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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #120 4/03/09 - 4/07/09  (Read 250236 times)
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Monkey All Star
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« Reply #660 on: April 05, 2009, 03:10:39 PM »

didn't KC make a statement to CA that went something like "don't worry...i didn't say anything"?

Yes, I remember that JuJu! What do you think she may have meant by saying that?

don't know.....but it sure did send up a red flag for me........maybe the evil things that went on in HELL HOUSE!
I remember that too, but I also thought that Cindy and/or Lee also made that same statement to Casey at one point as well.  The family is full of secrets, almost as if to say "Na na na boo boo catch me if you can"  (Disclaimer:  No offense to Na or Boo)

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« Reply #661 on: April 05, 2009, 03:12:19 PM »

A maiden voyage, your kidding, where was this maiden voyage at? Gee, I hope nobody got seasick 
I bet someone drank all the champagne before it could be used for the launch as well.  (One would have to be drunk to go along with this stupid ordeal)

Caylee...oh Caylee where are you?  Oh ya that's right they do not care, BUT WE DO!  JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!!! 
I bet they went sunning and fishing. Yoga and lotion, I wish I would have done that, because first pregnancy I couldn't control my intake of Sara Lee and orange HiC. 
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« Reply #662 on: April 05, 2009, 03:12:26 PM »

can someone give me the link to Boo's blog?    TIA
JuJu I do not believe it is Boo's blog, I will look back for the link for you though.

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« Reply #663 on: April 05, 2009, 03:13:45 PM »

Dolce....you look so wonderful...thanks for sharing the new picture.  Boy! Girl!  You can really see how much the twins have grown since the last picture.  No wonder you're having to rest more.  Just continue to take good care of yourself and your precious babies.  Oh....and we want to see a new picture in about a month!   
  I will keep everyone posted as best as I can.  (Probably in the Musings though)

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« Reply #664 on: April 05, 2009, 03:14:47 PM »

Cindy - the neck throttler...question: do we know if anyone other than Cindy and KC that directly saw Cindy choke KC?  I'm thinking that if they have Cindy on the stand and she denies choking KC, that it can't be proved unless KC gets on the stand and testifies to it.  I doubt that even Jose will put KC on the stand.

Putting Casey on the stand would be a very bad move on Baez's part.  The prosecution would eat her alive.

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« Reply #665 on: April 05, 2009, 03:16:00 PM »

Tevye - Congrats on your MSU Spartans!

Even though the Steel Monkey is a Wolverine, he is not afraid to show support for a great MSU team!
Thanks! If the Wolverines were in the finals, I'd wear blue...but I wouldn't change my avi for them (sorry, I'm not that nice!). It is good to have a homestate team going to the big dance!

  Remember Ladies, get the damm mamm!     Thanks, Brandi!
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« Reply #666 on: April 05, 2009, 03:16:42 PM »

I bet they went sunning and fishing. Yoga and lotion, I wish I would have done that, because first pregnancy I couldn't control my intake of Sara Lee and orange HiC. 
Sunning and fishing...well I hope they were fishing for a clue!  I guess its too much to ask for the ocean to open up and swallow the boat.....where is that darn Moby Dick when you need him!

I have issues with cheese puffs and chocolate milk.

joesamas mama
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« Reply #667 on: April 05, 2009, 03:16:55 PM »

Jm - yes by determing how old the maggot is you know that the person has been dead at least that long.  Other than human intervention (Dr. putting maggot larvae into bad ulcerated sights in humans to clean ulceation) maggots do not show up until the carbon unit is dead.  Because maggots feed on dead tissue, whatever resides in that tissue will show up in the maggots. So if Cayee was recently chloroformed and the chloroform is still in her cells,then as the maggots eat the cells the chloroform will be present in the maggot.  This is the same for any drug or chemical that can be found in the host tissue the maggots are feeding from.

Capp - be very careful with removing the popcorn from your ceiling.  Up until 1987 one of the major ingredients that helped the stipple adhere to the ceiling was asbestos. If your ceiling has been painted with an oil based paint you can scrape it off with no worry of the asbestos being released.  If it has not been painted then you really need a hazmat team as the asbestos will be flying throughout your house and you will be breathing it for a long time. Hope your house was built after 1987.
Thanks Northern Rose, I knew maggots could show chemicals in the body they fed off. I also know about gross, using maggots to eat away dead tissue from ulcerated skin.

Do you know how long it takes for chloroform to metabolize in a live body? Is it a long while or a short while? If it is a short while, then will the maggots show chloroform?

If KC used chloroform to make Caylee sleep, why not use the GHB? I know KC could have found GHB much more easily than chloroform and GHB metabolizes very fast. TIA JSM

PS, JSM is very inarticulate and flunked chemistry in high school and college andy help would be appreciated! 

That is really hard to answer as it depends on the over all amount of chloroform used (substantial amount consistent over time) or a one time thing.  If it was given repeatedly over time then it would show up in the hair as well as tissues especially the liver.  It could be present in the hair for 4-6 months. Flesh would be dependant on how well the liver deals with it.
I'm sorry to ask hard questions. I know the maggots would have been a big deal had poor Caylee not been found. But now that they found her and supposedly there was hair on the duct tape/skull, the maggots would be irrelevant. Her hair would be the tell tale sign, right? I do understand maggots in the trunk would mean there was decomp in the trunk.

I don't know I am so tired. Thanks for answering my stupid questions Northern Rose. I really appreciate all the monkeys that bear with me and my silly questions.

Your questions are not stupid.  There would be a chance that the Chlorofrm would show up on the hair if the hair was in good enough condition.  The body was also found on the cusp of it still being detected in the hair and with the weather in Florida decomp may have taken place quicker.  However the water would have had a preservation factor.  It is more likely and  absolutely confirms if chloroform shows up in the maggots as well as any other chemical that poor girl was given.  If the chloroform were only in the trunk because of a natural settling from strong cleaners, then it would not be in the maggots.  So to me the maggots are gold.  As for your GHB question, beats the heck out of me other than she was either too poor or cheap to buy it and decided to go the cheap and make your own solution so there would also be no suspicion.
Thanks Northern Rose. I think it will show up in her hair and in the hair with the death band. I was just wondering why she would use chloroform instead of GHB. Seems to me like her peeps would be able to get GHB with no questions asked. KC doesn't seem to me to be a chemist that could make chloroform. I am probably wrong again. I have never looked up the recipe to make chloroform. The only recipe I look up is for pizza and it is under pizzahut.com. Thanks again for helping me with this Northern Rose. You are sweet. TIA JSM
Look at it like this-KC would have to have made her drink GHB.Our little Caylee was 3 years old and at that age it can be mission impossible to get them to drink medication and if you ruffle their feathers,they will throw it back up.I have much experience with this since I have been a pediatric nurse for 35 years and have worn medication home many days.Now we all know how lazy KC is. What could be easier than a cloth with chloroform over the mouth and nose and it takes 1 to 2 minuets to work?? I get angry as I type this and no punnishment is great enough for KC.I have seen some cruel parents in my line of work and children that have endured unspeakable things but KC is as heartless as anyone I have ever seen! I know you have gone for the night,but maybe you will see this in the AM.
Thanks for the response Bluemonkey. I know how hard it is to give meds to a baby. But with GHB wouldn't that be easier to give to Caylee in juice or soda? I don't know much about it, but isn't that how freaks at bars use it? Pour it into the drink and the unsuspecting girl drinks it, he takes her home, she is raped and never knew what hit her? I just thought it would be harder to hold down a 3 year old with a cloth over her face, than it would be to lace juice or soda. Makes me sick to think about what people do to their children. I can't imagine what you have seen in your line of work. God Bless YOU! KC is heartless and I hope she rots, gets fatter than me, and goes into GP when she is convicted.

My JSM Begging for Ban Button Blog: http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=5458.0

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« Reply #668 on: April 05, 2009, 03:19:49 PM »

JUJU THIS IS B-11'S MYSPACE.  Her blogs are listed on the right hand side, just click on the title for it to open and you to be able to read.


joesamas mama
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« Reply #669 on: April 05, 2009, 03:24:17 PM »

Cecy, there was much discussion on the chloroform issue many months ago.   It was largely concluded that cleaning solvents were being ruled out due to the pure form the chloroform was in the trunk although there does not seem to be concrete definitive answer on this yet that I am aware of, so I think its fair to say its up for debate still.   I think the death band hair that matches either Casey or Caylee's DNA (Casey is alive so that leaves one conclusion)  & decomp findings found in that same trunk make it very strong evidence combined.

Thanks for your answer - I do remember the discussion on the chloroform it was a lively debate on here and other sites - and I was thinking that some folks thought that the fact it would so quickly break down in its concentrated form (especially for being in the hot sun at least two weeks at a towyard) might mean that the signature in the trunk was more recent.  Also I thought that there had been some additional evidence of other chemicals that might be found in cleaning solvents.  I absolutely agree that the decomp and hair evidence place Caylee in the trunk, but I am just not sure that chloroform can be determined as cause of death beyond reasonable doubt.  She could have strangled her for all we know - or drugged her if that gatorade bottle and liquid syringe found at the scene check out.  I do think she spent time in the trunk before being wrapped up and I tend to lean toward this being a staged kidnapping as well.

I'm a huge fan of LP myself - and was honored when he answered a few of my emails last October regarding theories I had involving ping charts, etc and even asked for additional info.  I am really impressed you have "gab" privileges with him!  He tends to have a soft spot for George I think, so I don't say much on that front any more.  I am so glad he is there to be a fly in the Ant's ointment to mix up a metaphor.

I went to bed early but got up, my spine/sciatic has been pitching fits for the past few weeks...annoying & painful but I'll get thru it as I always do for quite a few years.   So here I sit at this unGodly hour & saw your post to me.  Yea, he's pretty convinced that ole George was kept in the dark about a good bit, at least up to a certain point, we differ a tad on when that point shifted.   In an attempt to be humorous he sees George as pathetic & whipped, I see George as missing a pair      He knows what we discuss stays close to the vest unless he says its fine to repeat but I don't think I'm disclosing anything privileged here by reiterating he has no love loss for Cindy that is for dang certain...lol

I've been talking to him pretty regularly since September,  not without many a conversation getting interrupted by his phones ringing off the hook...lol   I cannot even begin to tell you how many times he said "call me back in an hour or two."  He's "that guy in a ten gallon hat with the toothpick hanging out of his mouth" on camera but generally he's pretty down to earth, mannered & his heart is in the right place...just sometimes he can be self-admitted stubborn & once in a blue we've discussed his awareness that he speaks too readily before he thinks things thru on occasion, good guy not without a flaw or two no different than any of us.    He's readily admitted he loves attention but this case has touched his heart like so many of us, a few times I've heard that crack in his voice & knew he was feeling much what we have.  In the first few months he was very receptive to helpful information & I know he's gone thru great lengths to respond back to a ton of inquiries so its not surprising to me that he got back to you.   Now he only gets stressed when its people calling with obvious stuff he's gone over beyond ad nausem & doesnt lead to anything new or ask questions of him people should generally know he can't answer which is understandable.    I have to agree with you, I'm glad he's a thorn in the Anthony's sides too, regardless of how people have debated his original motives they took his money & then slapped him in the face when he told Casey he wasnt there to hear her lies (Zanny)...recently we witnessed the lengths they went thru to block him from buying the Suburban property out of pure spite.   All of this conduct will catch up to them someday, their lives thru their own dysfunction & failures is nothing but hell on earth despite them trying to conceal it, the one thing my faith tells me is that they will not be seeing Caylee in heaven, their final destination is to the devil's den in the bowels of the earth!   I just hope justice sweetens the pot & charges them.

Sorry about your back Cappy. I am behind, but I am glad you posted how decent LP is. I always liked him, even though he bailed the slore out. I think he truly was trying to find Caylee and the dang Ants kept him from finding Caylee. That makes me think that they knew at the time LP was in his RV outside their house, they (ants) knew Caylee was dead. JMO JSM

Please get your back well. I have my knee propped up and am going to have really bad back pain in a bit. It's hard to type when my chair is lowered to the floor and my foot is above the keyboard. 

My JSM Begging for Ban Button Blog: http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=5458.0

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« Reply #670 on: April 05, 2009, 03:24:26 PM »

Northern Rose - well, color me spacey, lol!  Thanks ANJ - this is really helpful, making it more of a visual timeline is nice. 
----------------->  snip  ... because I don't know those answers right now!

I have lots of changes for the timeline of just the activity on Suburban Drive and will repost it later so you guys can help me fine tune it.  I am working on dates for KioMarie right now as an aside "odd" note, if you look at how she decribes getting Det. Wells phone number - she uses the term "big tree"  ...... it's like a big tree - kinda gave me chills as I am trying to follow the daisy chain ... which is like a big tree of connections!  (Networking at it's finest???)   Pg 10 bottom:  http://itsamysterytome.wordpress.com/2008/12/16/kiomarie-cruz-le-interview-transcript/

Cecy - at the end of each post you want to quote you will see this:  [/quote]
click behind it - hit enter and start typing there. 
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« Reply #671 on: April 05, 2009, 03:31:03 PM »

So Dominic and Cindy had a falling out. What a shocker. Bad timing on her part since ol Dom has NOT given his deposition yet. Hmmmm the tales he could tell. Bad move on her part. She must not have heard of the adage:
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!

He's gonna spill about their affair, how she reacted, how early she knew Caylee was dead, how she is protecting her daughter. All her dirty little secrets out in the open cause she had to try to control Dom.   

Holy Shiznit!   

too good and funny!

NJM, so happy to see you back to yourself!

I've been sick with allergies, and then company coming to dinner today... hope i don't miss anything!

Hello to all the Monkeys!

Caylee's Warriors:  Relax, I've got this one -- GOD
joesamas mama
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« Reply #672 on: April 05, 2009, 03:32:26 PM »

Morning Sweet Monkeys,

Found this this morning from BB11, she is sooo freaking awesome!!

 Sunday, April 05, 2009
Casey Anthony breaking news - Sat - 1am
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
AFTER CINDY............
  JSM is behind, but JSM said all along that they would blame it on Cindy!!!  I hate Baez and KC and all the rest. JMO JSM

My JSM Begging for Ban Button Blog: http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=5458.0

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joesamas mama
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« Reply #673 on: April 05, 2009, 03:35:40 PM »

I wish I lived in a place where I was mowing the lawn, playing badminton AND eating a big breakfast prepared by a beautiful "tinkerbell" named Trimm.  Enjoy and thanks for making me feel more grateful and thankful for all I have. Very nice Monkey you are!!

Hi Sassycat...You are the bomb

Morning sweet Boo...Who in the heck is BB11..... The Anthony's have always been against JB, I thought... When he went to NY they snuck in the last jail visit and wanted Casey to speak to another man.  Makes me wonder....Do the Anthony's really support Casey or do they NOT want to be the ones to sink her ship??  It would be hard to publicly go against your own child and help put her in prison for life.
Who am I kidding...This is the A's we are talking about!!

That's me in the tree as well QM...Hang on..Should get some relief today.......................
I hope it warms up for you Scarlett. It is windy here and cold too.

My JSM Begging for Ban Button Blog: http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=5458.0

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« Reply #674 on: April 05, 2009, 03:35:57 PM »

Good Afternoon Monkeys and Guest and Welcome to all of the new Monkeys...

I am just getting caught up after having 3 of the grandkids yesterday.....I think I cooked all day long. lol

Dolce, you just look so darn beautiful in your new pic. The babes are really growing now. I was excited with all the grandbabies, but was just blown away when my son's twins were on the way. They will simply amaze you when they get here. I can just about bet you the girl will be the boss. Mine will be nine next month and she is still the boss.

JSM, hope that knee gets better soon. I can assure you....you do not want a knee replacement.

Glad to all all of you today.

Boo.... thanks for the info from BB11....I can't wait to see how it all plays out. I hate the boat didn't sink yesterday. I have to try to get my house put back together before morning, so looking forward to the new doc. dump. Just hope it is better than the last one.

You will never know that Faith in prayer is all you need,
until it is all you have left!
God Bless!
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #675 on: April 05, 2009, 03:36:33 PM »

JUJU THIS IS B-11'S MYSPACE.  Her blogs are listed on the right hand side, just click on the title for it to open and you to be able to read.


thank you so much!  you are looking too cute!  wish i lived close to you so i could help with the babies.  my aunt had twins and i lived with her until they were about 6 months old.

Regrets, I've had a few......
joesamas mama
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« Reply #676 on: April 05, 2009, 03:42:28 PM »

Dolce - the twins are getting bigger 
I feel like a U-Haul these days.... 
OH DOLCE, I just saw your new avi! You are totally beautiful and you don't look like a U Haul. Any thoughts on naming that boy baby Josef yet?  Just kidding! Love to you and the babies.

My JSM Begging for Ban Button Blog: http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=5458.0

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« Reply #677 on: April 05, 2009, 03:44:25 PM »

JUJU THIS IS B-11'S MYSPACE.  Her blogs are listed on the right hand side, just click on the title for it to open and you to be able to read.


I went to the site and subscribed; however, I cannot find the information that Boo posted...the latest item I found was for April 3.  ?


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
joesamas mama
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« Reply #678 on: April 05, 2009, 03:45:18 PM »

I just finished reading the phone conversation you posted between Lee and Casey.

This part just creeps me out:

Lee: I still want you to be able to know that you can -- you can call me, and I'll try to, you know, get as much out there as I can before anything would ever die. It's not, like, a situation, but, you know, what can we do? You know?

I would really like to know what they were talking about during that conversation.
He sounds about as educated as Baez in getting his point across. 

My JSM Begging for Ban Button Blog: http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=5458.0

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joesamas mama
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Patton is my babe. RIP my Josef I love you both!

« Reply #679 on: April 05, 2009, 03:46:29 PM »

BBL later Monkeys, I am going to Mass today, so I should be covered for the coming week!  See ya later!
I am behind 3 babies, but you will be at Mass for a long long time. See you in a bit.

My JSM Begging for Ban Button Blog: http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=5458.0

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