Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Natalee Holloway => LCD Archive => Topic started by: San on January 13, 2008, 03:43:25 PM

Title: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12 - 1/16/08
Post by: San on January 13, 2008, 03:43:25 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 13, 2008, 09:00:41 PM
AZSunny - I haven't seen it.  Is it in the segment at the end when Joran throws the wine?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZSunny on January 13, 2008, 09:02:37 PM
AZSunny - I haven't seen it.  Is it in the segment at the end when Joran throws the wine?

It is the one that Anna posted. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZSunny on January 13, 2008, 09:05:30 PM
I think this is the one....

Has anyone posted Clint van Zandt on this wine throwing episode?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 13, 2008, 09:06:09 PM
This story has been played several times today on Toronto's local news station 680 News.
It really getting a lot of attention. Not the kind the the VDS's were looking for I'm sure.

I agree.

There is no way that Anita can continue to openly uphold her son in regards to his anger issues.  Joran's total lack of self control ... total lack of a conscience ... was exposed for the world to see.  Maybe ... just maybe ... this event will be the catalyst which will cause this woman to face reality in regards to the path that her son is travelling ... a path that is both a danger to him and ... a danger to others.

and do not forget what fred maduro said when he was doing the tour of the k.i.a.  he was telling about jvds having a fight with another prisoner, another time having to be subdued by guards because he didn't want to go back down to the police station to be interrogated again, and fred tops it off by saying he'd known jvds all his life and always thought he'd end up where he was(in prison), because of his anger management problems.  just imagine what he'd do to a l00 lb. little girl who refused his alcohol driven sexual advances.

Freddy Maduro
'Countdown with Keith Olbermann'
August 25, 2005

KOSINSKI (voice-over): … The prison director, Fred Maduro, used to work with Van Der Sloot’s father and knew Joran as a boy.

(on camera): Is it strange to see him in this environment?

FREDDY MADURO, ARUBA PRISON WARDEN: Yes, strange in a way, in another way, not, because of his temperament. When he doesn’t get his way, he gets very angry. I know that before, that already he was a very angry person.

KOSINSKI: And did you see some of his temper here in prison?

 MADURO: In beginning, yes, with the policemen. But then, afterwards, the policemen really rough him up.

KOSINSKI (voice-over): And he says Van Der Sloot got into a fight with another inmate.

MADURO: and he kicked a guy, and then he kept kicking in the same place. So, Joran’s pretty big. So, but the guy is small, but smaller than he is. But the guy (INAUDIBLE) hit him in the eye.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZSunny on January 13, 2008, 09:09:57 PM
Start about 2:45 and go forward.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 13, 2008, 09:10:48 PM
I think this is the one....

Has anyone posted Clint van Zandt on this wine throwing episode?

Oh, it's in this one?  Good, I can view this one OK.  I didn't notice the Anita part, I'll watch again.

Yes, Anna posted it earlier.  It's good.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZSunny on January 13, 2008, 09:13:26 PM
it is towards the end when she starts fanning her shirt.  weird.  It is really hiked up too.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZSunny on January 13, 2008, 09:15:25 PM
BBL...hubby said the timer on the oven is ringing it's head off...think he wants his dinner!  LOL

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 13, 2008, 09:16:07 PM
(I brought this post over from the other thread.)

I think that Anita actions in regards to the top of her outfit implies that she may have gotten splashed with some of that wine that Joran threw at Devries.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 13, 2008, 09:18:25 PM
Start about 2:45 and go forward.

OMG, lololol   :lol: :lol: :lol:

OK, be back in a bit - need to go to work  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kat_Gram on January 13, 2008, 09:23:07 PM
Snipped :Joran: Well it’s a small prison. The womensprison had their court-yard close to my cell-window and from them you hear stuff… They told me what was in the newspapers…
So, he was to be held with no communication with anyone. So he knew what was in the papers.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 13, 2008, 09:35:08 PM
Snipped :Joran: Well it’s a small prison. The womensprison had their court-yard close to my cell-window and from them you hear stuff… They told me what was in the newspapers…
So, he was to be held with no communication with anyone. So he knew what was in the papers.

this is just one small demonstration that nothing is as it should be, or is touted to be on the happy island. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: justinsmama on January 13, 2008, 09:38:53 PM
Dvries needs to prosecute that pig for what he did.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: San on January 13, 2008, 09:42:38 PM
(I brought this post over from the other thread.)

I think that Anita actions in regards to the top of her outfit implies that she may have gotten splashed with some of that wine that Joran threw at Devries.



Anita is removing the microphone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 13, 2008, 09:43:49 PM
Had to do it the hard way, capturing in frames...lolol  :lol:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: San on January 13, 2008, 09:44:09 PM
Dvries needs to prosecute that pig for what he did.

I agree but he won't do it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 13, 2008, 09:44:41 PM
(I brought this post over from the other thread.)

I think that Anita actions in regards to the top of her outfit implies that she may have gotten splashed with some of that wine that Joran threw at Devries.



Anita is removing the microphone.

Ah good point, you're probably right.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sirensong on January 13, 2008, 09:47:07 PM
Just found this copy of the Nova interview with some translation:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 13, 2008, 09:49:01 PM
(I brought this post over from the other thread.)

I think that Anita actions in regards to the top of her outfit implies that she may have gotten splashed with some of that wine that Joran threw at Devries.



Anita is removing the microphone.

San ... I do not know anything about microphones that are attached to the person so ... I will take your word for it.   :lol:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: the big hammer on January 13, 2008, 09:50:48 PM

And why does he need "wine" to talk of case?

Typically 11% - 14% alcohol by volume.  3-4 times more potent than beer at usual 3.2 measure.  And one third the strength of standard "spirits" -- whiskey, vodka, rum, scotch, etc. -- at the usual 40% alcohol by volume.   

The dependency issue on view and undeniable.

The AOD issues are not just evident, but need and demand satisfaction.  Hence the appearance of wine on the set of the show.  Would you drink alcohol during a televised interview, with presumably so much at stake?  Do you take a shot or two before a job interview, and then request "wine" to just get through the discussion?
Likely not.  Almost no one does.  Except here.

What we do not see are the neuro-chemical charges firing in the brain of sloot, as he tries to make sense of disbelieving listeners, charges engorged and sharpened through the intake of even a relatively small amount of alcohol.  But tis like kerosene to the ember.

He may not seem "drunk" -- and by legal definition, he may not be.  And maybe he could even drink a "case of beer" before getting "drunk," as he claimed to Greta. 

But he cannot control the toxic and lethal mixing of the alcohol with his synapses, and the violence inherent in male AOD issues.  Particularly in an enabled environment where his parents have obviously refused to see with their eyes the issues at play.

It is not "anger management" -- it is AOD-fueled socipatheic rage.  The kind of rage that could get someone killed. 

And did.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 13, 2008, 09:52:50 PM
Just found this copy of the Nova interview with some translation:

Thanks sirensong.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 13, 2008, 09:53:15 PM
Posted by CancunMole at RU (interresting to see how Joran's latest stunt has affected the way people now see him):

Just about Every decent, loving Mother will defend and protect their Child even when They know or suspect something may be askew up to a point, IMO. At some point, not only the Mother but all observers Who have watched and hoped Otherwise may at some point see something that finally suggests that it just can't be......

FWIW and I'm sure this won't be popular on this Board anymore seeing what it seemingly has become, this most recent "INFRACTION" was the last for me. I've given the Sporter every benefit of the doubt until now... but to knowingly be under the spotlight and public scrutiny and behave in such an inflammatory and disrespectful manner WITH HIS MOST STAUNCH SUPPORTERS, HIS PARENTS, PRESENT shouts out as far as I'm concerned to say just WHAT the kid really is, a

Smug, self-confident, nasty, condescending, extremely smart crime and law -wise (for a babe of 17) and now openly defiant and disrespectful to ALL authority, no one else sees these as a questionable combination? Hello, if this was your very own kid acting this way would you think and feel the same way??? How proud and supportive would you really be???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sirensong on January 13, 2008, 09:59:36 PM
Welcome!  Got it from someone at Gretawire.  I hope Peter follows Joran around just to see if he could catch him "losing it" again.  I am just stunned that he so easily lost it.  IMO he feels threatened by the fact that DeVries can play the game and not be conned.  He knows he sounded like a guilty man, with all his avoiding the questions and his slip of "being interrogated for murder" comment.  He didn't hold up and he blamed DeVries for making him look like an idiot in front of his dad.  I noticed DeVries also said he was glad Pauld didn't become a judge with his outlook on things.  That must have sent Joran to the moon LOL

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 13, 2008, 10:06:42 PM

And why does he need "wine" to talk of case?

Typically 11% - 14% alcohol by volume.  3-4 times more potent than beer at usual 3.2 measure.  And one third the strength of standard "spirits" -- whiskey, vodka, rum, scotch, etc. -- at the usual 40% alcohol by volume.   

The dependency issue on view and undeniable.

The AOD issues are not just evident, but need and demand satisfaction.  Hence the appearance of wine on the set of the show.  Would you drink alcohol during a televised interview, with presumably so much at stake?  Do you take a shot or two before a job interview, and then request "wine" to just get through the discussion?
Likely not.  Almost no one does.  Except here.

What we do not see are the neuro-chemical charges firing in the brain of sloot, as he tries to make sense of disbelieving listeners, charges engorged and sharpened through the intake of even a relatively small amount of alcohol.  But tis like kerosene to the ember.

He may not seem "drunk" -- and by legal definition, he may not be.  And maybe he could even drink a "case of beer" before getting "drunk," as he claimed to Greta. 

But he cannot control the toxic and lethal mixing of the alcohol with his synapses, and the violence inherent in male AOD issues.  Particularly in an enabled environment where his parents have obviously refused to see with their eyes the issues at play.

It is not "anger management" -- it is AOD-fueled socipatheic rage.  The kind of rage that could get someone killed. 

And did.

Hammer - it appears Joran's little stunt has shown his true colors to many.  They now see Joran has no control over his anger.  Imagine what he would do with no cameras rolling and only a young girl saying no.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 13, 2008, 10:06:57 PM
Posted by CancunMole at RU (interresting to see how Joran's latest stunt has affected the way people now see him):

Just about Every decent, loving Mother will defend and protect their Child even when They know or suspect something may be askew up to a point, IMO.  

I do not agree!!!  There is nothing decent and loving about parents who will defend their child knowing that he/she is in the wrong.

Decent and loving parents assume the responsibility of training/teaching their child that there are boundaries which define right from wrong.  Decent and loving parents warn their child that there are are consequences for negative outcomes when he/she chooses to do wrong.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 13, 2008, 10:20:36 PM
Just posted by Victor (Lazlo) at Scrux:

Not even a month ago the OM in Aruba "closed" the Natalee Holloway case.
The American student has been missing since May 2005.

Joran van der Sloot has been a prime suspect in this case together with two of his friends.

The decision to make it a sepot was followed due to a lack of new concrete evidence, according to head officer Hans Mos during a press conference.

(clip of Hans Mos) "That fact and the fact that the all three decided to take their right to remain silent during their detention that together has brought us to the conclusion that there simply was not enough juridical evidence to charge and prosecute them".
-end of clip-

Joran van der Sloot has been the prime suspect since 2005 in the Holloway case, he after all was the one that saw her last, and gave statements that were untrue. Later Joran admitted that he had lied.
In November he was arrested again. During his detention that lasted for two weeks Joran again took his right to remain silent.

Last night, Joran together with his parents Joran one more time gave an interview to Pauw and Witteman. At the table also crime reporter Peter de Vries, who has never made it a secret to doubt Joran's statements.

When the broadcasting had ended, the following happened:

-clip of Joran throwing wine in de Vries's face is shown-

De Vries: I think he proved himself a bad service,
Witteman: This incident is not going to contribute to him gaining any much trust.

de Vries asking: "Tell me now how did you got home that night".
Joran: I was brought home by D.. Satish the brother of Deepak
"de Vries: But he denies that, he says I did not bring him home at all.
Joran: Yes
de Vries: and first you have stated that Deepak have brought you home, not Satish
Joran: Mr de Vries, I don't know if you...
de Vries: Why would they lie about that?
-end of clip-

Peter Plasman: I found the performance of the family van der Sloot really dramatic (as in not good).
Intervieuwer: Why?
Plasman: Because these people with this story can never win over the battle of the public opinion.

Joran van der Sloot yesterday had come with his parents to the talkshow P&W now that he is not going to be prosecuted about Natalee Holloway, right after the program things get out of hand.

-clip- :
Joran: If there ever will be clearity about what happened, and it turns out you are wrong, will you apologize, are you man enough to do that?
De Vries: What do you think?
Joran: No.
De Vries: No?
Joran nods his head that no he thinks no.
Anita starts to laugh real hard, audience is mumbling.
The interviewer then says: What a beautiful ending of such a ...!
Anita van der Sloot: Nice ending (laughing)
-end of clip-

Witteman: Everybody was shaking hands, any way, Jeroen and I were shaking hands with all our guests, and Joran stood up and I got the impression that Joran was going to shake hands with Peter.

Peter de Vries: After the broadcasting, my sender was taken of and I arrange my clothes, I was looking down, at that moment Joran had stood up and I myself had not seen that, and shortly thereafter I got an amount of wine in my face that he had thrown.
There was a full glass of wine on the table, and he had grabbed that and threw it in my face. And because I did not see that coming I got the wine in my eyes, and of course because there was alcohol in it, that itched.

De Vries is standing with his hands for his eyes, his wife next to him and Jeroen Pauw says he should use some water for his eyes.
Anita with a sad voice: Why do you do that now, come on now, ohhh!
Wife of de Vries towards Anita: Now you have done such a great job raising that, yes, very well raised indeed.
-end of clip-

Witteman: After the broadcasting he said he was so agitated during the broadcasting because he had to explain why he had lied again and again, and he had then felt he could do this, now I have the chance, and then he did this.

de Vries: He did this out of a form of frustration, agitation. I have later talked with him, and he then apologized, and he then said that already during the broadcasting he had wanted to insult me, but that during the broadcasting he had been able to held back, but then then at the end, it came out of him, and before he knew/realised it himself he had thrown wine in my face.

May 2005, the American Natalee Holloway is with her class on Aruba vacationing, after a night of going out she takes of with some guys, they end up at the beach, in the end she is together with Joran van der Sloot, but ever since there is no trace of Natalee.
Joran van der Sloot is a suspect and is interrogated over and over again, but last month the Aruban judge let go of the case.
-end of clip-

In the interview last night he was attacked because in the case he had taken his right to remain silent.

de Vries: The fact that also now, the last time he was arrested he refused to answer any single question during all that time, I find that very strange, and I wonder if this is something his father agrees with, as being a man who attempted to become a judge himself. That your son, In such a crucial case in which a girl has went missing, in which the mother is desperate about the faith of her daughter, that you then keep your mouth shut, while the goal of the investigation is to obtain clearity.
-end of clip-

Interviewer: Why is it a good idea at times to take your right to remain silent?
Peter Plasman: Because if you know the prosecution does not have enough against me and you then remain silent, then there cannot come anything upon that, at least not from me. If justice does not have enough and you are questioned and give answers, you take the risk of making mistakes -regardless if you are innocent or guilty, also innocent people make mistakes- that can be interpreted wrongly, and look we now have contradicting statements, and additional incriminating material.

Joran: And I have told everything, and I also feel, why would have have to give the police 20 statements, the only thing they want is to find differences in that.
-end of clip-

Interviewer: To take your right to remain silent in many cases is a normal strategy.
De Vries: Well I do not feel this a normal strategy, we are here not dealing with a career criminal of a drugs case, these usually standardly get the advise of their lawyers to take their right to remain silent.
We are here dealing with a guy who last saw a girl, so please give me one reason why you would not tell your story.

Joran: I no longer have faith in the OM in Aruba, they are not after truthfinding in this case, they just want to hang someone. Just for their own ego's.
Witteman: Also when the person is innocent?
Joran: Yes also when the person is innocent I am convinced of that.
de Vries: I find it kind of strange you say that you have no trust in the OM, while you are the one who have continued to lie.
Joran: Yes I have lied, I admit that, but there are reasons for that, and those reasons you know also.
de Vries: I would like to know these reasons, to lie about something you did, while you have nothing to hide. Why would you have to lie then, please explain.
-end of clip-

Plasman: This could not go right. The questions of Peter de Vries could have been predicted in advance, it were very legitimate questions. Questions like, why remain silent if you have nothing to hide, you cannot explain that yourself, if you want to explain that you will have to let a professional do that.
Plus all the inside information that was given, especially by the father, I found the role of father especially saddening (as in worse of all) .Well, they just never should have done this (going on the show).

Anita: Now I am his mother, I love him very much, I am convinced he would not harm a girl.
These initial emotions for me are also important to notice at him, because I did actually had doubts about him for a while.
I have thought, damn, could an accident have happened, could something have happened, does he not want to tell?
-end of clip-

Plasman: If you go to a television broadcasting, and you know in advance that the mother is going to say that she has doubted her son, then that in itself is a reason not to go.
Interviewer: So this is not so smart
Plasman: No no no
Plasman: Especially the father should have known what questions would come up, and how the mother would react upon the questions. And if he knows that if there is going to be a question did you ever doubt him and that she is going to answer yes, he should have decided not to go there.

Witteman: You were a stand in judge
Paulus: Yes
Witteman: Imagine Joran had told you, dad I did something terrible, what would you have done?
Paulus: I would have gone with him to him to the OM.
Witteman: Did you had a talk about this?
Anita: Between us as parents? Yes, yes.
Witteman: And you agreed with that?
Anita: Yes I agreed with that fully.
Witteman: You would then have brought in your own son?
Anita: Yes
Joran: And I can confirm that also.
-end of clip-

Plasman: What I found dramatically to hear from the parents was that they said, if he had told them he had something to do with it, that they would have gone to the police, since that means as parents you are cutting of your role as a parent to your son, you then know going to your parents with your problems, asking advise, telling what happened means jail, the parents taking over the role of police officers, incredible for parents.

-Wine incident is shown again-

de Vries: I can imagine it in many ways and do not make a big deal out of this. I mean if this is the worse you have to meet in your career as a crime reporter, then I have no reason to complain.

Witteman: By a larger public I think he has become more solid in the chair of a supsect, but we will have to wait for the body of Natalee Holloway to know what really has happened.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 13, 2008, 10:26:46 PM
Posted by CancunMole at RU (interresting to see how Joran's latest stunt has affected the way people now see him):

Just about Every decent, loving Mother will defend and protect their Child even when They know or suspect something may be askew up to a point, IMO.  

I do not agree!!!  There is nothing decent and loving about parents who will defend their child knowing that he/she is in the wrong.

Decent and loving parents assume the responsibility of training/teaching their child that there are boundaries which define right from wrong.  Decent and loving parents warn their child that there are are consequences for negative outcomes when he/she chooses to do wrong.


I'm with you Janet.  Decent and loving parents make that child that may have done wrong "look them in the eye" and tell them the TRUTH.  My boys KNOW that if I say "LOOK ME IN THE EYES" and tell me the truth, that I mean business.  I have yet to find that they could do that and lie to me.  If you have raised your child in the way you should have that child will know that no matter what you will always LOVE them, BUT you will expect them to pay the consequences for their choices.   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 13, 2008, 10:31:44 PM
Can anyone read his lips after he throws the wine – I'm sure he is speaking Dutch.
What did he call Mr. Peter de Vries?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kat_Gram on January 13, 2008, 10:48:34 PM
Well, a person can only go so far in blaming the parents. Sometimes, even the best parents will have children who do wrong.
There sure was alot of fussing when Joran came ot NY and Bo Dietl was in his face, wasn't there ? Alot of fussing about the statements made about Joran's behaviour by Beth. What has Beth said so far about the character of Joran that has not proved to be true ? The prior bad acts that were dismissed as untrue by the Sloots ?
Why can't these ppl just live their lies as quietly as a stone and quit the protestations already. No one is buying the product.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 13, 2008, 10:50:30 PM
the Loser once again Lost it

enough said  :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 13, 2008, 10:51:48 PM
de Vries asking: "Tell me now how did you got home that night".
Joran: I was brought home by D.. Satish the brother of Deepak
"de Vries: But he denies that, he says I did not bring him home at all.
Joran: Yes
de Vries: and first you have stated that Deepak have brought you home, not Satish
Joran: Mr de Vries, I don't know if you...
de Vries: Why would they lie about that?
-end of clip-

Careful, Joran!  Almost but not quite. . . we came very close to a revealing moment there.  But then he has told so many lies, I guess he can't be expected to keep them straight.

And with the passage of time and the telling of more lies, it must become much more difficult.

I wonder how long before Joran realizes that Paulus gave him some very, very bad advice both legally and as a parent.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 13, 2008, 10:53:35 PM
Hi, Robots.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 13, 2008, 10:59:12 PM
Hi, Robots.


hi Anna

i have said hi like 3 times and i can never find out if you you saw me saying hi

 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

im lost  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 13, 2008, 11:02:05 PM
Hi, Robots.


hi Anna

i have said hi like 3 times and i can never find out if you you saw me saying hi

 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

im lost  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I always read your posts, Robots.  Of course I see you.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 13, 2008, 11:05:43 PM
Hi, Robots.


hi Anna

i have said hi like 3 times and i can never find out if you you saw me saying hi

 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

im lost  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I always read your posts, Robots.  Of course I see you.


 :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

nice to see you  :cool: :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 13, 2008, 11:07:24 PM
I am a little bit amazed and pleasantly surprised at how
much media attention Joran's wine throwing incident has
attracted.  All of the major networks have reported
the story.  Nobody stops and asks: "who is Joran vander Sloot?"
I know that we, as Monkeys, are all concerned with Natalee's disappearance,
but this just proves that the story has not diminished in the least.
People everywhere are still waiting for answers in this case,
and the majority know where the answers lie. ARUBA and the SLOOTS.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 13, 2008, 11:07:48 PM
Well, I agree that you teach a child that his actions have consequences and right from the start, not when he is larger than you are.  I also agree that parenting can only account for so much as it can also depend on what they have to work with from the get go.

I think sociopaths are born and not made but parents have to recognize they have one, not that much can be done about it.

Paulus running after Joran today was yet another example of enabling.  He should have seen after Joran's victim instead of rushing to his evil spawn's side.  Unless, of course, he was going out there to have a very serious talk with Joran or better yet, frail the daylights out of him for what he had just done.  I seriously doubt that was the case, however.

How long before Joran realizes what bad advice his father has been giving him, both legally and as a parent?  Joran should never have listend to Paulus with his no body no case nonsense.  Sure, he is out of jail but branded a criminal by most of the entire world is not exactly no case, IMO.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 13, 2008, 11:09:27 PM
Well, a person can only go so far in blaming the parents. Sometimes, even the best parents will have children who do wrong.
There sure was alot of fussing when Joran came ot NY and Bo Dietl was in his face, wasn't there ? Alot of fussing about the statements made about Joran's behaviour by Beth. What has Beth said so far about the character of Joran that has not proved to be true ? The prior bad acts that were dismissed as untrue by the Sloots ?
Why can't these ppl just live their lies as quietly as a stone and quit the protestations already. No one is buying the product.

Yes, you are correct, Kat_Gram...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 13, 2008, 11:11:24 PM
USA Today's coverage with photo of Joran in Aruba

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 13, 2008, 11:12:04 PM
what i find most interesting is that the GENERAL public is more concerned about joran throwing wine at someone then him telling lie after lie and changing stories
with 2 other killers to the police for month after month when it was concerning a missing girl.

it reminds me of when the general public was more outraged when a killer gave the finger to the camera and the public was outaged more about that then about the killing of the i think it was a young girl that he was convicted of

im not talking about us... im talking about the un informed public

but thats just me  :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 13, 2008, 11:12:30 PM
Well, a person can only go so far in blaming the parents. Sometimes, even the best parents will have children who do wrong.

I agree Kat.  However ... it is not a matter of blaming parents.  The issue is parents defending their children when they have done wrong.

If a child has been taught by his/her parents regarding the boundaries that define right and wrong and ... then choose to do wrong nevertheless ... he/she must not be shielded from the consequences.

The prayer of parents in this situation is that their precious child will learn from taking personal responsibility for his/her actions of wrongoing and ... return to the foundation which parents have established for his/her benefit and the benefit of others.  Unfortunately ... that does not always happen.

My hubby and I were fortunate.  It did not happen overnight ... it was a gradual transformation that took place over a few years but ... our son did learn valuable lessons through consequences and ... he did return.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 13, 2008, 11:14:25 PM
CBS Coverage

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 13, 2008, 11:15:24 PM
USA Today's coverage with photo of Joran in Aruba

Thanks Anna.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 13, 2008, 11:30:59 PM
what i find most interesting is that the GENERAL public is more concerned about joran throwing wine at someone then him telling lie after lie and changing stories
with 2 other killers to the police for month after month when it was concerning a missing girl.

it reminds me of when the general public was more outraged when a killer gave the finger to the camera and the public was outaged more about that then about the killing of the i think it was a young girl that he was convicted of

im not talking about us... im talking about the un informed public

but thats just me  :cool:

Robots....I disagree with you a little bit.  I think that most people know
that they have lied repeatedly and just see the latest incident as
confirmation of Joran's disturbed personality.  Most of the general public
that I run into think it was a big Aruban coverup and J2K are guilty
and Paulus had some hand in it all.
But that's just me.   :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 13, 2008, 11:33:16 PM
In the past ... Joran has been abetted by the adults in his life in wrongdoing.  He was not taught that legal boundaries were established for his benefit and the benefit of others.  On top of that ... the adults in his life have shielded him from the consequences of the negative outcome of his actions.

Considering that lessons are not being learned by Joran through consequences ... I believe that "other Natalee" are at risk and ... it is only a matter of time.



John Kelly
'Rita Cosby Live & Direct'
April 11, 2006

JOHN Q. KELLY, HOLLOWAY FAMILY ATTORNEY: Well, if you look at the surveillance video footage, it appears that he’s the one sitting directly next to her and tries to engage her in conversation a couple of times. And it’s sort of ironic that it’s his father who brought his underage son to a casino and left him there after he left, with access to his line of credit, to put this unfortunate chain of events in process.

You know, if Joran had never been there, not been allowed in there, because he’s underage and wasn’t accompanied by his father, the whole rest of the night wouldn’t have happened.

COSBY: You know, and, John, also, why would that be a significant—why is that in conflict to something else we’ve heard maybe from Paulus before?

KELLY: Well, he’s just claiming that, you know, he’s kept an eye on his son, you know, he’s kept him on a short leash, and, you know, his son is very well-behaved. And it turns out that he’s, you know, got him at casinos. If you’re under 18, you’re not legally even allowed in casinos, so his son was breaking the law with him enabling it.

Jossy Mansur
July 23, 2007

Dana: One thing that makes my listeners scratch their heads so to speak and wonder, myself included and we'll talk about it again, is the fact of the underage drinking and gambling that had been going on admittedly by young van der Sloot.  Was there ever any discussion or has there ever been any discussion at least of filing some charges as far as that goes?

Jossy:  No, there hasn't been any of that. The authorities have just (inaudible) it aside, they haven't paid any attention to it then and they're not paying any attention to it now and over the past 26 months.  I haven't seen anything in the direction of trying to make some kind of statement that this is not (inaudiable) at least make some sort of a statement that this is not (inaubible) because it is a known fact that as an underage he wasn't supposed to be in the casino, much less in the company of his father. He was there, there are video tapes to prove that and still the authorities haven't done anything with regard to that specific case.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 13, 2008, 11:45:01 PM
what i find most interesting is that the GENERAL public is more concerned about joran throwing wine at someone then him telling lie after lie and changing stories
with 2 other killers to the police for month after month when it was concerning a missing girl.

it reminds me of when the general public was more outraged when a killer gave the finger to the camera and the public was outaged more about that then about the killing of the i think it was a young girl that he was convicted of

im not talking about us... im talking about the un informed public

but thats just me  :cool:

Robots....I disagree with you a little bit.  I think that most people know
that they have lied repeatedly and just see the latest incident as
confirmation of Joran's disturbed personality.  Most of the general public
that I run into think it was a big Aruban coverup and J2K are guilty
and Paulus had some hand in it all.
But that's just me.   :cool:

yes, you could be right :wink:

but other than a small minority most people just dont seem to care

but when they see something like this.. it does help for them to see the big picture

and that is that joran is a killer STILL on the loose

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: bleachedblack on January 13, 2008, 11:51:24 PM

aruba oujda morocco nigeria jawharati christmas

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 13, 2008, 11:56:59 PM

aruba oujda morocco nigeria jawharati christmas

Not sure that's the same Aruba  :wink:  Notice some of his other videos appear to be in Arabic.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: bleachedblack on January 14, 2008, 12:00:32 AM

aruba oujda morocco nigeria jawharati christmas

Not sure that's the same Aruba  :wink:  Notice some of his other videos appear to be in Arabic.

couldn't resist to comment anyway. But if this lovely clip doesn't make you want to  travel to aruba pronto nothing will.....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 12:06:30 AM

aruba oujda morocco nigeria jawharati christmas

Not sure that's the same Aruba  :wink:  Notice some of his other videos appear to be in Arabic.

couldn't resist to comment anyway. But if this lovely clip doesn't make you want to  travel to aruba pronto nothing will.....

Are those tourist stores or was that a swap meet?  LOL   :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: bleachedblack on January 14, 2008, 12:11:20 AM
Klaasend wrote;
Are those tourist stores or was that a swap meet?  LOL

Good question.......after the poor guy panned his camera around and saw the lovely seaport, I'm suprised he got off the boat. I couldn't resist asking if Aruba tourism made this video.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 14, 2008, 12:13:12 AM
Looks more like a swap meet in MO....I'll Take Maui anyday....LOL

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: bleachedblack on January 14, 2008, 12:18:59 AM
Looks more like a swap meet in MO....I'll Take Maui anyday....LOL

Silly you!!! Do you mean this seaport doesn't look the same?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 12:22:16 AM
Looks more like a swap meet in MO....I'll Take Maui anyday....LOL

Silly you!!! Do you mean this seaport doesn't look the same?

ROFLMAO - your comments are cracking me up  :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 14, 2008, 12:27:23 AM
Well I have to admit I did have a little valium when I flew into I could be wrong.....LOL

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: bleachedblack on January 14, 2008, 12:34:18 AM
WTH group CPR?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 14, 2008, 12:38:29 AM
If You keep posting these Aruban Whatevers....I'll need CPR! Goodnight All!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sirensong on January 14, 2008, 12:40:23 AM
what i find most interesting is that the GENERAL public is more concerned about joran throwing wine at someone then him telling lie after lie and changing stories
with 2 other killers to the police for month after month when it was concerning a missing girl.

it reminds me of when the general public was more outraged when a killer gave the finger to the camera and the public was outaged more about that then about the killing of the i think it was a young girl that he was convicted of

im not talking about us... im talking about the un informed public

but thats just me  :cool:

I think it is because they don't know the details, thanks to the MSM in the US.  We always get the  "Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba while on vacation....and until there is evidence, the case is closed.....blah, blah, blah.  They need to let the public know there WAS evidence, it disappeared; the FBI did help search, but they were given no information nor were they allowed to get info on their own; the statements by the suspects are easily proven to be lies and Joran is still lying in this interview he just did.  They never mention AHATA, ATA, and the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice, the police chiefs, commissioners and police did everything they could to keep this story hidden for tourism; the judges are friends and in conflict of interest; the powers that be are financially dependent on tourism or they will lose their own interests....etc., etc., etc.  The MSM has not investigated anything, they just say the same sound bite over and over as if there was a real investigation that turned up nothing.  Look at all the different angles, information and disinformation that the Monkeys have uncovered.  NONE of it has been given to the general public.   I think the general public does care, they just do not have all the information they need.  Even without it, in their gut they know J2K are guilty, they just don't understand completely how a whole island railroaded the investigation.  The stories within the story.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 12:44:37 AM
what i find most interesting is that the GENERAL public is more concerned about joran throwing wine at someone then him telling lie after lie and changing stories
with 2 other killers to the police for month after month when it was concerning a missing girl.

it reminds me of when the general public was more outraged when a killer gave the finger to the camera and the public was outaged more about that then about the killing of the i think it was a young girl that he was convicted of

im not talking about us... im talking about the un informed public

but thats just me  :cool:

I think it is because they don't know the details, thanks to the MSM in the US.  We always get the  "Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba while on vacation....and until there is evidence, the case is closed.....blah, blah, blah.  They need to let the public know there WAS evidence, it disappeared; the FBI did help search, but they were given no information nor were they allowed to get info on their own; the statements by the suspects are easily proven to be lies and Joran is still lying in this interview he just did.  They never mention AHATA, ATA, and the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice, the police chiefs, commissioners and police did everything they could to keep this story hidden for tourism; the judges are friends and in conflict of interest; the powers that be are financially dependent on tourism or they will lose their own interests....etc., etc., etc.  The MSM has not investigated anything, they just say the same sound bite over and over as if there was a real investigation that turned up nothing.  Look at all the different angles, information and disinformation that the Monkeys have uncovered.  NONE of it has been given to the general public.   I think the general public does care, they just do not have all the information they need.  Even without it, in their gut they know J2K are guilty, they just don't understand completely how a whole island railroaded the investigation.  The stories within the story.

yepper :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 14, 2008, 12:52:00 AM
I'm getting "tired head" trying to catch up! The bottom line is Joran absolutely killed his PR campaign last night. The people trying to defend him look like fools. What say you now Aruba??????????

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: memphis on January 14, 2008, 12:53:34 AM
I am a little bit amazed and pleasantly surprised at how
much media attention Joran's wine throwing incident has
attracted.  All of the major networks have reported
the story.  Nobody stops and asks: "who is Joran vander Sloot?"
I know that we, as Monkeys, are all concerned with Natalee's disappearance,
but this just proves that the story has not diminished in the least.
People everywhere are still waiting for answers in this case,
and the majority know where the answers lie. ARUBA and the SLOOTS.

So true Magnolia. Isn't it wonderful?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 01:00:53 AM
Watching the wine throwing segment again.  At the end you can see Joran hightail it out of there.  Is that Valentijn in the background?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 01:02:28 AM
I'm getting "tired head" trying to catch up! The bottom line is Joran absolutely killed his PR campaign last night. The people trying to defend him look like fools. What say you now Aruba??????????

Yep and for some of the Refugee's this was the last straw.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Silverfox on January 14, 2008, 01:03:16 AM
I'm getting "tired head" trying to catch up! The bottom line is Joran absolutely killed his PR campaign last night. The people trying to defend him look like fools. What say you now Aruba??????????

 :lol: LOL....

Mos blames the mainstream media for blundering the case -- yet events like this trigger MSM reporting and the next you will hear is a disinformation campaign that actually he stumbled and fell and the wine "accidentally" sprayed on the reporter and he was actually trying to help dry the reporters eyes when the wife pushed him out of the way with a rude comment to Joran's Mom-- sorta like Natalee accidentally stumbled and fell and bumped her head but Joran was trying to help her walk at the HI dropp off before those black security guards disappeared her.....

The difference?  This was actually caught on tape and now the whole world can see it....


Makes you wonder about his "rage" when Nat must have rebuffed his advances... and he sure had more to drin that a little wine that night, right?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 01:04:57 AM

Zou joran ook zijn geduld zijn verloren met Natalee.Want gisteren kregen we even de andere kant te zien van Joran Van der Sloot.

jansen - nederland - 12/01/08 - 21:32:26

Joran will be also are tolerated to have lost with Natalee. because yesterday we got just as the other side to see of Joran of of the ditch.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 01:07:00 AM
I am a little bit amazed and pleasantly surprised at how
much media attention Joran's wine throwing incident has
attracted.  All of the major networks have reported
the story.  Nobody stops and asks: "who is Joran vander Sloot?"
I know that we, as Monkeys, are all concerned with Natalee's disappearance,
but this just proves that the story has not diminished in the least.
People everywhere are still waiting for answers in this case,
and the majority know where the answers lie. ARUBA and the SLOOTS.

So true Magnolia. Isn't it wonderful?

Yes...don't you just know that Oduber would like to get his hands
on Joran right about now. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 01:11:05 AM
lets review and feel free to add to the list

1. kills dogs

2. threatens to kill deepak and satish

3. threatens and beats up his brother

4. craps on his friends

5. throws people off bridges

6. steals from his own family

7. throws alcohol in people's faces

yea, he is delicious alright

way to go anita and paulus ,,,when is your next interview


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 01:14:55 AM
Joran angry!  Again.


That's what he had on his MySpace at one time.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 14, 2008, 01:15:30 AM
I am a little bit amazed and pleasantly surprised at how
much media attention Joran's wine throwing incident has
attracted.  All of the major networks have reported
the story.  Nobody stops and asks: "who is Joran vander Sloot?"
I know that we, as Monkeys, are all concerned with Natalee's disappearance,
but this just proves that the story has not diminished in the least.
People everywhere are still waiting for answers in this case,
and the majority know where the answers lie. ARUBA and the SLOOTS.

So true Magnolia. Isn't it wonderful?
Yep!! I'm 200% behind The Persistence crew -- but the psychics' say Natalee wll not be found until February. Hell -- I don't know or care as long as she is brought home. All I know is that God will bring us answers.  I'm not an overly religous person -- but somehow I have had an instict that things will work out. I don't get these "instincts" often (in fact I don't think ever before.)  This case WILL have closure. I feel it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: bleachedblack on January 14, 2008, 01:17:28 AM
lets review and feel free to add to the list

1. kills dogs

2. threatens to kill deepak and satish

3. threatens and beats up his brother

4. craps on his friends

5. throws people off bridges

6. steals from his own family

7. throws alcohol in people's faces

yea, he is delicious alright

way to go anita and paulus ,,,when is your next interview


8. underage drinking and gambling

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 14, 2008, 01:20:07 AM
lets review and feel free to add to the list

1. kills dogs

2. threatens to kill deepak and satish

3. threatens and beats up his brother

4. craps on his friends

5. throws people off bridges

6. steals from his own family

7. throws alcohol in people's faces

yea, he is delicious alright

way to go anita and paulus ,,,when is your next interview


 :lol: , this was supposed to be their "last" interview, what a way to have their final say in the matter  :bom:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 01:21:14 AM
lets review and feel free to add to the list

1. kills dogs

2. threatens to kill deepak and satish

3. threatens and beats up his brother

4. craps on his friends

5. throws people off bridges

6. steals from his own family

7. throws alcohol in people's faces

yea, he is delicious alright

way to go anita and paulus ,,,when is your next interview


8. underage drinking and gambling

9. just a real all around ass  :cool: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 14, 2008, 01:33:37 AM
lets review and feel free to add to the list

1. kills dogs

2. threatens to kill deepak and satish

3. threatens and beats up his brother

4. craps on his friends

5. throws people off bridges

6. steals from his own family

7. throws alcohol in people's faces

8. leaves his parents with "stools" on their faces

yea, he is delicious alright

way to go anita and paulus ,,,when is your next interview


 :lol: , this was supposed to be their "last" interview, what a way to have their final say in the matter   :smt073

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 01:35:03 AM
Just posted by Victor (Lazlo) at Scrux:

Not even a month ago the OM in Aruba "closed" the Natalee Holloway case.
The American student has been missing since May 2005.

Joran van der Sloot has been a prime suspect in this case together with two of his friends.

The decision to make it a sepot was followed due to a lack of new concrete evidence, according to head officer Hans Mos during a press conference.

(clip of Hans Mos) "That fact and the fact that the all three decided to take their right to remain silent during their detention that together has brought us to the conclusion that there simply was not enough juridical evidence to charge and prosecute them".
-end of clip-

Joran van der Sloot has been the prime suspect since 2005 in the Holloway case, he after all was the one that saw her last, and gave statements that were untrue. Later Joran admitted that he had lied.
In November he was arrested again. During his detention that lasted for two weeks Joran again took his right to remain silent.

Last night, Joran together with his parents Joran one more time gave an interview to Pauw and Witteman. At the table also crime reporter Peter de Vries, who has never made it a secret to doubt Joran's statements.

When the broadcasting had ended, the following happened:

-clip of Joran throwing wine in de Vries's face is shown-

De Vries: I think he proved himself a bad service,
Witteman: This incident is not going to contribute to him gaining any much trust.

de Vries asking: "Tell me now how did you got home that night".
Joran: I was brought home by D.. Satish the brother of Deepak
"de Vries: But he denies that, he says I did not bring him home at all.
Joran: Yes
de Vries: and first you have stated that Deepak have brought you home, not Satish
Joran: Mr de Vries, I don't know if you...
de Vries: Why would they lie about that? [/b] -end of clip-

Peter Plasman: I found the performance of the family van der Sloot really dramatic (as in not good).
Intervieuwer: Why?
Plasman: Because these people with this story can never win over the battle of the public opinion.

Joran van der Sloot yesterday had come with his parents to the talkshow P&W now that he is not going to be prosecuted about Natalee Holloway, right after the program things get out of hand.

-clip- :
Joran: If there ever will be clearity about what happened, and it turns out you are wrong, will you apologize, are you man enough to do that?
De Vries: What do you think?
Joran: No.
De Vries: No?
Joran nods his head that no he thinks no.
Anita starts to laugh real hard, audience is mumbling.
The interviewer then says: What a beautiful ending of such a ...!
Anita van der Sloot: Nice ending (laughing)
-end of clip-

Witteman: Everybody was shaking hands, any way, Jeroen and I were shaking hands with all our guests, and Joran stood up and I got the impression that Joran was going to shake hands with Peter.

Peter de Vries: After the broadcasting, my sender was taken of and I arrange my clothes, I was looking down, at that moment Joran had stood up and I myself had not seen that, and shortly thereafter I got an amount of wine in my face that he had thrown.
There was a full glass of wine on the table, and he had grabbed that and threw it in my face. And because I did not see that coming I got the wine in my eyes, and of course because there was alcohol in it, that itched.

De Vries is standing with his hands for his eyes, his wife next to him and Jeroen Pauw says he should use some water for his eyes.
Anita with a sad voice: Why do you do that now, come on now, ohhh!
Wife of de Vries towards Anita: Now you have done such a great job raising that, yes, very well raised indeed.
-end of clip-

Witteman: After the broadcasting he said he was so agitated during the broadcasting because he had to explain why he had lied again and again, and he had then felt he could do this, now I have the chance, and then he did this.

de Vries: He did this out of a form of frustration, agitation. I have later talked with him, and he then apologized, and he then said that already during the broadcasting he had wanted to insult me, but that during the broadcasting he had been able to held back, but then then at the end, it came out of him, and before he knew/realised it himself he had thrown wine in my face.

May 2005, the American Natalee Holloway is with her class on Aruba vacationing, after a night of going out she takes of with some guys, they end up at the beach, in the end she is together with Joran van der Sloot, but ever since there is no trace of Natalee.
Joran van der Sloot is a suspect and is interrogated over and over again, but last month the Aruban judge let go of the case.
-end of clip-

In the interview last night he was attacked because in the case he had taken his right to remain silent.

de Vries: The fact that also now, the last time he was arrested he refused to answer any single question during all that time, I find that very strange, and I wonder if this is something his father agrees with, as being a man who attempted to become a judge himself. That your son, In such a crucial case in which a girl has went missing, in which the mother is desperate about the faith of her daughter, that you then keep your mouth shut, while the goal of the investigation is to obtain clearity.  -end of clip-

Interviewer: Why is it a good idea at times to take your right to remain silent?
Peter Plasman: Because if you know the prosecution does not have enough against me and you then remain silent, then there cannot come anything upon that, at least not from me. If justice does not have enough and you are questioned and give answers, you take the risk of making mistakes
-regardless if you are innocent or guilty, also innocent people make mistakes- that can be interpreted wrongly, and look we now have contradicting statements, and additional incriminating material.

Joran: And I have told everything, and I also feel, why would have have to give the police 20 statements, the only thing they want is to find differences in that.
-end of clip-

Interviewer: To take your right to remain silent in many cases is a normal strategy.
De Vries: Well I do not feel this a normal strategy, we are here not dealing with a career criminal of a drugs case, these usually standardly get the advise of their lawyers to take their right to remain silent.
We are here dealing with a guy who last saw a girl, so please give me one reason why you would not tell your story.

Joran: I no longer have faith in the OM in Aruba, they are not after truthfinding in this case, they just want to hang someone. Just for their own ego's.
Witteman: Also when the person is innocent?
Joran: Yes also when the person is innocent I am convinced of that.
de Vries: I find it kind of strange you say that you have no trust in the OM, while you are the one who have continued to lie.
Joran: Yes I have lied, I admit that, but there are reasons for that, and those reasons you know also.
de Vries: I would like to know these reasons, to lie about something you did, while you have nothing to hide. Why would you have to lie then, please explain
.  -end of clip-

Plasman: This could not go right. The questions of Peter de Vries could have been predicted in advance, it were very legitimate questions. Questions like, why remain silent if you have nothing to hide, you cannot explain that yourself, if you want to explain that you will have to let a professional do that.
Plus all the inside information that was given, especially by the father, I found the role of father especially saddening (as in worse of all) .Well, they just never should have done this (going on the show).
-clip-  Anita: Now I am his mother, I love him very much, I am convinced he would not harm a girl.
These initial emotions for me are also important to notice at him, because I did actually had doubts about him for a while.
I have thought, damn, could an accident have happened, could something have happened, does he not want to tell?
-end of clip-  

Plasman: If you go to a television broadcasting, and you know in advance that the mother is going to say that she has doubted her son, then that in itself is a reason not to go.
Interviewer: So this is not so smart
Plasman: No no no
Plasman: Especially the father should have known what questions would come up, and how the mother would react upon the questions. And if he knows that if there is going to be a question did you ever doubt him and that she is going to answer yes, he should have decided not to go there. 
Witteman: You were a stand in judge
Paulus: Yes
Witteman: Imagine Joran had told you, dad I did something terrible, what would you have done?
Paulus: I would have gone with him to him to the OM.
Witteman: Did you had a talk about this?
Anita: Between us as parents? Yes, yes.
Witteman: And you agreed with that?
Anita: Yes I agreed with that fully.
Witteman: You would then have brought in your own son?
Anita: Yes
Joran: And I can confirm that also.
-end of clip-

Plasman: What I found dramatically to hear from the parents was that they said, if he had told them he had something to do with it, that they would have gone to the police, since that means as parents you are cutting of your role as a parent to your son, you then know going to your parents with your problems, asking advise, telling what happened means jail, the parents taking over the role of police officers, incredible for parents.

-Wine incident is shown again-

de Vries: I can imagine it in many ways and do not make a big deal out of this. I mean if this is the worse you have to meet in your career as a crime reporter, then I have no reason to complain.

Witteman: By a larger public I think he has become more solid in the chair of a supsect, but we will have to wait for the body of Natalee Holloway to know what really has happened.

Wow. There's so much to be gleened from that interview. It tells me that Joran was never really pushed in interrogations. He has no pat answers even now as to why he lied. Anita, his own Mother had doubts about what he did. Who knows him better than his mother? If she could fathom him guilty, who are we to question his capability for participation in a crime? Anita does react to the wine throwing, and she directs it as an admonishment at Joran. It's weak and sad, and probably typical of the lack of grit her parenting skills have, but her comments aren't in the nature of, "Oh, Goody, DeVries got what was coming to him." She does grasp that Joran has done something wrong and she does direct her comments at him. She may be thinking it hurts the family's position and is not concerned at all for DeVries, but she does grasp Joran has done something wrong. Flame me if you want, but I think, at that moment, that Anita's reaction was recognition of both the harm done to Joran's image and to the action DeVries was victim of.

Joran basically says that he remained silent due to a well thought out strategy to assure his release. It's a legal strategy with total disregard to what happened to Natalee, but DeVries won't let his answers go without holding Joran's answers up to a moral standard. Joran consistantly falls short of the mark on those basis and his buttons are pushed over and over. Moral standards are a real pesky thing to Joran, and he certainly did not expect anyone to assert them on Natalee's behalf! After all, he knows the line that suggest they should be extended to himself as victim of ALE and the Holloways........Taco refined that argument and Greta bought it hook, line, and sinker, and it served him extremely well. Greta announced to the world that she believed him, and it worked like a charm in a public forum there!

This is a picture of a sociopath. This is a picture of Natalee Holloway's killer.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 14, 2008, 01:38:53 AM
sorry Robots and Bleachedblack, I think I goofed on that last response, I was trying to fix my bomb.. :sad:  I'm tired and should probably call it a night... :2doh:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 14, 2008, 01:45:04 AM
(I brought this post over from the other thread.)

I think that Anita actions in regards to the top of her outfit implies that she may have gotten splashed with some of that wine that Joran threw at Devries.



That's what I thought as well, because she looks at Joran as if to reprimand him, not about what he has done to DeVries, as she does not lean into Mr. DeVries, but is "shaking or fanning" the wine from her clothing while reprimanding Joran about the consequences of stains that will never come out of polyester, the stains in the Honda's carpet that had to be removed.  Red wine and red blood.  There are connections, they are red, they are hard to remove and now he has ruined her nice 100% polyester blouse.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 14, 2008, 01:46:21 AM
I agree CBB, hopefully this opened her eyes somewhat to the fact that she can stand up for him against almost everyone except his own worst enemy, HIMSELF.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 01:46:38 AM
sorry Robots and Bleachedblack, I think I goofed on that last response, I was trying to fix my bomb.. :sad:  I'm tired and should probably call it a night... :2doh:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 01:48:19 AM
what does he tell greta about how he got home that night ?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 01:57:26 AM
Watching the wine throwing segment again.  At the end you can see Joran hightail it out of there.  Is that Valentijn in the background?


I don't want to be argumentative, and won't mention it again, but if you look at 36 - 38 seconds into this, you'll see Paulus and Anita both turned toward Joran reacting to what he did. Paulus is indeed smiling as the incident occurs, but was smiling prior to the thrown wine and it seems to me he just had not had time to react physically with his facial expression as he turned to DeVries. They were all shaking hands at the end and ended the interview at least outwardly, amiably. Anita too, was politely smiling and extended her hand to a staff member. Joran's thermometer was about to explode, but I do not think his parents anticipated or applauded what he did. Paulus may very well have not been happy for reasons that had nothing to do with common decency and only percieved how this would impact Joran and the family, but again, I don't think they were pleased. JMHO.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 14, 2008, 02:00:11 AM

aruba oujda morocco nigeria jawharati christmas

Not sure that's the same Aruba  :wink:  Notice some of his other videos appear to be in Arabic.

Isn't the loose translation of Aruba "Arab?"

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 02:00:22 AM
I agree CBB, hopefully this opened her eyes somewhat to the fact that she can stand up for him against almost everyone except his own worst enemy, HIMSELF.

Well said, texasmom!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 02:02:22 AM
what does he tell greta about how he got home that night ?


He told her Satish picked him up because Deepak was on the computer

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 14, 2008, 02:04:27 AM
I was going to add to my post but got kicked out.  I think Oujda is Moroccon area. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 02:05:17 AM
There are monkeys here with Valentine Avatars in the lounge. The link's in my signature line.

Joran has done more for unveling the truth in that one gesture than all of ALE has done in two and a half years!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 02:06:56 AM
what does he tell greta about how he got home that night ?


He told her Satish picked him up because Deepak was on the computer

I don't remember why he told her he lied about that. Do you, Klaas?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 02:07:26 AM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 02:08:45 AM
(I brought this post over from the other thread.)

I think that Anita actions in regards to the top of her outfit implies that she may have gotten splashed with some of that wine that Joran threw at Devries.



That's what I thought as well, because she looks at Joran as if to reprimand him, not about what he has done to DeVries, as she does not lean into Mr. DeVries, but is "shaking or fanning" the wine from her clothing while reprimanding Joran about the consequences of stains that will never come out of polyester, the stains in the Honda's carpet that had to be removed.  Red wine and red blood.  There are connections, they are red, they are hard to remove and now he has ruined her nice 100% polyester blouse.

Tyler, how could you even suggest she would be so petty as to worry about her blouse?  I think she was afraid he wrecked one of her wonderbras underneath the blouse.   :P

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 02:09:47 AM
what does he tell greta about how he got home that night ?


He told her Satish picked him up because Deepak was on the computer

I don't remember why he told her he lied about that. Do you, Klaas?

Interviewer:  What was the... there was a discrepancy at some point - - I mean, there've been a lot of reports. It's sort of hard to figure out what is and what isn't... that at one point, you said Deepak gave you a ride home. And it changed to Satish. Can you explain that? Or is there not a discrepancy? 

Joran van der Sloot:  Well, there is a discrepancy there, and I did at one point say that Deepak took me home. But that was at the more point from (unintelligible) we'd always said when we were at our house talking that we'd keep... that we'd keep Satish's little brother out it as much as possible when we'd actually made up the story to say that we dropped her off at the Holiday Inn. 

Interviewer:  Why did you want to keep Satish out of it? 

Joran van der Sloot:  I didn't want to. That's what Deepak wanted. He said, yes, you know, whatever, you keep... you know, We'll keep my little brother out of it, and that... yes. That's what we agreed on.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 02:11:52 AM
There are monkeys here with Valentine Avatars in the lounge. The link's in my signature line.

Joran has done more for unveling the truth in that one gesture than all of ALE has done in two and a half years!

Thanks again for the avatar CBB, I love it, and it is just the right fit and color.

No wonder they told him to keep his mouth shut in jail, his size fourteens are not big enough to plug up that leak.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 02:12:58 AM
Thanks Klaas. I believe in one of the statements, Joran or Deepak said they were afraid that Satish couldn't keep the story straight. I just didn't remember what he told Greta about the lie.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 02:13:45 AM
what does he tell greta about how he got home that night ?


He told her Satish picked him up because Deepak was on the computer

I don't remember why he told her he lied about that. Do you, Klaas?

Interviewer:  What was the... there was a discrepancy at some point - - I mean, there've been a lot of reports. It's sort of hard to figure out what is and what isn't... that at one point, you said Deepak gave you a ride home. And it changed to Satish. Can you explain that? Or is there not a discrepancy? 

Joran van der Sloot:  Well, there is a discrepancy there, and I did at one point say that Deepak took me home. But that was at the more point from (unintelligible) we'd always said when we were at our house talking that we'd keep... that we'd keep Satish's little brother out it as much as possible when we'd actually made up the story to say that we dropped her off at the Holiday Inn. 

Interviewer:  Why did you want to keep Satish out of it? 

Joran van der Sloot:  I didn't want to. That's what Deepak wanted. He said, yes, you know, whatever, you keep... you know, We'll keep my little brother out of it, and that... yes. That's what we agreed on.

OK, before I really call it a night I'd like to point something out.  Deepak's little brother Satish is OLDER than Joran.  Why all the false protection for Satish?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 02:16:06 AM
There are monkeys here with Valentine Avatars in the lounge. The link's in my signature line.

Joran has done more for unveling the truth in that one gesture than all of ALE has done in two and a half years!

Thanks again for the avatar CBB, I love it, and it is just the right fit and color.

No wonder they told him to keep his mouth shut in jail, his size fourteens are not big enough to plug up that leak.

You're most welcome, Bearly!

Joran's mouth, in interviews and his book have been more damaging than anything ALE has uncovered or exposed. I honestly believe his statements alone are convincing enough to prosecute, but that's JMO.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 02:16:19 AM

I don't want to be argumentative, and won't mention it again, but if you look at 36 - 38 seconds into this, you'll see Paulus and Anita both turned toward Joran reacting to what he did. Paulus is indeed smiling as the incident occurs, but was smiling prior to the thrown wine and it seems to me he just had not had time to react physically with his facial expression as he turned to DeVries. They were all shaking hands at the end and ended the interview at least outwardly, amiably. Anita too, was politely smiling and extended her hand to a staff member. Joran's thermometer was about to explode, but I do not think his parents anticipated or applauded what he did. Paulus may very well have not been happy for reasons that had nothing to do with common decency and only percieved how this would impact Joran and the family, but again, I don't think they were pleased. JMHO.

I agree CBB.  They did what they could to provide damage control and then Joran turns around and causes more damage.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 02:17:12 AM
what does he tell greta about how he got home that night ?


He told her Satish picked him up because Deepak was on the computer

I don't remember why he told her he lied about that. Do you, Klaas?

Interviewer:  What was the... there was a discrepancy at some point - - I mean, there've been a lot of reports. It's sort of hard to figure out what is and what isn't... that at one point, you said Deepak gave you a ride home. And it changed to Satish. Can you explain that? Or is there not a discrepancy? 

Joran van der Sloot:  Well, there is a discrepancy there, and I did at one point say that Deepak took me home. But that was at the more point from (unintelligible) we'd always said when we were at our house talking that we'd keep... that we'd keep Satish's little brother out it as much as possible when we'd actually made up the story to say that we dropped her off at the Holiday Inn. 

Interviewer:  Why did you want to keep Satish out of it? 

Joran van der Sloot:  I didn't want to. That's what Deepak wanted. He said, yes, you know, whatever, you keep... you know, We'll keep my little brother out of it, and that... yes. That's what we agreed on.

OK, before I really call it a night I'd like to point something out.  Deepak's little brother Satish is OLDER than Joran.  Why all the false protection for Satish?

GOOD QUESTION!!!!! Is he s-l-o-w?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 02:19:57 AM

GOOD QUESTION!!!!! Is he s-l-o-w?

Or is he the one most likely to crack?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 02:27:56 AM

GOOD QUESTION!!!!! Is he s-l-o-w?

Or is he the one most likely to crack?

Or had he committed a crime, like hit and run, that he had been hiding from?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 02:28:14 AM
When I look at the wine throwing incident, I wonder what he was thinking.  It's not a knee-jerk reaction.  A knee-jerk reaction would be if he threw the wine at him when something was said to him that he felt was derogatory.  No one was even provoking him when he threw that wine.  It was premeditated,  Look at his face, he looks like he was thinking, "what can I do to hurt that guy?"  He takes his time with this, he does not do it immediately.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 02:28:55 AM
Shower time for me! If I don't get back, have a great night, monkeys!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 02:31:32 AM

GOOD QUESTION!!!!! Is he s-l-o-w?

Or is he the one most likely to crack?

Or had he committed a crime, like hit and run, that he had been hiding from?

Or is Joran incapable of telling the truth?  After all he says he was not seeing anyone for lying, it was for family problems.  His mom then says he was seeing her NOT ONLY for lying.  Two different stories--and they were right there in the same room.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 02:34:00 AM
Shower time for me! If I don't get back, have a great night, monkeys!

Nite CBB, I have plenty of catching up to do.  I will not be ignoring anyone, only reading.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 14, 2008, 02:39:50 AM
(I brought this post over from the other thread.)

I think that Anita actions in regards to the top of her outfit implies that she may have gotten splashed with some of that wine that Joran threw at Devries.



That's what I thought as well, because she looks at Joran as if to reprimand him, not about what he has done to DeVries, as she does not lean into Mr. DeVries, but is "shaking or fanning" the wine from her clothing while reprimanding Joran about the consequences of stains that will never come out of polyester, the stains in the Honda's carpet that had to be removed.  Red wine and red blood.  There are connections, they are red, they are hard to remove and now he has ruined her nice 100% polyester blouse.

Tyler, how could you even suggest she would be so petty as to worry about her blouse?  I think she was afraid he wrecked one of her wonderbras underneath the blouse.   :P
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 02:41:02 AM
Before I go, this is a link to the wine throw with English subtitles.

I never could get the Nova link to give me anything but audio, so if this is the same thing, I apologize for posting it again!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 14, 2008, 02:47:36 AM

GOOD QUESTION!!!!! Is he s-l-o-w?

Or is he the one most likely to crack?

 :smt045  that's what I've thought all along....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 14, 2008, 02:55:23 AM

goodnight everyone!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sirensong on January 14, 2008, 03:08:05 AM
When I look at the wine throwing incident, I wonder what he was thinking.  It's not a knee-jerk reaction.  A knee-jerk reaction would be if he threw the wine at him when something was said to him that he felt was derogatory.  No one was even provoking him when he threw that wine.  It was premeditated,  Look at his face, he looks like he was thinking, "what can I do to hurt that guy?"  He takes his time with this, he does not do it immediately.

Yes, he stops for an instant and looks to the right, as he is getting up, then throws it.  It is weird, like all out of context.  He was raging inside, decided to get revenge, and carefully put the plan in action.  Like stabbing someone in the back.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 03:44:11 AM
MSNBC Analyst, Clint Van Zandt, Former FBI Profiler (

"But when someone obstensively gets away with murder, whoever that is, there's a tendency to feel you can do just about anything you want include throwing wine in somebody's face.

...If somebody lies about the little things, they lie about the big things, I wonder what big thing he might be lying about?"

Subtitle:  Talk Show Tantrum  Joran Van Der Sloot Goes Ballistic on Dutch TV Show

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 05:55:14 AM
Joran is indeed being punished for his acts, even while being free from a cell. His life is ever so slowly disintegrating right in front of Anita's eyes, as is the life of her family and each family member's individual life. Individually, and collectively.

Anita's soul is empty and weary from trying to cheat God so there is nothing available for her other children to help nurture their lives, there is nothing to bring color into the relationship of Anita and Paulus, joy into their home, hope for their future. Punishment is descending upon them and into them coloring their world a bleak gray. Without confession, and punishment by society, society will forever feel that Joran's debt is still current and owed, so interest will accrue, and thus no redemption and no ending date to their pain will be set. Joran's ability to be rehabilitated is being diminished as he ages and hardens due to the rejection he feels from all. Everybody has an innate need to be wanted and loved.

Deservedly, yes, but the pain and harm could be greatly diminished, hope and color could be restored to her other children's lives, rehabilitation could begin while there is a chance for Joran, and a future reestablished for Anita's family, if Anita will turn to God to find the strength and faith to do the right thing.

Anita, I don't know how you can bear to sit back and watch your family being destroyed one day at a time, realize that you and you alone control whether this process continues or not, and then decide to do nothing. Ignorant of the Lord and the Lord's ways, weak, lost soul, foolish, of little faith, impotent mother, and not caring all come to mind.

Praise the Lord that Beth has faith, Beth's Mom has faith, and they will free themselves and their family from there pain without your help. If you need proof, just look at Beth. Based upon your approach her loss has been immense compared to yours, yet she is healing, she has hope, her family has a future even though her daughter, Matt's sister, Ann's granddaughter has been taken away permanently from them in this life.

Your worst prospect is to temporarily have restricted access to your son, not nearly so severe, yet the pain you are going to inflict on your family to avoid this temporary restriction will inflict a far greater toll on you and your family than Beth's loss, and for no reason other than your ignorance of the Lord and selfishness. Your legacy to your family for generations to come. And it is apparent that you would rather satisfy your own selfish urges to have unrestricted access to Joran than to get Joran the help he needs and thus provide for him to have a future.

Your family is dependent on you and you alone to save them from this dark path they are traveling and that you have chosen for them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: carpe noctem on January 14, 2008, 06:55:41 AM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 07:21:02 AM
When I look at the wine throwing incident, I wonder what he was thinking.  It's not a knee-jerk reaction.  A knee-jerk reaction would be if he threw the wine at him when something was said to him that he felt was derogatory.  No one was even provoking him when he threw that wine.  It was premeditated,  Look at his face, he looks like he was thinking, "what can I do to hurt that guy?"  He takes his time with this, he does not do it immediately.

Yes, he stops for an instant and looks to the right, as he is getting up, then throws it.  It is weird, like all out of context.  He was raging inside, decided to get revenge, and carefully put the plan in action.  Like stabbing someone in the back.

great point sirensong!!! I never thought of that but you are so correct!!
Not a reaction at all, it was an action. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 07:23:15 AM
Joran is indeed being punished for his acts, even while being free from a cell. His life is ever so slowly disintegrating right in front of Anita's eyes, as is the life of her family and each family member's individual life. Individually, and collectively.

Anita's soul is empty and weary from trying to cheat God so there is nothing available for her other children to help nurture their lives, there is nothing to bring color into the relationship of Anita and Paulus, joy into their home, hope for their future. Punishment is descending upon them and into them coloring their world a bleak gray. Without confession, and punishment by society, society will forever feel that Joran's debt is still current and owed, so interest will accrue, and thus no redemption and no ending date to their pain will be set. Joran's ability to be rehabilitated is being diminished as he ages and hardens due to the rejection he feels from all. Everybody has an innate need to be wanted and loved.

Deservedly, yes, but the pain and harm could be greatly diminished, hope and color could be restored to her other children's lives, rehabilitation could begin while there is a chance for Joran, and a future reestablished for Anita's family, if Anita will turn to God to find the strength and faith to do the right thing.

Anita, I don't know how you can bear to sit back and watch your family being destroyed one day at a time, realize that you and you alone control whether this process continues or not, and then decide to do nothing. Ignorant of the Lord and the Lord's ways, weak, lost soul, foolish, of little faith, impotent mother, and not caring all come to mind.

Praise the Lord that Beth has faith, Beth's Mom has faith, and they will free themselves and their family from there pain without your help. If you need proof, just look at Beth. Based upon your approach her loss has been immense compared to yours, yet she is healing, she has hope, her family has a future even though her daughter, Matt's sister, Ann's granddaughter has been taken away permanently from them in this life.

Your worst prospect is to temporarily have restricted access to your son, not nearly so severe, yet the pain you are going to inflict on your family to avoid this temporary restriction will inflict a far greater toll on you and your family than Beth's loss, and for no reason other than your ignorance of the Lord and selfishness. Your legacy to your family for generations to come. And it is apparent that you would rather satisfy your own selfish urges to have unrestricted access to Joran than to get Joran the help he needs and thus provide for him to have a future.

Your family is dependent on you and you alone to save them from this dark path they are traveling and that you have chosen for them.

Great post PI. very profound, very true.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 07:29:58 AM
Watching the wine throwing segment again.  At the end you can see Joran hightail it out of there.  Is that Valentijn in the background?


I don't want to be argumentative, and won't mention it again, but if you look at 36 - 38 seconds into this, you'll see Paulus and Anita both turned toward Joran reacting to what he did. Paulus is indeed smiling as the incident occurs, but was smiling prior to the thrown wine and it seems to me he just had not had time to react physically with his facial expression as he turned to DeVries. They were all shaking hands at the end and ended the interview at least outwardly, amiably. Anita too, was politely smiling and extended her hand to a staff member. Joran's thermometer was about to explode, but I do not think his parents anticipated or applauded what he did. Paulus may very well have not been happy for reasons that had nothing to do with common decency and only percieved how this would impact Joran and the family, but again, I don't think they were pleased. JMHO.

man klaas, you have such an eye!!! Good catch!! could be correct...and I also think the laughs could be a reaction to a stressful situation. I am one of those people who tends to laugh when people fall or stumble...l know, I know...I am warped!! lol...I know it's not funny, it's just my reaction to the stress. AND YES I HELP THEM UP AFTER!!!! lol

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 07:39:04 AM
what does he tell greta about how he got home that night ?


He told her Satish picked him up because Deepak was on the computer

I don't remember why he told her he lied about that. Do you, Klaas?

Interviewer:  What was the... there was a discrepancy at some point - - I mean, there've been a lot of reports. It's sort of hard to figure out what is and what isn't... that at one point, you said Deepak gave you a ride home. And it changed to Satish. Can you explain that? Or is there not a discrepancy? 

Joran van der Sloot:  Well, there is a discrepancy there, and I did at one point say that Deepak took me home. But that was at the more point from (unintelligible) we'd always said when we were at our house talking that we'd keep... that we'd keep Satish's little brother out it as much as possible when we'd actually made up the story to say that we dropped her off at the Holiday Inn. 

Interviewer:  Why did you want to keep Satish out of it? 

Joran van der Sloot:  I didn't want to. That's what Deepak wanted. He said, yes, you know, whatever, you keep... you know, We'll keep my little brother out of it, and that... yes. That's what we agreed on.

OK, before I really call it a night I'd like to point something out.  Deepak's little brother Satish is OLDER than Joran.  Why all the false protection for Satish?
He's the weak link and/or one of the k2 brother's had to stay out of jail to help Momma?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 07:40:07 AM
When I look at the wine throwing incident, I wonder what he was thinking.  It's not a knee-jerk reaction.  A knee-jerk reaction would be if he threw the wine at him when something was said to him that he felt was derogatory.  No one was even provoking him when he threw that wine.  It was premeditated,  Look at his face, he looks like he was thinking, "what can I do to hurt that guy?"  He takes his time with this, he does not do it immediately.

oops Bearly, this was your sorry!! great post!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 07:44:27 AM
Had to do it the hard way, capturing in frames...lolol  :lol:


roflmao!!! good capture Klaas!!!!! coffee all over the screen now!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 08:16:43 AM
When I look at the wine throwing incident, I wonder what he was thinking.  It's not a knee-jerk reaction.  A knee-jerk reaction would be if he threw the wine at him when something was said to him that he felt was derogatory.  No one was even provoking him when he threw that wine.  It was premeditated,  Look at his face, he looks like he was thinking, "what can I do to hurt that guy?"  He takes his time with this, he does not do it immediately.

Yes, he stops for an instant and looks to the right, as he is getting up, then throws it.  It is weird, like all out of context.  He was raging inside, decided to get revenge, and carefully put the plan in action.  Like stabbing someone in the back.

great point sirensong!!! I never thought of that but you are so correct!!
Not a reaction at all, it was an action. 

Thanks ld (it was our post). 

I wouldn't advise anyone to sign up for the "Aruban 2-Step Anger Management Program."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 08:19:52 AM
Had to do it the hard way, capturing in frames...lolol  :lol:


roflmao!!! good capture Klaas!!!!! coffee all over the screen now!!!

Yep, I told you she was worried about her wonderbra.  I wonder what happens to it when exposed to red wine?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 08:33:53 AM


Well, I suppose Jerry Springer will want to sign him up now.  :roll:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: igsigs on January 14, 2008, 08:44:52 AM
I think the wine toss was planned by Joran, but only in the last few minutes. His stress level had been building during the discussion - for sure - but the show was headed for a restrained ending. Joran felt he needed to even the score by putting DeVries on the spot with his what-if-i-am-innocent question. DeVries did not take that question seriously and brushed it off. The moderator makes a quip and everybody laughs - show over. IMO the laughter appeared to be a reaction to the end of the tension, end of the show. Everyone is relieved, starts relaxing and the participants begin to mix. But Joran is not everyone, misinterprets the social reality, stiffens and plans. Like an infant throwing a bottle, Joran reaches for whatever is closest and throws it. He HAD to do it. He HAD to act to relieve his tension. I don't see him changing anytime soon.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 08:51:49 AM
MF Posts at RU

From DIARIO (14-01-08)

After this was already published last week, I guess DIARIO could not hide any longer from his readers:

Aruba Airport Authority (AAA) is reporting record results for 2007.
The last quarter compared to 2006 saw an increase of 19.9% in passenger traffic and 26% airtraffic.

The passenger traffic grew in October with 16.4%, in November with 18.3% and in December with 24.6% compared to 2006.

Airtraffic grew with 15% in Oktober, 18.4% in November and 36.5% in December 2007.

For 2007, AAA is reporting a total increase of 11.7% in passengers and a total of 8.1% in airtraffic.

Individually the market increased during the last quarter with the following percentage:

USA: 8.5%
Netherlands Antilles: 19.7%
Europe: 21.7%

And regarding the wine throwing international breaking news:

DIARIO with exclusive interview with Peter de Vries

Joran's action says a lot

After the incident, in which Joran van der Sloot threw a glass of red wine into the face of Peter R. de Vries in the "Pauw en Witteman" program, DIARIO decided to contact de Vies through his cellphone.

De Vries told DIARIO, that everybody could see how he was asking hard questions on the program towards Joran, but nobody expected that something like that would happened, thus that Joran threw wine into his face.

He said that something like that was not that big of a deal, but the fact that Joran could have done something like that, says a lot about his character.

In the past, there has been said that Joran had problem with anger management, and after his act on the program, it can be confirmed that this is the case.

Concerning the picture of Joran with Natalee at Natalee's house, he explained that this was given to him by a person that knew that Joran paid for it to be made. De Vries said that still he does not knwo why Joran made the picture but he considers it a bad joke, since Joran himself said that it was a joke.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 08:53:05 AM
I think the wine toss was planned by Joran, but only in the last few minutes. His stress level had been building during the discussion - for sure - but the show was headed for a restrained ending. Joran felt he needed to even the score by putting DeVries on the spot with his what-if-i-am-innocent question. DeVries did not take that question seriously and brushed it off. The moderator makes a quip and everybody laughs - show over. IMO the laughter appeared to be a reaction to the end of the tension, end of the show. Everyone is relieved, starts relaxing and the participants begin to mix. But Joran is not everyone, misinterprets the social reality, stiffens and plans. Like an infant throwing a bottle, Joran reaches for whatever is closest and throws it. He HAD to do it. He HAD to act to relieve his tension. I don't see him changing anytime soon.

Now we know why his Mom's gut reaction was that he had done something to Natalee.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: igsigs on January 14, 2008, 09:02:28 AM
Now we know why his Mom's gut reaction was that he had done something to Natalee.

No doubt Bearly. This latest made me go back and re-read the earliest Anita interviews. 2 different times she says *he is not evil*. As if any act just short of evil is still in play.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 09:18:10 AM
Pauw: Did you never say… Or have you never spoken about burying Natalee Holloway?
Joran: No I have never discussed that with the pollice.

He does not say he didn't talk about it, only that he didn't tell the police.

Pauw: Well these are maybe not the most subtle moments in this conversation but Joran, you visited a psychiatrist because you were lying all the time.
Joran: No… That was not the reason why I visited the psychiatrist. [/[/glow]glow] I’ve been two times to a childrens psychiatrist but that was because we had some things going on within our family...
Anita: I can explain that as well… So you can hear it from my own mouth… Paul was in Holland for the Judges-training and I had to deal with three children in my own… And Joran as many seventeen year olds… I myself work with teens… And uh… he was not the easiest one. Besides that we had problems with… I had some problems with him… That he came home way to late… Uhm… I’m rather strict… Maybe even sometimes I was a little to strict… And at a certain point after talking about it with a friend of mine, maybe it’s good when we have some consults with a youth-psychiatrist. Because I just want that he has a goal in life… that he thinks well what he wants with his life and all this ‘going out’ I just think bad about that. And at that time he started playing poker in the casino and I don’t want my son being in the casino! So I contacted I youth-psychiatrist… He wasn’t 18 yet, he still was seventeen… He went there twice, that’s correct and we had one conlusive-conversation after that. And that was it… So [b]it was really not just about lying[/b]…

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 09:24:53 AM
Pauw: Did you never say… Or have you never spoken about burying Natalee Holloway?
Joran: No I have never discussed that with the pollice.

He does not say he didn't talk about it, only that he didn't tell the police.

Pauw: Well these are maybe not the most subtle moments in this conversation but Joran, you visited a psychiatrist because you were lying all the time.
Joran: No… That was not the reason why I visited the psychiatrist. [/[/glow]glow] I’ve been two times to a childrens psychiatrist but that was because we had some things going on within our family...
Anita: I can explain that as well… So you can hear it from my own mouth… Paul was in Holland for the Judges-training and I had to deal with three children in my own… And Joran as many seventeen year olds… I myself work with teens… And uh… he was not the easiest one. Besides that we had problems with… I had some problems with him… That he came home way to late… Uhm… I’m rather strict… Maybe even sometimes I was a little to strict… And at a certain point after talking about it with a friend of mine, maybe it’s good when we have some consults with a youth-psychiatrist. Because I just want that he has a goal in life… that he thinks well what he wants with his life and all this ‘going out’ I just think bad about that. And at that time he started playing poker in the casino and I don’t want my son being in the casino! So I contacted I youth-psychiatrist… He wasn’t 18 yet, he still was seventeen… He went there twice, that’s correct and we had one conlusive-conversation after that. And that was it… So [b]it was really not just about lying[/b]…

So he was currently seeing a shrink when this happened with Natalee since he was then 17

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: greeneyedlady on January 14, 2008, 09:26:26 AM
I love this post from janee @ RU:

Oh, this is rich! LOL

Personally, I find it hysterical that Joran made a jackass out of his mother, Anita, only moments after she thought she managed to sell Joran as incapable of causing anyone harm.

If Aruba would like to increase its tourist market share, the powers that be should put the entire VDS clan in cages and sell tickets billing the VDS freak show.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 09:29:41 AM
Before I go, this is a link to the wine throw with English subtitles.

I never could get the Nova link to give me anything but audio, so if this is the same thing, I apologize for posting it again!

Good morning...catching up..

This video has been removed... :o

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 09:32:44 AM
Pauw: And so you decide the three of you to make up one story and this is how we’re going to tell it.
Peter: You just can tell the truth can you, when nothing happened? There’s no reason to lie is there?
Joran: Yes, I don’t think the truth sounds that good if you have to say you left a girl at the beach.
Peter: So you think a lie sounds better than the truth?
Joran: Well I didn’t know how serious this all was. I didn’t know there was a serious problem....
Joran: Mister De Vries… I don’t know if you ever…
Peter: Why should they lie?
Witt.: Give him a change to answer this….
Joran: …if you ever were interrogated by the police…. in a murder case…Peter: (Unintelligible. Something like ‘Yes I was’…)
Joran: In a murder-case?!

First he says he didn't know how serious it was and then he says he had to lie because he was nervous being interrogated in a murder-case.  How many murder cases are there that aren't serious?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: msmarple on January 14, 2008, 09:38:03 AM (   01/12/2008

Quarterly figures AAA to record height 

ORANJESTAD -- Aruba Airport Authority (AAA) has closed the last quarter of 2007 with the highest turnover in the past seven years.  Compared to the 4th quarter of 2006, the number of passengers grew with 19.9 percent and the number of airplane movements with 26 percent. 

The number of passengers that generated turnover in October, November, and December was 16.4 (739.806 passengers), 18.3 (815.958) , and 24.6 percent (902.874) higher than same months in 2006, which is 11.7 percent higher than in the 4th quarter of 2006. 

The airplane movement in the last three months of 2007 grew with 15, 18.4, and 36.5 percent compared to same months in 2006.  The growth is attributed to a big increase of the number of tourists from South-America (77 percent).  The growth was even 109.7 percent in December of 2007; especially from Venezuela.  The number of tourists from North-America, the Neth.Antilles, and Europe grew with 8.5, 19.7, and 21.7 percent.   

“Our efforts and dedication of the entire team have lead to these fantastic quarterly figures”, said a proud Peter Steinmetz, director van AAA, who was recently elected as ‘man of the year’ by the daily Bon Dia. 

He said that he looks forward to 2008 and anticipates that this year is going to be at least as successful.  “We have confidence that 2008 is going to be a strong year for Aruba.”   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 09:38:54 AM
Pauw: Did you never say… Or have you never spoken about burying Natalee Holloway?
Joran: No I have never discussed that with the pollice.

He does not say he didn't talk about it, only that he didn't tell the police.

Pauw: Well these are maybe not the most subtle moments in this conversation but Joran, you visited a psychiatrist because you were lying all the time.
Joran: No… That was not the reason why I visited the psychiatrist. [/[/glow]glow] I’ve been two times to a childrens psychiatrist but that was because we had some things going on within our family...
Anita: I can explain that as well… So you can hear it from my own mouth… Paul was in Holland for the Judges-training and I had to deal with three children in my own… And Joran as many seventeen year olds… I myself work with teens… And uh… he was not the easiest one. Besides that we had problems with… I had some problems with him… That he came home way to late… Uhm… I’m rather strict… Maybe even sometimes I was a little to strict… And at a certain point after talking about it with a friend of mine, maybe it’s good when we have some consults with a youth-psychiatrist. Because I just want that he has a goal in life… that he thinks well what he wants with his life and all this ‘going out’ I just think bad about that. And at that time he started playing poker in the casino and I don’t want my son being in the casino! So I contacted I youth-psychiatrist… He wasn’t 18 yet, he still was seventeen… He went there twice, that’s correct and we had one conlusive-conversation after that. And that was it… So [b]it was really not just about lying[/b]…

So he was currently seeing a shrink when this happened with Natalee since he was then 17

I thought he was finished with the Quickie Aruban 2-Step Anger Management Program by then.  It must be a Drive-thru.  :roll:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 09:44:08 AM (   01/12/2008

Quarterly figures AAA to record height 

ORANJESTAD -- Aruba Airport Authority (AAA) has closed the last quarter of 2007 with the highest turnover in the past seven years.  Compared to the 4th quarter of 2006, the number of passengers grew with 19.9 percent and the number of airplane movements with 26 percent. 

The number of passengers that generated turnover in October, November, and December was 16.4 (739.806 passengers), 18.3 (815.958) , and 24.6 percent (902.874) higher than same months in 2006, which is 11.7 percent higher than in the 4th quarter of 2006. 

The airplane movement in the last three months of 2007 grew with 15, 18.4, and 36.5 percent compared to same months in 2006.  The growth is attributed to a big increase of the number of tourists from South-America (77 percent).  The growth was even 109.7 percent in December of 2007; especially from Venezuela.  The number of tourists from North-America, the Neth.Antilles, and Europe grew with 8.5, 19.7, and 21.7 percent.   

“Our efforts and dedication of the entire team have lead to these fantastic quarterly figures”, said a proud Peter Steinmetz, director van AAA, who was recently elected as ‘man of the year’ by the daily Bon Dia. 

He said that he looks forward to 2008 and anticipates that this year is going to be at least as successful.  “We have confidence that 2008 is going to be a strong year for Aruba.”   

So, Joran leaves the country and travel there increases...hmmm... :idea:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kimmy53 on January 14, 2008, 09:45:50 AM
Just posted by Victor (Lazlo) at Scrux:

Not even a month ago the OM in Aruba "closed" the Natalee Holloway case.
The American student has been missing since May 2005.

Joran van der Sloot has been a prime suspect in this case together with two of his friends.

The decision to make it a sepot was followed due to a lack of new concrete evidence, according to head officer Hans Mos during a press conference.

(clip of Hans Mos) "That fact and the fact that the all three decided to take their right to remain silent during their detention that together has brought us to the conclusion that there simply was not enough juridical evidence to charge and prosecute them".
-end of clip-

Joran van der Sloot has been the prime suspect since 2005 in the Holloway case, he after all was the one that saw her last, and gave statements that were untrue. Later Joran admitted that he had lied.
In November he was arrested again. During his detention that lasted for two weeks Joran again took his right to remain silent.

Last night, Joran together with his parents Joran one more time gave an interview to Pauw and Witteman. At the table also crime reporter Peter de Vries, who has never made it a secret to doubt Joran's statements.

When the broadcasting had ended, the following happened:

-clip of Joran throwing wine in de Vries's face is shown-

De Vries: I think he proved himself a bad service,
Witteman: This incident is not going to contribute to him gaining any much trust.

de Vries asking: "Tell me now how did you got home that night".
Joran: I was brought home by D.. Satish the brother of Deepak
"de Vries: But he denies that, he says I did not bring him home at all.
Joran: Yes
de Vries: and first you have stated that Deepak have brought you home, not Satish
Joran: Mr de Vries, I don't know if you...
de Vries: Why would they lie about that?
-end of clip-

Peter Plasman: I found the performance of the family van der Sloot really dramatic (as in not good).
Intervieuwer: Why?
Plasman: Because these people with this story can never win over the battle of the public opinion.

Joran van der Sloot yesterday had come with his parents to the talkshow P&W now that he is not going to be prosecuted about Natalee Holloway, right after the program things get out of hand.

-clip- :
Joran: If there ever will be clearity about what happened, and it turns out you are wrong, will you apologize, are you man enough to do that?
De Vries: What do you think?
Joran: No.
De Vries: No?
Joran nods his head that no he thinks no.
Anita starts to laugh real hard, audience is mumbling.
The interviewer then says: What a beautiful ending of such a ...!
Anita van der Sloot: Nice ending (laughing)
-end of clip-

Witteman: Everybody was shaking hands, any way, Jeroen and I were shaking hands with all our guests, and Joran stood up and I got the impression that Joran was going to shake hands with Peter.

Peter de Vries: After the broadcasting, my sender was taken of and I arrange my clothes, I was looking down, at that moment Joran had stood up and I myself had not seen that, and shortly thereafter I got an amount of wine in my face that he had thrown.
There was a full glass of wine on the table, and he had grabbed that and threw it in my face. And because I did not see that coming I got the wine in my eyes, and of course because there was alcohol in it, that itched.

De Vries is standing with his hands for his eyes, his wife next to him and Jeroen Pauw says he should use some water for his eyes.
Anita with a sad voice: Why do you do that now, come on now, ohhh!
Wife of de Vries towards Anita: Now you have done such a great job raising that, yes, very well raised indeed.
-end of clip-

Witteman: After the broadcasting he said he was so agitated during the broadcasting because he had to explain why he had lied again and again, and he had then felt he could do this, now I have the chance, and then he did this.

de Vries: He did this out of a form of frustration, agitation. I have later talked with him, and he then apologized, and he then said that already during the broadcasting he had wanted to insult me, but that during the broadcasting he had been able to held back, but then then at the end, it came out of him, and before he knew/realised it himself he had thrown wine in my face.

May 2005, the American Natalee Holloway is with her class on Aruba vacationing, after a night of going out she takes of with some guys, they end up at the beach, in the end she is together with Joran van der Sloot, but ever since there is no trace of Natalee.
Joran van der Sloot is a suspect and is interrogated over and over again, but last month the Aruban judge let go of the case.
-end of clip-

In the interview last night he was attacked because in the case he had taken his right to remain silent.

de Vries: The fact that also now, the last time he was arrested he refused to answer any single question during all that time, I find that very strange, and I wonder if this is something his father agrees with, as being a man who attempted to become a judge himself. That your son, In such a crucial case in which a girl has went missing, in which the mother is desperate about the faith of her daughter, that you then keep your mouth shut, while the goal of the investigation is to obtain clearity.
-end of clip-

Interviewer: Why is it a good idea at times to take your right to remain silent?
Peter Plasman: Because if you know the prosecution does not have enough against me and you then remain silent, then there cannot come anything upon that, at least not from me. If justice does not have enough and you are questioned and give answers, you take the risk of making mistakes -regardless if you are innocent or guilty, also innocent people make mistakes- that can be interpreted wrongly, and look we now have contradicting statements, and additional incriminating material.

Joran: And I have told everything, and I also feel, why would have have to give the police 20 statements, the only thing they want is to find differences in that.
-end of clip-

Interviewer: To take your right to remain silent in many cases is a normal strategy.
De Vries: Well I do not feel this a normal strategy, we are here not dealing with a career criminal of a drugs case, these usually standardly get the advise of their lawyers to take their right to remain silent.
We are here dealing with a guy who last saw a girl, so please give me one reason why you would not tell your story.

Joran: I no longer have faith in the OM in Aruba, they are not after truthfinding in this case, they just want to hang someone. Just for their own ego's.
Witteman: Also when the person is innocent?
Joran: Yes also when the person is innocent I am convinced of that.
de Vries: I find it kind of strange you say that you have no trust in the OM, while you are the one who have continued to lie.
Joran: Yes I have lied, I admit that, but there are reasons for that, and those reasons you know also.
de Vries: I would like to know these reasons, to lie about something you did, while you have nothing to hide. Why would you have to lie then, please explain.
-end of clip-

Plasman: This could not go right. The questions of Peter de Vries could have been predicted in advance, it were very legitimate questions. Questions like, why remain silent if you have nothing to hide, you cannot explain that yourself, if you want to explain that you will have to let a professional do that.
Plus all the inside information that was given, especially by the father, I found the role of father especially saddening (as in worse of all) .Well, they just never should have done this (going on the show).

Anita: Now I am his mother, I love him very much, I am convinced he would not harm a girl.
These initial emotions for me are also important to notice at him, because I did actually had doubts about him for a while.
I have thought, damn, could an accident have happened, could something have happened, does he not want to tell?
-end of clip-

Plasman: If you go to a television broadcasting, and you know in advance that the mother is going to say that she has doubted her son, then that in itself is a reason not to go.
Interviewer: So this is not so smart
Plasman: No no no
Plasman: Especially the father should have known what questions would come up, and how the mother would react upon the questions. And if he knows that if there is going to be a question did you ever doubt him and that she is going to answer yes, he should have decided not to go there.

Witteman: You were a stand in judge
Paulus: Yes
Witteman: Imagine Joran had told you, dad I did something terrible, what would you have done?
Paulus: I would have gone with him to him to the OM.
Witteman: Did you had a talk about this?
Anita: Between us as parents? Yes, yes.
Witteman: And you agreed with that?
Anita: Yes I agreed with that fully.
Witteman: You would then have brought in your own son?
Anita: Yes
Joran: And I can confirm that also.
-end of clip-

Plasman: What I found dramatically to hear from the parents was that they said, if he had told them he had something to do with it, that they would have gone to the police, since that means as parents you are cutting of your role as a parent to your son, you then know going to your parents with your problems, asking advise, telling what happened means jail, the parents taking over the role of police officers, incredible for parents.

-Wine incident is shown again-

de Vries: I can imagine it in many ways and do not make a big deal out of this. I mean if this is the worse you have to meet in your career as a crime reporter, then I have no reason to complain.

Witteman: By a larger public I think he has become more solid in the chair of a supsect, but we will have to wait for the body of Natalee Holloway to know what really has happened.

These two bolded sentences tell alot....OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH - Before I realized what I was doing!!!!  I am sure that this was mild - compared to his reaction of Natalee saying NO!  What does this say?  Just as we have said all along - Joran has a bad temper, at he has no control over what he does when his temper flairs.  He said it himself....AND - it is caught on camera!

Then, Anita- "I Had My Doubts".....Come on...keep on talking.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kimmy53 on January 14, 2008, 09:47:51 AM
I love this post from janee @ RU:

Oh, this is rich! LOL

Personally, I find it hysterical that Joran made a jackass out of his mother, Anita, only moments after she thought she managed to sell Joran as incapable of causing anyone harm.

If Aruba would like to increase its tourist market share, the powers that be should put the entire VDS clan in cages and sell tickets billing the VDS freak show.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:51:31 AM

Joran and the Kalpoes throw wine in the face of an innocent girl, ending her life to save their own.

Paulus van der Sloot throws wine in the face of honesty and morality to save his son and himself from their crimes.

Jan van der Straten and Karin Janssen throw wine in the face of integrity, conducting a crooked investigation to save their friend PaulUs.

AHATA and ATA and their Mafia owners throw wine in the face of the victim and her family to protect their tourism.

The Aruba newspapers (sans Jossy) throws wine in the face of truth by lying to protect their friends the van der Sloots.

The Dutch Judges throw wine in the face of justice to make sure their good friend Paulus and his son go free.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:54:08 AM

These two bolded sentences tell alot....OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH - Before I realized what I was doing!!!!  I am sure that this was mild - compared to his reaction of Natalee saying NO!  What does this say?  Just as we have said all along - Joran has a bad temper, at he has no control over what he does when his temper flairs.  He said it himself....AND - it is caught on camera!

Then, Anita- "I Had My Doubts".....Come on...keep on talking.

Exactly Kimmy. What other damage has he done before he realized he was doing it?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:57:37 AM
Pauw: And so you decide the three of you to make up one story and this is how we’re going to tell it.
Peter: You just can tell the truth can you, when nothing happened? There’s no reason to lie is there?
Joran: Yes, I don’t think the truth sounds that good if you have to say you left a girl at the beach.
Peter: So you think a lie sounds better than the truth?
Joran: Well I didn’t know how serious this all was. I didn’t know there was a serious problem....
Joran: Mister De Vries… I don’t know if you ever…
Peter: Why should they lie?
Witt.: Give him a change to answer this….
Joran: …if you ever were interrogated by the police…. in a murder case…Peter: (Unintelligible. Something like ‘Yes I was’…)
Joran: In a murder-case?!

First he says he didn't know how serious it was and then he says he had to lie because he was nervous being interrogated in a murder-case.  How many murder cases are there that aren't serious?

BINGO Bearly! Trapped in another lie. Every time he opens his mouth he contradicts himself.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 10:01:25 AM

These two bolded sentences tell alot....OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH - Before I realized what I was doing!!!!  I am sure that this was mild - compared to his reaction of Natalee saying NO!  What does this say?  Just as we have said all along - Joran has a bad temper, at he has no control over what he does when his temper flairs.  He said it himself....AND - it is caught on camera!

Then, Anita- "I Had My Doubts".....Come on...keep on talking.

Exactly Kimmy. What other damage has he done before he realized he was doing it?

I can see the reasoning now...The devil made me do it...Joran Vin Der Sloot

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 14, 2008, 10:04:22 AM
Pauw: And so you decide the three of you to make up one story and this is how we’re going to tell it.
Peter: You just can tell the truth can you, when nothing happened? There’s no reason to lie is there?
Joran: Yes, I don’t think the truth sounds that good if you have to say you left a girl at the beach.
Peter: So you think a lie sounds better than the truth?
Joran: Well I didn’t know how serious this all was. I didn’t know there was a serious problem....
Joran: Mister De Vries… I don’t know if you ever…
Peter: Why should they lie?
Witt.: Give him a change to answer this….
Joran: …if you ever were interrogated by the police…. in a murder case…Peter: (Unintelligible. Something like ‘Yes I was’…)
Joran: In a murder-case?!

First he says he didn't know how serious it was and then he says he had to lie because he was nervous being interrogated in a murder-case.  How many murder cases are there that aren't serious?

BINGO Bearly! Trapped in another lie. Every time he opens his mouth he contradicts himself.

Don't you mean JINGO, Dayhiker?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 10:10:06 AM
It is up at 24ora w/ comments

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: msmarple on January 14, 2008, 10:14:55 AM
Several articles about Joran's TV appearance/tantrum in today's Diario. (   01/14/2008

Link is to Local section of Diario.

Joran van der sloot a perde cabez, despues di programa hulandes       

Monday, 14 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Durante e programa Hulandes hopi conoci, “Pauw en Witteman”, e conocido Peter R. de Vries, di e programa “Misdaad verslaggever”, a mustra di tabata hopi convenci cu Joran van der Sloot mester sa mas di desaparicion di Natalee Holloway.

El a bisa cu Joran te ainda mester worde considera sospechoso principal den e caso di desaparicion di e hoben Mericano.

Esaki specialmente mirando e hecho cu asina hopi biaha Joran a gańa, durante su declaracionnan.
Joran na dado momento a puntra Peter de Vries, si den futuro e lo pidi su disculpa, si sali na cla cu e ta inocente. De Vries no a conteste.

Na final di e programa, Joran a puntra de Vries mesun pregunta atrobe y De Vries a bisa cu sali na cla cu e ta inocente, e lo pidi disculpa.

Joran e ora ey a bisa de Vries, cu e no ta haya cu de Vries ta suficiente homber, pa pidi disculpa.
Joran eynan a cuminza mustra caba e rabia cu e tabata tin den direccion di de Vries.

Despues di e programa, diripiente Joran a coi un glas di bińa cora y a tira esaki den cara di de Vries.
Mesora Joran y su tata a sali for di e studio.

Mama Anita ainda a pidi disculpa pa loke su yiu a haci.

Despues diferente biaha Joran mes a ofrece su disculpa y de Vries a acepta esaki.
Despues di e programa de Vries a bisa si cu Joran cu e hecho di tira e bińa den su cara, a haci mas dańo na su mes.

Segun de Vries, mayornan di Joran ta purba haci como si fuera e ta un mucha homber hopi bon educa, pero cu e accion aki, Joran a demostra cu e tin problema pa controla su emocionnan y ken sa si algo asina lo por a pasa ora cue tabata cu Natalee.

Online Pap translation:

joran van der sloot owing to lose cabez,
after of declaration of policy dutch

monday, 14 january 2008

oranjestad(aan): during the declaration of policy dutch much conoci, “pauw provided that witteman”, the conocido peter r. de vries, of the declaration of policy “misdaad verslaggever”, owing to show of was much convenci cu joran van der sloot have to know more of desaparicion of natalee holloway.

past owing to tell cu joran till still have to worde considera sospechoso principal in the caso of desaparicion of the young mericano.

this specialmente mirando the mature cu so much trip joran owing to lie, during his declaracionnan.
joran at dado instant owing to ask about peter de vries, if in future the will ask his disculpa, if leave at cla cu the is inocente. de vries not owing to conteste.

at end of the declaration of policy, joran owing to ask about de vries same question again y de vries owing to tell cu leave at cla cu the is inocente, the will ask disculpa.

joran the hour ey owing to tell de vries, cu the do not achieve cu de vries is sufficient man, for ask disculpa.
joran eynan owing to cuminza show end the angry cu the was have in direccion of de vries.

after of the declaration of policy, diripiente joran owing to coi one glass of wine cora y owing to throw this in cara of de vries. at once joran y his father owing to leave for of the studio.

mother anita still owing to ask disculpa for thing his child owing to haci.

after various trip joran self owing to ofrece his disculpa y de vries owing to acepta this.
after of the declaration of policy de vries owing to tell if cu joran cu the mature of throw the wine in his cara, owing to haci more damage at his self.

according de vries, parents of joran is try haci because; if fuera the is one boy much good educa, but cu the accion here, joran owing to demostra cu the have problem for controla his emocionnan y that know if algo so will can owing to happen hour cue was cu natalee.

* * *
This one is about the fake Joran-Natalee "portrait" ...

Joran a laga traha potret di dje hunto cu natalee, como joke       

Monday, 14 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Diasabra anochi na canal 11 di Cabel, esta BVN, a pasa e programa “Pauw en Witteman”, riba cual Joran van der Sloot a aparece hunto cu su mama Anita y su tata Paul.

Durante e programa varios pregunta a worde haci den nan direccion di parti di Jeroen Pauw y Paul Witteman, pero tambe di parti di Peter R. de Vries, di e programa “Misdaad Verslaggever”.

De Vries tabata hopi agresivo contra Joran, indicando cu e ta kere cu Joran ta e sospechoso principal te ainda den e caso aki.

Na dado momento pa sorpresa di tur hende, de Vries a saca un potret for di su saco, riba cual por mira Natalee Hunto cu Joran, na cas di Natalee na Alabama.

Tabata obvio si cu tabata un potret traha, pasobra nunca Joran a bay cas di Natalee.
Joran a bisa cu un amigo di dje a traha e potret y a mande pe.

De Vries a bisa cu Joran a paga un hende pa traha e potret aki.
Segun Joran, el a djis laga traha e potret aki como un joke.

Presentadornan di e programa e ora ey a puntre con e por a haci un joke, den un caso asina serio di desaparicion di un mucha muher.

Durante henter e programa mama y tata di Joran a purba pinta nan yiu como un mucha bon cria, mientras cu de Vries a sigui lanza remarkenan di duda cu Joran lo no sa nada di e desaparicion.

De Vries a sigui para ariba, cu e hecho cu Joran a gańa asina hopi biaha, ta mustra cu e mester por sa algo mas.

Online Pap translation:

joran owing to let work potret of dje together cu natalee, because; joke

monday, 14 january 2008

oranjestad(aan): saturday night at canal 11 of cabel, esta bvn, owing to happen the declaration of policy “pauw provided that witteman”, on cual joran van der sloot owing to aparece together cu his mother anita y his father paul.

during the declaration of policy several question owing to worde haci in they direccion of part of jeroen pauw y paul witteman, but also of part of peter r. de vries, of the declaration of policy “misdaad verslaggever”.

de vries was much aggressive contra joran, indicando cu the is believe cu joran is the sospechoso principal till still in the caso here.

at dado instant for surprise of everybody, de vries owing to saca one potret for of his saco, on cual can see natalee together cu joran, at home of natalee at alabama.

was obvio if cu was one potret work, because never joran owing to bay cas of natalee.

joran owing to tell cu one amigo of dje owing to work the potret y owing to mande pe.

de vries owing to tell cu joran owing to pay a for work the potret here. according joran, past owing to immidiately let work the potret here because; one joke.

presentadornan of the declaration of policy the hour ey owing to puntre con the can owing to haci one joke, in one caso so earnest of desaparicion of one child muher.

during all the declaration of policy mother y father of joran owing to try draw they child because; one child good cria, while cu de vries owing to follow lanza remarkenan of doubt cu joran will not know nothing of the desaparicion.

de vries owing to follow stop upstairs, cu the mature cu joran owing to lie so much trip, is show cu the have to can know algo more.

* * *

Diario interviewed de Vries via cell phone after the wine-throwing incident.

DIARIO cu entrevista Exclusivo cu Peter de Vries: E accion di joran ta bisa hopi       

Monday, 14 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Despues di e incidente cu a sosode den TV Studio na Hulanda, unda cu Joran van der Sloot a rek man y tira un glas di bińa cora den cara di Peter R. de Vries, riba e programa Hulandes conoci “Pauw en Witteman”, DIARIO a dicidi di contact De Vries, y a haya contacto cune atravez di su celular.

De Vries a bisa DIARIO, cu tur hende por a mira den e programa con e tabata haci preguntanan fuerte den direccion di Joran, pero e no a spera cu algo asina a sosode, pues cu Joran lo tira bińa den su cara.
El a bisa cu pe algo asina no ta nada grave, pero e hecho cu Joran por a haci algo asina, ta bisa hopi di su caracter.

Den pasado a worde bisa cu Joran tabata tin problema cu “Anger Management” y su actuacion despues die programa, por confirma cu di berdad esaki ta e caso.

Pa loke ta e potret di Joran y Natalee na cas di Natalee na Alabama, de Vries a splica cu el a haye for di un persona, kende tabata sa cu Joran a paga hende pa traha e potret.

De Vries a bisa cu te ainda e no sa exactamente di con Joran a laga traha e potret, pero e ta haya cu ta un mal joke, mirando cu Joran mes a bisa cu tabata pa un joke e potret a worde traha.

Mientras tanto DIARIO a tuma nota ta cuanto Hulandes a reacciona sorprendi riba e actitud di Joran. Ta parce cu opinion publico di Hulandesnan tabata completamente anti-Joran. Nan ta mira cu awor di berdad Joran tin problema pa domina su mes y su rabia. E dudanan a cuminza crece mas cerca Hulandesnan.

Hasta websitenan Mericano a tuma nota di loke a pasa na Hulanda cu Joran, y nan tambe ta cuminza mustra un biaha mas riba e problema di domina su mes.

Online Pap translation:

daily paper cu interview exclusivo cu peter de vries: the accion of joran is tell much

monday, 14 january 2008

oranjestad(aan): after of the incidente cu owing to sosode in tv studio at the netherlands, where cu joran van der sloot owing to calculate hand y throw one glass of wine cora in cara of peter r. de vries, on the declaration of policy dutch conoci “pauw provided that witteman”, daily paper owing to dicidi of contact de vries, y owing to achieve contacto cune atravez of his celular.

de vries owing to tell daily paper, cu everybody can owing to see in the declaration of policy con the was haci questions strong in direccion of joran, but the not owing to wait for cu algo so owing to sosode, then cu joran will throw wine in his cara. past owing to tell cu pe algo so do not nothing important, but the mature cu joran can owing to haci algo so, is tell much of his caracter.

in pasado owing to worde tell cu joran was have problem cu “anger management” y his actuacion after die declaration of policy, can confirma cu of berdad this is the caso.

for thing is the potret of joran y natalee at home of natalee at alabama, de vries owing to splica cu past owing to haye for of one person, that was know cu joran owing to pay person for work the potret.

de vries owing to tell cu till still the not know exactly of con joran owing to let work the potret, but the is achieve cu is one bad joke, mirando cu joran self owing to tell cu was for one joke the potret owing to worde work.

all the time daily paper did take notice is cuanto dutch owing to reacciona sorprendi on the actitud of joran. is seems cu opinion publico of hulandesnan was completamente anti-joran. they're see cu now of berdad joran have problem for domina his self y his angry. the dudanan owing to cuminza crece more close hulandesnan.

even websitenan mericano did take notice of thing owing to happen at the netherlands cu joran, y they also is cuminza show once more on the problem of domina his self.

* * *

Anita van der sloot na comienzo a kere cu joran tabatin algo di haber cu loke a pasa cu natalee       

Monday, 14 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Recientemente Joran van der Sloot hunto cu su mama y tata Paulus, a presenta den un programa conoci na Hulanda esta “Pauw en Witteman”.Durante e programa diferente pregunta a worde haci den direccon di Joran y su tata, relaciona cu e caso di desaparicion di Natalee Holloway.

Peter R. de Vries di e programa “Peter R. de Vries Misdaad versalggever”, tambe tabata presente den e programa y tabata haci varios pregunta den direccion di Joran, na un manera hopi fuerte.

De Vries a bisa tambe cu e ta haya cu Joran mester sa mas di e caso y cu e ta keda sospechoso principal.
Segun de Vries, ta incomprendibel, cu un persona ta keda keto, den un caso asina serio.

El a referi na e hecho cu ultimo biaha cu Joran hunto cu e rumannan Kalpoe a worde deteni na November, e tambe a dicidi di no declara nada.

Paul van der Sloot durante e programa a admiti cu el a bisa Joran pa e no declara nada.
Segun Paul, su yiu a declara tur cos caba y no tabata tin nada di gana, si e haci mas declaracionnan.

Mama di Joran, esta Anita van der Sloot a papia hopi tambe durante e programa, cu a worde pasa na canal 11 esta BVN.

El a bisa cu ta lamentable cu casi ningun investigacion a tuma lugar den direccion di famia y amigonan di Natalee.

Seńora van der Sloot a bisa si cu na comienzo di e caso el a kere cu quizas un accidente a sosode cu Natalee y cu Joran lo por tabata tin algo di haber cu esaki.

Ambos mayor di Joran a bisa cu si Joran a indica cu e tabata tin algo di haber cu desaparicion di e hoben Mericano, nan a bay husticia di biaha.

E mama a sigui bisa tambe cu e ta spera cu ainda investigacion sigui y specialmente den direccion di Merca.
El a bisa tambe cu e ta desea pa bin un investigacion, riba e investigacion cu a tuma lugar.

Durante e programa Hulandes, presentadornan di e programa a puntra Joran y su tata, si nan ta kere cu e mucha muher ta bibo of morto.

Paulus a bisa cu e ta kere hopi cu e mucha muher ta bibo.

Joran a bisa cu e tin duda, pero el a bisa cu si e mucha muher ta bibo, nan tin e wanta contra su boluntad, pasobra si e mes ta keda scondi, e mester ta hopi mal hende, kedando scondi, sabiendo con grandi e dańo ta cu e ta causando.

Online Pap translation:

anita van der sloot at comienzo owing to believe cu joran had algo of haber cu thing owing to happen cu natalee

monday, 14 january 2008

oranjestad(aan): recientemente joran van der sloot together cu his mother y father paulus, owing to present in one declaration of policy conoci at the netherlands esta “pauw provided that witteman”.durante the declaration of policy various question owing to worde haci in direccon of joran y his father, relaciona cu the caso of desaparicion of natalee holloway.

peter r. de vries of the declaration of policy “peter r. de vries misdaad versalggever”, also was present in the declaration of policy y was haci several question in direccion of joran, at one as much strong.

de vries owing to tell also cu the is achieve cu joran have to know more of the caso y cu the is stay sospechoso principal.
according de vries, is incomprendibel, cu one person is stay keto, in one caso so earnest.

past owing to referi at the mature cu ultimo trip cu joran together cu the rumannan kalpoe owing to worde deteni at november, the also owing to dicidi of not declara nothing.

paul van der sloot during the declaration of policy owing to admiti cu past owing to tell joran for her not declara nothing.
according paul, his child owing to declara all cos end y not was have nothing of earn, if the haci more declaracionnan.

mother of joran, esta anita van der sloot owing to talk much also during the declaration of policy, cu owing to worde happen at canal 11 esta bvn.

past owing to tell cu is lamentable cu casi none investigacion did take lugar in direccion of family y amigonan of natalee.

madam van der sloot owing to tell if cu at comienzo of the caso past owing to believe cu quizas one accidente owing to sosode cu natalee y cu joran will can was have algo of haber cu this.

both parent of joran owing to tell cu if joran owing to indica cu the was have algo of haber cu desaparicion of the young mericano, they owing to bay husticia of trip.

the mother owing to follow tell also cu the is wait for cu still investigacion follow y specialmente in direccion of merca. past owing to tell also cu the is desea for come one investigacion, on the investigacion cu did take lugar.

during the declaration of policy dutch, presentadornan of the declaration of policy owing to ask about joran y his father, if they're believe cu the child muher is bibo or dead.

paulus owing to tell cu the is believe much cu the child muher is bibo.

joran owing to tell cu the have doubt, but past owing to tell cu if the child muher is bibo, they have the wanta contra his boluntad, because if the self is stay scondi, the have to is much bad person, kedando scondi, sabiendo con big the damage is cu the is causando.

* * *

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 10:16:05 AM
Pauw: Did you never say… Or have you never spoken about burying Natalee Holloway?
Joran: No I have never discussed that with the pollice.

He does not say he didn't talk about it, only that he didn't tell the police.

Pauw: Well these are maybe not the most subtle moments in this conversation but Joran, you visited a psychiatrist because you were lying all the time.
Joran: No… That was not the reason why I visited the psychiatrist. [/[/glow]glow] I’ve been two times to a childrens psychiatrist but that was because we had some things going on within our family...
Anita: I can explain that as well… So you can hear it from my own mouth… Paul was in Holland for the Judges-training and I had to deal with three children in my own… And Joran as many seventeen year olds… I myself work with teens… And uh… he was not the easiest one. Besides that we had problems with… I had some problems with him… That he came home way to late… Uhm… I’m rather strict… Maybe even sometimes I was a little to strict… And at a certain point after talking about it with a friend of mine, maybe it’s good when we have some consults with a youth-psychiatrist. Because I just want that he has a goal in life… that he thinks well what he wants with his life and all this ‘going out’ I just think bad about that. And at that time he started playing poker in the casino and I don’t want my son being in the casino! So I contacted I youth-psychiatrist… He wasn’t 18 yet, he still was seventeen… He went there twice, that’s correct and we had one conlusive-conversation after that. And that was it… So [b]it was really not just about lying[/b]…

So he was currently seeing a shrink when this happened with Natalee since he was then 17

I thought he was finished with the Quickie Aruban 2-Step Anger Management Program by then.  It must be a Drive-thru.  :roll:

well Natalee and the 2 visits occurred in the same year, so were they finished or did this interrupt them? when did he turn 18?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 10:19:25 AM
love some of the comments  :lol:
Aruba Riba says:
Wel wel, Joran a play tough guy with the wrong guy. *(the rest I can't tell what it says)

butterfly says:
aruba on i am comparti do you opinion y besides my wanted agrega cu i am hanja thing mnr. de vries owing to tell is berdad...joran probably is one sicopata ( one person cu is kill person y is stay cu blood frieuw )....paso his comportashon in the declaration of policy not was cuadra cu a cu ordinarily they will owing to persiguie without base, do not simplemente what the la tell owing to wing my acuity but his comportashon ( body lenguage ) owing to tell much.

Arubanita says:
wel, wel, esta good educa cu the child here is?? is of cual goeie opvoeding the mother is talk of dje? wrong and strong come across

Catrien Goins said:
esta fresco y grocero do you looking at the self is cobando his buraco what could you think of a so without respet y is bay television neither can less his petchi bad as y now is throw bina in cara of the journalist the self is dana for his self y is dana name of aruba foei joran come across *(?????)

more at the link...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 10:27:30 AM
August 06, 2005 he turned 18

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 10:32:17 AM
And this is the boy who Aruban's tough professional police and prosecutors claimed was too tough for them to break, this boy in the video.

                                          US Tourists-
And it is these people who are supposed to keep you safe from the drug lords who live 18 miles across relatively shallow waters and from the airport statistics are the primary visitors to Aruba. All I have to say is enjoy your family vacation, hopefully your own children will hook up with the children of a drug lord while there, or you may even hit the jackpot and your daughter might catch the fancy of a drug lord themselves. I also here there are movie producers there, and your daughter or son might even be discovered by Mr. Pink or productions. There is certainly a lot of potential there.

You know, you could even hit it bigger, your children might meet what is obviously the first family of Aruba, the Van Der Sloot and their boys, or the edgy Kalpoe brother, shak of shit and shit face. I understand that they only act like Urine's or is it Piss Ant's slaves and that they get mad and hit you if you asked them if they are. Oh yea, and they bottom for him, if you know what I mean, and that explains why they are irritable and walk funny and their breath is so bad.

One word of caution though, please tell your daughters if you let them hang out with him that no matter what he asks them to do, instruct them to do without hesitation because he has an anger management problem and girls last seen with him seem to disappear.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 10:38:47 AM
August 06, 2005 he turned 18

I guess it is imposible to tell if he was being treated or not without looking at his records. I wonder did the prosecutor get his records?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 10:42:40 AM
August 06, 2005 he turned 18

I guess it is imposible to tell if he was being treated or not without looking at his records. I wonder did the prosecutor get his records?

I would assume now for sure that he broke in prison and confessed. I wonder if anyone  according to Aruban law would have been present when his parents were brought in to comfort him after he broke and would have heard the conversation?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: I dont feel tardy on January 14, 2008, 10:49:30 AM
my my temper temper. It sure looks like Joran is not held accountable for any of his actions....past or present. His parents look like his "bitches" and are helpless to control him. Its great the world got to see this display of his true nature. what a beast! IMHO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 10:59:20 AM
Watching the wine throwing segment again.  At the end you can see Joran hightail it out of there.  Is that Valentijn in the background?

Hey Klaas!
To me it looks like Bendix! Also, too thin for a people of the ditch

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 11:05:44 AM
what does he tell greta about how he got home that night ?


He told her Satish picked him up because Deepak was on the computer

I don't remember why he told her he lied about that. Do you, Klaas?

Interviewer:  What was the... there was a discrepancy at some point - - I mean, there've been a lot of reports. It's sort of hard to figure out what is and what isn't... that at one point, you said Deepak gave you a ride home. And it changed to Satish. Can you explain that? Or is there not a discrepancy? 

Joran van der Sloot:  Well, there is a discrepancy there, and I did at one point say that Deepak took me home. But that was at the more point from (unintelligible) we'd always said when we were at our house talking that we'd keep... that we'd keep Satish's little brother out it as much as possible when we'd actually made up the story to say that we dropped her off at the Holiday Inn. 

Interviewer:  Why did you want to keep Satish out of it? 

Joran van der Sloot:  I didn't want to. That's what Deepak wanted. He said, yes, you know, whatever, you keep... you know, We'll keep my little brother out of it, and that... yes. That's what we agreed on.

OK, before I really call it a night I'd like to point something out.  Deepak's little brother Satish is OLDER than Joran.  Why all the false protection for Satish?
In (one of) my opinion(s) sk was on computer as dk, providing a cover/alibi for dk, but leaving sk with no cover/alibi.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:13:20 AM
Watching the wine throwing segment again.  At the end you can see Joran hightail it out of there.  Is that Valentijn in the background?

Hey Klaas!
To me it looks like Bendix! Also, too thin for a people of the ditch

This photo of Valentijn is from 4/7/07  - he was pretty tall and skinny then:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 11:29:06 AM
Watching the wine throwing segment again.  At the end you can see Joran hightail it out of there.  Is that Valentijn in the background?

Hey Klaas!
To me it looks like Bendix! Also, too thin for a people of the ditch

This photo of Valentijn is from 4/7/07  - he was pretty tall and skinny then:


I think he is his brother based upon that photo. He looks like a really nice kid, and I think we should always assume that until proven otherwise. I hate that he is having to grow up in this environment and hope he doesn't become a part of this story.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sirensong on January 14, 2008, 11:30:26 AM
When I look at the wine throwing incident, I wonder what he was thinking.  It's not a knee-jerk reaction.  A knee-jerk reaction would be if he threw the wine at him when something was said to him that he felt was derogatory.  No one was even provoking him when he threw that wine.  It was premeditated,  Look at his face, he looks like he was thinking, "what can I do to hurt that guy?"  He takes his time with this, he does not do it immediately.Yes, he stops for an instant and looks to the right, as he is getting up, then throws it.  It is weird, like all out of context.  He was raging inside, decided to get revenge, and carefully put the plan in action.  Like stabbing someone in the back.

great point sirensong!!! I never thought of that but you are so correct!!
Not a reaction at all, it was an action. 

I am so sorry Idstlou, I keep messing up the quotes this way :2redman:  Yours was a good post, and I didn't mean to make it  look like mine. 

The quote in red in from IDSTLOU!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 11:30:55 AM
Isn't there another kid standing by him?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 11:36:37 AM
Watching the wine throwing segment again.  At the end you can see Joran hightail it out of there.  Is that Valentijn in the background?

Hey Klaas!
To me it looks like Bendix! Also, too thin for a people of the ditch

This photo of Valentijn is from 4/7/07  - he was pretty tall and skinny then:


I think he is his brother based upon that photo. He looks like a really nice kid, and I think we should always assume that until proven otherwise. I hate that he is having to grow up in this environment and hope he doesn't become a part of this story.

However, I notice RU is attacking Matt, who is just as innocent as Joran's brother, especially the really hateful oriental sounding poster, because Matt is appearing with his Mom. So I guess I need to let RU set the parameters.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:36:58 AM
Isn't there another kid standing by him?

In the TV studio photo, I believe that's an adult standing next to what looks like Valentijn.  Remember Joran and Valentijn are pretty tall.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 11:39:05 AM

Joran and the Kalpoes throw wine in the face of an innocent girl, ending her life to save their own.

Paulus van der Sloot throws wine in the face of honesty and morality to save his son and himself from their crimes.

Jan van der Straten and Karin Janssen throw wine in the face of integrity, conducting a crooked investigation to save their friend PaulUs.

AHATA and ATA and their Mafia owners throw wine in the face of the victim and her family to protect their tourism.

The Aruba newspapers (sans Jossy) throws wine in the face of truth by lying to protect their friends the van der Sloots.

The Dutch Judges throw wine in the face of justice to make sure their good friend Paulus and his son go free.


Dayhiker ... you got it right!



Paulus van der Sloot
January 12, 2008

Paulus: Well look uhhhh… Mister De Vries can’t hear that good… If he would have listened carefully he would have heard that Joran said that he didn’t have any confidence in the OM (public pros.)! That’s what Joran has said. Joran didn’t talk about the judicial authorities. What you see now.., what has happened is that luckely we have judicial authorities… And we sit here again! So in the end it’s because of the judicial authorities that all has ended well.

Jossy Mansur
October 4, 2005

GRACE: … Jossy, regarding the connection, what I perceived to be a close connection between the judge, Paulus Van Der Sloot and the retired chief of police who initially handled Natalee`s case, Van Der Stratten, were they friends?

MANSUR: Of course, they were friends. It stands to reason they were friends because Paul Van Der Sloot had many friends within the police department; he had many friends within the Department of Justice. And he had many friends with -- and he was friendly with all the judges in Aruba. He worked out of the same office as they did and did the same work.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 11:45:40 AM
Isn't there another kid standing by him?

In the TV studio photo, I believe that's an adult standing next to what looks like Valentijn.  Remember Joran and Valentijn are pretty tall.

I think it looks like Joran's Holland 'buddy'>>>>

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 11:46:31 AM
the guy in the middle

I also think that is Val...the 'stance' is very familiar.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 11:48:17 AM
MF Posts at RU

From DIARIO (14-01-08)

After this was already published last week, I guess DIARIO could not hide any longer from his readers:

Aruba Airport Authority (AAA) is reporting record results for 2007.
The last quarter compared to 2006 saw an increase of 19.9% in passenger traffic and 26% airtraffic.

The passenger traffic grew in October with 16.4%, in November with 18.3% and in December with 24.6% compared to 2006.

Airtraffic grew with 15% in Oktober, 18.4% in November and 36.5% in December 2007.

For 2007, AAA is reporting a total increase of 11.7% in passengers and a total of 8.1% in airtraffic.

Individually the market increased during the last quarter with the following percentage:

USA: 8.5%
Netherlands Antilles: 19.7%
Europe: 21.7%


Summary bulletin of the Central Bank of Aruba for November 2007

January 11, 2008

The Aruba Tourism Authority has not yet published the data on tourist arrivals and nights spent on the island for August up to and including November 2007. Also, data on the average occupancy rate of hotels for November 2007 have not been published by the Central Bureau of Statistics. Cruise Tourism Authority data indicate that both the number of cruise passengers and ship calls declined by, respectively, 10.4 percent and 22.2 percent in November 2007, compared to the corresponding month of 2006.

In November 2007, the consumer price index went up by 8.6 percent compared to the corresponding month in 2006, reflecting largely increases in prices for water and electricity of 25.2 percent and 22.4 percent, respectively. Moreover, prices of food products and gasoline rose by 10.1 percent and 13.5 percent, respectively. The annual average inflation rate accelerated to 5.4 percent, up from 3.7 percent in November 2006. The inflation differential with Aruba’s major trading partner, the United States, widened to 2.6 percentage points, up from 0.4 percentage point in November 2006.

From October 2007

The Aruba Tourism Authority has not yet published the data on tourist arrivals and nights spent on the island for August, September and October 2007. Data on the average occupancy rate of hotels for October 2007 show an increase of 2.4 percentage points to 75.9 percent compared to October 2006. Cruise Tourism Authority data indicate that both the number of cruise passengers and ship calls contracted by, respectively, 44.4 percent and 45.2 percent in October 2007, compared to the corresponding month of 2006. In October 2007, the consumer price index increased by 7.3 percent.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:50:10 AM
Good catch NUT - could be:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 11:52:05 AM
I flipped this photo around so Val is standing the same way in the vid. still.
Val has a big nose. I think it is him.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:54:10 AM
No surprise really that Valentijn and Joran's NL buddy would be in the studio.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 11:55:11 AM
Klaas, Still looks like Bendix to me. It's that hair cut and nose. :D

CBB a belated THANK YOU for my Vtine avatar!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 12:02:07 PM
Joran is indeed being punished for his acts, even while being free from a cell. His life is ever so slowly disintegrating right in front of Anita's eyes, as is the life of her family and each family member's individual life. Individually, and collectively.

Anita's soul is empty and weary from trying to cheat God so there is nothing available for her other children to help nurture their lives, there is nothing to bring color into the relationship of Anita and Paulus, joy into their home, hope for their future. Punishment is descending upon them and into them coloring their world a bleak gray. Without confession, and punishment by society, society will forever feel that Joran's debt is still current and owed, so interest will accrue, and thus no redemption and no ending date to their pain will be set. Joran's ability to be rehabilitated is being diminished as he ages and hardens due to the rejection he feels from all. Everybody has an innate need to be wanted and loved.

Deservedly, yes, but the pain and harm could be greatly diminished, hope and color could be restored to her other children's lives, rehabilitation could begin while there is a chance for Joran, and a future reestablished for Anita's family, if Anita will turn to God to find the strength and faith to do the right thing.

Anita, I don't know how you can bear to sit back and watch your family being destroyed one day at a time, realize that you and you alone control whether this process continues or not, and then decide to do nothing. Ignorant of the Lord and the Lord's ways, weak, lost soul, foolish, of little faith, impotent mother, and not caring all come to mind.

Praise the Lord that Beth has faith, Beth's Mom has faith, and they will free themselves and their family from there pain without your help. If you need proof, just look at Beth. Based upon your approach her loss has been immense compared to yours, yet she is healing, she has hope, her family has a future even though her daughter, Matt's sister, Ann's granddaughter has been taken away permanently from them in this life.

Your worst prospect is to temporarily have restricted access to your son, not nearly so severe, yet the pain you are going to inflict on your family to avoid this temporary restriction will inflict a far greater toll on you and your family than Beth's loss, and for no reason other than your ignorance of the Lord and selfishness. Your legacy to your family for generations to come. And it is apparent that you would rather satisfy your own selfish urges to have unrestricted access to Joran than to get Joran the help he needs and thus provide for him to have a future.

Your family is dependent on you and you alone to save them from this dark path they are traveling and that you have chosen for them.

PI ...  thank you.

My pray is that Anita somehow reads your heartfelt words.  Maybe ... just maybe ... she will comprehend that ... in time ... through truth ... through truth that can pierce the darkness ... lives ... relationships ... can be restored.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 12:14:03 PM
No surprise really that Valentijn and Joran's NL buddy would be in the studio.

I was just thinking that the Sloots must be on an extended Christmas holiday...would think that Anita and the boys would be back to school....maybe they all escorted Joran back to his 'college'...and his adoring neighbors near his apartment.  :roll:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 12:17:37 PM
No surprise really that Valentijn and Joran's NL buddy would be in the studio.

I was just thinking that the Sloots must be on an extended Christmas holiday...would think that Anita and the boys would be back to school....maybe they all escorted Joran back to his 'college'...and his adoring neighbors near his apartment.  :roll:
Hey 2NJ,
You just reminded me of the reports from the neighbors unfortunate to live near jurin. They said jurin threw garden waste (manure) on a neighbor.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 12:25:56 PM
Somebody help me figure this out.........

The English subtitled video I saw last night is listed on this page:

I can't get it to pull up. Somebody else try, please?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 12:32:49 PM
No surprise really that Valentijn and Joran's NL buddy would be in the studio.

I was just thinking that the Sloots must be on an extended Christmas holiday...would think that Anita and the boys would be back to school....maybe they all escorted Joran back to his 'college'...and his adoring neighbors near his apartment.  :roll:

Didn't we hear he may have changed schools?? Or did I dream that, lol.
Perhaps if he did then they went to get him settled into his new school and find an apartment w/ new neighbors just like him so they won't worry  :cool:
Amsterdam, I hear.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: memphis on January 14, 2008, 12:50:27 PM
Just posted by Victor (Lazlo) at Scrux:

Not even a month ago the OM in Aruba "closed" the Natalee Holloway case.
The American student has been missing since May 2005.

Joran van der Sloot has been a prime suspect in this case together with two of his friends.

The decision to make it a sepot was followed due to a lack of new concrete evidence, according to head officer Hans Mos during a press conference.

(clip of Hans Mos) "That fact and the fact that the all three decided to take their right to remain silent during their detention that together has brought us to the conclusion that there simply was not enough juridical evidence to charge and prosecute them".
-end of clip-

Joran van der Sloot has been the prime suspect since 2005 in the Holloway case, he after all was the one that saw her last, and gave statements that were untrue. Later Joran admitted that he had lied.
In November he was arrested again. During his detention that lasted for two weeks Joran again took his right to remain silent.

Last night, Joran together with his parents Joran one more time gave an interview to Pauw and Witteman. At the table also crime reporter Peter de Vries, who has never made it a secret to doubt Joran's statements.

When the broadcasting had ended, the following happened:

-clip of Joran throwing wine in de Vries's face is shown-

De Vries: I think he proved himself a bad service,
Witteman: This incident is not going to contribute to him gaining any much trust.

de Vries asking: "Tell me now how did you got home that night".
Joran: I was brought home by D.. Satish the brother of Deepak
"de Vries: But he denies that, he says I did not bring him home at all.
Joran: Yes
de Vries: and first you have stated that Deepak have brought you home, not Satish
Joran: Mr de Vries, I don't know if you...
de Vries: Why would they lie about that? [/b] -end of clip-

Peter Plasman: I found the performance of the family van der Sloot really dramatic (as in not good).
Intervieuwer: Why?
Plasman: Because these people with this story can never win over the battle of the public opinion.

Joran van der Sloot yesterday had come with his parents to the talkshow P&W now that he is not going to be prosecuted about Natalee Holloway, right after the program things get out of hand.

-clip- :
Joran: If there ever will be clearity about what happened, and it turns out you are wrong, will you apologize, are you man enough to do that?
De Vries: What do you think?
Joran: No.
De Vries: No?
Joran nods his head that no he thinks no.
Anita starts to laugh real hard, audience is mumbling.
The interviewer then says: What a beautiful ending of such a ...!
Anita van der Sloot: Nice ending (laughing)
-end of clip-

Witteman: Everybody was shaking hands, any way, Jeroen and I were shaking hands with all our guests, and Joran stood up and I got the impression that Joran was going to shake hands with Peter.

Peter de Vries: After the broadcasting, my sender was taken of and I arrange my clothes, I was looking down, at that moment Joran had stood up and I myself had not seen that, and shortly thereafter I got an amount of wine in my face that he had thrown.
There was a full glass of wine on the table, and he had grabbed that and threw it in my face. And because I did not see that coming I got the wine in my eyes, and of course because there was alcohol in it, that itched.

De Vries is standing with his hands for his eyes, his wife next to him and Jeroen Pauw says he should use some water for his eyes.
Anita with a sad voice: Why do you do that now, come on now, ohhh!
Wife of de Vries towards Anita: Now you have done such a great job raising that, yes, very well raised indeed.
-end of clip-

Witteman: After the broadcasting he said he was so agitated during the broadcasting because he had to explain why he had lied again and again, and he had then felt he could do this, now I have the chance, and then he did this.

de Vries: He did this out of a form of frustration, agitation. I have later talked with him, and he then apologized, and he then said that already during the broadcasting he had wanted to insult me, but that during the broadcasting he had been able to held back, but then then at the end, it came out of him, and before he knew/realised it himself he had thrown wine in my face.

May 2005, the American Natalee Holloway is with her class on Aruba vacationing, after a night of going out she takes of with some guys, they end up at the beach, in the end she is together with Joran van der Sloot, but ever since there is no trace of Natalee.
Joran van der Sloot is a suspect and is interrogated over and over again, but last month the Aruban judge let go of the case.
-end of clip-

In the interview last night he was attacked because in the case he had taken his right to remain silent.

de Vries: The fact that also now, the last time he was arrested he refused to answer any single question during all that time, I find that very strange, and I wonder if this is something his father agrees with, as being a man who attempted to become a judge himself. That your son, In such a crucial case in which a girl has went missing, in which the mother is desperate about the faith of her daughter, that you then keep your mouth shut, while the goal of the investigation is to obtain clearity.  -end of clip-

Interviewer: Why is it a good idea at times to take your right to remain silent?
Peter Plasman: Because if you know the prosecution does not have enough against me and you then remain silent, then there cannot come anything upon that, at least not from me. If justice does not have enough and you are questioned and give answers, you take the risk of making mistakes
-regardless if you are innocent or guilty, also innocent people make mistakes- that can be interpreted wrongly, and look we now have contradicting statements, and additional incriminating material.

Joran: And I have told everything, and I also feel, why would have have to give the police 20 statements, the only thing they want is to find differences in that.
-end of clip-

Interviewer: To take your right to remain silent in many cases is a normal strategy.
De Vries: Well I do not feel this a normal strategy, we are here not dealing with a career criminal of a drugs case, these usually standardly get the advise of their lawyers to take their right to remain silent.
We are here dealing with a guy who last saw a girl, so please give me one reason why you would not tell your story.

Joran: I no longer have faith in the OM in Aruba, they are not after truthfinding in this case, they just want to hang someone. Just for their own ego's.
Witteman: Also when the person is innocent?
Joran: Yes also when the person is innocent I am convinced of that.
de Vries: I find it kind of strange you say that you have no trust in the OM, while you are the one who have continued to lie.
Joran: Yes I have lied, I admit that, but there are reasons for that, and those reasons you know also.
de Vries: I would like to know these reasons, to lie about something you did, while you have nothing to hide. Why would you have to lie then, please explain
.  -end of clip-

Plasman: This could not go right. The questions of Peter de Vries could have been predicted in advance, it were very legitimate questions. Questions like, why remain silent if you have nothing to hide, you cannot explain that yourself, if you want to explain that you will have to let a professional do that.
Plus all the inside information that was given, especially by the father, I found the role of father especially saddening (as in worse of all) .Well, they just never should have done this (going on the show).
-clip-  Anita: Now I am his mother, I love him very much, I am convinced he would not harm a girl.
These initial emotions for me are also important to notice at him, because I did actually had doubts about him for a while.
I have thought, damn, could an accident have happened, could something have happened, does he not want to tell?
-end of clip-  

Plasman: If you go to a television broadcasting, and you know in advance that the mother is going to say that she has doubted her son, then that in itself is a reason not to go.
Interviewer: So this is not so smart
Plasman: No no no
Plasman: Especially the father should have known what questions would come up, and how the mother would react upon the questions. And if he knows that if there is going to be a question did you ever doubt him and that she is going to answer yes, he should have decided not to go there. 
Witteman: You were a stand in judge
Paulus: Yes
Witteman: Imagine Joran had told you, dad I did something terrible, what would you have done?
Paulus: I would have gone with him to him to the OM.
Witteman: Did you had a talk about this?
Anita: Between us as parents? Yes, yes.
Witteman: And you agreed with that?
Anita: Yes I agreed with that fully.
Witteman: You would then have brought in your own son?
Anita: Yes
Joran: And I can confirm that also.
-end of clip-

Plasman: What I found dramatically to hear from the parents was that they said, if he had told them he had something to do with it, that they would have gone to the police, since that means as parents you are cutting of your role as a parent to your son, you then know going to your parents with your problems, asking advise, telling what happened means jail, the parents taking over the role of police officers, incredible for parents.

-Wine incident is shown again-

de Vries: I can imagine it in many ways and do not make a big deal out of this. I mean if this is the worse you have to meet in your career as a crime reporter, then I have no reason to complain.

Witteman: By a larger public I think he has become more solid in the chair of a supsect, but we will have to wait for the body of Natalee Holloway to know what really has happened.

Wow. There's so much to be gleened from that interview. It tells me that Joran was never really pushed in interrogations. He has no pat answers even now as to why he lied. Anita, his own Mother had doubts about what he did. Who knows him better than his mother? If she could fathom him guilty, who are we to question his capability for participation in a crime? Anita does react to the wine throwing, and she directs it as an admonishment at Joran. It's weak and sad, and probably typical of the lack of grit her parenting skills have, but her comments aren't in the nature of, "Oh, Goody, DeVries got what was coming to him." She does grasp that Joran has done something wrong and she does direct her comments at him. She may be thinking it hurts the family's position and is not concerned at all for DeVries, but she does grasp Joran has done something wrong. Flame me if you want, but I think, at that moment, that Anita's reaction was recognition of both the harm done to Joran's image and to the action DeVries was victim of.

Joran basically says that he remained silent due to a well thought out strategy to assure his release. It's a legal strategy with total disregard to what happened to Natalee, but DeVries won't let his answers go without holding Joran's answers up to a moral standard. Joran consistantly falls short of the mark on those basis and his buttons are pushed over and over. Moral standards are a real pesky thing to Joran, and he certainly did not expect anyone to assert them on Natalee's behalf! After all, he knows the line that suggest they should be extended to himself as victim of ALE and the Holloways........Taco refined that argument and Greta bought it hook, line, and sinker, and it served him extremely well. Greta announced to the world that she believed him, and it worked like a charm in a public forum there!

This is a picture of a sociopath. This is a picture of Natalee Holloway's killer.

 :2notworthy: :2notworthy: :2notworthy: :salut: :salut: :salut: :smt041  :smt041 :smt041 :smt038 :smt038 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :2notworthy: :2notworthy: :2notworthy:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 14, 2008, 01:12:55 PM

Wow. There's so much to be gleened from that interview. It tells me that Joran was never really pushed in interrogations. He has no pat answers even now as to why he lied. Anita, his own Mother had doubts about what he did. Who knows him better than his mother? If she could fathom him guilty, who are we to question his capability for participation in a crime? Anita does react to the wine throwing, and she directs it as an admonishment at Joran. It's weak and sad, and probably typical of the lack of grit her parenting skills have, but her comments aren't in the nature of, "Oh, Goody, DeVries got what was coming to him." She does grasp that Joran has done something wrong and she does direct her comments at him. She may be thinking it hurts the family's position and is not concerned at all for DeVries, but she does grasp Joran has done something wrong. Flame me if you want, but I think, at that moment, that Anita's reaction was recognition of both the harm done to Joran's image and to the action DeVries was victim of.

Joran basically says that he remained silent due to a well thought out strategy to assure his release. It's a legal strategy with total disregard to what happened to Natalee, but DeVries won't let his answers go without holding Joran's answers up to a moral standard. Joran consistantly falls short of the mark on those basis and his buttons are pushed over and over. Moral standards are a real pesky thing to Joran, and he certainly did not expect anyone to assert them on Natalee's behalf! After all, he knows the line that suggest they should be extended to himself as victim of ALE and the Holloways........Taco refined that argument and Greta bought it hook, line, and sinker, and it served him extremely well. Greta announced to the world that she believed him, and it worked like a charm in a public forum there!

This is a picture of a sociopath. This is a picture of Natalee Holloway's killer.

 :2notworthy: :2notworthy: :2notworthy: :salut: :salut: :salut: :smt041  :smt041 :smt041 :smt038 :smt038 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :2notworthy: :2notworthy: :2notworthy:
well, memphis, we'll get broiled together like a shiskabob if there's any flaming going happen, because i agree with you l00%.  i really think most monkeys here will agree with you too.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 01:18:16 PM
Somebody help me figure this out.........

The English subtitled video I saw last night is listed on this page:

I can't get it to pull up. Somebody else try, please?

I posted earlier this morning that it was no longer there...I got a message that it was removed by the owner or producer...I forget the term they used. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 01:20:04 PM
Somebody help me figure this out.........

The English subtitled video I saw last night is listed on this page:

I can't get it to pull up. Somebody else try, please?

There's a message at the top:

This video has been removed by the user.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Peaches on January 14, 2008, 01:22:32 PM
I am a little bit amazed and pleasantly surprised at how
much media attention Joran's wine throwing incident has
attracted.  All of the major networks have reported
the story.  Nobody stops and asks: "who is Joran vander Sloot?"
I know that we, as Monkeys, are all concerned with Natalee's disappearance,
but this just proves that the story has not diminished in the least.
People everywhere are still waiting for answers in this case,
and the majority know where the answers lie. ARUBA and the SLOOTS.
As of 1:21 EST, this clip has been viewed on You Tube 282,425. times. 

By the end of the day, everyone and their brother will have observed that the delicious sporter has no manners and a bad temper.   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 01:23:01 PM
No surprise really that Valentijn and Joran's NL buddy would be in the studio.

I was just thinking that the Sloots must be on an extended Christmas holiday...would think that Anita and the boys would be back to school....maybe they all escorted Joran back to his 'college'...and his adoring neighbors near his apartment.  :roll:

Didn't we hear he may have changed schools?? Or did I dream that, lol.
Perhaps if he did then they went to get him settled into his new school and find an apartment w/ new neighbors just like him so they won't worry  :cool:
Amsterdam, I hear.

You may be correct...preferably neighbors who can dodge things being thrown at them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 01:25:20 PM
Isn't there another kid standing by him?

In the TV studio photo, I believe that's an adult standing next to what looks like Valentijn.  Remember Joran and Valentijn are pretty tall.

I think it looks like Joran's Holland 'buddy'>>>>

Jorans younger brother is a lot nicer looking than Joran for sure

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 14, 2008, 01:29:37 PM
I am a little bit amazed and pleasantly surprised at how
much media attention Joran's wine throwing incident has
attracted.  All of the major networks have reported
the story.  Nobody stops and asks: "who is Joran vander Sloot?"
I know that we, as Monkeys, are all concerned with Natalee's disappearance,
but this just proves that the story has not diminished in the least.
People everywhere are still waiting for answers in this case,
and the majority know where the answers lie. ARUBA and the SLOOTS.
As of 1:21 EST, this clip has been viewed on You Tube 282,425. times. 

By the end of the day, everyone and their brother will have observed that the delicious sporter has no manners and a bad temper.   
i've seen this incident and tape reported on all the networks and a bunch of tv stations and i've yet to see anyone express any surprise that he would have done something like this, or that it's an example of anything but what they all ready knew he was capable of.  any surprise was that he was unlucky and got caught in the act this time.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 01:31:39 PM
Somebody help me figure this out.........

The English subtitled video I saw last night is listed on this page:

I can't get it to pull up. Somebody else try, please?

There's a message at the top:

This video has been removed by the user.

Thanks, Klaas and 2nj! I hate it because it was really interesting to watch Joran's facial expressions and be able to know exactly what he was saying at the same time. It showed his question to DeVries about apologizing if he were exhonerated, and the laugh. Joran was furious, and DeVries was really intent. You could hear Anita saying, OH.......NO.........NO at Joran and you saw exactly what DeVries wife was saying to Anita in real time. Hopefully, somebody will re post it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 01:33:27 PM
Good catch NUT - could be:


Thanks...that may not be Val, but there is no denying that other guy is Jorans Bud.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 01:35:31 PM
Somebody help me figure this out.........

The English subtitled video I saw last night is listed on this page:

I can't get it to pull up. Somebody else try, please?

There's a message at the top:

This video has been removed by the user.

sounds like the user was threatened by a lawyer to me

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 01:37:12 PM
Somebody help me figure this out.........

The English subtitled video I saw last night is listed on this page:

I can't get it to pull up. Somebody else try, please?

There's a message at the top:

This video has been removed by the user.

sounds like the user was threatened by a lawyer to me

He's a "media director" according to his profile on this page:

Should have added that he's from the Netherlands.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 01:44:03 PM
Joran is indeed being punished for his acts, even while being free from a cell. His life is ever so slowly disintegrating right in front of Anita's eyes, as is the life of her family and each family member's individual life. Individually, and collectively.

Anita's soul is empty and weary from trying to cheat God so there is nothing available for her other children to help nurture their lives, there is nothing to bring color into the relationship of Anita and Paulus, joy into their home, hope for their future. Punishment is descending upon them and into them coloring their world a bleak gray. Without confession, and punishment by society, society will forever feel that Joran's debt is still current and owed, so interest will accrue, and thus no redemption and no ending date to their pain will be set. Joran's ability to be rehabilitated is being diminished as he ages and hardens due to the rejection he feels from all. Everybody has an innate need to be wanted and loved.

Deservedly, yes, but the pain and harm could be greatly diminished, hope and color could be restored to her other children's lives, rehabilitation could begin while there is a chance for Joran, and a future reestablished for Anita's family, if Anita will turn to God to find the strength and faith to do the right thing.

Anita, I don't know how you can bear to sit back and watch your family being destroyed one day at a time, realize that you and you alone control whether this process continues or not, and then decide to do nothing. Ignorant of the Lord and the Lord's ways, weak, lost soul, foolish, of little faith, impotent mother, and not caring all come to mind.

Praise the Lord that Beth has faith, Beth's Mom has faith, and they will free themselves and their family from there pain without your help. If you need proof, just look at Beth. Based upon your approach her loss has been immense compared to yours, yet she is healing, she has hope, her family has a future even though her daughter, Matt's sister, Ann's granddaughter has been taken away permanently from them in this life.

Your worst prospect is to temporarily have restricted access to your son, not nearly so severe, yet the pain you are going to inflict on your family to avoid this temporary restriction will inflict a far greater toll on you and your family than Beth's loss, and for no reason other than your ignorance of the Lord and selfishness. Your legacy to your family for generations to come. And it is apparent that you would rather satisfy your own selfish urges to have unrestricted access to Joran than to get Joran the help he needs and thus provide for him to have a future.

Your family is dependent on you and you alone to save them from this dark path they are traveling and that you have chosen for them.

PI ...  thank you.

My pray is that Anita somehow reads your heartfelt words.  Maybe ... just maybe ... she will comprehend that ... in time ... through truth ... through truth that can pierce the darkness ... lives ... relationships ... can be restored.


I truly hope so. Joran is sick, but not terminal if she wil get him help. Her younger children still have their entire lives in front of them and they deserve a chance to floursih, be happy, and have parents emotionally available to them. Its not fair for all of them to suffer because of Joran.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 01:47:23 PM
I flipped this photo around so Val is standing the same way in the vid. still.
Val has a big nose. I think it is him.

I think Val is a handome young man and I wish him the best. He is innocent in this mess and he is suffering a loss just as Matt is.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 01:50:52 PM
Somebody help me figure this out.........

The English subtitled video I saw last night is listed on this page:

I can't get it to pull up. Somebody else try, please?
Hey Cute CBB!
When I click on that link it keeps showing the Fox clip of the clip.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 01:55:55 PM
Jenna's on the bottle again. (
From RU:
jenna wrote:
Natalee went missing one week before the OAS vote that would determine whether the US invaded Bolivia. Aruba was an extremely important vote because the FOL would be used for military operations.

Everything else in this case is Bullshit.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 02:23:00 PM
Posted at RU:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 14, 2008, 02:29:11 PM
I flipped this photo around so Val is standing the same way in the vid. still.
Val has a big nose. I think it is him.

I think Val is a handome young man and I wish him the best. He is innocent in this mess and he is suffering a loss just as Matt is.
i can't agree with this at all.  matt has lost forever a wonderful sister who would have always been there for him.  i'll leave the rest of it alone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: truthseeker2 on January 14, 2008, 02:29:53 PM
So is Joran dressing like one of his heroes these days?  Che or Castro?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 14, 2008, 02:34:42 PM
Posted at RU:

mostly what i see is jvds' frustration because devries wouldn't take his lies as gospel.  he admits he's lied in the past, but he keeps thinking he can still get away with lying.  i don't think he's lost confidence in the prosecutor and k.l.p.d., he's just totally frustrated because they don't buy his lies either.  his only choices are to lie and not be believed, or finally tell the truth and have to go to jail.  that he will never be willing to do.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 14, 2008, 02:36:49 PM
So is Joran dressing like one of his heroes these days?  Che or Castro?
it's what he sees as his own invention.  "killer grunge".  he can see himself leading the fashion world into accepting it as their new standard.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 02:37:41 PM
I flipped this photo around so Val is standing the same way in the vid. still.
Val has a big nose. I think it is him.

I think Val is a handome young man and I wish him the best. He is innocent in this mess and he is suffering a loss just as Matt is.
i can't agree with this at all.  matt has lost forever a wonderful sister who would have always been there for him.  i'll leave the rest of it alone.

Well, there are enough guilty folks in this affair to focus on them and not innocent people whose only guilt is their bloodline. I know that Matt's loss is different and granted greater than Vals, but Val's loss to him is pretty all encompassing. At the least this is a lot for Val to deal with, and I am hoping that both Matt and Val are left out of this

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 02:39:40 PM
So is Joran dressing like one of his heroes these days?  Che or Castro?
it's what he sees as his own invention.  "killer grunge".  he can see himself leading the fashion world into accepting it as their new standard.

I think he has that Cuban Rebel look going. A young Castro. I think I heard a Fox newsgirl make the same remark.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 14, 2008, 02:40:19 PM

Well, there are enough guilty folks in this affair to focus on them and not innocent people whose only guilt is their bloodline. I know that Matt's loss is different and granted greater than Vals, but Val's loss to him is pretty all encompassing. At the least this is a lot for Val to deal with, and I am hoping that both Matt and Val are left out of this
that, i will totally agree with.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 02:42:51 PM
I guess I think all kids deserve the "good feelings" of everyone, regardless of who they come from or where they are from until they earn a different response on their own.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 02:56:32 PM
When I look at the wine throwing incident, I wonder what he was thinking.  It's not a knee-jerk reaction.  A knee-jerk reaction would be if he threw the wine at him when something was said to him that he felt was derogatory.  No one was even provoking him when he threw that wine.  It was premeditated,  Look at his face, he looks like he was thinking, "what can I do to hurt that guy?"  He takes his time with this, he does not do it immediately.

Yes, he stops for an instant and looks to the right, as he is getting up, then throws it.  It is weird, like all out of context.  He was raging inside, decided to get revenge, and carefully put the plan in action.  Like stabbing someone in the back.

great point sirensong!!! I never thought of that but you are so correct!!
Not a reaction at all, it was an action. 

Thanks ld (it was our post). 

I wouldn't advise anyone to sign up for the "Aruban 2-Step Anger Management Program."


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: jackb on January 14, 2008, 02:57:52 PM

Well, there are enough guilty folks in this affair to focus on them and not innocent people whose only guilt is their bloodline. I know that Matt's loss is different and granted greater than Vals, but Val's loss to him is pretty all encompassing. At the least this is a lot for Val to deal with, and I am hoping that both Matt and Val are left out of this
that, i will totally agree with.

I hope Val was not involved.  No one has proven to me that any of them were not home during this terrible event.  Why would Anita leave the youngest there to be tormented by Joran?  Why would Anita even be gone so close to a school year ending?  Who came back on the plane with Palus?  Val may be traumatized or he may have gotten caught up in the whole thing because of family.  There are questions that are not answered.
      Jack Blue

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 02:59:46 PM
The reaction of the Sloot parents in this episode is interesting, rather subdued in my opinion.

When I first had my babies, I don't think I realized they would grow into big, hairy men.  Somewhere along the way this began to dawn on me and I realized they would be much larger, stronger, etc. than I was very young so better get their respect and in a big hurry as I didn't have much time with their growth rates being what they were.

So whenever one of mine would suffer one of these dreadful losses of control and have a tantrum like this or throw something at somebody, etc. I would counter with one of equal/greater loss of control which usually involved such available items as a hairbrush, fly swatter, belt or whatever was at hand.  It could also only involve words but they were not words the offending child wanted to hear at all.  "We don't do this kind of thing!" said with just the right tone and look thereafter had tremendous weight with them.

Must have been a genetic thing, huh?  But I did find that the unspoken deal if they did not want me to lose control also, they had to maintain it themselves worked like a charm.  They weren't stupid and got the message.  There are certain social norms we ALL have to maintain or none of us have to do so was the message I was sending them and they got it.  They knew I didn't really lose control at all but was trying to demonstrate rather than just say words to them.

Two of them complied and soon never again claimed a loss of control in my presence.  The middle one tried for a while to outdo me in the loss of control arena but eventually decided it wasn't worth the effort and big deal I would make of it and I was able to wear him down eventually also.

Again, there are societal norms we either all have to abide by or none of us do.  Joran thinks himself above these kinds of norms and very special.   He isn't.  None of us are.  The narcissistic aspect of his sociopathic personality disorder.  Not a great deal can be done with these flawed people but they can be taught that their actions have swift and sudden consequences, something I don't think running after Joran or saying Oh no! really addresses at all.

But then they are about 10-15 years too late to start teaching him the basics of how things work.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: enough on January 14, 2008, 03:00:34 PM
I am not a mental health professional but this is how I feel about this episode and I would be paying attention to this if I ever had to meet Joran in person for any reason.

The wine-throwing incident was not just bad manners and a temporary loss of anger.  It was extremely irrational and out of context for the "public relations" purpose of the meeting put on for his behalf by his family and probably many others and at other's time and expense.

It was an attack plain and simple.  Look at his face.  He calmly and coldly tosses the wine on Peter who was looking down and minding his own business, unaware, and not in confrontation at the time.  He didn't see it coming.  No one saw it coming.  Joran quickly did it when no one was watching or expecting it.  It was a threat and a statement from a guy who thinks he is all-powerful.  It was a slap in the face to his supporters and his family also.  He was saying to Peter De Vries and everyone else, "Don't f with me or you'll be sorry".  If he thought he could get away with it, he would have assaulted him more violently and if he had a weapon handy he would have used it and then walked away as if nothing had happened. 

His explanation and apology later were cooked up by his public relation experts (Dad or Taco or “Joran’s a sweet boy” Taco assistant ect.) - definitely not Joran's idea - or if he had second thoughts later, it was to save his own skin - apology is not in his make up.  I can just see his father pleading with him to go back and apologize.  (In the Greta "inclined to believe" interview he said he was sorry he left Natalee on the beach.   Why didn't he say that immediately to Natalee's family and the police when they arrived at the scene saying their daughter was missing?  Wouldn't an innocent person be concerned and want to help find her, not lead everyone on a wild goose chase?  Beth saw that cold expression when she asked him what happened and she knew him then and there for what he is).

Peter De Vries is a gentleman and has taken it calmly.  That he was temporarily blinded by the wine is not ok.  I am surprised the studio security guards did not grab Joran and detain him.  In the US I think that may have been the response if a TV personality was attacked on or off the air.  He's a walking time bomb for another violent attack and someone should pay attention.  He's a threat to others.

If I ever had any doubts about Joran’s involvement in Natalee’s disappearance, which I have not, I wouldn't anymore after seeing this.  He assaulted Natalee and he and or others let her die or he killed her and he and or others disposed of the body and the evidence.  That those three were not separated detained and questioned and their cars and homes searched immediately goes beyond bungling by the police.  The arrest of the guards screamed cover-up. That the poor "boys" were scared and so they lied and so it's Natalee’s family’s fault the evidence was lost in the first 10 days (Aruba excuse, Dutch excuse) doesn't fly.  So the cops believed the lies and ran with it?  NOT.  Not even in Aruba. There is a foul odor coming from that island and it starts with four suspects and spreads around.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: jackb on January 14, 2008, 03:01:04 PM

Well, there are enough guilty folks in this affair to focus on them and not innocent people whose only guilt is their bloodline. I know that Matt's loss is different and granted greater than Vals, but Val's loss to him is pretty all encompassing. At the least this is a lot for Val to deal with, and I am hoping that both Matt and Val are left out of this
that, i will totally agree with.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 03:08:22 PM 1/14/08
( (

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 03:10:00 PM
Somebody help me figure this out.........

The English subtitled video I saw last night is listed on this page:

I can't get it to pull up. Somebody else try, please?

There's a message at the top:

This video has been removed by the user.

sounds like the user was threatened by a lawyer to me

He's a "media director" according to his profile on this page:

Should have added that he's from the Netherlands.

Yes, I noticed that, too.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 03:10:59 PM
Welcome Enough!

I agree with you  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kimmy53 on January 14, 2008, 03:17:23 PM
Enough - Welcome!  I agree with you 100%!  Great post.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 03:19:09 PM
I am not a mental health professional but this is how I feel about this episode and I would be paying attention to this if I ever had to meet Joran in person for any reason.

The wine-throwing incident was not just bad manners and a temporary loss of anger.  It was extremely irrational and out of context for the "public relations" purpose of the meeting put on for his behalf by his family and probably many others and at other's time and expense.

It was an attack plain and simple.  Look at his face.  He calmly and coldly tosses the wine on Peter who was looking down and minding his own business, unaware, and not in confrontation at the time.  He didn't see it coming.  No one saw it coming.  Joran quickly did it when no one was watching or expecting it.  It was a threat and a statement from a guy who thinks he is all-powerful.  It was a slap in the face to his supporters and his family also.  He was saying to Peter De Vries and everyone else, "Don't f with me or you'll be sorry".  If he thought he could get away with it, he would have assaulted him more violently and if he had a weapon handy he would have used it and then walked away as if nothing had happened. 

His explanation and apology later were cooked up by his public relation experts (Dad or Taco or “Joran’s a sweet boy” Taco assistant ect.) - definitely not Joran's idea - or if he had second thoughts later, it was to save his own skin - apology is not in his make up.  I can just see his father pleading with him to go back and apologize.  (In the Greta "inclined to believe" interview he said he was sorry he left Natalee on the beach.   Why didn't he say that immediately to Natalee's family and the police when they arrived at the scene saying their daughter was missing?  Wouldn't an innocent person be concerned and want to help find her, not lead everyone on a wild goose chase?  Beth saw that cold expression when she asked him what happened and she knew him then and there for what he is).

Peter De Vries is a gentleman and has taken it calmly.  That he was temporarily blinded by the wine is not ok.  I am surprised the studio security guards did not grab Joran and detain him.  In the US I think that may have been the response if a TV personality was attacked on or off the air.  He's a walking time bomb for another violent attack and someone should pay attention.  He's a threat to others.

If I ever had any doubts about Joran’s involvement in Natalee’s disappearance, which I have not, I wouldn't anymore after seeing this.  He assaulted Natalee and he and or others let her die or he killed her and he and or others disposed of the body and the evidence.  That those three were not separated detained and questioned and their cars and homes searched immediately goes beyond bungling by the police.  The arrest of the guards screamed cover-up. That the poor "boys" were scared and so they lied and so it's Natalee’s family’s fault the evidence was lost in the first 10 days (Aruba excuse, Dutch excuse) doesn't fly.  So the cops believed the lies and ran with it?  NOT.  Not even in Aruba. There is a foul odor coming from that island and it starts with four suspects and spreads around.

Welcome, Enough.....great first post.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: truthseeker2 on January 14, 2008, 03:21:42 PM 1/14/08
( (

I haven't seen that name mentioned in a while.  Can anyone tell us what the article is about?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 03:27:37 PM 1/14/08

I haven't seen that name mentioned in a while.  Can anyone tell us what the article is about?
I believe JVDS is discussing politics in the region.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 03:28:13 PM
I tried to read it in Diario this morning and can't figure it out, sorry.

Welcome -enough- ...I agree and I like your name.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 03:34:38 PM
Welcome Enough. Great post!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 03:36:33 PM
I am not a mental health professional but this is how I feel about this episode and I would be paying attention to this if I ever had to meet Joran in person for any reason.

The wine-throwing incident was not just bad manners and a temporary loss of anger.  It was extremely irrational and out of context for the "public relations" purpose of the meeting put on for his behalf by his family and probably many others and at other's time and expense.

It was an attack plain and simple.  Look at his face.  He calmly and coldly tosses the wine on Peter who was looking down and minding his own business, unaware, and not in confrontation at the time.  He didn't see it coming.  No one saw it coming.  Joran quickly did it when no one was watching or expecting it.  It was a threat and a statement from a guy who thinks he is all-powerful.  It was a slap in the face to his supporters and his family also.  He was saying to Peter De Vries and everyone else, "Don't f with me or you'll be sorry".  If he thought he could get away with it, he would have assaulted him more violently and if he had a weapon handy he would have used it and then walked away as if nothing had happened. 

His explanation and apology later were cooked up by his public relation experts (Dad or Taco or “Joran’s a sweet boy” Taco assistant ect.) - definitely not Joran's idea - or if he had second thoughts later, it was to save his own skin - apology is not in his make up.  I can just see his father pleading with him to go back and apologize.  (In the Greta "inclined to believe" interview he said he was sorry he left Natalee on the beach.   Why didn't he say that immediately to Natalee's family and the police when they arrived at the scene saying their daughter was missing?  Wouldn't an innocent person be concerned and want to help find her, not lead everyone on a wild goose chase?  Beth saw that cold expression when she asked him what happened and she knew him then and there for what he is).

Peter De Vries is a gentleman and has taken it calmly.  That he was temporarily blinded by the wine is not ok.  I am surprised the studio security guards did not grab Joran and detain him.  In the US I think that may have been the response if a TV personality was attacked on or off the air.  He's a walking time bomb for another violent attack and someone should pay attention.  He's a threat to others.

If I ever had any doubts about Joran’s involvement in Natalee’s disappearance, which I have not, I wouldn't anymore after seeing this.  He assaulted Natalee and he and or others let her die or he killed her and he and or others disposed of the body and the evidence.  That those three were not separated detained and questioned and their cars and homes searched immediately goes beyond bungling by the police.  The arrest of the guards screamed cover-up. That the poor "boys" were scared and so they lied and so it's Natalee’s family’s fault the evidence was lost in the first 10 days (Aruba excuse, Dutch excuse) doesn't fly.  So the cops believed the lies and ran with it?  NOT.  Not even in Aruba. There is a foul odor coming from that island and it starts with four suspects and spreads around.

Welcome to SM "enough" - Great first post and I agree 100%

Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I was working and lurking.  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 03:36:39 PM 1/14/08
( (

Van der Straten is saying, "I'd have bitch-slapped the little bastard if the threw wine in my face."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 03:38:46 PM
Joran's biggest insult was not to Peter deVries but to his parents.  They gave up their time and traveled half way around the world to defend him on international television and he just totally disregards and undermines their efforts.  Makes liars of them saying he is both civilized and incapable of voilence, etc.

In respect there has to be at least a slight element of fear even if the fear is only that that person will withhold their love from you or think badly of you.  Joran doesn't care what his parents think of him and has no respect for them either one.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 03:43:16 PM 1/14/08

Van der Straten is saying, "I'd have bitch-slapped the little bastard if the threw wine in my face."
How could he do that to his best friends son  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 03:49:18 PM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 03:51:31 PM
Posted by MF at RU:
MF wrote:
And now, the program is claiming that the video of Joran throwing the wine in deVries' face was authorized to be broadcasted by NOVA. The video segment was not to be used by other programs, but apparently since there were many reporters in the audience this was leaked in the interest of journalism:

Ruzie over wijnincident Joran
Uitgegeven: 14 januari 2008 10:02
Laatst gewijzigd: 14 januari 2008 11:16

HILVERSUM - Binnen de gelederen van de NPS, die in samenwerking met de VARA de programma's Nova en Pauw & Witteman uitzendt, is onenigheid ontstaan over het uitzenden van het 'wijnincident' met Peter R. de Vries en Joran van der Sloot.
Within the members from the NPS, who in coorporation with the VARA the programs Nova and Paul & Witteman transmit, arose a disagreement concerning the transmitting from the "wineincident" with De Vries and JvdS.

NOVA zond de beelden van het incident, dat plaatsvond na de uitzending, zaterdag zeer tegen de zin van de redactie van Pauw & Witteman uit, zo meldt eindredacteur Herman Meijer.
NOVA transmitted the imagages of the incident, that happened after the program, on saturday, against the will of the producer of Pauw & Witteman, announces the producer Herman Meijer.

Na de uitzending, waarbij ook de ouders van Van der Sloot aanwezig waren, gooide Joran van der Sloot een glas wijn in het gezicht van De Vries. Die had Joran het vuur aan de schenen gelegd over de leugens die hij de politie op Aruba zou hebben verteld over zijn handelen op de avond dat Natalee Holloway verdween.
After the program was aired, also present where the parents of JvdS, JvdS threw a glass of wine in the face of De Vries.
De Vries (had heet vuur aan de schenen gelegd) had put hot coals against his legs over his dealings on the evening that Natalee H disapeared.


In de Volkskrant zegt Witteman maandag dat de beelden niet zijn vrijgegeven door zijn programma. "Wij hebben de beelden niet aan Nova gegeven. Als de uitzending is afgelopen dan is de uitzending afgelopen. Daar moeten onze gasten op kunnen vertrouwen."
On monday in the Volkskrant Witteman says that the images where not released by his program: "We did not give the images to NOVA".
When the broadcast is over then the broadcast is over.
Our guests should have trust in this.Uitzenden

Volgens Meijer vond er na het incident een goed gesprek plaats tussen de familie van der Sloot en De Vries en werd met de redactie afgesproken de beelden niet uit te zenden. "Ik heb ze dat toegezegd."
Acoording to Meijer there was a very good conversation, after the incident, between the family vdS and De Vries, there was an agreement with the producers, that we would not broadcast the images.
"I promissed them this"


Nova-hoofdreacteur Carel Kuyl zegt de beelden via 'handig speurwerk' te hebben gekregen. Hij begrijpt het standpunt van Witteman, maar vindt dat het journalistiek belang in dit geval voorgaat.
NOVA-headproducer Carel Kuyl said he received the imagges through "clever sluth work.
He understands the point of view from Witteman, but finds that the journalistic importance in this case priority has.
"Die jongen gooit in een publieke ruimte de wijn waar ook nog journalisten bij zitten. Dan begrijp ik nu de commotie niet zo goed", aldus de NOVA-hoofdredacteur.


Volgens Peter R. de Vries heeft Joran na het incident zijn excuses aangeboden. Volgens de misdaadverslaggever was de moeder van Joran ook flink van slag. "Het pijnlijke was dat ze tijdens de uitzending juist haar best had gedaan om Joran te presenteren als een jongen die goed opgevoed was en die zich goed kon beheersen", aldus De Vries.
Acoording to De Vries Joran did apologize after the incident.
Acoording to the crimereporter Joran's mother was very upset.
"It was painful that she, during the program, she had done her best to present Joran as a boy who was brought up the right way, and that he can control himself" acoording to De Vries.

Ook internationale media besteedden aandacht aan het wijnincident. De Amerikaanse zender Fox News besteedde er zaterdag al een item aan.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 03:53:04 PM

Van der Straten is saying, "I'd have bitch-slapped the little bastard if the threw wine in my face."


I think that may be what I was trying to say in my great, long post going on and on about loss of control.  I could have been over that table and nailed the little jerk in about .8 seconds!

 :D :D :D

Not saying I would have on international TV but the thought sure would have gone through my mind and he would have known it was, too.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 03:53:18 PM
Count me among the "Work and Lurk" crowd, but WELCOME, enough! I totally agree with your post!  :wink:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 03:59:35 PM
Joran's biggest insult was not to Peter deVries but to his parents.  They gave up their time and traveled half way around the world to defend him on international television and he just totally disregards and undermines their efforts.  Makes liars of them saying he is both civilized and incapable of voilence, etc.

In respect there has to be at least a slight element of fear even if the fear is only that that person will withhold their love from you or think badly of you.  Joran doesn't care what his parents think of him and has no respect for them either one.


I agree.

Believe it or not ... Joran is maturing and ... with this maturity ... the bitter realization is setting in ... if his parents had done right and not attempted to shield him from accepting personal responsibility for his actions encompassing the morning of May 30, 2005 ... there would have been passing consequences but ... other than Natalee's family ... today the the 18 year old girl who went missing on Aruban soil would be a distance memory.

Almost three years later ... Joran's lack of self control on the WITTEMAN SHOW implies that respect is lacking for Anita and Paulus van der Sloot ... parents who failed to convey to him with their actions that boundaries established by a civilized society must be adhere to ... parents whose actions failed to convey to him that justice demands accountability.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 04:00:58 PM
Can someone refresh my memory as to who this Brinkman in the article quoting vd Straten refers to?  Name is familiar but I can't recall right now who he is and what he did to tick them off so.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 04:03:39 PM
Temblor sinti na islanan ariba 
Monday, 14 January 2008

Pa 10.31 awe mainta tabatatin un temblor den caribe. Esaki a sosode 60km SSW di e isla di Sint Maarten. For di KNMI e informacion ta bisa cu e magnitud di e temblor tabata di 4.2 te 4.4 riba schaal di richter. E profundidad di e temblor tabata 30 km. For di islanan aruba nos a ricibi hopi informacion cu nan a sinti esaki na diferente sitio riba nan isla.

FYI - 4.2-4.4 is really small IMO.  We laugh at those in California, LOLOL.  What the above is saying is a 4.2-4.4 earthquake has hit near St. Maarten.  It's not showing on the USGS website yet.

Not sure why they consider it breaking news  :roll:,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 04:05:37 PM
Can someone refresh my memory as to who this Brinkman in the article quoting vd Straten refers to?  Name is familiar but I can't recall right now who he is and what he did to tick them off so.


Was it Brinkman, or something to do with Brinkman when Aruba walked out of a meeting of the NL Antillies?  It think it was in the papers last week?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 14, 2008, 04:10:04 PM
I am not a mental health professional but this is how I feel about this episode and I would be paying attention to this if I ever had to meet Joran in person for any reason.

The wine-throwing incident was not just bad manners and a temporary loss of anger.  It was extremely irrational and out of context for the "public relations" purpose of the meeting put on for his behalf by his family and probably many others and at other's time and expense.

It was an attack plain and simple.  Look at his face.  He calmly and coldly tosses the wine on Peter who was looking down and minding his own business, unaware, and not in confrontation at the time.  He didn't see it coming.  No one saw it coming.  Joran quickly did it when no one was watching or expecting it.  It was a threat and a statement from a guy who thinks he is all-powerful.  It was a slap in the face to his supporters and his family also.  He was saying to Peter De Vries and everyone else, "Don't f with me or you'll be sorry".  If he thought he could get away with it, he would have assaulted him more violently and if he had a weapon handy he would have used it and then walked away as if nothing had happened. 

His explanation and apology later were cooked up by his public relation experts (Dad or Taco or “Joran’s a sweet boy” Taco assistant ect.) - definitely not Joran's idea - or if he had second thoughts later, it was to save his own skin - apology is not in his make up.  I can just see his father pleading with him to go back and apologize.  (In the Greta "inclined to believe" interview he said he was sorry he left Natalee on the beach.   Why didn't he say that immediately to Natalee's family and the police when they arrived at the scene saying their daughter was missing?  Wouldn't an innocent person be concerned and want to help find her, not lead everyone on a wild goose chase?  Beth saw that cold expression when she asked him what happened and she knew him then and there for what he is).

Peter De Vries is a gentleman and has taken it calmly.  That he was temporarily blinded by the wine is not ok.  I am surprised the studio security guards did not grab Joran and detain him.  In the US I think that may have been the response if a TV personality was attacked on or off the air.  He's a walking time bomb for another violent attack and someone should pay attention.  He's a threat to others.

If I ever had any doubts about Joran’s involvement in Natalee’s disappearance, which I have not, I wouldn't anymore after seeing this.  He assaulted Natalee and he and or others let her die or he killed her and he and or others disposed of the body and the evidence.  That those three were not separated detained and questioned and their cars and homes searched immediately goes beyond bungling by the police.  The arrest of the guards screamed cover-up. That the poor "boys" were scared and so they lied and so it's Natalee’s family’s fault the evidence was lost in the first 10 days (Aruba excuse, Dutch excuse) doesn't fly.  So the cops believed the lies and ran with it?  NOT.  Not even in Aruba. There is a foul odor coming from that island and it starts with four suspects and spreads around.

Welcome, Enough!  I agree 100% with your excellent first post!

I watched as much as I could find of the interview.  Even though I can't understand what's spoken, there was a LOT GOING ON AT THAT TABLE.  It was absolutely electric at one point. 

Joran was outraged that DeVries doesn't buy the crap he's peddling, and challenged him with his own repeated lies so that Joran was totally boxed in by his own comments.

Joran's eyes flashed with anger, and he wanted to punch Devries but couldn't reach him.  You could see Joran's eyes darken and flash as DeVries maintained eye contact.  Joran's expression demonstrated seething anger that was absolutely explosive.  He was enraged, and even though things were winding down, Joran's anger was festering, and he was unable to disguise it.  Not very cool for an experienced poker player.

As the interview ended, and all were shaking hands, Joran was still seething, and wondering what he can do.  If Devries hadn't been across the table, Joran would have sucker punched him while he wasn't looking. 

That's the kind of furious coward Joran is.  He's completely transparent and pathetic.  A real Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.  Quite the stark contrast with the show he put on for Greta, isn't it?  IMO, Joran is comfortable when things are in his control, and everyone is buying his BS; He counts on that.  He depends on it because it has worked so well for such a long time.  When he is challenged, and boxed in, not in control, called out for his BS, he explodes.

The world has now seen the Joran that Anita took to the doctor.  The one she had difficulty with.  The one that is out of control.  The world has now seen the narcissistic, psychopathic Joran van der Sloot.

Joran van der Sloot......the gift that just keeps on giving.  Keep talking Joran.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 04:15:42 PM
Temblor sinti na islanan ariba 
Monday, 14 January 2008

Pa 10.31 awe mainta tabatatin un temblor den caribe. Esaki a sosode 60km SSW di e isla di Sint Maarten. For di KNMI e informacion ta bisa cu e magnitud di e temblor tabata di 4.2 te 4.4 riba schaal di richter. E profundidad di e temblor tabata 30 km. For di islanan aruba nos a ricibi hopi informacion cu nan a sinti esaki na diferente sitio riba nan isla.

FYI - 4.2-4.4 is really small IMO.  We laugh at those in California, LOLOL.  What the above is saying is a 4.2-4.4 earthquake has hit near St. Maarten.  It's not showing on the USGS website yet.

Not sure why they consider it breaking news  :roll:,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/


I do believe that Aruba is attempting to distract the current  dialogue which is taking place on the SM forum ... the current dialogue which is exposing the main suspect in the Natalee Holloway case for who he is ... the main suspect who has been protected since day one by a corrupt Aruban investigation.   :lol:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 04:21:27 PM

I do so agree.  And the no body/no case advice from Paulus was the very worst he could have given Joran.  In a matter of life and death like this, there are things more important than keeping Joran out of jail, especially considering the ultra-lite sentencing policies in effect there.

Joran has to be thinking that it would have been so much better to have gotten it over and done with from the start and has also to be questioning just whose benefit that advice from Paulus was really for in the end.

The thought also went through my mind that some of his rage at deVries was displaced anger with Anita for daring to say she questioned his innocence at one time and would have turned him in if she knew for a fact he was guilty.  He knows for a fact he is guilty and so is thinking she would turn him in if she found out all that he knows.  If he had two glasses of wine, would not have been surprised to see Anita get the second one.

Joran will turn on those parents eventually like a bad dog.  And he won't be totally wrong in doing so.  They have failed him in so many ways but then he wasn't that much to work with to start.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 04:21:47 PM
From the Aruba bulletin board...

Oprah Will Interview Beth Twitty


January 11th 2008, Aruba.


ORANJESTAD-The Queen of talk-show, Oprah Winfrey will dedicate an
entire program on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The Oprah
Winfrey Show has chosen not to be involved in the media circus
surrounding the disappearance of Natalee in Aruba. Now that the case is
closed, Oprah will interview Beth Twitty, the mother of Natalee Holloway.

The Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway was part of a chaperoned
student group who vacationed on the island in May of 2005. Natalee
disappeared on May 30th after a night out at Carlos ‘n Charlie’s.
She was last seen leaving the nightclub with Joran van
der Sloot, and the brothers Satish and Deepak Kalpoe.

The three were held as the main suspects involved in her disappearance.
However no evidence is found against the three and they were later
released. Authorities have not found any evidence leading to a possible

The show dedicated to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway will be
aired on Wednesday January 16th. Oprah Winfrey has a U.S. audience of
23 million people, and the show is seen in 112 countries around the World.

I hightly doubt the entire show is about Natalee.  I think someone in Aruba got their information wrong  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 04:24:15 PM
We once had a 3.0 earthquake and I didn't even know it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 04:30:15 PM
Agree, Oprah seldom has a whole program dedicated to just one subject.

Also, it is disheartening to see that there is already action to remove the proof of what Joran did, claims of it being illegally transmitted, etc.

Guess Paulus is trying to work up another lawsuit.  But if it happened as we know it did after the regular programming and was covered by members of the press who were present, it should be come no different than any other episode of Joran and his tantrums.  The copyright of that one program does not follow Joran, protecting him all the days of his life.

The minute the credits started to roll, program over, and he is fair game to a free press.

No way they are ever going to be able to put this toothpaste back in the tube.  The more they try, the more people will want to see what they are trying to hide.

But Paulus might be thinking lawsuit of some sort for the producers of that program.

Enough, I, too, wonder why security did not seize Joran and call the cops.  It was clearly an assault on another guest.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 04:34:58 PM 1/14/08

Van der Straten is saying, "I'd have bitch-slapped the little bastard if the threw wine in my face."
How could he do that to his best friends son  :wink:

I think I have been on opposite sides from Van Der Straten, or at least thought I was, but on this issue we are like 2 peas in a pod. I think Joran needs to interact with either of us like he did with Peter and I think he can be cured, rapidly!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 14, 2008, 04:35:23 PM

I hightly doubt the entire show is about Natalee.  I think someone in Aruba got their information wrong  :wink:
and what would be different about that?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 04:38:23 PM
From the Aruba bulletin board...

Oprah Will Interview Beth Twitty


January 11th 2008, Aruba.


ORANJESTAD-The Queen of talk-show, Oprah Winfrey will dedicate an
entire program on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The Oprah
Winfrey Show has chosen not to be involved in the media circus
surrounding the disappearance of Natalee in Aruba. Now that the case is
closed, Oprah will interview Beth Twitty, the mother of Natalee Holloway.

The Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway was part of a chaperoned
student group who vacationed on the island in May of 2005. Natalee
disappeared on May 30th after a night out at Carlos ‘n Charlie’s.
She was last seen leaving the nightclub with Joran van
der Sloot, and the brothers Satish and Deepak Kalpoe.

The three were held as the main suspects involved in her disappearance.
However no evidence is found against the three and they were later
released. Authorities have not found any evidence leading to a possible

The show dedicated to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway will be
aired on Wednesday January 16th. Oprah Winfrey has a U.S. audience of
23 million people, and the show is seen in 112 countries around the World.

I hightly doubt the entire show is about Natalee.  I think someone in Aruba got their information wrong  :wink:

After Scott Peterson was convicted Oprah had a whole show about that case.
Scott's sister had written a book about why she thought he did it and she was
there along with some others.  I had not followed the case that closely and
thought the show was great.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 04:40:28 PM

I hightly doubt the entire show is about Natalee.  I think someone in Aruba got their information wrong  :wink:
and what would be different about that?

They know the entire hour wouldn't be devoted to one person.  They are just saying this so they can later claim Oprah for some very sinister reason cut the coverage short just as they always do.

These are the same people who were predicting she would be firing Dr Phil as well, speaking of their infinite wisdom.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 04:43:06 PM
I post ended up right in the middle of yours.
I didn't scroll down far enough.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 04:44:05 PM
I post ended up right in the middle of yours.
I didn't scroll down far enough.

No problem, I fixed it  :D

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 04:50:11 PM
I post ended up right in the middle of yours.
I didn't scroll down far enough.

No problem, I fixed it  :D

Thank you.  I hope Oprah does let Beth tell all she knows for an hour.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: mishy on January 14, 2008, 04:57:47 PM

Marion Jones will discuss her fall from Olympic greatness and her steroid use in an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey. The talk show queen offers the chat on Wednesday's show.

The same day, Winfrey will turn to the Natalee Holloway case. Beth Holloway provides an update on her daughter's disappearance two years ago. Natalee's brother Matt also discusses the family's story.

"The Oprah Winfrey Show" airs at 4 p.m. weekdays on WFTV-Channel 9.

AND I'm sure they'll discuss the cheap shot by Joran on DeVries Friday night...Joran is a coward...nobody but a coward would attack someone like that while their head was down...sick bastard...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: memphis on January 14, 2008, 04:57:53 PM

Wow. There's so much to be gleened from that interview. It tells me that Joran was never really pushed in interrogations. He has no pat answers even now as to why he lied. Anita, his own Mother had doubts about what he did. Who knows him better than his mother? If she could fathom him guilty, who are we to question his capability for participation in a crime? Anita does react to the wine throwing, and she directs it as an admonishment at Joran. It's weak and sad, and probably typical of the lack of grit her parenting skills have, but her comments aren't in the nature of, "Oh, Goody, DeVries got what was coming to him." She does grasp that Joran has done something wrong and she does direct her comments at him. She may be thinking it hurts the family's position and is not concerned at all for DeVries, but she does grasp Joran has done something wrong. Flame me if you want, but I think, at that moment, that Anita's reaction was recognition of both the harm done to Joran's image and to the action DeVries was victim of.

Joran basically says that he remained silent due to a well thought out strategy to assure his release. It's a legal strategy with total disregard to what happened to Natalee, but DeVries won't let his answers go without holding Joran's answers up to a moral standard. Joran consistantly falls short of the mark on those basis and his buttons are pushed over and over. Moral standards are a real pesky thing to Joran, and he certainly did not expect anyone to assert them on Natalee's behalf! After all, he knows the line that suggest they should be extended to himself as victim of ALE and the Holloways........Taco refined that argument and Greta bought it hook, line, and sinker, and it served him extremely well. Greta announced to the world that she believed him, and it worked like a charm in a public forum there!

This is a picture of a sociopath. This is a picture of Natalee Holloway's killer.

 :2notworthy: :2notworthy: :2notworthy: :salut: :salut: :salut: :smt041  :smt041 :smt041 :smt038 :smt038 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :2notworthy: :2notworthy: :2notworthy:
well, memphis, we'll get broiled together like a shiskabob if there's any flaming going happen, because i agree with you l00%.  i really think most monkeys here will agree with you too.

LOL dennisintn. I lliked CBB's post. Could you tell?
CBB, very insightful of you. I especially liked the part about moral standards being a pesky thing for Joran, and that he didn't expect anyone to assert them on Natalee's behalf.
Who does Joran have close to him that asserts any moral standards? Ha!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 05:17:27 PM

Marion Jones will discuss her fall from Olympic greatness and her steroid use in an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey. The talk show queen offers the chat on Wednesday's show.

The same day, Winfrey will turn to the Natalee Holloway case. Beth Holloway provides an update on her daughter's disappearance two years ago. Natalee's brother Matt also discusses the family's story.

"The Oprah Winfrey Show" airs at 4 p.m. weekdays on WFTV-Channel 9.

AND I'm sure they'll discuss the cheap shot by Joran on DeVries Friday night...Joran is a coward...nobody but a coward would attack someone like that while their head was down...sick bastard...

I watched Oprah today, and besides Beth/Matt, Marion Jones, there's another movie/show discussed, which I can't think of the name of now.. :2doh: 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 14, 2008, 05:20:01 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 05:20:23 PM

Marion Jones will discuss her fall from Olympic greatness and her steroid use in an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey. The talk show queen offers the chat on Wednesday's show.

The same day, Winfrey will turn to the Natalee Holloway case. Beth Holloway provides an update on her daughter's disappearance two years ago. Natalee's brother Matt also discusses the family's story.

"The Oprah Winfrey Show" airs at 4 p.m. weekdays on WFTV-Channel 9.

AND I'm sure they'll discuss the cheap shot by Joran on DeVries Friday night...Joran is a coward...nobody but a coward would attack someone like that while their head was down...sick bastard...

I watched Oprah today, and besides Beth/Matt, Marion Jones, there's another movie/show discussed, which I can't think of the name of now.. :2doh: 

I believe it's going to be Ellen Page and Jennifer Garner from the movie JUNO.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 05:44:34 PM

Marion Jones will discuss her fall from Olympic greatness and her steroid use in an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey. The talk show queen offers the chat on Wednesday's show.

The same day, Winfrey will turn to the Natalee Holloway case. Beth Holloway provides an update on her daughter's disappearance two years ago. Natalee's brother Matt also discusses the family's story.

"The Oprah Winfrey Show" airs at 4 p.m. weekdays on WFTV-Channel 9.

AND I'm sure they'll discuss the cheap shot by Joran on DeVries Friday night...Joran is a coward...nobody but a coward would attack someone like that while their head was down...sick bastard...

I watched Oprah today, and besides Beth/Matt, Marion Jones, there's another movie/show discussed, which I can't think of the name of now.. :2doh: 

I believe it's going to be Ellen Page and Jennifer Garner from the movie JUNO.

Yes. That's it.  So, you were right.  The segments will be split somehow between the 3....Beth was a definite for a while....maybe the others were decided on more recently...or maybe not. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Port Valerie on January 14, 2008, 05:56:18 PM
From the Aruba bulletin board...

Oprah Will Interview Beth Twitty


January 11th 2008, Aruba.


ORANJESTAD-The Queen of talk-show, Oprah Winfrey will dedicate an
entire program on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The Oprah
Winfrey Show has chosen not to be involved in the media circus
surrounding the disappearance of Natalee in Aruba. Now that the case is
closed, Oprah will interview Beth Twitty, the mother of Natalee Holloway.

The Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway was part of a chaperoned
student group who vacationed on the island in May of 2005. Natalee
disappeared on May 30th after a night out at Carlos ‘n Charlie’s.
She was last seen leaving the nightclub with Joran van
der Sloot, and the brothers Satish and Deepak Kalpoe.

The three were held as the main suspects involved in her disappearance.
However no evidence is found against the three and they were later
released. Authorities have not found any evidence leading to a possible

The show dedicated to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway will be
aired on Wednesday January 16th. Oprah Winfrey has a U.S. audience of
23 million people, and the show is seen in 112 countries around the World.

I hightly doubt the entire show is about Natalee.  I think someone in Aruba got their information wrong  :wink:

True, but let ''em worry.  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Port Valerie on January 14, 2008, 06:07:42 PM
I am not a mental health professional but this is how I feel about this episode and I would be paying attention to this if I ever had to meet Joran in person for any reason.

The wine-throwing incident was not just bad manners and a temporary loss of anger.  It was extremely irrational and out of context for the "public relations" purpose of the meeting put on for his behalf by his family and probably many others and at other's time and expense.

It was an attack plain and simple.  Look at his face.  He calmly and coldly tosses the wine on Peter who was looking down and minding his own business, unaware, and not in confrontation at the time.  He didn't see it coming.  No one saw it coming.  Joran quickly did it when no one was watching or expecting it.  It was a threat and a statement from a guy who thinks he is all-powerful.  It was a slap in the face to his supporters and his family also.  He was saying to Peter De Vries and everyone else, "Don't f with me or you'll be sorry".  If he thought he could get away with it, he would have assaulted him more violently and if he had a weapon handy he would have used it and then walked away as if nothing had happened. 

His explanation and apology later were cooked up by his public relation experts (Dad or Taco or “Joran’s a sweet boy” Taco assistant ect.) - definitely not Joran's idea - or if he had second thoughts later, it was to save his own skin - apology is not in his make up.  I can just see his father pleading with him to go back and apologize.  (In the Greta "inclined to believe" interview he said he was sorry he left Natalee on the beach.   Why didn't he say that immediately to Natalee's family and the police when they arrived at the scene saying their daughter was missing?  Wouldn't an innocent person be concerned and want to help find her, not lead everyone on a wild goose chase?  Beth saw that cold expression when she asked him what happened and she knew him then and there for what he is).

Peter De Vries is a gentleman and has taken it calmly.  That he was temporarily blinded by the wine is not ok.  I am surprised the studio security guards did not grab Joran and detain him.  In the US I think that may have been the response if a TV personality was attacked on or off the air.  He's a walking time bomb for another violent attack and someone should pay attention.  He's a threat to others.

If I ever had any doubts about Joran’s involvement in Natalee’s disappearance, which I have not, I wouldn't anymore after seeing this.  He assaulted Natalee and he and or others let her die or he killed her and he and or others disposed of the body and the evidence.  That those three were not separated detained and questioned and their cars and homes searched immediately goes beyond bungling by the police.  The arrest of the guards screamed cover-up. That the poor "boys" were scared and so they lied and so it's Natalee’s family’s fault the evidence was lost in the first 10 days (Aruba excuse, Dutch excuse) doesn't fly.  So the cops believed the lies and ran with it?  NOT.  Not even in Aruba. There is a foul odor coming from that island and it starts with four suspects and spreads around.


Furthermore ... I once thought that he took care of the body himself, that his father would be the LAST person he'd want to call on (like most teens). However, after seeing the extent to which these parents go to protect him, I've changed my mind. He KNEW and his parents would cover up for him no matter what he did.

Unfortunately for all of them, he is now an adult and society's problem, not a six-year-old. There's a limit to what parents can explain.

I can see him going off on Natalee if she resisted him, in the same way that he went off on deVries for the same reason.

Case closed.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 06:22:38 PM
I am mazed reading at other sites that they are saying that the video of him throwing the wine should not be available to the public, well, they trotted Joran out to meet the world and let the world judge by his answers and attitude their impression as to his guilt or innoncence, or maybe just his general disposition. To tell you the truth, I am not what possessed his parents to subject Joran to that situation nor the situation where he was interviewed by Greta. But how he behaves in public is available to the public. They and he interjected himself into the public news. On Greta, it worked and he came out ahead. This time things didn't do so well. He didn't swoon Peter off of his feet. His true color shone, in public, and unlike his confession in the Arubian prison, HE CAN'T RECANT THIS EPISODE. AS WITH NATALEE'S DISAPPEARANCE JORAN'S ACTIONS AND WORDS HAVE ONCE AGAIN CLOAKED HIM WITH THE APPEARANCE OF GUILT.




Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 14, 2008, 06:36:35 PM
Pauw.: What we do here Joran, is just citing the report of the Judge-commissionar who has used that at Aruba. In this way Deepak Kalpoe stated that her death was not good, has Satish Kalpoe - which is the other friend or brother, what is it exactly? …

Joran: His brother.

Pauw: … Kalpoe thinks that suspect - you - has hit her to death, you yourself supposedly have stated about the burying of Natalee Holloway? That are some hard fact because of which you suggest that indeed something IS going on?

Joran: Yes, … I, I, … It’s three years ago now and in the beginning we’ve been really treated tough by the police and made to say things that we… wouldn’t say ourselves. And yes I have the feeling they made me want to say things that weren’t true.

Pauw: Did you never say… Or have you never spoken about burying Natalee Holloway?

Joran: No I have never discussed that with the pollice.

Anita: Can I go into that for a moment?

Witt.: Off course.

Anita: Uhmmm… When Joran was arrested for the first time I was the only one who was allowed to see him. Because he was a minor and they wanted to keep out Paul because of his function. Uhm, I have spoken to Joran some times but only short, some 15 to twenty minutes. And I am his mother. I love him very dearly. And I’m really convinced he wouldn’t do anything to that girl. These first emotions, these are very important to me… to see them in him as well… For a moment I doubted him. I’ve thought… By Jingo, could an accident have happened? Has something happened? Doesn’t he want to tell… He is just having his final exams… He knows he has final-exams-celebrations… He has a girlfriend… so he’s cheated on her… His father will be very angry with him… Etc. etc…. So I very directly spoke with him and one of the confrontations… that I came over there… And I was taken by an Aruban detective… And Joran was very upset… He before that was beset for hours and hours… Words were put in his mouth… which he never said… that were put to paper but that he never signed. And they showed that to me…: ‘This is what he said!’

How do we not believe this is the confession??  Of course it is no good because Anita made sure Joran didn't sign it.  Since they supposedly waited to arrest them until the videotape came in from Holland.  Why is an unsigned confession not a confession??  Poor Joran didn't mean what he said??  Deepak and Satish are on record with a report by the judge??  :2doh:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 14, 2008, 06:44:54 PM
If Greta had interviewed him PROPERLY -- she too would have been doused. :-|

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Peaches on January 14, 2008, 06:51:06 PM
So will Carpe You Tube Beth's  appearance on Oprah?  I will definately not be home and I doubt I can get it together to tape it.   :roll:  Regardless of which segment Beth is on, I won't be home. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 06:54:22 PM
So will Carpe You Tube Beth's  appearance on Oprah?  I will definately not be home and I doubt I can get it together to tape it.   :roll:  Regardless of which segment Beth is on, I won't be home. 

I'm pretty sure he's going to be taping it. :D

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Peaches on January 14, 2008, 06:56:23 PM
Thank you, Klaas. 

And thanks for the other stuff you do behind the scenes when you're supposed to be working. :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 06:58:20 PM
Thank you, Klaas. 

And thanks for the other stuff you do behind the scenes when you're supposed to be working. :cool:

 :wink: Sometimes I even run to the store  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: mishy on January 14, 2008, 07:05:56 PM

well, you know what they say...if ya got it...
flaunt it like ya just don't care
  :lol: :lol: :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 07:10:53 PM
kinda O/T
I've often watched your 2 trains crash as I'm scolling, and thought that's neat!

Now I get it! It really made sense after the interview of the people of the ditch.

I don't usually watch "train wrecks" but this one is going to be good.

"I hear the train a comin'. It's comin' down the track....." J. Cash.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 07:19:56 PM
I am not a mental health professional but this is how I feel about this episode and I would be paying attention to this if I ever had to meet Joran in person for any reason.

The wine-throwing incident was not just bad manners and a temporary loss of anger.  It was extremely irrational and out of context for the "public relations" purpose of the meeting put on for his behalf by his family and probably many others and at other's time and expense.

It was an attack plain and simple.  Look at his face.  He calmly and coldly tosses the wine on Peter who was looking down and minding his own business, unaware, and not in confrontation at the time.  He didn't see it coming.  No one saw it coming.  Joran quickly did it when no one was watching or expecting it.  It was a threat and a statement from a guy who thinks he is all-powerful.  It was a slap in the face to his supporters and his family also.  He was saying to Peter De Vries and everyone else, "Don't f with me or you'll be sorry".  If he thought he could get away with it, he would have assaulted him more violently and if he had a weapon handy he would have used it and then walked away as if nothing had happened. 

His explanation and apology later were cooked up by his public relation experts (Dad or Taco or “Joran’s a sweet boy” Taco assistant ect.) - definitely not Joran's idea - or if he had second thoughts later, it was to save his own skin - apology is not in his make up.  I can just see his father pleading with him to go back and apologize.  (In the Greta "inclined to believe" interview he said he was sorry he left Natalee on the beach.   Why didn't he say that immediately to Natalee's family and the police when they arrived at the scene saying their daughter was missing?  Wouldn't an innocent person be concerned and want to help find her, not lead everyone on a wild goose chase?  Beth saw that cold expression when she asked him what happened and she knew him then and there for what he is).

Peter De Vries is a gentleman and has taken it calmly.  That he was temporarily blinded by the wine is not ok.  I am surprised the studio security guards did not grab Joran and detain him.  In the US I think that may have been the response if a TV personality was attacked on or off the air.  He's a walking time bomb for another violent attack and someone should pay attention.  He's a threat to others.

If I ever had any doubts about Joran’s involvement in Natalee’s disappearance, which I have not, I wouldn't anymore after seeing this.  He assaulted Natalee and he and or others let her die or he killed her and he and or others disposed of the body and the evidence.  That those three were not separated detained and questioned and their cars and homes searched immediately goes beyond bungling by the police.  The arrest of the guards screamed cover-up. That the poor "boys" were scared and so they lied and so it's Natalee’s family’s fault the evidence was lost in the first 10 days (Aruba excuse, Dutch excuse) doesn't fly.  So the cops believed the lies and ran with it?  NOT.  Not even in Aruba. There is a foul odor coming from that island and it starts with four suspects and spreads around.


Furthermore ... I once thought that he took care of the body himself, that his father would be the LAST person he'd want to call on (like most teens). However, after seeing the extent to which these parents go to protect him, I've changed my mind. He KNEW and his parents would cover up for him no matter what he did.

Unfortunately for all of them, he is now an adult and society's problem, not a six-year-old. There's a limit to what parents can explain.

I can see him going off on Natalee if she resisted him, in the same way that he went off on deVries for the same reason.

Case closed.

Paulus Van der Sloot to Dave Holloway:  "I would do anything to protect my son."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 07:21:46 PM

well, you know what they say...if ya got it...
flaunt it like ya just don't care
  :lol: :lol: :cool:

OF has it goin on!! His own kissing booth  :wink:
Dont forget to watch Oprah Wednesday the 16th..Check your local listings!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sb on January 14, 2008, 07:22:06 PM
Hi again everyone and welcome to "Enough"!

Now that I have read more about the DeVries incident, I can say that Joran has committed a MAJOR PR error with the cameras rolling, and this will not help him at all in the public light. He is probably more concerned with his "image" than with anything else in his life (like all narcissists are) and that image is in freefall right now. A true narcissist HAS to be liked, adored, worshipped and respected by others... it is their basic urge... and when it is unfulfilled, they SUFFER inside. Literally. I have seen them and know how they think.

The BEST way to get Joran to pay for what he did, is to render him an outcast. He's doing that all on his own. It may be all he ever has to pay for what he did, but it's something.

Remember when I said "Don't trust Mos" when all were singing his praises? Well...
I am reiterating this again and we shall see if I am right again...

Oprah Winfrey NEVER gave Beth the TIME OF DAY until Joran was off the hook. I TOLD ALL OF YOU THAT SHE WOULDN'T.  :wink:

I am not getting any warm fuzzies whatsoever over the fact that she is now interviewing Beth.

Guess Oprah thinks her timeshare won't lose any value now... or that Beth can't hurt the left politically now, with no legal legs left for her to stand on...

Oprah DISGUSTS me. Period. She is on a par with renfro.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Puzzler on January 14, 2008, 07:26:26 PM
I am not a mental health professional but this is how I feel about this episode and I would be paying attention to this if I ever had to meet Joran in person for any reason.

The wine-throwing incident was not just bad manners and a temporary loss of anger.  It was extremely irrational and out of context for the "public relations" purpose of the meeting put on for his behalf by his family and probably many others and at other's time and expense.

It was an attack plain and simple.  Look at his face.  He calmly and coldly tosses the wine on Peter who was looking down and minding his own business, unaware, and not in confrontation at the time.  He didn't see it coming.  No one saw it coming.  Joran quickly did it when no one was watching or expecting it.  It was a threat and a statement from a guy who thinks he is all-powerful.  It was a slap in the face to his supporters and his family also.  He was saying to Peter De Vries and everyone else, "Don't f with me or you'll be sorry".  If he thought he could get away with it, he would have assaulted him more violently and if he had a weapon handy he would have used it and then walked away as if nothing had happened. 

His explanation and apology later were cooked up by his public relation experts (Dad or Taco or “Joran’s a sweet boy” Taco assistant ect.) - definitely not Joran's idea - or if he had second thoughts later, it was to save his own skin - apology is not in his make up.  I can just see his father pleading with him to go back and apologize.  (In the Greta "inclined to believe" interview he said he was sorry he left Natalee on the beach.   Why didn't he say that immediately to Natalee's family and the police when they arrived at the scene saying their daughter was missing?  Wouldn't an innocent person be concerned and want to help find her, not lead everyone on a wild goose chase?  Beth saw that cold expression when she asked him what happened and she knew him then and there for what he is).

Peter De Vries is a gentleman and has taken it calmly.  That he was temporarily blinded by the wine is not ok.  I am surprised the studio security guards did not grab Joran and detain him.  In the US I think that may have been the response if a TV personality was attacked on or off the air.  He's a walking time bomb for another violent attack and someone should pay attention.  He's a threat to others.

If I ever had any doubts about Joran’s involvement in Natalee’s disappearance, which I have not, I wouldn't anymore after seeing this.  He assaulted Natalee and he and or others let her die or he killed her and he and or others disposed of the body and the evidence.  That those three were not separated detained and questioned and their cars and homes searched immediately goes beyond bungling by the police.  The arrest of the guards screamed cover-up. That the poor "boys" were scared and so they lied and so it's Natalee’s family’s fault the evidence was lost in the first 10 days (Aruba excuse, Dutch excuse) doesn't fly.  So the cops believed the lies and ran with it?  NOT.  Not even in Aruba. There is a foul odor coming from that island and it starts with four suspects and spreads around.

Welcome, Enough!  I agree 100% with your excellent first post!

I watched as much as I could find of the interview.  Even though I can't understand what's spoken, there was a LOT GOING ON AT THAT TABLE.  It was absolutely electric at one point. 

Joran was outraged that DeVries doesn't buy the crap he's peddling, and challenged him with his own repeated lies so that Joran was totally boxed in by his own comments.

Joran's eyes flashed with anger, and he wanted to punch Devries but couldn't reach him.  You could see Joran's eyes darken and flash as DeVries maintained eye contact.  Joran's expression demonstrated seething anger that was absolutely explosive.  He was enraged, and even though things were winding down, Joran's anger was festering, and he was unable to disguise it.  Not very cool for an experienced poker player.

As the interview ended, and all were shaking hands, Joran was still seething, and wondering what he can do.  If Devries hadn't been across the table, Joran would have sucker punched him while he wasn't looking. 

That's the kind of furious coward Joran is.  He's completely transparent and pathetic.  A real Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.  Quite the stark contrast with the show he put on for Greta, isn't it?  IMO, Joran is comfortable when things are in his control, and everyone is buying his BS; He counts on that.  He depends on it because it has worked so well for such a long time.  When he is challenged, and boxed in, not in control, called out for his BS, he explodes.

The world has now seen the Joran that Anita took to the doctor.  The one she had difficulty with.  The one that is out of control.  The world has now seen the narcissistic, psychopathic Joran van der Sloot.

Joran van der Sloot......the gift that just keeps on giving.  Keep talking Joran.

Welcome Enough!!

I agree with both of these excellent posts.

Just a sentence or two more before the end of the program and I believe that Joran just might have "lost it" during the show.  You can see it on his face....just about all he could do to hold it back for a couple of minutes.  Hair trigger temper!!

Don't tell me that he couldn't have been broken in jail...I'm sure he was....Aruba will just NEVER own up to it.

WHAT is it that the VDS have over the entire island??!!??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 07:32:25 PM
24ora comment
2008 pink panter said: _ wel wel, again joran is in news but is sigi lastra aruba cune the dutch animal here!!!! besides if the does not controvercia why eta sigi aparese in programanan? is pace the sir here is one berdadero phycopata dangerous cu his parents owing to crea y owing to work one monster of djie cu some day will become contra they y they will not can controle more y the hour the gay will canta y i am wait for will is soon besides i am contento cu the cos here owing to happen cu his own hulandesnan y once more all world will see of what especie eta work!!! smilies/angry.gif

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kat_Gram on January 14, 2008, 07:32:46 PM
Snip :Also, it is disheartening to see that there is already action to remove the proof of what Joran did, claims of it being illegally transmitted, etc.

Guess Paulus is trying to work up another lawsuit.  But if it happened as we know it did after the regular programming and was covered by members of the press who were present, it should be come no different than any other episode of Joran and his tantrums.  The copyright of that one program does not follow Joran, protecting him all the days of his life.
Where did this come from Anna ? Is he really trying to stop it ?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 07:36:39 PM
Does anyone else see this when looking at pvds?
All his facial features are in the lower 1/3 of his face.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 07:37:19 PM

well, you know what they say...if ya got it...
flaunt it like ya just don't care
  :lol: :lol: :cool: go girl!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 07:38:02 PM
Does anyone else see this when looking at pvds?
All his facial features are in the lower 1/3 of his face.


yep same forehead!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 14, 2008, 07:40:22 PM
Agree, Oprah seldom has a whole program dedicated to just one subject.

Also, it is disheartening to see that there is already action to remove the proof of what Joran did, claims of it being illegally transmitted, etc.

Guess Paulus is trying to work up another lawsuit.  But if it happened as we know it did after the regular programming and was covered by members of the press who were present, it should be come no different than any other episode of Joran and his tantrums.  The copyright of that one program does not follow Joran, protecting him all the days of his life.

The minute the credits started to roll, program over, and he is fair game to a free press.

No way they are ever going to be able to put this toothpaste back in the tube.  The more they try, the more people will want to see what they are trying to hide.

But Paulus might be thinking lawsuit of some sort for the producers of that program.

Enough, I, too, wonder why security did not seize Joran and call the cops.  It was clearly an assault on another guest.

Indicative of a lenient socialist/near-communist society that will remove this.  This is where the rubber meets the road on "freedom of speech/press, etc."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 14, 2008, 07:43:23 PM
Hi again everyone and welcome to "Enough"!

Now that I have read more about the DeVries incident, I can say that Joran has committed a MAJOR PR error with the cameras rolling, and this will not help him at all in the public light. He is probably more concerned with his "image" than with anything else in his life (like all narcissists are) and that image is in freefall right now. A true narcissist HAS to be liked, adored, worshipped and respected by others... it is their basic urge... and when it is unfulfilled, they SUFFER inside. Literally. I have seen them and know how they think.

The BEST way to get Joran to pay for what he did, is to render him an outcast. He's doing that all on his own. It may be all he ever has to pay for what he did, but it's something.

Remember when I said "Don't trust Mos" when all were singing his praises? Well...
I am reiterating this again and we shall see if I am right again...

Oprah Winfrey NEVER gave Beth the TIME OF DAY until Joran was off the hook. I TOLD ALL OF YOU THAT SHE WOULDN'T.  :wink:

I am not getting any warm fuzzies whatsoever over the fact that she is now interviewing Beth.

Guess Oprah thinks her timeshare won't lose any value now... or that Beth can't hurt the left politically now, with no legal legs left for her to stand on...

Oprah DISGUSTS me. Period. She is on a par with renfro.

Thank you.  You see this facade of a woman with the same chip on her shoulders carrying a bullhorn to advance her elitist opinions as I see.  I am happy that I am not the only one with eyes wide open when it comes to Oprah.  She will spin it Joran's way; it's her nature to agree with the lowest segment of society.  If I am wrong, I will apologize to eveyrone here.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sb on January 14, 2008, 07:47:19 PM
Tyler, she will make Greta look like an angel in the Beth Selling-Out category.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 07:50:57 PM
SB, you and Tyler are just Rpublicans. :lol:

I will withold judgement until I see the show.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kat_Gram on January 14, 2008, 07:52:28 PM
I hardly ever watch Oprah. She is on when I am at work. I think if I wanted to, I could find a channel where it is rebroadcast, but I have never had the urge to do so. But I will make sure to see it on YouTube or wherever ( Ty Carpe ).
I amjust intersted in what tone , how much time, but I am more interested in what Beth has to say frankly, not Oprah.   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 07:53:30 PM
Does anyone else see this when looking at pvds?
All his facial features are in the lower 1/3 of his face.


More like JVDS to me :smt092


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 07:55:10 PM
SB - I have to believe Beth knows what she's doing.  I personally never watch Oprah but I will Wednesday. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: San on January 14, 2008, 07:58:55 PM
what does he tell greta about how he got home that night ?


He told her Satish picked him up because Deepak was on the computer

I don't remember why he told her he lied about that. Do you, Klaas?

Interviewer:  What was the... there was a discrepancy at some point - - I mean, there've been a lot of reports. It's sort of hard to figure out what is and what isn't... that at one point, you said Deepak gave you a ride home. And it changed to Satish. Can you explain that? Or is there not a discrepancy? 

Joran van der Sloot:  Well, there is a discrepancy there, and I did at one point say that Deepak took me home. But that was at the more point from (unintelligible) we'd always said when we were at our house talking that we'd keep... that we'd keep Satish's little brother out it as much as possible when we'd actually made up the story to say that we dropped her off at the Holiday Inn. 

Interviewer:  Why did you want to keep Satish out of it? 

Joran van der Sloot:  I didn't want to. That's what Deepak wanted. He said, yes, you know, whatever, you keep... you know, We'll keep my little brother out of it, and that... yes. That's what we agreed on.

OK, before I really call it a night I'd like to point something out.  Deepak's little brother Satish is OLDER than Joran.  Why all the false protection for Satish?

GOOD QUESTION!!!!! Is he s-l-o-w?

 :lol: :lol: :lol: He's still in the 12th grade.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 08:00:13 PM
I hope Oprah ask's why this missing case is different than the rest. Let Beth explain why this isn't white girl missing syndrome or whatever they call it. America needs to know how evil that corrupt Govt is and how the police,prosecution,defense and judges all worked together to protect the pimps and there precious tourism. Let Beth explain why on june 1st they knew they were lying but still falsely and illegally arrested two black men to frame or distract attention away from the real killers.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 08:04:28 PM
Thank you, Klaas. 

And thanks for the other stuff you do behind the scenes when you're supposed to be working. :cool:

 :wink: Sometimes I even run to the store  :lol:

You are an A+ in my book:))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sb on January 14, 2008, 08:05:25 PM
Beth has gone into the lion's den (of the media) MANY times now and always does well. I don't think that Beth shouldn't DO it... she has kept Greta's numbers afloat for 2 1/2 years... but I call into question the agenda that Oprah has in doing this NOW, after the fact, basically... It speaks volumes to me that it didn't happen until Joran was released from suspect status, and then IMMEDIATELY thereafter.

You watch and see if there isn't a heavy accident/someone else did it slant in that show.

ARUBA and the THUGS who run it DO NOT WANT A CRIME TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED HERE and the left and the mob in Europe and the US is 100% COMPLICIT in this.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 08:06:15 PM
I hardly ever watch Oprah. She is on when I am at work. I think if I wanted to, I could find a channel where it is rebroadcast, but I have never had the urge to do so. But I will make sure to see it on YouTube or wherever ( Ty Carpe ).
I amjust intersted in what tone , how much time, but I am more interested in what Beth has to say frankly, not Oprah.   

What I like most about Wednesday is that Beth will be able to tell Natalee's story to over 23 million people. Like Oprah or not, trust her or not, Beth has one hell of an audience to work with and it WILL affect Aruba and it just may save another family from the same ordeal.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 08:07:06 PM
I hope Oprah ask's why this missing case is different than the rest. Let Beth explain why this isn't white girl missing syndrome or whatever they call it. America needs to know how evil that corrupt Govt is and how the police,prosecution,defense and judges all worked together to protect the pimps and there precious tourism. Let Beth explain why on june 1st they knew they were lying but still falsely and illegally arrested two black men to frame or distract attention away from the real killers.

And give the killers time to destroy all of the evidence.  No judge at their houses
to limit the search warrant.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: memphis on January 14, 2008, 08:08:31 PM
I apologize everyone for popping in and out, but I keep getting interrupted. Things start falling apart when I spend too much time here.  :wink:  Wish I could participate more.

Just a couple of things...
First, enough, that was one superb post!

Second, where is Taco?  hehe Someone else mentioned that if we don't hear from him we'll know he's off the payroll.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 08:10:21 PM
SB - I have to believe Beth knows what she's doing.  I personally never watch Oprah but I will Wednesday. 

I agree Klaas, I put my faith in Beth...she has been in the "Lion's Den" as SB said many times...she do just fine as always.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: memphis on January 14, 2008, 08:10:43 PM
Oh, one more thing for now...

I suppose Paulus is going to try to sue someone over the release of the tape. Silly man.

This has been so much fun to watch.  :lol:  Finally, we get some laughs.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 08:12:54 PM
Hi again everyone and welcome to "Enough"!

Now that I have read more about the DeVries incident, I can say that Joran has committed a MAJOR PR error with the cameras rolling, and this will not help him at all in the public light. He is probably more concerned with his "image" than with anything else in his life (like all narcissists are) and that image is in freefall right now. A true narcissist HAS to be liked, adored, worshipped and respected by others... it is their basic urge... and when it is unfulfilled, they SUFFER inside. Literally. I have seen them and know how they think.

The BEST way to get Joran to pay for what he did, is to render him an outcast. He's doing that all on his own. It may be all he ever has to pay for what he did, but it's something.

Remember when I said "Don't trust Mos" when all were singing his praises? Well...
I am reiterating this again and we shall see if I am right again...

Oprah Winfrey NEVER gave Beth the TIME OF DAY until Joran was off the hook. I TOLD ALL OF YOU THAT SHE WOULDN'T.  :wink:

I am not getting any warm fuzzies whatsoever over the fact that she is now interviewing Beth.

Guess Oprah thinks her timeshare won't lose any value now... or that Beth can't hurt the left politically now, with no legal legs left for her to stand on...

Oprah DISGUSTS me. Period. She is on a par with renfro.

I more imagine that Oprah has approached Beth before, and for reasons unknown to us, it just hasn't worked out until now. And to be honest, I think the timing could not have been better. Just as Aruba thought it could rest, here come the big gun out, and by big gun I mean her viewing audience. Bill Oreilly, 2,000,000 is a big night, and look how he treated Beth on his last show. Oprah, 20,000,000+ viewers, when Aruba's first string has just been hit by a bus:)))))))) Oprah is a classy lady, and her audience is a powerful one. Most vacation dollars are spent according to the woman of the house and 75% of all books are bought by the class of women who make up her audience. And for Oprah, the Lord provided her free advertising and interest in her topic, Beth, thanks to Joran and Peter. Both of these women seem to have saved her appearance until the time was ripe:::::)))))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 08:12:57 PM
Oh, one more thing for now...

I suppose Paulus is going to try to sue someone over the release of the tape. Silly man.

This has been so much fun to watch.  :lol:  Finally, we get some laughs.

Good, let him sue NOVA and that will bring even more attention to Joran, his temper and the case.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sb on January 14, 2008, 08:13:30 PM
Klaas. have we heard any more about the Dr Phil/K2 case?

I still can't find anything new there in randomly looking through 5 threads. I am still trying to catch up.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 08:14:01 PM
This was billed as Joran's last interview. Even though he knew he didn't deserve it..He wanted a apology from Peter De Vries because he was released as a suspect.  When he didn't get it he acted out..In real life Joran will find out very soon that being spoiled rotten from your parents and getting away with everything is far different than real life. Next temper tantrum he throws might be with the wrong person and mommy and daddy wont be able to help. I am still convinced he will go down for what he did to Natalee. This was a small example of what he did to Natalee when she screamed at him and fought him for drugging and raping her.MO

Joran asking for a apology from De Vries
( (

After De Vries refuses to give him a apolgy
( (

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kat_Gram on January 14, 2008, 08:14:23 PM
I like the size of Oprah's audience. But, there is probaly an agreement as to what she can say or not say. They all seem to have these agreements.
But it will be good for the case to have it brought up again in front of millions.
And I doubt if there will be any throwing of anything at the host or guest.
They is ladies ! And it ain't the Jerry Springer Show, although I would like to see the Sloots on Jerry. Guests could be Deepak and Satish and everyone's Mummas. ROFL  .. Do they have shows like Jerry ( is he still on ) in the NL ?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: memphis on January 14, 2008, 08:18:58 PM
Private Eye, your family is so lucky to have you! You seem to be such a good man.
I also hope that Anita reads your messages to her. You are so on the money.
I also agree that the Lord provided for both Beth and Oprah with this incident. I do not mean any disrespect by saying this is enjoyable to watch. After so long, it is just so much fun seeing the light shining on the darkness.  :D

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 08:20:28 PM
This was billed as Joran's last interview. Even though he knew he didn't deserve it..He wanted a apology from Peter De Vries because he was released as a suspect.  When he didn't get it he acted out..In real life Joran will find out very soon that being spoiled rotten from your parents and getting away with everything is far different than real life. Next temper tantrum he throws might be with the wrong person and mommy and daddy wont be able to help. I am still convinced he will go down for what he did to Natalee. This was a small example of what he did to Natalee when she screamed at him and fought him for drugging and raping her.MO

Joran asking for a apology from De Vries
( (

After De Vries refuses to give him a apolgy
( (

It would make a very point if they could create a satire where they recreate the Joran episode in jest::)))))))Maybe Saturday Night Live will be next? If they can get an emmy for a "Dick in a Box" surely they can do something with "Lies by Joran On Camera Off Camera":)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sb on January 14, 2008, 08:21:11 PM
Beth needs to hit a HOME RUN this time, for sure. Having Matt on there cannot hurt at all.

This time above all others, Beth has to grab hold of this interview and focus in like a laser beam on the corruption of Aruba and the crime involved here, and not let it be directed by the hostess into a how-are-you-coping pity party or a look-in-other-directions Refugee-style fantasy exercise. Like I believe Oprah will TRY to do. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 14, 2008, 08:22:48 PM
kinda O/T
I've often watched your 2 trains crash as I'm scolling, and thought that's neat!

Now I get it! It really made sense after the interview of the people of the ditch.

I don't usually watch "train wrecks" but this one is going to be good.

"I hear the train a comin'. It's comin' down the track....." J. Cash.
I got the "trains" from either Blah or Old Fart ( :oops: I can't remember which now!!)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 08:27:17 PM
Klaas. have we heard any more about the Dr Phil/K2 case?

I still can't find anything new there in randomly looking through 5 threads. I am still trying to catch up.

Here is the latest - nothing until next month:

Future Hearings
02/05/2008 at 08:30 am in department 69 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

02/29/2008 at 08:30 am in department 69 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Motion to Compel ((2))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 08:28:15 PM
Does anyone else see this when looking at pvds?
All his facial features are in the lower 1/3 of his face.


More like JVDS to me :smt092

Ma ma.  Ma ma.

lol Klaas you are the fastest photoshopper in the West! and everywhere!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 08:30:47 PM

It would make a very point if they could create a satire where they recreate the Joran episode in jest::)))))))Maybe Saturday Night Live will be next? If they can get an emmy for a "Dick in a Box" surely they can do something with "Lies by Joran On Camera Off Camera":)

I suppose they could bring back John Lovitz again to do the Pathological Liar skit. She was doing Jello Shots and wanted to see da sharks then I dropped her off at the beach. How did you get home? I walked..With no shoes? Umm It was Deepak then..But he was on the computer at the time..Ok it was Satish..Yeh thats the ticket..I lied and thats the truth  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 08:35:41 PM
Beth has done an amazing job of keeping Natalee's story
in the forefront.  She had no experience being in front
of television cameras and yet she has done a fine job.
She was still in shock when she started on this merry go round.
She has been up against the best and the nastiest of
interviewers and has never backed down.  I have no
doubt that she will continue to do the same on Wednesday.
I have every faith in her abilities.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 08:41:53 PM
This was billed as Joran's last interview. Even though he knew he didn't deserve it..He wanted a apology from Peter De Vries because he was released as a suspect.  When he didn't get it he acted out..In real life Joran will find out very soon that being spoiled rotten from your parents and getting away with everything is far different than real life. Next temper tantrum he throws might be with the wrong person and mommy and daddy wont be able to help. I am still convinced he will go down for what he did to Natalee. This was a small example of what he did to Natalee when she screamed at him and fought him for drugging and raping her.MO

Joran asking for a apology from De Vries
( (

After De Vries refuses to give him a apolgy
( (

It would make a very point if they could create a satire where they recreate the Joran episode in jest::)))))))Maybe Saturday Night Live will be next? If they can get an emmy for a "Dick in a Box" surely they can do something with "Lies by Joran On Camera Off Camera":)

Yes, those were images I saw, heard and read last night before the video with English subtitles was taken down. I keep thinking that someone must have captured it before it went down, and will repost it. It was very revealing to see what was being said in real time with the facial expressions while listening to the tone of voice and I WISH I had the ability to have copied it. :sad:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 08:42:38 PM
NM posted earlier that SK was posing as DK late that evening in chat(s).

I believe this 100%.

Deepak uses chat(s) as his alibi that night.
Satish has no alibi that evening, thus he was SLEEPING.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 08:47:48 PM
Beth has done an amazing job of keeping Natalee's story
in the forefront.  She had no experience being in front
of television cameras and yet she has done a fine job.
She was still in shock when she started on this merry go round.
She has been up against the best and the nastiest of
interviewers and has never backed down.  I have no
doubt that she will continue to do the same on Wednesday.
I have every faith in her abilities.

Absolutely! Recently I watched her very first interview on Aruban TV and I see Jug standing beside her looking at her to see how she was holding up..She has done a great job as it's not easy speaking in the bright lights with all that has happened. I pray she tells America all about this "Botched" Investigation involving Paul Van Der Sloots friends and campaign to protect tourism at all costs.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 08:48:50 PM
Really, Joran should do more shows.  The case was becoming old news after JK2 being released as suspects. 

Inside Edition....

Joran Throws Wine

It happened in the blink of an eye...

...A dramatic ending to a live television appearance by the former suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

Joran van der Sloot – one of the last people to see Natalee alive – appeared with his parents on a Dutch television show about the case.

There was a testy exchange with Dutch crime reporter Peter De Vries, who accused van der Sloot of lying to police. Van der Sloot, who has denied any wrongdoing in connection with Holloway's disappearance, wanted an apology, and did not get one.

Everyone stood to shake hands at the end of the live show, and then van der Sloot threw a glass of wine in De Vries’s face.

De Vries doubles over and a woman rushes to his aid as he tries to wipe the stinging wine out of his eyes.

De Vries told INSIDE EDITION, “When I wasn't paying any attention for a second, he grabbed a glass of wine off the table and threw it in my face...I couldn't believe what was happening, of course.”

Afterwards, De Vries said that both Joran’s mother and Joran himself apologized to him.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 08:50:17 PM
NM posted earlier that SK was posing as DK late that evening in chat(s).

I believe this 100%.

Deepak uses chat(s) as his alibi that night.
Satish has no alibi that evening, thus he was SLEEPING.

And sleeping and sleeping.  Didn't he sleep until noon or something and miss school?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 08:53:01 PM
SB - I have to believe Beth knows what she's doing.  I personally never watch Oprah but I will Wednesday. 

Klaas ... I agree.

Beth is one smart lady.  Beth is not deceived ... she realizes that she is being used by these talk show hosts for ratings ... she is being used by these talkshow hosts who have adopted an Aruban agenda.

However ... in turn ... Beth is using these guest appearances to get her message across ... the message that a corrupt Aruban investigation is continuing to deny her daughter justice in an attempt to protect Paulus and Joran from implication in the events of May 30, 2005.

Beth promised the Aruban Prime Minister that she would be Natalee's voice for the next 40 years and ... I believe with all my heart that she will.



Beth Twitty
'Scarborough Country'
October 24, 2005

HOLLOWAY-TWITTY:  I met with Prime Minister Oduber. I don‘t care who you put the pressure on, where it comes from, but I want—you need to figure it out. You need to figure out who needs to apply the pressure and where it needs to be applied, because you have to solve this crime. I said, you do not want to turn me loose from this island without an answer.”


TWITTY:  I have told Prime Minister Oduber that I will do this, I will be the voice of Natalee for the next 40 years. And I hope I have that long, because I will do it as long as I can.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 08:59:48 PM
NM posted earlier that SK was posing as DK late that evening in chat(s).

I believe this 100%.

Deepak uses chat(s) as his alibi that night.
Satish has no alibi that evening, thus he was SLEEPING.

I don't doubt that either.I think he jumped on MSN to create his alibi,stayed up all night with Mama Kalpoe and they both slept until 1:30 like his last PV says. Question is where was Deepak?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 09:01:02 PM

A year and 9 months after I uploaded to Webshots, the Natalee Holloway search photos from the CoolAruba site is still getting views.  111 views this week, that's amazing.  The album is #391 out of over 18,000 albums.   :wink:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 09:01:31 PM
Private Eye, your family is so lucky to have you! You seem to be such a good man.
I also hope that Anita reads your messages to her. You are so on the money.
I also agree that the Lord provided for both Beth and Oprah with this incident. I do not mean any disrespect by saying this is enjoyable to watch. After so long, it is just so much fun seeing the light shining on the darkness.  :D

I assure you I get more than I give to my family, and I am certainly no different or better than the next guy, and sometimes I am sure I might be worse:). Father, Mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, and inlaws, I have no complaints, even though I might bitch from time to time. However, I have never met anyone whom I would trade lives or families with, so I consider myself blessed.

 I knew the day Beth was first told of Natalee's disappearance that somebody had picked a fight with a girl who was prepared since birth for this fight and more than up for the challenge. She knows her Dad and family would have stopped the world until they found out what happened to her, taking no prisoners and pulling no punches, and by God she is going to do the same for her little girl. Maybe some can compalin about her methods, she certainly has never meant to harm the innocent and I am sure she has made some innocent mistakes as anyone actually working will do, but no one can doubt her maternal drive to protect her children. She was raised to believe that your children's welfare is the only thing that matters in the end and her most important job.

 Sometimes I wish she would say I'm tired and let her friends handle Joran, but I believe she is giving him more than he can handle, and doing it her way she can still get into heaven:)

When she told Aruba she would be Natalee's voice asking for justice until she breathed her last breath, she meant just that. She is in this for the long haul, so Aruba, pace yourself and be warned. It won't go away until you give her what she deserves, "Justice for Natalee."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 09:05:56 PM
Private Eye, your family is so lucky to have you! You seem to be such a good man.
I also hope that Anita reads your messages to her. You are so on the money.
I also agree that the Lord provided for both Beth and Oprah with this incident. I do not mean any disrespect by saying this is enjoyable to watch. After so long, it is just so much fun seeing the light shining on the darkness.  :D

I 2nd this post!! Amen!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 09:06:27 PM
NM posted earlier that SK was posing as DK late that evening in chat(s).

I believe this 100%.

Deepak uses chat(s) as his alibi that night.
Satish has no alibi that evening, thus he was SLEEPING.
Hi BuckShot,
I could never decide if sk, or dk, both or neither of them stayed w/ jurin after c&c. But after reading the wine-assult interview, if dk was w/ jurin, my guess is by the time the 2k computer records indicate they were on-line, dk realized he needed an alibi and had sk logon as dk. 2k did not even think sk would need an alibi, possibly b/c (imo) sk was not even at c&c, it was freddy. the same trio as in the Bailey Ann photos.
Maybe that is why dk was trying to protect sk b/c they didn't provide an alibi for sk.

here's a question for all.  Would dk even notice if sk was s-l-o-w?  :D

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: San on January 14, 2008, 09:07:23 PM
Beth has done an amazing job of keeping Natalee's story
in the forefront.  She had no experience being in front
of television cameras and yet she has done a fine job.
She was still in shock when she started on this merry go round.
She has been up against the best and the nastiest of
interviewers and has never backed down.  I have no
doubt that she will continue to do the same on Wednesday.
I have every faith in her abilities.

I agree Magnolia.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 09:08:04 PM

It would make a very point if they could create a satire where they recreate the Joran episode in jest::)))))))Maybe Saturday Night Live will be next? If they can get an emmy for a "Dick in a Box" surely they can do something with "Lies by Joran On Camera Off Camera":)

I suppose they could bring back John Lovitz again to do the Pathological Liar skit. She was doing Jello Shots and wanted to see da sharks then I dropped her off at the beach. How did you get home? I walked..With no shoes? Umm It was Deepak then..But he was on the computer at the time..Ok it was Satish..Yeh thats the ticket..I lied and thats the truth  :wink:

Other than the Holiday Inn fabrication ... I believe that each of Joran's accounts regarding how he got home that fateful morning as well as the insertion of the missing shoes has everything to do with implicating Deepak/Satish as being the last person/s alone with Natalee Holloway.

If Deepak or Satish admitted to picking up Joran at the beach they would be furthering Joran's agenda of implicating themselves in what happened to Natalee Holloway.  However ... if they maintain that they only dropped Natalee and Joran off at the Marriot Beach ... then they are implicating Joran as the last person with Natalee.

In my opinion, when you consider the gardener's observation at 2:30 AM on the morning that Natalee disappearance ... Joran, Deepak and Satish are all lying.   



Joran is implying that Deepak/Satish returned to beach after he  contacted Deepak and stated he was in the process of walking home after leaving Natalee at the beach sleeping.

Joran is implying that Deepak and Satish were the last persons observed with the missing 18 year old American citizen.

Joran is implying that Deepak could have encountered Natalee Holloway at the Marriot Beach where she had been left alone a short time previous

Joran is implying that Satish could have encountered Natalee Holloway at the Marriot Beach where she had been left alone a short time previous



Jossy Mansur
July 26, 2005

MANSUR: Because they were trying to hide their faces at that the hour, because we have to remember that the two Kalpoe brothers and Joran held on to the statement that they dropped Joran off at the beach and then went home. But here we have someone that says categorically that they did not go home, they were in the car with Joran. Joran was sitting in the driver`s seat.

Jossy Mansur
August 17, 2005

JOSSY MANSUR, MANAGING EDITOR, "DIARIO": I don`t know what`s happening, but the gardener, the witness, did stand by his story. He did confirm in front of the judge, in front of the defense attorneys, in front of the suspects, that he recognized, and he even recognized two of the three suspects that were there. He hasn`t changed his story one bit

Beth Twitty
February 23, 2006

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: ... Deepak panicked. He panicked when the gardener gave that testimony. That very afternoon, he called an Aruban girl to help him establish an alibi. She, in turn, panicked. She called FBI. She dialed the 1-877-NATALEE number and told them that she did not want to be involved in this.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 09:08:10 PM
Private Eye, your family is so lucky to have you! You seem to be such a good man.
I also hope that Anita reads your messages to her. You are so on the money.
I also agree that the Lord provided for both Beth and Oprah with this incident. I do not mean any disrespect by saying this is enjoyable to watch. After so long, it is just so much fun seeing the light shining on the darkness.  :D

I assure you I get more than I give to my family, and I am certainly no different or better than the next guy, and sometimes I am sure I might be worse:). Father, Mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, and inlaws, I have no complaints, even though I might bitch from time to time. However, I have never met anyone whom I would trade lives or families with, so I consider myself blessed.

 I knew the day Beth was first told of Natalee's disappearance that somebody had picked a fight with a girl who was prepared since birth for this fight and more than up for the challenge. She knows her Dad and family would have stopped the world until they found out what happened to her, taking no prisoners and pulling no punches, and by God she is going to do the same for her little girl. Maybe some can compalin about her methods, she certainly has never meant to harm the innocent and I am sure she has made some innocent mistakes as anyone actually working will do, but no one can doubt her maternal drive to protect her children. She was raised to believe that your children's welfare is the only thing that matters in the end and her most important job.

 Sometimes I wish she would say I'm tired and let her friends handle Joran, but I believe she is giving him more than he can handle, and doing it her way she can still get into heaven:)

When she told Aruba she would be Natalee's voice asking for justice until she breathed her last breath, she meant just that. She is in this for the long haul, so Aruba, pace yourself and be warned. It won't go away until you give her what she deserves, "Justice for Natalee."

yet another great post PI!! Keep 'em coming. You always hit it right on the mark.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:08:12 PM
I assure you I get more than I give to my family, and I am certainly no different or better than the next guy, and sometimes I am sure I might be worse:). Father, Mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, and inlaws, I have no complaints, even though I might bitch from time to time. However, I have never met anyone whom I would trade lives or families with, so I consider myself blessed.

 I knew the day Beth was first told of Natalee's disappearance that somebody had picked a fight with a girl who was prepared since birth for this fight and more than up for the challenge. She knows her Dad and family would have stopped the world until they found out what happened to her, taking no prisoners and pulling no punches, and by God she is going to do the same for her little girl. Maybe some can compalin about her methods, she certainly has never meant to harm the innocent and I am sure she has made some innocent mistakes as anyone actually working will do, but no one can doubt her maternal drive to protect her children. She was raised to believe that your children's welfare is the only thing that matters in the end and her most important job.

 Sometimes I wish she would say I'm tired and let her friends handle Joran, but I believe she is giving him more than he can handle, and doing it her way she can still get into heaven:)

When she told Aruba she would be Natalee's voice asking for justice until she breathed her last breath, she meant just that. She is in this for the long haul, so Aruba, pace yourself and be warned. It won't go away until you give her what she deserves, "Justice for Natalee."

Well said PI, and she will have a lot of company I can assure you. It ain't over til Beth says it's over!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 09:10:09 PM

A year and 9 months after I uploaded to Webshots, the Natalee Holloway search photos from the CoolAruba site is still getting views.  111 views this week, that's amazing.  The album is #391 out of over 18,000 albums.   :wink:


WOW Klaas...that is amazing!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 09:10:43 PM
Really, Joran should do more shows.  The case was becoming old news after JK2 being released as suspects. 

Inside Edition....

Joran Throws Wine

It happened in the blink of an eye...

...A dramatic ending to a live television appearance by the former suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

Joran van der Sloot – one of the last people to see Natalee alive – appeared with his parents on a Dutch television show about the case.

There was a testy exchange with Dutch crime reporter Peter De Vries, who accused van der Sloot of lying to police. Van der Sloot, who has denied any wrongdoing in connection with Holloway's disappearance, wanted an apology, and did not get one.

Everyone stood to shake hands at the end of the live show, and then van der Sloot threw a glass of wine in De Vries’s face.

De Vries doubles over and a woman rushes to his aid as he tries to wipe the stinging wine out of his eyes.

De Vries told INSIDE EDITION, “When I wasn't paying any attention for a second, he grabbed a glass of wine off the table and threw it in my face...I couldn't believe what was happening, of course.”

Afterwards, De Vries said that both Joran’s mother and Joran himself apologized to him.
Interesting. no mention of pvds. Maybe he was still running!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 09:11:23 PM
Well, good night Monkeys, I am going to so snuggle with my little guy.
Keep the faith!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:11:37 PM

A year and 9 months after I uploaded to Webshots, the Natalee Holloway search photos from the CoolAruba site is still getting views.  111 views this week, that's amazing.  The album is #391 out of over 18,000 albums.   :wink:


Attagirl!!! Kudos Klaas!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 14, 2008, 09:15:31 PM
zzzzzz...I am feeling so invisible lately!!!  :2doh:
Well night all anyhoo

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 09:15:58 PM

A year and 9 months after I uploaded to Webshots, the Natalee Holloway search photos from the CoolAruba site is still getting views.  111 views this week, that's amazing.  The album is #391 out of over 18,000 albums.   :wink:

Attagirl!!! Kudos Klaas!

Yup Attagirl! I still think that area they searched and what they found that day is very important.MO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:16:28 PM
Really, Joran should do more shows.  The case was becoming old news after JK2 being released as suspects. 

Though billed as his last interview I doubt he'll be able to keep his mouth shut. Sooner or later somebody's gonna put a fist down his throat that'll send his teeth flying out his ass.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 09:17:14 PM
NM posted earlier that SK was posing as DK late that evening in chat(s).

I believe this 100%.

Deepak uses chat(s) as his alibi that night.
Satish has no alibi that evening, thus he was SLEEPING.

And sleeping and sleeping.  Didn't he sleep until noon or something and miss school?
no wonder he is still in 12th grade!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 09:17:21 PM
I assure you I get more than I give to my family, and I am certainly no different or better than the next guy, and sometimes I am sure I might be worse:). Father, Mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, and inlaws, I have no complaints, even though I might bitch from time to time. However, I have never met anyone whom I would trade lives or families with, so I consider myself blessed.

 I knew the day Beth was first told of Natalee's disappearance that somebody had picked a fight with a girl who was prepared since birth for this fight and more than up for the challenge. She knows her Dad and family would have stopped the world until they found out what happened to her, taking no prisoners and pulling no punches, and by God she is going to do the same for her little girl. Maybe some can compalin about her methods, she certainly has never meant to harm the innocent and I am sure she has made some innocent mistakes as anyone actually working will do, but no one can doubt her maternal drive to protect her children. She was raised to believe that your children's welfare is the only thing that matters in the end and her most important job.

 Sometimes I wish she would say I'm tired and let her friends handle Joran, but I believe she is giving him more than he can handle, and doing it her way she can still get into heaven:)

When she told Aruba she would be Natalee's voice asking for justice until she breathed her last breath, she meant just that. She is in this for the long haul, so Aruba, pace yourself and be warned. It won't go away until you give her what she deserves, "Justice for Natalee."

Well said PI, and she will have a lot of company I can assure you. It ain't over til Beth says it's over!

I know for a fact she depends on and appreciates all of you.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 09:17:23 PM

I assure you I get more than I give to my family, and I am certainly no different or better than the next guy, and sometimes I am sure I might be worse:). Father, Mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, and inlaws, I have no complaints, even though I might bitch from time to time. However, I have never met anyone whom I would trade lives or families with, so I consider myself blessed.

 I knew the day Beth was first told of Natalee's disappearance that somebody had picked a fight with a girl who was prepared since birth for this fight and more than up for the challenge. She knows her Dad and family would have stopped the world until they found out what happened to her, taking no prisoners and pulling no punches, and by God she is going to do the same for her little girl. Maybe some can compalin about her methods, she certainly has never meant to harm the innocent and I am sure she has made some innocent mistakes as anyone actually working will do, but no one can doubt her maternal drive to protect her children. She was raised to believe that your children's welfare is the only thing that matters in the end and her most important job.

 Sometimes I wish she would say I'm tired and let her friends handle Joran, but I believe she is giving him more than he can handle, and doing it her way she can still get into heaven:)

When she told Aruba she would be Natalee's voice asking for justice until she breathed her last breath, she meant just that. She is in this for the long haul, so Aruba, pace yourself and be warned. It won't go away until you give her what she deserves, "Justice for Natalee."

PI ... God Bless.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 09:17:41 PM
zzzzzz...I am feeling so invisible lately!!!  :2doh:
Well night all anyhoo

I know what ya mean ..Happens to us all :wink: Night :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 09:17:42 PM
zzzzzz...I am feeling so invisible lately!!!  :2doh:
Well night all anyhoo

NOPE - not invisible.  Goodnight ldstlou, give you son a big HUG for us.  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 09:19:52 PM

Though billed as his last interview I doubt he'll be able to keep his mouth shut. Sooner or later somebody's gonna put a fist down his throat that'll send his teeth flying out his ass.


Hi Dayhiker.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 09:19:56 PM
Really, Joran should do more shows.  The case was becoming old news after JK2 being released as suspects. 

Though billed as his last interview I doubt he'll be able to keep his mouth shut. Sooner or later somebody's gonna put a fist down his throat that'll send his teeth flying out his ass.

I bet we could raise a fortune if we auctioned that right to the highest bidder:))))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 09:21:49 PM
Really, Joran should do more shows.  The case was becoming old news after JK2 being released as suspects. 

Though billed as his last interview I doubt he'll be able to keep his mouth shut. Sooner or later somebody's gonna put a fist down his throat that'll send his teeth flying out his ass.

I bet we could raise a fortune if we auctioned that right to the highest bidder:))))))))))

ROFLMAO at you guys  :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:23:03 PM

Second, where is Taco?  hehe Someone else mentioned that if we don't hear from him we'll know he's off the payroll.

I said that Memphis and will be glued to Greta tonight to (A) see if she even covers it since joran is her golden boy and (B) if she does whether Taco will be there to defend the indefensible.

We'll see whether the Mafia has cut the money spigot off now that Joran has been released.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:24:31 PM

Though billed as his last interview I doubt he'll be able to keep his mouth shut. Sooner or later somebody's gonna put a fist down his throat that'll send his teeth flying out his ass.


Hi Dayhiker.


Good evening Janet, and pardon my French in that post.  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 09:24:41 PM

Second, where is Taco?  hehe Someone else mentioned that if we don't hear from him we'll know he's off the payroll.

I said that Memphis and will be glued to Greta tonight to (A) see if she even covers it since joran is her golden boy and (B) if she does whether Taco will be there to defend the indefensible.

We'll see whether the Mafia has cut the money spigot off now that Joran has been released.

Greta is in the middle east with the President.  I doubt she'll be covering it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 09:24:55 PM
zzzzzz...I am feeling so invisible lately!!!  :2doh:
Well night all anyhoo

Nite, Lisa.  I heard every word you said.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 09:26:55 PM
zzzzzz...I am feeling so invisible lately!!!  :2doh:
Well night all anyhoo

Nite, Lisa.  I heard every word you said.

Make that 2 of us:)))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 09:27:08 PM
JORAN and family most definitely were on a PR campaign, as was (prior to this interview) their goal for the near future. They surely felt (a false sense of) legitimacy (in a corrupted investigation), having been recently released as suspects in the disappearance of NATALEE HOLLOWAY. DE VRIES has never been an ally of JVDS, nor been soft on questioning him in his role in the disappearance.  I agree that certain buttons were pushed and JVDS struggled to suppress his violent streak.  Then, as published, IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, JORAN (probably thinking he was completely off camera) seized his opportunity to RAGE.

The VAN DER SLOOTS can not be happy, after the off-air segment has been broadcast, via internet, to many people.  It surely will do damage to their efforts to paint him as a poster child.  In fact, aside from negating the whole interview, it has actually allowed many to see a side of him that has been sheltered / covered.  People will think... hmmm... if he can RAGE so quickly in this situation, what level of RAGE did he put on display that fateful evening with NATALEE HOLLOWAY ???

DE VRIES, out of revenge, and in searching for the truth, should focus the next several years of his career on trailing JORAN and his explosive behavior.  Wonder what thoughts bounce around in JORAN's head on a daily basis... His own demons (from that fateful evening) will eat at him for years and years to come. KARMA - WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND !!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:27:10 PM

Though billed as his last interview I doubt he'll be able to keep his mouth shut. Sooner or later somebody's gonna put a fist down his throat that'll send his teeth flying out his ass.

I bet we could raise a fortune if we auctioned that right to the highest bidder:))))))))))

Count on me being on the front row, PI.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZSunny on January 14, 2008, 09:28:39 PM
Beth has gone into the lion's den (of the media) MANY times now and always does well. I don't think that Beth shouldn't DO it... she has kept Greta's numbers afloat for 2 1/2 years... but I call into question the agenda that Oprah has in doing this NOW, after the fact, basically... It speaks volumes to me that it didn't happen until Joran was released from suspect status, and then IMMEDIATELY thereafter.

You watch and see if there isn't a heavy accident/someone else did it slant in that show.

ARUBA and the THUGS who run it DO NOT WANT A CRIME TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED HERE and the left and the mob in Europe and the US is 100% COMPLICIT in this.

SB,  rather than slam Ophra and whatever intent she has to have Beth on the show, why don't you just wait and see?  I do hope that Beth will open up more, and not keep repeating the same thing, or at least Ophra will ask more interesting questions.  This is a great opportunity for Beth with a wide audience.  Am I an Ophra fan?  I don't know, I don't remember ever watching the show..but it does give Beth and her story more air time.  Get off the slam, and just let it happen!  This is Beth's decision. All the shows, Greta and all included, are out for ratings!  Isnt' that a given yet?  It is still an opportunity for Beth to take to the airways...and let's take every opportunity that gives us this kind of market.  Why do you think we hit the travel shows...every little bit matters. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:30:54 PM
JORAN and family most definitely were on a PR campaign, as was (prior to this interview) their goal for the near future. They surely felt (a false sense of) legitimacy (in a corrupted investigation), having been recently released as suspects in the disappearance of NATALEE HOLLOWAY. DE VRIES has never been an ally of JVDS, nor been soft on questioning him in his role in the disappearance.  I agree that certain buttons were pushed and JVDS struggled to suppress his violent streak.  Then, as published, IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, JORAN (probably thinking he was completely off camera) seized his opportunity to RAGE.

The VAN DER SLOOTS can not be happy, after the off-air segment has been broadcast, via internet, to many people.  It surely will do damage to their efforts to paint him as a poster child.  In fact, aside from negating the whole interview, it has actually allowed many to see a side of him that has been sheltered / covered.  People will think... hmmm... if he can RAGE so quickly in this situation, what level of RAGE did he put on display that fateful evening with NATALEE HOLLOWAY ???

DE VRIES, out of revenge, and in searching for the truth, should focus the next several years of his career on trailing JORAN and his explosive behavior.  Wonder what thoughts bounce around in JORAN's head on a daily basis... His own demons (from that fateful evening) will eat at him for years and years to come. KARMA - WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND !!!

Exactly Buckshot. He shows all the signs of being on a death trip. All he had to do was walk away from that interview but in three seconds he destroyed everything his parents had set up for him. He doesn't care about them, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and he showed the world what a reckless, angry, out of control jackass he is.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 09:32:45 PM

Though billed as his last interview I doubt he'll be able to keep his mouth shut. Sooner or later somebody's gonna put a fist down his throat that'll send his teeth flying out his ass.

I bet we could raise a fortune if we auctioned that right to the highest bidder:))))))))))

Count on me being on the front row, PI.

And second prize is getting to do the same to Renho. :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 14, 2008, 09:33:10 PM
SB, you and Tyler are just Rpublicans. :lol:

I will withold judgement until I see the show.

Realism has little to do with anything else.  I never knew about Oprah's politics until she recently endorsed Obama, but I have always seen that chip on her shoulder and her advancing the lowest common denominator of our society.  If Jerry Springer were prettier, his ratings and Oprah's would be the same; they have a similar agenda.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZSunny on January 14, 2008, 09:33:14 PM
Does anyone else see this when looking at pvds?
All his facial features are in the lower 1/3 of his face.


More like JVDS to me :smt092

Ma ma.  Ma ma.

lol Klaas you are the fastest photoshopper in the West! and everywhere!

Klaas, you just determined tonights nightmare...that is so frightening to me. (and I really don't have many dreams!)  oh please...not tonight!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 09:33:23 PM
Private Eye, your family is so lucky to have you! You seem to be such a good man.
I also hope that Anita reads your messages to her. You are so on the money.
I also agree that the Lord provided for both Beth and Oprah with this incident. I do not mean any disrespect by saying this is enjoyable to watch. After so long, it is just so much fun seeing the light shining on the darkness.  :D

I assure you I get more than I give to my family, and I am certainly no different or better than the next guy, and sometimes I am sure I might be worse:). Father, Mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, and inlaws, I have no complaints, even though I might bitch from time to time. However, I have never met anyone whom I would trade lives or families with, so I consider myself blessed.

 I knew the day Beth was first told of Natalee's disappearance that somebody had picked a fight with a girl who was prepared since birth for this fight and more than up for the challenge. She knows her Dad and family would have stopped the world until they found out what happened to her, taking no prisoners and pulling no punches, and by God she is going to do the same for her little girl. Maybe some can compalin about her methods, she certainly has never meant to harm the innocent and I am sure she has made some innocent mistakes as anyone actually working will do, but no one can doubt her maternal drive to protect her children. She was raised to believe that your children's welfare is the only thing that matters in the end and her most important job.

 Sometimes I wish she would say I'm tired and let her friends handle Joran, but I believe she is giving him more than he can handle, and doing it her way she can still get into heaven:)

When she told Aruba she would be Natalee's voice asking for justice until she breathed her last breath, she meant just that. She is in this for the long haul, so Aruba, pace yourself and be warned. It won't go away until you give her what she deserves, "Justice for Natalee."

I'm behind, but thumbs up to this...Yes!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 09:33:40 PM
NM posted earlier that SK was posing as DK late that evening in chat(s).

I believe this 100%.

Deepak uses chat(s) as his alibi that night.
Satish has no alibi that evening, thus he was SLEEPING.

I don't doubt that either.I think he jumped on MSN to create his alibi,stayed up all night with Mama Kalpoe and they both slept until 1:30 like his last PV says. Question is where was Deepak?
Hi Obs,
wherever jurin was. If dk told ale that jurin hit Natalee and Natalee died in a bad way then why doesn't he roll on jurin or ale get jurin? oh, maybe he did roll on jurin and pvds and friends will not let that happen.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:34:04 PM
I am mazed reading at other sites that they are saying that the video of him throwing the wine should not be available to the public...

Good luck to them on that one, lol! It has only appeared on every major and minor network but is all over the internet, forever burned into countless millions of brain cells all over the world.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 09:36:46 PM
OPRAH definitely has an audience, as proven by TV ratings.

BETH appearing on her show will, without a doubt, reach many viewers.  

This has the opportunity to expose a lot of information. I have no opinion on OPRAH, as a person or talk show host.  I hope the platform she gives BETH is used to the fullest in accomplishing whatever she wishes.  TUNE IN !!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:36:48 PM
If Greta had interviewed him PROPERLY -- she too would have been doused. :-|

Nope, she's female. He would have raped her, killed her, and disposed of her body with the help of his father and every Dutch judge in Curacao..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 09:38:15 PM

Second, where is Taco?  hehe Someone else mentioned that if we don't hear from him we'll know he's off the payroll.

I said that Memphis and will be glued to Greta tonight to (A) see if she even covers it since joran is her golden boy and (B) if she does whether Taco will be there to defend the indefensible.

We'll see whether the Mafia has cut the money spigot off now that Joran has been released.

Greta is in the middle east with the President.  I doubt she'll be covering it.

Has "On the Record" with Greta's guest host happened yet?  Please post any updates in the Matthew Wilson thread in the Missing Persons section.

Thank you.



Comment by Greta Van Susteren
January 13th, 2008 at 9:11 am

I am in the Middle East but I am monitoring Matthew Wilson case….we were going to do it Friday but then ran into breaking news….I have a guest host Monday and perhaps he/she will do this…

Cathy's daughter was suppose to be on Friday when Cathy was on Dana Pretzer's show. So hopefully Monday.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 09:39:04 PM
Beth has gone into the lion's den (of the media) MANY times now and always does well. I don't think that Beth shouldn't DO it... she has kept Greta's numbers afloat for 2 1/2 years... but I call into question the agenda that Oprah has in doing this NOW, after the fact, basically... It speaks volumes to me that it didn't happen until Joran was released from suspect status, and then IMMEDIATELY thereafter.

You watch and see if there isn't a heavy accident/someone else did it slant in that show.

ARUBA and the THUGS who run it DO NOT WANT A CRIME TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED HERE and the left and the mob in Europe and the US is 100% COMPLICIT in this.

SB,  rather than slam Ophra and whatever intent she has to have Beth on the show, why don't you just wait and see?  I do hope that Beth will open up more, and not keep repeating the same thing, or at least Ophra will ask more interesting questions.  This is a great opportunity for Beth with a wide audience.  Am I an Ophra fan?  I don't know, I don't remember ever watching the show..but it does give Beth and her story more air time.  Get off the slam, and just let it happen!  This is Beth's decision. All the shows, Greta and all included, are out for ratings!  Isnt' that a given yet?  It is still an opportunity for Beth to take to the airways...and let's take every opportunity that gives us this kind of market.  Why do you think we hit the travel shows...every little bit matters. 

I agree 100%. Maybe the "Why II Believe Joran Is Involved And A Cover Up Occurred" followed up by "20 Reason To Boycott Aruba Beginning With The Safety Of Your Own Family." Oprah is providing Beth a huge opportunity and we can really asks no more.

But if Beth is reading, just relax, be yourself, step up to the plate, and hit the ball squarely. No pressure, don't swing for the fence, just meet the ball and you will do great. Your position is one of right, and right is always might:))))))))))) Natalee is surely cheering you on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 09:41:03 PM
OPRAH definitely has an audience, as proven by TV ratings.

BETH appearing on her show will, without a doubt, reach many viewers.  

This has the opportunity to expose a lot of information. I have no opinion on OPRAH, as a person or talk show host.  I hope the platform she gives BETH is used to the fullest in accomplishing whatever she wishes.  TUNE IN !!!

YEP  :thumright:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:41:47 PM

Indicative of a lenient socialist/near-communist society that will remove this.  This is where the rubber meets the road on "freedom of speech/press, etc."

Near Communist is right, Tyler. Their judicial system is virtually no different from a Communist system. Totally closed, totally opaque, and unaswerable to no one.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 09:42:31 PM

A year and 9 months after I uploaded to Webshots, the Natalee Holloway search photos from the CoolAruba site is still getting views.  111 views this week, that's amazing.  The album is #391 out of over 18,000 albums.   :wink:

Wow Klaas that is great!  It is amazing.  And I never can get the words to say how truly wonderful you are and how great is the work that you do for Natalee, SM and us. Thank you.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 09:43:37 PM
Pardon me for the off the wall comment, but...

A week or so ago, a poster had suggested the possibility of NATALEE vomiting, while in the car, on JORAN.  

I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS IS TRUE, but I have considered it as possibilty, along with (sorry for being GRAPHIC) NATALEE, in defending herself, biting (crotch) / kicking / puching her captor(s).  

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kat_Gram on January 14, 2008, 09:43:57 PM
I say out of American politics, usually. Number ones : Because I am not an American and if I was, I don't know what I would be, BUT, I have a problem with celebrities endorsing candidates. Or worse, appearing on talk shows or having a talk show which is an entertainment show and expressing their political views.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 09:46:41 PM

Nite Idstlou. Happy snuggling!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 09:46:53 PM
OPRAH definitely has an audience, as proven by TV ratings.

BETH appearing on her show will, without a doubt, reach many viewers.  

This has the opportunity to expose a lot of information. I have no opinion on OPRAH, as a person or talk show host.  I hope the platform she gives BETH is used to the fullest in accomplishing whatever she wishes.  TUNE IN !!!

I don't have an opinion on here either but she is very close to Dr. Phil so I wouldn't look for any land mines. From what I have seen of her show she does like stories about human struggles so this should be right up her alley.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 09:49:18 PM
NM posted earlier that SK was posing as DK late that evening in chat(s).

I believe this 100%.

Deepak uses chat(s) as his alibi that night.
Satish has no alibi that evening, thus he was SLEEPING.

I don't doubt that either.I think he jumped on MSN to create his alibi,stayed up all night with Mama Kalpoe and they both slept until 1:30 like his last PV says. Question is where was Deepak?
Hi Obs,
wherever jurin was. If dk told ale that jurin hit Natalee and Natalee died in a bad way then why doesn't he roll on jurin or ale get jurin? oh, maybe he did roll on jurin and pvds and friends will not let that happen.

Hi NM,

Absolutely! Also we still haven't heard the modus operandi for that evening. Deepak most certainly wasn't driving and waiting on Joran all night just to be a good buddy. They didn't even get to the bar until after midnight! I think the deal was to just keep it between them 3 and leave everyone else out of it. When they implicated PVDS then Joran said it was them who picked them up.

That was quite startling to hear,although we all knew Natalee was hit in the head somehow :( Now if he indeed was telling the truth in a drug out state to his buddy about Natalee being 10 miles out...That would give them all the confidence in the world she would never be found and it gives the Persistence a precise area to look. Hopefully it was the NW tip of that hell hole.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 09:54:17 PM
Janet - I have FOX turned on in the other room.  I'll try to see if Matthew's case is discussed and take notes.  Unfortunately, I often miss stuff BECAUSE the TV is in the other room but I'll try  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 09:55:53 PM
I say out of American politics, usually. Number ones : Because I am not an American and if I was, I don't know what I would be, BUT, I have a problem with celebrities endorsing candidates. Or worse, appearing on talk shows or having a talk show which is an entertainment show and expressing their political views.

Oprah pulled herself up be her own boot straps, coming from less than modest beginnings and arsing despite her victimization by a relative ( they say creme floats to the top), so while I might be against it personally, I support her right to work and use her means to affect change in America by participating in the election of a President. Its her good name to use as she see's fit. Of course, I wish she would use that name to support the candidtae of my choice, and one day her present choice will be my future choice, but this is the way the cookie crumbles in America:)))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 14, 2008, 09:55:56 PM
Private Eye, your family is so lucky to have you! You seem to be such a good man.
I also hope that Anita reads your messages to her. You are so on the money.
I also agree that the Lord provided for both Beth and Oprah with this incident. I do not mean any disrespect by saying this is enjoyable to watch. After so long, it is just so much fun seeing the light shining on the darkness.  :D

I assure you I get more than I give to my family, and I am certainly no different or better than the next guy, and sometimes I am sure I might be worse:). Father, Mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, and inlaws, I have no complaints, even though I might bitch from time to time. However, I have never met anyone whom I would trade lives or families with, so I consider myself blessed.

 I knew the day Beth was first told of Natalee's disappearance that somebody had picked a fight with a girl who was prepared since birth for this fight and more than up for the challenge. She knows her Dad and family would have stopped the world until they found out what happened to her, taking no prisoners and pulling no punches, and by God she is going to do the same for her little girl. Maybe some can compalin about her methods, she certainly has never meant to harm the innocent and I am sure she has made some innocent mistakes as anyone actually working will do, but no one can doubt her maternal drive to protect her children. She was raised to believe that your children's welfare is the only thing that matters in the end and her most important job.

 Sometimes I wish she would say I'm tired and let her friends handle Joran, but I believe she is giving him more than he can handle, and doing it her way she can still get into heaven:)

When she told Aruba she would be Natalee's voice asking for justice until she breathed her last breath, she meant just that. She is in this for the long haul, so Aruba, pace yourself and be warned. It won't go away until you give her what she deserves, "Justice for Natalee."

I'm behind, but thumbs up to this...Yes!


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 09:56:31 PM
Is it true deVries is going to be on Greta tonight?  Going to tune in and see.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 10:02:19 PM
Obs, when VietVet, poster on Frontpage, friend of Jugs, said someone with other reliable info told him jurin hit Natalee with a bat I didn't want to believe it b/c it was Natalee. But I never forgot that info, Now the wine-assault interview where dk states similar thing.  Urgh, it is better if I don't connect the dots sometimes.

Tamikosmom, Greta is just starting now. Covering murdered pregnant marine now.

Also the Gardener ID jurin, dk, and not 100% sk, IMO, could have been freddy.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 10:02:55 PM
Janet - I have FOX turned on in the other room.  I'll try to see if Matthew's case is discussed and take notes.  Unfortunately, I often miss stuff BECAUSE the TV is in the other room but I'll try  :wink:

Klaas ... I was only requesting updates if one of the Monkeys happen to be watching.  I can wait until until tomorrow when FOX posts the transcript.

Thank you.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 10:03:01 PM
Janet - I have FOX turned on in the other room.  I'll try to see if Matthew's case is discussed and take notes.  Unfortunately, I often miss stuff BECAUSE the TV is in the other room but I'll try  :wink:

Greta/Megan is covering the Marine case right now.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 10:04:08 PM
Is it true deVries is going to be on Greta tonight?  Going to tune in and see.

OH, I didn't know that.  I've got it on now, will go back and watch.  Right now they are covering the Marine case.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on January 14, 2008, 10:04:53 PM
Wanna say hi real quick.. not on for long..

KLAAS    Got your email yeaterday.. LOL  I wrote to you..  hotmail acct. Dont know if you got it?
Gonna go watch FOX.. can't wait to see what Devries has to say !!
Have a great night everyone!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 10:05:29 PM
Oprah will give Beth a huge audience for advancing her cause and telling Natalee's story.  But she could have had Beth on before and didn't.  I don't really trust anyone who promotes that theory that only blonde white victims get any coverage as I would be just as concerned about Natalee regardless of her race, etc.

So there is good and bad to be said about the situation but in the end, I do believe Beth will carry the day and get her message out, a message not even a popular talk show host would want to take anything away from.

So I think it will be good on Wednesday but may have to watch on YouTube like so many as have appointment around that time.

Beth can easily handle Oprah who will not want to come across as uncaring to the mother of a crime victim.  And she is helping Beth to keep Natalee's tragedy in front of the viewing public which at the end of the day, is the most important thing in my opinion.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 10:08:39 PM
Is it true deVries is going to be on Greta tonight?  Going to tune in and see.

OH, I didn't know that.  I've got it on now, will go back and watch.  Right now they are covering the Marine case.

I saw it posted at BFN but did not hear it myself. 

I sure hope so!  DeVries should appear with eyes bandaged just to give Sporter a little something to think about even if they are OK which I pray they, his eyes, are. :D


Ya know, since Joran likes jokes and all so well.  Just saying. . . . .

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 10:09:23 PM
Oprah will give Beth a huge audience for advancing her cause and telling Natalee's story.  But she could have had Beth on before and didn't.  I don't really trust anyone who promotes that theory that only blonde white victims get any coverage as I would be just as concerned about Natalee regardless of her race, etc.

So there is good and bad to be said about the situation but in the end, I do believe Beth will carry the day and get her message out, a message not even a popular talk show host would want to take anything away from.

So I think it will be good on Wednesday but may have to watch on YouTube like so many as have appointment around that time.

Beth can easily handle Oprah who will not want to come across as uncaring to the mother of a crime victim.  And she is helping Beth to keep Natalee's tragedy in front of the viewing public which at the end of the day, is the most important thing in my opinion.


Reckon Oprah knows Posner? :shock:  Chicago!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 10:12:15 PM

Obs, when VietVet, poster on Frontpage, friend of Jugs, said someone with other reliable info told him jurin hit Natalee with a bat I didn't want to believe it b/c it was Natalee. But I never forgot that info, Now the wine-assault interview where dk states similar thing.  Urgh, it is better if I don't connect the dots sometimes.

Tamikosmom, Greta is just starting now. Covering murdered pregnant marine now.

Also the Gardener ID jurin, dk, and not 100% sk, IMO, could have been freddy.

viet vet - Jug Twitty's friend
FP comments
December 6

Speaking of off the record comments, we were told were to find Joran at the International School on a Friday , June 2 or 3, have it in my notes. Was also told Joran hit Natalee with an aluminum baseball bat…in the head. The same man told me both stories and guess what, Joran was at the International School that day, hiding. He was sleeping over there rather than home,,, scared he was. The fine Aruba Police followed us to the school that day or maybe we would already have solved this case. Yeah Karin, a bounch of cowboys…

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 10:12:23 PM
I wonder a few things, for anyone to elaborate on or disagree with...

1) If SATISH was at home, providing an alibi for DEEPAK, why would he still be involved with all of the arrest detentions, etc ?

The only reason would be to protect and stand by, in solidarity, for his big brother. Being the dealer of narcotics (WHICH HE MAY NOT BE), which were eventually spiked into NATALEE'S drink (IF THAT WAS HIM), would not have kept him so tied to the disappearance.  Worry of PAULUS' intimidating threats (IF MADE) would surely have been eased by an attorney (IF IT APPLIED).  UNLESS I am completely missing something more concrete, describing a more important role, by SATISH, in the disappearance.... I do agree that JORAN made every effort possible to implicate the KALPOE brothers, by placing them at the scene, and casting doubt as to the last person to have been with NATALEE on the fateful evening.

2) Were the rocks a part of the crime scene? And do the ARUBAY videos have any importance, other than a mystique factor?

Some have suggested that the rocks were part of the crime scene, while others have dismissed them as being a RED HERRING.  

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 10:13:01 PM
I think Posner is about, what, now?  76 years old?  I don't think that he is the force he once was and is likely in retirement phases of some sort or other.  Unless crime contributes to longevity in some way or other.

Oprah is pretty independent and I believe an Alabama or Mississippi girl?  Not native to Chicago as most of the Outfit are.  Don't think she has connections to them but she does have her own ideas about lots of things.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 10:20:46 PM
zzzzzz...I am feeling so invisible lately!!!  :2doh:
Well night all anyhoo

ldstlou ... I heard your every word and ... thank you for your contribution to the SM forum.  I apologize for not responding ... I was somewhat distracted tonight.

Enjoy snuggling with your little guy while you can ... the years fly and ... before you know it he will rather be snuggling with someone other than his Mommy.

God Bless


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 10:21:18 PM
The pregnant Marine, the hiker who was killed by this maniac who has apparently done  so to others, and on and on it goes.

So many missing and I do care about each and every one of them, just so many hours in the day and I can't give my heart away again the way I did to Beth.  Too painful!

But how sad all these people who just vanish are for their families and how evil those who do these deeds!  But watching the level of investigation in this country and the joke of one in Aruba just makes me all the more angry at the way Natalee's disappearance was treated so very lightly by those who should have been there for her and weren't.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 10:23:05 PM
Angie - yes, got your email, just haven't had time to reply properly.  Will later tonight,thanks!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 10:27:12 PM
With regard to all of the facts (and rumors) in the case after nearly three years...
There have been some very insightful and intuitive thinking done in this forum.

How neat, hypothetically, and in a perfect world, would it be to congregate all monkeys at the same time with the HOLLOWAY/TWITTY families, and all others, who have contributed their unique ideas, in the same room with a huge blank dry erase board sitting next to every shred of evidence from PV's, videotape, audio, etc. All could contribute, while confirming facts, disspelling rumors, and brainstorming as to the inticate details surrounding that evening and the subsequent weeks and months thereafter.  A detailed timeline could probably be detailed to the nanosecond. BETH's journal would sure be of value.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 14, 2008, 10:27:33 PM
Niters sweat Monkeys, going to hit the hay.

Hi Angie!!!!!

Thanks for finding that clip.

Up next on Greta the wine assault and DeVries!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 10:27:40 PM
On FOX - DeVries will be on!  Coming up next!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 10:27:42 PM
She just said coming up after the commercial.

Usually they save Natalee until the very very last on the program, however, so we shall see.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 14, 2008, 10:29:18 PM

viet vet - Jug Twitty's friend
FP comments
December 6

Speaking of off the record comments, we were told were to find Joran at the International School on a Friday , June 2 or 3, have it in my notes. Was also told Joran hit Natalee with an aluminum baseball bat…in the head. The same man told me both stories and guess what, Joran was at the International School that day, hiding. He was sleeping over there rather than home,,, scared he was. The fine Aruba Police followed us to the school that day or maybe we would already have solved this case. Yeah Karin, a bounch of cowboys…

I have never forgotten this either and I could care less what others say about VietVet. He was in Aruba almost in the very beginning and I believe he was told this and it very well could be true :(  Not sure where he would get a baseball bat from unless it was at the house or Deepak kept one in his car. My guess is Natalee punched,kicked and did everything possible to get away. Joran went berzerk after getting embarrased and punched in the face. Not only is he a spoiled rotten brat who gets away with everything,But he's a drug using punk with a violent temper. Bad combination!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 10:30:09 PM
I just cannot shake astonishment at those who have always maintained Joran's innocence and are just now letting the possibility that he knows more than he's telling creep into their minds. And it's a reaction to seeing him throw wine at someone!

That's so interesting to me! It's got to be the visual, right? Remember the footage we've seen a thousand times of Joran in the front seat of a police car handcuffed with his hands behind his back? Everytime I see it I notice a moment where he purposefully looks pitiful. His eyebrows go up, and he adopts what he obviously believes is a "meek" and pleading expression. A snippet of it is at 3:10 of this video:

I really think that some people listened to the interviews and just could not connect a murderous crime with the kid they were seeing! Nevermind the FACTS, he just didn't "seem" capable of hurting Natalee. He looked a little different in this last interview, and has done more than all the facts in the case has done so far. Go Figure!

Case on Fox cming up now!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 10:36:02 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 10:37:25 PM
How Funny! That footage I was referring to was just shown on Fox. They cut it a bit early......

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dihannah1 on January 14, 2008, 10:40:01 PM
ONLY Taco could come up with excuses for Joran's behavior!  Lord, I've heard everything now!   But thank God I didn't have to see or him, only a read statement by Megan...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: San on January 14, 2008, 10:40:44 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 10:42:53 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Thanks San!  You're supposed to be sleeping, lol  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 14, 2008, 10:42:58 PM

TACOPINA ... what a joke this man truly is.

Although Joran's actions are inexcusable, I am going to look to make a statement that will try and excuse him of his actions.

You know Joe T. innocent people do not need to be continuously defended for their actions.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 14, 2008, 10:43:49 PM
Joran has not been "exonerated" by any one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 14, 2008, 10:45:20 PM
Joe Taco knew he couldn't make that statement live....such BS....I thought DeVries responded appropriately though.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 10:45:44 PM
obviously Joran has ZERO CONTROL of himself
and certainly his parents have had ZERO over him in a long time

my guess is  he has been drinking along time ( being the delicious sporter that he is )

anita couldnt control him because of several reasons

1. she is stupid and never told him NO in a long time

2. paulus knew there were problems with him and he just took off and worked away from home.

3. their solution was again a SIMPLE one. but it wasnt even a solution

"put him in in his own apartment and keep our fingers crossed"

well GUESS WHAT failed

anyone can see it

paulus has a girlfriend.......... that was obvious

anita didnt care because she was married to a judge

its SHOW TIME at the slooooooooooooooooooooooots

sloots spelled backwards SPELLS   STOOLS


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 10:46:36 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Thanks San!
I think Joran would have been better served if Taco had kept his statement to
himself.  We have all seen the video and know that De Vries did not make a crude

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 14, 2008, 10:51:04 PM

TACOPINA ... what a joke this man truly is.
Although Joran's actions are inexcusable, I am going to look to make a statement that will try and excuse him of his actions.

You know Joe T. innocent people do not need to be continuously defended for their actions.

 :smt045  So true, Red

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 10:51:39 PM

Joran's attorney was not present at the interview and would have no more first hand knowledge of the interview or the boorish behavior at the end than we do, and for him to attempt to spin the behavior telling us what we saw and heard is an insult to us all. We have eyes, we have ears, we have the ability to reason, and the we now know that Joran demonstrated what could be defined as anger management problems that resulted in premeditated according to Joran, aggressive and assaultive behaviors. Proof of guilt, no, but another brick in the wall of public opinion, yes.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: San on January 14, 2008, 10:52:00 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Thanks San!
I think Joran would have been better served if Taco had kept his statement to
himself.  We have all seen the video and know that De Vries did not make a crude

Notice how Joe T is trying to say that DeVries said the crude remark after the show.  That's because he knows we have the translations of the show.  What and idiot he is.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 10:52:56 PM
Joran has not been "exonerated" by any one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No he hasn't.  That was just a plain lie by Taco but at least this time he didn't get the last word as he would have had if Greta had been on the program.  Laurie gave that to deVries who DENIED making any crude remark and added that the only boorish behavior at that table was by Joran.

So Taco managed to tell two major lies in his statement.  One about devries and the other that Joran has been exonerated when neither of those things happened

This man, Joe T, is remarkable in his willingness to lie even when transparently doing so.  Joran will never be exonerated in my opinion simply because he is guilty.  No longer being named as a suspect does not equal exoneration.  Paulus I believe has said the same thing, however, and I guess in their eyes only it means the same or they want it to.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 14, 2008, 10:53:48 PM
So Joran got upset when De Vries asked him questions regarding the case and Joran's lies. This is what got The Sporter upset? I guess Joran must have a second computer that he can throw wine at when he reads Scared Monkeys  :lol:

What a joke of a coward this spineless jelly fish is.

Hey Joran, come on SM for an interview ... I will provide the wine ... I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 10:54:43 PM
obviously Joran has ZERO CONTROL of himself
and certainly his parents have had ZERO over him in a long time

my guess is  he has been drinking along time ( being the delicious sporter that he is )

anita couldnt control him because of several reasons

1. she is stupid and never told him NO in a long time

2. paulus knew there were problems with him and he just took off and worked away from home.

3. their solution was again a SIMPLE one. but it wasnt even a solution

"put him in in his own apartment and keep our fingers crossed"

well GUESS WHAT failed

anyone can see it

paulus has a girlfriend.......... that was obvious

anita didnt care because she was married to a judge

its SHOW TIME at the slooooooooooooooooooooooots

sloots spelled backwards SPELLS   STOOLS


Very astute observations, especially but not limited to the spelling.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 10:54:44 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has beenexonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  THe reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.   This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Thank you San.

Joe Tacopina ... the majority ... even those under pressure ... possess a measure of self-control and ... do not response to perceived crude remarks in the manner of your client.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 10:55:48 PM
5 minutes after the interview ended. Cell phone call to Joe Tacopina...

PAULUS: Joe, we need your help... We were just on a Dutch talk show and after we thought it went off-air, Joran threw wine into the interviewer's face. It was caught on tape and will be blasted to the media, via internet. We are very worried.

JOE TACPONIA: No problem, PAULUS. I will get right on it for you. Relax. Tell JORAN to hang in there. He is such a great kid; he is just going through growing pains. Give ANITA my regards. Who should I send the bill to? Gotta Run....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 10:56:01 PM
obviously Joran has ZERO CONTROL of himself
and certainly his parents have had ZERO over him in a long time

my guess is  he has been drinking along time ( being the delicious sporter that he is )

anita couldnt control him because of several reasons

1. she is stupid and never told him NO in a long time

2. paulus knew there were problems with him and he just took off and worked away from home.

3. their solution was again a SIMPLE one. but it wasnt even a solution

"put him in in his own apartment and keep our fingers crossed"

well GUESS WHAT failed

anyone can see it

paulus has a girlfriend.......... that was obvious

anita didnt care because she was married to a judge

its SHOW TIME at the slooooooooooooooooooooooots

sloots spelled backwards SPELLS   STOOLS  


 :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 14, 2008, 10:56:09 PM
So Joran got upset when De Vries asked him questions regarding the case and Joran's lies. This is what got The Sporter upset? I guess Joran must have a second computer that he can throw wine at when he reads Scared Monkeys  :lol:

What a joke of a coward this spineless jelly fish is.

Hey Joran, come on SM for an interview ... I will provide the wine ... I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

That would set the record for most monkeys online........................

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 10:56:19 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Taco cops out! You know when a lawyer issues a statement rather than coming on to defend him his client is G-U-I-L-T-Y!

Glad to see Megan handle this instead of Greta because she's not afraid to hardball it and is "inclined to believe" Joran is guilty. Good to have DeVries on!

Joran just got ripped again.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 10:57:02 PM
So Joran got upset when De Vries asked him questions regarding the case and Joran's lies. This is what got The Sporter upset? I guess Joran must have a second computer that he can throw wine at when he reads Scared Monkeys  :lol:

What a joke of a coward this spineless jelly fish is.

Hey Joran, come on SM for an interview ... I will provide the wine ... I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

After standing up to the brutish interrogations of the Aruban police and prosecutors, with Mommy and Daddy by his side. DeVries must be a very forceful personality::))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 14, 2008, 10:57:48 PM
5 minutes after the interview ended. Cell phone call to Joe Tacopina...

PAULUS: Joe, we need your help... We were just on a Dutch talk show and after we thought it went off-air, Joran threw wine into the interviewer's face. It was caught on tape and will be blasted to the media, via internet. We are very worried.

JOE TACPONIA: No problem, PAULUS. I will get right on it for you. Relax. Tell JORAN to hang in there. He is such a great kid; he is just going through growing pains. Give ANITA my regards. Who should I send the bill to? Gotta Run....


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 14, 2008, 10:58:32 PM
Really, Joran should do more shows.  The case was becoming old news after JK2 being released as suspects. 

Though billed as his last interview I doubt he'll be able to keep his mouth shut. Sooner or later somebody's gonna put a fist down his throat that'll send his teeth flying out his ass.

i hope it's soon, and i hope it's videoed from 4 different angles.  i can hardly wait.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 14, 2008, 10:59:55 PM
San, thanks for the statement!  I was thinking how it could be captured from YouTube later and you already had it!  You are too fast for me!

I thought the show host was Laurie Dhue but it is Megan soembody?  I don't know all their names well.

Anyway, she gave deVries the LAST WORD after Taco's statement was read.  Good for her, too.  He was the wronged party here and should have had last word.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:00:35 PM
Janet - Cathy Wilson was not on the show....too bad, I was hoping she would be.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 14, 2008, 11:00:44 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Thanks San!
I think Joran would have been better served if Taco had kept his statement to
himself.  We have all seen the video and know that De Vries did not make a crude

Notice how Joe T is trying to say that DeVries said the crude remark after the show.  That's because he knows we have the translations of the show.  What and idiot he is.

Actually we know that Tacopina's statement is a lie.

The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets. 

I thought Joran had stated that he wanted to curse him (de Vries) out during the show? Joran was pissed during the show and held off until the end when he thought no one would see him throw the wine. When the cameras were off.

So Tacopina is lying through his teeth. There was nothing said at the end ... Joran waited until the end.

Innocent people do not need to have their actions spun.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 11:00:47 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Taco cops out! You know when a lawyer issues a statement rather than coming on to defend him his client is G-U-I-L-T-Y!

Glad to see Megan handle this instead of Greta because she's not afraid to hardball it and is "inclined to believe" Joran is guilty. Good to have DeVries on!

Joran just got ripped again.

Exonerated? Go back to law school and you will see that in no way has Joran been exonerated. In fact the judge, a friend or co worker of Paulus said something to the effect that he appears guilty, but you need to gather more evidence. The same sentiment Chief Dompig announced to the world. Exonerated my ass!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 14, 2008, 11:03:55 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Taco cops out! You know when a lawyer issues a statement rather than coming on to defend him his client is G-U-I-L-T-Y!

Glad to see Megan handle this instead of Greta because she's not afraid to hardball it and is "inclined to believe" Joran is guilty. Good to have DeVries on!

Joran just got ripped again.

joe taco lies again.  jvds wasn't exonerated by any stretch of the imagination.  mos stressed that while they didn't have what it would take to convict (mostly due to the judges on the bench right now, imo), jvds' file is still there and open and contains enough to still consider him the main suspect, and the case can be reopened at any time new evidence or information is found. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 11:04:34 PM
"The Wine of Bacchus..."


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 14, 2008, 11:06:07 PM
Didn't Mos say that Joran is still the prine suspect?
I heard Paulus say that he was not a suspect any longer and
Taco says he is exonerated....NOT SO!  BIG LIE!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 11:07:02 PM
Joran you will learn that justice administered in the court of public opinion can be much harsher than justice administered by courts of law.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 14, 2008, 11:09:17 PM
So Joran got upset when De Vries asked him questions regarding the case and Joran's lies. This is what got The Sporter upset? I guess Joran must have a second computer that he can throw wine at when he reads Scared Monkeys  :lol:

What a joke of a coward this spineless jelly fish is.

Hey Joran, come on SM for an interview ... I will provide the wine ... I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

After standing up to the brutish interrogations of the Aruban police and prosecutors, with Mommy and Daddy by his side. DeVries must be a very forceful personality::))))

PI, ya just touched on a comment I meant to make the other day and will probably be a FP post tomorrow. If anyone thinks that Joran was interrogated in any manner that resembled something out of "Law & Order" with Jerry Orbach giving the Sporter the third degree, then Aruba just froze over.

Joran Van der Sloot could not control his temper if Larry King interviewed him. That would be a reference to the soft ball questions that Larry is known and loved for.

There is no way on earth that JVDS could have kept his composure or not cracked if interrogated in any forceful and purposeful manner. NONE! NADA! NIL!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 11:09:56 PM
I'd say we all covered subject accurately and to the point:)))))))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 11:10:18 PM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Maybe Joe Tacopina should read the prosecutor's statement that was released upon the dismissal of the Natalee Holloway case.



Natalee Holloway Case Dismissed
Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - 11:33 AM
By NBC 13 Staff

From a press release by the Aruban Public Prosecutor’s Office:


Although the Public Prosecutor’s Office did see and still sees possibilities to prove that Natalee Holloway is no longer alive, the fact that her body never was found forms an important deficit in a possible reconstruction of the facts. Mainly because of that reason the current police report can not answer the question which crime was committed in the night of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway nor shed light on the exact role of the three suspects in the events.

Yet the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the team of investigators are convinced that after this year’s investigation from April until December, it has become clear that any scenario beyond the one that implicates these three suspects has either been falsified or is proven to be highly unlikely.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: yapperz1 on January 14, 2008, 11:11:18 PM
Hiya Monkeys

I am sure the slootytoots are soooo proud of the demon they gave life to & raised.

Tacojoe had better watch the video. Goon child looked around & then tossed the wine. Goon child may no longer be called a suspect on the rock but he is still the #1 person of interest in this case.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:11:47 PM
So Joran got upset when De Vries asked him questions regarding the case and Joran's lies. This is what got The Sporter upset? I guess Joran must have a second computer that he can throw wine at when he reads Scared Monkeys  :lol:

What a joke of a coward this spineless jelly fish is.

Hey Joran, come on SM for an interview ... I will provide the wine ... I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

After standing up to the brutish interrogations of the Aruban police and prosecutors, with Mommy and Daddy by his side. DeVries must be a very forceful personality::))))

PI, ya just touched on a comment I meant to make the other day and will probably be a FP post tomorrow. If anyone thinks that Joran was interrogated in any manner that resembled something out of "Law & Order" with Jerry Orbach giving the Sporter the third degree, then Aruba just froze over.

Joran Van der Sloot could not control his temper if Larry King interviewed him. That would be a reference to the soft ball questions that Larry is known and loved for.

There is no way on earth that JVDS could have kept his composure or not cracked if interrogated in any forceful and purposeful manner. NONE! NADA! NIL!

Joran did loose his temper at least once durring interrigations when the Dutch investigators, early in the case questioned him about his shoe size.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 11:12:07 PM
So Joran got upset when De Vries asked him questions regarding the case and Joran's lies. This is what got The Sporter upset? I guess Joran must have a second computer that he can throw wine at when he reads Scared Monkeys  :lol:

What a joke of a coward this spineless jelly fish is.

Hey Joran, come on SM for an interview ... I will provide the wine ... I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

After standing up to the brutish interrogations of the Aruban police and prosecutors, with Mommy and Daddy by his side. DeVries must be a very forceful personality::))))

PI, ya just touched on a comment I meant to make the other day and will probably be a FP post tomorrow. If anyone thinks that Joran was interrogated in any manner that resembled something out of "Law & Order" with Jerry Orbach giving the Sporter the third degree, then Aruba just froze over.

Joran Van der Sloot could not control his temper if Larry King interviewed him. That would be a reference to the soft ball questions that Larry is known and loved for.

There is no way on earth that JVDS could have kept his composure or not cracked if interrogated in any forceful and purposeful manner. NONE! NADA! NIL!

I agree 100%, yet he still broke, and had to be comforted by his Momma. That is an unusual quirk of Arubian law:::))))))) I always thought they went for the kill at those moments, instead they called a Momma break!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 11:14:25 PM
I just wished he would have had as much compassion for Natalee as the Arubian interrogators showed him:((((((((

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 14, 2008, 11:15:45 PM
I am outa of here and on to dream land. Enjoyed and admire all of you.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:16:04 PM
Posted by Heli at RU:

On The Record Jan 14, 2008 Peter de Vries TRANSCRIPT

On the Record
January 14, 2006

Megan Kelly Guest Host
Peter de Vries


Why did Joran van der Sloot toss red wine right in a reporter's eyes? Have you seen this? What is going on here. You will see the whole video and you will hear from the victim of this wine attack.

Joran goes wild with a whole lot of wine. Joran van der Sloot sits down for an interview with a Dutch talk show but when the show is over and the microphones are cut, watch what Joran does

( play videotape )

And there it was, the former suspect in the Natalee Holloway disappearance tossing red wine into the eyes of Peter de Vries. Now Peter de Vries is a crime reporter who has followed the Holloway case . We spoke to him earlier today by phone and we asked him about the incident.

Peter de Vries, thanks so much for being here with us. Let me start with the obvious, what happened that led him to throw this glass of wine in your face?

de Vries:

Yea, I was invited in the daily late night show with Joran van der Sloot, his father and mother and the reason of course was his recent release from Aruba nad Joran tried to emphasize during the show his innocence and his parents backed him up. My role of course was to be critical. I investigated this case thoroughly and I asked him several inconvenient questions of his lies and inconsistencies and contradictions in his story and he could never answer them really during the show but he managed to behave


Let's just back up one minute, what kind of a program is this for our american viewers not familiar with it?

de Vries:

It's a daily late night show. Joran was one of the guests with me and I'm a crime reporter and I investigated this case.


What kinds of questions were you asking him during the program that got him so irritated?

de Vries:

Well I asked him a lot about his doings that night and about his lies that he dropped Natalee off by the Holiday Inn Hotel and I ask him how he came home that night and where he left his shoes, that kinds of questions and he was frustrated about that and he managed to behave during the show but afterwards, after the incident with the glass of wine happened he told me that he already wanted to curse me during the show but at that time he could control himself but when the show was off, he then lost control and he said "yeah I had to do something" and he grabbed the glass of wine and throw it in my face


You know looking at this video of it with you holding your eyes, it looks like it was pretty painful for you to get a bunch of red wine in your eyes.

de Vries:

Yeah, because I didn't see him throwing the glass of red wine so I didn't close my eyes and there's alcohol in it, that's rather painful


What kind of program is this that they serve wine during the middle of the broadcast and how can we get that here in america?

de Vries:

It's a late night show


So what happened after the incident was over? Did he apologize to you? Did his parents say anything to you?

de Vries:

yeah, at first his mother came up to me and she apologized more than a thousand times and she said "oh this is awful and I don't know what to say, we are very thankful" and 20 minutes later Joran apologized 2 or 3 times


He did? What did he say?

de Vries:

Yeah, he said that he was frustrated because I was critical, I was asking questions all the time and I was emphasizing that he lied several times and he said 'yeah, I got frustrated about that and I wanted to do something'


What was your reaction? What if anything, do you think the incident says about Joran?

de Vries:

Yeah well I think that, yeah we have seen the real Joran, that this is how he is, this is how he acts.


Does it tell you anything about what you believed happened in the case?

de Vries:

Naw, well he didn't do himself a favour with this incident and all the people here saw it and yeah I think he lost a lot of credibility, which was already low here in Holland.


Were you surprised that he would have lost control like that? I know the cameras had stopped rolling, at least as far as the broadcast, it was still on tape because we've all seen it now, but I'm surprised that he lost his cool to that extent in front of all those people.

de Vries:

No I wasn't really surprised that he lost his contorl because I know him very well, I investigated this case very thoroughly and yeah, I know his character and this fits completely in it.


Well, we've got to go but I want to ask you, are you feeling ok now?

de Vries:

Yeah, I feel okay but it was rather bad wine but I'm ok.


Well Joran's lawyer issued a statement which reads:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years. He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family. The reporter in question, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets. This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Well in response to that statement the reporter de Vries told us the only thing crude that happened at that table was Joran's boorish behaviour

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 14, 2008, 11:16:17 PM
So Joran got upset when De Vries asked him questions regarding the case and Joran's lies. This is what got The Sporter upset? I guess Joran must have a second computer that he can throw wine at when he reads Scared Monkeys  :lol:

What a joke of a coward this spineless jelly fish is.

Hey Joran, come on SM for an interview ... I will provide the wine ... I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

That would set the record for most monkeys online........................

Joran ... I triple Dog dare you!!! Come on sporter ... show that you can control your temper and come on Scared Monkeys. That is unless you are freighty scared.

I am eying a nice Cabernet for you, or do you prefer Merlot? Actually the best wine to toss is a Spanish Red or an Shiraz ... they are a full body wine with many tannins. You can probably do your most damage with them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: yapperz1 on January 14, 2008, 11:16:32 PM
I didn't realize "compassion" was in the Aruban vocabulary when it comes to a crime victim.   :roll: Plus we know goon child has no such word in his vocabulary, nor does he know the meaning of it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:17:17 PM
I am outa of here and on to dream land. Enjoyed and admire all of you.

Nite Private Eye

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 14, 2008, 11:19:46 PM
So Joran got upset when De Vries asked him questions regarding the case and Joran's lies. This is what got The Sporter upset? I guess Joran must have a second computer that he can throw wine at when he reads Scared Monkeys  :lol:

What a joke of a coward this spineless jelly fish is.

Hey Joran, come on SM for an interview ... I will provide the wine ... I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

After standing up to the brutish interrogations of the Aruban police and prosecutors, with Mommy and Daddy by his side. DeVries must be a very forceful personality::))))

PI, ya just touched on a comment I meant to make the other day and will probably be a FP post tomorrow. If anyone thinks that Joran was interrogated in any manner that resembled something out of "Law & Order" with Jerry Orbach giving the Sporter the third degree, then Aruba just froze over.

Joran Van der Sloot could not control his temper if Larry King interviewed him. That would be a reference to the soft ball questions that Larry is known and loved for.

There is no way on earth that JVDS could have kept his composure or not cracked if interrogated in any forceful and purposeful manner. NONE! NADA! NIL!

Joran did loose his temper at least once during interrogations when the Dutch investigators, early in the case questioned him about his shoe size.

Just once though. There is no way when confronted with authority that Joran would not have flown off the handle. I thing the interrogators tic-tac-toe with him the whole time.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 11:23:44 PM
Beth has gone into the lion's den (of the media) MANY times now and always does well. I don't think that Beth shouldn't DO it... she has kept Greta's numbers afloat for 2 1/2 years... but I call into question the agenda that Oprah has in doing this NOW, after the fact, basically... It speaks volumes to me that it didn't happen until Joran was released from suspect status, and then IMMEDIATELY thereafter.

You watch and see if there isn't a heavy accident/someone else did it slant in that show.

ARUBA and the THUGS who run it DO NOT WANT A CRIME TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED HERE and the left and the mob in Europe and the US is 100% COMPLICIT in this.

SB,  rather than slam Ophra and whatever intent she has to have Beth on the show, why don't you just wait and see?  I do hope that Beth will open up more, and not keep repeating the same thing, or at least Ophra will ask more interesting questions.  This is a great opportunity for Beth with a wide audience.  Am I an Ophra fan?  I don't know, I don't remember ever watching the show..but it does give Beth and her story more air time.  Get off the slam, and just let it happen!  This is Beth's decision. All the shows, Greta and all included, are out for ratings!  Isnt' that a given yet?  It is still an opportunity for Beth to take to the airways...and let's take every opportunity that gives us this kind of market.  Why do you think we hit the travel shows...every little bit matters. 

I agree 100%. Maybe the "Why II Believe Joran Is Involved And A Cover Up Occurred" followed up by "20 Reason To Boycott Aruba Beginning With The Safety Of Your Own Family." Oprah is providing Beth a huge opportunity and we can really asks no more.

But if Beth is reading, just relax, be yourself, step up to the plate, and hit the ball squarely. No pressure, don't swing for the fence, just meet the ball and you will do great. Your position is one of right, and right is always might:))))))))))) Natalee is surely cheering you on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, that's something we've heard and told our sons for's the way to a base, or two, or more.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 14, 2008, 11:23:53 PM
Good Night Monkeys


8:25 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 11:24:42 PM
obviously Joran has ZERO CONTROL of himself
and certainly his parents have had ZERO over him in a long time

my guess is  he has been drinking along time ( being the delicious sporter that he is )

anita couldnt control him because of several reasons

1. she is stupid and never told him NO in a long time

2. paulus knew there were problems with him and he just took off and worked away from home.

3. their solution was again a SIMPLE one. but it wasnt even a solution

"put him in in his own apartment and keep our fingers crossed"

well GUESS WHAT failed

anyone can see it

paulus has a girlfriend.......... that was obvious

anita didnt care because she was married to a judge

its SHOW TIME at the slooooooooooooooooooooooots

sloots spelled backwards SPELLS   STOOLS


Very astute observations, especially but not limited to the spelling.

 :cool: :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 11:31:09 PM
when i was at the plate

i swung as hard as i could everytime

felt wrong not to swing  :cool:

beth has to blast em. the whole ROTTEN STINKING ISLAND


hold nothing back
- please-

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 14, 2008, 11:32:33 PM
Well Joran's lawyer issued a statement which reads:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years".

Did someone put a gun to his head and force him to go on the show? Joran Van der Sloot put himself in the public eye and knew that Peter de Vries was going to be on this show. Did Joran think he was going to get a pass?

The family has been under tremendous pressure and felt the need to be on TV and try to BS the Dutch people into thinking that JVDS was misunderstood and mis-characterized.

I guess that opportunity to spin his character and credibility went up in flames ... what say you Anita and Paul? I bet you wish you had this one back.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 11:34:29 PM
i will get into RING with joran with a blindfold on and one hand tied behind my back
if he would agree to come to SM for an interview

i will give him 10 seconds where i waont touch him

and then i will beat the hell out of him............... blindfolded and with my eyes covered

i have not seen a bigger WIMP in a long time......

it should take me about 4 seconds to knock his teeth down his throat  :cool: :cool: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 14, 2008, 11:34:33 PM
5 minutes after the interview ended. Cell phone call to Joe Tacopina...

PAULUS: Joe, we need your help... We were just on a Dutch talk show and after we thought it went off-air, Joran threw wine into the interviewer's face. It was caught on tape and will be blasted to the media, via internet. We are very worried.

JOE TACPONIA: No problem, PAULUS. I will get right on it for you. Relax. Tell JORAN to hang in there. He is such a great kid; he is just going through growing pains. Give ANITA my regards. Who should I send the bill to? Gotta Run....

 :lol:  Are you a partner??  :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Icehawk on January 14, 2008, 11:35:03 PM
Hello everyone,

Is there any word on the persistence today?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 14, 2008, 11:41:14 PM
Well Joran's lawyer issued a statement which reads:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years".

Did someone put a gun to his head and force him to go on the show? Joran Van der Sloot put himself in the public eye and knew that Peter de Vries was going to be on this show. Did Joran think he was going to get a pass?

The family has been under tremendous pressure and felt the need to be on TV and try to BS the Dutch people into thinking that JVDS was misunderstood and mis-characterized.

I guess that opportunity to spin his character and credibility went up in flames ... what say you Anita and Paul? I bet you wish you had this one back.


they PUT the quarter in the machine and they aint getting their money back

you cant TURN the hour glass upside down and get your time back SLOOTS

they got a 1/10000000000 of what Beth and family have been going thru

 :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:41:16 PM
Hello everyone,

Is there any word on the persistence today?

Hi IceHawk - I haven't seen any updates today.  They must either be really busy or they've lost their wifi again  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 11:42:04 PM
5 minutes after the interview ended. Cell phone call to Joe Tacopina...

PAULUS: Joe, we need your help... We were just on a Dutch talk show and after we thought it went off-air, Joran threw wine into the interviewer's face. It was caught on tape and will be blasted to the media, via internet. We are very worried.

JOE TACPONIA: No problem, PAULUS. I will get right on it for you. Relax. Tell JORAN to hang in there. He is such a great kid; he is just going through growing pains. Give ANITA my regards. Who should I send the bill to? Gotta Run....

 :lol:  Are you a partner??  :lol: :lol:

This conversation, more than likely, took place.
Wonder how close I am to its actual content...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 11:44:38 PM
5 minutes after the interview ended. Cell phone call to Joe Tacopina...

PAULUS: Joe, we need your help... We were just on a Dutch talk show and after we thought it went off-air, Joran threw wine into the interviewer's face. It was caught on tape and will be blasted to the media, via internet. We are very worried.

JOE TACPONIA: No problem, PAULUS. I will get right on it for you. Relax. Tell JORAN to hang in there. He is such a great kid; he is just going through growing pains. Give ANITA my regards. Who should I send the bill to?  Gotta Run....YOU OR ARUBAN GOVERNMENT  ???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Icehawk on January 14, 2008, 11:47:06 PM
Hello everyone,

Is there any word on the persistence today?

Hi IceHawk - I haven't seen any updates today.  They must either be really busy or they've lost their wifi again  :wink:

Thank you Klaasend.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: BUCKSHOT on January 14, 2008, 11:49:36 PM
5 minutes after the interview ended. Cell phone call to Joe Tacopina...

PAULUS: Joe, we need your help... We were just on a Dutch talk show and after we thought it went off-air, Joran threw wine into the interviewer's face. It was caught on tape and will be blasted to the media, via internet. We are very worried.

JOE TACPONIA: No problem, PAULUS. I will get right on it for you. Relax. Tell JORAN to hang in there. He is such a great kid; he is just going through growing pains. Give ANITA my regards. Who should I send the bill to?  Gotta Run...

PAULUS: Put it on my tab, JOE. ARUBA will pay for this, one way or another !!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 14, 2008, 11:57:54 PM
Just posted on the front page of SM by Weasel  :lol:

weasel wrote:

Peter has exposed Joran. It’s just the beginning, my dear friend Joran. So suck it up
and stop the whining, because the abuse you will
recieve will be never ending, forever and ever,


ps. Joran you look stupid with that hat on.
You look stupid with the hat off. You look

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 15, 2008, 12:00:38 AM
Just posted on the front page of SM by Weasel  :lol:

weasel wrote:

Peter has exposed Joran. It’s just the beginning, my dear friend Joran. So suck it up
and stop the whining, because the abuse you will
recieve will be never ending, forever and ever,


ps. Joran you look stupid with that hat on.
You look stupid with the hat off. You look

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 15, 2008, 12:02:31 AM
5 minutes after the interview ended. Cell phone call to Joe Tacopina...

PAULUS: Joe, we need your help... We were just on a Dutch talk show and after we thought it went off-air, Joran threw wine into the interviewer's face. It was caught on tape and will be blasted to the media, via internet. We are very worried.

JOE TACPONIA: No problem, PAULUS. I will get right on it for you. Relax. Tell JORAN to hang in there. He is such a great kid; he is just going through growing pains. Give ANITA my regards. Who should I send the bill to? Gotta Run....

 :lol:  Are you a partner??  :lol: :lol:

This conversation, more than likely, took place.
Wonder how close I am to its actual content...
just for curiosity's sake, i'd like to know if the sloot's lied to taco about the "rude remark" that peter supposedly made or if taco. just made it up himself.  that could probably answer a few other questions that have arisen.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 15, 2008, 12:05:04 AM
joran and tacoface can spin all day but here is the bottom line

the reason people LIE is because they are HIDING something

it doesnt get any simpler than that

joran lies - therefore joran is hiding something

he wasnt skerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred of anything other than getting caught


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 15, 2008, 12:06:57 AM
jokes are suppoed to be funny

when joran says he photo chopped a picture of him and Natalee
he said it was a joke

i dont see anything even remotely funny

i cant even guess

he is a joke and so is his father

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 12:08:03 AM
jokes are suppoed to be funny

when joran says he photo chopped a picture of him and Natalee
he said it was a joke

i dont see anything even remotely funny

i cant even guess

he is a joke and so is his father

An innocent person doesn't do things like that, a sociopath does. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 12:10:06 AM
I hardly ever watch Oprah. She is on when I am at work. I think if I wanted to, I could find a channel where it is rebroadcast, but I have never had the urge to do so. But I will make sure to see it on YouTube or wherever ( Ty Carpe ).
I amjust intersted in what tone , how much time, but I am more interested in what Beth has to say frankly, not Oprah.   

What I like most about Wednesday is that Beth will be able to tell Natalee's story to over 23 million people. Like Oprah or not, trust her or not, Beth has one hell of an audience to work with and it WILL affect Aruba and it just may save another family from the same ordeal.

I think Beth is smarter than Oprah or Greta and has the savvy to have kept this going in spite of all odds against her.  Anyone who has followed this case, even peripherally, knows this woman, Beth, is still able to impress all the speakers and people she meets with a lot of grace, teancity and courage.  She would be my candidate for "Woman of the Year."  Never has a woman who came from the suburbs, a teacher in a somewhat secluded community, risen to the heights with a missing-child case as Beth, and since there are many missing children, one has to only surmise that she has the smarts and grace of God with her in each appearance.  Otherwise, she would have cracked under all the inside and outside pressure.  It is of pure love for Natalee and grace given to her by God that she has been able to keep going.  No accounting for her superhuman spirit otherwise.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 15, 2008, 12:10:27 AM
jokes are suppoed to be funny

when joran says he photo chopped a picture of him and Natalee
he said it was a joke

i dont see anything even remotely funny

i cant even guess

he is a joke and so is his father

An innocent person doesn't do things like that, a sociopath does. 

you just NAILED it  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 15, 2008, 12:13:04 AM
jokes are suppoed to be funny

when joran says he photo chopped a picture of him and Natalee
he said it was a joke

i dont see anything even remotely funny

i cant even guess

he is a joke and so is his father

An innocent person doesn't do things like that, a sociopath does. 

joran has convinced himself that whatever he did to Natalee is in the past and we should just move along

crazy aint he 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 15, 2008, 12:14:59 AM
joran and tacoface can spin all day but here is the bottom line

the reason people LIE is because they are HIDING something

it doesnt get any simpler than that

joran lies - therefore joran is hiding something

he wasnt skerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred of anything other than getting caught


 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 12:16:50 AM
jokes are suppoed to be funny

when joran says he photo chopped a picture of him and Natalee
he said it was a joke

i dont see anything even remotely funny

i cant even guess

he is a joke and so is his father

An innocent person doesn't do things like that, a sociopath does. 

joran has convinced himself that whatever he did to Natalee is in the past and we should just move along

crazy aint he 

He has convinced himself that it was Natalee's fault.  It never would have happened if she hadn't said no.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 15, 2008, 12:17:20 AM
jokes are suppoed to be funny

when joran says he photo chopped a picture of him and Natalee
he said it was a joke

i dont see anything even remotely funny

i cant even guess

he is a joke and so is his father

An innocent person doesn't do things like that, a sociopath does. 

By JINGO, I think you're right Klaas.   :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 15, 2008, 12:18:21 AM
joran and tacoface can spin all day but here is the bottom line

the reason people LIE is because they are HIDING something

it doesnt get any simpler than that

joran lies - therefore joran is hiding something

he wasnt skerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred of anything other than getting caught


 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 15, 2008, 12:21:24 AM
jokes are suppoed to be funny

when joran says he photo chopped a picture of him and Natalee
he said it was a joke

i dont see anything even remotely funny

i cant even guess

he is a joke and so is his father

An innocent person doesn't do things like that, a sociopath does. 

By JINGO, I think you're right Klaas.   :wink:

Yes you are exactly right Klaas!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 15, 2008, 12:27:45 AM
I keep imagining a picture of Joran broken into pieces on the floor, and Mommy Sloot sweeping the pieces into a dustpan that Daddy Sloot is holding.  This is his cleanup crew.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 12:28:18 AM
San, thanks for the statement!  I was thinking how it could be captured from YouTube later and you already had it!  You are too fast for me!

I thought the show host was Laurie Dhue but it is Megan soembody?  I don't know all their names well.

Anyway, she gave deVries the LAST WORD after Taco's statement was read.  Good for her, too.  He was the wronged party here and should have had last word.


I saw Megan give interpretation of a pretty broad legal document once and was more impressed with her than either Greta or Rita.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 15, 2008, 12:51:52 AM
San, thanks for the statement!  I was thinking how it could be captured from YouTube later and you already had it!  You are too fast for me!

I thought the show host was Laurie Dhue but it is Megan soembody?  I don't know all their names well.

Anyway, she gave deVries the LAST WORD after Taco's statement was read.  Good for her, too.  He was the wronged party here and should have had last word.


I saw Megan give interpretation of a pretty broad legal document once and was more impressed with her than either Greta or Rita.

I like her too Tylergal, she's a lot better than Rita in my opinion and Greta just grates on my nerves anymore.  I lost all respect for her after the JVDS interviews.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 15, 2008, 01:07:13 AM
Please disregard Joran's latest shenanigans as he is under a lot of stress

No problem,
Joe Q. Public


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 15, 2008, 01:09:11 AM
Help Klaas, I'm seeing double!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 01:10:43 AM
Help Klaas, I'm seeing double!

That's because I fixed your first one,lol  :lol:

I deleted the first one  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 15, 2008, 01:14:36 AM
Help Klaas, I'm seeing double!

That's because I fixed your first one,lol  :lol:

I deleted the first one  :lol:

I wondered what happened to that one, I was aiming for "preview" and must have hit "post."  (If I had an embarassed icon, I would put it here.)  Oops!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 15, 2008, 01:54:42 AM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sirensong on January 15, 2008, 02:59:56 AM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.

I am glad you made that point, Bearlyhere.  It just gripes me that people would defend that poor excuse for a human being, and have absolutely no sympathy, empathy, time or care about Natalee's family, especially her parents.  I wonder how Anita would feel if someone murdered Joran, she never got any answers to how, why, who or where, and couldn't even put his body to rest because they didn't want to lose any money over it.  No where to visit him, talk to him or imagine him.  And then a whole bunch of crazies start saying the cruelest things to her, blaming her for him being dead, and telling her he deserved it.  Anita, why can't you put yourself in Beth's shoes?  Because she truly had a wonderful daughter, full of light and promise?  Not a touch of darkness in her.  Everything your son is not.  So you let your "friends" and husband torture her with the most evil things they can think of so that your son will not be exposed for what he really is?   Everything Natalee did brought people joy and laughter.  What is Joran giving?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sirensong on January 15, 2008, 03:03:01 AM
Good nite to anyone who is still up!! 

Many many great posts today and tonight.  God bless you all.  Welcome to Enough and all the other new Monkeys out there! 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 15, 2008, 03:09:00 AM
Good nite to anyone who is still up!! 

Many many great posts today and tonight.  God bless you all.  Welcome to Enough and all the other new Monkeys out there! 

Nite SS and thanks for reading my posts.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 15, 2008, 03:25:35 AM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.
HI Bearlyhere....This picture of poor Beth really is about the saddest thing to look at....Bless Her Heart....No One can really know what She feels like....I had a friend whose daughter went missing a long time ago and it was 6 months before Her remains were found the guy that killed Her was sent to prison and got 60 years and will soon be released after 25 years.....I can not imagine not ever knowing what happened to Your Daughter.....when knowing would be bad enough..... 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 15, 2008, 03:38:43 AM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Taco cops out! You know when a lawyer issues a statement rather than coming on to defend him his client is G-U-I-L-T-Y!

Glad to see Megan handle this instead of Greta because she's not afraid to hardball it and is "inclined to believe" Joran is guilty. Good to have DeVries on!

Joran just got ripped again.

I disagree.  I think when Taco saw what Joran did, he $h1t himself and didn't want to appear on camera with dirty drawers., so he wrote a statement instead.  JMO Of course.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 15, 2008, 03:41:59 AM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.
HI Bearlyhere....This picture of poor Beth really is about the saddest thing to look at....Bless Her Heart....No One can really know what She feels like....I had a friend whose daughter went missing a long time ago and it was 6 months before Her remains were found the guy that killed Her was sent to prison and got 60 years and will soon be released after 25 years.....I can not imagine not ever knowing what happened to Your Daughter.....when knowing would be bad enough..... 

Hi hotping, I can't imagine anything worse.  How Beth puts her feet on the floor day after day is beyond me.  I hope no one else ever has to know the extent of this woman's pain, yet it happens to parents every day.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 03:44:07 AM
Please disregard Joran's latest shenanigans as he is under a lot of stress

No problem,
Joe Q. Public


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 15, 2008, 03:54:50 AM
Well Goodnite Monkeys....Its been a very interesting last couple of days....and IMO I think things are going to get alot more interesting very soon....I believe that Natalee will soon be found and brought home...Lord Knows that is what We all are praying for....God Bless the Persistence.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 15, 2008, 03:57:57 AM
Peter De Vries said on Fox we have seen the real Joran and this is how he is.  He said he wasn't surprised at what he did and he knows Joran very well since he investigated this case.

Joe T. issued a statement:

"While Joran's conduct with the journalist is not excusable, he and his family have been under tremendous pressure over the last two and a half years.  He has been the subject of false accusations, for which he has been exonerated, liable and slanderous statements, and even death threats to him and his family.  The reporter in questions, at the conclusion of the interview, made a rather crude remark which caused a reaction from Joran that he now regrets.  This incident does not change the fact that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance, as proven by the evidence or lack thereof and the dismissal of the investigation against Joran."

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

Taco cops out! You know when a lawyer issues a statement rather than coming on to defend him his client is G-U-I-L-T-Y!

Glad to see Megan handle this instead of Greta because she's not afraid to hardball it and is "inclined to believe" Joran is guilty. Good to have DeVries on!

Joran just got ripped again.

I disagree.  I think when Taco saw what Joran did, he $h1t himself and didn't want to appear on camera with dirty drawers., so he wrote a statement instead.  JMO Of course.
I think You Pegged It.....LOL

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 15, 2008, 06:54:21 AM
Well, it's not the whole thing, but this is a link to the video with subtitles. There is a snippet here that has sound and you can at least hear Anita with her "NO......" It actually sounds like a cat. Also shows DeVries wife telling Anita what she thinks about how Joran was raised.

Maybe the whole thing will be re-posted!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 07:25:48 AM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.

I am glad you made that point, Bearlyhere.  It just gripes me that people would defend that poor excuse for a human being, and have absolutely no sympathy, empathy, time or care about Natalee's family, especially her parents.  I wonder how Anita would feel if someone murdered Joran, she never got any answers to how, why, who or where, and couldn't even put his body to rest because they didn't want to lose any money over it.  No where to visit him, talk to him or imagine him.  And then a whole bunch of crazies start saying the cruelest things to her, blaming her for him being dead, and telling her he deserved it.  Anita, why can't you put yourself in Beth's shoes?  Because she truly had a wonderful daughter, full of light and promise?  Not a touch of darkness in her.  Everything your son is not.  So you let your "friends" and husband torture her with the most evil things they can think of so that your son will not be exposed for what he really is?   Everything Natalee did brought people joy and laughter.  What is Joran giving?

I think the two of you combined for a powerful post that explains just how selfish the Van Der Sloots are. A picture is worth a 1000 words if someone thinks to display it at the proper moment, but the timing and thought to retrieve this photo combined with the words that act as icing to the cake are much better than wine in the face of the Van Der Sloots. Together they place this sordid affair in its proper perspective. Excellent post and followup post.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 07:42:25 AM
And there are people and sites who claim that Beth did not love her daughter! That Natalee deserved this, that Beth is enjoying and profiting from this. Now they are even trying to tear the soul of Matt into shreds with their vicious and vile words that they utter and peck.

 To all of you such people, how dare you demonstrate what callous trash you really are for all of the world to see. Have you no shame? No sense of decency? No sense of even the basics of right or wrong? How dare you to have the audacity to show God and the world what uncivilized, uncouth bastards you really are. How dare you to even claim to be worthy of being labeled human beings. I aboslutely abhor your behavior and I thank the Lord everyday that I don't have to be you because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It sucks to be you, we know it and you know it. You are lower than the snakes who were forced to crawl upon their bellies while on this earth. I prey to God for forgiveness because I cannot even pity you. I wouldn't even waste my spit on you.

 Hopefully I will have a 100 more years to live on this earth because I know God wants me to forgive you for your wrong acts, and I know it will take at least that long for me to find the grace to be able to forgive you.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 07:56:19 AM
After reading the entire page, I should have said excellent page of posting, no that doesn't cover it, maybe excellent night of posting, no that doesn't really cover it either, maybe this, an excellent group of human beings whose posters and posts thru out this whole affair have been the pillars of strength and the curtain of steel from which the grace of Beth has flown as she battles Aruba forcing them to provide "Justice For Natalee."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 15, 2008, 08:01:59 AM
Janet - I have FOX turned on in the other room.  I'll try to see if Matthew's case is discussed and take notes.  Unfortunately, I often miss stuff BECAUSE the TV is in the other room but I'll try  :wink:

lol....I remember you saying this many times and I always think......
I couldn't possibly live my life without my TV (although often it is muted) and Computer being in the same room, lol. My life would have no meaning, lmao.  :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: blah on January 15, 2008, 09:05:56 AM
is the water search over?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 09:19:24 AM
And there are people and sites who claim that Beth did not love her daughter! That Natalee deserved this, that Beth is enjoying and profiting from this. Now they are even trying to tear the soul of Matt into shreds with their vicious and vile words that they utter and peck.

 To all of you such people, how dare you demonstrate what callous trash you really are for all of the world to see. Have you no shame? No sense of decency? No sense of even the basics of right or wrong? How dare you to have the audacity to show God and the world what uncivilized, uncouth bastards you really are. How dare you to even claim to be worthy of being labeled human beings. I aboslutely abhor your behavior and I thank the Lord everyday that I don't have to be you because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It sucks to be you, we know it and you know it. You are lower than the snakes who were forced to crawl upon their bellies while on this earth. I prey to God for forgiveness because I cannot even pity you. I wouldn't even waste my spit on you.

 Hopefully I will have a 100 more years to live on this earth because I know God wants me to forgive you for your wrong acts, and I know it will take at least that long for me to find the grace to be able to forgive you.

good post PI.
I used to get so infuriated with them and just rant and rave!!! Absolutely disgusting what they post. Unfortunately it goes in one ear and out the other with them. I gave up when I saw that they sometimes post the same vile things about each other TO each other on the site and still keep coming back for more. Now to me...that is insanity...if someone here told me to F-off...I gotta say I would probably F-off!!! lol Not the refugees...they just keep coming back. At least we have them all in one place now so we can keep an eye on '

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 09:24:12 AM
is the water search over?

I haven't heard it's over Blah...we just haven't had any updates lately.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 15, 2008, 09:24:20 AM
joe crapopino had no problem being on TV everynight

and then when this implosion happens by his evil client

joe pulls a houdini

the question really is..

1. joran
2. paulus

thats a tough call  :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 09:25:19 AM
After reading the entire page, I should have said excellent page of posting, no that doesn't cover it, maybe excellent night of posting, no that doesn't really cover it either, maybe this, an excellent group of human beings whose posters and posts thru out this whole affair have been the pillars of strength and the curtain of steel from which the grace of Beth has flown as she battles Aruba forcing them to provide "Justice For Natalee."

I'll give an AMEN to that!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 09:26:33 AM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.

every time I see this photo of Beth it just breaks my heart.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 09:44:18 AM
And there are people and sites who claim that Beth did not love her daughter! That Natalee deserved this, that Beth is enjoying and profiting from this. Now they are even trying to tear the soul of Matt into shreds with their vicious and vile words that they utter and peck.

 To all of you such people, how dare you demonstrate what callous trash you really are for all of the world to see. Have you no shame? No sense of decency? No sense of even the basics of right or wrong? How dare you to have the audacity to show God and the world what uncivilized, uncouth bastards you really are. How dare you to even claim to be worthy of being labeled human beings. I aboslutely abhor your behavior and I thank the Lord everyday that I don't have to be you because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It sucks to be you, we know it and you know it. You are lower than the snakes who were forced to crawl upon their bellies while on this earth. I prey to God for forgiveness because I cannot even pity you. I wouldn't even waste my spit on you.

 Hopefully I will have a 100 more years to live on this earth because I know God wants me to forgive you for your wrong acts, and I know it will take at least that long for me to find the grace to be able to forgive you.

good post PI.
I used to get so infuriated with them and just rant and rave!!! Absolutely disgusting what they post. Unfortunately it goes in one ear and out the other with them. I gave up when I saw that they sometimes post the same vile things about each other TO each other on the site and still keep coming back for more. Now to me...that is insanity...if someone here told me to F-off...I gotta say I would probably F-off!!! lol Not the refugees...they just keep coming back. At least we have them all in one place now so we can keep an eye on '

You are exactly right. It is a waste of breath but every once in a while it feels good::))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 09:46:11 AM
And there are people and sites who claim that Beth did not love her daughter! That Natalee deserved this, that Beth is enjoying and profiting from this. Now they are even trying to tear the soul of Matt into shreds with their vicious and vile words that they utter and peck.

 To all of you such people, how dare you demonstrate what callous trash you really are for all of the world to see. Have you no shame? No sense of decency? No sense of even the basics of right or wrong? How dare you to have the audacity to show God and the world what uncivilized, uncouth bastards you really are. How dare you to even claim to be worthy of being labeled human beings. I aboslutely abhor your behavior and I thank the Lord everyday that I don't have to be you because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It sucks to be you, we know it and you know it. You are lower than the snakes who were forced to crawl upon their bellies while on this earth. I prey to God for forgiveness because I cannot even pity you. I wouldn't even waste my spit on you.

 Hopefully I will have a 100 more years to live on this earth because I know God wants me to forgive you for your wrong acts, and I know it will take at least that long for me to find the grace to be able to forgive you.

good post PI.
I used to get so infuriated with them and just rant and rave!!! Absolutely disgusting what they post. Unfortunately it goes in one ear and out the other with them. I gave up when I saw that they sometimes post the same vile things about each other TO each other on the site and still keep coming back for more. Now to me...that is insanity...if someone here told me to F-off...I gotta say I would probably F-off!!! lol Not the refugees...they just keep coming back. At least we have them all in one place now so we can keep an eye on '

You are exactly right. It is a waste of breath but every once in a while it feels good::))

yep!!! trust me...I have plenty in the archives!! lol

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 09:48:12 AM
is the water search over?

No it is still on as far as I know. It seems that Joran's water works kind of swamped the boat Persistence for attention though, and it is time to get back to watching the real heroes doing their thing. I can't wait to watch the Date Line documentary as it is bound to be fascinating. And I pray that they are successful in finding Natalee, but their help is immense regardless. And very much appreciated.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 09:50:47 AM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.

every time I see this photo of Beth it just breaks my heart.

That photo is what triggered my outburst. I wish the "Justice For Natalee" folks who attend the trade shows could incorporate that photo as their banner. It captures the scope of the heartache and pain that they are causing and puts into perspective the inconvenience to Aruba and the VDS.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 09:56:12 AM

Taco cops out! You know when a lawyer issues a statement rather than coming on to defend him his client is G-U-I-L-T-Y!

Glad to see Megan handle this instead of Greta because she's not afraid to hardball it and is "inclined to believe" Joran is guilty. Good to have DeVries on!

Joran just got ripped again.

I disagree.  I think when Taco saw what Joran did, he $h1t himself and didn't want to appear on camera with dirty drawers., so he wrote a statement instead.  JMO Of course.

Look how Joe signed his statement:

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

That's like saying "I am Adolph Hitler's official ass wiper." Representing somebody that 99% of the people in the world thing is the lowest form of scum on the earth is nothing to hang your hat on, LOL! Is he so twisted he thinks this is a good thing???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 15, 2008, 09:56:48 AM
Megan Kelly cracks me up...


What kind of program is this that they serve wine during the middle of the broadcast and how can we get that here in america?  LOL

Okay...I am not all caught up yet as I am shovelling another 100 ft. of snow on and off this morning :cool: ......LEST WE NOT FORGET about Joran's incident while in handcuffs hitting the hood of the police car/transport vehicle. REMEMBER the look on his face?? I can't find that video clip, but I remember it well...anger he cannot control.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: msmarple on January 15, 2008, 09:59:55 AM (

Link is to the Local section of Diario.

Ańa 2007 a resulta positivo pa industria turistico di aruba       

Tuesday, 15 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD (AAN) – Segun sra. Mirna Jansen, director di Oficina di Turismo di Aruba (ATA), e ta mira 2007 como un ańa hopi positivo compara cu 2005 y 2006 cu nos Isla a haya un reduccion considerable di turistanan. Jansen a comenta, den entrevista pa Matutino DIARIO, cu 2007 a bay bon pa e industria turistico en general y hotelnan en particular, raportando un cifra di crecimento di 6%. E cifranan di aeropuerto tambe ta mustra hopi positivo, e director di ATA a seńala.

Aunke e instancianan aki no ta cla cu tur e cifranan, sra. Jansen a bisa cu nan ta spera un crecimento total di 6% pa loke tabata 2007 aunke esaki no ta e unico medio pa midi e exito di turismo.

Sra. Jansen a bisa cu pa 2008 ATA kier haci un tiki mas di analisis riba e tipo di turista cu ta bishitando nos pais, por ehemplo, cuanto nan ta gasta. Pasobra tin hopi factor cu mester tuma na consideracion. CBS, cu ta haci e tipo di analisis aki, ta un average di dianan di estadia, sinembargo si un turista a cumpra su servicio via internet, algo hopi comun aworaki, esaki no ta worde raporta como promedio di gasto.

Segun Jansen, ATA ta spera cu hunto cu CBS nan lo traha riba un proyecto pa haci un tiki mas analisis pa e informacion aki ta un tiki mas completo.


Sra. Jansen a elabora un rato tocante e diferente productonan cu Aruba ta brinda como destino turistico.
Encuanto “all inclusive” sra. Jansen a splica cu esaki ta un pakete mas di e variedad di producto cu nos pais ta ofrece. Aruba ta ofrece time-sharing, hotel, condominium, apartamento, y “all inclusive”.

Pero hopi turista cu ta bin Aruba pa prome biaha ta haci uso di “all inclusive” pasobra e ta duna nan cierto tipo di seguridad, pero tin e chens cu pa nan di dos bishita nan no ta bin cu e pakete aki pasobra nan a ripara caba cu Aruba ta un pais hopi safe y nan no mester limita nan mes na un hotel, pero nan ta experimenta mas cu e producto Aruba.

Mirna Jansen ta haya si, cu mescos cu ta e caso cu time-sharing y condominium, mester tin un bon balansa den e oferta cu ta duna den hotel.


Director di ATA a remarca cu den e rapport di e di dos cuartal di 2007 di CDS, ta worde bisa cu e turista di time-sharing ta gasta un tiki mas cu esun cu a bin pa prome biaha of esun cu a bin entre dos pa cinco biaha. Kiermen, esnan cu a bin pa seis biaha of mas ta gasta un poco mas cu e otronan, y por haci suposicion cu nan ta hendenan cu a cumpra un time-sharing caba.


Aunke APA ta encarga cu e tereno aki, sra. Jansen a referi tambe na turismo crusero y su importancia pa nos pais. El a menciona cu pa ATA turismo crusero tambe ta importante, pasobra un persona cu ta bishita Aruba via crusero tambe ta un turista cu potencialmente lo bolbe Aruba y keda den un hotel, ademas cu e ta beneficio pa tiendanan y otro actividadnan cu nan ta haci bon uso di dje.

Pesey e ta kere cu ta hopi importante pa traha riba un crecemento of mantenimento di e turismo aki riba nos Isla. E ta na haltura cu APA ta trahando pa trece e posibilidad di otro cruseronan cu otro estrategianan pa trece un balansa entre tur dos tipo di turismo.

Ta asina cu ATA ta traha en cooperacion cu APA, y segun sra. Jansen un di e formanan ta cu “Pulman Tours” cu ta trece crusero Aruba y pasahero di avion pa hiba nan den Caribe via crusero, mescos cu AIDA di Alemania. Den e paisnan aki ATA ta haci hopi promocion y esaki ta un manera pa habri mercadonan nobo tambe.

Online Pap translation:

year 2007 owing to resulta positive for industry turistico of aruba

tuesday, 15 january 2008

oranjestad (aan) – according sra. mirna jansen, director of office of turism of aruba (ata), the is see 2007 because; one year much positive compara cu 2005 y 2006 cu we island owing to achieve one reduccion considerable of turistanan. jansen owing to comenta, in interview for matutino daily paper, cu 2007 owing to bay good for her industry turistico provided that general y hotelnan provided that particular, raportando one cifra of crecimento of 6%. the cifranan of aeropuerto also is show much positive, the director of behold owing to seńala.

although the instancianan here do not cla cu all the cifranan, sra. jansen owing to tell cu they're wait for one crecimento overall of 6% for thing was 2007 although this do not the unique medio for measure the exito of turism.

sra. jansen owing to tell cu for 2008 behold wanted haci one bit more of analisis on the type of tourist cu is bishitando we country, can example, cuanto they're spend. because have much factor cu have to take at consideracion. cbs, cu is haci the type of analisis here, is one average of dianan of estadia, sinembargo if one tourist owing to cumpra his servicio via internet, algo much comun aworaki, this do not worde raporta because; promedio of gasto.

according jansen, behold is wait for cu together cu cbs they will work on one proyecto for haci one bit more analisis for her informacion here is one bit more completo.

“all inclusive”

sra. jansen owing to elabora one rato tocante the various productonan cu aruba is brinda because; destiny turistico.
encuanto “all inclusive” sra. jansen owing to splica cu this is one pakete more of the variedad of producto cu we country is ofrece. aruba is ofrece time-sharing, hotel, condominium, apartment, y “all inclusive”.

but much tourist cu is come aruba for first trip is haci usage of “all inclusive” because the is give they cierto type of seguridad, but have the chens cu for they of two visit they do not come cu the pakete here because they owing to ripara end cu aruba is one country much safe y they not have to limita they self at one hotel, but they're experimenta more cu the producto aruba.

mirna jansen is achieve if, cu same cu is the caso cu time-sharing y condominium, have to have one good equilibrium in the oferta cu is give in hotel.


director of behold owing to remarca cu in the rapport of the of two cuartal of 2007 of cds, is worde tell cu the tourist of time-sharing is spend one bit more cu esun cu owing to come for first trip or esun cu owing to come among two for cinco trip. kiermen, esnan cu owing to come for six trip or more is spend one some more cu the others, y can haci suposicion cu they're hendenan cu owing to cumpra one time-sharing end.

turism crusero:

although apa is encarga cu the territory here, sra. jansen owing to referi also at turism crusero y his importancia for we country. past owing to menciona cu for behold turism crusero also is important, because one person cu is visit aruba via crusero also is one tourist cu potencialmente will go back aruba y stay in one hotel, besides cu the is beneficio for tiendanan y another actividadnan cu they're haci good usage of dje.

pesey the is believe cu is much important for work on one crecemento or mantenimento of the turism here on we island. the is at height cu apa is trahando for trece the posibilidad of another cruseronan cu another estrategianan for trece one equilibrium among all two type of turism.

is so cu behold is work provided that cooperacion cu apa, y according sra. jansen one of the formanan is cu “pulman tours” cu is trece crusero aruba y passenger of plane for take away they in caribe via crusero, same cu aida of alemania. in the paisnan here behold is haci much promocion y this is one as for open mercadonan new also.

* * *
Atencion pueblo... Florin falso circulando na aruba       

Tuesday, 15 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD(AAN):Tin un cantidad grandi di florin falso ta icrulando na Aruba. DIARIO mes a topa cu algun di e florinnan aki cual no facilmente por ser detecta.

Bo mester ta atento riba e florinnan aki pasobra nan peso kizas ta diferente y ora cu e cay e ta sona diferente tambe.

E ta hopi bon traha, pero e unico defecto ta su rand.

E rand di e florin original tin algo scirbi na dje, mientras cu esun falso no tin nada.

Lo ta bon pa pone extra atencion pa asina nan no pasa bo un fastball.

Online Pap translation:

atencion people... guilder false circulando at aruba

tuesday, 15 january 2008

oranjestad(aan):tin one cantidad big of guilder false is icrulando at aruba. daily paper self owing to come across cu some of the florinnan here cual not facilmente can being detecta.

do you have to is attentive on the florinnan here because they weight kizas is various y hour cu the cay the is sona various also.

the is much good work, but the unique defecto is his rand.

the rand of the guilder aboriginal have algo scirbi at dje, while cu esun false not have nothing.

will is good for place extra atencion for so they not happen do you one fastball.

* * *

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 15, 2008, 10:11:35 AM
Phony guilders... :lol: 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 15, 2008, 10:12:06 AM

Taco cops out! You know when a lawyer issues a statement rather than coming on to defend him his client is G-U-I-L-T-Y!

Glad to see Megan handle this instead of Greta because she's not afraid to hardball it and is "inclined to believe" Joran is guilty. Good to have DeVries on!

Joran just got ripped again.

I disagree.  I think when Taco saw what Joran did, he $h1t himself and didn't want to appear on camera with dirty drawers., so he wrote a statement instead.  JMO Of course.

Look how Joe signed his statement:

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

That's like saying "I am Adolph Hitler's official ass wiper." Representing somebody that 99% of the people in the world thing is the lowest form of scum on the earth is nothing to hang your hat on, LOL! Is he so twisted he thinks this is a good thing???

Morning monkeys!

I am enjoying immensely Joe Tacopina's latest audition for "Are you smarter than a fifth grader"?  I can't believe he issued such a poorly written statement, and put in writing that Joran has been exonerated!  I love false statements in writing by attorneys.  Confirms what an idiot he is!

What attorney would sign anything as "Joran van der Sloot's attorney"?  In what action is he Joran van der Sloot's attorney?  Is he Joran van der Sloot's attorney for life?  On retainer forever for whatever trouble Joran gets into?  Or is he just a paid spokesperson in general, hired by the MOB as PR for the SLOOTS, posing as an attorney?

Joe Tacopina is a joke.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 10:25:13 AM
joe crapopino had no problem being on TV everynight

and then when this implosion happens by his evil client

joe pulls a houdini

the question really is..

1. joran
2. paulus

thats a tough call  :cool:

can we call a 3-way tie?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 10:28:17 AM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.

every time I see this photo of Beth it just breaks my heart.

That photo is what triggered my outburst. I wish the "Justice For Natalee" folks who attend the trade shows could incorporate that photo as their banner. It captures the scope of the heartache and pain that they are causing and puts into perspective the inconvenience to Aruba and the VDS.

THAT is a GREAT idea!!!! I think it would take people back to that gut wrenching time and remind them why we STILL boycott aruba!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 10:48:26 AM
Winners and Losers

Holloway suspect’s wine-y interview

Jan. 14: Winners & Losers: Dan Abrams crowns former Natalee Holloway murder suspect Joran van der Sloot the big loser of the day after he throws a glass of wine in the face of a reporter at the end of an interview.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 10:48:51 AM

I think Beth is smarter than Oprah or Greta and has the savvy to have kept this going in spite of all odds against her.  Anyone who has followed this case, even peripherally, knows this woman, Beth, is still able to impress all the speakers and people she meets with a lot of grace, teancity and courage.  She would be my candidate for "Woman of the Year."  Never has a woman who came from the suburbs, a teacher in a somewhat secluded community, risen to the heights with a missing-child case as Beth, and since there are many missing children, one has to only surmise that she has the smarts and grace of God with her in each appearance.  Otherwise, she would have cracked under all the inside and outside pressure.  It is of pure love for Natalee and grace given to her by God that she has been able to keep going.  No accounting for her superhuman spirit otherwise.

Tylergal ... articulated my thoughts perfectly.  Thank you.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 15, 2008, 10:49:07 AM
joe crapopino had no problem being on TV everynight

and then when this implosion happens by his evil client

joe pulls a houdini

the question really is..

1. joran
2. paulus

thats a tough call  :cool:

can we call a 3-way tie?

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 15, 2008, 10:54:17 AM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 11:14:33 AM

Taco cops out! You know when a lawyer issues a statement rather than coming on to defend him his client is G-U-I-L-T-Y!

Glad to see Megan handle this instead of Greta because she's not afraid to hardball it and is "inclined to believe" Joran is guilty. Good to have DeVries on!

Joran just got ripped again.

I disagree.  I think when Taco saw what Joran did, he $h1t himself and didn't want to appear on camera with dirty drawers., so he wrote a statement instead.  JMO Of course.

Look how Joe signed his statement:

Joe Tacopina
Joran van der Sloot's Attorney

That's like saying "I am Adolph Hitler's official ass wiper." Representing somebody that 99% of the people in the world thing is the lowest form of scum on the earth is nothing to hang your hat on, LOL! Is he so twisted he thinks this is a good thing???

To me it says hello, I am Joe, Joran's bitch:))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 15, 2008, 11:17:31 AM
Winners and Losers

Holloway suspect’s wine-y interview

Jan. 14: Winners & Losers: Dan Abrams crowns former Natalee Holloway murder suspect Joran van der Sloot the big loser of the day after he throws a glass of wine in the face of a reporter at the end of an interview.

roflmao, bill oreilly called jvds "pinhead of the day, and worse" last night.  winning friends and influencing people, that our sporter.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Lala'sMom on January 15, 2008, 11:24:20 AM


How are these places staying afloat?  No tourists? No money?  Or is it no tourists, can't launder that dirty money?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 15, 2008, 11:25:17 AM
Winners and Losers

Holloway suspect’s wine-y interview

Jan. 14: Winners & Losers: Dan Abrams crowns former Natalee Holloway murder suspect Joran van der Sloot the big loser of the day after he throws a glass of wine in the face of a reporter at the end of an interview.

roflmao, bill oreilly called jvds "pinhead of the day, and worse" last night.  winning friends and influencing people, that our sporter.


I've seen more press about this incident, than any since Natalee disappeared.  Thanks for the BOOST, Joran!

Keep talking!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 11:26:44 AM
Winners and Losers

Holloway suspect’s wine-y interview

Jan. 14: Winners & Losers: Dan Abrams crowns former Natalee Holloway murder suspect Joran van der Sloot the big loser of the day after he throws a glass of wine in the face of a reporter at the end of an interview.

roflmao, bill oreilly called jvds "pinhead of the day, and worse" last night.  winning friends and influencing people, that our sporter.

OMG, just watched the O'Reilly video, here's the link:

Click on "Watch Pinheads and Patriots"  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 12:01:56 PM
Ok, this took some creative thinking to get this to work.  I know the sound is speeded up a bit but you get the point  :lol:

( (

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 12:08:01 PM
Winners and Losers

Holloway suspect’s wine-y interview

Jan. 14: Winners & Losers: Dan Abrams crowns former Natalee Holloway murder suspect Joran van der Sloot the big loser of the day after he throws a glass of wine in the face of a reporter at the end of an interview.

Wine--y Interview is caption of the year so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sirensong on January 15, 2008, 12:10:27 PM
LOL,LOL!  Thanks Klass!  I couldn't get the player to work on the first link!

Thanks for reading my post PI.  That picture that Bear posted just really got me, too.  Beth has God's Grace with her, and I admire her deeply.   It is hard to fight the outrage normal people feel  when seeing this picture and knowing the real story.

Good morning everyone!! 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: NM on January 15, 2008, 12:24:21 PM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.
Barelyhere, This is a great post. Thank you

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 12:27:11 PM
Winners and Losers

Holloway suspect’s wine-y interview

Jan. 14: Winners & Losers: Dan Abrams crowns former Natalee Holloway murder suspect Joran van der Sloot the big loser of the day after he throws a glass of wine in the face of a reporter at the end of an interview.

Sporster is certainly a born and bred winner!!!! He even wins LOSERS CONTESTS::::))))))) What a jerk is all I can say. After all the hard work of his parents, their friends, and their paid public relations efforts,and the sacrifices of the Arubian people, his lack of anger control erases all of their efforts, in front of millions, recorded for posterity.

Makes me remember Jossy's remark way back when, almost rhetorically and this is an approximation and not a quote:

I might could get with the program and support the boys only they are too stupid to leven know how to lie or to remember their lies. In other words he could not have helped them if he tried or was inclined to try:)))))

I would not be shocked to pick up the paper and learn that he has been killed, not by anyone connected to Natalee, but by the people who have supported him at their own expense. They have gone to great risk, expense, and personal sacrifice on behalf of him and for what? You can't save a fool from himself. Anita, the courts are best for Joran and your family.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 12:30:40 PM
LOL,LOL!  Thanks Klass!  I couldn't get the player to work on the first link!

Thanks for reading my post PI.  That picture that Bear posted just really got me, too.  Beth has God's Grace with her, and I admire her deeply.   It is hard to fight the outrage normal people feel  when seeing this picture and knowing the real story.

Good morning everyone!! 

That is the picture of this case. Makes me wonder just how much grief do the naysayers need to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then they weep because Joran looked like a fool because of his own actions. Get real!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 15, 2008, 12:41:30 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 15, 2008, 12:41:53 PM
Tell me it isn't so!  The poor little Sporter is upset, I feel so sorry for him, after all, it's been such a cakewalk for Beth, I can see why he picks on her so much!  GMAFB  :-x :-x


Note to Joe T:  This is what it looks like to be upset and under stress.  Throwing wine in someone's eyes is what being angry and out of control looks like.  How long are you planning to leave the spin cycle on? 

Here I thought there was nothing slicker than a sweaty Sloot. 

PS I think you need a new cleanup crew, this one is worn out from putting in so much overtime.
Barelyhere, This is a great post. Thank you

Yep, a great post.  I can scarcely look at that photo. The feeling of overwhelming grief rushes through my heart like a train.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 12:46:03 PM

Let me tell you it wasn't easy.  Most of the Fox videos are SWF.  I can't use SWF videos in any of my editing software but I can upload to Youtube then redownload it as an FLV which I can work with, so that's what I did.  Unfortunately it messes with the speed of the audio, LOL  :lol:

All I wanted to get was the audio  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 12:52:27 PM
Need to run to the store, be back in a bit  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: friend of monkeys on January 15, 2008, 12:59:33 PM
Need to run to the store, be back in a bit  :wink:

can you get me a bottle of red on the way.....?
what a loser.  Joran.   GUILTY.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 15, 2008, 01:21:57 PM
Need to run to the store, be back in a bit  :wink:

can you get me a bottle of red on the way.....?
what a loser.  Joran.   GUILTY.

 :lol:  :smt039

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Sam on January 15, 2008, 01:28:47 PM
I have looked back for the post from yesterday as well as today and have not seen this listed. If it was I apologize.

Arubagetagrip has an article translated from Diario. It is about the show Joran was on. Actually there are 2 different articles. check it out.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 15, 2008, 01:31:25 PM
(  (  (

Yeah, this has been such a cakewalk for Beth, not like Joran who has had to endure the pesky fact that he killed Natalee and people just will not let it go~!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 15, 2008, 01:36:04 PM
I have looked back for the post from yesterday as well as today and have not seen this listed. If it was I apologize.

Arubagetagrip has an article translated from Diario. It is about the show Joran was on. Actually there are 2 different articles. check it out.

Thanks, Sam.  I hadn't seen it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 15, 2008, 01:52:13 PM
Jos at BFN Posts:

Dutch expert in lip reading:

Right after Joran threw the glass he says (not in particular to anyone but just in general) "My apologies, but I am pissed off".

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 15, 2008, 01:52:53 PM
(  (  (

Yeah, this has been such a cakewalk for Beth, not like Joran who has had to endure the pesky fact that he killed Natalee and people just will not let it go~!

I'm going to quit adding things because it's hard for me to watch, but Taco's little comments about Joran's frustrations make me want to go postal.  :2brickwall: :gaah: :2ukli: :puker:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 02:05:20 PM
Need to run to the store, be back in a bit  :wink:

can you get me a bottle of red on the way.....?
what a loser.  Joran.   GUILTY.

Hi FOM - good to see you! :lol:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 02:11:34 PM
Posted by Victor (Lazlo) at Scrux:

Anita: Joran has ruined his own imago/conflict NOVA P&W

Joran ruined his imago with the wine incident

By Maaike Ruepert

AD- AMSTERDAM - Joran van der Sloot has destroyed the campaign of the family that he is such a well raised young man by throwing wine in the face of Peter R. de Vries.
This is what Joran's mother, Anita van der Sloot said after the broadcasting of Pauw and Witteman Friday night about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.
The incident took place just seconds after the end of the show.

Conflict wine incident broadcasting.

(NOS) The producers of P&W were furious that NOVA had broad casted the wine incident, becasue they had promised to Joran that it would not be broad casted. Witteman said he felt it being a duty to protect his guests, and felt it not done that NOVA did broadcast the incident with as a result it was now on several US channels and Youtube.

Comment from NOVA producer, we felt this indicent and clip was newsworthy, therefor it would have been wrong of us had we not broad casted it, it also paints a picture of Joran's personality.

(non verbatim, I will see if the clip is online tomorrow)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 02:14:29 PM
Posted by Victor (Lazlo) at Scrux:

Anita: Joran has ruined his own imago/conflict NOVA P&W

Joran ruined his imago with the wine incident

By Maaike Ruepert

AD- AMSTERDAM - Joran van der Sloot has destroyed the campaign of the family that he is such a well raised young man by throwing wine in the face of Peter R. de Vries.
This is what Joran's mother, Anita van der Sloot said after the broadcasting of Pauw and Witteman Friday night about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.
The incident took place just seconds after the end of the show.

Conflict wine incident broadcasting.

(NOS) The producers of P&W were furious that NOVA had broad casted the wine incident, becasue they had promised to Joran that it would not be broad casted. Witteman said he felt it being a duty to protect his guests, and felt it not done that NOVA did broadcast the incident with as a result it was now on several US channels and Youtube.

Comment from NOVA producer, we felt this indicent and clip was newsworthy, therefor it would have been wrong of us had we not broad casted it, it also paints a picture of Joran's personality.

(non verbatim, I will see if the clip is online tomorrow)

Annd let the word keep spreading like wildfire here and there and everywhere!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 02:14:38 PM
And there are people and sites who claim that Beth did not love her daughter! That Natalee deserved this, that Beth is enjoying and profiting from this. Now they are even trying to tear the soul of Matt into shreds with their vicious and vile words that they utter and peck.

 To all of you such people, how dare you demonstrate what callous trash you really are for all of the world to see. Have you no shame? No sense of decency? No sense of even the basics of right or wrong? How dare you to have the audacity to show God and the world what uncivilized, uncouth bastards you really are. How dare you to even claim to be worthy of being labeled human beings. I aboslutely abhor your behavior and I thank the Lord everyday that I don't have to be you because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It sucks to be you, we know it and you know it. You are lower than the snakes who were forced to crawl upon their bellies while on this earth. I prey to God for forgiveness because I cannot even pity you. I wouldn't even waste my spit on you.

 Hopefully I will have a 100 more years to live on this earth because I know God wants me to forgive you for your wrong acts, and I know it will take at least that long for me to find the grace to be able to forgive you.

good post PI.
I used to get so infuriated with them and just rant and rave!!! Absolutely disgusting what they post. Unfortunately it goes in one ear and out the other with them. I gave up when I saw that they sometimes post the same vile things about each other TO each other on the site and still keep coming back for more. Now to me...that is insanity...if someone here told me to F-off...I gotta say I would probably F-off!!! lol Not the refugees...they just keep coming back. At least we have them all in one place now so we can keep an eye on '

There are people who are paid to demonstrate at various affairs, in case you have never noticed.  They demonstrate on behalf of Cindy Shehan, on behalf of the environmental movement, on behalf of the issue du jour, against the war, against the administration, against business, etc.  There are also posters who do that, so regardless of what anyone says, they will always be the devil's advocates.  Of course, there are some of them who are there who are pro Joran, or better yet, pro Aruba.  But, for the most part, they are just "anti" protestors just like the people who are flown or bussed from one place to the next to protest against whatever the MSM does not agree with.  They are paid well to make the world believe there is really a big movement.  Of course, some of them are "the real deal" (or real kooks) but please don't be fooled.  These are people who have no conscience and who work for money to be against anything they are paid to be against.  What are people called who are paid for their services?  Yes, I thought you would get it.

In fact, I just read a story about a woman in California who is losing all her teeth because she has always done this for a livelihood because she believed in the cause.  She was someone who had come from a privileged background, whose father was a neurosurgeon, her siblings all professionals, but she followed these kooky movements around until the baby boomer has nothing, no place to live, no medical insurance, and has not paid in enough social security to draw a decent wage.  Being for something (as we are here) is a good thing but using these "anti" causes as a means to get ahead have no good end, so beware that these who are paid to do these "anti" movements, are socialists who are paid to make trouble for those who do the heavy lifting. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 02:16:32 PM
I have got to start using spell check:))))))))))))) I am a horrible typist and not all that great of a speller, and that should be enough to remind me to click that little button:)))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 02:22:51 PM


How are these places staying afloat?  No tourists? No money?  Or is it no tourists, can't launder that dirty money?

Laundromat and pharmacy.  And probably some other little arts that are not mentionable here.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 02:31:03 PM
I have got to start using spell check:))))))))))))) I am a horrible typist and not all that great of a speller, and that should be enough to remind me to click that little button:)))))))))

Your spelling and typing are fine and you do a great job.  It is your message and its delivery, not your spelling skills that are moving.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 02:31:32 PM
(  (  (

Yeah, this has been such a cakewalk for Beth, not like Joran who has had to endure the pesky fact that he killed Natalee and people just will not let it go~!

Thank you cbb.

Jug Twitty needs to be acknowledged and given credit.  Natalee' stepfather and her mother were one ... in words and actions ... at a time when the "powers that be" in the so-called investigation were establishing a coverup to protect Joran and Paulus.  It was a team effort that dictated the media attention that would not allow the disappearance an 18 year old American citizen on Aruban soil to become yesterday's headlines.

Throughout the entire book LOVING NATALEE ... Beth credits that support afforded by a loving stepfather and husband named ... Jug Twitty.



Beth Holloway

Page 227 - Jug has supported me through this entire nightmare.  And we have done everything we can.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 02:32:01 PM
This was a post from RU- Am I reading out of context or does it say there was a fight and just because Natalee was smaller doesn't mean it wasn't a fair fight? This is an unusual point of view.

I deleted the parties for privacy purposes
   Original Post

I guess Natalee never stood a chance. If Joran is a preety big lad then why did he not do the right thing. Pick Natalee up and made sure she got to the hotel or tell securtiy I left a guest at your hotel on the beach. Nope Joran is not a gentleman add drinking and a temper it could make for a bad situtation!

  Reply Quote

My father is bigger and taller than Joran, used to drink heavily, and had a violent temper with me when I was in high school, and I may not have been as short as Natalee... but I was skinnier. There were times I was dumb and rebelling and drunk or messed up during the fight. I never ended up dead. I fought back, as she would if her life was in danger. She stood a chance, and she had a chance. It has nothing to do with Joran's size or his decision to throw some wine in a loser's face. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 15, 2008, 02:32:09 PM


After standing up to the brutish interrogations of the Aruban police and prosecutors, with Mommy and Daddy by his side. DeVries must be a very forceful personality::))))

PI, ya just touched on a comment I meant to make the other day and will probably be a FP post tomorrow. If anyone thinks that Joran was interrogated in any manner that resembled something out of "Law & Order" with Jerry Orbach giving the Sporter the third degree, then Aruba just froze over.

Joran Van der Sloot could not control his temper if Larry King interviewed him. That would be a reference to the soft ball questions that Larry is known and loved for.

There is no way on earth that JVDS could have kept his composure or not cracked if interrogated in any forceful and purposeful manner. NONE! NADA! NIL!
and how about that "solitary confinement" and incommunicado status they have on aruba.  jvds' cell window overlooked the women's exercise yard so he talked to them all day and got all the information and news from papers, radio, tv that everyone else on the happy island got. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 15, 2008, 02:34:36 PM
Need to run to the store, be back in a bit  :wink:

can you get me a bottle of red on the way.....?
what a loser.  Joran.   GUILTY.

Hi FOM - good to see you! :lol:


OMG!  :lol: :lol: :lol: I LOVE IT!!!! Get her in the Butt, Cupid!  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 15, 2008, 02:35:37 PM
This was a post from RU- Am I reading out of context or does it say there was a fight and just because Natalee was smaller doesn't mean it wasn't a fair fight? This is an unusual point of view.

I deleted the parties for privacy purposes
   Original Post

I guess Natalee never stood a chance. If Joran is a preety big lad then why did he not do the right thing. Pick Natalee up and made sure she got to the hotel or tell securtiy I left a guest at your hotel on the beach. Nope Joran is not a gentleman add drinking and a temper it could make for a bad situtation!

  Reply Quote

My father is bigger and taller than Joran, used to drink heavily, and had a violent temper with me when I was in high school, and I may not have been as short as Natalee... but I was skinnier. There were times I was dumb and rebelling and drunk or messed up during the fight. I never ended up dead. I fought back, as she would if her life was in danger. She stood a chance, and she had a chance. It has nothing to do with Joran's size or his decision to throw some wine in a loser's face. 

consider the source, p.e.  if he had burned down a school full of students, they'd say he was just hungry for bbq and beth's boycott had cut off the supplies.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: JusticeforNatalee on January 15, 2008, 02:37:25 PM
"...because they had promised to Joran that it would not be broadcasted. Witteman said he felt it being a duty to protect his guests..."

What an outrageous view from Witteman! Protect Joran? Give me a break.
Joran is the ATTACKER. He should have been immediately apprehended by security for attacking another guest, Peter de Vries.

Thank goodness NOVA broadcast the incident. The world needs to see just how easily
Joran gets angry and that his reaction is nasty and physical.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 15, 2008, 02:43:52 PM
And there are people and sites who claim that Beth did not love her daughter! That Natalee deserved this, that Beth is enjoying and profiting from this. Now they are even trying to tear the soul of Matt into shreds with their vicious and vile words that they utter and peck.

 To all of you such people, how dare you demonstrate what callous trash you really are for all of the world to see. Have you no shame? No sense of decency? No sense of even the basics of right or wrong? How dare you to have the audacity to show God and the world what uncivilized, uncouth bastards you really are. How dare you to even claim to be worthy of being labeled human beings. I aboslutely abhor your behavior and I thank the Lord everyday that I don't have to be you because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It sucks to be you, we know it and you know it. You are lower than the snakes who were forced to crawl upon their bellies while on this earth. I prey to God for forgiveness because I cannot even pity you. I wouldn't even waste my spit on you.

 Hopefully I will have a 100 more years to live on this earth because I know God wants me to forgive you for your wrong acts, and I know it will take at least that long for me to find the grace to be able to forgive you.

good post PI.
I used to get so infuriated with them and just rant and rave!!! Absolutely disgusting what they post. Unfortunately it goes in one ear and out the other with them. I gave up when I saw that they sometimes post the same vile things about each other TO each other on the site and still keep coming back for more. Now to me...that is insanity...if someone here told me to F-off...I gotta say I would probably F-off!!! lol Not the refugees...they just keep coming back. At least we have them all in one place now so we can keep an eye on '

There are people who are paid to demonstrate at various affairs, in case you have never noticed.  They demonstrate on behalf of Cindy Shehan, on behalf of the environmental movement, on behalf of the issue du jour, against the war, against the administration, against business, etc.  There are also posters who do that, so regardless of what anyone says, they will always be the devil's advocates.  Of course, there are some of them who are there who are pro Joran, or better yet, pro Aruba.  But, for the most part, they are just "anti" protestors just like the people who are flown or bussed from one place to the next to protest against whatever the MSM does not agree with.  They are paid well to make the world believe there is really a big movement.  Of course, some of them are "the real deal" (or real kooks) but please don't be fooled.  These are people who have no conscience and who work for money to be against anything they are paid to be against.  What are people called who are paid for their services?  Yes, I thought you would get it.

In fact, I just read a story about a woman in California who is losing all her teeth because she has always done this for a livelihood because she believed in the cause.  She was someone who had come from a privileged background, whose father was a neurosurgeon, her siblings all professionals, but she followed these kooky movements around until the baby boomer has nothing, no place to live, no medical insurance, and has not paid in enough social security to draw a decent wage.  Being for something (as we are here) is a good thing but using these "anti" causes as a means to get ahead have no good end, so beware that these who are paid to do these "anti" movements, are socialists who are paid to make trouble for those who do the heavy lifting. 
imo, these are the same people who send marriage proposals and professions of love to convicted serial killers and people like scott peterson.  even bad attention is better than no attention at all.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 02:49:25 PM
Posted by Victor (Lazlo) at Scrux:

Anita: Joran has ruined his own imago/conflict NOVA P&W

Joran ruined his imago with the wine incident

By Maaike Ruepert

AD- AMSTERDAM - Joran van der Sloot has destroyed the campaign of the family that he is such a well raised young man by throwing wine in the face of Peter R. de Vries.
This is what Joran's mother, Anita van der Sloot said after the broadcasting of Pauw and Witteman Friday night about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.
The incident took place just seconds after the end of the show.

Conflict wine incident broadcasting.

(NOS) The producers of P&W were furious that NOVA had broad casted the wine incident, becasue they had promised to Joran that it would not be broad casted. Witteman said he felt it being a duty to protect his guests, and felt it not done that NOVA did broadcast the incident with as a result it was now on several US channels and Youtube.

Comment from NOVA producer, we felt this indicent and clip was newsworthy, therefor it would have been wrong of us had we not broad casted it, it also paints a picture of Joran's personality.

(non verbatim, I will see if the clip is online tomorrow)

Promising Joran!!!  Protecting Joran!!!

Obviously ... a false perception pertaining to the character of Joran van der Sloot was the objective of the producers of this P&W  interview.  Revealing the truth was never a consideration.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 02:51:46 PM

  Reply Quote

My father is bigger and taller than Joran, used to drink heavily, and had a violent temper with me when I was in high school, and I may not have been as short as Natalee... but I was skinnier. There were times I was dumb and rebelling and drunk or messed up during the fight. I never ended up dead. I fought back, as she would if her life was in danger. She stood a chance, and she had a chance. It has nothing to do with Joran's size or his decision to throw some wine in a loser's face. 

was it signed POS?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 02:54:02 PM
I have looked back for the post from yesterday as well as today and have not seen this listed. If it was I apologize.

Arubagetagrip has an article translated from Diario. It is about the show Joran was on. Actually there are 2 different articles. check it out.

Thanks, Sam.  I hadn't seen it.

Thanks Sam.

I have missed Gretagrip's postings on the SM Forum and ... just assumed that she had ... for whatever reason ... taken a break from translating.  I had not been check her site.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 02:56:46 PM
(  (  (

Yeah, this has been such a cakewalk for Beth, not like Joran who has had to endure the pesky fact that he killed Natalee and people just will not let it go~!

Thank you cbb.

Jug Twitty needs to be acknowledged and given credit.  Natalee' stepfather and her mother were one ... in words and actions ... at a time when the "powers that be" in the so-called investigation were establishing a coverup to protect Joran and Paulus.  It was a team effort that dictated the media attention that would not allow the disappearance an 18 year old American citizen on Aruban soil to become yesterday's headlines.

Throughout the entire book LOVING NATALEE ... Beth credits that support afforded by a loving stepfather and husband named ... Jug Twitty.



Beth Holloway

Page 227 - Jug has supported me through this entire nightmare.  And we have done everything we can.

Yes, some marriages are borne in Heaven that we are not even aware of and the reasons for that marriage.  I have always thought Jug was her rock and was afraid when they were no longer married that it would devastate her and I am sure she had her moments; she had lost most everything she had but she clung to the faith she had and the belief that there would justice for Natalee, if she had but the faith of a grain of mustard seed.  We know that there will be justice for Natalee, whether in our life time, our time here at SM but there will be justice.  The Lord reminds us "vengeance is mine."  There will be justice for Natalee but the faith, strength and courage Beth has could only come from a more powerful source than mere human beings. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZSunny on January 15, 2008, 03:12:25 PM
I wonder if the Persistence computers are down again?  We haven't had any word since Saturday.  Did the Captains sister post anything about that on the other site? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 03:15:27 PM
(  (  (

Yeah, this has been such a cakewalk for Beth, not like Joran who has had to endure the pesky fact that he killed Natalee and people just will not let it go~!

Thank you cbb.

Jug Twitty needs to be acknowledged and given credit.  Natalee' stepfather and her mother were one ... in words and actions ... at a time when the "powers that be" in the so-called investigation were establishing a coverup to protect Joran and Paulus.  It was a team effort that dictated the media attention that would not allow the disappearance an 18 year old American citizen on Aruban soil to become yesterday's headlines.

Throughout the entire book LOVING NATALEE ... Beth credits that support afforded by a loving stepfather and husband named ... Jug Twitty.



Beth Holloway

Page 227 - Jug has supported me through this entire nightmare.  And we have done everything we can.

Yes, some marriages are borne in Heaven that we are not even aware of and the reasons for that marriage.  I have always thought Jug was her rock and was afraid when they were no longer married that it would devastate her and I am sure she had her moments; she had lost most everything she had but she clung to the faith she had and the belief that there would justice for Natalee, if she had but the faith of a grain of mustard seed.  We know that there will be justice for Natalee, whether in our life time, our time here at SM but there will be justice.  The Lord reminds us "vengeance is mine."  There will be justice for Natalee but the faith, strength and courage Beth has could only come from a more powerful source than mere human beings. 

Jug Twitty
Scared Monkey FP
January 5, 2007

Sad News from Mountain Brook, AL … Jug and Beth Twitty Divorcing

Comment by JUG TWITTY/January 8, 2007, 9:27 am

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 15, 2008, 03:33:47 PM
I wonder if the Persistence computers are down again?  We haven't had any word since Saturday.  Did the Captains sister post anything about that on the other site? 

Last time it was due to squals and equipment failure....I was wonder something similar...I looked up the weather down there, and the satellite map looked like there was a cloud cover offshore, but that was my perception and may not be anywhere near fact.  Maybe someone will post something soon.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: JusticeforNatalee on January 15, 2008, 04:03:51 PM
Well, Anita, you have finally gotten something right: Yes, Joran has ruined his image.
Well, Anita, it was fake anyway and he is the way he is. You can't hide that.
Why don't you concentrate on your other two sons and let Joran pay the consequences for his misdeeds?
Other topic: Greta has actually posted the video of Joran's attack.
Did Greta betray poor widdle Joran and show him in a bad light?

Ah--Joran and Joey won't like that. But I think Joran burned a lot of bridges
with the media (and more) with that incident.

If anyone wants to post a comment, here's the link:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 04:21:50 PM
Well, Anita, you have finally gotten something right: Yes, Joran has ruined his image.
Well, Anita, it was fake anyway and he is the way he is. You can't hide that.
Why don't you concentrate on your other two sons and let Joran pay the consequences for his misdeeds?
Other topic: Greta has actually posted the video of Joran's attack.
Did Greta betray poor widdle Joran and show him in a bad light?

Ah--Joran and Joey won't like that. But I think Joran burned a lot of bridges
with the media (and more) with that incident.

If anyone wants to post a comment, here's the link:

Maybe Greta is no longer "inclined to believe him".



Joran van der Sloot
On the Record w/ Greta
March 6, 2006,2933,186880,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: What's the anger management stuff, though? At some point, correct me if I'm wrong, that you were getting some sort of — you know, that — were you going to some courses or classes or something? Was there a problem with that?

VAN DER SLOOT: No, I never went to any
VAN SUSTEREN: Nothing like that? Never been an anger issue?

VAN DER SLOOT: No. Never. No.

VAN SUSTEREN: That's just all made up?


VAN SUSTEREN: Totally — totally fiction?

VAN DER SLOOT: Totally made up.


VAN DER SLOOT: Totally fiction.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 15, 2008, 04:34:16 PM
I wonder if the Persistence computers are down again?  We haven't had any word since Saturday.  Did the Captains sister post anything about that on the other site? 

Last time it was due to squals and equipment failure....I was wonder something similar...I looked up the weather down there, and the satellite map looked like there was a cloud cover offshore, but that was my perception and may not be anywhere near fact.  Maybe someone will post something soon.

The Marine Forecast looks pretty dismal.  Chest high waves today and tomorrow,
then overhead waves coming in sets.  Small Craft Warning for Friday and Saturday.
Small Craft Warnings there are for much rougher seas than we see here.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 04:45:48 PM
Fox top video  :wink:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 04:48:04 PM
(  (  (

Yeah, this has been such a cakewalk for Beth, not like Joran who has had to endure the pesky fact that he killed Natalee and people just will not let it go~!

Thank you cbb.

Jug Twitty needs to be acknowledged and given credit.  Natalee' stepfather and her mother were one ... in words and actions ... at a time when the "powers that be" in the so-called investigation were establishing a coverup to protect Joran and Paulus.  It was a team effort that dictated the media attention that would not allow the disappearance an 18 year old American citizen on Aruban soil to become yesterday's headlines.

Throughout the entire book LOVING NATALEE ... Beth credits that support afforded by a loving stepfather and husband named ... Jug Twitty.



Beth Holloway

Page 227 - Jug has supported me through this entire nightmare.  And we have done everything we can.

CBB and Tami, I forwarded this to Jug..ya all got me crying here!!!
He doesn't read in the forum but he sent me the following response.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 15, 2008, 04:55:53 PM
Well, Anita, you have finally gotten something right: Yes, Joran has ruined his image.
Well, Anita, it was fake anyway and he is the way he is. You can't hide that.
Why don't you concentrate on your other two sons and let Joran pay the consequences for his misdeeds?
Other topic: Greta has actually posted the video of Joran's attack.
Did Greta betray poor widdle Joran and show him in a bad light?

Ah--Joran and Joey won't like that. But I think Joran burned a lot of bridges
with the media (and more) with that incident.

If anyone wants to post a comment, here's the link:

Maybe Greta is no longer "inclined to believe him".



Joran van der Sloot
On the Record w/ Greta
March 6, 2006,2933,186880,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: What's the anger management stuff, though? At some point, correct me if I'm wrong, that you were getting some sort of — you know, that — were you going to some courses or classes or something? Was there a problem with that?

VAN DER SLOOT: No, I never went to any
VAN SUSTEREN: Nothing like that? Never been an anger issue?

VAN DER SLOOT: No. Never. No.

VAN SUSTEREN: That's just all made up?


VAN SUSTEREN: Totally — totally fiction?

VAN DER SLOOT: Totally made up.


VAN DER SLOOT: Totally fiction.

and greta was inclined to believe him. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 05:06:18 PM
ldstlou ... thank you.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 05:08:04 PM
ldstlou ... thank you.


That was such a beautiful post, thought he would like to see it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: GabbyG on January 15, 2008, 05:18:01 PM
(  (  (

Yeah, this has been such a cakewalk for Beth, not like Joran who has had to endure the pesky fact that he killed Natalee and people just will not let it go~!

I'm going to quit adding things because it's hard for me to watch, but Taco's little comments about Joran's frustrations make me want to go postal.  :2brickwall: :gaah: :2ukli: :puker:

Hi CBB!  A dear friend of mine watched the clip you posted here, and noticed something I cant believe I missed! At about 10 seconds you will see a sign hanging on a doorknob that says "Expect a Miracle"....WOW
I have had that in my signature line at WS for the last couple of years, and just added it to my signature line here today. 
I truly believe that Natalee will be found! I read earlier about someone seeing a rainbow over the Persistence, then there is a sign in Beth's video, in Natalee's room no less, saying to expect a miracle. Ya, I think Natalee will be found, I truly do.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 05:23:22 PM
We notice.  Then there is this post by Jug on the front page of SM in January 2007:



Jan 8, 9:27 AM

Thank you Jug!  

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 05:25:47 PM
(  (  (

Yeah, this has been such a cakewalk for Beth, not like Joran who has had to endure the pesky fact that he killed Natalee and people just will not let it go~!

I'm going to quit adding things because it's hard for me to watch, but Taco's little comments about Joran's frustrations make me want to go postal.  :2brickwall: :gaah: :2ukli: :puker:

Hi CBB!  A dear friend of mine watched the clip you posted here, and noticed something I cant believe I missed! At about 10 seconds you will see a sign hanging on a doorknob that says "Expect a Miracle"....WOW
I have had that in my signature line at WS for the last couple of years, and just added it to my signature line here today. 
I truly believe that Natalee will be found! I read earlier about someone seeing a rainbow over the Persistence, then there is a sign in Beth's video, in Natalee's room no less, saying to expect a miracle. Ya, I think Natalee will be found, I truly do.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 15, 2008, 05:26:01 PM
I wonder if the Persistence computers are down again?  We haven't had any word since Saturday.  Did the Captains sister post anything about that on the other site? 

Last time it was due to squals and equipment failure....I was wonder something similar...I looked up the weather down there, and the satellite map looked like there was a cloud cover offshore, but that was my perception and may not be anywhere near fact.  Maybe someone will post something soon.

The Marine Forecast looks pretty dismal.  Chest high waves today and tomorrow,
then overhead waves coming in sets.  Small Craft Warning for Friday and Saturday.
Small Craft Warnings there are for much rougher seas than we see here.

Thanks, Magnolia....the forecast called for rain through the early AM hours...I just didn't know if that was normal for this time of year.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 05:30:17 PM
We notice.  Then there is this post by Jug on the front page of SM in January 2007:



Jan 8, 9:27 AM

Thank you Jug!  

gotta tell you a funny story...I sent that pic of Anita and her see thru top and he had no idea who it was!!! hahahaha Had to tell him it was Anita. I think we thoroughly grossed him out!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 05:31:35 PM
We notice.  Then there is this post by Jug on the front page of SM in January 2007:



Jan 8, 9:27 AM

Thank you Jug!  


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 15, 2008, 05:39:49 PM
(  (  (

Yeah, this has been such a cakewalk for Beth, not like Joran who has had to endure the pesky fact that he killed Natalee and people just will not let it go~!

I'm going to quit adding things because it's hard for me to watch, but Taco's little comments about Joran's frustrations make me want to go postal.  :2brickwall: :gaah: :2ukli: :puker:

Hi CBB!  A dear friend of mine watched the clip you posted here, and noticed something I cant believe I missed! At about 10 seconds you will see a sign hanging on a doorknob that says "Expect a Miracle"....WOW
I have had that in my signature line at WS for the last couple of years, and just added it to my signature line here today. 
I truly believe that Natalee will be found! I read earlier about someone seeing a rainbow over the Persistence, then there is a sign in Beth's video, in Natalee's room no less, saying to expect a miracle. Ya, I think Natalee will be found, I truly do.


Klaas, thank you for capturing that, and Gabby, thank you for seeing it and adding your encouraging post!

I think we should send that capture to the crew of the persistence and let them know it was in Natalee's room. What a message to them from Natalee!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 15, 2008, 05:45:00 PM
I am watching Oprah to practice for tomorrow. :P

She is promoting the tomorrow show in this order: Marian Jones, Beth & Matt,
and Juno.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 05:58:18 PM
I am watching Oprah to practice for tomorrow. :P

She is promoting the tomorrow show in this order: Marian Jones, Beth & Matt,
and Juno.

 :2doh: Practicing for Ophah.   :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 06:02:57 PM
We notice.  Then there is this post by Jug on the front page of SM in January 2007:



Jan 8, 9:27 AM

Thank you Jug!  

gotta tell you a funny story...I sent that pic of Anita and her see thru top and he had no idea who it was!!! hahahaha Had to tell him it was Anita. I think we thoroughly grossed him out!!!

Is this the one you sent?   :lol:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 15, 2008, 06:05:18 PM
We notice.  Then there is this post by Jug on the front page of SM in January 2007:



Jan 8, 9:27 AM

Thank you Jug!  

gotta tell you a funny story...I sent that pic of Anita and her see thru top and he had no idea who it was!!! hahahaha Had to tell him it was Anita. I think we thoroughly grossed him out!!!

Is this the one you sent?   :lol:


roflmao!!! that was it. He was like who is this a pic of you are sending me? :2doh: I think he thought I had lost my mind until I told him who is was...then he was just grossed out!!! hahahahahaha

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 15, 2008, 06:24:07 PM
I am watching Oprah to practice for tomorrow. :P

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 06:57:31 PM
Just posted on the front page of SM:

Betsy wrote:

I have a small interesting piece of news to share. I am in medical sales and we are currently having an International Sales Meeting. Randomly, I sat beside a man at lunch who covers the Carribean. I asked if Aruba was part of his territory, of course, and he said, “YES.”

Naturally, I brought up the case. He acknowledged that the dent in tourism income is significant. He does not call on the hospital currently because they have no cash flow to purchase new equipment. He said the boycott is most certainly having an impact. He also said that there is definitely a very huge drug trade there and that it is a throughput for the drug lords in Columbia.

In closing, he said that it is no secret amongst locals in Aruba that this case was tampered with and evidence was “lost.” I told him that Aruba will be paying for this for a very long time. He agreed.

Talk at meetings, talk anywhere where people will listen. Five people sitting at the table with us had not followed the case in a long time. Suddenly, there is interest. I gave them the site for Persistence, told them about Oprah tomorrow and of course, I informed all of them about Joran’s wine-y episode and anger management issues.

Keep up the great work SM and thanks!

Jan 15, 7:45 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 07:12:06 PM
Just posted on the front page of SM:

Betsy wrote:

I have a small interesting piece of news to share. I am in medical sales and we are currently having an International Sales Meeting. Randomly, I sat beside a man at lunch who covers the Carribean. I asked if Aruba was part of his territory, of course, and he said, “YES.”

Naturally, I brought up the case. He acknowledged that the dent in tourism income is significant. He does not call on the hospital currently because they have no cash flow to purchase new equipment. He said the boycott is most certainly having an impact. He also said that there is definitely a very huge drug trade there and that it is a throughput for the drug lords in Columbia.

In closing, he said that it is no secret amongst locals in Aruba that this case was tampered with and evidence was “lost.” I told him that Aruba will be paying for this for a very long time. He agreed.

Talk at meetings, talk anywhere where people will listen. Five people sitting at the table with us had not followed the case in a long time. Suddenly, there is interest. I gave them the site for Persistence, told them about Oprah tomorrow and of course, I informed all of them about Joran’s wine-y episode and anger management issues.

Keep up the great work SM and thanks!

Jan 15, 7:45 PM

Angels are everywhere, in places we have never been and do not think about.  Thanks, Betsy, you are one of them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on January 15, 2008, 07:12:27 PM
Just posted on the front page of SM:

Betsy wrote:

I have a small interesting piece of news to share. I am in medical sales and we are currently having an International Sales Meeting. Randomly, I sat beside a man at lunch who covers the Carribean. I asked if Aruba was part of his territory, of course, and he said, “YES.”

Naturally, I brought up the case. He acknowledged that the dent in tourism income is significant. He does not call on the hospital currently because they have no cash flow to purchase new equipment. He said the boycott is most certainly having an impact. He also said that there is definitely a very huge drug trade there and that it is a throughput for the drug lords in Columbia.

In closing, he said that it is no secret amongst locals in Aruba that this case was tampered with and evidence was “lost.” I told him that Aruba will be paying for this for a very long time. He agreed.

Talk at meetings, talk anywhere where people will listen. Five people sitting at the table with us had not followed the case in a long time. Suddenly, there is interest. I gave them the site for Persistence, told them about Oprah tomorrow and of course, I informed all of them about Joran’s wine-y episode and anger management issues.

Keep up the great work SM and thanks!

Jan 15, 7:45 PM

When are those people that 'lost' the evidence going to dig deep into their pockets and come up with the tourism income/money that was lost along with the evidence?

When are those deep pockets going to open for the every day Aruban?

How many people may have come forward with evidence?  Who exactly could they trust on Aruba?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 15, 2008, 07:20:17 PM

Where's Jossy?  Has anyone seen or heard anything from him lately?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 07:24:45 PM
I admittedly have never vacationed in Aruba but I have spent many many vacation weeks in Destin, Panama City, Myrtle Beach, various California and Hawaii Beaches, Caymen Islands, etc. and during the normal vacation months the beaches are full, not occupied, but crowded. I notice the beach cam in Aruba and I see 6 or 8, maybe 12 people. Are those cams located in a radioactive site or is that their normal tourist load? Or do people not go there for their beaches, just their legal crime choices, prostitution, drugs, gambling etc. I always thought it was a tropical beach destination.

Seriously, this is not a joke, or am I looking at the wrong camera. You would think the camera would be at a popular beach area.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 07:34:15 PM
Well, Anita, you have finally gotten something right: Yes, Joran has ruined his image.
Well, Anita, it was fake anyway and he is the way he is. You can't hide that.
Why don't you concentrate on your other two sons and let Joran pay the consequences for his misdeeds?
Other topic: Greta has actually posted the video of Joran's attack.
Did Greta betray poor widdle Joran and show him in a bad light?

Ah--Joran and Joey won't like that. But I think Joran burned a lot of bridges
with the media (and more) with that incident.

If anyone wants to post a comment, here's the link:

Thanks Justice! I went over to Gretawire and read the posts and they are hammering Greta hard about her softball interview of Joran and her being inclined to believe him.

Joran's outrage throws wine in the face of all those who have supported him and vidicates what we have known all along: he is an out of control, agressive mainac who can't stand any kind of rejection, and he would more than likely kill a girl if she didn't give him what he wanted.

This latest stunt of his has etched a big red "M" for "Murderer" on his forehead for all to see, and he did it all by his own bad self.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: friend of monkeys on January 15, 2008, 07:40:12 PM
I admittedly have never vacationed in Aruba but I have spent many many vacation weeks in Destin, Panama City, Myrtle Beach, various California and Hawaii Beaches, Caymen Islands, etc. and during the normal vacation months the beaches are full, not occupied, but crowded. I notice the beach cam in Aruba and I see 6 or 8, maybe 12 people. Are those cams located in a radioactive site or is that their normal tourist load? Or do people not go there for their beaches, just their legal crime choices, prostitution, drugs, gambling etc. I always thought it was a tropical beach destination.

Seriously, this is not a joke, or am I looking at the wrong camera. You would think the camera would be at a popular beach area.

yea baby--- i was shocked too.  That place used to be hoppin!!!
Not even a drugdealer to be seen now......nevermind de tourist.


They should fesss   up    already.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 15, 2008, 07:43:06 PM
I admittedly have never vacationed in Aruba but I have spent many many vacation weeks in Destin, Panama City, Myrtle Beach, various California and Hawaii Beaches, Caymen Islands, etc. and during the normal vacation months the beaches are full, not occupied, but crowded. I notice the beach cam in Aruba and I see 6 or 8, maybe 12 people. Are those cams located in a radioactive site or is that their normal tourist load? Or do people not go there for their beaches, just their legal crime choices, prostitution, drugs, gambling etc. I always thought it was a tropical beach destination.

Seriously, this is not a joke, or am I looking at the wrong camera. You would think the camera would be at a popular beach area.

Same here, PI.  I have never seen a beach in any tourist area that deserted.
It used to look that empty along the Big Sur coast in California, the sand would squeak
beneath your feet, but there were no hotels in the area. 
Betsy's post from the front page is encouraging. 
It may be worse in Aruba than we realize.  We can only hope. :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 07:45:47 PM
I admittedly have never vacationed in Aruba but I have spent many many vacation weeks in Destin, Panama City, Myrtle Beach, various California and Hawaii Beaches, Caymen Islands, etc. and during the normal vacation months the beaches are full, not occupied, but crowded. I notice the beach cam in Aruba and I see 6 or 8, maybe 12 people. Are those cams located in a radioactive site or is that their normal tourist load? Or do people not go there for their beaches, just their legal crime choices, prostitution, drugs, gambling etc. I always thought it was a tropical beach destination.

Seriously, this is not a joke, or am I looking at the wrong camera. You would think the camera would be at a popular beach area.

That is a very popular area of beach right in the middle of many other resorts and we have been watching it for well over two years now. It is always empty and all the other cameras around it show an empty beach and pool all year round.

They sent a troll out on a forum early on to explain that is a topless beach so nobody wants to be seen. Bunch of baloney. People go topless in the Caribbean just about anywhere they want and you think they care? A few years ago I was eating lunch at a beachfront restaurant in a croded area downtown area of St. Martin, also a Dutch island, and two teenage chicks sat down right in front of GF and I and pulled their tops off. It is common and there are cameras everywhere.

Aruba allows drug dealers to sell drugs right out in the open fronts of family restaurants and bars, they try to get the female tourists as drunk as they can to entertain the men. They drug them when they can. I am sure they want as many boobs showing as they can get on their beaches.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 15, 2008, 07:45:50 PM
Isn't this Aruba's busiest time of the year? Well maybe the cattle from China and India will start pouring in by the plane loads...LMAO!!  :roll:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 15, 2008, 07:46:33 PM
Well, Anita, you have finally gotten something right: Yes, Joran has ruined his image.
Well, Anita, it was fake anyway and he is the way he is. You can't hide that.
Why don't you concentrate on your other two sons and let Joran pay the consequences for his misdeeds?
Other topic: Greta has actually posted the video of Joran's attack.
Did Greta betray poor widdle Joran and show him in a bad light?

Ah--Joran and Joey won't like that. But I think Joran burned a lot of bridges
with the media (and more) with that incident.

If anyone wants to post a comment, here's the link:

Maybe Greta is no longer "inclined to believe him".



Joran van der Sloot
On the Record w/ Greta
March 6, 2006,2933,186880,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: What's the anger management stuff, though? At some point, correct me if I'm wrong, that you were getting some sort of — you know, that — were you going to some courses or classes or something? Was there a problem with that?

VAN DER SLOOT: No, I never went to any
VAN SUSTEREN: Nothing like that? Never been an anger issue?

VAN DER SLOOT: No. Never. No.

VAN SUSTEREN: That's just all made up?


VAN SUSTEREN: Totally — totally fiction?

VAN DER SLOOT: Totally made up.


VAN DER SLOOT: Totally fiction.

If you want to find out what happened to the girl and where she is, you have to be with Joran van der SLOOT Joran van der SLOOT is a disturbed/sich person, he has admitted that he is in the care of a psychologist and that he hits his brother. If the police wants more information about Natalee, then you have to be with Joran. He was the last person with the girl, that I can guarantee.  (source: Deepak 6/16/05 statement)

Yes I was with him on that day. On that day there was a parade in Oranjestad. We stood on the bridge at the Wilhelmina Park. That moment a druggie came to us. Joran had given him beer. The druggie had thrown the beer on the ground and started annoying us. Joran had called the police force that stood near. The police force had removed the druggie. After a while the druggie returned and started annoying us. He had grabbed Satish at its hand and wanted with him fight. At that moment Joran grabbed him and threw him off the bridge into the water. (source: Sander statement 6/16/05)

Joined: 10 Aug 2005
Location: aruba

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:39 pm Post subject: Add User to Ignore List Reply with quote
greg... he is know to be very agressive at times.. Joran that is..

At one time he would play domino at a golf course and suddenly start kicking cactus around..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 07:51:00 PM
Just posted on the front page of SM:

Betsy wrote:

I have a small interesting piece of news to share. I am in medical sales and we are currently having an International Sales Meeting. Randomly, I sat beside a man at lunch who covers the Carribean. I asked if Aruba was part of his territory, of course, and he said, “YES.”

Naturally, I brought up the case. He acknowledged that the dent in tourism income is significant. He does not call on the hospital currently because they have no cash flow to purchase new equipment. He said the boycott is most certainly having an impact. He also said that there is definitely a very huge drug trade there and that it is a throughput for the drug lords in Columbia.

In closing, he said that it is no secret amongst locals in Aruba that this case was tampered with and evidence was “lost.” I told him that Aruba will be paying for this for a very long time. He agreed.

Talk at meetings, talk anywhere where people will listen. Five people sitting at the table with us had not followed the case in a long time. Suddenly, there is interest. I gave them the site for Persistence, told them about Oprah tomorrow and of course, I informed all of them about Joran’s wine-y episode and anger management issues.

Keep up the great work SM and thanks!

Jan 15, 7:45 PM

Great testimonial from someone who was there. I saw an article in Papi this moring where it looks like Myrna Jansen is saying tourism is booming. Haven't seen the English version yet but let me ask Myrna something:

How do you lose half you cruise ship business and make money?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 07:54:46 PM
Isn't this Aruba's busiest time of the year? Well maybe the cattle from China and India will start pouring in by the plane loads...LMAO!!  :roll:

LOL @ the cattle, *******!

I am really surprised their Stalinist leaders haven't made them take those Bacuticams down. It is so damn obvious nobody is on those beaches any time of day and hasn't been since a couple of months after Natalee disappeared.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 07:56:44 PM

Where's Jossy?  Has anyone seen or heard anything from him lately?

I don't know but he hasn't lived up to his promise of printing any of the damaging material he says he has.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 15, 2008, 08:04:17 PM

Where's Jossy?  Has anyone seen or heard anything from him lately?

I don't know but he hasn't lived up to his promise of printing any of the damaging material he says he has.

No he hasn't,just that last article where he mentioned a minister being involved in prostitution in Venezuela. Jossy hasn't said a word since then and even canceled Dana's show :( They may have him by the balls with Luis Mansur looking at a long prison sentence come April.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 08:04:53 PM
Well, Anita, you have finally gotten something right: Yes, Joran has ruined his image.
Well, Anita, it was fake anyway and he is the way he is. You can't hide that.
Why don't you concentrate on your other two sons and let Joran pay the consequences for his misdeeds?
Other topic: Greta has actually posted the video of Joran's attack.
Did Greta betray poor widdle Joran and show him in a bad light?

Ah--Joran and Joey won't like that. But I think Joran burned a lot of bridges
with the media (and more) with that incident.

If anyone wants to post a comment, here's the link:

Thanks Justice! I went over to Gretawire and read the posts and they are hammering Greta hard about her softball interview of Joran and her being inclined to believe him.

Joran's outrage throws wine in the face of all those who have supported him and vidicates what we have known all along: he is an out of control, agressive mainac who can't stand any kind of rejection, and he would more than likely kill a girl if she didn't give him what he wanted.

This latest stunt of his has etched a big red "M" for "Murderer" on his forehead for all to see, and he did it all by his own bad self.

Maybe we should lobby for Megan or Laura Ingraham to interview the sporter. :)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 15, 2008, 08:07:59 PM

Where's Jossy?  Has anyone seen or heard anything from him lately?

I don't know but he hasn't lived up to his promise of printing any of the damaging material he says he has.

No he hasn't,just that last article where he mentioned a minister being involved in prostitution in Venezuela. Jossy hasn't said a word since then and even canceled Dana's show :( They may have him by the balls with Luis Mansur looking at a long prison sentence come April.

Stedman has another word for that, "testicles."  Janet is a very pious person as are some of the other ladies here.  Not me, I can handle this but you know--- it is a co-ed campus here.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 08:23:10 PM
Posted by Heli at RU:

Natalee taken by Space Aliens - Not So Crazy

It would seem we may have poo poo'ed this possiblity whilst it may
be worthy of our consideration


Unknown Object Videotaped over Aruba

The video below was sent to me by J. Alonso Galicia Fabela. There is a language gap here, but I can decipher some of the basic facts pertaining to the taking of the film. The man says that the video was taken on 01-08-08 from the roof of his home in Aruba. He also says that the area he lives in has a lot of UFO sightings.
The video shows the unknown object at three different speeds.

He also sent along 3 still frame grabs. I am posting one above.

A big thanks to M. Alonso Galica Fabela.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 15, 2008, 08:25:39 PM

Stedman has another word for that, "testicles."  Janet is a very pious person as are some of the other ladies here.  Not me, I can handle this but you know--- it is a co-ed campus here.
Ok, as Steadman says, they may have him by the "testicles"....I don't see the difference between balls and testacles but ok..Sorry If I offended!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 15, 2008, 08:31:44 PM

Stedman has another word for that, "testicles."  Janet is a very pious person as are some of the other ladies here.  Not me, I can handle this but you know--- it is a co-ed campus here.
Ok, as Steadman says, they may have him by the "testicles"....I don't see the difference between balls and testacles but ok..Sorry If I offended!!

Who is Stedman and why does he call his balls his testicles?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 08:31:53 PM

Where's Jossy?  Has anyone seen or heard anything from him lately?

I don't know but he hasn't lived up to his promise of printing any of the damaging material he says he has.

No he hasn't,just that last article where he mentioned a minister being involved in prostitution in Venezuela. Jossy hasn't said a word since then and even canceled Dana's show :( They may have him by the balls with Luis Mansur looking at a long prison sentence come April.

Stedman has another word for that, "testicles."  Janet is a very pious person as are some of the other ladies here.  Not me, I can handle this but you know--- it is a co-ed campus here.

I think that Jossy led us out of the forest and did his part, at great risk to himself. Is Jossy completely clean? Probably not, but he is not ethically challenged, and if he did skirt some laws it was probably in the past and was totally unrelated to this case. But Aruba owes him a big apology because he tried to step up and lead a country he obviously cares very much for in the right direction, he tried to expose the illegal Dutch friends who were in a position to blackmail for instance Rudy Croes and the Arubian government into shutting up and cooperating with and allowing the cover up of the Dutch boy, and he apparently was clean enough that the local Dutch had no blackmail material on him. Jossy's path would have preserved the tourism business that the locals depend on for their income. He was protecting them as much as he was helping Beth. The two had similar goals in that the right thing solved both the locals and Beth's problems.

The MEP, the controlling party was founded by Betico Croes, the liberator of Aruba, and as his son, Rudy, had entirely too much influence with the locals for Jossy to win against the MEPs. But despite the great influence that Rudy had with the locals, and his dominance in the political arena too great for Jossy, he was too weak to handle the Dutch investigation due to his own criminal activities, unrelated to Natalee, of which the local Dutch boys were aware, as they control the key positions at the police, and the prosecutors office, and they had friends who were the judges. But the judges could only consider the case developed by the prosecutor and police, so in reality they had little to with which to work.

Maybe even at first Jossy was going to play the cover up as evidenced by his infamous tale that the FBI was chasing a car with Natalee in it, he soon realized that Beth was not going on, and he reversed strategy and became Beth's strongest supporter there. And for that he has my undying admiration, respect, and friendship, even though I will never meet him, and I sincerely wish him the best with his family's trouble and wish there was something I could do to help him. He stood tall and strong for Beth.

And I realize that this is speculation, and I apologize to Mr Mansur if I have it wrong. But I know I am not wrong for thanking him for supporting Beth and for wishing him the best. I also hope that he stays silent on this from here on out and concentrate on his and his family's future. They apparently need him.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: yapperz1 on January 15, 2008, 08:46:25 PM
Posted by Heli at RU:

Natalee taken by Space Aliens - Not So Crazy

It would seem we may have poo poo'ed this possiblity whilst it may
be worthy of our consideration


Unknown Object Videotaped over Aruba

The video below was sent to me by J. Alonso Galicia Fabela. There is a language gap here, but I can decipher some of the basic facts pertaining to the taking of the film. The man says that the video was taken on 01-08-08 from the roof of his home in Aruba. He also says that the area he lives in has a lot of UFO sightings.
The video shows the unknown object at three different speeds.

He also sent along 3 still frame grabs. I am posting one above.

A big thanks to M. Alonso Galica Fabela.

Hiya Monkeys

OK I can now say I have heard it all. That bunch grasps at any & every "thing" whether plausibale or not.  :shock:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: carpe noctem on January 15, 2008, 08:50:17 PM
Well, Anita, you have finally gotten something right: Yes, Joran has ruined his image.
Well, Anita, it was fake anyway and he is the way he is. You can't hide that.
Why don't you concentrate on your other two sons and let Joran pay the consequences for his misdeeds?
Other topic: Greta has actually posted the video of Joran's attack.
Did Greta betray poor widdle Joran and show him in a bad light?

Ah--Joran and Joey won't like that. But I think Joran burned a lot of bridges
with the media (and more) with that incident.

If anyone wants to post a comment, here's the link:

Thanks Justice! I went over to Gretawire and read the posts and they are hammering Greta hard about her softball interview of Joran and her being inclined to believe him.

Joran's outrage throws wine in the face of all those who have supported him and vidicates what we have known all along: he is an out of control, agressive mainac who can't stand any kind of rejection, and he would more than likely kill a girl if she didn't give him what he wanted.

This latest stunt of his has etched a big red "M" for "Murderer" on his forehead for all to see, and he did it all by his own bad self.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 08:51:50 PM

Where's Jossy?  Has anyone seen or heard anything from him lately?

I don't know but he hasn't lived up to his promise of printing any of the damaging material he says he has.

Dayhiker ... in case you missed it ... Jossy has plenty to say regarding the recent P&W interview with Joran, Anita and Paulus and also on Joran's temper tantrum.

Dayhiker ... you are correct ... Jossy has been silent regarding info he claims he is privy to regarding the implication of Joran in the Natalee Holloway case.  Maybe ... the "powers that be" in Aruba got to him ... something akin to all the other witnesses as well as those with knowledge.  Let's see ... there is the gardener ... Junior ... Mickey John ... the jogger ... Bachus ... the DEA agent ... the handlers ... Charles Croes ... the sons of the elite ... Steve Croes ... Geoffrey van Cromvoirt ...



Beth Twitty
October 4, 2005

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: You know, Nancy, the sad part is that`s just half of it. I mean I was thinking of all the witnesses, the bogus sightings and the things that we`ve been on, and all these other persons of interest. I mean we`ve got people from -- with names from von rain (ph) and von loom (ph) and Freddy -- and what happened to all of them? And all of their alibis have been destroyed. I mean I think of Freddy and I think what happened to him? You know what has happened to all of these persons of interest ...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 08:59:10 PM
SunnyInTX just sent this to me  :lol:

BEACH IN JAPAN   :shock:




Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 15, 2008, 09:07:00 PM
And this is Aruba's high season. :shock:

High Season in Aruba = Mid December to Mid April.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Elaine on January 15, 2008, 09:12:36 PM
SunnyInTX just sent this to me  :lol:

BEACH IN JAPAN   :shock:



Man, you gotta love it !! :D

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 09:14:28 PM
And this is Aruba's high season. :shock:

High Season in Aruba = Mid December to Mid April.

Exactly pictures are so much more decriptive than words. But the washing machine effect is still causing those rooms to be rented. Maybe we need camera's at the airport filming those legions of passengers unloading. Fine for the crime figures but what about feeding the local's families. Now if the government, ours, would close off Aruba and shut down its transport business, then the appropriate people would feel the pressure and justice would quickly find Joran.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 09:17:30 PM

I think that Jossy led us out of the forest and did his part, at great risk to himself. Is Jossy completely clean? Probably not, but he is not ethically challenged, and if he did skirt some laws it was probably in the past and was totally unrelated to this case. But Aruba owes him a big apology because he tried to step up and lead a country he obviously cares very much for in the right direction, he tried to expose the illegal Dutch friends who were in a position to blackmail for instance Rudy Croes and the Arubian government into shutting up and cooperating with and allowing the cover up of the Dutch boy, and he apparently was clean enough that the local Dutch had no blackmail material on him. Jossy's path would have preserved the tourism business that the locals depend on for their income. He was protecting them as much as he was helping Beth. The two had similar goals in that the right thing solved both the locals and Beth's problems.

The MEP, the controlling party was founded by Betico Croes, the liberator of Aruba, and as his son, Rudy, had entirely too much influence with the locals for Jossy to win against the MEPs. But despite the great influence that Rudy had with the locals, and his dominance in the political arena too great for Jossy, he was too weak to handle the Dutch investigation due to his own criminal activities, unrelated to Natalee, of which the local Dutch boys were aware, as they control the key positions at the police, and the prosecutors office, and they had friends who were the judges. But the judges could only consider the case developed by the prosecutor and police, so in reality they had little to with which to work.

Maybe even at first Jossy was going to play the cover up as evidenced by his infamous tale that the FBI was chasing a car with Natalee in it, he soon realized that Beth was not going on, and he reversed strategy and became Beth's strongest supporter there. And for that he has my undying admiration, respect, and friendship, even though I will never meet him, and I sincerely wish him the best with his family's trouble and wish there was something I could do to help him. He stood tall and strong for Beth.

And I realize that this is speculation, and I apologize to Mr Mansur if I have it wrong. But I know I am not wrong for thanking him for supporting Beth and for wishing him the best. I also hope that he stays silent on this from here on out and concentrate on his and his family's future. They apparently need him.

Thank you PI.  Your post is definite food for thought.

Nevertheless ... it grieves me to think that there is not one person on that Island who is exposing those ... within the corrupt Aruban investigation ... within the Aruban government ... within the judiciary ... who are denying Natalee Holloway justice and ... forcing the the family into a nightmare that is neverending.

Jossy Mansur is the ONLY Aruban who is in a position to make a difference that has been there for the family since day one.  The family need him and ... justice for Natalee is counting on him.



'Rita Cosby Live & Direct'
September 14, 2005

TWITTY: Well, you know, I‘ll be forever grateful for Jossy Mansur, who is there. And he has been so instrumental. And he‘s just a hero to all of us. And, you know, he‘s my only hope on the island. And we‘ll be forever grateful to him.

Dana Pretzer Show
September 8, 2006

HOLLOWAY: Jossy has been very helpful to try to find the truth, the fact he lives in Aruba and publishes a newspaper, they're attacking him because he's looking for-- fighting for-- the truth. That’s what a good journalist does--He's going to go after the people, regardless, and try to find the truth

Scared Monkey - FP Comments
April 6, 2007

Comment #20 ... I think he is a good man looking for the truth. He will not let them push him around. This is his home and is probably sick of the corruption that happens every day on such a large scale on such a small island.
Comment by Steve Holloway | April 6, 2007, 1:02 pm

Scared Monkey - FP Comments
December 5, 2005

Comment by JUG TWITTY | December 5, 2006, 10:57 am

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 09:31:35 PM

And I realize that this is speculation, and I apologize to Mr Mansur if I have it wrong. But I know I am not wrong for thanking him for supporting Beth and for wishing him the best. I also hope that he stays silent on this from here on out and concentrate on his and his family's future. They apparently need him.

Undoubtedly he is the only media person on Aruba who openly supported Natalee and her family, the rest are all as corrupt as the government, and for this we should be eternally grateful.

I do wish he would release the tape that was so quickly buried, the interview with Dompig, and would continue the fight by printing in Diario the information he says that convicts Joran for all the world to see.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 09:36:06 PM
Posted at BFN:

Good afternoon everybody! I just talked to John about 5 minutes ago. The boat is docked because the high speed wench is broken.  They have found some parts to fix it and will be working on that tonight. He said they will probably stay docked and go back out in the morning.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 09:38:58 PM
Posted at BFN:

Good afternoon everybody! I just talked to John about 5 minutes ago. The boat is docked because the high speed wench is broken.  They have found some parts to fix it and will be working on that tonight. He said they will probably stay docked and go back out in the morning.

Thank you Klaas.  Thank you LegallyLex.  I am thankful that the crew is safe ... the silence in the past few days was somewhat troublesome.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 09:38:59 PM

Where's Jossy?  Has anyone seen or heard anything from him lately?

I don't know but he hasn't lived up to his promise of printing any of the damaging material he says he has.

Dayhiker ... in case you missed it ... Jossy has plenty to say regarding the recent P&W interview with Joran, Anita and Paulus and also on Joran's temper tantrum.

Dayhiker ... you are correct ... Jossy has been silent regarding info he claims he is privy to regarding the implication of Joran in the Natalee Holloway case.  Maybe ... the "powers that be" in Aruba got to him ... something akin to all the other witnesses as well as those with knowledge.  Let's see ... there is the gardener ... Junior ... Mickey John ... the jogger ... Bachus ... the DEA agent ... the handlers ... Charles Croes ... the sons of the elite ... Steve Croes ... Geoffrey van Cromvoirt ...



I can think of only two forces on Aruba with the power to shut so many people up with fear and buy so many people off, and that is the Mafia and the drug lords who run the casinos, drug trade, and money laundering operations. These people have Oduber, Rudy, the Aruban Police, and the Dutch judges in their back pockets using fear and/or payola to enforce their bidding. I can't help but think Paulus was in with this bunch with his government connections. Otherwise there would be no reason to deny justice to an innocent victim and cover up the crimes commited by he and his son.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 09:40:58 PM

I think that Jossy led us out of the forest and did his part, at great risk to himself. Is Jossy completely clean? Probably not, but he is not ethically challenged, and if he did skirt some laws it was probably in the past and was totally unrelated to this case. But Aruba owes him a big apology because he tried to step up and lead a country he obviously cares very much for in the right direction, he tried to expose the illegal Dutch friends who were in a position to blackmail for instance Rudy Croes and the Arubian government into shutting up and cooperating with and allowing the cover up of the Dutch boy, and he apparently was clean enough that the local Dutch had no blackmail material on him. Jossy's path would have preserved the tourism business that the locals depend on for their income. He was protecting them as much as he was helping Beth. The two had similar goals in that the right thing solved both the locals and Beth's problems.

The MEP, the controlling party was founded by Betico Croes, the liberator of Aruba, and as his son, Rudy, had entirely too much influence with the locals for Jossy to win against the MEPs. But despite the great influence that Rudy had with the locals, and his dominance in the political arena too great for Jossy, he was too weak to handle the Dutch investigation due to his own criminal activities, unrelated to Natalee, of which the local Dutch boys were aware, as they control the key positions at the police, and the prosecutors office, and they had friends who were the judges. But the judges could only consider the case developed by the prosecutor and police, so in reality they had little to with which to work.

Maybe even at first Jossy was going to play the cover up as evidenced by his infamous tale that the FBI was chasing a car with Natalee in it, he soon realized that Beth was not going on, and he reversed strategy and became Beth's strongest supporter there. And for that he has my undying admiration, respect, and friendship, even though I will never meet him, and I sincerely wish him the best with his family's trouble and wish there was something I could do to help him. He stood tall and strong for Beth.

And I realize that this is speculation, and I apologize to Mr Mansur if I have it wrong. But I know I am not wrong for thanking him for supporting Beth and for wishing him the best. I also hope that he stays silent on this from here on out and concentrate on his and his family's future. They apparently need him.

Thank you PI.  Your post is definite food for thought.

Nevertheless ... it grieves me to think that there is not one person on that Island who is exposing those ... within the corrupt Aruban investigation ... within the Aruban government ... within the judiciary ... who are denying Natalee Holloway justice and ... forcing the the family into a nightmare that is neverending.

Jossy Mansur is the ONLY Aruban who is in a position to make a difference that has been there for the family since day one.  The family need him and ... justice for Natalee is counting on him.



'Rita Cosby Live & Direct'
September 14, 2005

TWITTY: Well, you know, I‘ll be forever grateful for Jossy Mansur, who is there. And he has been so instrumental. And he‘s just a hero to all of us. And, you know, he‘s my only hope on the island. And we‘ll be forever grateful to him.

Dana Pretzer Show
September 8, 2006

HOLLOWAY: Jossy has been very helpful to try to find the truth, the fact he lives in Aruba and publishes a newspaper, they're attacking him because he's looking for-- fighting for-- the truth. That’s what a good journalist does--He's going to go after the people, regardless, and try to find the truth

Scared Monkey - FP Comments
April 6, 2007

Comment #20 ... I think he is a good man looking for the truth. He will not let them push him around. This is his home and is probably sick of the corruption that happens every day on such a large scale on such a small island.
Comment by Steve Holloway | April 6, 2007, 1:02 pm

Scared Monkey - FP Comments
December 5, 2005

Comment by JUG TWITTY | December 5, 2006, 10:57 am

I honestly think I am close to understanding the dynamics of the cover up, but I realize that I could easily be way off target.

But I do feel that Mr. Mansur gave Beth all he could afford to give, and I feel that a man's first responsibility is to take care of his own family first, so I want to support him in that regard and make sure he knows how much his help was appreciated.

I know that many disagree with me, but Mos and Holland seems to have finally taken notice of the cover up, and with Joran's latest wine-y interview, I hope his infrastructure of support will implode on its own. Even if it doesn't, and I am wrong about Mos and Holland, I can't in good conscious want Mr. Mansur's family to suffer any more harm or take any more risks than he feels he can afford.I also want him to know that I am sure Beth understands his first obligation is to his family despite her desperately needing help still. Sometime it is best to be appreciative of what has been given instead of resentful that more wasn't given. I think professionally his newspaper will still provide unbiased coverage, and when he feels he can, I am sure he will step up again. His island needs his leadership, as does Beth, and he will lead when he can.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: kooolkatt on January 15, 2008, 09:43:51 PM
Posted at BFN:

Good afternoon everybody! I just talked to John about 5 minutes ago. The boat is docked because the high speed wench is broken.  They have found some parts to fix it and will be working on that tonight. He said they will probably stay docked and go back out in the morning.

Thank you for bringing this over class. I know many monkeys have been waiting for word from the brave crew of the Persistence  :smt052

Good evening monkeys, does anyone know where I might be able to find some quotes regarding the drugging of Natalee's and other tourists drinks? I'm not so good at using the search feature yet  :2doh:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: kooolkatt on January 15, 2008, 09:45:38 PM
Uuugggh obviously I don't know how to use the quote feature either  :-?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 09:49:00 PM
Mr. Mansur can only lead his country and help Beth from a position of strength. He will rest, handle his own affairs, and come out even stronger and be in a better position to help both parties. He stood like an old Oak tree defying the winds of a tornado, as his roots run deep in Aruba and his ethics are as strong as the oak branches the roots support. He is not going anywhere, lets wish him the our best, await his return, and trust his judgment.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: kooolkatt on January 15, 2008, 09:51:44 PM
Posted at BFN:

Good afternoon everybody! I just talked to John about 5 minutes ago. The boat is docked because the high speed wench is broken.  They have found some parts to fix it and will be working on that tonight. He said they will probably stay docked and go back out in the morning.

Thank you for bringing this over class. I know many monkeys have been waiting for word from the brave crew of the Persistence  :smt052

Good evening monkeys, does anyone know where I might be able to find some quotes regarding the drugging of Natalee's and other tourists drinks? I'm not so good at using the search feature yet  :2doh:

And that would be a BIG THANK YOU to Klass who has lots of class

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 09:54:53 PM

I honestly think I am close to understanding the dynamics of the cover up, but I realize that I could easily be way off target.

But I do feel that Mr. Mansur gave Beth all he could afford to give, and I feel that a man's first responsibility is to take care of his own family first, so I want to support him in that regard and make sure he knows how much his help was appreciated.

I know that many disagree with me, but Mos and Holland seems to have finally taken notice of the cover up, and with Joran's latest wine-y interview, I hope his infrastructure of support will implode on its own. Even if it doesn't, and I am wrong about Mos and Holland, I can't in good conscious want Mr. Mansur's family to suffer any more harm or take any more risks than he feels he can afford.I also want him to know that I am sure Beth understands his first obligation is to his family despite her desperately needing help still. Sometime it is best to be appreciative of what has been given instead of resentful that more wasn't given. I think professionally his newspaper will still provide unbiased coverage, and when he feels he can, I am sure he will step up again. His island needs his leadership, as does Beth, and he will lead when he can.

PI ... I understand where you are coming from in regards to Jossy Mansur.  It just makes me very sad for the family ... the family's one and only advocate on that Island.

PI ... are you in a position to share with the forum why you have faith that Hans Mos and Holland will come through concerning justice for Natalee.

The statement from the prosecutor's office (Hans Mos) implies that Joran, Deepak and Satish are no longer suspects.  It also implies that the case would be reopened only if "new" evidence should surface.

Thank you.



Natalee Holloway Case Dismissed
Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - 11:33 AM
By NBC 13 Staff

From a press release by the Aruban Public Prosecutor’s Office:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZSunny on January 15, 2008, 09:58:31 PM
Is Luis Mansuer Jossy's brother? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 09:58:37 PM
Mr. Mansur can only lead his country and help Beth from a position of strength. He will rest, handle his own affairs, and come out even stronger and be in a better position to help both parties. He stood like an old Oak tree defying the winds of a tornado, as his roots run deep in Aruba and his ethics are as strong as the oak branches the roots support. He is not going anywhere, lets wish him the our best, await his return, and trust his judgment.

PI ... you articulate your position so well.

Thank you.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 10:03:05 PM
Is Luis Mansuer Jossy's brother? 

Yes the Luis Mansur that is currently in jail is Jossy's brother.  From what I hear they aren't very close. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 10:10:54 PM
Is Luis Mansuer Jossy's brother? 

Eduardo Mansur - Jossy's son
Eric Mansur - Eduardo's cousin - Jossy's nephew


Eduardo Mansur
October 27, 2005

Dear Dan

I noticed in these blogs alot of people talking bad about my father Jossy Mansur. to begin with, i don't know who you are, and i don't care who you are. Your famous research about my family may have some things right but alot of bs. Yes two of my cousins were extradited to puerto rico but were never judged. This was all internal politics by the mep government. Then i read about the gardner being my employee? (never knew the guy until we investigated the rumor about the domino game in the jail with a kalpoe where a relative of ours is doing time for shooting a fire arm. a nephew a cousins son.. (are we responsible for his actions?) Then i read about my father not being able to go to the United States that we love and respect soo much. Well this is about a personal problem and descrimination with a U.S. Immigration official here in aruba by the last name of Tissdale. And she did all this fake accusations on my father. Contact me and i will explain to you.. Do you have any proof that my father or his sons are or have ever done anything illegal? Please show them. If not don't slander my father.

All we are tryning to do is to help, we have worked very hard on this case and it has nothing to do with revenge or vendetta etc. We just care. We are using our own resources to help on this case and want nothing in return much less a reward. Didn't your research show you how many long hours we worked on this case? Did it show you how many times we defend the United Stated through out the years in everything you do?. Did you know that we love america and americans here in Aruba and abroad?

If you knew my father you would realize what kind of person he is, he never even got a traffic violation ticket in his life. Much less all the things you said he is involved in. We wish we were as rich as you make people think we are.

But them again you have freedom of speech and you can say what you want.

I have been searching for natalee since june 3rd and do you know i have not seen my wife and kids since then?they are in south america going to school. no one has put more hours in this case than i. I searched all of aruba by foot mostly. I searched all the wells and mineshafts, i was at the land fill searching and diggin for 13 days mostly by myself, you would not stand it for 1 hour. and now i am searching the ocean, ON our own resources and want nothing in return.

By the way do you know my father is in the U.S.?anyway i could go on but i felt bad reading these things about my father and that is why i wrote this. we will keep working on this, God knows how much longer, but we want to get the persons responsible for this punished, because they deserve to be punished and not the entire Island. Arubans are good people and here we are in trouble because of 3 foreigners and a substitude judge who so far seems to be avove the law.

All of us Jossy's sons went to Military school and college in the United states.

Semper Fi.

Eduardo Mansur

Posted by: EDUARDO | Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 10:48 PM


In August 1994, the United States indicted cousins Eric and Alex Mansur along with 52 others allegedly involved in a massive drug money-laundering enterprise.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 10:12:26 PM
Mr. Mansur can only lead his country and help Beth from a position of strength. He will rest, handle his own affairs, and come out even stronger and be in a better position to help both parties. He stood like an old Oak tree defying the winds of a tornado, as his roots run deep in Aruba and his ethics are as strong as the oak branches the roots support. He is not going anywhere, lets wish him the our best, await his return, and trust his judgment.

Hope I didn't sound harsh. I appreciate everything Jossy has done and definitely would not want him to put he or his family's life in danger. He has been a bastion of truth, the only we have seen from Aruba. You are correct in that there is some very complex goings on in Aruba and it is a third world country with all the dangers that come with it. Any country that allows drugs to be openly sold on the streets and beaches with full permission of law enforcement is dangerous.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 15, 2008, 10:14:19 PM
And that would be a BIG THANK YOU to Klass who has lots of class

She is a klassy lady, a real gem.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 10:17:01 PM

I honestly think I am close to understanding the dynamics of the cover up, but I realize that I could easily be way off target.

But I do feel that Mr. Mansur gave Beth all he could afford to give, and I feel that a man's first responsibility is to take care of his own family first, so I want to support him in that regard and make sure he knows how much his help was appreciated.

I know that many disagree with me, but Mos and Holland seems to have finally taken notice of the cover up, and with Joran's latest wine-y interview, I hope his infrastructure of support will implode on its own. Even if it doesn't, and I am wrong about Mos and Holland, I can't in good conscious want Mr. Mansur's family to suffer any more harm or take any more risks than he feels he can afford.I also want him to know that I am sure Beth understands his first obligation is to his family despite her desperately needing help still. Sometime it is best to be appreciative of what has been given instead of resentful that more wasn't given. I think professionally his newspaper will still provide unbiased coverage, and when he feels he can, I am sure he will step up again. His island needs his leadership, as does Beth, and he will lead when he can.

PI ... I understand where you are coming from in regards to Jossy Mansur.  It just makes me very sad for the family ... the family's one and only advocate on that Island.

PI ... are you in a position to share with the forum why you have faith that Hans Mos and Holland will come through concerning justice for Natalee.

The statement from the prosecutor's office (Hans Mos) implies that Joran, Deepak and Satish are no longer suspects.  It also implies that the case would be reopened only if "new" evidence should surface.

Thank you.



Natalee Holloway Case Dismissed
Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - 11:33 AM
By NBC 13 Staff

From a press release by the Aruban Public Prosecutor’s Office:


I hate to say why I feel that he is legit because some of the very proof I see is the exact act than angered so many of Beth's supporters and what her attorney scoffed at. And I understand that Beth is not convinced he is legit.

But I think his strategy or rearresting the boys had possibilities and was a legitimate tactic. It could have easily produced results, and after following basically a cleanup crew in the prosecutors office, there simply wasn't much evidence with which for him to work. Then he spoke out to his home country Holland complaining and revealing of the coverup to a certain degree. The proof I took as Wit speaking out defending himself, Rudy purposely being kept in the dark, and I suspect that some how his actions affected the wine--y interview. And Holland seems to be turning squarely against Joran based upon the translated articles.

True, Mos did not hit a home run, but since his arrival it seems that Joran's position has been rattled some what. Call it a gut feeling, karma, coincidence, or maybe it is the only horse available at the moment. My feeling isn't coming from anything connected to Beth or her supporters, and definitely not from inside information. It is mine and mine alone belief, unsupported, but strongly felt. Or maybe strongly hoped for. It is no more valid though than any belief that anyone else might have though.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 15, 2008, 10:17:18 PM

I signed in to post that.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 10:23:42 PM

I honestly think I am close to understanding the dynamics of the cover up, but I realize that I could easily be way off target.

But I do feel that Mr. Mansur gave Beth all he could afford to give, and I feel that a man's first responsibility is to take care of his own family first, so I want to support him in that regard and make sure he knows how much his help was appreciated.

I know that many disagree with me, but Mos and Holland seems to have finally taken notice of the cover up, and with Joran's latest wine-y interview, I hope his infrastructure of support will implode on its own. Even if it doesn't, and I am wrong about Mos and Holland, I can't in good conscious want Mr. Mansur's family to suffer any more harm or take any more risks than he feels he can afford.I also want him to know that I am sure Beth understands his first obligation is to his family despite her desperately needing help still. Sometime it is best to be appreciative of what has been given instead of resentful that more wasn't given. I think professionally his newspaper will still provide unbiased coverage, and when he feels he can, I am sure he will step up again. His island needs his leadership, as does Beth, and he will lead when he can.

PI ... I understand where you are coming from in regards to Jossy Mansur.  It just makes me very sad for the family ... the family's one and only advocate on that Island.

PI ... are you in a position to share with the forum why you have faith that Hans Mos and Holland will come through concerning justice for Natalee.

The statement from the prosecutor's office (Hans Mos) implies that Joran, Deepak and Satish are no longer suspects.  It also implies that the case would be reopened only if "new" evidence should surface.

Thank you.



Natalee Holloway Case Dismissed
Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - 11:33 AM
By NBC 13 Staff

From a press release by the Aruban Public Prosecutor’s Office:


I hate to say why I feel that he is legit because some of the very proof I see is the exact act than angered so many of Beth's supporters and what her attorney scoffed at. And I understand that Beth is not convinced he is legit.

But I think his strategy or rearresting the boys had possibilities and was a legitimate tactic. It could have easily produced results, and after following basically a cleanup crew in the prosecutors office, there simply wasn't much evidence with which for him to work. Then he spoke out to his home country Holland complaining and revealing of the coverup to a certain degree. The proof I took as Wit speaking out defending himself, Rudy purposely being kept in the dark, and I suspect that some how his actions affected the wine--y interview. And Holland seems to be turning squarely against Joran based upon the translated articles.

True, Mos did not hit a home run, but since his arrival it seems that Joran's position has been rattled some what. Call it a gut feeling, karma, coincidence, or maybe it is the only horse available at the moment. My feeling isn't coming from anything connected to Beth or her supporters, and definitely not from inside information. It is mine and mine alone belief, unsupported, but strongly felt. Or maybe strongly hoped for. It is no more valid though than any belief that anyone else might have though.

Thank you for sharing PI.  I pray with all heart that you are right.  The family certainly needs somebody in Aruba who is in a position to make a difference ... somebody who  is fighting for justice on behalf of Natalee.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 10:27:52 PM

I signed in to post that.  Thanks.

Buckeye ... your are welcome.

I am searching for some info that Jossy posted on Easy's site regarding his roots in Aruba.  I will continue search but ... if a Monkey has has access to that info ... I would appreciate if they could post it.

Thank you.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 15, 2008, 10:34:43 PM
Uuugggh obviously I don't know how to use the quote feature either  :-?

Search feature is tough because it requires a word/phrase to look for PLUS the person who posted isn't easy.  It was easier on the old format for search....maybe someone will come to your rescue....I just was catching up and wanted to respond.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 10:35:11 PM
I found it!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

For The Record:
Mike: Jossy, I received an email this morning asking me about something they thought they heard in a television interview. It has to do with you having Joran Van Der Sloot followed, before the Holloway incident. Do you have any memory of such a thing?

Jossy: That question is way off base since I never had Joran followed by anyone! I never mentioned anything of the sort in any interview. People many times give reign to their imaginations and come up with unbelievable theories and ideas that do not conform to the reality. My loyalties to Aruba are unquestionable, but my loyalty with the truth has priority over everything else. I do not have any agendas, hidden or public; I just do my job as Director of the DIARIO.

Mike: There has been misinformation floating around on the internet for a long time about your background. Would you mind giving us a brief biographical sketch?

Jossy: I was born in Aruba in 1934. My father came from Venezuela in the year 1901, together with my grandfather, who emigrated from Lebanon to Venezuela in or around 1894. The exact date has not been established. They came to Aruba hidden in a fruit boat, to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the political persecutions that were going on at that time. (I believe Cipriano Castro was then in power).

I was born in Aruba and attended school at St. Dominicus College, where I finished the sixth grade. I then went to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, when I was 14, to attend high school at St. Stanislaus, of the Sacred Heart Brothers, where I graduated in 1951. I then went on to Mobile Alabama, to attend college at Spring Hill College, of the Jesuit order. I graduated in 1954. I came back to Aruba and then traveled to Venezuela to find employment. I was hired by the Mobile Oil Company and stayed with them for 9 years as Safety Supervisor. I worked for the company in Barinas, Anaco and Puerto Cabello. In 1967 I came back to Aruba and remained here until now.

When in Venezuela I used to contribute many articles (of a literary nature) to El Universal, and published quite a lot of material (short stories, essays, etc.) in the best magazines of the country (Bohemia, Elite, etc.)

I started to write for a paper called Nobo, published in Curacao, then started my own section of a paper (EXTRA) with a friend from Curacao. Then I decided to start DIARIO more than 25 years ago, and was able to make it the largest (by far!) of the papers circulating in Aruba. Today it has over 89% of the market exclusively.

I started to publish books in Papiamento, English and Spanish, and have so far published 56 of them, including 4 dictionaries, 4 novels published in Cali, Colombia, the History of Aruba, and other fiction and non-fiction books. I am considered to be the most prolific writer in the history of the Netherlands Antilles, not only because of the quantities published, but also because of the quality.

That, my friend, is a brief summary of my schooling and literary activities.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 10:35:31 PM

I signed in to post that.  Thanks.

Buckeye ... your are welcome.

I am searching for some info that Jossy posted on Easy's site regarding his roots in Aruba.  I will continue search but ... if a Monkey has has access to that info ... I would appreciate if they could post it.

Thank you.


I don't think he is from Aruba is he? But his home and business is there is what I mean, and at his age, his way of life is there.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 15, 2008, 10:37:11 PM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 15, 2008, 10:39:30 PM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|


mos is mud

total mud

he had his chance - he blew it

he is as bad as the rest of them

mooooooooooooo :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 10:41:33 PM
The Mansur Family seems to have all the right connections in its corner of the Caribbean. Some Mansur's still have Venezuelan nationality, and they have interests in Maracaibo and Caracas, as well as in Punto Fijo and Coro, where the originally Lebanese Mansur Family had settled before moving to Aruba. Punto Fijo is situated on the Paraguaná peninsula in the North at the Golfo de Venezuela, which separates it from La Guajira. A ferry connects Punto Fijo to Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 10:43:09 PM
The Interbank is owned by the Mansur Family. If anybody owns 60 per cent of the island, it is this powerful family. The Mansurs made their fortune as cigarette manufacturers and in the import-export business. With a licence of Philip Morris, they are the major suppliers of Marlboros in the Caribbean basin. The Mansurs sponsor the best baseball team – Aruba's national sport – the Marlboro Red Tigers as well as the AVP party of Prime Minister Henny Eman. They own the biggest hotel and time-sharing complex, La Cabana, with its inevitable casino. And they have a couple of import-export businesses in the Free Trade Zone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 10:43:52 PM
I'd think he has deep roots there

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 10:46:08 PM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|


mos is mud

total mud

he had his chance - he blew it

he is as bad as the rest of them

mooooooooooooo :cool:

I think he has intimated that if not clearly spoken it. But I respect and encourage everyone to have their own ideas as none of us have proof of anything.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 15, 2008, 10:48:44 PM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|


mos is mud

total mud

he had his chance - he blew it

he is as bad as the rest of them

mooooooooooooo :cool:

I think he has intimated that if not clearly spoken it. But I respect and encourage everyone to have their own ideas as none of us have proof of anything.

And you may certainly be right. But Joran's cage has been rattled by himself and by the arrest, even if he was released. I take big pleasure in the smallest of discomforts he suufers:)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 10:54:30 PM

I don't think he is from Aruba is he? But his home and business is there is what I mean, and at his age, his way of life is there.

PI ... according to the interview I just posted ... the interview that Jossy granted to Easy ... Jossy states that he was born in Aruba and ... where he was lived and was educated until the sixth grade.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 15, 2008, 10:58:14 PM
Private Eye, *******, Tylergal, Dayhiker, Tamikosmom, Klaasend, AZSunny;
Thanks so much everyone who gave input on Jossy, I'd worried that much of it was true.  I'm going to go and read what he had to say about JVDS' latest momentarily.  Private Eye, in my heart, not really KNOWING a lot, I felt that Jossy and Eduard(sp) were really dedicated to helping Beth and knew that their assistance would probably cause them grief; not with the Aruban people necessarily but with those that were determined there would not be answers.  I admire Jossy for having the balls, testicles, cahunahs(sp), whatever you want to call them to do what he did.  (I hope I didn't offend anyone either, I am the only woman in a house of four so I'm immune to offense in this area.. :-? )  Jossy and his son were the only local people that I saw try to do anything significant to help and I know that God will bless them for their efforts.   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 15, 2008, 10:58:48 PM
Good Night Monkeys.

8:00 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 15, 2008, 11:02:08 PM
I think Jossy is a good man and a kind man.
I think he and his son Eduardo have rallied behind
Natalee's family and tried to do what they could
to help in the search and investigation.

I don't think anything else matters.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 15, 2008, 11:04:12 PM
Good Night Monkeys.

8:00 PM

Good night Janet, thanks again for all of the information!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 11:04:17 PM
Nite Janet, and thanks!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 15, 2008, 11:08:46 PM
I think Jossy is a good man and a kind man.
I think he and his son Eduardo have rallied behind
Natalee's family and tried to do what they could
to help in the search and investigation.

I don't think anything else matters.

My sentiments exactly....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 15, 2008, 11:09:24 PM
Night, Janet.

You do good work.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 15, 2008, 11:12:26 PM
Night, Janet.

You do good work.
She sure Does! Nite Janet!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 15, 2008, 11:27:11 PM
Mr. Mansur can only lead his country and help Beth from a position of strength. He will rest, handle his own affairs, and come out even stronger and be in a better position to help both parties. He stood like an old Oak tree defying the winds of a tornado, as his roots run deep in Aruba and his ethics are as strong as the oak branches the roots support. He is not going anywhere, lets wish him the best, await his return, and trust his judgment.

Very well said, I agree!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Lala'sMom on January 15, 2008, 11:29:22 PM
I think Jossy is a good man and a kind man.
I think he and his son Eduardo have rallied behind
Natalee's family and tried to do what they could
to help in the search and investigation.

I don't think anything else matters.

Jossy has told us more than most realize. We just have to keep the faith.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: mrs. red on January 15, 2008, 11:38:28 PM
Hey Monkeys... been lurking but I missed what was said about Jossy...

if it was bad, hey he has been Beth's support in Aruba... so I agree with all of your thoughts that he is good.

will one of you please please transcribe Oprah tomorrow.... ??? Lately I am working until 8 or 9 every night and I never get to see Oprah

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 15, 2008, 11:38:37 PM
We also need to Remember Jossy and His Family in Our Prayers along with the Persistence....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 15, 2008, 11:49:39 PM
Hey Monkeys... been lurking but I missed what was said about Jossy...

if it was bad, hey he has been Beth's support in Aruba... so I agree with all of your thoughts that he is good.

will one of you please please transcribe Oprah tomorrow.... ??? Lately I am working until 8 or 9 every night and I never get to see Oprah

I miss seeing you, Mrs. Red! I never watch Oprah, but I'm going to try to catch it tomorrow!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 15, 2008, 11:52:39 PM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|

Oh, Wreck; count me among the hook, line , and sinker crowd! I was absolutely, totally, a believer in Mos!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 15, 2008, 11:54:50 PM
Hey Monkeys... been lurking but I missed what was said about Jossy...

if it was bad, hey he has been Beth's support in Aruba... so I agree with all of your thoughts that he is good.

will one of you please please transcribe Oprah tomorrow.... ??? Lately I am working until 8 or 9 every night and I never get to see Oprah

I'm sure Heli will transcribe it  :wink: :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 12:05:49 AM


Oprah's people want to talk to RED about the case!  They have left a message for him to call them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 12:09:04 AM
Not kidding, for real!(

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 16, 2008, 12:12:09 AM
Not kidding, for real!(
WOW! For Real?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 16, 2008, 12:13:21 AM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|
Me Too CBB!

Oh, Wreck; count me among the hook, line , and sinker crowd! I was absolutely, totally, a believer in Mos!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 12:13:44 AM
Yep, for real.  He'll be talking to them tomorrow before the show airs.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 12:18:10 AM
Yep, for real.  He'll be talking to them tomorrow before the show airs.

OMG!!! She may actually be well informed before Beth gets there?????  :shock: :D :D :D


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 16, 2008, 12:18:32 AM
Yep, for real.  He'll be talking to them tomorrow before the show airs.
GO RED GO! I'm like alot of others I don't watch Oprah normally but I will tomorrow for sure! Good Nite Monkeys!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 12:19:50 AM
Yep, for real.  He'll be talking to them tomorrow before the show airs.

OMG!!! She may actually be well informed before Beth gets there?????  :shock: :D :D :D


CBB - the show actually taped today so they would have to edit stuff in I guess. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 16, 2008, 12:19:53 AM
Not kidding, for real!(
WOW! For Real?

Yup ,,, for real. I received a couple of messages today from Oprah's producer. It seems that Oprah's people have been on SM looking at posts and witness statements.

Should be speaking to them in the AM. Will let you know how it turns out tomorrow.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 12:20:29 AM
oooops! I almost forgot what I was going to post before I saw the news! I was skimming through some videos, and ran across this. It isn't new but Beth's message and request is as timely today as it was then:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 12:22:03 AM

I think that Jossy led us out of the forest and did his part, at great risk to himself. Is Jossy completely clean? Probably not, but he is not ethically challenged, and if he did skirt some laws it was probably in the past and was totally unrelated to this case. But Aruba owes him a big apology because he tried to step up and lead a country he obviously cares very much for in the right direction, he tried to expose the illegal Dutch friends who were in a position to blackmail for instance Rudy Croes and the Arubian government into shutting up and cooperating with and allowing the cover up of the Dutch boy, and he apparently was clean enough that the local Dutch had no blackmail material on him. Jossy's path would have preserved the tourism business that the locals depend on for their income. He was protecting them as much as he was helping Beth. The two had similar goals in that the right thing solved both the locals and Beth's problems.

The MEP, the controlling party was founded by Betico Croes, the liberator of Aruba, and as his son, Rudy, had entirely too much influence with the locals for Jossy to win against the MEPs. But despite the great influence that Rudy had with the locals, and his dominance in the political arena too great for Jossy, he was too weak to handle the Dutch investigation due to his own criminal activities, unrelated to Natalee, of which the local Dutch boys were aware, as they control the key positions at the police, and the prosecutors office, and they had friends who were the judges. But the judges could only consider the case developed by the prosecutor and police, so in reality they had little to with which to work.

Maybe even at first Jossy was going to play the cover up as evidenced by his infamous tale that the FBI was chasing a car with Natalee in it, he soon realized that Beth was not going on, and he reversed strategy and became Beth's strongest supporter there. And for that he has my undying admiration, respect, and friendship, even though I will never meet him, and I sincerely wish him the best with his family's trouble and wish there was something I could do to help him. He stood tall and strong for Beth.

And I realize that this is speculation, and I apologize to Mr Mansur if I have it wrong. But I know I am not wrong for thanking him for supporting Beth and for wishing him the best. I also hope that he stays silent on this from here on out and concentrate on his and his family's future. They apparently need him.

Thank you PI.  Your post is definite food for thought.

Nevertheless ... it grieves me to think that there is not one person on that Island who is exposing those ... within the corrupt Aruban investigation ... within the Aruban government ... within the judiciary ... who are denying Natalee Holloway justice and ... forcing the the family into a nightmare that is neverending.

Jossy Mansur is the ONLY Aruban who is in a position to make a difference that has been there for the family since day one.  The family need him and ... justice for Natalee is counting on him.



'Rita Cosby Live & Direct'
September 14, 2005

TWITTY: Well, you know, I‘ll be forever grateful for Jossy Mansur, who is there. And he has been so instrumental. And he‘s just a hero to all of us. And, you know, he‘s my only hope on the island. And we‘ll be forever grateful to him.

Dana Pretzer Show
September 8, 2006

HOLLOWAY: Jossy has been very helpful to try to find the truth, the fact he lives in Aruba and publishes a newspaper, they're attacking him because he's looking for-- fighting for-- the truth. That’s what a good journalist does--He's going to go after the people, regardless, and try to find the truth

Scared Monkey - FP Comments
April 6, 2007

Comment #20 ... I think he is a good man looking for the truth. He will not let them push him around. This is his home and is probably sick of the corruption that happens every day on such a large scale on such a small island.
Comment by Steve Holloway | April 6, 2007, 1:02 pm

Scared Monkey - FP Comments
December 5, 2005

Comment by JUG TWITTY | December 5, 2006, 10:57 am

I honestly think I am close to understanding the dynamics of the cover up, but I realize that I could easily be way off target.

But I do feel that Mr. Mansur gave Beth all he could afford to give, and I feel that a man's first responsibility is to take care of his own family first, so I want to support him in that regard and make sure he knows how much his help was appreciated.

I know that many disagree with me, but Mos and Holland seems to have finally taken notice of the cover up, and with Joran's latest wine-y interview, I hope his infrastructure of support will implode on its own. Even if it doesn't, and I am wrong about Mos and Holland, I can't in good conscious want Mr. Mansur's family to suffer any more harm or take any more risks than he feels he can afford.I also want him to know that I am sure Beth understands his first obligation is to his family despite her desperately needing help still. Sometime it is best to be appreciative of what has been given instead of resentful that more wasn't given. I think professionally his newspaper will still provide unbiased coverage, and when he feels he can, I am sure he will step up again. His island needs his leadership, as does Beth, and he will lead when he can.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 12:22:48 AM
Not kidding, for real!(
WOW! For Real?

Yup ,,, for real. I received a couple of messages today from Oprah's producer. It seems that Oprah's people have been on SM looking at posts and witness statements.

Should be speaking to them in the AM. Will let you know how it turns out tomorrow.

Well alright! When will you know something Red? I know tomorrow, but when? How did the show go? Anyone know?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: IBE on January 16, 2008, 12:30:00 AM


Oprah's people want to talk to RED about the case!  They have left a message for him to call them.

Yippee! The media is talking to someone who knows, Red!

 Been telling you guys for years this blog will go down in Internet history for not only helping the Natalee Holloway case but bringing more missing adults and children to the media and public!

Go Red, Go!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 16, 2008, 12:32:03 AM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 16, 2008, 12:32:57 AM
Not kidding, for real!(
WOW! For Real?

Yup ,,, for real. I received a couple of messages today from Oprah's producer. It seems that Oprah's people have been on SM looking at posts and witness statements.

Should be speaking to them in the AM. Will let you know how it turns out tomorrow.

Well alright! When will you know something Red? I know tomorrow, but when? How did the show go? Anyone know?

Show went well, I didn't ask Beth too many questions along those lines becuase technically its supposed to be confidential until airing. Caught her at the airport when I spoke with her.

You will know as soon as I do tomorrow.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 12:34:29 AM
IBE - good to see you!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 12:36:06 AM
RED - I know that Beth will only be part of tomorrows show but I wonder how much time Oprah gave her? 

P.S. If Beth happened to mention SM on Oprah we are going to get slammed tomorrow  :shock:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: the big hammer on January 16, 2008, 12:37:04 AM

So you go to talk to "OPRAH" --

Then you should gain knowledge and authority pertaining to ALCOHOL AND OTHER DEPENDENCIES   (AOD) and the trigger factors attached to same.

What would he (jvds) do when faced with rejection from incapicitated female who was half his size, in view that he "called out" in "plain view" noted crime reporter by throwing wine in his face?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: IBE on January 16, 2008, 12:37:24 AM

Heh heh, been here lurking :lol: :lol: Thanks!

Monkeys are great!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 12:38:03 AM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 12:38:42 AM

So you go to talk to "OPRAH" --

Then you should gain knowledge and authority pertaining to ALCOHOL AND OTHER DEPENDENCIES   (AOD) and the trigger factors attached to same.

What would he (jvds) do when faced with rejection from incapicitated female who was half his size, in view that he "called out" in "plain view" noted crime reporter by throwing wine in his face?


Hammer - you are so right!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dugga on January 16, 2008, 12:39:38 AM
Good morning, everyone.

Wanted to pop in and draw your attention to a CLASSIC Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary:

I do think the cage will enjoy this one.  :thumleft:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 12:43:30 AM
Good morning, everyone.

Wanted to pop in and draw your attention to a CLASSIC Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary:

I do think the cage will enjoy this one.  :thumleft:

 :lol: :lol: :lol:  Good one!

P.S.  You look vaguely familiar but I can't put my finger on it   :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 12:47:15 AM
Good morning, everyone.

Wanted to pop in and draw your attention to a CLASSIC Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary:

I do think the cage will enjoy this one.  :thumleft:

Great commentary from Dana.  He is sharp as a knife!  That guy should have Greta's job.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 16, 2008, 12:51:43 AM
Good morning, everyone.

Wanted to pop in and draw your attention to a CLASSIC Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary:

I do think the cage will enjoy this one.  :thumleft:

OMG, That's too funny, Dugga!  At first I thought, is THAT Dugga?...   :shock:  ....then...looks a lot like Bill and Hillary...that's a good one!  I wish I could listen right now to the link but it takes soooo long   :2doh:  , I'm afraid I'll miss something!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Puzzler on January 16, 2008, 12:57:37 AM
About Jossy....I've been wondering when we're going to hear from him again, too.

Sounds like no one here has really heard anything lately.

Jossy let it be known that he was going to put out the information he has...that's not happened.

Do we think that Jossy's okay?  Anyone heard if he's okay lately?

Would he have been threatened about his comments to release information?  By any number of different people....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dihannah1 on January 16, 2008, 12:59:49 AM


Oprah's people want to talk to RED about the case!  They have left a message for him to call them.

Wow!  I just signed on and this is the first post i've read so far!  But YES!  Tellem' the whole story RED!  This could be the breaking point for Beth.  Oprah on the case!  This is awesome!

ok back to catching up....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 01:03:42 AM
Not kidding, for real!(
WOW! For Real?

Yup ,,, for real. I received a couple of messages today from Oprah's producer. It seems that Oprah's people have been on SM looking at posts and witness statements.

Should be speaking to them in the AM. Will let you know how it turns out tomorrow.

Awesome Red!  Finally, the Main Stream is consulting the source!  It makes me feel confident there is huge interest in the case by those who can help make a big difference.  Go RED, Beth and Matt!  Thanks, Oprah.  We could use some help for this family.

Helen Back

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: IBE on January 16, 2008, 01:10:56 AM
Uuugggh obviously I don't know how to use the quote feature either  :-?

Search feature is tough because it requires a word/phrase to look for PLUS the person who posted isn't easy.  It was easier on the old format for search....maybe someone will come to your rescue....I just was catching up and wanted to respond.

New blog format is nice.. search feature is very, very weak :sad:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 01:24:27 AM
I understand that when Beth was taping the Oprah show today, she had many friends with her for support.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dihannah1 on January 16, 2008, 01:27:59 AM
Not kidding, for real!(
WOW! For Real?

Yup ,,, for real. I received a couple of messages today from Oprah's producer. It seems that Oprah's people have been on SM looking at posts and witness statements.

Should be speaking to them in the AM. Will let you know how it turns out tomorrow.

Great job Red!  You've made it to the big time!   How cool is that? They came to SM for the truth and facts of this case!   I pray they take it and help force justice!   

Funny! ROFLOL!  RU has 'ol Taco on there side.   What a freakin' joke!  I'd be embarrased to be associated....   WE HAVE OPRAH!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: sirensong on January 16, 2008, 01:30:30 AM
Not kidding, for real!(
WOW! For Real?

Yup ,,, for real. I received a couple of messages today from Oprah's producer. It seems that Oprah's people have been on SM looking at posts and witness statements.

Should be speaking to them in the AM. Will let you know how it turns out tomorrow.

Awesome Red!  Finally, the Main Stream is consulting the source!  It makes me feel confident there is huge interest in the case by those who can help make a big difference.  Go RED, Beth and Matt!  Thanks, Oprah.  We could use some help for this family.

Helen Back

Oh, how very true!  Awesome Red!  So happy to know that they will have information from SM. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dihannah1 on January 16, 2008, 01:31:00 AM
I understand that when Beth was taping the Oprah show today, she had many friends with her for support.

Good! and she knows she has us too!  It makes me feel good we may provide some comfort to her.  Especially since dipshit made himself known to the world, what he is really like!

God Bless Beth!   I pray Oprah does something to help!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 16, 2008, 01:31:33 AM
I am so excited about tomorrow, I will definately be working and lurking!  I was worried with so much on Oprah tomorrow that Beth and Matt would have too little time and I was going to be upset.  I'm feeling more positive now that Red's been contacted that even if the segment isn't as long as I'd hoped tomorrow; there will be MORE TO COME.  Natalee's story needs to be kept in the media until there's JUSTICE!  I hope Oprah will do all she can to help!

Goodnight everyone!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 01:34:26 AM
Just doing a fly by on my way to the Monkey Bunkey but wanted to remind folks that Jossy recently paid for a private water search himself trying to find Natalee.  Few have done as much as he has to support Natalee's family in their efforts to find their daughter.

Another hero to me is Getagrip who learned Papiamento to help translate.  Check out all the recent articles by Jossy posted on her site.

Sam posted the link earlier but here it is again for those who missed it.

Please keep in mind that in addition to conducting this recent search, Jossy has a family of how own that is not without demands and is still running his newspaper despite not being young man any longer.

It is also possible that he has come to feel that it is futile to release any more information since nothing has ever been done with the information that he has released.

On another note, a reminder that Rudy Croes is vehemently anti-Dutch.  They are not all in lock step on this and have their own internal power struggles going all the time.  I used to think this would provide some sort of checks and balances but it apparently didn't work out that way.  Now I think a change of political parties might be in order before anything will be done to advance this investigation and maybe not even then.

But at least the truth will have been told and I think we have Jossy to thank for that at least in part.  I appreciate the support he has always given to Beth and feel he has done all that he can in this regard and will give him more time to release more information if warranted.

My opinions only.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 01:36:22 AM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 01:37:05 AM
Oh, well, I messed it up. But the story at this link tells of a guy in London raping a girl and using cleaning fluid on her to kill the DNA.  "They are going to find all that shit..."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 01:44:49 AM
Oh, well, I messed it up. But the story at this link tells of a guy in London raping a girl and using cleaning fluid on her to kill the DNA.  "They are going to find all that shit..."

Thanks Tyler - I think it was like liquid Drano they used but the same idea.  So many things in this case are so obviously wrong. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 01:48:07 AM
Just doing a fly by on my way to the Monkey Bunkey but wanted to remind folks that Jossy recently paid for a private water search himself trying to find Natalee.  Few have done as much as he has to support Natalee's family in their efforts to find their daughter.

Another hero to me is Getagrip who learned Papiamento to help translate.  Check out all the recent articles by Jossy posted on her site.

Sam posted the link earlier but here it is again for those who missed it.

Please keep in mind that in addition to conducting this recent search, Jossy has a family of how own that is not without demands and is still running his newspaper despite not being young man any longer.

It is also possible that he has come to feel that it is futile to release any more information since nothing has ever been done with the information that he has released.

On another note, a reminder that Rudy Croes is vehemently anti-Dutch.  They are not all in lock step on this and have their own internal power struggles going all the time.  I used to think this would provide some sort of checks and balances but it apparently didn't work out that way.  Now I think a change of political parties might be in order before anything will be done to advance this investigation and maybe not even then.

But at least the truth will have been told and I think we have Jossy to thank for that at least in part.  I appreciate the support he has always given to Beth and feel he has done all that he can in this regard and will give him more time to release more information if warranted.

My opinions only.


I agree Anna about Jossy and Getagrip  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 01:48:36 AM


Oprah's people want to talk to RED about the case!  They have left a message for him to call them.

Wow!  I just signed on and this is the first post i've read so far!  But YES!  Tellem' the whole story RED!  This could be the breaking point for Beth.  Oprah on the case!  This is awesome!

ok back to catching up....

I am so happy that Oprah's people have enough insight to get more information.
and to come to the best source for that information.  Give em all you can, Red.
and Good Luck.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 01:54:47 AM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 01:58:40 AM
Dugga, if you're here....................let me make you an avatar..........PLEASE!

In the interest of nausea and my mental health..........PLEASE!   :lol:  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 02:02:50 AM
Dugga, if you're here....................let me make you an avatar..........PLEASE!

In the interest of nausea and my mental health..........PLEASE!   :lol:  :wink:

Oh, CBB, please unchain me from my Christmas doily thing.  :lol: It is time to celebrate Valentine's Day.  I think Natalee will be in Birmingham.
He was sittin’ there, his brush in hand
Paintin’ waves as they danced, upon the sand
With every stroke, he brought to life
The deep blue of the ocean, against the mornin’ sky
I asked him if he only painted ocean scenes
He said for twenty dollars, I’ll paint you anything.

Well could you Paint Me A Birmingham
Make it look just the way I planned
A little house on the edge of town
Porch goin’ all the way around
Put her there in the front yard swing
Cotton dress make it, early spring
For awhile she’ll be, mine again
If you can Paint Me A Birmingham.

He looked at me, with knowing eyes
Then took a canvas from a bag there by his side
Picked up a brush, and said to me
Son just in this picture, would you like to me
I said if there’s any way you can
Could you paint me back into her arms again.

Paint Me A Birmingham
Make it look just the way I planned
A little house on the edge of town
Porch goin’ all the way around
Put her there in the front yard swing
Cotton dress make it, early spring
For awhile she’ll be, mine again
If you can Paint Me A Birmingham.

Put her there in the front yard swing
Cotton dress make it, early spring
For awhile she’ll be, mine again
If you can Paint Me A, Birmingham.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 02:16:36 AM
Oh, Tyler, I have to agree!  Natalee belongs to Birmingham and she always will.

And say hello to that wonderful DH of yours.  His efforts very early in this investigation are remembered and appreciated for they were massive and thorough as possible given the information with which we had to work.  No one tried harder or gave more time during that critical first few weeks.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 02:23:13 AM
Goodnight, all!  Looking forward to Red on Oprah tomorrow.  Will try out new DVD recording feature and try to capture it all. 

Beth will rock as always.  All she has to do to do that is be herself for despite her few detractors with their agenda, she has tremendous support and is a much cherished and respected spokesperson for all the missing children every where.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 03:04:31 AM

PHOTOBUCKET IS DOING MAINTANENCE! If your avatar goes away, it will be back! I have purchased the bigger account, so it's not gone forever!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kat_Gram on January 16, 2008, 04:43:57 AM
Oh Tyler, it is late and I know you are sleeping, but TY for Paint Me a Birmingham.I associate that with Natalee and have for a what ? Two years, gee, long time.
Made me cry, thinking about my own life too. People who are no longer here.
They are waiting for me on the other side of the clouds and sometimes, they reach down to me.
Take care everyone.
I have taken the day off work today for my own reasons and I am going to try to find the Oprah program. If nothing else happens on that program, Beth will be a lady and be an inspiration for how to survive in the midst of one of the most horrible things that a person could endure. Matt too.   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: blah on January 16, 2008, 04:58:20 AM
what time is Oprah?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 06:42:17 AM


Oprah's people want to talk to RED about the case!  They have left a message for him to call them.

Wow!  I just signed on and this is the first post i've read so far!  But YES!  Tellem' the whole story RED!  This could be the breaking point for Beth.  Oprah on the case!  This is awesome!

ok back to catching up....

I am so happy that Oprah's people have enough insight to get more information.
and to come to the best source for that information.  Give em all you can, Red.
and Good Luck.

You guys keep making me tear up!! FINALLY someone is actually looking for the truth!!!! Great credit to you Red and all you have done and all the wealth of knowledge about the case that is here at SM!!! Give 'em the truth Red!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 06:44:28 AM

PHOTOBUCKET IS DOING MAINTANENCE! If your avatar goes away, it will be back! I have purchased the bigger account, so it's not gone forever!

Thank you CBB for all you do keeping us so well dressed here in the cage!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 06:46:42 AM
Goodnight, all!  Looking forward to Red on Oprah tomorrow.  Will try out new DVD recording feature and try to capture it all. 

Beth will rock as always.  All she has to do to do that is be herself for despite her few detractors with their agenda, she has tremendous support and is a much cherished and respected spokesperson for all the missing children every where.
Amen Anna

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 06:49:25 AM
Dugga, if you're here....................let me make you an avatar..........PLEASE!

In the interest of nausea and my mental health..........PLEASE!   :lol:  :wink:

Oh, CBB, please unchain me from my Christmas doily thing.  :lol: It is time to celebrate Valentine's Day.  I think Natalee will be in Birmingham.
He was sittin’ there, his brush in hand
Paintin’ waves as they danced, upon the sand
With every stroke, he brought to life
The deep blue of the ocean, against the mornin’ sky
I asked him if he only painted ocean scenes
He said for twenty dollars, I’ll paint you anything.

Well could you Paint Me A Birmingham
Make it look just the way I planned
A little house on the edge of town
Porch goin’ all the way around
Put her there in the front yard swing
Cotton dress make it, early spring
For awhile she’ll be, mine again
If you can Paint Me A Birmingham.

He looked at me, with knowing eyes
Then took a canvas from a bag there by his side
Picked up a brush, and said to me
Son just in this picture, would you like to me
I said if there’s any way you can
Could you paint me back into her arms again.

Paint Me A Birmingham
Make it look just the way I planned
A little house on the edge of town
Porch goin’ all the way around
Put her there in the front yard swing
Cotton dress make it, early spring
For awhile she’ll be, mine again
If you can Paint Me A Birmingham.

Put her there in the front yard swing
Cotton dress make it, early spring
For awhile she’ll be, mine again
If you can Paint Me A, Birmingham.

you all keep making me cry lately!! For us Yankees I thank you!! Never heard that one before. I can see Natalee in Birmingham now!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 06:55:22 AM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|

Oh, Wreck; count me among the hook, line , and sinker crowd! I was absolutely, totally, a believer in Mos!

I was there with you all too. Thought at least his pride would cause him to prosecute so they didn't have to go down in history as being beaten by the likes of paulus and j2k.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 06:57:26 AM
Not kidding, for real!(
WOW! For Real?

Yup ,,, for real. I received a couple of messages today from Oprah's producer. It seems that Oprah's people have been on SM looking at posts and witness statements.

Should be speaking to them in the AM. Will let you know how it turns out tomorrow.

That is so terrific Red!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 16, 2008, 07:03:17 AM
Good morning, everyone.

Wanted to pop in and draw your attention to a CLASSIC Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary:

I do think the cage will enjoy this one.  :thumleft:

Hello Billary.  I enjoyed that.  Thanks, BH

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 16, 2008, 07:06:25 AM
I understand that when Beth was taping the Oprah show today, she had many friends with her for support.

Glad to hear that Klaas.  The monkeys are always with her in spirit, I hope she can feel our support, especially at her lowest times.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 07:19:03 AM
Drive by just to let everyone know that there's a long, great posting about Beth on Oprah's site. Yes, even the wine throwing made it.  Natalee's friends have a video piece  :sad:.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 16, 2008, 07:26:02 AM
Posted by Heli at RU:

Natalee taken by Space Aliens - Not So Crazy

It would seem we may have poo poo'ed this possiblity whilst it may
be worthy of our consideration


Unknown Object Videotaped over Aruba

The video below was sent to me by J. Alonso Galicia Fabela. There is a language gap here, but I can decipher some of the basic facts pertaining to the taking of the film. The man says that the video was taken on 01-08-08 from the roof of his home in Aruba. He also says that the area he lives in has a lot of UFO sightings.
The video shows the unknown object at three different speeds.

He also sent along 3 still frame grabs. I am posting one above.

A big thanks to M. Alonso Galica Fabela.

Yep........and the alien onboard was the 'monster Joran' pictured in the photo that Klaas posted yesterday  :wink:   dododododododododododooooo

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 16, 2008, 07:37:00 AM
Red, I want to wish you the gift of a silver tongue today.  May your words be inspired by the Holy Spirit, the spirit of the monkeys and Natalee herself.  You are such a gift to Natalee and her family.  Best wishes!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 16, 2008, 07:37:16 AM
Good morning, everyone.

Wanted to pop in and draw your attention to a CLASSIC Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary:

I do think the cage will enjoy this one.  :thumleft:

LOL @ Dana and LMFAO @ your AVY!!!!! HAAAAAAHAAAAA!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Maggie on January 16, 2008, 07:55:10 AM
Good morning all!
I am waiting impatiently for the Oprah show; it's on at 4 pm in my area, so there's a little bit of a wait.

Red, thank you for sharing the news. You will do a great job and that will lead to more interest.

Thank you again CBB for my Valentine's avatar.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Frijole on January 16, 2008, 08:11:38 AM
Good morning monkey friends.  I don't post much but this is a special day and like you, I'm looking forward to watching Beth today on Oprah.  Millions of people around the world will learn the real truth of Natalees' case.  Another small step to justice.

Very exciting news about Red getting a call from the producers.  Question on this - if the show was taped yesterday (which I was told it was) then this leads me to believe that Beth made mentioned of SM.  Perhaps producers want to learn more and do a follow up show?  Just food for thought.  Regardless RED, good luck today.  You know the key word - corruption.   :lol:

Have a great day all.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Puzzler on January 16, 2008, 08:27:48 AM
Good morning, Monkeys!

Itis a good day for the monkeys....Red gets to talk with the Oprah reps and Beth gets out the injustice (so far) for Natalee.  More and more people are learning about Joran, etc....Joran saw to that with his wine throwing tantrum...
I hope there is a resurgence, yet again, against Aruba.  I'm very excited to hear about the Oprah show....I'll be at work, but I'm taping the show and will see it later today.

Good luck and God speed, Red.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 16, 2008, 08:37:58 AM
Great News about Red!!!! (I'm kind of confused though -- is Red going to be a "follow-up" to the "taped" show yesterday?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Vicki on January 16, 2008, 08:45:38 AM
Good Morning all, Just wanted to pop in and say THANK GOODNESS about Red and Oprah...fially some Great News....go get em Red. Im so proud to be a Monkey...We have a lot planned for Boston. We just need more ppl.....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kimmy53 on January 16, 2008, 09:07:38 AM
Good Morning all, Just wanted to pop in and say THANK GOODNESS about Red and Oprah...fially some Great News....go get em Red. Im so proud to be a Monkey...We have a lot planned for Boston. We just need more ppl.....

It is good to be a monkey!  Good Luck Red.  May God open the ears and hearts of many more about this case.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: snoopy on January 16, 2008, 09:24:57 AM

Good Morning Everyone!! 

I'm so proud to be a Scared Monkey.

I'm thankful that Oprahs people are doing a followup with Red. 

Beth if you're reading here please know that while I don't have a lot to say, I'm here everyday in support of Natalee and your family.  God Bless you all.

God Bless the crew of the Persistence.

The video of Jurin throwing the wine in Peter Devries face is mind boggling.  Now the world knows what we have known all along.  Pure evil.  I still cannot get over the reaction of Paulus and Anita.  I would have dealt with that boy right then and there.  It would have been swift.  No delay.  This family also needs our prayers.  They are heading down a path of destruction.  While it is of their own doing I still pray for their souls.  It's the only hope they have.

I always said that their arrogance would be their undoing.  They may never have to stand before justice here, but some day they will stand before God.

Justice is coming.

Justice is coming.  Never give up.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 10:02:40 AM
Looks like I got distracted before the good news was announced, Red visiting with Oprah. I think that is what Beth needs, is an independent voice who can articulate the "wrongs" that have occurred in this case, and candidly lay out  the facts that lead us to believe just how sorry Joran is, why he appears so guilty, and why we believe so sincerely that there has been a coverup. It would also be nice to demonstrate the reality of the effect the boycott has had on tourism, absent the artificially inflating that occurs via the washing machine. That disclosure concerning the inflated tourism then validates the point of just how serious a player Aruba is in the drug business by establishing the size of the laundering process.

I also understand that even though the show has been taped, it still has to be edited, so Red might possibly be included in todays show. Or even better yet, there might be a followup.

I think a post by RU poster citing her first amendment rights and questioning a grieving mothers first missing child poster, how stupid and petty can you get,  gave Oprah a true insight into the character of those opposing Beth and just how warm and hospitable Aruba actually is. If I was in charge of Aruba's public relations, I would shut that particular poster up, and wish I could close that whole site.

From Beth's point of view though, I say let those posters rip. Say what you feel, speak it loud and clear, so the world will clearly know just how warm and fuzzy a place Aruba really is.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 10:06:13 AM
Even though the beaches are abandoned, travel to Aruba is up, books are up. This proves to the world that the scenic beach area is nothing more than a stage prop. blocked by a thin curtain, located on a dangerous island that is the Manhattan of the south America drug lords, or so it appears from their beach cam. Of course, maybe they are intentionally hiding their tourist from the world to invoke sympathy.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 10:13:38 AM

Good Morning Everyone!! 

I'm so proud to be a Scared Monkey.

I'm thankful that Oprahs people are doing a followup with Red. 

Beth if you're reading here please know that while I don't have a lot to say, I'm here everyday in support of Natalee and your family.  God Bless you all.

God Bless the crew of the Persistence.

The video of Jurin throwing the wine in Peter Devries face is mind boggling.  Now the world knows what we have known all along.  Pure evil.  I still cannot get over the reaction of Paulus and Anita.  I would have dealt with that boy right then and there.  It would have been swift.  No delay.  This family also needs our prayers.  They are heading down a path of destruction.  While it is of their own doing I still pray for their souls.  It's the only hope they have.

I always said that their arrogance would be their undoing.  They may never have to stand before justice here, but some day they will stand before God.

Justice is coming.

Justice is coming.  Never give up.

I feel that the Joran is in the throws of being punished by God and public opinion already. Just because he is not behind bars does not mean he is free from punishment. Private hell seems to be descending upon the van der sloots, and with interest accruing on their debt to society, their is no light at the end of the tunnel, only darkness.

Our elders spoke great wisdom when they told us it is best to admit your wrong and take your punishment like a man. That way you get forgiveness eventually, not forgotten, from society, you get it over with, and at some point you have another chance at a good life.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Hotshot on January 16, 2008, 10:16:30 AM
Hey Good Morning guys........  Kyle and crew are OK, Kyle just had to take some time for himself for a bit off the boat.  He is ALIVE!

Red, congrats......Can't wait for the show today!  OK off to do some real work....
Bye for now

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 10:19:42 AM
I've got to run, but I know Red will be blessed by the Lord and supported by the many words from the posters at sm in his words and logic during his conversation with Oprah and staff. While I cautioned Beth to just get a hit, I think Red is a professional, and I say "Hit it out of the stadium, Red" Just kidding, you always say the right thing and this time will be no different::)))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 10:20:38 AM

Happy Valentine's Day, Hotshot!

Lots of new avatars for Valentine's Day in the Lounge! Puzzler, Helen Back,'re all there!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: LilPuma on January 16, 2008, 10:20:49 AM
Yes yes yes!  Oprah is talking about Joran and the Great Wine Incident! 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 16, 2008, 10:20:58 AM
Posted by Heli at RU:

Natalee taken by Space Aliens - Not So Crazy

It would seem we may have poo poo'ed this possiblity whilst it may
be worthy of our consideration


Unknown Object Videotaped over Aruba

The video below was sent to me by J. Alonso Galicia Fabela. There is a language gap here, but I can decipher some of the basic facts pertaining to the taking of the film. The man says that the video was taken on 01-08-08 from the roof of his home in Aruba. He also says that the area he lives in has a lot of UFO sightings.
The video shows the unknown object at three different speeds.

He also sent along 3 still frame grabs. I am posting one above.

A big thanks to M. Alonso Galica Fabela.

Yep........and the alien onboard was the 'monster Joran' pictured in the photo that Klaas posted yesterday  :wink:   dododododododododododooooo
this isn't any more ridiculous than some of their "excuses" they've used and expected us to believe. i'm really very surprised that julia hasn't found another cabdriver with perfect recall that remembers in great detail how natalee was kidnapped by godzilla and how hard j2k valiantly fought trying to protect her.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: LilPuma on January 16, 2008, 10:29:06 AM
Oprah did an intro of Natalee disappearing, asked Beth how it felt when J2K were released AGAIN this last November.  Beth said it hurt as much if not more than when they were released in 9-05.  Film of Beth at home with Macie (Macey) showing Natalee's stuff.  Beth says she doesn't cry too much anymore.  Beth said that she's never put much stock in an investigative solution to the case, but something unexpected could happen, like someone talking, coming forward.  Oprah asked if Beth still thought J2K were involved.  Beth said they tried to look outside the box, but yes, she thinks they're involved.  She said their behavior in the bar, in the car.......  Oprah asked if Beth is dating John Ramsey.  Beth says yes it's been very comforting.  Oprah asking if they talk about their pain, if John talks about what he thinks happened to his daughter.  Beth and John both think the killers of their children are out there.  Matt...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 10:32:45 AM
Oprah did an intro of Natalee disappearing, asked Beth how it felt when J2K were released AGAIN this last November.  Beth said it hurt as much if not more than when they were released in 9-05.  Film of Beth at home with Macie (Macey) showing Natalee's stuff.  Beth says she doesn't cry too much anymore.  Beth said that she's never put much stock in an investigative solution to the case, but something unexpected could happen, like someone talking, coming forward.  Oprah asked if Beth still thought J2K were involved.  Beth said they tried to look outside the box, but yes, she thinks they're involved.  She said their behavior in the bar, in the car.......  Oprah asked if Beth is dating John Ramsey.  Beth says yes it's been very comforting.  Oprah asking if they talk about their pain, if John talks about what he thinks happened to his daughter.  Beth and John both think the killers of their children are out there.  Matt...

Thanks!  Is there more? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: LilPuma on January 16, 2008, 10:34:27 AM
Matt said it was very difficult for him.  Matt was in the audience, not on stage, said he had some great friends to help him through.  Oprah said that Dr. Phil always says when you lose a child, you can hold onto the day they died or you can celebrate their life.  Beth has celebrated Natalee's life in her book (shows cover of book). 


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 10:36:42 AM
Matt said it was very difficult for him.  Matt was in the audience, not on stage, said he had some great friends to help him through.  Oprah said that Dr. Phil always says when you lose a child, you can hold onto the day they died or you can celebrate their life.  Beth has celebrated Natalee's life in her book (shows cover of book). 


Nothing on the wine throwing incident?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: LilPuma on January 16, 2008, 10:37:51 AM
Oh, she did ask if Beth has any hope that Natalee might be alive.  Beth said you have to be careful about that, when there's no body, don't want to get  your hopes up, but you can't ignore that 1% chance. 

Oprah was very sensitive and understanding.  Wish it had been a longer segment.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kimmy53 on January 16, 2008, 10:41:59 AM
Thanks Lil puma!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: LilPuma on January 16, 2008, 10:42:41 AM
Matt said it was very difficult for him.  Matt was in the audience, not on stage, said he had some great friends to help him through.  Oprah said that Dr. Phil always says when you lose a child, you can hold onto the day they died or you can celebrate their life.  Beth has celebrated Natalee's life in her book (shows cover of book). 


Nothing on the wine throwing incident?

Oprah introduced Beth's segment (before the break) with mention of an outburst by Joran after a Dutch TV show.  I was hoping they'd show the clip, but no. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 10:43:29 AM
Thanks, LilPuma! It won't air here until 4:00, so I appreciate the preview!

Dugga, check your messages.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 10:49:22 AM

From the Oprah website - sounds like this is most of what was on the show:

Since 2005, an Alabama family's worst nightmare has left the world wondering, "What happened to Natalee Holloway?"

Natalee was 18 years old when she graduated from Mountain Brook High School in Birmingham, Alabama. The day after graduation, Natalee joined 123 other students and seven adults for a five-day vacation to the Caribbean island of Aruba to celebrate.

For the first few days of her trip, Natalee spent time with friends at the beach and hotel pool, and—since the legal drinking age in Aruba is 18— hanging out in the casino having drinks. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, but on Sunday, May 29, 2005 things took a mysterious turn.

That Sunday night, surveillance cameras at the Holiday Inn casino captured Natalee seated at a blackjack table. Two seats away was Joran van der Sloot, a local 17-year-old high school soccer player. Witnesses say Natalee introduced herself to van der Sloot and invited him to meet her and her friends at a bar and restaurant called Carlos 'n Charlie's later that evening.

After leaving the casino to go to dinner, van der Sloot, along with his two friends, brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, arrived at the bar at about 12:15 a.m. Friends say that Natalee and van der Sloot danced, talked and did some shots of alcohol together. When the bar closed at 1 a.m, Natalee was seen getting into a Deepak Kalpoe's car, along with van der Sloot and Satish Kalpoe.

She was never seen again. What happened remains a mystery.

Police questioned van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers in connection with Natalee's disappearance. They were taken into custody early in the investigation, but authorities had little evidence and eventually released them. In November 2007, the three men were re-arrested in what appeared to be a break in the case. But instead of being charged with a crime, they were released again and the case against them was closed.

For Natalee's mother, Beth Holloway, the time since her daughter's disappearance has been an emotional rollercoaster. The announcement that the case is closed adds even more pain, she says.

"I think we've had so much hurt on this journey that it's almost as if you just have to keep yourself prepared for blows because they seem to come one after the other. And that was the final one, of course, when we're thinking of it—the finality. Of course it's more painful than the others," Beth says. "The journey has been just an endless marathon in that we've just had to really try to put the brakes on and just pace ourselves."

Despite what authorities have said, Beth says the case of her daughter's disappearance remains open for her family. "We've never really relied on an investigative approach to finding an answer," she says. "I think what we've relied on more heavily is at any given moment something unexpected could happen, and we really feel like someone could talk at any moment."

After two and a half years of investigation and theories about her daughter's disappearance, what does Beth believe happened to Natalee?

Beth: "We've been really careful in trying not to speculate too much. But when I go back to the facts—and the facts are, these are the last three men that were known to be seen with Natalee alive. And we do know the condition that she was in when she got into the … car. And we know the conduct they engaged in with her. After that, we have … different stories of what they gave to interrogators to explain what they did with her that night."

Oprah: "Do you still believe Joran and the Kalpoe brothers had something to do with your daughter's disappearance?"

Beth: " … I mean, when we look back, we've really tried to look outside of the circle of these three suspects. There have been, I think, close to a dozen men that have been arrested and questioned and released. So everything keeps coming back to the original three that she was last seen leaving the establishment with."

Oprah: "Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers have always, as we know, maintained their innocence."

At one point, van der Sloot said he welcomed an opportunity to talk to Beth, but that hasn't happened. "I think the only way that could be productive is if he were hooked to a polygraph machine," Beth says. "Because we really want to get the truth."

When van der Sloot and his parents were interviewed on a Dutch talk show in January 2008, crime reporter Peter R. DeVries challenged them with some tough and heated questions about the Holloway case. After the show, van der Sloot was caught on tape throwing a glass of wine across a table into Peter's face.

Natalee's younger brother, Matt, was 16 years old when his sister vanished. In his first interview about Natalee's disappearance, Matt describes how difficult it has been for him.

"It was just very devastating for me," Matt says. "But I have an amazing group of friends, and they've been there for me and they've helped me through it, and I just can't be more thankful for that."

In early 2007, rumors sprang up that Beth was dating John Ramsey, whose daughter, JonBenet Ramsey, a 6-year-old beauty pageant queen, was killed in 1996. "He is a dear friend of mine, he is," Beth says. "We were dating, I would say. But now I think we really just support each other."

Because each of them has lost a daughter, Beth says talking to John has been comforting to her. "I feel as if he has a lot of miles on me, as far as into his journey," she says. "I feel like he was a really good source of support and strength."

While she still doesn't know what happened to Natalee, Beth strives to keep her memories alive. She filled a hope chest with Natalee's belongings, from a journal to the clothes she took on her senior trip to Aruba. "I have nothing more tangible … [like] having a grave where I could go and visit her, or even having the comfort that her suspects are behind bars," Beth says. "To find her body, well, it would mean putting an end to this current nightmare."

(video with Natalee's friends)

As for finding Natalee alive, Beth says she tries not to let herself consider that too much. "I don't think that's very healthy for your spirit, but it is something I fantasize about," Beth says.

In the absence of closure, Beth continues to think about her daughter's disappearance every day. "It's as if I have to wake up every morning and make that conscious decision whether I want to be better or positive. I do want to keep being positive and look toward the future and see what we can do for others," Beth says. "But I still feel strongly that something unexpected could happen. We still could find answers at some point."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: LilPuma on January 16, 2008, 10:50:06 AM
(replaying tape) Oprah asked about Beth not feeling safe in ARuba.  Beth says it causes too much tension and attention so it's best she not go there unless absolutely necessary.  They hold out hope of someone talking.  Beth thinks about it every day and wakes up each morning trying to be positive.  Still feels strongly that they could find answer.  Oprah says Joran said once he'd welcome chance to sit with her.  Beth says not unless there's a polygraph because they want to get to the truth.  Oprah describes the wine incident.  Beth says Joran looks on tape like he felt Peter deserved it, asked for it.  Oprah goes back to Beth feeling safe in ARuba.  Beth says there are certain people who trail them and hound them. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 16, 2008, 10:51:44 AM
Drive by just to let everyone know that there's a long, great posting about Beth on Oprah's site. Yes, even the wine throwing made it.  Natalee's friends have a video piece  :sad:.

Having read the posting on this link that Buckeye provided, and viewing the video of Nat's friends, it seems that what was aired is the edited version. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: LilPuma on January 16, 2008, 10:54:13 AM
Harpo's legal dept., speaking through Oprah, says "Joran and the Kalpoes have always maintained their innocence."   :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 16, 2008, 10:54:18 AM
OK...I see LilPuma added some more & Klaas has the text from that link.  :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 10:56:38 AM
Well we always wish there was more, but we have to be appreciative of what we were given. I think Oprah talking with Red indicates there is still some level of continuing interest in the case and possibly a follow up. Who knows, maybe Joran and Peter will be next on the Oprah show. If so, maybe Peter will wear goggles this time:) and Anita will make sure Joran is physically restrained!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 11:00:46 AM
Well we always wish there was more, but we have to be appreciative of what we were given. I think Oprah talking with Red indicates there is still some level of continuing interest in the case and possibly a follow up. Who knows, maybe Joran and Peter will be next on the Oprah show. If so, maybe Peter will wear goggles this time:) and Anita will make sure Joran is physically restrained!!!!!!!!

 :lol:  20 million plus viewers watch Oprah.  Many of those viewers probably knew very little about the case.  They now know it's still unresolved and they also know Joran can't control his temper. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 11:07:22 AM
Beth also has the Dateline episode still to come, and though they entered this as a neutral entity, their only mission to find Natalee's remains, I think the anti Beth's faction has clearly established themselves again to be Beth's most powerful advocate as far as public support.

Of course, with their new UFO story, I can't even think up a stupid response, much less an intelligent one. They must have gotten their weekly shipment of XTC and this batch is just a little too strong. Are they simply loony or are they so arrogant that they feel the rest of the world is just idiots. UFO and Natalee, incredulous. Tell them we have now identified the flying object that hit Natalee, and it was a projectile thrown by Urine VDS.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 11:08:42 AM
Well we always wish there was more, but we have to be appreciative of what we were given. I think Oprah talking with Red indicates there is still some level of continuing interest in the case and possibly a follow up. Who knows, maybe Joran and Peter will be next on the Oprah show. If so, maybe Peter will wear goggles this time:) and Anita will make sure Joran is physically restrained!!!!!!!!

 :lol:  20 million plus viewers watch Oprah.  Many of those viewers probably knew very little about the case.  They now know it's still unresolved and they also know Joran can't control his temper. 

Personally I think the show is great, even though I am no different than the rest, I wanted it to be greater:)))))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: LilPuma on January 16, 2008, 11:10:54 AM
Well we always wish there was more, but we have to be appreciative of what we were given. I think Oprah talking with Red indicates there is still some level of continuing interest in the case and possibly a follow up. Who knows, maybe Joran and Peter will be next on the Oprah show. If so, maybe Peter will wear goggles this time:) and Anita will make sure Joran is physically restrained!!!!!!!!

Oprah's people talking with Red's people Red (does Red have People?).   :lol:  Wonder what this means.  Oprah has a new TV station of her own -- OWN.  I don't know if it's on yet, but I hope Red puts in a plug for Dana, the New and Improved Larry King on OWN Network!  Oh, I'm getting carried away.  Better go have another cup of coffee and get something done.   :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: LilPuma on January 16, 2008, 11:15:33 AM
Before I go, if Red and Mrs. Red come to Chicago to meet with Oprah, I wanted to mention that I live about 2 or so miles from Harpo Productions and there are approximately 136 Starbucks in between where they could buy me a latte.   :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 11:17:43 AM
Well we always wish there was more, but we have to be appreciative of what we were given. I think Oprah talking with Red indicates there is still some level of continuing interest in the case and possibly a follow up. Who knows, maybe Joran and Peter will be next on the Oprah show. If so, maybe Peter will wear goggles this time:) and Anita will make sure Joran is physically restrained!!!!!!!!

Oprah's people talking with Red's people Red (does Red have People?).   :lol:  Wonder what this means.  Oprah has a new TV station of her own -- OWN.  I don't know if it's on yet, but I hope Red puts in a plug for Dana, the New and Improved Larry King on OWN Network!  Oh, I'm getting carried away.  Better go have another cup of coffee and get something done.   :lol:

I would be proud to be called Red's people, and Red should be proud to have Klaas as his people. I imagine Red has people we haven't even heard of yet because we haven't crossed him:))))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: igsigs on January 16, 2008, 11:23:49 AM
Thanks LilPuma

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: igsigs on January 16, 2008, 11:27:16 AM
Harpo's legal dept., speaking through Oprah, says "Joran and the Kalpoes have always maintained their innocence."   :wink:

Oprah said this? What do think that means...contextually?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 16, 2008, 11:40:38 AM

From the Oprah website - sounds like this is most of what was on the show:

Since 2005, an Alabama family's worst nightmare has left the world wondering, "What happened to Natalee Holloway?"

Natalee was 18 years old when she graduated from Mountain Brook High School in Birmingham, Alabama. The day after graduation, Natalee joined 123 other students and seven adults for a five-day vacation to the Caribbean island of Aruba to celebrate.

For the first few days of her trip, Natalee spent time with friends at the beach and hotel pool, and—since the legal drinking age in Aruba is 18— hanging out in the casino having drinks. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, but on Sunday, May 29, 2005 things took a mysterious turn.

That Sunday night, surveillance cameras at the Holiday Inn casino captured Natalee seated at a blackjack table. Two seats away was Joran van der Sloot, a local 17-year-old high school soccer player. Witnesses say Natalee introduced herself to van der Sloot and invited him to meet her and her friends at a bar and restaurant called Carlos 'n Charlie's later that evening.

After leaving the casino to go to dinner, van der Sloot, along with his two friends, brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, arrived at the bar at about 12:15 a.m. Friends say that Natalee and van der Sloot danced, talked and did some shots of alcohol together. When the bar closed at 1 a.m, Natalee was seen getting into a Deepak Kalpoe's car, along with van der Sloot and Satish Kalpoe.

She was never seen again. What happened remains a mystery.

Police questioned van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers in connection with Natalee's disappearance. They were taken into custody early in the investigation, but authorities had little evidence and eventually released them. In November 2007, the three men were re-arrested in what appeared to be a break in the case. But instead of being charged with a crime, they were released again and the case against them was closed.

For Natalee's mother, Beth Holloway, the time since her daughter's disappearance has been an emotional rollercoaster. The announcement that the case is closed adds even more pain, she says.

"I think we've had so much hurt on this journey that it's almost as if you just have to keep yourself prepared for blows because they seem to come one after the other. And that was the final one, of course, when we're thinking of it—the finality. Of course it's more painful than the others," Beth says. "The journey has been just an endless marathon in that we've just had to really try to put the brakes on and just pace ourselves."

Despite what authorities have said, Beth says the case of her daughter's disappearance remains open for her family. "We've never really relied on an investigative approach to finding an answer," she says. "I think what we've relied on more heavily is at any given moment something unexpected could happen, and we really feel like someone could talk at any moment."

After two and a half years of investigation and theories about her daughter's disappearance, what does Beth believe happened to Natalee?

Beth: "We've been really careful in trying not to speculate too much. But when I go back to the facts—and the facts are, these are the last three men that were known to be seen with Natalee alive. And we do know the condition that she was in when she got into the … car. And we know the conduct they engaged in with her. After that, we have … different stories of what they gave to interrogators to explain what they did with her that night."

Oprah: "Do you still believe Joran and the Kalpoe brothers had something to do with your daughter's disappearance?"

Beth: " … I mean, when we look back, we've really tried to look outside of the circle of these three suspects. There have been, I think, close to a dozen men that have been arrested and questioned and released. So everything keeps coming back to the original three that she was last seen leaving the establishment with."

Oprah: "Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers have always, as we know, maintained their innocence."At one point, van der Sloot said he welcomed an opportunity to talk to Beth, but that hasn't happened. "I think the only way that could be productive is if he were hooked to a polygraph machine," Beth says. "Because we really want to get the truth."

When van der Sloot and his parents were interviewed on a Dutch talk show in January 2008, crime reporter Peter R. DeVries challenged them with some tough and heated questions about the Holloway case. After the show, van der Sloot was caught on tape throwing a glass of wine across a table into Peter's face.

Natalee's younger brother, Matt, was 16 years old when his sister vanished. In his first interview about Natalee's disappearance, Matt describes how difficult it has been for him.

"It was just very devastating for me," Matt says. "But I have an amazing group of friends, and they've been there for me and they've helped me through it, and I just can't be more thankful for that."

In early 2007, rumors sprang up that Beth was dating John Ramsey, whose daughter, JonBenet Ramsey, a 6-year-old beauty pageant queen, was killed in 1996. "He is a dear friend of mine, he is," Beth says. "We were dating, I would say. But now I think we really just support each other."

Because each of them has lost a daughter, Beth says talking to John has been comforting to her. "I feel as if he has a lot of miles on me, as far as into his journey," she says. "I feel like he was a really good source of support and strength."

While she still doesn't know what happened to Natalee, Beth strives to keep her memories alive. She filled a hope chest with Natalee's belongings, from a journal to the clothes she took on her senior trip to Aruba. "I have nothing more tangible … [like] having a grave where I could go and visit her, or even having the comfort that her suspects are behind bars," Beth says. "To find her body, well, it would mean putting an end to this current nightmare."

(video with Natalee's friends)

As for finding Natalee alive, Beth says she tries not to let herself consider that too much. "I don't think that's very healthy for your spirit, but it is something I fantasize about," Beth says.

In the absence of closure, Beth continues to think about her daughter's disappearance every day. "It's as if I have to wake up every morning and make that conscious decision whether I want to be better or positive. I do want to keep being positive and look toward the future and see what we can do for others," Beth says. "But I still feel strongly that something unexpected could happen. We still could find answers at some point."

Igsigs, in the text bolded from Oprah's site, it just appears to be a statement regarding J2K's...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 11:49:13 AM
Not kidding, for real!(


Good Morning Monkeys

I know that this is old news but ... I am just catching up.

8:50 AM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: igsigs on January 16, 2008, 11:49:36 AM
Thanks 2NJ - I really want to see the Kalpoes come to CA for depositions, so i am keeping my eye out for any comments that may indicate the case is going forward...or not.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: msmarple on January 16, 2008, 11:50:54 AM (

Link is to Local section of Diario.

Turistanan disgusta na compania di tour       

Wednesday, 16 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Tabata Dialuna mainta cu autoridad a acudi cu urgencia na oficina principal di un compania di Tour, debi cu turistanan ta furioso cu e servicio y tambe riba e hecho cu nan no por haya nan “Money Back Guarantee”.

Si bo tin confianza den bo bon servicio como compania, rond mundo e tendencia tey cu nan ta ofrece e cliente su placa back si acaso e no keda satisfecho.

Polis a bay atende e turistanan, pasobra nan a haci reservacion adelanta pa haya Tour, y awor cu nan a yega y ripara cu loke nan a reserva no ta loke nan kier a goza di dje, naturalmente nan ta exigi di haya nan placa back.

E compania no tabata kier a duna placa back.

Polis a sa di calma e situacion completo. No ta conoci si acaso Turistanan a haya nan placa back.

Online Pap translation:

turistanan disgusta at compania of tour

wednesday, 16 january 2008

oranjestad (aan): was monday morning cu autoridad owing to acudi cu urgencia at office principal of one compania of tour, debi cu turistanan is furious cu the servicio y also on the mature cu they not can achieve they “money back guarantee”.

if do you have confianza in do you good servicio because; compania, rond world the tendencia tey cu they're ofrece the cliente his coin back if acaso the not stay satisfecho.

police owing to bay atende the turistanan, because they owing to haci reservacion adelanta for achieve tour, y now cu they owing to arrive y ripara cu thing they owing to reserva do not thing they wanted owing to goza of dje, naturally they're exigi of achieve they coin back.

the compania not was wanted owing to give coin back.

police owing to know of calma the situation completo. do not conoci if acaso turistanan owing to achieve they coin back.

* * *

Vandalistanan na club portugues a bebe refresco bay goal!       

Wednesday, 16 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Dialuna mainta den e Bario di Primavera a sosode un caso di Vandalismo na e Club Portuguesa unda cu ora cu nan a bay pa haci e lugar limpi, a ripara cu no tabata tin candal na e heki dilanti.
Esey a pone cu di biaha nan a yama Polis pa asina investiga e caso aki.

Esnan cu ta maneha e Club, a ripara cu e ladron nan no por a drenta di paden y a purba parti Patras unda cu na e kibra bentana y forza e heki pa nan drenta.

Despues ta parse cu nan a purba na un otro porta patras unda cu nan a kibra e luz pa asina ningun hende mira nan y kibra e porta patras cu si nan por a drenta.

Di eyden, nan a bay cu un Televisor, Radio, y kizas mas articulo. Den un oficina, nan a habri e key-box, pa pasa man pa mas yabi, y habri demas oficinanan.

Nan a forza e candal di un cooler, y a bebe refresco bay goal.

E tipo di hendenan anti-social aki ta pone cu Aruba ta bibando den temor awor na 2008. Ohala cu Polis por haya vingerprint pa asina pone man riba e ladronnan aki.

Anto ban spera cu ora e potret di e ladronnan sali den DIARIO, cu ningun hende ta core yama y reclama di con ta publica foto di ladronnan, y bin cu un storia tristo cu periodistanan di Aruba no mag di publica e fotonan ey mas, pasobra mester corda cu e ladron ey “tambe tin un mama”.

Acaso e ladron a corda cu e “tin un mama” ora cu e ta kibrando den cas y negoshinan rond di Aruba?

Online Pap translation:

vandalistanan at club portuguese owing to drink refresco bay goal!

wednesday, 16 january 2008

oranjestad(aan): monday morning in the district of primavera owing to sosode one caso of vandalismo at the club portuguesa where cu hour cu they owing to bay for haci the lugar clean, owing to ripara cu not was have candal at the heki fast.
esey owing to place cu of trip they owing to calling police for so investiga the caso here.

esnan cu is maneha the club, owing to ripara cu the thief they not can owing to enter of inside y owing to try part behind where cu at the break window y forza the heki for they enter.

after is look like cu they owing to try at one another door behind where cu they owing to break the luz for so none person see they y break the door behind cu if they can owing to enter.

of eyden, they owing to bay cu one televisor, radio, y kizas more articulo. in one office, they owing to open the key-box, for happen hand for more key, y open other oficinanan.

they owing to forza the candal of one cooler, y owing to drink refresco bay goal.

the type of hendenan anti-social here is place cu aruba is bibando in temor now at 2008. ohala cu police can achieve vingerprint for so place hand on the ladronnan here.

then as wait for cu hour the potret of the ladronnan leave in daily paper, cu none person is core calling y reclama of con is publica photograph of ladronnan, y come cu one storia tristo cu periodistanan of aruba not mag of publica the fotonan ey more, because have to corda cu the thief ey “tambe have one mama”.

acaso the thief owing to corda cu the “tin one mama” hour cu the is kibrando in cas y negoshinan rond of aruba?

* * *

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on January 16, 2008, 11:51:19 AM
Thanks 2NJ - I really want to see the Kalpoes come to CA for depositions, so i am keeping my eye out for any comments that may indicate the case is going forward...or not.

Now I understand your question... :2doh: :D

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 12:04:05 PM
Drive by just to let everyone know that there's a long, great posting about Beth on Oprah's site. Yes, even the wine throwing made it.  Natalee's friends have a video piece  :sad:.

Thank you Buckeye.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Hotshot on January 16, 2008, 12:24:58 PM

Happy Valentine's Day, Hotshot!

Lots of new avatars for Valentine's Day in the Lounge! Puzzler, Helen Back,'re all there!

OMG.....CBB, Thank-you so very much.  I Love him!!!  I was going to ask you a few months ago, and chickened out.  TY once again!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 12:29:00 PM

Hey Good Morning guys........  Kyle and crew are OK, Kyle just had to take some time for himself for a bit off the boat.  He is ALIVE!


Thank you Hotshot.

A much needed rest and ... a much deserved rest!

I do not know how the crew keeps going day after day ... enduring those  weather conditions.  There has been a small craft warning most days of the search.  I get seasick just viewing the videos that the crew of the Persistence has shared their site.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dihannah1 on January 16, 2008, 12:31:20 PM
Posted by Heli at RU:Natalee taken by Space Aliens - Not So CrazyIt would seem we may have poo poo'ed this possiblity whilst it may be worthy of our consideration TO WIT: Unknown Object Videotaped over Aruba The video below was sent to me by J. Alonso Galicia Fabela. There is a language gap here, but I can decipher some of the basic facts pertaining to the taking of the film. The man says that the video was taken on 01-08-08 from the roof of his home in Aruba. He also says that the area he lives in has a lot of UFO sightings. The video shows the unknown object at three different speeds. He also sent along 3 still frame grabs. I am posting one above. A big thanks to M. Alonso Galica Fabela.
~~~~~~~~~~~Yep........and the alien onboard was the 'monster Joran' pictured in the photo that Klaas posted yesterday  :wink:   dododododododododododooooo
YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!?  Right when I think I heard/seen it ALL..... they are actually discussing this theory?  :roll: If it wasn't so sad and pathetic I would laugh.   Anything BUT Joran could do this to  Natalee  :2doh:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Peaches on January 16, 2008, 12:34:52 PM

Though billed as his last interview I doubt he'll be able to keep his mouth shut. Sooner or later somebody's gonna put a fist down his throat that'll send his teeth flying out his ass.

I bet we could raise a fortune if we auctioned that right to the highest bidder:))))))))))

Count on me being on the front row, PI.

WOOHOO!!   I'm way behind but save me a seat!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 12:40:37 PM

Happy Valentine's Day, Hotshot!

Lots of new avatars for Valentine's Day in the Lounge! Puzzler, Helen Back,'re all there!

OMG.....CBB, Thank-you so very much.  I Love him!!!  I was going to ask you a few months ago, and chickened out.  TY once again!

Hey CBB!  This is so embarrassing.  I went to the lounge and I saw the Valentine Avi, and it was cool.  UUUMMMM.....and then I don't know what to do to have it.

Sorry!  No hablo avatars..... :oops:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 12:46:26 PM
Helen Back - I fixed it for you  :wink:

Have to run out for a bit, be right back!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 01:08:10 PM
Thank you, CBB.  Now I look lovely.  Red's people with Oprah's people.  Is that our already somewhat famous Klaas who made news on Greta?  :lol:  Whether or not Klaas is famous, she is FANTASTIC and has the memory of an elephant and the grace of a princess.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 16, 2008, 01:08:56 PM


Oprah's people want to talk to RED about the case!  They have left a message for him to call them.

I can attest to Red's professionalism and I have dealt with many, many industry and political people and Red and Dana Pretzer are among the top - the best!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 16, 2008, 01:14:33 PM

I honestly think I am close to understanding the dynamics of the cover up, but I realize that I could easily be way off target.

But I do feel that Mr. Mansur gave Beth all he could afford to give, and I feel that a man's first responsibility is to take care of his own family first, so I want to support him in that regard and make sure he knows how much his help was appreciated.

I know that many disagree with me, but Mos and Holland seems to have finally taken notice of the cover up, and with Joran's latest wine-y interview, I hope his infrastructure of support will implode on its own. Even if it doesn't, and I am wrong about Mos and Holland, I can't in good conscious want Mr. Mansur's family to suffer any more harm or take any more risks than he feels he can afford.I also want him to know that I am sure Beth understands his first obligation is to his family despite her desperately needing help still. Sometime it is best to be appreciative of what has been given instead of resentful that more wasn't given. I think professionally his newspaper will still provide unbiased coverage, and when he feels he can, I am sure he will step up again. His island needs his leadership, as does Beth, and he will lead when he can.

PI ... I understand where you are coming from in regards to Jossy Mansur.  It just makes me very sad for the family ... the family's one and only advocate on that Island.

PI ... are you in a position to share with the forum why you have faith that Hans Mos and Holland will come through concerning justice for Natalee.

The statement from the prosecutor's office (Hans Mos) implies that Joran, Deepak and Satish are no longer suspects.  It also implies that the case would be reopened only if "new" evidence should surface.

Thank you.



Natalee Holloway Case Dismissed
Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - 11:33 AM
By NBC 13 Staff

From a press release by the Aruban Public Prosecutor’s Office:


I hate to say why I feel that he is legit because some of the very proof I see is the exact act than angered so many of Beth's supporters and what her attorney scoffed at. And I understand that Beth is not convinced he is legit.

But I think his strategy or rearresting the boys had possibilities and was a legitimate tactic. It could have easily produced results, and after following basically a cleanup crew in the prosecutors office, there simply wasn't much evidence with which for him to work. Then he spoke out to his home country Holland complaining and revealing of the coverup to a certain degree. The proof I took as Wit speaking out defending himself, Rudy purposely being kept in the dark, and I suspect that some how his actions affected the wine--y interview. And Holland seems to be turning squarely against Joran based upon the translated articles.

True, Mos did not hit a home run, but since his arrival it seems that Joran's position has been rattled some what. Call it a gut feeling, karma, coincidence, or maybe it is the only horse available at the moment. My feeling isn't coming from anything connected to Beth or her supporters, and definitely not from inside information. It is mine and mine alone belief, unsupported, but strongly felt. Or maybe strongly hoped for. It is no more valid though than any belief that anyone else might have though.

I don't think it's over

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 16, 2008, 01:15:30 PM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|


mos is mud

total mud

he had his chance - he blew it

he is as bad as the rest of them

mooooooooooooo :cool:

or smarter then any of them

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 01:21:14 PM
Back from the store but working and lurking now  :D

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 16, 2008, 01:24:24 PM
Back from the store but working and lurking now  :D


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 16, 2008, 01:24:51 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 16, 2008, 02:17:18 PM
mmmmmmmmm........has this been discussed this morning or today at all?? I tried to translate, but it still makes no sense to me. LOTS of pictures....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: kkate on January 16, 2008, 02:21:58 PM
mmmmmmmmm........has this been discussed this morning or today at all?? I tried to translate, but it still makes no sense to me. LOTS of pictures....

Looks like a sasquatch print...what size are Joran's shoes again?  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 02:26:54 PM
mmmmmmmmm........has this been discussed this morning or today at all?? I tried to translate, but it still makes no sense to me. LOTS of pictures....

24ora has an article on it too.  I believe it pertains to the missing young man

 Den oranan di mainta trempan e team cu ta investigando e caso di e hoben cu ja caba tin basta dia perdi, a bolbe bay na e sitio cu nan a ricibi un tip cu e hoben probablemente lo ta dera. Sinembargo nan no a hanja nada den e buskeda y cobamento. Click pa mas di e relato.

E hoben Jose Manuel Vicenzo Tromp a bay for di cas dia 27 di november parti di mainta y no a bolbe mas. Mayornan ta hopi preocupa y ta buscando e tur caminda. Ministerio publico tambe ta dunando un man den e caso aki pa asina por logra encontra e hoben aki mas pronto cu ta posibel


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 16, 2008, 02:46:37 PM
Oh yea.....him. Is it a grave??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dihannah1 on January 16, 2008, 02:48:07 PM
Thank you, CBB.  Now I look lovely.  Red's people with Oprah's people.  Is that our already somewhat famous Klaas who made news on Greta?  :lol:  Whether or not Klaas is famous, she is FANTASTIC and has the memory of an elephant and the grace of a princess.

 :shock: :P  Hey!  I missed that!  When was Klaas on Greta???  Shoot, Klaas oughta have her own show!  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 16, 2008, 02:52:09 PM
LOL kkate  :lol:  :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 02:52:19 PM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|


mos is mud

total mud

he had his chance - he blew it

he is as bad as the rest of them

mooooooooooooo :cool:

or smarter then any of them

Your green color of spring and your encouragement, "hope springs eternal."  :smt052

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 02:52:59 PM
mmmmmmmmm........has this been discussed this morning or today at all?? I tried to translate, but it still makes no sense to me. LOTS of pictures....

Julia Renfros' foot print? :idea:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 02:54:09 PM

24ora has an article on it too.  I believe it pertains to the missing young man

What, he never showed up at Carlos & Charlies?????!!!

Congrats to Red, can't wait for the Oprah show!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 02:55:31 PM
Thank you, CBB.  Now I look lovely.  Red's people with Oprah's people.  Is that our already somewhat famous Klaas who made news on Greta?  :lol:  Whether or not Klaas is famous, she is FANTASTIC and has the memory of an elephant and the grace of a princess.

I 2nd that!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 02:56:04 PM
mmmmmmmmm........has this been discussed this morning or today at all?? I tried to translate, but it still makes no sense to me. LOTS of pictures....

Looks like a sasquatch print...  :lol:

Careful Kkate, some us have sensitivities.  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 03:00:38 PM
Hey Good Morning guys........  Kyle and crew are OK, Kyle just had to take some time for himself for a bit off the boat.  He is ALIVE!

Red, congrats......Can't wait for the show today!  OK off to do some real work....
Bye for now

Thanks for the update hotshot!!!
With the level of intensity these guys are doing this search, trying with all that they have to find Natalee and bring her has got to be emotionally, physically and spiritually draining. Glad they stopped to recharge their batteries. Our prayers are always with you Persistance Crew!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 03:04:42 PM
FYI - Red was not on Oprah, Oprah's people called him yesterday and I suspect Red spoke with them today.  They were looking for some information.  Also, they did come and look through statements etc in the Important Case Document area.

Some have already seen the show today.  It was short but good exposure as Oprah has over 20 million viewers.  They did mention Joran's wine stunt  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 03:09:45 PM
FYI - Red was not on Oprah, Oprah's people called him yesterday and I suspect Red spoke with them today.  They were looking for some information.  Also, they did come and look through statements etc in the Important Case Document area.

Some have already seen the show today.  It was short but good exposure as Oprah has over 20 million viewers.  They did mention Joran's wine stunt  :wink:

Whew! Hi Everyone!  I hope I am not using my invisible type today. I finally got caught up!  Way to go RED!! I didn't read the reports about the show as I want to see it!  Can't wait to hear from Red!! Don't ya know the RUers are are just besides themselves...and renho must be hitting the bottle hard! :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 16, 2008, 03:12:12 PM
hi Sunny ...I see you  :P

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 03:14:15 PM (

Link is to Local section of Diario.

Turistanan disgusta na compania di tour       


acaso the thief owing to corda cu the “tin one mama” hour cu the is kibrando in cas y negoshinan rond of aruba?  *

thanks Ms Marple....even with the translations I still can't make heads or tails of it.....Will someone give a brief synopsis of the translation for me?  thanks

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 03:15:01 PM
hi Sunny ...I see you  :P

hi Nut!  Thanks...I hate that darn invisible type :-?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 03:19:49 PM
hi Sunny ...I see you  :P

hi Nut!  Thanks...I hate that darn invisible type :-?

If I don't respond it's because I'm working and lurking  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 03:30:51 PM
hi Sunny ...I see you  :P

hi Nut!  Thanks...I hate that darn invisible type :-?

If I don't respond it's because I'm working and lurking  :wink:

I know :lol: :smt052

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: msmarple on January 16, 2008, 03:49:00 PM (

Link is to Local section of Diario.

Turistanan disgusta na compania di tour       


acaso the thief owing to corda cu the “tin one mama” hour cu the is kibrando in cas y negoshinan rond of aruba?  *

thanks Ms Marple....even with the translations I still can't make heads or tails of it.....Will someone give a brief synopsis of the translation for me?  thanks

I think you're quoting the headline for one story, and a snip of text from another story.

In one story, a tourist complained (to the point of involving polis) about a "company tour" that was unsatisfactory. The company advertises a "money back guarantee if not completely satisfied" and refused to return the money. Polis calmed the parties; not known whether a refund materialized.

In the other article, someone broke into a club (Club Portuguese? IIRC) and stole some stuff. Apparently polis think they have useful fingerprints. The article goes on into the bit about someone's mama - I *think* the writer is saying that there have been complaints about publishing suspect's pictures/names because those people all have mothers ... 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 03:55:40 PM (

Link is to Local section of Diario.

Turistanan disgusta na compania di tour       


acaso the thief owing to corda cu the “tin one mama” hour cu the is kibrando in cas y negoshinan rond of aruba?  *

thanks Ms Marple....even with the translations I still can't make heads or tails of it.....Will someone give a brief synopsis of the translation for me?  thanks

I think you're quoting the headline for one story, and a snip of text from another story.

In one story, a tourist complained (to the point of involving polis) about a "company tour" that was unsatisfactory. The company advertises a "money back guarantee if not completely satisfied" and refused to return the money. Polis calmed the parties; not known whether a refund materialized.

In the other article, someone broke into a club (Club Portuguese? IIRC) and stole some stuff. Apparently polis think they have useful fingerprints. The article goes on into the bit about someone's mama - I *think* the writer is saying that there have been complaints about publishing suspect's pictures/names because those people all have mothers ... 

Thanks Ms. Marple....I just snipped most of the text to save space....sorry.....but thanks for the translations......

IMO....too damn bad those suspects have mother' does Natalee...and she has been treated like crap and her daughter has been trashed all over that hell hole island....I am out of sympathy for anyone connected to aruba

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 16, 2008, 03:57:32 PM
I think Robots and me were the staunchest supporters of Mos and Holland -- only to be knocked to reality. No, I don't think there is any alterior motives to Mos' approach. If he sensed a "cover-up" -- all he had to do was SAY so. The public sentiment would have FORCED justice. I respect your optimism P.I. --- but an outcry from The Netherlands is only going to come fom Joran "hanging" himself like he did a few nights ago. My only hope is for Natalee to be found and brought home. There will never be justice from Aruba or The Netherlands.  :-|


mos is mud

total mud

he had his chance - he blew it

he is as bad as the rest of them

mooooooooooooo :cool:

or smarter then any of them

Your green color of spring and your encouragement, "hope springs eternal."  :smt052


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 03:59:02 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

I am with you both.

However ... I contend that the "powers that be" in Aruba have deemed the Natalee Holloway case is over but ... as our Dayhiker claims ... "It ain't over until Beth says it is over!"  ... and according to Beth that could be a long time.  :wink:



The "Powers that be" in Aruba

Natalee Holloway Case Dismissed
Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - 11:33 AM
By NBC 13 Staff

From a press release by the Aruban Public Prosecutor’s Office:

Beth Holloway Twitty

Beth Twitty
'Scarborough Country'
October 24, 2005

HOLLOWAY-TWITTY:  I met with Prime Minister Oduber. I don‘t care who you put the pressure on, where it comes from, but I want—you need to figure it out. You need to figure out who needs to apply the pressure and where it needs to be applied, because you have to solve this crime. I said, you do not want to turn me loose from this island without an answer.

I have told Prime Minister Oduber that I will do this, I will be the voice of Natalee for the next 40 years. And I hope I have that long, because I will do it as long as I can.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 16, 2008, 03:59:25 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

Strategy at it's best perhaps, one would hope or the alternative is the Dutch are stupid.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 04:05:04 PM
Helen Back - I fixed it for you  :wink:

Have to run out for a bit, be right back!

Oh, thanks Klaas! I love it!  You and CBB are the best!  Gotta go watch Oprah on EST.  Be back to catch up later!


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 16, 2008, 04:23:14 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

Strategy at it's best perhaps, one would hope or the alternative is the Dutch are stupid.

I am now convinced it is the latter -- that was what I was banking on the first time I trusted them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dihannah1 on January 16, 2008, 04:26:16 PM
Watching Beth on Oprah now.  What a classy, dignified lady she is!   She looks so good.

Thank GOD Oprah is showing this and covering as much as she is.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 16, 2008, 04:31:10 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

Strategy at it's best perhaps, one would hope or the alternative is the Dutch are stupid.

Strategy is what I'm prayiing for.....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dihannah1 on January 16, 2008, 04:33:13 PM
I don't even dare go see what the haters are saying, because it would be WAY beyond my comprehension and piss me off to bad!  I cringe thinking about it.....Oprah did tout Beth's book, we know how she "sells" books and I hope so MANY more people buy it and learn more specifics than what was shown.   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 04:33:23 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

Strategy at it's best perhaps, one would hope or the alternative is the Dutch are stupid.

Strategy is what I'm prayiing for.....

Me Too!  I don't believe it's over.  Until Natalee is found and her family can know the truth about what happened to her, I will NEVER give up. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 04:34:29 PM

That is a rare event.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 04:35:32 PM
Oh, dear, I see my little fans at another site that hang on to my every word are concerned that I am lacking is the nuances of understand a person to whom English is a second language.  Just wanted to assure the little darlings, bless their hearts, that this is not the case since I was married to an individual to whom English was a third language (fourth if you count dialects of Native South Americans) for 25 years and we managed to communicate well enough to have reared three children to an acceptable level of maturity and success.

Their concern arises over my understanding of the word "pushed" as used by Joran and the fact they seem to think he means forced in a sexual manner.

I will admit that this was my first understanding of his use of the word but then I realized who had actually spoken it and changed my mind to taking it literally and physically.

Joran is no more capable of the employment of an allusion than the baboons whose behavior he imitates with his flinging substance onto another person.  He is functioning at a level just slightly higher than the lower primates, present company of monkeys excepted, and so I think speaks pretty much literally.

Lord only knows what he would have resorted to had not that glass of wine been handy for his slinging activity since primitive does not begin to address the problems this person has.  Have to wonder if it is the effect of all that booze on a developing brain that has so stunted his cognitive abilities to such an extent that he now mimic apes on international television.

That's my take on it and on his use of the word pushed and why I think that. 



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Maggie on January 16, 2008, 04:37:49 PM
I just finished watching the Oprah show. Beth did a wonderful job. Oprah was very considerate. What you don't capture without seeing the program is the camera and the still shots. Oprah and Beth were both very careful not to accuse anyone, but the still shots at the beginning leave no doubt. The camera zoomed in for closeups of the Kalpoes and Joran. They were "men"; the word "boys" was never uttered. The stills and clips of Natalee were innocent and pure. Although I would have liked a longer segment and a whole display of evidence, this was great!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 04:42:06 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

Strategy at it's best perhaps, one would hope or the alternative is the Dutch are stupid.

I am now convinced it is the latter -- that was what I was banking on the first time I trusted them.

I trusted Mos so much when the perps were rearrested. 
It is hard now to believe in him now, but I still have hope.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Maggie on January 16, 2008, 04:43:54 PM
It's laughable that anyone would question your language. I guess the "other side" (of the universe) cannot grasp the subtlety of your answers. Your post probably flew right past them!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 16, 2008, 04:50:48 PM (

Link is to Local section of Diario.

Turistanan disgusta na compania di tour       


acaso the thief owing to corda cu the “tin one mama” hour cu the is kibrando in cas y negoshinan rond of aruba?  *

thanks Ms Marple....even with the translations I still can't make heads or tails of it.....Will someone give a brief synopsis of the translation for me?  thanks

I think you're quoting the headline for one story, and a snip of text from another story.

In one story, a tourist complained (to the point of involving polis) about a "company tour" that was unsatisfactory. The company advertises a "money back guarantee if not completely satisfied" and refused to return the money. Polis calmed the parties; not known whether a refund materialized.

In the other article, someone broke into a club (Club Portuguese? IIRC) and stole some stuff. Apparently polis think they have useful fingerprints. The article goes on into the bit about someone's mama - I *think* the writer is saying that there have been complaints about publishing suspect's pictures/names because those people all have mothers ... 

Thanks Ms. Marple....I just snipped most of the text to save space....sorry.....but thanks for the translations......

IMO....too damn bad those suspects have mother' does Natalee...and she has been treated like crap and her daughter has been trashed all over that hell hole island....I am out of sympathy for anyone connected to aruba

amen, texaslady, amen.  of course, to them, natalee wasn't a human being with a mother and family, she was "just a little tourist girl who wasn't going to spend any more money there".

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 04:55:03 PM
It's laughable that anyone would question your language. I guess the "other side" (of the universe) cannot grasp the subtlety of your answers. Your post probably flew right past them!

Well, Maggie, they do seem rather taken with the fact that so many in Aruba issue the empty claim of speaking so many languages when apparently they have failed to actually master any of them because we can't even get a straight translation from them.

They don't even understand each other and yet seek to lecture others on how their linguistic skills are some how or other demonstrable of some sort of intelligence.

Most of those of us in this country who are over forty attended school when two years of a foreign language was a requirement in high school and yet we refrain from grandiose claims of fluency in languages over which our grasp is tentative at best.  I only wish they had done the same and from the onset so this would not have become an issue this late in the investigation.

Not so the Arubans.  Then we get claims of translation errors on just about every document that exists in this investigation at some time or another.

And you will have to admit that the place one is most likely to observe one flinging substances onto others is in the primate house at the local zoo.  Yet Arleen told us that Joran is smarter than the ALE officers who were questioning him.  Is it any wonder this is a royal FUBAR, to use a military term!  That's just the image that goes through my head when I see the flinging behavior on the part of this person, the similarities in baboon behavior and Joran, no offense to the baboons who at least have that as their excuse while he has none.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 16, 2008, 04:56:32 PM
 The camera zoomed in for closeups of the Kalpoes and Joran. They were "men"; the word "boys" was never uttered. The stills and clips of Natalee were innocent and pure. Although I would have liked a longer segment and a whole display of evidence, this was great!
lol, there are no photos or clips of natalee that aren't innocent and pure. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 04:58:14 PM
I have often wondered if Natalee had stiffed the HI for her bill, if they would not have found her by sundown.  Too bad they weren't looking for dollars, only an abused little tourist girl who happened to cross paths with some of the local sociopaths on the prowl.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 04:59:18 PM
Just lurking.  Beth is always graceful and full of humility.  Another good book segment for Oprah.  That more viewers have seen a minuscule of what Beth has been through opens her plight to more people and thereby, fewer people who might plan a trip to Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 04:59:22 PM
Going to watch Oprah for she is on at four p.m. in most of the State of Alabama I do believe.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Maggie on January 16, 2008, 05:29:19 PM
This one is for to start

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Altruist on January 16, 2008, 05:32:26 PM
Did watch Oprah, as I usually do & will say that I was disappointed that more time was not afforded as the corruption, the blogging presence of misinformation, the changing of statements by officials, the horror of families experiencing tragedy befalling their loved ones necessitating incredible financial resources is not addressed, in addition to the OTHERS that have disappeared from that hellhole rock off the coast of Venezualla that offers so many free trips to unsuspecting people.

How many tourists choose their destination based on pricing.  The pricing in regards to the hellhole rock of Aruba is subsidized by the illegal activities that utilize the tourist industry numbers, whether paying or not, to obtain financing from the World Bank.  How many families will it take to have the corruption addressed in these destinations before their actions are HALTED.  One can take every precaution there is & NOT BE SAFE FROM THESE TYPE OF PREDATOR'S.

I truly believe that there are cameras in many places that tourists would expect complete privacy on that hellhole of Aruba as well as other similiar "tourist traps".  Think it is time that it is addressed at least by the USA media.

Am going to log onto Oprah's website to see what is being posted.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 05:34:43 PM
The way that everybody had talked, I expected just a short
little segment, but it was a good long interview. IMO.
No evidence was given, but it was perfectly clear that J2K
were the responsible parties.  Oprah cut them no slack.
Beth was lovely as always and her outlook seemed positive.
I liked it.  :)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 05:35:23 PM
Just got done watching Oprah and can't stop sobbing. I think Beth did a wonderful job.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 16, 2008, 05:37:11 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

I am with you both.

However ... I contend that the "powers that be" in Aruba have deemed the Natalee Holloway case is over but ... as our Dayhiker claims ... "It ain't over until Beth says it is over!"  ... and according to Beth that could be a long time.  :wink:



The "Powers that be" in Aruba

Natalee Holloway Case Dismissed
Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - 11:33 AM
By NBC 13 Staff

From a press release by the Aruban Public Prosecutor’s Office:

Beth Holloway Twitty

Beth Twitty
'Scarborough Country'
October 24, 2005

HOLLOWAY-TWITTY:  I met with Prime Minister Oduber. I don‘t care who you put the pressure on, where it comes from, but I want—you need to figure it out. You need to figure out who needs to apply the pressure and where it needs to be applied, because you have to solve this crime. I said, you do not want to turn me loose from this island without an answer.

I have told Prime Minister Oduber that I will do this, I will be the voice of Natalee for the next 40 years. And I hope I have that long, because I will do it as long as I can.

i dont think its over either but the answers are not coming from MOS

he has shown his true colors - he was bought and paid for

the answer will come from inside ARUBA

one of their own will eat another one :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 05:38:04 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

Strategy at it's best perhaps, one would hope or the alternative is the Dutch are stupid.

I am now convinced it is the latter -- that was what I was banking on the first time I trusted them.

I trusted Mos so much when the perps were rearrested. 
It is hard now to believe in him now, but I still have hope.

I feel the same way Magnolia....I believe he was SHUT UP......but I don't believe he has given up. He was made  to look the fool......I don't think he will let that go...given the chance I think he will come back with a vengeance

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 05:40:20 PM
Oh, dear, I see my little fans at another site that hang on to my every word are concerned that I am lacking is the nuances of understand a person to whom English is a second language.  Just wanted to assure the little darlings, bless their hearts, that this is not the case since I was married to an individual to whom English was a third language (fourth if you count dialects of Native South Americans) for 25 years and we managed to communicate well enough to have reared three children to an acceptable level of maturity and success.

Their concern arises over my understanding of the word "pushed" as used by Joran and the fact they seem to think he means forced in a sexual manner.

I will admit that this was my first understanding of his use of the word but then I realized who had actually spoken it and changed my mind to taking it literally and physically.

Joran is no more capable of the employment of an allusion than the baboons whose behavior he imitates with his flinging substance onto another person.  He is functioning at a level just slightly higher than the lower primates, present company of monkeys excepted, and so I think speaks pretty much literally.

Lord only knows what he would have resorted to had not that glass of wine been handy for his slinging activity since primitive does not begin to address the problems this person has.  Have to wonder if it is the effect of all that booze on a developing brain that has so stunted his cognitive abilities to such an extent that he now mimic apes on international television.

That's my take on it and on his use of the word pushed and why I think that. 


 :smt038 :smt038 :smt038

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 05:41:20 PM
It's laughable that anyone would question your language. I guess the "other side" (of the universe) cannot grasp the subtlety of your answers. Your post probably flew right past them!

not by Chuckie Rat I am sure, he has a bit of a crush on Anna. :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 05:42:03 PM
Kermit...I'm with You I Do Not Think it is Over Either! JMHO

Strategy at it's best perhaps, one would hope or the alternative is the Dutch are stupid.

I am now convinced it is the latter -- that was what I was banking on the first time I trusted them.

I trusted Mos so much when the perps were rearrested. 
It is hard now to believe in him now, but I still have hope.

I feel the same way Magnolia....I believe he was SHUT UP......but I don't believe he has given up. He was made  to look the fool......I don't think he will let that go...given the chance I think he will come back with a vengeance

My hope is that he is waiting for that one chance to vindicate himself.
He almost got it with the Dutch interview with the Sloots.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 05:45:06 PM

It's SNOWING!!!   :shock: :shock: :shock:


That would be me.   :D  I don't believe this was adequately forecast to allow us time to act really crazy for the designated entire afternoon, purchasing ridiculous amounts of basic food like bread and milk and bathroom tissue.

Beth was just wonderful on Oprah and now must go watch the snowfall.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 16, 2008, 05:47:50 PM
I have often wondered if Natalee had stiffed the HI for her bill, if they would not have found her by sundown.  Too bad they weren't looking for dollars, only an abused little tourist girl who happened to cross paths with some of the local sociopaths on the prowl.

along that line, i keep thinking that aruba was able to find the rented wave runners that max devries and (friend) were on when he disappeared, but poor max, who had a rented life jacket on, couldn't be found.  how far away from the wave runners could he have drifted?  so now when you ask anyone about max, the answer is that he was just part of an "insurance scam"  and is living somewhere in s.a.  the companion with him when he disappeared gave different stories about the circumstances about max disappearing and i assume he's alive and "feet free" back in the states somewhere.  all in all, tourists in trouble of any kind on aruba are in dire trouble if official help of any kind is needed or if their plight offers any chance of damaging the island's flow of dollars from tourists.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 05:48:11 PM
Had to explain to my little guy why I was sobbing and hugging him half to death!! lol He never sees me cry!! Out of the blue he said maybe Natalee died and went to heaven. I said I am pretty sure he was right and I thought for sure Natalee was doing just fine with Jesus in heaven, but that I was sad for her Mom and Dad and brother and stepfamily and friends because they missed her so darned much.
Beth, if you read our notes, you did just a beautiful job representing to myself and my son, what Mothers are all about. Thank you!!! Your journey is one I would not want to take, one I pray I will never have to take, but you walk it with dignity and with grace and I thank you, for representing what it means to be a mother. You do it so very well.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 05:48:48 PM
Did watch Oprah, as I usually do & will say that I was disappointed that more time was not afforded as the corruption, the blogging presence of misinformation, the changing of statements by officials, the horror of families experiencing tragedy befalling their loved ones necessitating incredible financial resources is not addressed, in addition to the OTHERS that have disappeared from that hellhole rock off the coast of Venezualla that offers so many free trips to unsuspecting people.

How many tourists choose their destination based on pricing.  The pricing in regards to the hellhole rock of Aruba is subsidized by the illegal activities that utilize the tourist industry numbers, whether paying or not, to obtain financing from the World Bank.  How many families will it take to have the corruption addressed in these destinations before their actions are HALTED.  One can take every precaution there is & NOT BE SAFE FROM THESE TYPE OF PREDATOR'S.

I truly believe that there are cameras in many places that tourists would expect complete privacy on that hellhole of Aruba as well as other similiar "tourist traps".  Think it is time that it is addressed at least by the USA media.

Am going to log onto Oprah's website to see what is being posted.

I believe but I could be mistaken that Oprah owns property in Aruba, but I will be happy to stand corrected if you find otherwise, but I think she and Johnny Cochran were in some kind of business together there. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 05:49:36 PM
Just got done watching Oprah and can't stop sobbing. I think Beth did a wonderful job.

I thought it was a good interview....not long enough ...but it would take several weeks of shows to detail this mess....I loved that the j2K were not called BOYS.....but MEN.....Beth looks great and Matt is the spitting image of his dad.....with the scope of Oprah's viewing audience, many that saw the show today, will not be going to aruba for their vacation.....they will remember what happened to Natalee and the pain her family has endured and will not be willing to put themselves and their family in harms way.  Today was a good day.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 05:50:43 PM

It's SNOWING!!!   :shock: :shock: :shock:


That would be me.   :D  I don't believe this was adequately forecast to allow us time to act really crazy for the designated entire afternoon, purchasing ridiculous amounts of basic food like bread and milk and bathroom tissue.

Beth was just wonderful on Oprah and now must go watch the snowfall.


enjoy the snow Anna!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 05:50:54 PM
Tylergal - check your email please (has nothing to do with Oprah and Aruba, lol)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 16, 2008, 05:51:08 PM
Beth was Absolutely Marvelous on the Oprah Show....I really liked the first segment with Marion Jones about admitting She lied and How it was hard to tell the truth but Her life will be better for it....just maybe The Aruban People saw it too and will speak up. I thought it very wise to lead with Marion's story then Beth's.....JMO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 05:51:43 PM

It's SNOWING!!!   :shock: :shock: :shock:


That would be me.   :D  I don't believe this was adequately forecast to allow us time to act really crazy for the designated entire afternoon, purchasing ridiculous amounts of basic food like bread and milk and bathroom tissue.

Beth was just wonderful on Oprah and now must go watch the snowfall. :D

LOL.....we are expecting some wet snow late tonight...I will not be watching it :lol: Have fun Anna.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 05:57:20 PM
Just got done watching Oprah and can't stop sobbing. I think Beth did a wonderful job.

Now, ID, (lol, some don't know the difference in lower case "L" and the letter "I") Beth makes me smile!  She smiles and I just have to smile back at her because she is positive and uplifting to hear.  Just an example of how we all react differently to the strong emotions we feel about this tragedy.

I used to cry about it all much more than I do now which is seldom as with the passage of time, some of the rawness you feel will tend to mend and heal a little bit.

Doesn't change your determination one bit, however, it just may become less painful over time, if that helps.  But no matter what, I will never be able to forget what they did to Natalee and to Beth and the hatemongors who continue to trash and bash even to this day.  The supporters often behave even worse than Joran and that's saying a lot.

Sometimes anger replaces the hurt.  But we saw just how fearful little Joran is with his flinging episode, not very and certainly not fearful enough to lie about the events for any reason than his CYA mode of primitive primate reasoning.  The injection of a good dose of fear or at least respect for something on this earth would be a vast improvement in that boy's character.

So just try to smile back at Beth and maybe it will help the tears a little bit. :smt056  Hugs to you!


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 05:57:32 PM

It's SNOWING!!!   :shock: :shock: :shock:


That would be me.   :D  I don't believe this was adequately forecast to allow us time to act really crazy for the designated entire afternoon, purchasing ridiculous amounts of basic food like bread and milk and bathroom tissue.

Beth was just wonderful on Oprah and now must go watch the snowfall.


Anna, it has been snowing here for about 3 hours and the ground is white.
I am on a mountain top about 30 miles north of Birmingham.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 05:59:59 PM
Beth was Absolutely Marvelous on the Oprah Show....I really liked the first segment with Marion Jones about admitting She lied and How it was hard to tell the truth but Her life will be better for it....just maybe The Aruban People saw it too and will speak up. I thought it very wise to lead with Marion's story then Beth's.....JMO

you are so right!! I thought the same thing!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 06:03:52 PM
ldstlou - please check your email, I just sent you something to forward.  TIA

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 06:05:46 PM
Just got done watching Oprah and can't stop sobbing. I think Beth did a wonderful job.

Now, ID, (lol, some don't know the difference in lower case "L" and the letter "I") Beth makes me smile!  She smiles and I just have to smile back at her because she is positive and uplifting to hear.  Just an example of how we all react differently to the strong emotions we feel about this tragedy.

I used to cry about it all much more than I do now which is seldom as with the passage of time, some of the rawness you feel will tend to mend and heal a little bit.

Doesn't change your determination one bit, however, it just may become less painful over time, if that helps.  But no matter what, I will never be able to forget what they did to Natalee and to Beth and the hatemongors who continue to trash and bash even to this day.  The supporters often behave even worse than Joran and that's saying a lot.

Sometimes anger replaces the hurt.  But we saw just how fearful little Joran is with his flinging episode, not very and certainly not fearful enough to lie about the events for any reason than his CYA mode of primitive primate reasoning.  The injection of a good dose of fear or at least respect for something on this earth would be a vast improvement in that boy's character.

So just try to smile back at Beth and maybe it will help the tears a little bit. :smt056  Hugs to you!


Thanks Anna. But I can still see the pain she holds back, though she does it so well. Just makes me so sad for Beth and Matt.
I am going to take Peaches' advice and get my joy back. You are right...I am smiling back at Beth now. I am still the Cub Scout leader, it's pinewood derby time what I wreck I was last year!! lol My brother moved back so this year I have help. Off I go to build a car and count my many blessings.
Throw a snowball for my little guy and I Anna!!
Keep the faith Monkeys!!
And thank you again Beth, we are smiling back at you from St Louis.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: JusticeforNatalee on January 16, 2008, 06:05:46 PM
Many viewers will be inspired to buy Beth's book and
will learn more about the corruption and coverup that took place
in Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 06:07:02 PM
OPRAH - part 1

Thanks Carpe!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 16, 2008, 06:08:59 PM

i was disappointed in the way beth's section ended.  i find it hard to believe they cut it off when they did just to preview some damned movie and it's stars.  no wonder i don't watch tv anymore than i do.  back to beth and matt.  i've never heard him speak before, i think i'd like him a lot though, from what little i heard.  he loved his sister and has to fight being emotional about losing her. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: hotping on January 16, 2008, 06:16:21 PM
Beth was Absolutely Marvelous on the Oprah Show....I really liked the first segment with Marion Jones about admitting She lied and How it was hard to tell the truth but Her life will be better for it....just maybe The Aruban People saw it too and will speak up. I thought it very wise to lead with Marion's story then Beth's.....JMO

you are so right!! I thought the same thing!!!!
Oh How I Pray We are Right!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 06:18:34 PM

Beth Holloway Talks to Oprah  
Posted: 3:53 PM Jan 16, 2008
Last Updated: 3:53 PM Jan 16, 2008

Beth Holloway has not spoken publicly since Aruban investigators closed the case and released three suspects for the last time.

Holloway said she still believes that some new information could come unexpectedly and solve the mystery of what happened to her daughter.

"The facts are these are the last three men that were known to be seen with Natalee alive. And we do know the condition that she was in when she got into the car," said Holloway. "And we know the conduct they engaged in with her. And after that, we have different stories of what they gave to interrogators to explain what they did with her that night.''

Holloway said finding Natalee's remains would end the nightmare. She said she would talk to former chief suspect Joran van der Sloot, but only if he were hooked up to a polygraph.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 06:20:35 PM
Tylergal - check your email please (has nothing to do with Oprah and Aruba, lol)

Klaas, I responded in case you did not receive it.  I ditto what you said and also what you did. :-x

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 06:26:07 PM
Tylergal - check your email please (has nothing to do with Oprah and Aruba, lol)

Klaas, I responded in case you did not receive it.  I ditto what you said and also what you did. :-x

Thanks, didn't get it yet.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 06:35:35 PM

Beth Holloway Talks to Oprah  
Posted: 3:53 PM Jan 16, 2008
Last Updated: 3:53 PM Jan 16, 2008

Beth Holloway has not spoken publicly since Aruban investigators closed the case and released three suspects for the last time.

Holloway said she still believes that some new information could come unexpectedly and solve the mystery of what happened to her daughter.

"The facts are these are the last three men that were known to be seen with Natalee alive. And we do know the condition that she was in when she got into the car," said Holloway. "And we know the conduct they engaged in with her. And after that, we have different stories of what they gave to interrogators to explain what they did with her that night.''

Holloway said finding Natalee's remains would end the nightmare.

She said she would talk to former chief suspect Joran van der Sloot, but only if he were hooked up to a polygraph.

Thank you Klaas.

I wonder why Joran has not taken Beth up on her offer ... it has an open offer since March, 2006.   :wink:



Beth Twitty
On the Record w/ Greta
March 21, 2006,2933,188645,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, you and I have spent an awful lot of time together, talked together. You know my entire staff. Was it difficult for you that we sat down with him?

TWITTY: Oh, no. No, I mean, I think that any time that we can get Joran speaking, I think that he only incriminates himself every time. And you know, I've heard his offer that he is willing to sit down with myself or with Dave or the family, and absolutely, I would do it. I would go to Holland. I'd meet him wherever he would choose to. But you know, Greta, I would have to have one polygraph expert with me because, you know, just having Joran talk without any type of repercussions — I mean, I think those days are over for him. You know, I'd like to get to the bottom of where his lies are, and I think that a polygraph expert could help do that.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: IBE on January 16, 2008, 06:45:32 PM
 :sad:  Am sad too after watching the show. Wish she had been given more time for more indepth knowledge to the TV audience.

Pages are loading very slowly for me on Firefox and Safari.. again like last night... almost 45 sec. a page on 56k.. don't have the patience now. BBL

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 06:46:02 PM
I have often wondered if Natalee had stiffed the HI for her bill, if they would not have found her by sundown.  Too bad they weren't looking for dollars, only an abused little tourist girl who happened to cross paths with some of the local sociopaths on the prowl.

along that line, i keep thinking that aruba was able to find the rented wave runners that max devries and (friend) were on when he disappeared, but poor max, who had a rented life jacket on, couldn't be found.  how far away from the wave runners could he have drifted?  so now when you ask anyone about max, the answer is that he was just part of an "insurance scam"  and is living somewhere in s.a.  the companion with him when he disappeared gave different stories about the circumstances about max disappearing and i assume he's alive and "feet free" back in the states somewhere.  all in all, tourists in trouble of any kind on aruba are in dire trouble if official help of any kind is needed or if their plight offers any chance of damaging the island's flow of dollars from tourists.

I hate a bunch of third-world liars almost as much as I hate an ex-pat liar.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 06:46:49 PM
Kyle has a new post on his blog.  I can't bring it over
when I am on IE for some reason.  Maybe someone
else will.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 06:47:29 PM
Klaas, re-sent Cox.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 06:49:47 PM
Update: Wed 16-Jan 1700 hrs
The Persistence left the dock at 1345 hrs heading out to the search area. A broken wire delays acquisition for a while until it is properly diagnosed and fixed. 1700 hrs - sonar survey underway.
1830 hrs: seas building 6-8ft with occasional 12+ft. more to come

Side scan sonar image showing rock outcrops inside the Leviathan Lair. Water depth over 1000ft. Towfish cleared rocks by less than 10ft.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 06:51:04 PM
Klaas, re-sent Cox.

Tylergal - sometimes my email acts up.  Haven't received anything yet and I may have to reboot to get it. I'll get it eventually.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: JA on January 16, 2008, 06:58:19 PM
I watched Oprah while I was at the gym and there were 5 other women on the machines at the time.  Only one knew of the story and was pretty much up on it.  One had never heard of the case, and the others vaguely remembered it.  I think this show will at least keep the case out in the open and make more people aware of the story as well as the dangerous of traveling abroad in some of these countries with corrupt and uncooperative governments.

Beth showed so much class and restraint during the show.  I know I couldn't have been so "good."  That alone attests to her character and motives compared to Joran last "performance."  I got teary eyed when she was talking about Natalee's dog wondering where she was, as well as when Oprah asked her if she thought there was any chance Natalee was alive.

Overall, I thought it was a good condensed version of what happened without pointing fingers ( She didn't need to.  I am sure viewers will know what conclusion is the right one.) or stating info that we might know as "fact", but is not in the eyes of the ALE(Openly, although we all know, they know what really happened.).  I would have liked a more forceful statement of the corruption of the case, but I assume it was presented that way for a reason.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 07:00:28 PM
OPRAH - part 1

Thanks Carpe!

Thank you Klaas.

Thank you Carpe ... you always come through.  If it were not for you ... only appreciated transcripts and overviews of most interviews would be where it was at for me.  I do not have a very comprehensive cable package.

However ... I do get Oprah Winfrey on our local channel... though I normally do not watch her.  However ... it does appear American Monkeys were privy to the show before this Canadian Monkey.  In about five minutes ... my longtime neighbour/friend and I will be taking our tea to the livingroom and watching Beth do what she does so beautifully.

Later, Janet
3:55 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 07:06:41 PM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 07:08:30 PM
The way that everybody had talked, I expected just a short
little segment, but it was a good long interview. IMO.
No evidence was given, but it was perfectly clear that J2K
were the responsible parties.  Oprah cut them no slack.
Beth was lovely as always and her outlook seemed positive.
I liked it.  :)

I agree, thought it was well done Magnolia. I am sure Beth can't get too deep into the corruption thing as long as there is the possibility of prosecution. She does a great job in her book of letting the reader know what went down on One Devil's Island and I believe Oprah sold a lot of books for her today.

I think two things came through loud and clear in the program:

#1- Joran van der Sloot is the killer of Natalee Holloway.

#2- Aruba is a dangerous and unsafe place to spend your vacation.

When ever there is a choice of believing Beth Holloway or Joran van der Sloot 99.999% are going to go with Beth, and Joran only decreased his odds after making an ass out of himself on the Dutch television program, which got many times more coverage here than it did in Holland due to sheer population numbers.

Joran is a terrible poker player.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 07:10:05 PM
Wow, those kids look so much like the Holloways, it is not even funny.  They look like they were pulled straight from the loins of Dave Holloway.  Even though Natalee was a girl, she looked so much like Dave and his sister.  Matt looked just like what I imagined Dave did when he was young.  Very articulate for a youngster.  I am sure this whole thing has matured him very quickly.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 07:12:28 PM
I just searched the words "Van der Sloot murderer" on Google and got 215,000 hits.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 07:13:00 PM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 07:13:32 PM
Wow, those kids look so much like the Holloways, it is not even funny.  They look like they were pulled straight from the loins of Dave Holloway.  Even though Natalee was a girl, she looked so much like Dave and his sister.  Matt looked just like what I imagined Dave did when he was young.  Very articulate for a youngster.  I am sure this whole thing has matured him very quickly.

Noticed that too, Tyler. It's the eyes, they are a ringer for Dave.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 07:15:32 PM
I just searched "Aruba murder" and got 282,000 hits.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 07:18:28 PM
Update: Wed 16-Jan 1700 hrs
The Persistence left the dock at 1345 hrs heading out to the search area. A broken wire delays acquisition for a while until it is properly diagnosed and fixed. 1700 hrs - sonar survey underway.
1830 hrs: seas building 6-8ft with occasional 12+ft. more to come

Side scan sonar image showing rock outcrops inside the Leviathan Lair. Water depth over 1000ft. Towfish cleared rocks by less than 10ft.

Thank you Kyle for keeping us updated and God bless you all for your unflagging effort and determination.

You are truly a great bunch of people!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 07:31:37 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 07:36:12 PM
Wow, those kids look so much like the Holloways, it is not even funny.  They look like they were pulled straight from the loins of Dave Holloway.  Even though Natalee was a girl, she looked so much like Dave and his sister.  Matt looked just like what I imagined Dave did when he was young.  Very articulate for a youngster.  I am sure this whole thing has matured him very quickly.

As far as I know they did come directly from Dave:::::)))))))) Do they call "it" a "loins" these days?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 07:37:37 PM
The way that everybody had talked, I expected just a short
little segment, but it was a good long interview. IMO.
No evidence was given, but it was perfectly clear that J2K
were the responsible parties.  Oprah cut them no slack.
Beth was lovely as always and her outlook seemed positive.
I liked it.  :)

I agree, thought it was well done Magnolia. I am sure Beth can't get too deep into the corruption thing as long as there is the possibility of prosecution. She does a great job in her book of letting the reader know what went down on One Devil's Island and I believe Oprah sold a lot of books for her today.

I think two things came through loud and clear in the program:

#1- Joran van der Sloot is the killer of Natalee Holloway.

#2- Aruba is a dangerous and unsafe place to spend your vacation.

When ever there is a choice of believing Beth Holloway or Joran van der Sloot 99.999% are going to go with Beth, and Joran only decreased his odds after making an ass out of himself on the Dutch television program, which got many times more coverage here than it did in Holland due to sheer population numbers.

Joran is a terrible poker player.

I found it interesting that Oprah brought Dr. Phil into the conversation when it
was not really necessary.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 16, 2008, 07:42:47 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.
lol, which two of the untold thousands of psychic nuts on the vile isle of aruba is this about?  i'm having trouble keeping up.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 07:42:54 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

Well what did they say:))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 07:43:38 PM
Private Eye - check your email please.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 07:46:47 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

Is that the same two nuts that taped Beth and sent the tape to Medley?
If so Julia Renfro is all up in the middle of that.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 07:49:08 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

Do we know these two psychic nuts?  I read it on the front page, but since you said it was BS, didn't want to give credence to it.  Do you think it's just one Oprah-ship?

What will BYE-RUBA do next?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 16, 2008, 07:50:02 PM
Beth was wonderful on Oprah!  She is a beautiful and eloquent voice for her daughter and I thank God for giving her the strength and courage to continue to do interviews and keep Natalee's story in the media.  I'd read the summary others had posted so I basically knew what was going to happen on the show.  But even yet, I as others have said here, shed many tears while watching and they are still here.  The eyes are the windows to the soul and the pain and loss that I see in Beth's eyes just broke my heart all over again.  Matt hasn't been in the media that I'd seen prior to this and I was glad to see him live and hear his voice, so much like his father.  I can only imagine the wonderful sister that Natalee was to Matt and how much he misses her.  And even seeing Macy, Natalee's dog again just touched my heart.  Seeing some of Natalee's loved ones and knowing how many more we didn't see today and how their pain is made worse with the "not knowing" is just unbearable.  This family needs answers, and I pray that they will come soon.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 07:56:00 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

Is that the same two nuts that taped Beth and sent the tape to Medley?
If so Julia Renfro is all up in the middle of that.

I believe so

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 07:59:19 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

Is that the same two nuts that taped Beth and sent the tape to Medley?
If so Julia Renfro is all up in the middle of that.

I believe so


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 08:00:28 PM
If this case is closed and cold, why are these nut pulling all of these
stunts?  The Van Der Sloots on the Dutch television was a stupid
move IMO and this psychic bull is exactly that... BULL.
What are they all afraid of?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 08:00:43 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

Is that the same two nuts that taped Beth and sent the tape to Medley?
If so Julia Renfro is all up in the middle of that.
Bring out the barf bag if you go to aruba-zone to listen to it!! Don't know who it was on the audio but his name was Daniel. They spewed alot of BS with nothing to back it up,even mentioning a murder witnessed by Edmond Croes(Didnt hear the name clearly) that had to do with this case. If they did mention Edmond and not Edward Croes then that is the same guy that was going on Aruban blogs like Racejunkies and telling Arubans to fight back. He posted at Racejunkies on 6/9/05 and he works for Top 95 that same Radio Station. They were implying that the Family was the one who covered up.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 08:01:09 PM
Private Eye - check your email please.

Will do.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 16, 2008, 08:01:58 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

Is that the same two nuts that taped Beth and sent the tape to Medley?
If so Julia Renfro is all up in the middle of that.

I believe so

RenHo probably took them a couple dozen eggs and told them to do anything they could to distract from Beth's appearance on Oprah today.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 16, 2008, 08:07:05 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 16, 2008, 08:11:59 PM
Did watch Oprah, as I usually do & will say that I was disappointed that more time was not afforded as the corruption, the blogging presence of misinformation, the changing of statements by officials, the horror of families experiencing tragedy befalling their loved ones necessitating incredible financial resources is not addressed, in addition to the OTHERS that have disappeared from that hellhole rock off the coast of Venezualla that offers so many free trips to unsuspecting people.

How many tourists choose their destination based on pricing.  The pricing in regards to the hellhole rock of Aruba is subsidized by the illegal activities that utilize the tourist industry numbers, whether paying or not, to obtain financing from the World Bank.  How many families will it take to have the corruption addressed in these destinations before their actions are HALTED.  One can take every precaution there is & NOT BE SAFE FROM THESE TYPE OF PREDATOR'S.

I truly believe that there are cameras in many places that tourists would expect complete privacy on that hellhole of Aruba as well as other similiar "tourist traps".  Think it is time that it is addressed at least by the USA media.

Am going to log onto Oprah's website to see what is being posted.

I believe but I could be mistaken that Oprah owns property in Aruba, but I will be happy to stand corrected if you find otherwise, but I think she and Johnny Cochran were in some kind of business together there. 

Oprah owns property in Hawaii.
Johnny Cochran is/was buddies with Jossy Mansur.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: greeneyedlady on January 16, 2008, 08:13:46 PM
MF Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:38 pm   
Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not. 

It's about information that he got since 2006 but since some leaked out today, he asked for this.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Kermit on January 16, 2008, 08:13:58 PM
I just finished watching the Oprah show. Beth did a wonderful job. Oprah was very considerate. What you don't capture without seeing the program is the camera and the still shots. Oprah and Beth were both very careful not to accuse anyone, but the still shots at the beginning leave no doubt. The camera zoomed in for closeups of the Kalpoes and Joran. They were "men"; the word "boys" was never uttered. The stills and clips of Natalee were innocent and pure. Although I would have liked a longer segment and a whole display of evidence, this was great!

It's called a storyboard.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 08:16:08 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 08:19:03 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

As much as I hate to do this, because it's all BS, here is the ArubaZone link to what they are talking about.  These people were also LIVE on Telearuba tonight.  Listen to the audio link:

Prepare to be pissed  :smt093

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 08:22:07 PM

RenHo probably took them a couple dozen eggs and told them to do anything they could to distract from Beth's appearance on Oprah today.

RFLMAO!!!!  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 08:23:29 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

Well, if they are going to reopen the case, I want Anita to explain why she was worried about Joran and an accident while she was still in Holland.  Supposedly they believed the HI story until after Joran was arrested.  She also gave an interview in Libelle June 2007 that Paulus called her in Holland with a concern that Joran was the last with "the girl".  Freddy knew about the lie Monday afternoon before Natalee's family arrived to "panic" him.  It's in a PV. Who counseled these guys to stick together with a HI lie?  If the two little ones didn't fly back with her, who flew on the other two VDS tickets??  The two lawyer friends from Holland??  Why?? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 08:24:32 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

As much as I hate to do this, because it's all BS, here is the ArubaZone link to what they are talking about.  These people were also LIVE on Telearuba tonight.  Listen to the audio link:

Prepare to be pissed  :smt093

He doesn't back up anything up whatsever. Outrageous claims that Natalee was pregnant and the likely Father was Jug..Implying the Family is covering up and Edward Croes witnessed another Murder that was tied to Natalee because they were trying to hide she was alive. Doesn't make sense because he says before that he says Natalee died on a drug binge partying. This guy just pulled the most dispicable act that equals or comes close to what Renfro has done the last 31 months. He even implied Renfro was involved in another part of the coverup!  :2doh:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 08:25:09 PM
That was not new...hold on...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 08:27:08 PM
MF Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:38 pm   
Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not. 

It's about information that he got since 2006 but since some leaked out today, he asked for this.

Rudy Croes, Aruba's most celebrated whoremonger and slave trader, is quick on the draw isn't he? Waited two years to invite the Dutch into the case. Took him that long to be convinced the cover-up succeeded.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Shell on January 16, 2008, 08:27:17 PM

Beth looks great. She is a beautiful lady.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 08:27:26 PM
That was not new...hold on...

I know the accusations and these two nuts are new, but they were on live TV tonight and now Rudy Croes is making a big deal about it too.  It's all BS!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 08:27:40 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

Obvious ... Rudy Croes had filling Paulus and Anita van der Sloot to this issue prior to their guest interview on the P&W SHOW on January 11, 2008.



Translation - EURoberts - FP Comments

Paulus and Anita van der Sloot
January 11, 2008

Paul: What stands out is, there is no profile of the girl, what kind of girl was she, who where her contacts, something very simple, the computer of the girl has never been researched, I nowhere saw the family of the girl has been investigated, her friends. Where you really have to start the investigation, is with the people closest to the girl, and really after 10 million dollars, that has not happened.

Host + de vries: No, you start with the person who was last seen with that person. What could have been found if you had started with this?

Anita: We know that people have been seen on the beach. We know that the electronic swipe card from the hotel has been used, within a time frame she could have walked, we know that the card has been used 3 times. We know that security guards where in the neighborhood. It looks like she could have used the card, to get into the room.

(De Vries: other people could have used that card)

Joran: her room was on the ground floor.

Anita: You can walk straight from the beach to her room. There are about 7 or 8 statements. That witnesses have seen her walking.

Host: Someone from a gas station says: I saw Natalee H. the day after she disappeared with an other man, and later the same man came back without the girl. Has there not been a good investigation?

Paul and Anita both: No.

Paul: There is a video, and people are stating that Natalee is in there, after she disappeared. We have asked to see the video, but we never saw it.

Anita: The video from the HI, yes.The hall from the HI. The poster we just saw from the missed, (They showed the missing poster on tv), There are several versions of a poster. Beth H came with her family to my school. This is 48 hours later, yes. She was on on the island very quickly, which I would do also, she came inside the school, she brought with her the "kidnapped: poster. but there is an other poster with "Hootie call big hootie". Then you think: Oh this girl has run away. She also hung posters in the school with: kidnapped by Joran vander Sloot, within a very short period of time. I thought, you can't do this, this is strange. I had, and still have the feeling that there is more. Behind all this is a different story, not behind Joran, but on the other side. I would like to see this investigated.  

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: SunnyinTX on January 16, 2008, 08:31:49 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

I was forwarded the link to ArubaZone and listened to it :roll:...who are these nut cases? I hope Beth and Jug sue their asses...and anyone else's name they mentioned,,,,(and they mentioned a lot)..holy moley...what bullcrap!!  psychic my tail bone!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 08:32:07 PM

Castillo and Young contacted Beth later on and told her all what they found out on the island, and Beth did not like that and she told them that she is no longer interested who were the last people with Natalee, she just wanted revenge on the island and the three suspects punished.

The ALE has all the recordings and statements made by Castillo and Young while they met the Twitty's,

"The following is an interesting email sent to Associated Press. It is self explanatory. Does it have validity? I don't know, but if we could hear that recording it would certainly be interesting."

To Whom This May Concern,

I am writing this letter to put an end to all of the speculation of what happened to Natalee Holloway. My name is Kelly Castillo. This letter is from myself and Daniel Young; we work together and are put in a category of being a "medium". We are able to communicate with people that have passed away, and we help bring comfort or messages to people still living with the help from our Indian spirit guides. We take what we do very serious because we are dealing with peoples lives. This letter is not about us; it is for the truth to come out about what happened to Natalee Holloway, and to clear a wonderful family's ruined reputation since they have been under attack and used as a scape goat to hide the real truth in other homes.

Everything that I am about to tell you has been told face to face to: The Aruba Police, State Prosecutor Karin Janssen, and many reporters from the newspaper, Aruba Today.

To make a long story short we were asked by Beth Twitty to go to Aruba back in December to find Natalee. We went at our own expense. Many things transpired and the bottom line is she did not want to hear what we found out. At that time we could not understand why, but after going back to Aruba a week ago and sharing the information that we had, we found out. We got validation on every name that we gave of the people that Natalee was last with. It was apparent that Beth did not want to hear what we had to say, because she has been lying from the very beginning about what happened to her daughter in order to hide her own dark secret in her home!

Natalee called her mother before she was due to leave the island saying that she was not going to be coming back home to Alabama. The story of Natalee missing her flight and Beth coming to Aruba is false. Natalee called Beth from her cell phone while Beth was already in route on a private plane telling her mother not to come to Aruba because Natalee would not be coming home. Natalee has tried to run away before, and she was being molested by her stepfather Jug Twitty and she was pregnant. She left everything behind, including her cell phone, so that she would not be found. Natalee's roommate packed her suitcase and it was at the airport waiting for her, thinking that she would change her mind but as we all know she did not.

Joran Van Der sloot was not the last person with Natalee. Beth has only been going after Joran and his family because she believe Joran was helping Natalee hide. He dropped her off at the fisherman's hut like he said, and afterwards she was befriended by a guy named Marlon. He crossed our path while we were in Aruba the first time and when we told Beth that we are able to ID the guy that was with Natalee after Joran dropped her off, she said, "I don't care who was with my daughter last!". We have that conversation tape recorded and it has been played to Karin Janssen, who was blown away by that comment. This made sense to Karin. She had a poster to show us which was only seen in Aruba that Beth put up when she first got there. It did not say "MISSING", it said "NATALEE", with a note from her for Natalee to call her. If your child was really missing wouldn't you make a poster saying "please anyone if you have seen this girl please call the police?" Reporters told us of a statement that Beth gave on the Aruba TV where Beth was saying, "Natalee please call me we can work out our problems." No one in America saw that.

There is also a tape of Natalee and a guy named Michael at the Windam Hotel buying a necklace and having an argument day's, maybe weeks, after she had allegedly gone missing. All the while the country is spending money searching for her. The guy named Michael on the video tape, was a bouncer and Carlos and Charlies. He was tortured, murdered, and his body burnt the week of April 3rd while we were in Aruba. That story did not come to America either. We also know that Natalee called Beth about fifteen day's after her being "missing" from Michael's cell phone telling Beth again to go home, and that Natalee was not going with her.

We gave the names of many people that Natalee hung out with and partied with during her last weeks alive , we also told them of a guy named scooby that if they would bring in would talk and all names were validated by everyone that we talked to. .We took the police right to the spot where her body was at the other end of the island and Dennis Jacobs was going to send a team out the following morning with dogs? No one killed her. She died of an over dose and we know the house that she was in when she died and also, that she was buried and reburied.(does a CBS 48 hour story sound a little similar?) There are many people who were with her and saw her on the island. No one has come forward because of the fear of the drug issue. It is so much easier to let Joran take the blame, since people saw her leave with him and the other boys.

We were told by the Police about a bar bill of $16,000 that was drunk by Beth and her friends as they stayed for free at the Holiday Inn because the hotel felt so bad for her missing daughter. DOES THAT SOUND A LITTLE OUT OF CHARACTER FOR A MOTHER DISTRAUGHT LOOKING FOR HER DAUGHTER? The same story played out at the Windam Hotel as well, and this was confirmed by many other locals on the island that Beth and her friend's acting like they were on vacation.

In America it seems to be that about 9 out of 10 times when a child is missing or murdered, the first place the police looks at is the family. Since this took place in a foreign country, Aruba opened their hearts and spent so much time and money searching for a missing girl, who just ran away from a dark secret she had been hiding, and wanted to get away from. It is too bad that no one thought to check if there were any family problems in the Twitty household, because you just never know what goes on behind closed doors. We have so much more information, and our story was posted in the Bondia news paper on April 10Th. It was supposed to be in the Aruba Today in English the following day, but did not happen. Here is the link to that article.( )

All of the above information that I stated is the absolute truth and can be proven. why eles would two people be able to travel to Aruba give names of people that they have never met? and then with all the information that was given to them all, Karin Janssen, Dennis Jacobs, Eric Soemers, and other Police officers and lead reporters on the case, why would Karin Janssen       ** Banned **

Joined: 17 Jul 2007
Posts: 599
Location: Alabama

Are they trying to say the ALE and everyone didn't investigate this...or to they forget to mention they were less than credible??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 08:33:24 PM
That was not new...hold on...

I know the accusations and these two nuts are new, but they were on live TV tonight and now Rudy Croes is making a big deal about it too.  It's all BS!
I noticed that Daniel mentions Rudy Croes several times and how respected he is. No doubt in my mind Rudy is behind all of this..He worried about something? Hmmm..Something is up!!

Thanks Buckeye!! Thats exactly who they are!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 08:34:57 PM

Castillo and Young contacted Beth later on and told her all what they found out on the island, and Beth did not like that and she told them that she is no longer interested who were the last people with Natalee, she just wanted revenge on the island and the three suspects punished.

The ALE has all the recordings and statements made by Castillo and Young while they met the Twitty's,

"The following is an interesting email sent to Associated Press. It is self explanatory. Does it have validity? I don't know, but if we could hear that recording it would certainly be interesting."

To Whom This May Concern,

I am writing this letter to put an end to all of the speculation of what happened to Natalee Holloway. My name is Kelly Castillo. This letter is from myself and Daniel Young; we work together and are put in a category of being a "medium". We are able to communicate with people that have passed away, and we help bring comfort or messages to people still living with the help from our Indian spirit guides. We take what we do very serious because we are dealing with peoples lives. This letter is not about us; it is for the truth to come out about what happened to Natalee Holloway, and to clear a wonderful family's ruined reputation since they have been under attack and used as a scape goat to hide the real truth in other homes.

Everything that I am about to tell you has been told face to face to: The Aruba Police, State Prosecutor Karin Janssen, and many reporters from the newspaper, Aruba Today.

To make a long story short we were asked by Beth Twitty to go to Aruba back in December to find Natalee. We went at our own expense. Many things transpired and the bottom line is she did not want to hear what we found out. At that time we could not understand why, but after going back to Aruba a week ago and sharing the information that we had, we found out. We got validation on every name that we gave of the people that Natalee was last with. It was apparent that Beth did not want to hear what we had to say, because she has been lying from the very beginning about what happened to her daughter in order to hide her own dark secret in her home!

Natalee called her mother before she was due to leave the island saying that she was not going to be coming back home to Alabama. The story of Natalee missing her flight and Beth coming to Aruba is false. Natalee called Beth from her cell phone while Beth was already in route on a private plane telling her mother not to come to Aruba because Natalee would not be coming home. Natalee has tried to run away before, and she was being molested by her stepfather Jug Twitty and she was pregnant. She left everything behind, including her cell phone, so that she would not be found. Natalee's roommate packed her suitcase and it was at the airport waiting for her, thinking that she would change her mind but as we all know she did not.

Joran Van Der sloot was not the last person with Natalee. Beth has only been going after Joran and his family because she believe Joran was helping Natalee hide. He dropped her off at the fisherman's hut like he said, and afterwards she was befriended by a guy named Marlon. He crossed our path while we were in Aruba the first time and when we told Beth that we are able to ID the guy that was with Natalee after Joran dropped her off, she said, "I don't care who was with my daughter last!". We have that conversation tape recorded and it has been played to Karin Janssen, who was blown away by that comment. This made sense to Karin. She had a poster to show us which was only seen in Aruba that Beth put up when she first got there. It did not say "MISSING", it said "NATALEE", with a note from her for Natalee to call her. If your child was really missing wouldn't you make a poster saying "please anyone if you have seen this girl please call the police?" Reporters told us of a statement that Beth gave on the Aruba TV where Beth was saying, "Natalee please call me we can work out our problems." No one in America saw that.

There is also a tape of Natalee and a guy named Michael at the Windam Hotel buying a necklace and having an argument day's, maybe weeks, after she had allegedly gone missing. All the while the country is spending money searching for her. The guy named Michael on the video tape, was a bouncer and Carlos and Charlies. He was tortured, murdered, and his body burnt the week of April 3rd while we were in Aruba. That story did not come to America either. We also know that Natalee called Beth about fifteen day's after her being "missing" from Michael's cell phone telling Beth again to go home, and that Natalee was not going with her.

We gave the names of many people that Natalee hung out with and partied with during her last weeks alive , we also told them of a guy named scooby that if they would bring in would talk and all names were validated by everyone that we talked to. .We took the police right to the spot where her body was at the other end of the island and Dennis Jacobs was going to send a team out the following morning with dogs? No one killed her. She died of an over dose and we know the house that she was in when she died and also, that she was buried and reburied.(does a CBS 48 hour story sound a little similar?) There are many people who were with her and saw her on the island. No one has come forward because of the fear of the drug issue. It is so much easier to let Joran take the blame, since people saw her leave with him and the other boys.

We were told by the Police about a bar bill of $16,000 that was drunk by Beth and her friends as they stayed for free at the Holiday Inn because the hotel felt so bad for her missing daughter. DOES THAT SOUND A LITTLE OUT OF CHARACTER FOR A MOTHER DISTRAUGHT LOOKING FOR HER DAUGHTER? The same story played out at the Windam Hotel as well, and this was confirmed by many other locals on the island that Beth and her friend's acting like they were on vacation.

In America it seems to be that about 9 out of 10 times when a child is missing or murdered, the first place the police looks at is the family. Since this took place in a foreign country, Aruba opened their hearts and spent so much time and money searching for a missing girl, who just ran away from a dark secret she had been hiding, and wanted to get away from. It is too bad that no one thought to check if there were any family problems in the Twitty household, because you just never know what goes on behind closed doors. We have so much more information, and our story was posted in the Bondia news paper on April 10Th. It was supposed to be in the Aruba Today in English the following day, but did not happen. Here is the link to that article.( )

All of the above information that I stated is the absolute truth and can be proven. why eles would two people be able to travel to Aruba give names of people that they have never met? and then with all the information that was given to them all, Karin Janssen, Dennis Jacobs, Eric Soemers, and other Police officers and lead reporters on the case, why would Karin Janssen       ** Banned **

Joined: 17 Jul 2007
Posts: 599
Location: Alabama

Are they trying to say the ALE and everyone didn't investigate this...or to they forget to mention they were less than credible??

It was Castillo and Young that were on Telearuba tonight talking about it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 08:35:29 PM
That was not new...hold on...

I know the accusations and these two nuts are new, but they were on live TV tonight and now Rudy Croes is making a big deal about it too.  It's all BS!

Yup, trying to detract from the Oprah show. Blowing smoke up the Arubans' collective asses. Sticking pins in dolls, ringing chickens necks, and pointing up at UFOs. LOL, these friggers are desperate.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Dayhiker on January 16, 2008, 08:40:08 PM
That was not new...hold on...

I know the accusations and these two nuts are new, but they were on live TV tonight and now Rudy Croes is making a big deal about it too.  It's all BS!

APRIL FOOLS' DAY CAME EARLY TO ARUBA THIS YEAR!  :smt119 :smt119 :smt119 :smt119 :smt119

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 08:43:38 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

As much as I hate to do this, because it's all BS, here is the ArubaZone link to what they are talking about.  These people were also LIVE on Telearuba tonight.  Listen to the audio link:

Prepare to be pissed  :smt093

Well, what a load of bull crap!  I don't think I have ever disliked anyone as much
just from the sound of their voice.
Now why would he take this to Aruba?  He said that nobody in the states would
believe them....DUH!  Paid their own way to Aruba 4 times....I don't think so.
That would be AHATA that paid their way.
He is lying about the posters.  We know the truth about that.
Let Aruba invistigate some more.  Be careful what you uncover.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: nimrod on January 16, 2008, 08:45:07 PM
Good move Aruba. That should take care of the remainder of American tourists who were considering going to Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 08:49:56 PM
Good move Aruba. That should take care of the remainder of American tourists who were considering going to Aruba.

No kidding!  Keep talking BYE-RUBA!

These are the actions of DESPERADOS!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 08:50:39 PM
Sure it wasn't "the tape" sent to Jonathan and Medley??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Blue Moon on January 16, 2008, 08:51:16 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

As much as I hate to do this, because it's all BS, here is the ArubaZone link to what they are talking about.  These people were also LIVE on Telearuba tonight.  Listen to the audio link:

Prepare to be pissed  :smt093

WHO ARE THESE IDIOTS?  I am beside myself listening to this.  Is this MF?  Do they live here in the U.S.?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 08:52:00 PM

Castillo and Young contacted Beth later on and told her all what they found out on the island, and Beth did not like that and she told them that she is no longer interested who were the last people with Natalee, she just wanted revenge on the island and the three suspects punished.

The ALE has all the recordings and statements made by Castillo and Young while they met the Twitty's,

"The following is an interesting email sent to Associated Press. It is self explanatory. Does it have validity? I don't know, but if we could hear that recording it would certainly be interesting."

To Whom This May Concern,

I am writing this letter to put an end to all of the speculation of what happened to Natalee Holloway. My name is Kelly Castillo. This letter is from myself and Daniel Young; we work together and are put in a category of being a "medium". We are able to communicate with people that have passed away, and we help bring comfort or messages to people still living with the help from our Indian spirit guides. We take what we do very serious because we are dealing with peoples lives. This letter is not about us; it is for the truth to come out about what happened to Natalee Holloway, and to clear a wonderful family's ruined reputation since they have been under attack and used as a scape goat to hide the real truth in other homes.

Everything that I am about to tell you has been told face to face to: The Aruba Police, State Prosecutor Karin Janssen, and many reporters from the newspaper, Aruba Today.

To make a long story short we were asked by Beth Twitty to go to Aruba back in December to find Natalee. We went at our own expense. Many things transpired and the bottom line is she did not want to hear what we found out. At that time we could not understand why, but after going back to Aruba a week ago and sharing the information that we had, we found out. We got validation on every name that we gave of the people that Natalee was last with. It was apparent that Beth did not want to hear what we had to say, because she has been lying from the very beginning about what happened to her daughter in order to hide her own dark secret in her home!

Natalee called her mother before she was due to leave the island saying that she was not going to be coming back home to Alabama. The story of Natalee missing her flight and Beth coming to Aruba is false. Natalee called Beth from her cell phone while Beth was already in route on a private plane telling her mother not to come to Aruba because Natalee would not be coming home. Natalee has tried to run away before, and she was being molested by her stepfather Jug Twitty and she was pregnant. She left everything behind, including her cell phone, so that she would not be found. Natalee's roommate packed her suitcase and it was at the airport waiting for her, thinking that she would change her mind but as we all know she did not.

Joran Van Der sloot was not the last person with Natalee. Beth has only been going after Joran and his family because she believe Joran was helping Natalee hide. He dropped her off at the fisherman's hut like he said, and afterwards she was befriended by a guy named Marlon. He crossed our path while we were in Aruba the first time and when we told Beth that we are able to ID the guy that was with Natalee after Joran dropped her off, she said, "I don't care who was with my daughter last!". We have that conversation tape recorded and it has been played to Karin Janssen, who was blown away by that comment. This made sense to Karin. She had a poster to show us which was only seen in Aruba that Beth put up when she first got there. It did not say "MISSING", it said "NATALEE", with a note from her for Natalee to call her. If your child was really missing wouldn't you make a poster saying "please anyone if you have seen this girl please call the police?" Reporters told us of a statement that Beth gave on the Aruba TV where Beth was saying, "Natalee please call me we can work out our problems." No one in America saw that.

There is also a tape of Natalee and a guy named Michael at the Windam Hotel buying a necklace and having an argument day's, maybe weeks, after she had allegedly gone missing. All the while the country is spending money searching for her. The guy named Michael on the video tape, was a bouncer and Carlos and Charlies. He was tortured, murdered, and his body burnt the week of April 3rd while we were in Aruba. That story did not come to America either. We also know that Natalee called Beth about fifteen day's after her being "missing" from Michael's cell phone telling Beth again to go home, and that Natalee was not going with her.

We gave the names of many people that Natalee hung out with and partied with during her last weeks alive , we also told them of a guy named scooby that if they would bring in would talk and all names were validated by everyone that we talked to. .We took the police right to the spot where her body was at the other end of the island and Dennis Jacobs was going to send a team out the following morning with dogs? No one killed her. She died of an over dose and we know the house that she was in when she died and also, that she was buried and reburied.(does a CBS 48 hour story sound a little similar?) There are many people who were with her and saw her on the island. No one has come forward because of the fear of the drug issue. It is so much easier to let Joran take the blame, since people saw her leave with him and the other boys.

We were told by the Police about a bar bill of $16,000 that was drunk by Beth and her friends as they stayed for free at the Holiday Inn because the hotel felt so bad for her missing daughter. DOES THAT SOUND A LITTLE OUT OF CHARACTER FOR A MOTHER DISTRAUGHT LOOKING FOR HER DAUGHTER? The same story played out at the Windam Hotel as well, and this was confirmed by many other locals on the island that Beth and her friend's acting like they were on vacation.

In America it seems to be that about 9 out of 10 times when a child is missing or murdered, the first place the police looks at is the family. Since this took place in a foreign country, Aruba opened their hearts and spent so much time and money searching for a missing girl, who just ran away from a dark secret she had been hiding, and wanted to get away from. It is too bad that no one thought to check if there were any family problems in the Twitty household, because you just never know what goes on behind closed doors. We have so much more information, and our story was posted in the Bondia news paper on April 10Th. It was supposed to be in the Aruba Today in English the following day, but did not happen. Here is the link to that article.( )

All of the above information that I stated is the absolute truth and can be proven. why eles would two people be able to travel to Aruba give names of people that they have never met? and then with all the information that was given to them all, Karin Janssen, Dennis Jacobs, Eric Soemers, and other Police officers and lead reporters on the case, why would Karin Janssen       ** Banned **

Joined: 17 Jul 2007
Posts: 599
Location: Alabama

Are they trying to say the ALE and everyone didn't investigate this...or to they forget to mention they were less than credible??

Thank you Buckeye.

The current Aruban agenda is to take the focus off of Joran's total lack of self control on the P&W SHOW on January 11, 2005 and ... Beth's remarkable guest appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show where American was once again reminded that Joran, Deepak and Satish ... the last persons to be seen with Natalee Holloway ... have not been held accountable by the Aruban Justice System.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 08:52:09 PM
Sure it wasn't "the tape" sent to Jonathan and Medley??

Yes, that is the one.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 08:52:31 PM
Sure it wasn't "the tape" sent to Jonathan and Medley??

Could all pertain to the same stuff.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 08:52:57 PM
Just when you thought this nightmare couldn't get more unbelievable,more evil and more  rediculous..It just did..I am blown away!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 16, 2008, 08:53:01 PM
That was not new...hold on...

I know the accusations and these two nuts are new, but they were on live TV tonight and now Rudy Croes is making a big deal about it too.  It's all BS!

Yup, trying to detract from the Oprah show. Blowing smoke up the Arubans' collective asses. Sticking pins in dolls, ringing chickens necks, and pointing up at UFOs. LOL, these friggers are desperate.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 08:54:40 PM
Sure it wasn't "the tape" sent to Jonathan and Medley??

Yes, that is the one.

He mentioned this wasn't about finding Natalee's body,this was about clearing the names of Joran,Satish and Deepak  :2doh:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 08:57:03 PM
Sure it wasn't "the tape" sent to Jonathan and Medley??

Yes, that is the one.

He mentioned this wasn't about finding Natalee's body,this was about clearing the names of Joran,Satish and Deepak  :2doh:

And he is "good friends" with Anita and Paul. :roll:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 08:59:37 PM
Posted at RU

chip  PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:14 pm         

i just got an e-mail to pass along :

I appreciate Chip for posting this.

This is the story of the tape. For some reason Kelly and Daniel
approached me back in spring of 2006. They sent this tape to me, NOT TO
ROGER. It is a tiny little cassette tape. It is only an audio tape. Yes
Roger also heard it - and together we felt that it should not be heard,
at least back then, by anyone. AND most important, we both felt that it
was not the blockbuster, against Beth, that Kelly and Daniel thought it
was. And I told this to Kelly and Daniel at the time. And this was known
back then by the Van der Sloots.

There is nothing more to this story.


ETA- from medley

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 09:01:29 PM
Juggs???  You'd think psychics could at least get his name right if nothing else.

Why doesn't Rudy Croes himself go on live and validate all this along with the Prosecutor?  Anyone in an official capacity instead of these two clowns?

And the things they say are proof of zilch about Beth. 

Yes, this is why I will never go to Aruba again, not that it was so great the first time but who would want to be around people who do things like this?

We know Julia made that Hootie poster and even those asking the questions in the background knew that.  Well, sounds like the typical trying to make a name for themselves routine that we have seen so often in this fiasco.

Yes, don't look at Joran flinging poo wine and don't watch Oprah, Aruba, listen to the nutcases instead.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 16, 2008, 09:01:54 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

As much as I hate to do this, because it's all BS, here is the ArubaZone link to what they are talking about.  These people were also LIVE on Telearuba tonight.  Listen to the audio link:

Prepare to be pissed  :smt093

These people passed this off as some breaking news? I am trying to control myself from laughing at their stupidity. Hey guys, there are meds for what ails you!

I have just listened to the stupid and insane rambling of what was on Aruba Zone and have just a couple things to say to these fools. These idiots talk like they actually have a clue, OMG ... I have never heard more stupid conclusions in my life.

Maybe there is a reason why no one listened to any of you ... BECAUSE YOU ARE INSANE!!!
I can't even begin to go and analyze ever foolish conclusion. But here is a simple one. When you enter a foreign country, you have basically two choices to put on the immigration card ... business or vacation ... you dumb asses!

If you were to look at my immigration card when I went to Aruba to aide TES in searching for Natalee in the garage dump, my card said "vacation" on it. What does that mean, that I was on vacation too? What a bunch of illiterate stupid fools.
After listening to the ramblings on Aruba Zone I am reminded of the following (from movie Billy :

Daniel, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 09:04:45 PM
FYI - so you are all in the loop.  Those two psychic nuts have gone on live Aruban TV spewing their lies.  It was just on Telearuba.  There is also an audio on ArubaZone.  I have forwarded the information to Beth and Jug.  JQK may be interrested in it as well.  Just wanted you to know about it as I'm sure RU will be posting it soon.

Is that the same two nuts that taped Beth and sent the tape to Medley?
If so Julia Renfro is all up in the middle of that.

Probably the day Julia called Natalee some vile names and said she deserved what she got.  Then she had to have something fabricated to get her off the hook.  Julia is probably as evil as anything that was ever allowed to crawl or walk upright.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 09:05:37 PM

I did feel Joran's outburst was Karma.  I also noticed what the Sloots said: trashing the Prosecutor, bringing up the debunked Gielen theories, etc.  I believed their purpose was to show other possible scenarios and the need to investigate Natalee's profile, etc.  It was Karma that their message was totally missed by Joran's explosion.  This is the next retaliatory message to influence popular opinion from the Ministers/Renfro group.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 09:06:36 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

As much as I hate to do this, because it's all BS, here is the ArubaZone link to what they are talking about.  These people were also LIVE on Telearuba tonight.  Listen to the audio link:

Prepare to be pissed  :smt093

These people passed this off as some breaking news? I am trying to control myself from laughing at their stupidity. Hey guys, there are meds for what ails you!

I have just listened to the stupid and insane rambling of what was on Aruba Zone and have just a couple things to say to these fools. These idiots talk like they actually have a clue, OMG ... I have never heard more stupid conclusions in my life.

Maybe there is a reason why no one listened to any of you ... BECAUSE YOU ARE INSANE!!!
I can't even begin to go and analyze ever foolish conclusion. But here is a simple one. When you enter a foreign country, you have basically two choices to put on the immigration card ... business or vacation ... you dumb asses!

If you were to look at my immigration card when I went to Aruba to aide TES in searching for Natalee in the garage dump, my card said "vacation" on it. What does that mean, that I was on vacation too? What a bunch of illiterate stupid fools.
After listening to the ramblings on Aruba Zone I am reminded of the following (from movie Billy :

Daniel, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Thanks for the voice of reason Red, I've been too pissed to type.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 09:07:09 PM
Did watch Oprah, as I usually do & will say that I was disappointed that more time was not afforded as the corruption, the blogging presence of misinformation, the changing of statements by officials, the horror of families experiencing tragedy befalling their loved ones necessitating incredible financial resources is not addressed, in addition to the OTHERS that have disappeared from that hellhole rock off the coast of Venezualla that offers so many free trips to unsuspecting people.

How many tourists choose their destination based on pricing.  The pricing in regards to the hellhole rock of Aruba is subsidized by the illegal activities that utilize the tourist industry numbers, whether paying or not, to obtain financing from the World Bank.  How many families will it take to have the corruption addressed in these destinations before their actions are HALTED.  One can take every precaution there is & NOT BE SAFE FROM THESE TYPE OF PREDATOR'S.

I truly believe that there are cameras in many places that tourists would expect complete privacy on that hellhole of Aruba as well as other similiar "tourist traps".  Think it is time that it is addressed at least by the USA media.

Am going to log onto Oprah's website to see what is being posted.

I believe but I could be mistaken that Oprah owns property in Aruba, but I will be happy to stand corrected if you find otherwise, but I think she and Johnny Cochran were in some kind of business together there. 

Oprah owns property in Hawaii.
Johnny Cochran is/was buddies with Jossy Mansur.

Thanks, Kermi, I stand corrected. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Blue Moon on January 16, 2008, 09:08:54 PM
Sure it wasn't "the tape" sent to Jonathan and Medley??

Yes, that is the one.

He mentioned this wasn't about finding Natalee's body,this was about clearing the names of Joran,Satish and Deepak  :2doh:

Persistence must be near the location of Natalee's body.  Sounds like some have pulled out the BIG guns now.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: San on January 16, 2008, 09:09:28 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

As much as I hate to do this, because it's all BS, here is the ArubaZone link to what they are talking about.  These people were also LIVE on Telearuba tonight.  Listen to the audio link:

Prepare to be pissed  :smt093

These people passed this off as some breaking news? I am trying to control myself from laughing at their stupidity. Hey guys, there are meds for what ails you!

I have just listened to the stupid and insane rambling of what was on Aruba Zone and have just a couple things to say to these fools. These idiots talk like they actually have a clue, OMG ... I have never heard more stupid conclusions in my life.

Maybe there is a reason why no one listened to any of you ... BECAUSE YOU ARE INSANE!!!
I can't even begin to go and analyze ever foolish conclusion. But here is a simple one. When you enter a foreign country, you have basically two choices to put on the immigration card ... business or vacation ... you dumb asses!

If you were to look at my immigration card when I went to Aruba to aide TES in searching for Natalee in the garage dump, my card said "vacation" on it. What does that mean, that I was on vacation too? What a bunch of illiterate stupid fools.
After listening to the ramblings on Aruba Zone I am reminded of the following (from movie Billy :

Daniel, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Thanks for the voice of reason Red, I've been too pissed to type.

I have one thing to say.  I'm not any dumber because I didn't listen to it.   :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: San on January 16, 2008, 09:10:59 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: snoopy on January 16, 2008, 09:11:02 PM

Unbelievable pathetic disgraceful laughable loser idiots!

What part of "stuck on stupid" don't they understand.  Nobody's buying it.

Seriously shaking my head..........

 :smt021 :smt021 :smt021 :smt021 :smt021 :smt021 :smt021

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 09:13:11 PM
If you notice...everything the nutcase was saying on the tape
was the same stuff that Renfro and the other crones have
been saying since the beginning.  Psychic, my foot.
Patsy for Renfro and company is more like it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 09:13:52 PM
( (
The evil one is still hard at work. I am absolutely convinced this heartless soul has been behind this cover up since the very beginning. His press conference today and backing up these lies confirms what many of us have thought.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 16, 2008, 09:14:19 PM

Castillo and Young contacted Beth later on and told her all what they found out on the island, and Beth did not like that and she told them that she is no longer interested who were the last people with Natalee, she just wanted revenge on the island and the three suspects punished.

The ALE has all the recordings and statements made by Castillo and Young while they met the Twitty's,

"The following is an interesting email sent to Associated Press. It is self explanatory. Does it have validity? I don't know, but if we could hear that recording it would certainly be interesting."

To Whom This May Concern,

I am writing this letter to put an end to all of the speculation of what happened to Natalee Holloway. My name is Kelly Castillo. This letter is from myself and Daniel Young; we work together and are put in a category of being a "medium". We are able to communicate with people that have passed away, and we help bring comfort or messages to people still living with the help from our Indian spirit guides. We take what we do very serious because we are dealing with peoples lives. This letter is not about us; it is for the truth to come out about what happened to Natalee Holloway, and to clear a wonderful family's ruined reputation since they have been under attack and used as a scape goat to hide the real truth in other homes.

Everything that I am about to tell you has been told face to face to: The Aruba Police, State Prosecutor Karin Janssen, and many reporters from the newspaper, Aruba Today.

To make a long story short we were asked by Beth Twitty to go to Aruba back in December to find Natalee. We went at our own expense. Many things transpired and the bottom line is she did not want to hear what we found out. At that time we could not understand why, but after going back to Aruba a week ago and sharing the information that we had, we found out. We got validation on every name that we gave of the people that Natalee was last with. It was apparent that Beth did not want to hear what we had to say, because she has been lying from the very beginning about what happened to her daughter in order to hide her own dark secret in her home!

Natalee called her mother before she was due to leave the island saying that she was not going to be coming back home to Alabama. The story of Natalee missing her flight and Beth coming to Aruba is false. Natalee called Beth from her cell phone while Beth was already in route on a private plane telling her mother not to come to Aruba because Natalee would not be coming home. Natalee has tried to run away before, and she was being molested by her stepfather Jug Twitty and she was pregnant. She left everything behind, including her cell phone, so that she would not be found. Natalee's roommate packed her suitcase and it was at the airport waiting for her, thinking that she would change her mind but as we all know she did not.

Joran Van Der sloot was not the last person with Natalee. Beth has only been going after Joran and his family because she believe Joran was helping Natalee hide. He dropped her off at the fisherman's hut like he said, and afterwards she was befriended by a guy named Marlon. He crossed our path while we were in Aruba the first time and when we told Beth that we are able to ID the guy that was with Natalee after Joran dropped her off, she said, "I don't care who was with my daughter last!". We have that conversation tape recorded and it has been played to Karin Janssen, who was blown away by that comment. This made sense to Karin. She had a poster to show us which was only seen in Aruba that Beth put up when she first got there. It did not say "MISSING", it said "NATALEE", with a note from her for Natalee to call her. If your child was really missing wouldn't you make a poster saying "please anyone if you have seen this girl please call the police?" Reporters told us of a statement that Beth gave on the Aruba TV where Beth was saying, "Natalee please call me we can work out our problems." No one in America saw that.

There is also a tape of Natalee and a guy named Michael at the Windam Hotel buying a necklace and having an argument day's, maybe weeks, after she had allegedly gone missing. All the while the country is spending money searching for her. The guy named Michael on the video tape, was a bouncer and Carlos and Charlies. He was tortured, murdered, and his body burnt the week of April 3rd while we were in Aruba. That story did not come to America either. We also know that Natalee called Beth about fifteen day's after her being "missing" from Michael's cell phone telling Beth again to go home, and that Natalee was not going with her.

We gave the names of many people that Natalee hung out with and partied with during her last weeks alive , we also told them of a guy named scooby that if they would bring in would talk and all names were validated by everyone that we talked to. .We took the police right to the spot where her body was at the other end of the island and Dennis Jacobs was going to send a team out the following morning with dogs? No one killed her. She died of an over dose and we know the house that she was in when she died and also, that she was buried and reburied.(does a CBS 48 hour story sound a little similar?) There are many people who were with her and saw her on the island. No one has come forward because of the fear of the drug issue. It is so much easier to let Joran take the blame, since people saw her leave with him and the other boys.

We were told by the Police about a bar bill of $16,000 that was drunk by Beth and her friends as they stayed for free at the Holiday Inn because the hotel felt so bad for her missing daughter. DOES THAT SOUND A LITTLE OUT OF CHARACTER FOR A MOTHER DISTRAUGHT LOOKING FOR HER DAUGHTER? The same story played out at the Windam Hotel as well, and this was confirmed by many other locals on the island that Beth and her friend's acting like they were on vacation.

In America it seems to be that about 9 out of 10 times when a child is missing or murdered, the first place the police looks at is the family. Since this took place in a foreign country, Aruba opened their hearts and spent so much time and money searching for a missing girl, who just ran away from a dark secret she had been hiding, and wanted to get away from. It is too bad that no one thought to check if there were any family problems in the Twitty household, because you just never know what goes on behind closed doors. We have so much more information, and our story was posted in the Bondia news paper on April 10Th. It was supposed to be in the Aruba Today in English the following day, but did not happen. Here is the link to that article.( )

All of the above information that I stated is the absolute truth and can be proven. why eles would two people be able to travel to Aruba give names of people that they have never met? and then with all the information that was given to them all, Karin Janssen, Dennis Jacobs, Eric Soemers, and other Police officers and lead reporters on the case, why would Karin Janssen       ** Banned **

Joined: 17 Jul 2007
Posts: 599
Location: Alabama

Are they trying to say the ALE and everyone didn't investigate this...or to they forget to mention they were less than credible??

there's nothing here that hasn't been tried before.  the minister of justice withheld from the police information that he's had for over a year and a half?  surely ahata and ata are stupid enough to pay these clowns to do this.  they've got everything but godzilla, elvis, and alien space craft in here.  oh, wait, they introduced pics of the "flying saucers" today, guess that's coming next.  now tell me how americans, or anybody else, for that matter, would put their lives and their family's lives in the hands of people who's leaders get away with this kind of foolishness and stupidity.  aruba is rapidly becoming the laughing stock of the caribbean, as well as the world.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Blue Moon on January 16, 2008, 09:15:39 PM
Maybe this tape should be played for people BEFORE they enter the travel shows just so they understand the choice they are about to make :2doh: :2doh: :2doh:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 16, 2008, 09:16:35 PM
( (
The evil one is still hard at work. I am absolutely convinced this heartless soul has been behind this cover up since the very beginning.
is there a psychiatric hospital on aruba?  or is rudy going to have to go off island for treatment? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Altruist on January 16, 2008, 09:16:43 PM
Did read the propaganda promotor's posts at & it continues with it's repeating of nonsense to attempt to defame Natalee's family. 

It just further demonstrates the safety factor the degenerates want ignored so that the VICTIM BASE will not be totally lost.  Am more sure than ever that 3rd world status is above what that hellhole rock contains in plain view as behind the facade.  It is a very dangerous place & there is safety NOT.

Persons who operate legally as well as decently better get away from that place for they will be feeding on them next as the VICTIM BASE decreases.  It appears the only safety will be only for those who are criminal.

Innocents I pray for your safety & ability to leave before they harm you, for they will.  For God's sake you have to have the Gov't permission to arm yourself which means you have to be either owed favors or owing favors to protect yourself & be legally allowed to protect yourself & your family, otherwise you pose a threat to the criminals in authority.

These degenerates will just repeat defaming victim's & their families until the degenerates are put to an end.

It's a very sick & dangerous environment, which is what it would have to be for a group like the Stoolscum to prosper for they have not an ounce of ethics or morals amongst them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 09:18:05 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

As much as I hate to do this, because it's all BS, here is the ArubaZone link to what they are talking about.  These people were also LIVE on Telearuba tonight.  Listen to the audio link:

Prepare to be pissed  :smt093

I am.   :-x


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: San on January 16, 2008, 09:19:07 PM
( (
The evil one is still hard at work. I am absolutely convinced this heartless soul has been behind this cover up since the very beginning.

You and everyone else is convinced this monster was behind this coverup.

These games he is playing are childs play.  He never fooled me once and he never will.  I will run circles around him with everything he comes up with.  As soon as a move comes from Aruba just take a step back and think to yourself why.  Just like he did in November.  It was clear as day it was a trick.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 16, 2008, 09:19:44 PM
Posted by MF at RU (I think it was on Telearuba, not sure)

Minister of Justice is asking to investigate NH further.

Rudy Croes is asking Prosecutor's Office and the Police to further investigate the Natalee Holloway case since, some people went public with informations, tips and evidence about the family and he is telling that their evidence is valid and they have been known for a long time already. This is just to clear up what really happened the first days and what the family knew or not.

This pertains to what was shown on Telearuba tonight and what is posted on ArubaZone.

As much as I hate to do this, because it's all BS, here is the ArubaZone link to what they are talking about.  These people were also LIVE on Telearuba tonight.  Listen to the audio link:

Prepare to be pissed  :smt093

These people passed this off as some breaking news? I am trying to control myself from laughing at their stupidity. Hey guys, there are meds for what ails you!

I have just listened to the stupid and insane rambling of what was on Aruba Zone and have just a couple things to say to these fools. These idiots talk like they actually have a clue, OMG ... I have never heard more stupid conclusions in my life.

Maybe there is a reason why no one listened to any of you ... BECAUSE YOU ARE INSANE!!!
I can't even begin to go and analyze ever foolish conclusion. But here is a simple one. When you enter a foreign country, you have basically two choices to put on the immigration card ... business or vacation ... you dumb asses!

If you were to look at my immigration card when I went to Aruba to aide TES in searching for Natalee in the garage dump, my card said "vacation" on it. What does that mean, that I was on vacation too? What a bunch of illiterate stupid fools.
After listening to the ramblings on Aruba Zone I am reminded of the following (from movie Billy :

Daniel, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Thanks for the voice of reason Red, I've been too pissed to type.

I have one thing to say.  I'm not any dumber because I didn't listen to it.   :lol: :lol:

I am going to have to invent a time machine, just so I can go back in time and erase the fact that I wasted 17 minutes of my life. Where's a Delorian when you need one? :)

There is a reason why sleuthing, investigating and the use of deductive reasoning are left to those without mental disease.

The audio on ArubaZone is proof positive.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 09:22:32 PM
These are post from RU referencing and quoting Carol. I don't believe she stated what she was accused of doing. As a school teacher, she is required by law to report all suspected cases of child abuse, and she taught where Natalee went to high school.

BhamMom Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:59 pm   

HannieC wrote:
Why, who is she Bham?

One of Beth's friends that was with her at the beginning of the summer. She arrived on Friday after Beth got there Monday night. In reading Beth's book, she didn't tell exactly how long she stayed but it appears she was there a long while with Beth. She is the one at the MB Board of Education that hired Beth and they became good friends.

gwen wrote:
A friend of the girl's mother, Beth Twitty, who traveled to Aruba with her this week said Twitty was upset by the decision.

"She was getting her life back to normal before all this happened," Carol Standiser said. "It would have been better to let things go the way they were going."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Red on January 16, 2008, 09:24:15 PM
Let's debunk another stupid conclusion.

All of the Mountain Brook teens should have been made to stay on the island.

OK folks, a girl goes missing on a foreign island and your child is one on the trip. Who isn't going to insist you get your children off the hell whole? Unless the police put a moratorium on travel, who isn't going to want their child a way from a place where obviously something bad happened?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 16, 2008, 09:24:40 PM
( (
The evil one is still hard at work. I am absolutely convinced this heartless soul has been behind this cover up since the very beginning. His press conference today and backing up these lies confirms what many of us have thought.

I agree *******. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 09:25:11 PM
Sure it wasn't "the tape" sent to Jonathan and Medley??

Yes, that is the one.

He mentioned this wasn't about finding Natalee's body,this was about clearing the names of Joran,Satish and Deepak  :2doh:

Persistence must be near the location of Natalee's body.  Sounds like some have pulled out the BIG guns now.

Either that or the Minister of Justice is worried about something. Perhaps the FBI or was this all to counter Oprah's show?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 09:36:55 PM
Let's debunk another stupid conclusion.

All of the Mountain Brook teens should have been made to stay on the island.

OK folks, a girl goes missing on a foreign island and your child is one on the trip. Who isn't going to insist you get your children off the hell whole? Unless the police put a moratorium on travel, who isn't going to want their child a way from a place where obviously something bad happened?

Well if they should have been made to stay, ALE screwed up again.  They had tickets and were boarding the plane and at that time all they knew is Natalee hadn't showed up.  They didn't know how bad things were.  What were they supposed to do?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 09:37:01 PM
Juggs???  You'd think psychics could at least get his name right if nothing else.

Why doesn't Rudy Croes himself go on live and validate all this along with the Prosecutor?  Anyone in an official capacity instead of these two clowns?

And the things they say are proof of zilch about Beth. 

Yes, this is why I will never go to Aruba again, not that it was so great the first time but who would want to be around people who do things like this?

We know Julia made that Hootie poster and even those asking the questions in the background knew that.  Well, sounds like the typical trying to make a name for themselves routine that we have seen so often in this fiasco.

Yes, don't look at Joran flinging poo wine and don't watch Oprah, Aruba, listen to the nutcases instead.

I wonder now how they reconcile Joran saying Natalee was a virgin with these 2 paid hacks saying she was pregnant?  Mind-boggling.  Maybe Natalee has been chosen to deliver the second coming of Christ and we are all just wrong.  There are very few times I believe Joran, in fact, maybe only 4-5 but I agree with him when he first said he would vouch Natalee was a virgin.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Lala'sMom on January 16, 2008, 09:37:08 PM
( (
The evil one is still hard at work. I am absolutely convinced this heartless soul has been behind this cover up since the very beginning. His press conference today and backing up these lies confirms what many of us have thought.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 5:32 pm
The sacrifice is the correct food to appease the gods, arawaks, and cowboys
but the foundations of the house of babylon will shake
even harder if Arawak Dirty Hand is revealed

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 09:37:44 PM
What these a-holes don't realize, is they keep drawing negative attention to Aruba by allowing two quack "mediums" to cause them to re-open the case because of their "breaking news". REOPEN the case PLEASE!!!!! ya dip shits!!!! then REARREST j2k and let justice be given to Natalee!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 09:37:47 PM

June 29, 2005

"We were stunned the first week,"
said Carol Standifer, who worked with Twitty at home and has spent several weeks in Aruba helping the family. "It was just surreal."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 09:39:19 PM
Quotes from Carol, Carol's professional history all seem to dispute this accusation

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 16, 2008, 09:39:40 PM
Joran: her room was on the ground floor.

Anita: You can walk straight from the beach to her room. There are about 7 or 8 statements. That witnesses have seen her walking.

Does this bother anyone else, that they know exactly where her room was and how to get to it without being seen? 

Did Joran figure this out before or after he went in the car with Natalee?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 09:39:42 PM
Sure it wasn't "the tape" sent to Jonathan and Medley??

Yes, that is the one.

He mentioned this wasn't about finding Natalee's body,this was about clearing the names of Joran,Satish and Deepak  :2doh:

Persistence must be near the location of Natalee's body.  Sounds like some have pulled out the BIG guns now.

Either that or the Minister of Justice is worried about something. Perhaps the FBI or was this all to counter Oprah's show?

Rudy and Paulus......What have you gotten yourselves into?  One way or another, you're going down soon.  Your own will have to take you down just to stop the madness you are perpetuating.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: dennisintn on January 16, 2008, 09:39:51 PM
nobody knows who they are, but they have good reputations?  looks like rudy's going to have some company when he "goes away".

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 16, 2008, 09:39:56 PM
Let's debunk another stupid conclusion.

All of the Mountain Brook teens should have been made to stay on the island.
OK folks, a girl goes missing on a foreign island and your child is one on the trip. Who isn't going to insist you get your children off the hell whole? Unless the police put a moratorium on travel, who isn't going to want their child a way from a place where obviously something bad happened?

I agree Red, making the others stay on the island would have gone over like a turd in a punch bowl!  If I would have had one that was detained on that hellhole my husband would have made the Black Water teams look tame!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 09:42:14 PM
Just posting this to have a history trail.  From RU again.

BhamMom  PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:29 pm         

April 10, 2006
HarryTho 4/10 Natalee Holloway Commentary

Topics: Natalee Holloway

On the Aruba front itself, we have a revelation from MF over at the Freedom Blog that a Kelly Castillo of Arkansas and a friend visited Police Chief Dompig and declared that Natalee was alive on the island of Aruba a few days after Beth and her posse landed. Natalee refused to go back to Alabama, because of the abuse that she suffered there. Although this declaration reads a little suspicious, it does conform to revelations in Natalee's alleged pregnancy letter that coincidentally was postmarked form Arkansas. Interestingly, Kelly Castillo's declaration resembles the suspicions of Aruban Detective Nicholaas' hunches, aired in the first few days of the investigation.

Kelly Castillo and Daniel Young - General Discussion - Natalee Holloway Case

Regrettably, it may be coming to light that our worst fears in this case are materializing: Natalee was abused at home. Julia Renfro may have hit the nail on the head many months ago. I pray that this new information proves inaccurate for the sake of the people of Alabama. How will they ever live this down?

Additionally, the Bon Dia article that published Kelly Costillo's declarations mentioned some "taped" statements alleging an intent to harm the island of Aruba.

Once again, this information could be far more damaging than the cat-spitting accusations of the past 10 months.

Lastly, we have some disturbing news from the Caribbean Newspaper that the Chavez of Venezuela issue with land acquisition intentions in the Antilles is more than rumor.       

Joined: 23 Mar 2006
Posts: 11209
Location: Posting with bitter people

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 09:43:18 PM
( (
The evil one is still hard at work. I am absolutely convinced this heartless soul has been behind this cover up since the very beginning. His press conference today and backing up these lies confirms what many of us have thought.

I have been told by some posters that they have no desire to look at a goats ass on this site, yet that picture of one keeps surfacing:) Is it photo shopped to appear as that man's face, or is he a faceless half goat, half man with a goats ass where a face belongs::)))))))) Was that island bombed with an atom bomb and he a poor genetically altered poor soul?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 09:43:26 PM
Quotes from Carol, Carol's professional history all seem to dispute this accusation

Of course

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 09:44:01 PM
Let's debunk another stupid conclusion.

All of the Mountain Brook teens should have been made to stay on the island.

OK folks, a girl goes missing on a foreign island and your child is one on the trip. Who isn't going to insist you get your children off the hell whole? Unless the police put a moratorium on travel, who isn't going to want their child a way from a place where obviously something bad happened?

At that time, didn't Ale believe she was fine and would "turn up" in a few days?  Didn't they tell Dave to go on down to C&C's and have a beer?  Nothing to worry about.....why should the MB students be asked to stay?

There was no problem........REMEMBER?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZLady on January 16, 2008, 09:44:11 PM
This is just a ridiculous and far-fetched attempt by Anita and Paulus' friends to repair the damage done by Joran himself during his recent wine-flinging tantrum.  The audio/interview is just an outrageous lie created by Anita and friends during hours of "suppose this happened" talks and fantasizing.  Anita is desperate to create an image of Joran as her well-behaved and respectable son.  So, what does she do?  Invent and propogate a tale that portrays Natalee in the worst possible light as a contrast to her own "good son" image that the world saw shattered by Joran himself!  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! This outlandish story, bearing no resemblence to the truth as has been known for years, is now being broadcast as Anita's next attempt to salvage her son's image.   This would be funny, in a rather black humor sort of way, if it weren't so very tragic.  Anita actually believes she can spread this type of totally unbelievable garbage and people will contrast this negative image of Natalee with the image of her son Joran and she thinks he will come out looking like the "good son"!   Anita, now we know where Joran's mental illness springs.  This family needs serious help.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: yapperz1 on January 16, 2008, 09:47:11 PM
Hiya Monkeys

I find it strange this Kelly Castillo & Daniel Young profess to be friends of the slootytoots.
Remember the letter Paulus claimed he got from Natalee? It was mailed from Arkansas, well Kelly Castillo is from Arkansas. Things that make you go hhmmmm
On the Aruba front itself, we have a revelation from MF over at the Freedom Blog that a Kelly Castillo of Arkansas and a friend visited Police Chief Dompig and declared that Natalee was alive on the island of Aruba a few days after Beth and her posse landed. Natalee refused to go back to Alabama, because of the abuse that she suffered there. Although this declaration reads a little suspicious, it does conform to revelations in Natalee's alleged pregnancy letter that coincidentally was postmarked form Arkansas. Interestingly, Kelly Castillo's declaration resembles the suspicions of Aruban Detective Nicholaas' hunches, aired in the first few days of the investigation.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 09:47:12 PM
This is just a ridiculous and far-fetched attempt by Anita and Paulus' friends to repair the damage done by Joran himself during his recent wine-flinging tantrum.  The audio/interview is just an outrageous lie created by Anita and friends during hours of "suppose this happened" talks and fantasizing.  Anita is desperate to create an image of Joran as her well-behaved and respectable son.  So, what does she do?  Invent and propogate a tale that portrays Natalee in the worst possible light as a contrast to her own "good son" image that the world saw shattered by Joran himself!  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! This outlandish story, bearing no resemblence to the truth as has been known for years, is now being broadcast as Anita's next attempt to salvage her son's image.   This would be funny, in a rather black humor sort of way, if it weren't so very tragic.  Anita actually believes she can spread this type of totally unbelievable garbage and people will contrast this negative image of Natalee with the image of her son Joran and she thinks he will come out looking like the "good son"!   Anita, now we know where Joran's mental illness springs.  This family needs serious help.

I guess I'm continuously shocked at how low they will go.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 09:48:22 PM
This is just a ridiculous and far-fetched attempt by Anita and Paulus' friends to repair the damage done by Joran himself during his recent wine-flinging tantrum.  The audio/interview is just an outrageous lie created by Anita and friends during hours of "suppose this happened" talks and fantasizing.  Anita is desperate to create an image of Joran as her well-behaved and respectable son.  So, what does she do?  Invent and propogate a tale that portrays Natalee in the worst possible light as a contrast to her own "good son" image that the world saw shattered by Joran himself!  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! This outlandish story, bearing no resemblence to the truth as has been known for years, is now being broadcast as Anita's next attempt to salvage her son's image.   This would be funny, in a rather black humor sort of way, if it weren't so very tragic.  Anita actually believes she can spread this type of totally unbelievable garbage and people will contrast this negative image of Natalee with the image of her son Joran and she thinks he will come out looking like the "good son"!   Anita, now we know where Joran's mental illness springs.  This family needs serious help.

I guess I'm continuously shocked at how low they will go.

I 2nd that.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 09:48:43 PM
Hiya Monkeys

I find it strange this Kelly Castillo & Daniel Young profess to be friends of the slootytoots.
Remember the letter Paulus claimed he got from Natalee? It was mailed from Arkansas, well Kelly Castillo is from Arkansas. Things that make you go hhmmmm
On the Aruba front itself, we have a revelation from MF over at the Freedom Blog that a Kelly Castillo of Arkansas and a friend visited Police Chief Dompig and declared that Natalee was alive on the island of Aruba a few days after Beth and her posse landed. Natalee refused to go back to Alabama, because of the abuse that she suffered there. Although this declaration reads a little suspicious, it does conform to revelations in Natalee's alleged pregnancy letter that coincidentally was postmarked form Arkansas. Interestingly, Kelly Castillo's declaration resembles the suspicions of Aruban Detective Nicholaas' hunches, aired in the first few days of the investigation.

Nice catch Yap

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Lala'sMom on January 16, 2008, 09:50:15 PM
Joran: her room was on the ground floor.

Anita: You can walk straight from the beach to her room. There are about 7 or 8 statements. That witnesses have seen her walking.

Does this bother anyone else, that they know exactly where her room was and how to get to it without being seen? 

Did Joran figure this out before or after he went in the car with Natalee?

His daddy told him.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 09:50:25 PM

Kelly Castillo, 2005

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZLady on January 16, 2008, 09:51:01 PM
This is just a ridiculous and far-fetched attempt by Anita and Paulus' friends to repair the damage done by Joran himself during his recent wine-flinging tantrum.  The audio/interview is just an outrageous lie created by Anita and friends during hours of "suppose this happened" talks and fantasizing.  Anita is desperate to create an image of Joran as her well-behaved and respectable son.  So, what does she do?  Invent and propogate a tale that portrays Natalee in the worst possible light as a contrast to her own "good son" image that the world saw shattered by Joran himself!  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! This outlandish story, bearing no resemblence to the truth as has been known for years, is now being broadcast as Anita's next attempt to salvage her son's image.   This would be funny, in a rather black humor sort of way, if it weren't so very tragic.  Anita actually believes she can spread this type of totally unbelievable garbage and people will contrast this negative image of Natalee with the image of her son Joran and she thinks he will come out looking like the "good son"!   Anita, now we know where Joran's mental illness springs.  This family needs serious help.

I guess I'm continuously shocked at how low they will go.

Mental illness is not a logical and predictable thing.  It does follow a pattern of degeneration and increasingly desperate acts, some say in a call for help.  Unfortunately, I don't think they've hit bottom yet.  We'll probably still see more desperate attempts to deny and portray Joran as a "good boy" before the truth comes out and all is exposed.  They need help, seriously.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: texasmom on January 16, 2008, 09:51:20 PM
( (
The evil one is still hard at work. I am absolutely convinced this heartless soul has been behind this cover up since the very beginning. His press conference today and backing up these lies confirms what many of us have thought.

I have been told by some posters that they have no desire to look at a goats ass on this site, yet that picture of one keeps surfacing:) Is it photo shopped to appear as that man's face, or is he a faceless half goat, half man with a goats ass where a face belongs::)))))))) Was that island bombed with an atom bomb and he a poor genetically altered poor soul?
I posted what I thought of everytime I see his pic a while back but I promised not to do it again, goat's ass is a good alternate though, thanks PI!  "Inbred" also comes to mind a lot if I look at him for more than a second or two.   :roll:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 16, 2008, 09:51:36 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 09:51:40 PM
May I just say also, if this is such compelling "news" and they are good friends with paul and ya think someone could have foot the bill for the airfare so they didn't have to "take out a loan" to get to Aruba? :roll: :2doh:
Renho...the newspaper couldn't help?
Keep it up ya are going to piss Jossy off and then he is REALLY going to bring out the big guns. jmho

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 09:54:05 PM

Kelly Castillo, 2005

Astute *******

Joined: 23 Oct 2005
Posts: 1613

 Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:47 am    Post subject: Woman claims she has a strange Beth recording? 

"The following is an interesting email sent to Associated Press. It is self explanatory. Does it have validity? I don't know, but if we could hear that recording it would certainly be interesting."

To Whom This May Concern,

I am writing this letter to put an end to all of the speculation of what happened to Natalee Holloway. My name is Kelly Castillo. This letter is from myself and Daniel Young; we work together and are put in a category of being a "medium". We are able to communicate with people that have passed away, and we help bring comfort or messages to people still living with the help from our Indian spirit guides. We take what we do very serious because we are dealing with peoples lives. This letter is not about us; it is for the truth to come out about what happened to Natalee Holloway, and to clear a wonderful family's ruined reputation since they have been under attack and used as a scape goat to hide the real truth in other homes.

Everything that I am about to tell you has been told face to face to: The Aruba Police, State Prosecutor Karin Janssen, and many reporters from the newspaper, Aruba Today.

To make a long story short we were asked by Beth Twitty to go to Aruba back in December to find Natalee. We went at our own expense. Many things transpired and the bottom line is she did not want to hear what we found out. At that time we could not understand why, but after going back to Aruba a week ago and sharing the information that we had, we found out. We got validation on every name that we gave of the people that Natalee was last with. It was apparent that Beth did not want to hear what we had to say, because she has been lying from the very beginning about what happened to her daughter in order to hide her own dark secret in her home!

Natalee called her mother before she was due to leave the island saying that she was not going to be coming back home to Alabama. The story of Natalee missing her flight and Beth coming to Aruba is false. Natalee called Beth from her cell phone while Beth was already in route on a private plane telling her mother not to come to Aruba because Natalee would not be coming home. Natalee has tried to run away before, and she was being molested by her stepfather Jug Twitty and she was pregnant. She left everything behind, including her cell phone, so that she would not be found. Natalee's roommate packed her suitcase and it was at the airport waiting for her, thinking that she would change her mind but as we all know she did not.

Joran Van Der sloot was not the last person with Natalee. Beth has only been going after Joran and his family because she believe Joran was helping Natalee hide. He dropped her off at the fisherman's hut like he said, and afterwards she was befriended by a guy named Marlon. He crossed our path while we were in Aruba the first time and when we told Beth that we are able to ID the guy that was with Natalee after Joran dropped her off, she said, "I don't care who was with my daughter last!". We have that conversation tape recorded and it has been played to Karin Janssen, who was blown away by that comment. This made sense to Karin. She had a poster to show us which was only seen in Aruba that Beth put up when she first got there. It did not say "MISSING", it said "NATALEE", with a note from her for Natalee to call her. If your child was really missing wouldn't you make a poster saying "please anyone if you have seen this girl please call the police?" Reporters told us of a statement that Beth gave on the Aruba TV where Beth was saying, "Natalee please call me we can work out our problems." No one in America saw that.

There is also a tape of Natalee and a guy named Michael at the Windam Hotel buying a necklace and having an argument day's, maybe weeks, after she had allegedly gone missing. All the while the country is spending money searching for her. The guy named Michael on the video tape, was a bouncer and Carlos and Charlies. He was tortured, murdered, and his body burnt the week of April 3rd while we were in Aruba. That story did not come to America either. We also know that Natalee called Beth about fifteen day's after her being "missing" from Michael's cell phone telling Beth again to go home, and that Natalee was not going with her.

We gave the names of many people that Natalee hung out with and partied with during her last weeks alive , we also told them of a guy named scooby that if they would bring in would talk and all names were validated by everyone that we talked to. .We took the police right to the spot where her body was at the other end of the island and Dennis Jacobs was going to send a team out the following morning with dogs? No one killed her. She died of an over dose and we know the house that she was in when she died and also, that she was buried and reburied.(does a CBS 48 hour story sound a little similar?) There are many people who were with her and saw her on the island. No one has come forward because of the fear of the drug issue. It is so much easier to let Joran take the blame, since people saw her leave with him and the other boys.

We were told by the Police about a bar bill of $16,000 that was drunk by Beth and her friends as they stayed for free at the Holiday Inn because the hotel felt so bad for her missing daughter. DOES THAT SOUND A LITTLE OUT OF CHARACTER FOR A MOTHER DISTRAUGHT LOOKING FOR HER DAUGHTER? The same story played out at the Windam Hotel as well, and this was confirmed by many other locals on the island that Beth and her friend's acting like they were on vacation.

In America it seems to be that about 9 out of 10 times when a child is missing or murdered, the first place the police looks at is the family. Since this took place in a foreign country, Aruba opened their hearts and spent so much time and money searching for a missing girl, who just ran away from a dark secret she had been hiding, and wanted to get away from. It is too bad that no one thought to check if there were any family problems in the Twitty household, because you just never know what goes on behind closed doors. We have so much more information, and our story was posted in the Bondia news paper on April 10Th. It was supposed to be in the Aruba Today in English the following day, but did not happen. Here is the link to that article.( )

All of the above information that I stated is the absolute truth and can be proven. why eles would two people be able to travel to Aruba give names of people that they have never met? and then with all the information that was given to them all, Karin Janssen, Dennis Jacobs, Eric Soemers, and other Police officers and lead reporters on the case, why would Karin Janssen 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 16, 2008, 09:54:08 PM
joran will implode again

i bet the K2 brothers are laughing at JORAN as we speak

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 09:56:16 PM
Private Eye - you're getting pretty good at this copy and paste stuff  :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 09:56:33 PM
Anyone have an address where they live in Arkansas?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 09:57:20 PM
Private Eye - you're getting pretty good at this copy and paste stuff  :lol:

Only when I am p*ssed:))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 09:57:30 PM
joran will implode again

i bet the K2 brothers are laughing at JORAN as we speak

I'd have to agree with you there  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 09:58:22 PM
Hiya Monkeys

I find it strange this Kelly Castillo & Daniel Young profess to be friends of the slootytoots.
Remember the letter Paulus claimed he got from Natalee? It was mailed from Arkansas, well Kelly Castillo is from Arkansas. Things that make you go hhmmmm
On the Aruba front itself, we have a revelation from MF over at the Freedom Blog that a Kelly Castillo of Arkansas and a friend visited Police Chief Dompig and declared that Natalee was alive on the island of Aruba a few days after Beth and her posse landed. Natalee refused to go back to Alabama, because of the abuse that she suffered there. Although this declaration reads a little suspicious, it does conform to revelations in Natalee's alleged pregnancy letter that coincidentally was postmarked form Arkansas. Interestingly, Kelly Castillo's declaration resembles the suspicions of Aruban Detective Nicholaas' hunches, aired in the first few days of the investigation.

I do hope someone has forwarded this to the U.S. Postal Inspectors, the ones who brought down Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid in the remote mountains of Bolivia without regard for international borders or national sovereignty issues.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 09:58:55 PM
There is also a tape of Natalee and a guy named Michael at the Windam Hotel buying a necklace and having an argument day's, maybe weeks, after she had allegedly gone missing. All the while the country is spending money searching for her. The guy named Michael on the video tape, was a bouncer and Carlos and Charlies. He was tortured, murdered, and his body burnt the week of April 3rd while we were in Aruba. That story did not come to America either. We also know that Natalee called Beth about fifteen day's after her being "missing" from Michael's cell phone telling Beth again to go home, and that Natalee was not going with her.
Interesting that today he said he was murdered and it was because of Natalee. We know Aruba ruled that a suicide,makes me wonder WTH Pitbull got himself into and how many other murders were ruled suicides in Aruba. Why was Pitbull murdered? If Edward Croes witnessed this Murder why was no one ever convicted of Murder? What about the TV Reporter/Producer and her camerman/friend that were both hung about 2 weeks apart? The TV reporter's Family swears she would never ever do that. The Family was told they would get the file of the deceased when they arrived in Aruba..Instead the cop called in sick the entire week and they went home with nothing but a stupid poem that had nothing to do with anything.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 09:58:56 PM
Anyone have an address where they live in Arkansas?

123 psychic trailor trash
youdontwanttolivethere, AR

Edited to add:  I have nothing against AR, just saying wherever these two live we probably wouldn't want to.  :wink:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: private eye on January 16, 2008, 10:00:05 PM

He is a fool to think he can get away with this crap, and ugly as sin to boot. No wonder he had to kidnap and enslave three girls for sex. His mother had to tie pork chops around his neck to make his dog like him.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZLady on January 16, 2008, 10:01:30 PM
All this posturing and interviewing and radio talking is just a bid for attention.  Poor, crazed, attention-craving sub-humans rallying around Anita and Paulus to defend their murderous, deviant son.  Would serve them right if Joran went off on one of them and slammed his ham-like fist into the side of the idiot's head.  I'm sure Anita would be fluttering around, excusing Joran as he didn't really mean it as he's such a "good boy."  Anyone who cannot see what a maladjusted, deviant, murdering monster Joran is must be living in another reality!  And, creating all this lying blather about Natalee being pregnant and running away, for God's sake, is just a desperate clutch to change what is rapidly dawning on them as REALITY!  Wake up, people!  He's a degenerate goon who would just as soon take a swing at you as speak to you!  Joran and his mother and father have serious mental problems that are making them desperate to change the reality that is closing in on them.  This is so obvious that it may as well be a neon sign over the beaches of Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 10:02:38 PM
Anyone have an address where they live in Arkansas?

123 psychic trailor trash
youdontwanttolivethere, AR

Edited to add:  I have nothing against AR, just saying wherever these two live we probably wouldn't want to.  :wink:

lol...good one Klaas...they better look out...our Klaas is pissed now!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 16, 2008, 10:04:33 PM
Sure it wasn't "the tape" sent to Jonathan and Medley??

Yes, that is the one.

He mentioned this wasn't about finding Natalee's body,this was about clearing the names of Joran,Satish and Deepak  :2doh:

The only way they could clear Joran's name is to duct tape his mouth closed and his hands and feet behind his back, then lock him in a closet for the rest of his life (and hope the UFO's don't let him out.) 

Joran is his own worst advocate.  He is a disaster waiting to happen.  Behavior therapy works, but his family is too busy scooping up after him to take him for help.  What are you waiting for?  Stop putting a bandaid on things, get him the proper help before the next tragedy happens. 

You have other children to think about.  He already offed the dog, can you honestly say your other kids (or their future children) are safe.  If you don't do it for Joran, do it for your own mental health as well as your family's.  He is crying out for help, help him for God's sake.  PLEASE!  

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 10:06:02 PM

He is a fool to think he can get away with this crap, and ugly as sin to boot. No wonder he had to kidnap and enslave three girls for sex. His mother had to tie pork chops around his neck to make his dog like him.

The dog he killed?  No wonder for who would like somebody who shoots you with paint ball guns at close enough range to kill?

Yes, this must be an attempt to counter Joran flinging poo wine at DeVries and the appearance on Oprah.

All we have is the word of MF that Rudy Croes verified or validated this or whatever they are claiming that he did?  Should be big press release published somewhere if this is true. 

Any links to Rudy's presser about these revelations and the reopening of the investigation and all those alleged claims of his support for these crackpots?

Guess I just want to get him in writing on this as we have had so many things retracted and redacted and just plain denied within hours.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 10:06:14 PM
well...they had to do SOMETHING!!!...Oprah is broadcast in Aruba. So this is the best they could come up with...and they call ME loulou and some sites :roll: I would say thats about as certifiable as you can get!!!!

They may have stabbed themselves in their own foot though...if you are going to reopen a case...maybe it should be the murder eerrr "suicide" of Pitbull. They have some information alright!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 10:06:36 PM
All this posturing and interviewing and radio talking is just a bid for attention.  Poor, crazed, attention-craving sub-humans rallying around Anita and Paulus to defend their murderous, deviant son.  Would serve them right if Joran went off on one of them and slammed his ham-like fist into the side of the idiot's head.  I'm sure Anita would be fluttering around, excusing Joran as he didn't really mean it as he's such a "good boy."  Anyone who cannot see what a maladjusted, deviant, murdering monster Joran is must be living in another reality!  And, creating all this lying blather about Natalee being pregnant and running away, for God's sake, is just a desperate clutch to change what is rapidly dawning on them as REALITY!  Wake up, people!  He's a degenerate goon who would just as soon take a swing at you as speak to you!  Joran and his mother and father have serious mental problems that are making them desperate to change the reality that is closing in on them.  This is so obvious that it may as well be a neon sign over the beaches of Aruba.

Well, part of me hopes the Sloots are actually paying for this PR advise and it's not just the "friends and wine" gathering/planning.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZLady on January 16, 2008, 10:07:00 PM
Anita and Paulus might very well be afraid of Joran.  Would you want to live in the same household with him?  I would not sleep at night.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 10:07:11 PM
well...they had to do SOMETHING!!!...Oprah is broadcast in Aruba. So this is the best they could come up with...and they call ME loulou and some sites :roll: I would say thats about as certifiable as you can get!!!!

They may have stabbed themselves in their own foot though...if you are going to reopen a case...maybe it should be the murder eerrr "suicide" of Pitbull. They have some information alright!!!

oops,,,call me loulou AT some sites

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 10:07:57 PM
Has anyone posted the Oprah link on 24 ora?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 10:07:57 PM
Anita and Paulus might very well be afraid of Joran.  Would you want to live in the same household with him?  I would not sleep at night.

aaahhhh least not with my eyes closed anyway!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tylergal on January 16, 2008, 10:08:00 PM
If you notice...everything the nutcase was saying on the tape
was the same stuff that Renfro and the other crones have
been saying since the beginning.  Psychic, my foot.
Patsy for Renfro and company is more like it.

Do a way-back google on them and find that they have rarely been right and the reason they are no more well known today than they were years ago when they began this skimming scan.  Only Renfro and her criminal friends who pay someone like that to tell lies for them that benefits the lowest common denominator of human society.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Helen Back on January 16, 2008, 10:08:23 PM
joran will implode again

i bet the K2 brothers are laughing at JORAN as we speak

I'd have to agree with you there  :wink:

 :lol:I'm laughing.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: AZLady on January 16, 2008, 10:10:19 PM
You know, the crackpots always crawl out just before the news breaks.  I'm waiting...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Blue Moon on January 16, 2008, 10:11:16 PM
Hiya Monkeys

I find it strange this Kelly Castillo & Daniel Young profess to be friends of the slootytoots.
Remember the letter Paulus claimed he got from Natalee? It was mailed from Arkansas, well Kelly Castillo is from Arkansas. Things that make you go hhmmmm
On the Aruba front itself, we have a revelation from MF over at the Freedom Blog that a Kelly Castillo of Arkansas and a friend visited Police Chief Dompig and declared that Natalee was alive on the island of Aruba a few days after Beth and her posse landed. Natalee refused to go back to Alabama, because of the abuse that she suffered there. Although this declaration reads a little suspicious, it does conform to revelations in Natalee's alleged pregnancy letter that coincidentally was postmarked form Arkansas. Interestingly, Kelly Castillo's declaration resembles the suspicions of Aruban Detective Nicholaas' hunches, aired in the first few days of the investigation.

Can these two people be sued and taken in when they return to the U.S.?  Did I hear them right they are visiting Aruba on their own dime?  Yea, right.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 10:11:41 PM
Anita and Paulus might very well be afraid of Joran.  Would you want to live in the same household with him?  I would not sleep at night.

I have thought this several times lately after watching his glaring at his mother when he was not glaring at deVries.  No wonder they put him in the shed out back.  Maybe the reason the judge didn't order search of the main house is because they lock Joran out at night in order to be able to close their eyes.

For sure I would not want to live in the same house with him either but then neither did the rest of the Sloots.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: robots on January 16, 2008, 10:14:28 PM
you know, when you look for pictures of people at other places than aruba
where they go for the warm weather the beaches are pretty busy with people ACTUALLY at the beach 

i dont care what aruba says.........
tourism is in the toilet

it is after all referred to as TOILET ISLAND

there is no one on the beaches
 :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 10:16:25 PM
Think of how much time and money could have been saved....not to mention future tourists dollars... by giving the case to the world renown FBI.  The police wouldn't have even had to protest overtime.  There would have been money to staff the red cross. You know the FBI that many countries would welcome the help from.  The FBI that Aruba and other countries send police to train.

They give their time and airtime to the psychics and the reporters with an agenda.  Go figure. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Blue Moon on January 16, 2008, 10:16:26 PM

Kelly Castillo, 2005

Why does this not surprise me that Medley was involved in this?  Wasn't she from Arkansas also?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: yapperz1 on January 16, 2008, 10:17:15 PM
MeddlingRelay is from Pa   :roll:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 10:18:22 PM
I fail to see any importance in any statement Beth may have made in regards to wanting her daugher's remains returned to her as having any significance other than just that.

"Juggs" as these latest goons are calling him said in TV interveiews fairly early on, after watching his wife be tortured by these people, that they didn't care what Aruba did, just give them their daughter back and they would leave.

So what is so shocking that Beth might have said the very same thing?  I find that completely understandable once they knew the games that were being played on them.

Would have felt the same way I am sure, give me my child back and I will leave!  And same as Red on MB kids staying.  Why?  So they could make some more of them disappear?  Several of those kids have some very wealthy relatives and have been warned about kidnapping for ransome, etc.  Some have families with businesses in S. America that have had executives kidnapped, etc.  The only rational thing to do was to get them the heck out of there before something happened to more of them.

Guess these creeps thought they could all just hang out in the airport or hotel lobby with no rooms, tickets home expired while they invented wild stories to deflect from their habitual drugging and raping of the tourist girls.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 16, 2008, 10:19:45 PM
What these a-holes don't realize, is they keep drawing negative attention to Aruba by allowing two quack "mediums" to cause them to re-open the case because of their "breaking news". REOPEN the case PLEASE!!!!! ya dip shits!!!! then REARREST j2k and let justice be given to Natalee!!!

Mediums, they aren't medium. they are burnt to a crisp.  Time to take these guys out of the sun.   :-x

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Buckeye on January 16, 2008, 10:20:13 PM
you know, when you look for pictures of people at other places than aruba
where they go for the warm weather the beaches are pretty busy with people ACTUALLY at the beach 

i dont care what aruba says.........
tourism is in the toilet

it is after all referred to as TOILET ISLAND

there is no one on the beaches
 :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Nobody at the radisson bar either.  Another webcam...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 10:21:00 PM
Remember these two "evil mediums" stated today that Renfro was involved in another part of the cover up. Will the evil doer's start to fight each other? WIll Renfro be the next to be hung with one hand in her pocket?

From RU
Glenda  Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:46 am
Bottom Line about kelly and Daniel... their story was straight off the monkey board... Except they twited it to Win over the van der Sloots and the local media with a negative story about Beth - it didn't work.   

she should let her (ex) friend anita listen to it.

I don't know that they are (ex) friends. I doubt it. Even so, Jan received a copy of the tape as well as Anita, Greta, Dilma, Tito, Julia and who knows who else... Jan and Roger were asked to feed the tape online at Scrux. The decided not to do it because 1. It was a secret taping of Beth and 2. Although Beth said she didn't care who was the last to have been with Natalee.... The tape in it's entire context is not proving anything other than an Illegal taping. Don't we remember that Beth put a copywrite on her words... Jejeje.... That's why she couldn't speak at that bar she was at where she sold her signature on a missing poster.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:13 am
I forgot, the first to receive it was KJ!!! Who was so shocked that she (according to K & D) told them they could leave the island with any of their investigation.
So they hid their notebooks and asked others to smuggle them out for them.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:52 am

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 16, 2008, 10:22:11 PM
nobody knows who they are, but they have good reputations?  looks like rudy's going to have some company when he "goes away".

Is their other job driving taxis in Aruba?   :roll:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 10:22:16 PM

The only way they could clear Joran's name is to duct tape his mouth closed and his hands and feet behind his back, then lock him in a closet for the rest of his life (and hope the UFO's don't let him out.) 

Joran is his own worst advocate.  He is a disaster waiting to happen.  Behavior therapy works, but his family is too busy scooping up after him to take him for help.  What are you waiting for?  Stop putting a bandaid on things, get him the proper help before the next tragedy happens. 

You have other children to think about.  He already offed the dog, can you honestly say your other kids (or their future children) are safe.  If you don't do it for Joran, do it for your own mental health as well as your family's.  He is crying out for help, help him for God's sake.  PLEASE!  

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: yapperz1 on January 16, 2008, 10:23:45 PM
The only thing I agree with these 2 so called psychics about is the fact that Renho has a part in all this crap. MOO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 16, 2008, 10:24:55 PM
Just when you think these moronic idiots have hit rock bottom and come up with the most ridiculous story anyone could possibly swollow ................... they "TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES"!!! (hat tip to Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne from "Dumb and Dumber")

By the way.... wasn't it the "mental giant"  "Henry? Harry? Tho" that orinally tried to spout this??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 10:25:12 PM
Hiya Monkeys

I find it strange this Kelly Castillo & Daniel Young profess to be friends of the slootytoots.

Remember the letter Paulus claimed he got from Natalee? It was mailed from Arkansas, well Kelly Castillo is from Arkansas. Things that make you go hhmmmm
On the Aruba front itself, we have a revelation from MF over at the Freedom Blog that a Kelly Castillo of Arkansas and a friend visited Police Chief Dompig and declared that Natalee was alive on the island of Aruba a few days after Beth and her posse landed. Natalee refused to go back to Alabama, because of the abuse that she suffered there. Although this declaration reads a little suspicious, it does conform to revelations in Natalee's alleged pregnancy letter that coincidentally was postmarked form Arkansas. Interestingly, Kelly Castillo's declaration resembles the suspicions of Aruban Detective Nicholaas' hunches, aired in the first few days of the investigation.

Yapper ... that was a great catch!!!



August 1, 2005

To whom it may concern,

The problems for the people of Aruba has gone on long enough.

Natalee is alive, well and safe from Jug. We are staying with my family where Mrs. Holloway cannot find her and she is protected from Jug's sexual advances.

First Natalee and I would like to apologize to the people of Aruba for the troubles that they have endured, we did not believe that Mrs. Holloway and her husband would carry things this far just to get attention for themselves.

We sent a letter to Mrs. Holloway before leaving to explain what we were doing and why.

We believe that she must have received the letter shortly before Natalee was reported as missing since she made such a quick trip to Aruba and started looking for some one to blame right away, to take the responsibility away from Jug.

We are certain that you will understand why Natalee had to do this when Mrs. Holloway and Jug finally admit to truth and allow it to come out to the public.

We are requesting that the reward for Natalee's safe return be given to the people of Aruba when Natalee comes back. But several things will need to take place and change before that happens.

We had this planned for several weeks, but did not believe it would work this well.

It most likely would not have if the boys had not mistakenly claimed that they had picked Natalee up in the morning of her disappearance and Mrs. Holloway had not jumped on too that and held on like a bulldog, sending the police and other search teams off in the wrong direction.

Natalee got into a car with me and the two persons that aided us in getting off Aruba after leaving Carlos and Charlie's. We apparently succeeded in not being seen together before we left, although we were seeing each other almost every day to complete our plans and make final preparations.

Natalee did not want to spoil the trip for the rest of her classmates by leaving any sooner although we were ready earlier.

You can try to locate us if you want. But we are sending these letters through five different friends in different areas in sealed, preaddressed and prepaid packages with instructions for each to send the next package of envelopes to the next person, so only the first person will know where the original was mailed from and no one will know if he/she was the first. The final person will then send the individual letters to Aruba, Holland and the United States.

Since three persons have suffered the most at the hands of Mrs. Holloway and her husband we want to reward the information of Natalee's location to go to these persons.

Joran and the two other boys made a mistake by saying that Natalee was the person that they were with. At the time that they were describing as being with Natalee we were completely off Aruba and on our way home, although their mistaken identity and Mrs. Holoway and her husband's persecution of innocent boys definitely helped as we were held up for eighteen days trying to get out of the country we went to, we were afraid that we would be found at any time.

Except for Mrs. Holloway's persistence to cover the fact that Natalee had left on her own that led the police in the wrong direction the police would have been able to find when, where and how we left Aruba and we would have most likely been located before we got back into the United States, and then to our present location.

We were very glad to see that two of the boys were released and hope that the third boy will be released soon.

If any of the reports of statements alleged to have been made by Joran are true Aruba has a problem with Joran but it does not involve Natalee.

If you will pay attention to Natalee's friends and classmates you might get the message that Joran and the two other boys are not involved in Natalee's disappearance. In every interview that they have taken part in they have all said that they have not seen Natalee and Joran together, only that Natalee left in a car with three persons.

Please advise if these conditions are acceptable to Mrs. Holloway and her husband.

When Natalee is ready to let you know where she is we will send another letter, although is will most likely be after she delivers what she believes to be Jug's baby by rape.

The baby is due in mid December. Natalee is doing well and has a good doctor.

To assure authenticity you will find Natalee's finger prints and a sample of her DNA on some if not all of the twenty letters we sent. We know for certain that the letters to the police labs in the United States and Holland contain these items.

David & Natalee

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 10:26:10 PM
What these a-holes don't realize, is they keep drawing negative attention to Aruba by allowing two quack "mediums" to cause them to re-open the case because of their "breaking news". REOPEN the case PLEASE!!!!! ya dip shits!!!! then REARREST j2k and let justice be given to Natalee!!!

Mediums, they aren't medium. they are burnt to a crisp.  Time to take these guys out of the sun.   :-x


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 10:26:19 PM
you know, when you look for pictures of people at other places than aruba
where they go for the warm weather the beaches are pretty busy with people ACTUALLY at the beach 

i dont care what aruba says.........
tourism is in the toilet

it is after all referred to as TOILET ISLAND

there is no one on the beaches
 :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

But--but tourism is 'way up!!!  AHATA says so!  Oh, that's right!  You don't have to have real, actual live tourists to launder money, only the accommodations for them.  Just deposit the dirty money just as though there were real tourists and voilŕ, clean money!

Of course, it's always best to launder money in cash concerns.  Like casinos.  Was done in this country using Pizza Parlors.  Think how much more could go through casinos.

Who need real tourists when fake ones are working so well for the few in on the scam.  And to heck with those actually dependent on tips, etc.  I wonder what the going commission rate is to launder money.  10% maybe?  Not bad for doing nothing other than making bank deposits for drug lords all over South America.  Not to mention the North Koreans and other global pariahs.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: ldstlou on January 16, 2008, 10:30:00 PM
well night sweet Monkeys.
These creeps did this crap to try and divert attention away from didn't work.
I will go to bed tonight thinking about how wonderfully Beth did today, what a great Mother she is, what a great guy Matt is, and I will say my prayers for her continued strength on this very long and painful journey she now travels.
Sweet Dreams Monkeys!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 10:33:26 PM
The only thing I agree with these 2 so called psychics about is the fact that Renho has a part in all this crap. MOO

.... as well as Paulus, Anita and Joran van der Sloot.



January 11, 2008

Paul: What stands out is, there is no profile of the girl, what kind of girl was she, who where her contacts, something very simple, the computer of the girl has never been researched, I nowhere saw the family of the girl has been investigated, her friends. Where you really have to start the investigation, is with the people closest to the girl, and really after 10 million dollars, that has not happened.  

Host + de vries: No, you start with the person who was last seen with that person. What could have been found if you had started with this?

Anita: We know that people have been seen on the beach. We know that the electronic swipe card from the hotel has been used, within a time frame she could have walked, we know that the card has been used 3 times. We know that security guards where in the neighborhood. It looks like she could have used the card, to get into the room.

(De Vries: other people could have used that card)

Joran: her room was on the ground floor.

Anita: You can walk straight from the beach to her room. There are about 7 or 8 statements. That witnesses have seen her walking.

Host: Someone from a gas station says: I saw Natalee H. the day after she disappeared with an other man, and later the same man came back without the girl. Has there not been a good investigation?

Paul and Anita both: No.

Paul: There is a video, and people are stating that Natalee is in there, after she disappeared. We have asked to see the video, but we never saw it.  

Anita: The video from the HI, yes.The hall from the HI. The poster we just saw from the missed, (They showed the missing poster on tv), There are several versions of a poster. Beth H came with her family to my school. This is 48 hours later, yes. She was on on the island very quickly, which I would do also, she came inside the school, she brought with her the "kidnapped: poster. but there is an other poster with "Hootie call big hootie". Then you think: Oh this girl has run away. She also hung posters in the school with: kidnapped by Joran vander Sloot, within a very short period of time. I thought, you can't do this, this is strange. I had, and still have the feeling that there is more. Behind all this is a different story, not behind Joran, but on the other side.  I would like to see this investigated.  

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 10:35:29 PM
Email sent out on June 9th 2005 by Edmond Croes of top Radio 95 and told to distribute to every website so Arubans can fight back. Also the same day JK2 were arrested.
(Papi Translation)

06-09-2005 12:56 pm
hello arubianonan, you can follow the self desaroyo, but tra precupami the criticanan of certain American upstairs aruba. I am suggested among follow you for another, read the commentsnan try and form good at defence for aruba. We trahando is hard at aruba for fight back, all will criticizes cu can perhudica aruba. You aid is necessary. If you have another website where have forums, please inform. Upstairs they lastra aruba! Y is we have to take accion y we defends self against atakenan infunda. Cualkier informacion, tips, the.d. In my mail: please fordward this for all aruban in you list. Bye.

Edmond croes top radio 95 fm mail: or one acusacion false and infunda of cnn: aruba is one country of prostitucion and drugs. Aruba is exports prostitute for the netherlands and Europe. Well at the netherlands we have bad name finish om come across, or do you bisanan cu are you one aruban they stay look at the meno wtf you, the person of europe person is very self pendew om aworaki they hariendu we of about owing to happen cu nathalee aino hand already but life goes on: aruba:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 10:38:02 PM
But we know Julia made the Big Hootie poster, not Beth.

Is that the one where she put her own cell phone number, Julia, or was that a later one?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 16, 2008, 10:39:54 PM
Just posting this to have a history trail.  From RU again.

BhamMom  PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:29 pm         

April 10, 2006
HarryTho 4/10 Natalee Holloway Commentary

Topics: Natalee Holloway

On the Aruba front itself, we have a revelation from MF over at the Freedom Blog that a Kelly Castillo of Arkansas and a friend visited Police Chief Dompig and declared that Natalee was alive on the island of Aruba a few days after Beth and her posse landed. Natalee refused to go back to Alabama, because of the abuse that she suffered there. Although this declaration reads a little suspicious, it does conform to revelations in Natalee's alleged pregnancy letter that coincidentally was postmarked form Arkansas. Interestingly, Kelly Castillo's declaration resembles the suspicions of Aruban Detective Nicholaas' hunches, aired in the first few days of the investigation.

This does not make sense.  Natalee was about to go away to college so she wouldn't be home much longer anyway.  Natalee has a good brain, worked hard her whole life and she was about to attain the thing she was excited about--going to college.  They are trying to tell me that instead of going back to that, Natalee, a very social person, was about to leave all of her friends and go out alone?  Look at her happy face when she is with her friends.  Leave them?  No way!! 

At 18 Natalee was an adult and she could have left home any time she wanted.  She wasn't stuck at home, she chose to be there.  Unlike Joran who chose to leave home while still a child and live in an apartment--on the family property, yes, but away from his family nevertheless.

It is incomprehensible to me that these pro-Joran people add 2+2 and still come up with anything but 4.  Wasn't Anita a teacher on this island?  Did they miss their math lessons while they were out carousing?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 10:41:16 PM
Hi guys!  :2waver: I saw most of Beth today on Oprah and was glad she did the show. I do wish Oprah had shown the wine throw clip, but it was a good thing that Beth was on the show. I'm going to catch up, so I'll be back shortly!


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: snoopy on January 16, 2008, 10:43:36 PM

What a bunch of gutless wonders.  They never did care about Natalee. 
All they have ever cared about was their money.  They make me sick.  And Anita knows damn good and well that Renho advised Beth or made the "call Hootie" posters.  Renho's been up to her neck in this since near day one.  I'd like to slap her silly.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Tamikosmom on January 16, 2008, 10:43:54 PM
But we know Julia made the Big Hootie poster, not Beth.

Is that the one where she put her own cell phone number, Julia, or was that a later one?

If Beth says it ... it must be so.



The Birmingham Meeting
October 28, 2006

Questions and Answers

20. The "Call me Hootie" poster... what is the explanation of that?

BETH:  This poster is the first that was distributed in Aruba. The Kidnapped posters that were made up to be put up were not allowed to be used. The Call me Hootie poster idea came from Julia Renfro.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: snoopy on January 16, 2008, 10:44:14 PM
But we know Julia made the Big Hootie poster, not Beth.

Is that the one where she put her own cell phone number, Julia, or was that a later one?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 10:47:41 PM
But we know Julia made the Big Hootie poster, not Beth.

Is that the one where she put her own cell phone number, Julia, or was that a later one?

I wonder if that's why Glenda and Siddalee are saying this story from Kelly and Castillo is BS?  Maybe to cover Renfo's ass about that first poster?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 10:48:13 PM
Just when you think these moronic idiots have hit rock bottom and come up with the most ridiculous story anyone could possibly swollow ................... they "TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES"!!! (hat tip to Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne from "Dumb and Dumber")

By the way.... wasn't it the "mental giant"  "Henry? Harry? Tho" that orinally tried to spout this??

There was a poster at RWV long ago named Harry that I always assumed was Harry Tho.  He claimed to be able to tell from looking at photos of Natalee in the slenderizing black dress versus the island photo of her taken wearing her clothing over her swim suit.  Anyway, he could just tell she was pregnant from the photos.

He further speculated that she could not get an abortion in a "Red" State like Alabama thus revealing his politics.  I explained to him just how easily one could in fact obtain an abortion in ANY state and of course, he cast aspersions as to how I would know such a thing.  Guess he never heard of nurses and so assumes the worst of all females.

Anyway, he was making this ludicrous accusation during the Eric Rudolph arrest and trial if you will recall and Rudolph was tried and convicted for blowing up the Abortion Clinic in Birmingham just to show the level of total isolation from the real world some of these characters really are.  Ignorant doesn't even begin to cover it.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 10:50:28 PM
But we know Julia made the Big Hootie poster, not Beth.

Is that the one where she put her own cell phone number, Julia, or was that a later one?

I wonder if that's why Glenda and Siddalee are saying this story from Kelly and Castillo is BS?  Maybe to cover Renfo's ass about that first poster?

Glenda wrote:
Bottom Line about kelly and Daniel... their story was straight off the monkey board... Except they twited it to Win over the van der Sloots and the local media with a negative story about Beth - it didn't work.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: wreck on January 16, 2008, 10:54:08 PM
Just when you think these moronic idiots have hit rock bottom and come up with the most ridiculous story anyone could possibly swollow ................... they "TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES"!!! (hat tip to Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne from "Dumb and Dumber")

By the way.... wasn't it the "mental giant"  "Henry? Harry? Tho" that orinally tried to spout this??

There was a poster at RWV long ago named Harry that I always assumed was Harry Tho.  He claimed to be able to tell from looking at photos of Natalee in the slenderizing black dress versus the island photo of her taken wearing her clothing over her swim suit.  Anyway, he could just tell she was pregnant from the photos.

He further speculated that she could not get an abortion in a "Red" State like Alabama thus revealing his politics.  I explained to him just how easily one could in fact obtain an abortion in ANY state and of course, he cast aspersions as to how I would know such a thing.  Guess he never heard of nurses and so assumes the worst of all females.

Anyway, he was making this ludicrous accusation during the Eric Rudolph arrest and trial if you will recall and Rudolph was tried and convicted for blowing up the Abortion Clinic in Birmingham just to show the level of total isolation from the real world some of these characters really are.  Ignorant doesn't even begin to cover it.

Ah yes, HARRY Tho who divined Natalee was pregnant from her Prom dress!!!! Brilliant!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Lala'sMom on January 16, 2008, 10:54:52 PM
Anita and Paulus might very well be afraid of Joran.  Would you want to live in the same household with him?  I would not sleep at night.

I have thought this several times lately after watching his glaring at his mother when he was not glaring at deVries.  No wonder they put him in the shed out back.  Maybe the reason the judge didn't order search of the main house is because they lock Joran out at night in order to be able to close their eyes.

For sure I would not want to live in the same house with him either but then neither did the rest of the Sloots.

Good one! :lol:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 10:56:23 PM
OMG! Maybe I don't want to catch up! You've GOT to be kidding me!

FIRST..........if psychics could "conjure" up anything that remotely resembles what they claim, then why haven't they located Natalee? Talk about a claim to fame, that would do it!

SECOND.......Natalee's cell phone did not have international calling, a fact that Beth sorely regrets and is one of the things she always talks about when she addresses a group. Natalee did not call Beth.

THIRD.......None of this bunch of asswipes is fit to so much as speak Beth's name. Taking shots at a grieving Mother who has lost her life as she knew it because of what those three SOB's did and, so far, have gotten away with is the epitome of the no class, ignorant, Sloot patsies, they are. Side on up to Joran, he's going to be even more famous before it's over with: just like Jack The Ripper.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Bearlyhere on January 16, 2008, 10:56:39 PM
well...they had to do SOMETHING!!!...Oprah is broadcast in Aruba. So this is the best they could come up with...and they call ME loulou and some sites :roll: I would say thats about as certifiable as you can get!!!!

They may have stabbed themselves in their own foot though...if you are going to reopen a case...maybe it should be the murder eerrr "suicide" of Pitbull. They have some information alright!!!

It is very dangerous to stab yourself in your foot when your foot is usually in your mouth.    

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Magnolia on January 16, 2008, 10:57:19 PM
But we know Julia made the Big Hootie poster, not Beth.

Is that the one where she put her own cell phone number, Julia, or was that a later one?

Julia made the Hootie poster and put her and Angela's cell number on it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 10:58:23 PM
But we know Julia made the Big Hootie poster, not Beth.

Is that the one where she put her own cell phone number, Julia, or was that a later one?

I wonder if that's why Glenda and Siddalee are saying this story from Kelly and Castillo is BS?  Maybe to cover Renfo's ass about that first poster?

Glenda wrote:
Bottom Line about kelly and Daniel... their story was straight off the monkey board... Except they twited it to Win over the van der Sloots and the local media with a negative story about Beth - it didn't work.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Anna on January 16, 2008, 10:59:06 PM
I wondered why on earth Paulus would be conradicting the Prosecution and ALE by saying Natalee was still alive in the poo wine throwing interview and guess now we know.  He and Anita had been hard at work with these two OTHER kooks cooking this up.

Well, sorry but there is nothing there.  Who are these people who housed Natalee?  Why would she have all those big plans for school if in fact all she wanted to do was hang out with a bunch of losers and do drugs?  Not everybody has an addictive personality like Joran.  Lots of kids are just plain not interested, hard as that is for some of these ghouls to comprehend. 

Aruba's fake beaches are pretty but not any prettier than the ones at Gulf Shores very near Natalee's home had she desired the life of a beach bum, she could have had that long before this trip.

Yes, I am afraid this is "fighting back" Aruba style and this is just more disinformation the same as was put out from Day 1 that Natalee was missing.  This time, the Sloots are behind it.

They are doubly desperate since Joran showed his rear end to the whole world.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: Observer on January 16, 2008, 10:59:48 PM
Nice catch Yapp  :wink: Which friend of Anita sent that bogus letter to the sloots Medley or Kelly Castillo?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: klaasend on January 16, 2008, 11:00:12 PM

Please move to NCD #713

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #712 1/12
Post by: crazybabyborg on January 16, 2008, 11:01:15 PM
That calendar Natalee had with all the things she had to look forward to sure sounded like she was about to run away, didn't it? Hell, if Natalee WAS looking forward to leaving home (and she wasn't in any way other than normal anticipation and excitement of college life), she was about to do just that! She had college with great friends just ahead of her!