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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #822 7/28/09 - 8/13/09  (Read 401929 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #260 on: July 30, 2009, 01:52:11 AM »

That's what I am saying KTF.  Tim did say that on the interview with Jen Hale.
My friend saw the interview...said that there was a file picture of Tim on the screen.
She heard all of the numbers so the program did air with the phone interview.

It is a difficult situation with all Tim Miller has done.I've gone over it in my head a million times.If Tim Miller is aware of everything encompassing the cage/trap,as well as the pond hoax,John Silvetti's relationship with Caps & Crew & still continues to associate with with Silvetti & Schaefer.I'm at a loss!Do we know,beyond a shadow of a doubt,that Tim Miller is fully aware of all these things?

IMO NO.  Plus he was very ill during part of this time.

I guess my question is.Has anyone attempted to bring this to Tim Miller's attention?Kermit,Jen3560?

I read somewhere that Hotshot had contacted him about Kyle's revelations

The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #261 on: July 30, 2009, 01:59:35 AM »

That's what I am saying KTF.  Tim did say that on the interview with Jen Hale.
My friend saw the interview...said that there was a file picture of Tim on the screen.
She heard all of the numbers so the program did air with the phone interview.

It is a difficult situation with all Tim Miller has done.I've gone over it in my head a million times.If Tim Miller is aware of everything encompassing the cage/trap,as well as the pond hoax,John Silvetti's relationship with Caps & Crew & still continues to associate with with Silvetti & Schaefer.I'm at a loss!Do we know,beyond a shadow of a doubt,that Tim Miller is fully aware of all these things?

IMO NO.  Plus he was very ill during part of this time.

I guess my question is.Has anyone attempted to bring this to Tim Miller's attention?Kermit,Jen3560?

I read somewhere that Hotshot had contacted him about Kyle's revelations

O'Lord..Maybe once all the dot's are connected,with complete backup that is irrefutable,Tim Miller would appreciate the information?Just a thought.Unless he's already aware.

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #262 on: July 30, 2009, 02:02:00 AM »

Night All.
My pillow is calling

The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #263 on: July 30, 2009, 02:05:16 AM »

Night All.
My pillow is calling

Good night Magnolia!   an angelic monkey

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #264 on: July 30, 2009, 02:05:36 AM »

Mine, too, Magnolia.  Been a long day.

KTF,  right, no telling what Hotshot would tell him but likely not the facts as she is not known for keeping things straight. 

GoodNight all remaining monkeys!


All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary http://tinyurl.com/2nus7c
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #265 on: July 30, 2009, 02:08:32 AM »

Night All.
My pillow is calling

I've never seen you move so quick Magnolia!

Goodnight & God Bless. an angelic monkey

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 8156

« Reply #266 on: July 30, 2009, 02:09:38 AM »

Mine, too, Magnolia.  Been a long day.

KTF,  right, no telling what Hotshot would tell him but likely not the facts as she is not known for keeping things straight. 

GoodNight all remaining monkeys!

What's the matter Anna?No Monkey slide before bed? Monkey Devil!

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #267 on: July 30, 2009, 02:10:39 AM »


Nite, KTF!



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary http://tinyurl.com/2nus7c
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #268 on: July 30, 2009, 02:11:02 AM »

Original text (and translation by GBMW)

Dave Holloway Won’t Give Up Search for Natalee

February 16th, 2009

Article Link



Het onderzoek naar de vermiste Natalee Holloway lijkt bijna vier jaar na haar verdwijning op Aruba muurvast te zitten. Toch wil Natalees vader Dave Holloway met enkele Amerikaanse experts zelf weer op onderzoek uit.


Dave Holloway met Natalee, zes dagen voor
haar verdwijning op Aruba.

Een 80 meter lang schip, uitgerust met moderne duikapparatuur ligt klaar voor vertrek naar Aruba. Een slordige 5 miljoen dollar kost het om 150 objecten op te duiken in de Caribische Zee en een vijver af te graven op zoek naar een spoor van Natalee. Een Amerikaans team, gespecialiseerd in het vinden van vermiste personen, heeft dat bedrag er voor over, maar wacht tevergeefs op steun van Hans Mos, hoofdofficier van justitie op Aruba, zegt Natalees vader Dave Holloway.

Holloway laat vanuit zijn woonplaats Meridian, Mississippi, weten dat hij bijna alle vertrouwen in het Arubaanse justitieapparaat heeft verloren: ,,Het is merkwaardig wat er op Aruba gebeurt.’’

Ook aan de lijn zijn een woedende John Silvetti uit Lafayette, Louisiana, en Tim Miller. De laatste belt vanuit Llano, Texas, waar hij bezig is met een zoekactie naar een 2-jarig jongetje dat vermist is. Miller zette na de ontvoering en moord op zijn dochter Laura het bedrijf TexasEquuSearch op en organiseerde in 2005 diverse zoekacties naar Natalee. Silvetti zocht vorig jaar met zijn schip Persistence maandenlang de zeebodem af op zoek naar een spoor van de Amerikaanse.

,,We hebben een getuige die zegt dat hij in de nacht van mijn dochters verdwijning verdachte Joran van der Sloot – tot zijn middel onder de modder en op één tennisschoen – heeft zien lopen en later Joran en zijn vader heeft zien langsrijden in een rode jeep,’’ vertelt Dave Holloway. De getuige vermoedt dat Joran in een verder gelegen vijver is geweest. Holloway: ,,Ik zou graag die vijver laten onderzoeken. Waarschijnlijk ligt Jorans schoen daarin.’’ Als de tennisschoen in de vijver wordt gevonden, ziet forensisch expert Richard Eikelenboom van laboratorium IFS mogelijkheden voor dna-onderzoek. ,,Ons bedrijf kan daar mogelijk nog dna van af halen.’’

Hoofdofficier van justitie Mos wil echter het water niet laten onderzoeken. ,,Dat Joran bij dat water zou zijn geweest, is niet meer dan een veronderstelling van die getuige,’’ legt hij vanuit Oranjestad uit. ,,Als ik overal achteraan moet gaan, ben ik de hele dag bezig. En al zou ik er iets vinden, dan nog is dat geen bewijs dat Joran iets heeft gedaan.’’

Vader Holloway begrijpt het niet: ,,Al is het geen bewijs, het kan je op weg helpen. Als officier van justitie heb je de verplichting om de zaak tot op de bodem uit te zoeken. Hij zegt dat Jorans vader Paul van der Sloot een goede man is, een vriend. Ik vraag me af of er corruptie in het spel is.’’

Holloway, Silvetti en Miller hebben de getuige een leugendetectortest laten ondergaan door een ex-CIA agent. De man doorstond de test glansrijk, maar het Openbaar Ministerie wil de uitslag niet opnemen in het Holloway-dossier. ,,Ik mocht me er niet mee bemoeien,’’ briest Miller. ,,Maar Natalee is een Amerikaanse, zij is een van onze meisjes. Wij zetten onze beste mensen, onze beste hulpmiddelen in, zodat iedereen die van Natalee hield en de Arubanen de zaak kunnen afsluiten.’’

Zo heeft John Silvetti monsters genomen in de vijverbodem om te bepalen hoe diep ze moeten graven om iets van vier jaar geleden terug te vinden. Silvetti: ,,Ik heb Mos gevraagd de monsters op te sturen naar de FBI, want dat mag ik niet doen. Maar voor zover ik weet, liggen die monsters nog steeds in de koelkast op het politiebureau. Mos neemt al maanden de telefoon niet op en belt ook niet terug. Deze zaak stinkt. Mos heeft dat onderzoek om zeep geholpen.’’

Mos zegt niets van de genomen monsters te weten. Hij doet de kritiek af als emotie. ,,Van mij mogen ze hun gang gaan, als ze het maar even laten weten,’’ zegt hij. ,,Ik werk ze niet tegen. Waar die gedachte vandaan komt, weet ik niet. Ik wil de zaak graag oplossen. Maar ik zet alleen de politie in als er concrete aanwijzingen zijn. Als het aan hen ligt, halen ze het hele eiland overhoop. De Persistence heeft ook maar een object gevonden en dat heeft niets opgeleverd. Ik denk niet dat we in de zee iets vinden.’’

Als Silvetti dat laatste hoort, springt hij bijna uit zijn vel. ,,Wat een walgelijke bewering,’’ roept hij. ,,We hebben nog 150 objecten gevonden op de zeebodem die van mensen afkomstig zijn en die we willen onderzoeken.’’

Forensisch expert Richard Eikelenboom bevestigt dat er een kans is dat het lichaam of kleding van Natalee op de zeebodem wordt gevonden. ,,Zeewater is slechter voor dna dan zoet water,’’ zegt hij, ,,maar ook dan zijn er nog mogelijkheden voor onderzoek, zeker als het lichaam wordt gevonden.’’ Eikelenboom adviseert om de objecten te laten opduiken en vervolgens onder water te bewaren. Tijdens het dna-onderzoek worden de stukken dan pas uit het water gehaald. ,,Het dna gaat in tijd en onder waterige condities natuurlijk wel achteruit. ’’

Dave Holloway is bang dat de zaak in de doofpot verdwijnt. ,, De politie heeft niets anders gedaan dan de boel te verpesten. Mos zegt dat de zaak al meer dan 7,5 miljoen euro heeft gekost. Ik denk dan bij mezelf: ze hadden helemaal niet zoveel geld hoeven uitgeven. De zaak had allang opgelost kunnen zijn.’’ Tim Miller: ,,Met alle zoektochten die we hebben ondernomen, hebben we de autoriteiten miljoenen dollars bespaard. Het gaat ons er alleen om het meisje te vinden.’’


By Maaike Ruepert

After four years since her disappearance the investigation concerning the missing Natalee Holloway seems to be stuck. But Natalees’ father Dave Holloway wants, together with a few American experts, to go and search himself again.

An 80 metres long ship, equipped with modern diving equipment is ready to leave for Aruba. It has cost a mere 5 million dollars to dive up the 150 objects in the Caribbean sea and to dig through a pond to search for a trace of Natalee. An American team, specialised in finding missing people, is willing to spend that amount of money but is waiting in vain for support from Hans Mos, chief prosecutor on Aruba, says Natalee’s father Dave Holloway.

Holloway let’s us know from his place of residence Meridian, Mississippi that he almost has lost every faith in the Aruban judicial system. “What’s happening on Aruba is quite peculiar”.

The latter is calling from Llano, Texas, where he is searching for a 2-year old missing boy. Miller founded the company TexasEquuSearch after the abduction & murder on his daughter Laura and organised several searches for Natalee in 2005. Last year Silvetti searched the seabed in search of a trail from the American girl for months with his ship Persistence.

“We have a witness who says that he saw suspect Joran van der Sloot walking in the night of my daughters disappearance; up to his waist in the mud and walking on one tennis shoe, and later Joran and his father have been seen seen driving a red jeep”, says Dave Holloway. The witness suspects that Joran has been in a pond a bit further on. Holloway: “I would like the pond to be investigated. Probably Jorans’ shoe is in it.” If the tennis shoe is found in the pond, forensic expert Richard Eikelenboom from laboratory IFS for DNA research sees possibilities for a DNA research. “Our company might get DNA from it.”

Chief Public Prosecutor Mos does not want to examine the water though. “That Joran was near that water is no more than an assumption from that witness”, he explains from Oranjestad. “If I have to follow everything, I’m busy all day. And even if I would find something, it still wouldn’t be evidence that Joran has done something.”

Father Holloway doesn’t understand. “Even if it’s not evidence, it can help you get started. As a prosecutor, you have the obligation to investigate thoroughly. He is saying that Jorans’ father Paul van der Slot is a good man, a friend. I wonder if corruption plays a part.”

Holloway, Silvetti and Miller have put the witness through a lie detector test; done by a former CIA agent. The man passed it with flying colors, but the OM doesn’t want to include the results in the Holloway file. “I wasn’t allowed to interfere,” Miller says angrily. “But Natalee is an American, she is one of our girls. We put our best people on it, our best tools, so everybody who loved Natalee and the Arubans can case close the case.”

For example, John Silvetti has taken samples from the pond bottom to determine how deep they have to dig for to find something from four years ago. Silvetti: “I have asked Mos to send samples to the FBI, because I’m not allowed to do that. But as far as I know, those samples are still in the refrigerator at the police station. Mos hasn’t answered the phone for months and won’t call back either. This case stinks. Mos has killed that research.”

Mos says he doesn’t know anything about the taken samples. He labels the criticism as emotion. “They can go ahead if they want to, as long as they inform us,” he says. “I’m not hindering them. I have no idea where that idea is coming from. I really want to solve the case. But I only put the police on matters when there are specific leads. If it would be up to them, they would turn the whole island upside down. The Persistence has only found one object and that didn’t lead to anything. I don’t think we will find anything in the ocean.”

When Silvetti hears the last remark, he almost jumps out of his skin. “What a disgusting allegation,” he says. “On the seabed we have found 150 items coming from people we want to investigate.”

Forensic expert Richard Eikelenboom confirms that there is a chance that the body or clothing of Natalee is found on the seabed. “Seawater is worse for DNA than water,”he says, “but even then there are opportunities for research, especially if the body is found.” Eikelenboom recommends to dive up the objects and store them under water. The pieces are to be taken out of the water during the DNA research. “Of course, with time & aqueous conditions the DNA will deteriorate.”

Dave Holloway is concerned that the case will be covered up. “The police have done nothing other than to ruin everything. Mos is saying that the case has cost more than 7.5 million Euro. I think to myself: they didn’t have to spend that much money. The case could have been solved a long time ago already.” Tim Miller: “With all the quests we’ve undertaken already, we have saved the authorities millions of dollars. For us it’s only about finding the girl.”


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #269 on: July 30, 2009, 02:11:36 AM »

Mine, too, Magnolia.  Been a long day.

KTF,  right, no telling what Hotshot would tell him but likely not the facts as she is not known for keeping things straight. 

GoodNight all remaining monkeys!

Good night Anna!   an angelic monkey

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #270 on: July 30, 2009, 02:14:52 AM »

Nite, KTF!



"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #271 on: July 30, 2009, 02:25:47 AM »

Truth & Justice for Natalee!

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #272 on: July 30, 2009, 02:26:46 AM »

Good night KTF!   an angelic monkey

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #273 on: July 30, 2009, 02:30:52 AM »

I thought right before I said my good night...I wonder if billb's up there lurkin'!   Monkey Devil!

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
billb's daughter
Monkey Junky
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No Body...No Tourism aruba! Bring Natalee Home!

« Reply #274 on: July 30, 2009, 02:32:26 AM »

KTF...Great pics of the Great Northwest! I hope you are getting cooler up there...The heat can't be good...!00 Plus...
I'm in NE San Diego county.....we get days of 100+...but with low humidity.....teens or less.....
I did think of canoe trips when I looked at your pics
Thank you Klaas for putting the slide show together...
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #275 on: July 30, 2009, 02:36:01 AM »

KTF, billb, anybody here...would you try this link please.  TIA


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #276 on: July 30, 2009, 02:38:11 AM »

KTF, billb, anybody here...would you try this link please.  TIA


It's working now, thanks anyway!   

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #277 on: July 30, 2009, 02:39:50 AM »

Good to see you Snoopy!   an angelic monkey

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #278 on: July 30, 2009, 02:40:06 AM »

KTF, billb, anybody here...would you try this link please.  TIA


It worked for me.I have high memory,as well as processing so it went slow for me but came through fairly fast if that makes any sense.Someone with not as quick of a computer it might take a minute?

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #279 on: July 30, 2009, 02:40:55 AM »

Good night KTF!   an angelic monkey

Me go to sleep?I was saying goodnight to Anna.. Monkey Devil!

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

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