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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #808 3/17/09 - 3/19/09  (Read 230386 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #100 on: March 17, 2009, 01:37:53 PM »

Has any research ever revealed that Persistence endeavor was two-fold ... mapping targets for oil as well as watching for something that could be Natalee Holloway related?  When the unreliable source is considered regarding Jug Twitty's words in an email ... I believe that more proof is required.

Without more proof ... I have come to the conclusion that the search may have started out with honorable intentions but with a PR motive.  However ... at some period of time John silvetti made a pact with the enemy who has denied justice for Natalee Holloway since the getgo.

Maybe that pact was made following the revelation of the images of the December 29th ROV dive by prior to the December 30th visual dive at that meeting on board the Persistence.



Kyle Kingman - I know John went to Aruba solely to find Natalee. He did make several comments about trying to land some work through contacts he met while in Aruba. This alone isn't a conflict of interest, but it tainted his focus in my opinion. I can't blame him for that, but he did take too much focus off the trap too soon. He claims to know a lot more than I do. I agree, but knowing more information from someone I don't trust is dangerous in my opinion. I'd rather know less lies.

Kyle Kingman: The logs are in a safe somewhere. John and Ryan Poff (one of John's project managers) knows where it is. I can't get copies of the logs at this time. Perhaps in a few months. The target locations are in the safe, although I also have them in a safe spot.  I don't care about the other targets though. I don't think any of it is of any potential interest. Mainly junk, coral, and debris.


Kyle Kingman:  On the morning of the 30th we met on board the Persistence with Hans Mos, Richardson, and the rest of the police brass and dive division. I showed them all the 29th dive video and they agreed that it was very suspicion and looked promising. Later that day 30-Dec we conducted the dive with the Aruban divers along with our own Tim Trahan. We discussed ahead of time 1 thumb up means positively human remains, 2 thumbs up... something conclusively identifying Natalee. When Tim T. gives one thumb down, he said that it was inconclusive.

Kyle Kingman: I know Tim believed me and was convinced 100% which is why he went and told Dave that we found Natalee on Dec 29th. John stood back and waited and worked with the Aruban Polis to arrange the next dive -Dec 30th's which was the visual-only dive.
Kyle Kingman: We had an American diver with us on the Dec 30th dive. We were encouraged to do so and invited by the Arubans. I requested all samples to be brought on board the Persistence for visual and top-side photographs. It was ignored by the project lead (John S.) who felt the Arubans would follow whatever they needed to do as far as proper protocol.


Re: Natalee Case Discussion #800 2/11/09 -
« Reply #773 on: February 17, 2009, 05:50:50 PM »

Sat Nov 22, 2008
Here is a snippet from an email I [THE LEAK]rec'd from Lalas.

He is the oil guy. He was the one that provided the cash to get down there. Silvetti knew he would get more business from Schaeffer if he mapped .... while they were looking ... the ocean floor. All the crew was asked to do was look for Natalee or anything suspicious as in small things like a cage or bones or whatever. They do a large mapping process while they are looking for the details. Schaeffer would use the large mapping of the general layout of the ocean floor to further look for oil...etc...while they looked for Natalee too.  Silvetti was the one that offered to look for Natalee and not Schaefer.


You could be right Janet but,There is too much MONEY in OIL down in those parts for them to have gone down there without OIL intentions involved.That is just my opinion.Yes.Proof is where it's at!

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

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« Reply #101 on: March 17, 2009, 01:38:10 PM »

All Dave had to do was to go down and claim the remains!  Caps said so many times!  And in many locations also, unfortunately.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary http://tinyurl.com/2nus7c
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #102 on: March 17, 2009, 01:43:28 PM »

2NJ - That's a great find with Kaplan/Gulmar!

You guys are doing great!      

So..this wasn't what I was looking for, but it's what I've found...I'm highlighting the dates/times and the similarities...

I'm curious what you guys think...I think it's hinky.

Front Page Postings

I. Background - Caps first FP post, he makes this comment on the 12/20 posting for Dana's show.


#14. CapslockWizard on December 21st, 2007 5:30 pm:

I do think that we all got it wrong..
If the Investigators cannot find Nathalie is because they are searching and looking in the wrong places.
If you ask yourself this question: “Where would I hide a body so that nobody will find it?”
The answers are a lot of places can be used, but for a logic thinker there is only one answer.
And form all the articles that I have read, nobody have suggested and even mention this place.
Lets test the Logic:
In Aruba in when someone dies, they can be put to rest in two forms.
1. In the grounds
2. In a Kelder with 4 or 6 rooms constructed out of brick and mortar above ground in public eye site in the cemetary. These Kelders belong to a Family and they buy these plots form the church in the cemetery and build the Kelders on it and leave it open for when the moment arrived you have a place to rest.
Both types of method funerals will take place only in a CEMETARY.
There are a lot of CEMETARY in Aruba and most of them have KELDERS and a lot are left OPEN for when he or she dies will be buried close in the Family plot.
My logic:
The reason that no one can find her is that she must be among all the dead in the cemetery and who is going to search a cemetery for a body where there is already a lot of body in the place.
Logic test: You will never find an open grave in the ground because when someone dies in Aruba and need to be buried in the ground, the Funeral home in charge of the body will give orders to dig a grave for this person in a district in accordance with the family wishes.
To dig a grave 6 feet deep and wide enough for a body will take a lot of time by hand. Beside the ground will look disturb by the cemetery keeper. So I believe that these 4 perps would not have the time to dig a grave.
If you have a dead body on your hand and you need to hide it fast, the only way is to put it in an open Kelder and with only five to 6 bricks and and a bucket of cement and you are done. And if you want to make it look professional, can even give it a coat of paint color white which is the mostly use.
This last process is very easy done with 3 or 4 person.
a. Move dead body to a cemetery,
b. Cemetry door closed, then jump the fence with the body.
c. Inside the cemetery fined an open Kelder or break one open.
d. Put body in it
e. Go and get 6 pieces of bricks or use bricks that are in the cemetery already.
f. Make cement in a bucket
g. Use the bricks to close the small walls of the Kelder.
h. Paint the wall
And you are done.
Now nobody can’t find her because we are looking outside the box, we have been looking too much outside the realm of logic. The Logic is, nobody is going to look in a cemetery and if you are going to search a cemetery, it will be difficult to search without disturbing the graves. And another drawback is that you need permission of the families to open all the Kelders.
And this is my theory on this case and my logic thinking.
SM: Yes, good thinking and I have wondered about that myself. There is a cemetary not far from the Sloot home (klaasend)

#15.  CapslockWizard on December 21st, 2007 6:05 pm:
The Cemetary that are controlled by the churches and supervised are only 2, the one in San Nicholaas and the other is Santa Cruz

II.  This is where it gets hinky. - The next night.  Anonimo - CapsLockWizard


#22  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:17 pm
Ladies and Gentlemen;
I have been looking for some place where I could leave some of my comments without leaving my name. We still have people in Alabama who will burn things down if things don’t go their way.
Without using any four letter words I can assure all of you have some valid points in expressing what you think happened. There are a lot of people out here who feel the same way. There are still a lot of questions which need answering.
I can assure you that the FBI is aware of all your concerns. They are looking at it from every angle. What happened in Aruba was supposed to have stayed in Aruba. Then the cameras showed up! This was when Beth knew they were in trouble. Her words, not mine.
As soon as the FBI can make an Alabama connection the case will become a federal case. You did see how fast the Investigators up here put the finger on those three college boys who burned down those churches didn’t you?
Well, I waited 16 months to find something which I can confide my suspicions in.
There were over a million comments posted on the Internet during this period. I feel that someone with a computer and a little knowledge about the teen who vanished in Aruba will also confide in this web site as long as they can be sure their idenity is safe.
Some other school mates who either saw, or heard, something about what happened down there.
I believe this enough that I am willing to stick my neck out and start posting some of the things I know about the case which have not been brought up on any of those cable news networks.
But first ask your self this question ? why is Beth and Jug no longer together. I, too, have asked that question. I think Jug butted out when Beth went running all over the country promoting this International Safe Travels thing. She lost a lot of her support here.
Some things are a matter of public record. Marrages, divorces, and ownership of property. Do you know what a prenup. is?
The reason why it was kept in Aruba is because as long as it stays down there the FBI can’t toutch it. If a connection with the USA can be made, then it will become a federal case.
The mother took the daughter to some meetings on how to behave in a foreign country. Then she dropped her off at a friend’s house for the flight to Aruba.
Then the socer mom took off with two friends to a lake house in Hot Springs, AK 5 hours north of B’Ham! And for three days no contact with Aruba. Then for 4-5 hours after the teen did not show up for muster the mother gets a call from one of the adults on the trip.
Question. How is it possible that the mom can make the same day flight to Aruba while on the same day the kid was missing? How quick she was to get everything together, travel 5 hour from Hot Spring, pack, make a sign, and flight to Aruba.
Question. When she arrived in Aruba, what Written Sign She was holding in Her Hand?
How did she know she was kiddnaped…?? Answer these questions please.
If the mother had of wanted to lollygag around a pool some where she could have gone on the trip too if she was that concerned about the safety of her daughter.
Two of the girl’s step cousins were on the same trip. Don’t you think they were the designated drivers? Or the look outs? One even fingered Joran as having played cards with some of the teens from MB.
Has any one of you ever been on a beach alone with a young woman? Have you ever tried to get a drunk to do something they didn’t want to? Then join the Army and travel a little. You’ll see.
This is all for now. If I get some response then I will start asking the hard questions the cable news didn’t ask. You can ask some good questions too. The good ones will be forwarded to the FBI in Alabama who are working on it too.
Nathalie Price $1000.000.00 and second price 250.000.00 to tell something
A Long time has past and the poor people in Aruba never came to claim the price… Aruban, Dutch, American, Surinam living in an expensive island where 50.000 are over 50 yr old and where 25000 are of school age and 50000 65yr and up on pension and none of them will like to win the lottery. Ask yourself why?
Is it that because they have to much casino and 1,000.000.00 will not make a difference or is it that they have done so much money laundry that they do not need a million or so to boost up their portfolio or is it that they are so corrupt that they do not see a Million Dollar…???????
The reason they are not coming forward is that no-one has seen or hear anything
or is it that they are afraid of the 3 alleged perps that have hurts their island so much that they are afraid of them?,
or is it this question
Where the players are all connected and waiting for time to tick away to 2010.
Mr. Anonimo, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
One doesn’t even know where to begin where trying to use reason and logic with what a 4th grader writes.
rambling, incoherent response :But first ask your self this question ? why is Beth and Jug no longer together. I, too, have asked that question. I think Jug butted out when Beth went running all over the country promoting this International Safe Travels thing. She lost a lot of her support here.
If one had a brain, one would know that many marriages and relationships crumble under the stress and strain of a missing or murdered child.
The above rantings have been consistently put out there by those that hate. Please do not embarrass yourself with utter stupidity.
We know know the following to be fact:
1. The suspects discussed prior to going out on the internet what they had intended to do that night. Because as we already knew, 3 boys who have admittedly done in 20 times before, do not go to C&C’s 1/2 hr prior to closing except to corner a girl to have their way with her.
2. One of the suspects, who was 1 of the 3 people last seen with Natalee Holloway, referred to Natalee in the past tense as being dead 5 hours after NH was last ever seen.
OK Sherlock, you do the math. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, unless you are a part of of ALE.
This scenario has happened God knows how many times in the US and in ever case the suspect last known seen with the victim was GUILTY!

# 26  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:41 pm
Why not answer the questions?

#27  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:45 pm
We all know what the alleged perps did and now let see the other side of the million…a coin has two side

#29  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:51 pm
Wel let see where we learn today from the criminals of the wolrd.. who make the guns? which one is more corrupt Democrat or Republicans..Let see on Wall Street who is more Corrupt… The watch CNN, CNBC, FOX etc down there…
The Arubans know what is going on but , yes there is a but… They learn from the states, from the Latins. etc. they see the world in an international way… not nacional..most of them watch CNN for news

#31  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:56 pm
and it is 3 internatioal perp that came to settle down to stir the peace…again, the moment a girls is lost or missing in the US they know…and the whole Island is interconnected to the Internet. and well educated…but like I said before… money is the source of corroption and deceid and extorcion. so do not forget this.. A million and nobody go for it…very rare indeed. while the whole island play Lotto florida and New York Lottery.

#39.  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 1:33 am
ok maybe Aruba laws is not perfect. What so is the Law In China and other part of the world. OJ Simpson got awy with murder becuase of the glove did not fit. so he could not done it… so let look at the similairities and Marc furman…etc
I watched on TV in New York and we all was in desbelieve live went one and he went on with his live till recent incident
SM: There is a vast difference between an imperfect legal system and a corrupt one. Learn the difference. That is your home work for today. Your sophomoric comparison is actually painful to even attempt to understand. Do you even have any comprehension what happened in the OJ trial? You mean to tell me that the judge of instruction in Aruba let three criminal suspects off because the Dutch and people from Suriname have been taken advantage of by the Aruban legal system and this was Aruba’s form of jury nullification? Get a clue as to what you are talking about before you actually post, please.

#41.  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 1:48 am
I am a Logic Professor and I am telling you all that from both side of the coin there is events that do not compute and follows normal nature course. From the 3 kids and the father there is defently manipolation of the Law Book. no doubt about that. But from the Famaly and the account of what was going on in Aruba, This women never show a tear for her daughter in Aruba. It all on tape and beeing research/observed ask we speak but there is also a lot of more info comming forth now that are beein looked at in terms of logic events… we know that for every case there is a play book and it beeing re-examined … what makes it more interesting is that the bank where the funds was is now merge and no one seems to know where it is… so be patient and we shall see.
SM: Logic, huh? LOL … now that’s humorous.
I guess you missed this picture, conveniently enough.
Fool, the family is not on trial … we all know who committed the crime against Natalee …

#43  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 2:27 am
ok lets look at the side of the perps.
Question. If you want to take out a girl to get laid, where would you go to do it knowing she has a roomate in he room? answer please

#44  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 2:30 am
also knowing that they have money and well dress for the night.

#48.  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 4:19 am
I think I figured it all out but I am missing a peace of information… on what roud or rout did the father pickup joran and what is the town that joram live..

#71 Capslockwizard on December 23rd, 2007 7:44 pm
This is my analysis about the disappearing and the events on that day. There are two possible scenarios that will fit a logic question.
The Logic question is “Where would I hide a body so that nobody will find it and at the same time lose my shoes?”  <<Snipped this very, very long post, click here to read the whole thing - Comment #71.

#73  Capslockwizard on December 24th, 2007 2:38 am
To Katablog, maybe you are so stupid that you do not se that I am trying to help. you are so absorb in your little peabean that you have no clue about the case.. First you need to be there to talk and see thing for your self… behinde that screen you can rumble and rumble and noting will get done… any Ideas overlook should be looked at… and this is what I am Doing now. I will go do someting about it…
What are you going to do someting..I flow down and I am here … researching what not even a private investigater did over looked.

# 75  Capslockwizard on December 24th, 2007 3:03 am
By the way, they neveer search the area I have pinted out to Zion and from the map it seems that for some reason they concentrated in the wrong area.. The places are very close from Joran Home… The problem is that these kid played the investigators so well and by using the tacktic I will cooperate with you by desiving you method. They used the term I did not lie to you but you is the one that did believe me technique. and since his Fatheer was a Judge the Investigator played by there tune.
Anyway more to come….

#76  Capslockwizard on December 25th, 2007 3:22 am
I think I solve the mystery in this whole case.

#77 Capslockwizard on December 25th, 2007 3:31 am
To 10061906, you mention some places and from this I can determined that you do not know not a thing about aruba.. you could have said the Light House so that i could have prove you wrong…but anyway all your answers are wrong.

#78 Capslockwizard on December 25th, 2007 3:52 am
I need the email for Beth Twitty, Does any one has her email address.

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."  - Galileo
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #103 on: March 17, 2009, 01:50:41 PM »

BUT Capslock solved it.... he had a witness.... what happened to Capslock witness? 

I agree with Lalasmom that there will be no justice forthcoming for Natalee Holloway out of an Aruban or Dutch court.  It just is not going to happen.  When the coverup in the investigation is considered ... the implications for accountability reaches far beyond those who played a role in the happenings encompassing the morning of May 30, 2005.

However ... Kyle Kingman's own words imply that John Silvetti's participation in the finale to the great Aruban coverup ... may have denied the family a measure of closure ... the opportunity to bring Natalee home to rest on Armerican soil.




Kyle Kingman:
I get done in the survey room backing up the ROV dive and head to the back deck to talk to the Polis divers and see what they sampled and see the Polis boat way in the distance heading away fast. John doesn't seem concerned at all, but I am very dissapointed, concerned, and burning inside because I have a feeling that I/we will never know what they took from the trap. That evening I talked to John asking when we plan on recovering the trap. Previously this was part of the talks and plan, but this time he doesn't seem concerned about ever looking into the trap further. After John verbally BASHED me about the trap for what I said to Tim Miller about the sand body-form and that I believed her skirt was under the sand, John pretty much committed himself to the belief the trap wasn't what we were after. This shocked me because it was exactly what we were looking for- a fish trap lost at sea with human remains.   

Kyle Kingman:  John is not a believer in the trap. He took ALE's word as gospel that it wasn't case related, yet never studied the videos or bothered to inquire further. He had plans on doing business with Aruba and in S. America and he didn't want to hurt any feelings by talks hinting at lack of complete trust and friendship. I did not feel the same and we had a major difference in opinion. He was the one who never pressed ALE to be completely open with us with the trap evidence. I would have forced them to. However, John was the one paying my invoices so I was forced to sit back and hope for the best.

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #104 on: March 17, 2009, 01:52:56 PM »




Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Junky
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All Prayers Will Be Answered in Time!

« Reply #105 on: March 17, 2009, 01:57:26 PM »

Lifesong....You are Amazing! All I can Say is WOW!   I feel like crying as I once was a Caps believer......  I think I will take a break for now....

Later Monkeys

In God We Trust!
Prayers Will Bring Natalee Home!
May 2010 Bring Natalee Home to Rest In Peace!
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #106 on: March 17, 2009, 01:58:08 PM »




I know, right?


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."  - Galileo
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #107 on: March 17, 2009, 02:05:50 PM »

Lifesong....You are Amazing! All I can Say is WOW!   I feel like crying as I once was a Caps believer......  I think I will take a break for now....

Later Monkeys

Don't feel bad, Hotping.

It's taken me a day or two to even get it posted, it's like a sharp kick in the gut.


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."  - Galileo
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #108 on: March 17, 2009, 02:07:05 PM »

   I read Caps posts here, and tried to understand & help at times, but this.....

Wonder if Klaas will check if they were one & the same?

R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!

I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.


None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #109 on: March 17, 2009, 02:09:29 PM »

Tamikosmom - can you work your magical index on Silvetti AND Caps?


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."  - Galileo
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #110 on: March 17, 2009, 02:18:37 PM »

Tamikosmom - can you work your magical index on Silvetti AND Caps?

Lifesong ... I am off for a while.  However ... I will see what I can do when I get back.

I know Kermit is right on top of this topic.  When she signs in ... she is mine ... all mine.


I hope all are having a good day.

11:15 AM PT

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #111 on: March 17, 2009, 02:29:21 PM »

You could be right Janet but,There is too much MONEY in OIL down in those parts for them to have gone down there without OIL intentions involved.That is just my opinion.Yes.Proof is where it's at!

Keepthefaith ... I agree.

I believe Kyle Kingman's words say it all.

However ... unless backup proves me wrong ... I do not believe that John Silvetti went to Aruba with the intentions of betraying Natalee Holloway ... the family and ... those who prayerfully and monetarily supported the undertaking.  The discovery of the trap put all that into motion.


Later, Janet
11:30 AM PT



Kyle Kingman
- I know John went to Aruba solely to find Natalee. He did make several comments about trying to land some work through contacts he met while in Aruba. This alone isn't a conflict of interest, but it tainted his focus in my opinion. I can't blame him for that, but he did take too much focus off the trap too soon. He claims to know a lot more than I do. I agree, but knowing more information from someone I don't trust is dangerous in my opinion. I'd rather know less lies.

Kyle Kingman: The logs are in a safe somewhere. John and Ryan Poff (one of John's project managers) knows where it is. I can't get copies of the logs at this time. Perhaps in a few months. The target locations are in the safe, although I also have them in a safe spot.  I don't care about the other targets though. I don't think any of it is of any potential interest. Mainly junk, coral, and debris.

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #112 on: March 17, 2009, 02:36:56 PM »

2NJ - That's a great find with Kaplan/Gulmar!

You guys are doing great!      

So..this wasn't what I was looking for, but it's what I've found...I'm highlighting the dates/times and the similarities...

I'm curious what you guys think...I think it's hinky.

Front Page Postings

I. Background - Caps first FP post, he makes this comment on the 12/20 posting for Dana's show.


#14. CapslockWizard on December 21st, 2007 5:30 pm:

I do think that we all got it wrong..
If the Investigators cannot find Nathalie is because they are searching and looking in the wrong places.
If you ask yourself this question: “Where would I hide a body so that nobody will find it?”
The answers are a lot of places can be used, but for a logic thinker there is only one answer.
And form all the articles that I have read, nobody have suggested and even mention this place.
Lets test the Logic:
In Aruba in when someone dies, they can be put to rest in two forms.
1. In the grounds
2. In a Kelder with 4 or 6 rooms constructed out of brick and mortar above ground in public eye site in the cemetary. These Kelders belong to a Family and they buy these plots form the church in the cemetery and build the Kelders on it and leave it open for when the moment arrived you have a place to rest.
Both types of method funerals will take place only in a CEMETARY.
There are a lot of CEMETARY in Aruba and most of them have KELDERS and a lot are left OPEN for when he or she dies will be buried close in the Family plot.
My logic:
The reason that no one can find her is that she must be among all the dead in the cemetery and who is going to search a cemetery for a body where there is already a lot of body in the place.
Logic test: You will never find an open grave in the ground because when someone dies in Aruba and need to be buried in the ground, the Funeral home in charge of the body will give orders to dig a grave for this person in a district in accordance with the family wishes.
To dig a grave 6 feet deep and wide enough for a body will take a lot of time by hand. Beside the ground will look disturb by the cemetery keeper. So I believe that these 4 perps would not have the time to dig a grave.
If you have a dead body on your hand and you need to hide it fast, the only way is to put it in an open Kelder and with only five to 6 bricks and and a bucket of cement and you are done. And if you want to make it look professional, can even give it a coat of paint color white which is the mostly use.
This last process is very easy done with 3 or 4 person.
a. Move dead body to a cemetery,
b. Cemetry door closed, then jump the fence with the body.
c. Inside the cemetery fined an open Kelder or break one open.
d. Put body in it
e. Go and get 6 pieces of bricks or use bricks that are in the cemetery already.
f. Make cement in a bucket
g. Use the bricks to close the small walls of the Kelder.
h. Paint the wall
And you are done.
Now nobody can’t find her because we are looking outside the box, we have been looking too much outside the realm of logic. The Logic is, nobody is going to look in a cemetery and if you are going to search a cemetery, it will be difficult to search without disturbing the graves. And another drawback is that you need permission of the families to open all the Kelders.
And this is my theory on this case and my logic thinking.
SM: Yes, good thinking and I have wondered about that myself. There is a cemetary not far from the Sloot home (klaasend)

#15.  CapslockWizard on December 21st, 2007 6:05 pm:
The Cemetary that are controlled by the churches and supervised are only 2, the one in San Nicholaas and the other is Santa Cruz

II.  This is where it gets hinky. - The next night.  Anonimo - CapsLockWizard


#22  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:17 pm
Ladies and Gentlemen;
I have been looking for some place where I could leave some of my comments without leaving my name. We still have people in Alabama who will burn things down if things don’t go their way.
Without using any four letter words I can assure all of you have some valid points in expressing what you think happened. There are a lot of people out here who feel the same way. There are still a lot of questions which need answering.
I can assure you that the FBI is aware of all your concerns. They are looking at it from every angle. What happened in Aruba was supposed to have stayed in Aruba. Then the cameras showed up! This was when Beth knew they were in trouble. Her words, not mine.
As soon as the FBI can make an Alabama connection the case will become a federal case. You did see how fast the Investigators up here put the finger on those three college boys who burned down those churches didn’t you?
Well, I waited 16 months to find something which I can confide my suspicions in.
There were over a million comments posted on the Internet during this period. I feel that someone with a computer and a little knowledge about the teen who vanished in Aruba will also confide in this web site as long as they can be sure their idenity is safe.
Some other school mates who either saw, or heard, something about what happened down there.
I believe this enough that I am willing to stick my neck out and start posting some of the things I know about the case which have not been brought up on any of those cable news networks.
But first ask your self this question ? why is Beth and Jug no longer together. I, too, have asked that question. I think Jug butted out when Beth went running all over the country promoting this International Safe Travels thing. She lost a lot of her support here.
Some things are a matter of public record. Marrages, divorces, and ownership of property. Do you know what a prenup. is?
The reason why it was kept in Aruba is because as long as it stays down there the FBI can’t toutch it. If a connection with the USA can be made, then it will become a federal case.
The mother took the daughter to some meetings on how to behave in a foreign country. Then she dropped her off at a friend’s house for the flight to Aruba.
Then the socer mom took off with two friends to a lake house in Hot Springs, AK 5 hours north of B’Ham! And for three days no contact with Aruba. Then for 4-5 hours after the teen did not show up for muster the mother gets a call from one of the adults on the trip.
Question. How is it possible that the mom can make the same day flight to Aruba while on the same day the kid was missing? How quick she was to get everything together, travel 5 hour from Hot Spring, pack, make a sign, and flight to Aruba.
Question. When she arrived in Aruba, what Written Sign She was holding in Her Hand?
How did she know she was kiddnaped…?? Answer these questions please.
If the mother had of wanted to lollygag around a pool some where she could have gone on the trip too if she was that concerned about the safety of her daughter.
Two of the girl’s step cousins were on the same trip. Don’t you think they were the designated drivers? Or the look outs? One even fingered Joran as having played cards with some of the teens from MB.
Has any one of you ever been on a beach alone with a young woman? Have you ever tried to get a drunk to do something they didn’t want to? Then join the Army and travel a little. You’ll see.
This is all for now. If I get some response then I will start asking the hard questions the cable news didn’t ask. You can ask some good questions too. The good ones will be forwarded to the FBI in Alabama who are working on it too.
Nathalie Price $1000.000.00 and second price 250.000.00 to tell something
A Long time has past and the poor people in Aruba never came to claim the price… Aruban, Dutch, American, Surinam living in an expensive island where 50.000 are over 50 yr old and where 25000 are of school age and 50000 65yr and up on pension and none of them will like to win the lottery. Ask yourself why?
Is it that because they have to much casino and 1,000.000.00 will not make a difference or is it that they have done so much money laundry that they do not need a million or so to boost up their portfolio or is it that they are so corrupt that they do not see a Million Dollar…???????
The reason they are not coming forward is that no-one has seen or hear anything
or is it that they are afraid of the 3 alleged perps that have hurts their island so much that they are afraid of them?,
or is it this question
Where the players are all connected and waiting for time to tick away to 2010.
Mr. Anonimo, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
One doesn’t even know where to begin where trying to use reason and logic with what a 4th grader writes.
rambling, incoherent response :But first ask your self this question ? why is Beth and Jug no longer together. I, too, have asked that question. I think Jug butted out when Beth went running all over the country promoting this International Safe Travels thing. She lost a lot of her support here.
If one had a brain, one would know that many marriages and relationships crumble under the stress and strain of a missing or murdered child.
The above rantings have been consistently put out there by those that hate. Please do not embarrass yourself with utter stupidity.
We know know the following to be fact:
1. The suspects discussed prior to going out on the internet what they had intended to do that night. Because as we already knew, 3 boys who have admittedly done in 20 times before, do not go to C&C’s 1/2 hr prior to closing except to corner a girl to have their way with her.
2. One of the suspects, who was 1 of the 3 people last seen with Natalee Holloway, referred to Natalee in the past tense as being dead 5 hours after NH was last ever seen.
OK Sherlock, you do the math. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, unless you are a part of of ALE.
This scenario has happened God knows how many times in the US and in ever case the suspect last known seen with the victim was GUILTY!

# 26  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:41 pm
Why not answer the questions?

#27  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:45 pm
We all know what the alleged perps did and now let see the other side of the million…a coin has two side

#29  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:51 pm
Wel let see where we learn today from the criminals of the wolrd.. who make the guns? which one is more corrupt Democrat or Republicans..Let see on Wall Street who is more Corrupt… The watch CNN, CNBC, FOX etc down there…
The Arubans know what is going on but , yes there is a but… They learn from the states, from the Latins. etc. they see the world in an international way… not nacional..most of them watch CNN for news

#31  Anonimo on December 22nd, 2007 11:56 pm
and it is 3 internatioal perp that came to settle down to stir the peace…again, the moment a girls is lost or missing in the US they know…and the whole Island is interconnected to the Internet. and well educated…but like I said before… money is the source of corroption and deceid and extorcion. so do not forget this.. A million and nobody go for it…very rare indeed. while the whole island play Lotto florida and New York Lottery.

#39.  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 1:33 am
ok maybe Aruba laws is not perfect. What so is the Law In China and other part of the world. OJ Simpson got awy with murder becuase of the glove did not fit. so he could not done it… so let look at the similairities and Marc furman…etc
I watched on TV in New York and we all was in desbelieve live went one and he went on with his live till recent incident
SM: There is a vast difference between an imperfect legal system and a corrupt one. Learn the difference. That is your home work for today. Your sophomoric comparison is actually painful to even attempt to understand. Do you even have any comprehension what happened in the OJ trial? You mean to tell me that the judge of instruction in Aruba let three criminal suspects off because the Dutch and people from Suriname have been taken advantage of by the Aruban legal system and this was Aruba’s form of jury nullification? Get a clue as to what you are talking about before you actually post, please.

#41.  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 1:48 am
I am a Logic Professor and I am telling you all that from both side of the coin there is events that do not compute and follows normal nature course. From the 3 kids and the father there is defently manipolation of the Law Book. no doubt about that. But from the Famaly and the account of what was going on in Aruba, This women never show a tear for her daughter in Aruba. It all on tape and beeing research/observed ask we speak but there is also a lot of more info comming forth now that are beein looked at in terms of logic events… we know that for every case there is a play book and it beeing re-examined … what makes it more interesting is that the bank where the funds was is now merge and no one seems to know where it is… so be patient and we shall see.
SM: Logic, huh? LOL … now that’s humorous.
I guess you missed this picture, conveniently enough.
Fool, the family is not on trial … we all know who committed the crime against Natalee …

#43  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 2:27 am
ok lets look at the side of the perps.
Question. If you want to take out a girl to get laid, where would you go to do it knowing she has a roomate in he room? answer please

#44  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 2:30 am
also knowing that they have money and well dress for the night.

#48.  Anonimo on December 23rd, 2007 4:19 am
I think I figured it all out but I am missing a peace of information… on what roud or rout did the father pickup joran and what is the town that joram live..

#71 Capslockwizard on December 23rd, 2007 7:44 pm
This is my analysis about the disappearing and the events on that day. There are two possible scenarios that will fit a logic question.
The Logic question is “Where would I hide a body so that nobody will find it and at the same time lose my shoes?”  <<Snipped this very, very long post, click here to read the whole thing - Comment #71.

#73  Capslockwizard on December 24th, 2007 2:38 am
To Katablog, maybe you are so stupid that you do not se that I am trying to help. you are so absorb in your little peabean that you have no clue about the case.. First you need to be there to talk and see thing for your self… behinde that screen you can rumble and rumble and noting will get done… any Ideas overlook should be looked at… and this is what I am Doing now. I will go do someting about it…
What are you going to do someting..I flow down and I am here … researching what not even a private investigater did over looked.

# 75  Capslockwizard on December 24th, 2007 3:03 am
By the way, they neveer search the area I have pinted out to Zion and from the map it seems that for some reason they concentrated in the wrong area.. The places are very close from Joran Home… The problem is that these kid played the investigators so well and by using the tacktic I will cooperate with you by desiving you method. They used the term I did not lie to you but you is the one that did believe me technique. and since his Fatheer was a Judge the Investigator played by there tune.
Anyway more to come….

#76  Capslockwizard on December 25th, 2007 3:22 am
I think I solve the mystery in this whole case.

#77 Capslockwizard on December 25th, 2007 3:31 am
To 10061906, you mention some places and from this I can determined that you do not know not a thing about aruba.. you could have said the Light House so that i could have prove you wrong…but anyway all your answers are wrong.

#78 Capslockwizard on December 25th, 2007 3:52 am
I need the email for Beth Twitty, Does any one has her email address.

I would say this is quite damning! 

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #113 on: March 17, 2009, 02:54:12 PM »

Seems this person is trying to appear to be from Alabama in the first couple of posts.  Heh, heh, not even a good try.  For one thing, the decimal points instead of commas in numbers typical of the Latin Americans and even EU but never Alabama.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary http://tinyurl.com/2nus7c
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« Reply #114 on: March 17, 2009, 02:56:37 PM »

Even if using different IP's it is of course the same person as Caps.  Unless there are two of them which is highly unlikely.

And he did post that Beth lied.  That's because a thief thinks everybody steals.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary http://tinyurl.com/2nus7c
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« Reply #115 on: March 17, 2009, 02:58:26 PM »

I can just picture it.  All CAPS unwavering supporterss huddled together in their little hidey hole at CNG planning a strategy to discredit messenger.  After all ... CAPS must be protected at all costs.


Lifesong ... you done good!



Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
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« Reply #116 on: March 17, 2009, 03:02:20 PM »

Has anyone else ever wondered if Caps WAS his own new Witness? 

Just wondering if anyone else had ever had that thought.  . . . . . .


All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary http://tinyurl.com/2nus7c
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #117 on: March 17, 2009, 03:03:10 PM »

I can just picture it.  All CAPS unwavering supporterss huddled together in their little hidey hole at CNG planning a strategy to discredit messenger.  After all ... CAPS must be protected at all costs.


Lifesong ... you done good!


Yes, LIFESONG, don protective gear immediately and prepare for poo flinging!



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary http://tinyurl.com/2nus7c
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #118 on: March 17, 2009, 03:04:50 PM »

I can just picture it.  All CAPS unwavering supporterss huddled together in their little hidey hole at CNG planning a strategy to discredit messenger.  After all ... CAPS must be protected at all costs.


Lifesong ... you done good!


Yes, LIFESONG, don protective gear immediately and prepare for poo flinging!

I guess lifesong is REALLY Kermit!!!!   

Monkey All Star
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« Reply #119 on: March 17, 2009, 03:11:07 PM »

I can just picture it.  All CAPS unwavering supporterss huddled together in their little hidey hole at CNG planning a strategy to discredit messenger.  After all ... CAPS must be protected at all costs.


Lifesong ... you done good!


This tidbit by Kermit, iirc, started the hysterics about Caps safety.  Another common name in Aruba as was discussed, I suppose.  But it did touch a nerve or two. 

Aruba Tourism Authority - Vernon Vrolijk (regional rep in Atlanta, GA)



R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!

I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.


None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
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