators and officers in Aruba were never allowed to work on this case

Gardener saw three boys in the car near the Racquet Club. Art believes him and says he had no reason to lie. He told Art I saw them searching by the fisherman huts. I wanted to tell them to look over here, over here. He was afraid to tell the police, but told his employer. He told his employer this in June. He is still on the island and would be an excellent witness if this goes to trial. He couldn't identify Satish because he ducked down. It could have been Freddy in the back seat. One of the interviews says Paulus got attorneys for these kids the first week of June! And he got an attorney for Freddy the first week of June. Freddy is one of the five people I mentioned. Carlos the Gardener is a good witness.

Freddy wasn't taken in until August, but Paulus got him an attorney in June!

Art believes she was given a date rape drug, but there's no evidence unless her body is found. He also thinks she may have been run over by a car. The boys were being transported and were secretly recorded in the car. They are angry with each other, Deepak says if they ever find the girl you're going to jail for 20 yrs. Joran tell Deepak don't you think the police would like to know that your brother ran a girl over with the car? He's threatening him. They said she fell out of the car at the HI and we now that's a lie. Why would you say she fell out of the car unless you are covering your but? In the statement they give, Satish parked the car behind C&C and there's no reason to believe he didn't drive when they left. Maybe Natalee tried to jump from the moving car and Satish ran her over.

Art says he has never been paid nor did he seek payment for this case. He is a volunteer, and has not been paid for his work. Jossy helped him with some expenses, but he's doing it for Beth and Dave.

Sources: Tylergal, AZLady and my recap of the beginning questions..



Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
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