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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #92 1/15/09 - 1/17/09  (Read 335652 times)
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Foggy Dew
Monkey Junky Jr.
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Posts: 701

« Reply #480 on: January 16, 2009, 03:08:53 AM »

I drove by the Anthony's after visiting Caylee's memorial site today.......Lee's car was parked "in" the front yard.....Mallory's Jeep Liberty was parked in the driveway.

Several cars of families stopped at Caylee's memorial site when I was there. One young couple asked if I knew where the A's house was mom (God love her)
said to the guy.....follow us, we'll show you.....

I took pix but I'm at my mom's and I don't have my camera cords to transfer them to her computer. I'll be headed back to PA on Sunday and will post them then.
There had to be a couple hundred stuffed animals, and flowers, signs, letters, pictures....
I signed scaredmonkeys to the huge wooden sign, and to a picture and prayer. I left a  teddy bear with a red heart signed "scaredmonkeys". And my favorite was a beautiful
glass suncatcher that reads "You are My Sunshine".

What Miss Paula said.  Thank you, thank you...your post has brought me a bit of peace.
Foggy Dew
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #481 on: January 16, 2009, 03:17:33 AM »

Ok - I watched the whole video and I have two comments on it (actually much more, but I'm going to limit it or I'll be here all night - again):

#1 - KC says she is concerned about her case (at this time she was not yet indicted for murder).  So, all she could think about is the case?  Meaning KC already knows there is only one end...  that she will be tried in court for this matter.  If she were telling the truth about any of this, there would have been a second possibility:  They find, arrest, and try Zanny and Caylee comes home.  Case closed, KC comes home.  KC knows that is an option, but an innocent person would always have that hope.

#2 - She's out of the loop.  She doesn't know anything.  She's been locked up for a whole month!  (Poor thing!)  She only gets the information that Baez gives her.  She shuts herself off from the media, so she doesn't have to listen to the reports of what a liar she is, etc. etc.  Why, then, does she not ask CA and GA to give her some info?  Why doesn't she want to know where they have progressed on anything?  What info has Lee learned?  What has the PI learned?  We know that she will not give up any information, because it will incriminate her.  But she also knows that any information discovered by the family that she would need to know (like, how much do the cops know, what have they released to the media, what have they learned on their own?) would also incriminate her.

It's just soooooooo obvious.  And for CA and GA, I haven't been a supporter of theirs by any means, BUT I feel sorry for them.  Everyone makes mistakes and some people make some pretty bad parents...  But no one wants to believe the worst in someone they know.  And KC is the worst imaginable.  Some parents do everything right and still have bad seeds.  Some parents are absolutely horrible, yet their children turn out to be some amazing people.  I can't imagine being in either of their shoes - not wanting to believe your own flesh and blood is an absolute monster and at the same time clinging to the tiniest bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, they will see Caylee again.

It's very easy for us to watch and say they are in denial from afar.  And this denial sounds like such a horrible thing.  But they are grieving a few things right now.  They are grieving the loss of their precious granddaughter.  They are grieving the loss of their daughter (because she is no longer the daughter they knew - she's a monster).  They are also grieving the loss of their family unit/normalcy/lifestyle etc.  Nothing will ever be the same for them again. 

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D., wrote a book called "On Death and Dying."  In this book, she says that there are 5 stages of grief that most everyone goes through when either dying themselves or grieving the loss of a loved one.  (you can also bounce back a stage or two - so it isn't always linear.)  The stages are:

   1. Denial:  "Caylee isn't dead.  She's fine.  She'll come home soon."
   2. Anger:  "Why isn't LE doing their jobs?  Why are they persecuting KC instead of finding our living Caylee, who is definitely not dead?"  (I imagine this anger will turn toward KC soon)
   3. Bargaining:  "Just give us some info, honey."; "Just help us find Caylee alive.";  "I would trade places with you if I could, honey, we just want Caylee home."
   4. Depression:  "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "We'll never see Caylee again."
   5. Acceptance:  "It's going to be OK."; "She's gone and now we must deal with it."

So, considering this, I have to say that even though we do not understand CA and GA's behavior and we all feel we would behave differently, let's remember that we just don't know how we react in this situation.  I can only imagine the torment they feel.  I also noted that GA is trying to get KC to come clean to everyone and this would end the big mess.  At this point, I feel they know something bad happened, but because they can't comprehend the idea that their granddaughter has possibly been MURDERED and even worse that their own flesh and blood did it, they (specifically GA) think that it was probably an accident and KC can clear everything up if she just tells the truth.

I think it's going to be a long time before we see CA and GA make it to the "acceptance" stage of grief.  It takes many people MANY years to get to this point, if they make it at all.

Yeah, re. the grandparents (esp. Cindy) I said something like you have written earlier...though I'm still suspicious of the grandfather's role in all this (though I'm not suggesting he had anything to do with Caylee's death. [/b]
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #482 on: January 16, 2009, 03:18:51 AM »

From her comments, I think Casey believes the conspiracy story she has fabricated because Jose has convinced her that he believes it.  It's like the two of them think they are fending off the world and the "bad guys" who took Caylee.  My guess is that Jose doesn't want Casey to tell him the truth even though he knows she killed Caylee.  If Casey doesn't tell him, then he can continue all the way through the trial to spin this conspiracy story as her defense.  As an attorney, he stands to gain from the media attention no matter how the trial ends. 

However, I don't think he has honestly told Casey the probability of her conspiracy theory being accepted by a jury is slim to none.  He's encouraged Casey to put all her trust in him and talk to no one else.  Big mistake because she has a warped view of her chances of success with this story.  It's not going to fly, but I think Jose has convinced her it will.  The world knows she's going down for this murder, but Casey believes Jose and thinks her story will be believed and she'll be set free.  Casey is going to be shocked when she's found guilty.  Totally, completely shocked.  She'll be the only one, though.  Even George and Cindy know what happened.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #483 on: January 16, 2009, 03:23:05 AM »

Night, all.  Sleep tight.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #484 on: January 16, 2009, 03:25:59 AM »

I agree w/rmcalo who said this vid alone would be enough to convince most people that Casey killed Caylee. Chilling.  It made me literally sick(nauseous) and I had to just sit and breathe and recover for a bit after watching it.  Can't think of a single way JB will be able to spin this one.... She shows ZERO concern for Caylee, ZERO concern for her family that she has destroyed, and nothing but contempt and disdain for dedicated investigators and the general public who care very much about Caylee and what has become of her.  Oh, just so SICK SICK SICK.  I found it quite upsetting, actually.

A major motive in this murder will most likely be revealed to have been JEALOUSY.  Casey is jealous of her friends who are not saddled with a "snothead."  She is jealous of Jesse loving Caylee as much as/more than he loved her.  She is jealous of Caylee's natural ability to charm people and make them love her -- when conniving Casey has to work so hard to manipulate and charm others.  She is jealous of Cindy's apparent preference and love for Caylee over her.  And -- I think this is important -- she is jealous that Caylee preferred Cindy, too, rather than her own mother.  I even wonder if Casey's lethal rage might have been triggered by Caylee crying for Cindy after Casey took her away.   "Maybe I'm a just a spiteful bitch."  Sure does appear that way, doesn't it?

I'm ready for a doc dump -- I want some more reassurance from OCSO about all the strong evidence I know they must have stockpiled like a mountain against Caylee's monster mommy and anyone who has aided and abetted her in her crime.  And I just want to KNOW what they have discovered and confirmed.  Tell me more, tell me more...

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Being here with the late-niters, and reading what the day-timers had to say about the latest developments, helps me to feel I'm not alone in my anguish about what happened to Caylee, my horror of the evil that is Casey, my confusion and anxiety about the twists and turns in this case, and my hope for justice to prevail.  Monkeys are great.

Work in the morning, it's good to see you all and hope to talk to you soon.
Goodnight sweet monkeys, and God bless our Caylee...

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Iron Cowgirl
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #485 on: January 16, 2009, 03:30:21 AM »

Ok - I watched the whole video and I have two comments on it (actually much more, but I'm going to limit it or I'll be here all night - again):

#1 - KC says she is concerned about her case (at this time she was not yet indicted for murder).  So, all she could think about is the case?  Meaning KC already knows there is only one end...  that she will be tried in court for this matter.  If she were telling the truth about any of this, there would have been a second possibility:  They find, arrest, and try Zanny and Caylee comes home.  Case closed, KC comes home.  KC knows that is an option, but an innocent person would always have that hope.

#2 - She's out of the loop.  She doesn't know anything.  She's been locked up for a whole month!  (Poor thing!)  She only gets the information that Baez gives her.  She shuts herself off from the media, so she doesn't have to listen to the reports of what a liar she is, etc. etc.  Why, then, does she not ask CA and GA to give her some info?  Why doesn't she want to know where they have progressed on anything?  What info has Lee learned?  What has the PI learned?  We know that she will not give up any information, because it will incriminate her.  But she also knows that any information discovered by the family that she would need to know (like, how much do the cops know, what have they released to the media, what have they learned on their own?) would also incriminate her.

It's just soooooooo obvious.  And for CA and GA, I haven't been a supporter of theirs by any means, BUT I feel sorry for them.  Everyone makes mistakes and some people make some pretty bad parents...  But no one wants to believe the worst in someone they know.  And KC is the worst imaginable.  Some parents do everything right and still have bad seeds.  Some parents are absolutely horrible, yet their children turn out to be some amazing people.  I can't imagine being in either of their shoes - not wanting to believe your own flesh and blood is an absolute monster and at the same time clinging to the tiniest bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, they will see Caylee again.

It's very easy for us to watch and say they are in denial from afar.  And this denial sounds like such a horrible thing.  But they are grieving a few things right now.  They are grieving the loss of their precious granddaughter.  They are grieving the loss of their daughter (because she is no longer the daughter they knew - she's a monster).  They are also grieving the loss of their family unit/normalcy/lifestyle etc.  Nothing will ever be the same for them again. 

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D., wrote a book called "On Death and Dying."  In this book, she says that there are 5 stages of grief that most everyone goes through when either dying themselves or grieving the loss of a loved one.  (you can also bounce back a stage or two - so it isn't always linear.)  The stages are:

   1. Denial:  "Caylee isn't dead.  She's fine.  She'll come home soon."
   2. Anger:  "Why isn't LE doing their jobs?  Why are they persecuting KC instead of finding our living Caylee, who is definitely not dead?"  (I imagine this anger will turn toward KC soon)
   3. Bargaining:  "Just give us some info, honey."; "Just help us find Caylee alive.";  "I would trade places with you if I could, honey, we just want Caylee home."
   4. Depression:  "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "We'll never see Caylee again."
   5. Acceptance:  "It's going to be OK."; "She's gone and now we must deal with it."

So, considering this, I have to say that even though we do not understand CA and GA's behavior and we all feel we would behave differently, let's remember that we just don't know how we react in this situation.  I can only imagine the torment they feel.  I also noted that GA is trying to get KC to come clean to everyone and this would end the big mess.  At this point, I feel they know something bad happened, but because they can't comprehend the idea that their granddaughter has possibly been MURDERED and even worse that their own flesh and blood did it, they (specifically GA) think that it was probably an accident and KC can clear everything up if she just tells the truth.

I think it's going to be a long time before we see CA and GA make it to the "acceptance" stage of grief.  It takes many people MANY years to get to this point, if they make it at all.

Yeah, re. the grandparents (esp. Cindy) I said something like you have written earlier...though I'm still suspicious of the grandfather's role in all this (though I'm not suggesting he had anything to do with Caylee's death. [/b]

Yeah, even if CA and GA have specific info on what happened to Caylee, they can still be in denial.  People can witness a loved one pass away and logically know that person is gone, yet still go through denial and expect them to walk through the door any minute.  It's a mechanism we use to deal with grief, regardless of what happened.  (People grieve the loss of relationships, a limb, and a variety of things through these same stages.)  It's sad and we wish they would snap out of it and tell everyone what they know about what happened, but snapping out of it just isn't an option for them emotionally, I think.  Although, with their being out of the media lately, hopefully they have moved past the denial that KC did this and are angry with her.  As for the loss of Caylee, who knows where they are?  I know we speculate on a million reasons they haven't had a funeral for her yet...  But having that funeral would mean admitting that Caylee is gone forever and I think it's possible they aren't ready to do that.  For all we know, they could be hoping the 2nd autopsy proves it's some other little girl and not their Caylee.  The brain is a weird, weird thing.
Foggy Dew
Monkey Junky Jr.
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Posts: 701

« Reply #486 on: January 16, 2009, 03:57:56 AM »

I agree w/rmcalo who said this vid alone would be enough to convince most people that Casey killed Caylee. Chilling.  It made me literally sick(nauseous) and I had to just sit and breathe and recover for a bit after watching it.  Can't think of a single way JB will be able to spin this one.... She shows ZERO concern for Caylee, ZERO concern for her family that she has destroyed, and nothing but contempt and disdain for dedicated investigators and the general public who care very much about Caylee and what has become of her.  Oh, just so SICK SICK SICK.  I found it quite upsetting, actually.

A major motive in this murder will most likely be revealed to have been JEALOUSY.  Casey is jealous of her friends who are not saddled with a "snothead."  She is jealous of Jesse loving Caylee as much as/more than he loved her.  She is jealous of Caylee's natural ability to charm people and make them love her -- when conniving Casey has to work so hard to manipulate and charm others.  She is jealous of Cindy's apparent preference and love for Caylee over her.  And -- I think this is important -- she is jealous that Caylee preferred Cindy, too, rather than her own mother.  I even wonder if Casey's lethal rage might have been triggered by Caylee crying for Cindy after Casey took her away.   "Maybe I'm a just a spiteful bitch."  Sure does appear that way, doesn't it?

I'm ready for a doc dump -- I want some more reassurance from OCSO about all the strong evidence I know they must have stockpiled like a mountain against Caylee's monster mommy and anyone who has aided and abetted her in her crime.  And I just want to KNOW what they have discovered and confirmed.  Tell me more, tell me more...

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Being here with the late-niters, and reading what the day-timers had to say about the latest developments, helps me to feel I'm not alone in my anguish about what happened to Caylee, my horror of the evil that is Casey, my confusion and anxiety about the twists and turns in this case, and my hope for justice to prevail.  Monkeys are great.

Work in the morning, it's good to see you all and hope to talk to you soon.
Goodnight sweet monkeys, and God bless our Caylee...

Oh my, just saw some clips on tv of this latest video.  Call me crazy, but every time Cindy wiped her crying eyes, Casey mimiced her mother by wiping her own eye(s).  That was quite striking to me.  Of course if it'd been me doing time, I would have tried to comfort my mom and been crying too I'm sure...but aping my mom's gestures?  Hmm...not so much.  What a freakin' chameleon the alleged perp seems to be. 
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #487 on: January 16, 2009, 05:12:20 AM »

Well I finally got to watch it...Cindy was a mess.I couldn't help but to feel her desperation.Don't throw nanners at me please.George and all his analagies make me sick.He talks more nonsense then Elmer Fudd...No hard questions because they were so intimidated by her.It's been my opinion all along that they walked around on egg shells when Casey was around because they know the wrath of her anger and have probably dealt with it her whole life.The sad thing for me is imagining little Caylee with her the last moments of her life.I hope more than anything that Caylee was put to sleep and not terrorized by the person she called mom.There will be a special place for Caylee in Heaven and unless KC repents,there will be a special place in hell for her..God comforts no one that does not belong to Him so there you go.Hide your head under the covers and cry KC because no one here really cares.Finally I got mad because she called me ignorant and said I needed to get a life.I bet you she would trade hers for mine in a New York minute!! God it's all just sooooooooo sad...Rest in peace baby girl because justice is going to be served...

Hey Tater, I'm just reading up during my nightly wakely session.    Now may follow up when/if I get caught up tomorrow, b/c I don't understand a comment.

Lovinlife, thanks for your sweet comment on the last thread.  Nice to see you, though way late.  Hugs to all monkeys; enjoy your morning coffee, which I will be reading about probably during lunchtime (coupla time zones back + recuperative sleep = slacker/late poster)         
Monkey Junky
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Angels Are True

« Reply #488 on: January 16, 2009, 05:12:45 AM »

I wanted to bring this over here from Guideposts:

Yes, it was.  Just a short timeline of what was happening during this video timeframe...
8/8/08 – Casey refuses to see her brother when he arrives for a previously scheduled jail visit
8/8/08 Baez also launched a new appeal to spring Casey Anthony out of jail.
8/8/08 Divers Search Ponds Near Home of Missing
8/8/08 George Anthony Lashes Out At Media later apologizes
8/8/08 Private Investigator Dominic Casey visits Casey Anthony in jail.

8/9/08  – Caylee Anthony's third birthday

8/10/08 – Casey declines a scheduled visitation with her parents
8/10/08 “she will get the mother of the year award for what she’s done for Caylee” in Greta interview.

8/11/08 - Casey denies visit with parents
8/11/08  Gail St. John, psychic, was shooting her "blind drive"
8/11/08 Roy Krunk called LE 4:28pm saying there was a bag along side of the road.

8/12/08 - George Anthony claims he is being watched,
8/12/08 Roy Krunk called LE
8/12/08  LE held searches in woods near Anthony home Mon & Tues Aug 12, no leads found.

8/13/08 Roy Krunk called LE

8/14/08 - Investigators source says Caylee is dead
8/14/08 George Anthony lashes out on way to see Casey
8/14/08 Casey visits with parents and Cindy is seen crying after the meeting.

8/15/08- Bounty Hunter comes forward and will post bond to get Casey out of jail
8/15/08  AUG 15th-A det with orange co. sheriff's dept tells fox news that all future jail visits will be withheld "DUE TO A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE EXEMPTION"
8/15/08 Tropical Storm Faye hit Orlando on August 15, 2008

8/16/08  - Casey denies visit with brother saying it was under the advisement of her lawyers.

And add these few:

August 12 – George Anthony tells the media he is certain that Caylee was kidnapped.

August 14 – Casey accepts a visit from her parents.

August 16 – The Anthony family appoints Larry Garrison, president of production company SilverCreek Entertainment, as their official spokesperson..

August 17 – Leonard Padilla, a bail bondsman from Sacramento, California, arrives in Orlando after making arraignments to pay Casey Anthony's $500,000 bail. Padilla tells the media he has been following the case closely and is convinced that Caylee will not be found as long as Casey Anthony is behind bars.

I like being able to put things in perspective this way. Thanks, Guideposts.

This is great!Thanks Guidepost and Brandi.

Karma Is Coming

Justice for Natalee Holloway!

Rest In Peace Sweet Angels

Help Light Lindsey's Way Home
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #489 on: January 16, 2009, 06:08:46 AM »

For those who have been as curious as me about Vicks on the bottom of the feet to prevent coughs, here are my unscientific tests results:

Since Monday I've had fits of coughing day and night with this cold.  Have been coughing so hard my ribs hurt now.  When I was awakened the second time last night because of coughing, I rubbed a generous amount of Vicks onto the bottom of each foot, and pulled on a pair of socks over that to protect my sheets.  Went back to sleep, slept for 7 hours straight, NO coughing! 

It works!!!   

Sooooo today I hopped online to find out WHY it works.     Seems that the area under each foot is connected to all the other areas of our body.  You can see a diagram in this website about 'reflexology':  In that diagram, there's an area near the mid upper part under our foot that pertains to the lungs.  Am betting that with Vicks on that corresponding area, that's how it stops the coughs.  Hmmmm..

Same thing holds true with releasing toxins from our body.  The following site also has a diagram of the bottom of a foot, and shows how toxins can be pulled from the corresponding areas of our body with a pad placed under the feet at night.

Dunno how either of the above works exactly, just letting you know that the Vicks worked for me.  Looking forward to an entire night of sleeping with no coughing tonight.   

Thanks to those who first told us about this!   

That would be me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you gave it a try!!Thanks for being  brave enough to try it!! Just awesome!!Now I will send back an email to the original sender and let her know it really does work!!!Hope you are at 100 percent soon..Hugs

Proverbs 3:5
  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;
         and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #490 on: January 16, 2009, 06:23:20 AM »

I just watched the video from 8-14.   All I can say is G & C have been too easy on her.  They should have been yelling at her to tell the truth for once in her life.  They shouldn't have been thanking her for seeing them.  They should have quit kissing her a$$ like she's doing them some big favor.  They should of told her she's a selfish biotch.  I could go on and on.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #491 on: January 16, 2009, 06:56:27 AM »

I drove by the Anthony's after visiting Caylee's memorial site today.......Lee's car was parked "in" the front yard.....Mallory's Jeep Liberty was parked in the driveway.

Several cars of families stopped at Caylee's memorial site when I was there. One young couple asked if I knew where the A's house was mom (God love her)
said to the guy.....follow us, we'll show you.....

I took pix but I'm at my mom's and I don't have my camera cords to transfer them to her computer. I'll be headed back to PA on Sunday and will post them then.
There had to be a couple hundred stuffed animals, and flowers, signs, letters, pictures....
I signed scaredmonkeys to the huge wooden sign, and to a picture and prayer. I left a  teddy bear with a red heart signed "scaredmonkeys". And my favorite was a beautiful
glass suncatcher that reads "You are My Sunshine".

That's really nice of you.   Thanks!

Good morning everyone!
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2071

« Reply #492 on: January 16, 2009, 07:03:25 AM »

I drove by the Anthony's after visiting Caylee's memorial site today.......Lee's car was parked "in" the front yard.....Mallory's Jeep Liberty was parked in the driveway.

Several cars of families stopped at Caylee's memorial site when I was there. One young couple asked if I knew where the A's house was mom (God love her)
said to the guy.....follow us, we'll show you.....

I took pix but I'm at my mom's and I don't have my camera cords to transfer them to her computer. I'll be headed back to PA on Sunday and will post them then.
There had to be a couple hundred stuffed animals, and flowers, signs, letters, pictures....
I signed scaredmonkeys to the huge wooden sign, and to a picture and prayer. I left a  teddy bear with a red heart signed "scaredmonkeys". And my favorite was a beautiful
glass suncatcher that reads "You are My Sunshine".

That's really nice of you.   Thanks!

Good morning everyone!

I agree!!! Good morning Sassy!! Smile

Proverbs 3:5
  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;
         and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 7502

« Reply #493 on: January 16, 2009, 07:05:14 AM »

I drove by the Anthony's after visiting Caylee's memorial site today.......Lee's car was parked "in" the front yard.....Mallory's Jeep Liberty was parked in the driveway.

Several cars of families stopped at Caylee's memorial site when I was there. One young couple asked if I knew where the A's house was mom (God love her)
said to the guy.....follow us, we'll show you.....

I took pix but I'm at my mom's and I don't have my camera cords to transfer them to her computer. I'll be headed back to PA on Sunday and will post them then.
There had to be a couple hundred stuffed animals, and flowers, signs, letters, pictures....
I signed scaredmonkeys to the huge wooden sign, and to a picture and prayer. I left a  teddy bear with a red heart signed "scaredmonkeys". And my favorite was a beautiful
glass suncatcher that reads "You are My Sunshine".

That's really nice of you.   Thanks!

Good morning everyone!

I agree!!! Good morning Sassy!! Smile

Good Morning Tater!   Its quiet in here, isn't it?      How come Quiet Monkey hasn't served any coffee yet??     
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3903

« Reply #494 on: January 16, 2009, 07:11:10 AM »

  Good Morning Monkeys!  


  RIP Sweet Puppy
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3903

« Reply #495 on: January 16, 2009, 07:14:56 AM »

I drove by the Anthony's after visiting Caylee's memorial site today.......Lee's car was parked "in" the front yard.....Mallory's Jeep Liberty was parked in the driveway.

Several cars of families stopped at Caylee's memorial site when I was there. One young couple asked if I knew where the A's house was mom (God love her)
said to the guy.....follow us, we'll show you.....

I took pix but I'm at my mom's and I don't have my camera cords to transfer them to her computer. I'll be headed back to PA on Sunday and will post them then.
There had to be a couple hundred stuffed animals, and flowers, signs, letters, pictures....
I signed scaredmonkeys to the huge wooden sign, and to a picture and prayer. I left a  teddy bear with a red heart signed "scaredmonkeys". And my favorite was a beautiful
glass suncatcher that reads "You are My Sunshine".

That's really nice of you.   Thanks!

Good morning everyone!

I agree!!! Good morning Sassy!! Smile

Good Morning Tater!   Its quiet in here, isn't it?      How come Quiet Monkey hasn't served any coffee yet??     

Hi Sassy I'm here, see my post above, donuts today too!!
I have yet to see this video. Right when it was released yesterday I had to run out, then just got busy the rest of the day. Now when I go to wftv, the video doesn't play. I've checked every other website and they don't have a link to the video, I even tried YouTube but can't find that one. Can any monkey help me out??

  RIP Sweet Puppy
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #496 on: January 16, 2009, 07:17:37 AM »

You monkeys have a lot of good insights re the lost jail visit video.

The only thing I can add is that now we know why Baez doesn't want Casey to have visitors.   Its so obvious that Casey only cares about Casey.   That video alone should hang her!   I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about it - which is why I'm in this cage so early this morning looking for some of that Tim coffee that QM serves !!!!!   

JSM and Leroy - read your posts from last night.   You guys are a hoot.   Had me LMAO !!!

About Casey teeth - I would bet Cindy paid to have her teeth fixed - and the charges are probably on her charge card.  Cindy even mentioned the smile thing to the FBI agent in that video - does anyone remember?   She either got crowns on the two front teeth - or had to have some orthodonic work redone (I bet Casey wore braces in Jr HS - and didn't wear her retainer so her two front teeth crossed over each other).    Either way, I'm sure Mommy picked up the bill. 

I feel a big doc dump coming - maybe today -  its a three day weekend!
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #497 on: January 16, 2009, 07:19:08 AM »

  Good Morning Monkeys!  

YAY!       Thanks QM !!     
By the way - I love your SM Banner you made yesterday!       
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1351

« Reply #498 on: January 16, 2009, 07:19:13 AM »

morning monkeys, an OT, but an apology for my big spit the other morning.  I posted in musings and the lounge, but wanted to add in here too.  Noone makes me feel ignored.  I love this group, and altho i cant keep up half the time, you all give me all the info I need on this case.  Being in Australia, I dont get the media reports, but I can come in here, read up the info, and have made some great friends.  Just wanted to apologise, and thats why Im OT.  Depression gets the better of me at times, and Im sorry it reflected in my posts the other morning.  Love you all.

Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2071

« Reply #499 on: January 16, 2009, 07:24:16 AM »

morning monkeys, an OT, but an apology for my big spit the other morning.  I posted in musings and the lounge, but wanted to add in here too.  Noone makes me feel ignored.  I love this group, and altho i cant keep up half the time, you all give me all the info I need on this case.  Being in Australia, I dont get the media reports, but I can come in here, read up the info, and have made some great friends.  Just wanted to apologise, and thats why Im OT.  Depression gets the better of me at times, and Im sorry it reflected in my posts the other morning.  Love you all.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww..No worries!!! I love ya no matter what!!! Glad you are feeling better!:)Big Hugs

Proverbs 3:5
  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;
         and lean not unto thine own understanding.
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