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Author Topic: Kyron Horman, 7 years old PORTLAND, OR #27 9/06/10 - 9/12/2010  (Read 279247 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #740 on: September 11, 2010, 02:37:17 AM »

This is a VERY scary article about how the Oregon school district covers up things, including sex offender teachers. They call it "passing the trash".
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #741 on: September 11, 2010, 02:38:44 AM »

Re the craigslist/whatever posting,

It sounds like someone with a vendetta against Intel and maybe someone having a few "induced" hallucinations of their own...I kept losing  my place, very confusing.

I have a friend that is a mucky muck with Intel. They are above board from everything that I have ever heard.

I have no argument with that, never heard anything to the contrary. I meant whoever wrote that "article", if you can call it that.   

"Induced hallucinations", LOL Nana!
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #742 on: September 11, 2010, 03:07:08 AM »

This is a VERY scary article about how the Oregon school district covers up things, including sex offender teachers. They call it "passing the trash".

This has been going on for years with companies, schools, etc. It can be difficult and expensive to prove an employee is inappropriate, abusive, or a sex offender, so it is a faster and cheaper way to get rid of them. The ex-employer that gives a glowing recommendation is a problem, but if an ex-employer gives a bland recommendation and cites personal reasons for why the employee left, the potential employer needs to be savvy enough to read between the lines. If the ex-employer is completely truthful about the ex-employee, the ex-employer is then open to a law suit.

Even today, school districts are notorious for being negligent in checking out potential employees. There is a lack of common sense in the education system.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #743 on: September 11, 2010, 03:13:02 AM »

This is a VERY scary article about how the Oregon school district covers up things, including sex offender teachers. They call it "passing the trash".

That is horrifying Sebastian. I recall right before Sandra Cantu became missing. Was on CNN and other cable news. Horrifying stories of adults who were either teachers, mentors or along the line that were arrested for abusing/torturing/molesting children. And then Sandra came into the news a few months later .. I then reverted back to those stories and they were all within miles of Sandra's home/city.  Sandra found missing March of 2009

This story broke Dec 2008. Tracy CA Girl Scout Leader (nice) Torturing a teen boy that resided in her home. He escaped naked with chains around him and fled into a local gym .. where the staff called the police. Both Parents Arrested.

July 2009, Girls Softball Coach Arrested Tracy California - Child Porn
All of this tied into the group called the Tracy 60, to be a huge ring of adults within child porn, abuse ...   
This is the link that the Tracy 6o was first named and offered up their own findings and research.
Link of news within Oregon " Child sexual abuse" ... its a doozy What is WRONG with PEOPLE?
snipped: - Monday, 12 July 2010 09:00 reports that a children's author was sentenced to six years in prison recently for possessing child pornography.  The Portland, Oregon author was found to have a large collection of photographs and video clips that included "very young children" and depicted "sadistic conduct, rape, sodomy and bestiality."
Entire article here:
Authors name: K.P. Bath ( 51 yr old Female)
Investigators found a large collection of pornographic photographs and video clips in the Portland, Oregon, home of the author of "The Secret of Castle Cant" and "Escape from Castle Cant," according to a statement federal prosecutors released Thursday.
She is found linked to child pornography in Washington State and Ohio - YET arrested in Oregon with her own private collections, inside her home. She only got 6 yrs? She must have snitched on someone to skate with 6 yrs behind bars. 
I say throw her to the Castle that she never sees Sunlight again. 


" God Bless The Babies Human, Fur, Feathered &  Finned" ~Caylee, Adji, & Sandra Cantu~ Peace~kai~cj *
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #744 on: September 11, 2010, 03:23:16 AM »

K.P. Bath's books on - Rave Reviews - They all look like a spin off of Harry Potter or alike short stories.
If they only knew she/author was a child porn addict/freak sick #$#@ -

All her books sold on Amazon:
Comment of One
Since the Author uses initials all comments made after ONE person said "This Author was arrested for Child Porn" everyone follows with WHY is HIS Books still allowed to be sold ???
HE ... no one knows HE is a She...  I guess it is human nature to believe only Men hurt children sexually.  Ah me Monkey brain hurts thinking about all of this.


" God Bless The Babies Human, Fur, Feathered &  Finned" ~Caylee, Adji, & Sandra Cantu~ Peace~kai~cj *
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #745 on: September 11, 2010, 03:35:26 AM »

This is a VERY scary article about how the Oregon school district covers up things, including sex offender teachers. They call it "passing the trash".

That is horrifying Sebastian. I recall right before Sandra Cantu became missing. Was on CNN and other cable news. Horrifying stories of adults who were either teachers, mentors or along the line that were arrested for abusing/torturing/molesting children. And then Sandra came into the news a few months later .. I then reverted back to those stories and they were all within miles of Sandra's home/city.  Sandra found missing March of 2009

This story broke Dec 2008. Tracy CA Girl Scout Leader (nice) Torturing a teen boy that resided in her home. He escaped naked with chains around him and fled into a local gym .. where the staff called the police. Both Parents Arrested.

July 2009, Girls Softball Coach Arrested Tracy California - Child Porn
All of this tied into the group called the Tracy 60, to be a huge ring of adults within child porn, abuse ...   
This is the link that the Tracy 6o was first named and offered up their own findings and research.
Link of news within Oregon " Child sexual abuse" ... its a doozy What is WRONG with PEOPLE?
snipped: - Monday, 12 July 2010 09:00 reports that a children's author was sentenced to six years in prison recently for possessing child pornography.  The Portland, Oregon author was found to have a large collection of photographs and video clips that included "very young children" and depicted "sadistic conduct, rape, sodomy and bestiality."
Entire article here:
Authors name: K.P. Bath ( 51 yr old Female)
Investigators found a large collection of pornographic photographs and video clips in the Portland, Oregon, home of the author of "The Secret of Castle Cant" and "Escape from Castle Cant," according to a statement federal prosecutors released Thursday.
She is found linked to child pornography in Washington State and Ohio - YET arrested in Oregon with her own private collections, inside her home. She only got 6 yrs? She must have snitched on someone to skate with 6 yrs behind bars. 
I say throw her to the Castle that she never sees Sunlight again. 

These people are so so sick! At least it looks like the state of Oregon may finally be getting sick of the perverts working as teachers in their state. This ROSEBURG teacher was arrested in July for over 500 images of child porn and his bail was over 9 million! I have to wonder if there is more to the story.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #746 on: September 11, 2010, 04:18:25 AM »

This " being" living in Portland Oregon. That is an Author of Children's series books. Arrested for Child Pornography within his Home in Portand this year - July 2010.
He is a Dude.  NOT a female.
His bio's online with the nick of Cantling. He labels himself " a Ne'er do well' which I have never heard that expression before. It comes up on many sites as: an idle, worthless person; a person who is ineffectual, unsuccessful, or completely lacking in merit; good-for-nothing. –adjective ... hmmph, he knows himself well.
**Article of Him on Oregon Live. Why I am chasing him, is because it is said in his profile that he was a teacher .. and he lives in Portland. Even so him being arrested in July .. what was he doing prior ? This article states Portland LE that they knew he was dealing  Child PORN in Portland the year of 2007! ARR and it yet it took till July 2010 to arrest him ?
snipped: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents first learned of Bath's involvement in child porn in September 2007, when they uncovered e-mails between the author and a Seattle man who used the screen name "Sickman069."

Agents searched the Seattle man's home and found he had been trading illegal images with Bath using a Google file-sharing system called Hello. Bath used the screen name "Bugsworth."
An unrelated investigation by the FBI showed that an Ohio man using the screen name "Daytonflyer" also had traded images with Bath.

Investigators later searched Bath's North Portland home, seizing a Compaq Presario computer and two thumb drives that contained thousands of photographs and more than 125 videos of child pornography, Assistant U.S. Attorney Gary Sussman said at Bath's plea hearing.
Prosecutors have alleged that some of the images were of infants, toddlers and prepubescent children, some of whom were bound and appeared to be the victims of sadistic and violent behavior.

Federal agents found among Bath's digital media what appeared to be a book manuscript. It remains unclear whether that manuscript was for "Flip Side," which had been set for release last fall. Little, Brown  dropped the book after allegations against Bath became public.
With all of this within this article. They LE knew this dude was sick, into children porn etc. It took them 3 years to get a WARRANT to go into his House? Kinda makes you wonder how many years it took LE to get a Warrant to go into Kent Name Redacted3' business and home? How Long were they investigating the Name Redacted3, the Company, the Family? So disturbing.
So that all being said, I am guessing that Mr. Bath pleaded guilty and coughed up some names in his sick network of friends only have 6 yrs of prison time. Kent Name Redacted2 was sentenced " 4 years"  I guess child porn is not so easy to prove criminally? that it is a sickness ? that the perp is damaged goods therefore they get a lighter sentence?
How offensive in nature does it have to be? to be sentenced more than a slap on the wrist? Are there that many degrees in law subjective to Child Porn, that it can be determined a light sentence for being a voyeur vs a pedophile? How does LE know this person has never harmed a child? Or is that another case that is not allowed as evidence in the court room during the illegal materials found in their house? 
* What is the difference of one committing a heinous act against a child vs one housing a collection of photos/videos of children being tortured and sexually abused - that they sit and watch at their leisure, behind closed doors. Who's to say that they do not get bored with the photos/vids and pray upon real children - Such as Kyron. 

" God Bless The Babies Human, Fur, Feathered &  Finned" ~Caylee, Adji, & Sandra Cantu~ Peace~kai~cj *
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #747 on: September 11, 2010, 06:36:17 AM »

This is O/T, but just to show the kind of people that hang around our kids at school.

In summary, a custodian in a N Portland school found dead pets in a freezer at an unused trailer that was going to be refurbished as a classroom. Turned out they belonged to a school volunteer, who confessed the frozen dead pets belonged to her.

Just weird.

You monkeys are the best, I think, at working as a group. I know I am now a scared monkey, but I haven't contributed much, because, you monkeys already seem to know exactly what I am thinking!!!!!!!!!

And I suspect cruel if they investigate it.    I have had enough cruel to last me a life time at this point.

When you follow cases like this, you gotta once in a while take a deep breath, a long warm aromatherapy bath, go for a walk, and just relax.

The emotions the case generates can really affect you just as if the events were happening to you.

We need sharp steady monkeys, not monkeys on nervous breakdowns.

Believe me, the stress and emotions can weigh you down.

Very Happy
Itaryl Moosee
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #748 on: September 11, 2010, 08:28:08 AM »

This is what I don't understand of the "sting"...

She offers him $10K in December/January for the MFH.

OBVIOUSLY, he didn't do it, cause Kaine is alive.

So, after Kyron disappears, the landscaper comes up to the house with a companion... and asks for the $10K? What for?

What was Terri supposed to do, give him the money?

I hope there is more to it, than what has been reported. Cause this makes no sense. No wonder she called police.

She called and reported "theats"... as if he was threatening to contact LE if she didn't pay? As if... he's illegal and if he contacts LE he would be detained?

I don't get it.

Maybe LE was desperate and thought TH would panic when he drove up in her driveway. The plan most likely was that there would be a conversation between them (since the undercover was wearing a wire) BUT TH called LE before he even got out of the truck....she may have said he was threatening her,,,just to get LE there faster. Anyway you look at it she had to have freaked out when he showed up. He was supposedly out of her life. Even if you speculate they were working in conjunction, surely she wouldn't expect him to show up at her house! IMHO it was a horrible bungle on the part of LE.

Maybe in the May confrontation, LS was told not to come on the Horman property again.  If so, seeing him drive up the driveway could be considered threatening.

Was a post that originated on Craig's list
Which can be found copied on this site that says Kaine was into/is into Drugs etc or assoc. Info Suppressed by Police in The Investigation of Missing Kyron Horman ( NW Portland)
I don't know what to think of the written commentary. But knowing that every Law Agency within the US has been named trying to find Kyron .. Who am I?

Wow Deenie!
I don't know what to make of that post. What do you think?

Wow, I've never read most of that before.  Somewhere along the lines, several weeks back, I did read somewhere about Kaine having guns.

How much credibility should be given to that website?

The domain name is "johndouglasmindhunter", which doesn't sound too trustworthy to me (in matters of official news.)

The local or national newspapers have not mentioned any of that, so I would just read the content of the website for "recreational purposes only."

Very Happy
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #749 on: September 11, 2010, 08:30:37 AM »

Good morning world
 this is thsp explanation for why kaine dropped the contempt charge, it does sound like something houze would come up with, they were googling the location?

Kaine Horman drops contempt of court motion against Terri Moulton Horman
    9 hours ago · Com

Terri Horman Support Page
‎(MB) WOOHOO! The violation was BOGUS anyway.The only serious thing was douchebag taking a pic of it.. From what I understand, the RO was sealed to prevent the media from accessing it.. ?
As for the google maps.. if OR law states that they h...ave to disclose the address so the person knows what address to stay away from, wouldn't it make sense to google it to see what are of the city it was in? I think almost anybody would be curious to see where it was.. doesn't mean that they were planning to do anything with the map.. Sheesh!
+1 for TerriSee More

when you're going through hell, just keep going
Itaryl Moosee
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #750 on: September 11, 2010, 08:33:44 AM »

Does anyone know the amount of property the Horman's owned?

I don't have any link, but for some reason I "think" it's about 4 acres.  I seem to recall that from when I was asking questions about the tractor that Kaine had recently purchased.

I read so many little things around the internet that alludes to a lot of marijuana being grown in Oregon; even neighbors of Kaine's growing pot and being concerned they would get in trouble with LE until LE let them know they just wanted to look for Kyron and forget about the marijuana.  So, I was wondering it that new tractor could have possibly been used for something other than cutting the lawn.  In my grand thought process, also was wondering if it would be possible that "driving around for an hour and a half" could have been to make any deliveries...deliveries that might encroach on established dealers territories and make them "angry...very angry".  I have read that there are a lot of Mexicans in the drug trade in Oregon.

Geez Puzzler, sometimes when I read your posts, it is like you are reading my mind. I keep going back to the farms and possible pot growing myself. Especially in light of the DEA involved with this case. I cannot imagine that Kaine did not know about the landscaper. Maybe he denied knowledge in the media so that it would not open up a whole slew of questions that he is not supposed to answer. I cannot believe that Terri would care one way or the other about his legal status. I cannot believe that she would call LE on him because he is illegal. I am in California and if someone called the cops on someone because they suspected someone was illegal, the cops would laugh and hang up the phone. The only way that they would come out is if someone was ILLEGAL and committing a crime. I also don't know how Terri would get her hands on 10k unless she was involved in something illegal that goes way back. I doubt Kaine would just hand her 10k and he does not strike me as someone who would not pay attention to the finances. He never has added her to the title of his home. There are a lot of things being held back. If we knew what they were, it could sure help us to put some of the pieces together.

Yes...I, too, think a lot is being held back.

See...the landscaper was furious with Terri for calling LE because he's in the US illegally.

BUT - what I've never read about is "why" did Terri call the police?  What was the "issue" that was so great that she called the police?  It must have been something...I get the police to come out. 

Surely, the landscaper wouldn't be threatening Terri because Kaine wanted him fired.  Hello!  We hire people all the time to do limited work.  It doesn't create a scenario that necessitates calling out the police.

So, my burning question is "what" happened to make Terri call the police?

Add the fact that the LS's wife and children were present during the Mothers Day altercation! Huh? What the heck?

Maybe the were all out for lunch or early dinner and LS stopped by Terri's...for whatever reason...which was not good because that reason ended up with Terri calling the police on the LS.

If it weren't for Terri's lack of cooperation and shaky accounts of her whereabouts on June 4th... and the Michael Cook thing, and the other stuff... I would think this landscaper stands a chance of being a good suspect.

For what has been discussed, he was either inlust with Terri, or was angry with her... for whatever reasons.

One thing that puzzles me, if the report is correct... if he had the hots for Terri, or if they had something going on... why did he bring his wife and kid to the property?

Monkey Junky
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Brandi is making sure I get around!

« Reply #751 on: September 11, 2010, 08:48:23 AM »

The problem is that there is no national repository for suspected child abuse/molestation. It is a fine line. Many times, organizations will just not investigate an allegation and assume it is a one time thing. This is mostly because there is no documentation of the "allegations" in their "permanent record".  These people are groomers that groom not only the kids but the adults around them. There is a great book called the "The Socially Skilled Child molester". It is a great book that talks about what to look for and what is not grooming activity. I think all people that deal with kids should read it.

We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still. - John Stuart Mill On Liberty, 1859
- George Bernard Shaw
Itaryl Moosee
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #752 on: September 11, 2010, 08:57:53 AM »

Hi Sackyattack.

They searched Google maps for it.

This could've been done to:

1. kidnap the baby when Kaine was either at the gym, or work
2. harm Kaine
3. know where the home was at, so she could stay away from it as the RO said.

Take your pick.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #753 on: September 11, 2010, 09:18:26 AM »

Hi Sackyattack.

They searched Google maps for it.

This could've been done to:

1. kidnap the baby when Kaine was either at the gym, or work
2. harm Kaine
3. know where the home was at, so she could stay away from it as the RO said.

Take your pick.

Not Sacky, but I'd pick all 3, with 1 and 2 taking place by TH stooges while TH surrounded herself with a cast iron alibi.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #754 on: September 11, 2010, 09:27:06 AM »

This is what I don't understand of the "sting"...

She offers him $10K in December/January for the MFH.

OBVIOUSLY, he didn't do it, cause Kaine is alive.

So, after Kyron disappears, the landscaper comes up to the house with a companion... and asks for the $10K? What for?

What was Terri supposed to do, give him the money?

I hope there is more to it, than what has been reported. Cause this makes no sense. No wonder she called police.

She called and reported "theats"... as if he was threatening to contact LE if she didn't pay? As if... he's illegal and if he contacts LE he would be detained?

I don't get it.

Maybe LE was desperate and thought TH would panic when he drove up in her driveway. The plan most likely was that there would be a conversation between them (since the undercover was wearing a wire) BUT TH called LE before he even got out of the truck....she may have said he was threatening her,,,just to get LE there faster. Anyway you look at it she had to have freaked out when he showed up. He was supposedly out of her life. Even if you speculate they were working in conjunction, surely she wouldn't expect him to show up at her house! IMHO it was a horrible bungle on the part of LE.

Maybe in the May confrontation, LS was told not to come on the Horman property again.  If so, seeing him drive up the driveway could be considered threatening.

Was a post that originated on Craig's list
Which can be found copied on this site that says Kaine was into/is into Drugs etc or assoc. Info Suppressed by Police in The Investigation of Missing Kyron Horman ( NW Portland)
I don't know what to think of the written commentary. But knowing that every Law Agency within the US has been named trying to find Kyron .. Who am I?

Wow Deenie!
I don't know what to make of that post. What do you think?

Wow, I've never read most of that before.  Somewhere along the lines, several weeks back, I did read somewhere about Kaine having guns.

How much credibility should be given to that website?

The domain name is "johndouglasmindhunter", which doesn't sound too trustworthy to me (in matters of official news.)

The local or national newspapers have not mentioned any of that, so I would just read the content of the website for "recreational purposes only."

Very Happy

Morning everyone. I don't believe that person or persons just sounds like another TH Supporter or someone who has issues with Intel.  They have been laying off alot of people of late.  I know this because of where I work and what we do.  Who knows maybe he worked under KH and is really angry about being let go.

As for my wonderful new Avatar.  That is my Koda Bear. He is 5yo and the baby. Well at least till next May.  I made a big mistake in June and just once I made that mistake with his Mommie and Daddy and come May of 2011 it does look like he will have a bro or sis.  Because of this error in judgement I have had to sell his Big Sister to the most wonderful people in the business.  She is The Duck.  Yes he does have a  "Monkey on His Back". Notice he isn't bucking however. Brandi did that for me. She is so wonderful and quick. The red x must have been when I was in the process of changing from one to the other and oops the first try.


It is my prayer that Kyron be found and return home. Of course like everyone else I want him found alive but feel his parents need peace and closure. May this happen before Spring 2011.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #755 on: September 11, 2010, 09:30:25 AM »


I think that this is written by a racist with an agenda

"Was a post that originated on Craig's list
Which can be found copied on this site that says Kaine was into/is into Drugs etc or assoc. Info Suppressed by Police in The Investigation of Missing Kyron Horman ( NW Portland)
I don't know what to think of the written commentary. But knowing that every Law Agency within the US has been named trying to find Kyron .. Who am I?"
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #756 on: September 11, 2010, 09:31:37 AM »

kaines explanation for dropping the motion

Kaine told KGW that dropping the motion also serves other purposes.

"It's an act of good faith on our part," Kaine told KGW. "It shows that we're serious about not wasting the court's time with side issues. We want to get the divorce wrapped up so we can deal the important things and move forward."

when you're going through hell, just keep going
Monkey King
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« Reply #757 on: September 11, 2010, 09:34:05 AM »

Nope, LD, both you and APB have the same Little Red X.

Are you guys working in cahoots to confuse us posters?  Haha!

Seriously, I can't see your avatar!

     ~Things aren't always what they appear to be~
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #758 on: September 11, 2010, 09:34:51 AM »

Everytime I see Terri's halo getting dusted off, I have to stop and think about her lies and inconsistencies and then the LS seems more credible than Terri. Were his wife and kids with him during an altercation with Terri, or was it that supposedly LE visited him at home where he was with his wife and kids? Although I could see someone bringing their family along to protect themselves from Terri's unwanted sexual advances, LOL!! I thought Blink said this altercation hadn't been confirmed although Terri's subsequent call to her mother had been confirmed.  The call to her mother seemed a bit over the top, what with Terri being "lunged at while holding Kiara" (images of sacred mother holding baby being painted by TH), and also contained confirmed untruths, such as Kaine's ordering her to fire the LS, when Kaine didn't even know there was an LS. Most, if not all, of the detailed info we have on supposed altercation with LS seems to come from TH's conversation with her mother.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #759 on: September 11, 2010, 09:40:38 AM »

Kaine tells KGW: "We need to get this wrapped up."

by Colin Miner, KGW Staff

Posted on September 10, 2010 at 8:35 PM

Kaine Horman has dropped his motion to find his wife Terri Moulton Horman in contempt of court because she shared the contents of a sealed restraining order.

While Kaine was not required to explain why he was dropping the motion, one legal expert familiar with the case said it would allow Kaine to try and speed up divorce proceedings.

A hearing on the contempt motion had been scheduled for September 21. That will now be canceled and Kaine could seek to move up a divorce hearing currently scheduled for October 7.

Kaine told KGW that dropping the motion also serves other purposes.

"It's an act of good faith on our part," Kaine told KGW. "It shows that we're serious about not wasting the court's time with side issues. We want to get the divorce wrapped up so we can deal the important things and move forward."

Kaine filed for divorce on June 28 - two days after law enforcement officials told him that Terri had hired a landscaper in a plot to have Kaine killed.

Terri, who has not been charged with any crime or even labeled a suspect or person of interest, has been the focus of the investigation into her step-son's disappearance.

Terri's divorce lawyer, Peter Bunch, filed papers earlier this summer saying that Terri agreed to a divroce but wanted to put talks concerning child custody, property and finances.

Kaine and his lawyer oppose any delay.

"We need to get this wrapped up," he said. "There are bigger issues that need to be dealt with."

On Thursday, Kyron's birthday, his mother Desiree held a celebration at a church in her hometown of Medford. Another celebration, this one in Wilsonville, will be held on Sunday.
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