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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony, 2, FL Missing since June 16-just reported by mother #81  (Read 357233 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1560 on: December 27, 2008, 02:32:22 PM »

Didn't I hear on NG that Casey signed the rights over to G & C after the second autopsy ?
The remains only went over to the funeral home Dec 23. Baez also won the right to have the pictues etc from the autopsy around the same date and the State had ten days to respond. I am making an assumption here that the hold up is the second autopsy and maybe the A's really don't have a date fixed as to when they get the remains for a service. The " experts " do not live in Florida and who knows what they think they have to do. Kathy Reichs is a forensic anthopologist and she said she was hired to do a forensic autopsy. Her role as I see it would be to determine date of death and along with the other " experts" to determine if the remains were found where they were tossed at the date of death. One of Baez's experts was a " bug guy ".       
Thanks KatGram, I don't have cable, so I don't watch NG. It seems to me, Christmas or not, they could get it done ASAP. Baez was crying to the State's Attorney about having to wait on stuff, even told him to be nice cause it is Christmas. Does anyone else remember that email from Baez or am I dreaming it?

Photos, X-Rays To Be Released To Defense

A judge on Tuesday ordered prosecutors to turn over photographs and X-rays of the remains of Caylee Anthony to the defense team of Casey Anthony.

Judge Stan Strickland granted the request, and Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, said those and other items, such as microscopic slides and autopsy reports, are needed so defense experts can conduct their own autopsy. Last week, the chief medical examiner in Orlando ruled the death a homicide, but said no actual cause could not be determined.

Baez, and a team of defense experts, went to the area where Caylee's remains were found last week but were not granted access to the site by the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

The judge ordered that the state hand over photographs and X-rays of the remains to the defense within 14 days.

"Time is of the essence in that there is a grieving family that merely wants closure, and as long as the second autopsy cannot be conducted properly, that can not happen," Baez wrote in the motion.

A testy e-mail exchange between Baez and the state attorney's office was also released.

"The items you speak of will be provided in discovery in due course. Why do you believe that 'time is of the essence?'" prosecutor Jeff Ashton wrote. "I am not aware of any exigent circumstances in this case."

"These items are needed for the second autopsy. Now Jeff, it's close to Christmas, be nice," Baez replied.

<a href=";bgcolor=808080&amp;date_month=05&amp;date_day=09&amp;date_year=1&amp;un=Caylee&#39;s Justice&amp;size=small&amp;mo=05&amp;da=09&amp;yr=2011" target="_blank">;bgcolor=808080&amp;date_month=05&amp;date_day=09&amp;date_year=1&amp;un=Caylee&#39;s Justice&amp;size=small&amp;mo=05&amp;da=09&amp;yr=2011</a>
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 393

« Reply #1561 on: December 27, 2008, 02:36:09 PM »

Does this site cause anyone else to get a sound like a single piano note repeated every second until I log out and reboot?
Try just refreshing the page.  That works for me.  It doesn't happen all the time, but some times.  I think it has something to do with the popup ads.  Sometimes I do freeze and have to reboot.  I am a Microsoft person, so I'm not changing to Foxfire.

Once you try Foxfire, you won't go back.   

  You are wrong.  I wouldn't have food on my table if it were not for Microsoft.  I could give all the arguments about IE is more popular that is the reason that why more hackers go after it, but most people don't listen.

We'll have to agree to disagree then.  Cuz this positive experience of yours is not the experience of mine and everyone else I've spoken with about it in the past.  Having a difference of opinion doesn't make one of us 'right' and one of us 'wrong'.  It's just looking at things differently, that's all.   

I can 2nd your post, Wyks. I had a REALLY slow dial-up until a couple of months ago, and if I had not discovered Firefox, I would have packed in the internet long ago except for a few necessities. IE was like living in the dark ages compared to my experience after finding and using Firefox.
Sorry if O/T, but what is FireFox? My internet thing is through Yahoo and very slow. Can Firefox help me? It takes for ever to post on the monkeys? TIA

O/T - sorry. If you are using IE for your browser, google Mozilla Firefox and read about the browser. You don't have to get rid of Internet Explorer to download Firefox and try it. The only thing I use IE for after finding Firefox is Windows safety center or whatever they call it where it automatically fixes your computer for you. If I had to know anything about a computer other than how to type, I wouldn't be here!
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #1562 on: December 27, 2008, 02:36:56 PM »

Hi Fuzzball I just saw this post this morning. I had horrible endometriosis, but at my age the insurance company made me go through 2 years of lupron shots, hormones, then another year of lupron shots and also 3 laporoscopys. I didn't want the hysterectomy so I could be sterilized. I wanted one so I could be pain free. When they finally did it, my doctor said they didn't realize how bad it was until the did the surgery. He was even trying to save one ovary, but he couldn't so I had a total hysterectomy at age 32.

The crazy lady with the pie filling begged him not to tell the husband, I don't know if he did or didn't.

I hope this makes sense.

My future DIL (fiance of my youngest son) is planning to have a hysterectomy after having their 2.5 children, as advised by the docs.  She's doing it to be pain free as well.  It's been a nightmare for her, every single month.  Docs don't want to do this anytime soon, because she's only 21 yrs old.  I cannot imagine living with that kind of pain, which could cause one to opt for such a drastic surgery, it must be unbearable. 

I'm sorry about your DIL Wyks, I know the horrible nightmare she is living with. I know that if she is 21, she will have a hard time finding a doctor who will do it at such a young age. I had to go through two painful hysterosalpinograms (sp) which tested my fallopian tubes and proved that I more than likely couldn't have children anyways. So, since she is young and evidently can have kids it may be harder to have a hyst done. I pray she can get the relief she needs.

Thanks joesamas mama, I'm sorry for the living nightmare that you had as well. 

She and my son still have a few years before they plan to marry, then plan to have a couple of kids.  After that is when she wants to have the hyst.  They are hoping to have twins right off the bat (and twins do run in both the families).  That way she's hoping she can have the surgery sooner.  But it's gonna be at least 4-5 yrs or so.  I just know what she goes thru each month, and am sorry that you've also experienced that level of pain.  Sad

~ 'Things are not always what they seem' ~
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #1563 on: December 27, 2008, 02:40:03 PM »

I do believe that both Brad Conway and Thomas Luka are taking advantage of the media in this high profile case to get their names out.

Think about it.  When Luka states that he is advising Lee Anthony to withhold information from the investigators in the Casey Anthony case ... he is conceding that Lee Anthony knows more than he is revealing.


And so.... Couldn't this be seen as obstruction of justice?  And the attorney in aiding and abetting him for that? 

~ 'Things are not always what they seem' ~
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1564 on: December 27, 2008, 02:40:26 PM »

OriginalKat... thanks for posting that part of the interview with LE. What 2 year old who hasn't seen her mom and grandparents for a month would be talking about books and shoes? Casey messed up big time with this story, she should have said Caylee was crying and screaming for her, it would have fit in better with the kidnapping scenario. The book, we know they found a book, and I bet there is a pair of shoes at the scene also. My husband and I were listening to part of her interview last night on NG, even though I have listened to it before, I still was just shaking my head in amazement that she would think LE would believe this bs.

no rose colored glasses

I found the first part of Casey Anthony's July 16th interrogation very believeable.  IMO ... Casey is a great liar.  However ... what amazes me is how STUPID Casey is.  Did she not think for one minute that the investigation would reveal that every word that came out of her lips was a lie.



What amazes me about KC's lying, is that it is so BRAZEN. She doesn't have one bit of fear or shame in her make up. She is not in the least intimidated or embarrassed in the way she lies. No thought of consequences for her lying. It truely defies sensibility.
No fear or shame, most 22 year olds would have been intimidated, heck most of us would have been. I wonder if there was ever any kind of consequences for Casey when she misbehaved as a child, I'm going to bet, no.
I believe you will win that bet!
  I know the truth but when I listen to KC -I almost believe her-   She lies better then I tell the truth-
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1565 on: December 27, 2008, 02:43:29 PM »

Would the results be sealed ? Or would Baez have to file a motion to seal ?
He did file a motion to seal something months ago. I should look ( Fox Orlando ) as I made an assumption that it was the psych report on his lovely client.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1566 on: December 27, 2008, 02:44:34 PM »

Here is my understanding of the Casey Jesse thing:
They met, had sex.
No on going relationship ie dating from the time she met him until Caylee's birth. 
Then, she shows up at the Grund's door pregnant. Denies being pregnant.
Then, she sends Jesse a text message saying she's preggers , you're the Daddy.
Caylee is born.
Everyone acts as if Jesse is the Daddy. And the Grund family welcomes Casey into theirs.
The elder Grunds encourage Jesse to get the DNA test because Jesse didn't know Casey nine months previously. ( probably Richard could see where this might go, 18 - 20 years of child support and legal obligations towards a baby with the baby's mother being " a liar"   
The DNA tests take months.
In the meantime, Jesse falls in love with the baby and he will be the Daddy for all intents and purposes.
DNA is back, makes no difference to Jesse.
Casey starts seeing other guys, ( Richard Grund says it was obvious from her My Space, ) gets caught, relationship over. That was the deal breaker, not the DNA.
I think the timeline of how long she was with Jesse after Caylee's birth was about seven months. Caylee born August of 2005, the deal was off March of 2006.
When I think about this, I have to admire the Grunds for putting their reservations aside and standing by Jesse and Casey and Caylee. They loved the baby regardless of the fact it wasn't theirs.
I also believe Cindy had a lot to do with their breakup behind the scenes, there was no way Caylee was going to leave that house and be raised by Jesse. Cindy wanted control of Caylee, at least that is the way I see it.
Yep No Rose. And didn't Jesse say that when he and Casey were in her bedroom, George came home and threw a fit. She had a baby for goodness sakes. Why throw a fit cause they were on the bed with their clothes on. They couldn't stand Jesse or anyone else being with Caylee or Casey.
  there is a saying be carefull what you wish for --you just might get it--Now no one is with KC or Caylee--How very sad for Caylee
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 399

« Reply #1567 on: December 27, 2008, 02:45:19 PM »

Does this site cause anyone else to get a sound like a single piano note repeated every second until I log out and reboot?
Try just refreshing the page.  That works for me.  It doesn't happen all the time, but some times.  I think it has something to do with the popup ads.  Sometimes I do freeze and have to reboot.  I am a Microsoft person, so I'm not changing to Foxfire.

Once you try Foxfire, you won't go back.   

  You are wrong.  I wouldn't have food on my table if it were not for Microsoft.  I could give all the arguments about IE is more popular that is the reason that why more hackers go after it, but most people don't listen.

We'll have to agree to disagree then.  Cuz this positive experience of yours is not the experience of mine and everyone else I've spoken with about it in the past.  Having a difference of opinion doesn't make one of us 'right' and one of us 'wrong'.  It's just looking at things differently, that's all.   

I can 2nd your post, Wyks. I had a REALLY slow dial-up until a couple of months ago, and if I had not discovered Firefox, I would have packed in the internet long ago except for a few necessities. IE was like living in the dark ages compared to my experience after finding and using Firefox.

Her "you are wrong" was in response to the statement, "Once you try Firefox, you won't go back."

She is saying that she works for Microsoft, and hence will not (or cannot) use something else.  She is not saying that Firefox is not better, just that she owes product loyalty to Microsoft.
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 95

« Reply #1568 on: December 27, 2008, 02:51:43 PM »

I am a Psychologist and this case fascinates me for several reasons. Now listening to the full interrogation with Casey, things really become a lot clearer. There is one part where one of the detectives is asking Casey how long Zeneida lived at Sawgrass. She states maybe 3-4 months. In another interview he says we know you are lying to us. We know you didn't drop Caylee off at Sawgrass, we checked and that apartment has been vacant since MARCH. Now, is this just coincidental? Or did Casey know this apartment was vacant? She admits to knowing friends there. With recent speculation from Wendy Murphy (who was on the Dana Pretzer show recently) it is believed that this apartment was the scene for possible sexual abuse to Caylee. She (Wendy) didn't buy the 'chloroform' to party excuse but rather said she has seen many cases where children are given Xanax and or chloroform to drug them so they do not know what is being done to them or have recollections about what happened to them.

When Casey is telling the detective about what she did when she was waiting for Zeneida to bring Caylee back to the apartment. If you listen to her, she seems as though she is telling a story rather than recounting what she did. "So, I sit down on the steps." "I wait for a little bit." "Time Passed." I have a daughter who is one year younger than Caylee. If I were in this situation explaining what I did. The timeline would go something like this:

Ok, no one is home, stand around a wait for a few minutes (3-5). After 5 minutes, I would walk back to my car and look for Zeneida. I would watch carefully who was driving by, who was coming in and who was leaving. Let's say 10 minutes have passed. My stomach is tugging at me, I'm nervous but I'm composed. CASEY says, "I didn't hear from "ANYONE". Anyone like who? Why does she say ANYONE vs Zanny or Zeneida, there is no recollection connection from the "Nanny." So, after 10 minutes of being patient and going back in my mind to see if I forgot something that my nanny may have told me, checking my text messages, checking to see if she called and I just didn't get the call, making absolutely sure that this is where I was to pick up my daughter. I would start dialing and if I didn't get anyone on the phone, I would leave a message. At this point we are somewhere between 10-13 minutes. I would start knocking on other apartments close to Zanny's to see if anyone saw her today. I would continue to call Zanny on her cell with increasing panic. The fear mode would kick in and I would be a ball of stress and fear. After 15 minutes, I would be in a frenzy. I would have been checking my watch or cell phone constantly for the time.

OK-Mothers out there, you tell me. Is this not how we would react?

Casey states she then went to stores that Zenaida has gone to, checking to see if she was just there loosing track of time while she was in care for Caylee. She went to Jay Blanchard Park. Casey says she went to a "Neutral Place." What is that? In a state of panic, where is the neutral place? And why would you go there? I know her friends and her hung out in the woods where Caylee was eventually found. Is this what she is referencing?

The detective goes on to say in a different part of the interview the day after Caylee allegedly called Casey. Did you call the police after this call? "No." Why not? "I was naive enough to think...." Naive is defined as "Lacking worldly experience and understanding." She is 22. At 22 you think you know everything. I take this to mean Casey is filling in the blanks in this very large lie she is spinning. To me, it's an indication that she is trying to be mature, adult, responsible. If she were 42 and said the same thing, it would sound more plausible, even though at 42 you would expect a reasonable person to not try and handle something of this magnitude on their own.

Casey appears robotic in her recollection of this day. It is evident she has no connection to Caylee being in danger, peril. Why is this? Because she already knows what has happened and where Caylee is. When a person does not connect to their memories with emotion, this typically means they feel nothing. I've heard people ask, how is that possible? I explain it like this. Imagine not being able to see. We can all imagine how the lack of this sensory perception would affect our lives. Now think if we could not feel someone touch us, our nerve endings didn't connect and touching a soft fuzzy teddy bear felt the same as a piece of paper. That would feel strange to us. With Casey, she feels nothing emotionally. When something bad happens, she has no connection (empathy or sympathy, whichever fits the scenario) to the event. You can hear this in her jail calls. She doesn't understand why her parents are frantic to get Caylee back. When talking to her mother the day of the initial 911 calls. "Mom, give me one more day." She can't measure any depth and therefore doesn't understand the magnitude of her actions. (Now, this does not reduce her mental capacity in the least, nor is it an excuse for her behavior) I am only trying to define it in terms for better understanding.

I can recall childhood memories with all sorts of emotions. Sad, happy, mad, excited, etc. When we tell these stories to our friends and family, we tell rich stories so that they can 'experience' it like we did. We use inflection in our voices to emphasize important details or funny events. We can become teary when we think of something that caused us grief, whether that be a lost doll, a pet dying or the loss of a mother or father. You can see during these interrogations, she didn't have any of this.

In many cases she just answers the questions by using what he's already said. "Didn't you think it was odd" Casey says, "Yes, it was extremely odd." When she believes they are on her side, she starts to become more conversational. When they start saying she is lying, she says Uh-huh or is inaudible.

During one of the jail calls between Cindy and Casey. Cindy says, "So you are blaming me that you are in jail?" "Well, it's not my fault," Casey responds with a cutting tone. Hmmmm, let's see. You are the mother Casey. It is your responsibility to watch and care for Caylee. You drop her off in the AM and then go to pick her up and she's not there. You have a nanny that you have been using for 2 to 2 1/2 years and you can't recall her current phone number? How is this NOT your responsibility?

This statement in itself is very indicative of how Casey felt about her 'responsibility' of caring for Caylee. Bottom line is she didn't feel any connection to that responsibility. She didn't 'change' her behavior as Jesse explains that this is not the Casey he knew her to be. She's always been the same person. She has just chosen who sees her and in what context. The minute the paternity test came back (as she knew it would) she could no longer manipulate Jesse into believing something that was absolutely false. Her goal was to manipulate him, not just find a father for Caylee. One more thing and then I will let you ponder. Richard Grund states that many of the family would watch Caylee when Casey worked. Jesse, himself and Jesse's younger brother. Then one day Grund meets her at the door and says, "What are we going to do about the daycare situation?" Now, this is not a one time conversation that you dump on them the minute they walk in the door. This is a conversation that had been talked about at the dinner table, etc. The day he confronts her, she knows her gig is up. In the police interrogation, she states she knew Zeneida when she was PG with Caylee. She had to drop out of HS due to becomming PG. So, we can establish a timeline for how long she's known Zanny. From seeing the pictures of Jesse holding Caylee, some of those pictures are when Caylee is just a few months old. So, we can assume that she knows Zanny. So, if these conversations have been taking place over the stress of needing Casey to find a solution, why doesn't she mention, "Hey, I know this girl who watches my friend's Jeff son, I'll ask her." She only mentions this to Grund the day he confronts her. "Yes, I have a nanny and her name is Zanny." And that was that. Soon after, she and Jesse break up. Jesse is left to wonder why, he states it's because Casey says he loved Caylee more than he loved her. Because Casey can't feel the depth of emotion, she doesn't understand how senseless her statement is. I mean, an ideal situation for any single mother is to know that your fiancee has unconditional love for your child. Bottom line, she knew her gig was up and it was up at the hands of Richard Grund, first for making Jesse get a paternity test and for confronting her on the daycare issue. This is why she left, she had to go find another victim to manipulate.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.  - Philo
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2571

« Reply #1569 on: December 27, 2008, 02:53:21 PM »

Does this site cause anyone else to get a sound like a single piano note repeated every second until I log out and reboot?
Try just refreshing the page.  That works for me.  It doesn't happen all the time, but some times.  I think it has something to do with the popup ads.  Sometimes I do freeze and have to reboot.  I am a Microsoft person, so I'm not changing to Foxfire.

Once you try Foxfire, you won't go back.   

  You are wrong.  I wouldn't have food on my table if it were not for Microsoft.  I could give all the arguments about IE is more popular that is the reason that why more hackers go after it, but most people don't listen.

We'll have to agree to disagree then.  Cuz this positive experience of yours is not the experience of mine and everyone else I've spoken with about it in the past.  Having a difference of opinion doesn't make one of us 'right' and one of us 'wrong'.  It's just looking at things differently, that's all.   

I can 2nd your post, Wyks. I had a REALLY slow dial-up until a couple of months ago, and if I had not discovered Firefox, I would have packed in the internet long ago except for a few necessities. IE was like living in the dark ages compared to my experience after finding and using Firefox.

Her "you are wrong" was in response to the statement, "Once you try Firefox, you won't go back."

She is saying that she works for Microsoft, and hence will not (or cannot) use something else.  She is not saying that Firefox is not better, just that she owes product loyalty to Microsoft.

I wasn't going to respond to any of the other comments, because of the OT, but you read what I wrote and interrupted it correctly.  Thanks.
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 37229

« Reply #1570 on: December 27, 2008, 02:58:38 PM »


Could Lee Anthony face charges? 
Last Edited: Friday, 26 Dec 2008, 10:59 PM EST 
Created: Friday, 26 Dec 2008, 10:09 PM EST

Luka: No improprieties with donated money

Luka wanted to put to rest any "cloud of impropriety and a cloud of rumor" surrounding donated money collected by Lee Anthony connected to the search for Caylee.

Since mid-July, when Caylee was first reported missing, thousands of dollars have been donated by strangers wanting to help locate the toddler.  At one point, Lee was accused of using some of those funds inappropriately.

"There was no impropriety.  There is a cloud of impropriety and a cloud of rumor that I think has been fueled by the non-expenditure of the funds, that has been following Mr. Anthony around," said Luka.  "He wants to make it clear that no money has been improperly used."

Luka said financial statements from the fund were made public, linked to a memorial website in honor of Caylee.  The Anthony Family has said those donations have paid for everything from flyers and t-shirts with Caylee's picture to helping Lee in his own investigation.

"Again, when this investigation first began, we the public did not know who was responsible for Casey's disappearance.  Mr. Anthony was going under the assumption she was kidnapped.  He investigated that angle first and foremost."

There is still money left in the Help Find Caylee Anthony, but Luka would not say how much.  "As far as I know, the money will be returned to the senders or individulas who have paid it."

Lee Anthony's attorney, Thomas Luka, on donations collected by his client on behalf of Caylee.


At the end of November ... following the WKMG exclusive tour ... Cindy and George's response to Jessica d'onofrio's query regarding the whereabouts of Lee Anthony did not imply his absence was connected to the Casey Anthony case.

However ... Thomas Luka is now attempting to justify the expenditure of donations by implying that Lee Anthony was investigating Caylee sighting.



Anthony Grandparents Call Off News Conference as Attorney Quits
Aired November 20, 2008 - 20:00:00   ET

GRACE: Do you blame the Anthonys for believing? For wanting to believe that she`s alive?

To Jessica D`Onofrio with WKMG, what more can you tell us after your exclusive tour of the Anthony home and all the time you spent with them.

JESSICA D`ONOFRIO, REPORTER, CNN AFFILIATE WKMG: Well, one of the things that I asked them out in the backyard was where is Lee? We haven`t seen him in quite some time. He was a fixture in this case from day one. He was out here very close, standing right by his parents, standing right by Casey every day, and the answer that I got from George and Cindy conflicted a little bit.

George said that he is right now trying to make a living. He lost two months` worth of income, just dedicating his time to this case. Now Cindy kind of interrupted him and said oh, he`s traveling right now. He`s traveling and George seemed to indicate that Lee is somewhere working here in downtown Orlando.

So it`s a little unclear, but there are some rumblings that something else might be up -- is a reason for his absence.

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2122

Got milk?

« Reply #1571 on: December 27, 2008, 03:00:03 PM »

I am a Psychologist and this case fascinates me for several reasons. Now listening to the full interrogation with Casey, things really become a lot clearer. There is one part where one of the detectives is asking Casey how long Zeneida lived at Sawgrass. She states maybe 3-4 months. In another interview he says we know you are lying to us. We know you didn't drop Caylee off at Sawgrass, we checked and that apartment has been vacant since MARCH. Now, is this just coincidental? Or did Casey know this apartment was vacant? She admits to knowing friends there. With recent speculation from Wendy Murphy (who was on the Dana Pretzer show recently) it is believed that this apartment was the scene for possible sexual abuse to Caylee. She (Wendy) didn't buy the 'chloroform' to party excuse but rather said she has seen many cases where children are given Xanax and or chloroform to drug them so they do not know what is being done to them or have recollections about what happened to them.

When Casey is telling the detective about what she did when she was waiting for Zeneida to bring Caylee back to the apartment. If you listen to her, she seems as though she is telling a story rather than recounting what she did. "So, I sit down on the steps." "I wait for a little bit." "Time Passed." I have a daughter who is one year younger than Caylee. If I were in this situation explaining what I did. The timeline would go something like this:

Ok, no one is home, stand around a wait for a few minutes (3-5). After 5 minutes, I would walk back to my car and look for Zeneida. I would watch carefully who was driving by, who was coming in and who was leaving. Let's say 10 minutes have passed. My stomach is tugging at me, I'm nervous but I'm composed. CASEY says, "I didn't hear from "ANYONE". Anyone like who? Why does she say ANYONE vs Zanny or Zeneida, there is no recollection connection from the "Nanny." So, after 10 minutes of being patient and going back in my mind to see if I forgot something that my nanny may have told me, checking my text messages, checking to see if she called and I just didn't get the call, making absolutely sure that this is where I was to pick up my daughter. I would start dialing and if I didn't get anyone on the phone, I would leave a message. At this point we are somewhere between 10-13 minutes. I would start knocking on other apartments close to Zanny's to see if anyone saw her today. I would continue to call Zanny on her cell with increasing panic. The fear mode would kick in and I would be a ball of stress and fear. After 15 minutes, I would be in a frenzy. I would have been checking my watch or cell phone constantly for the time.

OK-Mothers out there, you tell me. Is this not how we would react?

Casey states she then went to stores that Zenaida has gone to, checking to see if she was just there loosing track of time while she was in care for Caylee. She went to Jay Blanchard Park. Casey says she went to a "Neutral Place." What is that? In a state of panic, where is the neutral place? And why would you go there? I know her friends and her hung out in the woods where Caylee was eventually found. Is this what she is referencing?

The detective goes on to say in a different part of the interview the day after Caylee allegedly called Casey. Did you call the police after this call? "No." Why not? "I was naive enough to think...." Naive is defined as "Lacking worldly experience and understanding." She is 22. At 22 you think you know everything. I take this to mean Casey is filling in the blanks in this very large lie she is spinning. To me, it's an indication that she is trying to be mature, adult, responsible. If she were 42 and said the same thing, it would sound more plausible, even though at 42 you would expect a reasonable person to not try and handle something of this magnitude on their own.

Casey appears robotic in her recollection of this day. It is evident she has no connection to Caylee being in danger, peril. Why is this? Because she already knows what has happened and where Caylee is. When a person does not connect to their memories with emotion, this typically means they feel nothing. I've heard people ask, how is that possible? I explain it like this. Imagine not being able to see. We can all imagine how the lack of this sensory perception would affect our lives. Now think if we could not feel someone touch us, our nerve endings didn't connect and touching a soft fuzzy teddy bear felt the same as a piece of paper. That would feel strange to us. With Casey, she feels nothing emotionally. When something bad happens, she has no connection (empathy or sympathy, whichever fits the scenario) to the event. You can hear this in her jail calls. She doesn't understand why her parents are frantic to get Caylee back. When talking to her mother the day of the initial 911 calls. "Mom, give me one more day." She can't measure any depth and therefore doesn't understand the magnitude of her actions. (Now, this does not reduce her mental capacity in the least, nor is it an excuse for her behavior) I am only trying to define it in terms for better understanding.

I can recall childhood memories with all sorts of emotions. Sad, happy, mad, excited, etc. When we tell these stories to our friends and family, we tell rich stories so that they can 'experience' it like we did. We use inflection in our voices to emphasize important details or funny events. We can become teary when we think of something that caused us grief, whether that be a lost doll, a pet dying or the loss of a mother or father. You can see during these interrogations, she didn't have any of this.

In many cases she just answers the questions by using what he's already said. "Didn't you think it was odd" Casey says, "Yes, it was extremely odd." When she believes they are on her side, she starts to become more conversational. When they start saying she is lying, she says Uh-huh or is inaudible.

During one of the jail calls between Cindy and Casey. Cindy says, "So you are blaming me that you are in jail?" "Well, it's not my fault," Casey responds with a cutting tone. Hmmmm, let's see. You are the mother Casey. It is your responsibility to watch and care for Caylee. You drop her off in the AM and then go to pick her up and she's not there. You have a nanny that you have been using for 2 to 2 1/2 years and you can't recall her current phone number? How is this NOT your responsibility?

This statement in itself is very indicative of how Casey felt about her 'responsibility' of caring for Caylee. Bottom line is she didn't feel any connection to that responsibility. She didn't 'change' her behavior as Jesse explains that this is not the Casey he knew her to be. She's always been the same person. She has just chosen who sees her and in what context. The minute the paternity test came back (as she knew it would) she could no longer manipulate Jesse into believing something that was absolutely false. Her goal was to manipulate him, not just find a father for Caylee. One more thing and then I will let you ponder. Richard Grund states that many of the family would watch Caylee when Casey worked. Jesse, himself and Jesse's younger brother. Then one day Grund meets her at the door and says, "What are we going to do about the daycare situation?" Now, this is not a one time conversation that you dump on them the minute they walk in the door. This is a conversation that had been talked about at the dinner table, etc. The day he confronts her, she knows her gig is up. In the police interrogation, she states she knew Zeneida when she was PG with Caylee. She had to drop out of HS due to becomming PG. So, we can establish a timeline for how long she's known Zanny. From seeing the pictures of Jesse holding Caylee, some of those pictures are when Caylee is just a few months old. So, we can assume that she knows Zanny. So, if these conversations have been taking place over the stress of needing Casey to find a solution, why doesn't she mention, "Hey, I know this girl who watches my friend's Jeff son, I'll ask her." She only mentions this to Grund the day he confronts her. "Yes, I have a nanny and her name is Zanny." And that was that. Soon after, she and Jesse break up. Jesse is left to wonder why, he states it's because Casey says he loved Caylee more than he loved her. Because Casey can't feel the depth of emotion, she doesn't understand how senseless her statement is. I mean, an ideal situation for any single mother is to know that your fiancee has unconditional love for your child. Bottom line, she knew her gig was up and it was up at the hands of Richard Grund, first for making Jesse get a paternity test and for confronting her on the daycare issue. This is why she left, she had to go find another victim to manipulate.

You nailed it on so many levels!  Great post.

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« Reply #1572 on: December 27, 2008, 03:02:33 PM »

Responding to the Wid-chimes as a memorial!Wondeful idea...It would be absolutely amazing if all the Anthony's neighbors from the spot they found Caylee until you get to the Anthony's house put up wind-chimes in memorial of Caylee.With a few extra put right next door to the Anthony's.A continuous reminder for those POS...
I would hope they would put up the BIG LOUD windchimes that look like organ pipes. Just to p off the Ants.

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« Reply #1573 on: December 27, 2008, 03:04:49 PM »

Responding to the Wid-chimes as a memorial!Wondeful idea...It would be absolutely amazing if all the Anthony's neighbors from the spot they found Caylee until you get to the Anthony's house put up wind-chimes in memorial of Caylee.With a few extra put right next door to the Anthony's.A continuous reminder for those POS...
I would hope they would put up the BIG LOUD windchimes that look like organ pipes. Just to p off the Ants.

If we have any Monkey's that do live in the area,and or know people in their neighborhood please pass along the message to have windchimes put anywhere and everywhere possible in the neighborhood that the Anthony's currently reside..TIA

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« Reply #1574 on: December 27, 2008, 03:05:48 PM »

In the article on Lee's atty, they were speaking about who can and annot profit from the case and under what circumstances:

"If Ms. Anthony is convicted of anything, Mr. Baez and anybody who has worked on his defense, will never be able to publicly speak about either what she said, what she talked about or how their defense was prepared.  If they did, they could be sued," added Hornsby.

If Casey is acquitted of charges, and she were to grant permission to Baez, then, and only then, could he make money from the case.

I want to know that if the Ants are convicted of anything at all, that they too, would be kept from profiting!

I'd like to know that as well!  Seems in the above quote, a key word is 'publicly' speak.  Does this mean they can speak of this to an author or interviewer in private, who can then write the book/article/interview on their behalf?   Am looking for loopholes here, for what they carefully *aren't* saying.  Cuz there's likely to be something hidden in these carefully worded statements. 


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joesamas mama
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« Reply #1575 on: December 27, 2008, 03:05:56 PM »

My understanding is garnered thru NG. I do get Fox, but not the one with Greta. I would have to subscribe to some extra channels. When I had all the channels as a freebee when I got the digital box, I had + 400 channels and I found that I was not really interested in most of them, so I didn't subscribe. I have +100 now and it's the same thing, three channels. My Daughter was talking about getting whatever station the trial was going to be on and PVRing it. She watched the Bobby Cutts trial live on her computer, but she was at home being a stay at home at that time.
Think I might do the same thing, except the PVR unit is $ 500.00 right now, so I would just VCR it. Or some kind soul will have it on You Tube. I don't think my SIL would like me there every day taking over the tv. LOL. He just rolls his eyeballs up in his head if we ever talk about this case, so I do watch myself . But football is a good thing ! !       
Kat Gram I pray some kind soul puts it on youtube or it is televised online. I will take vacation time to stay home and watch it. My mom rolls her eyes too, but if something new comes out in the media, guess who she calls with questions. ME

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« Reply #1576 on: December 27, 2008, 03:07:15 PM »

Responding to the Wid-chimes as a memorial!Wondeful idea...It would be absolutely amazing if all the Anthony's neighbors from the spot they found Caylee until you get to the Anthony's house put up wind-chimes in memorial of Caylee.With a few extra put right next door to the Anthony's.A continuous reminder for those POS...
I would hope they would put up the BIG LOUD windchimes that look like organ pipes. Just to p off the Ants.

If we have any Monkey's that do live in the area,and or know people in their neighborhood please pass along the message to have windchimes put anywhere and everywhere possible in the neighborhood that the Anthony's currently reside..TIA

Make sure the Anthony's know the understanding of the Wind-chimes.Send em to Baez,Luka,Lee,as well as Geraldo..THIS IS IN REMEMBRANCE OF CAYLEE.........

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« Reply #1577 on: December 27, 2008, 03:07:35 PM »

luckycharmsprincess..... Thank-you for that, very interesting, when you look at some of Casey's friends, they seem like they would be able to manipulate easily. I would imagine she would not befriend anyone who was not. I keep going back to the Sawgrass Apts, I had never thought or probably did not want to think that Caylee was being used for child pornography, but after listening to Wendy Murphy, I just stood back and went, please don't let it be that. My husband after telling him of the compromising pics of Casey months ago, looked at me and pretty much said, I wonder if Caylee was being abused. I am one who is not sold on the choloraform angle of keeping Caylee quiet, for me that doesn't make a lot of sense since it doesn't knock you out for long. I certainly hope this is not the case, that Caylee had to go through this, but I will not be surprised if it turns out to be. I've mentioned before that I worried about Caylee being abused, because who knows some of the people Casey left her with, but pics or movies of Caylee didn't enter my mind until I heard Wendy Murphy discuss this.
joesamas mama
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« Reply #1578 on: December 27, 2008, 03:12:06 PM »

Responding to the Wid-chimes as a memorial!Wondeful idea...It would be absolutely amazing if all the Anthony's neighbors from the spot they found Caylee until you get to the Anthony's house put up wind-chimes in memorial of Caylee.With a few extra put right next door to the Anthony's.A continuous reminder for those POS...
I would hope they would put up the BIG LOUD windchimes that look like organ pipes. Just to p off the Ants.

If we have any Monkey's that do live in the area,and or know people in their neighborhood please pass along the message to have windchimes put anywhere and everywhere possible in the neighborhood that the Anthony's currently reside..TIA

Make sure the Anthony's know the understanding of the Wind-chimes.Send em to Baez,Luka,Lee,as well as Geraldo..THIS IS IN REMEMBRANCE OF CAYLEE.........
Kathy Belich would be a good person to give the message about windchimes. If just one neighbor put them up and called her. She could put the story on the news. I know she loves to get under Cindy's skin. 

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« Reply #1579 on: December 27, 2008, 03:12:08 PM »

I wasn't going to respond to any of the other comments, because of the OT, but you read what I wrote and interrupted it correctly.  Thanks.

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