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Author Topic: MONKEY MUSINGS DAILY OPEN DISCUSSION #47 7/21/09 - 7/29/09  (Read 404025 times)
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« Reply #880 on: July 22, 2009, 03:42:34 AM »

O.K. which monkey did this?   Monkey Devil!


Store owner: Monkey caught on tape burglarizing business
2 hrs ago
NBC -- It's a crime caught on camera that has the owners of a north Texas business going bananas.
They have security camera video of what appears to be a monkey burglarizing their business.
Ellen Goldberg has more on the bizarre break-in.
"Definitely never been robbed by a monkey before," says store co-owner Jerry Duncan.
Yes, a primate is the prime suspect in the latest break-in at this Richardson, Texas nursery.
"I said no way until I look at it and said this is crazy," said store co-owner Shelley Rosenfeld.
The owners of "Plants and Planters" are convinced that's a monkey in the bottom left hand corner of the security camera tape.
"You can see the back legs the front arms and the white head," observes Duncan.
And with the help of a human accomplice, Shelley Rosenfeld believes the monkey was trained to steal several hundred dollars worth of her merchandise.
"He went out in this section out here and handed plants over the gate," she days.
About 40 plants were missing the next morning. There were also pieces of concrete shattered in the parking lot.
"They need to train him better if he is going to do the big jobs," Duncan adds with a laugh.
For now, Richardson police are stuck with the job of figuring out who or what this is.
"I wouldn't think there would be too many monkeys in this city," Duncan says.

While I was checking that out, I found this.

When will this end?  When will we get tougher laws?  When will we teach our children to kick these perps in the balls and scream at the top of their lungs instead of being afraid?


Man arrested at Wal-Mart showing iPhone porn to child

BRADENTON, FL (WTSP) -- A man has been arrested for allegedly trying to show a pornographic movie on his iPhone to a young girl playing video games at Wal-Mart.

The sheriff's office identifies the suspect as Mehdi Mdalla, 33, of Bradenton.

Investigators say store security saw him approach a young girl several times in the electronics department where she was playing video games. Each time, he allegedly held an iPhone that was clearly showing a pornographic film. The girl gave him little notice and returned to her mother unharmed, the sheriff's office said.

Under questioning by detectives, the sheriff's office said he admitted he was playing a pornographic movie on his iPhone but denied showing it to the girl.

He was charged with Introduction of pornography to a minor.



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« Reply #881 on: July 22, 2009, 03:52:35 AM »

Hi Bearly, I am sitting here, reading back and laughing.  Another crazy night in the cage.  Monkey Devil!

Hugs, Magic 

I cannot take my eyes off your puppy each time you post.  I also love your signature line and think about it often, especially when it seems like no one is listening.

I am glad you laugh with the Musings Gang.  Each person has his/her own contribution to make in our cage.  It is nice that you recognize Musings as a place to go.  I think it is important to laugh and relax your soul after a long day in the cage or even a quick peek at all the tragedy.  It helps some posters come back even when there is no new news, I have been told.

So laugh, get re-charged and live to fight the good fight for another day.



PS  I love MT in case you were wondering, I was j/k her.


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« Reply #882 on: July 22, 2009, 04:09:35 AM »

CBB, something has to be done.  Looking to the government is not the answer.

I know parents of children with special needs who have gone into bankruptcy and lost their homes putting money into educating their children, when the school districts have failed at their job.  These are not isolated incidents where I live, and they are real people.  The government runs our school system.  Are our children well-educated?  Do we really want them playing doctor?  Hell, no! 

I can only imagine the same thing is going to happen if the government takes over health care.  Who are you going to hold responsible for inadequate care?  Yourself?  The government is really nobody, and it is everybody all at the same time.    There is no one to shoulder blame for failure to provide in the government, it is not a responsible party.  What will happen if they give inadequate care?  Will it ruin their reputation?  Whose reputation is that?


Americans forced into bankruptcy as a result of illness

SEATTLE (NBC) -- A big and growing proportion of personal bankruptcies in this country are tied to illness and even those who have insurance are not immune.

Donna Steensland would be the first to tell you she lead a charmed life; first as a flight attendant with homes in Seattle and London.

"It was a glorious job," Steensland said.

She later became a rural postal carrier with a country home.

But her house went into foreclosure when a serious car accident left her unable to work.

"I was doing everything I could to hold onto my home, but I finally hit that brick wall and health wise, it almost killed me," Steensland said.

After a lifetime of working and saving, Steensland was broke. She's far from alone.

"Illness and medical bills are contributing to about two-thirds of all bankruptcies in this country," said Dr. David Himmelstein, Harvard Medical School.

A study in the American Journal of Medicine showed that out of pocket expenses for major illness or accidents--even with insurance--can ruin finances.

For diabetes, injuries, stroke and heart disease, average costs top $20,000.

Experts call it medical bankruptcy; typically, it starts when someone gets sick or injured, which sets off a devastating domino effect. They miss work, lose their job and then their insurance.

It happened to Francine Hobgood. After 25 years behind the counter at some of downtown Seattle's nicest department stores, mounting bills from diabetes left her with a terrible choice: pay rent or buy medicine.

"I was ill and it just snowballed," she said.

Hobgood went through $6,000 in savings and became homeless.

"Well, before these people got sick they were middle-class Americans," Himmelstein said. "They were families who had done everything right that you're supposed to do in America, and yet once they got sick, they were in deep trouble financially."

It took months and the help of the Seattle YWCA to help Hobgood and Steensland to get back on their feet.

"It's what I want people to be aware of: don't think you're immune to this," Steensland said.

Two women with a message that's echoed by experts, that everyone should know the details of their insurance coverage and never assume the worst can't happen to you.


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« Reply #883 on: July 22, 2009, 04:20:41 AM »

Klaas, I  have a suggestion for  Dana on one of his shows.  With so much information (good and bad) on healthcare right now how about Dana putting together a show with Canadian doctors/citizens/etc who can answer some of our questions about how it is handled in Canada.  I would diffenently listen and would submit questions on this subject.  Talking to someone who lives under government healthcare might help the U.S. population.  Just a suggestion.

That's a great idea!  I'll email Dana with your suggestion!

I would love to see a side by side with the way the government supplies 'education' to our children, even though it is the law, they do not do it adequately.  Why don't they work on that and get it right before they start meddling somewhere else?

I am on the educational task force for our state.  The government continually approves suggestions resulting from those meetings, but either does not fund them, or if they do initially, they take the money back and use it to fund something else.  They can pass all the laws they want, but if they do not put the funds behind them, how are they going to enforce the law?

Our education system is not fully funded to comply with the law.  Where are we going to get the money for health care?


There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.
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« Reply #884 on: July 22, 2009, 04:22:39 AM »

No, you have not accidentally stumbled into the political forum.




There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.
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« Reply #885 on: July 22, 2009, 05:56:55 AM »

MT - Make sure you set your recorder this Friday for the Dog Whisperer - This is the repeat episode my Cousin's dog (Titan) is on, and also a Yorkie (Candy) who is very spoiled.


What do you think of this guy?



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Brandi is making sure I get around!

« Reply #886 on: July 22, 2009, 07:14:38 AM »

I want to have enough money and security to never work again. Any ideas??? 

Hi Monkeys!

I swear, maybe there's something to the phenomena of finding an old loaded geezer that you can smile at every once in a while and he'll support you in a comfortable lifestyle!   

Work Sucks!

I'm on a rant here!

I just saw on TV that they estimate 23 billion a year is paid fraudulantly on behalf of Medicare and Medicaid recipients. Even the OIG admits it's primarily to providers who haven't navigated the rules and regulations properly around providing those services to Governmentally insured individuals. GEE! YA THINK? It might have something to do with the THOUSANDS of pages of regulations that change monthly! So, included in the Health Care proposal is 100 million to catch those providers who are just providing Health Care and have either miscoded something, allowed a patient in the waiting room while a provider takes lunch (yeah, that's a rule), has a sign in sheet with anyone elses name on it, is a day late on the required monthly treatment plan, or has a transcription service who gets the transcripts back in 48 hours rather than 24!

I'm serious here: I could provide services for 1/3 the cost if I could simply employ a Board Certified Physician to provide health care to patients, submit the claim, complete with notes if they'd like, and expect payment. I have no problem at all being reviewed for quality of services provided. But, I have compliancy consultants to help me navigate the requirements, accountants to help me structure fee and compensation schedules to meet the rules, employees hired to oversee Physician notes, and staff to keep up with the paperwork. Providers are scared to prescribe pain medications when they are genuinely needed because it's a short path to red flags and it automatically requires random drug screenings and pill counts and that just adds another logistical layer to keep up with. Licensed Psychiatric Professionals must be brought in for counselling if chronic pain is the problem and any kind of long term pain medication is required.

I don't know what else I can do to try to do this right, yet I live in fear for everything I've worked for all my life. Recently, a cardiac group in Nashville was "descended" upon by an outsourced Medicare company to "spot inspect" and they were cited for over a million dollars in payback. All Medicare payments stopped while the group filed an appeal. The issue? Labs were done without a specific written order. All payments for each patient were marked for repayment. The cardiologists were sending the patients to the lab for work and the charts included the presenting problem, complete with references to proposed course of actions based on lab results, the lab results themselves and follow up care based on the lab results, but there wasn't a seperate written order for the labs. The group SPENT over a million dollars on the appeal and won a year later. They had the deep pockets to weather it. I wouldn't. I don't have the money to withstand that kind of assault, and all my personal assets would be subject to seizure for payback. The outsourced companies doing the inspections work on commission, and they have every incentive to find something, anything, that will pay their salaries.

It's wrong. It's just wrong.

OK, thanks for your patience. Rant over.

You are right, CBB!  It is wrong!  It is the little guy who is trying to do his/her best to follow the rules who gets it up the wazoo every time.


I completely agree.
And not just in the Medicare/Caid area - we are a small business. We try very hard, and have for 25 years, to keep up to code and follow the rules. Never fails that when the health inspector comes in she finds some small thing (like no cover on a florescent light in the closet!) to complain about - yet when we go to a chain place like McD they have a ton of obvious violations and nothing is done. Guess money buys power!

We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still. - John Stuart Mill On Liberty, 1859
- George Bernard Shaw
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« Reply #887 on: July 22, 2009, 07:19:55 AM »

Good Morning Bearly.   

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
~ Peter Frampton
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« Reply #888 on: July 22, 2009, 08:49:43 AM »

Good Morning Bearly.   

Good Morning, Slimm!



There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.
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« Reply #889 on: July 22, 2009, 08:54:19 AM »

I think he is adorable! Is he yours?

Through thick and thin, I'll stick with Tim!
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #890 on: July 22, 2009, 08:54:47 AM »

Oh...Good morning all!
(I need more coffee, lol)

Through thick and thin, I'll stick with Tim!
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« Reply #891 on: July 22, 2009, 09:44:08 AM »

Good morning


  " Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."  - Daniel Moynihan
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #892 on: July 22, 2009, 10:01:49 AM »

Morning Muffy Bee,
Thank you for the coffee, lol.

I am have a great day!

I found a lady's family for her last night. I feel so warm and fuzzy. What a great feeling!


This is the seventh person I have found just by using the computer. I love this day and age of technology! At first I was just going to leave her some links and info on how to find her dad, then I became curious and started doing it myself. It didn't take long and it worked!

I feel sooo goooood!

I love computers!


Through thick and thin, I'll stick with Tim!
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #893 on: July 22, 2009, 10:02:45 AM »

I am "have"???

I am having...

More coffee...so excited!

Through thick and thin, I'll stick with Tim!
Former Moderator
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« Reply #894 on: July 22, 2009, 11:14:07 AM »

Morning Muffy Bee,
Thank you for the coffee, lol.

I am have a great day!

I found a lady's family for her last night. I feel so warm and fuzzy. What a great feeling!


This is the seventh person I have found just by using the computer. I love this day and age of technology! At first I was just going to leave her some links and info on how to find her dad, then I became curious and started doing it myself. It didn't take long and it worked!I feel sooo goooood!

I love computers!


That's just great!!  You are using your interest and talent for the good  an angelic monkey

  " Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."  - Daniel Moynihan
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« Reply #895 on: July 22, 2009, 11:56:22 AM »

  Happy Hump Day Monkeys!  
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #896 on: July 22, 2009, 11:56:49 AM »

Update - Jakey (the baby) is not doing well after his shots from yesterday. 

He is a big of a drama king and vet said not to worry!  My daughter and I are basket cases because we are bringing them to the kennel today!   

I spoke to kennel and they said not to worry!

So why am I so nervous and worrying my new red hair grey? 
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #897 on: July 22, 2009, 12:03:12 PM »

  Happy Hump Day Monkeys!  

and don't forget today is also !!

It such a fun day!! 
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #898 on: July 22, 2009, 12:08:23 PM »

Update - Jakey (the baby) is not doing well after his shots from yesterday. 

He is a big of a drama king and vet said not to worry!  My daughter and I are basket cases because we are bringing them to the kennel today!   

I spoke to kennel and they said not to worry!

So why am I so nervous and worrying my new red hair grey

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #899 on: July 22, 2009, 12:09:48 PM »

  Happy Hump Day Monkeys!  

  Oh the thrill of it all    Thank you Jackie!
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